Publication of Interim Guidance on the Information Sharing Specifications and Data Exchange Formats for the Real-Time System Management Information Program, 58347-58359 [E7-20273]
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 198 / Monday, October 15, 2007 / Notices
included in the exhibition ‘‘Lucien
Freud: The Painter’s Etchings,’’
imported from abroad for temporary
exhibition within the United States, are
of cultural significance. The objects are
imported pursuant to loan agreements
with the foreign owners or custodians.
I also determine that the exhibition or
display of the exhibit objects at the
Museum of Modern Art, New York,
from on or about December 16, 2007,
until on or about March 10, 2008, and
at possible additional exhibitions or
venues yet to be determined, is in the
national interest. Public Notice of these
Determinations is ordered to be
published in the Federal Register.
further information, including a list of
the exhibit objects, contact Carol B.
Epstein, Attorney-Adviser, Office of the
Legal Adviser, U.S. Department of State
(telephone: 202/453–8048). The address
is U.S. Department of State, SA–44, 301
4th Street, SW., Room 700, Washington,
DC 20547–0001.
Dated: October 5, 2007.
C. Miller Crouch,
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Educational and Cultural Affairs, Department
of State.
[FR Doc. E7–20260 Filed 10–12–07; 8:45 am]
Federal Highway Administration
[FHWA Docket No. FHWA–2007–28969]
Publication of Interim Guidance on the
Information Sharing Specifications and
Data Exchange Formats for the RealTime System Management Information
Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice of publication of interim
guidance; request for comments.
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
SUMMARY: The purpose of this notice is
to: (1) Announce the publication of
interim guidance; and (2) solicit public
comment on the contents of the interim
guidance. Section 1201 of the Safe,
Accountable, Flexible, Efficient
Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for
Users (SAFETEA–LU) (Pub. L. 109–59,
Aug. 10, 2005) established the RealTime System Management Information
Program to make traffic and travel
conditions information available to the
traveling public and to ease the sharing
of traffic and travel conditions
information among public agencies and
private enterprise. This interim
guidance will be in effect when
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published in the Federal Register;
however, we will review all comments
submitted to the docket and will modify
the guidance as necessary or
DATES: Comments must be received on
or before February 12, 2008.
James Pol, Office of Transportation
Management, (202) 366–4374; or Lisa
MacPhee, Office of the Chief Counsel,
(202) 366–1392, Federal Highway
Administration, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590.
Office hours are from 7:45 a.m. to 4:15
p.m., Monday through Friday, except
Federal holidays.
Electronic Access
You may submit or retrieve comments
online through the U.S. Department of
Transportation’s Document
Management System (DMS) at: https:// The DMS is
available 24 hours each day, 365 days
each year. Electronic submission and
retrieval help and guidelines are
available under the help section of the
Web site.
An electronic copy of this notice may
be downloaded from the Office of the
Federal Register’s home page at https:// and the Government
Printing Office’s Web site at https://
Anyone is able to search the
electronic form of all comments
received into any of our dockets by the
name of the individual submitting the
comment (or signing the comment, if
submitted on behalf of an association,
business, labor union, etc.). You may
review DOT’s complete Privacy Act
Statement in a Federal Register
published on April 11, 2000 (70 FR
19477), or you may visit https://
Section 1201 of SAFETEA–LU
established the Real-Time System
Management Information Program to
provide, in all States, the capability to
monitor, in real-time, the traffic and
travel conditions of the major highways
of the United States and to share that
data with State and local governments
and with the traveling public. On May
4, 2006, the FHWA published a notice
in the Federal Register at 71 FR 26399
outlining some proposed preliminary
program parameters and seeing public
comments on the proposed description
of the Real-Time System Management
Information Program, including its
outcome goals definitions for various
program parameters, and the current
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status of related activities in the States.
We are using the comments we received
in response to that notice to develop
regulations on the Real-Time System
Management Information Program. We
expect to publish our notice of proposed
rulemaking (NPRM) for this program
Our forthcoming NPRM does not
pertain to subsections 1201(b) and
1201(c)(2). Subsection 1201(b) of
SAFETEA–LU requires the FHWA to
‘‘establish’’ data exchange formats
within 2 years of the enactment of
SAFETEA–LU, or August 10, 2007.
Subsection 1201(c)(2) requires that
‘‘States shall incorporate data exchange
formats established by the Secretary
under subsection (b) to ensure that the
data provided by highway and transit
monitoring systems may be readily
exchanged with State and local
governments and may be made available
to the traveling public.’’
Further analysis by the FHWA leads
to the conclusion that subsections
1201(a)(1) and 1201(a)(2) do not
specifically state that the use of FHWAidentified data exchange formats is a
requirement for the 1201 programs, but
only that the purpose of the section is
to meet the larger goals including
sharing data among the State and local
governments and the traveling public.
Furthermore, subsection 1201(d) makes
funds eligible to meet the larger goals in
1201(a), but does not specifically
mention that 1201(b) data exchange
formats must be used for an entity to be
eligible to apply Federal funds towards
establishing Real-Time System
Management Information Programs.
The comments and input received on
these questions will not affect future
rulemaking regarding the Real-Time
System Management Information
Program as described above. Rather, the
comments and input received on these
questions may be used by the FHWA for
future guidance development and/or
regulatory changes. We invite the public
to submit comments on this interim
guidance. We plan to issue final
guidance after we have evaluated all the
comments received on this interim
guidance. Comments, including those
from the State DOTs, regarding specific
burdens, impacts, and costs would be
most welcome and would aid us in
more fully appreciating the impacts of
Data Exchange Formats.
—What guidance would facilitate the
application of data exchange formats
in your organization?
—Does the reference document provide
adequate detail on the nature of
interoperability to be attained through
application of the data exchange
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 198 / Monday, October 15, 2007 / Notices
—Does your organization make use of
the ATIS–01 Broadcast Traveler
Information Market Package defined
in the National ITS Architecture?
—What is a reasonable interval between
publications of new versions of the
data exchange formats?
—Is there sufficient detail in the
‘‘Functional Area/Requirement
Description?’’ If not, how much
further requirement description
would be required?
—Many of the requirements map to
messages that have optional elements.
Should there be changes to the
identification of the optional
elements, which would change the
nature of the message as defined by
the Standard Development
—Does your organization make use of
the ITS Standards that are referenced
in the data exchange formats?
—Would independent certification or
self-certification be more effective for
validating the application of the data
exchange formats?
—Do the data exchange formats relate to
the operational practices of your
The FHWA also welcomes comments
and input on the published data
exchange formats that address areas of
interest that are not necessarily
addressed in the questions posed above.
(Authority: Section 1201, Pub. L. 109–59; 23
U.S.C. 315; 23 U.S.C. 120; 49 CFR 1.48.)
Issued on: October 5, 2007.
J. Richard Capka,
Administrator, Federal Highway
Real-Time Information Program:
Information Sharing Specifications and
Data Exchange Format Reference
Prepared for U.S. Department of
Transportation, Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA) & Research and
Innovative Technology Administration
(RITA) By National ITS Architecture Team
Version 1.0 Release August, 2007
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
Section 1201 of SAFTEA–LU
establishes the Real-Time System
Management Information Program. The
goals of this program are to improve
security of the surface transportation
system, address congestion problems,
support improved response to weather
events and surface transportation
incidents, and facilitate national and
regional highway traveler information.
The desired outcomes are to make
Traffic and Travel Conditions
Information available to the traveling
public and to ease the sharing of Traffic
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and Travel Conditions Information
among public agencies and private
The types of information considered
for the Real-time Information Program
(RTIP) include but are not limited to
• Congestion information,
• Traffic incidents that block the
• Roadway weather conditions,
• Public transportation service
• Construction activities affecting
travel conditions, and
• Travel times on roadway links.
The information needed for RTIP is
not necessarily available everywhere,
but the interface will be established
with the data that is available. The RTIP
is not concerned with developing the
sources of information but with
providing a standard interface to obtain
the information when it does exist.
Therefore, the RTIP specifications will
not address data collection. They will
focus on center-to-center exchanges and
information that should be made
available to travelers. In addition, these
specifications will address information
exchanges only and will not include
device control.
There are two efforts described in
Section 1201. One is the establishment
of the RTIP in each State per the
requirements of Section 1201. This
information system is to be created in
concert with the updates of regional ITS
architectures as they are maintained.
Two is the establishment of data
exchange formats to facilitate the
exchange of information.
These data exchange formats will
leverage existing ITS standards to the
greatest extent possible.
This document establishes three
components to ease the exchange of
Traffic and Travel Conditions
• A Concept of Operations to define
the entire RTIP scope,
• A set of functional specifications to
describe a full RTIP, based upon the
functional specifications set forth in the
National ITS Architecture,
• An ITS Standards reference that
draws the association between the RTIP
functional specifications and particular
ITS standards.
Concept of Operations
The RTIP is intended to establish a
standard data format to exchange traffic
and travel conditions on major
highways among State and local
government systems and the traveling
public. The real-time traffic and travel
information to be exchanged with this
format includes
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• Basic information for managing and
operating the surface transportation
system, excluding control
• Statewide incident reporting system
• Surface transportation system
security information
• Congestion information
• Weather conditions
• Surface transportation incidents
• Traveler information
A RTIP may be established in each
State to leverage the current and future
capabilities of monitoring the traffic and
travel conditions of the major highways.
The data exchange formats will be used
for standardized, interoperable
communication among transportation
management systems and the
information service providers that
collect that information to disseminate
to the traveling public. The
transportation management systems
could encompass traffic management,
transit management, maintenance and
construction management, and
emergency management organizations.
ITS America’s Interoperability
Subcommittee adopted the following, in
accord with ISO TC 204, as the
definition of interoperability:
‘‘Interoperability is the ability of
systems to provide services and to
accept services from other systems and
to use the services so exchanged to
enable them to operate effectively
together.’’ In examining systems for
interoperability, it is useful to
distinguish two degrees of
interoperability, ‘‘pair-wise’’ and ‘‘endto-end’’ interoperability. Pair-wise
interoperability involves verifying that
two systems are able to exchange data
and that the data has the same meaning
to each system and leads to the expected
functionality. ‘‘End-to-end’’
interoperability involves verifying that
the flow and use of data are consistent
from initial input to final outcome. The
RTIP is primarily focused on the ‘‘pairwise’’ interoperability with the
specification of common data formats.
The scope of this program will reach
all States. While not all State or local
organizations collect and disseminate
the same types of information,
standardized formats will be mapped to
the types of information in use.
Standard data exchange formats will aid
in the deployment of standard interfaces
among surface transportation systems
and information services. The RTIP is
focused on center-to-center interfaces
and the current conditions of the surface
transportation system.
The RTIP is really about
implementing interface standards
consistently across the country and
facilitating the implementation of data
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 198 / Monday, October 15, 2007 / Notices
collection and dissemination systems to
provide more of the information needed
by the transportation management
community and the traveling public.
The standardized common data
exchange formats reside above the
traditional 7-Layer ISO OSI
communications stack. The OSI layers
below the Application Layer can vary
depending on the ITS deployment and
will most likely be Internet (TCP/IP)
Current System or Situation
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
Over the past decade, ITS standards
have been developed or are in the latter
stages of development. Traffic
management, transit management, and
emergency management systems have
been deployed or are being developed
that use different standardized
interfaces, different versions of the
standards, or custom (i.e., nonstandardized) interfaces. This leads to
potential difficulties in data exchange
from one system to another.
Transportation management systems are
increasingly producing congestionrelated information but the impact of
that information to address congestion
is diminished because of inefficient data
sharing practices.
Transportation system operators need
information about incidents, the current
state of the roadway conditions, and
events that are planned in the area of
operation. Current conditions or issues
in a neighboring geographic area may
affect the local transportation system in
ways both subtle and pronounced. The
transit operator needs many of the same
pieces of information to provide the best
service to their riders. Information
service providers collect the same kind
of information, integrate, and provide it
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to the public to aid better travel decision
Information is available everywhere
in the surface transportation system,
however, it is not always accessible to
transportation system operators or the
traveling public due to the lack of
standard interfaces. The key to
unlocking this information is to
establish standard data exchange
formats that are implemented
consistently in every State. This would
allow a transportation system utilizing
the standard data exchange formats to
develop an interface to the outside
world to gather external information
and make their own information
available to others who need it without
building multiple interfaces for each
external system.
The RTIP is established in SAFETEA–
LU in Section 1201. However, the
justification for this program goes
beyond the legislation. The premise of
Intelligent Transportation Systems is to
connect the islands of information in
the surface transportation system. Data
collected by one agency’s system is
often beneficial to a neighboring system
or to a traveler information system. This
does not mean that every system has to
be physically connected to all others.
Establishing data exchange formats
make data collected by a system
available to any organization that
wishes to retrieve it in that same data
exchange format.
Establishment of real-time
information will not happen all at once.
It needs to be planned by each State and
each transportation system in each State
that operates the major highways.
Information service providers may
choose to apply these same data
exchange formats to retrieve the
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information available from the surface
transportation systems, process the
information, and send it along to the
traveling public.
Proposed Concept
On May 4, 2006, the FHWA published
a notice in the Federal Register (71 FR
26399) outlining some proposed
preliminary program parameters and
seeking public comments on the
proposed description of the Real-time
System Management Information
Program, including its outcome goals,
definitions for various program
parameters, and the current status of
related activities in the States. The
proposed concept described here is
based upon the proposed preliminary
program parameters.
The RTIP is built around standard
data exchange formats based on existing
ITS standards. The RTIP will establish
a reference of data exchange formats
that can be used by State and local
agencies as well as information service
providers to build interfaces in their
systems to exchange the real-time traffic
and traveler information. An
organization would examine the
referenced data exchange formats and
implement an interface to their system
that supports the formats.
The system would provide the
information it has to this interface, not
a specific system, in the standard data
exchange format. No processing of the
information is required, although some
manipulation may occur to make the
information item compatible with the
data exchange format. Figure 1
illustrates the concept of the RTIP. The
primary focus of the RTIP is the
establishment of data exchange formats
to facilitate the exchange of traffic and
travel conditions.
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 198 / Monday, October 15, 2007 / Notices
Not all systems will have all the data
identified by the data exchange formats.
That is understood and accepted. The
important point of the RTIP is that the
data be made available in a manner that
minimizes misinterpretation. This will
enable another system to retrieve the
available information without
customizing a format for the data. The
RTIP is not requiring the
implementation of new data collection
systems to meet all of the data exchange
formats identified, but it is assumed that
over time, more data will become
available and it should be provided in
the formats established.
Further, the RTIP is concerned with
real-time information. It is essentially a
stream of data made available to other
systems over a center-to-center
interface. Even though there are no
proposed storage requirements within
the scope of the RTIP, it is good
practice. Transportation Management
Systems, ISPs and the Planning
Community will likely gain from
applications that make use of the
archives of the real-time information.
The information will address realtime traffic and travel conditions that
facilitate management, operations, and
decision making on the part of
transportation system operators and the
traveling public. This information
should improve the security of the
surface transportation system, address
congestion problems, support improved
response to weather events and surface
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transportation incidents, and facilitate
national and regional highway traveler
Operational Scenarios
From a Traffic Management Center
Operator’s perspective, the RTIP will
provide more comprehensive
information on the operator’s console.
Information collected from neighboring
systems, in other jurisdictions, such as
a freeway management system, may
inform the operator that there is an
incident in the outbound lanes from the
neighboring system. The operator can
use this incident information from the
neighboring agency to inform freeway
service patrols of the issue and to take
appropriate response, to place
information on Dynamic Message Signs
(DMS) to inform travelers on the
outbound facilities of the incident, or to
implement diversion plans to diffuse
the impact.
The Traffic Management Center
software interface may be configured to
accept and process this external
information but the information would
be received in a standard data exchange
format making it possible to design the
interface once for that information no
matter where it originated.
From the traveler’s perspective, they
receive their transportation information
from an Information Service Provider
(ISP) who collects traffic and travel
conditions information from their own
as well as external sources such as
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traffic management centers and transit
management centers. The ISP processes
the information and makes it available
as a service or product to the traveler.
The ISP would collect the information
from the various sources over an
interface using the standard data
exchange formats established under the
In these instances, the data exchange
formats are the constant. This enables
agencies to collect from other systems
and provide information externally
without establishing a different data
exchange format with each system
interface. This reduces the complexity
of each system involved regarding
interface definition, implementation,
and maintenance. Each organization
involved in this scenario can anticipate
the types of information that will be
The data is real-time and not stored
by the source system. It is essentially a
data feed. It is likely the subscribing
organization would establish the
connection to the source, retrieve the
information needed, and store any
information required for other purposes
such as transportation planning or
research. In addition, these are
information exchanges only. No device
control is facilitated or addressed by the
Summary of Impacts
The impacts of the RTIP will be the
planning for existing system upgrades
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 198 / Monday, October 15, 2007 / Notices
for the standard data exchange formats,
the update of regional architectures to
reflect the data exchange formats and
interfaces, and the deployment of those
formats for data exchange and the
interface they are made available on.
This document contains the highlevel specifications for the data
exchange formats to support the RTIP.
These high-level specifications have
been used to identify standards
elements that satisfy the needs of the
RTIP based on these specifications. The
high-level specifications defined in this
document bound the scope of the RTIP.
The National ITS Architecture was
used as a source of information for the
Concept of Operations and the
functional specifications. The RTIP
concept was mapped to the National ITS
Architecture definition. The ATIS01Broadcast Traveler Information Market
Package was used to start the mapping
process. The interfaces identified were
tailored based on the following interface
• Focus on center-to-center interfaces
• Remove request flows
• Remove control flows
• Include system operation and
conditions information
• Include information of operational
use to other systems
• Include information of use to
• Remove duplicate flows
The interfaces presented by the
National ITS Architecture mapping
Traffic Management Information
• Road network conditions
• Road weather information
• Traffic information coordination
• Road network probe information
• Traffic incidents
• Air quality data
Maintenance and Construction
• Maintenance and construction work
• Roadway maintenance status
• Work zone information
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
Transit Management Information
• Emergency transit schedule
• Road network probe information
• Transit and fare schedules
• Transit incident information
• Transit system data
Information Service Provider
• Broadcast information
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• Road network probe information
• Traveler information
• Emergency traveler information
Parking Information
• Parking locations
• Parking availability
Emergency Management Information
• Evacuation information
• Disaster information
Given the Concept of Operations and
the interfaces from the National ITS
Architecture as a starting point, the
functional specifications associated
with each information flow in the
National ITS Architecture were
examined along with the related process
specifications and data flows to generate
a tailored set of high-level
specifications. These high-level
specifications were refined and those
refined specifications were used to
identify the data exchange formats
within the existing ITS Standards that
apply to the RTIP. The resulting
specifications are provided in the first 3
columns of the Table in Appendix A. In
the specifications, the subject system is
referred to as the Real-Time Information
Program (RTIP). The RTIP can be any
system that would be satisfying Section
Standards Reference
The ultimate goal of this document is
to provide a reference between the
specifications of the RTIP defined in
Section 1201 and the data exchange
formats established in the ITS
Standards. The table in Appendix A
maps the specifications to the messages
required to provide the functions in the
Real Time Information Program (RTIP).
The functional specifications are
grouped under broad functionalities of
RTIP. The specifications described
under the ‘‘General Specifications’’
category articulates the methods by
which the logical traffic network
information in a center-to-center (C2C)
communications environment would
convey traffic, incident and other
information based on the node (a
geographic point) and links (road
segment between two nodes) in the area.
The messages in the referenced
standards (SAE J2354, TMDD, IEEE
1512) are defined in such a way that
several different submessages are
packaged in a wrapper message. All of
the submessages in the wrapper message
are defined as an optional element so
that a local implementer can use only
the submessage(s) which are necessary
to support its system’s specification.
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The mapped messages for the
specification(s) also indicate which
submessage(s) needs to be used.
As an example for implementation,
consider the specification and
subspecifications of 1.4. A RTIP
implementer will need to use the
MSG_Public incident description (PID)
message from IEEE 1512 Base Standards
populated with detour and closures
information for sending it to the
intended target center. This PID message
has the wrapper message named
DF_IDX_Wrapper which wraps detour
and closure submessage (impactReports)
as well as most of the other submessages
from IEEE 1512 Base, IEEE 1512.1, IEEE
1512.2 and IEEE 1512.3 standards. But
for sending detour and closures
information the DF_IDX_Wrapper needs
to have only the value of impactReports
entry which has detour and closures
information while all other submessages
can be omitted as they are defined as
optional and do not need to be
Most of the specifications have
messages mapped to them taken from
existing standards. A list of
specifications for which there is no
related message in the existing
standards is provided below.
3.4 The RTIP shall provide
information about the changes to transit
services during an evacuation.
3.6 The RTIP shall provide transit
alerts and advisories pertaining to major
emergencies or disasters.
The ITS standards referenced in
Appendix A feature the following
versions. Please note that ITS standards
evolve over time, and that there may be
a revision to this table in the future:
TMDD—Standards for Traffic
Management Center to Center
Communications, ITE/AASHTO,
Version 2.1, June 1, 2005.
IEEE 1512 Base Standards—IEEE
Standard for Common Incident
Management Message Sets for Use by
Emergency Management Centers, IEEE,
Version IEEE Std 1512–2006, June 8,
IEEE 1512.1—2006—IEEE Standard
for Common Incident Management
Message Sets for Use by Emergency
Management Centers, IEEE, Version
IEEE Std 1512.1–2006, November 2,
SAE J2354—Message Sets for
Advanced Traveler Information System
(ATIS), SAE, Version SAE J2354,
February 2004.
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 198 / Monday, October 15, 2007 / Notices
Req. No.
Functional specification description
0.1 ................
0.1.1 .............
0.1.2 .............
0.2 ................
0.2.1 .............
0.2.2 .............
0.3 ................
0.3.1 .............
0.3.2 .............
General Specifications
The RTIP may provide a list of points and
segments between any two points that
comprise the traffic network (i.e. network
The RTIP may provide unique identification
for all points in the traffic network.
The RTIP may provide unique identification
of all road segments between any two
points in the traffic network.
The RTIP may provide any change to the
traffic network.
The RTIP may provide any change to the
identification of any point in the traffic
The RTIP may provide any change to the
identification of any road segment in the
traffic network.
The RTIP may receive and process information about the network topology.
TMDD ......................................
The RTIP may request information about
the network topology upon initialization.
The RTIP may provide information about
the network topology upon request.
1.2 ................
1.3 ................
The RTIP may provide route segment travel times.
The RTIP may provide route segment
The RTIP may provide roadway incident
TMDD ......................................
Standard: TMDD.
Message: 1.14.1—TrafficNetworkRequest.
Message: 1.14.2—TrafficNetworkInventory.
Traveler Information
National ITS Architecture ........
National ITS Architecture ........
National ITS Architecture ........
1.4 ................
The RTIP may provide roadway detours
and closures information.
National ITS Architecture ........
1.4.1 .............
The RTIP may provide list of road segments as detour information.
The RTIP may provide list of road segments that are closed.
The RTIP may provide information about
the effective time frame as a part of detours and closures information.
The RTIP may provide event information ...
SAE J2354.
Dialog: One-way Traveler Information.
Message: 5.4—MSG_Advisory Information where
Response Group has entry for incidents.
Standard: IEEE 1512 Base Standards.
Message: 6.3—MSG_Public incident description
(PID) where DF_IDX_Wrapper has value of impact Reports entry.
National ITS Architecture.
1.4.2 .............
1.4.3 .............
1.5 ................
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
Standard: TMDD.
Message: 1.14.2—TrafficNetworkInventory.
1.1 ................
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National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture ........
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Standard: SAE J2354.
Dialog: One-way Traveler Information.
Message: 5.4—MSG_AdvisoryInformation where
ResponseGroup has suitable entries for the
event being described, and the header information and appropriate ITIS codes used to indicate
the type of update, as needed.
Standard: TMDD.
Message ID: 1.3.1—BasicEventUpdate and
1.3.2— FullEventUpdate.
Standard: IEEE 1512 Base Standards.
Message: 6.3—MSG_Public incident description
(PID) using the DF_IDX_Wrapper and the
Header/IssueTime information and appropriate
ITIS codes used to indicate the type of update,
as needed.
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 198 / Monday, October 15, 2007 / Notices
Req. No.
Functional specification description
1.5.1 .............
The RTIP may provide current roadway
event information.
National ITS Architecture ........
Standard: SAE J2354.
Dialog: One-way Traveler Information.
Message: 5.4—MSG_AdvisoryInformation where
ResponseGroup has suitable entries for the
event being described, and the header information and appropriate ITIS codes used to indicate
the type of update, as needed.
Standard: TMDD.
Message ID: 1.3.1—Basic Event Update and
1.3.2—Full Event Update.
Standard: IEEE 1512 Base Standards.
Message: 6.3—MSG_Public incident description
(PID) using the DF_IDX_Wrapper and the
Header/IssueTime information and appropriate
ITIS codes used to indicate the type of update,
as needed. ..........
The RTIP may provide current roadway
event information upon request.
The RTIP may provide updates to the current roadway event information.
The RTIP may provide the status of the
current event information.
The RTIP may provide planned event information.
National ITS Architecture.
The RTIP may provide planned event information upon request.
The RTIP may provide updates to the
planned event information.
The RTIP may provide the status of the
planned event information.
The RTIP may provide alternate routes .....
National ITS Architecture.
The RTIP may provide a list of road segments as alternate route.
The RTIP may provide work zone information.
National ITS Architecture.
The RTIP may provide list of road segments as work zone.
The RTIP may provide the information
about the effective time frame when
work will be performed in the work zone.
The RTIP may provide information about
real-time transit schedule adherence.
National ITS Architecture. .......... ..........
1.5.2 ............. .......... .......... ..........
1.6 ................
1.6.1 .............
1.7 ................
1.7.1 .............
1.7.2 .............
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
1.8 ................
VerDate Aug<31>2005
21:55 Oct 12, 2007
Jkt 214001
PO 00000
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture ........
Standard: SAE J2354.
Dialog: One-way Traveler Information.
Message: 5.4—MSG_AdvisoryInformation where
ResponseGroup has suitable entries for the
event being described, and the header information and appropriate ITIS codes used to indicate
the type of update, as needed.
Standard: TMDD.
Message ID: 1.3.1—BasicEventUpdate and
1.3.2— FullEventUpdate.
Standard: IEEE 1512 Base Standards.
Message: 6.3—MSG_Public incident description
(PID) using the DF_IDX_Wrapper and the
Header/IssueTime information and appropriate
ITIS codes used to indicate the type of update,
as needed.
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture ........
National ITS Architecture ........
Standard: IEEE 1512 Base Standards.
Message: 6.3—MSG_Public incident description
(PID) where DF_IDX_Wrapper has value of
impactReports entry.
Standard: IEEE 1512 Base Standards.
Message: 6.3—MSG_Public incident description
(PID) where DF_IDX_Wrapper has value of
workZoneDataReports entry.
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture ........
Frm 00071
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Standard: SAE J2354.
Dialog: One-way Traveler Information.
Message: 5.4—MSG_AdvisoryInformation where
ResponseGroup has entry for itineraries.
TransitInstructions which has data related to
transit schedule time and also the data related
to how many minutes a transit vehicle will be
delayed at a stop point or time point in transit
system. so from these data we can assume
real-time transit schedule adherence.
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 198 / Monday, October 15, 2007 / Notices
Req. No.
Functional specification description
1.9 ................
The RTIP may provide parking information
National ITS Architecture ........
Standard: SAE J2354.
Dialog: One-way Traveler Information.
Message: 5.4—MSG_AdvisoryInformation where
ResponseGroup has entry for parkingLots.
1.9.1 .............
The RTIP may provide the location of the
The RTIP may provide information about
parking availability.
The RTIP may provide the information
about the location of available parking.
The RTIP may provide weather information
National ITS Architecture.
The RTIP may provide environmental conditions information.
The RTIP may provide air quality information.
The RTIP may provide emergency evacuation information.
National ITS Architecture.
The RTIP may provide information about
evacuation zones.
The RTIP may provide information about
the routes to be used for evacuation.
The RTIP may provide information about
the effective time frame of the evacuation.
The RTIP may provide shelter information
during an evacuation.
National ITS Architecture.
The RTIP may provide information about
the location of shelter during an evacuation.
The RTIP may provide information about
the availability of shelter during an evacuation.
The RTIP may provide information about
the location of available shelter during
an evacuation.
The RTIP may provide available transportation modes during an evacuation.
National ITS Architecture.
The RTIP may provide information about
the changes to transit services during an
The RTIP may provide deviations from the
route of regular transit services during
an evacuation.
The RTIP may provide deviations from the
schedule of regular transit services during an evacuation.
The RTIP may provide traffic conditions information during an evacuation.
National ITS Architecture ........
1.13.8 ...........
The RTIP may provide road condition information during an evacuation.
National ITS Architecture ........ ........
The RTIP may provide information about
pavement condition during an evacuation.
The RTIP may provide roadway temperature information during an evacuation.
The RTIP may provide information about
the precipitation during an evacuation.
National ITS Architecture.
1.9.2 .............
1.9.3 .............
1.10 ..............
1.11 ..............
1.12 ..............
1.13 ..............
1.13.1 ...........
1.13.2 ...........
1.13.3 ...........
1.13.4 ........... ........ ........ ........
1.13.5 ...........
1.13.6 ........... ........ ........
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
1.13.7 ........... ........ ........
VerDate Aug<31>2005
21:55 Oct 12, 2007
Jkt 214001
PO 00000
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture ........
Standard: SAE J2354.
Dialog: One-way Traveler Information.
Message: 5.4—MSG_AdvisoryInformation where
ResponseGroup has entry for weatherReports.
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture ........
Standard: IEEE 1512 Base Standard.
Message: 6.3—MSG_Public incident description
(PID) where DF_IDX_Wrapper has value of
evacuationReports entry.
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture ........
Standard: IEEE 1512 Base Standard.
Message: 6.3—MSG_Public incident description
(PID) where DF_IDX_Wrapper has value of
facilitiesReports entry.
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture ........
Standard: IEEE 1512 Base Standard.
Message: 6.3–MSG_Public incident description
(PID) where DF_IDX_Wrapper has value of
evacuationReports entry.
It is expected that this specifications will be met in
the next version of SAE J2354.
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture ........
Standard: SAE J2354.
Dialog: One-way Traveler Information.
Message: 5.4—MSG_AdvisoryInformation where
ResponseGroup has entry for links.
Standard: SAE J2354.
Dialog: One-way Traveler Information.
Message: 5.4—MSG_AdvisoryInformation where
ResponseGroup has entry for weatherReports.
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture.
Frm 00072
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 198 / Monday, October 15, 2007 / Notices
Req. No.
Functional specification description ........
The RTIP may provide information about
the treatment or plowing of snow during
an evacuation.
The RTIP may provide disaster (e.g. natural, man-made) information.
National ITS Architecture.
The RTIP may provide information about
the type (natural, man-made) of disaster.
The RTIP may provide information about
the originator of the disaster.
The RTIP may provide information about
the geographical area affected by the
The RTIP may provide information about
the effective time frame of the disaster.
The RTIP may provide the information and
instructions necessary for the public to
respond to the disaster.
National ITS Architecture.
1.14 ..............
1.14.1 ...........
1.14.2 ...........
1.14.3 ...........
1.14.4 ...........
1.14.5 ...........
National ITS Architecture ........
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture.
Traffic Management
2.1 ................
The RTIP may distribute road network conditions data (raw or processed) based
on collected and analyzed traffic data.
National ITS Architecture ........
2.1.1 .............
The RTIP may provide current traffic conditions.
National ITS Architecture ........
2.1.2 .............
The RTIP may provide current road conditions.
National ITS Architecture ........ ..........
The RTIP may provide current pavement
condition information.
The RTIP may provide roadway temperature information.
The RTIP may provide current precipitation
The RTIP may provide current roadway
treatment or snow removal operations.
The RTIP may provide forecasted traffic
National ITS Architecture.
2.1.4 .............
The RTIP may provide forecasted road
National ITS Architecture ........ ..........
The RTIP may provide forecasted pavement condition information.
The RTIP may provide forecasted roadway
temperature information.
The RTIP may provide forecasted precipitation information.
The RTIP may provide forecasted roadway
treatment or snow removal operations.
The RTIP may provide incident information
National ITS Architecture. .......... .......... ..........
2.1.3 ............. .......... ..........
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
Standard: SAE J2354.
Dialog: One-way Traveler Information.
Message: 5.4—MSG_AdvisoryInformation where
ResponseGroup has entry for events. ..........
2.1.5 .............
VerDate Aug<31>2005
21:55 Oct 12, 2007
Jkt 214001
PO 00000
Standard: SAE J2354.
Dialog: One-way Traveler Information.
Message: 5.4—MSG_AdvisoryInformation where
weatherReports, incidents and events.
Standards: IEEE 1512 Base Standards.
Message: 6.3—MSG_Public incident description
(PID) where DF_IDX_Wrapper has value of
workZoneDataReports entry.
Standard: IEEE 1512.1—2006.
Message Name: 6.2—MSG_ClearOrRepairPlan
[IM], 6.4–MSG_InfrastructureReport[IM].
Standard: SAE J2354.
Dialog: One-way Traveler Information.
Message: 5.4—MSG_AdvisoryInformation where
ResponseGroup has entry for links.
Standard: SAE J2354.
Dialog: One-way Traveler Information.
Message: 5.4—MSG_AdvisoryInformation where
ResponseGroup has entry for weatherReports.
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture ........
Standard: SAE J2354.
Dialog: One-way Traveler Information.
Message: 5.4—MSG_AdvisoryInformation where
ResponseGroup has entry for links.
Standard: SAE J2354.
Dialog: One-way Traveler Information.
Message: 5.4—MSG_AdvisoryInformation where
ResponseGroup has entry for weatherReports.
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture ........
Frm 00073
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Standard: SAE J2354.
Dialog: One-way Traveler Information.
Message: 5.4—MSG_AdvisoryInformation where
ResponseGroup has entry for incidents.
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 198 / Monday, October 15, 2007 / Notices
Req. No.
Functional specification description
2.1.6 .............
The RTIP may provide information about a
disaster (e.g. natural, man-made).
National ITS Architecture ........
Standard: SAE J2354.
Dialog: One-way Traveler Information.
Message: 5.4—MSG_AdvisoryInformation where
ResponseGroup has entry for events. ..........
The RTIP may provide information about
the type (natural, man-made) of disaster.
The RTIP may provide information about
the originator of the disaster information.
The RTIP may provide information about
the geographical area affected by the
The RTIP may provide information about
the effective time frame of the disaster.
The RTIP may provide the information and
instructions necessary for the public to
respond to the disaster.
The RTIP may provide information about
damage to the road network.
National ITS Architecture.
The RTIP may provide information about
the severity of road network damage.
The RTIP may provide information about
the remaining capacity of a damaged
road network.
The RTIP may provide information about
the required closures of a damaged road
The RTIP may provide information about
alternate routes in case of a damaged
road network.
The RTIP may provide information about
the necessary restrictions of a damaged
road network.
The RTIP may provide information about
the time frame for repair and recovery of
a damaged road network.
The RTIP may provide road weather information.
National ITS Architecture.
2.1.9 .............
The RTIP may provide environmental conditions information.
National ITS Architecture ........
2.2 ................
The RTIP may provide information about
the execution of an evacuation strategy.
National ITS Architecture ........
2.2.1 .............
The RTIP may provide information on the
zones to be evacuated.
The RTIP may provide information on the
setting of the closures and detours of
The RTIP may provide information on the
routes that will be closed during the
The RTIP may provide information on the
routes that will be used as detour during
the evacuation.
The RTIP may provide information on the
effective time frame for the evacuation.
National ITS Architecture. .......... .......... .......... ..........
2.1.7 ............. .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........
2.1.8 .............
2.2.2 ............. ..........
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES ..........
2.2.3 .............
VerDate Aug<31>2005
21:55 Oct 12, 2007
Jkt 214001
PO 00000
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture ........
Standards: IEEE 1512 Base Standards.
Message: 6.3—MSG_Public incident description
(PID) where DF_IDX_Wrapper has value of
workZoneDataReports entry.
Standard: IEEE 1512.1—2006.
Message Name: 6.2—MSG_ClearOrRepairPlan
[IM], 6.4—MSG_InfrastructureReport[IM].
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture ........
Standard: SAE J2354.
Dialog: One-way Traveler Information.
Message: 5.4—MSG_AdvisoryInformation where
ResponseGroup has entry for weatherReports.
Standard: SAE J2354.
Dialog: One-way Traveler Information.
Message: 5.4—MSG_AdvisoryInformation where
ResponseGroup has entry for weatherReports.
Standard: IEEE 1512 Base Standard.
Message: 6.3—MSG_Public incident description
(PID) where DF_IDX_Wrapper has value of
evacuationReports entry.
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture.
Frm 00074
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 198 / Monday, October 15, 2007 / Notices
Req. No.
Functional specification description
Transit Management
3.1 ................
The RTIP may provide transit incident information along with other service data.
National ITS Architecture ........
3.2 ................
The RTIP may provide information about
real-time transit schedule adherence.
National ITS Architecture ........
3.3 ................
The RTIP may provide information about
weather conditions observed within the
transit system.
National ITS Architecture ........
3.4 ................
3.4.1 .............
3.4.2 .............
3.5 ................
3.6 ................
The RTIP may provide information about
changes to transit service due to special
The RTIP may provide deviations from the
schedule of regular transit services due
to special events.
The RTIP may provide deviations from the
routes of regular transit services due to
special events.
The RTIP may provide real-time arrival information.
National ITS Architecture ........
The RTIP may provide transit alerts and
advisories pertaining to major emergencies or disasters.
National ITS Architecture ........
Message: 5.4—MSG_AdvisoryInformation where
ResponseGroup has entry for weatherReports.
It is expected that this specifications will be met in
the next version of SAE J2354.
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture ........
Standard: SAE J2354.
Dialog: One-way Traveler Information.
Message: 5.4—MSG_AdvisoryInformation where
ResponseGroup has entry for itineraries.
TransitInstructions which has data related to
transit schedule time and also the data related
to how many minutes a transit vehicle will be
delayed at a stop point or time point in transit
system. so from these data we can assume
real-time transit arrival information.
It is expected that this specifications will be met in
the next version of SAE J2354.
Maintenance and Construction Management
4.1 ................
The RTIP may provide work zone information.
National ITS Architecture ........
4.1.1 .............
The RTIP may provide list of road segments as work zone.
The RTIP may provide the information
about the effective time frame when
work will be performed in the work zone.
The RTIP may provide information about
damage to the road network.
National ITS Architecture.
The RTIP may provide information about
the severity of road network damage.
The RTIP may provide information about
the remaining capacity of a damaged
road network.
The RTIP may provide information about
the required closures of a damaged road
The RTIP may provide information about
alternate routes in case of a damaged
road network.
National ITS Architecture.
4.1.2 .............
4.2 ................
4.2.1 .............
4.2.2 .............
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
Standard: IEEE 1512 Base Standard.
Message: 6.3—MSG_Public incident description
(PID) where DF_IDX_Wrapper has values of
transitVehicleInvolvedReports entries.
Standard: SAE J2354.
Dialog: One-way Traveler Information.
Message: 5.4—MSG_AdvisoryInformation where
ResponseGroup has entry for itineraries.
Standard: SAE J2354.
Dialog: One-way Traveler Information.
4.2.3 .............
4.2.4 .............
VerDate Aug<31>2005
21:55 Oct 12, 2007
Jkt 214001
PO 00000
Standards: IEEE 1512 Base Standards.
Message: 6.3—MSG_Public incident description
(PID) where DF_IDX_Wrapper has value of
workZoneDataReports entry.
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture ........
Standards: IEEE 1512 Base Standards.
Message: 6.3—MSG_Public incident description
(PID) where DF_IDX_Wrapper has value of
workZoneDataReports entry.
Standard: IEEE 1512.1—2006.
ClearOrRepairPlan[IM] 6.4—MSG_Infrastructure
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture.
Frm 00075
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 198 / Monday, October 15, 2007 / Notices
Req. No.
Functional specification description
4.2.5 .............
The RTIP may provide information about
the necessary restrictions of a damaged
road network.
The RTIP may provide information about
the time frame for repair and recovery of
a damaged road network.
4.2.6 .............
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture.
Parking Management
5.1 ................
The RTIP may provide parking information
National ITS Architecture ........
5.1.1 .............
The RTIP may provide the location of the
The RTIP may provide information about
parking availability.
The RTIP may provide the information
about the location of available parking.
National ITS Architecture.
Emergency Management
5.1.2 .............
5.1.3 .............
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture.
6.1 ................
The RTIP may provide emergency evacuation information.
National ITS Architecture ........
6.1.1 .............
The RTIP may provide information about
evacuation zones.
National ITS Architecture ........
6.1.2 .............
The RTIP may provide information about
the routes to be used for evacuation.
The RTIP may provide information about
the effective time frame of the evacuation.
The RTIP may provide shelter information
during an evacuation.
National ITS Architecture.
The RTIP may provide information about
the location of shelter during an evacuation.
The RTIP may provide information about
the availability of shelter during an evacuation.
The RTIP may provide information about
the location of available shelter during
an evacuation.
The RTIP may provide available transportation modes during an evacuation.
National ITS Architecture.
The RTIP may provide information about
the changes to transit services during an
The RTIP may provide deviations from the
route of regular transit services during
an evacuation.
The RTIP may provide deviations from the
schedule of regular transit services during an evacuation.
The RTIP may provide traffic conditions information during an evacuation.
National ITS Architecture ........
6.1.3 .............
6.1.4 ............. .......... .......... ..........
6.1.5 .............
6.1.6 ............. ..........
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
Standard: SAE J2354.
Dialog: One-way Traveler Information.
Message: 5.4—MSG_AdvisoryInformation where
ResponseGroup has entry for parkingLots. ..........
6.1.7 .............
VerDate Aug<31>2005
21:55 Oct 12, 2007
Jkt 214001
PO 00000
Standard: IEEE 1512 Base Standard.
Message: 6.3—MSG_Public incident description
(PID) where DF_IDX_Wrapper has values of
evacuationReports and facilitiesReports entries.
Standard: SAE J2354.
Dialog: One-way Traveler Information.
Message: 5.4—MSG_AdvisoryInformation where
weatherReports and events.
Standard: IEEE 1512 Base Standard.
Message: 6.3—MSG_Public incident description
(PID) where DF_IDX_Wrapper has value of
evacuationReports entry.
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture ........
Standard: IEEE 1512 Base standard.
Message: 6.3—MSG_Public incident description
(PID) where DF_IDX_Wrapper has value of
facilitiesReports entry.
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture ........
Standard: IEEE 1512 Base Standard.
Message: 6.3—MSG_Public incident description
(PID) where DF_IDX_Wrapper has value of
evacuationReports entry.
It is expected that this specifications will be met in
the next version of SAE J2354.
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture ........
Frm 00076
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Standard: SAE J2354.
Dialog: One-way Traveler Information.
Message: 5.4—MSG_AdvisoryInformation where
ResponseGroup has entry for links.
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 198 / Monday, October 15, 2007 / Notices
Req. No.
Functional specification description
6.1.8 .............
The RTIP may provide road condition information during an evacuation.
National ITS Architecture ........
Standard: SAE J2354.
Dialog: One-way Traveler Information.
Message: 5.4—MSG_AdvisoryInformation where
ResponseGroup has entry for weatherReports. ..........
The RTIP may provide information about
pavement condition during an evacuation.
The RTIP may provide roadway temperature information during an evacuation.
The RTIP may provide information about
the precipitation during an evacuation.
The RTIP may provide information about
the treatment or plowing of snow during
an evacuation.
The RTIP may provide disaster (e.g. natural, man-made) information.
National ITS Architecture.
The RTIP may provide information about
the type (natural, man-made) of disaster.
The RTIP may provide information about
the originator of the disaster.
The RTIP may provide information about
the geographical area affected by the
The RTIP may provide information about
the effective time frame of the disaster.
The RTIP may provide the information and
instructions necessary for the public to
respond to the disaster.
National ITS Architecture. .......... .......... ..........
6.2 ................
6.2.1 .............
6.2.2 .............
6.2.3 .............
6.2.4 .............
6.2.5 .............
[FR Doc. E7–20273 Filed 10–12–07; 8:45 am]
Federal Motor Carrier Safety
[Docket No. FMCSA–99–5578, FMCSA–99–
6480, FMCSA–00–7363, FMCSA–01–9561,
Qualification of Drivers; Exemption
Applications; Vision
Federal Motor Carrier Safety
Administration (FMCSA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice of renewal of
exemptions; request for comments.
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
SUMMARY: FMCSA announces its
decision to renew the exemptions from
the vision requirement in the Federal
Motor Carrier Safety Regulations for 19
individuals. FMCSA has statutory
authority to exempt individuals from
the vision requirement if the
exemptions granted will not
compromise safety. The Agency has
concluded that granting these
exemption renewals will provide a level
of safety that is equivalent to, or greater
than, the level of safety maintained
without the exemptions for these
commercial motor vehicle (CMV)
VerDate Aug<31>2005
21:55 Oct 12, 2007
Jkt 214001
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture ........
Standard: SAE J2354.
Dialog: One-way Traveler Information.
Message: 5.4—MSG_AdvisoryInformation where
ResponseGroup has entry for events.
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture.
National ITS Architecture.
This decision is effective October
30, 2007. Comments must be received
on or before November 14, 2007.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
bearing the Department of
Transportation (DOT) Docket
Management System (DMS) Docket
Numbers FMCSA–99–5578, FMCSA–
99–6480, FMCSA–00–7363, FMCSA–
01–9561, FMCSA–03–15892, using any
of the following methods.
• DOT Web site:
Follow the on-line instructions for
submitting comments.
• Fax: 1–202–493–2251.
• Mail: Docket Management Facility;
U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200
New Jersey Avenue, SE., West Building,
Ground Floor, Room W12–140,
Washington, DC 20590–0001.
• Hand Delivery: Room W12–140 on
the ground level of the West Building,
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE.,
Washington, DC, between 9 a.m. and 5
p.m., Monday through Friday, except
Federal holidays.
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to Follow the
online instructions for submitting
Each submission must include the
Agency name and docket numbers for
this Notice. Note that DOT posts all
comments received without change to, including any
PO 00000
Frm 00077
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
personal information included. Please
see the Privacy Act heading below.
Docket: For access to the docket to
read background documents or
comments, go to at
any time or Room W12–140 on the
ground level of the West Building, 1200
New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington,
DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday
through Friday, except Federal holidays.
The DMS is available 24 hours each day,
365 days each year. If you want
acknowledgment that we received your
comments, please include a selfaddressed, stamped envelope or
postcard or print the acknowledgement
page that appears after submitting
comments on-line.
Privacy Act: Anyone may search the
electronic form of all comments
received into any of our dockets by the
name of the individual submitting the
comment (or of the person signing the
comment, if submitted on behalf of an
association, business, labor union, etc.).
You may review the Department of
Transportation’s complete Privacy Act
Statement in the Federal Register
published on April 11, 2000 (65 FR
19477; Apr. 11, 2000). This information
is also available at
Mary D. Gunnels, Chief, Physical
Qualifications Division, (202) 366–4001,, FMCSA,
[Federal Register Volume 72, Number 198 (Monday, October 15, 2007)]
[Pages 58347-58359]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E7-20273]
Federal Highway Administration
[FHWA Docket No. FHWA-2007-28969]
Publication of Interim Guidance on the Information Sharing
Specifications and Data Exchange Formats for the Real-Time System
Management Information Program
AGENCY: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice of publication of interim guidance; request for
SUMMARY: The purpose of this notice is to: (1) Announce the publication
of interim guidance; and (2) solicit public comment on the contents of
the interim guidance. Section 1201 of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible,
Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU)
(Pub. L. 109-59, Aug. 10, 2005) established the Real-Time System
Management Information Program to make traffic and travel conditions
information available to the traveling public and to ease the sharing
of traffic and travel conditions information among public agencies and
private enterprise. This interim guidance will be in effect when
published in the Federal Register; however, we will review all comments
submitted to the docket and will modify the guidance as necessary or
DATES: Comments must be received on or before February 12, 2008.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: James Pol, Office of Transportation
Management, (202) 366-4374; or Lisa MacPhee, Office of the Chief
Counsel, (202) 366-1392, Federal Highway Administration, 1200 New
Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590. Office hours are from 7:45
a.m. to 4:15 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays.
Electronic Access
You may submit or retrieve comments online through the U.S.
Department of Transportation's Document Management System (DMS) at: The DMS is available 24 hours each day, 365
days each year. Electronic submission and retrieval help and guidelines
are available under the help section of the Web site.
An electronic copy of this notice may be downloaded from the Office
of the Federal Register's home page at and the
Government Printing Office's Web site at
Anyone is able to search the electronic form of all comments
received into any of our dockets by the name of the individual
submitting the comment (or signing the comment, if submitted on behalf
of an association, business, labor union, etc.). You may review DOT's
complete Privacy Act Statement in a Federal Register published on April
11, 2000 (70 FR 19477), or you may visit
Section 1201 of SAFETEA-LU established the Real-Time System
Management Information Program to provide, in all States, the
capability to monitor, in real-time, the traffic and travel conditions
of the major highways of the United States and to share that data with
State and local governments and with the traveling public. On May 4,
2006, the FHWA published a notice in the Federal Register at 71 FR
26399 outlining some proposed preliminary program parameters and seeing
public comments on the proposed description of the Real-Time System
Management Information Program, including its outcome goals definitions
for various program parameters, and the current status of related
activities in the States. We are using the comments we received in
response to that notice to develop regulations on the Real-Time System
Management Information Program. We expect to publish our notice of
proposed rulemaking (NPRM) for this program shortly.
Our forthcoming NPRM does not pertain to subsections 1201(b) and
1201(c)(2). Subsection 1201(b) of SAFETEA-LU requires the FHWA to
``establish'' data exchange formats within 2 years of the enactment of
SAFETEA-LU, or August 10, 2007. Subsection 1201(c)(2) requires that
``States shall incorporate data exchange formats established by the
Secretary under subsection (b) to ensure that the data provided by
highway and transit monitoring systems may be readily exchanged with
State and local governments and may be made available to the traveling
Further analysis by the FHWA leads to the conclusion that
subsections 1201(a)(1) and 1201(a)(2) do not specifically state that
the use of FHWA-identified data exchange formats is a requirement for
the 1201 programs, but only that the purpose of the section is to meet
the larger goals including sharing data among the State and local
governments and the traveling public. Furthermore, subsection 1201(d)
makes funds eligible to meet the larger goals in 1201(a), but does not
specifically mention that 1201(b) data exchange formats must be used
for an entity to be eligible to apply Federal funds towards
establishing Real-Time System Management Information Programs.
The comments and input received on these questions will not affect
future rulemaking regarding the Real-Time System Management Information
Program as described above. Rather, the comments and input received on
these questions may be used by the FHWA for future guidance development
and/or regulatory changes. We invite the public to submit comments on
this interim guidance. We plan to issue final guidance after we have
evaluated all the comments received on this interim guidance. Comments,
including those from the State DOTs, regarding specific burdens,
impacts, and costs would be most welcome and would aid us in more fully
appreciating the impacts of Data Exchange Formats.
--What guidance would facilitate the application of data exchange
formats in your organization?
--Does the reference document provide adequate detail on the nature of
interoperability to be attained through application of the data
exchange formats?
[[Page 58348]]
--Does your organization make use of the ATIS-01 Broadcast Traveler
Information Market Package defined in the National ITS Architecture?
--What is a reasonable interval between publications of new versions of
the data exchange formats?
--Is there sufficient detail in the ``Functional Area/Requirement
Description?'' If not, how much further requirement description would
be required?
--Many of the requirements map to messages that have optional elements.
Should there be changes to the identification of the optional elements,
which would change the nature of the message as defined by the Standard
Development Organization?
--Does your organization make use of the ITS Standards that are
referenced in the data exchange formats?
--Would independent certification or self-certification be more
effective for validating the application of the data exchange formats?
--Do the data exchange formats relate to the operational practices of
your organization?
The FHWA also welcomes comments and input on the published data
exchange formats that address areas of interest that are not
necessarily addressed in the questions posed above.
(Authority: Section 1201, Pub. L. 109-59; 23 U.S.C. 315; 23 U.S.C.
120; 49 CFR 1.48.)
Issued on: October 5, 2007.
J. Richard Capka,
Administrator, Federal Highway Administration.
Real-Time Information Program: Information Sharing Specifications and
Data Exchange Format Reference Document
Prepared for U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA) & Research and Innovative Technology
Administration (RITA) By National ITS Architecture Team
Version 1.0 Release August, 2007
Section 1201 of SAFTEA-LU establishes the Real-Time System
Management Information Program. The goals of this program are to
improve security of the surface transportation system, address
congestion problems, support improved response to weather events and
surface transportation incidents, and facilitate national and regional
highway traveler information. The desired outcomes are to make Traffic
and Travel Conditions Information available to the traveling public and
to ease the sharing of Traffic and Travel Conditions Information among
public agencies and private enterprise.
The types of information considered for the Real-time Information
Program (RTIP) include but are not limited to
Congestion information,
Traffic incidents that block the roadway,
Roadway weather conditions,
Public transportation service disruptions,
Construction activities affecting travel conditions, and
Travel times on roadway links.
The information needed for RTIP is not necessarily available
everywhere, but the interface will be established with the data that is
available. The RTIP is not concerned with developing the sources of
information but with providing a standard interface to obtain the
information when it does exist. Therefore, the RTIP specifications will
not address data collection. They will focus on center-to-center
exchanges and information that should be made available to travelers.
In addition, these specifications will address information exchanges
only and will not include device control.
There are two efforts described in Section 1201. One is the
establishment of the RTIP in each State per the requirements of Section
1201. This information system is to be created in concert with the
updates of regional ITS architectures as they are maintained. Two is
the establishment of data exchange formats to facilitate the exchange
of information.
These data exchange formats will leverage existing ITS standards to
the greatest extent possible.
This document establishes three components to ease the exchange of
Traffic and Travel Conditions Information:
A Concept of Operations to define the entire RTIP scope,
A set of functional specifications to describe a full
RTIP, based upon the functional specifications set forth in the
National ITS Architecture,
An ITS Standards reference that draws the association
between the RTIP functional specifications and particular ITS
Concept of Operations
The RTIP is intended to establish a standard data format to
exchange traffic and travel conditions on major highways among State
and local government systems and the traveling public. The real-time
traffic and travel information to be exchanged with this format
Basic information for managing and operating the surface
transportation system, excluding control
Statewide incident reporting system information
Surface transportation system security information
Congestion information
Weather conditions
Surface transportation incidents
Traveler information
A RTIP may be established in each State to leverage the current and
future capabilities of monitoring the traffic and travel conditions of
the major highways. The data exchange formats will be used for
standardized, interoperable communication among transportation
management systems and the information service providers that collect
that information to disseminate to the traveling public. The
transportation management systems could encompass traffic management,
transit management, maintenance and construction management, and
emergency management organizations.
ITS America's Interoperability Subcommittee adopted the following,
in accord with ISO TC 204, as the definition of interoperability:
``Interoperability is the ability of systems to provide services and to
accept services from other systems and to use the services so exchanged
to enable them to operate effectively together.'' In examining systems
for interoperability, it is useful to distinguish two degrees of
interoperability, ``pair-wise'' and ``end-to-end'' interoperability.
Pair-wise interoperability involves verifying that two systems are able
to exchange data and that the data has the same meaning to each system
and leads to the expected functionality. ``End-to-end''
interoperability involves verifying that the flow and use of data are
consistent from initial input to final outcome. The RTIP is primarily
focused on the ``pair-wise'' interoperability with the specification of
common data formats.
The scope of this program will reach all States. While not all
State or local organizations collect and disseminate the same types of
information, standardized formats will be mapped to the types of
information in use. Standard data exchange formats will aid in the
deployment of standard interfaces among surface transportation systems
and information services. The RTIP is focused on center-to-center
interfaces and the current conditions of the surface transportation
The RTIP is really about implementing interface standards
consistently across the country and facilitating the implementation of
[[Page 58349]]
collection and dissemination systems to provide more of the information
needed by the transportation management community and the traveling
public. The standardized common data exchange formats reside above the
traditional 7-Layer ISO OSI communications stack. The OSI layers below
the Application Layer can vary depending on the ITS deployment and will
most likely be Internet (TCP/IP) based.
Current System or Situation
Over the past decade, ITS standards have been developed or are in
the latter stages of development. Traffic management, transit
management, and emergency management systems have been deployed or are
being developed that use different standardized interfaces, different
versions of the standards, or custom (i.e., non-standardized)
interfaces. This leads to potential difficulties in data exchange from
one system to another. Transportation management systems are
increasingly producing congestion-related information but the impact of
that information to address congestion is diminished because of
inefficient data sharing practices.
Transportation system operators need information about incidents,
the current state of the roadway conditions, and events that are
planned in the area of operation. Current conditions or issues in a
neighboring geographic area may affect the local transportation system
in ways both subtle and pronounced. The transit operator needs many of
the same pieces of information to provide the best service to their
riders. Information service providers collect the same kind of
information, integrate, and provide it to the public to aid better
travel decision making.
Information is available everywhere in the surface transportation
system, however, it is not always accessible to transportation system
operators or the traveling public due to the lack of standard
interfaces. The key to unlocking this information is to establish
standard data exchange formats that are implemented consistently in
every State. This would allow a transportation system utilizing the
standard data exchange formats to develop an interface to the outside
world to gather external information and make their own information
available to others who need it without building multiple interfaces
for each external system.
The RTIP is established in SAFETEA-LU in Section 1201. However, the
justification for this program goes beyond the legislation. The premise
of Intelligent Transportation Systems is to connect the islands of
information in the surface transportation system. Data collected by one
agency's system is often beneficial to a neighboring system or to a
traveler information system. This does not mean that every system has
to be physically connected to all others. Establishing data exchange
formats make data collected by a system available to any organization
that wishes to retrieve it in that same data exchange format.
Establishment of real-time information will not happen all at once.
It needs to be planned by each State and each transportation system in
each State that operates the major highways. Information service
providers may choose to apply these same data exchange formats to
retrieve the information available from the surface transportation
systems, process the information, and send it along to the traveling
Proposed Concept
On May 4, 2006, the FHWA published a notice in the Federal Register
(71 FR 26399) outlining some proposed preliminary program parameters
and seeking public comments on the proposed description of the Real-
time System Management Information Program, including its outcome
goals, definitions for various program parameters, and the current
status of related activities in the States. The proposed concept
described here is based upon the proposed preliminary program
The RTIP is built around standard data exchange formats based on
existing ITS standards. The RTIP will establish a reference of data
exchange formats that can be used by State and local agencies as well
as information service providers to build interfaces in their systems
to exchange the real-time traffic and traveler information. An
organization would examine the referenced data exchange formats and
implement an interface to their system that supports the formats.
The system would provide the information it has to this interface,
not a specific system, in the standard data exchange format. No
processing of the information is required, although some manipulation
may occur to make the information item compatible with the data
exchange format. Figure 1 illustrates the concept of the RTIP. The
primary focus of the RTIP is the establishment of data exchange formats
to facilitate the exchange of traffic and travel conditions.
[[Page 58350]]
Not all systems will have all the data identified by the data
exchange formats. That is understood and accepted. The important point
of the RTIP is that the data be made available in a manner that
minimizes misinterpretation. This will enable another system to
retrieve the available information without customizing a format for the
data. The RTIP is not requiring the implementation of new data
collection systems to meet all of the data exchange formats identified,
but it is assumed that over time, more data will become available and
it should be provided in the formats established.
Further, the RTIP is concerned with real-time information. It is
essentially a stream of data made available to other systems over a
center-to-center interface. Even though there are no proposed storage
requirements within the scope of the RTIP, it is good practice.
Transportation Management Systems, ISPs and the Planning Community will
likely gain from applications that make use of the archives of the
real-time information.
The information will address real-time traffic and travel
conditions that facilitate management, operations, and decision making
on the part of transportation system operators and the traveling
public. This information should improve the security of the surface
transportation system, address congestion problems, support improved
response to weather events and surface transportation incidents, and
facilitate national and regional highway traveler information.
Operational Scenarios
From a Traffic Management Center Operator's perspective, the RTIP
will provide more comprehensive information on the operator's console.
Information collected from neighboring systems, in other jurisdictions,
such as a freeway management system, may inform the operator that there
is an incident in the outbound lanes from the neighboring system. The
operator can use this incident information from the neighboring agency
to inform freeway service patrols of the issue and to take appropriate
response, to place information on Dynamic Message Signs (DMS) to inform
travelers on the outbound facilities of the incident, or to implement
diversion plans to diffuse the impact.
The Traffic Management Center software interface may be configured
to accept and process this external information but the information
would be received in a standard data exchange format making it possible
to design the interface once for that information no matter where it
From the traveler's perspective, they receive their transportation
information from an Information Service Provider (ISP) who collects
traffic and travel conditions information from their own as well as
external sources such as traffic management centers and transit
management centers. The ISP processes the information and makes it
available as a service or product to the traveler. The ISP would
collect the information from the various sources over an interface
using the standard data exchange formats established under the RTIP.
In these instances, the data exchange formats are the constant.
This enables agencies to collect from other systems and provide
information externally without establishing a different data exchange
format with each system interface. This reduces the complexity of each
system involved regarding interface definition, implementation, and
maintenance. Each organization involved in this scenario can anticipate
the types of information that will be received.
The data is real-time and not stored by the source system. It is
essentially a data feed. It is likely the subscribing organization
would establish the connection to the source, retrieve the information
needed, and store any information required for other purposes such as
transportation planning or research. In addition, these are information
exchanges only. No device control is facilitated or addressed by the
Summary of Impacts
The impacts of the RTIP will be the planning for existing system
[[Page 58351]]
for the standard data exchange formats, the update of regional
architectures to reflect the data exchange formats and interfaces, and
the deployment of those formats for data exchange and the interface
they are made available on.
This document contains the high-level specifications for the data
exchange formats to support the RTIP. These high-level specifications
have been used to identify standards elements that satisfy the needs of
the RTIP based on these specifications. The high-level specifications
defined in this document bound the scope of the RTIP.
The National ITS Architecture was used as a source of information
for the Concept of Operations and the functional specifications. The
RTIP concept was mapped to the National ITS Architecture definition.
The ATIS01-Broadcast Traveler Information Market Package was used to
start the mapping process. The interfaces identified were tailored
based on the following interface criteria:
Focus on center-to-center interfaces
Remove request flows
Remove control flows
Include system operation and conditions information
Include information of operational use to other systems
Include information of use to travelers
Remove duplicate flows
The interfaces presented by the National ITS Architecture mapping
Traffic Management Information
Road network conditions
Road weather information
Traffic information coordination
Road network probe information
Traffic incidents
Air quality data
Maintenance and Construction Management
Maintenance and construction work plans
Roadway maintenance status
Work zone information
Transit Management Information
Emergency transit schedule information
Road network probe information
Transit and fare schedules
Transit incident information
Transit system data
Information Service Provider Information
Broadcast information
Road network probe information
Traveler information
Emergency traveler information
Parking Information
Parking locations
Parking availability
Emergency Management Information
Evacuation information
Disaster information
Given the Concept of Operations and the interfaces from the
National ITS Architecture as a starting point, the functional
specifications associated with each information flow in the National
ITS Architecture were examined along with the related process
specifications and data flows to generate a tailored set of high-level
specifications. These high-level specifications were refined and those
refined specifications were used to identify the data exchange formats
within the existing ITS Standards that apply to the RTIP. The resulting
specifications are provided in the first 3 columns of the Table in
Appendix A. In the specifications, the subject system is referred to as
the Real-Time Information Program (RTIP). The RTIP can be any system
that would be satisfying Section 1201.
Standards Reference
The ultimate goal of this document is to provide a reference
between the specifications of the RTIP defined in Section 1201 and the
data exchange formats established in the ITS Standards. The table in
Appendix A maps the specifications to the messages required to provide
the functions in the Real Time Information Program (RTIP). The
functional specifications are grouped under broad functionalities of
RTIP. The specifications described under the ``General Specifications''
category articulates the methods by which the logical traffic network
information in a center-to-center (C2C) communications environment
would convey traffic, incident and other information based on the node
(a geographic point) and links (road segment between two nodes) in the
The messages in the referenced standards (SAE J2354, TMDD, IEEE
1512) are defined in such a way that several different submessages are
packaged in a wrapper message. All of the submessages in the wrapper
message are defined as an optional element so that a local implementer
can use only the submessage(s) which are necessary to support its
system's specification. The mapped messages for the specification(s)
also indicate which submessage(s) needs to be used.
As an example for implementation, consider the specification and
subspecifications of 1.4. A RTIP implementer will need to use the MSG--
Public incident description (PID) message from IEEE 1512 Base Standards
populated with detour and closures information for sending it to the
intended target center. This PID message has the wrapper message named
DF--IDX--Wrapper which wraps detour and closure submessage
(impactReports) as well as most of the other submessages from IEEE 1512
Base, IEEE 1512.1, IEEE 1512.2 and IEEE 1512.3 standards. But for
sending detour and closures information the DF--IDX--Wrapper needs to
have only the value of impactReports entry which has detour and
closures information while all other submessages can be omitted as they
are defined as optional and do not need to be included.
Most of the specifications have messages mapped to them taken from
existing standards. A list of specifications for which there is no
related message in the existing standards is provided below.
3.4 The RTIP shall provide information about the changes to transit
services during an evacuation.
3.6 The RTIP shall provide transit alerts and advisories pertaining
to major emergencies or disasters.
The ITS standards referenced in Appendix A feature the following
versions. Please note that ITS standards evolve over time, and that
there may be a revision to this table in the future:
TMDD--Standards for Traffic Management Center to Center
Communications, ITE/AASHTO, Version 2.1, June 1, 2005.
IEEE 1512 Base Standards--IEEE Standard for Common Incident
Management Message Sets for Use by Emergency Management Centers, IEEE,
Version IEEE Std 1512-2006, June 8, 2006.
IEEE 1512.1--2006--IEEE Standard for Common Incident Management
Message Sets for Use by Emergency Management Centers, IEEE, Version
IEEE Std 1512.1-2006, November 2, 2006.
SAE J2354--Message Sets for Advanced Traveler Information System
(ATIS), SAE, Version SAE J2354, February 2004.
[[Page 58352]]
RTIP Specifications Mapped to Standards Dialogs and Messages
Req. No. specification Source Dialog(s)/message(s)
0 General Specifications
0.1................... The RTIP may provide TMDD...................................... Standard: TMDD.
a list of points and Message: 1.14.2--
segments between any TrafficNetworkInvent
two points that ory.
comprise the traffic
network (i.e.
network topology).
0.1.1................. The RTIP may provide TMDD......................................
identification for
all points in the
traffic network.
0.1.2................. The RTIP may provide TMDD......................................
identification of
all road segments
between any two
points in the
traffic network.
0.2................... The RTIP may provide TMDD......................................
any change to the
traffic network.
0.2.1................. The RTIP may provide TMDD......................................
any change to the
identification of
any point in the
traffic network.
0.2.2................. The RTIP may provide TMDD......................................
any change to the
identification of
any road segment in
the traffic network.
0.3................... The RTIP may receive TMDD...................................... Standard: TMDD.
and process Message: 1.14.1--
information about TrafficNetworkReques
the network topology. t.
Message: 1.14.2--
0.3.1................. The RTIP may request TMDD......................................
information about
the network topology
upon initialization.
0.3.2................. The RTIP may provide TMDD......................................
information about
the network topology
upon request.
1 Traveler Information
1.1................... The RTIP may provide National ITS Architecture................. Standard: TMDD.
route segment travel Message: 1.14.9--
times. LinkData.
1.2................... The RTIP may provide National ITS Architecture................. Standard: TMDD.
route segment speeds. Message: 1.14.9--
1.3................... The RTIP may provide National ITS Architecture................. Standard: SAE J2354.
roadway incident
Dialog: One-way
Message: 5.4--MSG--
Advisory Information
where Response Group
has entry for
1.4................... The RTIP may provide National ITS Architecture................. Standard: IEEE 1512
roadway detours and Base Standards.
closures information. Message: 6.3--MSG--
Public incident
description (PID)
where DF--IDX--
Wrapper has value of
impact Reports
1.4.1................. The RTIP may provide National ITS Architecture.................
list of road
segments as detour
1.4.2................. The RTIP may provide National ITS Architecture.................
list of road
segments that are
1.4.3................. The RTIP may provide National ITS Architecture.................
information about
the effective time
frame as a part of
detours and closures
1.5................... The RTIP may provide National ITS Architecture................. Standard: SAE J2354.
event information. Dialog: One-way
Message: 5.4--MSG--
where ResponseGroup
has suitable entries
for the event being
described, and the
header information
and appropriate ITIS
codes used to
indicate the type of
update, as needed.
Standard: TMDD.
Message ID: 1.3.1--
BasicEventUpdate and
Standard: IEEE 1512
Base Standards.
Message: 6.3--MSG--
Public incident
description (PID)
using the DF--IDX--
Wrapper and the
information and
appropriate ITIS
codes used to
indicate the type of
update, as needed.
[[Page 58353]]
1.5.1................. The RTIP may provide National ITS Architecture................. Standard: SAE J2354.
current roadway Dialog: One-way
event information. Traveler
Message: 5.4--MSG--
where ResponseGroup
has suitable entries
for the event being
described, and the
header information
and appropriate ITIS
codes used to
indicate the type of
update, as needed.
Standard: TMDD.
Message ID: 1.3.1--
Basic Event Update
and 1.3.2--Full
Event Update.
Standard: IEEE 1512
Base Standards.
Message: 6.3--MSG--
Public incident
description (PID)
using the DF--IDX--
Wrapper and the
information and
appropriate ITIS
codes used to
indicate the type of
update, as needed. The RTIP may provide National ITS Architecture.................
current roadway
event information
upon request. The RTIP may provide National ITS Architecture.................
updates to the
current roadway
event information. The RTIP may provide National ITS Architecture.................
the status of the
current event
1.5.2................. The RTIP may provide National ITS Architecture................. Standard: SAE J2354.
planned event Dialog: One-way
information. Traveler
Message: 5.4--MSG--
where ResponseGroup
has suitable entries
for the event being
described, and the
header information
and appropriate ITIS
codes used to
indicate the type of
update, as needed.
Standard: TMDD.
Message ID: 1.3.1--
BasicEventUpdate and
Standard: IEEE 1512
Base Standards.
Message: 6.3--MSG--
Public incident
description (PID)
using the DF--IDX--
Wrapper and the
information and
appropriate ITIS
codes used to
indicate the type of
update, as needed. The RTIP may provide National ITS Architecture.................
planned event
information upon
request. The RTIP may provide National ITS Architecture.................
updates to the
planned event
information. The RTIP may provide National ITS Architecture.................
the status of the
planned event
1.6................... The RTIP may provide National ITS Architecture................. Standard: IEEE 1512
alternate routes. Base Standards.
Message: 6.3--MSG--
Public incident
description (PID)
where DF--IDX--
Wrapper has value of
impactReports entry.
1.6.1................. The RTIP may provide National ITS Architecture.................
a list of road
segments as
alternate route.
1.7................... The RTIP may provide National ITS Architecture................. Standard: IEEE 1512
work zone Base Standards.
information. Message: 6.3--MSG--
Public incident
description (PID)
where DF--IDX--
Wrapper has value of
1.7.1................. The RTIP may provide National ITS Architecture.................
list of road
segments as work
1.7.2................. The RTIP may provide National ITS Architecture.................
the information
about the effective
time frame when work
will be performed in
the work zone.
1.8................... The RTIP may provide National ITS Architecture................. Standard: SAE J2354.
information about Dialog: One-way
real-time transit Traveler
schedule adherence. Information.
Message: 5.4--MSG--
where ResponseGroup
has entry for
Comment: DF--
Itinerary contains
ons which has data
related to transit
schedule time and
also the data
related to how many
minutes a transit
vehicle will be
delayed at a stop
point or time point
in transit system.
so from these data
we can assume real-
time transit
schedule adherence.
[[Page 58354]]
1.9................... The RTIP may provide National ITS Architecture................. Standard: SAE J2354.
parking information. Dialog: One-way
Message: 5.4--MSG--
where ResponseGroup
has entry for
1.9.1................. The RTIP may provide National ITS Architecture.................
the location of the
1.9.2................. The RTIP may provide National ITS Architecture.................
information about
parking availability.
1.9.3................. The RTIP may provide National ITS Architecture.................
the information
about the location
of available parking.
1.10.................. The RTIP may provide National ITS Architecture................. Standard: SAE J2354.
weather information. Dialog: One-way
Message: 5.4--MSG--
where ResponseGroup
has entry for
1.11.................. The RTIP may provide National ITS Architecture.................
1.12.................. The RTIP may provide National ITS Architecture.................
air quality
1.13.................. The RTIP may provide National ITS Architecture................. Standard: IEEE 1512
emergency evacuation Base Standard.
information. Message: 6.3--MSG--
Public incident
description (PID)
where DF--IDX--
Wrapper has value of
1.13.1................ The RTIP may provide National ITS Architecture.................
information about
evacuation zones.
1.13.2................ The RTIP may provide National ITS Architecture.................
information about
the routes to be
used for evacuation.
1.13.3................ The RTIP may provide National ITS Architecture.................
information about
the effective time
frame of the
1.13.4................ The RTIP may provide National ITS Architecture................. Standard: IEEE 1512
shelter information Base Standard.
during an evacuation. Message: 6.3--MSG--
Public incident
description (PID)
where DF--IDX--
Wrapper has value of
entry. The RTIP may provide National ITS Architecture.................
information about
the location of
shelter during an
evacuation. The RTIP may provide National ITS Architecture.................
information about
the availability of
shelter during an
evacuation. The RTIP may provide National ITS Architecture.................
information about
the location of
available shelter
during an evacuation.
1.13.5................ The RTIP may provide National ITS Architecture................. Standard: IEEE 1512
available Base Standard.
transportation modes Message: 6.3-MSG--
during an evacuation. Public incident
description (PID)
where DF--IDX--
Wrapper has value of
1.13.6................ The RTIP may provide National ITS Architecture................. It is expected that
information about this specifications
the changes to will be met in the
transit services next version of SAE
during an evacuation. J2354. The RTIP may provide National ITS Architecture.................
deviations from the
route of regular
transit services
during an evacuation. The RTIP may provide National ITS Architecture.................
deviations from the
schedule of regular
transit services
during an evacuation.
1.13.7................ The RTIP may provide National ITS Architecture................. Standard: SAE J2354.
traffic conditions Dialog: One-way
information during Traveler
an evacuation. Information.
Message: 5.4--MSG--
where ResponseGroup
has entry for links.
1.13.8................ The RTIP may provide National ITS Architecture................. Standard: SAE J2354.
road condition Dialog: One-way
information during Traveler
an evacuation. Information.
Message: 5.4--MSG--
where ResponseGroup
has entry for
weatherReports. The RTIP may provide National ITS Architecture.................
information about
pavement condition
during an evacuation. The RTIP may provide National ITS Architecture.................
roadway temperature
information during
an evacuation. The RTIP may provide National ITS Architecture.................
information about
the precipitation
during an evacuation.
[[Page 58355]] The RTIP may provide National ITS Architecture.................
information about
the treatment or
plowing of snow
during an evacuation.
1.14.................. The RTIP may provide National ITS Architecture................. Standard: SAE J2354.
disaster (e.g. Dialog: One-way
natural, man-made) Traveler