Excepted Service, 57978-57980 [07-5016]
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 196 / Thursday, October 11, 2007 / Notices
Section 213.3304
Excepted Service
U.S. Office of Personnel
Management (OPM).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: This gives notice of OPM
decisions granting authority to make
appointments under Schedules A, B,
and C in the excepted service as
required by 5 CFR 6.6 and 213.103.
Penn, Group Manager, Executive
Resources Services Group, Center for
Human Resources, Division for Human
Capital Leadership and Merit System
Accountability, 202–606–2246.
in the listing below are the individual
authorities established under Schedules
A, B, and C between August 1, 2007,
and August 31, 2007. Future notices
will be published on the fourth Tuesday
of each month, or as soon as possible
thereafter. A consolidated listing of all
authorities as of June 30 is published
each year.
Schedule A
No Schedule A appointments were
approved for August 2007.
Schedule B
No Schedule B appointments were
approved for August 2007.
Schedule C
The following Schedule C
appointments were approved during
August 2007.
Section 213.3303
the President
Executive Office of
Office of Management and Budget
BOGS70019 Director of Scheduling to
the Director Office of Management
and Budget. Effective August 01,
BOGS70018 Legislative Analyst to the
Associate Director for Legislative
Affairs. Effective August 03, 2007.
Office of National Drug Control Policy
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES
QQGS70012 Policy Analyst to the
Deputy Director for State and Local
Affairs. Effective August 17, 2007.
QQGS70013 Confidential Assistant to
the Chief of Staff. Effective August 22,
Office of the United States Trade
TNGS70006 Public Affairs Specialist
to the Assistant US Trade
Representative for Public and Media
Affairs. Effective August 14, 2007.
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16:09 Oct 10, 2007
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Department of State
DSGS61245 Legislative Management
Officer to the Assistant Secretary for
Legislative and Intergovernmental
Affairs. Effective August 03, 2007.
DSGS61247 Staff Assistant to the
Assistant Secretary for Economic and
Business Affairs. Effective August 03,
DSGS61248 Special Assistant to the
Under Secretary for Economic Affairs.
Effective August 03, 2007.
DSGS61249 Staff Assistant to the
Assistant Secretary for International
Organizational Affairs. Effective
August 03, 2007.
DSGS61246 Staff Assistant to the
Director, Policy Planning Staff.
Effective August 17, 2007.
DSGS61250 Special Assistant to the
Assistant Secretary. Effective August
17, 2007.
DSGS61251 Staff Assistant to the
Director, Policy Planning Staff.
Effective August 17, 2007.
Section 213.3305
Department of the
DYGS00461 Senior Advisor to the
Assistant Secretary (Tax Policy).
Effective August 07, 2007.
DYGS60390 Senior Advisor to the
Assistant Secretary (Management) and
Chief Financial Officer. Effective
August 13, 2007.
DYGS00420 Special Assistant to the
Assistant Secretary (Deputy Under
Secretary) for Legislative Affairs.
Effective August 20, 2007.
DYGS60307 Senior Advisor to the
Treasurer of the United States.
Effective August 20, 2007.
DYGS00447 Senior Advisor to Under
Secretary for Terrorism and Financial
Crimes. Effective August 22, 2007.
DYGS00499 Deputy Chief of Staff for
External Affairs to the Chief of Staff
for External Affairs. Effective August
28, 2007.
DYGS00500 Scheduler to the
Treasurer of the United States.
Effective August 30, 2007.
Section 213.3306
Department of
DDGS17077 Defense Fellow to the
Special Assistant to the Secretary of
Defense for White House Liaison.
Effective August 01, 2007.
DDGS17079 Special Assistant to the
Assistant Secretary of Defense
(International Security Affairs).
Effective August 08, 2007.
DDGS17089 Public Affairs Specialist
to the Assistant Secretary of Defense
Public Affairs. Effective August 13,
PO 00000
Frm 00070
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Sfmt 4703
DDGS17082 Special Assistant to the
Secretary of Defense for White House
Liaison. Effective August 15, 2007.
DDGS17085 Public Affairs Specialist
to the Assistant Secretary of Defense
Public Affairs. Effective August 15,
DDGS17084 Public Affairs Specialist
to the Assistant Secretary of Defense
Public Affairs. Effective August 16,
DDGS17078 Defense Fellow to the
Special Assistant to the Secretary of
Defense for White House Liaison.
Effective August 17, 2007.
DDGS17081 Defense Fellow to the
Special Assistant to the Secretary of
Defense for White House Liaison.
Effective August 23, 2007.
DDGS17087 Staff Assistant to the
Assistant Secretary of Defense
(Special Operations/Low Intensity
Conflict and Interdependent
Capabilities). Effective August 24,
DDGS17091 Staff Assistant to the
Principal Deputy to the Deputy Under
Secretary of Defense (Asian and
Pacific Security Affairs). Effective
August 24, 2007.
DDGS17093 Staff Assistant to the
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense
(Near East and South Asian Affairs).
Effective August 24, 2007.
DDGS17098 Defense Fellow to the
Special Assistant to the Secretary of
Defense for White House Liaison.
Effective August 24, 2007.
DDGS17086 Supervisory Speechwriter
to the Assistant Secretary of Defense
Public Affairs. Effective August 31,
DDGS17090 Special Assistant to the
Assistant Secretary of Defense
(Legislative Affairs). Effective August
31, 2007.
DDGS17099 Public Affairs Specialist
to the Assistant Secretary of Defense
Public Affairs. Effective August 31,
Section 213.3307
Department of the
DWGS60064 Personal and
Confidential Assistant to the Principal
Deputy Assistant Secretary of the
Army (Manpower and Reserve
Affairs)/Deputy Assistant Secretary
(Training, Readiness and
Mobilization). Effective August 06,
DWGS00088 Personal and
Confidential Assistant to the General
Counsel. Effective August 29, 2007.
Section 213.3308
Department of the
DNGS07300 Confidential Assistant to
the Assistant Secretary of the Navy
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 196 / Thursday, October 11, 2007 / Notices
(Financial Management and
Comptroller). Effective August 24,
DNGS07343 Special Assistant to the
Secretary of the Navy. Effective
August 24, 2007.
Section 213.3310
Department of
DJGS00207 Public Affairs Specialist to
the Director of the Violence Against
Women Office. Effective August 1,
DJGS00100 Deputy Director to the
Director, Office of Public Affairs.
Effective August 3, 2007.
DJGS00071 Press Assistant to the
Deputy Director. Effective August 10,
DJGS00119 Senior Advisor to the
Assistant Attorney General, Office of
Justice Programs. Effective August 10,
DJGS00341 Special Assistant to the
Attorney General to the Chief of Staff.
Effective August 16, 2007.
DJGS00179 Counsel to the Principal
Deputy Assistant Attorney General.
Effective August 30, 2007.
DJGS00262 Special Counsel on Voting
Matters to the Assistant Attorney
General. Effective August 30, 2007.
DJGS00311 Counsel to the Principal
Associate Deputy Attorney General.
Effective August 31, 2007.
DJGS00358 Special Assistant and
Counsel to the Principal Deputy
Assistant Attorney General. Effective
August 31, 2007.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES
Section 213.3311 Department of
Homeland Security
DMGS00692 Director of Legislative
Affairs, Immigration and Customs
Enforcement to the Assistant
Secretary, Immigration and Customs
Enforcement. Effective August 1,
DMGS00688 Legislative Assistant to
the Assistant Secretary for Legislative
Affairs. Effective August 7, 2007.
DMGS00696 Assistant Director of
Legislative Affairs to the Assistant
Secretary for Legislative Affairs.
Effective August 10, 2007.
DMGS00697 Special Assistant to the
Director, Office of Screening
Coordination. Effective August 10,
DMGS00699 Director, Homeland
Security Council/National Security
Council/White House Actions and
Interagency Coordinator to the
Executive Secretary. Effective August
10, 2007.
DMGS00700 Advance Representative
to the Director of Scheduling and
Advance. Effective August 10, 2007.
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DMGS00695 Confidential Legal
Assistant to the General Counsel.
Effective August 14, 2007.
DMGS00701 Component Liaison and
Correspondence Analyst to the
Executive Secretary. Effective August
17, 2007.
DMGS00702 Special Assistant to the
Deputy Secretary of the Department of
Homeland Security. Effective August
17, 2007.
DMGS00703 Advisor to the Director to
the Deputy Chief of Staff. Effective
August 17, 2007.
DMGS00704 Advisor to the Secretary
to the Chief of Staff. Effective August
17, 2007.
DMGS00705 White House Liaison to
the Chief of Staff. Effective August 17,
DMGS00706 Confidential Assistant to
the White House Liaison and Advisor.
Effective August 17, 2007.
DMGS00698 Associate Director of
Strategic Communications to the
Director of Strategic Communications.
Effective August 21, 2007.
DMGS00709 Special Assistant to the
Commissioner to the Chief of Staff.
Effective August 28, 2007.
DMGS00710 International Policy
Analyst to the Under Secretary for
Science and Technology. Effective
August 28, 2007.
DMGS00711 Special Assistant to the
Executive Director, Homeland
Security Advisory Committees.
Effective August 28, 2007.
DMGS00707 Special Assistant to the
Director, Office of National Capital
Region Coordination. Effective August
30, 2007.
Section 213.3312
Department of the
DIGS01107 Special Assistant to the
Chief of Staff. Effective August 21,
Section 213.3313
Department of
DAGS00915 Staff Assistant to the
Under Secretary for Research,
Education and Economics. Effective
August 14, 2007.
DAGS00916 Deputy Director of
Advance to the Director of
Communications. Effective August 16,
DAGS00918 Staff Assistant to the
Director of Legislative and Public
Affairs. Effective August 23, 2007.
DAGS09053 State Director—West
Virginia to the Under Secretary for
Rural Development. Effective August
31, 2007.
PO 00000
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Section 213.3314
Department of
DCGS60342 Deputy Director to the
Director, Office of White House
Liaison. Effective August 03, 2007.
DCGS00160 Confidential Assistant to
the Director, Advocacy Center.
Effective August 17, 2007.
DCGS00446 Chief of Staff and Senior
Advisor to the Under Secretary of
Commerce for Industry and Security.
Effective August 21, 2007.
DCGS60393 Legislative Affairs
Specialist to the Assistant Secretary
for Legislative and Intergovernmental
Affairs. Effective August 22, 2007.
DCGS00317 Deputy Director of
Advisory Committees to the Director
of Advisory Committees. Effective
August 30, 2007.
DCGS60494 Deputy Press Secretary to
the Director of Public Affairs.
Effective August 30, 2007.
DCGS60575 Confidential Assistant to
the Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Europe. Effective August 31, 2007.
Section 213.3315
Department of Labor
DLGS60154 Senior Intergovernmental
Officer to the Assistant Secretary for
Congressional and Intergovernmental
Affairs. Effective August 01, 2007.
DLGS60011 Staff Assistant to the
Director, 21st Century Office and
Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Intergovernmental Affairs. Effective
August 07, 2007.
DLGS60246 Director of Events to the
Director of Scheduling. Effective
August 07, 2007.
DLGS60144 Staff Assistant to the
Director, 21st Century Office and
Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Intergovernmental Affairs. Effective
August 09, 2007.
DLGS60197 Legislative Officer to the
Assistant Secretary for Congressional
and Intergovernmental Affairs.
Effective August 21, 2007.
DLGS60224 Special Assistant to the
Assistant Secretary for Mine Safety
and Health. Effective August 28, 2007.
DLGS60101 Chief of Staff to the
Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs.
Effective August 29, 2007.
Section 213.3316 Department of
Health and Human Services
DHGS60061 Confidential Assistant to
the Director of Public Affairs.
Effective August 03, 2007.
DHGS60528 Confidential Assistant
(Scheduling) to the Director of
Scheduling. Effective August 09,
DHGS60015 Deputy Director, Center
for Faith Based and Community
Initiatives to the Director, Center for
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 196 / Thursday, October 11, 2007 / Notices
Faith Based and Community
Initiatives. Effective August 13, 2007.
DHGS60049 Senior Advisor to the
Assistant Secretary, Health. Effective
August 14, 2007.
DHGS60014 Director (Office of
Document and Regulations
Management) to the Executive
Secretary to the Department. Effective
August 28, 2007.
DHGS60063 Confidential Assistant to
the Director of Public Affairs.
Effective August 28, 2007.
DHGS60681 Confidential Assistant to
the Director of Media Affairs.
Effective August 28, 2007.
DHGS60064 Special Assistant to the
Assistant Secretary for Children and
Families. Effective August 30, 2007.
DHGS60527 Confidential Assistant
(Scheduling) to the Director of
Scheduling. Effective August 30,
Section 213.3317
Department of
DBGS00629 Confidential Assistant to
the Special Assistant. Effective
August 1, 2007.
DBGS00633 Confidential Assistant to
the Assistant Secretary, Office of
Communications and Outreach.
Effective August 8, 2007.
DBGS00630 Special Assistant to the
Chief of Staff. Effective August 9,
DBGS00631 Special Assistant to the
Deputy Assistant Secretary. Effective
August 14, 2007.
DBGS00634 Confidential Assistant to
the General Counsel. Effective August
16, 2007.
DBGS00624 Confidential Assistant to
the Assistant Secretary for
Postsecondary Education. Effective
August 17, 2007.
DBGS00632 Deputy Assistant
Secretary for External Affairs and
Outreach Services to the Assistant
Secretary, Office of Communications
and Outreach. Effective August 17,
DBGS00635 Special Assistant to the
Chief of Staff. Effective August 28,
DBGS00640 Deputy Secretary’s
Regional Representative to the
Assistant Secretary, Office of
Communications and Outreach.
Effective August 30, 2007.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES
Section 213.3318 Environmental
Protection Agency
EPGS07017 Program Manager
(Operations) to the Deputy Chief of
Staff (Operations). Effective August 1,
EPGS06036 Supervisory Public Affairs
Specialist to the Associate
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Administrator for Public Affairs.
Effective August 9, 2007.
EPGS07019 Program Advisor to the
Associate Administrator for Public
Affairs. Effective August 9, 2007.
Section 213.3330 Securities and
Exchange Commission
SEOT60103 Legislative and
Intergovernmental Affairs Specialist
to the Director of Legislative Affairs.
Effective August 16, 2007.
Section 213.3331
Department of
DEGS00605 Senior Policy Advisor to
the Assistant Secretary for Fossil
Energy. Effective August 6, 2007.
DEGS00608 Special Assistant to the
Chief Financial Officer. Effective
August 17, 2007.
DEGS00610 Assistant Press Secretary
to the Director, Public Affairs.
Effective August 28, 2007.
DEGS00609 Special Assistant to the
Director, Office of Electricity Delivery
and Energy Reliability. Effective
August 30, 2007.
DEGS00611 Policy Advisor to the
Deputy Assistant Secretary. Effective
August 30, 2007.
DEGS00615 Special Assistant to the
Deputy Director, Permitting, Siting
and Analysis Division. Effective
August 31, 2007.
Section 213.3332
General Services
GSGS60078 Special Assistant to the
Regional Administrator National
Capital Region. Effective August 7,
GSGS60120 Senior Communications
Advisor to the Deputy Associate
Administrator for Communications.
Effective August 21, 2007.
GSGS60121 Chief of Staff to the Chief
Acquisition Officer. Effective August
21, 2007.
GSGS60117 Senior Advisor to the
Associate Administrator for Citizen
Services and Communications.
Effective August 24, 2007.
Section 213.3348 National
Aeronautics and Space Administration
NNGS00200 Executive Assistant to the
Chief of Staff. Effective August 13,
PO 00000
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Social Security
SZGS00019 Senior Advisor to the
Deputy Commissioner for Legislation
and Congressional Affairs. Effective
August 9, 2007.
Section 213.3373 Trade and
Development Agency
TDGS60001 Executive Assistant to the
Director. Effective August 23, 2007.
Section 213.3379 Commodity Futures
Trading Commission
CTOT00091 Chief Economist to the
Chairperson. Effective August 31,
Section 213.3394
Department of
DTGS60341 Associate Director for
Governmental Affairs to the Deputy
Assistant Secretary for Governmental
Affairs. Effective August 1, 2007.
DTGS60373 Director of Governmental
Affairs to the Administrator. Effective
August 30, 2007.
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 3301 and 3302; E.O.
10577, 3 CFR 1954–1958 Comp., p. 218.
U.S. Office of Personnel Management.
Howard Weizmann,
Deputy Director.
[FR Doc. 07–5016 Filed 10–10–07; 8:45 am]
Small Business
SBGS00618 Special Assistant to the
National Ombudsman and Assistant
Administrator for Regulatory
Enforcement Fairness. Effective
August 7, 2007.
Section 213.3337
Section 213.3355
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
[Release No. 34–56611; File No. SR–CHX–
Self-Regulatory Organizations;
Chicago Stock Exchange, Inc.; Notice
of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness
of Proposed Rule Relating to a New
Book Feed Product
October 4, 2007.
Pursuant to section 19(b)(1) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
(‘‘Act’’),1 and Rule 19b–4 thereunder,2
notice is hereby given that on
September 27, 2007, the Chicago Stock
Exchange, Inc. (‘‘CHX’’ or ‘‘Exchange’’)
filed with the Securities and Exchange
Commission (‘‘Commission’’) the
proposed rule change as described in
Items I, II and III below, which Items
have been substantially prepared by the
CHX. The Commission is publishing
this notice to solicit comments on the
proposed rule change from interested
1 15
2 17
U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
CFR 240.19b–4.
[Federal Register Volume 72, Number 196 (Thursday, October 11, 2007)]
[Pages 57978-57980]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 07-5016]
[[Page 57978]]
Excepted Service
AGENCY: U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: This gives notice of OPM decisions granting authority to make
appointments under Schedules A, B, and C in the excepted service as
required by 5 CFR 6.6 and 213.103.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: C. Penn, Group Manager, Executive
Resources Services Group, Center for Human Resources, Division for
Human Capital Leadership and Merit System Accountability, 202-606-2246.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Appearing in the listing below are the
individual authorities established under Schedules A, B, and C between
August 1, 2007, and August 31, 2007. Future notices will be published
on the fourth Tuesday of each month, or as soon as possible thereafter.
A consolidated listing of all authorities as of June 30 is published
each year.
Schedule A
No Schedule A appointments were approved for August 2007.
Schedule B
No Schedule B appointments were approved for August 2007.
Schedule C
The following Schedule C appointments were approved during August
Section 213.3303 Executive Office of the President
Office of Management and Budget
BOGS70019 Director of Scheduling to the Director Office of Management
and Budget. Effective August 01, 2007.
BOGS70018 Legislative Analyst to the Associate Director for Legislative
Affairs. Effective August 03, 2007.
Office of National Drug Control Policy
QQGS70012 Policy Analyst to the Deputy Director for State and Local
Affairs. Effective August 17, 2007.
QQGS70013 Confidential Assistant to the Chief of Staff. Effective
August 22, 2007.
Office of the United States Trade Representative
TNGS70006 Public Affairs Specialist to the Assistant US Trade
Representative for Public and Media Affairs. Effective August 14, 2007.
Section 213.3304 Department of State
DSGS61245 Legislative Management Officer to the Assistant Secretary for
Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs. Effective August 03, 2007.
DSGS61247 Staff Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Economic and
Business Affairs. Effective August 03, 2007.
DSGS61248 Special Assistant to the Under Secretary for Economic
Affairs. Effective August 03, 2007.
DSGS61249 Staff Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for International
Organizational Affairs. Effective August 03, 2007.
DSGS61246 Staff Assistant to the Director, Policy Planning Staff.
Effective August 17, 2007.
DSGS61250 Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary. Effective
August 17, 2007.
DSGS61251 Staff Assistant to the Director, Policy Planning Staff.
Effective August 17, 2007.
Section 213.3305 Department of the Treasury
DYGS00461 Senior Advisor to the Assistant Secretary (Tax Policy).
Effective August 07, 2007.
DYGS60390 Senior Advisor to the Assistant Secretary (Management) and
Chief Financial Officer. Effective August 13, 2007.
DYGS00420 Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary (Deputy Under
Secretary) for Legislative Affairs. Effective August 20, 2007.
DYGS60307 Senior Advisor to the Treasurer of the United States.
Effective August 20, 2007.
DYGS00447 Senior Advisor to Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial
Crimes. Effective August 22, 2007.
DYGS00499 Deputy Chief of Staff for External Affairs to the Chief of
Staff for External Affairs. Effective August 28, 2007.
DYGS00500 Scheduler to the Treasurer of the United States. Effective
August 30, 2007.
Section 213.3306 Department of Defense
DDGS17077 Defense Fellow to the Special Assistant to the Secretary of
Defense for White House Liaison. Effective August 01, 2007.
DDGS17079 Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of Defense
(International Security Affairs). Effective August 08, 2007.
DDGS17089 Public Affairs Specialist to the Assistant Secretary of
Defense Public Affairs. Effective August 13, 2007.
DDGS17082 Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for White House
Liaison. Effective August 15, 2007.
DDGS17085 Public Affairs Specialist to the Assistant Secretary of
Defense Public Affairs. Effective August 15, 2007.
DDGS17084 Public Affairs Specialist to the Assistant Secretary of
Defense Public Affairs. Effective August 16, 2007.
DDGS17078 Defense Fellow to the Special Assistant to the Secretary of
Defense for White House Liaison. Effective August 17, 2007.
DDGS17081 Defense Fellow to the Special Assistant to the Secretary of
Defense for White House Liaison. Effective August 23, 2007.
DDGS17087 Staff Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of Defense
(Special Operations/Low Intensity Conflict and Interdependent
Capabilities). Effective August 24, 2007.
DDGS17091 Staff Assistant to the Principal Deputy to the Deputy Under
Secretary of Defense (Asian and Pacific Security Affairs). Effective
August 24, 2007.
DDGS17093 Staff Assistant to the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense
(Near East and South Asian Affairs). Effective August 24, 2007.
DDGS17098 Defense Fellow to the Special Assistant to the Secretary of
Defense for White House Liaison. Effective August 24, 2007.
DDGS17086 Supervisory Speechwriter to the Assistant Secretary of
Defense Public Affairs. Effective August 31, 2007.
DDGS17090 Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of Defense
(Legislative Affairs). Effective August 31, 2007.
DDGS17099 Public Affairs Specialist to the Assistant Secretary of
Defense Public Affairs. Effective August 31, 2007.
Section 213.3307 Department of the Army
DWGS60064 Personal and Confidential Assistant to the Principal Deputy
Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower and Reserve Affairs)/Deputy
Assistant Secretary (Training, Readiness and Mobilization). Effective
August 06, 2007.
DWGS00088 Personal and Confidential Assistant to the General Counsel.
Effective August 29, 2007.
Section 213.3308 Department of the Navy
DNGS07300 Confidential Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of the Navy
[[Page 57979]]
(Financial Management and Comptroller). Effective August 24, 2007.
DNGS07343 Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Navy. Effective
August 24, 2007.
Section 213.3310 Department of Justice
DJGS00207 Public Affairs Specialist to the Director of the Violence
Against Women Office. Effective August 1, 2007.
DJGS00100 Deputy Director to the Director, Office of Public Affairs.
Effective August 3, 2007.
DJGS00071 Press Assistant to the Deputy Director. Effective August 10,
DJGS00119 Senior Advisor to the Assistant Attorney General, Office of
Justice Programs. Effective August 10, 2007.
DJGS00341 Special Assistant to the Attorney General to the Chief of
Staff. Effective August 16, 2007.
DJGS00179 Counsel to the Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General.
Effective August 30, 2007.
DJGS00262 Special Counsel on Voting Matters to the Assistant Attorney
General. Effective August 30, 2007.
DJGS00311 Counsel to the Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General.
Effective August 31, 2007.
DJGS00358 Special Assistant and Counsel to the Principal Deputy
Assistant Attorney General. Effective August 31, 2007.
Section 213.3311 Department of Homeland Security
DMGS00692 Director of Legislative Affairs, Immigration and Customs
Enforcement to the Assistant Secretary, Immigration and Customs
Enforcement. Effective August 1, 2007.
DMGS00688 Legislative Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for
Legislative Affairs. Effective August 7, 2007.
DMGS00696 Assistant Director of Legislative Affairs to the Assistant
Secretary for Legislative Affairs. Effective August 10, 2007.
DMGS00697 Special Assistant to the Director, Office of Screening
Coordination. Effective August 10, 2007.
DMGS00699 Director, Homeland Security Council/National Security
Council/White House Actions and Interagency Coordinator to the
Executive Secretary. Effective August 10, 2007.
DMGS00700 Advance Representative to the Director of Scheduling and
Advance. Effective August 10, 2007.
DMGS00695 Confidential Legal Assistant to the General Counsel.
Effective August 14, 2007.
DMGS00701 Component Liaison and Correspondence Analyst to the Executive
Secretary. Effective August 17, 2007.
DMGS00702 Special Assistant to the Deputy Secretary of the Department
of Homeland Security. Effective August 17, 2007.
DMGS00703 Advisor to the Director to the Deputy Chief of Staff.
Effective August 17, 2007.
DMGS00704 Advisor to the Secretary to the Chief of Staff. Effective
August 17, 2007.
DMGS00705 White House Liaison to the Chief of Staff. Effective August
17, 2007.
DMGS00706 Confidential Assistant to the White House Liaison and
Advisor. Effective August 17, 2007.
DMGS00698 Associate Director of Strategic Communications to the
Director of Strategic Communications. Effective August 21, 2007.
DMGS00709 Special Assistant to the Commissioner to the Chief of Staff.
Effective August 28, 2007.
DMGS00710 International Policy Analyst to the Under Secretary for
Science and Technology. Effective August 28, 2007.
DMGS00711 Special Assistant to the Executive Director, Homeland
Security Advisory Committees. Effective August 28, 2007.
DMGS00707 Special Assistant to the Director, Office of National Capital
Region Coordination. Effective August 30, 2007.
Section 213.3312 Department of the Interior
DIGS01107 Special Assistant to the Chief of Staff. Effective August 21,
Section 213.3313 Department of Agriculture
DAGS00915 Staff Assistant to the Under Secretary for Research,
Education and Economics. Effective August 14, 2007.
DAGS00916 Deputy Director of Advance to the Director of Communications.
Effective August 16, 2007.
DAGS00918 Staff Assistant to the Director of Legislative and Public
Affairs. Effective August 23, 2007.
DAGS09053 State Director--West Virginia to the Under Secretary for
Rural Development. Effective August 31, 2007.
Section 213.3314 Department of Commerce
DCGS60342 Deputy Director to the Director, Office of White House
Liaison. Effective August 03, 2007.
DCGS00160 Confidential Assistant to the Director, Advocacy Center.
Effective August 17, 2007.
DCGS00446 Chief of Staff and Senior Advisor to the Under Secretary of
Commerce for Industry and Security. Effective August 21, 2007.
DCGS60393 Legislative Affairs Specialist to the Assistant Secretary for
Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs. Effective August 22, 2007.
DCGS00317 Deputy Director of Advisory Committees to the Director of
Advisory Committees. Effective August 30, 2007.
DCGS60494 Deputy Press Secretary to the Director of Public Affairs.
Effective August 30, 2007.
DCGS60575 Confidential Assistant to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Europe. Effective August 31, 2007.
Section 213.3315 Department of Labor
DLGS60154 Senior Intergovernmental Officer to the Assistant Secretary
for Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs. Effective August 01,
DLGS60011 Staff Assistant to the Director, 21st Century Office and
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Intergovernmental Affairs. Effective
August 07, 2007.
DLGS60246 Director of Events to the Director of Scheduling. Effective
August 07, 2007.
DLGS60144 Staff Assistant to the Director, 21st Century Office and
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Intergovernmental Affairs. Effective
August 09, 2007.
DLGS60197 Legislative Officer to the Assistant Secretary for
Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs. Effective August 21, 2007.
DLGS60224 Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Mine Safety
and Health. Effective August 28, 2007.
DLGS60101 Chief of Staff to the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs.
Effective August 29, 2007.
Section 213.3316 Department of Health and Human Services
DHGS60061 Confidential Assistant to the Director of Public Affairs.
Effective August 03, 2007.
DHGS60528 Confidential Assistant (Scheduling) to the Director of
Scheduling. Effective August 09, 2007.
DHGS60015 Deputy Director, Center for Faith Based and Community
Initiatives to the Director, Center for
[[Page 57980]]
Faith Based and Community Initiatives. Effective August 13, 2007.
DHGS60049 Senior Advisor to the Assistant Secretary, Health. Effective
August 14, 2007.
DHGS60014 Director (Office of Document and Regulations Management) to
the Executive Secretary to the Department. Effective August 28, 2007.
DHGS60063 Confidential Assistant to the Director of Public Affairs.
Effective August 28, 2007.
DHGS60681 Confidential Assistant to the Director of Media Affairs.
Effective August 28, 2007.
DHGS60064 Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Children and
Families. Effective August 30, 2007.
DHGS60527 Confidential Assistant (Scheduling) to the Director of
Scheduling. Effective August 30, 2007.
Section 213.3317 Department of Education
DBGS00629 Confidential Assistant to the Special Assistant. Effective
August 1, 2007.
DBGS00633 Confidential Assistant to the Assistant Secretary, Office of
Communications and Outreach. Effective August 8, 2007.
DBGS00630 Special Assistant to the Chief of Staff. Effective August 9,
DBGS00631 Special Assistant to the Deputy Assistant Secretary.
Effective August 14, 2007.
DBGS00634 Confidential Assistant to the General Counsel. Effective
August 16, 2007.
DBGS00624 Confidential Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for
Postsecondary Education. Effective August 17, 2007.
DBGS00632 Deputy Assistant Secretary for External Affairs and Outreach
Services to the Assistant Secretary, Office of Communications and
Outreach. Effective August 17, 2007.
DBGS00635 Special Assistant to the Chief of Staff. Effective August 28,
DBGS00640 Deputy Secretary's Regional Representative to the Assistant
Secretary, Office of Communications and Outreach. Effective August 30,
Section 213.3318 Environmental Protection Agency
EPGS07017 Program Manager (Operations) to the Deputy Chief of Staff
(Operations). Effective August 1, 2007.
EPGS06036 Supervisory Public Affairs Specialist to the Associate
Administrator for Public Affairs. Effective August 9, 2007.
EPGS07019 Program Advisor to the Associate Administrator for Public
Affairs. Effective August 9, 2007.
Section 213.3330 Securities and Exchange Commission
SEOT60103 Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs Specialist to the
Director of Legislative Affairs. Effective August 16, 2007.
Section 213.3331 Department of Energy
DEGS00605 Senior Policy Advisor to the Assistant Secretary for Fossil
Energy. Effective August 6, 2007.
DEGS00608 Special Assistant to the Chief Financial Officer. Effective
August 17, 2007.
DEGS00610 Assistant Press Secretary to the Director, Public Affairs.
Effective August 28, 2007.
DEGS00609 Special Assistant to the Director, Office of Electricity
Delivery and Energy Reliability. Effective August 30, 2007.
DEGS00611 Policy Advisor to the Deputy Assistant Secretary. Effective
August 30, 2007.
DEGS00615 Special Assistant to the Deputy Director, Permitting, Siting
and Analysis Division. Effective August 31, 2007.
Section 213.3332 Small Business Administration
SBGS00618 Special Assistant to the National Ombudsman and Assistant
Administrator for Regulatory Enforcement Fairness. Effective August 7,
Section 213.3337 General Services Administration
GSGS60078 Special Assistant to the Regional Administrator National
Capital Region. Effective August 7, 2007.
GSGS60120 Senior Communications Advisor to the Deputy Associate
Administrator for Communications. Effective August 21, 2007.
GSGS60121 Chief of Staff to the Chief Acquisition Officer. Effective
August 21, 2007.
GSGS60117 Senior Advisor to the Associate Administrator for Citizen
Services and Communications. Effective August 24, 2007.
Section 213.3348 National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NNGS00200 Executive Assistant to the Chief of Staff. Effective August
13, 2007.
Section 213.3355 Social Security Administration
SZGS00019 Senior Advisor to the Deputy Commissioner for Legislation and
Congressional Affairs. Effective August 9, 2007.
Section 213.3373 Trade and Development Agency
TDGS60001 Executive Assistant to the Director. Effective August 23,
Section 213.3379 Commodity Futures Trading Commission
CTOT00091 Chief Economist to the Chairperson. Effective August 31,
Section 213.3394 Department of Transportation
DTGS60341 Associate Director for Governmental Affairs to the Deputy
Assistant Secretary for Governmental Affairs. Effective August 1, 2007.
DTGS60373 Director of Governmental Affairs to the Administrator.
Effective August 30, 2007.
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 3301 and 3302; E.O. 10577, 3 CFR 1954-1958
Comp., p. 218.
U.S. Office of Personnel Management.
Howard Weizmann,
Deputy Director.
[FR Doc. 07-5016 Filed 10-10-07; 8:45 am]