Tetlin National Wildlife Refuge, Tok, AK, 56371-56372 [E7-19493]
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 191 / Wednesday, October 3, 2007 / Notices
or inquiries for additional information
should be directed to: Lee Shirkey,
Acting Chief, Records Management
Branch; U.S. Immigration and Customs
Enforcement, 425 I Street, NW., Room
1122, Washington, DC 20536; (202) 616–
Dated: September 27, 2007.
Lee Shirkey,
Acting Chief, Records Management Branch,
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement,
Department of Homeland Security.
[FR Doc. E7–19455 Filed 10–2–07; 8:45 am]
Fish and Wildlife Service
Tetlin National Wildlife Refuge, Tok,
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
ACTION: Notice of Availability of the
Draft Revised Comprehensive
Conservation Plan and Environmental
Assessment for Tetlin National Wildlife
Refuge; request for comments.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES
SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service (Service, we),
announce that the Draft Revised
Comprehensive Conservation Plan
(CCP) and Environmental Assessment
(EA) for Tetlin National Wildlife Refuge
is available for public comment. The
Draft CCP was prepared pursuant to the
Alaska National Interest Lands
Conservation Act of 1980 (ANILCA), the
National Wildlife Refuge System
Administration Act of 1966 (Refuge
Administration Act) as amended by the
National Wildlife Refuge System
Improvement Act of 1997 (Refuge
Improvement Act), and the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969
(NEPA). Three alternatives for
management of Tetlin Refuge over the
next 15 years, including continuing
current management, are considered in
the Draft Conservation Plan.
DATES: Comments on the Draft
Conservation Plan must be received on
or before January 18, 2008.
ADDRESSES: To provide written
comments or to request a paper copy or
a compact disk of the Draft CCP, contact
Mikel Haase, Planning Team Leader,
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1011
East Tudor Rd., MS–231, Anchorage,
Alaska 99503; telephone: (907) 786–
3402; fax: (907) 786–3965; e-mail:
fw7_tetlin_planning@fws.gov. You may
also view or download a copy of the
Draft CCP at the following Web site:
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tetpol.htm. Copies of the Draft CCP may
be viewed at the Tetlin Refuge Office in
Tok, Alaska; local area libraries, and the
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Regional
Office in Anchorage, Alaska.
Mikel Haase at the above address or
phone number.
ANILCA (16 U.S.C. 410hh et seq., 43
U.S.C. 1602 et seq.) requires
development of a CCP for all national
wildlife refuges in Alaska. The Draft
CCP for Tetlin Refuge was developed
consistent with section 304(g) of
ANILCA and the Refuge Administration
Act as amended by the Refuge
Improvement Act (16 U.S.C. 668dd et
seq.). The purpose of developing CCPs
is to provide refuge managers with a 15year management strategy for achieving
refuge purposes and contributing
toward the mission of the National
Wildlife Refuge System, consistent with
sound principles of fish, wildlife, and
habitat management and conservation;
legal mandates; and Service policies.
Plans define long-term goals and
objectives toward which refuge
management activities are directed and
identify which uses may be compatible
with the purposes of the refuge. They
identify wildlife-dependent recreation
opportunities available to the public,
including hunting, fishing, wildlife
observation and photography, and
environmental education and
interpretation. Comprehensive
conservation plans are updated in
accordance with planning direction in
section 304(g) of ANILCA and with
NEPA (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.).
Background: In 1980, ANILCA
designated Tetlin National Wildlife
Refuge. Refuge boundaries encompass
approximately 935,000 acres of which
approximately 693,000 acres (74
percent) are under Service jurisdiction.
Section 302(8)(B) of ANILCA states that
the purposes for which Tetlin Refuge
was established include: to conserve
fish and wildlife populations and
habitats in their natural diversity; to
fulfill international treaty obligations of
the United States with respect to fish
and wildlife and their habitats; to
provide the opportunity for continued
subsistence use by local residents; to
ensure water quality and necessary
water quantity within the refuge; and to
provide opportunities for interpretation
and environmental education.
The original Tetlin CCP was
completed in 1987 following direction
in Section 304(g) of ANILCA.
Management categories (wilderness,
wild rivers, minimal, moderate, and
intensive) are used to describe
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management levels throughout the
refuges in Alaska. A management
category is a set of refuge management
directions applied to an area, in light of
its resources and existing and potential
uses, to facilitate management and the
accomplishment of refuge purposes and
goals. Three management categories
(minimal, moderate, and intensive)
apply to Tetlin Refuge. The 1997 Refuge
Improvement Act includes additional
direction for conservation planning
throughout the National Wildlife Refuge
System. This direction has been
incorporated into national planning
policy for the National Wildlife Refuge
System, including refuges in Alaska.
This draft revision of the Tetlin
conservation plan meets the
requirements of both ANILCA and the
Refuge Improvement Act.
Issues raised during scoping and
addressed in this Draft CCP are: (1) The
visitor services role of Tetlin Refuge in
the upper Tanana Valley; (2) refuge role
in providing opportunities for access to,
and associated facilities for, existing and
expanding wildlife-dependent uses of
the refuge; (3) management of fire on
Tetlin Refuge to provide adequate
protection of refuge resources and
private property within and adjacent to
the refuge; (4) use of prescribed fire as
a method of habitat management; and
(5) use of fishery management actions to
maintain native fish breeding stocks and
enhance recreational fishing.
This Draft CCP describes and
evaluates three alternatives for
managing Tetlin Refuge for the next 15
years. These alternatives follow the
same general management direction but
provide different levels of development
and different ways of addressing the
Alternative A (Current Management):
Management of Tetlin Refuge would
continue to follow the 1987 CCP and
record of decision as modified by
subsequent program-specific plans (e.g.,
fisheries, public use, and fire
management plans). Private and
commercial uses of the refuge would
continue at current levels. Refuge
management would continue to reflect
existing laws, executive orders,
regulations, and policies governing
Service administration and operation of
the National Wildlife Refuge System.
The refuge would continue to
coordinate with partners to maintain the
refuge’s role as a key participant and
provider of environmental education,
interpretation, and recreation in the
upper Tanana Valley. The refuge would
maintain or increase existing
opportunities for compatible public use
of the refuge. Facilities, such as
interpretive and hiking trails, boat
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 191 / Wednesday, October 3, 2007 / Notices
launches, highway pullouts, and
campgrounds, would be upgraded or
new facilities would be constructed to
promote day use and interpretive
opportunities along the Alaska Highway
as described in the Refuge’s Public Use
Management Plan. Other public use
opportunities on the refuge, including
canoeing, hiking, environmental
education and interpretation, and public
use of administrative cabins, would be
promoted. The refuge would continue to
protect resources and property and to
meet habitat management objectives by
treating a fixed number of acres
annually through a variety of fire
management techniques including
prescribed burning, suppression,
thinning, and wildland fire use to
maintain and enhance habitat for
particular wildlife species. The refuge
would work with the Alaska
Department of Fish and Game to
reintroduce native fish populations to
selected waters throughout the refuge; to
manage populations to maintain
breeding stock; and to develop
additional put-and-take fisheries within
the refuge along the Alaska Highway.
Refuge lands would continue to be
managed under Minimal (approximately
577,500 acres), Moderate
(approximately 121,500 acres), and
Intensive (1,640 acres) management
categories; approximately 40 acres at the
Seaton Roadhouse site would be
reclassified from Minimal Management
to Moderate Management to allow
facilities development and increased
wildlife-dependent public use.
Alternative B (Preferred Alternative):
Management of Tetlin Refuge would
generally continue to follow the 1987
CCP and record of decision as modified
by subsequent program-specific plans.
Refuge management would continue to
reflect existing laws, executive orders,
regulations, and policies governing
Service administration and operation of
the National Wildlife Refuge System.
Along with the actions described under
Alternative A, the refuge would work
with the local community to seek formal
recognition of Tok as a ‘‘Gateway
Community’’ and to increase
opportunities for environmental
education, interpretation, and recreation
off-refuge and in support of or in
conjunction with refuge programs.
Opportunities for current and new
public use would be promoted (e.g.,
canoe routes established). Existing
public use facilities would be upgraded
and new facilities (e.g., hiking trails,
restrooms at highway pullouts) would
be constructed. The refuge would
continue to protect resources and
property using a variety of fire
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management techniques including
prescribed burning, suppression,
thinning, and wildland fire use. The
refuge would emphasize the use of
natural fire with prescribed burns based
only on specific project objectives (e.g.
fuels reduction, habitat protection, or
fire effects research) and suppression to
reduce potential for large-scale wildfires
and to maintain long-term ecological
health of refuge lands. Natural fire
would be used as the primary tool to
maintain and enhance habitat. All
native fisheries would be managed to
maintain self-sustaining, healthy
populations to contribute to natural
diversity in the region; any
reintroductions would be based on
historic distribution of fish. Refuge
lands would continue to be managed in
the same management categories as
under Alternative A.
Alternative C: Management of Tetlin
Refuge would generally continue to
follow the 1987 CCP and record of
decision as modified by subsequent
program-specific plans. Refuge
management would continue to reflect
existing laws, executive orders,
regulations, and policies governing
Service administration and operation of
the National Wildlife Refuge System.
Along with the actions described under
Alternatives A and B, the refuge would
pursue the following additional
management actions under Alternative
C. In addition to establishing Tok as a
‘‘Gateway Community,’’ this alternative
would establish Tetlin Refuge as the
leader in interpretation of the region by
expanding the refuge interpretive
program and establishing partnerships
to expand educational and interpretive
programs throughout the area.
Alternative C would include
construction of additional interpretive
kiosks, wildlife viewing platforms, and
photography blinds at selected pullouts
along the Alaska Highway, construction
of an additional 15 to 20 miles of hiking
trails, and construction or marking of
additional routes for a variety of other
year-round compatible uses. Additional
public use cabins would be constructed
to provide more options for access to
refuge backcountry on a year-round
basis. A fee system would be established
at some campgrounds to support
additional amenities (e.g., potable water,
electricity, sewage dump stations, more
campsites, and hard-surface roads for
year-round access). The refuge would
establish parking areas and improve
access to undeveloped boat launches,
trails, and other points of access to the
refuge, and would identify camping
locations and mark and maintain
portages on the canoe trails. Fire
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suppression would be the primary tool
to protect resources and property
throughout the refuge, though smallscale prescribed burns would be used to
meet specific fuel reduction objectives
near resources or properties at risk. Fire
would not be used to maintain or
enhance wildlife habitat. Fisheries
management would be the same as in
Alternative B. Refuge lands would
continue to be managed in the same
management categories as under
Alternative A.
Public Availability of Comments
Before including your name, address,
phone number, e-mail address, or other
personal identifying information in your
comment, you should be aware that
your entire comment—including your
personal identifying information—may
be made publicly available at any time.
While you can ask us in your comment
to withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we
cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so.
Dated: September 27, 2007.
Thomas O. Melius,
Regional Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, Anchorage, Alaska.
[FR Doc. E7–19493 Filed 10–2–07; 8:45 am]
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Bureau of Indian Education
Notice of proposed renewal of
information collection.
SUMMARY: The Bureau of Indian
Education (BIE) is planning to renew the
No Child Left Behind Regulation, 25
CFR part 36 and 47, OMB Control
Number 1076–0164 as required by the
Paperwork Reduction Act. The renewal
will ensure we meet the residential
requirements of the No Child Left
Behind Act.
DATES: Written comments must be
submitted on or before November 2,
You may submit comments
on the information collection to the
Desk Officer for the Department of the
Interior at the Office of Management and
Budget, by facsimile to (202) 395–6566
or you may send an e-mail to
OIRA_DOCKET@omb.eop.gov. Please
send copies of comments to the Bureau
of Indian Education (BIE), 1849 C Street,
NW., Mail Stop 3609–MIB, Washington,
DC 20240.
James Martin (202) 208–6123.
[Federal Register Volume 72, Number 191 (Wednesday, October 3, 2007)]
[Pages 56371-56372]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: E7-19493]
Fish and Wildlife Service
Tetlin National Wildlife Refuge, Tok, AK
AGENCY: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
ACTION: Notice of Availability of the Draft Revised Comprehensive
Conservation Plan and Environmental Assessment for Tetlin National
Wildlife Refuge; request for comments.
SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service, we), announce
that the Draft Revised Comprehensive Conservation Plan (CCP) and
Environmental Assessment (EA) for Tetlin National Wildlife Refuge is
available for public comment. The Draft CCP was prepared pursuant to
the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act of 1980 (ANILCA),
the National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act of 1966 (Refuge
Administration Act) as amended by the National Wildlife Refuge System
Improvement Act of 1997 (Refuge Improvement Act), and the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA). Three alternatives for
management of Tetlin Refuge over the next 15 years, including
continuing current management, are considered in the Draft Conservation
DATES: Comments on the Draft Conservation Plan must be received on or
before January 18, 2008.
ADDRESSES: To provide written comments or to request a paper copy or a
compact disk of the Draft CCP, contact Mikel Haase, Planning Team
Leader, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1011 East Tudor Rd., MS-231,
Anchorage, Alaska 99503; telephone: (907) 786-3402; fax: (907) 786-
3965; e-mail: fw7_tetlin_planning@fws.gov. You may also view or
download a copy of the Draft CCP at the following Web site: https://
alaska.fws.gov/nwr/planning/tetpol.htm. Copies of the Draft CCP may be
viewed at the Tetlin Refuge Office in Tok, Alaska; local area
libraries, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Regional Office in
Anchorage, Alaska.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT: Mikel Haase at the above address or
phone number.
U.S.C. 1602 et seq.) requires development of a CCP for all national
wildlife refuges in Alaska. The Draft CCP for Tetlin Refuge was
developed consistent with section 304(g) of ANILCA and the Refuge
Administration Act as amended by the Refuge Improvement Act (16 U.S.C.
668dd et seq.). The purpose of developing CCPs is to provide refuge
managers with a 15-year management strategy for achieving refuge
purposes and contributing toward the mission of the National Wildlife
Refuge System, consistent with sound principles of fish, wildlife, and
habitat management and conservation; legal mandates; and Service
policies. Plans define long-term goals and objectives toward which
refuge management activities are directed and identify which uses may
be compatible with the purposes of the refuge. They identify wildlife-
dependent recreation opportunities available to the public, including
hunting, fishing, wildlife observation and photography, and
environmental education and interpretation. Comprehensive conservation
plans are updated in accordance with planning direction in section
304(g) of ANILCA and with NEPA (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.).
Background: In 1980, ANILCA designated Tetlin National Wildlife
Refuge. Refuge boundaries encompass approximately 935,000 acres of
which approximately 693,000 acres (74 percent) are under Service
jurisdiction. Section 302(8)(B) of ANILCA states that the purposes for
which Tetlin Refuge was established include: to conserve fish and
wildlife populations and habitats in their natural diversity; to
fulfill international treaty obligations of the United States with
respect to fish and wildlife and their habitats; to provide the
opportunity for continued subsistence use by local residents; to ensure
water quality and necessary water quantity within the refuge; and to
provide opportunities for interpretation and environmental education.
The original Tetlin CCP was completed in 1987 following direction
in Section 304(g) of ANILCA. Management categories (wilderness, wild
rivers, minimal, moderate, and intensive) are used to describe
management levels throughout the refuges in Alaska. A management
category is a set of refuge management directions applied to an area,
in light of its resources and existing and potential uses, to
facilitate management and the accomplishment of refuge purposes and
goals. Three management categories (minimal, moderate, and intensive)
apply to Tetlin Refuge. The 1997 Refuge Improvement Act includes
additional direction for conservation planning throughout the National
Wildlife Refuge System. This direction has been incorporated into
national planning policy for the National Wildlife Refuge System,
including refuges in Alaska. This draft revision of the Tetlin
conservation plan meets the requirements of both ANILCA and the Refuge
Improvement Act.
Issues raised during scoping and addressed in this Draft CCP are:
(1) The visitor services role of Tetlin Refuge in the upper Tanana
Valley; (2) refuge role in providing opportunities for access to, and
associated facilities for, existing and expanding wildlife-dependent
uses of the refuge; (3) management of fire on Tetlin Refuge to provide
adequate protection of refuge resources and private property within and
adjacent to the refuge; (4) use of prescribed fire as a method of
habitat management; and (5) use of fishery management actions to
maintain native fish breeding stocks and enhance recreational fishing.
This Draft CCP describes and evaluates three alternatives for
managing Tetlin Refuge for the next 15 years. These alternatives follow
the same general management direction but provide different levels of
development and different ways of addressing the issues.
Alternative A (Current Management): Management of Tetlin Refuge
would continue to follow the 1987 CCP and record of decision as
modified by subsequent program-specific plans (e.g., fisheries, public
use, and fire management plans). Private and commercial uses of the
refuge would continue at current levels. Refuge management would
continue to reflect existing laws, executive orders, regulations, and
policies governing Service administration and operation of the National
Wildlife Refuge System. The refuge would continue to coordinate with
partners to maintain the refuge's role as a key participant and
provider of environmental education, interpretation, and recreation in
the upper Tanana Valley. The refuge would maintain or increase existing
opportunities for compatible public use of the refuge. Facilities, such
as interpretive and hiking trails, boat
[[Page 56372]]
launches, highway pullouts, and campgrounds, would be upgraded or new
facilities would be constructed to promote day use and interpretive
opportunities along the Alaska Highway as described in the Refuge's
Public Use Management Plan. Other public use opportunities on the
refuge, including canoeing, hiking, environmental education and
interpretation, and public use of administrative cabins, would be
promoted. The refuge would continue to protect resources and property
and to meet habitat management objectives by treating a fixed number of
acres annually through a variety of fire management techniques
including prescribed burning, suppression, thinning, and wildland fire
use to maintain and enhance habitat for particular wildlife species.
The refuge would work with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to
reintroduce native fish populations to selected waters throughout the
refuge; to manage populations to maintain breeding stock; and to
develop additional put-and-take fisheries within the refuge along the
Alaska Highway. Refuge lands would continue to be managed under Minimal
(approximately 577,500 acres), Moderate (approximately 121,500 acres),
and Intensive (1,640 acres) management categories; approximately 40
acres at the Seaton Roadhouse site would be reclassified from Minimal
Management to Moderate Management to allow facilities development and
increased wildlife-dependent public use.
Alternative B (Preferred Alternative): Management of Tetlin Refuge
would generally continue to follow the 1987 CCP and record of decision
as modified by subsequent program-specific plans. Refuge management
would continue to reflect existing laws, executive orders, regulations,
and policies governing Service administration and operation of the
National Wildlife Refuge System. Along with the actions described under
Alternative A, the refuge would work with the local community to seek
formal recognition of Tok as a ``Gateway Community'' and to increase
opportunities for environmental education, interpretation, and
recreation off-refuge and in support of or in conjunction with refuge
programs. Opportunities for current and new public use would be
promoted (e.g., canoe routes established). Existing public use
facilities would be upgraded and new facilities (e.g., hiking trails,
restrooms at highway pullouts) would be constructed. The refuge would
continue to protect resources and property using a variety of fire
management techniques including prescribed burning, suppression,
thinning, and wildland fire use. The refuge would emphasize the use of
natural fire with prescribed burns based only on specific project
objectives (e.g. fuels reduction, habitat protection, or fire effects
research) and suppression to reduce potential for large-scale wildfires
and to maintain long-term ecological health of refuge lands. Natural
fire would be used as the primary tool to maintain and enhance habitat.
All native fisheries would be managed to maintain self-sustaining,
healthy populations to contribute to natural diversity in the region;
any reintroductions would be based on historic distribution of fish.
Refuge lands would continue to be managed in the same management
categories as under Alternative A.
Alternative C: Management of Tetlin Refuge would generally continue
to follow the 1987 CCP and record of decision as modified by subsequent
program-specific plans. Refuge management would continue to reflect
existing laws, executive orders, regulations, and policies governing
Service administration and operation of the National Wildlife Refuge
System. Along with the actions described under Alternatives A and B,
the refuge would pursue the following additional management actions
under Alternative C. In addition to establishing Tok as a ``Gateway
Community,'' this alternative would establish Tetlin Refuge as the
leader in interpretation of the region by expanding the refuge
interpretive program and establishing partnerships to expand
educational and interpretive programs throughout the area. Alternative
C would include construction of additional interpretive kiosks,
wildlife viewing platforms, and photography blinds at selected pullouts
along the Alaska Highway, construction of an additional 15 to 20 miles
of hiking trails, and construction or marking of additional routes for
a variety of other year-round compatible uses. Additional public use
cabins would be constructed to provide more options for access to
refuge backcountry on a year-round basis. A fee system would be
established at some campgrounds to support additional amenities (e.g.,
potable water, electricity, sewage dump stations, more campsites, and
hard-surface roads for year-round access). The refuge would establish
parking areas and improve access to undeveloped boat launches, trails,
and other points of access to the refuge, and would identify camping
locations and mark and maintain portages on the canoe trails. Fire
suppression would be the primary tool to protect resources and property
throughout the refuge, though small-scale prescribed burns would be
used to meet specific fuel reduction objectives near resources or
properties at risk. Fire would not be used to maintain or enhance
wildlife habitat. Fisheries management would be the same as in
Alternative B. Refuge lands would continue to be managed in the same
management categories as under Alternative A.
Public Availability of Comments
Before including your name, address, phone number, e-mail address,
or other personal identifying information in your comment, you should
be aware that your entire comment--including your personal identifying
information--may be made publicly available at any time. While you can
ask us in your comment to withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be
able to do so.
Dated: September 27, 2007.
Thomas O. Melius,
Regional Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Anchorage, Alaska.
[FR Doc. E7-19493 Filed 10-2-07; 8:45 am]