September 20, 2007 Board of Directors Meeting, 51688-51689 [07-4424]
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 174 / Monday, September 10, 2007 / Notices
ebenthall on PRODPC61 with NOTICES
The October 24, 2003, EA and FONSI,
the license and supporting documents,
and the preliminary supplement to the
EA and draft FONSI are available on
NRC’s Web site at:
waste.html, by selecting ‘‘Diablo Canyon
ISFSI,’’ in the Quick Links box.
II. Summary of Final Supplement to the
EA for the Diablo Canyon ISFSI
In the supplement to the EA, the NRC
staff has considered the potential
radiological impacts of terrorist acts on
the Diablo Canyon ISFSI. NRC has
established requirements and has
initiated several actions designed to
provide high assurance that a terrorist
attack would not lead to a significant
radiological event at an ISFSI. These
include: (1) NRC’s continual evaluation
of the threat environment, in
coordination with the intelligence and
law enforcement communities, which
provides, in part, the basis for the
protective measures currently required;
(2) the protective measures that are in
place to reduce the chance of an attack
that leads to a significant release of
radiation; (3) the robust design of dry
cask storage systems, which provide
substantial resistance to penetration;
and (4) NRC security assessments of the
potential consequences of terrorist
attacks against ISFSIs.
The supplement to the EA describes
the security measures for ISFSIs and
discusses the security assessments
performed by NRC, which confirmed
that the existing security requirements,
imposed by regulations and orders, are
adequate to provide high assurance that
a terrorist attack on an ISFSI will not
lead to significant radiological
consequences. Threat scenarios
considered in the generic security
assessments for ISFSIs included a large
aircraft impact similar in magnitude to
the attacks of September 11, 2001, and
ground assaults using expanded
adversary characteristics consistent with
the design basis threat for radiological
sabotage for nuclear power plants.
The NRC staff compared the
assumptions used in its generic ISFSI
security assessments to the relevant
features of the Diablo Canyon ISFSI.
Based on this comparison, the staff
determined that the assumptions used
in these generic security assessments,
regarding the storage cask design, the
amount of radioactive material that
could be released, and the atmospheric
dispersion, were representative, and in
some cases, conservative, relative to the
actual characteristics for the Diablo
Canyon ISFSI. The staff determined that
any dose to affected residents nearest to
the Diablo Canyon site calculated using
site-specific parameters will be much
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lower than doses calculated using the
assumptions made for the generic
assessments. Based on these
considerations, the dose to the nearest
affected resident, from even the most
severe plausible threat scenarios (the
ground assault and aircraft impact
scenarios discussed above) would likely
be well below 5 rem. In many scenarios,
the hypothetical dose to an individual
in the affected population could be
substantially less than 5 rem, or none at
In the supplement (based also on the
initial EA), the NRC staff concludes that
the construction, operation, and
decommissioning of the Diablo Canyon
ISFSI, even when potential terrorist
attacks on the facility are considered,
will not result in a significant effect on
the human environment. NRC security
requirements, imposed through
regulations and orders, and
implemented through the licensee’s
security plans, in combination with the
design requirements for dry cask storage
systems, provide adequate protection
against successful terrorist attacks on
ISFSIs. Therefore, a terrorist attack that
would result in a significant release of
radiation affecting the public is not
reasonably expected to occur.
III. Final Finding of No Significant
The NRC staff has prepared a
supplement to the EA related to the
construction and operation of the Diablo
Canyon ISFSI, in accordance with the
requirements of 10 CFR Part 51. As set
forth in the supplement to the EA, NRC
has considered the potential for terrorist
attacks on the facility, and has
determined that the storage of spent
nuclear fuel at the Diablo Canyon ISFSI
will not have a significant effect on the
quality of the human environment,
based on the facility design features and
the mitigative security measures
incorporated as part of the NRC
licensing action and in response to NRC
security orders. These design features
and mitigative security measures will
provide high assurance that substantial
environmental impacts will be avoided
and thereby reduced to a non-significant
risk level. On the basis of the initial EA
and this supplement, NRC has
concluded that there are no significant
environmental impacts, and the
proposed action does not warrant the
preparation of an Environmental Impact
Statement. Therefore, in accordance
with 10 CFR 51.31, NRC has determined
that issuance of a final FONSI is
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V. Further Information
Documents related to this action,
including the May 29, 2007, preliminary
supplement to the EA and draft FONSI;
the August 30, 2007, EA supplement
and final FONSI; the October 24, 2003,
EA; and the Diablo Canyon ISFSI
license and supporting documentation,
are available electronically, at NRC’s
Electronic Reading Room, at: https://
From this site, you can access NRC’s
Agencywide Document Access and
Management System (ADAMS), which
provides text and image files of NRC’s
public documents. The ADAMS
accession number for the supplement to
the EA and draft FONSI is
ML071280256, and for the EA
supplement and final FONSI, the
accession number is ML072400511. The
ADAMS accession number for the
October 24, 2003, EA is ML032970337,
and for the ISFSI license and related
documents, the accession number is
ML040780107. If you do not have access
to ADAMS, or if there are problems in
accessing the documents located in
ADAMS, contact NRC’s Public
Document Room (PDR) Reference staff
at 1–800–397–4209, 301–415–4737, or
by e-mail to
These documents may also be viewed
electronically on the public computers
located at NRC’s PDR, O1–F21, One
White Flint North, 11555 Rockville
Pike, Rockville, MD 20852. The PDR
reproduction contractor will copy
documents, for a fee.
Dated at Rockville, Maryland this 30th day
of August, 2007.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Robert A. Nelson,
Chief, Licensing Branch, Division of Spent
Fuel Storage and Transportation, Office of
Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards.
[FR Doc. E7–17738 Filed 9–7–07; 8:45 am]
September 20, 2007 Board of Directors
Time and Date: Thursday, September
20, 2007, 10 a.m. (Open Portion).
Place: Offices of the Corporation,
Twelfth Floor Board Room, 1100 New
York Avenue, NW., Washington, DC.
Status: Meeting OPEN to the Public
from 10 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. Closed
portion will commence at 10:15 a.m.
Matters To Be Considered:
1. President’s Report.
2. Tribute—David A. Sampson.
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 174 / Monday, September 10, 2007 / Notices
3. Approval of July 12, 2007 Minutes
(Open Portion).
Further matters to be considered:
(Closed to the Public 10:15 a.m.)
1. Report from Audit Committee.
2. Proposed FY 2009 Budget.
3. Finance Project—Sub-Saharan
4. Finance Project—Sub-Saharan
5. Finance Project—Sub-Saharan
6. Finance Project—Jordan, Lebanon,
Egypt, West Bank and Certain OPICEligible MENA Countries.
7. Finance Project—Mexico.
8. Finance Project—Pakistan.
9. Approval of July 12, 2007 Minutes
(Closed Portion).
10. Pending Major Projects.
11. Reports.
For Further Information Contact:
Information on the meeting may be
obtained from Connie M. Downs at (202)
Dated: September 6, 2007.
Connie M. Downs,
Corporate Secretary, Overseas Private
Investment Corporation.
[FR Doc. 07–4424 Filed 9–6–07; 9:46 am]
[Release No. 34–56327; File No. SR–FINRA–
Self-Regulatory Organizations;
Financial Industry Regulatory
Authority, Inc.; Notice of Filing of
Proposed Rule Change Relating to
Historic TRACE Data
ebenthall on PRODPC61 with NOTICES
Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
(‘‘Act’’)1 and Rule 19b–4 thereunder,2
notice is hereby given that on August 9,
2007, Financial Industry Regulatory
Authority, Inc. (‘‘FINRA’’) (f/k/a
National Association of Securities
Dealers, Inc. (‘‘NASD’’)) filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission
(‘‘Commission’’) the proposed rule
change as described in Items I, II, and
III below, which Items have been
substantially prepared by FINRA. The
Commission is publishing this notice to
solicit comments on the proposed rule
change from interested persons.
II. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement of the Purpose of, and
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule
In its filing with the Commission,
FINRA included statements concerning
the purpose of, and basis for, the
proposed rule change and discussed any
comments it received on the proposed
rule change. The text of these statements
may be examined at the places specified
in Item IV below. FINRA has prepared
summaries, set forth in Sections A, B,
and C below, of the most significant
aspects of such statements.
A. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement of the Purpose of, and
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule
FINRA is proposing to adopt a FINRA
policy providing for public access to
Historic TRACE Data and to amend
NASD Rule 7030 to establish fees to
offset the costs of developing and
maintaining the new Historic TRACE
Data database and providing such data
to vendors, members, and other users.
The proposed amendments to NASD
Rule 7030 would: (i) Define Historic
TRACE Data in proposed NASD Rule
7030(c)(3)(D); (ii) establish fees for
Historic TRACE Data in proposed NASD
Rule 7030(d); (iii) make conforming
changes to the fee chart in NASD Rule
7030 and the definitions of ‘‘NonProfessional,’’ ‘‘Tax-Exempt
Organization,’’ and ‘‘Real-Time’’ in,
3 NASD Rule 7030 contains all TRACE fees;
previously, such fees were set forth in NASD Rule
1 15
U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
2 17 CFR 240.19b–4.
15:27 Sep 07, 2007
FINRA is proposing to: (1) Adopt a
FINRA policy providing for public
access to historic TRACE data (‘‘Historic
TRACE Data’’); and (2) amend NASD
Rule 7030 to: (i) Define Historic TRACE
Data in proposed NASD Rule
7030(c)(3)(D); (ii) establish fees for
Historic TRACE Data in proposed NASD
Rule 7030(d); (iii) make conforming
changes to the fee chart in NASD Rule
7030 and the definitions of ‘‘NonProfessional,’’ ‘‘Tax-Exempt
Organization,’’ and ‘‘Real-Time’’ in,
respectively, paragraphs (A), (B), and (C)
of NASD Rule 7030(c)(3); and (iv)
renumber current NASD Rule 7030(c)(4)
as NASD Rule 7030(e).3 The text of the
proposed rule change is available at
FINRA, on FINRA’s Web site at https://, and in the Commission’s
Public Reference Room.
1. Purpose
August 28, 2007.
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I. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement of the Terms of Substance of
the Proposed Rule Change
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respectively, paragraphs (A), (B), and (C)
of NASD Rule 7030(c)(3); and (iv)
renumber current NASD Rule 7030(c)(4)
as NASD Rule 7030(e).
Historic TRACE Data
TRACE data is the first complete
database of transaction-level pricing
information ever compiled on the overthe-counter (‘‘OTC’’) U.S. corporate
bond market and, as such, may be of
widespread interest to corporate bond
market participants, other financial
intermediaries, market observers,
academicians, and financial regulators.
To date, FINRA has made available
publicly aggregated statistics from both
disseminated and non-disseminated
TRACE transaction information, but has
done so in a manner to protect
transaction-level non-disseminated data
from being ascertained. Since TRACE
began, many people have expressed
interest in reviewing historic TRACE
transaction-level data. FINRA believes it
is important to provide access to this
data, particularly for research
purposes.4 The transaction data that
will be provided include all transactions
reported to TRACE since July 1, 2002,
except Rule 144A transactions defined
Historic TRACE Data will generally
consist of basic transaction information
such as the price, the date and time of
execution, and the yield. It will include
information on transactions not
previously available,6 and contain
4 Before submitting the proposal, FINRA (then
known as NASD) sought member input about
whether FINRA should release standard TRACE
transaction-level data to the public; if access should
be limited in any way; if the data should be
redacted as to certain types of information; and if
FINRA should provide access to any portion of the
transaction-level historic data that previously had
only been reported, but not disseminated. See
NASD Notice to Members 06–32 (June 2006). The
sole commenter was The Bond Market Association
(‘‘TBMA’’) (now known as the Securities Industry
Financial Markets Association or ‘‘SIFMA’’). See
comment letter from Mary C.M. Kuan, Vice
President and Assistant General Counsel, TBMA, to
Barbara Z. Sweeney, Office of the Corporate
Secretary, NASD, dated August 14, 2006. TBMA
supported obtaining access to the transaction-level
historic data, provided that member participant
identifiers (‘‘MPIDs’’) were deleted from the data
and the data was sufficiently aged to eliminate any
possible use of such data to identify current trading,
positioning, or strategies of other market
5 In TRACE, Rule 144A transactions refers to
transactions in TRACE-eligible securities ‘‘issued
pursuant to Section 4(2) of the Securities Act of
1933 (‘‘Securities Act’’) and purchased and sold
pursuant to Rule 144A of the Securities Act of
1933.’’ NASD Rule 6210(a).
6 When TRACE began, daily transaction-level
dissemination of information occurred in phases to
gauge the relationship between transparent
transaction information and its impact on liquidity.
As a result, all public transactions in TRACE-
[Federal Register Volume 72, Number 174 (Monday, September 10, 2007)]
[Pages 51688-51689]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 07-4424]
September 20, 2007 Board of Directors Meeting
Time and Date: Thursday, September 20, 2007, 10 a.m. (Open
Place: Offices of the Corporation, Twelfth Floor Board Room, 1100
New York Avenue, NW., Washington, DC.
Status: Meeting OPEN to the Public from 10 a.m. to 10:15 a.m.
Closed portion will commence at 10:15 a.m. (approx.).
Matters To Be Considered:
1. President's Report.
2. Tribute--David A. Sampson.
[[Page 51689]]
3. Approval of July 12, 2007 Minutes (Open Portion).
Further matters to be considered: (Closed to the Public 10:15 a.m.)
1. Report from Audit Committee.
2. Proposed FY 2009 Budget.
3. Finance Project--Sub-Saharan Africa.
4. Finance Project--Sub-Saharan Africa.
5. Finance Project--Sub-Saharan Africa.
6. Finance Project--Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, West Bank and Certain
OPIC-Eligible MENA Countries.
7. Finance Project--Mexico.
8. Finance Project--Pakistan.
9. Approval of July 12, 2007 Minutes (Closed Portion).
10. Pending Major Projects.
11. Reports.
For Further Information Contact: Information on the meeting may be
obtained from Connie M. Downs at (202) 336-8438.
Dated: September 6, 2007.
Connie M. Downs,
Corporate Secretary, Overseas Private Investment Corporation.
[FR Doc. 07-4424 Filed 9-6-07; 9:46 am]