Airworthiness Directives; M7 Aerospace LP SA226 and SA227 Series Airplanes, 43139-43144 [E7-15018]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 149 / Friday, August 3, 2007 / Rules and Regulations design feature, the special conditions would apply to that model as well. Conclusion This action affects only certain novel or unusual design features on one model of airplane. It is not a rule of general applicability and affects only the applicant who applied to the FAA for approval of these features on the airplane. The substance of these special conditions has been subjected to the notice and comment period in several prior instances and has been derived without substantive change from those previously issued. It is unlikely that prior public comment would result in a significant change from the substance contained herein. Therefore, because a delay would significantly affect the certification of the airplane, which is imminent, the FAA has determined that prior public notice and comment are unnecessary and impracticable, and good cause exists for adopting these special conditions upon issuance. The FAA is requesting comments to allow interested persons to submit views that may not have been submitted in response to the prior opportunities for comment described above. List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 23 Aircraft, Aviation safety, Signs and symbols. Citation The authority citation for these special conditions is as follows: I Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113 and 44701; 14 CFR 21.16 and 21.101; and 14 CFR 11.38 and 11.19. rmajette on PROD1PC64 with RULES The Special Conditions Accordingly, pursuant to the authority delegated to me by the Administrator, the following special conditions are issued as part of the type certification basis for the Centex Aerospace, Inc. modified Cirrus Design Corporation Model SR22. 1. High Intensity Radiated Fields (HIRF) Protection. In showing compliance with 14 CFR part 21 and the airworthiness requirements of 14 CFR part 23, protection against hazards caused by exposure to HIRF fields for the full authority digital engine control system, which performs critical functions, must be considered. To prevent this occurrence, the electronic engine control system must be designed and installed to ensure that the operation and operational capabilities of this critical system are not adversely affected when the airplane is exposed to high energy radio fields. VerDate Aug<31>2005 17:16 Aug 02, 2007 Jkt 211001 At this time, the FAA and other airworthiness authorities are unable to precisely define or control the HIRF energy level to which the airplane will be exposed in service; therefore, the FAA hereby defines two acceptable interim methods for complying with the requirement for protection of systems that perform critical functions. (1) The applicant may demonstrate that the operation and operational capability of the installed electrical and electronic systems that perform critical functions are not adversely affected when the aircraft is exposed to the external HIRF threat environment defined in the following table: Frequency Field strength (volts per meter) Peak 10 kHz–100 kHz ....... 100 kHz–500 kHz ..... 500 kHz–2 MHz ........ 2 MHz–30 MHz ......... 30 MHz–70 MHz ....... 70 MHz–100 MHz ..... 100 MHz–200 MHz ... 200 MHz–400 MHz ... 400 MHz–700 MHz ... 700 MHz–1 GHz ....... 1 GHz–2 GHz ........... 2 GHz–4 GHz ........... 4 GHz–6 GHz ........... 6 GHz–8 GHz ........... 8 GHz–12 GHz ......... 12 GHz–18 GHz ....... 18 GHz–40 GHz ....... 50 50 50 100 50 50 100 100 700 700 2000 3000 3000 1000 3000 2000 600 Average 50 50 50 100 50 50 100 100 50 100 200 200 200 200 300 200 200 The field strengths are expressed in terms of peak root-mean-square (rms) values. or, (2) The applicant may demonstrate by a system test and analysis that the electrical and electronic systems that perform critical functions can withstand a minimum threat of 100 volts per meter peak electrical strength, without the benefit of airplane structural shielding, in the frequency range of 10 KHz to 18 GHz. When using this test to show compliance with the HIRF requirements, no credit is given for signal attenuation due to installation. Data used for engine certification may be used, when appropriate, for airplane certification. Issued in Kansas City, Missouri on July 26, 2007. James E. Jackson, Acting Manager, Small Airplane Directorate, Aircraft Certification Service. [FR Doc. E7–14935 Filed 8–2–07; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4910–13–P PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 43139 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. FAA–2006–25927; Directorate Identifier 2006–CE–52–AD; Amendment 39– 15142; AD 2007–16–03] RIN 2120–AA64 Airworthiness Directives; M7 Aerospace LP SA226 and SA227 Series Airplanes Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Department of Transportation (DOT). ACTION: Final rule. AGENCY: SUMMARY: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) to supersede AD 98–19–15 R1 and AD 2000–03–17, which apply to M7 Aerospace LP SA226 and SA227 series airplanes equipped with certain pitch trim actuators. AD 98–19–15 R1 currently requires you to incorporate changes into the Limitations Section of the FAA-approved airplane flight manual (AFM) if certain part number (P/ N) pitch trim actuators are installed. AD 2000–03–17 requires repetitive inspections and repetitive replacements of the pitch trim actuator. The repetitive inspection and repetitive replacement times vary depending on the combination of airplane model and pitch trim actuator P/N installed. Since we issued AD 98–19–15 R1 and AD 2000–03–17, we have determined that reliance on critical repetitive inspections on aging commuter-class airplanes carries an unnecessary safety risk when a design change exists that could eliminate or, in certain instances, reduce the number of those critical inspections. Consequently, this AD retains all of the actions of the previously referenced ADs, places life limits on certain P/N pitch trim actuators, and requires the replacement of certain P/N pitch trim actuators with one of an improved design. Once installed, the improved design pitch trim actuator will terminate the AFM limitations in this AD and reduce the repetitive inspection and repetitive replacement requirements. We are issuing this AD to detect excessive freeplay or rod slippage in the pitch trim actuator, which, if not detected and corrected, could result in pitch trim actuator failure. We are also issuing this AD to lessen the severity of pitch upset if a pitch trim actuator mechanical failure occurs. These conditions could lead to possible loss of control. DATES: This AD becomes effective on September 7, 2007. E:\FR\FM\03AUR1.SGM 03AUR1 43140 Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 149 / Friday, August 3, 2007 / Rules and Regulations As of April 10, 2000 (65 FR 8037, February 17, 2000), the Director of the Federal Register approved the incorporation by reference of the following Fairchild Aircraft service information listed in this AD: • Fairchild Aircraft SA226 Series Service letter (SL) 226–SL–005, Revised: August 3, 1999; • Fairchild Aircraft SA227 Series SL 227–SL–011, Revised August 3, 1999; • Fairchild Aircraft SA227 Series SL CC7–SL–028, Issued: August 12, 1999; • Fairchild Aircraft SA226 Series SL 226–SL–014, Revised: February 1, 1999; • Fairchild Aircraft SA227 Series SL 227–SL–031, Revised: February 1, 1999; and • Fairchild Aircraft SA227 Series SL CC7–SL–021, Revised: February 1, 1999. ADDRESSES: For service information identified in this AD, contact M7 Aerospace LP, 10823 N.E. Entrance, San Antonio, Texas 78216. To view the AD docket, go to U.S. Department of Transportation, Docket Operations, M–30, West Building Ground Floor, Room W12–140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590, or on the Internet at https:// The docket number is FAA–2006–25927; Directorate Identifier 2006–CE–52–AD. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Werner Koch, Aerospace Engineer, 2601 Meacham Blvd, Fort Worth, Texas 76137–4298; telephone: (817) 222–5133; fax: (817) 222–5960. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Discussion On April 20, 2007, we issued a proposal to amend part 39 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR part 39) to include an AD that would apply to M7 Aerospace LP SA226 and SA227 series airplanes equipped with certain pitch trim actuators. This proposal was published in the Federal Register as a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) on April 30, 2007 (72 FR 21171). The NPRM proposed to supersede AD 98– 19–15 R1 and AD 2000–03–17 with a new AD that would retain all of the actions of the previously referenced ADs but limit the part numbers of the pitch trim actuators that can be used for replacement. The NPRM also proposed placing a life limit on Barber-Coleman pitch trim actuators P/N 27–19008–001, P/N 27–19008–002, P/N 27–19008–004, and P/N 27–19008–005. The NPRM proposed to require you to use the service information described previously to perform these actions. Comments We provided the public the opportunity to participate in developing this AD. We received no comments on the proposal or on the determination of the cost to the public. Conclusion We have carefully reviewed the available data and determined that air safety and the public interest require adopting the AD as proposed except for minor editorial corrections. We have determined that these minor corrections: • Are consistent with the intent that was proposed in the NPRM for correcting the unsafe condition; and • Do not add any additional burden upon the public than was already proposed in the NPRM. Costs of Compliance We estimate that this AD affects 307 airplanes in the U.S. registry. This AD requires pitch trim actuators to have a combination of inspections, overhaul, and/or replacement. We have presented the fleet cost as the lowest cost based on all airplanes needing the inspection and the highest cost based on all airplanes needing the overhaul. The actual fleet cost will be somewhere between the lowest and highest fleet cost presented. We have no way of determining the number of airplanes needing replacement. (See below for airplane replacement cost.) We estimate the following costs to do the inspection or overhaul: Labor cost Parts cost For inspection: 4 work-hours × $80 per hour = $320 .............................................................. For overhaul: 4 work-hours × $80 per hour = $320 ................................................................. Total cost on U.S. operators $320 9,320 $98,240 2,861,240 None ................. $9,000 .............. We estimate the following costs to do any necessary replacements that are required through the actions of this AD. We have no way of determining the number of airplanes that may need this replacement: Labor cost Parts cost 4 work-hours × $80 per hour = $320 ........... rmajette on PROD1PC64 with RULES Total cost per airplane $64,000 Total cost per airplane $64,320 The replacement estimate is based on replacing the pitch trim actuator with a new Simmonds-Precision P/N DL5040M8 pitch trim actuator. If the pitch trim actuator is replaced with a different P/N FAA-approved pitch trim actuator or a zero-timed FAA-approved pitch trim actuator the cost to the owner/operator could be less. The estimated costs represented in the above actions include the costs associated with AD 98–19–15 R1, AD VerDate Aug<31>2005 15:45 Aug 02, 2007 Jkt 211001 2000–03–17, and the costs of this AD. The added cost impact this AD imposes upon an owner/operator over that already required by AD 98–19–15 R1 and AD 2000–03–17 is the eventual replacement of the pitch trim actuator if the airplane currently has installed a Barber-Coleman pitch trim actuator P/N 27–19008–001, P/N 27–19008–002, P/N 27–19008–004, or P/N 27–19008–005. Authority for This Rulemaking Title 49 of the United States Code specifies the FAA’s authority to issue rules on aviation safety. Subtitle I, Section 106 describes the authority of the FAA Administrator. Subtitle VII, Aviation Programs, describes in more detail the scope of the agency’s authority. We are issuing this rulemaking under the authority described in Subtitle VII, Part A, Subpart III, Section 44701, ‘‘General requirements.’’ Under that section, Congress charges the FAA with PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 promoting safe flight of civil aircraft in air commerce by prescribing regulations for practices, methods, and procedures the Administrator finds necessary for safety in air commerce. This regulation is within the scope of that authority because it addresses an unsafe condition that is likely to exist or develop on products identified in this AD. Regulatory Findings We have determined that this AD will not have federalism implications under Executive Order 13132. This AD will not have a substantial direct effect on the States, on the relationship between the national government and the States, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels of government. For the reasons discussed above, I certify that this AD: 1. Is not a ‘‘significant regulatory action’’ under Executive Order 12866; E:\FR\FM\03AUR1.SGM 03AUR1 Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 149 / Friday, August 3, 2007 / Rules and Regulations 2. Is not a ‘‘significant rule’’ under the DOT Regulatory Policies and Procedures (44 FR 11034, February 26, 1979); and 3. Will not have a significant economic impact, positive or negative, on a substantial number of small entities under the criteria of the Regulatory Flexibility Act. We prepared a summary of the costs to comply with this AD (and other information as included in the Regulatory Evaluation) and placed it in the AD Docket. You may get a copy of this summary by sending a request to us at the address listed under ADDRESSES. Include ‘‘Docket No. FAA–2006–25927; Directorate Identifier 2006–CE–52–AD’’ in your request. List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 39 Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation safety, Safety. Adoption of the Amendment Accordingly, under the authority delegated to me by the Administrator, the Federal Aviation Administration amends part 39 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR part 39) as follows: I PART 39—AIRWORTHINESS DIRECTIVES 1. The authority citation for part 39 continues to read as follows: I Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701. § 39.13 [Amended]. 2. The FAA amends § 39.13 by removing Airworthiness Directive (AD) 98–19–15 R1, Amendment 39–11507 (65 FR 1540, January 11, 2000), and AD 2000–03–17, Amendment 39–11576 (65 FR 8037, February 17, 2000); and by adding the following new AD: I 2007–16–03 M7 Aerospace LP (Type Certificate No. A5SW, A8SW, and A18SW formerly held by Fairchild Aircraft Incorporated): Amendment 39– 15142; Docket No. FAA–2006–25927; Directorate Identifier 2007–CE–52–AD. Effective Date (a) This AD becomes effective on September 7, 2007. rmajette on PROD1PC64 with RULES Affected ADs (b) This AD supersedes the following ADs: (1) AD 98–19–15 R1, Amendment 39– 11507; and (2) AD 2000–03–17, Amendment 39– 11576. Applicability (c) This AD applies to all Models SA226– AT, SA226–T, SA226–T(B), SA226–TC, SA227–AC (C–26A), SA227–AT, SA227–BC VerDate Aug<31>2005 15:45 Aug 02, 2007 Jkt 211001 (C–26A), SA227–CC, SA227–DC (C–26B), SA227–PC, and SA227–TT airplanes, all serial numbers, that: (1) are certificated in any category; and (2) are equipped with pitch trim actuator Barber-Coleman part number (P/N) 27– 19008–001, Barber-Coleman P/N 27–19008– 002, Barber-Coleman P/N 27–19008–004, Barber-Coleman P/N 27–19008–005, BarberColeman P/N 27–19008–006, Barber-Coleman P/N 27–19008–007, Simmonds-Precision P/N DL5040M5, Simmonds-Precision P/N DL5040M6, or Simmonds-Precision P/N DL5040M8. Unsafe Condition (d) This AD results from reports of mechanical failure of the pitch trim actuator causing the horizontal stabilizer to move to full aircraft nose up. We are issuing this AD to detect excessive freeplay or rod slippage in the pitch trim actuator, which, if not detected and corrected, could result in pitch trim actuator failure. We are also issuing to lessen the severity of pitch upset if a pitch trim actuator mechanical failure occurs. These conditions could lead to possible loss of control. In addition, we are issuing to eliminate the use of certain pitch trim actuators that require frequent critical inspections or replacements. Compliance (e) To address this problem, you must do the following, unless already done: (1) For airplanes with a Barber-Coleman pitch trim actuator P/N 27–19008–001, P/N 27–19008–002, P/N 27–19008–004, or P/N 27–19008–005: Before further flight after September 25, 1998 (the effective date of AD 98–19–15), incorporate the text in paragraphs (e)(1)(i) and (e)(1)(ii) of this AD into the Limitations Section of the FAA-approved airplane flight manual (AFM). The owner/ operator holding at least a private pilot certificate as authorized by section 43.7 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR 43.7) may insert the information specified in paragraphs (e)(1)(i) and (e)(1)(ii) of this AD into the AFM Limitations Section. This may be done by inserting a copy of this AD into the AFM. Make an entry into the aircraft records showing compliance with this portion of the AD in accordance with section 43.9 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR 43.9). (i) ‘‘Limit the maximum indicated airspeed to maneuvering airspeed (Va) as shown in the appropriate airplane flight manual (AFM)’’; and (ii) ‘‘The minimum crew required is two pilots.’’ Note 1: Fairchild Service Letter 226–SL– 017, Fairchild Service Letter 227–SL–033, and Fairchild Service Letter CC7–SL–023, all FAA Approved: August 26, 1998; Revised: September 2, 1998, address the subject matter of this AD. Note 2: The before further flight compliance time of paragraph (e)(1) of this AD is retained from AD 98–19–15 R1. PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 43141 Note 3: Installation of any FAA-approved pitch trim actuator other than the BarberColeman P/N 27–19008–001, P/N 27–19008– 002, P/N 27–19008–004, or P/N 27–19008– 005 terminates the requirements of paragraph (e)(1) of this AD. (2) For all airplanes: Do the following actions at the times specified in the initial inspection or overhaul column and the repetitive inspection or overhaul column in table 1 of this AD: (i) For airplanes equipped with a Simmonds-Precision pitch trim actuator P/N DL5040M5, P/N DL5040M6, or P/N DL5040M8: Measure the freeplay of the pitch trim actuator and inspect the pitch trim actuator for rod slippage using the INSTRUCTIONS section of Fairchild Aircraft SA226 Series Service Letter (SL) 226–SL–005 or Fairchild Aircraft SA227 Series SL 227– SL–011, both Revised: August 3, 1999; or Fairchild Aircraft SA227 Series Service Letter CC7–SL–028, Issued: August 12, 1999, as applicable. (ii) For airplanes equipped with BarberColman pitch trim actuators P/N 27–19008– 001, P/N 27–19008–002, P/N 27–19008–004, or P/N 27–19008–005: Do a functional inspection of the pitch trim actuator using the INSTRUCTIONS section of Fairchild Aircraft SA226 Series SL 226–SL–014, Fairchild Aircraft SA227 Series SL 227–SL– 031, or Fairchild Aircraft SA227 Series SL CC7–SL–021; all Revised: February 1, 1999; as applicable. Note 4: The actions in paragraphs (e)(2)(i) and (e)(2)(ii) of this AD are the same as the actions in AD 2000–03–17. The only difference between this AD and AD 2000–03– 17 is the addition of life limits to BarberColeman pitch trim actuators P/N 27–19008– 001, P/N 27–19008–002, P/N 27–19008–004, or P/N 27–19008–005. (iii) For airplanes equipped with BarberColman pitch trim actuators P/N 27–19008– 006 or P/N 27–19008–007: Overhaul the pitch trim actuator following the applicable maintenance manual. (3) For all airplanes: Before further flight, replace the pitch trim actuator following the applicable maintenance manual when any of the following occurs: (i) The pitch trim actuator is inspected following paragraphs (e)(2)(i) and (e)(2)(ii) of this AD and the freeplay limitations are exceeded, rod slippage is found, or a ratcheting sound occurs, as specified in the applicable service letters; or (ii) The installed pitch trim actuator reaches its repetitive replacement time as specified in table 1 in paragraph (e)(4) of this AD. (4) Table 1 below presents the pitch trim actuators that could be installed and the compliance times for the initial inspections or overhaul, repetitive inspections or overhaul, and repetitive replacements required by this AD: E:\FR\FM\03AUR1.SGM 03AUR1 43142 Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 149 / Friday, August 3, 2007 / Rules and Regulations TABLE 1.—INSPECTION/OVERHAUL AND REPLACEMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR PITCH TRIM ACTUATORS Initial inspection or overhaul Repetitive inspection or overhaul Repetitive replacement (i) For all affected airplane models (except for the Models SA227– CC and SA227–DC) that have an original Simmonds-Precision pitch trim actuator, P/N DL5040M5, installed. Inspect following paragraph (e)(2)(i) of this AD before accumulating 3,000 hours time-inservice (TIS) on the pitch trim actuator or within 50 hours TIS after April 17, 1995 (the effective date of AD 93–15–02 R1), whichever occurs later. Inspect following paragraph (e)(2)(i) of this AD before accumulating 250 hours TIS after the initial inspection and repetitively thereafter at intervals not to exceed 250 hours TIS until accumulating the hours TIS specified in paragraph (e)(4)(i) Repetitive Replacement column of this AD. (ii) For all affected airplane models (except for the Models SA227– CC and SA227–DC) that have a replacement Simmonds-Precision pitch trim actuator, P/N DL5040M5, installed. Inspect following paragraph (e)(2)(i) of this AD before accumulating 5,000 hours TIS on the pitch trim actuator or within 50 hours TIS after April 17, 1995 (the effective date of AD 93–15–02 R1), whichever occurs later. Inspect following paragraph (e)(2)(i) of this AD before accumulating 300 hours TIS after the initial inspection and repetitively thereafter at intervals not to exceed 300 hours TIS until accumulating the hours TIS specified in paragraph (e)(4)(ii) Repetitive Replacement column of this AD. (iii) For all affected airplane models (except for the Models SA227–CC and SA227–DC) that have a replacement SimmondsPrecision pitch trim actuator, P/N DL5040M6, installed. This part can be new, modified from a P/ N DL5040M5 pitch trim actuator, or overhauled and zero-timed. Inspect following paragraph (e)(2)(i) of this AD before accumulating 7,500 hours TIS on the pitch trim actuator or within 50 hours TIS after April 17, 1995 (the effective date of AD 93–15–02 R1), whichever occurs later. Inspect following paragraph (e)(2)(i) of this AD before accumulating 300 hours TIS after the initial inspection and repetitively thereafter at intervals not to exceed 300 hours TIS until accumulating the hours TIS specified in paragraph (e)(4)(iii) Repetitive Replacement column of this AD. (iv) For all affected airplane models (except for the Models SA227–CC and SA227–DC) that have a replacement SimmondsPrecision pitch trim actuator, P/N DL5040M5, installed that was overhauled and zero-timed where both nut assemblies, P/N AA56142, were replaced with new assemblies during overhaul. rmajette on PROD1PC64 with RULES Condition Inspect following paragraph (e)(2)(i) of this AD before accumulating 5,000 hours TIS on the pitch trim actuator or within 50 hours TIS after April 17, 1995 (the effective date of AD 93–15–02 R1), whichever occurs later. Inspect following paragraph (e)(2)(i) of this AD before accumulating 300 hours TIS after the initial inspection and repetitively thereafter at intervals not to exceed 300 hours TIS until accumulating the hours TIS specified in paragraph (e)(4)(iv) Repetitive Replacement column of this AD. Replace the pitch trim actuator with a Simmonds-Precision P/N DL5040M6, Simmonds-Precision P/N DL5040M8, BarberColeman P/N 27–19008–006, Barber-Coleman P/N 27– 19008–007, or an FAA-approved equivalent pitch trim actuator before accumulating 5,000 hours TIS on the pitch trim actuator, 500 hours TIS after the initial inspection, or within 30 days after September 7, 2007 (the effective date of this AD), whichever occurs later. Replace the pitch trim actuator with a Simmonds-Precision P/N DL5040M6, Simmonds-Precision P/N DL5040M8, BarberColeman P/N 27–19008–006, Barber-Coleman P/N 27– 19008–007, or an FAA-approved equivalent pitch trim actuator before accumulating 6,500 hours TIS on the pitch trim actuator or within 30 days after September 7, 2007 (the effective date of this AD), whichever occurs later. Replace the pitch trim actuator with a Simmonds-Precision P/N DL5040M6, Simmonds-Precision P/N DL5040M8, BarberColeman P/N 27–19008–006, Barber-Coleman P/N 27– 19008–007, or an FAA-approved equivalent pitch trim actuator before accumulating 9,900 hours TIS on the pitch trim actuator or within 30 days after September 7, 2007 (the effective date of this AD), whichever occurs later. Replace the pitch trim actuator with a Simmonds-Precision P/N DL5040M6, Simmonds-Precision P/N DL5040M8, BarberColeman P/N 27–19008–006, Barber-Coleman P/N 27– 19008–007, or an FAA-approved equivalent pitch trim actuator before accumulating 6,500 hours TIS on the pitch trim actuator or within 30 days after September 7, 2007 (the effective date of this AD), whichever occurs later. VerDate Aug<31>2005 17:16 Aug 02, 2007 Jkt 211001 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\03AUR1.SGM 03AUR1 Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 149 / Friday, August 3, 2007 / Rules and Regulations 43143 TABLE 1.—INSPECTION/OVERHAUL AND REPLACEMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR PITCH TRIM ACTUATORS—Continued Initial inspection or overhaul Repetitive inspection or overhaul Repetitive replacement (v) For all affected airplane models (except for the Models SA227– CC and SA227–DC) that have a replacement Simmonds-Precision P/N DL5040M5 pitch trim actuator installed that was overhauled and zero-timed where both nut assemblies, P/N AA56142, were not replaced with new assemblies during overhaul. Inspect following paragraph (e)(2)(i) of this AD before accumulating 3,000 hours TIS on the pitch trim actuator or within 50 hours TIS after April 17, 1995 (the effective date of AD 93–15–02 R1), whichever occurs later. Inspect following paragraph (e)(2)(i) of this AD before accumulating 250 hours TIS after the initial inspection and repetitively thereafter at intervals not to exceed 250 hours TIS until accumulating the hours TIS specified in paragraph (e)(4)(v) Repetitive Replacement column of this AD. (vi) For all affected airplane models (except for the Models SA227–CC and SA227–DC) that have a newly fabricated or overhauled and zero-timed BarberColman pitch trim actuator, P/N 27–19008–001, P/N 27–19008– 002, P/N 27–19008–004, or P/N 27–19008–005. Inspect following paragraph (e)(2)(ii) of this AD before accumulating 500 hours total TIS on the pitch trim actuator or within 50 hours TIS after December 1, 1997 (the effective date of AD 97–23–01), whichever occurs later. Inspect following paragraph (e)(2)(ii) of this AD before accumulating 300 hours TIS after the initial inspection and repetitively thereafter at intervals not to exceed 300 hours TIS until accumulating the hours TIS specified in paragraph (e)(4)(vi) Repetitive Replacement column of this AD. (vii) For the Models SA227–CC and SA227–DC that have a Simmonds-Precision pitch trim actuator P/N DL5040M5 or P/N DL5040M6 installed. None ............................................. None ............................................. (viii) For the Models SA227–CC and SA227–DC that have a newly fabricated or overhauled and zero-timed Barber-Colman pitch trim actuator, P/N 27– 19008–001, P/N 27–19008–002, P/N 27–19008–004, or P/N 27– 19008–005. Inspect following paragraph (e)(2)(ii) of this AD before accumulating 500 hours total TIS on the pitch trim actuator or within 50 hours TIS after December 1, 1997 (the effective date of AD 97–23–01), whichever occurs later. Inspect following paragraph (e)(2)(ii) of this AD before accumulating 300 hours TIS after the initial inspection and repetitively thereafter at intervals not to exceed 300 hours TIS until accumulating the hours TIS specified in paragraph (e)(4)(viii) Repetitive Replacement column of this AD. (ix) For all affected airplanes with a Simmonds-Precision pitch trim actuator, P/N DL5040M8, installed. rmajette on PROD1PC64 with RULES Condition Inspect following paragraph (e)(2)(i) of this AD before accumulating 7,500 hours TIS on the pitch trim actuator or within the next 50 hours TIS after April 10, 2000 (the effective date of AD 2000–03–17), whichever occurs later. Inspect following paragraph (e)(2)(i) of this AD before accumulating 300 hours TIS after the initial inspection and repetitively thereafter at intervals not to exceed 300 hours TIS until accumulating the hours TIS specified in paragraph (e)(4)(ix) Repetitive Replacement column of this AD. (x) For all affected airplanes with a Barber-Colman P/N 27–19008– 006 or 27–19008–007 pitch trim actuator installed. Overhaul following paragraph (e)(2)(iii) of this AD before accumulating 2,000 hours TIS on the pitch trim actuator. Overhaul following paragraph (e)(2)(iii) of this AD before accumulating 2,000 hours TIS on the pitch trim actuator. Replace the pitch trim actuator with a Simmonds-Precision P/N DL5040M6, Simmonds-Precision P/N DL5040M8, BarberColeman P/N 27–19008–006, Barber-Coleman P/N 27– 19008–007, or an FAA-approved equivalent pitch trim actuator before accumulating 5,000 hours TIS on the pitch trim actuator or within 30 days after September 7, 2007 (the effective date of this AD), whichever occurs later. Replace the pitch trim actuator with a Simmonds-Precision P/N DL5040M6, Simmonds-Precision P/N DL5040M8, BarberColeman P/N 27–19008–006, Barber-Coleman P/N 27– 19008–007, or an FAA-approved equivalent pitch trim actuator before accumulating 5,000 hours TIS on the pitch trim actuator or within 30 days after September 7, 2007 (the effective date of this AD), whichever occurs later. Replace the pitch trim actuator with a Simmonds-Precision P/N DL5040M8, Barber-Coleman P/ N 27–19008–006 or P/N 27– 19008–007, or an FAA-approved equivalent pitch trim actuator before accumulating 1,500 hours TIS on the pitch trim actuator or within 30 days after September 7, 2007 (the effective date of this AD), whichever occurs later. Replace the pitch trim actuator with a Simmonds-Precision P/N DL5040M8, Barber-Coleman P/ N 27–19008–006, Barber-Coleman P/N 27–19008–007, or an FAA-approved equivalent pitch trim actuator before accumulating 5,000 hours TIS on the pitch trim actuator or within 30 days after September 7, 2007 (the effective date of this AD), whichever occurs later. Replace the pitch trim actuator with a Simmonds-Precision P/N DL5040M8, Barber-Coleman P/ N 27–19008–006 or P/N 27– 19008–007, or an FAA-approved equivalent pitch trim actuator before accumulating 9,900 hours TIS on the pitch trim actuator or within 30 days after September 7, 2007 (the effective date of this AD), whichever occurs later. No replacement requirements. VerDate Aug<31>2005 15:45 Aug 02, 2007 Jkt 211001 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\03AUR1.SGM 03AUR1 43144 Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 149 / Friday, August 3, 2007 / Rules and Regulations (5) For all airplane models except Models SA227–CC and SA227–DC: As of September 7, 2007 (the effective date of this AD), do not install as a replacement any of the following pitch trim actuators or FAA-approved equivalent P/Ns: (i) Barber-Colman P/N 27–19008–001; (ii) Barber-Colman P/N 27–19008–002; (iii) Barber-Colman P/N 27–19008–004; (iv) Barber-Colman P/N 27–19008–005; or (v) Simmonds-Precision P/N DL5040M5. (6) For all airplane Models SA227–CC and SA227–DC: As of September 7, 2007 (the effective date of this AD), do not install as a replacement any of the following pitch trim actuators or FAA-approved equivalent P/Ns: (i) Barber-Colman P/N 27–19008–001; (ii) Barber-Colman P/N 27–19008–002; (iii) Barber-Colman P/N 27–19008–004; (iv) Barber-Colman P/N 27–19008–005; (v) Simmonds-Precision P/N DL5040M5; or (vi) Simmonds-Precision P/N DL5040M6. Alternative Methods of Compliance (AMOCs) (f) The Manager, Fort Worth Airplane Certification Office (ACO), FAA, ATTN: Werner Koch, Aerospace Engineer, 2601 Meacham Blvd., Fort Worth, Texas 76137– 4298, has the authority to approve AMOCs for this AD, if requested using the procedures found in 14 CFR 39.19. Before using any approved AMOC on any airplane to which the AMOC applies, notify your appropriate principal inspector (PI) in the FAA Flight Standards District Office (FSDO), or lacking a PI, your local FSDO. Material Incorporated by Reference (g) You must use the service information specified in table 2 of this AD to do the actions required by this AD, unless the AD specifies otherwise. (1) On April 10, 2000 (65 FR 8037, February 17, 2000) the Director of the Federal Register approved the incorporation by reference of the service information listed in table 2 of this AD under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. (2) For service information identified in this AD, contact M7 Aerospace LP, 10823 N. E. Entrance, San Antonio, Texas 78216. (3) You may review copies at the FAA, Central Region, Office of the Regional Counsel, 901 Locust, Kansas City, Missouri 64106; or at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202–741–6030, or go to: code_of_federal_regulations/ ibr_locations.html. TABLE 2.—MATERIAL INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE Service Letter (SL) Fairchild Fairchild Fairchild Fairchild Fairchild Fairchild Aircraft Aircraft Aircraft Aircraft Aircraft Aircraft SA226 SA227 SA227 SA226 SA227 SA227 Series Series Series Series Series Series SL SL SL SL SL SL 226–SL–005 .................................................................................................. 227–SL–011 .................................................................................................. CC7–SL–028 ................................................................................................. 226–SL–014 .................................................................................................. 227–SL–031 .................................................................................................. CC7–SL–021 ................................................................................................. Issued in Kansas City, Missouri, on July 27, 2007. James E. Jackson, Acting Manager, Small Airplane Directorate, Aircraft Certification Service. [FR Doc. E7–15018 Filed 8–2–07; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4910–13–P DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Food and Drug Administration 21 CFR Part 878 [Docket No. 2007N–0267] Medical Devices; General and Plastic Surgery Devices; Classification of Absorbable Poly(hydroxybutyrate) Surgical Suture Produced by Recombinant DNA Technology AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS. rmajette on PROD1PC64 with RULES ACTION: Final rule. SUMMARY: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is classifying the absorbable poly(hydroxybutyrate) surgical suture produced by recombinant deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) technology into class II (special controls). The special control that will apply to the device is the guidance document entitled ‘‘Class II Special Controls Guidance Document: VerDate Aug<31>2005 15:45 Aug 02, 2007 Date Jkt 211001 Absorbable Poly(hydroxybutyrate) Surgical Suture Produced by Recombinant DNA Technology.’’ The agency is classifying these devices into class II (special controls) in order to provide a reasonable assurance of safety and effectiveness of these devices. Elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register, FDA is announcing the availability of the guidance document that will serve as the special control for this device. DATES: This rule is effective September 4, 2007. The classification was effective February 8, 2007. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Nada O. Hanafi, Center for Devices and Radiological Health (HFZ–410), Food and Drug Administration, 9200 Corporate Blvd., Rockville, MD 20850, 240–276–3555. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: I. What is the Background of this Rulemaking? In accordance with section 513(f)(1) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the act) (21 U.S.C. 360c(f)(1)), devices that were not in commercial distribution before May 28, 1976, the date of enactment of the Medical Device Amendments of 1976 (the amendments), generally referred to as postamendments devices, are classified automatically by statute into class III without any FDA rulemaking process. These devices remain in class III and require PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 Revised: August 3, 1999. Revised: August 3, 1999. Issued: August 12, 1999. Revised: February 1, 1999. Revised: February 1, 1999. Revised: February 1, 1999. premarket approval, unless the device is classified or reclassified into class I or class II, or FDA issues an order finding the device to be substantially equivalent, in accordance with section 513(i) of the act, to a predicate device that does not require premarket approval. The agency determines whether new devices are substantially equivalent to predicate devices by means of premarket notification procedures in section 510(k) of the act (21 U.S.C. 360(k)) and part 807 (21 CFR part 807) of FDA’s regulations. Section 513(f)(2) of the act provides that any person who submits a premarket notification under section 510(k) of the act for a device that has not previously been classified may, within 30 days after receiving an order classifying the device in class III under section 513(f)(1) of the act, request FDA to classify the device under the criteria set forth in section 513(a)(1) of the act. FDA shall, within 60 days of receiving such a request, classify the device by written order. This classification shall be the initial classification of the device type. Within 30 days after the issuance of an order classifying the device, FDA will publish a notice in the Federal Register announcing such classification (section 513(f)(2) of the act). In accordance with section 513(f)(1) of the act, FDA issued an order on November 7, 2005, classifying the absorbable poly(hydroxybutyrate) E:\FR\FM\03AUR1.SGM 03AUR1


[Federal Register Volume 72, Number 149 (Friday, August 3, 2007)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 43139-43144]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E7-15018]



Federal Aviation Administration

14 CFR Part 39

[Docket No. FAA-2006-25927; Directorate Identifier 2006-CE-52-AD; 
Amendment 39-15142; AD 2007-16-03]
RIN 2120-AA64

Airworthiness Directives; M7 Aerospace LP SA226 and SA227 Series 

AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Department of 
Transportation (DOT).

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) to 
supersede AD 98-19-15 R1 and AD 2000-03-17, which apply to M7 Aerospace 
LP SA226 and SA227 series airplanes equipped with certain pitch trim 
actuators. AD 98-19-15 R1 currently requires you to incorporate changes 
into the Limitations Section of the FAA-approved airplane flight manual 
(AFM) if certain part number (P/N) pitch trim actuators are installed. 
AD 2000-03-17 requires repetitive inspections and repetitive 
replacements of the pitch trim actuator. The repetitive inspection and 
repetitive replacement times vary depending on the combination of 
airplane model and pitch trim actuator P/N installed. Since we issued 
AD 98-19-15 R1 and AD 2000-03-17, we have determined that reliance on 
critical repetitive inspections on aging commuter-class airplanes 
carries an unnecessary safety risk when a design change exists that 
could eliminate or, in certain instances, reduce the number of those 
critical inspections. Consequently, this AD retains all of the actions 
of the previously referenced ADs, places life limits on certain P/N 
pitch trim actuators, and requires the replacement of certain P/N pitch 
trim actuators with one of an improved design. Once installed, the 
improved design pitch trim actuator will terminate the AFM limitations 
in this AD and reduce the repetitive inspection and repetitive 
replacement requirements. We are issuing this AD to detect excessive 
freeplay or rod slippage in the pitch trim actuator, which, if not 
detected and corrected, could result in pitch trim actuator failure. We 
are also issuing this AD to lessen the severity of pitch upset if a 
pitch trim actuator mechanical failure occurs. These conditions could 
lead to possible loss of control.

DATES: This AD becomes effective on September 7, 2007.

[[Page 43140]]

    As of April 10, 2000 (65 FR 8037, February 17, 2000), the Director 
of the Federal Register approved the incorporation by reference of the 
following Fairchild Aircraft service information listed in this AD:
     Fairchild Aircraft SA226 Series Service letter (SL) 226-
SL-005, Revised: August 3, 1999;
     Fairchild Aircraft SA227 Series SL 227-SL-011, Revised 
August 3, 1999;
     Fairchild Aircraft SA227 Series SL CC7-SL-028, Issued: 
August 12, 1999;
     Fairchild Aircraft SA226 Series SL 226-SL-014, Revised: 
February 1, 1999;
     Fairchild Aircraft SA227 Series SL 227-SL-031, Revised: 
February 1, 1999; and
     Fairchild Aircraft SA227 Series SL CC7-SL-021, Revised: 
February 1, 1999.

ADDRESSES: For service information identified in this AD, contact M7 
Aerospace LP, 10823 N.E. Entrance, San Antonio, Texas 78216.
    To view the AD docket, go to U.S. Department of Transportation, 
Docket Operations, M-30, West Building Ground Floor, Room W12-140, 1200 
New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590, or on the Internet at The docket number is FAA-2006-25927; Directorate 
Identifier 2006-CE-52-AD.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Werner Koch, Aerospace Engineer, 2601 
Meacham Blvd, Fort Worth, Texas 76137-4298; telephone: (817) 222-5133; 
fax: (817) 222-5960.



    On April 20, 2007, we issued a proposal to amend part 39 of the 
Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR part 39) to include an AD that 
would apply to M7 Aerospace LP SA226 and SA227 series airplanes 
equipped with certain pitch trim actuators. This proposal was published 
in the Federal Register as a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) on 
April 30, 2007 (72 FR 21171). The NPRM proposed to supersede AD 98-19-
15 R1 and AD 2000-03-17 with a new AD that would retain all of the 
actions of the previously referenced ADs but limit the part numbers of 
the pitch trim actuators that can be used for replacement. The NPRM 
also proposed placing a life limit on Barber-Coleman pitch trim 
actuators P/N 27-19008-001, P/N 27-19008-002, P/N 27-19008-004, and P/N 
27-19008-005. The NPRM proposed to require you to use the service 
information described previously to perform these actions.


    We provided the public the opportunity to participate in developing 
this AD. We received no comments on the proposal or on the 
determination of the cost to the public.


    We have carefully reviewed the available data and determined that 
air safety and the public interest require adopting the AD as proposed 
except for minor editorial corrections. We have determined that these 
minor corrections:
     Are consistent with the intent that was proposed in the 
NPRM for correcting the unsafe condition; and
     Do not add any additional burden upon the public than was 
already proposed in the NPRM.

Costs of Compliance

    We estimate that this AD affects 307 airplanes in the U.S. 
    This AD requires pitch trim actuators to have a combination of 
inspections, overhaul, and/or replacement. We have presented the fleet 
cost as the lowest cost based on all airplanes needing the inspection 
and the highest cost based on all airplanes needing the overhaul. The 
actual fleet cost will be somewhere between the lowest and highest 
fleet cost presented. We have no way of determining the number of 
airplanes needing replacement. (See below for airplane replacement 
    We estimate the following costs to do the inspection or overhaul:

                                                                                  Total cost per   Total cost on
                 Labor cost                               Parts cost                 airplane     U.S. operators
For inspection: 4 work-hours x $80 per hour  None...............................            $320         $98,240
 = $320.
For overhaul: 4 work-hours x $80 per hour =  $9,000.............................           9,320       2,861,240

    We estimate the following costs to do any necessary replacements 
that are required through the actions of this AD. We have no way of 
determining the number of airplanes that may need this replacement:

                                                             Total cost
                 Labor cost                    Parts cost   per airplane
4 work-hours x $80 per hour = $320..........      $64,000       $64,320

    The replacement estimate is based on replacing the pitch trim 
actuator with a new Simmonds-Precision P/N DL5040M8 pitch trim 
actuator. If the pitch trim actuator is replaced with a different P/N 
FAA-approved pitch trim actuator or a zero-timed FAA-approved pitch 
trim actuator the cost to the owner/operator could be less.
    The estimated costs represented in the above actions include the 
costs associated with AD 98-19-15 R1, AD 2000-03-17, and the costs of 
this AD. The added cost impact this AD imposes upon an owner/operator 
over that already required by AD 98-19-15 R1 and AD 2000-03-17 is the 
eventual replacement of the pitch trim actuator if the airplane 
currently has installed a Barber-Coleman pitch trim actuator P/N 27-
19008-001, P/N 27-19008-002, P/N 27-19008-004, or P/N 27-19008-005.

Authority for This Rulemaking

    Title 49 of the United States Code specifies the FAA's authority to 
issue rules on aviation safety. Subtitle I, Section 106 describes the 
authority of the FAA Administrator. Subtitle VII, Aviation Programs, 
describes in more detail the scope of the agency's authority.
    We are issuing this rulemaking under the authority described in 
Subtitle VII, Part A, Subpart III, Section 44701, ``General 
requirements.'' Under that section, Congress charges the FAA with 
promoting safe flight of civil aircraft in air commerce by prescribing 
regulations for practices, methods, and procedures the Administrator 
finds necessary for safety in air commerce. This regulation is within 
the scope of that authority because it addresses an unsafe condition 
that is likely to exist or develop on products identified in this AD.

Regulatory Findings

    We have determined that this AD will not have federalism 
implications under Executive Order 13132. This AD will not have a 
substantial direct effect on the States, on the relationship between 
the national government and the States, or on the distribution of power 
and responsibilities among the various levels of government.
    For the reasons discussed above, I certify that this AD:
    1. Is not a ``significant regulatory action'' under Executive Order 

[[Page 43141]]

    2. Is not a ``significant rule'' under the DOT Regulatory Policies 
and Procedures (44 FR 11034, February 26, 1979); and
    3. Will not have a significant economic impact, positive or 
negative, on a substantial number of small entities under the criteria 
of the Regulatory Flexibility Act.
    We prepared a summary of the costs to comply with this AD (and 
other information as included in the Regulatory Evaluation) and placed 
it in the AD Docket. You may get a copy of this summary by sending a 
request to us at the address listed under ADDRESSES. Include ``Docket 
No. FAA-2006-25927; Directorate Identifier 2006-CE-52-AD'' in your 

List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 39

    Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation safety, Safety.

Adoption of the Amendment

Accordingly, under the authority delegated to me by the Administrator, 
the Federal Aviation Administration amends part 39 of the Federal 
Aviation Regulations (14 CFR part 39) as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 39 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701.

Sec.  39.13  [Amended].

2. The FAA amends Sec.  39.13 by removing Airworthiness Directive (AD) 
98-19-15 R1, Amendment 39-11507 (65 FR 1540, January 11, 2000), and AD 
2000-03-17, Amendment 39-11576 (65 FR 8037, February 17, 2000); and by 
adding the following new AD:

2007-16-03 M7 Aerospace LP (Type Certificate No. A5SW, A8SW, and 
A18SW formerly held by Fairchild Aircraft Incorporated): Amendment 
39-15142; Docket No. FAA-2006-25927; Directorate Identifier 2007-CE-

Effective Date

    (a) This AD becomes effective on September 7, 2007.

Affected ADs

    (b) This AD supersedes the following ADs:
    (1) AD 98-19-15 R1, Amendment 39-11507; and
    (2) AD 2000-03-17, Amendment 39-11576.


    (c) This AD applies to all Models SA226-AT, SA226-T, SA226-T(B), 
SA226-TC, SA227-AC (C-26A), SA227-AT, SA227-BC (C-26A), SA227-CC, 
SA227-DC (C-26B), SA227-PC, and SA227-TT airplanes, all serial 
numbers, that:
    (1) are certificated in any category; and
    (2) are equipped with pitch trim actuator Barber-Coleman part 
number (P/N) 27-19008-001, Barber-Coleman P/N 27-19008-002, Barber-
Coleman P/N 27-19008-004, Barber-Coleman P/N 27-19008-005, Barber-
Coleman P/N 27-19008-006, Barber-Coleman P/N 27-19008-007, Simmonds-
Precision P/N DL5040M5, Simmonds-Precision P/N DL5040M6, or 
Simmonds-Precision P/N DL5040M8.

Unsafe Condition

    (d) This AD results from reports of mechanical failure of the 
pitch trim actuator causing the horizontal stabilizer to move to 
full aircraft nose up. We are issuing this AD to detect excessive 
freeplay or rod slippage in the pitch trim actuator, which, if not 
detected and corrected, could result in pitch trim actuator failure. 
We are also issuing to lessen the severity of pitch upset if a pitch 
trim actuator mechanical failure occurs. These conditions could lead 
to possible loss of control. In addition, we are issuing to 
eliminate the use of certain pitch trim actuators that require 
frequent critical inspections or replacements.


    (e) To address this problem, you must do the following, unless 
already done:
    (1) For airplanes with a Barber-Coleman pitch trim actuator P/N 
27-19008-001, P/N 27-19008-002, P/N 27-19008-004, or P/N 27-19008-
005: Before further flight after September 25, 1998 (the effective 
date of AD 98-19-15), incorporate the text in paragraphs (e)(1)(i) 
and (e)(1)(ii) of this AD into the Limitations Section of the FAA-
approved airplane flight manual (AFM). The owner/operator holding at 
least a private pilot certificate as authorized by section 43.7 of 
the Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR 43.7) may insert the 
information specified in paragraphs (e)(1)(i) and (e)(1)(ii) of this 
AD into the AFM Limitations Section. This may be done by inserting a 
copy of this AD into the AFM. Make an entry into the aircraft 
records showing compliance with this portion of the AD in accordance 
with section 43.9 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR 43.9).
    (i) ``Limit the maximum indicated airspeed to maneuvering 
airspeed (Va) as shown in the appropriate airplane flight manual 
(AFM)''; and
    (ii) ``The minimum crew required is two pilots.''

    Note 1: Fairchild Service Letter 226-SL-017, Fairchild Service 
Letter 227-SL-033, and Fairchild Service Letter CC7-SL-023, all FAA 
Approved: August 26, 1998; Revised: September 2, 1998, address the 
subject matter of this AD.

    Note 2: The before further flight compliance time of paragraph 
(e)(1) of this AD is retained from AD 98-19-15 R1.

    Note 3: Installation of any FAA-approved pitch trim actuator 
other than the Barber-Coleman P/N 27-19008-001, P/N 27-19008-002, P/
N 27-19008-004, or P/N 27-19008-005 terminates the requirements of 
paragraph (e)(1) of this AD.

    (2) For all airplanes: Do the following actions at the times 
specified in the initial inspection or overhaul column and the 
repetitive inspection or overhaul column in table 1 of this AD:
    (i) For airplanes equipped with a Simmonds-Precision pitch trim 
actuator P/N DL5040M5, P/N DL5040M6, or P/N DL5040M8: Measure the 
freeplay of the pitch trim actuator and inspect the pitch trim 
actuator for rod slippage using the INSTRUCTIONS section of 
Fairchild Aircraft SA226 Series Service Letter (SL) 226-SL-005 or 
Fairchild Aircraft SA227 Series SL 227-SL-011, both Revised: August 
3, 1999; or Fairchild Aircraft SA227 Series Service Letter CC7-SL-
028, Issued: August 12, 1999, as applicable.
    (ii) For airplanes equipped with Barber-Colman pitch trim 
actuators P/N 27-19008-001, P/N 27-19008-002, P/N 27-19008-004, or 
P/N 27-19008-005: Do a functional inspection of the pitch trim 
actuator using the INSTRUCTIONS section of Fairchild Aircraft SA226 
Series SL 226-SL-014, Fairchild Aircraft SA227 Series SL 227-SL-031, 
or Fairchild Aircraft SA227 Series SL CC7-SL-021; all Revised: 
February 1, 1999; as applicable.

    Note 4: The actions in paragraphs (e)(2)(i) and (e)(2)(ii) of 
this AD are the same as the actions in AD 2000-03-17. The only 
difference between this AD and AD 2000-03-17 is the addition of life 
limits to Barber-Coleman pitch trim actuators P/N 27-19008-001, P/N 
27-19008-002, P/N 27-19008-004, or P/N 27-19008-005.

    (iii) For airplanes equipped with Barber-Colman pitch trim 
actuators P/N 27-19008-006 or P/N 27-19008-007: Overhaul the pitch 
trim actuator following the applicable maintenance manual.
    (3) For all airplanes: Before further flight, replace the pitch 
trim actuator following the applicable maintenance manual when any 
of the following occurs:
    (i) The pitch trim actuator is inspected following paragraphs 
(e)(2)(i) and (e)(2)(ii) of this AD and the freeplay limitations are 
exceeded, rod slippage is found, or a ratcheting sound occurs, as 
specified in the applicable service letters; or
    (ii) The installed pitch trim actuator reaches its repetitive 
replacement time as specified in table 1 in paragraph (e)(4) of this 
    (4) Table 1 below presents the pitch trim actuators that could 
be installed and the compliance times for the initial inspections or 
overhaul, repetitive inspections or overhaul, and repetitive 
replacements required by this AD:

[[Page 43142]]

               Table 1.--Inspection/Overhaul and Replacement Requirements for Pitch Trim Actuators
                                        Initial inspection or    Repetitive inspection
              Condition                        overhaul               or overhaul         Repetitive replacement
(i) For all affected airplane models   Inspect following        Inspect following        Replace the pitch trim
 (except for the Models SA227-CC and    paragraph (e)(2)(i) of   paragraph (e)(2)(i) of   actuator with a
 SA227-DC) that have an original        this AD before           this AD before           Simmonds-Precision P/N
 Simmonds-Precision pitch trim          accumulating 3,000       accumulating 250 hours   DL5040M6, Simmonds-
 actuator, P/N DL5040M5, installed.     hours time-in-service    TIS after the initial    Precision P/N
                                        (TIS) on the pitch       inspection and           DL5040M8, Barber-
                                        trim actuator or         repetitively             Coleman P/N 27-19008-
                                        within 50 hours TIS      thereafter at            006, Barber-Coleman P/
                                        after April 17, 1995     intervals not to         N 27-19008-007, or an
                                        (the effective date of   exceed 250 hours TIS     FAA-approved
                                        AD 93-15-02 R1),         until accumulating the   equivalent pitch trim
                                        whichever occurs later.  hours TIS specified in   actuator before
                                                                 paragraph (e)(4)(i)      accumulating 5,000
                                                                 Repetitive Replacement   hours TIS on the pitch
                                                                 column of this AD.       trim actuator, 500
                                                                                          hours TIS after the
                                                                                          initial inspection, or
                                                                                          within 30 days after
                                                                                          September 7, 2007 (the
                                                                                          effective date of this
                                                                                          AD), whichever occurs
(ii) For all affected airplane models  Inspect following        Inspect following        Replace the pitch trim
 (except for the Models SA227-CC and    paragraph (e)(2)(i) of   paragraph (e)(2)(i) of   actuator with a
 SA227-DC) that have a replacement      this AD before           this AD before           Simmonds-Precision P/N
 Simmonds-Precision pitch trim          accumulating 5,000       accumulating 300 hours   DL5040M6, Simmonds-
 actuator, P/N DL5040M5, installed.     hours TIS on the pitch   TIS after the initial    Precision P/N
                                        trim actuator or         inspection and           DL5040M8, Barber-
                                        within 50 hours TIS      repetitively             Coleman P/N 27-19008-
                                        after April 17, 1995     thereafter at            006, Barber-Coleman P/
                                        (the effective date of   intervals not to         N 27-19008-007, or an
                                        AD 93-15-02 R1),         exceed 300 hours TIS     FAA-approved
                                        whichever occurs later.  until accumulating the   equivalent pitch trim
                                                                 hours TIS specified in   actuator before
                                                                 paragraph (e)(4)(ii)     accumulating 6,500
                                                                 Repetitive Replacement   hours TIS on the pitch
                                                                 column of this AD.       trim actuator or
                                                                                          within 30 days after
                                                                                          September 7, 2007 (the
                                                                                          effective date of this
                                                                                          AD), whichever occurs
(iii) For all affected airplane        Inspect following        Inspect following        Replace the pitch trim
 models (except for the Models SA227-   paragraph (e)(2)(i) of   paragraph (e)(2)(i) of   actuator with a
 CC and SA227-DC) that have a           this AD before           this AD before           Simmonds-Precision P/N
 replacement Simmonds-Precision pitch   accumulating 7,500       accumulating 300 hours   DL5040M6, Simmonds-
 trim actuator, P/N DL5040M6,           hours TIS on the pitch   TIS after the initial    Precision P/N
 installed. This part can be new,       trim actuator or         inspection and           DL5040M8, Barber-
 modified from a P/N DL5040M5 pitch     within 50 hours TIS      repetitively             Coleman P/N 27-19008-
 trim actuator, or overhauled and       after April 17, 1995     thereafter at            006, Barber-Coleman P/
 zero-timed.                            (the effective date of   intervals not to         N 27-19008-007, or an
                                        AD 93-15-02 R1),         exceed 300 hours TIS     FAA-approved
                                        whichever occurs later.  until accumulating the   equivalent pitch trim
                                                                 hours TIS specified in   actuator before
                                                                 paragraph (e)(4)(iii)    accumulating 9,900
                                                                 Repetitive Replacement   hours TIS on the pitch
                                                                 column of this AD.       trim actuator or
                                                                                          within 30 days after
                                                                                          September 7, 2007 (the
                                                                                          effective date of this
                                                                                          AD), whichever occurs
(iv) For all affected airplane models  Inspect following        Inspect following        Replace the pitch trim
 (except for the Models SA227-CC and    paragraph (e)(2)(i) of   paragraph (e)(2)(i) of   actuator with a
 SA227-DC) that have a replacement      this AD before           this AD before           Simmonds-Precision P/N
 Simmonds-Precision pitch trim          accumulating 5,000       accumulating 300 hours   DL5040M6, Simmonds-
 actuator, P/N DL5040M5, installed      hours TIS on the pitch   TIS after the initial    Precision P/N
 that was overhauled and zero-timed     trim actuator or         inspection and           DL5040M8, Barber-
 where both nut assemblies, P/N         within 50 hours TIS      repetitively             Coleman P/N 27-19008-
 AA56142, were replaced with new        after April 17, 1995     thereafter at            006, Barber-Coleman P/
 assemblies during overhaul.            (the effective date of   intervals not to         N 27-19008-007, or an
                                        AD 93-15-02 R1),         exceed 300 hours TIS     FAA-approved
                                        whichever occurs later.  until accumulating the   equivalent pitch trim
                                                                 hours TIS specified in   actuator before
                                                                 paragraph (e)(4)(iv)     accumulating 6,500
                                                                 Repetitive Replacement   hours TIS on the pitch
                                                                 column of this AD.       trim actuator or
                                                                                          within 30 days after
                                                                                          September 7, 2007 (the
                                                                                          effective date of this
                                                                                          AD), whichever occurs

[[Page 43143]]

(v) For all affected airplane models   Inspect following        Inspect following        Replace the pitch trim
 (except for the Models SA227-CC and    paragraph (e)(2)(i) of   paragraph (e)(2)(i) of   actuator with a
 SA227-DC) that have a replacement      this AD before           this AD before           Simmonds-Precision P/N
 Simmonds-Precision P/N DL5040M5        accumulating 3,000       accumulating 250 hours   DL5040M6, Simmonds-
 pitch trim actuator installed that     hours TIS on the pitch   TIS after the initial    Precision P/N
 was overhauled and zero-timed where    trim actuator or         inspection and           DL5040M8, Barber-
 both nut assemblies, P/N AA56142,      within 50 hours TIS      repetitively             Coleman P/N 27-19008-
 were not replaced with new             after April 17, 1995     thereafter at            006, Barber-Coleman P/
 assemblies during overhaul.            (the effective date of   intervals not to         N 27-19008-007, or an
                                        AD 93-15-02 R1),         exceed 250 hours TIS     FAA-approved
                                        whichever occurs later.  until accumulating the   equivalent pitch trim
                                                                 hours TIS specified in   actuator before
                                                                 paragraph (e)(4)(v)      accumulating 5,000
                                                                 Repetitive Replacement   hours TIS on the pitch
                                                                 column of this AD.       trim actuator or
                                                                                          within 30 days after
                                                                                          September 7, 2007 (the
                                                                                          effective date of this
                                                                                          AD), whichever occurs
(vi) For all affected airplane models  Inspect following        Inspect following        Replace the pitch trim
 (except for the Models SA227-CC and    paragraph (e)(2)(ii)     paragraph (e)(2)(ii)     actuator with a
 SA227-DC) that have a newly            of this AD before        of this AD before        Simmonds-Precision P/N
 fabricated or overhauled and zero-     accumulating 500 hours   accumulating 300 hours   DL5040M6, Simmonds-
 timed Barber-Colman pitch trim         total TIS on the pitch   TIS after the initial    Precision P/N
 actuator, P/N 27-19008-001, P/N 27-    trim actuator or         inspection and           DL5040M8, Barber-
 19008-002, P/N 27-19008-004, or P/N    within 50 hours TIS      repetitively             Coleman P/N 27-19008-
 27-19008-005.                          after December 1, 1997   thereafter at            006, Barber-Coleman P/
                                        (the effective date of   intervals not to         N 27-19008-007, or an
                                        AD 97-23-01),            exceed 300 hours TIS     FAA-approved
                                        whichever occurs later.  until accumulating the   equivalent pitch trim
                                                                 hours TIS specified in   actuator before
                                                                 paragraph (e)(4)(vi)     accumulating 5,000
                                                                 Repetitive Replacement   hours TIS on the pitch
                                                                 column of this AD.       trim actuator or
                                                                                          within 30 days after
                                                                                          September 7, 2007 (the
                                                                                          effective date of this
                                                                                          AD), whichever occurs
(vii) For the Models SA227-CC and      None...................  None...................  Replace the pitch trim
 SA227-DC that have a Simmonds-                                                           actuator with a
 Precision pitch trim actuator P/N                                                        Simmonds-Precision P/N
 DL5040M5 or P/N DL5040M6 installed.                                                      DL5040M8, Barber-
                                                                                          Coleman P/N 27-19008-
                                                                                          006 or P/N 27-19008-
                                                                                          007, or an FAA-
                                                                                          approved equivalent
                                                                                          pitch trim actuator
                                                                                          before accumulating
                                                                                          1,500 hours TIS on the
                                                                                          pitch trim actuator or
                                                                                          within 30 days after
                                                                                          September 7, 2007 (the
                                                                                          effective date of this
                                                                                          AD), whichever occurs
(viii) For the Models SA227-CC and     Inspect following        Inspect following        Replace the pitch trim
 SA227-DC that have a newly             paragraph (e)(2)(ii)     paragraph (e)(2)(ii)     actuator with a
 fabricated or overhauled and zero-     of this AD before        of this AD before        Simmonds-Precision P/N
 timed Barber-Colman pitch trim         accumulating 500 hours   accumulating 300 hours   DL5040M8, Barber-
 actuator, P/N 27-19008-001, P/N 27-    total TIS on the pitch   TIS after the initial    Coleman P/N 27-19008-
 19008-002, P/N 27-19008-004, or P/N    trim actuator or         inspection and           006, Barber-Coleman P/
 27-19008-005.                          within 50 hours TIS      repetitively             N 27-19008-007, or an
                                        after December 1, 1997   thereafter at            FAA-approved
                                        (the effective date of   intervals not to         equivalent pitch trim
                                        AD 97-23-01),            exceed 300 hours TIS     actuator before
                                        whichever occurs later.  until accumulating the   accumulating 5,000
                                                                 hours TIS specified in   hours TIS on the pitch
                                                                 paragraph (e)(4)(viii)   trim actuator or
                                                                 Repetitive Replacement   within 30 days after
                                                                 column of this AD.       September 7, 2007 (the
                                                                                          effective date of this
                                                                                          AD), whichever occurs
(ix) For all affected airplanes with   Inspect following        Inspect following        Replace the pitch trim
 a Simmonds-Precision pitch trim        paragraph (e)(2)(i) of   paragraph (e)(2)(i) of   actuator with a
 actuator, P/N DL5040M8, installed.     this AD before           this AD before           Simmonds-Precision P/N
                                        accumulating 7,500       accumulating 300 hours   DL5040M8, Barber-
                                        hours TIS on the pitch   TIS after the initial    Coleman P/N 27-19008-
                                        trim actuator or         inspection and           006 or P/N 27-19008-
                                        within the next 50       repetitively             007, or an FAA-
                                        hours TIS after April    thereafter at            approved equivalent
                                        10, 2000 (the            intervals not to         pitch trim actuator
                                        effective date of AD     exceed 300 hours TIS     before accumulating
                                        2000-03-17), whichever   until accumulating the   9,900 hours TIS on the
                                        occurs later.            hours TIS specified in   pitch trim actuator or
                                                                 paragraph (e)(4)(ix)     within 30 days after
                                                                 Repetitive Replacement   September 7, 2007 (the
                                                                 column of this AD.       effective date of this
                                                                                          AD), whichever occurs
(x) For all affected airplanes with a  Overhaul following       Overhaul following       No replacement
 Barber-Colman P/N 27-19008-006 or 27-  paragraph (e)(2)(iii)    paragraph (e)(2)(iii)    requirements.
 19008-007 pitch trim actuator          of this AD before        of this AD before
 installed.                             accumulating 2,000       accumulating 2,000
                                        hours TIS on the pitch   hours TIS on the pitch
                                        trim actuator.           trim actuator.

[[Page 43144]]

    (5) For all airplane models except Models SA227-CC and SA227-DC: 
As of September 7, 2007 (the effective date of this AD), do not 
install as a replacement any of the following pitch trim actuators 
or FAA-approved equivalent P/Ns:
    (i) Barber-Colman P/N 27-19008-001;
    (ii) Barber-Colman P/N 27-19008-002;
    (iii) Barber-Colman P/N 27-19008-004;
    (iv) Barber-Colman P/N 27-19008-005; or
    (v) Simmonds-Precision P/N DL5040M5.
    (6) For all airplane Models SA227-CC and SA227-DC: As of 
September 7, 2007 (the effective date of this AD), do not install as 
a replacement any of the following pitch trim actuators or FAA-
approved equivalent P/Ns:
    (i) Barber-Colman P/N 27-19008-001;
    (ii) Barber-Colman P/N 27-19008-002;
    (iii) Barber-Colman P/N 27-19008-004;
    (iv) Barber-Colman P/N 27-19008-005;
    (v) Simmonds-Precision P/N DL5040M5; or
    (vi) Simmonds-Precision P/N DL5040M6.

Alternative Methods of Compliance (AMOCs)

    (f) The Manager, Fort Worth Airplane Certification Office (ACO), 
FAA, ATTN: Werner Koch, Aerospace Engineer, 2601 Meacham Blvd., Fort 
Worth, Texas 76137-4298, has the authority to approve AMOCs for this 
AD, if requested using the procedures found in 14 CFR 39.19. Before 
using any approved AMOC on any airplane to which the AMOC applies, 
notify your appropriate principal inspector (PI) in the FAA Flight 
Standards District Office (FSDO), or lacking a PI, your local FSDO.

Material Incorporated by Reference

    (g) You must use the service information specified in table 2 of 
this AD to do the actions required by this AD, unless the AD 
specifies otherwise.
    (1) On April 10, 2000 (65 FR 8037, February 17, 2000) the 
Director of the Federal Register approved the incorporation by 
reference of the service information listed in table 2 of this AD 
under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51.
    (2) For service information identified in this AD, contact M7 
Aerospace LP, 10823 N. E. Entrance, San Antonio, Texas 78216.
    (3) You may review copies at the FAA, Central Region, Office of 
the Regional Counsel, 901 Locust, Kansas City, Missouri 64106; or at 
the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For 
information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202-
741-6030, or go to:

              Table 2.--Material Incorporated by Reference
     Service Letter (SL)                          Date
Fairchild Aircraft SA226       Revised: August 3, 1999.
 Series SL 226-SL-005.
Fairchild Aircraft SA227       Revised: August 3, 1999.
 Series SL 227-SL-011.
Fairchild Aircraft SA227       Issued: August 12, 1999.
 Series SL CC7-SL-028.
Fairchild Aircraft SA226       Revised: February 1, 1999.
 Series SL 226-SL-014.
Fairchild Aircraft SA227       Revised: February 1, 1999.
 Series SL 227-SL-031.
Fairchild Aircraft SA227       Revised: February 1, 1999.
 Series SL CC7-SL-021.

    Issued in Kansas City, Missouri, on July 27, 2007.
James E. Jackson,
Acting Manager, Small Airplane Directorate, Aircraft Certification 
 [FR Doc. E7-15018 Filed 8-2-07; 8:45 am]
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