Coverage Under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, 36873-36875 [E7-13051]
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 129 / Friday, July 6, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
due date (not including extensions) for
filing the tax-exempt entity’s annual
information return under section
6033(a)(1). If the tax-exempt entity is
not required to file an annual
information return under section
6033(a)(1), the Form 4720 shall be filed
on or before the 15th day of the fifth
month after the end of the tax-exempt
entity’s taxable year or, if the entity has
not established a taxable year for
Federal income tax purposes, the
entity’s annual accounting period.
(2) Returns by entity managers of taxexempt entities described in section
4965(c)(1), (c)(2) or (c)(3). A Form 4720,
required by § 53.6011–1(b) for an entity
manager of a tax-exempt entity
described in section 4965(c)(1), (c)(2) or
(c)(3) who is liable for tax imposed by
section 4965(a)(2) shall be filed on or
before the 15th day of the fifth month
following the close of the entity
manager’s taxable year during which the
entity entered into the prohibited tax
shelter transaction.
(3) Transition rule. A Form 4720, for
a section 4965 tax that is or was due on
or before October 4, 2007 will be
deemed to have been filed on the due
date if it is filed by October 4, 2007 and
if all section 4965 taxes required to be
reported on that Form 4720 are paid by
October 4, 2007.
(h) Effective/applicability date—(1) In
general. Paragraph (g) of this section is
applicable on July 6, 2007.
(2) Expiration date. Paragraph (g) of
this section will cease to apply on July
6, 2010.
Par. 5. The authority citation for part
54 continues to read in part as follows:
§ 54.6011–1T General requirement of
return, statement or list (temporary).
(a) Tax on reversions of qualified plan
assets to employer. * * *
(b) [Reserved].
(c) Entity manager tax on prohibited
tax shelter transactions—(1) In general.
Any entity manager of a tax-exempt
entity described in section 4965(c)(4),
(c)(5), (c)(6), or (c)(7) who is liable for
tax under section 4965(a)(2) shall file a
return on Form 5330, ‘‘Return of Excise
Taxes Related to Employee Benefit
Plans,’’ on or before the 15th day of the
fifth month following the close of such
entity manager’s taxable year during
which the entity entered into the
prohibited tax shelter transaction, and
shall include therein the information
required by such form and the
instructions issued with respect thereto.
(2) Transition rule. A Form 5330,
‘‘Return of Excise Taxes Related to
Employee Benefit Plans,’’ for an excise
tax under section 4965 that is or was
due on or before October 4, 2007 will be
deemed to have been filed on the due
date if it is filed by October 4, 2007 and
if the section 4965 tax that was required
to be reported on that Form 5330 is paid
by October 4, 2007.
(d) Effective/applicability date—(1) In
general. Paragraph (c) of this section is
applicable on July 6, 2007.
(2) Expiration date. Paragraph (c) of
this section will expire on July 5, 2010.
Kevin M. Brown,
Deputy Commissioner for Services and
Approved: June 21, 2007.
Eric Solomon,
Assistant Secretary of the Treasury (Tax
[FR Doc. E7–12901 Filed 7–5–07; 8:45 am]
Authority: 26 U.S.C. 7805 * * *
Par. 6. Section 54.6011–1 is amended
by adding and reserving paragraph (c)
and adding paragraph (d) to read as
§ 54.6011–1 General requirement of return,
statement, or list.
RIN 3046–AA78
Coverage Under the Age
Discrimination in Employment Act
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES
(c) [Reserved]. For further guidance,
see § 54.6011–1T(c).
(d) Effective/applicability date. For
the applicability date of paragraph (c) of
this section, see § 54.6011–1T(d).
I Par. 7. Section 54.6011–1T is
amended as follows:
I 1. The undesignated text is designated
as paragraph (a) and a paragraph
heading is added.
I 2. Paragraph (b) is added and
I 3. Paragraphs (c) and (d) are added.
VerDate Aug<31>2005
20:11 Jul 05, 2007
Jkt 211001
29 CFR Part 1625
Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission (‘‘EEOC’’ or
‘‘Commission’’) is publishing this final
rule to amend its Age Discrimination in
Employment Act (the ‘‘Act’’ or ‘‘ADEA’’)
regulations to conform them to the
Supreme Court’s holding in General
Dynamics Land System, Inc. v. Cline,
PO 00000
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540 U.S. 581 (2004), that the ADEA only
prohibits discrimination based on
relatively older age, not discrimination
based on age generally. Thus, the final
rule deletes language in EEOC’s ADEA
regulations that prohibited
discrimination against relatively
younger individuals. The new rule
explains that the ADEA only prohibits
employment discrimination based on
old age and, therefore, does not prohibit
employers from favoring relatively older
DATES: Effective date July 6, 2007.
Raymond Peeler, Senior Attorney
Advisor, Office of Legal Counsel, at
(202) 663–4537 (voice) or (202) 663–
7026 (TTY) (These are not toll free
numbers). This final rule also is
available in the following formats: large
print, braille, audio tape and electronic
file on computer disk. Requests for this
final rule in an alternative format
should be made to the Publications
Information Center at 1–800–669–3362.
11, 2006, the EEOC published a Notice
of Proposed Rulemaking (‘‘NPRM’’) in
the Federal Register to amend
regulations that prohibited any agebased discrimination against
individuals forty years old or older,
regardless of whether the age-bias
favored older or younger individuals.1
Relying on the Supreme Court’s
decision in General Dynamics Land
System, Inc. v. Cline, 540 U.S. 581
(2004),2 the NPRM explained that the
ADEA protects only relatively older
Overview of Public Comments
The Commission received nine public
comments during the public comment
period, which ended on October 10,
2006. Six commenters strongly
supported the proposed rule: AARP,
National Employment Lawyers
Association (NELA), Equal Employment
Advisory Counsel (EEAC), U.S.
Chamber of Commerce, TOC
Management Services, and the National
Federation of Independent Business
(NFIB). Two federal employee unions
opposed the rule. The Conference
1 EEOC Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 71 FR
46177, Aug. 11, 2006.
2 In Cline, a group of employees between the ages
of forty and forty-nine sued their employer for age
discrimination when it eliminated its future
obligation to pay retiree health benefits for any
employee then under fifty years old. The Supreme
Court rejected their claim, finding that the ADEA’s
prohibition against discrimination ‘‘because of age’’
only prevents discrimination that favors younger
workers, not actions that place older workers in a
more favorable position. The Court’s rationale is
described in detail in the NPRM. See 71 FR at
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 129 / Friday, July 6, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
Board, a ‘‘business research and
membership non-profit organization’’
whose comment is a compilation of
questions from its members, sought
some clarifications that are discussed
Scope of the Regulation
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES
One of the opposing commenters
argued that the Supreme Court’s ruling
in Cline was already reflected in Section
1625.2(b) of the Commission’s current
regulations, which allows favorable
treatment of older workers with respect
to benefits. We believe that the Supreme
Court addressed this comment through
its detailed analysis concerning the
purpose of the ADEA as protecting older
workers and its characterization of the
current regulations’ prohibition of
‘‘reverse’’ age discrimination as ‘‘clearly
wrong.’’ 3 Thus, the Commission
concludes that it cannot conform its
regulations to the Court’s decision in
Cline without amendment.
A Conference Board member’s
comment that ‘‘the change in language
creates a slippery slope around creating
new protections,’’ suggests a belief that
the rule creates a new enforceable right
for older individuals. The rule creates
no such right. It simply provides that an
employer does not violate the ADEA if
it makes an age-based decision that
favors older individuals.4 The
Commission has added language to
section 1625.2 to clarify this point.
The opposing comments and some
comments from the Conference Board
construe the NPRM to inappropriately
encourage favoritism of older
individuals. For example, the American
Federation of Government Employees
(AFGE) argued that the NPRM
inappropriately deters the employment
of younger individuals in the protected
age group, and a Conference Board
member expressed concern that certain
positions will become ‘‘for matures
only.’’ However, as the Cline Court
The [legislative and administrative] record
is devoid of any evidence that younger
workers were suffering at the expense of their
elders * * * Common experience is to the
contrary * * * If Congress had been
worrying about protecting the younger
against the older, it would not likely have
ignored everyone under 40. The youthful
deficiencies of inexperience and
unsteadiness invite stereotypical and
discriminatory thinking about those a lot
younger than 40, and prejudice suffered by
a 40-year-old is not typically owing to youth,
3 Cline,
540 U.S. at 600.
4 In Cline, the employer eliminated retiree health
benefits, but grandfathered employees who were
age 50 or older.
VerDate Aug<31>2005
20:11 Jul 05, 2007
Jkt 211001
as 40-year-olds sadly tend to find out. The
enemy of 40 is 30, not 50.5
‘‘emphasizes the role of the EEOC in
monitoring employment applications.’’
AFGE also asked EEOC to restrict the
regulation’s scope by explaining that it
does not affect state laws prohibiting age
discrimination against relatively
younger persons. The same concern was
reflected in a question from the
Conference Board. The Commission
agrees with this suggestion; the rule
only interprets the ADEA, not state or
local law. The ADEA permits states to
provide protections in addition to those
provided by federal law.6 Thus, the
Commission has revised the final rule to
clarify that it only interprets the ADEA,
not state or local law.
Revisions to the NPRM
Concerns With Specific Provisions
Some members of the Conference
Board asked for additional guidance in
Section 1625.4 regarding how
employers may structure advertisements
without violating the ADEA. AFGE also
criticized this Section, suggesting that
we only provide examples such as
‘‘experience a plus.’’ But AARP, whose
comment also was adopted by NELA,
praised the NPRM’s ‘‘straightforward
description of what is acceptable in
posting employment advertisements.’’
The NFIB and EEAC also supported the
advertisement language, believing it
would aid their members’ recruitment
efforts. Inasmuch as the advertising
provisions are expressly supported by
many commenters and already include
several examples that EEOC believes
reflect the Court’s interpretation of the
ADEA, the EEOC concludes that further
guidance in the text of the regulation is
unnecessary. Further, providing a
definitive list of legally acceptable
advertising language could hamper
employers’ unique efforts to fill their
workforce needs.
AFGE also commented that the
revised § 1625.5 improperly encourages
employers to collect an applicant’s age
or date of birth. The Commission does
not agree that this Section encourages
employers to collect such information.
To the contrary, it warns employers that
the EEOC will closely scrutinize the
collection of age-identifying information
to ensure that it is collected and used
only for lawful purposes. AARP and
NELA (adopting AARP’s comment),
both worker rights groups, explicitly
approved of how this provision
540 U.S. at 591.
in this [statute] shall affect the
jurisdiction of any agency of any state performing
like functions with regard to discriminatory
employment practices on account of age except that
upon commencement of action under [the ADEA]
such action shall supersede any state action.’’ 29
U.S.C. 633(a).
PO 00000
5 Cline,
6 ‘‘Nothing
Frm 00016
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The final rule adopts the NPRM but
adds a sentence to clarify that it neither
creates an enforceable right for older
workers nor affects state or local
prohibitions against age-based
Regulatory Planning and Review
This final rule is considered to be a
‘‘significant regulatory action’’ pursuant
to section 3(f)(4) of Executive Order
12866, 58 FR 51735 (Sept. 30, 1993), in
that it arises out of the Commission’s
legal mandate to enforce the ADEA.
Therefore, it was circulated to the Office
of Management and Budget for review.
Nonetheless, the Commission has
determined that this rule will not have
an annual effect on the economy of $100
million or more, and will not adversely
affect the economy, a sector of the
economy, productivity, competition,
jobs, the environment, public health or
safety. To the contrary, this final rule
increases the flexibility of employers to
take previously forbidden age-based
actions that favor older workers.
Although the final rule applies to all
employers with at least 20 employees,7
it will not have a significant impact on
small business entities under the
Regulatory Flexibility Act, because it
imposes no economic or reporting
burdens. For reasons already identified,
the Commission also finds that this final
rule requires no additional scrutiny
under either the Paperwork Reduction
Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501, et seq., concerning
the collection of information, or the
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of
1995, 2 U.S.C. 1501, et seq., concerning
the burden imposed on state, local, or
tribal governments.
List of Subjects for 29 CFR Part 1625
Advertising, Aged, Employee benefit
plans, Equal employment opportunity,
Dated: June 29, 2007.
For the Commission.
Naomi C. Earp,
For the reasons discussed in the
preamble, the Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission amends 29
CFR chapter XIV part 1625 as follows:
7 See 29 U.S.C. 630(b). According to Census
Bureau Information, approximately 1,976,216
establishments employed 20 or more employees in
2000, see Census Bureau, U.S. Department of
Commerce, Statistics of U.S. Businesses (2000).
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 129 / Friday, July 6, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
1. Revise the authority citation for part
1625 to read as follows:
Authority: 29 U.S.C. 621–634; 5 U.S.C.
301; sec. 2, Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1978, 43 FR
19807; E.O. 12067, 43 FR 28967.
Subpart A—Interpretations
2. Revise § 1625.2 to read as follows:
§ 1625.2
Discrimination prohibited by the
It is unlawful for an employer to
discriminate against an individual in
any aspect of employment because that
individual is 40 years old or older,
unless one of the statutory exceptions
applies. Favoring an older individual
over a younger individual because of
age is not unlawful discrimination
under the ADEA, even if the younger
individual is at least 40 years old.
However, the ADEA does not require
employers to prefer older individuals
and does not affect applicable state,
municipal, or local laws that prohibit
such preferences.
I 3. Revise § 1625.4 to read as follows:
§ 1625.4 Help wanted notices or
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES
(a) Help wanted notices or
advertisements may not contain terms
and phrases that limit or deter the
employment of older individuals.
Notices or advertisements that contain
terms such as age 25 to 35, young,
college student, recent college graduate,
boy, girl, or others of a similar nature
violate the Act unless one of the
statutory exceptions applies. Employers
may post help wanted notices or
advertisements expressing a preference
for older individuals with terms such as
over age 60, retirees, or supplement your
(b) Help wanted notices or
advertisements that ask applicants to
disclose or state their age do not, in
themselves, violate the Act. But because
asking applicants to state their age may
tend to deter older individuals from
applying, or otherwise indicate
discrimination against older
individuals, employment notices or
advertisements that include such
requests will be closely scrutinized to
assure that the requests were made for
a lawful purpose.
I 4. Revise the first paragraph of
§ 1625.5 to read as follows:
§ 1625.5
Employment applications.
A request on the part of an employer
for information such as Date of Birth or
age on an employment application form
is not, in itself, a violation of the Act.
VerDate Aug<31>2005
20:11 Jul 05, 2007
Jkt 211001
But because the request that an
applicant state his age may tend to deter
older applicants or otherwise indicate
discrimination against older
individuals, employment application
forms that request such information will
be closely scrutinized to assure that the
request is for a permissible purpose and
not for purposes proscribed by the Act.
That the purpose is not one proscribed
by the statute should be made known to
the applicant by a reference on the
application form to the statutory
prohibition in language to the following
[FR Doc. E7–13051 Filed 7–5–07; 8:45 am]
authority over information contained in
or revealed by the records has been
Access to unclassified OSD
Component files by historical
researchers shall be permitted
consistent with the restrictions of the
exemptions of the Freedom of
Information Act. The procedures for
access to classified information shall be
used if the requested unclassified
information is contained in OSD files
whose overall markings are classified.
On February 28, 2007 (72 FR 8952),
the Department of Defense published a
proposed rule, ‘‘Historical Research in
the Files of the Office of the Secretary
of Defense (OSD)’’ inviting public
comments. No comments were received.
Executive Order 13132, ‘‘Federalism’’
Office of the Secretary
32 CFR Part 197
RIN 0790–AI12
Historical Research in the Files of the
Office of the Secretary of Defense
Department of Defense.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: This final rule identifies and
updates the policies and procedures for
the programs that permit U.S. citizens to
perform historical research in records
created by or in the custody of the
Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD).
Historical Research in the Files of OSD
updates the policies and procedures for
the programs that permit U.S. citizens to
perform historical research in records
created by or in the custody of the OSD.
DATES: Effective Date: This rule is
effective August 6, 2007.
Robert Storer, 703–696–2197.
accessing classified material must
possess the requisite security clearance.
Information requested by historical
researchers shall be accessed at a DoD
activity or facility under the control of
the National Archives and Records
Administration (NARA).
Access to records by historical
researchers shall be limited to the
specific records within the scope of the
proposed historical research over which
the Department of Defense has
classification authority. Access shall
also be limited to any other records for
which the written consent of other
Agencies that have classification
PO 00000
Frm 00017
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It has been certified that 32 CFR part
197 does not have federalism
implications, as set forth in Executive
Order 13132. This rule does not have
substantial direct effects on:
(1) The States;
(2) The relationship between the
National Government and the States; or
(3) The distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various
levels of Government.
Executive Order 12630, ‘‘Government
Actions and Interference With
Constitutionally Protected Property
It has been certified that 32 CFR part
197 does not:
(1) Place a restriction on a use of
private property;
(2) Involve a permitting process or
any other decision-making process that
will interfere with, or otherwise
prohibit, the use of private property; or
(3) Regulate private property use for
the protection of public health or safety.
Executive Order 12866, ‘‘Regulatory
Planning and Review’’
It has been certified that 32 CFR part
197 does not:
(1) Have an annual effect on the
economy of $100 million or more or
adversely affect in a material way the
economy; a section of the economy;
productivity; competition; jobs; the
environment; public health or safety; or
State, local, or tribunal governments or
(2) Create a serious inconsistency or
otherwise interfere with an action taken
or planned by another Agency;
(3) Materially alter the budgetary
impact of entitlements, grants, user fees,
or loan programs, or the rights and
obligations of recipients thereof; or
(4) Raise novel legal or policy issues
arising out of legal mandates, the
[Federal Register Volume 72, Number 129 (Friday, July 6, 2007)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 36873-36875]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E7-13051]
29 CFR Part 1625
RIN 3046-AA78
Coverage Under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act
AGENCY: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (``EEOC'' or
``Commission'') is publishing this final rule to amend its Age
Discrimination in Employment Act (the ``Act'' or ``ADEA'') regulations
to conform them to the Supreme Court's holding in General Dynamics Land
System, Inc. v. Cline, 540 U.S. 581 (2004), that the ADEA only
prohibits discrimination based on relatively older age, not
discrimination based on age generally. Thus, the final rule deletes
language in EEOC's ADEA regulations that prohibited discrimination
against relatively younger individuals. The new rule explains that the
ADEA only prohibits employment discrimination based on old age and,
therefore, does not prohibit employers from favoring relatively older
DATES: Effective date July 6, 2007.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Raymond Peeler, Senior Attorney
Advisor, Office of Legal Counsel, at (202) 663-4537 (voice) or (202)
663-7026 (TTY) (These are not toll free numbers). This final rule also
is available in the following formats: large print, braille, audio tape
and electronic file on computer disk. Requests for this final rule in
an alternative format should be made to the Publications Information
Center at 1-800-669-3362.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On August 11, 2006, the EEOC published a
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (``NPRM'') in the Federal Register to
amend regulations that prohibited any age-based discrimination against
individuals forty years old or older, regardless of whether the age-
bias favored older or younger individuals.\1\ Relying on the Supreme
Court's decision in General Dynamics Land System, Inc. v. Cline, 540
U.S. 581 (2004),\2\ the NPRM explained that the ADEA protects only
relatively older individuals.
\1\ EEOC Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 71 FR 46177, Aug. 11,
\2\ In Cline, a group of employees between the ages of forty and
forty-nine sued their employer for age discrimination when it
eliminated its future obligation to pay retiree health benefits for
any employee then under fifty years old. The Supreme Court rejected
their claim, finding that the ADEA's prohibition against
discrimination ``because of age'' only prevents discrimination that
favors younger workers, not actions that place older workers in a
more favorable position. The Court's rationale is described in
detail in the NPRM. See 71 FR at 46178.
Overview of Public Comments
The Commission received nine public comments during the public
comment period, which ended on October 10, 2006. Six commenters
strongly supported the proposed rule: AARP, National Employment Lawyers
Association (NELA), Equal Employment Advisory Counsel (EEAC), U.S.
Chamber of Commerce, TOC Management Services, and the National
Federation of Independent Business (NFIB). Two federal employee unions
opposed the rule. The Conference
[[Page 36874]]
Board, a ``business research and membership non-profit organization''
whose comment is a compilation of questions from its members, sought
some clarifications that are discussed below.
Scope of the Regulation
One of the opposing commenters argued that the Supreme Court's
ruling in Cline was already reflected in Section 1625.2(b) of the
Commission's current regulations, which allows favorable treatment of
older workers with respect to benefits. We believe that the Supreme
Court addressed this comment through its detailed analysis concerning
the purpose of the ADEA as protecting older workers and its
characterization of the current regulations' prohibition of ``reverse''
age discrimination as ``clearly wrong.'' \3\ Thus, the Commission
concludes that it cannot conform its regulations to the Court's
decision in Cline without amendment.
\3\ Cline, 540 U.S. at 600.
A Conference Board member's comment that ``the change in language
creates a slippery slope around creating new protections,'' suggests a
belief that the rule creates a new enforceable right for older
individuals. The rule creates no such right. It simply provides that an
employer does not violate the ADEA if it makes an age-based decision
that favors older individuals.\4\ The Commission has added language to
section 1625.2 to clarify this point.
\4\ In Cline, the employer eliminated retiree health benefits,
but grandfathered employees who were age 50 or older.
The opposing comments and some comments from the Conference Board
construe the NPRM to inappropriately encourage favoritism of older
individuals. For example, the American Federation of Government
Employees (AFGE) argued that the NPRM inappropriately deters the
employment of younger individuals in the protected age group, and a
Conference Board member expressed concern that certain positions will
become ``for matures only.'' However, as the Cline Court noted:
The [legislative and administrative] record is devoid of any
evidence that younger workers were suffering at the expense of their
elders * * * Common experience is to the contrary * * * If Congress
had been worrying about protecting the younger against the older, it
would not likely have ignored everyone under 40. The youthful
deficiencies of inexperience and unsteadiness invite stereotypical
and discriminatory thinking about those a lot younger than 40, and
prejudice suffered by a 40-year-old is not typically owing to youth,
as 40-year-olds sadly tend to find out. The enemy of 40 is 30, not
\5\ Cline, 540 U.S. at 591.
AFGE also asked EEOC to restrict the regulation's scope by
explaining that it does not affect state laws prohibiting age
discrimination against relatively younger persons. The same concern was
reflected in a question from the Conference Board. The Commission
agrees with this suggestion; the rule only interprets the ADEA, not
state or local law. The ADEA permits states to provide protections in
addition to those provided by federal law.\6\ Thus, the Commission has
revised the final rule to clarify that it only interprets the ADEA, not
state or local law.
\6\ ``Nothing in this [statute] shall affect the jurisdiction of
any agency of any state performing like functions with regard to
discriminatory employment practices on account of age except that
upon commencement of action under [the ADEA] such action shall
supersede any state action.'' 29 U.S.C. 633(a).
Concerns With Specific Provisions
Some members of the Conference Board asked for additional guidance
in Section 1625.4 regarding how employers may structure advertisements
without violating the ADEA. AFGE also criticized this Section,
suggesting that we only provide examples such as ``experience a plus.''
But AARP, whose comment also was adopted by NELA, praised the NPRM's
``straightforward description of what is acceptable in posting
employment advertisements.'' The NFIB and EEAC also supported the
advertisement language, believing it would aid their members'
recruitment efforts. Inasmuch as the advertising provisions are
expressly supported by many commenters and already include several
examples that EEOC believes reflect the Court's interpretation of the
ADEA, the EEOC concludes that further guidance in the text of the
regulation is unnecessary. Further, providing a definitive list of
legally acceptable advertising language could hamper employers' unique
efforts to fill their workforce needs.
AFGE also commented that the revised Sec. 1625.5 improperly
encourages employers to collect an applicant's age or date of birth.
The Commission does not agree that this Section encourages employers to
collect such information. To the contrary, it warns employers that the
EEOC will closely scrutinize the collection of age-identifying
information to ensure that it is collected and used only for lawful
purposes. AARP and NELA (adopting AARP's comment), both worker rights
groups, explicitly approved of how this provision ``emphasizes the role
of the EEOC in monitoring employment applications.''
Revisions to the NPRM
The final rule adopts the NPRM but adds a sentence to clarify that
it neither creates an enforceable right for older workers nor affects
state or local prohibitions against age-based favoritism.
Regulatory Planning and Review
This final rule is considered to be a ``significant regulatory
action'' pursuant to section 3(f)(4) of Executive Order 12866, 58 FR
51735 (Sept. 30, 1993), in that it arises out of the Commission's legal
mandate to enforce the ADEA. Therefore, it was circulated to the Office
of Management and Budget for review. Nonetheless, the Commission has
determined that this rule will not have an annual effect on the economy
of $100 million or more, and will not adversely affect the economy, a
sector of the economy, productivity, competition, jobs, the
environment, public health or safety. To the contrary, this final rule
increases the flexibility of employers to take previously forbidden
age-based actions that favor older workers.
Although the final rule applies to all employers with at least 20
employees,\7\ it will not have a significant impact on small business
entities under the Regulatory Flexibility Act, because it imposes no
economic or reporting burdens. For reasons already identified, the
Commission also finds that this final rule requires no additional
scrutiny under either the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501, et
seq., concerning the collection of information, or the Unfunded
Mandates Reform Act of 1995, 2 U.S.C. 1501, et seq., concerning the
burden imposed on state, local, or tribal governments.
\7\ See 29 U.S.C. 630(b). According to Census Bureau
Information, approximately 1,976,216 establishments employed 20 or
more employees in 2000, see Census Bureau, U.S. Department of
Commerce, Statistics of U.S. Businesses (2000).
List of Subjects for 29 CFR Part 1625
Advertising, Aged, Employee benefit plans, Equal employment
opportunity, Retirement.
Dated: June 29, 2007.
For the Commission.
Naomi C. Earp,
For the reasons discussed in the preamble, the Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission amends 29 CFR chapter XIV part 1625 as follows:
[[Page 36875]]
1. Revise the authority citation for part 1625 to read as follows:
Authority: 29 U.S.C. 621-634; 5 U.S.C. 301; sec. 2, Reorg. Plan
No. 1 of 1978, 43 FR 19807; E.O. 12067, 43 FR 28967.
Subpart A--Interpretations
2. Revise Sec. 1625.2 to read as follows:
Sec. 1625.2 Discrimination prohibited by the Act.
It is unlawful for an employer to discriminate against an
individual in any aspect of employment because that individual is 40
years old or older, unless one of the statutory exceptions applies.
Favoring an older individual over a younger individual because of age
is not unlawful discrimination under the ADEA, even if the younger
individual is at least 40 years old. However, the ADEA does not require
employers to prefer older individuals and does not affect applicable
state, municipal, or local laws that prohibit such preferences.
3. Revise Sec. 1625.4 to read as follows:
Sec. 1625.4 Help wanted notices or advertisements.
(a) Help wanted notices or advertisements may not contain terms and
phrases that limit or deter the employment of older individuals.
Notices or advertisements that contain terms such as age 25 to 35,
young, college student, recent college graduate, boy, girl, or others
of a similar nature violate the Act unless one of the statutory
exceptions applies. Employers may post help wanted notices or
advertisements expressing a preference for older individuals with terms
such as over age 60, retirees, or supplement your pension.
(b) Help wanted notices or advertisements that ask applicants to
disclose or state their age do not, in themselves, violate the Act. But
because asking applicants to state their age may tend to deter older
individuals from applying, or otherwise indicate discrimination against
older individuals, employment notices or advertisements that include
such requests will be closely scrutinized to assure that the requests
were made for a lawful purpose.
4. Revise the first paragraph of Sec. 1625.5 to read as follows:
Sec. 1625.5 Employment applications.
A request on the part of an employer for information such as Date
of Birth or age on an employment application form is not, in itself, a
violation of the Act. But because the request that an applicant state
his age may tend to deter older applicants or otherwise indicate
discrimination against older individuals, employment application forms
that request such information will be closely scrutinized to assure
that the request is for a permissible purpose and not for purposes
proscribed by the Act. That the purpose is not one proscribed by the
statute should be made known to the applicant by a reference on the
application form to the statutory prohibition in language to the
following effect:
* * * * *
[FR Doc. E7-13051 Filed 7-5-07; 8:45 am]