Deletion of Agenda Item From June 28, 2007, Open Meeting in Portland, Maine, 35992-35993 [07-3234]
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 126 / Monday, July 2, 2007 / Notices
nanotechnology, conference speakers
and attendees are encouraged to apply
‘‘life-cycle thinking’’ as they make
presentations or attend conference
sessions. Life-cycle thinking involves
consideration of environmental and
human health endpoints such as
toxicity and exposure that occur over
the material’s life cycle. Design,
production, use, and disposal are all
relevant to life-cycle thinking.
The questions below are intended to
focus presentations and discussions at
the conference. Answers to these
questions could help guide subsequent
work in P2 through nanotechnology.
1. Which nanotechnologies show the
greatest promise for preventing
• This question should be viewed
through the lens of life-cycle thinking to
minimize the possibility of unintended
• Which pollution prevention
applications are the most likely to find
real-world applications?
• What barriers exist to the adoption
of nanotechnology-enabled pollution
prevention applications?
2. What are the most promising areas
of research on pollution prevention
applications of nanotechnologies?
• Which research areas could improve
our understanding of the full life-cycle
of nanomaterials?
• How can the beneficial properties of
engineered products of nanotechnology
such as increased surface activity,
greater conductivity, improved strengthweight ratio, altered optical properties
(changes in color or opacity), and flame
retardancy be used to improve materials
and products and reduce the production
of pollutants at their source?
3. What recommendations do
conference participants have for
promoting and encouraging pollution
prevention in the development and
application of nanotechnology?
• What actions could be taken, and by
• What mechanisms, programs, or
associations could promote the research,
development, and adoption of such
• What role can EPA programs play?
III. Call for Posters
Posters are an excellent forum for
authors to present informally, yet in a
highly visible fashion, their most recent
work regarding pollution prevention
through nanotechnology. A poster
session provides an opportunity for
authors to directly communicate with
participants of the conference and
engage in detailed one-on-one
discussions. Successful posters should
reflect the goals of the Pollution
Prevention through Nanotechnology
Conference. We encourage you to
submit an entry for the poster session in
the area of nanotechnology products,
nanotechnology processes, or
nanotechnology energy/resource
efficiency. Posters with a focus on safer
chemistries through use of
nanotechnology are especially
encouraged. Because of space
constraints, a limited number of posters
will be accepted in each area. To submit
an entry for the poster session, please
send a short description (less than onepage) of the poster you would like to
display. The description should identify
which category your poster fits within
(products, processes, or efficient use of
resources), how it responds to the
concepts raised in the three questions
listed above and how it addresses
responsible development, and whether
environmental benefits can be
quantified, such as reduction of use of
hazardous chemicals or energy or
resource savings. Poster applications are
due July 31, 2007. Please submit poster
applications to the technical person
IV. How Can I Request to Attend this
You may register for the conference
electronically through EPA’s website, at by
September 14, 2007. Advance requests
will assist in planning adequate seating;
however, members of the public may
attend without prior registration. You
may also submit a request to attend this
conference to the technical person listed
CONTACT. Do not submit any information
in your request that is considered CBI.
Requests to attend the conference,
identified by docket ID number EPA–
HQ–OPPT–2004–0122, must be received
on or before September 14, 2007.
List of Subjects Environmental
protection, Chemicals, Pollution
prevention, Nanotechnology, Nanoscale
Dated: June 25, 2007.
Charles M. Auer,
Director, Office of Pollution Prevention and
[FR Doc. E7–12764 Filed 6–29–07; 8:45 am]
Deletion of Agenda Item From June 28,
2007, Open Meeting in Portland, Maine
June 28, 2007.
The following item has been deleted
from the Agenda scheduled for
consideration at the June 28, 2007, Open
Meeting in Portland, Maine and
previously listed in the Commission’s
Notice of June 21, 2007.
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
Media ..............................................................
Title: Implementation of Section 304 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996; Commercial
Availability of Navigation Devices; and Compatibility Between Cable Systems and Consumer Electronics Equipment. (CS Docket No. 97–80, PP Docket No. 00–67).
Summary: The Commission will consider a Third Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
concerning proposed standards to ensure bidirectional compatibility of multichannel
video programming distribution systems and consumer electronics equipment.
It implies a commitment to develop and use
technology to help meet the most pressing human
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22:57 Jun 29, 2007
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and societal needs, while making every reasonable
PO 00000
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effort to anticipate and mitigate adverse
implications or unintended consequences.’’
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 126 / Monday, July 2, 2007 / Notices
Federal Communications Commission
Marlene H. Dortch,
[FR Doc. 07–3234 Filed 6–28–07; 2:56 pm]
Centers for Disease Control and
Privacy Act of 1974; New System of
Department of Health and
Human Services (HHS), Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
ACTION: Notice of a New System of
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
SUMMARY: In accordance with the
requirements of the Privacy Act, the
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) is proposing to
establish a new system of records (SOR),
09–20–0170, ‘‘National Select Agent
Registry (NSAR)/Select Agent Transfer
and Entity Registration Information
COTPER.’’ The purpose of the system is
to limit access to those biological agents
and toxins listed in 42 CFR Part 73, 9
CFR Part 121, and 7 CFR Part 331, to
those individuals who have a legitimate
need to handle or use such agents or
toxins, and who are not identified as
restricted persons by the U.S. Attorney
General. NSAR is a single web-based
information management system shared
by CDC and the U.S. Department of
Agriculture (USDA)/Animal and Plant
Health Inspection Service (APHIS) that
tracks the possession, use and transfer
of select agents and toxins that could
pose a severe threat to public health and
safety, to the health and safety of
animals, and to the safety of plants or
animal and plant products. We have
provided background information about
the new system in the SUPPLEMENTARY
INFORMATION section below.
DATES: Effective Date: CDC filed a new
SOR report with the Chair of the House
Committee on Government Reform and
Oversight, the Chair of the Senate
Committee on Homeland Security &
Governmental Affairs, and the
Administrator, Office of Information
and Regulatory Affairs, Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) on June
25, 2007. CDC invites interested parties
to submit comments on the proposed
routine uses. To ensure that all parties
have adequate time in which to
comment, the new system will be
effective 30 days from the publication of
this notice, or 40 days from the date it
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was submitted to OMB and the
Congress, whichever is later, unless
CDC receives comments that persuade
us to defer implementation.
ADDRESSES: Comments should be
addressed to the CDC Privacy Act
Officer at the address listed below.
Comments received will be available for
review at this location by appointment
during regular business hours from 8
a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through
Friday in the CDC Roybal Facility,
Building 21, Room 8125, Atlanta,
Betsey S. Dunaway, Privacy Act Officer,
Office of the Chief Science Officer,
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, 1600 Clifton Road, NE.,
Building 21, Room 8125, Mailstop D–74,
Atlanta, Georgia 30333, (404) 639–4642.
proposes to establish a new system of
records within its Coordinating Office
for Terrorism Preparedness and
Emergency Response (COTPER): 09–20–
0170, ‘‘National Select Agent Registry
(NSAR)/ Select Agent Transfer and
Entity Registration Information System
important component of the nation’s
overall terrorism deterrence policy, the
Division of Select Agents and Toxins
(DSAT) in the Coordinating Office for
Terrorism Preparedness and Emergency
Response (COTPER) within the CDC
regulates the possession, use, and
transfer of biological agents and toxins
(select agents) that could pose a severe
threat to public health and safety. A
select agent is defined as a virus,
bacteria, fungus or toxin that could pose
a severe threat to public health and
safety, to animal or plant health; or
animal or plant products.
I. Description of the Proposed System of
A. Statutory and Regulatory Basis for
SOR. The Public Health Security and
Bioterrorism Preparedness and
Response Act of 2002 requires entities
to register with the U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services (HHS) if
they possess, use, or transfer select
agents that could pose a severe threat to
public health and safety. The
Agricultural Bioterrorism Protection Act
of 2002 requires that facilities handling
select agents that could pose a severe
threat to animal or plant health; or
animal or plant products register with
the USDA. Within HHS, the DSAT is
responsible for registering entities and
personnel who either possess or are
applying for approval to possess, use or
transfer select agents that could pose a
severe threat to public health and safety.
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Within the USDA, APHIS has a similar
responsibility for registering entities and
personnel handling agents that pose a
severe threat to animal or plant health;
or animal or plant products.
The Acts require safeguards and
security measures that will adequately
protect these agents. This includes
controlling access and screening of
entities and personnel through security
risk assessments conducted by the U.S.
Attorney General. The Acts also require
the establishment of a national database
of registered entities. While some
entities register for select agents
regulated only by HHS, others for select
agents regulated only by USDA, there
are a number of entities registering for
select agents that can pose a severe
threat to public health and safety, to
animal health, or to animal products
(‘‘overlap’’ select agents). Since DSAT
and APHIS coordinate regulatory
activities for those overlap select agents
that would be regulated by both
agencies, the Acts require that a single
national database be established. This
new Privacy Act system of records
notice (SORN) describes the records and
processes that enable DSAT to fulfill
HHS’ requirements; APHIS will be
publishing a similar SORN to address
how USDA will fulfill theirs.
B. Collection and Maintenance of Data
in the System
CDC will only collect the minimum
amount of personal data necessary to
achieve the purpose of this system,
which is to limit access to the select
agents listed in 42 CFR Part 73, 9 CFR
Part 121, and 7 CFR Part 331, to those
individuals who have a legitimate need
to handle or use such agents, and who
are not identified as a restricted person
by the U.S. Attorney General. The data
elements required are: name, address,
date of birth, job title, and the name of
the institution that would be housing
the select agent(s).
Entities handling select agents must
appoint a Responsible Official within
their organization who certifies that the
entity meets federal requirements for
handling select agents such as having
security measures in place to protect the
select agents they possess from theft,
loss and unauthorized access, and safety
measures to prevent the release of
agents. DSAT’s SOR includes personal
information on those individuals who
have access or who have applied to have
access to select agents, and the list of
select agents to which they have access
or would have access.
[Federal Register Volume 72, Number 126 (Monday, July 2, 2007)]
[Pages 35992-35993]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 07-3234]
Deletion of Agenda Item From June 28, 2007, Open Meeting in
Portland, Maine
June 28, 2007.
The following item has been deleted from the Agenda scheduled for
consideration at the June 28, 2007, Open Meeting in Portland, Maine and
previously listed in the Commission's Notice of June 21, 2007.
no. Bureau Subject
1 Media................ Title: Implementation of Section 304 of
the Telecommunications Act of 1996;
Commercial Availability of Navigation
Devices; and Compatibility Between Cable
Systems and Consumer Electronics
Equipment. (CS Docket No. 97-80, PP
Docket No. 00-67).
Summary: The Commission will consider a
Third Further Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking concerning proposed standards
to ensure bidirectional compatibility of
multichannel video programming
distribution systems and consumer
electronics equipment.
[[Page 35993]]
Federal Communications Commission
Marlene H. Dortch,
[FR Doc. 07-3234 Filed 6-28-07; 2:56 pm]