Notice of Commission Meeting and Public Hearing, 35699-35701 [E7-12638]
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 125 / Friday, June 29, 2007 / Notices
Members of the BoV may also petition
the Chairperson to allow specific
persons to make oral presentations
before the BoV. Any oral presentations
before the BoV shall be in accordance
with 41 CFR 102–3.140(c), section
10(a)(3) of the FACA, and this
paragraph. The DFO and BoV
Chairperson may, if desired, allot a
specific amount of time for members of
the public to present their issue for BoV
review and discussion. Direct
questioning of BoV members or meeting
participants by the public is not
permitted except with the approval of
the DFO and Chairperson.
DATES: Meeting sessions will begin at 9
a.m. on 27 July 2007 in Harmon Hall,
2304 Cadet Drive, Suite 3300, USAFA,
Colorado Springs, Colorado.
For further information or to attend
this BoV meeting, contact Mr. Scotty
Ashley, USAFA Programs Manager,
Directorate of Airman Development and
Sustainment, Deputy Chief of Staff,
Manpower and Personnel, AF/A1DOA,
1040 Air Force Pentagon, Washington,
DC 20330–1040, (703) 695–3594.
Bao–Anh Trinh,
Air Force Federal Register Liaison Officer.
[FR Doc. 07–3194 Filed 6–28–07; 8:45 am]
dredging 295,000 cubic yards,
renovating 2,900 feet of existing wharf,
and constructing 705 feet of new wharf;
installing five new gantry cranes to
replace six existing gantry cranes;
relocating the existing PHL Pier A
switcher yard to Rear Berth 200;
widening Harry Bridges Boulevard and
constructing a new 30-acre landscaped
buffer area between ‘‘C’’ Street and
Harry Bridges Boulevard; and filling the
10-acre Northwest Slip, constructing
backlands facilities on the fill, and
constructing a new 400-foot wharf along
the edge of the fill. In addition, the Port
of Los Angeles is considering
transporting and discharging at ocean
disposal sites excess clean material
generated by the dredging activities,
which would require authorization
pursuant to Section 103 of the Marine
Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries
Questions or comments concerning the
Draft EIS/EIR should be directed to Dr.
Spencer D. MacNeil, North Coast
Branch, Regulatory Division, U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers, P.O. Box 532711,
Los Angeles, CA, 90053–2325, (805)
Department of the Army; Corps of
David J. Castanon,
Chief, Regulatory Division, Los Angeles
[FR Doc. E7–12540 Filed 6–28–07; 8:45 am]
Notice of Availability for the Draft
Environmental Impact Statement/
Environmental Impact Report for the
Berths 136–147 [TraPac] Container
Terminal Project, Los Angeles County,
Department of the Army—U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers, DoD.
ACTION: Notice of Availability.
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES
SUMMARY: The U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers, Los Angeles District
(Regulatory Division), in coordination
with the Port of Los Angeles, has
completed a Draft Environmental
Impact Statement/Environmental
Impact Report (EIS/EIR) for the Berths
136–147 [TraPac] Container Terminal
Project. The Port of Los Angeles requires
authorization pursuant to Section 404 of
the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of
the River and Harbor Act to expand and
modernize the container terminal at
Berths 136–147 [TraPac], including:
Expanding, redeveloping, and
constructing container terminal
facilities and a new on-dock rail facility;
constructing 500 space parking lot for
union workers; wharf work including
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Notice of Commission Meeting and
Public Hearing
Notice is hereby given that the
Delaware River Basin Commission will
hold an informal conference followed
by a public hearing on Wednesday, July
18, 2007. The hearing will be part of the
Commission’s regular business meeting.
Both the conference session and
business meeting are open to the public
and will be held at the Commission’s
office building, located at 25 State
Police Drive in West Trenton, New
The conference among the
commissioners and staff will begin at
10:15 a.m. Topics include a presentation
on a revised proposal for a Flexible
Flow Management Program (FFMP) for
the New York City Delaware Basin
Reservoirs; a presentation on proposed
amendments to the Commission’s
Special Protection Waters regulations;
and a presentation on proposed
amendments to the Water Code relating
PO 00000
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to water accountability and source
metering, recording and reporting.
The subjects of the public hearing to
be held during the 2 p.m. business
meeting include the dockets listed
1. South Coatesville Borough D–74–39
CP–2. An application for approval of the
rerate of the existing South Coatesville
Borough wastewater treatment plant
(WWTP). The permitted discharge from
the applicant’s WWTP will increase
from an annual average daily flow of
0.365 million gallons per day (mgd) to
0.381 mgd and will continue to be
discharged to the West Branch
Brandywine Creek. The facility is
located in South Coatesville Borough,
Chester County, Pennsylvania.
2. Kent County Levy Court D–77–87
CP–2. An application for approval of the
expansion of the existing Kent County
Levy Court WWTP. The permitted
discharge from the applicant’s WWTP
will increase from a daily flow of 15.0
mgd to 16.3 mgd and will continue to
be discharged to The Gut, a tributary to
the Murderkill River. The facility is
located in the City of Milford, Kent
County, Delaware.
3. Hackettstown Municipal Utilities
Authority D–91–30 CP–2. An
application to expand a 3.3 mgd
wastewater treatment plant to process
3.39 mgd. The plant is located in
Washington Township, Morris County,
New Jersey. The plant will continue to
treat wastewater from the Town of
Hackettstown, Mansfield Township,
Independence Township and
Allamuchy Township, all in Warren
County; and Washington Township and
Mount Olive Township in Morris
County, New Jersey. The additional
capacity is needed to serve the service
area previously served by the former
Diamond Hill Sewer Company.
Treatment plant effluent will continue
to be discharged to the Musconetcong
River in the Musconetcong River
Watershed via the existing outfall. The
defunct Diamond Hill treatment facility
and discharge to Hence’s Brook will be
4. Aqua New Jersey, Inc. D–93–13 CP–
3. An application for the renewal of a
ground water withdrawal project to
increase withdrawal from 198.5 mg/30
days to 237 mg/30 days to supply the
applicant’s Blackwood District public
water supply distribution system from
existing Wells Nos. 3, 6, 7, 13, 15, 17
and 20 located within the Delaware
River basin and 8 wells located outside
of the basin in the Cohansey, Mt. Laurel
and Potomac-Raritan-Magothy
Formations. The increased allocation is
requested in order to meet projected
increases in service area demand. The
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 125 / Friday, June 29, 2007 / Notices
project is located in the Big Timber
Creek Watershed in Gloucester
Township, Camden County, New Jersey.
5. Reading Area Water Authority D–
2000–59 CP–2. An application for
approval to transfer up to 1.5 mgd and
up to 45 mg/30 days of potable water
from the Reading Area Water Authority
(RAWA) system to the Pennsylvania
American Water Company (PAWC) Glen
Alsace District water distribution
system. Some of the water supply is also
needed to serve PAWC’s customers in
its Douglassville District via an existing
interconnection. RAWA proposes no
increase of existing allocation of 35 mgd
(1,050 mg/30 days) of water from its
Lake Ontelaunee Reservoir, which is
located in Ontelaunee Township, Berks
County, Pennsylvania. The project also
includes the revision of the RAWA
Operating Plan to reflect the service area
modification, conservation release
improvements and fisheries protection
measures. The reservoir is situated on
Maiden Creek in the Schuylkill River
6. Borough of Portland D–2003–9 CP–
2. An application to modify the
proposed WWTP that was approved by
DRBC Docket No. D–2003–9 CP on
January 19, 2005, but not constructed
due to cost considerations. The WWTP
design capacity will remain 0.105 mgd,
but the modified design involves
treatment processes that cost less to
construct and maintain than those in the
approved design. The proposed
membrane ultra-filtration system will
eliminate the need for clarifiers and a
tertiary filter, while still meeting docket
and NPDES permit limitations. The
WWTP will provide tertiary treatment of
flow from the proposed Portland
Industrial Park and from local on-lot
septic systems located in Portland
Borough, Northampton County,
Pennsylvania. The WWTP will be
constructed in the southeast corner of
Portland Borough and the project outfall
diffuser will discharge to the Delaware
River. The project is located within the
drainage area to a section of the nontidal Delaware River known as the
Lower Delaware, which is classified as
Special Protection Waters.
7. Pennsylvania American Water
Company D–2006–33 CP–2. An
application for approval of a
groundwater withdrawal project to
supply up to 7.34 mg/30 days of water
to the applicant’s public supply
distribution system from new Well PW3
and to increase the existing withdrawal
from all wells from 15.12 mg/30 days to
18.57 mg/30 days. The increased
allocation is requested in order to meet
projected increases in service area
demand. New Well PW3 is located in
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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the Trimmers Rock Formation in the
Brodhead Creek Watershed in Stroud
Township, Monroe County,
Pennsylvania. The site is located within
the drainage area to the section of nontidal Delaware River known as the
Middle Delaware, which is classified as
Special Protection Waters.
8. Wissahickon Spring Water, Inc. D–
2006–29–1. An application for approval
to discharge up to 0.1008 mgd to
Kaercher Creek, a tributary of the
Schuylkill River, from a bottled water
filtration plant. The wastewater
currently discharges into sanitary drains
within the building. The applicant will
install 3 reverse osmosis units and will
discharge the rinse water through new
Outfall No. 001. The facility is located
in the Schuylkill River Watershed in
Hamburg Borough, Berks County,
9. Pocono Manor Investors Pt. 1, L.P.
D–2006–43–1. An application for
approval of a ground water withdrawal
project to supply up to 30.24 mg/30
days of water to the applicant’s resort
from new Wells Nos. 1, 2 and 3 and to
limit the existing withdrawal from all
wells to 30.24 mg/30 days. The project
is located in the Catskill Formation in
the Brodhead/Swiftwater Creek
Watershed in Pocono Township,
Monroe County, Pennsylvania. This
withdrawal project is located within the
drainage area to the section of the nontidal Delaware River known as the
Middle Delaware, which is classified as
Special Protection Waters.
10. Royersford Borough D–2006–45
CP–1. An application for approval to
expand the existing Royersford Borough
WWTP from a design flow of 0.54 mgd
to 0.70 mgd. WWTP effluent will
continue to be discharged to the
Schuylkill River. The facility is located
directly outside of Royersford Borough,
in Upper Providence Township,
Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.
11. Jackson Township Authority D–
2007–4 CP–1. An application for the
approval of a new 0.5 mgd WWTP. The
applicant’s new WWTP will discharge
to an unnamed tributary of the
Tulpehocken Creek, a tributary to the
Schuylkill River, at a point upstream of
Blue Marsh Reservoir. The facility will
be located in Jackson Township,
Lebanon County, Pennsylvania.
12. Cott Beverages Inc. D–2007–6–1.
An application for approval to expand
the applicant’s existing IWTP from
0.023 mgd to 0.070 mgd to serve its
beverage (soft drinks and carbonated
water) production facility. The IWTP
will continue to discharge to the West
Branch Chester Creek in the Chester
Creek Watershed. The facility is located
PO 00000
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in Concord Township, Delaware
County, Pennsylvania.
13. Bath Borough Authority D–2007–
16 CP–1. An application for approval of
a ground water withdrawal project to
supply up to 15 mg/30 days of water to
the applicant’s public supply
distribution system from new Wells
Smith Street, Allen Street and Holiday
Hill. The project is located in the
Ontelaunee and Martinsburg formations
in the Monacacy Creek and East
Monacacy Creek watersheds in Bath
Borough, Northampton County,
Pennsylvania. The project site is located
within the drainage area to the section
of the non-tidal Delaware River known
as the Lower Delaware, which is
classified as Special Protection Waters.
14. Altivity Packaging LLC D–2007–
20–1. An application for approval of a
surface water withdrawal project to
supply up to 210 mg/30 days of water
to the applicant’s industrial operations
from existing Intake No. 1. The project
is located in the Schuylkill River
Watershed in the City of Philadelphia,
In addition to the public hearing on
the dockets listed above, the
Commission’s 2 p.m. business meeting
will include: a public hearing and
consideration of a resolution for the
minutes increasing the authorized value
of a contract with Princeton
Hydrologics, LLC for modifications to
the site of the Commission’s West
Trenton office building to improve
stormwater management; a resolution
authorizing the executive director to
enter into an agreement for analysis of
emerging contaminants in ambient
waters of the tidal Delaware River; a
resolution authorizing the executive
director to enter into an agreement with
the Susquehanna River Basin
Commission for DRBC to perform tasks
in connection with water conservation
aspects of Pennsylvania’s State Water
Planning Act; and a resolution for the
minutes authorizing the executive
director to enter into an agreement to
provide support to the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania on water resources
The meeting will also include:
adoption of the Minutes of the
Commission’s May 10, 2007 business
meeting; announcements of upcoming
advisory committee meetings and other
events; a report by the Executive
Director; a report by the Commission’s
General Counsel; and an opportunity for
public dialogue.
Draft dockets scheduled for public
hearing on July 18, 2007 will be posted
on the Commission’s Web site, https://, where they can be
accessed through the Notice of
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 125 / Friday, June 29, 2007 / Notices
Commission Meeting and Public
Hearing. Additional documents relating
to the dockets and other items may be
examined at the Commission’s offices.
Please contact William Muszynski at
609–883–9500, extension 221, with any
docket-related questions.
Individuals in need of an
accommodation as provided for in the
Americans with Disabilities Act who
wish to attend the informational
meeting, conference session or hearings
should contact the commission
secretary directly at 609–883–9500 ext.
203 or through the Telecommunications
Relay Services (TRS) at 711, to discuss
how the Commission can accommodate
your needs.
Dated: June 25, 2007.
Pamela M. Bush,
Commission Secretary.
[FR Doc. E7–12638 Filed 6–28–07; 8:45 am]
Sunshine Act Notice
United States Election
Assistance Commission (EAC).
ACTION: Amended Notice of Virtual
Public Forum for EAC Standards Board.
Monday, July 2, 2007, 7
a.m. EDT through Friday, July 6, 2007,
6 p.m. EDT.
PLACE: EAC Standards Board Virtual
Meeting Room at Once at
the main page of EAC’s Web site,
viewers should click the link to the
Standards Board Virtual Meeting Room.
The virtual meeting room will open on
Monday, July 2, 2007, at 7 a.m. EDT and
will close on Friday, July 6, 2007, at 6
p.m. EDT. The site will be available 24
hours per day during that 5-day period.
PURPOSE: The EAC Standards Board will
review and provide comment on a draft
EAC manual on Poll Worker
Recruitment, Training and Retention,
and a draft EAC manual on Recruiting
College Poll Workers. The draft manuals
contains best practices suggestions. The
EAC Standards Board Virtual Meeting
Room was established to enable the
Standards Board to conduct business in
an efficient manner in a public forum,
including being able to review and
discuss draft documents, when it is not
feasible for an in-person board meeting.
The Standards Board will not take any
votes or propose any resolutions during
the 5-day forum of July 2–6, 2007.
Members will post comments about the
draft EAC manual on Poll Worker
Recruitment, Training and Retention.
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES
VerDate Aug<31>2005
16:20 Jun 28, 2007
Jkt 211001
The original notice of this
virtual public forum, which was
published in the Federal Register on
June 18, 2007, did not specify that there
are two draft EAC manuals on poll
workers for review and comment.
Therefore, the notice is being amended
to clarify that, in addition to the draft
EAC manual on Poll Worker
Recruitment, Training and Retention, a
draft EAC manual on Recruiting College
Poll Workers will also be available for
review and comment.
This activity is open to the public.
The public may view the proceedings of
this special forum by visiting the EAC
Standards Board virtual meeting room at at any time between
Monday, July 2, 2007, at 7 a.m. EDT and
Friday, July 6, 2007, 6 p.m. EDT. The
public also may view the draft manual
on poll worker recruitment, training and
retention, which will be posted on
EAC’s Web site beginning July 2, 2007.
The public may file written statements
to the EAC standards board at Data on EAC’s
Web site is accessible to visitors with
disabilities and meets the requirements
of section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act.
Bryan Whitener, Telephone: (202) 566–
Thomas R. Wilkey,
Executive Director, U.S. Election Assistance
[FR Doc. 07–3220 Filed 6–27–07; 3:32 pm]
Sunshine Act Notice
United States Election
Assistance Commission (EAC).
ACTION: Amended Notice of Virtual
Public Forum for EAC Board of
Monday, July 2, 2007, 7
a.m. EDT through Friday, July 6, 2007,
6 p.m. EDT.
PLACE: EAC Board of Advisors Virtual
Meeting Room at Once at
the main page of EAC’s Web site,
viewers should click the link to the
Board of Advisors Virtual Meeting
Room. The virtual meeting room will
open on Monday, July 2, 2007, at 7 a.m.
EDT and will close on Friday, July 6,
2007, at 9 p.m. EDT. The site will be
available 24 hours per day during that
5-day period.
PURPOSE: The EAC Board of Advisors
will review and provide comment on a
draft EAC manual on Poll Worker
Recruitment, Training and Retention,
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4703
and a draft EAC manual on Recruiting
College Poll Workers. The draft manuals
contains best practices suggestions. The
EAC Board of Advisors virtual meeting
room was established to enable the
Board of Advisors to conduct business
in an efficient manner in a public
forum, including being able to review
and discuss draft documents, when it is
not feasible for an in-person board
meeting. The Board of Advisors will not
take any votes or propose any
resolutions during the 5-day forum of
July 2–6, 2007. Members will post
comments about the draft EAC manual
on Poll Worker Recruitment, Training
and Retention.
The original notice of this
virtual public forum, which was
published in the Federal Register on
June 18, 2007, did not specify that there
are two draft EAC manuals on
pollworkers for review and comment.
Therefore, the notice is being amended
to clarify that, in addition to the draft
EAC manual on Poll Worker
Recruitment, Training and Retention, a
draft EAC manual on Recruiting College
Poll Workers will also be available for
review and comment.
This activity is open to the public.
The public may view the proceedings of
this special forum by visiting the EAC
Standards Board Virtual Meeting Room
at at any time between
Monday, July 2, 2007, 7 a.m. EDT and
Friday, July 6, 2007, 6 p.m. EDT. The
public also may view the draft manual
on poll worker recruitment, training and
retention, which will be posted on
EAC’s Web site beginning July 2, 2007.
The public may file written statements
to the EAC Board of Advisors at Data on EAC’s
Web site is accessible to visitors with
disabilities and meets the requirements
of section 508 of the rehabilitation act.
Bryan Whitener, Telephone: (202) 566–
Thomas R. Wilkey,
Executive Director, U.S. Election Assistance
[FR Doc. 07–3221 Filed 6–27–07; 3:32 pm]
[Federal Register Volume 72, Number 125 (Friday, June 29, 2007)]
[Pages 35699-35701]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E7-12638]
Notice of Commission Meeting and Public Hearing
Notice is hereby given that the Delaware River Basin Commission
will hold an informal conference followed by a public hearing on
Wednesday, July 18, 2007. The hearing will be part of the Commission's
regular business meeting. Both the conference session and business
meeting are open to the public and will be held at the Commission's
office building, located at 25 State Police Drive in West Trenton, New
The conference among the commissioners and staff will begin at
10:15 a.m. Topics include a presentation on a revised proposal for a
Flexible Flow Management Program (FFMP) for the New York City Delaware
Basin Reservoirs; a presentation on proposed amendments to the
Commission's Special Protection Waters regulations; and a presentation
on proposed amendments to the Water Code relating to water
accountability and source metering, recording and reporting.
The subjects of the public hearing to be held during the 2 p.m.
business meeting include the dockets listed below:
1. South Coatesville Borough D-74-39 CP-2. An application for
approval of the rerate of the existing South Coatesville Borough
wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). The permitted discharge from the
applicant's WWTP will increase from an annual average daily flow of
0.365 million gallons per day (mgd) to 0.381 mgd and will continue to
be discharged to the West Branch Brandywine Creek. The facility is
located in South Coatesville Borough, Chester County, Pennsylvania.
2. Kent County Levy Court D-77-87 CP-2. An application for approval
of the expansion of the existing Kent County Levy Court WWTP. The
permitted discharge from the applicant's WWTP will increase from a
daily flow of 15.0 mgd to 16.3 mgd and will continue to be discharged
to The Gut, a tributary to the Murderkill River. The facility is
located in the City of Milford, Kent County, Delaware.
3. Hackettstown Municipal Utilities Authority D-91-30 CP-2. An
application to expand a 3.3 mgd wastewater treatment plant to process
3.39 mgd. The plant is located in Washington Township, Morris County,
New Jersey. The plant will continue to treat wastewater from the Town
of Hackettstown, Mansfield Township, Independence Township and
Allamuchy Township, all in Warren County; and Washington Township and
Mount Olive Township in Morris County, New Jersey. The additional
capacity is needed to serve the service area previously served by the
former Diamond Hill Sewer Company. Treatment plant effluent will
continue to be discharged to the Musconetcong River in the Musconetcong
River Watershed via the existing outfall. The defunct Diamond Hill
treatment facility and discharge to Hence's Brook will be abandoned.
4. Aqua New Jersey, Inc. D-93-13 CP-3. An application for the
renewal of a ground water withdrawal project to increase withdrawal
from 198.5 mg/30 days to 237 mg/30 days to supply the applicant's
Blackwood District public water supply distribution system from
existing Wells Nos. 3, 6, 7, 13, 15, 17 and 20 located within the
Delaware River basin and 8 wells located outside of the basin in the
Cohansey, Mt. Laurel and Potomac-Raritan-Magothy Formations. The
increased allocation is requested in order to meet projected increases
in service area demand. The
[[Page 35700]]
project is located in the Big Timber Creek Watershed in Gloucester
Township, Camden County, New Jersey.
5. Reading Area Water Authority D-2000-59 CP-2. An application for
approval to transfer up to 1.5 mgd and up to 45 mg/30 days of potable
water from the Reading Area Water Authority (RAWA) system to the
Pennsylvania American Water Company (PAWC) Glen Alsace District water
distribution system. Some of the water supply is also needed to serve
PAWC's customers in its Douglassville District via an existing
interconnection. RAWA proposes no increase of existing allocation of 35
mgd (1,050 mg/30 days) of water from its Lake Ontelaunee Reservoir,
which is located in Ontelaunee Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania.
The project also includes the revision of the RAWA Operating Plan to
reflect the service area modification, conservation release
improvements and fisheries protection measures. The reservoir is
situated on Maiden Creek in the Schuylkill River Watershed.
6. Borough of Portland D-2003-9 CP-2. An application to modify the
proposed WWTP that was approved by DRBC Docket No. D-2003-9 CP on
January 19, 2005, but not constructed due to cost considerations. The
WWTP design capacity will remain 0.105 mgd, but the modified design
involves treatment processes that cost less to construct and maintain
than those in the approved design. The proposed membrane ultra-
filtration system will eliminate the need for clarifiers and a tertiary
filter, while still meeting docket and NPDES permit limitations. The
WWTP will provide tertiary treatment of flow from the proposed Portland
Industrial Park and from local on-lot septic systems located in
Portland Borough, Northampton County, Pennsylvania. The WWTP will be
constructed in the southeast corner of Portland Borough and the project
outfall diffuser will discharge to the Delaware River. The project is
located within the drainage area to a section of the non-tidal Delaware
River known as the Lower Delaware, which is classified as Special
Protection Waters.
7. Pennsylvania American Water Company D-2006-33 CP-2. An
application for approval of a groundwater withdrawal project to supply
up to 7.34 mg/30 days of water to the applicant's public supply
distribution system from new Well PW3 and to increase the existing
withdrawal from all wells from 15.12 mg/30 days to 18.57 mg/30 days.
The increased allocation is requested in order to meet projected
increases in service area demand. New Well PW3 is located in the
Trimmers Rock Formation in the Brodhead Creek Watershed in Stroud
Township, Monroe County, Pennsylvania. The site is located within the
drainage area to the section of non-tidal Delaware River known as the
Middle Delaware, which is classified as Special Protection Waters.
8. Wissahickon Spring Water, Inc. D-2006-29-1. An application for
approval to discharge up to 0.1008 mgd to Kaercher Creek, a tributary
of the Schuylkill River, from a bottled water filtration plant. The
wastewater currently discharges into sanitary drains within the
building. The applicant will install 3 reverse osmosis units and will
discharge the rinse water through new Outfall No. 001. The facility is
located in the Schuylkill River Watershed in Hamburg Borough, Berks
County, Pennsylvania.
9. Pocono Manor Investors Pt. 1, L.P. D-2006-43-1. An application
for approval of a ground water withdrawal project to supply up to 30.24
mg/30 days of water to the applicant's resort from new Wells Nos. 1, 2
and 3 and to limit the existing withdrawal from all wells to 30.24 mg/
30 days. The project is located in the Catskill Formation in the
Brodhead/Swiftwater Creek Watershed in Pocono Township, Monroe County,
Pennsylvania. This withdrawal project is located within the drainage
area to the section of the non-tidal Delaware River known as the Middle
Delaware, which is classified as Special Protection Waters.
10. Royersford Borough D-2006-45 CP-1. An application for approval
to expand the existing Royersford Borough WWTP from a design flow of
0.54 mgd to 0.70 mgd. WWTP effluent will continue to be discharged to
the Schuylkill River. The facility is located directly outside of
Royersford Borough, in Upper Providence Township, Montgomery County,
11. Jackson Township Authority D-2007-4 CP-1. An application for
the approval of a new 0.5 mgd WWTP. The applicant's new WWTP will
discharge to an unnamed tributary of the Tulpehocken Creek, a tributary
to the Schuylkill River, at a point upstream of Blue Marsh Reservoir.
The facility will be located in Jackson Township, Lebanon County,
12. Cott Beverages Inc. D-2007-6-1. An application for approval to
expand the applicant's existing IWTP from 0.023 mgd to 0.070 mgd to
serve its beverage (soft drinks and carbonated water) production
facility. The IWTP will continue to discharge to the West Branch
Chester Creek in the Chester Creek Watershed. The facility is located
in Concord Township, Delaware County, Pennsylvania.
13. Bath Borough Authority D-2007-16 CP-1. An application for
approval of a ground water withdrawal project to supply up to 15 mg/30
days of water to the applicant's public supply distribution system from
new Wells Smith Street, Allen Street and Holiday Hill. The project is
located in the Ontelaunee and Martinsburg formations in the Monacacy
Creek and East Monacacy Creek watersheds in Bath Borough, Northampton
County, Pennsylvania. The project site is located within the drainage
area to the section of the non-tidal Delaware River known as the Lower
Delaware, which is classified as Special Protection Waters.
14. Altivity Packaging LLC D-2007-20-1. An application for approval
of a surface water withdrawal project to supply up to 210 mg/30 days of
water to the applicant's industrial operations from existing Intake No.
1. The project is located in the Schuylkill River Watershed in the City
of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
In addition to the public hearing on the dockets listed above, the
Commission's 2 p.m. business meeting will include: a public hearing and
consideration of a resolution for the minutes increasing the authorized
value of a contract with Princeton Hydrologics, LLC for modifications
to the site of the Commission's West Trenton office building to improve
stormwater management; a resolution authorizing the executive director
to enter into an agreement for analysis of emerging contaminants in
ambient waters of the tidal Delaware River; a resolution authorizing
the executive director to enter into an agreement with the Susquehanna
River Basin Commission for DRBC to perform tasks in connection with
water conservation aspects of Pennsylvania's State Water Planning Act;
and a resolution for the minutes authorizing the executive director to
enter into an agreement to provide support to the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania on water resources issues.
The meeting will also include: adoption of the Minutes of the
Commission's May 10, 2007 business meeting; announcements of upcoming
advisory committee meetings and other events; a report by the Executive
Director; a report by the Commission's General Counsel; and an
opportunity for public dialogue.
Draft dockets scheduled for public hearing on July 18, 2007 will be
posted on the Commission's Web site,, where they
can be accessed through the Notice of
[[Page 35701]]
Commission Meeting and Public Hearing. Additional documents relating to
the dockets and other items may be examined at the Commission's
offices. Please contact William Muszynski at 609-883-9500, extension
221, with any docket-related questions.
Individuals in need of an accommodation as provided for in the
Americans with Disabilities Act who wish to attend the informational
meeting, conference session or hearings should contact the commission
secretary directly at 609-883-9500 ext. 203 or through the
Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS) at 711, to discuss how the
Commission can accommodate your needs.
Dated: June 25, 2007.
Pamela M. Bush,
Commission Secretary.
[FR Doc. E7-12638 Filed 6-28-07; 8:45 am]