Health Outcomes Not Associated With Exposure to Certain Herbicide Agents, 32395-32407 [E7-11247]
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 112 / Tuesday, June 12, 2007 / Notices
final action on the application in the
Federal Register.
Issued on: June 5, 2007.
Stephen R. Kratzke,
Associate Administrator for Rulemaking.
[FR Doc. E7–11259 Filed 6–11–07; 8:45 am]
Health Outcomes Not Associated With
Exposure to Certain Herbicide Agents
Department of Veterans Affairs.
cprice-sewell on PROD1PC67 with NOTICES
SUMMARY: As required by law, the
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
hereby gives notice that the Secretary of
Veterans Affairs, under authority of the
Veterans Education and Benefits
Expansion Act of 2001, Public Law 107–
103, Section 201(d), has determined that
a presumption of service connection is
not warranted based on exposure to
herbicides used in the Republic of
Vietnam during the Vietnam Era for the
following health outcomes:
Hepatobiliary cancers; oral, nasal, and
pharyngeal cancer; bone and joint
cancer; skin cancers (melanoma, basal,
and squamous cell); breast cancer;
female reproductive cancer (cervix,
uterus, and ovary); testicular cancer;
urinary bladder cancer; renal cancer;
leukemia (other than chronic
lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)); abnormal
sperm characteristics and infertility;
spontaneous abortion; neonatal or infant
death and stillbirth in offspring of
exposed individuals; low birthweight in
offspring of exposed individuals;
neurobehavioral disorders (cognitive
and neuropsychiatric); movement
disorders including Parkinson’s disease
and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS);
chronic peripheral nervous system
disorders; respiratory disorders;
gastrointestinal, metabolic, and
digestive disorders (changes in liver
enzymes, lipid abnormalities, ulcers);
immune system disorders (immune
suppression, autoimmunity); circulatory
disorders; amyloid light-chain (AL)
amyloidosis; endometriosis; effects on
thyroid homeostasis; gastrointestinal
tumors (esophagus, stomach, pancreas,
colon, rectum; brain tumors; and any
other condition for which the Secretary
has not specifically determined a
presumption of service connection is
The Secretary’s determinations
regarding individual diseases are based
on all available evidence in a 2004
report of the National Academy of
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Sciences (NAS) and prior NAS reports.
This notice generally states specific
information only with respect to
significant additional studies that were
first reviewed by NAS in its 2004 report.
Information regarding additional
relevant studies is stated in VA’s prior
notices following earlier NAS reports,
and will not be repeated here.
Rhonda F. Ford, Consultant, Regulations
Staff, Compensation and Pension
Service, Veterans Benefits
Administration, Department of Veterans
Affairs, 810 Vermont Avenue, NW.,
Washington, DC 20420, (202) 273–7210.
of the Agent Orange Act of 1991, Public
Law 102–4, 105 Stat. 11, directed the
Secretary to seek to enter into an
agreement with the National Academy
of Sciences (NAS) to review and
summarize the scientific evidence
concerning the association between
exposure to herbicides used in support
of military operations in the Republic of
Vietnam during the Vietnam Era and
each disease suspected to be associated
with such exposure. Congress mandated
that NAS determine, to the extent
possible: (1) Whether there is a
statistical association between the
suspect diseases and herbicide
exposure, taking into account the
strength of the scientific evidence and
the appropriateness of the methods used
to detect the association; (2) the
increased risk of disease among
individuals exposed to herbicides
during service in the Republic of
Vietnam during the Vietnam Era; and (3)
whether there is a plausible biological
mechanism or other evidence of a causal
relationship between herbicide
exposure and the health outcome.
Section 3 of Public Law 102–4 also
required that NAS submit reports on its
activities every two years (as measured
from the date of the first report) for a
ten-year period.
Section 2 of Public Law 102–4,
codified in pertinent part at 38 U.S.C.
1116(b) and (c), provides that whenever
the Secretary determines, based on
sound medical and scientific evidence,
that a positive association (i.e. the
credible evidence for the association is
equal to or outweighs the credible
evidence against the association) exists
between exposure of humans to an
herbicide agent (i.e. a chemical in an
herbicide used in support of the United
States and allied military operations in
the Republic of Vietnam during the
Vietnam Era) and a disease, the
Secretary will publish regulations
establishing presumptive service
connection for that disease. If the
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Secretary determines that a presumption
of service connection is not warranted,
he is to publish a notice of that
determination, including an explanation
of the scientific basis for that
determination. The Secretary’s
determination must be based on
consideration of the NAS reports and all
other sound medical and scientific
information and analysis available to
the Secretary.
Section 2 of the Agent Orange Act of
1991 provided that the Secretary’s
authority and duties under that section
would expire 10 years after the first day
of the fiscal year in which NAS
transmitted its first report to VA. The
first NAS report was transmitted to VA
in July 1993, during the fiscal year that
began on October 1, 1992. Accordingly,
VA’s authority under section 2 of the
Agent Orange Act of 1991 expired on
September 30, 2002. In December 2001,
however, Congress enacted the Veterans
Education and Benefits Expansion Act
of 2001, Public Law 107–103. Section
201(d) of that Act extended VA’s
authority under 38 U.S.C. 1116(b)–(d)
through September 30, 2015.
Although 38 U.S.C. 1116 does not
define ‘‘credible,’’ it does instruct the
Secretary to ‘‘take into consideration
whether the results [of any study] are
statistically significant, are capable of
replication, and withstand peer review.’’
The Secretary reviews studies that
report a positive relative risk and
studies that report a negative relative
risk of a particular health outcome. He
then determines whether the weight of
evidence supports a finding that there is
or is not a positive association between
herbicide exposure and the subsequent
health outcome.
The Secretary does this by taking into
account the statistical significance,
capability of replication, and whether
that study will withstand peer review.
Because of differences in statistical
significance, confidence levels, control
for confounding factors, bias, and other
pertinent characteristics, some studies
are more credible than others. The
Secretary gives weight to more credible
studies in evaluating the overall
evidence concerning specific health
NAS issued its initial report, entitled
‘‘Veterans and Agent Orange: Health
Effects of Herbicides Used in Vietnam,’’
(VAO) on July 27, 1993. The Secretary
subsequently determined that a positive
association exists between exposure to
herbicides used in the Republic of
Vietnam and the subsequent
development of Hodgkin’s disease,
porphyria cutanea tarda, multiple
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 112 / Tuesday, June 12, 2007 / Notices
myeloma, and certain respiratory
cancers. The Secretary also determined
that there was no positive association
between herbicide exposure and any
other health outcome, other than
chloracne, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma,
and soft-tissue sarcomas, for which
presumptions already existed. A notice
of the health outcomes that the
Secretary determined were not
associated with exposure to herbicides
was published on January 4, 1994. (See
59 FR 341 (1994)).
NAS issued its second report, entitled
‘‘Veterans and Agent Orange: Update
1996’’ (Update 1996), on March 14,
1996. The Secretary subsequently
determined that a positive association
exists between exposure to herbicides
used in the Republic of Vietnam and the
subsequent development of prostate
cancer and acute and subacute
peripheral neuropathy in exposed
persons. The Secretary further
determined that there was no positive
association between herbicide exposure
and any other condition, other than
those for which presumptions already
existed. A notice of the diseases that the
Secretary determined were not
associated with exposure to herbicide
agents was published on August 8,
1996. (See 61 FR 41442 (1996)).
NAS issued a third report, entitled
‘‘Veterans and Agent Orange: Update
1998’’ (Update 1998), on February 11,
1999. The focus of this update was new
scientific studies published since the
release of Update 1996 and updates of
scientific studies previously reviewed.
After NAS issued Update 1998, the
Secretary determined that there was no
positive association between herbicide
exposure and any other condition, other
than those for which presumptions
already existed. A notice of the health
outcomes that the Secretary determined
were not associated with exposure to
herbicide agents was published on
November 2, 1999. (See 64 FR 59232
At VA’s request, NAS issued a special
interim report, ‘‘Veterans and Agent
Orange: Herbicide/Dioxin Exposure and
Type 2 Diabetes’’ (VAO: Diabetes) on
October 11, 2000. NAS concluded that:
‘‘there is limited/suggestive evidence of
an association between exposure to the
herbicides used in Vietnam or the
contaminant dioxin and Type 2
diabetes.’’ NAS based its conclusion on
the conglomeration of scientific
evidence, not one particular study.
(VAO: Diabetes.) After considering all of
the evidence, the Secretary determined
that there is a positive association
between exposure to herbicides and
Type 2 diabetes and, therefore, a
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presumption of service connection was
warranted. (See 66 FR 2376 (2001)).
NAS issued a fourth report, entitled
‘‘Veterans and Agent Orange: Update
2000’’ (Update 2000), on April 19, 2001.
The focus of this update was the new
scientific studies published since the
release of Update 1998 and updates of
scientific studies previously reviewed.
After NAS issued Update 2000, the
Secretary determined that there was no
positive association between herbicide
exposure and any other condition, other
than those for which presumptions
already existed. A notice of the health
outcomes that the Secretary determined
were not associated with exposure to
herbicide agents was published in June
24, 2002 (See 67 FR 42600 (2002)).
NAS issued its fifth report, entitled
‘‘Veterans and Agent Orange: Update
2002’’ (Update 2002) on January 23,
2003. The focus of this update was the
new scientific studies published since
the release of Update 2000 and review
of the studies previously reviewed along
with the newest scientific evidence. The
Secretary subsequently determined that
a positive association exists between
exposure to herbicides used in the
Republic of Vietnam and the subsequent
development of chronic lymphocytic
leukemia (CLL) in exposed persons.
After NAS issued Update 2002, the
Secretary determined that there was no
positive association between herbicide
exposure and any other condition, other
than those for which presumptions
already existed. A notice of the health
outcomes the Secretary determined
were not associated with exposure to
herbicide agents was published on May
20, 2003 (See 68 FR 27630 (2003)).
Update 2004
NAS issued its sixth report entitled
‘‘Veterans and Agent Orange: Update
2004’’ (Update 2004) on March 4, 2005.
Consistent with its prior reports, NAS in
Update 2004 found that there was
‘‘sufficient evidence of an association’’
between herbicide exposure and five
categories of diseases in veterans and
‘‘limited/suggestive evidence’’ of an
association between herbicide exposure
and six other categories of diseases in
veterans. VA has previously established
presumptions of service connection for
each of these diseases. NAS, in Update
2004, categorized certain health
outcomes to have ‘‘inadequate/
insufficient’’ evidence to determine
whether an association exists. This
category is defined to mean that the
available studies are of insufficient
quality, consistency, or statistical power
to permit a conclusion regarding the
presence or absence of an association
with herbicide exposure. Health
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outcomes that met the inadequate/
insufficient category include:
Hepatobiliary cancers; oral, nasal, and
pharyngeal cancer; bone and joint
cancer; skin cancers (melanoma, basal,
and squamous cell); breast cancer;
female reproductive system cancer
(cervix, uterus, ovary); testicular cancer;
urinary bladder cancer; renal cancer;
leukemia (other than chronic
lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)); abnormal
sperm characteristics and infertility;
spontaneous abortion; neonatal or infant
death and stillbirth in offspring of
exposed individuals; low birthweight in
offspring of exposed individuals; birth
defects (other than spina bifida) in
offspring of exposed individuals;
childhood cancer (including acute
myelogenous leukemia) in offspring of
exposed individuals; neurobehavioral
disorders (cognitive and
neuropsychiatric); movement disorders,
including Parkinson’s disease and
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS);
chronic peripheral nervous system
disorders; respiratory disorders;
gastrointestinal, metabolic, and
digestive disorders (changes in liver
enzymes, lipid abnormalities, ulcers);
immune system disorders (immune
suppression, autoimmunity); circulatory
disorders; AL amyloidosis;
endometriosis; and effects of thyroid
In this same report, NAS found two
health outcomes that fell into the
‘‘limited or suggestive evidence of no
association category. These health
outcomes were deemed consistent in
not showing a positive association
between them and any magnitude of
exposure to herbicides. Those health
outcomes that met the ‘‘no association’’
category were: gastrointestinal tumors
(esophagus, stomach, pancreas, colon,
rectum), and brain tumors.
The Secretary’s determinations
regarding individual diseases are based
on all available evidence in Update
2004 and prior NAS reports. This notice
generally states specific information
only with respect to significant
additional studies that were first
reviewed by NAS in Update 2004.
Information regarding additional
relevant studies has been stated in VA’s
prior notices following earlier NAS
reports, and will not be repeated here.
Hepatobiliary Cancers
Hepatobiliary cancers are cancers of
the liver and intrahepatic bile ducts.
There are a variety of known risk
factors, including chronic infections
with hepatitis B or C, exposure to
aflatoxin, vinyl chloride and
polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB), and
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 112 / Tuesday, June 12, 2007 / Notices
smoking, which should be considered
by a credible study.
NAS noted in VAO and subsequent
reports that there were relatively few
occupational, environmental, or veteran
studies of hepatobiliary cancer. It also
noted that most of the few existing
studies addressing hepatobiliary cancer
contain methodological difficulties such
as small study size and inadequate
control for life-style-related risk factors,
or do not support an association with
herbicide exposure.
An occupational study by Swaen et
al. (2004) examined cancer mortality in
herbicide appliers in the Netherlands,
and no deaths from liver or biliary
cancer were observed in the cohort.
NAS found that there was no
information contained in the research
reviewed for Update 2004 to change the
conclusion that there is inadequate or
insufficient evidence to determine
whether an association exists between
exposure to herbicides and
hepatobiliary cancer.
Taking account of the available
evidence and NAS’ analysis, the
Secretary has found that the credible
evidence against an association between
herbicide exposure and hepatobiliary
cancer outweighs the credible evidence
for such an association, and he has
determined that a positive association
does not exist.
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Oral, Nasal, and Pharyngeal Cancer
Oral, nasal, and pharyngeal cancers
are relatively rare in the United States
and thus difficult to study
epidemiologically. Reported risk factors
for nasal cancer include occupational
exposure to nickel and chromium
compounds, wood dust, and
formaldehyde. Studies reported
associations with the consumption of
salt-preserved foods, cigarette smoking,
and Epstein-Barr virus. NAS noted in
VAO and subsequent reports that there
was inadequate or insufficient evidence
to determine whether an association
exists between herbicide exposure and
oral, nasal, and pharyngeal cancer.
An occupational study by Swaen et
al. (2004) examined cancer mortality in
herbicide appliers in the Netherlands.
No deaths from nasal, oral, or pharynx
cancers were observed in that cohort.
In a Vietnam-veteran study, cancers of
the cavity between the jaw and cheek
were examined in Operation Ranch
Hand veterans who were involved in the
aerial spraying of herbicides. No
significant difference was reported
between Ranch Hand veterans and a
comparison group of veterans who did
not spray herbicides. (Akhtar et al.,
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NAS found there was no information
contained in the research reviewed for
Update 2004 to change the conclusion
that there is inadequate or insufficient
evidence to determine whether an
association exists between exposure to
herbicides and oral, nasal, and
pharyngeal cancer.
Taking account of the available
evidence and NAS’ analysis, the
Secretary has found that the credible
evidence against an association between
herbicide exposure and oral, nasal, and
pharyngeal cancers outweighs the
credible evidence for such an
association, and has determined that a
positive association does not exist.
Bone and Joint Cancer
Primary bone cancers are among the
least common malignancies. The bones
are a frequent site of secondary tumors
of other cancers that have metastasized.
NAS studied only primary bone cancer
in Update 2004. Bone cancer is most
common among teenagers, and is very
rare among people in the age groups of
most Vietnam veterans. Among the risk
factors for adults are exposure to
ionizing radiation from treatment for
other cancers and a history of certain
non-cancerous bone diseases.
NAS found in VAO and subsequent
reports that there is inadequate or
insufficient information to determine
whether an association exists between
exposure to herbicides and bone and
joint cancer.
NAS reviewed one occupational study
that examined cancer mortality in 1,341
licensed herbicide appliers in the
Netherlands. No deaths from bone
cancers were observed. (Swaen et al.,
2004.) No other relevant environmental
or Vietnam-veteran studies were
published since Update 2002.
Taking account of the available
evidence and NAS’ analysis, the
Secretary has found that the credible
evidence against an association between
herbicide exposure and bone and joint
cancer outweighs the credible evidence
for such an association, and has
determined that a positive association
does not exist.
Skin Cancers—Melanoma, Basal, and
Squamous Cell
NAS noted in VAO and subsequent
reports that there was inadequate or
insufficient information to determine
whether an association exists between
exposure to herbicides and skin cancer.
NAS examined two categories of skin
cancer: melanoma and nonmelanoma
(basal-cell and squamous-cell).
Melanomas occur more frequently in
fair-skinned people. Incidence also
increases with age, though more so in
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males than in females. Other risk factors
can include moles on the skin,
suppressed immune system, and
excessive exposure to ultraviolet
radiation, usually from the sun. Family
history of melanoma is also a risk factor,
though it is unclear whether that is the
result of genetic factors or attributable to
similarities in skin type and sun
NAS reviewed an occupational study
conducted on licensed herbicide
applicators in the Netherlands. No data
was available on any risk factor for skin
cancer, other than age. Five deaths from
skin cancer were recorded for the cohort
of 1,341 people. Only 1.4 deaths would
be expected. (Swaen et al., 2004). NAS
noted that a significant limitation of this
study was its inability to discern
whether, or to what extent, the
increased incidence of skin cancer was
attributable to herbicide exposure rather
than to exposure to UV radiation, which
is a significant and well-known risk
factor for skin cancer. NAS concluded
that herbicide applicators are likely to
have had significant exposure to UV
radiation, but that limitations of the
study design made it impossible to
separate the effect of the two
occupational exposures.
No environmental studies of
melanoma have been published since
Update 2002.
In 2004, a study on the incidence of
cancer in Operation Ranch Hand
veterans compared with both a group of
Air Force veterans not involved in
herbicide spraying and a sample of the
general population, showed that
melanoma was more common among
the Ranch Hand veterans and the Air
Force veterans than in the general
population. NAS noted significant
limitations concerning the comparison
with the general population, including
the lack of control for the confounding
factor of sun exposure and the
possibility that rates of detection among
the study population may be higher
than the general population due to the
heightened detection methods
employed in the study. In the analyses
limited to Ranch Hand and comparison
Air Force veterans, the associations with
melanoma were restricted to the stratum
of veterans with no more than 2 years
of service in Southeast Asia and to a
stratum created by the subset of Ranch
Hand veterans who served only in
Vietnam and comparison veterans who
served elsewhere in Southeast Asia.
NAS found that no satisfactory
rationale was given to support why the
analysis was limited to veterans with
less than 2 years of service or to a
definition that confounds Ranch Hand
status with service in Vietnam. NAS
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stated that, if the classifications
employed in the study somehow
captured a confounding factor, the
proper analysis would have been to
combine information from each stratum
(more than 2 years of service and 2 years
or less) to produce an adjusted relative
risk. In view of these limitations, NAS
decided that the overall association
between exposure to herbicides and the
incidence of melanoma in this study
was not definitive. (Akhtar et al., 2004).
NAS concluded that there is
inadequate or insufficient evidence to
determine an association between
exposure to herbicides and melanoma.
Although some recent studies
reported findings suggestive of an
association, the weight of those findings
is limited by the methodological
concerns discussed in the NAS report.
Taking account of the available
evidence and NAS’ analysis, the
Secretary has found that the credible
evidence against an association between
herbicide exposure and melanoma
outweighs the credible evidence for
such an association, and has determined
that a positive association does not
Excessive exposure to ultraviolet
radiation is the most important risk
factor for non-melanocytic skin cancer,
though some skin diseases and exposure
to chemicals such as inorganic arsenic
have also been identified as possible
risk factors.
NAS noted in VAO and subsequent
updates that there was inadequate or
insufficient information to determine an
association between exposure to
herbicides and basal-cell or squamouscell cancers.
There were no relevant environmental
or Vietnam-veteran studies published
regarding basal-cell and squamous-cell
(non melanoma) skin cancers.
NAS concluded that there is no
information contained in the research
reviewed for Update 2004 to change the
conclusion that there is inadequate or
insufficient evidence to determine
whether an association exists between
exposure to herbicides and basal-cell
and squamous-cell skin cancers.
Taking account of the available
evidence and NAS’ analysis, the
Secretary has found that the credible
evidence against an association between
herbicide exposure and basal-cell and
squamous-cell skin cancers outweighs
the credible evidence for such an
association, and he has determined that
a positive association does not exist.
Breast Cancer
NAS noted that breast cancer is the
second most common cancer among
women in the U.S. Breast cancer
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incidence generally increases with age.
Risk factors other than aging include a
personal or family history of breast
cancer and certain reproductive
characteristics; specifically, early onset
of menarche, late onset of menopause,
and either no pregnancies or first fullterm pregnancy after age 30. NAS noted
in VAO and subsequent reports that
there is inadequate or insufficient
information to determine whether an
association exists between exposure to
herbicides and breast cancer.
No studies published since Update
2002 have investigated breast cancer.
Previously published studies support
the conclusion that the evidence is
inadequate or insufficient to determine
an association between exposure to
herbicides and breast cancer.
Taking account of the available
evidence and NAS’ analysis, the
Secretary has found that the credible
evidence against an association between
herbicide exposure and breast cancer
outweighs the credible evidence for
such an association, and he has
determined that a positive association
does not exist.
Female Reproductive Cancer (cervix,
uterus, ovary)
NAS noted that the cancers of the
female reproductive system include
cancers of the cervix, endometrium (also
referred to as the corpus uteri), and
ovaries. Cervical cancers occur more
often in African-American women than
in white women, whereas white women
are more likely to develop endometrial
and ovarian cancers. The incidence of
endometrial and ovarian cancer also
depends on age, with older women at
greater risk. Human papillomavirus
infection is the most important risk
factor for cervical cancer. Diet, a family
history of the disease, and breast cancer
are among the risk factors for
endometrial and ovarian cancers.
NAS noted in VAO and subsequent
reports that there is inadequate or
insufficient information to determine
whether an association exists between
exposure to herbicides and cancers of
the female reproductive system.
No studies published since Update
2002 have investigated cancers of the
female reproductive system.
NAS concluded that there is
inadequate or insufficient information
to determine an association between
exposure to herbicides and female
reproductive cancers. Taking account of
the available evidence and NAS’
analysis, the Secretary has found that
the credible evidence against an
association between herbicide exposure
and cancers of the female reproductive
system outweighs the credible evidence
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for such an association, and he has
determined that a positive association
does not exist.
Testicular Cancer
Testicular cancer is far more likely in
men younger than 40 than in men over
the age of 40. Cryptorchidism, or
undescended testes, is a major risk
factor for testicular cancer. Family
history of the disease also appears to be
a risk factor for testicular cancer.
NAS noted in VAO and subsequent
reports that there was inadequate or
insufficient information to determine
whether an association exists between
exposure to herbicides and testicular
No relevant occupational,
environmental, or Vietnam-veteran
studies have been published since
Update 2002.
NAS concluded that there is
inadequate or insufficient evidence to
determine an association between
exposure to herbicides and testicular
Taking account of the available
evidence and NAS’ analysis, the
Secretary has found that the credible
evidence against an association between
herbicide exposure and testicular cancer
outweighs the credible evidence for
such an association, and he has
determined that a positive association
does not exist.
Urinary Bladder Cancer
Urinary bladder cancer is the most
common of the urinary tract cancers.
Bladder cancer incidence increases
greatly with age over 40 years. The most
important known risk factor for bladder
cancer is smoking. Occupational
exposures to aromatic amines (also
called arylamines), polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons (PAHs), and certain other
organic chemicals used in the rubber,
leather, textile, paint products, and
printing industries are also associated
with higher incidence of bladder cancer.
High-fat diets have been implicated as
risk factors, along with exposure to the
parasite Schistosoma haematobium.
Exposure to inorganic arsenic is also a
risk factor for bladder cancer, and
cacodylic acid is a metabolite of
inorganic arsenic. The data remain
insufficient to conclude that studies of
inorganic arsenic exposure are directly
relevant to exposure to cacodylic acid.
Therefore, NAS did not consider the
literature on inorganic arsenic.
A study of the incidence of urinary
bladder cancer in Vietnam veterans who
participated in Operation Ranch Hand
was published in 2004. The study found
no significant difference between the
expected and observed incidence of
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 112 / Tuesday, June 12, 2007 / Notices
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urinary bladder cancer. (Akhtar et al.,
NAS noted in VAO and Update 1996
that there was limited or suggestive
evidence of no association between
exposure to herbicides used in Vietnam
or the contaminant dioxin and urinary
bladder cancer. Update 1998 provided
additional information that led NAS to
change its conclusion to inadequate or
insufficient information regarding an
association with urinary bladder cancer.
No relevant occupational or
environmental studies regarding urinary
bladder cancer have been published
since Update 2002.
The new evidence presented by
Akhtar et al., (2004) did not change the
committee’s previous findings, which
placed urinary bladder cancer in the
inadequate or insufficient category.
Taking account of the available
evidence and NAS’ analysis, the
Secretary has found that the credible
evidence against an association between
herbicide exposure and urinary bladder
cancer outweighs the credible evidence
for such an association, and has
determined that a positive association
does not exist.
Renal Cancer
Renal cancer is twice as common in
men as in women. With the exception
of Wilms’ tumor, which is more likely
to appear in children, renal cancer is
more common in individuals over age
50. Smoking is a risk factor for renal
cancer. Other potential risk factors
include diet, weight, and occupational
exposure to asbestos, cadmium, and
organic solvents. Some people with rare
syndromes such as von Hippel-Lindau
syndrome and tuberous sclerosis are at
higher risk. Firefighters who are
exposed to pyrolysis products are also
in a known higher-risk group.
NAS noted in VAO and subsequent
reports that there was inadequate or
insufficient information to determine
whether an association exists between
exposure to herbicides and renal cancer.
In 2004, Swaen et al., published the
results on a total of 21 years of followup on the mortality experience of an
established cohort of 1,341 licensed
herbicide appliers in the Netherlands.
(Swaen et al., 2004). Four deaths from
kidney cancer were reported, and only
three were expected. Due to the
relatively small study size and lack of
exposure information, NAS did not find
this study to be sufficiently suggestive
of an association.
No relevant environmental or
Vietnam-veteran studies have been
published since Update 2002.
On the basis of its evaluation of the
epidemiologic evidence reviewed and in
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previous VAO reports, NAS concluded
that there is inadequate or insufficient
evidence to determine an association
between exposure to herbicides and
renal cancer.
Taking account of the available
evidence and NAS’ analysis, the
Secretary has found the credible
evidence against an association between
herbicide exposure and renal cancer
outweighs the credible evidence for
such an association, and he has
determined that a positive association
does not exist.
Leukemia (Other Than Chronic
Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL))
There are four primary types of
leukemia: the acute and chronic forms
of lymphocytic leukemia and the acute
and chronic forms of myeloid (or
granulocytic) leukemia.
Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) is
a disease of the young and of
individuals older than 70, and plays a
small role in the age groups that
characterize most Vietnam veterans.
Exposure to high doses of ionizing
radiation is a known risk factor. Acute
myeloid leukemia (AML) is the most
common leukemia among adults. Risk
factors for AML include high doses of
ionizing radiation, occupational
exposure to benzene, and some
medications used in cancer
chemotherapy. Genetic disorders
including Fanconi’s anemia and Down’s
syndrome are associated with an
increased risk for AML. Tobacco
smoking has also been suggested as a
risk factor.
The incidence of chronic myeloid
leukemia (CML) increases with age for
individuals over 30. For individuals in
the age groups that characterize most
Vietnam veterans, CML accounts for
about one in five leukemias. CML is
associated with an acquired
chromosomal abnormality known as the
‘‘Philadelphia chromosome.’’ Exposure
to high doses of ionizing radiation is a
known risk factor for that abnormality.
NAS noted in VAO and subsequent
reports that there is inadequate or
insufficient information to determine
whether an association exists between
exposure to herbicides and leukemia.
In Update 2004, NAS reviewed two
relevant occupational studies. A study
of 1,341 licensed herbicide appliers in
the Netherlands showed that three
deaths from all leukemias were reported
when 2.2 deaths were expected. (Swaen
et al., 2004).
An occupational population-based,
case-control study conducted in 11
agricultural and industrial areas of Italy
showed an increased risk of leukemia
based on exposure to phenoxy
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herbicides. (Miligi et al. 2003.) NAS
noted that the small number of cases
and other limitations prevented
adequate analysis of the increased risk
based on the study data.
No environmental studies have been
published since those reviewed in
Update 2002.
A study of Operation Ranch Hand
veterans and a cohort of other Air Force
veterans who were not involved in the
spraying of herbicides was published in
2004. In this study, all leukemias were
combined with multiple myeloma and
the lymphomas to form the category of
lymphopoietic cancers. No excess of
such cancers was reported in the
Operation Ranch Hand veterans. These
results did not change when the
analyses were restricted to veterans
whose tours of duty ended between
1966 and 1970, the years when Agent
Orange was the predominant herbicide
in use in Vietnam. (Akhtar et al., 2004).
On the basis of its evaluation of the
epidemiologic evidence reviewed and in
previous VAO reports, NAS concluded
that there was inadequate or insufficient
evidence to determine an association
between exposure to herbicides and
leukemias other than CLL.
Taking account of the available
evidence and NAS’ analysis, the
Secretary has found that the credible
evidence against an association between
herbicide exposure and leukemia (other
than CLL) outweighs the credible
evidence for such an association, and he
has determined that a positive
association does not exist.
Abnormal Sperm Characteristics and
NAS noted in VAO and subsequent
reports that there is inadequate or
insufficient information to determine
whether an association exists between
exposure to herbicides and altered
sperm parameters or infertility.
A study examined factors possibly
associated with infertility in a group of
women living in an agricultural region
of Wisconsin. For the study, a woman
was considered infertile if she had 12
months of unprotected intercourse
without conceiving a pregnancy that
ended in live birth. Nine case subjects
and 11 control subjects reported being
exposed to 2,4,5–T and four case
subjects and four control subjects
reported being exposed to 2,4–D. This
study was limited because the sample
sizes were small presenting an inability
to examine the effects of specific
herbicides. Moreover, information on
risk factors were obtained from selfreports, which can be subject to recall
bias. (Greenlee et al., 2003).
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A study examined whether previously
poor semen quality in men from rural
and urban areas was attributable to use
of pesticides including herbicides,
fungicides, and other substances. None
of the subjects from Minnesota had
detectable 2,4–D metabolites in their
urine. The subjects from Missouri had
2,4–D metabolite levels that were only
of borderline statistical significance.
The study showed that 2,4–D was not
associated with sperm mobility or
concentration, but showed a weak
association with sperm morphology.
(Swaen et al., 2003).
A study was conducted to determine
whether there was an association
between TCDD exposures and the
menstrual characteristics of women
exposed to it for the next 20 years. The
study used women who lived near the
site of an industrial explosion in 1976
at Seveso, Italy. The main conclusion
from the study was that serum TCDD
concentration was associated with some
menstrual cycle characteristics, with
possible effect modification by
menarchial status. (Eskenazi et al.,
No relevant Vietnam-veteran studies
have been published since Update 2002.
NAS concluded that there is
inadequate or insufficient evidence to
determine an association between
exposure to herbicides and infertility,
subfertility, sperm quality or count, or
altered hormone concentrations.
Taking account of the available
evidence and NAS’ analysis, the
Secretary has found that the credible
evidence against an association between
herbicide exposure and infertility and
sperm abnormalities in veterans
outweighs the credible evidence for
such an association, and he has
determined that a positive association
does not exist.
Spontaneous Abortion
Spontaneous abortion is the expulsion
of a nonviable fetus, usually before 20
weeks of gestation. The background risk
of a spontaneous abortion is generally
7–15%, but this does not include the
many more pregnancies that terminate
before the woman becomes aware of the
NAS concluded in VAO and
subsequent updates that there was
inadequate or insufficient information
to determine an association between
exposure to herbicides and spontaneous
No relevant occupational or Vietnamveteran studies have been published
since Update 2002.
Eskenazi et al. (2003) evaluated data
from the Seveso Women’s Health Study
of women who lived near the site of an
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industrial explosion in 1976 at Seveso,
Italy for an association between
individual serum TCDD concentrations
and birth outcomes in women who
resided near the accident. No
association was revealed by the
Eskenazi study. Because the
spontaneous abortions were selfreported, a truly unexposed control
population could not be used in the
study. Therefore, it could be
hypothesized that the study does not
rule out the possibility of a TCDD effect
during the earliest period of pregnancy.
NAS concluded that there is
insufficient information available to
determine whether an association exists
between the risk of spontaneous
abortion and maternal exposure to
Taking account of the available
evidence and NAS’ analysis, the
Secretary has found that the credible
evidence against an association between
herbicide exposure and spontaneous
abortion outweighs the credible
evidence for such an association, and he
has determined that a positive
association does not exist.
Neonatal or Infant Death and Stillbirth
in Offspring of Exposed Individuals
Stillbirth, or late fetal death, typically
refers to the delivery at or after 20 weeks
of gestation of a fetus that shows no
signs of life. Neonatal death refers to the
death of a liveborn infant within 28
days of birth. Typically, causes of
stillbirth and neonatal death overlap
considerably and are commonly
analyzed together in a category called
perinatal mortality. The most common
causes of perinatal mortality among
low-birthweight liveborn and stillborn
infants are placental and delivery
complications. Among infants weighing
more than 2,500 grams at birth, the most
common causes are complications of the
cord, placenta, and membranes and
lethal congenital malformations.
(Kallen, 1988).
NAS concluded in VAO and
subsequent updates that there was
inadequate or insufficient information
to determine an association between
exposures to herbicides and stillbirth,
neonatal death, or infant death.
No relevant occupational,
environmental, or Vietnam-veteran
studies have been published since
Update 2002.
NAS concluded that there is
inadequate or insufficient evidence to
determine an association between
exposure to herbicides and stillbirth,
neonatal death, or infant death in
offspring of exposed individuals.
Taking account of the available
evidence and NAS’ analysis, the
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Secretary has found that the credible
evidence against an association between
herbicide exposure and stillbirth,
neonatal death, and infant death in
offspring of exposed individuals
outweighs the credible evidence for
such an association, and he has
determined that a positive association
does not exist.
Low Birthweight in Offspring of
Exposed Individuals
The World Health Organization
(WHO) recommends 2,500 grams as the
threshold determination for low
birthweight. Low birthweight is among
the important predictors of neonatal
mortality and morbidity, and preterm
delivery is a significant cause. Factors
most strongly associated with reduced
birthweight are maternal tobacco use
during pregnancy, multiple births, and
race or ethnicity. Other potential risk
factors are socioeconomic status,
maternal weight, birth order, maternal
complications during pregnancy, and
obstetric history. Established risk factors
for preterm delivery include race,
marital status, low socioeconomic
status, tobacco use, and cervical,
uterine, or placental abnormalities.
(Berkowitz and Papiernik, 1993).
A case-control study examined
birthweight in the offspring of women
who were involved in farming for seven
(7) or more days during their
pregnancies. In total, the study included
117 women who delivered low
birthweight infants (cases) and 377
women who delivered infants weighing
at least 2,500 grams (controls). No
significant differences were exhibited in
the birthweights in the exposed and
non-exposed groups. Pregnancy
duration was also the same time, with
a mean of 38 weeks in cases and
controls. NAS determined the study was
limited by its retrospective nature.
(Dabrowski et al., 2003).
An environmental study examined
the association between TCDD exposure
and reproductive outcomes among 510
women exposed to TCDD who had
complete pregnancies within 20 years of
their exposure. The study showed a
small non-significant association
between maternal dioxin concentrations
and decreased birthweight and
prematurity. NAS determined that there
were flaws in the study, such as the fact
that information was obtained by selfreport, and that there was no control
group or a measurement of background
dioxin. (Eskenazi et al., 2003).
No relevant Vietnam-veteran studies
were published since Update 2002.
NAS concluded that there is
inadequate or insufficient evidence to
determine an association between
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exposure to herbicides and low
birthweight and preterm delivery in
offspring of exposed individuals.
Taking account of the available
evidence and NAS’ analysis, the
Secretary has found that the credible
evidence against an association between
herbicide exposure and low birthweight
and preterm delivery in offspring of
exposed individuals outweighs the
credible evidence for such an
association, and he has determined that
a positive association does not exist.
Birth Defects (Other Than Spina Bifida)
in Offspring of Exposed Individuals
The March of Dimes defines a birth
defect as ‘‘an abnormality of structure,
function, or metabolism, whether
genetically determined or as a result of
an environmental influence during
embryonic or fetal life.’’ (Bloom, 1981).
Major birth defects, which occur in 2–
3% of live births, are severe enough to
interfere with viability or physical wellbeing. Birth defects are detected in
another 5% of babies through their first
year of life.
The causes of most birth defects are
unknown. Known causes include
genetic factors, exposure to some
medications, environmental
contaminants, occupational hazards,
and lifestyle factors.
In 1994, NAS found in VAO that there
was inadequate or insufficient
information to determine an association
between exposure to herbicides and
birth defects among offspring. But in
Update 1996 and subsequent studies,
NAS concluded that there was limited
or suggestive evidence of an association
between at least one of the compounds
of interest and spina bifida in the
children of exposed veterans. There was
no change in the conclusions about
other birth defects.
An environmental study examined
the impact of exposure to emissions
from municipal solid waste incinerators
on birth defects in a region of France
over a ten-year period. Congenital
anomalies were not significantly
associated with exposure overall, but
some specific anomalies (facial clefts,
renal dysplasia, obstructive uropathies,
cardiac anomalies) showed significant
dose-response relationships. The
exposure indicator in this study could
not differentiate exposure to dioxins
from exposure to metals. (Cordier et al.,
An ecologic study compared rates of
adverse birth outcomes in U.S.
agricultural states. The use of herbicides
on the fields during the times when
certain babies were conceived showed a
possible increased risk for some defects,
such as musculoskeletal and
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integumental anomalies. However, this
study did not directly measure
herbicide exposure; instead, it measured
by acreage. (Schreinemachers, 2003).
No relevant occupational studies have
been published since Update 2002.
Data from the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC) regarding
birth defects in the past 25 years
showed that there was no greater risk
among Vietnam veterans for fathering
babies with serious birth defects.
(Correa-Villasenor et al., 2003).
Excluding spina bifida, NAS
concludes that there is inadequate or
insufficient evidence to determine an
association between exposure to
herbicides and all other birth defects in
offspring of exposed individuals.
Taking account of the available
evidence and NAS’ analysis, the
Secretary has found that the credible
evidence against an association between
herbicide exposure and all other birth
defects other than spina bifida
outweighs the credible evidence for
such an association and he has
determined that a positive association
does not exist.
Childhood Cancer (Including Acute
Myelogenous Leukemia) in Offspring of
Exposed Individuals
Cancer remains the leading cause of
death from disease in children under
the age of 15. Leukemia is the most
common cancer in children. The second
most common group of cancers in
children is that of the central nervous
NAS concluded in VAO and
subsequent studies that there was
inadequate or insufficient information
to determine an association between
exposure to herbicides and childhood
An agricultural health study
examined childhood cancer in the
offspring of male pesticide applicators
in Iowa. Incidence was compared with
the Iowa Surveillance, Epidemiology
and End Result data. Potential
associations between pesticide exposure
and individual types of cancer were not
examined. There was a higher rate of
childhood cancers for paternal exposure
to herbicides than for maternal
exposure. (Flower et al., 2004).
No relevant environmental or
Vietnam-veteran studies have been
published since Update 2002.
The only new study reviewed for this
update (Flower et al., 2004), did not
show any significant association
between the relevant exposures and
childhood cancer in offspring of
exposed individuals.
On the basis of its evaluation of the
epidemiologic evidence reviewed here
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and in previous VAO reports, NAS
concluded that there is inadequate or
insufficient evidence to determine an
association between exposure to
herbicides and childhood cancer in
offspring of exposed individuals.
Taking account of the available
evidence and NAS’ analysis, the
Secretary has found that the credible
evidence against an association between
herbicide exposure and childhood
cancer in offspring of exposed
individuals outweighs the credible
evidence for such an association, and he
has determined that a positive
association does not exist.
Neurobehavioral Disorders (Cognitive
or Neuropsychiatric)
NAS noted in VAO and subsequent
reports that there was inadequate or
insufficient information to determine
whether an association exists between
exposure to herbicides and cognitive
and neuropsychiatric effects.
Since Update 2002, five reports have
investigated associations between
neurobehavioral disorders and possible
exposure to herbicides. The five reports
are: (1) An update of the Air Force
Health Study (AFHS) (Barrett et al.,
2003), (2) a cross-sectional study of a
cohort of Korean veterans who served in
Vietnam (Kim et al., 2003), (3) an update
of an occupational cohort from the
Czech Republic (Pelclova et al., 2002),
(4) a cohort study from the Bordeaux
region of France (Baldi et al., 2003) and
(5) a semi-ecological study from a
community adjacent to a wood
treatment plant (Dahlgren et al., 2003).
Psychological functioning was
compared in Ranch Hand veterans and
other Vietnam veterans (Barrett et al.,
2003). The characteristics of the study
groups indicated that those with high
exposure were more likely to be younger
enlisted personnel; those with
background or low exposure were older
officers. Two standard psychological
test instruments were administered: The
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality
Inventory (MMPI) and the Millon
Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI).
MMPI results were inconsistent and
showed no significant associations with
exposure. The conclusions from the
studies were limited by the possibility
of misclassification of exposure,
selection bias, and uncontrolled
confounding. The authors concluded
that there were few consistent
differences in psychological functioning
between groups based on serum dioxin
A study published results of a crosssectional study of Korean veterans who
served in Vietnam. Health outcomes
were assessed by a group of four family
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practitioners, blinded to subjects’
exposure status, using a ‘‘standardized
comprehensive clinical investigation.’’
There was a significantly higher
prevalence of post-traumatic stress
disorder (PTSD) and mood disorder in
Vietnam veterans than in the nonVietnam comparison group; although
the association was not significant after
controlling for multiple potential
confounders, and it did not differ by
exposure in Vietnam veterans. The
study was limited because of the
possibility of selection bias and a
chance of residual confounding because
of the demographic difference between
groups. (Kim et al., 2003).
The Bordeaux study (Baldi et al.,
2003) examined a cohort of 2,792
persons over age 65, enrolled in 1987 for
the purposes of studying normal and
pathological cerebral aging and loss of
independence in the elderly. Exposures
were categorized into quartiles by the
likelihood of occupational use of
chemical pesticides on the basis of selfreports, which introduced the
possibility of recall bias. The high dropout rate raises concerns of selection
bias. The authors of the study could not
identify exposure to specific
compounds. The study offered no
evidence that would implicate the
compounds of interest because the
exposures were not comparable to
herbicide exposures in Vietnam.
Dahlgren et al. used a semi-ecological
design to assess the possibility that selfreported symptoms suggesting
neurobehavioral disorders in a group of
people from eastern Mississippi were
related to residence near a creosote
treatment plant. (Dahlgren et al., 2003).
The study suffered from design
weaknesses, including selection and
ascertainment bias, lack of objective
exposure data, and lack of physicianconfirmed diagnoses.
NAS concluded that there is no
consistent evidence for any association
between neurobehavioral disorders and
herbicide exposure.
On the basis of its evaluation of the
epidemiological evidence reviewed here
and on previous VAO reports, NAS
concludes that there is still inadequate
or insufficient evidence to determine
whether an association exists between
exposure to herbicides and
neurobehavioral disorders (cognitive or
Taking account of the available
evidence and NAS’ analysis, the
Secretary has found that the credible
evidence against an association between
herbicide exposure and neurobehavioral
disorders (cognitive or
neuropsychiatric) outweighs the
credible evidence for such an
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association, and he has determined that
a positive association does not exist.
Movement Disorders, Including
Parkinson’s Disease (PD) and
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
• Parkinson’s Disease
Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is a
progressive neurodegenerative disorder
that affects millions of people
worldwide. Its primary clinical
manifestations are bradykinesia, resting
tremor, cogwheel rigidity, and gait
instability. These signs were first
described in 1817 as a single entity by
James Parkinson, who believed that
severe fright from a traumatic
experience was a probable cause.
Because of the increasing concern that
a link exists between PD and various
chemicals used in herbicides, NAS, in
VAO and subsequent reports, suggested
that as Vietnam veterans move into the
age groups when PD is more prevalent,
attention be given to the frequency and
character of new cases of PD in exposed
versus non-exposed individuals.
In the Bordeaux cohort study, new
cases at the 8- and 10-year follow-up
were identified by self-report in
response to the question, ‘‘Do you have
Parkinson’s disease?’’ The incidence for
exposed and unexposed subjects,
respectively, was estimated at 8.9 and
4.1 cases per 1,000 person-years. The
results do suggest increased risk to men
with occupational exposure to
pesticides, but the use of fungicides in
vineyards predominated, rather than
any of the compounds of interest. The
case-control study from Bordeaux
compared 84 subjects over age 70 with
PD who had been recruited from
hospital-based specialty clinic practices
with a control group of 252 subjects
without PD, identified from the
previously described cohort. There is no
evidence from that study to implicate
herbicides to Vietnam veterans. (Baldi et
al., 2003).
On the basis of its evaluation of the
epidemiologic evidence reviewed here
and in previous VAO reports, NAS
concluded that there is inadequate or
insufficient information to determine
whether an association exists between
exposure to herbicides and PD.
Taking account of the available
evidence and NAS’ analysis, the
Secretary has found that the credible
evidence against an association between
herbicide exposure and PD outweighs
the credible evidence for such an
association, and he has determined that
a positive association does not exist.
• Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
ALS is a progressive motor neuron
disease with adult onset that presents
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with muscle atrophy, weaknesses, and
fasciculations. The incidence of ALS
peaks between the ages of 55 to 75
years. Known risk factors for ALS are
age and a family history of ALS. Interest
in the role of occupational or
environmental exposure originated in
cases of motor neuron disease
associated with exposure to heavy
metals, chemical plants, animal
carcasses, heavy manual labor, work
with electricity, pneumatic tools, work
in the plastic industry, and work as a
truck driver.
No relevant epidemiologic studies
have been published since Update 2002.
On the basis of its evaluation of the
epidemiologic evidence reviewed here
and in previous VAO reports, NAS
concluded that there is inadequate or
insufficient evidence of an association
between exposure to herbicides and
motor neuron disease or ALS.
Taking account of the available
evidence and NAS’ analysis, the
Secretary has found that the credible
evidence against an association between
herbicide exposure and ALS outweighs
the credible evidence for such an
association, and he has determined that
a positive association does not exist.
Chronic Peripheral Nervous System
Peripheral neuropathy consists of
disorders of the peripheral nervous
system. Manifestations of this syndrome
can include a combination of sensory
changes, motor weakness, or autonomic
NAS noted in VAO and subsequent
reports that there was inadequate or
insufficient evidence of an association
between exposure to herbicides and
peripheral neuropathy.
Peripheral neuropathy was one
outcome considered in a study of
Korean Vietnam veterans (Kim et al.,
2003). It was significantly more
common in Vietnam veterans than in
non-Vietnam veterans, with a 2.4-fold
risk even after controlling for alcohol
use and age, although there were no
differences based on estimated TCDD
exposure within subgroups of Vietnam
veterans. Diabetes was also more
common in Vietnam veterans. The
authors of the study concluded that
there was an excess frequency of
peripheral neuropathy in Vietnam
veterans. The report distinguishes
between ‘‘peripheral neuropathy’’ and
‘‘neuropathy with diabetes,’’ which was
not significantly different between the
groups. The possibility of selection bias
was a concern in this study, only 28%
of eligible Vietnam veterans participated
in the study and participation may have
been related to health status. Therefore,
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the study provides some evidence of an
association between service in Vietnam
and peripheral neuropathy. However,
the study does not provide evidence for
an association between specific
exposure to the compounds of interest
and chronic persistent neuropathy.
NAS concluded that there remains
inadequate or insufficient evidence of
an association between exposure to
herbicides and chronic persistent
peripheral neuropathy.
Taking account of the available
evidence and NAS’ analysis, the
Secretary has found that the credible
evidence against an association between
herbicide exposure and chronic
persistent peripheral neuropathy
outweighs the credible evidence for
such an association, and he has
determined that a positive association
does not exist.
Respiratory Disorders
Non-malignant respiratory disorders
comprise acute and chronic lung
diseases other than Cancer. Acute
respiratory disorders include
pneumonia and other respiratory
infections. Those disorders can be
increased in frequency and severity
when the normal defense mechanisms
of the lower respiratory tract are
The major risk factor for many nonmalignant respiratory disorders is
cigarette smoking. Cigarette smoking is
the major cause of many airway
disorders, and makes almost every
respiratory disorder more severe and
symptomatic than would otherwise be
the case. Vietnam veterans are reported
to smoke more heavily than are nonVietnam veterans (McKinney et al.,
NAS noted in VAO and subsequent
updates that there was inadequate or
insufficient information to determine an
association between exposure to
herbicides and respiratory disorders.
A cross-sectional environmental study
used questionnaires to gather
information on potential adverse health
effects among residents near a wood
treatment plant. Exposed residents
reported greater frequency of chronic
bronchitis by history and asthma by
history. Selection bias and recall bias
limit the utility of the results. It is
unclear whether the authors adequately
controlled for history of tobacco use. In
addition, multiple environmental
exposures occurred in the neighborhood
near the plant, and the authors could
not determine which exposures were
responsible for the reported adverse
health effects. (Dahlgren et al., 2003).
No relevant occupational or Vietnamveteran studies have been published
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since Update 2002. No new studies
provide evidence of a direct risk of nonmalignant respiratory disorders in
adults since those reviewed in Update
On the basis of its evaluation of the
epidemiologic evidence reviewed in
Update 2004 and in previous VAO
reports, NAS concluded that there is
inadequate or insufficient evidence to
determine an association between
exposure to herbicides and nonmalignant acute or chronic respiratory
Taking account of the available
evidence and NAS’ analysis, the
Secretary has found that the credible
evidence against an association between
herbicide exposure and respiratory
disorders outweighs the credible
evidence for such an association, and he
has determined that a positive
association does not exist.
Gastrointestinal, Metabolic, and
Digestive Disorders (Changes in Liver
Enzymes, Lipid Abnormalities, Ulcers)
Gastrointestinal and digestive disease
includes diseases of the esophagus,
stomach, intestines, rectum, liver, and
pancreas. The two conditions most often
discussed in the literature reviewed are
peptic ulcer disease and liver disease.
The symptoms and signs of gastro
intestinal disease and liver toxicity are
highly varied and often vague.
The most convenient way to
categorize diseases that affect the
gastrointestinal system is by the affected
anatomic segment.
NAS in VAO and subsequent reports
found there was inadequate or
insufficient information to determine
whether an association exists between
exposure to herbicides and
gastrointestinal and digestive disease,
including liver toxicity.
No relevant environmental or
Vietnam-veteran studies have been
published since Update 2002.
NAS concluded that there was no
information contained in the research
reviewed for Update 2004 to change the
conclusion that there is inadequate or
insufficient evidence to determine
whether an association exists between
exposure to herbicides and
gastrointestinal and digestive diseases.
Taking account of the available
evidence and NAS’ analysis, the
Secretary has found that the credible
evidence against an association between
herbicide exposure and gastrointestinal
and digestive disease outweighs the
credible evidence for such an
association, and he has determined that
a positive association does not exist.
Plasma lipid (notably cholesterol)
concentrations have been shown to
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predict cardiovascular disease and are
considered fundamental to the
underlying atherosclerotic process. The
two major types of lipids, cholesterol
and triglycerides, are carried in the
blood attached to proteins to form
lipoproteins. NAS in VAO and
subsequent reports found there was
inadequate or insufficient information
to determine whether an association
exists between exposure to herbicides
and lipid and lipoprotein disorders.
No relevant environmental or
Vietnam-veteran studies of lipid and
lipoprotein disorders have been
published since those reviewed in
Update 2002.
An occupational study conducted
measured cholesterol and triglyceride
concentrations in 12 men who were
exposed to extremely high
concentrations of TCDD in the late
1960s while they were employed in
herbicide production at a chemical
factory in the former Czechoslovakia.
The correlation between TCDD in 1996
and highest recorded measurement of
triglyceride or cholesterol at any point
between 1968 and 2001 was 0.66 for
triglyceride and 0.78 for cholesterol. No
information was given about follow up
measures of lipids collected in standard
or periodic fashion for participants and
there is no discussion of how individual
differences in treatment of elevated
cholesterol could influence the highest
recorded value for total cholesterol.
(Pelclova et al., 2002).
Hu et al. (2003) conducted a crosssectional study of dioxin-furan
exposures and lipids in workers at
municipal-waste incinerator plants in
Taipei City, Taiwan. A total of 133
workers were randomly sampled from 3
plants; the workers had to have been
employed for at least 6 months in the
operation and control or maintenance
departments. Seventeen (17) cogeners
were measured, including TCDD.
Workers with TCDD above the median
had higher average cholesterol and were
more likely to have cholesterol above
220 mg/dL. The relationship between
TCDD and cholesterol was not
statistically significant when TCDD was
measured by tertiles, quartiles, or as a
continuous variable. TCDD was not
associated with triglyceride as a
continuous or categorical measure.
The study by Pelclova et al. has some
shortcomings, including the small
sample (12 men). The study by Hu et al.
successfully recruited a cross-section of
workers and did show significant
variation in cholesterol by a
dichotomous measure of TCDD. The
loss of statistical significance with more
detailed categories or along the full
continuum of TCDD values suggests that
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 112 / Tuesday, June 12, 2007 / Notices
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the findings from the initial analysis are
not robust or consistent. Several
individual cogeners other than TCDD
were identified as statistically
significant correlates of elevated
cholesterol. The study did not allow for
isolation of the effect of any single
exposure. The relationship between
herbicide exposure and lipid remains
NAS concluded that there is
inadequate or insufficient evidence to
determine whether an association exists
between exposure to herbicides and
lipid and lipoprotein disorders.
Taking account of the available
evidence and NAS’ analysis, the
Secretary has found that the credible
evidence against an association between
herbicide exposure and lipid and
lipoprotein disorders outweighs the
credible evidence for such an
association, and he has determined that
a positive association does not exist.
Immune System Disorders (Immune
Suppression, Autoimmunity)
The immune system defends the body
against infection by viruses, bacteria,
and other disease-producing
microoganisms (pathogens). The
immune system’s cells arise from stem
cells in the bone marrow; they are found
throughout the body’s lymphoid tissues,
and they circulate in the blood as white
blood cells. The immune system also
operates in cancer surveillance,
destroying cells that have transformed
and might otherwise develop into
Autoimmune disease is an example of
the immune system’s causing rather
than preventing disease. In this case, the
immune system mistakenly attacks the
body’s own cells and tissues as if they
were foreign.
In new studies from Seveso, Italy,
plasma immunoglobulin (Ig) and
complement concentrations were
measured in a random sample of the
population. This was conducted in
highly exposed zones and in the
surrounding uncontaminated areas. The
concentrations of one plasma
immunoglobulin (IgG), significantly
decreased with increasing TCDD
concentration. The association was
present after adjusting for age, sex,
tobacco use, and computation of
domestic livestock and poultry.
(Baccarelli et al., 2002).
Two studies have evaluated the
influence of exposure to TCDD-like
compounds on immune response in
children. One study characterized the
immune status of adolescent boys and
girls in Flanders, Belgium, in relation to
their blood concentrations of PCBs and
dioxin like compounds. The results
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found in the adolescents might suggest
a dioxin-induced suppression of the
immune response, consistent with the
findings in the laboratory animals
exposed to TCDD. (Van Den Heuvel et
al., 2002).
In a follow up study of 8 year-old
Dutch children perinatally exposed to
dioxin, researchers found a decrease in
allergy in relation to increasing dioxin
exposure. The study found an increased
percentage of naıve versus activated T
cells, which is consistent with a
generalized decrease in immune
responsiveness associated with dioxin
exposure. (Tusscher et al. 2003).
One study examined Korean Vietnam
War veterans for evidence of immune
system changes in relation to their
operation in various areas of Vietnam. A
significant increase in plasma IgE was
found in both groups of veterans
compared with control subjects. The
patient group also had significantly
decreased plasma IgG1. Those changes
correlated with decreased production of
interferon gamma in the patient group
and with increased production of
interleukin 4 in both veterans’ groups
when the T cells from the subjects were
cultured in vitro. No changes in the
plasma concentrations of antibodies
against double-stranded DNA or
extractable nuclear antigens, both
markers of autoimmune disease, were
found in the veterans, nor were changes
found in frequency distribution of
peripheral blood leukocyte
subpopulations. (Kim H–A et al., 2003).
TCDD is a well known
immunosuppressive agent in laboratory
animals; it is among the most potent
immunotoxicants in the environment.
Therefore, one would expect that
exposure of humans to sufficiently high
doses of TCDD would result in immune
suppression. However, several studies
of various parameters of human immune
function have failed to reveal consistent
correlations with TCDD exposure, and
no detectable pattern of increased
infectious diseases has developed in
veterans exposed to high concentrations
of TCDD or other herbicides used in
Vietnam. Although suppression of the
immune response by TCDD could
increase the risk of some cancers in
Vietnam veterans, there is no evidence
to support that connection.
Studies that examined the influence
of TCDD on IgE production have
generated additional conflicting data.
Two studies revealed a significant
reduction in IgE production and
associated allergic responses correlated
with increasing exposure to TCDD and
related compounds among children in
Belgium and the Netherlands (Tusscher
et al., 2003; Van Den Heuvel et al.,
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2002). In contrast, Korean Vietnam
veterans had increased rather than
decreased IgE concentrations in
plasma—independent of health status.
(Kim H–A et al., 2003).
No relevant occupational studies were
published since those reviewed in
Update 2002.
NAS noted in VAO and subsequent
reports that there was inadequate or
insufficient information to determine
whether an association exists between
exposure to herbicides and immune
system disorders.
NAS concluded that there was no
information reviewed for Update 2004
to change the conclusion that there is
inadequate or insufficient evidence to
determine whether an association exists
between exposure to herbicides and
immune system disorders.
Taking account of the available
evidence and NAS’ analysis, the
Secretary has found that the credible
evidence against an association between
immune system disorders and herbicide
exposure outweighs the credible
evidence for such an association, and he
has determined that a positive
association does not exist.
Circulatory Disorders
The term circulatory disorder
includes hypertension, heart failure,
arteriosclerotic heart disease, peripheral
vascular disease, and cerebrovascular
disease. NAS noted in VAO and
subsequent reports that there was
inadequate or insufficient information
to determine whether an association
exists between exposure to herbicides
and circulatory disorders.
An occupational study presented
results for a 21-year-old follow up of
mortality in a cohort of 1,341 licensed
herbicide applicators working for
government agencies in the
Netherlands. The workers had relatively
low cardiovascular mortality. (Swaen et
al., 2004).
An ecological study reported no
association between measure of dioxin
emissions and cardiovascular or
cerebrovascular mortality after
adjustment for socioeconomic correlates
of dioxin emissions. However, the study
design precludes inferences about the
relationship between exposure and
disease among individuals. This study
cannot be interpreted as important
evidence of no association. (Fukuda et
al., 2003).
A Vietnam-veteran study reported the
results of a cross-sectional study of
exposure to Agent Orange and the
prevalence of large number of health
outcomes in Korean veterans who had
served in Vietnam. The study shows an
elevated prevalence of hypertension in
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 112 / Tuesday, June 12, 2007 / Notices
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Vietnam veterans compared with that
for veterans who served elsewhere.
However, some of the weaknesses
included in this study include no
information on the measurement of
disease, and therefore no opportunity to
comment on the quality of
measurement. There is also the
possibility of selection bias in the
formation of the study population due
to a law in Korea to support medical
care and compensation for herbicide
victims. (Kim J–S et al., 2003).
The new occupational and
environmental studies of circulatory
conditions do not support an
association for exposure to herbicides,
but they also do not represent
compelling evidence for the lack of an
On the basis of its evaluation of the
epidemiologic evidence reviewed here
and in previous VAO reports, NAS
concluded that there is no information
contained in Update 2004 to change the
conclusion that there is inadequate or
insufficient evidence to determine
whether an association exists between
exposure to herbicides and specific
circulatory disorders (coronary artery
disease, myocardial infarction, stroke,
hypertension) or circulatory conditions
in general.
Taking account of the available
evidence and NAS’ analysis, the
Secretary has found that the credible
evidence against an association between
herbicide exposure and circulatory
disorders outweighs the credible
evidence for such an association, and he
has determined that a positive
association does not exist.
AL Amyloidosis
Amyloidosis refers to a group of
related disorders that share the common
feature of the deposition of insoluable,
fibrous amyloid protein, mainly in the
extracellular spaces of organs and
tissues to a point that causes organs to
malfunction. NAS reviewed AL
amyloidosis (also sometimes referred to
as primary amyloidosis), in which the
light chain of immunoglobulin
molecules is the aberrant protein. AL
amyloidosis is the most common form
of amyloidosis in the United States.
VA identified AL amyloidosis as a
concern in Update 1998. It was
examined specifically by the
committees responsible for Updates
2000 and 2002. In Update 2002, NAS
found there was inadequate or
insufficient information to determine
whether an association exists between
exposure to herbicides and AL
No relevant occupational,
environmental, or Vietnam-veteran
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studies have been published since
Update 2002.
NAS concluded that there is no
information to change the conclusion
that there is inadequate or insufficient
evidence to determine whether an
association exists between exposure to
herbicides and AL amyloidosis.
Taking account of the available
evidence and NAS’ analysis, the
Secretary has found that the credible
evidence against an association between
herbicide exposure and amyloidosis
outweighs the credible evidence for
such an association, and he has
determined that a positive association
does not exist.
The endometrium is the tissue that
lines the inside of the uterus. In
endometriosis, the endometrium is
found outside the uterus, usually in
other parts of the reproductive system,
the abdomen, or the tissues near the
reproductive organs. The tissue
develops into growths or lesions that
respond to hormonal changes in the
body, and break down and bleed each
month in concert with a woman’s
menstrual cycle. It results in
inflammation, internal bleeding, and
degeneration of blood and tissue, which
can cause scarring, pain, infertility,
adhesions, and intestinal problems. The
exact cause of endometriosis is
unknown, though genetics is a possible
NAS reviewed endometriosis for the
first time in Update 2002. Since Update
2002, three environmental studies have
been conducted that examined the
relationship between exposures to some
of the compounds of interest and
endometriosis. One such study
investigated the development of
endometriosis among participants of the
Seveso Women’s Health Study. The
cohort consisted of women who had
lived in proximity to the Seveso
accident site in 1976 and had TCDD
serum measurements in blood collected
between 1976 and 1980. Women in the
highest exposure group showed a
doubling in the risk of endometriosis
compared with the lowest exposure
group, although the increase was not
statically significant, possibly because
of the small number of confirmed cases.
A major limitation of the study was the
inability to confirm with laparoscopy
the disease state of the largest group,
those with an uncertain diagnosis. No
truly unexposed control group was
included in the study. (Eskenazi et al.,
The second study completed a
population-based cross-sectional study
of residents in several Belgian towns in
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the vicinity of industrial sites or
municipal solid waste incinerators and
a control group with no known
exposures to dioxins or PCBs. There was
no difference in the mean TEQ (toxicity
equivalent) concentrations between the
10 cases and 132 controls. The study’s
usefulness is compromised because of
reliance on self-reports and because of
the small number of cases. (Fierens et
al., 2003).
The third study conducted a pilot
case-control study of women of
reproductive age in Italy and Belgium to
determine whether there is a correlation
between blood concentrations of dioxinlike compounds and endometriosis.
Controls were patients suspected of
having a benign adnexal mass; cases
were suspected of having endometriosis.
The data did not indicate that the
concentration of 2,3,7,8–TCDD was
elevated in women with endometriosis.
Overall, the study did not show that
women with endometriosis had higher
2,3,7,8–TCDD or total TEQ than did
controls. The study was limited in its
ability to detect differences, however, by
the small number of subjects. The
selection criteria, which allowed all
women with suspected gynecological
abnormality, also introduced bias. (De
Felip et al., 2004).
No relevant occupational or Vietnamveteran studies have been published
since Update 2002.
None of the three studies
demonstrated an increased risk for
endometriosis with exposure to dioxin
or dioxin-like compounds. NAS
concluded that there is inadequate or
insufficient evidence to determine
whether an association exists between
exposure to herbicides and
Taking account of the available
evidence and NAS’ analysis, the
Secretary has found that the credible
evidence against an association between
herbicide exposure and endometriosis
outweighs the credible evidence for
such an association, and he has
determined that a positive association
does not exist.
Effects on Thyroid Homeostasis
The thyroid gland secretes hormones
(T4 and T3) that stimulate metabolism.
Secretion of T4 and T3 is under the
control of thyroid-stimulating hormone
(TSH), which is secreted by the anterior
pituitary gland. The thyroid also
secretes calcitonin, a hormone that
controls calcium concentration in the
blood and storage of calcium in bones.
Chemical-induced alterations in thyroid
homeostasis can adversely affect the
development of many organ systems,
including the nervous and reproductive
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 112 / Tuesday, June 12, 2007 / Notices
systems. Most adverse effects are caused
by lack of thyroid hormone alone rather
than by increases in TSH. TCDD affects
the concentrations of thyroid hormones;
the effects appear to be speciesdependent and may reflect both the
dose and the duration of exposure.
TCDD influences the metabolism of
thyroid hormones and TSH. Studies of
environmental exposure have
emphasized thyroid alterations in
prenatal and early childhood
development rather than in adults.
NAS reviewed the thyrotoxic
potential of herbicides for the first time
in Update 2002 and concluded that
there was inadequate or insufficient
information to determine an association
between exposure to herbicides and
adverse effects on thyroid homeostasis.
An occupational study measured
serum hormone and TCDD
concentration in 37 men who had
sprayed 2, 4,5–T. In correlation analysis,
TCDD concentrations were inversely
related to T3 and TSH. The association
was strongest when historical, but not
current, serum TCDD concentrations
were considered. (Johnson et al., 2001).
No relevant environmental studies
were published since Update 2002.
A Vietnam-veterans study examined
thyroid hormone status in the AFHS
cohort. At each examination there was
a trend toward an increasing
concentration of TSH, which was not
accompanied by changes in circulating
T4 or in the percentage uptake of T3.
Ranch Hand veterans had TSH
significantly higher than did the
comparison population. No changes in
microsomal or antithyroid antibodies
were observed, nor was there any
evidence of changes in clinical thyroid
disease. (Pavuk et al., 2003).
NAS determined the lack of data on
the association between exposure to the
chemicals of interest and adverse effects
on thyroid homeostasis, coupled with
the lack of exposure information on
Vietnam veterans precludes
quantification of any possible increase
in their risk.
NAS concluded that there is
inadequate or insufficient evidence to
determine whether an association exists
between exposure to herbicides and
adverse effects on thyroid homeostasis.
Taking account of the available
evidence and NAS’ analysis, the
Secretary has found that the credible
evidence against an association between
herbicide exposure and adverse effects
on thyroid homeostasis outweighs the
credible evidence for such an
association, and he has determined that
a positive association does not exist.
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Gastrointestinal Tumors (Esophagus,
Stomach, Pancreas, Colon, Rectum)
Gastrointestinal Tract tumors are
among the most common of cancers.
NAS reviewed data on esophageal
cancer, stomach cancer, pancreatic
cancer, colon cancer, and rectal cancer.
Colon cancer makes up about 40% of
gastrointestinal tract cancer diagnoses
and deaths.
The incidence of stomach, colon,
rectal, and pancreatic cancers increase
with age in people 50–64 years old. In
general, the incidence is higher in men
than women, and is higher in blacks
than in whites. Other risk factors for
those cancers vary but always include
family history of the same form of
cancer, some diseases of the affected
organ, and dietary factors.
NAS noted in VAO and subsequent
reports that there was limited or
suggestive evidence of no association
between exposure to herbicides and
gastrointestinal (GI) tract tumors.
NAS examined two occupational
studies. One study showed that male
chemical production workers previously
exposed to substantial amounts of
dioxin experienced no increased risk
from death from gastric cancer. (Bodner
et al., 2003).
In another study of licensed herbicide
appliers in the Netherlands, a lower
than expected number of deaths due to
esophagus and stomach cancer was
reported. (Swaen et al., 2004).
An environmental study of 590
municipalities in Japan examined the
relationships between indexes of dioxin
emissions from incineration plants and
cause-specific mortality among nearby
residents. When the analysis was
restricted to municipalities with
incineration plants, there was a positive
and statistically significant correlation
in men for stomach cancer for one
dioxin index and a statistically
significant negative correlation for three
dioxin indexes. (Fukuda et al., 2003).
The Vietnam-veteran study reported
on cancer incidence and mortality in
Air Force veterans of the Vietnam War.
Index cases were Operation Ranch Hand
veterans who sprayed dioxincontaminated herbicides in Vietnam.
Comparison subjects served in
Southeast Asia during the same period
but did not spray herbicides. The group
reported that the incidence of cancer of
the digestive system was significantly
lower than expected, compared with
national incidence rates, in white Ranch
Hand veterans. There were insufficient
numbers of non-white Ranch Hand
veterans to make estimates. (Akhtar et
al., 2004).
NAS concluded that there was no new
evidence to change the previous
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determination that there is limited or
suggestive evidence of no association
between exposure to herbicides and
gastrointestinal tract cancer.
The evidence that suggests that there
is no association between exposure to
herbicides and gastrointestinal tumors
also implies that Vietnam-veterans are
not at increased risk of gastrointestinal
tumors resulting from herbicide
Taking account of the available
evidence and NAS’ analysis, the
Secretary has found that the credible
evidence against an association between
herbicide exposure and gastrointestinal
tract tumors outweighs the credible
evidence for such an association, and he
has determined that a positive
association does not exist.
Brain Tumors
The only well-established
environmental risk factor for brain
tumors is exposure to high doses of
ionizing radiation. (American Cancer
Society, 2004a; Wrensch et al., 2002).
Several other potential risk factors have
been examined, but most brain cancers
are not associated with any known risk
factors. Brain cancer occurs fairly
NAS noted in VAO and subsequent
reports that there was limited or
suggestive evidence of no association
between exposure to herbicides and
brain tumors.
An occupational study conducted in
2003 updated cancer mortality among
Dow Chemical Company workers who
were likely to have been exposed to
high concentrations of dioxins. Cancers
of the brain and nervous system were
not elevated. (Bodner et al., 2003).
A 2004 study of the mortality of a
cohort of 1,341 licensed herbicide
appliers in the Netherlands showed an
insignificant increase in brain cancer,
but the study was limited by the small
number of cases and by potential
confounders that could not be
evaluated. (Swaen et al., 2004).
No relevant environmental studies
were published since Update 2002.
A Vietnam-veteran study describes
cancer incidence and mortality in a
prospective cohort study of Air Force
Operation Ranch Hand veterans who
sprayed Agent Orange while serving in
Southeast Asia. The Ranch Hand cohort
was compared to a group of veterans
who did not serve in Southeast Asia as
well as U.S. national cancer rates. There
was a non-significant increase in the
incidence of cancer of the brain and
nervous system compared with national
rates, and a non-significant increase in
Ranch Hand veterans who served during
the heaviest use of Agent Orange. There
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 112 / Tuesday, June 12, 2007 / Notices
was no increase in mortality attributable
to cancer of the brain and nervous
system. This study was limited by the
small number of cases. (Akhtar et al.,
NAS concluded that there was no new
evidence to change the previous
determination that there is limited or
suggestive evidence of no association
between exposure to herbicides and
brain tumors.
Taking account of the available
evidence and NAS’ analysis, the
Secretary has found that the credible
evidence against an association between
herbicide exposure and brain tumors
outweighs the credible evidence for
such an association, and he has
determined that a positive association
does not exist.
cprice-sewell on PROD1PC67 with NOTICES
NAS reviewed scientific and medical
articles published since the publication
of its first report as an integral part of
the process that resulted in ‘‘Veterans
and Agent Orange: Update 2004.’’ The
comprehensive review and evaluation of
the available literature that NAS
conducted in conjunction with its report
has permitted VA to identify all
conditions for which the current body of
knowledge supports a finding of an
association with herbicide exposure.
Accordingly, the Secretary has
determined that there is no positive
association between exposure to
herbicides and any other condition for
which he has not specifically
determined that a presumption of
service connection is warranted.
After careful review of the NAS
findings in Update 2004 and other
pertinent information, the Secretary has
determined that no new presumptions
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of service connection are warranted for
any illnesses based on exposure to
herbicides used during the Vietnam War
or to dioxin.
Approved: June 5, 2007.
Gordon H. Mansfield,
Deputy Secretary of Veterans Affairs.
[FR Doc. E7–11247 Filed 6–11–07; 8:45 am]
Advisory Committee on OIF/OEF
Veterans and Families; Notice of
The Department of Veterans Affairs
(VA) gives notice under Public Law 92–
463 (Federal Advisory Committee Act)
that a subcommittee of the Advisory
Committee on OIF/OEF Veterans and
Families will conduct a site visit in the
Las Vegas, Nevada area on June 26–28,
2007. The site visit will include a town
hall meeting, tours and briefings at
various VA facilities, and a tour of
Nellis AFB medical facilities. The town
hall meeting will be open to the public.
The purpose of the Committee is to
advise the Secretary of Veterans Affairs
on the full spectrum of health care,
benefits delivery and related family
support issues that confront
servicemembers during their transition
from active duty to veteran status and
during their post-service years. The
Committee focuses on the concerns of
all men and women with active military
service in Operation Iraqi Freedom and/
or Operation Enduring Freedom, but
pays particular attention to severely
disabled veterans and their families.
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On June 26, the subcommittee will
attend a veterans small business
conference at the Caesars Palace Hotel
and will receive afternoon briefings by
Nellis AFB officials. On June 27, the
subcommittee will tour several VA
medical clinics and will receive
briefings by Veterans Health
Administration and Veterans Benefits
Administration personnel on issues of
particular relevance to OIF/OEF
veterans and their families. The
subcommittee will conduct a two hour
town hall meeting beginning at 7 p.m.
in the Jewel Box Theater at the Clark
County Library, 1401 E. Flamingo Road,
Las Vegas, Nevada. On June 28, the
subcommittee will hold a wrap up
session to review and analyze the
previous days’ briefings. That session
will be held at the MGM Grand, 3799
Las Vegas Boulevard South, Las Vegas,
Public comments will be received by
the subcommittee at the town hall
meeting on June 27. Individuals wishing
to make oral statements at the meeting
should contact the Committee at Just prior to the town hall
meeting, there will also be a sign up
sheet for people to register their interest
in making public statements. Oral
statements by the public will be limited
to five minutes each.
Anyone seeking additional
information should contact Ronald
Thomas, Esq., Designated Federal
Officer, at (202) 273–5182.
Dated: June 6, 2007.
By direction of the Secretary.
E. Philip Riggin,
Committee Management Officer.
[FR Doc. 07–2889 Filed 6–11–07; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 72, Number 112 (Tuesday, June 12, 2007)]
[Pages 32395-32407]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E7-11247]
Health Outcomes Not Associated With Exposure to Certain Herbicide
AGENCY: Department of Veterans Affairs.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: As required by law, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
hereby gives notice that the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, under
authority of the Veterans Education and Benefits Expansion Act of 2001,
Public Law 107-103, Section 201(d), has determined that a presumption
of service connection is not warranted based on exposure to herbicides
used in the Republic of Vietnam during the Vietnam Era for the
following health outcomes: Hepatobiliary cancers; oral, nasal, and
pharyngeal cancer; bone and joint cancer; skin cancers (melanoma,
basal, and squamous cell); breast cancer; female reproductive cancer
(cervix, uterus, and ovary); testicular cancer; urinary bladder cancer;
renal cancer; leukemia (other than chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL));
abnormal sperm characteristics and infertility; spontaneous abortion;
neonatal or infant death and stillbirth in offspring of exposed
individuals; low birthweight in offspring of exposed individuals;
neurobehavioral disorders (cognitive and neuropsychiatric); movement
disorders including Parkinson's disease and amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis (ALS); chronic peripheral nervous system disorders;
respiratory disorders; gastrointestinal, metabolic, and digestive
disorders (changes in liver enzymes, lipid abnormalities, ulcers);
immune system disorders (immune suppression, autoimmunity); circulatory
disorders; amyloid light-chain (AL) amyloidosis; endometriosis; effects
on thyroid homeostasis; gastrointestinal tumors (esophagus, stomach,
pancreas, colon, rectum; brain tumors; and any other condition for
which the Secretary has not specifically determined a presumption of
service connection is warranted.
The Secretary's determinations regarding individual diseases are
based on all available evidence in a 2004 report of the National
Academy of Sciences (NAS) and prior NAS reports. This notice generally
states specific information only with respect to significant additional
studies that were first reviewed by NAS in its 2004 report. Information
regarding additional relevant studies is stated in VA's prior notices
following earlier NAS reports, and will not be repeated here.
Regulations Staff, Compensation and Pension Service, Veterans Benefits
Administration, Department of Veterans Affairs, 810 Vermont Avenue,
NW., Washington, DC 20420, (202) 273-7210.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Section 3 of the Agent Orange Act of 1991,
Public Law 102-4, 105 Stat. 11, directed the Secretary to seek to enter
into an agreement with the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) to review
and summarize the scientific evidence concerning the association
between exposure to herbicides used in support of military operations
in the Republic of Vietnam during the Vietnam Era and each disease
suspected to be associated with such exposure. Congress mandated that
NAS determine, to the extent possible: (1) Whether there is a
statistical association between the suspect diseases and herbicide
exposure, taking into account the strength of the scientific evidence
and the appropriateness of the methods used to detect the association;
(2) the increased risk of disease among individuals exposed to
herbicides during service in the Republic of Vietnam during the Vietnam
Era; and (3) whether there is a plausible biological mechanism or other
evidence of a causal relationship between herbicide exposure and the
health outcome. Section 3 of Public Law 102-4 also required that NAS
submit reports on its activities every two years (as measured from the
date of the first report) for a ten-year period.
Section 2 of Public Law 102-4, codified in pertinent part at 38
U.S.C. 1116(b) and (c), provides that whenever the Secretary
determines, based on sound medical and scientific evidence, that a
positive association (i.e. the credible evidence for the association is
equal to or outweighs the credible evidence against the association)
exists between exposure of humans to an herbicide agent (i.e. a
chemical in an herbicide used in support of the United States and
allied military operations in the Republic of Vietnam during the
Vietnam Era) and a disease, the Secretary will publish regulations
establishing presumptive service connection for that disease. If the
Secretary determines that a presumption of service connection is not
warranted, he is to publish a notice of that determination, including
an explanation of the scientific basis for that determination. The
Secretary's determination must be based on consideration of the NAS
reports and all other sound medical and scientific information and
analysis available to the Secretary.
Section 2 of the Agent Orange Act of 1991 provided that the
Secretary's authority and duties under that section would expire 10
years after the first day of the fiscal year in which NAS transmitted
its first report to VA. The first NAS report was transmitted to VA in
July 1993, during the fiscal year that began on October 1, 1992.
Accordingly, VA's authority under section 2 of the Agent Orange Act of
1991 expired on September 30, 2002. In December 2001, however, Congress
enacted the Veterans Education and Benefits Expansion Act of 2001,
Public Law 107-103. Section 201(d) of that Act extended VA's authority
under 38 U.S.C. 1116(b)-(d) through September 30, 2015.
Although 38 U.S.C. 1116 does not define ``credible,'' it does
instruct the Secretary to ``take into consideration whether the results
[of any study] are statistically significant, are capable of
replication, and withstand peer review.'' The Secretary reviews studies
that report a positive relative risk and studies that report a negative
relative risk of a particular health outcome. He then determines
whether the weight of evidence supports a finding that there is or is
not a positive association between herbicide exposure and the
subsequent health outcome.
The Secretary does this by taking into account the statistical
significance, capability of replication, and whether that study will
withstand peer review. Because of differences in statistical
significance, confidence levels, control for confounding factors, bias,
and other pertinent characteristics, some studies are more credible
than others. The Secretary gives weight to more credible studies in
evaluating the overall evidence concerning specific health outcomes.
NAS issued its initial report, entitled ``Veterans and Agent
Orange: Health Effects of Herbicides Used in Vietnam,'' (VAO) on July
27, 1993. The Secretary subsequently determined that a positive
association exists between exposure to herbicides used in the Republic
of Vietnam and the subsequent development of Hodgkin's disease,
porphyria cutanea tarda, multiple
[[Page 32396]]
myeloma, and certain respiratory cancers. The Secretary also determined
that there was no positive association between herbicide exposure and
any other health outcome, other than chloracne, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma,
and soft-tissue sarcomas, for which presumptions already existed. A
notice of the health outcomes that the Secretary determined were not
associated with exposure to herbicides was published on January 4,
1994. (See 59 FR 341 (1994)).
NAS issued its second report, entitled ``Veterans and Agent Orange:
Update 1996'' (Update 1996), on March 14, 1996. The Secretary
subsequently determined that a positive association exists between
exposure to herbicides used in the Republic of Vietnam and the
subsequent development of prostate cancer and acute and subacute
peripheral neuropathy in exposed persons. The Secretary further
determined that there was no positive association between herbicide
exposure and any other condition, other than those for which
presumptions already existed. A notice of the diseases that the
Secretary determined were not associated with exposure to herbicide
agents was published on August 8, 1996. (See 61 FR 41442 (1996)).
NAS issued a third report, entitled ``Veterans and Agent Orange:
Update 1998'' (Update 1998), on February 11, 1999. The focus of this
update was new scientific studies published since the release of Update
1996 and updates of scientific studies previously reviewed. After NAS
issued Update 1998, the Secretary determined that there was no positive
association between herbicide exposure and any other condition, other
than those for which presumptions already existed. A notice of the
health outcomes that the Secretary determined were not associated with
exposure to herbicide agents was published on November 2, 1999. (See 64
FR 59232 (1999)).
At VA's request, NAS issued a special interim report, ``Veterans
and Agent Orange: Herbicide/Dioxin Exposure and Type 2 Diabetes'' (VAO:
Diabetes) on October 11, 2000. NAS concluded that: ``there is limited/
suggestive evidence of an association between exposure to the
herbicides used in Vietnam or the contaminant dioxin and Type 2
diabetes.'' NAS based its conclusion on the conglomeration of
scientific evidence, not one particular study. (VAO: Diabetes.) After
considering all of the evidence, the Secretary determined that there is
a positive association between exposure to herbicides and Type 2
diabetes and, therefore, a presumption of service connection was
warranted. (See 66 FR 2376 (2001)).
NAS issued a fourth report, entitled ``Veterans and Agent Orange:
Update 2000'' (Update 2000), on April 19, 2001. The focus of this
update was the new scientific studies published since the release of
Update 1998 and updates of scientific studies previously reviewed.
After NAS issued Update 2000, the Secretary determined that there was
no positive association between herbicide exposure and any other
condition, other than those for which presumptions already existed. A
notice of the health outcomes that the Secretary determined were not
associated with exposure to herbicide agents was published in June 24,
2002 (See 67 FR 42600 (2002)).
NAS issued its fifth report, entitled ``Veterans and Agent Orange:
Update 2002'' (Update 2002) on January 23, 2003. The focus of this
update was the new scientific studies published since the release of
Update 2000 and review of the studies previously reviewed along with
the newest scientific evidence. The Secretary subsequently determined
that a positive association exists between exposure to herbicides used
in the Republic of Vietnam and the subsequent development of chronic
lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) in exposed persons. After NAS issued Update
2002, the Secretary determined that there was no positive association
between herbicide exposure and any other condition, other than those
for which presumptions already existed. A notice of the health outcomes
the Secretary determined were not associated with exposure to herbicide
agents was published on May 20, 2003 (See 68 FR 27630 (2003)).
Update 2004
NAS issued its sixth report entitled ``Veterans and Agent Orange:
Update 2004'' (Update 2004) on March 4, 2005. Consistent with its prior
reports, NAS in Update 2004 found that there was ``sufficient evidence
of an association'' between herbicide exposure and five categories of
diseases in veterans and ``limited/suggestive evidence'' of an
association between herbicide exposure and six other categories of
diseases in veterans. VA has previously established presumptions of
service connection for each of these diseases. NAS, in Update 2004,
categorized certain health outcomes to have ``inadequate/insufficient''
evidence to determine whether an association exists. This category is
defined to mean that the available studies are of insufficient quality,
consistency, or statistical power to permit a conclusion regarding the
presence or absence of an association with herbicide exposure. Health
outcomes that met the inadequate/insufficient category include:
Hepatobiliary cancers; oral, nasal, and pharyngeal cancer; bone and
joint cancer; skin cancers (melanoma, basal, and squamous cell); breast
cancer; female reproductive system cancer (cervix, uterus, ovary);
testicular cancer; urinary bladder cancer; renal cancer; leukemia
(other than chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)); abnormal sperm
characteristics and infertility; spontaneous abortion; neonatal or
infant death and stillbirth in offspring of exposed individuals; low
birthweight in offspring of exposed individuals; birth defects (other
than spina bifida) in offspring of exposed individuals; childhood
cancer (including acute myelogenous leukemia) in offspring of exposed
individuals; neurobehavioral disorders (cognitive and
neuropsychiatric); movement disorders, including Parkinson's disease
and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS); chronic peripheral nervous
system disorders; respiratory disorders; gastrointestinal, metabolic,
and digestive disorders (changes in liver enzymes, lipid abnormalities,
ulcers); immune system disorders (immune suppression, autoimmunity);
circulatory disorders; AL amyloidosis; endometriosis; and effects of
thyroid homeostasis.
In this same report, NAS found two health outcomes that fell into
the ``limited or suggestive evidence of no association category. These
health outcomes were deemed consistent in not showing a positive
association between them and any magnitude of exposure to herbicides.
Those health outcomes that met the ``no association'' category were:
gastrointestinal tumors (esophagus, stomach, pancreas, colon, rectum),
and brain tumors.
The Secretary's determinations regarding individual diseases are
based on all available evidence in Update 2004 and prior NAS reports.
This notice generally states specific information only with respect to
significant additional studies that were first reviewed by NAS in
Update 2004. Information regarding additional relevant studies has been
stated in VA's prior notices following earlier NAS reports, and will
not be repeated here.
Hepatobiliary Cancers
Hepatobiliary cancers are cancers of the liver and intrahepatic
bile ducts. There are a variety of known risk factors, including
chronic infections with hepatitis B or C, exposure to aflatoxin, vinyl
chloride and polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB), and
[[Page 32397]]
smoking, which should be considered by a credible study.
NAS noted in VAO and subsequent reports that there were relatively
few occupational, environmental, or veteran studies of hepatobiliary
cancer. It also noted that most of the few existing studies addressing
hepatobiliary cancer contain methodological difficulties such as small
study size and inadequate control for life-style-related risk factors,
or do not support an association with herbicide exposure.
An occupational study by Swaen et al. (2004) examined cancer
mortality in herbicide appliers in the Netherlands, and no deaths from
liver or biliary cancer were observed in the cohort.
NAS found that there was no information contained in the research
reviewed for Update 2004 to change the conclusion that there is
inadequate or insufficient evidence to determine whether an association
exists between exposure to herbicides and hepatobiliary cancer.
Taking account of the available evidence and NAS' analysis, the
Secretary has found that the credible evidence against an association
between herbicide exposure and hepatobiliary cancer outweighs the
credible evidence for such an association, and he has determined that a
positive association does not exist.
Oral, Nasal, and Pharyngeal Cancer
Oral, nasal, and pharyngeal cancers are relatively rare in the
United States and thus difficult to study epidemiologically. Reported
risk factors for nasal cancer include occupational exposure to nickel
and chromium compounds, wood dust, and formaldehyde. Studies reported
associations with the consumption of salt-preserved foods, cigarette
smoking, and Epstein-Barr virus. NAS noted in VAO and subsequent
reports that there was inadequate or insufficient evidence to determine
whether an association exists between herbicide exposure and oral,
nasal, and pharyngeal cancer.
An occupational study by Swaen et al. (2004) examined cancer
mortality in herbicide appliers in the Netherlands. No deaths from
nasal, oral, or pharynx cancers were observed in that cohort.
In a Vietnam-veteran study, cancers of the cavity between the jaw
and cheek were examined in Operation Ranch Hand veterans who were
involved in the aerial spraying of herbicides. No significant
difference was reported between Ranch Hand veterans and a comparison
group of veterans who did not spray herbicides. (Akhtar et al., 2004).
NAS found there was no information contained in the research
reviewed for Update 2004 to change the conclusion that there is
inadequate or insufficient evidence to determine whether an association
exists between exposure to herbicides and oral, nasal, and pharyngeal
Taking account of the available evidence and NAS' analysis, the
Secretary has found that the credible evidence against an association
between herbicide exposure and oral, nasal, and pharyngeal cancers
outweighs the credible evidence for such an association, and has
determined that a positive association does not exist.
Bone and Joint Cancer
Primary bone cancers are among the least common malignancies. The
bones are a frequent site of secondary tumors of other cancers that
have metastasized. NAS studied only primary bone cancer in Update 2004.
Bone cancer is most common among teenagers, and is very rare among
people in the age groups of most Vietnam veterans. Among the risk
factors for adults are exposure to ionizing radiation from treatment
for other cancers and a history of certain non-cancerous bone diseases.
NAS found in VAO and subsequent reports that there is inadequate or
insufficient information to determine whether an association exists
between exposure to herbicides and bone and joint cancer.
NAS reviewed one occupational study that examined cancer mortality
in 1,341 licensed herbicide appliers in the Netherlands. No deaths from
bone cancers were observed. (Swaen et al., 2004.) No other relevant
environmental or Vietnam-veteran studies were published since Update
Taking account of the available evidence and NAS' analysis, the
Secretary has found that the credible evidence against an association
between herbicide exposure and bone and joint cancer outweighs the
credible evidence for such an association, and has determined that a
positive association does not exist.
Skin Cancers--Melanoma, Basal, and Squamous Cell
NAS noted in VAO and subsequent reports that there was inadequate
or insufficient information to determine whether an association exists
between exposure to herbicides and skin cancer. NAS examined two
categories of skin cancer: melanoma and nonmelanoma (basal-cell and
Melanomas occur more frequently in fair-skinned people. Incidence
also increases with age, though more so in males than in females. Other
risk factors can include moles on the skin, suppressed immune system,
and excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation, usually from the sun.
Family history of melanoma is also a risk factor, though it is unclear
whether that is the result of genetic factors or attributable to
similarities in skin type and sun exposure.
NAS reviewed an occupational study conducted on licensed herbicide
applicators in the Netherlands. No data was available on any risk
factor for skin cancer, other than age. Five deaths from skin cancer
were recorded for the cohort of 1,341 people. Only 1.4 deaths would be
expected. (Swaen et al., 2004). NAS noted that a significant limitation
of this study was its inability to discern whether, or to what extent,
the increased incidence of skin cancer was attributable to herbicide
exposure rather than to exposure to UV radiation, which is a
significant and well-known risk factor for skin cancer. NAS concluded
that herbicide applicators are likely to have had significant exposure
to UV radiation, but that limitations of the study design made it
impossible to separate the effect of the two occupational exposures.
No environmental studies of melanoma have been published since
Update 2002.
In 2004, a study on the incidence of cancer in Operation Ranch Hand
veterans compared with both a group of Air Force veterans not involved
in herbicide spraying and a sample of the general population, showed
that melanoma was more common among the Ranch Hand veterans and the Air
Force veterans than in the general population. NAS noted significant
limitations concerning the comparison with the general population,
including the lack of control for the confounding factor of sun
exposure and the possibility that rates of detection among the study
population may be higher than the general population due to the
heightened detection methods employed in the study. In the analyses
limited to Ranch Hand and comparison Air Force veterans, the
associations with melanoma were restricted to the stratum of veterans
with no more than 2 years of service in Southeast Asia and to a stratum
created by the subset of Ranch Hand veterans who served only in Vietnam
and comparison veterans who served elsewhere in Southeast Asia.
NAS found that no satisfactory rationale was given to support why
the analysis was limited to veterans with less than 2 years of service
or to a definition that confounds Ranch Hand status with service in
Vietnam. NAS
[[Page 32398]]
stated that, if the classifications employed in the study somehow
captured a confounding factor, the proper analysis would have been to
combine information from each stratum (more than 2 years of service and
2 years or less) to produce an adjusted relative risk. In view of these
limitations, NAS decided that the overall association between exposure
to herbicides and the incidence of melanoma in this study was not
definitive. (Akhtar et al., 2004).
NAS concluded that there is inadequate or insufficient evidence to
determine an association between exposure to herbicides and melanoma.
Although some recent studies reported findings suggestive of an
association, the weight of those findings is limited by the
methodological concerns discussed in the NAS report. Taking account of
the available evidence and NAS' analysis, the Secretary has found that
the credible evidence against an association between herbicide exposure
and melanoma outweighs the credible evidence for such an association,
and has determined that a positive association does not exist.
Excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation is the most important
risk factor for non-melanocytic skin cancer, though some skin diseases
and exposure to chemicals such as inorganic arsenic have also been
identified as possible risk factors.
NAS noted in VAO and subsequent updates that there was inadequate
or insufficient information to determine an association between
exposure to herbicides and basal-cell or squamous-cell cancers.
There were no relevant environmental or Vietnam-veteran studies
published regarding basal-cell and squamous-cell (non melanoma) skin
NAS concluded that there is no information contained in the
research reviewed for Update 2004 to change the conclusion that there
is inadequate or insufficient evidence to determine whether an
association exists between exposure to herbicides and basal-cell and
squamous-cell skin cancers.
Taking account of the available evidence and NAS' analysis, the
Secretary has found that the credible evidence against an association
between herbicide exposure and basal-cell and squamous-cell skin
cancers outweighs the credible evidence for such an association, and he
has determined that a positive association does not exist.
Breast Cancer
NAS noted that breast cancer is the second most common cancer among
women in the U.S. Breast cancer incidence generally increases with age.
Risk factors other than aging include a personal or family history of
breast cancer and certain reproductive characteristics; specifically,
early onset of menarche, late onset of menopause, and either no
pregnancies or first full-term pregnancy after age 30. NAS noted in VAO
and subsequent reports that there is inadequate or insufficient
information to determine whether an association exists between exposure
to herbicides and breast cancer.
No studies published since Update 2002 have investigated breast
cancer. Previously published studies support the conclusion that the
evidence is inadequate or insufficient to determine an association
between exposure to herbicides and breast cancer.
Taking account of the available evidence and NAS' analysis, the
Secretary has found that the credible evidence against an association
between herbicide exposure and breast cancer outweighs the credible
evidence for such an association, and he has determined that a positive
association does not exist.
Female Reproductive Cancer (cervix, uterus, ovary)
NAS noted that the cancers of the female reproductive system
include cancers of the cervix, endometrium (also referred to as the
corpus uteri), and ovaries. Cervical cancers occur more often in
African-American women than in white women, whereas white women are
more likely to develop endometrial and ovarian cancers. The incidence
of endometrial and ovarian cancer also depends on age, with older women
at greater risk. Human papillomavirus infection is the most important
risk factor for cervical cancer. Diet, a family history of the disease,
and breast cancer are among the risk factors for endometrial and
ovarian cancers.
NAS noted in VAO and subsequent reports that there is inadequate or
insufficient information to determine whether an association exists
between exposure to herbicides and cancers of the female reproductive
No studies published since Update 2002 have investigated cancers of
the female reproductive system.
NAS concluded that there is inadequate or insufficient information
to determine an association between exposure to herbicides and female
reproductive cancers. Taking account of the available evidence and NAS'
analysis, the Secretary has found that the credible evidence against an
association between herbicide exposure and cancers of the female
reproductive system outweighs the credible evidence for such an
association, and he has determined that a positive association does not
Testicular Cancer
Testicular cancer is far more likely in men younger than 40 than in
men over the age of 40. Cryptorchidism, or undescended testes, is a
major risk factor for testicular cancer. Family history of the disease
also appears to be a risk factor for testicular cancer.
NAS noted in VAO and subsequent reports that there was inadequate
or insufficient information to determine whether an association exists
between exposure to herbicides and testicular cancer.
No relevant occupational, environmental, or Vietnam-veteran studies
have been published since Update 2002.
NAS concluded that there is inadequate or insufficient evidence to
determine an association between exposure to herbicides and testicular
Taking account of the available evidence and NAS' analysis, the
Secretary has found that the credible evidence against an association
between herbicide exposure and testicular cancer outweighs the credible
evidence for such an association, and he has determined that a positive
association does not exist.
Urinary Bladder Cancer
Urinary bladder cancer is the most common of the urinary tract
cancers. Bladder cancer incidence increases greatly with age over 40
years. The most important known risk factor for bladder cancer is
smoking. Occupational exposures to aromatic amines (also called
arylamines), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and certain other
organic chemicals used in the rubber, leather, textile, paint products,
and printing industries are also associated with higher incidence of
bladder cancer. High-fat diets have been implicated as risk factors,
along with exposure to the parasite Schistosoma haematobium. Exposure
to inorganic arsenic is also a risk factor for bladder cancer, and
cacodylic acid is a metabolite of inorganic arsenic. The data remain
insufficient to conclude that studies of inorganic arsenic exposure are
directly relevant to exposure to cacodylic acid. Therefore, NAS did not
consider the literature on inorganic arsenic.
A study of the incidence of urinary bladder cancer in Vietnam
veterans who participated in Operation Ranch Hand was published in
2004. The study found no significant difference between the expected
and observed incidence of
[[Page 32399]]
urinary bladder cancer. (Akhtar et al., 2004).
NAS noted in VAO and Update 1996 that there was limited or
suggestive evidence of no association between exposure to herbicides
used in Vietnam or the contaminant dioxin and urinary bladder cancer.
Update 1998 provided additional information that led NAS to change its
conclusion to inadequate or insufficient information regarding an
association with urinary bladder cancer.
No relevant occupational or environmental studies regarding urinary
bladder cancer have been published since Update 2002.
The new evidence presented by Akhtar et al., (2004) did not change
the committee's previous findings, which placed urinary bladder cancer
in the inadequate or insufficient category.
Taking account of the available evidence and NAS' analysis, the
Secretary has found that the credible evidence against an association
between herbicide exposure and urinary bladder cancer outweighs the
credible evidence for such an association, and has determined that a
positive association does not exist.
Renal Cancer
Renal cancer is twice as common in men as in women. With the
exception of Wilms' tumor, which is more likely to appear in children,
renal cancer is more common in individuals over age 50. Smoking is a
risk factor for renal cancer. Other potential risk factors include
diet, weight, and occupational exposure to asbestos, cadmium, and
organic solvents. Some people with rare syndromes such as von Hippel-
Lindau syndrome and tuberous sclerosis are at higher risk. Firefighters
who are exposed to pyrolysis products are also in a known higher-risk
NAS noted in VAO and subsequent reports that there was inadequate
or insufficient information to determine whether an association exists
between exposure to herbicides and renal cancer.
In 2004, Swaen et al., published the results on a total of 21 years
of follow-up on the mortality experience of an established cohort of
1,341 licensed herbicide appliers in the Netherlands. (Swaen et al.,
2004). Four deaths from kidney cancer were reported, and only three
were expected. Due to the relatively small study size and lack of
exposure information, NAS did not find this study to be sufficiently
suggestive of an association.
No relevant environmental or Vietnam-veteran studies have been
published since Update 2002.
On the basis of its evaluation of the epidemiologic evidence
reviewed and in previous VAO reports, NAS concluded that there is
inadequate or insufficient evidence to determine an association between
exposure to herbicides and renal cancer.
Taking account of the available evidence and NAS' analysis, the
Secretary has found the credible evidence against an association
between herbicide exposure and renal cancer outweighs the credible
evidence for such an association, and he has determined that a positive
association does not exist.
Leukemia (Other Than Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL))
There are four primary types of leukemia: the acute and chronic
forms of lymphocytic leukemia and the acute and chronic forms of
myeloid (or granulocytic) leukemia.
Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) is a disease of the young and of
individuals older than 70, and plays a small role in the age groups
that characterize most Vietnam veterans. Exposure to high doses of
ionizing radiation is a known risk factor. Acute myeloid leukemia (AML)
is the most common leukemia among adults. Risk factors for AML include
high doses of ionizing radiation, occupational exposure to benzene, and
some medications used in cancer chemotherapy. Genetic disorders
including Fanconi's anemia and Down's syndrome are associated with an
increased risk for AML. Tobacco smoking has also been suggested as a
risk factor.
The incidence of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) increases with age
for individuals over 30. For individuals in the age groups that
characterize most Vietnam veterans, CML accounts for about one in five
leukemias. CML is associated with an acquired chromosomal abnormality
known as the ``Philadelphia chromosome.'' Exposure to high doses of
ionizing radiation is a known risk factor for that abnormality.
NAS noted in VAO and subsequent reports that there is inadequate or
insufficient information to determine whether an association exists
between exposure to herbicides and leukemia.
In Update 2004, NAS reviewed two relevant occupational studies. A
study of 1,341 licensed herbicide appliers in the Netherlands showed
that three deaths from all leukemias were reported when 2.2 deaths were
expected. (Swaen et al., 2004).
An occupational population-based, case-control study conducted in
11 agricultural and industrial areas of Italy showed an increased risk
of leukemia based on exposure to phenoxy herbicides. (Miligi et al.
2003.) NAS noted that the small number of cases and other limitations
prevented adequate analysis of the increased risk based on the study
No environmental studies have been published since those reviewed
in Update 2002.
A study of Operation Ranch Hand veterans and a cohort of other Air
Force veterans who were not involved in the spraying of herbicides was
published in 2004. In this study, all leukemias were combined with
multiple myeloma and the lymphomas to form the category of
lymphopoietic cancers. No excess of such cancers was reported in the
Operation Ranch Hand veterans. These results did not change when the
analyses were restricted to veterans whose tours of duty ended between
1966 and 1970, the years when Agent Orange was the predominant
herbicide in use in Vietnam. (Akhtar et al., 2004).
On the basis of its evaluation of the epidemiologic evidence
reviewed and in previous VAO reports, NAS concluded that there was
inadequate or insufficient evidence to determine an association between
exposure to herbicides and leukemias other than CLL.
Taking account of the available evidence and NAS' analysis, the
Secretary has found that the credible evidence against an association
between herbicide exposure and leukemia (other than CLL) outweighs the
credible evidence for such an association, and he has determined that a
positive association does not exist.
Abnormal Sperm Characteristics and Infertility
NAS noted in VAO and subsequent reports that there is inadequate or
insufficient information to determine whether an association exists
between exposure to herbicides and altered sperm parameters or
A study examined factors possibly associated with infertility in a
group of women living in an agricultural region of Wisconsin. For the
study, a woman was considered infertile if she had 12 months of
unprotected intercourse without conceiving a pregnancy that ended in
live birth. Nine case subjects and 11 control subjects reported being
exposed to 2,4,5-T and four case subjects and four control subjects
reported being exposed to 2,4-D. This study was limited because the
sample sizes were small presenting an inability to examine the effects
of specific herbicides. Moreover, information on risk factors were
obtained from self-reports, which can be subject to recall bias.
(Greenlee et al., 2003).
[[Page 32400]]
A study examined whether previously poor semen quality in men from
rural and urban areas was attributable to use of pesticides including
herbicides, fungicides, and other substances. None of the subjects from
Minnesota had detectable 2,4-D metabolites in their urine. The subjects
from Missouri had 2,4-D metabolite levels that were only of borderline
statistical significance. The study showed that 2,4-D was not
associated with sperm mobility or concentration, but showed a weak
association with sperm morphology. (Swaen et al., 2003).
A study was conducted to determine whether there was an association
between TCDD exposures and the menstrual characteristics of women
exposed to it for the next 20 years. The study used women who lived
near the site of an industrial explosion in 1976 at Seveso, Italy. The
main conclusion from the study was that serum TCDD concentration was
associated with some menstrual cycle characteristics, with possible
effect modification by menarchial status. (Eskenazi et al., 2002).
No relevant Vietnam-veteran studies have been published since
Update 2002.
NAS concluded that there is inadequate or insufficient evidence to
determine an association between exposure to herbicides and
infertility, subfertility, sperm quality or count, or altered hormone
Taking account of the available evidence and NAS' analysis, the
Secretary has found that the credible evidence against an association
between herbicide exposure and infertility and sperm abnormalities in
veterans outweighs the credible evidence for such an association, and
he has determined that a positive association does not exist.
Spontaneous Abortion
Spontaneous abortion is the expulsion of a nonviable fetus, usually
before 20 weeks of gestation. The background risk of a spontaneous
abortion is generally 7-15%, but this does not include the many more
pregnancies that terminate before the woman becomes aware of the
NAS concluded in VAO and subsequent updates that there was
inadequate or insufficient information to determine an association
between exposure to herbicides and spontaneous abortion.
No relevant occupational or Vietnam-veteran studies have been
published since Update 2002.
Eskenazi et al. (2003) evaluated data from the Seveso Women's
Health Study of women who lived near the site of an industrial
explosion in 1976 at Seveso, Italy for an association between
individual serum TCDD concentrations and birth outcomes in women who
resided near the accident. No association was revealed by the Eskenazi
study. Because the spontaneous abortions were self-reported, a truly
unexposed control population could not be used in the study. Therefore,
it could be hypothesized that the study does not rule out the
possibility of a TCDD effect during the earliest period of pregnancy.
NAS concluded that there is insufficient information available to
determine whether an association exists between the risk of spontaneous
abortion and maternal exposure to herbicides.
Taking account of the available evidence and NAS' analysis, the
Secretary has found that the credible evidence against an association
between herbicide exposure and spontaneous abortion outweighs the
credible evidence for such an association, and he has determined that a
positive association does not exist.
Neonatal or Infant Death and Stillbirth in Offspring of Exposed
Stillbirth, or late fetal death, typically refers to the delivery
at or after 20 weeks of gestation of a fetus that shows no signs of
life. Neonatal death refers to the death of a liveborn infant within 28
days of birth. Typically, causes of stillbirth and neonatal death
overlap considerably and are commonly analyzed together in a category
called perinatal mortality. The most common causes of perinatal
mortality among low-birthweight liveborn and stillborn infants are
placental and delivery complications. Among infants weighing more than
2,500 grams at birth, the most common causes are complications of the
cord, placenta, and membranes and lethal congenital malformations.
(Kallen, 1988).
NAS concluded in VAO and subsequent updates that there was
inadequate or insufficient information to determine an association
between exposures to herbicides and stillbirth, neonatal death, or
infant death.
No relevant occupational, environmental, or Vietnam-veteran studies
have been published since Update 2002.
NAS concluded that there is inadequate or insufficient evidence to
determine an association between exposure to herbicides and stillbirth,
neonatal death, or infant death in offspring of exposed individuals.
Taking account of the available evidence and NAS' analysis, the
Secretary has found that the credible evidence against an association
between herbicide exposure and stillbirth, neonatal death, and infant
death in offspring of exposed individuals outweighs the credible
evidence for such an association, and he has determined that a positive
association does not exist.
Low Birthweight in Offspring of Exposed Individuals
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends 2,500 grams as the
threshold determination for low birthweight. Low birthweight is among
the important predictors of neonatal mortality and morbidity, and
preterm delivery is a significant cause. Factors most strongly
associated with reduced birthweight are maternal tobacco use during
pregnancy, multiple births, and race or ethnicity. Other potential risk
factors are socioeconomic status, maternal weight, birth order,
maternal complications during pregnancy, and obstetric history.
Established risk factors for preterm delivery include race, marital
status, low socioeconomic status, tobacco use, and cervical, uterine,
or placental abnormalities. (Berkowitz and Papiernik, 1993).
A case-control study examined birthweight in the offspring of women
who were involved in farming for seven (7) or more days during their
pregnancies. In total, the study included 117 women who delivered low
birthweight infants (cases) and 377 women who delivered infants
weighing at least 2,500 grams (controls). No significant differences
were exhibited in the birthweights in the exposed and non-exposed
groups. Pregnancy duration was also the same time, with a mean of 38
weeks in cases and controls. NAS determined the study was limited by
its retrospective nature. (Dabrowski et al., 2003).
An environmental study examined the association between TCDD
exposure and reproductive outcomes among 510 women exposed to TCDD who
had complete pregnancies within 20 years of their exposure. The study
showed a small non-significant association between maternal dioxin
concentrations and decreased birthweight and prematurity. NAS
determined that there were flaws in the study, such as the fact that
information was obtained by self-report, and that there was no control
group or a measurement of background dioxin. (Eskenazi et al., 2003).
No relevant Vietnam-veteran studies were published since Update
NAS concluded that there is inadequate or insufficient evidence to
determine an association between
[[Page 32401]]
exposure to herbicides and low birthweight and preterm delivery in
offspring of exposed individuals.
Taking account of the available evidence and NAS' analysis, the
Secretary has found that the credible evidence against an association
between herbicide exposure and low birthweight and preterm delivery in
offspring of exposed individuals outweighs the credible evidence for
such an association, and he has determined that a positive association
does not exist.
Birth Defects (Other Than Spina Bifida) in Offspring of Exposed
The March of Dimes defines a birth defect as ``an abnormality of
structure, function, or metabolism, whether genetically determined or
as a result of an environmental influence during embryonic or fetal
life.'' (Bloom, 1981). Major birth defects, which occur in 2-3% of live
births, are severe enough to interfere with viability or physical well-
being. Birth defects are detected in another 5% of babies through their
first year of life.
The causes of most birth defects are unknown. Known causes include
genetic factors, exposure to some medications, environmental
contaminants, occupational hazards, and lifestyle factors.
In 1994, NAS found in VAO that there was inadequate or insufficient
information to determine an association between exposure to herbicides
and birth defects among offspring. But in Update 1996 and subsequent
studies, NAS concluded that there was limited or suggestive evidence of
an association between at least one of the compounds of interest and
spina bifida in the children of exposed veterans. There was no change
in the conclusions about other birth defects.
An environmental study examined the impact of exposure to emissions
from municipal solid waste incinerators on birth defects in a region of
France over a ten-year period. Congenital anomalies were not
significantly associated with exposure overall, but some specific
anomalies (facial clefts, renal dysplasia, obstructive uropathies,
cardiac anomalies) showed significant dose-response relationships. The
exposure indicator in this study could not differentiate exposure to
dioxins from exposure to metals. (Cordier et al., 2004).
An ecologic study compared rates of adverse birth outcomes in U.S.
agricultural states. The use of herbicides on the fields during the
times when certain babies were conceived showed a possible increased
risk for some defects, such as musculoskeletal and integumental
anomalies. However, this study did not directly measure herbicide
exposure; instead, it measured by acreage. (Schreinemachers, 2003).
No relevant occupational studies have been published since Update
Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
regarding birth defects in the past 25 years showed that there was no
greater risk among Vietnam veterans for fathering babies with serious
birth defects. (Correa-Villasenor et al., 2003).
Excluding spina bifida, NAS concludes that there is inadequate or
insufficient evidence to determine an association between exposure to
herbicides and all other birth defects in offspring of exposed
Taking account of the available evidence and NAS' analysis, the
Secretary has found that the credible evidence against an association
between herbicide exposure and all other birth defects other than spina
bifida outweighs the credible evidence for such an association and he
has determined that a positive association does not exist.
Childhood Cancer (Including Acute Myelogenous Leukemia) in Offspring of
Exposed Individuals
Cancer remains the leading cause of death from disease in children
under the age of 15. Leukemia is the most common cancer in children.
The second most common group of cancers in children is that of the
central nervous system.
NAS concluded in VAO and subsequent studies that there was
inadequate or insufficient information to determine an association
between exposure to herbicides and childhood cancers.
An agricultural health study examined childhood cancer in the
offspring of male pesticide applicators in Iowa. Incidence was compared
with the Iowa Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Result data. Potential
associations between pesticide exposure and individual types of cancer
were not examined. There was a higher rate of childhood cancers for
paternal exposure to herbicides than for maternal exposure. (Flower et
al., 2004).
No relevant environmental or Vietnam-veteran studies have been
published since Update 2002.
The only new study reviewed for this update (Flower et al., 2004),
did not show any significant association between the relevant exposures
and childhood cancer in offspring of exposed individuals.
On the basis of its evaluation of the epidemiologic evidence
reviewed here and in previous VAO reports, NAS concluded that there is
inadequate or insufficient evidence to determine an association between
exposure to herbicides and childhood cancer in offspring of exposed
Taking account of the available evidence and NAS' analysis, the
Secretary has found that the credible evidence against an association
between herbicide exposure and childhood cancer in offspring of exposed
individuals outweighs the credible evidence for such an association,
and he has determined that a positive association does not exist.
Neurobehavioral Disorders (Cognitive or Neuropsychiatric)
NAS noted in VAO and subsequent reports that there was inadequate
or insufficient information to determine whether an association exists
between exposure to herbicides and cognitive and neuropsychiatric
Since Update 2002, five reports have investigated associations
between neurobehavioral disorders and possible exposure to herbicides.
The five reports are: (1) An update of the Air Force Health Study
(AFHS) (Barrett et al., 2003), (2) a cross-sectional study of a cohort
of Korean veterans who served in Vietnam (Kim et al., 2003), (3) an
update of an occupational cohort from the Czech Republic (Pelclova et
al., 2002), (4) a cohort study from the Bordeaux region of France
(Baldi et al., 2003) and (5) a semi-ecological study from a community
adjacent to a wood treatment plant (Dahlgren et al., 2003).
Psychological functioning was compared in Ranch Hand veterans and
other Vietnam veterans (Barrett et al., 2003). The characteristics of
the study groups indicated that those with high exposure were more
likely to be younger enlisted personnel; those with background or low
exposure were older officers. Two standard psychological test
instruments were administered: The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality
Inventory (MMPI) and the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI).
MMPI results were inconsistent and showed no significant associations
with exposure. The conclusions from the studies were limited by the
possibility of misclassification of exposure, selection bias, and
uncontrolled confounding. The authors concluded that there were few
consistent differences in psychological functioning between groups
based on serum dioxin concentrations.
A study published results of a cross-sectional study of Korean
veterans who served in Vietnam. Health outcomes were assessed by a
group of four family
[[Page 32402]]
practitioners, blinded to subjects' exposure status, using a
``standardized comprehensive clinical investigation.'' There was a
significantly higher prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder
(PTSD) and mood disorder in Vietnam veterans than in the non-Vietnam
comparison group; although the association was not significant after
controlling for multiple potential confounders, and it did not differ
by exposure in Vietnam veterans. The study was limited because of the
possibility of selection bias and a chance of residual confounding
because of the demographic difference between groups. (Kim et al.,
The Bordeaux study (Baldi et al., 2003) examined a cohort of 2,792
persons over age 65, enrolled in 1987 for the purposes of studying
normal and pathological cerebral aging and loss of independence in the
elderly. Exposures were categorized into quartiles by the likelihood of
occupational use of chemical pesticides on the basis of self-reports,
which introduced the possibility of recall bias. The high drop-out rate
raises concerns of selection bias. The authors of the study could not
identify exposure to specific compounds. The study offered no evidence
that would implicate the compounds of interest because the exposures
were not comparable to herbicide exposures in Vietnam.
Dahlgren et al. used a semi-ecological design to assess the
possibility that self-reported symptoms suggesting neurobehavioral
disorders in a group of people from eastern Mississippi were related to
residence near a creosote treatment plant. (Dahlgren et al., 2003). The
study suffered from design weaknesses, including selection and
ascertainment bias, lack of objective exposure data, and lack of
physician-confirmed diagnoses.
NAS concluded that there is no consistent evidence for any
association between neurobehavioral disorders and herbicide exposure.
On the basis of its evaluation of the epidemiological evidence
reviewed here and on previous VAO reports, NAS concludes that there is
still inadequate or insufficient evidence to determine whether an
association exists between exposure to herbicides and neurobehavioral
disorders (cognitive or neuropsychiatric).
Taking account of the available evidence and NAS' analysis, the
Secretary has found that the credible evidence against an association
between herbicide exposure and neurobehavioral disorders (cognitive or
neuropsychiatric) outweighs the credible evidence for such an
association, and he has determined that a positive association does not
Movement Disorders, Including Parkinson's Disease (PD) and Amyotrophic
Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
Parkinson's Disease
Parkinson's Disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative
disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. Its primary
clinical manifestations are bradykinesia, resting tremor, cogwheel
rigidity, and gait instability. These signs were first described in
1817 as a single entity by James Parkinson, who believed that severe
fright from a traumatic experience was a probable cause.
Because of the increasing concern that a link exists between PD and
various chemicals used in herbicides, NAS, in VAO and subsequent
reports, suggested that as Vietnam veterans move into the age groups
when PD is more prevalent, attention be given to the frequency and
character of new cases of PD in exposed versus non-exposed individuals.
In the Bordeaux cohort study, new cases at the 8- and 10-year
follow-up were identified by self-report in response to the question,
``Do you have Parkinson's disease?'' The incidence for exposed and
unexposed subjects, respectively, was estimated at 8.9 and 4.1 cases
per 1,000 person-years. The results do suggest increased risk to men
with occupational exposure to pesticides, but the use of fungicides in
vineyards predominated, rather than any of the compounds of interest.
The case-control study from Bordeaux compared 84 subjects over age 70
with PD who had been recruited from hospital-based specialty clinic
practices with a control group of 252 subjects without PD, identified
from the previously described cohort. There is no evidence from that
study to implicate herbicides to Vietnam veterans. (Baldi et al.,
On the basis of its evaluation of the epidemiologic evidence
reviewed here and in previous VAO reports, NAS concluded that there is
inadequate or insufficient information to determine whether an
association exists between exposure to herbicides and PD.
Taking account of the available evidence and NAS' analysis, the
Secretary has found that the credible evidence against an association
between herbicide exposure and PD outweighs the credible evidence for
such an association, and he has determined that a positive association
does not exist.
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
ALS is a progressive motor neuron disease with adult onset that
presents with muscle atrophy, weaknesses, and fasciculations. The
incidence of ALS peaks between the ages of 55 to 75 years. Known risk
factors for ALS are age and a family history of ALS. Interest in the
role of occupational or environmental exposure originated in cases of
motor neuron disease associated with exposure to heavy metals, chemical
plants, animal carcasses, heavy manual labor, work with electricity,
pneumatic tools, work in the plastic industry, and work as a truck
No relevant epidemiologic studies have been published since Update
On the basis of its evaluation of the epidemiologic evidence
reviewed here and in previous VAO reports, NAS concluded that there is
inadequate or insufficient evidence of an association between exposure
to herbicides and motor neuron disease or ALS.
Taking account of the available evidence and NAS' analysis, the
Secretary has found that the credible evidence against an association
between herbicide exposure and ALS outweighs the credible evidence for
such an association, and he has determined that a positive association
does not exist.
Chronic Peripheral Nervous System Disorders
Peripheral neuropathy consists of disorders of the peripheral
nervous system. Manifestations of this syndrome can include a
combination of sensory changes, motor weakness, or autonomic
NAS noted in VAO and subsequent reports that there was inadequate
or insufficient evidence of an association between exposure to
herbicides and peripheral neuropathy.
Peripheral neuropathy was one outcome considered in a study of
Korean Vietnam veterans (Kim et al., 2003). It was significantly more
common in Vietnam veterans than in non-Vietnam veterans, with a 2.4-
fold risk even after controlling for alcohol use and age, although
there were no differences based on estimated TCDD exposure within
subgroups of Vietnam veterans. Diabetes was also more common in Vietnam
veterans. The authors of the study concluded that there was an excess
frequency of peripheral neuropathy in Vietnam veterans. The report
distinguishes between ``peripheral neuropathy'' and ``neuropathy with
diabetes,'' which was not significantly different between the groups.
The possibility of selection bias was a concern in this study, only 28%
of eligible Vietnam veterans participated in the study and
participation may have been related to health status. Therefore,
[[Page 32403]]
the study provides some evidence of an association between service in
Vietnam and peripheral neuropathy. However, the study does not provide
evidence for an association between specific exposure to the compounds
of interest and chronic persistent neuropathy.
NAS concluded that there remains inadequate or insufficient
evidence of an association between exposure to herbicides and chronic
persistent peripheral neuropathy.
Taking account of the available evidence and NAS' analysis, the
Secretary has found that the credible evidence against an association
between herbicide exposure and chronic persistent peripheral neuropathy
outweighs the credible evidence for such an association, and he has
determined that a positive association does not exist.
Respiratory Disorders
Non-malignant respiratory disorders comprise acute and chronic lung
diseases other than Cancer. Acute respiratory disorders include
pneumonia and other respiratory infections. Those disorders can be
increased in frequency and severity when the normal defense mechanisms
of the lower respiratory tract are compromised.
The major risk factor for many non-malignant respiratory disorders
is cigarette smoking. Cigarette smoking is the major cause of many
airway disorders, and makes almost every respiratory disorder more
severe and symptomatic than would otherwise be the case. Vietnam
veterans are reported to smoke more heavily than are non-Vietnam
veterans (McKinney et al., 1997).
NAS noted in VAO and subsequent updates that there was inadequate
or insufficient information to determine an association between
exposure to herbicides and respiratory disorders.
A cross-sectional environmental study used questionnaires to gather
information on potential adverse health effects among residents near a
wood treatment plant. Exposed residents reported greater frequency of
chronic bronchitis by history and asthma by history. Selection bias and
recall bias limit the utility of the results. It is unclear whether the
authors adequately controlled for history of tobacco use. In addition,
multiple environmental exposures occurred in the neighborhood near the
plant, and the authors could not determine which exposures were
responsible for the reported adverse health effects. (Dahlgren et al.,
No relevant occupational or Vietnam-veteran studies have been
published since Update 2002. No new studies provide evidence of a
direct risk of non-malignant respiratory disorders in adults since
those reviewed in Update 2002.
On the basis of its evaluation of the epidemiologic evidence
reviewed in Update 2004 and in previous VAO reports, NAS concluded that
there is inadequate or insufficient evidence to determine an
association between exposure to herbicides and non-malignant acute or
chronic respiratory disorders.
Taking account of the available evidence and NAS' analysis, the
Secretary has found that the credible evidence against an association
between herbicide exposure and respiratory disorders outweighs the
credible evidence for such an association, and he has determined that a
positive association does not exist.
Gastrointestinal, Metabolic, and Digestive Disorders (Changes in Liver
Enzymes, Lipid Abnormalities, Ulcers)
Gastrointestinal and digestive disease includes diseases of the
esophagus, stomach, intestines, rectum, liver, and pancreas. The two
conditions most often discussed in the literature reviewed are peptic
ulcer disease and liver disease. The symptoms and signs of gastro
intestinal disease and liver toxicity are highly varied and often
The most convenient way to categorize diseases that affect the
gastrointestinal system is by the affected anatomic segment.
NAS in VAO and subsequent reports found there was inadequate or
insufficient information to determine whether an association exists
between exposure to herbicides and gastrointestinal and digestive
disease, including liver toxicity.
No relevant environmental or Vietnam-veteran studies have been
published since Update 2002.
NAS concluded that there was no information contained in the
research reviewed for Update 2004 to change the conclusion that there
is inadequate or insufficient evidence to determine whether an
association exists between exposure to herbicides and gastrointestinal
and digestive diseases.
Taking account of the available evidence and NAS' analysis, the
Secretary has found that the credible evidence against an association
between herbicide exposure and gastrointestinal and digestive disease
outweighs the credible evidence for such an association, and he has
determined that a positive association does not exist.
Plasma lipid (notably cholesterol) concentrations have been shown
to predict cardiovascular disease and are considered fundamental to the
underlying atherosclerotic process. The two major types of lipids,
cholesterol and triglycerides, are carried in the blood attached to
proteins to form lipoproteins. NAS in VAO and subsequent reports found
there was inadequate or insufficient information to determine whether
an association exists between exposure to herbicides and lipid and
lipoprotein disorders.
No relevant environmental or Vietnam-veteran studies of lipid and
lipoprotein disorders have been published since those reviewed in
Update 2002.
An occupational study conducted measured cholesterol and
triglyceride concentrations in 12 men who were exposed to extremely
high concentrations of TCDD in the late 1960s while they were employed
in herbicide production at a chemical factory in the former
Czechoslovakia. The correlation between TCDD in 1996 and highest
recorded measurement of triglyceride or cholesterol at any point
between 1968 and 2001 was 0.66 for triglyceride and 0.78 for
cholesterol. No information was given about follow up measures of
lipids collected in standard or periodic fashion for participants and
there is no discussion of how individual differences in treatment of
elevated cholesterol could influence the highest recorded value for
total cholesterol. (Pelclov[aacute] et al., 2002).
Hu et al. (2003) conducted a cross-sectional study of dioxin-furan
exposures and lipids in workers at municipal-waste incinerator plants
in Taipei City, Taiwan. A total of 133 workers were randomly sampled
from 3 plants; the workers had to hav