Surety Companies Acceptable on Federal Bonds Termination; American International Insurance Company of Puerto Rico, 31127-31128 [07-2780]
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 107 / Tuesday, June 5, 2007 / Notices
EIS process, the purpose and need,
alternatives, and anticipated impact
issues are available from The T. See
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
II. Description of the Study Area and
Project Purpose and Need
The study area for the EIS evaluation
is the travelshed from southwest Fort
Worth, through downtown Fort Worth,
to DFW Airport, which is a distance of
approximately 36 miles. The purpose of
the proposed action is to improve
mobility between and among activity
centers in the corridor, provide
multimodal solutions for mobility in the
corridor that help mitigate congestion
and improve air quality, and provide a
transportation solution that interacts
seamlessly and efficiently with other
transportation systems in the region.
FTA and The T seek comment on the
project’s purpose and need. More details
are available in the scoping information
packet. See ADDRESSES above.
The relationships of concurrent
projects, such as the State Highway (SH)
121 Southwest Parkway (currently in
final design) being conducted by the
Texas Department of Transportation
(TxDOT) and the North Texas Tollway
Authority (NTTA); the Interstate
Highway 35 West (I–35W also
commonly referred to as IH 35W)
Corridor Improvement Study (CIS) by
TxDOT; the Loop 820 East Corridor
Environmental Assessment (EA); the
SH–121/SH–183 (Airport Freeway) CIS;
the SH–114/SH–121 (DFW Connector)
CIS; the Loop 820 Northeast Corridor
CIS; and others, will also be considered
in the EIS process.
III. Alternatives To Be Considered
The alternatives evaluated in the EIS
will include, but not be limited to, the
preliminary Locally Preferred
Alternative (LPA) developed in the AA
and adopted by The T’s Executive
Committee in November 2006. This
alternative consists of regional rail using
portions of the FWWR, UPRR, BNSF,
and DART-owned Cotton Belt rail
alignments between southwest Fort
Worth and the north entrance to DFW
Airport. Feeder bus improvements are
also included as part of the
recommended LPA. Eleven stations
were proposed on the alignment during
the AA: Altamesa Boulevard/Dirks
Road; I–20 and Granbury Road; Berry/
Texas Christian University (TCU);
Medical Center; Texas and Pacific (T&P)
Terminal (existing); the Fort Worth
Intermodal Transportation Center (ITC)
(existing); Stockyards/23rd; Beach
Street; Grapevine/Main Street; DFW
Airport—North; and DFW Airport—
Terminal A/B.
VerDate Aug<31>2005
17:28 Jun 04, 2007
Jkt 211001
The EIS will examine these and other
reasonable alternatives that emerge from
the scoping process. The EIS will also
evaluate the appropriate end-of-line and
associated facilities and connections
with the Trinity Railway Express (TRE)
and a potential future connection with
the DART light rail system at DFW
Airport. As part of the evaluation,
station locations, rail vehicle storage
and maintenance facilities, and other
ancillary facilities, such as stormwater
management systems, will be identified
and studied as appropriate.
The EIS will also evaluate the future
No-Build Alternative and a TSM
Alternative. Other alternatives may be
added as a result of scoping and agency
coordination efforts.
IV. Probable Impacts for Analysis
The EIS evaluation will analyze
social, economic, and environmental
impacts of the alternatives. Major issues
to be evaluated include air quality,
noise and vibration, aesthetics,
community cohesion impacts, and
possible disruption of neighborhoods,
businesses and commercial activities.
The impact areas and level of detail
addressed in the EIS will be consistent
with the requirements of SAFETEA–LU
Section 6002 and the FTA/Federal
Highway Administration environmental
regulation (Environmental Impact and
Related Procedures, 23 CFR 771 and 40
CFR 1500–1508) and other
environmental and related regulations.
Among other factors, the EIS will
• Transportation service including
future corridor capacity;
• Transit ridership and costs;
• Traffic movements and changes and
associated impacts to local facilities;
• Community impacts such as land
use, displacements, noise and vibration,
neighborhood compatibility and
aesthetics; and
• Resource impacts including impacts
to historic and archeological resources,
parklands, cultural resource impacts,
environmental justice, and natural
resource impacts including air quality,
wetlands, water quality, wildlife, and
The proposed impact assessment and
evaluation will take into account both
positive and negative impacts, direct
and indirect impacts, short-term (during
the construction period) and long-term
impacts, and site-specific as well as
corridor-wide and cumulative impacts.
Mitigation measures will be considered
for any adverse environmental impacts
identified. Other potential impacts may
be added as a result of scoping and
agency coordination efforts.
PO 00000
Frm 00078
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
V. Anticipated Federal Approvals
In accordance with FTA policy, FTA
and The T will coordinate compliance
with all applicable Federal
environmental laws, regulations, and
executive orders during the NEPA
process. Federal approvals anticipated
to be required for implementing the
recommended preliminary Locally
Preferred Alternative include:
• U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’
Section 404 Permit in accordance with
the Clean Water Act;
• Trinity Corridor Development
Certificate Permit in accordance with
North Central Texas Council of
Governments’ (NCTCOG’s) Trinity River
Common Vision Program;
• Section 4(f) evaluation in
accordance with 49 USC 303; and
• Section 106 review in accordance
with the National Historic Preservation
Issued on: May 30, 2007.
Robert C. Patrick,
Regional Administrator, Federal Transit
Administration, Fort Worth, Texas.
[FR Doc. E7–10762 Filed 6–4–07; 8:45 am]
Fiscal Service
Surety Companies Acceptable on
Federal Bonds Termination; American
International Insurance Company of
Puerto Rico
Financial Management Service,
Fiscal Service, Department of the
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: This is Supplement No. 12 to
the Treasury Department Circular 570,
2006 Revision, published June 30, 2006
at 71 FR 37694.
Surety Bond Branch at (202) 874–6850.
hereby given that the Certificate of
Authority issued by the Treasury to the
above-named company under 31 U.S.C.
9305 to qualify as an acceptable surety
on Federal bonds was terminated
effective May 24, 2007. Federal bondapproving officials should annotate
their reference copies of the Treasury
Department Circular 570 (‘‘Circular’’),
2006 Revision, to reflect this change.
With respect to any bonds currently
in force with the above listed company,
bond-approving officers may let such
bonds run to expiration and need not
secure new bonds. However, no new
bonds should be accepted from this
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 107 / Tuesday, June 5, 2007 / Notices
company, and bonds that are
continuous in nature should not be
The Circular may be viewed and
downloaded through the internet at
Questions concerning this notice may
be directed to the U.S. Department of
the Treasury, Financial Management
Service, Financial Accounting and
Services Division, Surety Bond Branch,
3700 East-West Highway, Room 6F01,
Hyattsville, MD 20782.
Dated: May 24, 2007.
Vivian L. Cooper,
Director, Financial Accounting and Services
Division, Financial Management Service.
[FR Doc. 07–2780 Filed 6–4–07; 8:45 am]
Surety Companies Acceptable on
Federal Bonds—Terminations: The
Buckeye Union Insurance Company,
The Fidelity and Casualty Company of
New York; Firemen’s Insurance
Company of Newark, NJ
Financial Management Service,
Fiscal Service, Department of the
ACTION: Notice.
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
Fiscal Service
Fiscal Service
SUMMARY: This is Supplement No. 11 to
the Treasury Department Circular 570,
2006 Revision, published June 30, 2006,
at 71 FR 37694.
Surety Bond Branch at (202) 874-6850.
hereby given that the Certificates of
Authority issued by the Treasury to the
above-named companies under 31
U.S.C. 9305 to qualify as acceptable
sureties on Federal bonds have been
terminated. The above-named
companies merged with and into The
Continental Insurance Company
effective December 31, 2006. The
surviving corporation of the merger
activity is The Continental Insurance
Company, a Pennsylvania domiciled
corporation. Federal bond-approving
officials should annotate their reference
copies of the Treasury Department
Circular 570 (‘‘Circular’’), 2006
Revision, to reflect these changes.
In the event bond-approving officers
have questions relating to bonds issued
by the above-named companies that
have merged with and into The
Continental Insurance Company, they
should contact The Continental
Insurance Company at (877) 262–2727.
17:28 Jun 04, 2007
Dated: May 24, 2007.
Vivian L. Cooper,
Director, Financial Accounting and Services
Division, Financial Management Service.
[FR Doc. 07–2779 Filed 6–4–07; 8:45 am]
VerDate Aug<31>2005
The Circular may be viewed and
downloaded through the internet at
Questions concerning this notice may
be directed to the U.S. Department of
the Treasury, Financial Management
Service, Financial Accounting and
Services Division, Surety Bond Branch,
3700 East-West Highway, Room 6F01,
Hyattsville, MD 20782.
Jkt 211001
Surety Companies Acceptable on
Federal Bonds: Change in State of
Incorporation; the Continental
Insurance Company
Financial Management Service,
Fiscal Service, Department of the
SUMMARY: This is Supplement No. 10 to
the Treasury Department Circular 570,
2006 Revision, published June 30, 2006,
at 71 FR 37694.
Surety Bond Branch at (202) 874–6850.
Continental Insurance Company has
redomesticated from the state of South
Carolina to the state of Pennsylvania,
effective October 1, 2006.
Federal bond-approving officers
should annotate their reference copies
of the Treasury Department Circular 570
(‘‘Circular’’), 2006 revision, to reflect
this change.
The Circular may be viewed and
downloaded through the Internet at
Questions concerning this notice may
be directed to the U.S. Department of
the Treasury, Financial Management
Service, Funds Management Division,
Surety Bond Branch, 3700 East-West
Highway, Room 6F01, Hyattsville, MD
Dated: May 24, 2007.
Vivian L. Cooper,
Director, Financial Accounting and Services
Division, Financial Management Service.
[FR Doc. 07–2778 Filed 6–4–07; 8:45 am]
PO 00000
Frm 00079
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Internal Revenue Service
Proposed Collection; Comment
Request for Form 8825
Internal Revenue Service (IRS),
ACTION: Notice and request for
SUMMARY: The Department of the
Treasury, as part of its continuing effort
to reduce paperwork and respondent
burden, invites the general public and
other Federal agencies to take this
opportunity to comment on proposed
and/or continuing information
collections, as required by the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995,
Public Law 104–13 (44 U.S.C.
3506(c)(2)(A)). Currently, the IRS is
soliciting comments concerning Form
8825, Rental Real Estate Income and
Expenses of a Partnership or an S
Written comments should be
received on or before August 6, 2007 to
be assured of consideration.
ADDRESSES: Direct all written comments
to Glenn P. Kirkland, Internal Revenue
Service, room 6516, 1111 Constitution
Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20224.
Requests for additional information or
copies of the form and instructions
should be directed to Carolyn N. Brown
at Internal Revenue Service, room 6516,
1111 Constitution Avenue, NW.,
Washington, DC 20224, or at (202) 622–
6688, or through the Internet at
Title: Rental Real Estate Income and
Expenses of a Partnership or an S
OMB Number: 1545–1186.
Form Number: Form 8825.
Abstract: Partnerships and S
corporations file Form 8825 with either
Form 1065 or Form 1120S to report
income and deductible expenses from
rental real estate activities, including
net income or loss from rental real estate
activities that flow through from
partnerships, estate, or trusts. The IRS
uses the information on the form to
verify that partnerships and S
corporations have correctly reported
their income and expenses from rental
real estate property.
Current Actions: There are no changes
being made to the form at this time.
Type of Review: Extension of a
currently approved collection.
Affected Public: Business or other forprofit organizations.
[Federal Register Volume 72, Number 107 (Tuesday, June 5, 2007)]
[Pages 31127-31128]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 07-2780]
Fiscal Service
Surety Companies Acceptable on Federal Bonds Termination;
American International Insurance Company of Puerto Rico
AGENCY: Financial Management Service, Fiscal Service, Department of the
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: This is Supplement No. 12 to the Treasury Department Circular
570, 2006 Revision, published June 30, 2006 at 71 FR 37694.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Surety Bond Branch at (202) 874-6850.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Notice is hereby given that the Certificate
of Authority issued by the Treasury to the above-named company under 31
U.S.C. 9305 to qualify as an acceptable surety on Federal bonds was
terminated effective May 24, 2007. Federal bond-approving officials
should annotate their reference copies of the Treasury Department
Circular 570 (``Circular''), 2006 Revision, to reflect this change.
With respect to any bonds currently in force with the above listed
company, bond-approving officers may let such bonds run to expiration
and need not secure new bonds. However, no new bonds should be accepted
from this
[[Page 31128]]
company, and bonds that are continuous in nature should not be renewed.
The Circular may be viewed and downloaded through the internet at
Questions concerning this notice may be directed to the U.S.
Department of the Treasury, Financial Management Service, Financial
Accounting and Services Division, Surety Bond Branch, 3700 East-West
Highway, Room 6F01, Hyattsville, MD 20782.
Dated: May 24, 2007.
Vivian L. Cooper,
Director, Financial Accounting and Services Division, Financial
Management Service.
[FR Doc. 07-2780 Filed 6-4-07; 8:45 am]