National Health Data Stewardship, 30803-30805 [07-2733]
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rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 106 / Monday, June 4, 2007 / Notices
• Night Supervision
• Non-Legend/Non-Formulary Drugs
• Non-Medical Transportation
• Nursing Home Diversion Program
• Nutrition Therapy
• Nutritional Counseling/Assistance
• Nutritional Risk
• Nutritional Supplements
• Occupational Therapy
• Optometry Services
• Over-the-Counter Drugs
• Pediatric Community Transitional
Home Services
• Periodic Nursing Evaluations
• Person Centered Planning
• Personal Adjustment Counseling
• Personal Agent
• Personal Care
• Personal Care Assistance
• Personal Care Coordination
• Personal Care—Rent/Food for
Unrelated Live-In Caretaker
• Personalized Emergency Response
• Phone Reassurance Monitoring
• Physical Risk Reduction
• Physical Therapy
• Physical Therapy—Extended State
Plan Services
• Physician Services
• Podiatry Services
• Prescribed Drugs
• Prescription Drug Co-Pay
• Preventative/Consultative
• Prevocational Services Habilitation
• Private Duty Nursing
• Professional Care Assistant
• Professional Services
• Protective Services
• Psychiatrist Services
• Psychologist Services
• Psychosocial Counseling
• Psychosocial Nutrition
• Psychosocial Rehabilitation
• Rehabilitation Engineering
• Renal Dialysis
• Residential Care
• Residential Habilitation
• Respiratory Therapy
• Respite Care
• Restorative Assistance
• Retainer Payment for Personal
• Shared Nursing
• Skill Building
• Skilled Nursing
• Socialization/Recreation
• Social Reassurance Therapeutic
• Social Work Services
• Special Therapeutic Services
• Specialized Child Care
• Specialized Consultation Services
• Specialized Medical Equipment and
• Specialized Psychiatric Services
• Specialized Therapies
• Speech, Hearing, and Language
• Staff/Family Consultation Training
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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• Subsidized Housing
• Substance Abuse Treatment/
• Support Brokerage
• Support Coordination
• Support Services
• Supported Employment
• Supported Living
• Therapeutic Counseling
• Therapeutic Living
• Therapeutic Management
• Therapeutic Massage
• Therapeutic Resources
• Therapeutic Social and Recreational
• Therapeutic Supplies
• Training and Counseling Services
for Unpaid Caregivers
• Transitional Case Management
• Transitional Living
• Transportation
• Vehicle Modifications
• Visual/Mobility Therapy
• Wandering Alarm System
• Wellness Monitoring
• Wrap-Around Services
• Extended State Plan Services:
Æ Home health care services
Æ Physical therapy
Æ Occupational therapy
Æ Speech, hearing and language
Æ Prescribed drugs, except drugs
furnished to participants who are
eligible for Medicare Part D benefits
Æ Dental services
For additional information on HCBS
service, please refer to Appendix C:
Participant Services (pages 99 to 162) of
the Application for a section 1915(c)
Home and Community-Based Waiver
[Version 3.4] Instructions, Technical
Guide and Review Criteria Release Date:
November 2006, Disabled and Elderly
Health Programs Group, Center for
Medicaid and State Operations, Centers
for Medicare & Medicaid Services,
Department of Health and Human
Services, available at: https://
Dated: May 27, 2007.
Carolyn M. Clancy,
[FR Doc. 07–2732 Filed 6–1–07; 8:45 am]
Agency for Healthcare Research and
National Health Data Stewardship
Agency for Healthcare Research
and Quality (AHRQ), HHS.
PO 00000
Frm 00061
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Request for information.
SUMMARY: There is a growing demand
for healthcare data from many sectors.
Key drivers for this demand have been
surging interest in healthcare
performance measurement and the
information systems needed to
aggregate, process and transmit
healthcare data from which measures of
health care quality may be derived and
to which the measures could be applied.
This need has raised the question of
responsibility for safeguarding the data
beyond the original care setting. This
issue has led various stakeholders to
propose the formation of a publicprivate national health care data
stewardship organization with oversight
of the various uses of healthcare data, as
described below.
For the purpose of achieving a
broader understanding of the issues that
establishment of such an entity may
present, input is requested from the
public and private sectors on the
concept of a national health data
stewardship entity (NHDSE). The
primary purpose of this RFI is to gather
information to foster broad stakeholder
discussion; there are no current plans to
issue a related request for proposals
Responses to this RFI are due no
later than July 27, 2007.
ADDRESSES: Electronic responses are
preferred and may be addressed to: Written
responses should be addressed to: P. Jon
White, MD, 540 Gaither Road, Rockville,
MD 20850.
A copy of this RFI is also available on
the AHRQ and AQA Web sites. Please
follow the instructions for submitting
If a response to this RFI is planned,
notification is requested in advance by
a simple response to one of the above
addresses. Such notification is
nonbinding and will not be made
The submission of written materials
in response to the RFI should not
exceed 50 pages, including appendices
and supplemental documents.
Responders may submit other forms of
electronic materials to demonstrate or
exhibit key concepts of their written
responses. If the response is over 20
pages, an executive summary is
requested of the comments, no longer
than 5 pages.
Public access: Responses to this RFI
will be available to the public at AHRQ.
Please call 301–427–1505 between 9
a.m. and 5 p.m. to arrange access. The
RFI and all responses will also be made
available on the AHRQ Web site at
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 106 / Monday, June 4, 2007 / Notices Any
information submitted will be made
Do not send proprietary, commercial,
financial, business confidential, trade
secret, or personal information that
should not be made public.
Jon White, MD, Health IT Director,
Agency for Healthcare Research and
A primary
purpose of this RFI is to gather
information that AHRQ can bring to the
AQA (, a
multistakeholder health care
improvement organization formed to
advance and implement clinician-level
performance measurement. To carry out
its statutory mandates to improve health
care quality and specifically through
quality measurement, AHRQ was a
primary convener and has been a
participant in AQA alliance from its
inception. A full list of AQA
participants is available at its Web site,
referenced above. The AAQ (https:// has extensively
discussed, in relation to its activities
and objectives, the utility of having a
NHDSE. The AQA has outlined and
recommended processes for
performance of quality measure
selection, as well as for the underlying
data sharing and data aggregation
activities necessary to develop and
apply performance measures, and
public reporting of performance data.
The following framed text contains
excerpts from AQA proposal
National Health Data Stewardship
Proposed Mission
The public/private entity will set
uniform operating rules and standards
for sharing and aggregating public and
private sector data on quality and
efficiency; offer guidance on
implementation of such national
operating rules and standards; and
provide a framework for collecting,
aggregating and analyzing data, to afford
means of more effective oversight of
health care data analyses and reporting
in the United States.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES
Proposed Precepts
In performing activities, the entity
shall follow certain precepts:
• To be objective in its decision
• To weigh carefully the views of its
constituents in developing concepts and
operating rules and standards.
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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• To bring about needed changes in
ways that minimizes disruption to
current aggregation efforts.
• To review the effects of past
decisions and interpret, amend or
replace operating rules, standards and
processes in a timely fashion when such
action is indicated.
• To follow an open, orderly process
for setting policies, operating rules and
standards that precludes placing any
particular interest above the interests of
the many stakeholders who rely on
health care information.
Proposed Scope of Work
As previously noted, a wide range of
activities need to be undertaken to
advance health data exchange and use,
including the development of measures
and setting data transmission/lT
technical standards. While all of these
activities are important, the entity’s
responsibilities would primarily focus
on specific issues relating to data
collection, aggregation, analysis, and
The scope of work shall include
setting policies, rules and standards for:
• Data aggregation—Should address
various data aggregation issues
including required characteristics of
aggregators (e.g., they should be trusted
and respected entities), transparency of
aggregation processes, control and
ownership rights of the data, potential
liability within data aggregation
processes, and issues that arise when
competing aggregation efforts are in a
single market area; should ensure that
the experience of existing aggregation
efforts are leveraged.
• Data collection (includes
identification of data sources)—Should
set policies, rules and standards for
collecting public and private sector data
from relevant stakeholders, including
providers, employers, health insurance
plans and others based on an agreedupon measurement set; should assess
the pros and cons of using data derived
from administrative data (e.g., claims,
pharmacy and lab data), medical record
review and surveys, and develop
policies that prioritize data sources
based on various dimensions.
• Attribution—Should address at
what specific level(s) data should be
aggregated (e.g., individual physician
level or group practice level). When
making this determination, should
consider sample size issues and
physician/practice identifier issues.
• Methodologies—Should set
methodological rules and standards for
aggregating data, including those
addressing risk adjustment, measure
weights and sample size.
PO 00000
Frm 00062
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
• Data analysis—Should set data
analysis rules and standards, including
those relating to trending,
benchmarking, distribution, outlier
analysis, correlation analysis and
stratified analysis (variance between
regions and states).
• Data validation (audits)—Should set
policies, rules and standards to ensure
that the validity of the data submitted is
independently audited.
• Uses of data—Based on current law,
should recommend allowable and
nonallowable uses of data. Allowable
data uses may include quality and
efficiency improvement, consumer
reporting, accountability, and pay for
performance programs; also should,
address allowable secondary uses of
raw/primary data.
• Data access—Should specify who
should have access to data and
applicable limitations, such as
confidentiality and privacy rules;
should consider policies which allow
contributors, including both public and
private sector entities, to have access to
their own data as well as information
which allows them to compare their
data against benchmarks.
• Data sharing and reporting—Should
develop guiding principles for public
reporting and reporting back
information to clinicians. Screening
processes to ensure valid reporting also
should be addressed.
Proposed Characteristics
1. Objective—Be objective in its
decision-making and have the ability to
preclude placing any particular interest
above the interests of many.
2. Independent—Have a governing
structure that is independent of all other
business and professional organizations.
3. Knowledgeable—Demonstrates
knowledge and expertise in the area of
health care delivery, data management,
and security or acceptable proxy for
4. Responsive—Insure input and use
from key experts who possess
knowledge of health care quality
assessment, health data transmission, IT
standards, physician and hospital
systems design and a concern for the
public interest in matters of health care
quality analysis, reporting, and patient
privacy. Represent key stakeholder
groups that are measured and users of
this information.
5. Trustworthy—Is recognized as a
trustworthy organization by multi
stakeholder groups.
6. Adaptable—Be flexible enough to
address issues and key stakeholder
needs as the market evolves.
7. Transparent—Have an existing
stable infrastructure for consensus
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 106 / Monday, June 4, 2007 / Notices
decision making that is transparent and
involves the broad stakeholder
8. Timely—Have the ability to carry
out activities and achieve goals in a
timely manner.
9. Collaborative—Have the ability to
engage and work with other
organizations to ensure effective
implementation of rules and standards.
10. Sustainable—Have adequate
resources to meet long and short term
The concept of a national entity
responsible for setting rules and
standards for sharing and using
healthcare quality measurement data
has also been supported by the Institute
of Medicine in their 2005 report
Performance Measurement. IOM
additionally proposed that this entity
would be responsible for several other
roles in performance measurement,
including articulation of national goals,
selection of measures, aggregation of
data, reporting of results and
performance measurement research. It is
recognized that the role of a NHDSE
might extend to domains beyond health
care performance measurement.
Respondents are encouraged to describe
such domains and provide information
relating to NHDSE roles and
characteristics, with the understanding
that any such information will be
considered and will be presented by
AHRQ to AQA but may not be acted on
in the immediate future.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES
Information Requested
For the purpose of achieving a
broader understanding of the need for a
nationwide health data stewardship
entity, and what form it might take,
input is requested from interested
parties. It is not necessary to answer all
questions. In your response, please
indicate which question you are
addressing in your comments. Specific
areas for comment include:
1. Whether or not there is a need for
a national health data stewardship
entity with reasons, including value
such an entity might bring and issues it
might solve
2. Desirable governmental and private
sector roles in such an organization or
in health data stewardship more
3. The roles and responsibilities
currently assumed by other existing
entities that might be addressed by a
NHDSE, as well as roles that should not
be fulfilled by a NHDSE
4. The relationship of a NHDSE and
its work to other quality improvement
organizations and activities
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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5. The relationship of a NHDSE and
its work to other initiatives which set
national standards for health
information, such as the ANSI Health IT
Standards Panel (HITSP)
6. Key challenges to creation and
maintenance of a NHDSE
7. The risks of creating a NHDSE
8. The appropriate role(s) of a NHDSE
in advancing quality measurement
9. The appropriate role(s) of a NHDSE
in characterization and evaluation of the
comprehensiveness, accuracy and
reliability of shared and aggregated
health care quality measurement data
10. The appropriate role(s) of a
NHDSE regarding the transmission of
shared and aggregated data
11. The appropriate scope of activities
for a NHDSE beyond quality
measurement (in such domains as
research and population health)
12. The key stakeholders that would
be impacted by a NHDSE and how to
structure interactions with a NHDSE
13. Appropriate governance model(s)
for a NHDSE
14. Means to assure NHDSE
objectivity and independence
15. Means to achieve trustworthiness
or trust in a NHDSE, and how that
would best be achieved
16. Recommendations for achieving
timeliness in NHDSE decision making
17. Recommendations for achieving
compliance with NHDSE
recommendations, rules or standards
18. The essential external inputs to a
19. Recommendations for achieving
organizational flexibility for a NHDSE
20. The potential organizational
infrastructure needs of a NHDSE
21. Potential funding requirements
and sources of funding for a NHDSE
22. The organizational skill set
required of a NDHSE
23. Priority activities for NHDSE to
support data sharing and aggregation
24. Issues concerning the aboveexcerpted AQA characterizations of a
25. The suitability of one or more
existing organizations to fulfill the role
of a NHDSE
Potential Responders
Responses are both requested and
anticipated from a broad range of
individual organizations that have
interests in healthcare data. Examples of
commenters from whom we would hope
to hear include, but are not limited to:
Health care professional societies
Payers, including public and private
Health maintenance organizations
PO 00000
Frm 00063
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Purchasers, including employers and
healthcare consumers
Consumer and patient interest groups
Community health delivery systems
State and local health agencies
Interested Federal agencies
University-based health systems
Advocacy groups and public interest
Trade industry organizations
Health information technology industry
Regional health information
Interested individuals
We look forward to receiving
constructive comments representing
diverse perspectives.
Dated: May 25, 2007.
Carolyn M. Clancy,
AHRQ, Director.
[FR Doc. 07–2733 Filed 6–1–07; 8:45 am]
Administration for Children and
Proposed Information Collection
Activity; Comment Request
Proposed Projects:
Title: Communities Empowering
Youth (CEY) Program Evaluation.
OMB No.: New collection.
Description: This proposed
information collection activity is to
obtain information from Communities
Empowering Youth (CEY) grantee
agencies and the faith-based and
community organizations working in
partnership with them. The CEY
evaluation is an important opportunity
to examine the outcomes achieved
through this component of the
Compassion Capital Fund in meeting its
objective of improving the capacity of
faith-based and community
organizations and the partnerships they
form to increase positive youth
development and address youth
violence, gang involvement, and child
abuse/neglect. The evaluation will be
designed to assess changes and
improvements in the structure and
functioning of the partnership and the
organizational capacity of each
participating organization.
Respondents: CEY grantees and the
faith-based and community
organizations that are a part of the
partnership approved under the CEY
[Federal Register Volume 72, Number 106 (Monday, June 4, 2007)]
[Pages 30803-30805]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 07-2733]
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
National Health Data Stewardship
AGENCY: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), HHS.
ACTION: Request for information.
SUMMARY: There is a growing demand for healthcare data from many
sectors. Key drivers for this demand have been surging interest in
healthcare performance measurement and the information systems needed
to aggregate, process and transmit healthcare data from which measures
of health care quality may be derived and to which the measures could
be applied. This need has raised the question of responsibility for
safeguarding the data beyond the original care setting. This issue has
led various stakeholders to propose the formation of a public-private
national health care data stewardship organization with oversight of
the various uses of healthcare data, as described below.
For the purpose of achieving a broader understanding of the issues
that establishment of such an entity may present, input is requested
from the public and private sectors on the concept of a national health
data stewardship entity (NHDSE). The primary purpose of this RFI is to
gather information to foster broad stakeholder discussion; there are no
current plans to issue a related request for proposals (RFP).
DATES: Responses to this RFI are due no later than July 27, 2007.
ADDRESSES: Electronic responses are preferred and may be addressed to: Written responses should be addressed to: P. Jon
White, MD, 540 Gaither Road, Rockville, MD 20850.
A copy of this RFI is also available on the AHRQ and AQA Web sites.
Please follow the instructions for submitting responses.
If a response to this RFI is planned, notification is requested in
advance by a simple response to one of the above addresses. Such
notification is nonbinding and will not be made public.
The submission of written materials in response to the RFI should
not exceed 50 pages, including appendices and supplemental documents.
Responders may submit other forms of electronic materials to
demonstrate or exhibit key concepts of their written responses. If the
response is over 20 pages, an executive summary is requested of the
comments, no longer than 5 pages.
Public access: Responses to this RFI will be available to the
public at AHRQ. Please call 301-427-1505 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. to
arrange access. The RFI and all responses will also be made available
on the AHRQ Web site at
[[Page 30804]] Any information submitted will be made
Do not send proprietary, commercial, financial, business
confidential, trade secret, or personal information that should not be
made public.
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality,
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: A primary purpose of this RFI is to gather
information that AHRQ can bring to the AQA (https://, a multistakeholder health care improvement
organization formed to advance and implement clinician-level
performance measurement. To carry out its statutory mandates to improve
health care quality and specifically through quality measurement, AHRQ
was a primary convener and has been a participant in AQA alliance from
its inception. A full list of AQA participants is available at its Web
site, referenced above. The AAQ ( has
extensively discussed, in relation to its activities and objectives,
the utility of having a NHDSE. The AQA has outlined and recommended
processes for performance of quality measure selection, as well as for
the underlying data sharing and data aggregation activities necessary
to develop and apply performance measures, and public reporting of
performance data. The following framed text contains excerpts from AQA
proposal documents.
National Health Data Stewardship Entity
Proposed Mission
The public/private entity will set uniform operating rules and
standards for sharing and aggregating public and private sector data on
quality and efficiency; offer guidance on implementation of such
national operating rules and standards; and provide a framework for
collecting, aggregating and analyzing data, to afford means of more
effective oversight of health care data analyses and reporting in the
United States.
Proposed Precepts
In performing activities, the entity shall follow certain precepts:
To be objective in its decision making.
To weigh carefully the views of its constituents in
developing concepts and operating rules and standards.
To bring about needed changes in ways that minimizes
disruption to current aggregation efforts.
To review the effects of past decisions and interpret,
amend or replace operating rules, standards and processes in a timely
fashion when such action is indicated.
To follow an open, orderly process for setting policies,
operating rules and standards that precludes placing any particular
interest above the interests of the many stakeholders who rely on
health care information.
Proposed Scope of Work
As previously noted, a wide range of activities need to be
undertaken to advance health data exchange and use, including the
development of measures and setting data transmission/lT technical
standards. While all of these activities are important, the entity's
responsibilities would primarily focus on specific issues relating to
data collection, aggregation, analysis, and sharing.
The scope of work shall include setting policies, rules and
standards for:
Data aggregation--Should address various data aggregation
issues including required characteristics of aggregators (e.g., they
should be trusted and respected entities), transparency of aggregation
processes, control and ownership rights of the data, potential
liability within data aggregation processes, and issues that arise when
competing aggregation efforts are in a single market area; should
ensure that the experience of existing aggregation efforts are
Data collection (includes identification of data
sources)--Should set policies, rules and standards for collecting
public and private sector data from relevant stakeholders, including
providers, employers, health insurance plans and others based on an
agreed-upon measurement set; should assess the pros and cons of using
data derived from administrative data (e.g., claims, pharmacy and lab
data), medical record review and surveys, and develop policies that
prioritize data sources based on various dimensions.
Attribution--Should address at what specific level(s) data
should be aggregated (e.g., individual physician level or group
practice level). When making this determination, should consider sample
size issues and physician/practice identifier issues.
Methodologies--Should set methodological rules and
standards for aggregating data, including those addressing risk
adjustment, measure weights and sample size.
Data analysis--Should set data analysis rules and
standards, including those relating to trending, benchmarking,
distribution, outlier analysis, correlation analysis and stratified
analysis (variance between regions and states).
Data validation (audits)--Should set policies, rules and
standards to ensure that the validity of the data submitted is
independently audited.
Uses of data--Based on current law, should recommend
allowable and nonallowable uses of data. Allowable data uses may
include quality and efficiency improvement, consumer reporting,
accountability, and pay for performance programs; also should, address
allowable secondary uses of raw/primary data.
Data access--Should specify who should have access to data
and applicable limitations, such as confidentiality and privacy rules;
should consider policies which allow contributors, including both
public and private sector entities, to have access to their own data as
well as information which allows them to compare their data against
Data sharing and reporting--Should develop guiding
principles for public reporting and reporting back information to
clinicians. Screening processes to ensure valid reporting also should
be addressed.
Proposed Characteristics
1. Objective--Be objective in its decision-making and have the
ability to preclude placing any particular interest above the interests
of many.
2. Independent--Have a governing structure that is independent of
all other business and professional organizations.
3. Knowledgeable--Demonstrates knowledge and expertise in the area
of health care delivery, data management, and security or acceptable
proxy for this.
4. Responsive--Insure input and use from key experts who possess
knowledge of health care quality assessment, health data transmission,
IT standards, physician and hospital systems design and a concern for
the public interest in matters of health care quality analysis,
reporting, and patient privacy. Represent key stakeholder groups that
are measured and users of this information.
5. Trustworthy--Is recognized as a trustworthy organization by
multi stakeholder groups.
6. Adaptable--Be flexible enough to address issues and key
stakeholder needs as the market evolves.
7. Transparent--Have an existing stable infrastructure for
[[Page 30805]]
decision making that is transparent and involves the broad stakeholder
8. Timely--Have the ability to carry out activities and achieve
goals in a timely manner.
9. Collaborative--Have the ability to engage and work with other
organizations to ensure effective implementation of rules and
10. Sustainable--Have adequate resources to meet long and short
term goals.
The concept of a national entity responsible for setting rules and
standards for sharing and using healthcare quality measurement data has
also been supported by the Institute of Medicine in their 2005 report
Performance Measurement. IOM additionally proposed that this entity
would be responsible for several other roles in performance
measurement, including articulation of national goals, selection of
measures, aggregation of data, reporting of results and performance
measurement research. It is recognized that the role of a NHDSE might
extend to domains beyond health care performance measurement.
Respondents are encouraged to describe such domains and provide
information relating to NHDSE roles and characteristics, with the
understanding that any such information will be considered and will be
presented by AHRQ to AQA but may not be acted on in the immediate
Information Requested
For the purpose of achieving a broader understanding of the need
for a nationwide health data stewardship entity, and what form it might
take, input is requested from interested parties. It is not necessary
to answer all questions. In your response, please indicate which
question you are addressing in your comments. Specific areas for
comment include:
1. Whether or not there is a need for a national health data
stewardship entity with reasons, including value such an entity might
bring and issues it might solve
2. Desirable governmental and private sector roles in such an
organization or in health data stewardship more generally
3. The roles and responsibilities currently assumed by other
existing entities that might be addressed by a NHDSE, as well as roles
that should not be fulfilled by a NHDSE
4. The relationship of a NHDSE and its work to other quality
improvement organizations and activities
5. The relationship of a NHDSE and its work to other initiatives
which set national standards for health information, such as the ANSI
Health IT Standards Panel (HITSP)
6. Key challenges to creation and maintenance of a NHDSE
7. The risks of creating a NHDSE
8. The appropriate role(s) of a NHDSE in advancing quality
9. The appropriate role(s) of a NHDSE in characterization and
evaluation of the comprehensiveness, accuracy and reliability of shared
and aggregated health care quality measurement data
10. The appropriate role(s) of a NHDSE regarding the transmission
of shared and aggregated data
11. The appropriate scope of activities for a NHDSE beyond quality
measurement (in such domains as research and population health)
12. The key stakeholders that would be impacted by a NHDSE and how
to structure interactions with a NHDSE
13. Appropriate governance model(s) for a NHDSE
14. Means to assure NHDSE objectivity and independence
15. Means to achieve trustworthiness or trust in a NHDSE, and how
that would best be achieved
16. Recommendations for achieving timeliness in NHDSE decision
17. Recommendations for achieving compliance with NHDSE
recommendations, rules or standards
18. The essential external inputs to a NHDSE
19. Recommendations for achieving organizational flexibility for a
20. The potential organizational infrastructure needs of a NHDSE
21. Potential funding requirements and sources of funding for a
22. The organizational skill set required of a NDHSE
23. Priority activities for NHDSE to support data sharing and
24. Issues concerning the above-excerpted AQA characterizations of
25. The suitability of one or more existing organizations to
fulfill the role of a NHDSE
Potential Responders
Responses are both requested and anticipated from a broad range of
individual organizations that have interests in healthcare data.
Examples of commenters from whom we would hope to hear include, but are
not limited to:
Health care professional societies
Payers, including public and private insurers
Health maintenance organizations
Purchasers, including employers and healthcare consumers
Consumer and patient interest groups
Community health delivery systems
State and local health agencies
Interested Federal agencies
University-based health systems
Advocacy groups and public interest organizations
Trade industry organizations
Health information technology industry vendors
Regional health information organizations
Interested individuals
We look forward to receiving constructive comments representing
diverse perspectives.
Dated: May 25, 2007.
Carolyn M. Clancy,
AHRQ, Director.
[FR Doc. 07-2733 Filed 6-1-07; 8:45 am]