Taking and Importing Marine Mammals; Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to Conducting Air-to-Surface Gunnery Missions in the Gulf of Mexico, 29974-29982 [E7-10372]
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sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 103 / Wednesday, May 30, 2007 / Notices
this listing in the Federal Register.
However, information readily available
in our files indicates that the best
available science supports
distinguishing the North Atlantic right
whale (Eubalaena glacialis), North
Pacific right whale (Eubalaena
japonica), and southern right whale
(Eubalaena australis) as three separate
species (Rosenbaum et al., 2000; Malik
et al., 2000; Schaeff et al., 1997; Gaines
et al., 2005). Further, in 2000 the
International Whaling Commission’s
Scientific Committee recommended the
North Atlantic, North Pacific, and
southern populations be considered
separate species based on the prevailing
right whale taxonomy. Lastly, in 2006
we completed a comprehensive status
review of the northern right whale and
concluded the northern right whale
exists as two separate species, the North
Atlantic right whale (E. glacialis) and
the North Pacific right whale (E.
japonica) (NMFS, 2006). We cited this
report in the Federal Register in our
proposed rules to list the North Pacific
right whale (71 FR 77694; December 27,
2006) and North Atlantic right whale
(71 FR 77704; December 27, 2006) as
endangered under the ESA. A copy of
the status review is also available at
Second, the petitioner provides no
information regarding the past and
present abundance, distribution, and
threats faced by the species in support
of the assertion that the global
populations of right whales should be
listed as a single species. Information
readily available in our files regarding
the past and present abundance,
distribution, and threats faced by the
right whales supports the listing of three
separate species. Our comprehensive
review of the information regarding the
past and present abundance,
distribution, and threats in the 2006
northern right whale review (NMFS,
2006) also supports the listing of three
separate species.
Third, the petitioner provides no
information regarding the status of the
species throughout all or a significant
portion of its range to indicate the global
populations of right whales should be
listed as a single species. Information
readily available in our files regarding
the status of right whales supports the
listing of three separate species as
endangered. Our comprehensive review
of the information regarding the status
of right whales in the 2006 northern
right whale review (NMFS, 2006) also
supports the listing of three separate
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Petition Finding
Based on our review, we find the
petition does not present substantial
scientific or commercial information
indicating the listing of the global
populations of right whales as a single
species may be warranted. As a result,
we will not initiate a status review to
determine whether the petitioned action
is warranted. We will continue to fulfill
our statutory obligations with regard to
the conservation of all listed species of
right whales, and we encourage the
public to submit new information that
will assist with these conservation
References Cited
A complete list of all references is
available upon request from the Office
of Protected Resources (see ADDRESSES).
Authority: The authority for this action is
the ESA, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.).
Dated: May 22, 2007.
Samuel D. Rauch III,
Deputy Assistant Administrator for
Regulatory Programs, National Marine
Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. E7–10274 Filed 5–29–07; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
[I.D. 021607A]
Taking and Importing Marine
Mammals; Taking Marine Mammals
Incidental to Conducting Air-to-Surface
Gunnery Missions in the Gulf of
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Notice of proposed issuance of
an incidental take authorization; request
for comments and information.
SUMMARY: NMFS has received a request
from Eglin Air Force Base (Eglin AFB),
for renewal of an authorization to harass
marine mammals, incidental to
conducting air-to-surface (A-S) gunnery
missions in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM).
As a result of this request, NMFS is
proposing to reissue a 1-year
authorization to take marine mammals
by Level B harassment incidental to this
activity. Under the Marine Mammal
Protection Act (MMPA), NMFS is
requesting comments on its proposal to
issue an authorization to Eglin AFB to
incidentally take, by harassment, several
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species of cetaceans for a period of 1
DATES: Comments and information must
be postmarked no later than June 29,
ADDRESSES: Comments should be
addressed to Michael Payne, Chief,
Permits, Conservation and Education
Division, Office of Protected Resources,
National Marine Fisheries Service, 1315
East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD
20910–3226. The mailbox address for
providing email comments on this
action is PR1.021607A@noaa.gov.
Comments sent via email, including all
attachments, must not exceed a 10–
megabyte file size. A copy of Eglin’s
original 2003 application and its
December, 2006 letter updating its
request may be obtained by writing to
this address, by telephoning the contact
listed here (see FOR FURTHER
available at: https://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/
smalltakelinfo.htm#applications. A
copy of the Final Programmatic
Environmental Assessment (Final PEA)
is available by writing to the
Department of the Air Force, AAC/
EMSN, Natural Resources Branch, 501
DeLeon St., Suite 101, Eglin AFB, FL
Kenneth R. Hollingshead, NMFS, 301–
713–2289, ext 128.
Sections 101(a)(5)(A) and 101(a)(5)(D)
of the Marine Mammal Protection Act
(16 U.S.C. 1361 et seq.)(MMPA) direct
the Secretary of Commerce (Secretary)
to allow, upon request, the incidental,
but not intentional taking of marine
mammals by U.S. citizens who engage
in a specified activity (other than
commercial fishing) within a specified
geographical region if certain findings
are made and regulations are issued or,
if the taking is limited to harassment, a
notice of a proposed authorization is
provided to the public for review.
Permission may be granted if NMFS
finds that the taking will have a
negligible impact on the species or
stock(s), will not (where relevant) have
an unmitigable adverse impact on the
availability of the species or stock(s) for
subsistence uses, and if the permissible
methods of taking and requirements
pertaining to the mitigation, monitoring
and reporting of such takings are set
forth. NMFS has defined ‘‘negligible
impact’’ in 50 CFR 216.103 as ’’...an
impact resulting from the specified
activity that cannot be reasonably
expected to, and is not reasonably likely
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 103 / Wednesday, May 30, 2007 / Notices
to, adversely affect the species or stock
through effects on annual rates of
recruitment or survival.’’
Subsection 101(a)(5)(D) of the MMPA
established an expedited process by
which citizens of the United States can
apply for an authorization to
incidentally take marine mammals by
harassment. For the purposes of
‘‘military readiness activities’’
harassment is defined as:
(i) any act that injures or has the significant
potential to injure a marine mammal or
marine mammal stock in the wild [Level A
harassment]; or (ii) any act that disturbs or
is likely to disturb a marine mammal or
marine mammal stock in the wild by causing
disruption of natural behavioral patterns,
including, but not limited to, migration,
surfacing, nursing, breeding, feeding, or
sheltering, to a point where such behavioral
patterns are abandoned or significantly
altered [Level B harassment].
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
Summary of Request
Eglin AFB originally petitioned NMFS
on February 13, 2003, as a precautionary
measure, for an authorization under
section 101(a)(5) of the MMPA for the
taking, by harassment, of marine
mammals incidental to programmatic
mission activities within the Eglin Gulf
Test and Training Range (EGTTR). The
EGTTR is described as the airspace over
the GOM that is controlled by Eglin
AFB. A notice of receipt of Eglin’s
application and proposed IHA and
request for 30-day public comment was
published on January 23, 2006 (71 FR
3474). A 1-year IHA was subsequently
issued to Eglin AFB for this activity on
May 3, 2006 (71 FR 27695, May 12,
2006). A description of Eglin AFB’s AS gunnery activity follows.
Description of Activities
A-S gunnery missions, a ‘‘military
readiness activity,’’ involve surface
impacts of projectiles and small
underwater detonations with the
potential to affect cetaceans that may
occur within the EGTTR. These
missions typically involve the use of
25–mm (0.98 in), 40–mm (1.57 in), and
105–mm (4.13 in) gunnery rounds
containing, 0.0662 lb (1.1 oz 30 g), 0.865
lb (13.8 oz, 392 g), and 4.7 lbs (2.1 kg)
of explosive, respectively. Live rounds
must be used to produce a visible
surface splash that must be used to
‘‘score’’ the round; the impact of inert
rounds on the sea surface would not be
detected. The Air Force has developed
a 105–mm training round (TR) that
contains less than 10 percent of the
amount of explosive material (0.35 lb;
0.16 kg) as compared to the ‘‘Full-Up’’
(FU) 105–mm (4.13 in) round. The TR
was developed as one method to
mitigate effects on marine life during
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night-time A/S gunnery exercises when
visibility at the water surface would be
poor. However, the TR cannot be used
in daytime since the amount of
explosive material is insufficient to be
detected from the aircraft.
Water ranges within the EGTTR that
are typically used for the gunnery
operations are located in the GOM
offshore from the Florida Panhandle
(areas W–151A, W–151B, W–151C, and
W–151D as shown in Figure 1 in Eglin’s
2003 application). Data indicate that W–
151A is the most frequently used water
range due to its proximity to Hurlburt
Field, but activities may occur
anywhere within the EGTTR.
The AC–130 gunship aircraft
normally transit from Hurlburt Field, FL
to the water range at a minimum of
4,000 ft (1.2 km) above surface level.
The AC–130 conducts at least two
complete orbits at a minimum safe
airspeed around a prospective target
area at a maximum altitude of 1,500 ft
(457 m), with a NMFS recommended to
an operational altitude of approximately
4,500 to 10,000 ft (1372–3048 m).
Ascent occurs over a 10–15 minute
period. Eglin AFB has noted that the
search area for these orbits ensures that
no vessels (or protected species) are
within an area of 5 nm (9.3 km) of the
target. The AC–130 continues orbiting
the selected target point as it climbs to
the mission-testing altitude. During the
low altitude orbits and the climb to
testing altitude, aircraft crew visually
scan the sea surface within the aircraft’s
orbit circle for the presence of vessels
and protected species. Primary
responsibility for the surface scan is on
the flight crew in the cockpit and
personnel stationed in the tail observer
bubble and starboard viewing window.
The AC–130’s optical and electronic
sensors are also employed for target
clearance. If any marine mammals are
detected within the AC–130’s orbit
circle, either during initial clearance or
after commencement of live firing, the
aircraft will relocate to another target
area and repeat the clearance
procedures. A typical distance from the
coast for this activity is at least 15 mi
(24 km).
When offshore, the crews can scan a
5–nm (9.3–km) radius around the
potential impact area to ensure it is
clear of surface craft, marine mammals,
and sea turtles. Scanning is
accomplished using radar, all-light
television (TV), infrared sensors (IR),
and visual means. An alternative area
would be selected if any cetaceans or
vessels were detected within a 5–nm
(9.3 km) search area. Once the scan is
completed, Mk–25 flares are dropped
and the firing sequence is initiated.
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A typical gunship mission lasts
approximately 5 hours without refueling
and 6 hours when air-to-air refueling is
accomplished. A typical mission
includes: (1) 30 minutes for take off and
to perform airborne sensor alignment,
align electro-optical sensors (IR and TV)
to heads-up display; (2) 1.5 to 2 hours
of dry fire (no ordnance expended), and
includes transition time; (3) 1.5 to 2
hours of live fire, and includes clearing
the area and transiting to and from the
range (actual firing activities typically
do not exceed 30 minutes); (4) 1 hour
air-to-air refueling, if and when
performed; and (5) 30 minutes of
transition work (take-offs, approaches,
and landings-pattern work).
The guns are fired during the live-fire
phase of the mission. The actual firing
can last from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours
but is typically completed in 30
minutes. The number and type of A-S
gunnery munitions deployed during a
mission varies with each type of
mission flown. In addition to the 25-,
40-, and 105–mm rounds, marking flares
are also deployed as targets. All guns are
fired at a specific target in the water,
usually an Mk–25 flare, starting with the
lowest caliber ordnance or action with
the least impact and proceeding to
greater caliber sizes. To establish the
test target area, two Mk–25 flares are
deployed into the center of the 5–nm
(9.3–km) radius cleared area (visually
clear of aircraft, ships, and surface
marine species) on the water’s surface.
The flare’s burn time normally lasts 10
to 20 minutes but could be much less
if actually hit with one of the ordnance
projectiles; however, some flares have
burned as long as 40 minutes. Live fires
are a continuous event with pauses
during the firing usually well under a
minute and rarely from 2 to 5 minutes.
Firing pauses would only exceed 10
minutes if surface boat traffic or marine
protected species caused the mission to
relocate; if aircraft, gun, or targeting
system problems existed; or if more
flares needed to be deployed. The Eglin
Safety Office has described the gunnery
missions as having 95–percent
containment with a 99–percent
confidence level within a 5–m (16.4–ft)
area around the established flare target
test area.
Live-fire Event: 25–mm Round
The 25–mm (0.98–in) firing event in
a typical mission includes
approximately 500 to 1000 rounds.
These rounds are first in short bursts.
These bursts last approximately 2–3
seconds with approximately 100 rounds
per burst. Based on the very tight target
area and extremely small miss distance,
these bursts of rounds all enter the
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 103 / Wednesday, May 30, 2007 / Notices
water within a 5–m (16.4–ft) area.
Therefore, when calculations of the
marine mammal Zone of Impact (ZOI)
and take estimates are made later in this
document for the 25–mm rounds,
calculations will be based on the total
number of rounds fired per year divided
by 100.
Live-fire Event: 40–mm Round
The 40–mm (1.57 in) firing event of a
typical mission includes approximately
10 seconds with approximately 20
rounds per burst. Based on the very
tight target area and extremely small
‘‘miss’’ distance, these bursts of rounds
all enter the water within a 5–m (16.4
ft) area. Therefore, when calculations of
the marine mammal ZOI and take
estimates are made later in this
document for the 40–mm rounds,
calculations will be based on the total
number of rounds fired per year divided
by 20.
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
Live-fire Event: 105–mm Round
The 105–mm firing event of a typical
mission includes approximately 20
rounds. These rounds are not fired in
bursts, but as single shots. The 105–mm
firing event lasts approximately 5
minutes with approximately two rounds
per minute. Due to the single firing
event of the 105–mm round, the peak
pressure of each single 105–mm round
is measured at a given distance (90 m
(295 ft)) for the 105mm TR and 216 m
(709 ft) for the 105mm FU).
As described in Eglin’s 2003
application, gunnery testing in this
request includes historical baseline
yearly amounts in addition to proposed
nighttime gunnery missions. Daytime
gunnery testing uses the 105–mm FU
round and nighttime gunnery training is
proposed using the 105–mm TR. The
number of 105–mm rounds including
nighttime operations would amount to
1,742. As shown in detail in Tables 1
and 2 (see 71 FR 27695, May 12, 2006),
Eglin proposes to conduct a total of 28
daytime missions and 263 nighttime
missions annually, expending 3,832
rounds in daytime and 30,802 rounds
nighttime (242 105–mm FU and 1,500
rounds would be the 105–mm TR).
Description of Marine Mammals
Affected by the Activity
There are 29 species of marine
mammals documented as occurring in
Federal waters of the GOM. General
information on these species can be
found in Wursig et al. (2000) and in the
NMFS Stock Assessment Reports
(Waring et al., 2007). This latter
document is available at: https://
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Of these 29 species of marine
mammals, approximately 21 may be
found within the EGTTR. These species
are the Bryde’s whale, sperm whale,
dwarf sperm whale, pygmy sperm
whale, Atlantic bottlenose dolphin,
Atlantic spotted dolphin, pan-tropical
spotted dolphin, Blainville’s beaked
whale, Cuvier’s beaked whale, Gervais’
beaked whale, Clymene dolphin,
spinner dolphin, striped dolphin, killer
whale, false killer whale, pygmy killer
whales, Risso’s dolphin, Fraser’s
dolphin, melon-headed whale, roughtoothed dolphin, and pilot whale.
Supplementary information on those
species that may be impacted by the A/
S gunnery exercises are discussed in the
Eglin application (Eglin AFB, 2003) and
the Eglin’s Final PEA.
Potential Impacts to Marine Mammals
A/S gunnery operations may
potentially impact marine mammals at
the water surface. Marine mammals
could potentially be harassed, injured or
killed by exploding and non-exploding
projectiles, and falling debris (Eglin,
2002 (Final PEA)). However, based on
analyses provided in the Eglin Final
PEA and in Eglin’s Supplemental
Information Request (2003)), NMFS
concurs with Eglin that gunnery
exercises are not likely to result in any
injury or mortality to marine mammals.
Explosive criteria and thresholds for
assessing impacts of explosions on
marine mammals were discussed by
NMFS in detail in its issuance of an IHA
for Eglin’s Precision Strike Weapon
testing activity (70 FR 48675, August 19,
2005) and are not repeated here. Please
refer to that document for this
background information.
Estimation of Take and Impact
Direct Physical Impacts (DPI)
Potential impacts resulting from airto-surface test operations include DPI
resulting from ordnance. DPI could
result from inert bombs, gunnery
ammunition, and shrapnel from live
missiles falling into the water. Marine
mammals and sea turtles swimming at
the surface could potentially be injured
or killed by projectiles and falling debris
if not sighted and firing discontinued.
Small arms gunnery operations may
offer a worst case scenario for evaluating
DPI of EGTTR operations, mainly due to
the comparatively large number of
rounds expended. Some contain small
amounts of explosives, but the majority
do not. The assumptions made by Eglin
for DPI calculations can be found in
Eglin’s Final PEA under Alternative 1
for this action. Approximately 606
small-arms gunnery firing events
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comprise the estimated level of
potential DPI events, as shown in Table
4 in the Federal Register notice for the
previous IHA on this action (71 FR
27695, May 12, 2006).
DPI impacts are anticipated to affect
only marine species at or very near the
ocean surface. As a result, to calculate
impacts, Eglin used corrected species
densities (Table 4–23 in Eglin’s Final
PEA) to reflect the surface interval
population, which is approximately 10
percent of densities calculated for
distribution in the total water column.
As shown in Table 5 in the Federal
Register notice for the previous IHA on
this action (71 FR 27695, May 12, 2006)
and correcting PEA Table 4–23), the
impacts to marine mammals and sea
turtles at the surface that could
potentially be injured or killed by
projectiles and falling debris was
determined to be very low, and
mitigation measures that Eglin will
employ under this action would reduce
even these low levels.
In addition to small arms, Eglin
calculated the potential for other nonexplosive items (inert bombs, missiles,
and drones) to impact marine mammals
and sea turtles. The number of annual
events expected are 551 bombs, 1183
missiles, and 99 drones (Table 6). As
shown in Eglin’s Final PEA and Table
7 in the Federal Register notice for the
previous IHA on this action (71 FR
27695, May 12, 2006), the potential for
any DPI to marine mammals and sea
turtles is extremely remote and can,
therefore, be discounted.
Similar to non-gunnery/non-small
arms DPI impacts, DPI impacts from
gunnery activities may also affect
marine mammals and sea turtles in the
surface zone. Again, DPI impacts are
anticipated to affect only marine species
at or near the ocean surface. Tables 8
and 9 in the Federal Register notice for
the previous IHA on this action (71 FR
27695, May 12, 2006) demonstrate that
the potential for any DPI from gunnery
activities are extremely remote and can
be discounted.
Marine Mammal Take Estimates from
Gunnery Activities
Estimating the impacts to marine
mammals from underwater detonations
is difficult due to complexities of the
physics of explosive sound under water
and the limited understanding with
respect to hearing in marine mammals.
Detailed assessments were made in the
notice for the previous IHA on this
action (71 FR 27695, May 12, 2006) and
in this Federal Register notice. These
assessments used, and improved upon,
the criteria and thresholds for marine
mammal impacts that were developed
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 103 / Wednesday, May 30, 2007 / Notices
for the shock trials of the USS
SEAWOLF submarine and the destroyer
USS Winston S. Churchill (DDG–81)
(Navy, 1998; 2001). The criteria and
thresholds used in those actions were
adopted by NMFS for use in calculating
incidental takes from explosives.
Criteria for assessing impacts include:
(1) Mortality, as determined by exposure
to a certain level of positive impulse
pressure (expressed as pounds per
square inch per millisecond or psimsec); (2) injury, both hearing-related
and non-hearing related; and (3)
harassment, as determined by a
temporary loss of some hearing ability
and behavioral reactions. Due to the
small amounts of net explosive weight
for each of the rounds fired in the
EGTTR and the mitigation measures,
mortality resulting from sounds
generated in the water column was
determined to be highly unlikely and
was not considered further by Eglin
Criteria and methods for calculation
for permanent and temporary threshold
shift and Level B harassment
(behavioral response) to noise from the
air-to-surface gunnery exercises was
provided by NMFS in detail in its
Federal Register notices on the previous
IHA for this action (71 FR 3474 (January
23, 2006), 71 FR 27695 (May 12, 2006).
Criteria for assessing impacts include:
(1) mortality, as determined by exposure
to a certain level of positive impulse
pressure (expressed as pounds per
square inch per millisecond or psimsec); (2) injury, both hearing-related
and non-hearing related; and (3)
harassment, as determined by a
temporary loss of some hearing ability
and behavioral reactions. Due to the
small amounts of net explosive weight
(NEW) for each of the rounds fired in
the EGTTR and the mitigation measures,
mortality resulting from sounds
generated in the water column was
determined to be highly unlikely and is
not considered further.
Permanent hearing loss is considered
an injury and is termed permanent
threshold shift (PTS). NMFS, therefore,
categorizes PTS as Level A harassment.
Temporary loss of hearing ability is
termed a temporary threshold shift
(TTS), meaning a temporary reduction
of hearing sensitivity which abates
following noise exposure. TTS is
considered non-injurious and is
categorized as a Level B type of
harassment. NMFS recognizes dual
criteria for TTS, one based on peak
pressure and one based on the greatest
1/3 octave sound exposure level (SEL)
or energy flux density level (EFDL),
with the more conservative (i.e., larger)
of the two criteria being selected for
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impacts analysis (note: SEL and EFDL
are used interchangeably, but with
increasing scientific preference for SEL).
The peak pressure metric used in the
shock trials to represent TTS was 12
pounds per square inch (psi) which, for
the NEW used, resulted in a zone of
possible Level B harassment
approximately equal to that obtained by
using a 182 decibel (dB) re 1 microPa2–
s, total EFDL/SEL metric. The 12–psi
metric is largely based on anatomical
studies and extrapolations from
terrestrial mammal data (see Ketten,
1995; Navy, 1999 (Appendix E,
Churchill FEIS; and 70 FR 48675
(August 19, 2005)) for background
information). However, the results of a
more recent investigation involving
marine mammals suggest that, for
charges considerably smaller than those
used in the Navy shock trials, the 12–
psi metric is not an adequate predictor
of the onset of TTS.
Finneran et al. (2002) measured TTS
in a bottlenose dolphin and a beluga
whale exposed to single underwater
impulses produced by a seismic water
gun in San Diego Bay. The water gun
was chosen over other seismic sources,
such as air guns, because the impulses
contain more energy at high frequencies
where odontocete hearing thresholds are
relatively low (i.e., more sensitive).
Hearing thresholds were measured at
0.4, 4, and 30 kilohertz (kHz). A
relatively small and short-term level of
masked TTS (MTTS)(7 dB at 0.4 kHz
and 6 dB at 30 kHz) occurred in the
beluga whale at a peak pressure of 160
kilopascals (kPa), which is equivalent to
23 psi, 226 dB re 1 micro Pa peak-peak
pressure, and 186 dB re 1 microPa2–s.
The maximum experimental peak
pressure exposure of 207 kPa (30 psi,
228 dB re 1 microPa peak-peak pressure,
188 dB re 1 microPa2–s) did not cause
any measurable masked TTS in the
bottlenose dolphin. The results of these
field experiments represent the most
current science available for the
relationship between peak pressure and
TTS in marine mammals. It is also
considered precautionary for this
project since the bottlenose dolphin did
not incur an MTTS at the higher level
of 30 psi. Therefore, until additional
information becomes available, 23 psi is
considered an appropriate and
conservative metric for predicting the
onset of pressure-related TTS from
small explosive charges.
Documented behavioral reactions
occur at noise levels below those
considered to cause TTS in marine
mammals (Finneran et al., 2002;
Schlundt et al., 2000; Finneran and
Schlundt, 2004). In controlled
experimental situations, behavioral
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effects are typically defined as
alterations of trained behaviors.
Behavioral effects in wild animals are
more difficult to define but may include
decreased ability to feed, communicate,
migrate, or reproduce. Abandonment of
an area due to repeated noise exposure
is also considered a behavioral effect.
Analyses in subsequent sections of this
document refer to such behavioral
effects as ‘‘sub-TTS Level B
harassment.’’ Schlundt et al. (2000)
exposed bottlenose dolphins and beluga
whales to various pure-tone sound
frequencies and intensities in order to
measure underwater hearing thresholds.
Masking is considered to have occurred
because of ambient noise environment
in which the experiments took place.
Sound levels were progressively
increased until behavioral alterations
were noted (at which point the onset of
TTS was presumed). It was found that
decreasing the sound intensity by 4 to
6 dB greatly decreased the occurrence of
anomalous behaviors. The lowest sound
pressure levels, over all frequencies, at
which altered behaviors were observed,
ranged from 178 to 193 dB re 1 micro
Pa for the bottlenose dolphins and from
180 to 196 dB re 1 micro Pa for the
beluga whales. Thus, it is reasonable to
consider that sub-TTS (behavioral)
effects occur at approximately 6 dB
below the TTS-inducing sound level, or
at approximately 176 dB in the greatest
1/3 octave band EFDL/SEL.
Table 10 in the Federal Register
notice for the previous IHA on this
action (71 FR 27695, May 12, 2006)
summarizes the relevant thresholds for
levels of noise that may result in injury,
TTS or behavioral harassment to marine
mammals. Mortality and injury
thresholds are designed to be
conservative by considering the impacts
that would occur to the most sensitive
life stage (e.g., a dolphin calf). Table 11
published in the Federal Register notice
for the previous IHA on this action (71
FR 27695, May 12, 2006) provides the
estimated ZOI radii for the EGTTR
ordnance. At this time, there is no
empirical data or information that
would allow NMFS to establish a peak
pressure criterion for sub-TTS
behavioral disruption.
As mentioned previously, the EGTTR
live fire events are continuous events
with pauses during the firing usually
well under a minute and rarely from 2
to 5 minutes. Live fire typically occurs
within a 30 minute time frame,
including all ordnance fired: 25–mm
(Phase I), 40–mm (Phase II), and 105–
mm (Phase III), and where the 105–mm
ordnance are fired as separate rounds
with up to 30-second intervals, the 25–
mm and the 40–mm are often fired in
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 103 / Wednesday, May 30, 2007 / Notices
multiple bursts. These burst include
multiple rounds (25 to 100) within a 10to 20-second time frame. Eglin notes
that even if animal avoidance once
firing commences is not considered, an
average swim speed (1.5 m/s) of animals
would not allow sufficient time for new
animals to re-enter the Level B
harassment ZOI (23 psi) within the time
frame of a single burst. As such, only
the peak pressure of a single round is
measured per burst and experienced at
a given distance (49 m (161 ft; Phase I),
122 m (400 ft; Phase II)).
For daytime firing it is assumed that
the average swim speed per cetacean is
approximately 3 knots or 1.5 m/sec. As
a conservative scenario, Eglin assumes
that there is one animal present within
or near the 216–m ZOI (FU 105–mm
round ZOI) which may be potentially
ensonified within the 23–psi TTS
exposure at the time that the 105–mm
live firing begins. Density distributions
have assumed an even distribution of
approximately 4.38 animals/km2 or
approximately 500 m (1640 ft) apart (all
species) for the analyses for take
estimates. At this density distribution
and typical swim speed, the next
available cetacean would approach the
perimeter of the 216–m (709 ft) ZOI (23–
psi TTS ZOI) in approximately 5.5
minutes, assuming a straight line path.
With live fire events of the 105–mm
occurring at a rate of approximately 2
rounds per minute, nearly one half (or
10 rounds) of the total 105–mm rounds
(20 rounds) would potentially be
expended within this 5.5 minute time
frame. If the concept of marine mammal
avoidance of an area once firing
commences is not considered, an
average swim speed of 1.5 m/s (4.9 f/s)
would allow sufficient time for new
animals to re-enter the 23–psi TTS
impact area. Allowing for a potential 2
minute break in firing after 10 rounds
are expended, it is, therefore,
conservative and reasonable to assume
that nearly 3 to 4 individual animals
could be exposed to the 23–psi TTS
sound level during a typical 20 round
firing event. Therefore, the ZOI and
Level B harassment take estimate
calculations are based on the total
number of rounds fired per year divided
by 5, or approximately 20 percent. This
approach assumes that although single
animals may be ensonified more than
once due to the time required to exit the
23 psi TTS ZOI, animals are not
considered to be ‘‘taken’’ more than
once for the purposes of estimating take
Similarly, as a conservative approach
for nighttime firing, Eglin assumes that
there is one animal present within or
near the 90–m (295–ft) ZOI (105–mm TR
ZOI) which may be potentially
ensonified within the 23–psi TTS
exposure zone at the time that the 105–
mm round live firing phase begins.
Density distributions have assumed an
even distribution of approximately 4.38
animals/km2 (all species) for the
approach of impact analyses for
estimation of take. At this density
distribution and typical swim speed, the
next available cetacean would approach
the perimeter of the 90–m (295–ft) ZOI
(23–psi TTS ZOI) in approximately 5.5
minutes or the same time as with the
216–m ZOI (used for the 105–mm FU).
The difference is the amount of time it
takes the animal to exit the ZOI or in
other words, how long the animals
resides within the ZOI on a straight line
path. With live fire events of the 105–
mm round occurring at a rate of
approximately 2 rounds per minute,
nearly one half (or 10 rounds) of the
total 105–mm rounds (20 rounds) would
potentially be expended within this 5.5minute time frame. If the concept of
marine mammal avoidance of an area
once firing commences is not
considered, an average swim speed (1.5
m/s) of animals would allow sufficient
time for new animals to re-enter the 23–
psi TTS impact area. Allowing for a
potential 2-min break in firing after 10
rounds are expended, it is conservative
and reasonable to assume that nearly 3
to 4 individual animals may be
potentially exposed to the 23–psi TTS
sound level during a typical 20 round
firing event. Therefore, the ZOI and take
estimate calculations are based on the
total number of rounds fired per year
divided by 5, or approximately 20
percent. This approach assumes that,
although single animals may be
ensonified more than once due to the
time required to exit the 23–psi TTS
ZOI, individual animals are not
considered to be ‘‘taken’’ more than
once for the purposes of estimating take
Based on this discussion, Table 1 in
this Federal Register document
provides Eglin AFB’s estimates of the
annual number of marine mammals, by
species, potentially taken by Level B
harassment, by the gunnery mission
noise. It should be noted that these
estimates are derived without
consideration of the effectiveness of
Eglin AFB’s proposed mitigation
measures (except use of the training
round (TR)), which are discussed in the
next section.
Adjusted Density
Level A Harassment
Injurious 205 dB*
EFD For Ear Rupture
Level B Harassment
Non-injurious 182
dB* EFD for TTS
Level B Harassment
Non-Injurious 23 psi
Level B Harassment
Non-Injurious 176
dB* EFD For Behavior
Bryde′s whale
Sperm whale
Dwarf/pygmy sperm whale
Cuvier’s beaked whale
Mesoplodon spp.
Pygmy killer whale
False killer whale
Short-finned pilot whale
Rough-toothed dolphin
Bottlenose dolphin
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 103 / Wednesday, May 30, 2007 / Notices
Adjusted Density
Level A Harassment
Injurious 205 dB*
EFD For Ear Rupture
Level B Harassment
Non-injurious 182
dB* EFD for TTS
Level B Harassment
Non-Injurious 23 psi
Level B Harassment
Non-Injurious 176
dB* EFD For Behavior
Risso’s dolphin
Atlantic spotted dolphin
Pantropical spotted dolphin
Striped dolphin
Spinner dolphin
Clymene dolphin
Unidentified dolphin**
Unidentified whale
All marine mammals
kilometers; NA=not applicable
dB-dB re 1 µPa2 -s
**Bottlenose dolphin/Atlantic spotted dolphin
Proposed Mitigation Measures
Under its recent IHA, Eglin AFB
employed a number of mitigation
measures in an effort to substantially
decrease the number of animals
potentially affected. The proposed
mitigation for this proposed IHA is
substantially similar with a few
modifications. Eglin AFB states that it is
committed to assessing the mission
activity for opportunities to provide
operational mitigation (i.e., ramping up
and using nighttime training rounds),
while potentially sacrificing some
mission flexibility.
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Visual Mitigation
Areas to be used in gunnery missions
are visually monitored for marine
mammal presence from the AC–130
aircraft prior to commencement of the
mission. If the presence of one or more
marine mammals is detected, the target
area will be avoided. In addition,
monitoring will continue during the
mission. If marine mammals are
detected at any time, the mission will be
either immediately halted and/or
relocated as necessary or suspended
until the marine mammal has left the
area. Daytime and nighttime visual
monitoring will be supplemented with
IR and TV monitoring. As nighttime
visual monitoring is generally
considered to be ineffective at any
height, the EGTTR missions will
incorporate the TR.
Development of the TR
The largest type of ammunition used
during typical gunnery missions is the
105–mm (4.13–in) round containing 4.7
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lbs (2.1 kg) of high explosive (HE). This
is several times more HE than that
found in the next largest round (40 mm/
1.57 in). As a mitigation technique, the
Air Force developed a 105–mm TR that
contains only 0.35 lb (0.16 kg) of HE.
The TR was developed to significantly
reduce the effects of nighttime
operations, when visual surveying for
marine mammals is of limited
effectiveness. Use of the TR at night
dramatically reduces the risk of
harassment, and Eglin AFB anticipates a
96 percent reduction in impact by using
the 105–mm TR.
Eglin incorporated a ramp-up
procedure by beginning with the
smallest round (or the round having
least impact) and proceeding to
subsequently larger size rounds (in this
case the lowest caliber of munition up
to the 105–mm FU round).
Theoretically, this allows animals to
perceive steadily increasing sounds and
to react, if necessary. Alerting animals
in advance of injurious sound waves by
transmitting low-power ‘‘warning’’
signals a short time before the action
provides a safeguard where there is a
potential for the risk of injury.
Other Mitigation
Under the previous IHA, NMFS
required additional mitigation measures
to protect marine life. These
requirements are:
(1) Test firing will be conducted only
when sea surface conditions are sea
state 3.5 or less on the Beaufort scale.
(2) Prior to each firing event, the
aircraft crew will conduct a visual
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survey of the 5–nm (9.3–km) wide
prospective target area to attempt to
sight any protected species that may be
present (e.g., marine mammals, sea
turtles, and Sargassum rafts). The AC–
130 gunship will conduct at least two
complete orbits at a minimum safe
airspeed around a prospective target
area at a maximum altitude of 1,500 ft
(457 m), with a recommended altitude
of 1,000 ft (305 m). Provided protected
species are not detected, the AC–130
can then continue orbiting the selected
target point as it climbs to the mission
testing altitude. During the low altitude
orbits and the climb to testing altitude,
the aircraft crew will visually scan the
sea surface within the aircraft’s orbit
circle for the presence of listed and nonlisted marine mammals and sea turtles.
Primary emphasis for the surface scan
will be upon the flight crew in the
cockpit and personnel stationed in the
tail observer bubble and starboard
viewing window. The AC–130’s optical
and electronic sensors will also be
employed for target clearance. If any
marine mammals are detected within
the AC–130’s orbit circle, either during
initial clearance or after commencement
of live firing, the aircraft will relocate to
another target and repeat the clearance
procedures. If multiple firing events
occur within the same flight, these
clearance procedures will precede each
(3) The aircrews of the air-to-ground
gunnery missions will initiate location
and surveillance of a suitable firing site
immediately after exiting U.S. territorial
waters (> 12 nm, 22 km). This would
potentially restrict most gunnery
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 103 / Wednesday, May 30, 2007 / Notices
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activities to the shallower continental
shelf waters of the GOM where marine
mammal densities are typically lower,
and thus potentially avoid the slope
waters where the more sensitive species
(e.g., endangered sperm whales)
typically reside.
(4) Observations will be accomplished
using all-light TV, IR sensors, and visual
means for at least 60 minutes prior to
each exercise.
(5) Aircrews will utilize visual, night
vision goggles (NVGs), and other
onboard sensors to search for marine
mammals while performing area
clearance procedures during night-time
pre-mission activities.
(6) If any marine mammals are sighted
during pre-mission surveys or during
the mission, activities will be
immediately halted until the area is
clear of all marine mammals for 60
minutes or the mission location
relocated and resurveyed.
Monitoring and Reporting
The NMFS Biological Opinion on this
action recommended certain monitoring
measures to protect marine life. As a
result, NMFS imposed these same
requirements under the previous IHA:
(1) Eglin will develop and implement
a marine species observer-training
program in coordination with NMFS.
This program will primarily provide
expertise to Eglin’s testing and training
community in the identification of
protected marine species during surface
and aerial mission activities in the
GOM. Additionally, the A-S gunnery
mission aircrews will participate in the
species observation training. As a result,
designated crew members will be
selected to receive training as protected
species observers. Observers will
receive training in protected species
survey and identification techniques
through a NMFS-approved training
(2) Aircrews will initiate the postmission clearance procedures beginning
at the operational altitude of
approximately 15,000 to 20,000 ft (4572
to 6096 m) elevation, and initiating a
spiraling descent down to an
observation altitude of approximately
1,500 ft. (457 m) elevation. Rates of
descent will occur over a 3 to 5 minute
time frame.
(3) Eglin will track their use of the
EGTR for test firing missions and
protected species observations, through
the use of mission reporting forms.
(4) A-S gunnery missions will
coordinate with next-day flight
activities to provide supplemental postmission observations for marine
mammals in the operations area of the
previous day.
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(5) A summary annual report of
marine mammal observations and A-S
activities will be submitted to the NMFS
Southeast Regional Office (SERO) and
the Office of Protected Resources either
at the time of a request for renewal of
an IHA or 90 days after expiration of the
current IHA if a new IHA is not
(6) If any dead or injured marine
mammals are observed or detected prior
to testing, or injured or killed during
live fire, a report must be made to the
NMFS by the following business day.
(7) Any unauthorized takes of marine
mammals (i.e., injury or mortality) must
be immediately reported to the NMFS
represent-ative and to the respective
stranding network representative.
Proposed Modifications to the
Mitigation and Monitoring
Eglin AFB has requested several
modifications to its IHA to be
incorporated into the new IHA.
As of October 27, 2006, two A-S
gunnery missions have been attempted
(one of the missions was ultimately
aborted due to sea state). As a result of
flying live missions over the ocean,
aircrews have requested a modification
to three components of the 2006 IHA
requirements. These components are: (1)
protected species surveys, (2) ramp-up
procedures, and (3) sea state
Protected Species Surveys-Altitude and
Currently, pre-mission surveys for
marine mammals and other protected
species must be commenced at a
maximum altitude of 1,500 ft (457
m)(with 1,000 ft (305 m) recommended)
during the day and at 2,000 ft (610
m)(1,500 ft (457 m) recommended) at
night. Visual scans, as well as all
applicable instruments, are to be used to
survey for protected species at the water
surface. Aircrews have reported that
these altitudes are not safe, and that the
onboard instrumentation used for
surveys actually performs better at a
higher altitude.
The propeller-driven AC–130 aircraft,
which is used for all A-S gunnery
missions, is among the largest and
heaviest in the Air Force, weighing up
to approximately 150,000 lbs (68040 kg)
depending on equipment configuration.
If an emergency situation, such as a
malfunction of one or more engines,
occurred during the protected species
surveys, the aircraft would likely lose
altitude initially. The AC–130 does not
perform well with less than a full
compliment of engines. At 1,000 to
2,000 ft (305 to 610 m), the pilots would
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have little time to recover before striking
the water surface, which would result in
potential human fatalities and certain
loss of the aircraft. The AC–130 is
typically flown at a minimum altitude
of 4,500 ft (1372 m). Eglin AFB notes
that the 2004 National Defense
Authorization Act amendments to the
MMPA explicitly require consideration
of personnel safety during military
readiness activities.
AC–130 gunships are equipped with
low-light TV cameras and ANIAAQ–26
Infrared Detection Sets (IDS). The TV
cameras operate in a range of
electromagnetic radiation of 532 to 980
nanometers (visible and near-visible
light), and the IDS system operates in
the IR portion of 7.5 to 11.7
micrometers. IR systems are capable of
detecting differences in temperature
from thermal energy (heat) radiated
from living bodies, or from reflected and
scattered thermal energy. In contrast to
typical night-vision devices, visible
light is not necessary for object
detection. IR systems are equally
effective during day or night use.
The ANIAAQ–26 IDS system
produces a composite video signal
which is displayed on an onboard
television monitor. The IDS provides
imagery and accurate line-of-sight
information for an operator to detect,
acquire, identify, and track targets.
Additional capabilities include
providing imagery suitable for
reconnaissance and low-level
navigation. The IDS is capable of
detecting very small thermal differences
(the exact thermal sensitivity is
classified). Three fields-of-view (FOV)
are available for the IDS. All are
typically used during a mission to
survey the area and acquire targets.
These are:
• Wide FOV (1.80 magnification)
aides in low altitude flight, navigation,
and area search, and also provides
sufficient resolution to recognize typical
terrain features such as roads, rivers,
and bridges.
• Medium FOV (10.8 magnification)
provides for immediate target area
orientation and target detection.
• Narrow FOV (42.9 magnification)
provides small target identification,
target recognition, and precise line-ofsight angular adjustments. A 2X FOV
(85.80 magnification) provides
electronic magnification of the Narrow
The IDS provides pointing
information regarding its optical line-ofsight, and features a continuous 360–
degree azimuth Field of Regard (FOR)
and +60 degree up-look to -105 degree
down-look elevation FOR. The line-ofsight is inertial-stabilized with regard to
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 103 / Wednesday, May 30, 2007 / Notices
airplane angular motions and is directed
to pointing angles via programmed
commands, operator commands, or
position commands from the avionics
IR and low-light TV systems are used
during both daytime and nighttime
missions (ambient light is sufficient for
the TV system at night). The IDS is the
primary detection system and is used
during all gunship missions. Low-light
TV and visual surveys are used to
supplement the IDS system as
appropriate. The magnification of the
TV system is comparable to that of the
IDS. Although the IDS is capable of
detecting infrared emissions at altitudes
in excess of 12,500 ft (3810 m), an
altitude range of 6,000 to 9,000 ft (1829
to 2743 m) affords the optimal slant
range for overall sensor performance
and target orientation.
The sensor suite is considered
superior to the human eye for detecting
targets on the water surface, even at
altitudes as low as 1,000 ft (305 m). This
is particularly true for night
observations. IR systems havc been used
to detect whales and dolphins (Baldacci
et al., 2005). Although the central
portion of cetacean bodies are insulated
with blubber, peripheral areas such as
the flukes and fins are relatively poorly
insulated. These areas may be detected
thermally. Also, the movement of a
cetacean’s body at the surface causes
heat to be radiated at different angles,
resulting in an apparent temperature
difference that can be detected by IR
sensors. Additional areas of thermal
discrimination include the blowhole,
the blow, and areas of water disturbance
where water of different temperatures is
mixed. However, high humidity, rain,
fog, high waves, and whitecap
conditions can decrease the
effectiveness of IR detection. Figure 1 in
Eglin’s January 22, 2007 renewal request
shows examples of all FOVs for the IDS
system, as an operator would see them
on a monitor. All examples represent a
7.8–ft (2.4 m) dolphin at 6,000 ft (1829
m) altitude (above ground level, or AGL)
and at a slant range of 8,000 ft (2438 m).
All four FOVs would be used during
protected species surveys. Based on the
above discussion, the AC–130 aircrews
recommend a protected species survey
altitude of 6,000 ft (1829 m), using all
sensors, for both day and night
The gunship sensor suite provides the
best daytime and nighttime performance
in normal weather and sea conditions at
this altitude range. At lower altitudes,
the sensors’ area of coverage is smaller
for any given field of view. In addition,
the sensors’ effectiveness is diminished
due to magnification factors. For
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example, at an altitude of 1,000 ft (305
m), the 2X and Narrow FOV settings
would cause over-magnification,
resulting in decreased ability to
discriminate targets. In addition to
considerations of sensor performance, a
6,000–ft (1829–m) survey altitude
would be significantly safer than the
current 1,000- to 2,000–ft (305- to 610–
Eglin AFB therefore proposes a
revised protocol for protected species
surveys. The AC–130 gunship would
travel to a potential mission location at
an altitude of 6,000 ft (1829 m). After
arriving at the site, the aircrew would
initiate a surface vessel and protected
species survey at a 6,000 ft (1829 m)
altitude. The aircraft would circle the
target site and continue the survey for
15 minutes. During the survey, aircrews
would use the ANIAAQ–26 IDS to
search the water surface for vessels and
marine species. The low-light TV
system would be used to supplement
the IDS system. For missions conducted
during daylight hours, the aircrew
would visually scan the water surface as
well. The live fire phase of the mission
would not begin until the site is
determined to be clear of vessels and
protected species during the 15-minute
survey. If a marine mammal, sea turtle
or Sargassum bed is identified during
the pre-mission survey or during the
mission, or if any object besides the
target is detected but cannot
conclusively be identified, the mission
would be paused or relocated as
appropriate. Aircrews would conduct a
post-mission survey for 5 minutes at an
altitude of 6,000 ft (1829 m) using the
IDS and low-light television systems
and, for daytime missions, visual scans.
Eglin AFB considers that the protocol
described here would provide effective
mitigation to the risks posed to
protected species during A-S gunnery
missions. In summary, Eglin AFB
believes that sensor-based observation
effectiveness at 6,000 ft (1829 m)
altitude is superior to visual survey
effectiveness at 1,000 ft (305 m) altitude
and should replace the previous
mitigation measure.
Ramp-up Procedures
The 2006–2007 IHA stipulates that
ramp-up procedures are to be used
during A-S gunnery missions. This
process involves beginning with the
smallest gunnery round, which has the
least impact, and proceeding to
subsequently larger size rounds. The
rationale is that this process may allow
animals to perceive steadily increasing
noise levels and to react, if necessary,
before the noise reaches a threshold of
significance. The gunships’ weapons are
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used in two activity phases. First, the
guns are checked for functionality and
calibrated. This step requires an
abbreviated period of live fire. After the
guns are determined to be ready for use,
the mission proceeds under various test
and training scenarios. This second
phase involves a more extended period
of live fire and can incorporate use of
one or any combination of the
munitions available (25-, 40-, and 105–
millimeter rounds). Eglin AFB believes
the 2006–2007 IHA is somewhat
ambiguous regarding whether the rampup procedure is required only for the
first (calibrating) phase or throughout
the entire mission. Eglin AFB proposes
that the ramp-up procedure be required
for the initial gun calibration, and that
after this phase the guns may be fired in
any order. Eglin believes this process
complies with the intent of the ramp-up
requirement. Marine species will have
opportunity to respond to increasing
noise levels. If an animal leaves the area
during ramp-up, it is unlikely to return
while the live-fire mission is
proceeding. This protocol would allow
a more realistic training experience. In
combat situations, gunship crews would
not likely fire the complete ammunition
load of a given caliber gun before
proceeding to another gun. Rather, a
combination of guns would likely be
used as required by an evolving
situation. An additional benefit of this
protocol is that mechanical or
ammunition problems on an individual
gun can be resolved while live fire
continues with functioning weapons.
This diminishes the possibility of a
lengthy pause in live fire which, if
greater than 10 minutes, would
necessitate re-initiation of protected
species surveys.
Sea State Restrictions
The 2006–2007 IHA states that air-tosurface gunnery missions are to be
conducted only in sea states of 3 or less
on the Beaufort scale. A sea state of 3
or less, with a maximum wind speed of
10 knots (11.5 mph, 18.5 km/hr) which
is considered a gentle breeze, is fairly
common off the Gulf coast of Florida;
however, a large portion of time can be
categorized as a sea state of 4 (1–16
knots (13–18 mph, 21–29 km/hr) which
is considered a moderate breeze).
Therefore, the availability of the EGTTR
for gunship use is limited during
anything over sea state 3, especially
during the winter. Eglin AFB proposes
gunship missions be allowed in sea
states up to 4 on the Beaufort scale. This
sea state encompasses wind speed up to
a maximum of 16 knots (18 mph, 29 km/
hr). Under these conditions, whitecaps
are fairly frequent on the sea surface,
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 103 / Wednesday, May 30, 2007 / Notices
but sea spray does not occur. Sea spray,
whitecaps, and large waves can decrease
the effectiveness of LR detection.
However, missions are not conducted if
such conditions make observation of the
gunnery target problematic. It is
expected that marine species can be
observed in weather conditions that
allow observation of the gunnery target
flare. Wave height is difficult to
determine from the air, particularly at
night. Therefore, Eglin proposes that
wind speed, as provided by accepted
forecasting outlets such as the National
Weather Service, be considered the
determining factor for weather
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Preliminary Conclusions
For reasons described in this Federal
Register document, NMFS has
preliminarily determined that Esglin
AFB’s A-S Gunnery activity will not
result in the mortality or serious injury
of marine mammals and, would result
in, at worst, a temporary elevation in
hearing sensitivity (known as temporary
threshold shift or TTS). As indicated in
Table 1, Eglin AFB and NMFS estimated
in 2006 that up to 271 marine mammals
may incur this form of Level B
harassment annually. Also, these
gunnery exercises have the potential to
result in a temporary modification in
behavior by marine mammals. In 2006,
NMFS estimated that up 25 marine
mammals may experience a behavioral
response to these exercises during the
time-frame of an IHA (see Table 1).
These air-to-surface gunnery activities
are expected to have a negligible impact
on the affected species or stocks. In
addition, the potential for TTS is very
low and will be mitigated to the lowest
level practicable through the
incorporation of the mitigation
measures mentioned in this document.
NMFS believes that the proposed
modifications to the current mitigation
requirements will not result in an
increase in Level B harassment levels
estimated in 2006. the previously
discussed modifications (protected
species survey altitude, ramp-up
procedures and sea state conditions) to
the mitigation measures in Eglin’s
existing IHA for the A-S gunnery
exercises in the EGTTR, is unlikely to
change NMFS’ 2006 determination.
Endangered Species Act (ESA)
Consultation under section 7 of the
ESA on Eglin AFB’s A-S Gunnery
Missions in the EGTTR was completed
on December 18, 1998. Consultation was
reinitiated by Eglin AFB with NMFS on
February 13, 2003, and concluded on
October 20, 2004. A NMFS Biological
Opinion issued on October 20, 2004,
VerDate Aug<31>2005
19:13 May 29, 2007
Jkt 211001
concluded that the A-S gunnery
exercises in the EGTTR are unlikely to
jeopardize the continued existence of
species listed under the ESA that are
within the jurisdiction of NMFS or
destroy or adversely modify critical
habitat. NMFS has preliminary
determined that this action, including
the modifications to the mitigation and
monitoring measures, does not have
effects beyond that which was analyzed
in that previous consultation, it is
within the scope of that action and
reinitiation of consultation is not
necessary. However, prior to issuance of
this IHA, NMFS will make a final
determination whether additional
consultation is necessary.
issuance of an IHA to Eglin AFB for this
activity is not necessary.
National Environmental Policy Act
The U.S. Air Force (USAF) made a
Finding of No Significant Impact
(FONSI) determination on August 18,
2003, based on information contained
within its November, 2002 Final PEA,
that implementation of the subject
action is not a major Federal action
having significant effects on the
environment within the meaning of
NEPA. The USAF determined, therefore,
that an environmental impact statement
(EIS) would not be prepared. NMFS
noted that Eglin AFB had prepared a
Final PEA for the EGTTR activity and
made this Final PEA available upon
request on January 23, 2006 (71 FR
3474). In accordance with NOAA
Administrative Order 216–6
(Environmental Review Procedures for
Implementing the National
Environmental Policy Act, May 20,
1999), NMFS reviewed the information
contained in Eglin AFB’s Final PEA and
determined that Eglin AFB’s Final PEA
accurately and completely describes the
proposed action, the alternatives to the
proposed action, and the potential
impacts on marine mammals,
endangered species, and other marine
life that could be impacted by the
preferred alternative and the other
alternatives. Accordingly, NMFS
adopted Eglin AFB’s Final PEA under
40 CFR 1506.3 and made its own
FONSI. The NMFS FONSI also took into
consideration updated data and
information contained in the NMFS’
Federal Register document noting
issuance of an IHA to Eglin AFB for this
activity (71 FR 27695, May 12, 2006),
and previous notices (71 FR 3474
(January 23, 2006); 70 FR 48675 (August
19, 2005)). NMFS has preliminarily
determined that the current proposed
action will not result in a significant
modification in the previously reviewed
activity and, therefore, a new EA,
supplemental EA or an EIS for the
Information Solicited
NMFS requests interested persons to
submit comments and information
concerning this proposed IHA (see
PO 00000
Frm 00041
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Proposed Authorization
NMFS proposes to reissue an IHA to
Eglin AFB for conducting A-S gunnery
exercises within the EGTTR in the
northern GOM provided the mitigation,
monitoring, and reporting requirements
described in this Federal Register notice
are incorporated. NMFS has
preliminarily determined that the
proposed activity is unlikely to result in
injury or mortality to marine mammals,
and would have a negligible impact on
the affected marine mammal species or
stocks. The MMPA provision relating to
impacts on subsistence are not relevant.
Dated: May 24, 2007.
James H. Lecky,
Director, Office of Protected Resources,
National Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. E7–10372 Filed 5–29–07; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
RIN 0648–XA39
Taking and Importing of Marine
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Notice; affirmative finding
SUMMARY: The Assistant Administrator
for Fisheries, NMFS, (Assistant
Administrator) has renewed the
affirmative finding for the Republic of
Ecuador under the Marine Mammal
Protection Act (MMPA). This
affirmative finding will allow yellowfin
tuna harvested in the eastern tropical
Pacific Ocean (ETP) in compliance with
the International Dolphin Conservation
Program (IDCP) by Ecuadorian-flag
purse seine vessels or purse seine
vessels operating under Ecuadorian
jurisdiction to be imported into the
United States. The affirmative finding
was based on review of documentary
evidence submitted by the Republic of
Ecuador and obtained from the InterAmerican Tropical Tuna Commission
(IATTC) and the U.S. Department of
[Federal Register Volume 72, Number 103 (Wednesday, May 30, 2007)]
[Pages 29974-29982]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: E7-10372]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
[I.D. 021607A]
Taking and Importing Marine Mammals; Taking Marine Mammals
Incidental to Conducting Air-to-Surface Gunnery Missions in the Gulf of
AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
ACTION: Notice of proposed issuance of an incidental take
authorization; request for comments and information.
SUMMARY: NMFS has received a request from Eglin Air Force Base (Eglin
AFB), for renewal of an authorization to harass marine mammals,
incidental to conducting air-to-surface (A-S) gunnery missions in the
Gulf of Mexico (GOM). As a result of this request, NMFS is proposing to
reissue a 1-year authorization to take marine mammals by Level B
harassment incidental to this activity. Under the Marine Mammal
Protection Act (MMPA), NMFS is requesting comments on its proposal to
issue an authorization to Eglin AFB to incidentally take, by
harassment, several species of cetaceans for a period of 1 year.
DATES: Comments and information must be postmarked no later than June
29, 2007.
ADDRESSES: Comments should be addressed to Michael Payne, Chief,
Permits, Conservation and Education Division, Office of Protected
Resources, National Marine Fisheries Service, 1315 East-West Highway,
Silver Spring, MD 20910-3226. The mailbox address for providing email
comments on this action is PR1.021607A@noaa.gov. Comments sent via
email, including all attachments, must not exceed a 10-megabyte file
size. A copy of Eglin's original 2003 application and its December,
2006 letter updating its request may be obtained by writing to this
address, by telephoning the contact listed here (see FOR FURTHER
INFORMATION CONTACT) and is also available at: https://
info.htm#applications. A copy of the Final Programmatic Environmental
Assessment (Final PEA) is available by writing to the Department of the
Air Force, AAC/EMSN, Natural Resources Branch, 501 DeLeon St., Suite
101, Eglin AFB, FL 32542-5133.
713-2289, ext 128.
Sections 101(a)(5)(A) and 101(a)(5)(D) of the Marine Mammal
Protection Act (16 U.S.C. 1361 et seq.)(MMPA) direct the Secretary of
Commerce (Secretary) to allow, upon request, the incidental, but not
intentional taking of marine mammals by U.S. citizens who engage in a
specified activity (other than commercial fishing) within a specified
geographical region if certain findings are made and regulations are
issued or, if the taking is limited to harassment, a notice of a
proposed authorization is provided to the public for review.
Permission may be granted if NMFS finds that the taking will have a
negligible impact on the species or stock(s), will not (where relevant)
have an unmitigable adverse impact on the availability of the species
or stock(s) for subsistence uses, and if the permissible methods of
taking and requirements pertaining to the mitigation, monitoring and
reporting of such takings are set forth. NMFS has defined ``negligible
impact'' in 50 CFR 216.103 as ''...an impact resulting from the
specified activity that cannot be reasonably expected to, and is not
reasonably likely
[[Page 29975]]
to, adversely affect the species or stock through effects on annual
rates of recruitment or survival.''
Subsection 101(a)(5)(D) of the MMPA established an expedited
process by which citizens of the United States can apply for an
authorization to incidentally take marine mammals by harassment. For
the purposes of ``military readiness activities'' harassment is defined
(i) any act that injures or has the significant potential to
injure a marine mammal or marine mammal stock in the wild [Level A
harassment]; or (ii) any act that disturbs or is likely to disturb a
marine mammal or marine mammal stock in the wild by causing
disruption of natural behavioral patterns, including, but not
limited to, migration, surfacing, nursing, breeding, feeding, or
sheltering, to a point where such behavioral patterns are abandoned
or significantly altered [Level B harassment].
Summary of Request
Eglin AFB originally petitioned NMFS on February 13, 2003, as a
precautionary measure, for an authorization under section 101(a)(5) of
the MMPA for the taking, by harassment, of marine mammals incidental to
programmatic mission activities within the Eglin Gulf Test and Training
Range (EGTTR). The EGTTR is described as the airspace over the GOM that
is controlled by Eglin AFB. A notice of receipt of Eglin's application
and proposed IHA and request for 30-day public comment was published on
January 23, 2006 (71 FR 3474). A 1-year IHA was subsequently issued to
Eglin AFB for this activity on May 3, 2006 (71 FR 27695, May 12, 2006).
A description of Eglin AFB's A-S gunnery activity follows.
Description of Activities
A-S gunnery missions, a ``military readiness activity,'' involve
surface impacts of projectiles and small underwater detonations with
the potential to affect cetaceans that may occur within the EGTTR.
These missions typically involve the use of 25-mm (0.98 in), 40-mm
(1.57 in), and 105-mm (4.13 in) gunnery rounds containing, 0.0662 lb
(1.1 oz 30 g), 0.865 lb (13.8 oz, 392 g), and 4.7 lbs (2.1 kg) of
explosive, respectively. Live rounds must be used to produce a visible
surface splash that must be used to ``score'' the round; the impact of
inert rounds on the sea surface would not be detected. The Air Force
has developed a 105-mm training round (TR) that contains less than 10
percent of the amount of explosive material (0.35 lb; 0.16 kg) as
compared to the ``Full-Up'' (FU) 105-mm (4.13 in) round. The TR was
developed as one method to mitigate effects on marine life during
night-time A/S gunnery exercises when visibility at the water surface
would be poor. However, the TR cannot be used in daytime since the
amount of explosive material is insufficient to be detected from the
Water ranges within the EGTTR that are typically used for the
gunnery operations are located in the GOM offshore from the Florida
Panhandle (areas W-151A, W-151B, W-151C, and W-151D as shown in Figure
1 in Eglin's 2003 application). Data indicate that W-151A is the most
frequently used water range due to its proximity to Hurlburt Field, but
activities may occur anywhere within the EGTTR.
The AC-130 gunship aircraft normally transit from Hurlburt Field,
FL to the water range at a minimum of 4,000 ft (1.2 km) above surface
level. The AC-130 conducts at least two complete orbits at a minimum
safe airspeed around a prospective target area at a maximum altitude of
1,500 ft (457 m), with a NMFS recommended to an operational altitude of
approximately 4,500 to 10,000 ft (1372-3048 m). Ascent occurs over a
10-15 minute period. Eglin AFB has noted that the search area for these
orbits ensures that no vessels (or protected species) are within an
area of 5 nm (9.3 km) of the target. The AC-130 continues orbiting the
selected target point as it climbs to the mission-testing altitude.
During the low altitude orbits and the climb to testing altitude,
aircraft crew visually scan the sea surface within the aircraft's orbit
circle for the presence of vessels and protected species. Primary
responsibility for the surface scan is on the flight crew in the
cockpit and personnel stationed in the tail observer bubble and
starboard viewing window. The AC-130's optical and electronic sensors
are also employed for target clearance. If any marine mammals are
detected within the AC-130's orbit circle, either during initial
clearance or after commencement of live firing, the aircraft will
relocate to another target area and repeat the clearance procedures. A
typical distance from the coast for this activity is at least 15 mi (24
When offshore, the crews can scan a 5-nm (9.3-km) radius around the
potential impact area to ensure it is clear of surface craft, marine
mammals, and sea turtles. Scanning is accomplished using radar, all-
light television (TV), infrared sensors (IR), and visual means. An
alternative area would be selected if any cetaceans or vessels were
detected within a 5-nm (9.3 km) search area. Once the scan is
completed, Mk-25 flares are dropped and the firing sequence is
A typical gunship mission lasts approximately 5 hours without
refueling and 6 hours when air-to-air refueling is accomplished. A
typical mission includes: (1) 30 minutes for take off and to perform
airborne sensor alignment, align electro-optical sensors (IR and TV) to
heads-up display; (2) 1.5 to 2 hours of dry fire (no ordnance
expended), and includes transition time; (3) 1.5 to 2 hours of live
fire, and includes clearing the area and transiting to and from the
range (actual firing activities typically do not exceed 30 minutes);
(4) 1 hour air-to-air refueling, if and when performed; and (5) 30
minutes of transition work (take-offs, approaches, and landings-pattern
The guns are fired during the live-fire phase of the mission. The
actual firing can last from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours but is typically
completed in 30 minutes. The number and type of A-S gunnery munitions
deployed during a mission varies with each type of mission flown. In
addition to the 25-, 40-, and 105-mm rounds, marking flares are also
deployed as targets. All guns are fired at a specific target in the
water, usually an Mk-25 flare, starting with the lowest caliber
ordnance or action with the least impact and proceeding to greater
caliber sizes. To establish the test target area, two Mk-25 flares are
deployed into the center of the 5-nm (9.3-km) radius cleared area
(visually clear of aircraft, ships, and surface marine species) on the
water's surface. The flare's burn time normally lasts 10 to 20 minutes
but could be much less if actually hit with one of the ordnance
projectiles; however, some flares have burned as long as 40 minutes.
Live fires are a continuous event with pauses during the firing usually
well under a minute and rarely from 2 to 5 minutes. Firing pauses would
only exceed 10 minutes if surface boat traffic or marine protected
species caused the mission to relocate; if aircraft, gun, or targeting
system problems existed; or if more flares needed to be deployed. The
Eglin Safety Office has described the gunnery missions as having 95-
percent containment with a 99-percent confidence level within a 5-m
(16.4-ft) area around the established flare target test area.
Live-fire Event: 25-mm Round
The 25-mm (0.98-in) firing event in a typical mission includes
approximately 500 to 1000 rounds. These rounds are first in short
bursts. These bursts last approximately 2-3 seconds with approximately
100 rounds per burst. Based on the very tight target area and extremely
small miss distance, these bursts of rounds all enter the
[[Page 29976]]
water within a 5-m (16.4-ft) area. Therefore, when calculations of the
marine mammal Zone of Impact (ZOI) and take estimates are made later in
this document for the 25-mm rounds, calculations will be based on the
total number of rounds fired per year divided by 100.
Live-fire Event: 40-mm Round
The 40-mm (1.57 in) firing event of a typical mission includes
approximately 10 seconds with approximately 20 rounds per burst. Based
on the very tight target area and extremely small ``miss'' distance,
these bursts of rounds all enter the water within a 5-m (16.4 ft) area.
Therefore, when calculations of the marine mammal ZOI and take
estimates are made later in this document for the 40-mm rounds,
calculations will be based on the total number of rounds fired per year
divided by 20.
Live-fire Event: 105-mm Round
The 105-mm firing event of a typical mission includes approximately
20 rounds. These rounds are not fired in bursts, but as single shots.
The 105-mm firing event lasts approximately 5 minutes with
approximately two rounds per minute. Due to the single firing event of
the 105-mm round, the peak pressure of each single 105-mm round is
measured at a given distance (90 m (295 ft)) for the 105mm TR and 216 m
(709 ft) for the 105mm FU).
As described in Eglin's 2003 application, gunnery testing in this
request includes historical baseline yearly amounts in addition to
proposed nighttime gunnery missions. Daytime gunnery testing uses the
105-mm FU round and nighttime gunnery training is proposed using the
105-mm TR. The number of 105-mm rounds including nighttime operations
would amount to 1,742. As shown in detail in Tables 1 and 2 (see 71 FR
27695, May 12, 2006), Eglin proposes to conduct a total of 28 daytime
missions and 263 nighttime missions annually, expending 3,832 rounds in
daytime and 30,802 rounds nighttime (242 105-mm FU and 1,500 rounds
would be the 105-mm TR).
Description of Marine Mammals Affected by the Activity
There are 29 species of marine mammals documented as occurring in
Federal waters of the GOM. General information on these species can be
found in Wursig et al. (2000) and in the NMFS Stock Assessment Reports
(Waring et al., 2007). This latter document is available at: https://
Of these 29 species of marine mammals, approximately 21 may be
found within the EGTTR. These species are the Bryde's whale, sperm
whale, dwarf sperm whale, pygmy sperm whale, Atlantic bottlenose
dolphin, Atlantic spotted dolphin, pan-tropical spotted dolphin,
Blainville's beaked whale, Cuvier's beaked whale, Gervais' beaked
whale, Clymene dolphin, spinner dolphin, striped dolphin, killer whale,
false killer whale, pygmy killer whales, Risso's dolphin, Fraser's
dolphin, melon-headed whale, rough-toothed dolphin, and pilot whale.
Supplementary information on those species that may be impacted by the
A/S gunnery exercises are discussed in the Eglin application (Eglin
AFB, 2003) and the Eglin's Final PEA.
Potential Impacts to Marine Mammals
A/S gunnery operations may potentially impact marine mammals at the
water surface. Marine mammals could potentially be harassed, injured or
killed by exploding and non-exploding projectiles, and falling debris
(Eglin, 2002 (Final PEA)). However, based on analyses provided in the
Eglin Final PEA and in Eglin's Supplemental Information Request
(2003)), NMFS concurs with Eglin that gunnery exercises are not likely
to result in any injury or mortality to marine mammals.
Explosive criteria and thresholds for assessing impacts of
explosions on marine mammals were discussed by NMFS in detail in its
issuance of an IHA for Eglin's Precision Strike Weapon testing activity
(70 FR 48675, August 19, 2005) and are not repeated here. Please refer
to that document for this background information.
Estimation of Take and Impact
Direct Physical Impacts (DPI)
Potential impacts resulting from air-to-surface test operations
include DPI resulting from ordnance. DPI could result from inert bombs,
gunnery ammunition, and shrapnel from live missiles falling into the
water. Marine mammals and sea turtles swimming at the surface could
potentially be injured or killed by projectiles and falling debris if
not sighted and firing discontinued. Small arms gunnery operations may
offer a worst case scenario for evaluating DPI of EGTTR operations,
mainly due to the comparatively large number of rounds expended. Some
contain small amounts of explosives, but the majority do not. The
assumptions made by Eglin for DPI calculations can be found in Eglin's
Final PEA under Alternative 1 for this action. Approximately 606 small-
arms gunnery firing events comprise the estimated level of potential
DPI events, as shown in Table 4 in the Federal Register notice for the
previous IHA on this action (71 FR 27695, May 12, 2006).
DPI impacts are anticipated to affect only marine species at or
very near the ocean surface. As a result, to calculate impacts, Eglin
used corrected species densities (Table 4-23 in Eglin's Final PEA) to
reflect the surface interval population, which is approximately 10
percent of densities calculated for distribution in the total water
column. As shown in Table 5 in the Federal Register notice for the
previous IHA on this action (71 FR 27695, May 12, 2006) and correcting
PEA Table 4-23), the impacts to marine mammals and sea turtles at the
surface that could potentially be injured or killed by projectiles and
falling debris was determined to be very low, and mitigation measures
that Eglin will employ under this action would reduce even these low
In addition to small arms, Eglin calculated the potential for other
non-explosive items (inert bombs, missiles, and drones) to impact
marine mammals and sea turtles. The number of annual events expected
are 551 bombs, 1183 missiles, and 99 drones (Table 6). As shown in
Eglin's Final PEA and Table 7 in the Federal Register notice for the
previous IHA on this action (71 FR 27695, May 12, 2006), the potential
for any DPI to marine mammals and sea turtles is extremely remote and
can, therefore, be discounted.
Similar to non-gunnery/non-small arms DPI impacts, DPI impacts from
gunnery activities may also affect marine mammals and sea turtles in
the surface zone. Again, DPI impacts are anticipated to affect only
marine species at or near the ocean surface. Tables 8 and 9 in the
Federal Register notice for the previous IHA on this action (71 FR
27695, May 12, 2006) demonstrate that the potential for any DPI from
gunnery activities are extremely remote and can be discounted.
Marine Mammal Take Estimates from Gunnery Activities
Estimating the impacts to marine mammals from underwater
detonations is difficult due to complexities of the physics of
explosive sound under water and the limited understanding with respect
to hearing in marine mammals. Detailed assessments were made in the
notice for the previous IHA on this action (71 FR 27695, May 12, 2006)
and in this Federal Register notice. These assessments used, and
improved upon, the criteria and thresholds for marine mammal impacts
that were developed
[[Page 29977]]
for the shock trials of the USS SEAWOLF submarine and the destroyer USS
Winston S. Churchill (DDG-81) (Navy, 1998; 2001). The criteria and
thresholds used in those actions were adopted by NMFS for use in
calculating incidental takes from explosives. Criteria for assessing
impacts include: (1) Mortality, as determined by exposure to a certain
level of positive impulse pressure (expressed as pounds per square inch
per millisecond or psi-msec); (2) injury, both hearing-related and non-
hearing related; and (3) harassment, as determined by a temporary loss
of some hearing ability and behavioral reactions. Due to the small
amounts of net explosive weight for each of the rounds fired in the
EGTTR and the mitigation measures, mortality resulting from sounds
generated in the water column was determined to be highly unlikely and
was not considered further by Eglin AFB or NMFS.
Criteria and methods for calculation for permanent and temporary
threshold shift and Level B harassment (behavioral response) to noise
from the air-to-surface gunnery exercises was provided by NMFS in
detail in its Federal Register notices on the previous IHA for this
action (71 FR 3474 (January 23, 2006), 71 FR 27695 (May 12, 2006).
Criteria for assessing impacts include: (1) mortality, as determined by
exposure to a certain level of positive impulse pressure (expressed as
pounds per square inch per millisecond or psi-msec); (2) injury, both
hearing-related and non-hearing related; and (3) harassment, as
determined by a temporary loss of some hearing ability and behavioral
reactions. Due to the small amounts of net explosive weight (NEW) for
each of the rounds fired in the EGTTR and the mitigation measures,
mortality resulting from sounds generated in the water column was
determined to be highly unlikely and is not considered further.
Permanent hearing loss is considered an injury and is termed
permanent threshold shift (PTS). NMFS, therefore, categorizes PTS as
Level A harassment. Temporary loss of hearing ability is termed a
temporary threshold shift (TTS), meaning a temporary reduction of
hearing sensitivity which abates following noise exposure. TTS is
considered non-injurious and is categorized as a Level B type of
harassment. NMFS recognizes dual criteria for TTS, one based on peak
pressure and one based on the greatest 1/3 octave sound exposure level
(SEL) or energy flux density level (EFDL), with the more conservative
(i.e., larger) of the two criteria being selected for impacts analysis
(note: SEL and EFDL are used interchangeably, but with increasing
scientific preference for SEL). The peak pressure metric used in the
shock trials to represent TTS was 12 pounds per square inch (psi)
which, for the NEW used, resulted in a zone of possible Level B
harassment approximately equal to that obtained by using a 182 decibel
(dB) re 1 microPa\2\-s, total EFDL/SEL metric. The 12-psi metric is
largely based on anatomical studies and extrapolations from terrestrial
mammal data (see Ketten, 1995; Navy, 1999 (Appendix E, Churchill FEIS;
and 70 FR 48675 (August 19, 2005)) for background information).
However, the results of a more recent investigation involving marine
mammals suggest that, for charges considerably smaller than those used
in the Navy shock trials, the 12-psi metric is not an adequate
predictor of the onset of TTS.
Finneran et al. (2002) measured TTS in a bottlenose dolphin and a
beluga whale exposed to single underwater impulses produced by a
seismic water gun in San Diego Bay. The water gun was chosen over other
seismic sources, such as air guns, because the impulses contain more
energy at high frequencies where odontocete hearing thresholds are
relatively low (i.e., more sensitive). Hearing thresholds were measured
at 0.4, 4, and 30 kilohertz (kHz). A relatively small and short-term
level of masked TTS (MTTS)(7 dB at 0.4 kHz and 6 dB at 30 kHz) occurred
in the beluga whale at a peak pressure of 160 kilopascals (kPa), which
is equivalent to 23 psi, 226 dB re 1 micro Pa peak-peak pressure, and
186 dB re 1 microPa\2\-s. The maximum experimental peak pressure
exposure of 207 kPa (30 psi, 228 dB re 1 microPa peak-peak pressure,
188 dB re 1 microPa\2\-s) did not cause any measurable masked TTS in
the bottlenose dolphin. The results of these field experiments
represent the most current science available for the relationship
between peak pressure and TTS in marine mammals. It is also considered
precautionary for this project since the bottlenose dolphin did not
incur an MTTS at the higher level of 30 psi. Therefore, until
additional information becomes available, 23 psi is considered an
appropriate and conservative metric for predicting the onset of
pressure-related TTS from small explosive charges.
Documented behavioral reactions occur at noise levels below those
considered to cause TTS in marine mammals (Finneran et al., 2002;
Schlundt et al., 2000; Finneran and Schlundt, 2004). In controlled
experimental situations, behavioral effects are typically defined as
alterations of trained behaviors. Behavioral effects in wild animals
are more difficult to define but may include decreased ability to feed,
communicate, migrate, or reproduce. Abandonment of an area due to
repeated noise exposure is also considered a behavioral effect.
Analyses in subsequent sections of this document refer to such
behavioral effects as ``sub-TTS Level B harassment.'' Schlundt et al.
(2000) exposed bottlenose dolphins and beluga whales to various pure-
tone sound frequencies and intensities in order to measure underwater
hearing thresholds. Masking is considered to have occurred because of
ambient noise environment in which the experiments took place. Sound
levels were progressively increased until behavioral alterations were
noted (at which point the onset of TTS was presumed). It was found that
decreasing the sound intensity by 4 to 6 dB greatly decreased the
occurrence of anomalous behaviors. The lowest sound pressure levels,
over all frequencies, at which altered behaviors were observed, ranged
from 178 to 193 dB re 1 micro Pa for the bottlenose dolphins and from
180 to 196 dB re 1 micro Pa for the beluga whales. Thus, it is
reasonable to consider that sub-TTS (behavioral) effects occur at
approximately 6 dB below the TTS-inducing sound level, or at
approximately 176 dB in the greatest 1/3 octave band EFDL/SEL.
Table 10 in the Federal Register notice for the previous IHA on
this action (71 FR 27695, May 12, 2006) summarizes the relevant
thresholds for levels of noise that may result in injury, TTS or
behavioral harassment to marine mammals. Mortality and injury
thresholds are designed to be conservative by considering the impacts
that would occur to the most sensitive life stage (e.g., a dolphin
calf). Table 11 published in the Federal Register notice for the
previous IHA on this action (71 FR 27695, May 12, 2006) provides the
estimated ZOI radii for the EGTTR ordnance. At this time, there is no
empirical data or information that would allow NMFS to establish a peak
pressure criterion for sub-TTS behavioral disruption.
As mentioned previously, the EGTTR live fire events are continuous
events with pauses during the firing usually well under a minute and
rarely from 2 to 5 minutes. Live fire typically occurs within a 30
minute time frame, including all ordnance fired: 25-mm (Phase I), 40-mm
(Phase II), and 105-mm (Phase III), and where the 105-mm ordnance are
fired as separate rounds with up to 30-second intervals, the 25-mm and
the 40-mm are often fired in
[[Page 29978]]
multiple bursts. These burst include multiple rounds (25 to 100) within
a 10- to 20-second time frame. Eglin notes that even if animal
avoidance once firing commences is not considered, an average swim
speed (1.5 m/s) of animals would not allow sufficient time for new
animals to re-enter the Level B harassment ZOI (23 psi) within the time
frame of a single burst. As such, only the peak pressure of a single
round is measured per burst and experienced at a given distance (49 m
(161 ft; Phase I), 122 m (400 ft; Phase II)).
For daytime firing it is assumed that the average swim speed per
cetacean is approximately 3 knots or 1.5 m/sec. As a conservative
scenario, Eglin assumes that there is one animal present within or near
the 216-m ZOI (FU 105-mm round ZOI) which may be potentially ensonified
within the 23-psi TTS exposure at the time that the 105-mm live firing
begins. Density distributions have assumed an even distribution of
approximately 4.38 animals/km2 or approximately 500 m (1640 ft) apart
(all species) for the analyses for take estimates. At this density
distribution and typical swim speed, the next available cetacean would
approach the perimeter of the 216-m (709 ft) ZOI (23-psi TTS ZOI) in
approximately 5.5 minutes, assuming a straight line path. With live
fire events of the 105-mm occurring at a rate of approximately 2 rounds
per minute, nearly one half (or 10 rounds) of the total 105-mm rounds
(20 rounds) would potentially be expended within this 5.5 minute time
frame. If the concept of marine mammal avoidance of an area once firing
commences is not considered, an average swim speed of 1.5 m/s (4.9 f/s)
would allow sufficient time for new animals to re-enter the 23-psi TTS
impact area. Allowing for a potential 2 minute break in firing after 10
rounds are expended, it is, therefore, conservative and reasonable to
assume that nearly 3 to 4 individual animals could be exposed to the
23-psi TTS sound level during a typical 20 round firing event.
Therefore, the ZOI and Level B harassment take estimate calculations
are based on the total number of rounds fired per year divided by 5, or
approximately 20 percent. This approach assumes that although single
animals may be ensonified more than once due to the time required to
exit the 23 psi TTS ZOI, animals are not considered to be ``taken''
more than once for the purposes of estimating take levels.
Similarly, as a conservative approach for nighttime firing, Eglin
assumes that there is one animal present within or near the 90-m (295-
ft) ZOI (105-mm TR ZOI) which may be potentially ensonified within the
23-psi TTS exposure zone at the time that the 105-mm round live firing
phase begins. Density distributions have assumed an even distribution
of approximately 4.38 animals/km\2\ (all species) for the approach of
impact analyses for estimation of take. At this density distribution
and typical swim speed, the next available cetacean would approach the
perimeter of the 90-m (295-ft) ZOI (23-psi TTS ZOI) in approximately
5.5 minutes or the same time as with the 216-m ZOI (used for the 105-mm
FU). The difference is the amount of time it takes the animal to exit
the ZOI or in other words, how long the animals resides within the ZOI
on a straight line path. With live fire events of the 105-mm round
occurring at a rate of approximately 2 rounds per minute, nearly one
half (or 10 rounds) of the total 105-mm rounds (20 rounds) would
potentially be expended within this 5.5-minute time frame. If the
concept of marine mammal avoidance of an area once firing commences is
not considered, an average swim speed (1.5 m/s) of animals would allow
sufficient time for new animals to re-enter the 23-psi TTS impact area.
Allowing for a potential 2-min break in firing after 10 rounds are
expended, it is conservative and reasonable to assume that nearly 3 to
4 individual animals may be potentially exposed to the 23-psi TTS sound
level during a typical 20 round firing event. Therefore, the ZOI and
take estimate calculations are based on the total number of rounds
fired per year divided by 5, or approximately 20 percent. This approach
assumes that, although single animals may be ensonified more than once
due to the time required to exit the 23-psi TTS ZOI, individual animals
are not considered to be ``taken'' more than once for the purposes of
estimating take levels.
Based on this discussion, Table 1 in this Federal Register document
provides Eglin AFB's estimates of the annual number of marine mammals,
by species, potentially taken by Level B harassment, by the gunnery
mission noise. It should be noted that these estimates are derived
without consideration of the effectiveness of Eglin AFB's proposed
mitigation measures (except use of the training round (TR)), which are
discussed in the next section.
Table 1. Yearly Estimated Number of Marine Mammals Affected by the Gunnery Mission Noise
Level A Level B Level B
Adjusted Harassment Harassment Non- Level B Harassment Non-
Species Density Injurious 205 injurious 182 Harassment Non- Injurious 176
(/ dB* EFD For Ear dB* EFD for Injurious 23 dB* EFD For
km\2\) Rupture TTS psi For TTS Behavior
Bryde's whale 0.007 <0.001 0.010 0.4 0.041
Sperm whale 0.011 <0.001 0.016 0.0 0.064
Dwarf/pygmy sperm whale 0.024 <0.001 0.035 1.5 0.139
Cuvier's beaked whale 0.10 <0.001 0.015 0.6 0.058
Mesoplodon spp. 0.019 <0.001 0.028 1.2 0.110
Pygmy killer whale 0.030 <0.001 0.044 1.9 0.174
False killer whale 0.026 <0.001 0.038 1.6 0.151
Short-finned pilot whale 0.027 <0.001 0.039 1.7 0.157
Rough-toothed dolphin 0.028 <0.001 0.041 1.7 0.163
Bottlenose dolphin 0.810 0.006 1.177 50.1 4.706
[[Page 29979]]
Risso's dolphin 0.113 0.001 0.164 7.0 0.657
Atlantic spotted dolphin 0.677 0.005 0.984 41.9 3.934
Pantropical spotted dolphin 1.077 0.008 1.565 66.7 6.258
Striped dolphin 0.237 0.002 0.344 14.7 1.377
Spinner dolphin 0.915 0.007 1.330 56.6 5.316
Clymene dolphin 0.253 0.002 0.368 15.7 1.470
Unidentified dolphin** 0.053 <0.001 0.077 3.3 0.308
Unidentified whale 0.008 <0.001 0.012 0.5 0.046
All marine mammals 4.325 0.032 6.29 271.1 25.13
km\2\=square kilometers; NA=not applicable
dB-dB re 1 microPa\2\ -s
**Bottlenose dolphin/Atlantic spotted dolphin
Proposed Mitigation Measures
Under its recent IHA, Eglin AFB employed a number of mitigation
measures in an effort to substantially decrease the number of animals
potentially affected. The proposed mitigation for this proposed IHA is
substantially similar with a few modifications. Eglin AFB states that
it is committed to assessing the mission activity for opportunities to
provide operational mitigation (i.e., ramping up and using nighttime
training rounds), while potentially sacrificing some mission
Visual Mitigation
Areas to be used in gunnery missions are visually monitored for
marine mammal presence from the AC-130 aircraft prior to commencement
of the mission. If the presence of one or more marine mammals is
detected, the target area will be avoided. In addition, monitoring will
continue during the mission. If marine mammals are detected at any
time, the mission will be either immediately halted and/or relocated as
necessary or suspended until the marine mammal has left the area.
Daytime and nighttime visual monitoring will be supplemented with IR
and TV monitoring. As nighttime visual monitoring is generally
considered to be ineffective at any height, the EGTTR missions will
incorporate the TR.
Development of the TR
The largest type of ammunition used during typical gunnery missions
is the 105-mm (4.13-in) round containing 4.7 lbs (2.1 kg) of high
explosive (HE). This is several times more HE than that found in the
next largest round (40 mm/1.57 in). As a mitigation technique, the Air
Force developed a 105-mm TR that contains only 0.35 lb (0.16 kg) of HE.
The TR was developed to significantly reduce the effects of nighttime
operations, when visual surveying for marine mammals is of limited
effectiveness. Use of the TR at night dramatically reduces the risk of
harassment, and Eglin AFB anticipates a 96 percent reduction in impact
by using the 105-mm TR.
Eglin incorporated a ramp-up procedure by beginning with the
smallest round (or the round having least impact) and proceeding to
subsequently larger size rounds (in this case the lowest caliber of
munition up to the 105-mm FU round). Theoretically, this allows animals
to perceive steadily increasing sounds and to react, if necessary.
Alerting animals in advance of injurious sound waves by transmitting
low-power ``warning'' signals a short time before the action provides a
safeguard where there is a potential for the risk of injury.
Other Mitigation
Under the previous IHA, NMFS required additional mitigation
measures to protect marine life. These requirements are:
(1) Test firing will be conducted only when sea surface conditions
are sea state 3.5 or less on the Beaufort scale.
(2) Prior to each firing event, the aircraft crew will conduct a
visual survey of the 5-nm (9.3-km) wide prospective target area to
attempt to sight any protected species that may be present (e.g.,
marine mammals, sea turtles, and Sargassum rafts). The AC-130 gunship
will conduct at least two complete orbits at a minimum safe airspeed
around a prospective target area at a maximum altitude of 1,500 ft (457
m), with a recommended altitude of 1,000 ft (305 m). Provided protected
species are not detected, the AC-130 can then continue orbiting the
selected target point as it climbs to the mission testing altitude.
During the low altitude orbits and the climb to testing altitude, the
aircraft crew will visually scan the sea surface within the aircraft's
orbit circle for the presence of listed and non-listed marine mammals
and sea turtles. Primary emphasis for the surface scan will be upon the
flight crew in the cockpit and personnel stationed in the tail observer
bubble and starboard viewing window. The AC-130's optical and
electronic sensors will also be employed for target clearance. If any
marine mammals are detected within the AC-130's orbit circle, either
during initial clearance or after commencement of live firing, the
aircraft will relocate to another target and repeat the clearance
procedures. If multiple firing events occur within the same flight,
these clearance procedures will precede each event.
(3) The aircrews of the air-to-ground gunnery missions will
initiate location and surveillance of a suitable firing site
immediately after exiting U.S. territorial waters (> 12 nm, 22 km).
This would potentially restrict most gunnery
[[Page 29980]]
activities to the shallower continental shelf waters of the GOM where
marine mammal densities are typically lower, and thus potentially avoid
the slope waters where the more sensitive species (e.g., endangered
sperm whales) typically reside.
(4) Observations will be accomplished using all-light TV, IR
sensors, and visual means for at least 60 minutes prior to each
(5) Aircrews will utilize visual, night vision goggles (NVGs), and
other onboard sensors to search for marine mammals while performing
area clearance procedures during night-time pre-mission activities.
(6) If any marine mammals are sighted during pre-mission surveys or
during the mission, activities will be immediately halted until the
area is clear of all marine mammals for 60 minutes or the mission
location relocated and resurveyed.
Monitoring and Reporting
The NMFS Biological Opinion on this action recommended certain
monitoring measures to protect marine life. As a result, NMFS imposed
these same requirements under the previous IHA:
(1) Eglin will develop and implement a marine species observer-
training program in coordination with NMFS. This program will primarily
provide expertise to Eglin's testing and training community in the
identification of protected marine species during surface and aerial
mission activities in the GOM. Additionally, the A-S gunnery mission
aircrews will participate in the species observation training. As a
result, designated crew members will be selected to receive training as
protected species observers. Observers will receive training in
protected species survey and identification techniques through a NMFS-
approved training program.
(2) Aircrews will initiate the post-mission clearance procedures
beginning at the operational altitude of approximately 15,000 to 20,000
ft (4572 to 6096 m) elevation, and initiating a spiraling descent down
to an observation altitude of approximately 1,500 ft. (457 m)
elevation. Rates of descent will occur over a 3 to 5 minute time frame.
(3) Eglin will track their use of the EGTR for test firing missions
and protected species observations, through the use of mission
reporting forms.
(4) A-S gunnery missions will coordinate with next-day flight
activities to provide supplemental post-mission observations for marine
mammals in the operations area of the previous day.
(5) A summary annual report of marine mammal observations and A-S
activities will be submitted to the NMFS Southeast Regional Office
(SERO) and the Office of Protected Resources either at the time of a
request for renewal of an IHA or 90 days after expiration of the
current IHA if a new IHA is not requested.
(6) If any dead or injured marine mammals are observed or detected
prior to testing, or injured or killed during live fire, a report must
be made to the NMFS by the following business day.
(7) Any unauthorized takes of marine mammals (i.e., injury or
mortality) must be immediately reported to the NMFS represent-ative and
to the respective stranding network representative.
Proposed Modifications to the Mitigation and Monitoring Requirements
Eglin AFB has requested several modifications to its IHA to be
incorporated into the new IHA.
As of October 27, 2006, two A-S gunnery missions have been
attempted (one of the missions was ultimately aborted due to sea
state). As a result of flying live missions over the ocean, aircrews
have requested a modification to three components of the 2006 IHA
requirements. These components are: (1) protected species surveys, (2)
ramp-up procedures, and (3) sea state restrictions.
Protected Species Surveys-Altitude and Equipment
Currently, pre-mission surveys for marine mammals and other
protected species must be commenced at a maximum altitude of 1,500 ft
(457 m)(with 1,000 ft (305 m) recommended) during the day and at 2,000
ft (610 m)(1,500 ft (457 m) recommended) at night. Visual scans, as
well as all applicable instruments, are to be used to survey for
protected species at the water surface. Aircrews have reported that
these altitudes are not safe, and that the onboard instrumentation used
for surveys actually performs better at a higher altitude.
The propeller-driven AC-130 aircraft, which is used for all A-S
gunnery missions, is among the largest and heaviest in the Air Force,
weighing up to approximately 150,000 lbs (68040 kg) depending on
equipment configuration. If an emergency situation, such as a
malfunction of one or more engines, occurred during the protected
species surveys, the aircraft would likely lose altitude initially. The
AC-130 does not perform well with less than a full compliment of
engines. At 1,000 to 2,000 ft (305 to 610 m), the pilots would have
little time to recover before striking the water surface, which would
result in potential human fatalities and certain loss of the aircraft.
The AC-130 is typically flown at a minimum altitude of 4,500 ft (1372
m). Eglin AFB notes that the 2004 National Defense Authorization Act
amendments to the MMPA explicitly require consideration of personnel
safety during military readiness activities.
AC-130 gunships are equipped with low-light TV cameras and ANIAAQ-
26 Infrared Detection Sets (IDS). The TV cameras operate in a range of
electromagnetic radiation of 532 to 980 nanometers (visible and near-
visible light), and the IDS system operates in the IR portion of 7.5 to
11.7 micrometers. IR systems are capable of detecting differences in
temperature from thermal energy (heat) radiated from living bodies, or
from reflected and scattered thermal energy. In contrast to typical
night-vision devices, visible light is not necessary for object
detection. IR systems are equally effective during day or night use.
The ANIAAQ-26 IDS system produces a composite video signal which is
displayed on an onboard television monitor. The IDS provides imagery
and accurate line-of-sight information for an operator to detect,
acquire, identify, and track targets. Additional capabilities include
providing imagery suitable for reconnaissance and low-level navigation.
The IDS is capable of detecting very small thermal differences (the
exact thermal sensitivity is classified). Three fields-of-view (FOV)
are available for the IDS. All are typically used during a mission to
survey the area and acquire targets. These are:
Wide FOV (1.80 magnification) aides in low altitude
flight, navigation, and area search, and also provides sufficient
resolution to recognize typical terrain features such as roads, rivers,
and bridges.
Medium FOV (10.8 magnification) provides for immediate
target area orientation and target detection.
Narrow FOV (42.9 magnification) provides small target
identification, target recognition, and precise line-of-sight angular
adjustments. A 2X FOV (85.80 magnification) provides electronic
magnification of the Narrow FOV.
The IDS provides pointing information regarding its optical line-
of-sight, and features a continuous 360-degree azimuth Field of Regard
(FOR) and +60 degree up-look to -105 degree down-look elevation FOR.
The line-of-sight is inertial-stabilized with regard to
[[Page 29981]]
airplane angular motions and is directed to pointing angles via
programmed commands, operator commands, or position commands from the
avionics systems.
IR and low-light TV systems are used during both daytime and
nighttime missions (ambient light is sufficient for the TV system at
night). The IDS is the primary detection system and is used during all
gunship missions. Low-light TV and visual surveys are used to
supplement the IDS system as appropriate. The magnification of the TV
system is comparable to that of the IDS. Although the IDS is capable of
detecting infrared emissions at altitudes in excess of 12,500 ft (3810
m), an altitude range of 6,000 to 9,000 ft (1829 to 2743 m) affords the
optimal slant range for overall sensor performance and target
The sensor suite is considered superior to the human eye for
detecting targets on the water surface, even at altitudes as low as
1,000 ft (305 m). This is particularly true for night observations. IR
systems havc been used to detect whales and dolphins (Baldacci et al.,
2005). Although the central portion of cetacean bodies are insulated
with blubber, peripheral areas such as the flukes and fins are
relatively poorly insulated. These areas may be detected thermally.
Also, the movement of a cetacean's body at the surface causes heat to
be radiated at different angles, resulting in an apparent temperature
difference that can be detected by IR sensors. Additional areas of
thermal discrimination include the blowhole, the blow, and areas of
water disturbance where water of different temperatures is mixed.
However, high humidity, rain, fog, high waves, and whitecap conditions
can decrease the effectiveness of IR detection. Figure 1 in Eglin's
January 22, 2007 renewal request shows examples of all FOVs for the IDS
system, as an operator would see them on a monitor. All examples
represent a 7.8-ft (2.4 m) dolphin at 6,000 ft (1829 m) altitude (above
ground level, or AGL) and at a slant range of 8,000 ft (2438 m). All
four FOVs would be used during protected species surveys. Based on the
above discussion, the AC-130 aircrews recommend a protected species
survey altitude of 6,000 ft (1829 m), using all sensors, for both day
and night missions.
The gunship sensor suite provides the best daytime and nighttime
performance in normal weather and sea conditions at this altitude
range. At lower altitudes, the sensors' area of coverage is smaller for
any given field of view. In addition, the sensors' effectiveness is
diminished due to magnification factors. For example, at an altitude of
1,000 ft (305 m), the 2X and Narrow FOV settings would cause over-
magnification, resulting in decreased ability to discriminate targets.
In addition to considerations of sensor performance, a 6,000-ft (1829-
m) survey altitude would be significantly safer than the current 1,000-
to 2,000-ft (305- to 610-m)range.
Eglin AFB therefore proposes a revised protocol for protected
species surveys. The AC-130 gunship would travel to a potential mission
location at an altitude of 6,000 ft (1829 m). After arriving at the
site, the aircrew would initiate a surface vessel and protected species
survey at a 6,000 ft (1829 m) altitude. The aircraft would circle the
target site and continue the survey for 15 minutes. During the survey,
aircrews would use the ANIAAQ-26 IDS to search the water surface for
vessels and marine species. The low-light TV system would be used to
supplement the IDS system. For missions conducted during daylight
hours, the aircrew would visually scan the water surface as well. The
live fire phase of the mission would not begin until the site is
determined to be clear of vessels and protected species during the 15-
minute survey. If a marine mammal, sea turtle or Sargassum bed is
identified during the pre-mission survey or during the mission, or if
any object besides the target is detected but cannot conclusively be
identified, the mission would be paused or relocated as appropriate.
Aircrews would conduct a post-mission survey for 5 minutes at an
altitude of 6,000 ft (1829 m) using the IDS and low-light television
systems and, for daytime missions, visual scans. Eglin AFB considers
that the protocol described here would provide effective mitigation to
the risks posed to protected species during A-S gunnery missions. In
summary, Eglin AFB believes that sensor-based observation effectiveness
at 6,000 ft (1829 m) altitude is superior to visual survey
effectiveness at 1,000 ft (305 m) altitude and should replace the
previous mitigation measure.
Ramp-up Procedures
The 2006-2007 IHA stipulates that ramp-up procedures are to be used
during A-S gunnery missions. This process involves beginning with the
smallest gunnery round, which has the least impact, and proceeding to
subsequently larger size rounds. The rationale is that this process may
allow animals to perceive steadily increasing noise levels and to
react, if necessary, before the noise reaches a threshold of
significance. The gunships' weapons are used in two activity phases.
First, the guns are checked for functionality and calibrated. This step
requires an abbreviated period of live fire. After the guns are
determined to be ready for use, the mission proceeds under various test
and training scenarios. This second phase involves a more extended
period of live fire and can incorporate use of one or any combination
of the munitions available (25-, 40-, and 105-millimeter rounds). Eglin
AFB believes the 2006-2007 IHA is somewhat ambiguous regarding whether
the ramp-up procedure is required only for the first (calibrating)
phase or throughout the entire mission. Eglin AFB proposes that the
ramp-up procedure be required for the initial gun calibration, and that
after this phase the guns may be fired in any order. Eglin believes
this process complies with the intent of the ramp-up requirement.
Marine species will have opportunity to respond to increasing noise
levels. If an animal leaves the area during ramp-up, it is unlikely to
return while the live-fire mission is proceeding. This protocol would
allow a more realistic training experience. In combat situations,
gunship crews would not likely fire the complete ammunition load of a
given caliber gun before proceeding to another gun. Rather, a
combination of guns would likely be used as required by an evolving
situation. An additional benefit of this protocol is that mechanical or
ammunition problems on an individual gun can be resolved while live
fire continues with functioning weapons. This diminishes the
possibility of a lengthy pause in live fire which, if greater than 10
minutes, would necessitate re-initiation of protected species surveys.
Sea State Restrictions
The 2006-2007 IHA states that air-to-surface gunnery missions are
to be conducted only in sea states of 3 or less on the Beaufort scale.
A sea state of 3 or less, with a maximum wind speed of 10 knots (11.5
mph, 18.5 km/hr) which is considered a gentle breeze, is fairly common
off the Gulf coast of Florida; however, a large portion of time can be
categorized as a sea state of 4 (1-16 knots (13-18 mph, 21-29 km/hr)
which is considered a moderate breeze). Therefore, the availability of
the EGTTR for gunship use is limited during anything over sea state 3,
especially during the winter. Eglin AFB proposes gunship missions be
allowed in sea states up to 4 on the Beaufort scale. This sea state
encompasses wind speed up to a maximum of 16 knots (18 mph, 29 km/hr).
Under these conditions, whitecaps are fairly frequent on the sea
[[Page 29982]]
but sea spray does not occur. Sea spray, whitecaps, and large waves can
decrease the effectiveness of LR detection. However, missions are not
conducted if such conditions make observation of the gunnery target
problematic. It is expected that marine species can be observed in
weather conditions that allow observation of the gunnery target flare.
Wave height is difficult to determine from the air, particularly at
night. Therefore, Eglin proposes that wind speed, as provided by
accepted forecasting outlets such as the National Weather Service, be
considered the determining factor for weather restrictions.
Preliminary Conclusions
For reasons described in this Federal Register document, NMFS has
preliminarily determined that Esglin AFB's A-S Gunnery activity will
not result in the mortality or serious injury of marine mammals and,
would result in, at worst, a temporary elevation in hearing sensitivity
(known as temporary threshold shift or TTS). As indicated in Table 1,
Eglin AFB and NMFS estimated in 2006 that up to 271 marine mammals may
incur this form of Level B harassment annually. Also, these gunnery
exercises have the potential to result in a temporary modification in
behavior by marine mammals. In 2006, NMFS estimated that up 25 marine
mammals may experience a behavioral response to these exercises during
the time-frame of an IHA (see Table 1). These air-to-surface gunnery
activities are expected to have a negligible impact on the affected
species or stocks. In addition, the potential for TTS is very low and
will be mitigated to the lowest level practicable through the
incorporation of the mitigation measures mentioned in this document.
NMFS believes that the proposed modifications to the current mitigation
requirements will not result in an increase in Level B harassment
levels estimated in 2006. the previously discussed modifications
(protected species survey altitude, ramp-up procedures and sea state
conditions) to the mitigation measures in Eglin's existing IHA for the
A-S gunnery exercises in the EGTTR, is unlikely to change NMFS' 2006
Endangered Species Act (ESA)
Consultation under section 7 of the ESA on Eglin AFB's A-S Gunnery
Missions in the EGTTR was completed on December 18, 1998. Consultation
was reinitiated by Eglin AFB with NMFS on February 13, 2003, and
concluded on October 20, 2004. A NMFS Biological Opinion issued on
October 20, 2004, concluded that the A-S gunnery exercises in the EGTTR
are unlikely to jeopardize the continued existence of species listed
under the ESA that are within the jurisdiction of NMFS or destroy or
adversely modify critical habitat. NMFS has preliminary determined that
this action, including the modifications to the mitigation and
monitoring measures, does not have effects beyond that which was
analyzed in that previous consultation, it is within the scope of that
action and reinitiation of consultation is not necessary. However,
prior to issuance of this IHA, NMFS will make a final determination
whether additional consultation is necessary.
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
The U.S. Air Force (USAF) made a Finding of No Significant Impact
(FONSI) determination on August 18, 2003, based on information
contained within its November, 2002 Final PEA, that implementation of
the subject action is not a major Federal action having significant
effects on the environment within the meaning of NEPA. The USAF
determined, therefore, that an environmental impact statement (EIS)
would not be prepared. NMFS noted that Eglin AFB had prepared a Final
PEA for the EGTTR activity and made this Final PEA available upon
request on January 23, 2006 (71 FR 3474). In accordance with NOAA
Administrative Order 216-6 (Environmental Review Procedures for
Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act, May 20, 1999), NMFS
reviewed the information contained in Eglin AFB's Final PEA and
determined that Eglin AFB's Final PEA accurately and completely
describes the proposed action, the alternatives to the proposed action,
and the potential impacts on marine mammals, endangered species, and
other marine life that could be impacted by the preferred alternative
and the other alternatives. Accordingly, NMFS adopted Eglin AFB's Final
PEA under 40 CFR 1506.3 and made its own FONSI. The NMFS FONSI also
took into consideration updated data and information contained in the
NMFS' Federal Register document noting issuance of an IHA to Eglin AFB
for this activity (71 FR 27695, May 12, 2006), and previous notices (71
FR 3474 (January 23, 2006); 70 FR 48675 (August 19, 2005)). NMFS has
preliminarily determined that the current proposed action will not
result in a significant modification in the previously reviewed
activity and, therefore, a new EA, supplemental EA or an EIS for the
issuance of an IHA to Eglin AFB for this activity is not necessary.
Proposed Authorization
NMFS proposes to reissue an IHA to Eglin AFB for conducting A-S
gunnery exercises within the EGTTR in the northern GOM provided the
mitigation, monitoring, and reporting requirements described in this
Federal Register notice are incorporated. NMFS has preliminarily
determined that the proposed activity is unlikely to result in injury
or mortality to marine mammals, and would have a negligible impact on
the affected marine mammal species or stocks. The MMPA provision
relating to impacts on subsistence are not relevant.
Information Solicited
NMFS requests interested persons to submit comments and information
concerning this proposed IHA (see ADDRESSES).
Dated: May 24, 2007.
James H. Lecky,
Director, Office of Protected Resources, National Marine Fisheries
[FR Doc. E7-10372 Filed 5-29-07; 8:45 am]