Airworthiness Directives; Lockheed Model 1329 Series Airplanes, 29088-29091 [E7-10033]

Download as PDF 29088 Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 100 / Thursday, May 24, 2007 / Proposed Rules hand) hinge fittings due to stress corrosion on in-service aircraft. If undetected, they could lead to complete rupture of one or two of the fittings. The unsafe condition is collapse of the nose landing gear. The MCAI requires repetitive inspections of the nose landing gear LH and RH hinge fittings for cracking, and replacing the hinge fitting with a new fitting if any cracking is found. has approved the information collection requirements and has assigned OMB Control Number 2120–0056. Actions and Compliance (f) Unless already done, do the following actions. (1) Within 200 flight hours or 6 months after the effective date of this AD, whichever occurs first: Inspect the nose landing gear LH (left-hand) and RH (right-hand) hinge fittings for cracking, in accordance with the instructions of Airbus SN–601 Corvette Service Bulletin 32–17, dated September 23, 2004. (2) In case of finding one or several cracks, before further flight, replace the hinge fitting with a new hinge fitting in accordance with the instructions of Airbus SN–601 Corvette Service Bulletin 32–17, dated September 23, 2004. Repeat the requirements of paragraph (f)(1) of this AD thereafter at intervals not to exceed 3,600 flight hours or 36 months, whichever occurs first. (3) If no crack is detected, repeat the requirements of paragraph (f)(1) of this AD thereafter at intervals not to exceed 3,600 flight hours or 36 months, whichever occurs first. Issued in Renton, Washington, on May 15, 2007. Ali Bahrami, Manager, Transport Airplane Directorate, Aircraft Certification Service. [FR Doc. E7–10046 Filed 5–23–07; 8:45 am] FAA AD Differences rmajette on PROD1PC67 with PROPOSALS Note: This AD differs from the MCAI and/ or service information as follows: Although the MCAI or service information allows further flight after cracks are found during compliance with the required action, paragraph (f)(2) of this AD requires that you repair the cracks before further flight. Other FAA AD Provisions (g) The following provisions also apply to this AD: (1) Alternative Methods of Compliance (AMOCs): The Manager, International Branch, ANM–116, FAA, has the authority to approve AMOCs for this AD, if requested using the procedures found in 14 CFR 39.19. Send information to ATTN: Mike Borfitz, Aerospace Engineer, 1601 Lind Avenue, SW., Renton, Washington 98057–3356; telephone (425) 227–2677; fax (425) 227–1149. Before using any approved AMOC on any airplane to which the AMOC applies, notify your appropriate principal inspector (PI) in the FAA Flight Standards District Office (FSDO), or lacking a PI, your local FSDO. (2) Airworthy Product: For any requirement in this AD to obtain corrective actions from a manufacturer or other source, use these actions if they are FAA-approved. Corrective actions are considered FAA-approved if they are approved by the State of Design Authority (or their delegated agent). You are required to assure the product is airworthy before it is returned to service. (3) Reporting Requirements: For any reporting requirement in this AD, under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) VerDate Aug<31>2005 15:42 May 23, 2007 Jkt 211001 Related Information (h) Refer to MCAI French Airworthiness Directive F–2004–169, dated October 27, 2004; and Airbus SN–601 Corvette Service Bulletin 32–17, dated September 23, 2004; for related information. BILLING CODE 4910–13–P DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. FAA–2007–28255; Directorate Identifier 2007–NM–023–AD] RIN 2120–AA64 Airworthiness Directives; Lockheed Model 1329 Series Airplanes Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Department of Transportation (DOT). ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM). AGENCY: SUMMARY: The FAA proposes to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Lockheed Model 1329 series airplanes. This proposed AD would require determining the part number on the steering cylinder assembly for the nose landing gear (NLG), determining the total flight cycles accumulated on the NLG steering cylinder assembly, repetitive replacement of the assembly, inspecting for missing tow turning limit markings, and performing corrective actions if necessary. This proposed AD results from reports of numerous failures of the NLG steering cylinder. We are proposing this AD to prevent the loss of hydraulic pressure and steering control. DATES: We must receive comments on this proposed AD by June 25, 2007. ADDRESSES: Use one of the following addresses to submit comments on this proposed AD. • DOT Docket Web site: Go to https:// and follow the instructions for sending your comments electronically. • Government-wide rulemaking Web site: Go to and follow the instructions for sending your comments electronically. • Mail: Docket Management Facility, U.S. Department of Transportation, 400 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 Seventh Street, SW., Nassif Building, Room PL–401, Washington, DC 20590. • Fax: (202) 493–2251. • Hand Delivery: Room PL–401 on the plaza level of the Nassif Building, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. Contact Lockheed Martin Aircraft & Logistics Center, 120 Orion Street, Greenville, South Carolina 29605, for the service information identified in this proposed AD. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Hector Hernandez, Aerospace Engineer, Systems and Equipment Branch, ACE– 119A, FAA, Atlanta Aircraft Certification Office, One Crown Center, 1895 Phoenix Boulevard, Suite 450, Atlanta, Georgia 30349; telephone (770) 703–6069; fax (770) 703–6097. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Comments Invited We invite you to submit any relevant written data, views, or arguments regarding this proposed AD. Send your comments to an address listed in the ADDRESSES section. Include the docket number ‘‘FAA–2007–28255; Directorate Identifier 2007–NM–023–AD’’ at the beginning of your comments. We specifically invite comments on the overall regulatory, economic, environmental, and energy aspects of the proposed AD. We will consider all comments received by the closing date and may amend the proposed AD in light of those comments. We will post all comments we receive, without change, to https://, including any personal information you provide. We will also post a report summarizing each substantive verbal contact with FAA personnel concerning this proposed AD. Using the search function of that Web site, anyone can find and read the comments in any of our dockets, including the name of the individual who sent the comment (or signed the comment on behalf of an association, business, labor union, etc.). You may review DOT’s complete Privacy Act Statement in the Federal Register published on April 11, 2000 (65 FR 19477–78), or you may visit https:// Examining the Docket You may examine the AD docket on the Internet at, or in person at the Docket Management Facility office between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. The Docket Management Facility office (telephone (800) 647–5227) is located on the plaza E:\FR\FM\24MYP1.SGM 24MYP1 Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 100 / Thursday, May 24, 2007 / Proposed Rules level of the Nassif Building at the DOT street address stated in the ADDRESSES section. Comments will be available in the AD docket shortly after the Docket Management System receives them. Discussion We have received reports of numerous failures of the nose landing gear (NLG) steering cylinder on Lockheed Model 1329 series airplanes. These failures have been attributed to stress corrosion cracking, compounded by towing of the aircraft and exceeding the allowable turn limits with the scissor links connected. The manufacturer has reviewed service history and performed structural analysis on the cylinder 29089 assembly. Failure of the steering cylinder, if not corrected, could result in the loss of hydraulic pressure and steering control. Relevant Service Information We have reviewed the Lockheed service bulletins identified in the following table. SERVICE BULLETINS Service bulletin Revision Date Affected airplanes 329–300 ....................... 329II–32–8 ................... C .............. B .............. September 5, 2006 .............................................................................. September 5, 2006 .............................................................................. 1329–23A, 1329–23D, 1329–23E. 1329–25. The service bulletins describe procedures for the following actions: • Inspecting the NLG steering cylinder assembly for the installed part number; • Removing from service NLG steering cylinder assemblies, part number (P/N) JL1955–1 and JL1955–3; • Reviewing airplane records to determine the total flight cycles accumulated on the cylinder assembly; • Removing from service those cylinders that have exceeded their life limit; • Establishing life limits (including a repetitive replacement schedule) for all other part-numbered cylinder assemblies (as set forth in the Life Limits table below); • Replacing, with new parts, any cylinder assembly if its part number is JL1955–1 or JL1955–3 or its components’ life limits have been exceeded; • Inspecting the exterior fuselage to confirm that the tow turning limit markings are present on the airplane; and • Restoring/applying the markings. JETSTAR NLG STEERING CYLINDER ASSEMBLY LIFE LIMITS Component Part No. 7049–T73 die forging ................................................................................................................................................. 7050–T7451 plate ...................................................................................................................................................... 4340 steel bar ............................................................................................................................................................ 15–5PH plate ............................................................................................................................................................. JL1955–7 .... JL1955–9 .... JL1955–801 JL1955–13 .. Accomplishing the actions specified in the service information is intended to adequately address the unsafe condition. FAA’s Determination and Requirements of the Proposed AD We have evaluated all pertinent information and identified an unsafe condition that is likely to exist or develop on other airplanes of this same type design. For this reason, we are proposing this AD, which would require accomplishing the actions specified in the service information described previously. We have determined that a reliable inspection of the subject area is not possible. Because the initial detectable crack is longer than the critical crack length in this case, we cannot show crack growth using damage tolerance analysis or develop appropriate inspection intervals. Further, disassembling the actuator steering cylinder—the only possible way to Life limit (in flight cycles) 2,100 1,075 3,100 >1,000,000 perform the inspection—would destroy the cylinder. As a result of service history and engineering evaluation, a fatigue-based life limit of the actuator steering cylinder is necessary to ensure the continued airworthiness of the fleet. Costs of Compliance There are about 48 airplanes of the affected design in the worldwide fleet. The following table provides the estimated costs for U.S. operators to comply with this proposed AD. ESTIMATED COSTS Average labor rate per hour Parts Cost per airplane Number of U.S.-registered airplanes Fleet cost 3 ........................................................................................... rmajette on PROD1PC67 with PROPOSALS Work hours $80 $0 $240 34 $8,160 Authority for This Rulemaking Title 49 of the United States Code specifies the FAA’s authority to issue rules on aviation safety. Subtitle I, Section 106, describes the authority of VerDate Aug<31>2005 15:42 May 23, 2007 Jkt 211001 the FAA Administrator. Subtitle VII, Aviation Programs, describes in more detail the scope of the Agency’s authority. PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 We are issuing this rulemaking under the authority described in Subtitle VII, Part A, Subpart III, Section 44701, ‘‘General requirements.’’ Under that section, Congress charges the FAA with E:\FR\FM\24MYP1.SGM 24MYP1 29090 Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 100 / Thursday, May 24, 2007 / Proposed Rules promoting safe flight of civil aircraft in air commerce by prescribing regulations for practices, methods, and procedures the Administrator finds necessary for safety in air commerce. This regulation is within the scope of that authority because it addresses an unsafe condition that is likely to exist or develop on products identified in this rulemaking action. Regulatory Findings We have determined that this proposed AD would not have federalism implications under Executive Order 13132. This proposed AD would not have a substantial direct effect on the States, on the relationship between the national Government and the States, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels of government. For the reasons discussed above, I certify that the proposed regulation: 1. Is not a ‘‘significant regulatory action’’ under Executive Order 12866; 2. Is not a ‘‘significant rule’’ under the DOT Regulatory Policies and Procedures (44 FR 11034, February 26, 1979); and 3. Will not have a significant economic impact, positive or negative, on a substantial number of small entities under the criteria of the Regulatory Flexibility Act. We prepared a regulatory evaluation of the estimated costs to comply with this proposed AD and placed it in the AD docket. See the ADDRESSES section for a location to examine the regulatory evaluation. List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 39 Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation safety, Safety. The Proposed Amendment Accordingly, under the authority delegated to me by the Administrator, the FAA proposes to amend 14 CFR part 39 as follows: Comments Due Date (a) The FAA must receive comments on this AD action by June 25, 2007. Affected ADs (b) None. Applicability (c) This AD applies to the following airplanes, certificated in any category. (1) Lockheed Model 1329–23A, 1329–23D, and 1329–23E series airplanes; serial numbers 5001 through 5162 inclusive. (2) Lockheed Model 1329–25 series airplanes, serial numbers 5201 through 5240 inclusive. Unsafe Condition PART 39—AIRWORTHINESS DIRECTIVES 1. The authority citation for part 39 continues to read as follows: (d) This AD results from reports of numerous failures of the nose landing gear (NLG) steering cylinder. We are issuing this AD to prevent the loss of hydraulic pressure and steering control. Compliance Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701. § 39.13 [Amended] 2. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) amends § 39.13 by adding the following new airworthiness directive (AD): Lockheed: Docket No. FAA–2007–28255; Directorate Identifier 2007–NM–023–AD. (e) You are responsible for having the actions required by this AD performed within the compliance times specified, unless the actions have already been done. Service Information (f) The term ‘‘service bulletin,’’ as used in this AD, means the Accomplishment Instructions of the applicable service bulletin identified in Table 1 of this AD. TABLE 1.—SERVICE BULLETINS Lockheed service bulletin Revision Date Affected airplanes 329–300 ....................... 329II–32–8 ................... C .............. B .............. September 5, 2006 .............................................................................. September 5, 2006 .............................................................................. 1329–23A, 1329–23D, 1329–23E. 1329–25. rmajette on PROD1PC67 with PROPOSALS Inspection for Cylinder Assembly Part Number (g) Within 30 days after the effective date of this AD, inspect to determine the part number (P/N) on the steering cylinder assembly for the nose landing gear (NLG). A review of airplane maintenance records is acceptable in lieu of this inspection if the part number can be conclusively determined from that review. Replace any cylinder assembly having P/N JL1955–1 or JL1955–3 with a new assembly before further flight in accordance with the applicable service bulletin. Life Limits (h) Within 30 days after the effective date of this AD: Review the airplane records to determine the total flight cycles accumulated on the NLG steering cylinder assembly, in accordance with the applicable service bulletin. Before any steering cylinder assembly component reaches its life limit, as specified in Table 1 of the Accomplishment Instructions of the applicable service bulletin, or within 30 days after the effective date of this AD, whichever occurs later: Replace the cylinder assembly with a new assembly in accordance with the applicable service bulletin. If the steering cylinder VerDate Aug<31>2005 15:42 May 23, 2007 Jkt 211001 assembly’s age cannot be positively determined from the records review, replace it within 30 days after the effective date of this AD, in accordance with the applicable service bulletin. Thereafter, replace the cylinder assembly at intervals not to exceed the life limits as specified in the applicable service bulletin. Inspection for Tow Turning Limit Markings (i) Within 30 days after the effective date of this AD: Perform a general visual inspection above the NLG doors to detect missing tow turning limit markings, in accordance with the applicable service bulletin. If any markings are absent, restore/ apply markings before further flight in accordance with the applicable service bulletin. Note 1: For the purposes of this AD, a general visual inspection is: ‘‘A visual examination of an interior or exterior area, installation, or assembly to detect obvious damage, failure, or irregularity. This level of inspection is made from within touching distance unless otherwise specified. A mirror may be necessary to ensure visual access to all surfaces in the inspection area. This level of inspection is made under normally available lighting conditions such as PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 daylight, hangar lighting, flashlight, or droplight and may require removal or opening of access panels or doors. Stands, ladders, or platforms may be required to gain proximity to the area being checked.’’ Parts Installation (j) As of the effective date of this AD, do not install on any airplane a NLG steering cylinder assembly that has P/N JL1955–1 or JL1955–3. Alternative Methods of Compliance (AMOCs) (k)(1) The Manager, Atlanta Aircraft Certification Office (ACO), FAA, has the authority to approve AMOCs for this AD, if requested in accordance with the procedures found in 14 CFR 39.19. (2) Before using any AMOC approved in accordance with § 39.19 on any airplane to which the AMOC applies, notify the appropriate principal inspector in the FAA Flight Standards Certificate Holding District Office. E:\FR\FM\24MYP1.SGM 24MYP1 Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 100 / Thursday, May 24, 2007 / Proposed Rules Issued in Renton, Washington, on May 15, 2007. Ali Bahrami, Manager, Transport Airplane Directorate, Aircraft Certification Service. [FR Doc. E7–10033 Filed 5–23–07; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4910–13–P DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. FAA–2007–28256; Directorate Identifier 2007–NM–041–AD] RIN 2120–AA64 Airworthiness Directives; Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A. (EMBRAER) Model EMB–135BJ Airplanes Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT. ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM). AGENCY: We propose to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for the products listed above. This proposed AD results from mandatory continuing airworthiness information (MCAI) originated by an aviation authority of another country to identify and correct an unsafe condition on an aviation product. The MCAI describes the unsafe condition as: SUMMARY: rmajette on PROD1PC67 with PROPOSALS It has been found the occurrence of smoke on the passenger cabin originated from the valance panel lighting system wiring. The proposed AD would require actions that are intended to address the unsafe condition described in the MCAI. DATES: We must receive comments on this proposed AD by June 25, 2007. ADDRESSES: You may send comments by any of the following methods: • DOT Docket Web Site: Go to and follow the instructions for sending your comments electronically. • Fax: (202) 493–2251. • Mail: Docket Management Facility, U.S. Department of Transportation, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Nassif Building, Room PL–401, Washington, DC 20590– 0001. • Hand Delivery: Room PL–401 on the plaza level of the Nassif Building, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. • Federal eRulemaking Portal: https:// Follow the instructions for submitting comments. VerDate Aug<31>2005 15:42 May 23, 2007 Jkt 211001 Examining the AD Docket You may examine the AD docket on the Internet at; or in person at the Docket Management Facility between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. The AD docket contains this proposed AD, the regulatory evaluation, any comments received, and other information. The street address for the Docket Office (telephone (800) 647– 5227) is in the ADDRESSES section. Comments will be available in the AD docket shortly after receipt. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Todd Thompson, Aerospace Engineer, International Branch, ANM–116, FAA, Transport Airplane Directorate, 1601 Lind Avenue, SW., Renton, Washington 98057–3356; telephone (425) 227–1175; fax (425) 227–1149. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Streamlined Issuance of AD The FAA is implementing a new process for streamlining the issuance of ADs related to MCAI. This streamlined process will allow us to adopt MCAI safety requirements in a more efficient manner and will reduce safety risks to the public. This process continues to follow all FAA AD issuance processes to meet legal, economic, Administrative Procedure Act, and Federal Register requirements. We also continue to meet our technical decision-making responsibilities to identify and correct unsafe conditions on U.S.-certificated products. This proposed AD references the MCAI and related service information that we considered in forming the engineering basis to correct the unsafe condition. The proposed AD contains text copied from the MCAI and for this reason might not follow our plain language principles. Comments Invited We invite you to send any written relevant data, views, or arguments about this proposed AD. Send your comments to an address listed under the ADDRESSES section. Include ‘‘Docket No. FAA–2007–28256; Directorate Identifier 2007–NM–041–AD’’ at the beginning of your comments. We specifically invite comments on the overall regulatory, economic, environmental, and energy aspects of this proposed AD. We will consider all comments received by the closing date and may amend this proposed AD based on those comments. We will post all comments we receive, without change, to https://, including any personal information you provide. We will also post a report summarizing each PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 29091 substantive verbal contact we receive about this proposed AD. Discussion ˆ The Agencia Nacional de Aviacao ¸˜ Civil (ANAC), which is the aviation authority for Brazil, has issued Brazilian Airworthiness Directive 2007–01–03, effective January 22, 2007 (referred to after this as ‘‘the MCAI’’), to correct an unsafe condition for the specified products. The MCAI states: It has been found the occurrence of smoke on the passenger cabin originated from the valance panel lighting system wiring. The corrective action is replacement of the valance panel lighting system wiring. You may obtain further information by examining the MCAI in the AD docket. Relevant Service Information EMBRAER has issued Service Bulletin 145LEG–25–0070, dated October 11, 2006. The actions described in this service information are intended to correct the unsafe condition identified in the MCAI. FAA’s Determination and Requirements of This Proposed AD This product has been approved by the aviation authority of another country, and is approved for operation in the United States. Pursuant to our bilateral agreement with the State of Design Authority, we have been notified of the unsafe condition described in the MCAI and service information referenced above. We are proposing this AD because we evaluated all pertinent information and determined an unsafe condition exists and is likely to exist or develop on other products of the same type design. Differences Between This AD and the MCAI or Service Information We have reviewed the MCAI and related service information and, in general, agree with their substance. But we might have found it necessary to use different words from those in the MCAI to ensure the AD is clear for U.S. operators and is enforceable. In making these changes, we do not intend to differ substantively from the information provided in the MCAI and related service information. We might also have proposed different actions in this AD from those in the MCAI in order to follow FAA policies. Any such differences are highlighted in a NOTE within the proposed AD. Costs of Compliance Based on the service information, we estimate that this proposed AD would E:\FR\FM\24MYP1.SGM 24MYP1


[Federal Register Volume 72, Number 100 (Thursday, May 24, 2007)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 29088-29091]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E7-10033]



Federal Aviation Administration

14 CFR Part 39

[Docket No. FAA-2007-28255; Directorate Identifier 2007-NM-023-AD]
RIN 2120-AA64

Airworthiness Directives; Lockheed Model 1329 Series Airplanes

AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Department of 
Transportation (DOT).

ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM).


SUMMARY: The FAA proposes to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) 
for certain Lockheed Model 1329 series airplanes. This proposed AD 
would require determining the part number on the steering cylinder 
assembly for the nose landing gear (NLG), determining the total flight 
cycles accumulated on the NLG steering cylinder assembly, repetitive 
replacement of the assembly, inspecting for missing tow turning limit 
markings, and performing corrective actions if necessary. This proposed 
AD results from reports of numerous failures of the NLG steering 
cylinder. We are proposing this AD to prevent the loss of hydraulic 
pressure and steering control.

DATES: We must receive comments on this proposed AD by June 25, 2007.

ADDRESSES: Use one of the following addresses to submit comments on 
this proposed AD.
     DOT Docket Web site: Go to and follow 
the instructions for sending your comments electronically.
     Government-wide rulemaking Web site: Go to https:// and follow the instructions for sending your 
comments electronically.
     Mail: Docket Management Facility, U.S. Department of 
Transportation, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Nassif Building, Room PL-401, 
Washington, DC 20590.
     Fax: (202) 493-2251.
     Hand Delivery: Room PL-401 on the plaza level of the 
Nassif Building, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC, between 9 
a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays.
    Contact Lockheed Martin Aircraft & Logistics Center, 120 Orion 
Street, Greenville, South Carolina 29605, for the service information 
identified in this proposed AD.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Hector Hernandez, Aerospace Engineer, 
Systems and Equipment Branch, ACE-119A, FAA, Atlanta Aircraft 
Certification Office, One Crown Center, 1895 Phoenix Boulevard, Suite 
450, Atlanta, Georgia 30349; telephone (770) 703-6069; fax (770) 703-


Comments Invited

    We invite you to submit any relevant written data, views, or 
arguments regarding this proposed AD. Send your comments to an address 
listed in the ADDRESSES section. Include the docket number ``FAA-2007-
28255; Directorate Identifier 2007-NM-023-AD'' at the beginning of your 
comments. We specifically invite comments on the overall regulatory, 
economic, environmental, and energy aspects of the proposed AD. We will 
consider all comments received by the closing date and may amend the 
proposed AD in light of those comments.
    We will post all comments we receive, without change, to https://, including any personal information you provide. We will 
also post a report summarizing each substantive verbal contact with FAA 
personnel concerning this proposed AD. Using the search function of 
that Web site, anyone can find and read the comments in any of our 
dockets, including the name of the individual who sent the comment (or 
signed the comment on behalf of an association, business, labor union, 
etc.). You may review DOT's complete Privacy Act Statement in the 
Federal Register published on April 11, 2000 (65 FR 19477-78), or you 
may visit

Examining the Docket

    You may examine the AD docket on the Internet at https://, or in person at the Docket Management Facility office 
between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal 
holidays. The Docket Management Facility office (telephone (800) 647-
5227) is located on the plaza

[[Page 29089]]

level of the Nassif Building at the DOT street address stated in the 
ADDRESSES section. Comments will be available in the AD docket shortly 
after the Docket Management System receives them.


    We have received reports of numerous failures of the nose landing 
gear (NLG) steering cylinder on Lockheed Model 1329 series airplanes. 
These failures have been attributed to stress corrosion cracking, 
compounded by towing of the aircraft and exceeding the allowable turn 
limits with the scissor links connected. The manufacturer has reviewed 
service history and performed structural analysis on the cylinder 
assembly. Failure of the steering cylinder, if not corrected, could 
result in the loss of hydraulic pressure and steering control.

Relevant Service Information

    We have reviewed the Lockheed service bulletins identified in the 
following table.

                                                Service Bulletins
        Service bulletin             Revision            Date                     Affected airplanes
329-300........................  C..............  September 5, 2006  1329-23A, 1329-23D, 1329-23E.
329II-32-8.....................  B..............  September 5, 2006  1329-25.

    The service bulletins describe procedures for the following 
     Inspecting the NLG steering cylinder assembly for the 
installed part number;
     Removing from service NLG steering cylinder assemblies, 
part number (P/N) JL1955-1 and JL1955-3;
     Reviewing airplane records to determine the total flight 
cycles accumulated on the cylinder assembly;
     Removing from service those cylinders that have exceeded 
their life limit;
     Establishing life limits (including a repetitive 
replacement schedule) for all other part-numbered cylinder assemblies 
(as set forth in the Life Limits table below);
     Replacing, with new parts, any cylinder assembly if its 
part number is JL1955-1 or JL1955-3 or its components' life limits have 
been exceeded;
     Inspecting the exterior fuselage to confirm that the tow 
turning limit markings are present on the airplane; and
     Restoring/applying the markings.

           Jetstar NLG Steering Cylinder Assembly Life Limits
                                                            Life limit
            Component                     Part No.          (in flight
7049-T73 die forging.............  JL1955-7.............           2,100
7050-T7451 plate.................  JL1955-9.............           1,075
4340 steel bar...................  JL1955-801...........           3,100
15-5PH plate.....................  JL1955-13............      >1,000,000

    Accomplishing the actions specified in the service information is 
intended to adequately address the unsafe condition.

FAA's Determination and Requirements of the Proposed AD

    We have evaluated all pertinent information and identified an 
unsafe condition that is likely to exist or develop on other airplanes 
of this same type design. For this reason, we are proposing this AD, 
which would require accomplishing the actions specified in the service 
information described previously.
    We have determined that a reliable inspection of the subject area 
is not possible. Because the initial detectable crack is longer than 
the critical crack length in this case, we cannot show crack growth 
using damage tolerance analysis or develop appropriate inspection 
intervals. Further, disassembling the actuator steering cylinder--the 
only possible way to perform the inspection--would destroy the 
cylinder. As a result of service history and engineering evaluation, a 
fatigue-based life limit of the actuator steering cylinder is necessary 
to ensure the continued airworthiness of the fleet.

Costs of Compliance

    There are about 48 airplanes of the affected design in the 
worldwide fleet. The following table provides the estimated costs for 
U.S. operators to comply with this proposed AD.

                                                                     Estimated Costs
                                                                                                                        Number of U.S.-
                             Work hours                               Average labor        Parts           Cost per        registered       Fleet cost
                                                                      rate per hour                        airplane        airplanes
3..................................................................             $80               $0             $240               34           $8,160

Authority for This Rulemaking

    Title 49 of the United States Code specifies the FAA's authority to 
issue rules on aviation safety. Subtitle I, Section 106, describes the 
authority of the FAA Administrator. Subtitle VII, Aviation Programs, 
describes in more detail the scope of the Agency's authority.
    We are issuing this rulemaking under the authority described in 
Subtitle VII, Part A, Subpart III, Section 44701, ``General 
requirements.'' Under that section, Congress charges the FAA with

[[Page 29090]]

promoting safe flight of civil aircraft in air commerce by prescribing 
regulations for practices, methods, and procedures the Administrator 
finds necessary for safety in air commerce. This regulation is within 
the scope of that authority because it addresses an unsafe condition 
that is likely to exist or develop on products identified in this 
rulemaking action.

Regulatory Findings

    We have determined that this proposed AD would not have federalism 
implications under Executive Order 13132. This proposed AD would not 
have a substantial direct effect on the States, on the relationship 
between the national Government and the States, or on the distribution 
of power and responsibilities among the various levels of government.
    For the reasons discussed above, I certify that the proposed 
    1. Is not a ``significant regulatory action'' under Executive Order 
    2. Is not a ``significant rule'' under the DOT Regulatory Policies 
and Procedures (44 FR 11034, February 26, 1979); and
    3. Will not have a significant economic impact, positive or 
negative, on a substantial number of small entities under the criteria 
of the Regulatory Flexibility Act.
    We prepared a regulatory evaluation of the estimated costs to 
comply with this proposed AD and placed it in the AD docket. See the 
ADDRESSES section for a location to examine the regulatory evaluation.

List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 39

    Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation safety, Safety.

The Proposed Amendment

    Accordingly, under the authority delegated to me by the 
Administrator, the FAA proposes to amend 14 CFR part 39 as follows:


    1. The authority citation for part 39 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701.

Sec.  39.13  [Amended]

    2. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) amends Sec.  39.13 by 
adding the following new airworthiness directive (AD):

Lockheed: Docket No. FAA-2007-28255; Directorate Identifier 2007-NM-

Comments Due Date

    (a) The FAA must receive comments on this AD action by June 25, 

Affected ADs

    (b) None.


    (c) This AD applies to the following airplanes, certificated in 
any category.
    (1) Lockheed Model 1329-23A, 1329-23D, and 1329-23E series 
airplanes; serial numbers 5001 through 5162 inclusive.
    (2) Lockheed Model 1329-25 series airplanes, serial numbers 5201 
through 5240 inclusive.

Unsafe Condition

    (d) This AD results from reports of numerous failures of the 
nose landing gear (NLG) steering cylinder. We are issuing this AD to 
prevent the loss of hydraulic pressure and steering control.


    (e) You are responsible for having the actions required by this 
AD performed within the compliance times specified, unless the 
actions have already been done.

Service Information

    (f) The term ``service bulletin,'' as used in this AD, means the 
Accomplishment Instructions of the applicable service bulletin 
identified in Table 1 of this AD.

                                           Table 1.--Service Bulletins
   Lockheed  service bulletin        Revision            Date                     Affected airplanes
329-300........................  C..............  September 5, 2006  1329-23A, 1329-23D, 1329-23E.
329II-32-8.....................  B..............  September 5, 2006  1329-25.

Inspection for Cylinder Assembly Part Number

    (g) Within 30 days after the effective date of this AD, inspect 
to determine the part number (P/N) on the steering cylinder assembly 
for the nose landing gear (NLG). A review of airplane maintenance 
records is acceptable in lieu of this inspection if the part number 
can be conclusively determined from that review. Replace any 
cylinder assembly having P/N JL1955-1 or JL1955-3 with a new 
assembly before further flight in accordance with the applicable 
service bulletin.

Life Limits

    (h) Within 30 days after the effective date of this AD: Review 
the airplane records to determine the total flight cycles 
accumulated on the NLG steering cylinder assembly, in accordance 
with the applicable service bulletin. Before any steering cylinder 
assembly component reaches its life limit, as specified in Table 1 
of the Accomplishment Instructions of the applicable service 
bulletin, or within 30 days after the effective date of this AD, 
whichever occurs later: Replace the cylinder assembly with a new 
assembly in accordance with the applicable service bulletin. If the 
steering cylinder assembly's age cannot be positively determined 
from the records review, replace it within 30 days after the 
effective date of this AD, in accordance with the applicable service 
bulletin. Thereafter, replace the cylinder assembly at intervals not 
to exceed the life limits as specified in the applicable service 

Inspection for Tow Turning Limit Markings

    (i) Within 30 days after the effective date of this AD: Perform 
a general visual inspection above the NLG doors to detect missing 
tow turning limit markings, in accordance with the applicable 
service bulletin. If any markings are absent, restore/apply markings 
before further flight in accordance with the applicable service 

    Note 1: For the purposes of this AD, a general visual inspection 
is: ``A visual examination of an interior or exterior area, 
installation, or assembly to detect obvious damage, failure, or 
irregularity. This level of inspection is made from within touching 
distance unless otherwise specified. A mirror may be necessary to 
ensure visual access to all surfaces in the inspection area. This 
level of inspection is made under normally available lighting 
conditions such as daylight, hangar lighting, flashlight, or 
droplight and may require removal or opening of access panels or 
doors. Stands, ladders, or platforms may be required to gain 
proximity to the area being checked.''

Parts Installation

    (j) As of the effective date of this AD, do not install on any 
airplane a NLG steering cylinder assembly that has P/N JL1955-1 or 

Alternative Methods of Compliance (AMOCs)

    (k)(1) The Manager, Atlanta Aircraft Certification Office (ACO), 
FAA, has the authority to approve AMOCs for this AD, if requested in 
accordance with the procedures found in 14 CFR 39.19.
    (2) Before using any AMOC approved in accordance with Sec.  
39.19 on any airplane to which the AMOC applies, notify the 
appropriate principal inspector in the FAA Flight Standards 
Certificate Holding District Office.

[[Page 29091]]

    Issued in Renton, Washington, on May 15, 2007.
Ali Bahrami,
Manager, Transport Airplane Directorate, Aircraft Certification 
[FR Doc. E7-10033 Filed 5-23-07; 8:45 am]
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