Notice of Application for Approval of Discontinuance or Modification of a Railroad Signal System or Relief From the Requirements of Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations Part 236, 26681-26682 [E7-9029]
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 90 / Thursday, May 10, 2007 / Notices
public scoping meeting for the proposed
project will be advertised in local
newspapers and other media and will be
hosted by the California Department of
Transportation, District 8.
(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
Program Number 20.205, Highway Research,
Planning and Construction. The regulations
implementing Executive Order 12372
regarding intergovernmental consultation
Federal programs and activities apply to this
Issued On: May 2, 2007.
Maiser Khaled,
Director, Project Development &
Environment, California Division, Federal
Highway Administration.
[FR Doc. E7–8940 Filed 5–9–07; 8:45 am]
Federal Railroad Administration
Notice of Application for Approval of
Discontinuance or Modification of a
Railroad Signal System or Relief From
the Requirements of Title 49 Code of
Federal Regulations Part 236
Pursuant to Title 49 Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR) part 235 and 49
U.S.C. 20502(a), the following railroad
has petitioned the Federal Railroad
Administration (FRA) seeking approval
for the discontinuance or modification
of the signal system or relief from the
requirements of 49 CFR part 236 as
detailed below.
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with NOTICES
[Docket Number FRA–2007–27762]
Applicant: Canadian National
Railway Company, Mr. Timothy R.
Luhm, Senior Manager of S&C, Southern
Region, Chicago Division, 17641
Ashland Avenue, Homewood, Illinois
The Canadian National Railway
Company (CN) seeks approval of the
permanent discontinuance and removal
of the automatic block signal (ABS)
system on Track Numbers 3 and 4, from
Milepost 15.68 to Milepost 20.25, on the
Chicago Division, Chicago Subdivision,
between Riverdale and Harvey, Illinois.
The ABS system was suspended on
August 14, 2001, due to a derailment.
The reason given for the proposed
change is that the ABS system impedes
train operations on Track Numbers 3
and 4. Due to the congestion in the area
from the Intermodal facility, GTW,
Harvey Yard, IHB, CSX, and Cook
County Lumber, cars are continually
stored and interchanged in this area.
Any interested party desiring to
protest the granting of an application
shall set forth specifically the grounds
upon which the protest is made,
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including a concise statement of the
interest of the party in the proceeding.
Additionally, one copy of the protest
shall be furnished to the applicant at the
address listed above.
All communications concerning this
proceeding should be identified by
docket number FRA–2007–27762 and
may be submitted by one of the
following methods:
• Web site:
Follow the instructions for submitting
comments on the DOT electronic site;
• Fax: 202–493–2251;
• Mail: Docket Management Facility,
U.S. Department of Transportation, 400
Seventh Street, SW., Nassif Building,
Room PL–401, Washington, DC 20590–
0001; or
• Hand Delivery: Room PL–401 on
the plaza level of the Nassif Building,
400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington,
DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday
through Friday, except Federal holidays.
Communications received within 45
days of the date of this notice will be
considered by FRA before final action is
taken. Comments received after that
date will be considered as far as
practicable. All written communications
concerning these proceedings are
available for examination during regular
business hours (9 a.m.–5 p.m.) at the
above facility. All documents in the
public docket are also available for
inspection and copying on the Internet
at the docket facility’s Web site at
FRA wishes to inform all potential
commenters that anyone is able to
search the electronic form of all
comments received into any of our
dockets by the name of the individual
submitting the comment (or signing the
comment, if submitted on behalf of an
association, business, labor union, etc.).
You may review DOT’s complete
Privacy Act Statement in the Federal
Register published on April 11, 2000
(Volume 65, Number 70; Pages 19477–
78) or you may visit
FRA expects to be able to determine
these matters without an oral hearing.
However, if a specific request for an oral
hearing is accompanied by a showing
that the party is unable to adequately
present his or her position in a written
statement, an application may be set for
public hearing.
Issued in Washington, DC, on May 2, 2007.
Grady C. Cothen, Jr.,
Deputy Associate Administrator for Safety
Standards and Program Development.
[FR Doc. E7–9030 Filed 5–9–07; 8:45 am]
PO 00000
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Federal Railroad Administration
Notice of Application for Approval of
Discontinuance or Modification of a
Railroad Signal System or Relief From
the Requirements of Title 49 Code of
Federal Regulations Part 236
Pursuant to Title 49 Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR) part 235 and 49
U.S.C. 20502(a), the following railroad
has petitioned the Federal Railroad
Administration (FRA) seeking approval
for the discontinuance or modification
of the signal system or relief from the
requirements of 49 CFR part 236 as
detailed below.
[Docket Number FRA–2007–27767]
Applicant: Marquette Rail, LLC, Mr.
Donald J. Davis, Roadmaster, 5550 West
First Street, Ludington, Michigan 49431.
Marquette Rail, LLC seeks approval of
the proposed discontinuance and
removal of the interlocked signal system
on the Manistee River moveable bridge,
Milepost CBA 113.5, on the Manistee
Subdivision near Manistee, Michigan.
The proposed changes include the
permanent elimination of the two
controlled signals, the replacement of
the power-operated switches at the
derail locations with hand throw
switches, and the display of permanent
red signals.
The reason given for the proposed
changes is to eliminate the costly
upkeep and maintenance of the
equipment and place a person on the
site to visually inspect the operation of
all equipment each time a train crosses.
Any interested party desiring to
protest the granting of an application
shall set forth specifically the grounds
upon which the protest is made,
including a concise statement of the
interest of the party in the proceeding.
Additionally, one copy of the protest
shall be furnished to the applicant at the
address listed above.
All communications concerning this
proceeding should be identified by
Docket Number FRA–2007–27767 and
may be submitted by one of the
following methods:
• Web site:
Follow the instructions for submitting
comments on the DOT electronic site;
• Fax: 202–493–2251;
• Mail: Docket Management Facility,
U.S. Department of Transportation, 400
Seventh Street, SW., Nassif Building,
Room PL–401, Washington, DC 20590–
0001; or
• Hand Delivery: Room PL–401 on
the plaza level of the Nassif Building,
400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington,
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 90 / Thursday, May 10, 2007 / Notices
DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday
through Friday, except Federal holidays.
Communications received within 45
days of the date of this notice will be
considered by FRA before final action is
taken. Comments received after that
date will be considered as far as
practicable. All written communications
concerning these proceedings are
available for examination during regular
business hours (9 a.m.–5 p.m.) at the
above facility. All documents in the
public docket are also available for
inspection and copying on the Internet
at the docket facility’s Web site at
FRA wishes to inform all potential
commenters that anyone is able to
search the electronic form of all
comments received into any of our
dockets by the name of the individual
submitting the comment (or signing the
comment, if submitted on behalf of an
association, business, labor union, etc.).
You may review DOT’s complete
Privacy Act Statement in the Federal
Register published on April 11, 2000
(Volume 65, Number 70; Pages 19477–
78) or you may visit
FRA expects to be able to determine
these matters without an oral hearing.
However, if a specific request for an oral
hearing is accompanied by a showing
that the party is unable to adequately
present his or her position in a written
statement, an application may be set for
public hearing.
Issued in Washington, DC, on May 2, 2007.
Grady C. Cothen, Jr.,
Deputy Associate Administrator for Safety
Standards and Program Development.
[FR Doc. E7–9029 Filed 5–9–07; 8:45 am]
Submission for OMB Review;
Comment Request
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with NOTICES
May 4, 2007.
The Department of the Treasury has
submitted the following public
information collection requirement(s) to
OMB for review and clearance under the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995,
Public Law 104–13. Copies of the
submission(s) may be obtained by
calling the Treasury Bureau Clearance
Officer listed. Comments regarding this
information collection should be
addressed to the OMB reviewer listed
and to the Treasury Department
Clearance Officer, Department of the
Treasury, Room 11000, 1750
Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.,
Washington, DC 20220.
VerDate Aug<31>2005
15:04 May 09, 2007
Jkt 211001
Written comments should be
received on or before June 11, 2007 to
be assured of consideration.
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
OMB Number: 1545–1836.
Type of Review: Extension.
Title: Support Schedule for Advance
Ruling Period.
Form: 8734.
Description: Form 8734 is used by
charities to furnish financial
information that Exempt Organization
Determinations of IRS can use to
classify a charity as a public charity.
Respondents: Non-profit institutions.
Estimated Total Burden Hours:
549,120 hours.
OMB Number: 1545–1877.
Type of Review: Extension.
Title: Revenue Procedure 2004–18,
Average Area Purchase Price Safe
Harbors and Nationwide Purchase
Prices under section 143.
Description: Revenue Procedure
2004–18 provides issuers of qualified
mortgage bonds, as defined in section
143(a) of the Internal Revenue Code,
and issuers of mortgage credit
certificates, as defined in section 25(c),
with (1) nationwide average purchase
prices for residences located in the
Untied States, and (2) average area
purchase price safe harbors for
residences located in statistical areas in
each state, the District of Columbia,
Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana
Islands, American Samoa, the Virgin
Islands, and Guam.
Respondents: State, local, and tribal
Estimated Total Burden Hours: 15
OMB Number: 1545–2049.
Type of Review: Extension.
Title: Notice 2006–107—
Diversification Requirements for
Qualified Defined Contribution Plans
Holding Publicly Traded Employer
Description: This notice contains two
model forms that may be used by
employers to notify plan participants of
their diversification rights under
sections 901 and 507 of the Pension
Protection Act of 2006.
Respondents: Businesses or other forprofit institutions.
Estimated Total Burden Hours: 7,725
OMB Number: 1545–2041.
Type of Review: Extension.
Title: Expenses Paid by Certain
Whaling Captains in Support of Native
Alaskan Subsistence Whaling.
Description: This document provides
guidelines under section 170(n) for
substantiating certain expenses of
PO 00000
Frm 00095
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carrying out sanctioned whaling
Respondents: Individuals and
Estimated Total Burden Hours: 48
OMB Number: 1545–0134.
Type of Review: Revision.
Title: Application to Adopt, Change,
or Retain a Tax Year.
Form: 1128.
Description: Form 1128 is needed in
order to process taxpayers’ request to
change their tax year. All information
requested is used to determine whether
the application should be approved.
Respondents are taxable and nontaxable
entities including individuals,
partnerships, corporations, estates, taxexempt organizations and cooperatives.
Respondents: Businesses and other
for-profit institutions.
Estimated Total Burden Hours:
232,066 hours.
OMB Number: 1545–1599.
Type of Review: Extension.
Title: REG–208299–90 (NPRM)
Allocation and Sourcing of Income and
Deductions Among Taxpayers Engaged
in a Global Dealing Operation.
Description: The information
requested in sections 1.475(g)–2(b),
1.482–8(b)(3), (c)(3), (e)(5), (e)(6), (d)(3),
and 1.863–3(h) is necessary for Service
to determine whether the taxpayer has
entered into controlled transactions at
an arm’s length price.
Respondents: Businesses and other
for-profit institutions.
Estimated Total Burden Hours: 20,000
Clearance Officer: Glenn P. Kirkland,
Internal Revenue Service, Room 6516,
1111 Constitution Avenue, NW.,
Washington, DC 20224, (202) 622–3428.
OMB Reviewer: Alexander T. Hunt,
Office of Management and Budget,
Room 10235, New Executive Office
Building, Washington, DC 20503, (202)
Robert Dahl,
Treasury PRA Clearance Officer.
[FR Doc. E7–9032 Filed 5–9–07; 8:45 am]
Internal Revenue Service
Proposed Collection; Comment
Request for Regulation Project
Internal Revenue Service (IRS),
ACTION: Notice and request for
[Federal Register Volume 72, Number 90 (Thursday, May 10, 2007)]
[Pages 26681-26682]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E7-9029]
Federal Railroad Administration
Notice of Application for Approval of Discontinuance or
Modification of a Railroad Signal System or Relief From the
Requirements of Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations Part 236
Pursuant to Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) part 235 and
49 U.S.C. 20502(a), the following railroad has petitioned the Federal
Railroad Administration (FRA) seeking approval for the discontinuance
or modification of the signal system or relief from the requirements of
49 CFR part 236 as detailed below.
[Docket Number FRA-2007-27767]
Applicant: Marquette Rail, LLC, Mr. Donald J. Davis, Roadmaster,
5550 West First Street, Ludington, Michigan 49431.
Marquette Rail, LLC seeks approval of the proposed discontinuance
and removal of the interlocked signal system on the Manistee River
moveable bridge, Milepost CBA 113.5, on the Manistee Subdivision near
Manistee, Michigan. The proposed changes include the permanent
elimination of the two controlled signals, the replacement of the
power-operated switches at the derail locations with hand throw
switches, and the display of permanent red signals.
The reason given for the proposed changes is to eliminate the
costly upkeep and maintenance of the equipment and place a person on
the site to visually inspect the operation of all equipment each time a
train crosses.
Any interested party desiring to protest the granting of an
application shall set forth specifically the grounds upon which the
protest is made, including a concise statement of the interest of the
party in the proceeding. Additionally, one copy of the protest shall be
furnished to the applicant at the address listed above.
All communications concerning this proceeding should be identified
by Docket Number FRA-2007-27767 and may be submitted by one of the
following methods:
Web site: Follow the instructions for
submitting comments on the DOT electronic site;
Fax: 202-493-2251;
Mail: Docket Management Facility, U.S. Department of
Transportation, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Nassif Building, Room PL-401,
Washington, DC 20590-0001; or
Hand Delivery: Room PL-401 on the plaza level of the
Nassif Building, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington,
[[Page 26682]]
DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal
Communications received within 45 days of the date of this notice
will be considered by FRA before final action is taken. Comments
received after that date will be considered as far as practicable. All
written communications concerning these proceedings are available for
examination during regular business hours (9 a.m.-5 p.m.) at the above
facility. All documents in the public docket are also available for
inspection and copying on the Internet at the docket facility's Web
site at
FRA wishes to inform all potential commenters that anyone is able
to search the electronic form of all comments received into any of our
dockets by the name of the individual submitting the comment (or
signing the comment, if submitted on behalf of an association,
business, labor union, etc.). You may review DOT's complete Privacy Act
Statement in the Federal Register published on April 11, 2000 (Volume
65, Number 70; Pages 19477-78) or you may visit
FRA expects to be able to determine these matters without an oral
hearing. However, if a specific request for an oral hearing is
accompanied by a showing that the party is unable to adequately present
his or her position in a written statement, an application may be set
for public hearing.
Issued in Washington, DC, on May 2, 2007.
Grady C. Cothen, Jr.,
Deputy Associate Administrator for Safety Standards and Program
[FR Doc. E7-9029 Filed 5-9-07; 8:45 am]