Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability; Draft National Interest Electric Transmission Corridor Designations, 25838-25923 [07-2115]
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 87 / Monday, May 7, 2007 / Notices
Office of Electricity Delivery and
Energy Reliability; Draft National
Interest Electric Transmission Corridor
[Docket No. 2007–OE–01, Draft Mid–Atlantic
Area National Corridor; Docket No. 2007–
OE–02, Draft Southwest Area National
Department of Energy.
Notice and opportunity for
written and oral comment.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES2
SUMMARY: Having issued the first
National Electric Transmission
Congestion Study under section 216 of
the Federal Power Act (FPA), and
having evaluated public comments on
the Study, the Department of Energy
(Department or DOE) today begins two
proceedings that may lead to one or
more orders designating one or more
national interest electric transmission
corridors (National Corridors). The
Department believes that, although the
FPA does not require it, allowing an
opportunity for comment on draft
National Corridor designations prior to
the Department issuing its FPA section
216(a) report will aid both the public
and the Department. Interested persons
may file written comments in one or
both of these proceedings in the manner
indicated in the ADDRESSES portion of
this notice. Only those persons who file
such comments by the date listed in the
DATES portion of this notice will become
parties to the proceedings and, thus,
eligible to file a request for rehearing
under FPA section 313 of any final
order issued in these proceedings.
DATES: Written comments on the draft
National Corridors must be received on
or before July 6, 2007.
The Department has scheduled public
meetings on Docket No. 2007–OE–01
(the draft Mid-Atlantic Area National
Corridor) for the following dates:
May 15, 2007, 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.,
Arlington, VA; and
May 23, 2007, 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.,
New York, NY.
The Department has scheduled a
public meeting on Docket No. 2007–OE–
02 (the draft Southwest Area National
Corridor) for May 17, 2007, 10 a.m. to
3:30 p.m., San Diego, CA.
ADDRESSES: Color versions of the figures
included in today’s notice as well as
other supporting documents are
available at
You may submit written comments on
one or both of the draft National
Corridors electronically at https://, or by mail to the Office of
Electricity Delivery and Energy
Reliability, OE–20, U.S. Department of
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Energy, 1000 Independence Avenue
SW., Washington, DC 20585. If you are
commenting on Docket No. 2007–OE–01
(the draft Mid-Atlantic Area National
Corridor), your comments must be
marked ‘‘Attn: Docket No. 2007–OE–
01.’’ If you are commenting on Docket
No. 2007–OE–02 (the draft Southwest
Area National Corridor), your comments
must be marked ‘‘Attn: Docket No.
2007–OE–02.’’ The following electronic
file formats are acceptable: Microsoft
Word (.doc), Microsoft Works (.wps),
Corel Word Perfect (.wpd), Adobe
Acrobat (.pdf), Rich Text Format (.rtf),
plain text (.txt), Microsoft Excel (.xls),
and Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt). If you
submit information that you believe to
be exempt by law from public
disclosure, you may only submit your
comments by mail, and you must
submit one complete copy, as well as
one copy from which the information
claimed to be exempt by law from
public disclosure has been deleted. DOE
is responsible for the final
determination concerning disclosure or
nondisclosure of the information and for
treating it in accordance with the DOE’s
Freedom of Information regulations (10
CFR 1004.11).
Note: Delivery of U.S. Postal Service mail
to DOE continues to be delayed by several
weeks due to security screening. DOE
therefore encourages commenters to submit
comments electronically by e-mail. If
comments are submitted by mail, the
Department requests that they be
accompanied by a CD or diskette containing
the electronic files of the submission.
The locations for the public meetings
Arlington—Doubletree Hotel Crystal
City—National Airport, 300 Army
Navy Drive, Arlington, VA 22202–
New York—Park Central New York
Hotel, 870 Seventh Avenue at 56th
Street, New York, NY 10019–4038;
San Diego—Manchester Grand Hyatt
San Diego Hotel, One Market Place,
San Diego, CA 92101.
If you are interested in speaking at
one of these meetings, please sign up at
NIETCpublicmeetings or call 410–953–
technical information, David Meyer,
DOE Office of Electricity Delivery and
Energy Reliability, (202) 586–1411. For legal
information, Mary Morton, DOE Office
of the General Counsel, (202) 586–1221,
I. Background
A. Statutory Framework
Section 1221(a) of the Energy Policy
Act of 2005 (Pub. L. 109–58) (EPAct)
added a new section 216 to the Federal
Power Act (16 U.S.C. 824p) (FPA). New
FPA section 216(a) requires the
Secretary of Energy (Secretary) 1 to
conduct a nationwide study of electric
transmission congestion 2 within one
year from the date of enactment of
EPAct and every three years thereafter.
FPA section 216(a)(1) requires the
Secretary to consult with ‘‘affected
States’’ when conducting the study. 16
U.S.C. 824p(a)(1). FPA section 216(a)(2)
provides ‘‘interested parties’’ with an
opportunity to offer ‘‘alternatives and
recommendations.’’ 16 U.S.C.
824p(a)(2). Following consideration of
such alternatives and recommendations,
the Secretary is required to issue a
report on the study ‘‘which may
designate any geographic area
experiencing electric energy
transmission capacity constraints or
congestion that adversely affects
consumers as a national interest electric
transmission corridor.’’ 16 U.S.C.
824p(a)(2). FPA section 216(a)(4) states
that in determining whether to
designate a corridor, the Secretary may
consider whether:
(A) the economic vitality and development
of the corridor, or the end markets served by
the corridor, may be constrained by lack of
adequate or reasonably priced electricity;
(B)(i) economic growth in the corridor, or
the end markets served by the corridor, may
be jeopardized by reliance on limited sources
of energy; and (ii) a diversification of supply
is warranted;
(C) the energy independence of the United
States would be served by the designation;
(D) the designation would be in the interest
of national energy policy; and
(E) the designation would enhance national
defense and homeland security.
16 U.S.C. 824p(a)(4).
The effect of a National Corridor
designation is to delineate geographic
areas within which, under certain
circumstances, the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (FERC) may
authorize ‘‘the construction or
modification of electric transmission
facilities.’’ FPA section 216(b); 16 U.S.C.
824p(b). The statute imposes several
conditions on the exercise of FERC’s
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1 This notice uses the terms ‘‘Secretary’’ and
‘‘Department’’ interchangeably.
2 Electric transmission congestion (congestion) is
the condition that occurs when transmission
capacity is not sufficient to enable safe delivery of
all scheduled or desired wholesale electricity
transfers simultaneously. Congestion results from a
transmission capacity constraint (constraint). See
Section II.A of this notice for further discussion of
these terms.
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 87 / Monday, May 7, 2007 / Notices
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES2
permitting authority within a National
Under FPA section 216(b)(1), FERC
jurisdiction is triggered only when
either: the State does not have authority
to site the project; the State lacks the
authority to consider the interstate
benefits of the project; the applicant
does not qualify for a State permit
because it does not serve end-use
customers in the State; the State has
withheld approval for more than one
year; or the State has conditioned its
approval in such a manner that the
project will not significantly reduce
congestion or is not economically
feasible. 16 U.S.C. 824p(b)(1).3 Further,
FPA section 216(g) states, ‘‘Nothing in
this section precludes any person from
constructing or modifying any
transmission facility in accordance with
State law.’’ 16 U.S.C. 824p(g).
Under FPA section 216(b)(2)–(6),
FERC may issue a permit only if all of
the following conditions are met: the
facilities will be used for the
transmission of electric energy in
interstate commerce; the project is
consistent with the public interest; the
project will significantly reduce
congestion and protect or benefit
consumers; the project is consistent
with national energy policy and will
enhance energy independence; and the
project maximizes, to the extent
reasonable and economical, the
transmission capabilities of existing
towers or structures. 16 U.S.C.
Accordingly, a National Corridor
designation itself does not preempt
State authority or any State actions. A
National Corridor designation is not a
determination that transmission must,
or even should, be built; it is not a
proposal to build a transmission facility
and it does not direct anyone to make
a proposal. Transmission expansion is
but one possible solution to a
congestion or constraint problem;
increased demand response, improved
energy efficiency, and conservation, as
well as siting of additional generation
close to load centers are also potential
solutions. Whether a particular
transmission project, some other
transmission project, or a nontransmission project is an appropriate
solution to a congestion or constraint
3 See also Regulations for Filing Applications for
Permits to Site Interstate Electric Transmission
Facilities, Order No. 689, 71 FR 69,440, 69,468
(Dec. 1, 2006), 117 FERC ¶ 61,202 at pp. 128–29
(2006) (to be codified at 18 CFR parts 50 and 380),
reh’g pending (FERC Order No. 689) (§ 50.6(e)
requires applicants to demonstrate that the
conditions of FPA sec. 216(b)(1) are met).
4 See also id. (§ 50.6(f) requires applicants to
demonstrate that the conditions of FPA sec.
216(b)(2)–(6) are met).
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problem identified by a National
Corridor designation is a matter that
market participants, applicable regional
planning entities, and State authorities,
among others, will consider and decide
before any project is built. In the event
that FERC jurisdiction under FPA
section 216(b) is triggered, the
designation of a National Corridor by
the Secretary does not control FERC’s
substantive decision on the merits as to
whether to grant or deny a permit
application, specifically where any
facilities covered by a permit should be
located, or what conditions should be
placed on a permit.
A National Corridor designation is not
a siting decision; it does not dictate the
route of any transmission project. If a
transmission project is proposed in a
National Corridor, it will be the State
siting authorities, and potentially FERC
if certain conditions are met, that will
determine the specific route of that
Thus, FPA section 216(a) does not
shift to the Department any of the
traditional roles of transmission
planners and siting authorities in
evaluating solutions to congestion and
constraint problems and designing
routes for transmission facilities.
Instead, FPA section 216(a) assigns to
the Department the role of identifying
transmission congestion and constraint
problems, and the geographic areas in
which these problems exist.
B. Congestion Study
On August 8, 2006, DOE issued its
initial congestion study (the Congestion
Study) for comment by interested
members of the public and affected
States (71 FR 45,047 (Aug. 8, 2006)).
The Congestion Study gathered
historical congestion data obtained from
existing studies prepared by the regional
reliability councils, regional
transmission organizations (RTOs) and
independent system operators (ISOs),6
5 See id. 71 FR 69,440, 69,446, 117 FERC ¶ 61,202
at PP 41–42 (‘‘The Commission will conduct an
independent environmental analysis of the project
and determine if there is no significant impact as
required by [the National Environmental Policy
Act]. It will look at alternatives, including, as
appropriate, alternatives other than transmission
lines. * * * It will review the alternatives for their
respective impacts on the environment and will
determine mitigation measures to lessen the adverse
impacts. * * * The Commission will also consider
the adverse effects the proposed facilities will have
on land owners and local communities.’’); and 71
FR 69,440, 69,470, 117 FERC ¶ 61,202 at p. 142–43
(§§ 380.5(b)(14) and 380.6(a)(5) require either an
environmental assessment or an environmental
impact statement for projects seeking permits under
sec. 216(b)).
6 RTOs and ISOs are Federally regulated entities
charged with operating a regional transmission
system in a manner that is non-discriminatory and
ensures safety and reliability. The existing RTOs
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and regional planning groups. The
Congestion Study also modeled future
congestion: the years 2008 and 2011 for
the Eastern Interconnection; and the
years 2008 and 2015 for the Western
Interconnection. The modeling focused
on five metrics: binding hours (the
number of hours per year that a path is
loaded to its limit and, thus, unable to
accommodate all desired power
transactions), U90 (the number of hours
per year that a path is loaded above 90
percent of its limit), all-hours shadow
price (the marginal cost of generation
redispatch required to accommodate a
given constraint averaged across all
hours in the year), binding hours
shadow price (average shadow price
over only those hours during which the
constraint is binding), and congestion
rent (shadow price multiplied by flow,
summed over all hours the constraint is
Based on the historical data and the
modeling results, the Congestion Study
classified the most significant
congestion areas in the country. Two
‘‘Critical Congestion Areas’’ (i.e. areas
where the current and/or projected
effects of congestion are especially
broad and severe) were identified: the
Atlantic coastal area from metropolitan
New York through northern Virginia
(the Mid-Atlantic Critical Congestion
Area); and southern California (the
Southern California Critical Congestion
Area). Four ‘‘Congestion Areas of
Concern’’ (i.e. areas where a large-scale
congestion problem exists or may be
emerging but more information and
analysis appear to be needed to
determine the magnitude of the
problem) were identified: New England;
the Phoenix-Tucson area; the San
Francisco Bay area; and the SeattlePortland area. Also, a number of
‘‘Conditional Congestion Areas’’ (i.e.
areas where future congestion would
result if large amounts of new
generation were to be developed
without simultaneous development of
associated transmission capacity) were
identified, such as: Montana-Wyoming;
Dakotas-Minnesota; Kansas-Oklahoma;
Illinois, Indiana and upper Appalachia;
and the Southeast.
DOE has received over 400 comments
on the Congestion Study. DOE has made
all of these comments available at The Department is
no longer accepting comments on the
Congestion Study. All comments filed
in response to today’s notice should be
limited to the draft National Corridors
set forth in this notice.
and ISOs do not own any transmission or
generation and are run by independent boards of
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 87 / Monday, May 7, 2007 / Notices
C. Purpose of Today’s Notice
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This notice summarizes and responds
to the comments received in response to
the Congestion Study that are relevant
to the designation of National Corridors.
This notice also issues and solicits
comment on draft National Corridor
designations for the two Critical
Congestion Areas identified in the
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Congestion Study: the draft MidAtlantic Area National Corridor; and the
draft Southwest Area National Corridor.
See Figure I–1 for the location of these
draft National Corridors.7 Further, the
Department has scheduled three public
7 A detailed explanation of the location of these
draft National Corridors is provided in Sections
VIII.D and IX.D of this notice.
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meetings to discuss these draft National
Corridor designations. If, after
consideration of all comments on these
draft designations, the Secretary decides
that one or more National Corridor
designations are appropriate, he will
issue one or more orders making such
This notice is also intended to notify
interested persons how to obtain party
status for the proceeding in Docket No.
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2007–OE–01 or the proceeding in
Docket No. 2007–OE–02. Review of any
final order designating a National
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Corridor in one of these proceedings
will be governed by section 313 of the
FPA (16 U.S.C. 8251). Thus, only those
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 87 / Monday, May 7, 2007 / Notices
persons who have obtained party status
in the proceeding may file a request for
rehearing of a final order with the
Department. Further, to the extent that
any person has standing to obtain
judicial review, the filing of a rehearing
request within 30 days of issuance of
the final order is a prerequisite to such
potential judicial review. In order to
become a party to one or both of these
proceedings, you must file comments in
response to this notice in the manner
indicated in the ADDRESSES portion of
this notice by the deadline date
identified in the DATES portion of this
The proceedings being started today
focus on the two geographic areas of the
Nation experiencing the most acute and
urgent electric transmission congestion
problems. This notice takes no action
with regard to the other geographic
areas discussed in the Congestion
Study. Thus, today’s notice does not
address comments received on the
Congestion Study that relate solely to
areas outside the two Critical
Congestion Areas. Also, today’s notice
does not address those comments that
relate to the conduct of future
congestion studies. The Department will
address the subject of how it intends to
conduct future congestion studies in a
later notice.
II. Deciding When a National Corridor
Designation Is Warranted
The Congestion Study solicited
comment on the criteria the Secretary
should use when determining when a
National Corridor designation is
warranted. In this section, the
Department summarizes and responds
to these comments.
A. General Scope of the Secretary’s
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES2
Summary of Comments
The Department received numerous
comments that relate to the general
scope of the Secretary’s authority to
designate National Corridors, including
comments on the meaning of key terms
used in FPA section 216(a). The
Department received a few comments
on the appropriate definition of
‘‘congestion’’ and ‘‘constraint.’’
FirstEnergy Service Company
(FirstEnergy) supported the definition of
‘‘congestion’’ used in the Congestion
Study. National Grid USA (National
Grid) argued that the Congestion Study’s
definition of ‘‘constraint’’ should be
expanded to include not just limitations
due to a piece of equipment, but also
due to the absence of equipment
between two or more nodes. Similarly,
the California Energy Commission (CEC)
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argued that the focus of the Congestion
Study is too narrow to accommodate
State laws and policies on renewable
portfolio standards. The CEC stated that
the Department’s criteria for identifying
congestion should incorporate
consideration of constraints that pose
obstacles to reasonably priced power,
diversity of supply, and energy
independence, regardless of whether
those constraints currently produce
congestion.8 Upper Great Plains
Transmission Coalition argued that the
lack of evidence of curtailments and
congestion costs does not necessarily
mean that a critical constraint is absent;
for example, sophisticated management
tools in place in the upper Great Plains
have avoided the need for transmission
loading relief (TLR) actions,9
nevertheless, export capacity is
The Department received comments
on the level of adverse effects on
consumers needed to justify a National
Corridor designation. The Pennsylvania
Public Utility Commission (PAPUC)
argued that National Corridors should
be designated only where it is
demonstrated that there is chronic
physical congestion that has potential
for substantially impairing existing or
future grid reliability. The Attorney
General for the State of Connecticut
(Connecticut Attorney General) argued
that the Department has no authority to
designate a corridor in an area that the
Congestion Study acknowledges does
not rise to the level of a Critical
Congestion Area. The Connecticut
Attorney General argued that the statute
was not intended to empower the
Department to ‘‘act as a sort of roving
commission that oversees transmission
planning and construction nationwide,’’
and thus designations should be limited
to ‘‘those limited and extraordinary
circumstances in which transmission
constraints so severely impact the
national interest that Federal
intervention’’ may be warranted.
On the other hand, LS Power
Development, LLC (LS Power) argued
that the statutory standard for
designating a corridor ‘‘appears to be
relatively low’’ and that this is
understandable given the limited
purpose of a National Corridor
designation. LS Power further argued
that the Department should apply the
standard for designation liberally,
instead of ranking different areas of
congestion and only addressing some of
8 See also comments of BP Alternative Energy
North America Inc.
9 TLR is a procedure used in the Eastern
Interconnection, usually outside of organized
markets, to deal with situations when a
transmission path has reach its operating limit.
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those areas. LS Power asserted that if an
area is congested, consumers are
therefore adversely affected by higher
costs, and consumers should be afforded
the potential relief available through a
National Corridor designation.
Similarly, the Edison Electric Institute
(EEI) argued that the Department should
not wait until a major problem emerges
before designating a National Corridor,
given the long-term, capital-intensive
nature of electricity infrastructure
development. EEI urged the Department
to maintain a high-level view and not
dwell on the unachievable goal of
technical precision in the congestion
study process before making
designations. The Electric Power Supply
Association (EPSA) argued that National
Corridor designation is warranted
wherever the grid is constrained to the
point of only being available to
accommodate power flows of incumbent
utilities to serve their native load,
because in all such circumstances
consumers are adversely affected by the
existence of a barrier to entry of
potentially lower-cost competitors.
The Department received comments
on the use of projections of future
congestion to support a National
Corridor designation. The Organization
of MISO States (OMS) argued that the
statute makes clear that designations
may only be made for areas actually
experiencing congestion adversely
affecting consumers, and does not
provide for designations in areas that
may experience congestion in the future
or under certain circumstances.
Therefore, OMS was not persuaded that
National Corridor designation is
warranted in the Congestion Areas of
Concern or the Conditional Congestion
Areas. OMS stated that rather than
attempting to forecast the need for
future National Corridors, designations
should be in response to existing,
persistent, and well-documented
problems. Some Western commenters,
including Northern Wasco County
Peoples Utility District (NWPUD) and
Seattle City Light (SCL), argued there is
a need to examine historical data and
not rely solely on simulated congestion
metrics. Public Service Electric and Gas
Company, PSEG Power LLC, and PSEG
Energy Resources and Trade LLC
(collectively PSEG) argued that forecasts
of future congestion, driven by longrange projections of fuel costs, are
inherently questionable. ABB, on the
other hand, said National Corridor
designation should not be based solely
on analysis of historic congestion but
rather should be made after a
comprehensive analysis of future
resource mix and resource adequacy.
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The American Wind Energy
Association, Wind on the Wires,
Interwest Energy Alliance, the Wind
Coalition, and the Renewable Northwest
Project (collectively Wind Associations)
expressed concern that the Department
may approach Conditional Congestion
Areas in a manner that ‘‘continues the
‘chicken and egg’ problem of wind
development, in which no generators
are constructed until transmission
capacity is built, but no transmission
capacity is expanded until there are
generators requesting service.’’ Thus,
the Wind Associations sought
clarification that National Corridors can
be designated in a Conditional
Congestion Area before all the expected
generation has been developed in that
Some commenters called for
clarification of the criteria the
Department would use in deciding
whether to designate a National
Corridor and made recommendations
about criteria they considered most
important. For example, the Committee
on Regional Electric Power Cooperation
(CREPC) stated that the Department
should develop metrics for the criteria
used to designate National Corridors
and document how it has applied the
criteria. CREPC argued that priority
should be given to designating National
Corridors that enable the achievement of
State energy policy objectives or that
address location-constrained generation
resource areas; low priority should be
given to areas with contractual
congestion but little physical
congestion, or areas where findings of
congestion are based on studies with a
high level of uncertainty. The American
Public Power Association (APPA)
suggested that the Department focus on
the effect that a designation will have on
the plans of load-serving entities to meet
their long-term service obligations to
their retail customers; in particular, the
effect on deliverability of new base-load
and renewable resources to the loadserving entities that intend to purchase
power from those resources. The
Midwest Independent Transmission
System Operator, Inc. (Midwest ISO) 10
supported the reduction in electricity
supply costs as a criterion for National
Corridor designation; however, only if
there is sufficient evidence that such
cost reductions would occur and that
the amount of the reductions would be
significant enough to warrant national
10 Midwest ISO is the RTO serving all or parts of
Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan,
Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North
Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, and
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DOE Response
FPA section 216(a)(2) gives the
Secretary the discretion to designate as
a National Corridor ‘‘any geographic
area experiencing electric energy
transmission capacity constraints or
congestion that adversely affects
consumers.’’ The statute does not define
any of the terms in this phrase.
The Congestion Study defined
‘‘congestion’’ as the condition that
occurs when transmission capacity is
not sufficient to enable safe delivery of
all scheduled or desired wholesale
electricity transfers simultaneously.
This definition generated little debate
among commenters.11 The Congestion
Study defined ‘‘transmission constraint’’
as a limitation on one or more
transmission elements that may be
reached during normal or contingency
system operations. The Congestion
Study also defined ‘‘constrained
facility’’ as a transmission facility (line,
transformer, breaker, etc.) that is
approaching, at, or beyond a System
Operating Limit or Interconnection
Reliability Operating Limit.12
‘‘Congestion,’’ then, refers to the denial
of desired transmission service over a
transmission path, while ‘‘constraint’’
refers to the chokepoint on the
transmission system that causes such
denial of desired transmission service.
In contrast, there is no generally
accepted understanding of what
constitutes ‘‘constraints or congestion
that adversely affects consumers,’’ as the
debate among the commenters amply
demonstrates. The term is ambiguous,
and the statute attaches no modifiers to
the term to specify the particular type or
magnitude of adverse effect intended.
While the Congestion Study identified
and applied various metrics ‘‘related to
the magnitude and impact of
congestion,’’ the Congestion Study did
not attempt to define when constraints
or congestion ‘‘adversely affects
consumers.’’ In the following
discussion, the Department will first
address congestion that adversely affects
consumers and then constraints that
adversely affect consumers.
With regard to congestion that
adversely affects consumers, the
Department notes that any congestion,
by definition, thwarts customer choice,
because it prevents users of the
transmission grid from completing their
preferred power transactions. These
users include wholesale industrial
consumers of power as well as loadserving entities buying power on behalf
of retail consumers, all of whom are
prevented by congestion from obtaining
delivery of desired quantities of
electricity from desired sources. In other
words, any congestion on a line
necessarily interferes with the choices
of those who wish to use that line on
their own or their customers’ behalf.
Whenever there is congestion on a
transmission path, there simply is not
enough transmission capacity to
accommodate all the desired power
transactions, and some sort of rationing
of available capacity is needed. In areas
with organized electricity markets, this
rationing generally occurs through a
pre-established economic mechanism,
such as a congestion management
system based on locational marginal
prices (LMPs),13 which is designed to
allocate the limited capacity to the users
who value it the most. In areas of the
country without organized markets, the
rationing may involve the transmission
provider denying requests for
transmission service, adjusting
schedules, or in some cases making pro
rata curtailments in real time.
Regardless of how the rationing is
resolved, however, one thing remains
true: congestion results in some users of
the transmission system being denied
the benefit of their preferred
Moreover, electricity buyers generally
seek power from the most economic
source. Arranging for delivery of power
from less preferred sources is referred to
as ‘‘redispatching’’ power. When
congestion occurs, resulting in the need
11 Other sources use similar definitions. See, e.g.,
California Independent System Operator,
Conformed Simplified and Reorganized Tariff, App.
A, Master Definitions Supplement (April 6, 2007)
(‘‘Congestion—A condition that occurs when there
is insufficient Available Transfer Capacity to
implement all Preferred Schedules simultaneously
or, in real time, to serve all Generation and
Demand.’’); and Southwest Power Pool, Glossary
and Acronyms,
glossary.asp?letter=C (‘‘Congestion is a condition
that occurs when insufficient transfer capacity is
available to implement all of the preferred
schedules for electricity transmission
12 One aspect of the constraint-related definitions
used in the Congestion Study did generate debate
among commenters, which is addressed later in this
13 In general terms, an LMP-based congestion
management system entails an RTO or ISO
operating a bid-based energy market in which those
generators and loads who have not fully committed
themselves through bilateral power contracts can
participate. As the operator of the transmission
system, the RTO or ISO also analyzes whether
transmission of all the desired energy transactions
is simultaneously feasible. When there are no
binding constraints, the energy market clears at a
single price throughout the system. When a
constraint is binding, separate prices result on
either side of the constraint. Market participants
can then see and respond to these different LMPs.
Those customers who choose to have power
transmitted over the binding constraint are assessed
a transactional congestion charge based on the
difference between the LMPs on either side of the
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 87 / Monday, May 7, 2007 / Notices
for buyers to accept power from lesspreferred generating sources in order to
meet their power needs, redispatch is
required and typically results in the use
of more expensive power. Congestion
also usually reduces competition and
diversity, by limiting the range of
generators from which buyers can
obtain power. Finally, congestion means
that parts of the transmission system are
so heavily loaded that grid operators
have fewer options for dealing with
adverse circumstances or unanticipated
events, thus increasing the risk of
blackouts, forced interruptions of
service, or other grid-related
Therefore, any congestion can
adversely affect at least some
consumers. Nevertheless, congestion
remedies are not free; therefore, not all
congestion is worth fixing. Under
certain circumstances, congestion can
arise on any transmission path. But the
appearance of isolated or transient
instances of congestion usually does not
warrant consideration of transmission
expansion. While the Department is not
attempting in this notice to define the
complete scope of the term ‘‘congestion
that adversely affects consumers’’ as
used in FPA section 216(a)(2), the
Department concludes that the term
includes congestion that is persistent.
Thus, the Department believes that FPA
section 216(a) gives the Secretary the
discretion to designate a National
Corridor upon a showing of the
existence of persistent congestion,
without any additional demonstration of
adverse effects on consumers. However,
as discussed below, whether the
Secretary should exercise his discretion
to designate a National Corridor in a
given instance of congestion is a
separate question.
With regard to constraints that
adversely affect consumers, one way in
which a constraint can adversely affect
consumers is by causing persistent
congestion that in turn, as discussed
above, adversely affects consumers.
However, the Department agrees with
those commenters who argue that the
Secretary’s authority is not limited to
areas where congestion presently exists.
If Congress had intended to limit the
Secretary’s designation authority over
constraints to cases where constraints
are currently causing congestion, then
there would have been no need for the
statutory language to refer to ‘‘any
geographic area experiencing electric
energy transmission constraints or
congestion that adversely affects
consumers.’’ See 16 U.S.C. 824p(a)(2)
(emphasis added). Further, the
Department agrees with those
commenters who argued that the total
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absence of a line connecting two nodes
can be just as, if not more, limiting to
consumers than the presence of a line
that is operating at capacity and,
therefore, constraints include the
absence of transmission equipment
between two or more nodes.14
Constraints limit access to power
sources. Further, the existence of a
constraint can hinder the development
of new power sources, since project
sponsors may not be able to obtain the
financing they need if there is
uncertainty over the degree to which
their electricity could be delivered to
consumers. Again, the Department is
not attempting in this notice to define
the complete scope of the term
‘‘constraints that adversely affect
consumers’’ as used in FPA section
216(a)(2). However, the Department
concludes that the term includes not
only constraints that cause persistent
congestion, but also constraints that
hinder the development or delivery of a
generation source that is in the public
interest. Thus, the Department believes
that FPA section 216(a) gives the
Secretary the discretion to designate a
National Corridor upon a showing of the
existence of a constraint, including the
total absence of a transmission line, that
is hindering the development or
delivery of one or more generation
sources that is in the public interest,
regardless of whether there is
congestion and without the need for any
additional demonstration of adverse
effects on consumers.15 This
interpretation of the term ‘‘constraints
or congestion that adversely affects
consumers,’’ which allows for a
National Corridor designation when
there is a constraint that adversely
affects consumers even though there is
no present congestion, is appropriate
14 A node is the physical location on the
transmission system where energy is, or will be,
injected by generators or withdrawn by loads.
15 As the Department is not issuing any draft
National Corridors today based on the existence of
constraints in the absence of persistent congestion,
it is unnecessary in this notice to reach the question
of the type of information that would be required
to demonstrate that a constraint is hindering the
development or delivery of a generation source that
is in the public interest. However, the Department
notes that the considerations identified in FPA
section 216(a)(4) provide some examples of
generation sources the development of which
would be in the public interest, including sources
that are needed to ensure adequate or reasonably
priced electricity, sources that are needed for
diversification of supply, sources that would
promote energy independence, sources that would
further national energy policy, or sources that
would enhance national defense and homeland
security. There may, however, be other generation
sources the development of which would be in the
public interest.
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because it gives meaning to all of the
terms used in the statutory provision.
Additionally, this interpretation of the
statute answers the concerns of those
commenters who question whether the
statute authorizes designation of
National Corridors in the Conditional
Areas of Concern based solely on
projections of future congestion. The
Congestion Study identified several
Conditional Areas of Concern ‘‘where
future congestion would result if large
amounts of new generation were to be
developed without simultaneous
development of associated transmission
capacity.’’ The Secretary is taking no
action with respect to those areas at this
time. Nevertheless, were the Secretary
to designate a National Corridor for one
of those areas, the Secretary would need
only to demonstrate the existence of a
constraint that was hindering the
development or delivery of a generation
source that is in the public interest, and
would not need to rely on
demonstrations of future, or even
present, congestion.16
The Department’s interpretation of the
scope of the Secretary’s authority is
consistent with the objective and
structure of the statute. FPA section
216(a), as well as other provisions of
EPAct,17 evince concern about the need
to strengthen transmission
infrastructure throughout the Nation.
The Department concludes that a broad
interpretation of the Secretary’s
discretion to designate National
Corridors is consistent with that
concern, particularly given the effect of
a National Corridor designation, as
discussed in Section I.A above. Given
the statutory limitations on the exercise
of FERC’s permitting authority, there is
no need to interpret narrowly the
Secretary’s National Corridor
designation authority.
While the Department concludes that
the Secretary has broad authority to
designate National Corridors, FPA
16 Because the Department is not issuing any draft
National Corridor designations based solely on
projections of future congestion (without any
showing of a constraint that adversely affects
consumers), it is not necessary to determine now
the extent of its authority to do so.
17 See, e.g., EPAct sec. 1241 (requiring FERC to
establish rules to promote capital investment in
transmission); EPAct sec. 1233 (requiring FERC to
exercise its authority in a manner that facilitates
planning and expansion of transmission to meet the
needs of load-serving entities); EPAct sec. 368
(requiring the designation of energy right-of-way
corridors across Federal lands for electric
transmission and other energy projects); FPA sec.
216(h) (establishing procedures to ensure timely
and efficient review of proposed transmission
projects by Federal agencies); and EPAct sec. 1222
(giving additional authority for Western Area Power
Administration and Southwestern Power
Administration to participate with other entities in
the development of transmission).
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 87 / Monday, May 7, 2007 / Notices
section 216(a) does not require the
Secretary, under any circumstances, to
make a National Corridor designation.
Rather, in recognition of the
Department’s expertise, the statute
leaves to the Secretary’s judgment
which geographic areas experiencing
constraints or congestion adversely
affecting consumers to designate as
National Corridors. The Department
recognizes that FPA section 216(a)
adopted a novel approach to addressing
the need for new transmission
infrastructure, an approach that poses
challenges to all stakeholders as we
collectively work to address this
problem. Therefore, the Secretary
intends to proceed carefully in the
exercise of his discretion to designate
National Corridors. As evidenced by the
specific draft designations set forth
below, the Department is not starting
the process of designating National
Corridors at the outer limits of its
authority. The Congestion Study
identified two Critical Congestion
Areas, and today’s notice issues two
draft National Corridors to address
them. These draft National Corridors are
based on the existence of well-known,
persistent congestion that adversely
affects large numbers of consumers.
Finally, the Department does not
believe it is necessary to develop a
specific and finite set of criteria to guide
the exercise of the Secretary’s
discretion. Instead, the most reasonable
interpretation of FPA section 216 is that
the Secretary may make National
Corridor designations based on the
totality of the information developed,
taking into account relevant
considerations, including the
considerations identified in FPA section
216(a)(4), as appropriate.
B. Analysis of Potential Solutions
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES2
Summary of Comments
The Department received comments
on whether a National Corridor
designation should be based on an
analysis of potential solutions to an
identified congestion problem. Many
commenters, including the National
Association of Regulatory Utility
Commissioners (NARUC), the New York
Public Service Commission (NYPSC),
and the New Jersey Board of Public
Utilities (NJBPU), argued that the
Department should conduct a cost/
benefit analysis of transmission
solutions as well as non-transmission
solutions to relieving congestion before
designating a National Corridor;
otherwise, they contend, the designation
would unfairly skew the playing field in
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favor of transmission solutions.18 For
example, the NJBPU and PSEG argued
that without such an analysis, National
Corridor designation may lead to
preemptive siting of long-haul ratebased transmission projects intended to
move power from remote generating
sources to load centers, and thus distort
or destroy market signals for local
developers of generation, demand
response resources, and improvements
to local distribution systems. NYPSC
and the New York Independent System
Operator (NYISO)19 urged the
Department to analyze the potential
market impact of a National Corridor
designation, because the very act of
designating a National Corridor could
cause downstream project developers to
abandon already-planned facilities.
Consolidated Edison Company of New
York, Inc., and Orange and Rockland
Utilities, Inc. (collectively ConEd) and
NJBPU expressed concern about
whether a National Corridor would
disadvantage local generation to the
detriment of reliability, noting that
remote generation cannot provide the
same level of voltage support and other
ancillary services that local generation
can. Numerous individuals who
commented in opposition to specific
transmission projects asserted that the
Department has an obligation under
FPA section 216 to consider alternatives
to building new transmission lines.
On the other hand, numerous
commenters argued that the Department
should not engage in analysis of
possible solutions to congestion. These
commenters noted that the Department’s
role is to identify areas where
congestion and constraints exist,
whereas other entities, including State
siting authorities, regional planning
entities, market participants, and under
some circumstances FERC will consider
the relevant solutions. These
commenters cautioned that any such
analysis by the Department would
unnecessarily delay the designation
DOE Response
The Department disagrees with those
commenters who argue that a National
Corridor designation is warranted only
if the Department has demonstrated that
transmission is the best, or at least a
18 See also comments of EPSA, Northern Indiana
Public Service Company, Old Dominion Electric
Cooperative (ODEC), OMS, Piedmont
Environmental Council (PEC), PSEG, The
Wilderness Society (Wilderness), and many
19 NYISO is the ISO serving New York State.
20 See, e.g., comments of FirstEnergy, National
Grid, and National Rural Electric Cooperative
Association (NRECA).
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cost-effective, solution to an identified
congestion problem. Nothing in FPA
section 216 requires or envisions that
the Department make such a
demonstration. In fact, the preparation
of a transmission cost-benefit analysis
by the Department would be
inconsistent with the very role that the
statute assigns to the Department. As
discussed in Section I.A above, the
Department’s role under FPA section
216 is to identify constraint or
congestion problems and their
geographic locations; the statute does
not call for the Department to analyze
and decide upon solutions. While FPA
section 216(a)(2) does call for the
Secretary to consider ‘‘alternatives and
recommendations from interested
parties’’ before making a National
Corridor designation, the reference to
‘‘alternatives and recommendations
from interested parties’’ in this
provision is ambiguous. In light of the
statutory framework, the Department
concludes that the term ‘‘alternatives
and recommendations from interested
parties’’ is intended to refer to
comments suggesting National Corridor
designations for different congestion or
constraint problems, comments
suggesting alternative boundaries for
specific National Corridors, as well as
comments suggesting that the
Department refrain from designating a
National Corridor.
The Department acknowledges that
transmission expansion is but one
possible solution to a congestion or
constraint problem; increased demand
response, improved energy efficiency,
and conservation, as well as siting of
additional generation close to load
centers are also potential solutions.
However, given the effect of a National
Corridor designation and the existing
obligations of State and Federal siting
authorities as discussed in Section I.A
above, there is no need for the
Department to undertake an analysis of
transmission solutions and nontransmission solutions or to speculate
about any theoretical indirect effects a
National Corridor designation would
have on the market. Indeed, the
Department believes that expanding its
role to include making findings on the
optimal remedy for congestion could
supplant or otherwise duplicate the
traditional roles of States and other
C. Cost Allocation
Summary of Comments
The Congestion Study solicited
comment on how the costs of proposed
transmission should be allocated. A few
commenters argued that the Department
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 87 / Monday, May 7, 2007 / Notices
should consider cost allocation when
deciding whether to make a National
Corridor designation, and offered
recommendations on specific cost
allocation structures.21 For example,
Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. argued
that the Department should only
designate National Corridors where the
resulting transmission facilities would
be paid for on a beneficiary-pays, rather
than a postage-stamp, basis. NRECA
supported rolled-in rate treatment for
projects that serve native load network
customers. However, the majority of
those who provided comment on cost
allocation issues urged against the
Department considering those issues in
the FPA section 216(a) process.22 These
commenters noted that FERC, rather
than the Department, has jurisdiction
over cost allocation for transmission
projects, and argued that cost allocation
was not relevant to National Corridor
DOE Response
The Department agrees with those
commenters who argue that the analysis
of whether to designate a National
Corridor should not include
consideration of how the costs for new
transmission facilities will be allocated.
While cost allocation issues can be
critically important to determining
whether, when, and where specific
transmission projects are developed,
those issues are not relevant to the
Secretary’s role under FPA section
216(a) of identifying geographic areas
where congestion or constraints are
adversely affecting consumers.
D. Regional Planning and Local Siting
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES2
Summary of Comments
The Department received comments
on the relevance of regional planning
processes to National Corridor
designation. FirstEnergy argued that in
general, in RTO regions, National
Corridors should be designated when a
transmission facility would relieve
congestion in an identified congestion
area and the facility has been recognized
as needed for reliability in an RTO’s
transmission planning and expansion
process. The Midwest ISO argued that
the Department should wait to designate
a National Corridor until a suitable
planning solution is proposed within an
identified congestion area. NARUC
argued that the Department should grant
deference to the results of adequate
21 See
comments of PSEG, ODEC, and J. Hayden.
e.g., comments of Allegheny Power,
American Electric Power (AEP), Arizona Public
Service Company (APS), ConEd, Duke Energy
Corporation (Duke), EEI, FirstEnergy, LS Power,
National Commission on Energy Policy (NCEP),
National Grid, and OMS.
22 See,
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regional planning processes. Other
commenters, for example NYPSC, also
recommended that the Department
should coordinate its designations with
regional planning processes.
On the other hand, some commenters
expressed concern about the
Department relying too much on RTO
input regarding designation of National
Corridors. For example, ODEC argued
that while RTOs provide a forum within
which public and well-vetted
transmission planning could occur, at
this time they lack procedures needed to
ensure that such planning would
actually occur. ABB expressed concern
about the fragmented nature of the
studies performed by RTOs.
OMS argued that any designation
must be based on the existence of siting
barriers. For example, OMS asserted
that if needed transmission is not being
constructed due to cost recovery or
other non-siting uncertainties, then a
designation is inappropriate. According
to OMS, designation is only appropriate
when a National Corridor is truly
necessary to solve a congestion problem
of national significance, when the
congestion problem is persistent, and
when the prior failure to develop a
solution is the result of siting problems.
The Public Utilities Commission of the
State of California (CPUC) argued that
designation is unwarranted unless there
is evidence that State and regional
processes are not addressing the
problem in a timely manner. CPUC
argued that it is, first of all, up to the
States and the regions to solve their
transmission planning and siting
problems, and Federal agencies should
not intervene unless and until there is
a demonstrated need for them to do so.
CPUC further asserted that designation
of a National Corridor in connection
with any large multi-state project is
likely to delay project siting, because of
litigation and conflict it would produce.
CEC commented that Federal back-stop
siting would be beneficial where the
State has been unable to make progress
in approving vital transmission projects.
PAPUC argued that the Department
should not make any designation that
does not clearly identify the national
interests requiring protection and
without making findings of fact that
those interests are better served by a
National Corridor designation than by
another approach that would be less
intrusive of State laws and policies.
NYISO urged the Department to
designate National Corridors with care
so as not to usurp arbitrarily State siting
authority. On the other hand, the
Midwest ISO argued that the
Department should not wait until local
siting has become problematic, given
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the effect of a National Corridor
DOE Response
The Department disagrees with those
commenters who suggest that the
Department defer making a National
Corridor designation either until siting
problems have already manifested
themselves or until a regional planning
process proposes a solution to the
congestion or constraint problem.
Nothing in FPA section 216 requires or
envisions that the Department adopt a
wait-and-see approach to National
Corridor designation. FPA section 216
empowers the Department to make
designations when it finds constraints
or congestion adversely affecting
consumers, a finding that is not
dependent on actions that others (e.g.,
transmission owners, regional planners,
or States) may take to remedy those
constraints or congestion. The
Department fully supports such entities
taking aggressive action to remedy
congestion and nothing in a National
Corridor designation conflicts with their
ability to do so. Moreover, acting in
parallel with the efforts of other entities
is consistent with Congressional intent
in enacting EPAct, which emphasizes
the immediate need for new investment
in transmission. Delaying action by the
Department until action by all others is
exhausted would not be consistent with
this intent, nor with the Nation’s
pressing need for new transmission.
Moreover, the statute provides a
specific mechanism by which States can
insulate themselves from the FERC
permitting provisions of FPA section
216(b). FPA section 216(i)(1) provides
that three or more contiguous States
may enter into interstate compacts
establishing regional transmission siting
agencies. 16 U.S.C. 824p(i)(1). Such
regional transmission siting agencies
would then have authority to site
transmission facilities in National
Corridors. FPA section 216(i)(3); 16
U.S.C. 824p(i)(3). Further, FERC would
have no authority to issue a
transmission permit within a State that
is party to such a compact unless the
members of the compact were in
disagreement and the Secretary, after
notice and opportunity for hearing,
made a finding that the conditions of
FPA section 216(b)(1)(C) were met. FPA
section 216(i)(4); 16 U.S.C. 824p(i)(4). In
light of this mechanism, as well as the
other statutory limitations on FERC’s
permitting authority discussed in
Section I.A above, the Department
concludes it would be inappropriate for
it to limit itself to designating National
Corridors where States have either
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 87 / Monday, May 7, 2007 / Notices
failed to act or have already developed
a preferred solution.
The Department supports and
encourages regional planning efforts. A
National Corridor designation neither
dictates nor bars any solution that might
be considered in a regional planning
process. The Department intends to
draw the boundaries of any National
Corridor so as to encompass a range of
potential transmission solutions. In the
event that a regional planning process
concludes that a modification to an
existing National Corridor designation is
needed, the Department will consider
such a request.
III. Defining National Corridor
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES2
Summary of Comments
In the Congestion Study, the
Department solicited comment on how,
where, and on what basis to establish
the boundaries of a National Corridor.
One approach identified in the
Congestion Study would use specific
transmission projects to define National
Corridor boundaries. Under this
approach, a proponent of a National
Corridor would identify a specific
project that could serve as a solution to
the underlying congestion or constraint
problem, an approximate centerline for
the project would be identified, and the
National Corridor boundary would be
banded around that centerline. A
number of commenters, including EEI,
AEP, and Allegheny Power (Allegheny),
supported this approach.
Some commenters supported a
project-based approach provided that
there was some sort of independent
review of the project. For example,
ODEC argued that an open stakeholder
process should first identify and vet
conceptual projects and then make
National Corridor boundary
recommendations to the Department for
those projects. Southern California
Edison Company (SCE) argued that
National Corridor boundaries should be
tailored to aid in the construction of
specific viable transmission projects
approved through a regional planning
process. CREPC stated that the
delineation of National Corridor
boundaries should be informed by a
detailed analysis of congestion
mitigation options.
Several commenters raised the
possibility of an incremental process for
setting National Corridor boundaries,
under which the Secretary would first
make a designation of a broad area, and
then as specific transmission proposals
are developed and presented for review
by appropriate authorities, the Secretary
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would narrow the boundaries.23
Commenters who supported a projectbased approach emphasized that
National Corridor boundaries drawn in
such manner should not dictate a
particular line route, but rather should
be drawn broadly enough to allow for
consideration of alternative alignments
during the siting process.
On the other hand, some commenters
opposed the project-centerline approach
to developing National Corridor
boundaries. For example, PAPUC
argued that such an approach would
involve the Secretary in siting decisions
of the sort that Congress did not intend
and for which the Department lacks
expertise. OMS opposed National
Corridor designation for particular
projects. A number of commenters
supported use of a non-project-based
approach either instead of or in addition
to a project-based approach. FirstEnergy
suggested that in the absence of a
specific project, a National Corridor
could be drawn by means of a radius
around the congested area. However,
most commenters who supported a nonproject-based approach recommended
that the Department use a source-andsink approach to setting National
Corridor boundaries, in which the
Department would identify a sink (the
congested or constrained load area) and
a source (an area of potential supply),
and then draw a National Corridor
connecting these two areas.24 AEP’s
version of a source-and-sink approach
looks at three factors: the area of
potential generation resources, the
critically congested load area, and the
transmission deficiencies between the
two areas.
Several commenters supported the
specification of precise boundaries for
National Corridors. For example,
Allegheny argued that specific
boundaries are needed so that the
project sponsor would know whether its
project is encompassed within a
National Corridor, FERC could readily
determine the geographic scope of its
potential jurisdiction, and land owners
would know whether their property
may be subject to the Federal exercise
of eminent domain. However, OMS
argued that instead of setting specific
perimeter boundaries, the Department
should identify source and sink areas,
define the goal of the National Corridor,
and then limit the National Corridor
designation to those projects that further
that goal. OMS expressed concern that
23 See, e.g., comments of APS, Wyoming
Infrastructure Authority, and Great Northern
Properties, L.P. and Great Northern Power
Development, L.P.
24 See, e.g., comments of PAPUC, OMS, and
National Grid.
PO 00000
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delineation of specific boundaries could
have the effect of establishing Federal
transmission line corridors within
States, and notes that just because a
proposed project is located within a
National Corridor it should not be
assumed to address the concerns that
lead to the designation of the National
With regard to drawing the specific
perimeters of a National Corridor,
Allegheny argued for using existing or
proposed originating, intermediate, and
terminating substations for proposed
lines identified by planning studies.
Numerous commenters argued that the
Secretary should draw National
Corridor boundaries to exclude parks
and other environmentally protected
areas.25 Some commenters, including
CEC, Imperial Irrigation District (IID)
and the Appalachian Trail Conservancy,
recommended that the Department take
into consideration existing rights of way
when drawing boundaries. CEC argued
that DOE should ensure that any
National Corridors in California are
delineated in a manner consistent with
recent legislation concerning State
designation of electric transmission
corridors.26 NCEP noted that congestion
occurs within an electrical system of
flowgates rather than within a specific
geographic framework, and expresses
concern that arbitrary geographic
boundaries may foreclose the most costeffective option for remedying
congestion. Thus, NCEP argued that
Balancing Authorities, which have the
job of managing congestion, should be
used to define National Corridor
Several commenters emphasized the
need to make the area covered by a
National Corridor broad, to ensure
adequate flexibility of transmission
planners and siting authorities to
consider alternatives.27 The
Appalachian Trail Conservancy argued
that National Corridors should be 75 to
100 miles wide in order to allow
flexibility to align projects to avoid
environmentally sensitive areas.
Northwestern Energy argued for broad
National Corridors so that one group of
developers is not put at an unfair
advantage. ABB argued that the
boundaries of a National Corridor
should include adjacent contiguous
areas physically affected by large
25 See, e.g., comments of CEC, National Parks
Conservation Association, National Park Service,
Wilderness, Upper Delaware Council, and
numerous individuals.
26 See 2006 Cal. Adv. Legis. Serv. 638 (Deering)
(to be codified at Cal. Pub. Res. Code §§ 25330–
27 See, e.g., comments of PG&E, ConEd, LS Power,
National Grid, and Western Business Roundtable.
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 87 / Monday, May 7, 2007 / Notices
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES2
transmission upgrades since it is likely
that additional reinforcements will be
needed in those outlying areas. EEI
argued in favor of a two-track process
for drawing boundaries. Under EEI’s
process, where there is a specific
transmission project that could address
the congestion or constraint problem,
the boundaries would be as narrow as
several miles wide; where no specific
projects have been proposed, the
boundaries would be wider, up to 200
miles, to allow for a range of possible
On the other hand, some commenters
acknowledged the need for flexibility to
consider alternatives but cautioned
against drawing the National Corridor
boundaries too broadly. For example,
the City of New York stated that an
overbroad interpretation of ‘‘corridor’’ is
both inconsistent with the plain
meaning of the word and may be too
amorphous to provide adequate
guidance for beneficial transmission
planning. The PAPUC argued that
National Corridors should be set so as
to minimize the intrusion into State
siting jurisdiction and to guarantee that
any transmission projects claiming the
benefits of the National Corridor
designation will actually address the
problem Congress intended to address.
PAPUC further argued that the
Department should require a project
claiming the benefits of the National
Corridor designation to show that its
project would substantially alleviate the
specific directional congestion on which
the National Corridor was based and
that the project would not conflict with
any other transmission solutions being
planned in the applicable regional
planning process. Long Island Power
Authority (LIPA) argued that an
overbroad National Corridor would
dilute the effectiveness of FPA section
216 and would discourage nontransmission solutions.
DOE Response
The statute provides little direction
on how the Department should draw the
boundaries of a National Corridor. FPA
section 216(a) uses the term ‘‘geographic
area’’ and lists several considerations
the Secretary may take into account
when making a National Corridor
designation. However, the statute does
not define the term ‘‘corridor.’’ While
this term is commonly understood to
refer generally to some sort of path
between different areas, the specific
meaning of the term in this context is
ambiguous. After careful consideration
of the overall purpose and effect of this
statutory provision, as well as the
comments received, the Department has
concluded that, while there may be
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circumstances where a project-based
approach would be appropriate, in
general the Department will use a
source-and-sink approach to defining
National Corridor boundaries.
As discussed in Section I.A above, the
National Corridor designation process is
intended as a process to identify
congestion and constraint problems, and
the geographic areas in which these
problems exist, rather than as a process
to identify solutions to those problems.
Just as the determination of whether to
designate a National Corridor need not
await or rely on the existence or
analysis of specific transmission
proposals, neither does the
determination of the boundaries of that
National Corridor. Setting National
Corridor boundaries through a sourceand-sink approach is consistent with the
problem-identification purpose of
National Corridor designations under
FPA section 216(a), because it is not
focused on any particular transmission
projects, or set of transmission projects.
The Department recognizes that when
it designates a National Corridor, there
may be specific projects that have
already been proposed within the
boundaries of that National Corridor.
Such is the case with the draft National
Corridors designations in this notice.
This result is not surprising, because
these draft National Corridors
encompass well-known constraints that
have adverse effects on millions of
consumers. However, the Department
emphasizes that it is neither endorsing
nor recommending any specific projects
when it designates a National Corridor
based on a source-and-sink analysis.
There was broad consensus among the
commenters that if a project-based
approach were not used to set National
Corridor boundaries, then a source-andsink approach should be used. Such an
approach is consistent with the common
usage of ‘‘corridor’’ as an area linking
two other areas. Such an approach also
is consistent with the physical
properties of the electrical grid, because
a transmission line into a congested or
constrained load area will not benefit
that load unless the line connects with
a source of power that could help to
serve the load.
While the comments support the use
of a source-and-sink approach to setting
National Corridor boundaries, they
provide little clarification about how
such an approach should actually be
implemented. The details of how the
Department will draw the boundaries of
a National Corridor will depend on the
specific circumstances. However, in
general terms, the geographic extent of
the sink area in a National Corridor is
determined by the geographic
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distribution of the consumers adversely
affected by the congestion or
constraints—in other words, the
location of load downstream of the
limiting transmission constraints.
With regard to the source area, where
the decision to designate a National
Corridor is based on the existence of a
constraint that is hindering the
development or delivery of a particular
generation source that is in the public
interest,28 the identification of the
appropriate source area would be
relatively straightforward: the source
area would be the geographic area
within which that particular source of
supply is, or is likely to be, located. In
contrast, where the decision to
designate a National Corridor is based
on the existence of persistent
congestion, the identification of an
appropriate source area may require the
consideration of a range of potential
source areas. The selection of a source
area or source areas in those situations
will necessarily involve discretion and
is not suited to a formulaic approach.
Given the long lead time involved in
planning, obtaining regulatory
approvals for, and constructing
transmission projects, areas without a
current surplus of generation could well
develop additional power sources by the
time a transmission project is
completed. Therefore, depending on the
circumstances, the Department may
consider as potential source areas not
only those areas with existing surplus
generation, but also areas with projected
surplus generation, or areas with
available fuel supply for additional
Once the Department has identified
the range of potential source areas, it
must then decide which of those
potential source areas it will use to set
the boundaries of a National Corridor.
The Department observes that the
considerations identified in FPA section
216(a)(4) provide guidance on some of
the possible bases for making this
decision. FPA section 216(a)(4)(A)–(E)
authorizes the Secretary when making a
National Corridor designation to
consider lack of adequate or reasonably
priced electricity, diversification of
supply, energy independence, national
energy policy, and national defense and
homeland security. Each of these
considerations potentially has relevance
to the selection of source areas. For
example, certain potential source areas
may provide greater diversity of supply
than others, or may be more consistent
with national energy policy. Therefore,
when there are multiple potential
source areas, the Secretary will use his
28 See
Section II.A above.
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 87 / Monday, May 7, 2007 / Notices
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expert judgment to determine which of
the potential source areas to include,
taking into account relevant
considerations, including the
considerations identified in FPA section
216(a)(4), as appropriate.
After the Department has identified
the sink and source areas, it must then
delineate the specific boundaries of a
National Corridor linking those areas.
The Department agrees with the
majority of commenters that National
Corridor designations should specify
precise geographic boundaries. Such an
approach is not only consistent with the
plain meaning of the statutory term
‘‘geographic area,’’ it also provides
greater clarity and ease of
administration to those entities
concerned with whether a particular
project or land area would be
encompassed within a National
The Department acknowledges that
determining the exact perimeters for a
National Corridor under a source-andsink approach is more an art than a
science, and there will rarely be a
dispositive reason to draw a boundary
in one place as opposed to some number
of miles to the left or right. The drawing
of the boundary is ultimately a
judgment the Secretary must make,
based on all relevant considerations,
including the considerations identified
in FPA section 216(a)(4), as appropriate,
and available, relevant data. There is no
single boundary line that can be
determined based solely upon analysis
of the data. The Department notes that
the drawing of the boundary lines of a
National Corridor does not finally
determine or fix the substantive rights of
anyone. A National Corridor designation
simply provides developers proposing
certain projects within its boundaries an
additional procedural option in the form
of a potential Federal siting venue that
is not available to transmission projects
outside a National Corridor.
Therefore, the Department agrees with
those commenters who emphasize the
need for the Department to draw
National Corridor boundaries so that
they could encompass a range of
potential projects and a range of
potential routes.29 So long as a range of
alternatives is encompassed, further
refinement is unnecessary. Given this
29 Drawing National Corridor boundaries broadly
may also help encompass transmission upgrades
needed to address ‘‘loop flow.’’ Loop flow is a
phenomenon of alternating current transmission
networks in which electricity flows seek their own
paths, sometimes in patterns unanticipated by
system operators. Thus, a transmission
improvement designed to correct a congestion
problem on one part of the transmission system
may in some cases cause loop flows elsewhere that
must also be addressed.
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approach, the Department concludes
that it is not necessary to adjust the
boundaries of a National Corridor to
avoid parks or other environmentally
protected areas or to align the
boundaries with existing rights of
way.30 Further, the Department need not
attempt to interpret State laws on siting
preferences. The determination of the
best route for a specific project will be
made by siting authorities, who are
better positioned to make such a
determination. As discussed in Section
I.A above, if a project in a National
Corridor were to satisfy the statutory
requirements for seeking a permit from
FERC, FERC would analyze alternative
routes for that project, including route
realignments necessary to avoid adverse
effects on the environment, landowners,
and local communities. Nothing in FPA
section 216 alters the applicability of
Federal environmental and cultural
statutes and regulations.
The Department recognizes that some
States are concerned that specification
of broad boundaries could result in
unintended expansion of Federal siting
authority to include proposed
transmission projects that happen to be
located within a National Corridor but
are unrelated to the problem that
prompted the National Corridor
designation. Sometimes the approach
described above could produce very
large corridors; sometimes it could
produce smaller corridors. The breadth
of a corridor would be driven by the
geographic expanse of the adversely
affected load, the number and
geographic dimensions of source areas,
and the distance between the source and
sink areas. FPA section 216(b) itself
specifies the scope of FERC jurisdiction
over projects proposed to be built in
National Corridors, including a
requirement that the project will
‘‘significantly reduce transmission
congestion and protects or benefits
consumers.’’ 31 The Department believes
30 The Department acknowledges that this
approach to establishing boundaries for National
Corridors under FPA section 216(a) differs from the
approach being used for energy right-of-way
corridors on Federal land under EPAct section 368.
However, given the distinct purposes of FPA
section 216 and EPAct section 368, the Department
believes that applying different approaches to the
two different types of corridors is appropriate. See
Env’t Def. v. Duke Energy Corp., No. 05–848, slip
op. at 10 (U.S. April 2, 2007) (‘‘A given term in the
same statute may take on distinct characters from
association with distinct statutory objects calling for
different implementation strategies.’’)
31 See FERC Order No. 689, 71 FR 69,440, 69,446,
117 FERC ¶ 61,202 at P 41 (‘‘The Commission will
review the proposed project and determine if it
reduces the transmission congestion identified in
DOE’s study and if it will protect or benefit
consumers.’’); and 71 FR 69,440, 69,468, 117 FERC
¶ 61,202 at pp. 128–29 (§ 50.6(f) requires applicants
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that these statutory limitations
adequately address the States’ concerns
and do not require further clarification
by the Department.
Finally, in the event that an affected
party concludes at some later stage that
a modification to the boundaries of an
existing National Corridor is needed, the
Department will consider such a
IV. Involvement of Interested Parties
A. Public Notice
Summary of Comments
Some commenters argued that it
would be premature to designate any
National Corridors without a full
disclosure of the data and analysis
underlying the conclusions in the
Congestion Study. NYPSC, the Maine
Public Utilities Commission (Maine
PUC), and NARUC argued that the
Department must perform a more
granular analysis of congestion before
designating a National Corridor;
according to these commenters, the
Congestion Study alone does not
provide an adequate record of how the
conclusions about congestion were
reached. PAPUC stated that while the
Congestion Study is a good initial
assessment of congestion at the national
level, designation of specific National
Corridors cannot be based on the
preliminary analysis contained in the
Congestion Study; according to PAPUC,
more specific and focused regional
studies must be conducted prior to any
designation. A number of commenters
argued that the Congestion Study fails to
provide adequate notice of a National
Corridor designation under the
Administrative Procedure Act, 5 U.S.C.
DOE Response
The Department notes that as of
September 27, 2006, it made available
on its Web site non-proprietary data
relied on in the Congestion Study.
Moreover, as discussed further below,
the Department in this notice is
identifying the specific data on which it
is relying to establish the existence of
congestion or constraints adversely
affecting consumers, to explain the
reasons the Secretary is considering
exercising his discretion to designate a
National Corridor, and to explain how
to demonstrate that the conditions of FPA sec.
216(b)(2)–(6) are met).
32 See comments of Upper Delaware Preservation
Coalition, Delaware Riverkeeper Network,
SayNo2NYRI, Upstate NY Citizens Alliance, and
Stop NYRI, Inc. (collectively Delaware River
Commenters), Communities Against Regional
Interconnection (CARI) and Toll Brothers, Inc. (Toll
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 87 / Monday, May 7, 2007 / Notices
the specific boundaries of the draft
National Corridors were delineated.
Commenters will have a full
opportunity to comment on those data.
B. State Consultation
Summary of Comments
A number of commenters raised
concerns about the level of consultation
with States. Several commenters
asserted that the Department failed to
consult with the States in New England
in the preparation of the Congestion
Study.33 NARUC commented that the
Department failed to consult with States
in some regions. Other commenters
argued that the Secretary should not
designate any National Corridors
without further consultation with
affected States.34
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES2
DOE Response
FPA section 216(a)(1) requires that the
Department conduct its congestion
studies ‘‘in consultation with affected
States.’’ FPA section 216(a)(2) then
states that ‘‘[a]fter considering
alternatives and recommendations from
interested parties (including an
opportunity for comment from affected
States), the Secretary shall issue a
report, based on the study, which may
designate * * * [National Corridors].’’
The Department is committed to
fulfilling its obligation to consult with
States in this process. At the same time,
the Department notes that there are
practical difficulties in conducting the
level of consultation that some may
prefer in the context of a study of this
magnitude, which examines congestion
over 150,000 miles of transmission lines
throughout 47 States and the District of
Columbia, within statutorily mandated
deadlines. Moreover, the statute refers
to conducting the congestion study in
consultation with ‘‘affected States.’’ It is
difficult to know which States are
‘‘affected’’ until the conclusions of the
congestion study are known.
The Department has provided States
with numerous opportunities for input
and has held meetings with officials
representing individual States and
groups of States. The Department
initiated a series of conference calls in
December 2005 and January 2006 with
States to describe the Department’s
study plan and request information and
suggestions. On February 2, 2006, the
33 See comments of Maine PUC, New England
Conference of Public Utility Commissioners
(NECPUC), Connecticut Attorney General, New
England Governors’ Conference, Inc., and Maine
Congressional Delegation.
34 See, e.g., comments of the Governor of the
Commonwealth of Virginia, Arizona Corporation
Commission (Arizona Commission), and American
Transmission Company LLC.
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Department published a Notice of
Inquiry explaining the Department’s
intended approach for the Congestion
Study and inviting comment. On March
29, 2006, the Department held a public
technical conference in Chicago, Illinois
to address the questions presented in
the Notice of Inquiry. The Congestion
Study itself was made available for
comment on August 8, 2006. In
addition, the Department held
numerous meetings with State officials
to discuss the Congestion Study and
made presentations at several State
conferences and events.35
As indicated by its outreach efforts in
connection with the Congestion Study,
the Department recognizes the
importance of State consultation. The
Department further recognizes that the
most significant stage of the entire
process under FPA section 216(a) is the
National Corridor designation stage.
Therefore, in addition to making the
draft National Corridor designations
described in this notice available for
comment, the Secretary is
simultaneously contacting the
Governors of each State in which the
draft National Corridors would be
located to arrange consultation
V. Environmental and Cultural
Summary of Comments
The Department received several
comments proposing that the
Department prepare a Programmatic
Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS),
pursuant to the National Environmental
Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321–
4347) (NEPA), before designating any
National Corridors. Specifically, some
commenters state that designating a
National Corridor is equivalent to
establishing a plan for routing
transmission lines and, therefore, must
be evaluated in a PEIS.36 Other
commenters argue that a National
35 National Conference of State Legislatures,
Seattle, WA, Aug. 18, 2005; Southern States Energy
Board, Atlanta, GA, Aug. 27, 2005; Midwest State
Energy Office, webcast, Aug. 31, 2005; National
Association of State Energy Officials, New York,
NY, Sept. 12, 2005, and Washington, DC, Feb. 7,
2006; CREPC, San Diego, CA, Sept. 20, 2005, and
Sept. 27, 2006, and Portland, OR, April 4, 2006;
NARUC, Palm Springs, CA, Nov. 14, 2005,
Washington, DC, Feb. 14 and 22, 2006, San
Francisco, CA, Aug. 1, 2006, and conference calls,
Jan. 11, 2006, and June 16, 2006; NYPSC, Albany,
NY, Dec. 20, 2005; OMS, conference call, May 11,
2006; Florida Public Service Commission,
Tallahassee, FL, June 15, 2006; Midwestern
Legislative Conference, Chicago, IL, Aug. 20, 2006;
Organization of PJM States, Inc., Cambridge, MD,
Sept. 17, 2006; CPUC, conference call, Sept. 20,
2006; CEC, conference call, Sept. 22, 2006; and
Maine PUC, conference call, Oct. 6, 2006.
36 See e.g., comments of Delaware River
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Corridor designation is not just a plan
for routing of transmission lines, but
rather would amount to a de facto
permitting of a specific, identifiable
transmission line for which a PEIS or an
Environmental Impact Statement must
be prepared.37
Several commenters also asserted that
the designation of a National Corridor
selects a transmission-based solution to
congestion rather than alternative
energy solutions such as siting local
generation or increased demand
response. These commenters argue that
DOE should conduct a PEIS that
considers alternatives to transmissionbased solutions to congestion prior to
designating a National Corridor.38
Other commenters note that the
Council on Environmental Quality’s
regulations implementing the
procedural provisions of NEPA (40 CFR
1500–1508) require that NEPA be
applied at the earliest possible time in
the planning process and contend that,
therefore, DOE should prepare a PEIS
prior to any designation of a National
Corridor.39 Still other commenters state
that DOE should prepare a PEIS before
designating a National Corridor because
a PEIS would allow DOE to examine not
just environmental impacts from
individual projects but also cumulative
environmental and non-environmental
impacts, including socioeconomic
The Department also received
comments that it should conduct other
environmental and cultural analyses,
such as a review under the National
Historic Preservation Act (16 U.S.C.
470) (NHPA), before designating
National Corridors.41 For example, the
Advisory Council on Historic
Preservation states that the Department
should conduct a ‘‘tiered’’ approach
under the NHPA, and that the
Department should designate National
Corridors that are broad enough to
ensure that feasible alternatives to
mitigate potential adverse effects to
historic properties may be developed
and evaluated at a later stage.
DOE Response
Section 102(2)(C) of NEPA requires
that all Federal agencies include an
environmental impact statement in
37 See, e.g., comments of National Trust for
Historic Preservation and numerous individuals.
38 See, e.g., comments of PEC and Virginia
Chapter of the Sierra Club (Sierra Club); see also
comments of U.S. Sen. Warner and U.S. Rep. Wolf.
39 See, e.g., comments of CARI.
40 See, e.g., comments of Wilderness.
41 See, e.g., comments of Civil War Preservation
Trust, Foundation of the State Arboretum of
Virginia, and National Parks Conservation
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 87 / Monday, May 7, 2007 / Notices
‘‘every recommendation or report on
proposals for legislation and other major
Federal actions significantly affecting
the quality of the human environment.’’
42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(C). The designation of
a National Corridor under FPA section
216(a)(2) does not significantly affect
the quality of the human environment.
To the contrary, as described in Section
I.A above, a National Corridor
designation is not a determination that
transmission must, or even should, be
built; it is not a proposal to build a
transmission facility and it does not
direct anyone to make a proposal. Nor
does the Department’s designation of a
National Corridor result in or plan for
any ground-breaking environmental
impacts. Nor does National Corridor
designation irrevocably commit any
resources to any activity having
foreseeable environmental impacts.
Designation of a National Corridor does
not control FERC’s substantive decision
on the merits as to whether to grant or
deny a permit application, specifically
where any facilities covered by a permit
should be located, or what conditions
should be placed on a permit. Further,
as discussed in Section III above, the
Department has decided not to establish
the boundaries of today’s draft National
Corridors using a project-centerline
approach that would give an advantage
to a particular transmission line. As
discussed in Section I.A above, the
Department’s approach to National
Corridor designation does not foreclose
future options for addressing
congestion, including non-transmission
options. For these reasons, National
Corridor designation is not a ‘‘proposal
for a major Federal action significantly
affecting the quality of the human
environment’’ that falls within the
purview of NEPA.
While NEPA review is not required at
this time, all proposals for Federal siting
permits will be subject to, as
appropriate, project-specific NEPA
review. In addition to NEPA, proposals
for such permits will also be subject to
other environmental and cultural
reviews, including, but not limited to,
review under the NHPA.42 Nothing in
FPA section 216 alters the applicability
of Federal environmental and cultural
statutes and regulations.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES2
VI. Duration of National Corridor
Summary of Comments
The Congestion Study solicited
comment on whether National Corridor
designations should be permanent or
whether the Department should set an
42 See
FERC Order No. 689 discussed in n.4.
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expiration date. Most commenters did
not address this question. Most of those
who did said that DOE should not set
a standard duration period for National
Corridor designations. SCE, for example,
said that relevant conditions would vary
too much from case to case, and that
DOE should establish a period suitable
to a given National Corridor and then
work with affected parties to determine
when or if the designation should be
terminated. APS emphasized that the
development of transmission facilities is
often a protracted process; that the
initial designation should be for a
considerable period; and that thereafter
DOE should ensure that a designation
does not expire in a manner that would
disadvantage existing efforts to relieve
congestion problems. EEI said that
designations should not have any fixed
duration; rather, they should simply
remain in force until rescinded by DOE.
EEI argued that DOE should stipulate in
its designations that it reserves the right
to rescind a designation if it finds that
the designation is no longer needed, and
that it would revisit the need for
existing designations in its periodic
studies and reports. EEI also
emphasized the need for DOE to ensure
that it did not rescind a designation
Wilderness noted that DOE is to
update its congestion study every three
years, and suggested that DOE should
reassess the need for existing National
Corridors as part of each three-year
study. Similarly, the York County
Planning Commission said that
designations should be for three-year
terms, subject to renewal or rescission
based on the findings in the updated
congestion analyses.
PJM Interconnection, LLC, (PJM)43
recommended that DOE designate
National Corridors for an initial 10-year
term, and stipulate the Secretary’s right
to rescind or modify the terms or
boundaries of a National Corridor at any
time after showing that such action was
DOE Response
DOE appreciates the need to be
responsive to the broad range of factors
and considerations pertaining to the
duration of National Corridor
designations. It also recognizes that
designations, once made, should be in
place for a considerable period of years,
with the possibility of either rescission
or renewal for cause. Accordingly, DOE
intends to adopt a default approach,
43 PJM is the RTO serving parts or all of Delaware,
Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan,
New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania,
Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and the District
of Columbia.
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under which an initial designation
would be for a period of 12 years unless
it finds reason in a particular case to set
some other initial term.
Notwithstanding this approach, the
Department recognizes the disruptive
effect that regulatory uncertainty can
have on transmission investment.
Therefore, the Department does not
intend to terminate any National
Corridor designations while an accepted
permit application in that National
Corridor is pending at FERC, or, once
FERC has granted a permit, during the
period in which the approved facilities
are being constructed. The Department
will stipulate in any National Corridor
designation order that the designation
may be modified, rescinded, or renewed
for cause at any time, after a period of
public notice and comment and
consideration of the comments.
VII. Technical Comments on the
Congestion Study
In this section, the Department
summarizes and responds to technical
comments it received on the Congestion
Study that are relevant to today’s draft
National Corridor designations.
Specifically, the Department first
summarizes and responds to those
comments on the data and methodology
used in the Congestion Study that have
general relevance to any National
Corridor designation. Then, the
Department summarizes and responds
to comments on the Congestion Study
that have particular relevance to the
draft National Corridor designations in
this notice. As mentioned above, today’s
notice does not address comments
received on the Congestion Study that
relate solely to areas outside the two
Critical Congestion Areas or that relate
to the conduct of future congestion
A. Comments of General Relevance
Several commenters commended DOE
for its efforts in completing the first
national electric transmission
congestion study and advancing the
discussion on transmission congestion.
NARUC stated, ‘‘The DOE’s successful
development of a base case electric load
flow model in a single year for the entire
Eastern Interconnection is a significant
achievement.’’ First Energy commented
that ‘‘DOE seems to have relied on
appropriate information to support its
conclusions in the Congestion Study.
DOE seems to have made reasonable
assumptions about the electric
infrastructure that will be in use and
seems to have relied upon reasonable
modeling methods with respect to
identifying potential future transmission
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 87 / Monday, May 7, 2007 / Notices
The Midwest ISO remarked:
The classification of congested areas into
Critical Congestion Areas, Congestion Areas
of Concern, or Conditional Congestion Areas
is an appropriate means to distinguish
between varying characteristics of these
congested areas * * *. Overall, the method
employed to identify congested areas is an
appropriate combination of available
historical data, transmission studies by
planning organizations, and simulation of
future congestion.
EEI applauded the Department for the
timely completion of the Congestion
Study, stating, ‘‘In light of the strong
emphasis on electric infrastructure
made by the Congress in enacting
EPAct, the congestion study identifies a
broad range of critical geographic areas
throughout the nation that face
potentially serious challenges for
ensuring reliable and cost-effective
electricity delivery.’’
International Transmission Company
stated that as a general matter, ‘‘the
Congestion Study did a commendable
job of identifying areas of the United
States in which congestion represents
an economic problem, i.e., where
densely populated, economically
significant regions of the country face
limited access to economic sources of
electricity as the result of transmission
congestion.’’ However, the Department
also received comments expressing
concern about several general aspects of
the Congestion Study, as discussed
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES2
1. Data Sources
Summary of Comments: ODEC stated
that the Department should not rely
solely on RTOs and ISOs for data,
asserting that their processes are not
totally open, collaborative and
inclusive. Toll Brothers asserted that
rather than conduct its own Congestion
Study, the Department has relied too
much on industry sources, such as PJM,
Allegheny, and transmission owners
who wheel power for low-cost providers
into higher priced markets.
DOE Response: The Department did
not rely solely on data and information
from any single source or category of
sources. The Department contacted a
wide range of stakeholders for publicly
available and current data. Through the
notice of inquiry and technical
conference the Department opened the
call for data to all entities. Furthermore,
the Department performed its own
review of the information provided.
2. Congestion Metrics
Summary of Comments: The
Department received a number of
comments on the use of congestion rents
to measure congestion. ODEC supported
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the use of congestion rents as a
congestion metric. However, several
commenters complained that congestion
rent can significantly overstate the
economic effect of congestion because
the figure does not account for hedging.
NYISO argued that the proper metric to
measure congestion is potential
production cost savings not gross
congestion rent, which ‘‘is merely an
accounting protocol that does not
recognize the offsets that exist under
various hedging instruments and
grandfathered contract arrangements.’’
Similarly, NYPSC argued that gross
congestion rent is a misleading metric
that significantly overstates the cost of
congestion by failing to factor in the
return of some congestion revenues to
loads. NYPSC argued that the
Department should measure congestion
by analyzing the additional cost of local
generation required to serve customers
in a load pocket.44 Toll Brothers argued
that under FPA section 216(a), the
Department may only consider
economic factors after the Department
has demonstrated that congestion exists,
and the demonstration of the existence
of congestion must be based on an
analysis of the transmission system’s
physical capability of meeting the
demand for electricity. According to
Toll Brothers, if demand can be met,
then there is no congestion, regardless
of the relative price of the power needed
to meet that demand.
Other commenters argued that
congestion rent has limited relevance
outside of organized markets, and thus
the Congestion Study significantly
underestimated congestion and
constraints in the areas of the country
without such markets. Several
commenters from the Southeast, for
example the Public Works Commission
of the City of Fayetteville, North
Carolina, expressed concern that the
Study had missed significant congestion
problems and urged the Department to
consider other types of information,
such as lack of long-term firm
transmission capacity. NRECA and NEC
also argued for use of alternative
metrics, including available transfer
capacity. Western commenters,
including NWPUD and SCL, noted that
the need to look at alternative metrics,
such as withdrawn or declined
transmission requests, limits on
scheduling rights, or real-time schedule
curtailments, is particularly important
in the Northwest, given that power there
is obtained solely through bilateral
markets. NWPUD and SCL assert that
modeling congestion using production
cost simulations may be misleading
44 See
PO 00000
also comments of PSEG.
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since most of the Western
Interconnection uses contract path
methods for acquiring, reserving, and
scheduling transmission service. Duke
noted that because areas without formal
markets are generally served by
vertically integrated utilities, the type of
LMP-based congestion data typically
provided by RTOs and ISOs are often
not available. PSEG asserted that the
Congestion Study is biased towards
regions that use LMP because the Study
is only capable of measuring congestion
in LMP-type markets. PSEG concluded
that this inherent bias is not properly
recognized or addressed in the Study, as
is evidenced by the fact that the
Congestion Study contains no
significant congestion findings for areas
without organized markets. NCEP
asserted that lack of data for the
Southeast and parts of the West, where
organized markets do not exist, presents
a significant gap in the knowledge
available to the Department to
determine the need for National
Corridors in those regions. NCEP further
asserted that the fact that data from
these areas are not available does not
mean that congestion does not exist.
DOE Response: The Department
recognizes that the Congestion Study’s
use of congestion rent as a metric has
led to concern and confusion. The
Department did not intend to suggest
that congestion rents represent the
actual monetary cost that consumers
pay specifically as a result of
congestion, or that congestion rents
measure the benefits of relieving the
congestion. The Department recognizes
that outside of the organized markets
that use LMP-based congestion
management, transmission customers do
not pay congestion rents per se. The
Department further recognizes that
within the organized markets that use
LMP-based congestion management,
financial transmission rights can
provide load-serving entities with
significant protection from the payment
of congestion rents, although as the
system becomes more constrained the
availability of those rights may not be
able to protect consumers from the full
effects of congestion. Also, the
Department recognizes that congestion
rents are not the same as the cost of
redispatch, a cost that some
combination of transmission customers
actually pay specifically as a result of
Nevertheless, congestion rents are an
indicator of the existence of congestion,
since if there is no congestion, there are
no rents, and whenever there is
congestion, congestion rents can be
calculated. The Congestion Study
modeled congestion rents for areas with
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 87 / Monday, May 7, 2007 / Notices
organized markets in the same way it
modeled congestion rents for areas
without organized markets. For both
types of areas, the models determined
congestion rent for a particular
constraint by calculating a shadow price
for that constraint and multiplying the
shadow price by the megawatt (MW)
flow on the constraint. For each
constraint, models compute hourly
shadow prices as marginal costs of
redispatch required to relieve
congestion (if any) on that constraint in
each hour, taking into account the
differences in production costs among
the appropriate generators.
Nevertheless, in most organized
markets, RTOs and ISOs calculate LMPs
and make them publicly available;
whereas in areas without organized
markets, there is less transparency with
regard to the actual marginal cost of
redispatch. Thus, the Congestion
Study’s modeling of congestion rents for
areas with organized markets is easier to
validate than for areas without
organized markets.
With regard to the recommendation
that the Department use changes in bid
production cost instead of congestion
rent to measure congestion, the
Department concludes that use of bid
production cost in the context of FPA
section 216(a) congestion studies is not
required. Bid production cost analysis
compares a base case against different
scenarios in which action is taken to
alleviate congestion or constraints. By
contrast, the Department is specifically
not seeking to assess the benefits of
different fixes to a congestion or
constraint problem. Rather, the
Department is simply identifying
congestion or constraint problems, and
the geographic areas in which these
problems exist.
While the Department believes that
congestion rent, when correctly
understood, is a useful indicator of the
persistence and pervasiveness of
congestion within a transmission
system, congestion rent was only one of
the metrics used in the Congestion
Study. Further, as discussed in Section
II.A above, while FPA section 216(a)
requires a National Corridor designation
to be based on the existence of
constraints or congestion that adversely
affects consumers, once the Department
has demonstrated the existence of
persistent congestion, no additional
demonstration, let alone monetization,
of the adverse effects on consumers is
required. Thus, in the draft National
Corridor designations detailed below,
the Department relies on historical
binding hours and a range of other
indicators to support its conclusion that
the areas are experiencing persistent
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congestion and that National Corridor
designation is appropriate. For the
purposes of future congestion studies,
the Department is considering whether
other metrics, in addition to or instead
of congestion rents, are appropriate,
particularly in those areas without
organized markets.
3. Direct Current Versus Alternating
Current Modeling
Summary of comments: Some
commenters, including NARUC,
NYPSC, and PAPUC, asserted that the
direct current (DC) model used by the
Department for the Eastern
Interconnection is oversimplified, does
not adequately reflect the system, may
understate congestion, cannot take into
account voltage-related constraints, and
therefore will not include any
congestion caused by such constraints.
According to these commenters, the
impact of voltage-related constraints can
be significant and should not be
overlooked in the Congestion Study.
These commenters argued that
alternating current (AC) modeling
(including thermal, voltage, and
stability analyses under both normal
and contingency conditions) should be
used on a sub-regional basis to provide
more detailed analysis of the areas
identified as problematic through the
DC modeling.
DOE response: For the Eastern
Interconnection, modeling was
performed using GE–MAPS, a
commercially available simulation tool.
GE–MAPS uses a DC representation of
the load flow, which does not model
reactive power requirements directly.
Use of indirect approaches to account
for reactive power is not unusual in
electric analysis. For example, many
well-known operational constraints in
PJM, such as the Eastern, Central, and
Western interfaces are proxies for
reactive power limitations downstream.
PJM specifies the MW limit (real power)
to ensure that the capacity of local units
to provide sufficient reactive power is
not exceeded. It is not possible to
conduct a full-scale AC power flow
modeling exercise (with forwardlooking unit commitment and hourly
chronological dispatch) of the Eastern
Interconnection using today’s
computational resources. While subregional analyses using AC modeling
may be feasible, the Department does
not believe that such analyses are
necessary, given the purpose of the
Congestion Study and the effect of any
National Corridor designation, as
discussed in Section I.A above.
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4. Marginal Versus Average Losses
Summary of comments: Commenters,
including NJBPU, asserted that using
average costs for transmission losses
(instead of marginal costs) for the entire
Eastern Interconnection understates the
congestion in certain areas. Specifically
commenters pointed out that the PJM
plan to adopt marginal losses as of June
2007 is not included and although the
Florida Reliability Coordination Council
sub-region uses marginal losses, the
Congestion Study modeled that subregion using average losses. In the West,
the Western Electricity Coordinating
Council (WECC) noted that its results
showed that improvements are needed
to address this issue.
DOE response: It is true that the
Congestion Study modeled average
losses for all regions. Although in some
regions transmission losses are charged
based on average cost and in others they
are charged based on marginal cost, the
models used in the Congestion Study
require the use of either average or
marginal losses for the entire model
footprint. In future congestion studies, it
may be more appropriate to model
marginal losses in all regions.
5. Aggregation of Nodes
Summary of comments: Some
commenters expressed concern that the
Congestion Study’s aggregation of the
Eastern Interconnection’s load and
generation pockets into 253 nodes and
analysis of the load flow patterns among
them resulted in many local areas of
congestion and localized transmission
constraints not being identified or
described. For example, Northern
Indiana Public Service Company
pointed out that not all congestion is on
major transmission facilities and claims
that flow on some major lines is limited
by the potential of contingency
overloads on secondary transmission
lines contained within a node.
Similarly, First Energy and SCL noted
that the level of analysis does not
present enough detail on their
respective areas. ODEC claimed that the
Department’s node analysis should be
made in conjunction with a more
localized analysis of all nodes within a
congested area. Otherwise, ODEC
asserted that an aggregated approach is
likely to result in congestion being
understated because the implicit netting
of adjacent buses may inadvertently
offset one against another.
DOE response: In the modeling of the
Eastern Interconnection for the
Congestion Study, congestion was
calculated at all constraints known to
have been previously identified for
monitoring by regional reliability
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councils, RTOs, ISOs, and transmission
owners. This calculation was wholly
separate from the aggregation of the
Interconnection into the 253 nodes,
which was done later in the analytic
process to identify broad patterns of
power flows from sources to sinks and
determine the principal transmission
elements involved. Accordingly, all
congestion at the identified locations
was estimated and reported in the
model’s outputs. Any failure to flag realworld congestion through this approach
should be traceable to either of two
problems, or some combination of them:
(1) a failure to identify a real-world
constraint as appropriate for monitoring
in the model; or (2) a disparity between
the modeled results and real-world
experience. The Department intends to
explore this issue further in future
congestion studies, and looks forward to
working on it with interested entities.
6. Fuel Prices
Summary of comments: Commenters
such as ODEC, ConEd, and Toll Brothers
cautioned the Department against
reliance on fuel scenarios. ODEC argued
that evaluating different fuel price
scenarios implies that fuel price is a
driver in transmission congestion, when
in fact it is the lack of sufficient
transmission capacity that is the
principal driver of transmission
congestion. ConEd and PEC stated that
the Department’s assumption of an
increasing price difference between
coal-fired generation and natural-gasand oil-fired generation is unrealistic.
EPSA cautioned that the extreme
weather conditions such as were
experienced during 2005 and the related
natural gas price impacts associated
with hurricanes Katrina and Rita should
not inflate assessments of the duration
of congestion over the lifetime of a
transmission asset.
DOE response: The Department did
not intend to suggest in the Congestion
Study that fuel price is the only factor
creating congestion. In fact, congestion
can exist in the complete absence of fuel
price differences when generation
capacity in a load pocket combined with
transmission capacity to import energy
is insufficient to meet demand. Further,
in the absence of such a reliability
problem, fuel price differences between
locations on the grid will not result in
congestion if transmission capacity is
adequate to accommodate the demand
for the cheaper power. The modeling
performed in the Congestion Study
resulted in similar locational patterns of
congestion under each fuel price
scenario, but with different congestion
costs. The cost differences reflect the
marginal generation costs, but the
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locations reflect the underlying
transmission system topology.
Moreover, the constraints that were
identified generally are well-known
constraints that have been long
Contrary to the assertion of ConEd
and PEC, natural gas and oil prices were
assumed to drop in the base case of the
Congestion Study over the time period
of 2006 through 2015, thus narrowing
the price spread between coal-fired
generation and natural-gas- and oil-fired
generation. What is more important is
that the analysis considered three
distinct fuel price scenarios which offer
dramatically different relationships
between the prices of natural gas and
coal. At the same time, transmission
problems identified in the Congestion
Study as persistent are those that appear
under all fuel price scenarios.
(OTC) ratings are conducted for critical
paths in the Interconnection. These
studies assume system conditions
expected to occur in the near term, such
as long-term transmission or resource
outages. The western studies used in the
Congestion Study did de-rate some
paths below their maximum path
capability to account for the fact that
operationally, they are often held below
the maximum limits. The Pacific AC
and DC Interties and the tie between
Alberta and British Columbia are three
examples that were de-rated in the
studies to account for issues like those
raised by SCL and Northern Wasco. The
Department will consider additional
approaches to handling the effects of
line outages in future congestion
7. Seams
Summary of comments: ConEd
expressed concern that the Congestion
Study did not effectively take into
account congestion caused by seams.
ConEd asserted that, given the
differences in market design between
PJM and NYISO, market inefficiencies
may produce congestion costs while in
fact the lines are underutilized.
DOE response: The Department
acknowledges that seams are an
important issue in the analysis of
congestion.45 In the modeling
conducted for the Eastern
Interconnection in the Congestion
Study, seams were reflected by means of
the hurdle rates used for commitment
and dispatch and the use of a
‘‘commitment by pool’’ modeling logic.
It may be appropriate in future
congestion studies to consider
additional analysis of the effects that
seams are having on congestion.
However, the Department does not
believe that the congestion that has led
to today’s draft National Corridors is
primarily a result of interregional
differences in market design.
Summary of Comments
PEC noted differences between the
load data used in the Congestion Study
and the PJM Load Forecast Report 2006
and suggested that a detailed review and
validation of the data is warranted. PEC,
ConEd, and LIPA argued that the
Department should revise the
Congestion Study to reflect the data in
NYISO’s final 2006 Comprehensive
Reliability Plan.
8. Line Outages
Summary of comments: NWPUD and
SCL question whether the Congestion
Study adequately accounted for lengthy
maintenance outages on transmission
lines in the Western Interconnection.
DOE response: In the Western
Interconnection, the transmission
system is assumed intact when rating
studies are conducted to determine the
maximum capability, or Total Transfer
Capability (TTC) of a path. In addition,
seasonal Operating Transfer Capability
45 Seams are interregional differences in market
design that result in market inefficiencies.
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B. Comments Specific to the MidAtlantic Critical Congestion Area
DOE Response
When preparing the Congestion
Study, the Department made every effort
to include the most current and best
available data. The specific reports cited
above were not available at that time,
and the Department therefore relied on
2005 data. Nevertheless, the Department
has reviewed the information cited by
commenters and concludes that it does
not alter the analysis set forth below
concerning the draft designation of
National Corridors.
Summary of Comments
National Grid suggested that the
geographic area from Albany and Utica
to New York City should be included
within the Mid-Atlantic Critical
Congestion Area.
DOE Response
The Department agrees that it is
appropriate to include this area within
the Mid-Atlantic Critical Congestion
Area, and as discussed below, the
Department has included this area in
the draft Mid-Atlantic Area National
Summary of Comments
PSEG believed that the Mid-Atlantic
Critical Congestion Area identified by
the Congestion Study is too broad. PSEG
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 87 / Monday, May 7, 2007 / Notices
claimed that the Department’s broad
designation essentially means that each
region and each city within this area
suffers from the same type and degree
of congestion problem. Given the
unique transmission topology of the
sub-regions, PSEG claimed that it is
unlikely that each sub-region is
experiencing the same degree of
DOE Response
DOE agrees that this broad area is not
homogeneous and that congestion is not
uniformly distributed. Nevertheless, as
the entire region is downstream of
significant constraints, congestion
occurs to one degree or another across
the entire area.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES2
Summary of Comments
PSEG noted that the Congestion Study
says (p. 41) that transmission congestion
problems are worsening in southeastern
New York, in New York State as a
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whole, in New Jersey, and in the
Delaware River Path. PSEG added that
the Study does not provide data
applicable to PJM to support these
assertions. Further, PSEG cited PJM’s
2005 State of the Market Report as
showing that although total gross
congestion was rising in the PJM
footprint over the 6-year period between
1999 and 2005, this was occurring as the
geographic size of PJM’s market was
growing, and the level of gross
congestion, as a percentage of total PJM
billings, remained relatively consistent
at about 8 percent (plus or minus 2
percent) per year.
DOE Response
DOE believes that the information it
cites on pp. 42–43 of the Congestion
Study strongly supports the assertions
made on p. 41. Concerning congestion
and PJM’s expansion, DOE notes that
from 1999 through 2005, PJM was
expanding into relatively uncongested
PO 00000
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areas, while congestion was rising
sharply in PJM’s original, ‘‘classic,’’
footprint. Thus, although total
congestion for PJM’s footprint remained
relatively consistent as a percentage of
total PJM billing is true, that is not
particularly relevant. The rapid increase
in congestion in the eastern portion of
PJM’s footprint can be demonstrated in
two ways. One way is to compare total
annual congestion costs in the PJM
footprint with total transmission
revenue requirements (adjusting the
latter figure as appropriate to take PJM’s
broadening footprint into account). As
shown in Table VII–1, congestion costs
rose from 7.4 percent of transmission
revenue requirements in 1999 to 107.9
percent of these requirements in 2005.
These figures suggest that the demands
on the transmission system in PJM’s
footprint were increasingly intensive
over this period.
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Another way to see that congestion
was growing rapidly in the eastern
portion of PJM’s footprint during this
period is to compare historical changes
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in LMPs for the utilities in ‘‘classic
PJM.’’ As shown in Figure VII–1, the
LMPs for the eastern utilities in ‘‘classic
PJM’’ were generally increasing between
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2002 and 2005 or 2006, as compared to
the LMP for Penelec, which is in
‘‘classic PJM’’ but located west of most
of PJM’s major constraints.
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 87 / Monday, May 7, 2007 / Notices
prices indicates that price differences in
upstate New York (Zone A [West] to
Zone G [Hudson Valley], and Zone G to
Zone I [Dunwoodie]) are becoming
increasingly more significant compared
to price differentials in downstate New
York (Zone I to Zone J [New York City])
as shown in Table VII–2. This indicates
that transmission limitations of the
upstate system in NYISO are becoming
at least as influential as downstate
Second, the Congestion Study
simulations reflect ‘‘planning’’ interface
definitions and limits published by
NYISO whereas NYISO’s 2005 State of
the Market Report is based on
operational interface limits. Table VII–3
presents a comparison of planning
limits and operating limits. For the
upstate system, the planning limits are
more stringent than the operating limits.
For example, the planning limit
reported by NYISO for Moses South
used in the Congestion Study ranges
between 1300 MW and 1700 MW.
However, the operating limit for that
interface used in NYISO operations
ranges between 2550 MW and 2875
MW. On the other hand, for the
downstate system, the planning limits
are less stringent than the operating
limits. For example, the planning limit
reported by NYISO for UPNY-ConEd
used in the Congestion Study ranges
between 4850 MW and 5750 MW,
whereas the operating limit for that
interface used in NYISO operations
ranges between 3300 MW and 3950
MW. The combination of looser upstate
operational limits and tighter downstate
operational limits compared with the
planning limits employed in the
Congestion Study results in a shift in
congestion in the Congestion Study’s
modeling from downstate to upstate
New York.
46 NYISO operates both a day-ahead LMP energy
market and a real-time LMP energy market. NYISO
uses the terminology ‘‘location-based marginal
prices’’ or LBMP instead of LMP.
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NYPSC and NYISO expressed concern
about the accuracy of the data
underlying the Congestion Study, noting
that the modeling results indicated,
contrary to NYISO’s 2005 State of the
Market Report, that the amount of
congestion in upstate New York is
relatively high compared to the amount
of congestion in southeastern New York.
DOE Response
NYISO market data on congestion are
not directly comparable to the
Congestion Study’s simulation results
for several reasons. First, NYISO’s 2005
State of the Market Report relies on realtime congestion data. The Congestion
Study simulations reflect forwardlooking unit commitment in response to
predictable loads and therefore should
be compared to day-ahead data.46
Analysis of historical day-ahead LBMP
Summary of Comments
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 87 / Monday, May 7, 2007 / Notices
Third, NYISO monitors only open
interfaces (except for Total East). The
Congestion Study simulations followed
NYISO planning documents and
modeled both open and closed
Finally, historical congestion data
referenced in NYISO’s 2005 State of the
Market Report do not reflect 1000 MW
of new generation capacity added in
Zone J in 2006. The Congestion Study
simulations reflect these and other
future capacity additions.
Summary of Comments
NYPSC claimed that Appendix I and
Section 12B of the memorandum
entitled ‘‘GE–MAPS Input Assumptions:
Eastern Interconnect’’ (GE–MAPS
Assumptions Memo) appear to
misrepresent NYISO’s 118 percent
installed capacity (ICAP) requirement
by applying that requirement only to
upstate load instead of to State-wide
DOE Response
This is a reporting error and the
capacity balance for NYISO as a whole
provided in the referenced
memorandum is incorrect. Nonetheless,
ICAP requirements do not explicitly
affect system simulations; they affect the
timing of the need for new capacity
additions. The NYISO system as
modeled in the Congestion System is
balanced. Thus, this reporting error did
not affect the analysis and findings of
the Congestion Study.
Summary of Comments
NYPSC commented that Section 7
(Capacity Additions and Retirements) of
the GE–MAPS Assumptions Memo
employs a $65/kW-year cost for gas
turbines, which appears to be very low.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES2
DOE Response
The Department agrees that this
estimate seems low, especially in light
of a recent increase in costs. However,
$65/kW-yr was used as a generic
carrying charge for new peaking
capacity. With $10/kW-yr fixed
operating and maintenance cost, this
would make the cost of new entry equal
to $75/kW-yr (in real 2005 dollars, or
$81.2/kW-yr in 2008 dollars). This is
only moderately lower than the cost of
new entry used in the NYISO ICAP
manual for the New York Control Area
demand curve for the 2007/2008
capability period ($87.6/kW-yr). Thus,
the Department does not believe that
increasing the cost of new entry would
alter the conclusions in the Congestion
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Summary of Comments
NYPSC commented that Section 10
(External Region Supply) in the GE–
MAPS Assumptions Memo ‘‘scheduled’’
flows from Hydro Quebec to New York,
New England, and Ontario on 12
months of historical data that might not
be typical.
DOE Response
The Department will work with
NYPSC to develop more representative
data for use in future congestion studies.
However, the Department does not
believe that changing these data would
alter the conclusions in the Congestion
Neptune Project would reduce
congestion. PSEG asserted that the
Congestion Study’s claim that ‘‘addition
of * * * generation capacity * * * will
create additional congestion unless new
transmission is also developed’’ is
erroneous and presumes the siting of
remote generation that is far from load
and located on the wrong side of the
constraint. Additionally, PEC contended
that RPM may spur the addition of new
generation close to load centers that is
not accounted for in the Congestion
DOE Response
The Department recognizes the
absence of wheeling charges between
NYISO and ISO–NE. The Congestion
Study used hurdle rates to reflect other
inefficiencies in conducting transactions
across market boundaries resulting from
differences in market design.
The model included planned capacity
that is scheduled to come on line over
the next several years. In addition, the
model assumes that when additional
capacity is needed, new capacity will be
added at locations that have high
locational prices, which are usually
close to load. This tends to reduce
modeled congestion. The PJM RPM
process, if and when it is implemented,
should have a similar result.48 All
transmission projects that are far enough
along in the siting and construction
process to be considered firm in the
load flow, including the Neptune
Project and any such projects approved
in the RTEP process, are included.
PEC questioned why the re-powering
of the Potomac River and Benning
plants is considered uneconomical.
Summary of Comments
DOE Response
NYPSC commented that Section 12D
(Market Model Assumptions—Operating
Reserves) of the GE–MAPS Assumptions
Memo misstates how New York
determines operating reserves.
No assumptions were made in the
Congestion Study with regard to these
DOE Response
Toll Brothers claimed that the
Congestion Study fails to take into
account two assumptions that will
reduce the need for increased
transmission capacity from west to east
in the PJM footprint: (1) the likely
retirement of some generation facilities
between the Midwest and the District of
Columbia; and (2) increased restrictions
on traditional air pollution emissions
from coal-fired plants and the future
regulation of greenhouse gas emissions,
both of which would increase the cost
of electricity generated by such plants.
NYPSC asked if modeling accounted for
compliance with the Clean Air Interstate
Summary of Comments
NYPSC commented that Section 12C
(Market Model Assumptions—ISO
Boundaries) of the GE–MAPS
Assumptions Memo cites high hurdle
rates between NYISO and ISO New
England (ISO–NE) 47 even though
wheeling charges between the two areas
were eliminated.
DOE Response
The Congestion Study based operating
reserve assumptions on the actual
requirements instituted by each
reliability region.
Summary of Comments
NJBPU argued that the Congestion
Study fails to take into account
reliability upgrades that PJM has already
required in its existing Regional
Transmission Expansion Program
(RTEP) process and new upgrades
continually being formulated as that
process progresses. According to PSEG
and PEC, the Department did not take
sufficient account of PJM’s proposed
Reliability Pricing Model (RPM) or the
effects of mandatory reliability-driven
transmission reinforcements and
upgrades, since such upgrades like the
47 ISO–NE is the RTO serving Maine, Vermont,
New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and
Rhode Island.
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Summary of Comments
48 FERC conditionally approved a settlement on
RPM. 117 FERC ¶ 61, 331 (2006), reh’g pending.
Since the issuance of that order, some parties that
had provisionally agreed to support RPM have
withdrawn their support.
49 70 FR 25,162 (May 12, 2005) (Environmental
Protection Agency regulation of sulfur dioxide and
nitrogen oxides).
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 87 / Monday, May 7, 2007 / Notices
DOE Response
The Congestion Study analysis
included only planned retirements. Any
attempt to forecast other retirements
would be inappropriately speculative.
Similarly, in the Eastern analysis, each
unit in the model is assumed to comply
with all promulgated air regulations,
including the Clean Air Interstate Rule,
and the Department did not speculate
about potential future regulation.
C. Comments Specific to the Southern
California Critical Congestion Area
Summary of Comments
CPUC argued that the Congestion
Study exaggerated the significance of
congestion into southern California,
relying heavily on simulations instead
of historical data and on information
from project proponents. CPUC noted
that one of the studies provided to DOE
concluded, based on physical flow data
from 1999 through 2005, that Arizonato-southern California was not among
the areas found to be experiencing
heavy path usage. CPUC noted that the
year 2008 simulations cited in the
Congestion Study as indicating high
economic significance of congestion
from Arizona into southern Nevada and
southern California actually show that
the highest simulated congestion costs
occur on lines from Arizona into
southern Nevada.
DOE Response
The Department’s identification of
southern California as a Critical
Congestion Area was based on a
combination of factors, including the
existence of historical congestion,
projections that this historical
congestion will worsen in the absence of
remedial measures, as well as the
economic and strategic significance of
southern California to the Nation as a
whole. Thus, while other areas in the
Western Interconnection may have
experienced higher levels of historical
congestion, the Department believes that
the totality of circumstances in southern
California warrant its identification as a
Critical Congestion Area and, as
explained further in Section IX below,
the draft designation of a National
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VIII. Draft Mid-Atlantic Area National
A. Alternatives and Recommendations
In the Congestion Study, the
Department solicited alternatives and
recommendations for National Corridor
designations. The Department received
a number of such alternatives and
recommendations for the Mid-Atlantic
Critical Congestion Area. Some
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commenters, including EEI and Exelon
Corporation, recommended National
Corridor designations in eastern New
York and eastern PJM, citing the need to
remedy the existing and growing
congestion problems in the Mid-Atlantic
Critical Congestion Area, but they did
not specify specific boundaries.50
Based on its regional transmission
planning studies, PJM recommended
three specific National Corridors in the
Mid-Atlantic area. According to PJM, a
National Corridor is needed in a
contiguous area of southeastern
Pennsylvania, northern West Virginia,
western Maryland, and northern
Virginia, because in the absence of
construction of a new high-voltage
transmission circuit within this area,
PJM and North American Electric
Reliability Corporation (NERC) 51
reliability planning criteria will be
violated by 2011. The other two
National Corridors recommended by
PJM are: (1) a contiguous area of eastern
Ohio, much of Pennsylvania, and part of
northern New Jersey; and (2) a
contiguous area of eastern Maryland, all
of Delaware, and parts of eastern
Pennsylvania and southern New Jersey.
These two National Corridors are
needed, according to PJM, to ensure that
planning and development of required
transmission solutions can be
completed in time to prevent violations
of PJM and NERC reliability planning
criteria that would otherwise occur by
AEP recommended a National
Corridor to encompass the general
anticipated route of a transmission line
it is proposing to build between West
Virginia and Maryland. Allegheny
recommended a National Corridor to
encompass the general anticipated route
of a transmission line that it and
Dominion Virginia Power (Dominion)
are proposing to build between
southwestern Pennsylvania and
northern Virginia.
The Governor of the State of West
Virginia commented that development
of transmission to supply regions north
and east of West Virginia with lowpriced clean-coal generation and
renewable generation from within, as
well as south and west of, his State
would result in economic and reliability
benefits for all involved regions. Thus,
noting the time it can take to site a
transmission line and the urgency of
addressing the transmission problems,
50 See also comments of National Grid, Potomac
Holdings, Inc., and HQ Energy Services (US).
51 NERC is the Electric Reliability Organization
responsible for proposing and enforcing reliability
standards for the bulk-power system throughout the
United States subject to FERC approval under FPA
section 215.
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the Governor recommended designation
of a National Corridor that would
encompass the AEP project as well as
the Allegheny-Dominion project.
New York Regional Interconnect Inc.
(NYRI) recommended a National
Corridor to encompass the general
anticipated route of a transmission line
it has proposed to build from Marcy,
New York to New Windsor, New York.
The City of New York argued that
growing energy demand, national
security concerns, the unique nature of
electricity dependence in the Nation’s
financial and commercial capital, and
fuel diversity and stability factors all
warrant the designation of one or more
National Corridors for New York City.
Specifically, the City of New York
recommended a National Corridor
between the New Jersey segment of PJM
and New York City.52 The City of New
York also recommended a National
Corridor north and northwest of New
York City within New York State. The
City of New York further cited a
recently enacted New York State statute
that would deny the use of eminent
domain powers to NYRI even if its
proposed transmission project were to
obtain a State permit as illustrative of
the type of parochial concerns that may
impede needed energy infrastructure
improvements and that FPA section 216
was designed to address.
NYISO commented that the
Congestion Study correctly included
metropolitan New York within the
Critical Congestion Area, and correctly
identified the general location and
direction of congestion in New York.
NYISO explained that it conducts a
Comprehensive Reliability Planning
Process to assess reliability needs and
that while its analysis indicates a
reliability need for additional resources
in southeast New York starting in 2008,
sufficient market-based generation
solutions have been submitted so that
reliability criteria will be met through
2014. Thus, according to NYISO there is
no need for a National Corridor from a
reliability standpoint. However, NYISO
also noted that ‘‘New York’s
comprehensive and effective generation
siting law expired in December 2002
and has not been re-enacted.’’ NYISO
further noted that while it provides upto-date data to assist stakeholders in
evaluating investments to address the
economic effects of congestion, ‘‘by
design, the NYISO leaves the decision
making on economic solutions for the
Market Participants.’’
52 See also comments of U.S. Rep. Hinchey
(Recommending National Corridor between PJM
and New York City as an alternative to National
Corridor recommended by NYRI).
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DOE response, Section IV.B. above.
DOE response, Section II.A, II.D, and IV.A
55See DOE response, Sections II.B, II.D, IV.A,
VII.A, and VII.B above.
56See, e.g., comments of Citizens for Fauquier
County, Clarke County Board of Supervisors,
Fauquier County Architectural Review Board,
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many commenters recommended
against designation of the National
Corridor proposed by NYRI.57 These
commenters raised concerns about the
environmental and landowner effects of
the particular projects proposed by
Allegheny and Dominion and by NYRI
and argued for consideration of nontransmission solutions to congestion.58
After reviewing the alternatives and
recommendations provided, the
Department believes that designation of
a National Corridor for the Mid-Atlantic
Critical Congestion Area may be
warranted. In the following sections, the
Department will detail its factual
finding of the existence of constraints or
congestion that adversely affects
consumers in the Mid-Atlantic Critical
Congestion Area and explain the
considerations that it believes warrant
designation of a National Corridor for
this area. Finally, the Department will
delineate and explain the specific
Fauquier County Board of Supervisors, Fauquier
County Historical Society, Foundation of the State
Arboretum, Goose Creek Association, Historic Long
Branch, Route 50 Corridor Coalition, Shenandoah
Valley Network, Unison Preservation Society,
Valley Conservation Council, Sierra Club, Virginia
Local and Regional Organizations, Virginia
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boundaries of the draft National
B. Finding of Constraints or Congestion
That Adversely Affects Consumers
The Congestion Study identified the
Atlantic coastal area from metropolitan
New York southward through northern
Virginia as a Critical Congestion Area
based on evidence of historical,
persistent congestion caused by
numerous well-known constraints that
are projected to continue and worsen
unless addressed through remedial
measures. In conducting the Congestion
Study, the Department identified these
well-known constraints based on a
review of extant transmission studies
and expansion plans available prior to
the publication of the Study. These
constraints are listed in Table VIII–1, in
no particular order, and their
approximate locations are shown in
Figures VIII–1 and VIII–2.
Outdoors Federation, U.S. Rep. Wolf, VA Sen.
Herring, Toll Brothers, and many individuals.
57See, e.g., comments of ConEd, U.S. Rep.
Hinchey, NY Sen. Bonacic, Delaware River
Commenters, Upper Delaware Council, CARI, and
many individuals.
58See DOE response, Sections II.B, III, and V
Numerous commenters recommended
against one or more National Corridor
designations for the Mid-Atlantic
Critical Congestion Area. The Governor
of the Commonwealth of Virginia
commented that no National Corridor
designations should be made before
there had been adequate consultation
with States.53 PAPUC commented that
while the preliminary data show that
there is chronic congestion in some
portions of the Mid-Atlantic region that
deserves close attention by Federal and
State regulators, additional analysis in
consultation with States is needed
before any National Corridor
designation is made.54 NYPSC and
NJBPU opposed National Corridor
designations, raising concerns about the
data and methodology used in the
Congestion Study and arguing that
further analysis was needed.55
Many commenters recommended
against designation of the National
Corridor proposed by Allegheny,56 and
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Many of these constraints were
binding, and thus produced congestion
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in years 2004, 2005, and 2006. (See
Tables VIII–2 and VIII–3 for summaries
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of hourly data reported by PJM and
NYISO.) Further, from 2004 through
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2005 in the PJM footprint, a total of 19
constraints were binding more than 5
percent of the time (438 hours/year) in
the day-ahead market, and six
constraints were binding more than 5
percent of the time in the real-time
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market.59 (See Table VIII–4.) In New
York over the same period, 18
59 Like NYISO, PFM operates both a day-ahead
LMP-based energy market and a real-time LMPbased energy market.
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constraints were binding in the dayahead market more than 5 percent of the
time, and 62 constraints were binding
more than 5 percent of the time in the
real-time market. (See Table VIII–5.)
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The modeling directed by DOE for the
Congestion Study projected that some of
these constraints will continue to be
problems in 2008, along with other
additional constraints. DOE found that
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looking across the several Congestion
Study scenarios, 12 constraints were of
particular interest in the PJM footprint
and 21 in New York. These constraints
are listed in Tables VIII–6 and VIII–7
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respectively. DOE’s analysis indicates
that five of the ten most problematic
constraints in the Eastern
Interconnection are in New York, and
the other five are in the PJM footprint.
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State with underutilized lower cost
generation, and to identify the
constraints that limit flows of lowerpriced electricity from generation-rich
areas to generation-short areas with
higher prices.
PJM data for 2004, 2005, and 2006
show that the utilization rate (or
capacity factor) for large generators
(>200MW) in the $30–40/MWh cost
category in the western portion of PJM’s
footprint was 63, 61, and 67 percent on
average respectively (Table VIII–8); DOE
projections show a slightly higher figure
for 2008 (also Table VIII–8). By
comparison, the average capacity factor
for generation in the same cost class in
the eastern portion of PJM’s footprint
was 74, 79, and 77 percent in 2004,
2005, and 2006 respectively and is
projected by DOE at over 79 percent for
2008. (See Table VIII–9.) In DOE’s
projections for 2008, similar
differentials in capacity factor are seen
between the western and eastern
portions of PJM’s footprint for higher
cost groups of generators (i.e., $40–50/
MWh, $50–60/MWh, $60–80/MWh, and
$80–90/MWh). The western portion of
PJM’s footprint has no operating units
above $100/MWh; the eastern portion
does, and they are used when needed.
(See Figure VIII–3.)
60 Regulations governing the mix of generation
supplied by load-serving entities to consumers,
such as State renewable portfolio standards, could
also affect the capacity factors for higher cost
generation, but do not appear relevant here.
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The existence of constraints causing
persistent congestion is further
evidenced by regional differences in
generation capacity factors within the
PJM and NYISO footprints. In a
regional-scale electricity market,
generators producing electricity at lower
costs will typically be used at higher
capacity factors than generators with
higher production costs, except when
such efficient use of resources is not
feasible due to transmission limitations
and the need to operate some generation
capacity close to load centers to ensure
voltage stability in those areas.60
Accordingly, the Department undertook
an analysis to identify areas within or
near the PJM footprint and New York
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These historical data and projections
confirm that there are differences in
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capacity factors between the eastern and
western portions of PJM’s footprint, and
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that the eastern portion consistently
relies on a more-expensive-to-run mix of
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generation sources than the western
portion. This is a direct result of
transmission constraints that prevent
lower-priced electricity from the
western portion of the PJM footprint
from reaching load centers in the
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eastern portion during the hours the
constraints are binding.
DOE also examined the data from its
projections for 2008 to identify the
transmission constraints that most
limited flows from the western portion
of PJM’s footprint (and from the eastern
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portion of the Midwest ISO’s footprint)
to serve loads in the eastern portion of
PJM’s footprint. The constrained
facilities are listed in Table VIII–10, and
the approximate locations of those
constraints are shown in Figure VIII–4.
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A somewhat similar situation exists in
New York State. For purposes of this
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analysis, DOE divided the State into
three geographic areas: Upstate West
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(NYISO zones A through E), Upstate
East (NYISO Zones F through I), and
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Downstate (NYISO Zones J and K). (See
Figure VIII–5.) Downstate has almost no
thermal capacity below $60/MW,
whereas Upstate West has about 5750
MW and Upstate East has about 2600
MW at $60/MW or lower. (See Figure
VIII–6.) In DOE’s projections for 2008,
however, the below-$60/MW thermal
units are shown as operating at very
high capacity factors already. (See
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Figure VIII–7.) The effects of
transmission congestion start to become
apparent in the $60–70/MW class,
where lower-cost capacity in Upstate
East is available but its output is not
always deliverable to Downstate.
Downstate has more than 14,250 MW of
capacity with production costs of $70/
MW or higher (up to more than $200/
MW), whereas Upstate East and Upstate
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West combined have only about 5100
MW at $70/MW or higher. Further,
according to both historical data and
DOE’s projections for 2008, the units in
Downstate in all classes with
production costs above $70/MW almost
always operate at higher capacity factors
than in the other two areas. (See Table
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DOE reviewed both historical data
and its projections for 2008 to identify
the constraints that appear most critical
in limiting the use of generation in
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upstate New York, Ontario, and
Pennsylvania to serve downstate New
York loads. The constraints thus
identified are listed in Table VIII–12,
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and their approximate locations are
shown in Figures VIII–8A and VIII–8B.
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percent) of the $8 billion of total
congestion rent for the entire Eastern
Interconnection. The Department’s
projections for 2008 show that the top
constraints in New York account for
$0.98 billion (12 percent) of the $8
billion of total congestion rent for the
entire Eastern Interconnection. As
discussed in Section VII.A.2 above,
Thus, the Department has
documented the existence of persistent
congestion into and within the MidAtlantic Critical Congestion Area, as
well as the constraints causing that
persistent congestion. As discussed in
Section II.A above, whenever there is
persistent congestion, buyers must rely
on power from less-preferred generating
sources, a smaller range of generators is
able to serve load, and grid operators
have fewer options for dealing with
adverse circumstances or unanticipated
events, all of which adversely affects
consumers. Therefore, the Department
finds under FPA section 216(a)(2) that
there are ‘‘constraints or congestion that
adversely affects consumers’’ in the
Mid-Atlantic Critical Congestion Area.
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Further, PJM notes in its comments
that total congestion costs in its growing
footprint rose from $65 million in 1999
to more than $2.09 billion in 2005.61
(See Table VIII–13.) These figures are
similar to the results from the
Department’s modeling for 2008, which
show that the top constraints in this
region account for $1.57 billion (20
C. Determination That Designation of a
Mid-Atlantic Area National Corridor
Would Be Warranted
61 Whenever a constraint is binding in real time,
PJM assesses a transactional congestion charge to
those customers whose power is transmitted over
the constraint. The charge is the difference in LMP
on either side of the constraint multiplied times the
amount of power transmitted.
62 In this analysis, the eastern portion of PJM’s
footprint includes the service areas of Pepco,
Baltimore Gas & Electric Company, Dominion,
Atlantic City Electric, PSEG, Rockland Electric Co.,
Delmarva Power, Jersey Central Power & Light, MetEd, PECO, and PPL Electric Utilities. The western
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Given the presence of constraints or
congestion that adversely affects
consumers in the Mid-Atlantic Critical
Congestion Area, the Secretary has the
discretion to consider designation of a
National Corridor. As discussed above
in Section II.A, the Secretary will
determine whether to exercise his
discretion based on the totality of the
information developed, taking into
account relevant considerations,
including the considerations identified
in FPA section 216(a)(4), as appropriate.
In this section, the Department
discusses the considerations that it
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while financial transmission rights
protect load-serving entities in PJM and
NYISO from paying congestion costs or
congestion rents, congestion costs and
congestion rents are nonetheless useful
indicators of the persistence and
pervasiveness of congestion within a
transmission system.
believes warrant designation of the MidAtlantic Area National Corridor.
1. Economic Development
Data from January 2004 through
December 2006 confirm that despite the
fact that PJM has been operating as a
single market, transmission constraints
result in major and persistent disparities
in wholesale electricity prices within
the market. (See Figure VIII–9.) As a
result of these fundamental price
disparities, electricity consumers in the
eastern portion of PJM’s footprint
consistently end up paying higher
electricity bills than consumers in the
western portion.62
portion of PJM’s footprint includes the service areas
of AEP, Commonwealth Edison (ComEd), The
Dayton Power & Light Company (DP&L), and
Duquesne Light Company (Duquesne).
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As shown in Figure VIII–10 63, the
price disparity in monthly average dayahead LMPs between the Pepco and
Duquesne zones was as much as $45/
MWh from August 2005 through
October 2005 and again in August 2006.
More generally, consistently higher
prices were experienced in the zones of
eastern PJM that serve Washington, DC,
Baltimore,64 Philadelphia, and northern
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES2
63 Note that the incomplete price data shown in
Figure VIII–10 in 2004 and 2005 are the result of
new members joining the PJM market: ComEd
joined in May 2004; AEP and DP&L joined in
October 2004; Duquesne joined in January 2005;
and Dominion joined in May 2005.
64 According to a staff report published by the
Maryland Public Service Commission (MPSC):
Maryland offers a first-hand look at the pricing
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New Jersey. Further, the basic price
disparity between the eastern and
impacts of congestion. Frederick County is a key
congestion point on the west-to-east transmission
import path. Three years ago, locational marginal
prices (LMPs) for electricity in Maryland west of
that point averaged $2.90 per megawatt-hour
(MWh) less than prices in Maryland east of that
point. By 2006, that gap had risen to $9.43 per
MWh. The gap is likely to continue to increase until
additional generation becomes available to serve
central and southern Maryland and the Eastern
Shore, or additional transmission capacity becomes
available to import electricity into those regions.
MPSC Staff Report, Electric Supply Adequacy
Report of 2007, p. 3 (Jan. 2007) (MPSC Report). The
report continues ‘‘Maryland is directly affected by
transmission congestion, particularly since it and
neighboring states (including the District of
Columbia) have to import a large proportion of their
energy needs. * * * LMPs in Maryland are among
the very highest in PJM.’’ Id., p. 11.
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western parts of PJM’s footprint
occurred regardless of the time of day.
A similar pattern was observed when
the data were divided into on-peak and
off-peak periods, and when data from
PJM’s real-time market for the same
period were examined.65 As one might
expect, the price disparity widened
considerably when the electricity
supply system was working close to its
physical limits, as on hot summer days.
Figure VIII–11 shows hourly day-ahead
LMPs for August 8, 2005, when the
differential reached its maximum ($270/
MWh) for that calendar year.
65 See Appendix A for additional detail.
Appendix A is available at
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For the area served by NYISO,
historical electricity price data from
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2004 through 2006 show a persistent
pattern of substantially lower wholesale
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electricity prices in the day-ahead
market for the western and upstate
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rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES2
zones than in New York City and Long
Island. (See Figure VIII–12.) As a result
of this persistent disparity, electricity
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consumers in the area north of New
York City, the City itself, and on Long
Island end up paying higher electricity
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bills than consumers in the rest of the
State of New York.
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 87 / Monday, May 7, 2007 / Notices
As shown in Figure VIII–12, the
difference in monthly average wholesale
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day-ahead prices between the highest
and lowest zones was as much as $44/
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MWh. A similar pattern is seen if one
looks only at the day-ahead on-peak
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hours and only at the day-ahead offpeak hours, sometimes with a reordering of the zones with intermediate
prices. Similar price patterns are also
seen in the real-time data.66 As one
might expect, the price disparity
widened considerably when the
electricity supply system was working
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES2
66 See
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close to its physical limits, as on hot
summer days. Figure VIII–13 shows
hourly day-ahead LBMPs for August 5,
2005, when the differential reached its
maximum ($325/MWh) for that calendar
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 87 / Monday, May 7, 2007 / Notices
In addition, the constraints in New
York result in consumers in downstate
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New York paying disproportionate
generation capacity costs. If local load-
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serving entities were to contract for their
electricity supply needs across New
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rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES2
York without regard to the location of
the generation capacity, reliability could
be imperiled because there would be no
assurance that all of the electricity
required could actually be delivered to
the load centers when needed. To avoid
such situations, the New York State
Reliability Council has established
locational ICAP requirements, according
to which generation capacity must be
located within New York City sufficient
to meet 80 percent of the City’s forecast
annual peak load. Similarly, 99 percent
of Long Island’s forecast annual peak
load must be located on the Island.
Load-serving entities are free to buy
their electricity supplies from distant
sources when those sources are
accessible, but the load-serving entities
must also ensure that they have
adequate local capacity available at all
times. The locational ICAP system
enables reliability requirements to be
met, but at additional cost to consumers.
To ensure that the locational ICAP
requirements are met, NYISO operates
an ICAP market. The ICAP market
involves the sale of generation capacity,
unlike NYISO’s day-ahead and real-time
markets, which involve the sale of
energy. Load-serving entities that have
not met their full ICAP requirements
through contracts with local generators
must participate in NYISO’s ICAP
market. The ICAP market consists of
periodic auctions for three areas: New
York City, Long Island, and the New
York Control Area (which is all of
The amount of capacity that a
generator is qualified to provide through
the ICAP market is determined by an
Unforced Capacity (UCAP)
methodology, which accounts for the
possibility of forced outages, thus the
prices set in the ICAP market are
referred to as UCAP prices. As shown in
Figure VIII–14, UCAP prices for New
York City and Long Island were
consistently higher than UCAP prices
for the entire New York Control Area
over the 26-month period from
September 2004 to October 2006,
sometimes dramatically so. The
substantial differentials between the
State-wide UCAP prices and UCAP
prices in New York City and Long
Island represent a premium the loadserving entities in the City and on Long
Island (and their retail customers) must
pay to ensure reliability by maintaining
local generation capacity instead of
improving the transmission system
sufficiently to be able to rely more
extensively on distant generation
sources. This premium is in addition to
the higher costs the load-serving entities
and their customers pay for electric
energy because they are relying to a
greater extent on generation sources
with higher production costs.67
67 DOE does not mean to imply that large load
centers, such as New York City, Long Island, or the
major cities in the eastern portion of PJM’s footprint
could rely entirely on distant generation if
sufficient transmission capacity were available.
DOE recognizes that some level of local generation
is needed to maintain voltage support and stability.
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The data detailed above indicate that
consumers in the Mid-Atlantic Critical
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Congestion Area now pay high
electricity prices because their
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electricity suppliers are unable to access
low-cost supplies due to insufficient
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transmission capacity. Reasonably
priced electricity supplies are vital to
the economic and social well-being of
any metropolitan area. High electricity
prices add to the cost of living or doing
business in the area, and retard the
area’s economic growth and
competitiveness. Further, one of the
considerations identified in FPA section
216(a)(4) is whether ‘‘the economic
vitality and development of the
corridor, or the end markets served by
the corridor, may be constrained by lack
of adequate or reasonably priced
electricity.’’ FPA section 216(a)(4)(A); 16
U.S.C. 824p(a)(4)(A) (emphasis added).
Therefore, the Department believes
that economic development
considerations warrant designation of a
National Corridor for the Mid-Atlantic
Critical Congestion Area.
but only 14 MW of it would go into
service before 2009, and about 5000 MW
is associated with three new nuclear
units that would not become available
before 2015 or 2016.70 PJM estimates
that 2500 MW of net new generation
would need to be installed east of its
Loudon substation in northern Virginia
to avoid the need for additional
transmission in the western portion of
its footprint.71
Further, while efforts are being made
to increase the participation of demandside resources in the PJM wholesale
electricity markets, it does not appear
that such efforts are capable of
producing near-term results on the scale
needed to forestall the need for
additional transmission.72
Thus, PJM asserts:
2. Reliability Considerations
additional transmission capability is
essential in [the western portion of PJM’s
footprint] to maintain reliable and economic
service to the Baltimore-WashingtonNorthern Virginia urban load center. Unless
a major new, high-voltage transmission
circuit is constructed * * * by 2011, existing
500 kV transmission facilities serving this
critical load center will become overloaded,
in violation of NERC and PJM reliability and
planning criteria * * * Additional
transmission capability [in the eastern
portion of PJM’s footprint] will be needed, in
this instance by 2014, to avoid numerous
projected violations of NERC and PJM
reliability and planning criteria in northern
New Jersey.73
The constraints limiting delivery of
electricity to the eastern portion of
PJM’s footprint pose a threat to
reliability given the steady growth in
electricity demand in that area, the
area’s aging generation fleet with recent
retirements of significant amounts of
capacity, the slow pace of development
of new local generation capacity in that
area, and the uncertainties associated
with increasing demand response.
Weather-normalized summer peak
load for the PJM footprint as a whole is
projected to grow at an average rate of
1.6 percent per year for the period 2006
through 2016. However, projected
annual growth varies widely among the
utilities in PJM’s footprint, ranging from
0.7 percent to 2.4 percent, and much of
the most rapid growth is concentrated in
the eastern portion, and particularly in
the Baltimore-Washington-Northern
Virginia area.68
Between 2003 and 2006, a total of 582
MW of generating capacity in the
Baltimore-Washington-northern Virginia
area was retired or put on a restricteduse status for environmental reasons.69
About 200 MW has been added in the
area since 2000, and about 20 MW is
now under construction. An additional
5600 MW is now proposed for the area,
of PJM, p. 28.
p. 30. In Maryland, recently enacted
environmental legislation will cause: Owners of at
least two Maryland coal-fired power plants to
consider whether it is possible, or worthwhile, to
install the necessary [control] equipment. Any
existing Maryland coal plants that may have to be
retired will exacerbate the existing reliability
challenges and increase the possibility of supplies
during peak periods not being able to meet the
demand for electricity. The consequences could
include periods of voltage reductions and/or rolling
outages during peak periods to keep the system
from collapsing.
MPSC Report, p. 23.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES2
69 Id.,
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With regard to New York, since its
submission of comments on the
Congestion Study, NYISO has published
a new Reliability Needs Assessment
(2007 RNA) as part of its
Comprehensive Reliability Planning
of PJM, p. 32.
p. 38.
72 PJM says that:
[F]or purposes of long-term planning for total
system adequacy, substituting [demand response]
for incremental transmission capability would
require, at best, several times the equivalent amount
of new generation that would be needed to offset
the new transmission capacity. [Demand response]
does not produce a steady stream of MW equivalent
output because it is normally cycled over a given
time period (i.e., load would be switched off and
on to ensure minimal impact to the [demand
response] provider, rather than switched off for the
entire duration of the system need). Also, [demand
response] is produced in a variety of diverse
programs, which also result in divergent
measurements. Within PJM, [demand response]
participants may be price responsive, contractually
obligated, or directly controlled. Each category of
[demand response] results in a variation of the
expected amount, or ‘‘output,’’ of [demand
response] that is provided when called upon,
thereby further complicating the difficulty of
determining, for long-term planning purposes, the
transmission or generation MW that are equivalent
to a stated amount of [demand response].
Id., pp. 38–40.
73 Id., pp. 5–6.
71 Id.,
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Process.74 The 2007 RNA indicates that
the constraints limiting delivery of
electricity to southeast New York pose
a threat to reliability by 2011, given the
growth in electricity demand and the
projected retirement of generating units.
NYISO notes that load in southeast
New York has been growing by over two
percent per year.75 NYISO estimates that
between 2007 and 2009, 1,674.8 MW of
generating capacity in New York will be
retired, and only 1,203.9 MW of
capacity will be added.76 NYISO
describes the effects of these factors on
the already constrained transmission
system as follows:
By 2011, the NYCA load forecast estimates
that approximately two thirds of the NYCA
load will be located in load Zones G through
K which is downstream of the UPNY–SENY
[Upstate New York-Southeast New York]
transmission interface. In addition,
approximately 52% of the NYCA load will be
located in load Zones J and K, downstream
of the Dunwoodie-South transmission
interface, which is a slight increase from
current load levels.
The demands that are increasingly being
placed on the transmission system in
conjunction with other system changes,
consisting primarily of generating units
retirements * * *, load growth, neighboring
system changes and the lack of new capacity
or transmission resources downstream of the
UPNY–SENY interface, have and will
continue to result in voltage criteria
violations at much lower transfer levels than
have previously occurred. The result is that
over time, transfers into and through SENY
will increasingly be limited by voltage
constraints rather than thermal constraints.
This reduced capability of the bulk power
system to make power transfers into SENY
due to these voltage constraints, coupled
with continuing load growth in SENY results
in a resource adequacy criterion violation by
The data detailed above indicate that
consumers in the Mid-Atlantic Critical
Congestion Area face threats to
reliability if existing congestion
problems are not addressed. Reliable
electricity supplies are vital to the
economic and social well-being of any
metropolitan area. Electricity supply
disruptions may come in many forms,
ranging from brief disturbances in
power quality and localized outages to
large-scale, cascading blackouts. The
exact cost of electric supply disruptions
is difficult to quantify and varies
depending upon the specific
circumstances. However, such
disruptions can impose enormous costs
on consumers and may also, under
74 See NYISO, Comprehensive Reliability
Planning Process 2007 Reliability Needs
Assessment (March 16, 2007).
75 Id., p. 10.
76 Id., p. 7.
77 Id., p. 10.
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 87 / Monday, May 7, 2007 / Notices
certain circumstances, pose dangers to
public health and safety.
For example, estimates of the total
cost of the eastern blackout of August
14, 2003 range between $4 billion and
$10 billion (U.S. $) for the United
States; in Canada, the same event led to
a reduction in gross domestic product of
0.7 percent in August, a net loss of 18.9
million work hours, and manufacturing
shipments in Ontario were down $2.3
billion (Canadian $).78
Further, one of the considerations
identified in FPA section 216(a)(4) is
whether ‘‘the economic vitality and
development of the corridor, or the end
markets served by the corridor, may be
constrained by lack of adequate or
reasonably priced electricity.’’ FPA
section 216(a)(4)(A); 16 U.S.C.
824p(a)(4)(A) (emphasis added).
Therefore, the Department believes
that reliability considerations warrant
designation of a National Corridor for
the Mid-Atlantic Critical Congestion
3. Supply Diversity and Energy
Independence Considerations
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES2
Much of the existing generation fleet
in the eastern portion of PJM’s footprint
is fueled by oil or natural gas. For
example, about 28 percent of the
installed generation capacity in
Maryland and the District of Columbia
is either solely oil-fired or capable of
using both oil and natural gas as fuels,
as is 35 percent of the installed capacity
in Delaware. Further, more than 75
percent of the generation capacity that
has been added in recent years in
Delmarva, Maryland, the District of
Columbia, and New Jersey has been
fueled by natural gas.79 By contrast, the
overall generation mix in PJM’s
footprint is 41 percent coal and 9
percent oil; coal provides more than 56
percent of total output from PJM units.
More than 6000 MW of additional coalfired generation, some utilizing clean-coal
technology, is currently under construction
or active in PJM’s interconnection queue. All
of this capacity is or will be located far from
the Baltimore-Washington-Northern Virginia
load centers. Moreover, approximately
12,000–15,000 MW of additional windpowered generation is either under
construction or under active study in PJM’s
interconnection queue. With the exception of
one plant under construction on the New
Jersey coast, all of these facilities are or will
78 U.S.-Canada Power System Outage Task Force,
Final Report on the August 14, 2003 Blackout in the
United States and Canada: Causes and
Recommendations, p. 1 (April 2004).
79 Comments of PJM, p. 51.
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be located west of the [eastern] load
4. National Defense and Homeland
Security Considerations
Accordingly, one of the consequences
of transmission congestion in the
eastern portion of PJM’s footprint is that
it prolongs and exacerbates the area’s
existing use of oil and natural gas as
generation fuels.
Most of the existing generation fleet in
the downstate portion of New York is
fueled by oil or natural gas. On a Statewide basis, about 39 percent of the
electricity used in New York in 2005
came from oil or gas units, and 32
percent came from coal or hydroelectric
capacity.81 The absence of transmission
facilities that would enable more hydro, wind-, or coal-based electricity to
reach the downstate load centers
prolongs the area’s current relatively
high dependence on oil and natural gas
as fuel sources.
Oil and natural gas are relatively high
in price and must be purchased in
markets that are highly volatile and
subject to unanticipated international
trends and adverse events. Inadequate
transmission capacity leaves consumers
in the Mid-Atlantic Critical Congestion
Area exposed, perhaps increasingly, to
the higher prices and higher price
volatility associated with these
generation fuels, with a resulting impact
on business certainty, especially for
industrial consumers. Lack of adequate
transmission capacity also limits the
Mid-Atlantic Critical Congestion Area’s
access to generation fueled by domestic
sources that could displace generation
fueled by foreign sources. Thus,
economic growth may be jeopardized
and energy independence is
compromised. Further, one of the
considerations identified in FPA section
216(a)(4) is whether ‘‘(i) economic
growth in the corridor, or the end
markets served by the corridor, may be
jeopardized by reliance on limited
sources of energy; and (ii) a
diversification of supply is warranted.’’
FPA section 216(a)(4)(B); 16 U.S.C.
824p(a)(4)(B). Another consideration
identified in that statute is whether ‘‘the
energy independence of the United
States would be served by the
designation.’’ FPA section 216(a)(4)(C);
16 U.S.C. 824p(a)(4)(C).
Therefore, the Department believes
that supply diversity and energy
independence considerations warrant
designation of a National Corridor for
the Mid-Atlantic Critical Congestion
The Mid-Atlantic Critical Congestion
Area is home to 55 million people (19
percent of the Nation’s 2005
population)82 and is responsible for $2.3
trillion of gross state product (18
percent of the 2005 gross national
product).83 Given the large number of
military and other facilities in the MidAtlantic Critical Congestion Area that
are extremely important to the national
defense and homeland security, as well
as the vital importance of this populous
area to the Nation as an economic
center, any deterioration of the electric
reliability or economic health of this
area would constitute a serious risk to
the well-being of the Nation. Further
one of the considerations identified in
FPA section 216(a)(4) is whether ‘‘the
designation would enhance national
defense and homeland security.’’ FPA
section 216(a)(4)(E); 16 U.S.C.
80 Id.,
pp. 52 and 78.
presentation prepared for Sept. 11,
2006, meeting with DOE.
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Therefore, the Department believes
that national defense and homeland
security considerations warrant
designation of a National Corridor for
the Mid-Atlantic Critical Congestion
D. Boundaries of the Draft Mid-Atlantic
Area National Corridor
In this section, the Department first
explains how it determined the general
extent of the draft Mid-Atlantic Area
National Corridor using a source-andsink approach. Then the Department
explains how it delineated specific
boundaries for the draft Mid-Atlantic
Area National Corridor.
1. General Extent of the Draft MidAtlantic Area National Corridor
In order to set the boundaries of the
draft Mid-Atlantic Area National
Corridor, DOE used the general sourceand-sink approach described in Section
III above. The sink areas are the
locations of the consumers adversely
affected by the persistent congestion
documented in Section VIII.B above.
Specifically, the sink areas are the areas
downstream of the constraints identified
in Section VIII.B above, from
metropolitan New York City south along
the Atlantic coast to northern Virginia.
82 U.S. Census Bureau, Population Estimates
83 See Bureau of Economic Analysis, National
Economic Accounts,
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 87 / Monday, May 7, 2007 / Notices
With regard to selecting source areas,
as discussed in Section III above, the
Department was guided by the
considerations identified in FPA section
216(a)(4). In particular, the Department
focused on the considerations of
ensuring adequate supplies of
reasonably priced power,84 diversifying
supply,85 and furthering energy
independence.86 Applying those
FPA sec. 216(a)(4)(A).
85 See FPA sec. 216(a)(4)(B).
86 See FPA sec. 216(a)(4)(C).
87 The existing, under-used economic generation
capacity used to establish the source areas was
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES2
84 See
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considerations, DOE selected as source
areas locations of substantial amounts of
existing, under-used economic
generation capacity, as well as locations
with the potential for substantial
development of wind generation
capacity. The existing under-used
economic generation capacity could
readily ensure adequate supplies of
identified through the analysis summarized in
Appendix A (available at The
potential wind generation capacity used to establish
the source areas was identified through State-level
maps of potential wind resources. Those maps are
provided in Appendix B, which is available at
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reasonably priced power if additional
transmission capacity were made
available. In addition, increased access
to this under-used economic generation
capacity, which is predominantly coalfired, as well as to the wind generation
capacity would help diversify supply
and increase energy independence for
the Mid-Atlantic Critical Congestion
Area. Figure VIII–15 indicates the
locations of the source areas in upstate
New York, western New York, western
Pennsylvania, western Maryland, West
Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, and
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Having identified the source and sink
areas, DOE next sought to determine
which transmission constraints most
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limit the delivery of electricity from the
source areas to the sink areas. The
PO 00000
results of this inquiry are shown in
Figure VIII–16.
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In the PJM footprint, the major
obstacles to increased west-to-east flows
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are three groups of heavily loaded large
high-voltage transmission lines. One
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group extends from northern West
Virginia and western Maryland into
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northern Virginia and central Maryland;
a second group extends from western
Pennsylvania into central Pennsylvania;
and the third is a cluster of lines located
mostly in eastern Pennsylvania but also
extending into northeastern Maryland,
northern Delaware, and northern New
Jersey. The net effect of these
constraints is to prevent the delivery of
increased amounts of electricity in bulk
from the source areas in the Midwest to
the load centers in the BaltimoreWashington-Northern Virginia area,
Philadelphia, Wilmington, the Delmarva
peninsula, and the urban centers in
central and northern New Jersey.88
Somewhat similarly, providers of
electricity to consumers in the New
York City area have limited access to the
source areas in upstate New York and in
the western part of the State, due to
several clusters of transmission
constraints within New York State.89
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES2
88 Figures VIII–15 and -16 present results of
additional analysis, using outputs from the
simulation of 2008 generation and power flows
prepared for the Congestion Study. For additional
detail, see Appendix A (available at https://
89 These constraints also happen to limit access
to additional generation capacity located outside
New York State, in Quebec, Ontario, and Michigan.
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Conceivably, New York City’s needs
might be satisfied to some degree
through increased transmission access
to PJM, but that could exacerbate the
existing and projected congestion
problems in the PJM footprint—unless it
were done as part of some larger, wellcoordinated plan between PJM and
NYISO and their respective members.
The constraints of particular interest in
New York State are: a group between
New York City and the existing
substations at Marcy and Edic (near the
city of Utica); a group to the south and
east of the city of Massena; and a group
in the western part of the State, between
the cities of Buffalo and Syracuse.90
Thus, within PJM’s footprint, the draft
National Corridor encompasses the
problematic existing west-to-east
transmission lines; further, the draft
National Corridor is broad enough,
north-to-south, to encompass a range of
potential projects and a range of
potential routes to facilitate additional
west-to-east flows. In addition, the draft
National Corridor includes the sink
areas as well, because it is frequently
90 See Appendix A (available at https:// for additional detail.
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the case that the full potential benefits
associated with a major new line will
not be gained unless key improvements
are made in the area to which the
electricity is to be delivered. Somewhat
similarly, the draft National Corridor
extends far enough into the source areas
to encompass a number of possible
strong points on the transmission
network that serves those areas.
In New York, the draft National
Corridor extends northward from the
area immediately north of New York
City to the vicinity of Utica; then it
divides into two legs, one to the
Massena area and one to the Buffalo
area. As with the section in the PJM
footprint, this section of the draft
National Corridor is broad enough to
encompass a range of potential projects
and a range of potential routes, and it
includes the sink areas as well to
encompass appropriate upgrades there.
Further, as shown in Figure VIII–17,
there are several important transmission
constraints between New York City and
Long Island. As a result, no solutions to
New York City’s congestion problems
should be planned without considering
Long Island, and thus the draft National
Corridor includes Long Island.
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 87 / Monday, May 7, 2007 / Notices
Finally, although for ease of
presentation the discussion thus far has
focused on a draft National Corridor in
the PJM footprint and a draft National
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Corridor in New York, the two areas are
contiguous along a part of the shared
border between the PJM and NYISO
footprints. Accordingly, the draft
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National Corridor for the Mid-Atlantic
Critical Congestion Area is a single
Corridor—the draft Mid-Atlantic Area
National Corridor—covering part of the
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PJM footprint and part of New York,
partly because some of the transmission
planning that is needed should involve
both PJM and NYISO, and also because
transmission projects may be proposed
that would cross their common
2. Specific Boundaries of the Draft MidAtlantic Area National Corridor
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES2
Having identified the sink and source
areas on which to base the draft MidAtlantic Area National Corridor, as well
as the constraints that must be
encompassed in the National Corridor,
DOE then delineated the specific
boundaries of the draft Mid-Atlantic
Area National Corridor. Again, for ease
of presentation, the Department will
discuss the draft Mid-Atlantic Area
National Corridor in terms of a section
within the PJM footprint and a section
in New York; however, the Department
notes that it is a single draft MidAtlantic Area National Corridor that is
under consideration.
For the section within the PJM
footprint, DOE first identified some
general boundary points, and then
linked certain of these points by means
of straight lines to form a polygon. It
would be impractical, however, to treat
the polygon as this section of the draft
Mid-Atlantic Area National Corridor,
because that would not enable precise,
easily identified boundaries in all areas.
Accordingly, if the polygon includes
some part of a county (or a city not
included within a county), the
Department has included all of that
county or city in the draft National
Corridor. This approach enlarges the
draft Mid-Atlantic Area National
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Corridor but, in addition to establishing
readily identifiable boundaries, helps
ensure that the draft National Corridor
encompasses a range of potential
projects and a range of potential routes,
as discussed in Section III above.
The western margin of the section of
the polygon within the PJM footprint, in
functional terms, is the eastern edge of
the existing 765 kV transmission
network in the Midwest, beginning with
the South Canton substation, located
near Canton, Ohio, continuing on to
other substations to the south located on
one side or the other of the Ohio River
(which forms the boundary between
Ohio and West Virginia), and ending
with the John Amos substation near
Charleston, West Virginia. Tapping into
this network with new west-to-east
transmission lines would enable access
to generation capacity throughout the
source areas.
The eastern margin of the section of
the polygon within the PJM footprint is
a straight line from the Calvert Cliffs
substation in southern Maryland due
east to the Atlantic shoreline, and then
generally northward following the
Atlantic shoreline and then up the
Hudson River to the northeastern corner
of New Jersey. The area around the
Calvert Cliffs substation is of interest
because if additional nuclear generating
capacity is developed at the Calvert
Cliffs nuclear plant or at nearby Virginia
plants, additional transmission capacity
would be needed to enable the
electricity output to be moved from the
Calvert Cliffs substation (or other
relevant substations within the polygon)
to the load centers in the sink area. If
the nuclear capacity is not developed,
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the sink area could still benefit from
development of additional west-to-east
transmission capacity across the PJM
The Department has extended the
draft National Corridor to the actual
shoreline not because major new
transmission lines are likely to be sited
in such areas, but rather because these
areas are sink areas, and transmission
upgrades in some locations within these
areas may be needed to gain the full
benefit of improving their access to the
source areas.
The southern margin of the section of
the polygon within the PJM footprint is
a straight line between the John Amos
substation and the Calvert Cliffs
The northern margin of the section of
the polygon within the PJM footprint is:
a straight line between the South Canton
substation and the Susquehanna
substation (which is the northernmost
500 kV substation in eastern PJM); a
straight line from the Susquehanna
substation due north to the
Pennsylvania-New York border; the
Pennsylvania-New York border east and
southeast to the border between
Pennsylvania and New Jersey; and then
the border between New York and New
Jersey southeast to the northeast corner
of New Jersey.
Connecting the points described
above produces the polygon shown in
Figure VIII–18. Defining the draft
National Corridor boundaries as
including all of the partially enclosed
cities or counties, as shown in Figure
VIII–19, establishes the portion of the
draft Mid-Atlantic Area National
Corridor within the PJM footprint.
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For the section of the draft MidAtlantic Area National Corridor within
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New York, DOE has adopted a
somewhat simpler approach based more
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directly on county boundaries. DOE has
identified four areas within New York
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for inclusion in the draft Mid-Atlantic
Area National Corridor.
The first area is New York City and
Long Island. This area is included
because it is a sink area.
Second is a central upstate area,
extending from New York City
northward to include an area around the
city of Saratoga Springs, and westward
to include an area around the city of
Utica. This central upstate area
encompasses a number of the existing
constraints that limit the delivery of
additional electricity in bulk from the
source areas to the sink areas. Although
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easing the constraints in this area could
provide benefits in the sink areas, these
benefits could be limited unless some of
the key constraints further to the north
and to the west were also addressed.
Therefore, the Department has included
the following two additional areas in the
draft National Corridor.
The draft National Corridor includes
an area to the south and east of the city
of Massena, New York. This area
encompasses several transmission
constraints that may frequently prevent
electricity flows from the source areas to
the sink areas.
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Finally, the draft National Corridor
includes an area between the city of
Buffalo and the city of Syracuse. This
area is a major electricity pathway that
is frequently constrained, preventing
electricity flows from the source areas to
the sink areas.
The resulting New York section of the
draft Mid-Atlantic Area National
Corridor, based on the boundaries of the
affected counties, is shown in Figure
VIII–20. The entire draft Mid-Atlantic
Area National Corridor is shown in
Figure VIII–21.
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The list of the counties and cities that
comprise the draft Mid-Atlantic Area
National Corridor is as follows:
Counties: All are included—Kent,
New Castle, and Sussex.
District of Columbia
City: Washington.
Counties: All are included except
Somerset. Those included are Allegany,
Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Calvert,
Caroline, Carroll, Cecil, Charles,
Dorchester, Frederick, Garrett, Harford,
Howard, Kent, Montgomery, Prince
George’s, Queen Anne’s, St. Mary’s,
Talbot, Washington, Wicomico, and
City: Baltimore.
New Jersey
Counties: All are included—Atlantic,
Bergen, Burlington, Camden, Cape May,
Cumberland, Essex, Gloucester, Hudson,
Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex,
Monmouth, Morris, Ocean, Passaic,
Salem, Somerset, Sussex, Union, and
New York
Counties: Albany, Bronx, Broome,
Cayuga, Chenango, Clinton, Columbia,
Delaware, Dutchess, Erie, Franklin,
Fulton, Genesee, Greene, Herkimer,
Jefferson, Kings, Lewis, Livingston,
Madison, Monroe, Montgomery, Nassau,
New York, Niagara, Oneida, Onondaga,
Ontario, Orange, Orleans, Otsego,
Putnam, Queens, Renssalaer, Richmond,
Rockland, St. Lawrence, Saratoga,
Schenectady, Schoharie, Seneca, Suffolk
Sullivan, Ulster, Wayne, Westchester,
and Wyoming.
Counties: Belmont, Carroll,
Columbiana, Harrison, Jefferson, and
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES2
Counties: Adams, Allegheny,
Armstrong, Beaver, Bedford, Berks,
Blair, Bradford, Bucks, Butler, Cambria,
Centre, Chester, Clearfield, Clinton,
Columbia, Dauphin, Delaware, Fayette,
Franklin, Fulton, Greene, Huntingdon,
Indiana, Jefferson, Juniata, Lackawanna,
Lancaster, Lebanon, Lehigh, Luzerne,
Mifflin, Monroe, Montgomery, Montour,
Northampton, Northumberland, Perry,
Philadelphia, Pike, Schuylkill, Snyder,
Somerset, Susquehanna, Union, Wayne,
Washington, Westmoreland, Wyoming,
and York.
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Counties: Arlington, Clarke, Culpeper,
Fairfax, Fauquier, Frederick, Loudon,
Madison, Page, Prince William,
Rappahannock, Rockingham,
Shenandoah, Stafford and Warren.
Cities: Alexandria, Harrisonburg,
Fairfax, Falls Church, Manassas,
Manassas Park, and Winchester.
West Virginia
Counties: Barbour, Berkeley, Braxton,
Brooke, Calhoun, Clay, Doddridge,
Gilmer, Grant, Hampshire, Hancock,
Hardy, Harrison, Jackson, Jefferson,
Lewis, Marion, Marshall, Mineral,
Monongalia, Morgan, Nicholas, Ohio,
Pendleton, Pleasants, Pocahontas,
Preston, Randolph, Ritchie, Roane,
Taylor, Tucker, Tyler, Upshur, Webster,
Wetzel, Wirt, and Wood.
IX. Draft Southwest Area National
A. Alternatives and Recommendations
In response to the Congestion Study,
the Department received a number of
National Corridor alternatives and
recommendations for the Southern
California Critical Congestion Area.
SCE recommended a National
Corridor to encompass the general
anticipated route of a transmission line
it is proposing to build between the Palo
Verde hub in Arizona and Palm Springs,
California (Devers-Palo Verde 2 or
DPV2). EEI supported SCE’s
recommended National Corridor, citing
the need to remedy the existing and
growing congestion problems in the
Southern California Critical Congestion
Area as well as the need for utilities in
the State to meet renewable energy
San Diego Gas and Electric Company
(SDG&E) recommended a National
Corridor to encompass the general
anticipated route of a transmission line
it is proposing to build through Imperial
County, California to San Diego,
California (Sunrise Powerlink).
The Nevada Hydro Company, Inc.
(Nevada Hydro) recommended a
National Corridor to encompass the
general anticipated route of a
transmission line associated with its
proposed Lake Elsinore Advanced
Pumped Storage project (LEAPS) in
southern California.
Los Angeles Department of Water and
Power (LADWP) noted that the
Congestion Study had not mentioned
LADWP’s proposed Green Path North
project (Green Path), which it regards as
very important to relieving congestion,
maintaining reliability in the area west
of Devers, and diversifying generation
sources by increasing access to 2000
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MW of potential geothermal power in
the Imperial Valley region. LADWP
stated, ‘‘DOE may wish to consider the
Green Path North project as a [National
The California Independent System
Operator (CAISO) 91 recommended
designation of a National Corridor in
southern California, citing the current
congestion problem in that area as well
as the increased congestion expected as
a result of high load growth and the
potential development of significant
wind generation in the Tehachapi area.
CAISO stated that the boundaries of a
National Corridor in southern California
depend on the success of current
planned transmission projects. Thus,
according to CAISO, if either DVP2 or
Sunrise Powerlink were to fail to
materialize, there would be a critical
need for another transmission link to
one of the major substations in the
southern part of the Southwest region
and/or the Imperial Valley area. CAISO
also recommended consideration of a
National Corridor that would connect
the broader Tehachapi area to the Los
Angeles Basin.
CEC agreed with the classification of
southern California as a Critical
Congestion Area and noted that ‘‘the
San Diego region’s transmission
problems are acute and graphically
illustrate the importance of adequate
transmission.’’ CEC commented that
‘‘California interests could be served by
the Federal [National Corridor] planning
and permitting processes under certain
limited conditions, given the State’s
history of impediments in developing
needed transmission capacity.’’
However, CEC stated that the focus of
the Congestion Study was too narrow to
accommodate State laws and policies on
renewable portfolio standards.92 CEC
further commented that because the
Department has not discussed how it
intends to address environmental
assessments in the National Corridor
designation process, it remains
concerned whether DOE will designate
a National Corridor in a manner that
adequately considers California’s
environmental resources, legislation
concerning State designation of electric
transmission corridors, and use of
existing rights of way.93
IID acknowledged that the Congestion
Study correctly identified the presence
of congestion on the intertie between
IID’s control area and SCE’s control area
(Path 42). However, IID noted that it has
already identified two feasible solutions
to mitigate congestion on Path 42, and
is the ISO serving most of California.
DOE response, Section II.A above.
93 See DOE response, Section III above.
92 See
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 87 / Monday, May 7, 2007 / Notices
is working on a 500 kV transmission
project that would connect with
SDG&E’s Sunrise Powerlink to alleviate
congestion elsewhere in southern
California. IID believed that in light of
these projects, as well as other efforts
underway, it may not be necessary to
designate a National Corridor in
southern California at this time.
CPUC recommended against any
National Corridor designations in
southern California at this time. Noting
that skepticism about California’s siting
of infrastructure may have contributed
to the identification of southern
California as a Critical Congestion Area,
CPUC argued that California
stakeholders, including CPUC, CAISO,
CEC, and the transmission owners, have
worked closely together to achieve
significant progress in transmission
expansion, completing $1.8 billion
worth of transmission projects between
2000 and 2004. CPUC noted that it
would soon be considering the adoption
of a proposed decision that would grant
a rebuttable presumption in a CPUC
siting proceeding to a CAISO
determination that a proposed project is
CPUC further asserted that specific
progress is being made in southern
California: DPV2 is in the final stages of
permitting; 95 a final permitting decision
on Sunrise Powerlink is expected the
fourth quarter of 2007 or early in the
first quarter of 2008; and the permitting
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES2
94 Since submission of its comments on the
Congestion Study, CPUC issued a decision that
created a rebuttable presumption in favor of certain
economic evaluations by the CAISO. See Opinion
on Methodology for Economic Assessment of
Transmission Projects, CPUC D.06–11–018 (Nov. 9,
95 Since submission of its comments on the
Congestion Study, CPUC approved construction of
the portion of DPV2 within California. See Opinion
Granting a Certificate of Public Convenience and
Necessity, CPUC D.07–01–040 (Jan. 25, 2007). The
Arizona Commission has not yet ruled on SCE’s
application for the portion of the project that would
be located in Arizona.
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processes for three segments of a
transmission project related to wind
development in the Tehachapi region
(Antelope Segments 1, 2, and 3) are
close to completion.96 CPUC stated that
National Corridor designation is
unwarranted unless there is evidence
that State and regional processes are not
addressing the problem in a timely
manner.97 CPUC also argued that the
Congestion Study exaggerated the
significance of congestion into southern
After reviewing the alternatives and
recommendations provided,99 the
Department believes that designation of
a National Corridor for the Southern
California Critical Congestion Area may
be warranted. In the following sections,
the Department will detail its factual
finding of the existence of constraints or
congestion that adversely affects
consumers in the Southern California
Critical Congestion Area and explain the
considerations that it believes warrant
96 Since submission of its comments on the
Congestion Study, CPUC approved construction of
Antelope Segments 1, 2 and 3. See Opinion
Granting a Certificate of Public Convenience and
Necessity, CPUC D.07–03–012 (Mar. 1, 2007); and
Opinion Granting a Certificate of Public
Convenience and Necessity, CPUC D.07–03–045
(Mar. 15, 2007). In its comments on the Congestion
Study, CPUC also notes the progress of two other
projects, which are not subject to its jurisdiction,
that would alleviate congestion in southern
California: The Desert Southwest Project sponsored
by a number of municipal utilities and LEAPS
pending at FERC.
97 See DOE response, Section II.D above.
98 See DOE response, Section VII.C above. CPUC
also argued that instead of designating National
Corridors in California, the Department should
make certain designations of energy corridors on
Federal land under EPAct section 368. The
Department will address these comments in the
ongoing section 368 proceeding.
99 ACC commented on the Phoenix-Tucson
Congestion Area of Concern identified in the
Congestion Study as well as the Tucson to Nogales
corridor, but did not comment on the Southern
California Critical Congestion Area. ACC also
emphasized the need for the Department to consult
with it prior to designating any National Corridors
in Arizona. See DOE response, Section IV.B above.
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designation of a National Corridor for
this area. Finally, the Department will
delineate and explain the specific
boundaries of the draft National
B. Finding of Constraints or Congestion
That Adversely Affects Consumers
The Congestion Study identified
southern California as a Critical
Congestion Area, based on evidence of
historical, persistent congestion caused
by numerous well-known transmission
constraints into and within southern
California. The congestion caused by
these constraints is projected to
continue or worsen unless it is
addressed through remedial actions. In
conducting the Congestion Study, the
Department identified and assessed
these constraints based on a review of
the extant transmission studies and
expansion plans available prior to the
publication of the Congestion Study.
DOE has assessed these constraints at
two levels. In the Congestion Study,
DOE assessed congestion at the WECC
Path 100 level. (See Figures IX–1, –2, and
–3, which are taken from the Congestion
Study.) More recently, DOE has
reviewed congestion data provided by
the Western Area Power Administration
(WAPA), and branch group congestion
data reported by CAISO. ‘‘Branch
groups,’’ as defined by CAISO, consist
of major groups of lines between CAISO
and other areas, plus two large internal
paths, WECC Path 15 and WECC Path
26. (See Figure IX–4).
100 WECC is responsible for coordinating and
promoting electric system reliability in all or part
of the 14 western States and British Columbia,
Canada. To facilitate analysis of grid operations,
WECC and its members have defined and numbered
a total of 67 major transmission paths in the
Western Interconnection. A ‘‘path’’ frequently
consists of several related transmission elements
from one important area of the grid to another, as
opposed to a single transmission line.
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The historical review performed for
the Congestion Study confirmed the
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presence of congestion in years 1999
through 2005 on Path 26 (Northern—
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Southern California), Path 45 (San Diego
County—Baja California Norte), Path 46
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divided into three zones. Based on the
branch groups, CAISO manages
congestion into and out of these zones
through operation of a day-ahead and an
hour-ahead market.101 At the CAISO
branch group level, constraints were
binding and thus produced congestion
in both markets in calendar years 2004,
2005, and 2006. (See Table IX–1.)
diminished somewhat in 2006 as
compared to 2004 and 2005, but the
congestion prices increased. On Mead,
both binding hours and congestion
prices were higher in 2006 than in 2004
and 2005. On Path 26, the congestion
price diminished after its capacity limit
was raised in late June 2005, but the
number of binding hours increased. As
shown in Table IX–1, these same branch
groups are also congested in CAISO’s
hour-ahead market. The aggregate
annual congestion revenues for several
of these branch groups are shown in
Table IX–2, and range from $122,000 to
$17 million in 2006.
101 Unlike PJM’s and NYISO’s LMP day-ahead
and hour-ahead markets, energy is not traded in
CAISO’s day-ahead and hour-ahead markets.
Instead, market participants submit desired
transmission schedules along with bids for
adjusting those schedules. Transactions scheduled
over congested inter-zonal interfaces are assessed a
congestion charge based on these adjustment bids.
The day-ahead and hour-ahead markets do not
account for intra-zonal congestion, which CAISO
must manage during real-time operations.
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of these constraints will continue to
cause congestion in 2008. These include
Paths 42, 45, 49, and 65. Of these, Path
42 IID-SCE (near Riverside, California)
had a projected U75 of 84 percent and
a projected U90 of 65 percent.
CAISO data document the presence of
congestion on paths going into southern
California. The CAISO footprint is
In the day-ahead market, the
Adelanto, Blythe, Eldorado, Mead, and
Palo Verde branch groups had the most
binding hours of all the CAISO branch
groups. The Palo Verde and Mead
branch groups were the most congested
in 2006 with binding hours of 15 and 13
percent respectively. Congestion on Palo
Verde, in terms of binding hours,
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES2
(West of the Colorado River), Path 49
(East of the Colorado River), and Path 65
(Pacific DC Inter-tie). Path 65 exceeded
75 percent of its flow limit 32 percent
of the time and Paths 26, 45, and 49
exceeded 75 percent of their flow limits
between 15 to18 percent of the time.
The modeling performed for the
Congestion Study projected that several
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 87 / Monday, May 7, 2007 / Notices
of sequence (OOS). The Department
recognizes that the magnitude of RMR,
MLCC, and OOS costs is, in part, a
function of CAISO’s market design, and
that CAISO is in the process of replacing
its zonal congestion management system
with an LMP congestion management
system. Nevertheless, RMR, MLCC, and
OOS costs are indicators of the presence
and persistence of intra-zonal
congestion. RMR, MLCC, and OOS costs
were incurred in 2004, 2005, and
2006.103 CAISO states further that
‘‘[m]ost of the major points of intrazonal congestion in 2005 were located
in the CAISO’s southern congestion
zone (SP15).’’ 104
Data from WAPA also demonstrate
that routes into SP15 via the Blythe,
Gene, Marketplace, and Mead
substations are frequently congested, as
indicated by numerous denials of
requests to reserve capacity for transfers
of power into SP15. (See Table IX–3).
Thus, the Department has
documented the existence of persistent
congestion into and within the Southern
California Critical Congestion Area, as
well as the constraints causing that
persistent congestion. As discussed in
Section II.A above, whenever there is
persistent congestion, buyers must rely
on power from less-preferred generating
sources, a smaller range of generators is
able to serve load, and grid operators
have fewer options for dealing with
adverse circumstances or unanticipated
events, all of which adversely affects
consumers. Therefore, the Department
finds under FPA section 216(a)(2) that
there are ‘‘constraints or congestion that
adversely affects consumers’’ in the
Southern California Critical Congestion
C. Determination That Designation of a
Southwest Area National Corridor Is
102 RMR units are generally local generators that
would otherwise not be commercially viable, but
are needed because transmission constraints
prevent the use of other generating units. RMR units
generally operate subject to cost-of-service contracts
that ensure they will remain in business, available
to operate when needed.
103 See CAISO, 2006 Annual Report on Market
Issues and Performance, p. 6–4, 6–5 (April 2006)
(‘‘Total estimated intra-zonal congestion costs for
2004, 2005, and 2006 were $426 million, $222
million, and $207 million, respectively. These costs
have been declining over the period due to
installation of appropriately located new generation
and transmission upgrades.’’).
104 CAISO, 2005 Annual Report on Market Issues
and Performance, p. 6–2 (April 2006); see also
CAISO, 2004 Annual Report on Market Issues and
Performance, p. 6–13 (April 2005) (CAISO 2004
Annual Report) (in 2004, ‘‘the bulk of OOS
dispatches of incremental energy (96 percent) are
for locational constraints within the CAISO’s
southern zone (SP15)’’).
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Given the presence of constraints or
congestion that adversely affects
consumers in the Southern California
Critical Congestion Area, the Secretary
has the discretion to consider
designation of a National Corridor. As
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES2
CAISO data also demonstrate the
existence of congestion on paths within
southern California. When congestion
arises in real time within one of the
three CAISO zones, CAISO must engage
in redispatch. CAISO draws from three
sources for this redispatch: Reliabilitymust-run (RMR) units; 102 long-start
thermal units lined up day-ahead in
return for minimum load cost
compensation (MLCC); and other
generators whose bids are accepted out
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 87 / Monday, May 7, 2007 / Notices
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES2
discussed above in Section II.A, the
Secretary will determine whether to
exercise his discretion based on the
totality of the information developed,
taking into account relevant
considerations, including the
considerations identified in FPA section
216(a)(4), as appropriate. In this section,
the Department discusses the
considerations that it believes warrant
designation of the Southwest Area
National Corridor.
1. Reliability Considerations
In recent years, southern California’s
electricity supply capability, combined
with what supplies can be imported
from external sources, has been barely
enough to meet peak electricity demand.
In the summer of 2005, CAISO declared
two Stage 2 Emergencies in southern
California (July 21 and 22) and a
transmission emergency occurred on
August 25 that resulted in the
curtailment of 900 MW of firm load. In
the summer of 2006, rolling blackouts
were avoided during a period of
extremely hot weather only through a
combination of good fortune,
extraordinary efforts by the utilities,
CAISO, and the Bonneville Power
Administration, and timely cooperation
by electricity consumers to reduce
electricity demand.
In its comments to DOE, CAISO noted
that load in southern California has
been growing at a rate of approximately
1.5 percent annually, which translates
into a total of approximately 657 MW of
new load that needs to be served each
year. CAISO notes that this rate of load
growth, combined with the threat of
extreme weather conditions, such as a
1-in-10-year heat wave, could mean that
by 2015, the loss of a single critical
transmission path could necessitate the
curtailment of approximately 1,500 MW
of load. CAISO notes that the San Diego
area is projected to be deficient in
overall generation capacity by the year
2010 due to severe import limits. CAISO
also notes looming reliability problems
on the South of Lugo path, a major
CAISO internal path that serves the Los
Angeles Basin. CAISO states that in the
event of a double-line contingency on
that path at peak load, anywhere from
500 to 1,000 MW of load would need to
be curtailed.
Since submission of its comments on
the Congestion Study, CAISO has
published additional analyses that
identify potential reliability problems in
southern California. In its assessment
for the summer of 2007, CAISO
concludes that there is a 23 percent
chance of entering into a Stage 1
emergency in the area south of Path 26
(SP26), and a 12 percent chance of
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entering into a Stage 2 emergency.105
Further, according to CAISO’s 2007
Transmission Plan, a number of
transmission enhancements are needed
in the Devers area to mitigate existing or
projected reliability violations.106
Similarly, LADWP stated in its
comments to the Department that ‘‘Zone
SP26 is a large load center that is
currently experiencing reliability
problems because of transmission
constraints. * * * Zone SP26 will likely
continue its dependence on imports, so
transmission improvements are needed
to avoid future violations of reliability
standards. * * *’’
In its comments to DOE, SDG&E
described the San Diego area’s situation
as follows:
The San Diego region has only two points
of interconnection to the interstate electric
transmission grid: A 500 kV line at SDG&E’s
Miguel substation that delivers power from
the east, and a series of 230 kV lines
connecting at the San Onofre Nuclear
Generating Station (‘‘SONGS’’) switchyard to
the north. Taken together, these two paths are
capable of serving only a portion of the peakload requirements of the SDG&E local
reliability area. Neither of these paths is
capable of serving the full peak-load
requirements of the SDG&E local reliability
area if the other is out of service. In fact,
these two paths are barely sufficient to serve
the average load of the region. As a result of
growing loads in southern California,
coupled with the addition of new generation
in the desert southwest, the import capability
into the San Diego area is often fully utilized.
To put the San Diego constraints in
perspective, there are more than forty-five
500 kV transmission lines in the state of
California. The two major utilities serving the
Los Angeles area have more than thirty 500
kV AC transmission lines as well as two
+/¥500 kV DC lines. Phoenix, America’s
sixth largest city, has eight 500 kV
transmission lines and six 345 kV
transmission lines. By comparison, among
the large electric service areas in the State
and the west, San Diego is extremely underserved in terms of high voltage access to the
rest of the grid. [footnotes omitted]
The data detailed above indicate that
consumers in the Southern California
Critical Congestion Area face threats to
reliability if existing congestion
problems are not addressed. Reliable
electricity supplies are vital to the
economic and social well-being of any
metropolitan area. Electricity supply
disruptions may come in many forms,
ranging from brief disturbances in
power quality and localized outages to
large-scale, cascading blackouts. The
exact cost of electric supply disruptions
105 CAISO, 2007 Summer Loads and Resources
Operations Assessment, p. 3 (March 7, 2007).
106 CAISO, 2007 Transmission Plan, Table 2–4,
item 7; Table 2–5, item 8; and Table 2–6, items 1
and 3 (Jan. 2007).
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is difficult to quantify and varies
depending upon the specific
circumstances. However, such
disruptions can impose enormous costs
on consumers and may also, under
certain circumstances, pose dangers to
public health and safety.
For example, on Saturday, August 10,
1996, a blackout affected several
western States, including much of
California, for several hours. CEC
conducted a survey to gauge the effects
and implications of the blackout. The
outage affected slightly less than half of
California’s residential electricity
customers, 20 percent of the commercial
customers, and 25 percent of the
industrial customers. Forty-one percent
of the commercial respondents and 31
percent of the industrial respondents
said that the outage was ‘‘very
disruptive’’ to their operations. The
losses reported ranged from $40 to $5
Another California analysis provides
further insights:
Blackouts impose a wide range of costs on
the economy, but these costs are incredibly
difficult to quantify. The primary costs are
direct and roughly proportional to the
duration of the outage and the amount of
undelivered power, including lost
production and idled labor. Frequently,
however, actual losses are much greater than
this. For example, when production systems
are shut down, it can take hours or days to
restart them and return to full productivity.
Often, information technology equipment
and even basic manufacturing equipment is
damaged when power is suddenly lost; and
industries dependent on climate control
(from bioscience labs to supermarkets) are
threatened with damaged research or spoiled
goods. Finally, power interruptions
frequently result in lost data, which can be
costly and sometimes impossible to
Loss of power can also impose longer-term
costs by damaging external relationships and
customer interactions. For example, a power
interruption for an internet-based business
can compromise security and harm its
reputation, leading to lower sales in the
future * * *. For a brick-and-mortar
business, inadequate lighting and lack of
power to security systems increase the
potential likelihood of vandalism and theft.
Loss of climate control and
telecommunications capabilities makes it
especially difficult for restaurants and retail
establishments to attract and retain
customers. However, all of these factors still
only point to direct costs. Indirect costs
multiply the impact several times over as the
effects of a power interruption ripple through
the economy; for example, lost sales by a
107 CEC, A Survey of the Implications to
California of the August 10, 1996 Western States
Power Outage, p. 43 (June 1997).
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 87 / Monday, May 7, 2007 / Notices
retailer can lead to reduced orders to
suppliers, and so forth.108
Further, one of the considerations
identified in FPA section 216(a)(4) is
whether ‘‘the economic vitality and
development of the corridor, or the end
markets served by the corridor, may be
constrained by lack of adequate or
reasonably priced electricity.’’ FPA
section 216(a)(4)(A); 16 U.S.C.
824p(a)(4)(A) (emphasis added).
Therefore, the Department believes
that reliability considerations warrant
designation of a National Corridor for
the Southern California Critical
Congestion Area.
2. Supply Diversity Considerations
Much of the existing generation fleet
on which southern California relies is
fueled by natural gas. During 2005,
about 38 percent of the electricity
generated within California was
produced from units fueled by natural
gas, as compared with 20 percent from
coal, 17 percent from large hydro, and
14 percent from nuclear.109 California’s
total annual consumption of natural gas,
approximately 2.2 trillion cubic feet,
would make this State the tenth largest
natural-gas consuming ‘‘country’’ in the
world. The State’s industrial and
electricity-generation sectors consume
the most natural gas, approximately 66
percent of the total amount. Natural gas
used for electricity generation is the
largest contributor to the State’s growing
demand rate, one percent per year.110
One of the consequences of congestion
in southern California is that it prolongs
and exacerbates the area’s dependence
on natural gas.
Natural gas is relatively high in price
and must be purchased in markets that
are highly volatile and subject to
unanticipated international trends and
adverse events. Inadequate transmission
capacity leaves consumers in the
Southern California Critical Congestion
Area exposed, perhaps increasingly, to
the higher prices and higher price
volatility associated with this generation
fuel, with a resulting impact on business
certainty, especially for industrial
consumers. Thus, economic growth may
be jeopardized.
Moreover, the Department takes note
that CPUC has adopted an interim
Emissions Performance Standard, which
is a facility-based emissions standard
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES2
108 Bay
Area Economic Forum, The Bay Area— A
Knowledge Economy Needs Power, pp. 25–26
(April 2001).
109 CEC Report, Net System Power: A Small Share
of California’s Power Mix in 2005, Pub. No. CEC–
300–2006–009–F, p. 4 (April 2006).
110 CEC Staff Report, Natural Gas Assessment
Update: Executive Summary, Pub. No. CEC–600–
2005–003, p. iv (Feb. 2005).
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requiring that all new long-term
commitments for base-load generation
to serve California consumers be with
power plants that have emissions no
greater than a combined cycle gas
turbine plant. In addition, the State of
California has established standards
requiring load-serving entities to meet
20 percent of their electricity needs
through renewable-based generation
capacity (wind, geothermal, and solar)
by 2010, and 33 percent by 2020. In
order to meet these goals and to provide
for steady economic growth, consumers
in the Southern California Critical
Congestion Area will need additional
transmission access to a range of sources
of supply, particularly renewable
Further, one of the considerations
identified in FPA section 216(a)(4) is
whether ‘‘(i) economic growth in the
corridor, or the end markets served by
the corridor, may be jeopardized by
reliance on limited sources of energy;
and (ii) a diversification of supply is
warranted.’’ FPA section 216(a)(4)(B); 16
U.S.C. 824p(a)(4)(B).
Therefore, the Department believes
that supply diversity considerations
warrant designation of a National
Corridor for the Southern California
Critical Congestion Area.
security.’’ FPA section 216(a)(4)(E); 16
U.S.C. 824p(a)(4)(E).
Therefore, the Department believes
that national defense and homeland
security considerations warrant
designation of a National Corridor for
the Southern California Critical
Congestion Area.
D. Boundaries of the Draft Southwest
Area National Corridor
In this section, the Department first
explains how it determined the general
extent of the draft Southwest Area
National Corridor using a source-andsink approach. Then, the Department
explains how it delineated specific
boundaries for the draft Southwest Area
National Corridor.
1. General Extent of the Draft Southwest
Area National Corridor
In order to set the boundaries of the
draft Southwest Area National Corridor,
DOE used the general source-and-sink
approach described above in Section III.
The sink areas are the locations of the
consumers adversely affected by the
persistent congestion documented in
Section IX.B above. Specifically, the
sink areas are the urban areas
downstream of the constraints identified
in Section IX.B above, including the
cities of Los Angeles, San Bernardino,
3. National Defense and Homeland
Riverside, Anaheim, San Diego, and
Security Considerations
other nearby municipalities.
The Southern California Critical
With regard to selecting source areas,
Congestion Area is home to 20.7 million
people (7.0 percent of the Nation’s 2005 as discussed in Section III above, the
population) 111 and produces about $950 Department was guided by the
considerations identified in FPA section
billion of gross state product (7.7
216(a)(4). In particular, the Department
percent of the 2005 gross national
focused on the considerations of
product).112 Given the large number of
ensuring adequate supplies of power 113
military and other facilities in the
and diversifying supply.114 Applying
Southern California Critical Congestion
Area that are extremely important to the those considerations, DOE identified as
national defense and homeland security, source areas locations with substantial
amounts of existing, under-used
as well as the vital importance of this
generation capacity (see Table IX–4),
populous area to the Nation as an
and locations with potential for
economic center, any deterioration of
substantial development of wind,
the electric reliability or economic
geothermal, or solar generation
health of this area would constitute a
capacity.115 The existing, under-used
serious risk to the well-being of the
Nation. Further one of the consideration generation could readily provide
additional power to the sink areas if the
identified in FPA section 216(a)(4) is
required transmission capacity were
whether ‘‘the designation would
enhance national defense and homeland available. In addition, improved
transmission access to the areas with
renewable-based generation potential
111 U.S. Census Bureau, State & County
QuickFacts, would diversify supply. Figure IX–5
00000.html and
indicates the locations of the source
112 See Northwest Midwest Institute, Total Gross
State Product by State, 2001–2005, https:// Total gross state product
attributable to southern California in 2005 was
estimated by prorating the State total for 2005
according to the estimated 2005 population in
seven California counties: Imperial, Kern, Los
Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, and
San Diego.
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113 See
FPA sec. 216(a)(4)(A).
FPA sec. 216(a)(4)(B).
115 The potential wind, geothermal, and solar
generation capacity used to establish the source
areas was identified through State-level maps of
potential wind, geothermal, and solar resources.
Those maps are provided in Appendix B, which is
available at
114 See
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 87 / Monday, May 7, 2007 / Notices
areas in southern California and western
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Having identified the source and sink
areas, DOE sought to delineate a draft
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National Corridor that would connect
those areas, encompass all of the
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relevant constraints contributing to
congestion in southern California, and
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES2
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rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES2
encompass a range of potential
transmission projects and a range of
potential routes. The Department is also
including the sink areas in the draft
Southwest Area National Corridor,
because it is frequently the case that
local upgrades to the transmission
system and related facilities are needed
in such areas in order to achieve the full
benefits of developing major new highvoltage transmission lines. Further, the
Department has included the source
areas in the draft Southwest Area
National Corridor.
Finally, the draft Southwest Area
National Corridor includes the several
substations and related transmission
facilities between Los Angeles and the
Hoover Dam area southeast of Las
Vegas, Nevada. This area and the area
around Palo Verde, Arizona are the two
principal portals from the east for
transferring bulk power into southern
California. From both a transmission
planning perspective and an operational
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perspective, it is useful to think of these
two pathways as closely related. Adding
facilities or changing the operating rules
on one is almost certain to require
changes in the other so as to maintain
an appropriate balance between
2. Specific Boundaries of the Draft
Southwest Area National Corridor
After determining the general area to
be covered by the draft National
116 For example, CAISO states that the Southern
California Import Transmission (SCIT) operating
nomogram: Places limits on imports into southern
California based on a variety of conditions. They
include power flows on five major paths into
southern California, actual flow East of the River
(EOR), and system inertia from generation within
southern California. When the SCIT nomogram
becomes binding, the CAISO must increment
additional generation from a limited number of
units in southern California to mitigate flows. Intrazonal congestion initiating the SCIT nomogram
often is due to the large quantity of low cost energy
from imports from Arizona or Mexico being used
to serve southern California load.
CAISO 2004 Annual Report, p. 6–3.
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Corridor, DOE addressed the question of
establishing its specific boundaries.
DOE relied on county boundaries to
determine the perimeter of the draft
Southwest Area National Corridor. That
is, if a portion of the general area
identified in Section IX.D.1 above (i.e.,
the source areas, the sink areas, and the
areas in between encompassing the
constraints of concern) is located within
a county, then the entire county is
assumed to be within the draft National
Corridor, and the outer perimeter of the
group of counties thus identified defines
the draft National Corridor as whole.
This approach establishes boundaries
that are precise and identifiable.
Moreover, this approach helps ensure
that the draft National Corridor
encompasses a range of potential
projects and a range of potential routes,
as discussed in Section III above. The
resulting draft Southwest Area National
Corridor is shown in Figure IX–6.
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Imperial, Kern, Los Angeles, Orange,
Riverside, San Bernardino, and San
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES2
The counties that comprise the draft
Southwest Area National Corridor are as
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La Paz, Maricopa, and Yuma.
The Secretary of Energy has approved the
publication of this notice.
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Issued in Washington, DC, on April 25,
Kevin M. Kolevar,
Director, Office of Electricity Delivery and
Energy Reliability.
[FR Doc. 07–2115 Filed 5–4–07; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 72, Number 87 (Monday, May 7, 2007)]
[Pages 25838-25923]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 07-2115]
[[Page 25837]]
Part II
Department of Energy
Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability; Draft National
Interest Electric Transmission Corridor Designations; Notice
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 87 / Monday, May 7, 2007 / Notices
[[Page 25838]]
Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability; Draft
National Interest Electric Transmission Corridor Designations
[Docket No. 2007-OE-01, Draft Mid-Atlantic Area National Corridor;
Docket No. 2007-OE-02, Draft Southwest Area National Corridor]
AGENCY: Department of Energy.
ACTION: Notice and opportunity for written and oral comment.
SUMMARY: Having issued the first National Electric Transmission
Congestion Study under section 216 of the Federal Power Act (FPA), and
having evaluated public comments on the Study, the Department of Energy
(Department or DOE) today begins two proceedings that may lead to one
or more orders designating one or more national interest electric
transmission corridors (National Corridors). The Department believes
that, although the FPA does not require it, allowing an opportunity for
comment on draft National Corridor designations prior to the Department
issuing its FPA section 216(a) report will aid both the public and the
Department. Interested persons may file written comments in one or both
of these proceedings in the manner indicated in the ADDRESSES portion
of this notice. Only those persons who file such comments by the date
listed in the DATES portion of this notice will become parties to the
proceedings and, thus, eligible to file a request for rehearing under
FPA section 313 of any final order issued in these proceedings.
DATES: Written comments on the draft National Corridors must be
received on or before July 6, 2007.
The Department has scheduled public meetings on Docket No. 2007-OE-
01 (the draft Mid-Atlantic Area National Corridor) for the following
May 15, 2007, 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Arlington, VA; and
May 23, 2007, 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., New York, NY.
The Department has scheduled a public meeting on Docket No. 2007-
OE-02 (the draft Southwest Area National Corridor) for May 17, 2007, 10
a.m. to 3:30 p.m., San Diego, CA.
ADDRESSES: Color versions of the figures included in today's notice as
well as other supporting documents are available at https://
You may submit written comments on one or both of the draft
National Corridors electronically at, or by mail
to the Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, OE-20,
U.S. Department of Energy, 1000 Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC
20585. If you are commenting on Docket No. 2007-OE-01 (the draft Mid-
Atlantic Area National Corridor), your comments must be marked ``Attn:
Docket No. 2007-OE-01.'' If you are commenting on Docket No. 2007-OE-02
(the draft Southwest Area National Corridor), your comments must be
marked ``Attn: Docket No. 2007-OE-02.'' The following electronic file
formats are acceptable: Microsoft Word (.doc), Microsoft Works (.wps),
Corel Word Perfect (.wpd), Adobe Acrobat (.pdf), Rich Text Format
(.rtf), plain text (.txt), Microsoft Excel (.xls), and Microsoft
PowerPoint (.ppt). If you submit information that you believe to be
exempt by law from public disclosure, you may only submit your comments
by mail, and you must submit one complete copy, as well as one copy
from which the information claimed to be exempt by law from public
disclosure has been deleted. DOE is responsible for the final
determination concerning disclosure or nondisclosure of the information
and for treating it in accordance with the DOE's Freedom of Information
regulations (10 CFR 1004.11).
Note: Delivery of U.S. Postal Service mail to DOE continues to
be delayed by several weeks due to security screening. DOE therefore
encourages commenters to submit comments electronically by e-mail.
If comments are submitted by mail, the Department requests that they
be accompanied by a CD or diskette containing the electronic files
of the submission.
The locations for the public meetings are:
Arlington--Doubletree Hotel Crystal City--National Airport, 300 Army
Navy Drive, Arlington, VA 22202-2891;
New York--Park Central New York Hotel, 870 Seventh Avenue at 56th
Street, New York, NY 10019-4038; and
San Diego--Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego Hotel, One Market Place,
San Diego, CA 92101.
If you are interested in speaking at one of these meetings, please
sign up at or call 410-
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For technical information, David
Meyer, DOE Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, (202)
586-1411. For legal information, Mary Morton,
DOE Office of the General Counsel, (202) 586-1221,
I. Background
A. Statutory Framework
Section 1221(a) of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (Pub. L. 109-58)
(EPAct) added a new section 216 to the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C.
824p) (FPA). New FPA section 216(a) requires the Secretary of Energy
(Secretary) \1\ to conduct a nationwide study of electric transmission
congestion \2\ within one year from the date of enactment of EPAct and
every three years thereafter. FPA section 216(a)(1) requires the
Secretary to consult with ``affected States'' when conducting the
study. 16 U.S.C. 824p(a)(1). FPA section 216(a)(2) provides
``interested parties'' with an opportunity to offer ``alternatives and
recommendations.'' 16 U.S.C. 824p(a)(2). Following consideration of
such alternatives and recommendations, the Secretary is required to
issue a report on the study ``which may designate any geographic area
experiencing electric energy transmission capacity constraints or
congestion that adversely affects consumers as a national interest
electric transmission corridor.'' 16 U.S.C. 824p(a)(2). FPA section
216(a)(4) states that in determining whether to designate a corridor,
the Secretary may consider whether:
\1\ This notice uses the terms ``Secretary'' and ``Department''
\2\ Electric transmission congestion (congestion) is the
condition that occurs when transmission capacity is not sufficient
to enable safe delivery of all scheduled or desired wholesale
electricity transfers simultaneously. Congestion results from a
transmission capacity constraint (constraint). See Section II.A of
this notice for further discussion of these terms.
(A) the economic vitality and development of the corridor, or
the end markets served by the corridor, may be constrained by lack
of adequate or reasonably priced electricity;
(B)(i) economic growth in the corridor, or the end markets
served by the corridor, may be jeopardized by reliance on limited
sources of energy; and (ii) a diversification of supply is
(C) the energy independence of the United States would be served
by the designation;
(D) the designation would be in the interest of national energy
policy; and
(E) the designation would enhance national defense and homeland
16 U.S.C. 824p(a)(4).
The effect of a National Corridor designation is to delineate
geographic areas within which, under certain circumstances, the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) may authorize ``the construction or
modification of electric transmission facilities.'' FPA section 216(b);
16 U.S.C. 824p(b). The statute imposes several conditions on the
exercise of FERC's
[[Page 25839]]
permitting authority within a National Corridor.
Under FPA section 216(b)(1), FERC jurisdiction is triggered only
when either: the State does not have authority to site the project; the
State lacks the authority to consider the interstate benefits of the
project; the applicant does not qualify for a State permit because it
does not serve end-use customers in the State; the State has withheld
approval for more than one year; or the State has conditioned its
approval in such a manner that the project will not significantly
reduce congestion or is not economically feasible. 16 U.S.C.
824p(b)(1).\3\ Further, FPA section 216(g) states, ``Nothing in this
section precludes any person from constructing or modifying any
transmission facility in accordance with State law.'' 16 U.S.C.
\3\ See also Regulations for Filing Applications for Permits to
Site Interstate Electric Transmission Facilities, Order No. 689, 71
FR 69,440, 69,468 (Dec. 1, 2006), 117 FERC ] 61,202 at pp. 128-29
(2006) (to be codified at 18 CFR parts 50 and 380), reh'g pending
(FERC Order No. 689) (Sec. 50.6(e) requires applicants to
demonstrate that the conditions of FPA sec. 216(b)(1) are met).
Under FPA section 216(b)(2)-(6), FERC may issue a permit only if
all of the following conditions are met: the facilities will be used
for the transmission of electric energy in interstate commerce; the
project is consistent with the public interest; the project will
significantly reduce congestion and protect or benefit consumers; the
project is consistent with national energy policy and will enhance
energy independence; and the project maximizes, to the extent
reasonable and economical, the transmission capabilities of existing
towers or structures. 16 U.S.C. 824p(b)(2)-(6).\4\
\4\ See also id. (Sec. 50.6(f) requires applicants to
demonstrate that the conditions of FPA sec. 216(b)(2)-(6) are met).
Accordingly, a National Corridor designation itself does not
preempt State authority or any State actions. A National Corridor
designation is not a determination that transmission must, or even
should, be built; it is not a proposal to build a transmission facility
and it does not direct anyone to make a proposal. Transmission
expansion is but one possible solution to a congestion or constraint
problem; increased demand response, improved energy efficiency, and
conservation, as well as siting of additional generation close to load
centers are also potential solutions. Whether a particular transmission
project, some other transmission project, or a non-transmission project
is an appropriate solution to a congestion or constraint problem
identified by a National Corridor designation is a matter that market
participants, applicable regional planning entities, and State
authorities, among others, will consider and decide before any project
is built. In the event that FERC jurisdiction under FPA section 216(b)
is triggered, the designation of a National Corridor by the Secretary
does not control FERC's substantive decision on the merits as to
whether to grant or deny a permit application, specifically where any
facilities covered by a permit should be located, or what conditions
should be placed on a permit.
A National Corridor designation is not a siting decision; it does
not dictate the route of any transmission project. If a transmission
project is proposed in a National Corridor, it will be the State siting
authorities, and potentially FERC if certain conditions are met, that
will determine the specific route of that project.\5\
\5\ See id. 71 FR 69,440, 69,446, 117 FERC ] 61,202 at PP 41-42
(``The Commission will conduct an independent environmental analysis
of the project and determine if there is no significant impact as
required by [the National Environmental Policy Act]. It will look at
alternatives, including, as appropriate, alternatives other than
transmission lines. * * * It will review the alternatives for their
respective impacts on the environment and will determine mitigation
measures to lessen the adverse impacts. * * * The Commission will
also consider the adverse effects the proposed facilities will have
on land owners and local communities.''); and 71 FR 69,440, 69,470,
117 FERC ] 61,202 at p. 142-43 (Sec. Sec. 380.5(b)(14) and
380.6(a)(5) require either an environmental assessment or an
environmental impact statement for projects seeking permits under
sec. 216(b)).
Thus, FPA section 216(a) does not shift to the Department any of
the traditional roles of transmission planners and siting authorities
in evaluating solutions to congestion and constraint problems and
designing routes for transmission facilities. Instead, FPA section
216(a) assigns to the Department the role of identifying transmission
congestion and constraint problems, and the geographic areas in which
these problems exist.
B. Congestion Study
On August 8, 2006, DOE issued its initial congestion study (the
Congestion Study) for comment by interested members of the public and
affected States (71 FR 45,047 (Aug. 8, 2006)). The Congestion Study
gathered historical congestion data obtained from existing studies
prepared by the regional reliability councils, regional transmission
organizations (RTOs) and independent system operators (ISOs),\6\ and
regional planning groups. The Congestion Study also modeled future
congestion: the years 2008 and 2011 for the Eastern Interconnection;
and the years 2008 and 2015 for the Western Interconnection. The
modeling focused on five metrics: binding hours (the number of hours
per year that a path is loaded to its limit and, thus, unable to
accommodate all desired power transactions), U90 (the number of hours
per year that a path is loaded above 90 percent of its limit), all-
hours shadow price (the marginal cost of generation redispatch required
to accommodate a given constraint averaged across all hours in the
year), binding hours shadow price (average shadow price over only those
hours during which the constraint is binding), and congestion rent
(shadow price multiplied by flow, summed over all hours the constraint
is binding).
\6\ RTOs and ISOs are Federally regulated entities charged with
operating a regional transmission system in a manner that is non-
discriminatory and ensures safety and reliability. The existing RTOs
and ISOs do not own any transmission or generation and are run by
independent boards of directors.
Based on the historical data and the modeling results, the
Congestion Study classified the most significant congestion areas in
the country. Two ``Critical Congestion Areas'' (i.e. areas where the
current and/or projected effects of congestion are especially broad and
severe) were identified: the Atlantic coastal area from metropolitan
New York through northern Virginia (the Mid-Atlantic Critical
Congestion Area); and southern California (the Southern California
Critical Congestion Area). Four ``Congestion Areas of Concern'' (i.e.
areas where a large-scale congestion problem exists or may be emerging
but more information and analysis appear to be needed to determine the
magnitude of the problem) were identified: New England; the Phoenix-
Tucson area; the San Francisco Bay area; and the Seattle-Portland area.
Also, a number of ``Conditional Congestion Areas'' (i.e. areas where
future congestion would result if large amounts of new generation were
to be developed without simultaneous development of associated
transmission capacity) were identified, such as: Montana-Wyoming;
Dakotas-Minnesota; Kansas-Oklahoma; Illinois, Indiana and upper
Appalachia; and the Southeast.
DOE has received over 400 comments on the Congestion Study. DOE has
made all of these comments available at The
Department is no longer accepting comments on the Congestion Study. All
comments filed in response to today's notice should be limited to the
draft National Corridors set forth in this notice.
[[Page 25840]]
C. Purpose of Today's Notice
This notice summarizes and responds to the comments received in
response to the Congestion Study that are relevant to the designation
of National Corridors. This notice also issues and solicits comment on
draft National Corridor designations for the two Critical Congestion
Areas identified in the Congestion Study: the draft Mid-Atlantic Area
National Corridor; and the draft Southwest Area National Corridor. See
Figure I-1 for the location of these draft National Corridors.\7\
Further, the Department has scheduled three public meetings to discuss
these draft National Corridor designations. If, after consideration of
all comments on these draft designations, the Secretary decides that
one or more National Corridor designations are appropriate, he will
issue one or more orders making such designations.
\7\ A detailed explanation of the location of these draft
National Corridors is provided in Sections VIII.D and IX.D of this
[[Page 25841]]
This notice is also intended to notify interested persons how to
obtain party status for the proceeding in Docket No. 2007-OE-01 or the
proceeding in Docket No. 2007-OE-02. Review of any final order
designating a National Corridor in one of these proceedings will be
governed by section 313 of the FPA (16 U.S.C. 8251). Thus, only those
[[Page 25842]]
persons who have obtained party status in the proceeding may file a
request for rehearing of a final order with the Department. Further, to
the extent that any person has standing to obtain judicial review, the
filing of a rehearing request within 30 days of issuance of the final
order is a prerequisite to such potential judicial review. In order to
become a party to one or both of these proceedings, you must file
comments in response to this notice in the manner indicated in the
ADDRESSES portion of this notice by the deadline date identified in the
DATES portion of this notice.
The proceedings being started today focus on the two geographic
areas of the Nation experiencing the most acute and urgent electric
transmission congestion problems. This notice takes no action with
regard to the other geographic areas discussed in the Congestion Study.
Thus, today's notice does not address comments received on the
Congestion Study that relate solely to areas outside the two Critical
Congestion Areas. Also, today's notice does not address those comments
that relate to the conduct of future congestion studies. The Department
will address the subject of how it intends to conduct future congestion
studies in a later notice.
II. Deciding When a National Corridor Designation Is Warranted
The Congestion Study solicited comment on the criteria the
Secretary should use when determining when a National Corridor
designation is warranted. In this section, the Department summarizes
and responds to these comments.
A. General Scope of the Secretary's Authority
Summary of Comments
The Department received numerous comments that relate to the
general scope of the Secretary's authority to designate National
Corridors, including comments on the meaning of key terms used in FPA
section 216(a). The Department received a few comments on the
appropriate definition of ``congestion'' and ``constraint.''
FirstEnergy Service Company (FirstEnergy) supported the definition of
``congestion'' used in the Congestion Study. National Grid USA
(National Grid) argued that the Congestion Study's definition of
``constraint'' should be expanded to include not just limitations due
to a piece of equipment, but also due to the absence of equipment
between two or more nodes. Similarly, the California Energy Commission
(CEC) argued that the focus of the Congestion Study is too narrow to
accommodate State laws and policies on renewable portfolio standards.
The CEC stated that the Department's criteria for identifying
congestion should incorporate consideration of constraints that pose
obstacles to reasonably priced power, diversity of supply, and energy
independence, regardless of whether those constraints currently produce
congestion.\8\ Upper Great Plains Transmission Coalition argued that
the lack of evidence of curtailments and congestion costs does not
necessarily mean that a critical constraint is absent; for example,
sophisticated management tools in place in the upper Great Plains have
avoided the need for transmission loading relief (TLR) actions,\9\
nevertheless, export capacity is constrained.
\8\ See also comments of BP Alternative Energy North America
\9\ TLR is a procedure used in the Eastern Interconnection,
usually outside of organized markets, to deal with situations when a
transmission path has reach its operating limit.
The Department received comments on the level of adverse effects on
consumers needed to justify a National Corridor designation. The
Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PAPUC) argued that National
Corridors should be designated only where it is demonstrated that there
is chronic physical congestion that has potential for substantially
impairing existing or future grid reliability. The Attorney General for
the State of Connecticut (Connecticut Attorney General) argued that the
Department has no authority to designate a corridor in an area that the
Congestion Study acknowledges does not rise to the level of a Critical
Congestion Area. The Connecticut Attorney General argued that the
statute was not intended to empower the Department to ``act as a sort
of roving commission that oversees transmission planning and
construction nationwide,'' and thus designations should be limited to
``those limited and extraordinary circumstances in which transmission
constraints so severely impact the national interest that Federal
intervention'' may be warranted.
On the other hand, LS Power Development, LLC (LS Power) argued that
the statutory standard for designating a corridor ``appears to be
relatively low'' and that this is understandable given the limited
purpose of a National Corridor designation. LS Power further argued
that the Department should apply the standard for designation
liberally, instead of ranking different areas of congestion and only
addressing some of those areas. LS Power asserted that if an area is
congested, consumers are therefore adversely affected by higher costs,
and consumers should be afforded the potential relief available through
a National Corridor designation. Similarly, the Edison Electric
Institute (EEI) argued that the Department should not wait until a
major problem emerges before designating a National Corridor, given the
long-term, capital-intensive nature of electricity infrastructure
development. EEI urged the Department to maintain a high-level view and
not dwell on the unachievable goal of technical precision in the
congestion study process before making designations. The Electric Power
Supply Association (EPSA) argued that National Corridor designation is
warranted wherever the grid is constrained to the point of only being
available to accommodate power flows of incumbent utilities to serve
their native load, because in all such circumstances consumers are
adversely affected by the existence of a barrier to entry of
potentially lower-cost competitors.
The Department received comments on the use of projections of
future congestion to support a National Corridor designation. The
Organization of MISO States (OMS) argued that the statute makes clear
that designations may only be made for areas actually experiencing
congestion adversely affecting consumers, and does not provide for
designations in areas that may experience congestion in the future or
under certain circumstances. Therefore, OMS was not persuaded that
National Corridor designation is warranted in the Congestion Areas of
Concern or the Conditional Congestion Areas. OMS stated that rather
than attempting to forecast the need for future National Corridors,
designations should be in response to existing, persistent, and well-
documented problems. Some Western commenters, including Northern Wasco
County Peoples Utility District (NWPUD) and Seattle City Light (SCL),
argued there is a need to examine historical data and not rely solely
on simulated congestion metrics. Public Service Electric and Gas
Company, PSEG Power LLC, and PSEG Energy Resources and Trade LLC
(collectively PSEG) argued that forecasts of future congestion, driven
by long-range projections of fuel costs, are inherently questionable.
ABB, on the other hand, said National Corridor designation should not
be based solely on analysis of historic congestion but rather should be
made after a comprehensive analysis of future resource mix and resource
[[Page 25843]]
The American Wind Energy Association, Wind on the Wires, Interwest
Energy Alliance, the Wind Coalition, and the Renewable Northwest
Project (collectively Wind Associations) expressed concern that the
Department may approach Conditional Congestion Areas in a manner that
``continues the `chicken and egg' problem of wind development, in which
no generators are constructed until transmission capacity is built, but
no transmission capacity is expanded until there are generators
requesting service.'' Thus, the Wind Associations sought clarification
that National Corridors can be designated in a Conditional Congestion
Area before all the expected generation has been developed in that
Some commenters called for clarification of the criteria the
Department would use in deciding whether to designate a National
Corridor and made recommendations about criteria they considered most
important. For example, the Committee on Regional Electric Power
Cooperation (CREPC) stated that the Department should develop metrics
for the criteria used to designate National Corridors and document how
it has applied the criteria. CREPC argued that priority should be given
to designating National Corridors that enable the achievement of State
energy policy objectives or that address location-constrained
generation resource areas; low priority should be given to areas with
contractual congestion but little physical congestion, or areas where
findings of congestion are based on studies with a high level of
uncertainty. The American Public Power Association (APPA) suggested
that the Department focus on the effect that a designation will have on
the plans of load-serving entities to meet their long-term service
obligations to their retail customers; in particular, the effect on
deliverability of new base-load and renewable resources to the load-
serving entities that intend to purchase power from those resources.
The Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator, Inc. (Midwest
ISO) \10\ supported the reduction in electricity supply costs as a
criterion for National Corridor designation; however, only if there is
sufficient evidence that such cost reductions would occur and that the
amount of the reductions would be significant enough to warrant
national attention.
\10\ Midwest ISO is the RTO serving all or parts of Illinois,
Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana,
Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, and
DOE Response
FPA section 216(a)(2) gives the Secretary the discretion to
designate as a National Corridor ``any geographic area experiencing
electric energy transmission capacity constraints or congestion that
adversely affects consumers.'' The statute does not define any of the
terms in this phrase.
The Congestion Study defined ``congestion'' as the condition that
occurs when transmission capacity is not sufficient to enable safe
delivery of all scheduled or desired wholesale electricity transfers
simultaneously. This definition generated little debate among
commenters.\11\ The Congestion Study defined ``transmission
constraint'' as a limitation on one or more transmission elements that
may be reached during normal or contingency system operations. The
Congestion Study also defined ``constrained facility'' as a
transmission facility (line, transformer, breaker, etc.) that is
approaching, at, or beyond a System Operating Limit or Interconnection
Reliability Operating Limit.\12\ ``Congestion,'' then, refers to the
denial of desired transmission service over a transmission path, while
``constraint'' refers to the chokepoint on the transmission system that
causes such denial of desired transmission service.
\11\ Other sources use similar definitions. See, e.g.,
California Independent System Operator, Conformed Simplified and
Reorganized Tariff, App. A, Master Definitions Supplement (April 6,
2007) (``Congestion--A condition that occurs when there is
insufficient Available Transfer Capacity to implement all Preferred
Schedules simultaneously or, in real time, to serve all Generation
and Demand.''); and Southwest Power Pool, Glossary and Acronyms, (``Congestion is a
condition that occurs when insufficient transfer capacity is
available to implement all of the preferred schedules for
electricity transmission simultaneously.'').
\12\ One aspect of the constraint-related definitions used in
the Congestion Study did generate debate among commenters, which is
addressed later in this section.
In contrast, there is no generally accepted understanding of what
constitutes ``constraints or congestion that adversely affects
consumers,'' as the debate among the commenters amply demonstrates. The
term is ambiguous, and the statute attaches no modifiers to the term to
specify the particular type or magnitude of adverse effect intended.
While the Congestion Study identified and applied various metrics
``related to the magnitude and impact of congestion,'' the Congestion
Study did not attempt to define when constraints or congestion
``adversely affects consumers.'' In the following discussion, the
Department will first address congestion that adversely affects
consumers and then constraints that adversely affect consumers.
With regard to congestion that adversely affects consumers, the
Department notes that any congestion, by definition, thwarts customer
choice, because it prevents users of the transmission grid from
completing their preferred power transactions. These users include
wholesale industrial consumers of power as well as load-serving
entities buying power on behalf of retail consumers, all of whom are
prevented by congestion from obtaining delivery of desired quantities
of electricity from desired sources. In other words, any congestion on
a line necessarily interferes with the choices of those who wish to use
that line on their own or their customers' behalf. Whenever there is
congestion on a transmission path, there simply is not enough
transmission capacity to accommodate all the desired power
transactions, and some sort of rationing of available capacity is
needed. In areas with organized electricity markets, this rationing
generally occurs through a pre-established economic mechanism, such as
a congestion management system based on locational marginal prices
(LMPs),\13\ which is designed to allocate the limited capacity to the
users who value it the most. In areas of the country without organized
markets, the rationing may involve the transmission provider denying
requests for transmission service, adjusting schedules, or in some
cases making pro rata curtailments in real time. Regardless of how the
rationing is resolved, however, one thing remains true: congestion
results in some users of the transmission system being denied the
benefit of their preferred transactions.
\13\ In general terms, an LMP-based congestion management system
entails an RTO or ISO operating a bid-based energy market in which
those generators and loads who have not fully committed themselves
through bilateral power contracts can participate. As the operator
of the transmission system, the RTO or ISO also analyzes whether
transmission of all the desired energy transactions is
simultaneously feasible. When there are no binding constraints, the
energy market clears at a single price throughout the system. When a
constraint is binding, separate prices result on either side of the
constraint. Market participants can then see and respond to these
different LMPs. Those customers who choose to have power transmitted
over the binding constraint are assessed a transactional congestion
charge based on the difference between the LMPs on either side of
the constraint.
Moreover, electricity buyers generally seek power from the most
economic source. Arranging for delivery of power from less preferred
sources is referred to as ``redispatching'' power. When congestion
occurs, resulting in the need
[[Page 25844]]
for buyers to accept power from less-preferred generating sources in
order to meet their power needs, redispatch is required and typically
results in the use of more expensive power. Congestion also usually
reduces competition and diversity, by limiting the range of generators
from which buyers can obtain power. Finally, congestion means that
parts of the transmission system are so heavily loaded that grid
operators have fewer options for dealing with adverse circumstances or
unanticipated events, thus increasing the risk of blackouts, forced
interruptions of service, or other grid-related disruptions.
Therefore, any congestion can adversely affect at least some
consumers. Nevertheless, congestion remedies are not free; therefore,
not all congestion is worth fixing. Under certain circumstances,
congestion can arise on any transmission path. But the appearance of
isolated or transient instances of congestion usually does not warrant
consideration of transmission expansion. While the Department is not
attempting in this notice to define the complete scope of the term
``congestion that adversely affects consumers'' as used in FPA section
216(a)(2), the Department concludes that the term includes congestion
that is persistent. Thus, the Department believes that FPA section
216(a) gives the Secretary the discretion to designate a National
Corridor upon a showing of the existence of persistent congestion,
without any additional demonstration of adverse effects on consumers.
However, as discussed below, whether the Secretary should exercise his
discretion to designate a National Corridor in a given instance of
congestion is a separate question.
With regard to constraints that adversely affect consumers, one way
in which a constraint can adversely affect consumers is by causing
persistent congestion that in turn, as discussed above, adversely
affects consumers. However, the Department agrees with those commenters
who argue that the Secretary's authority is not limited to areas where
congestion presently exists. If Congress had intended to limit the
Secretary's designation authority over constraints to cases where
constraints are currently causing congestion, then there would have
been no need for the statutory language to refer to ``any geographic
area experiencing electric energy transmission constraints or
congestion that adversely affects consumers.'' See 16 U.S.C. 824p(a)(2)
(emphasis added). Further, the Department agrees with those commenters
who argued that the total absence of a line connecting two nodes can be
just as, if not more, limiting to consumers than the presence of a line
that is operating at capacity and, therefore, constraints include the
absence of transmission equipment between two or more nodes.\14\
\14\ A node is the physical location on the transmission system
where energy is, or will be, injected by generators or withdrawn by
Constraints limit access to power sources. Further, the existence
of a constraint can hinder the development of new power sources, since
project sponsors may not be able to obtain the financing they need if
there is uncertainty over the degree to which their electricity could
be delivered to consumers. Again, the Department is not attempting in
this notice to define the complete scope of the term ``constraints that
adversely affect consumers'' as used in FPA section 216(a)(2). However,
the Department concludes that the term includes not only constraints
that cause persistent congestion, but also constraints that hinder the
development or delivery of a generation source that is in the public
interest. Thus, the Department believes that FPA section 216(a) gives
the Secretary the discretion to designate a National Corridor upon a
showing of the existence of a constraint, including the total absence
of a transmission line, that is hindering the development or delivery
of one or more generation sources that is in the public interest,
regardless of whether there is congestion and without the need for any
additional demonstration of adverse effects on consumers.\15\ This
interpretation of the term ``constraints or congestion that adversely
affects consumers,'' which allows for a National Corridor designation
when there is a constraint that adversely affects consumers even though
there is no present congestion, is appropriate because it gives meaning
to all of the terms used in the statutory provision.
\15\ As the Department is not issuing any draft National
Corridors today based on the existence of constraints in the absence
of persistent congestion, it is unnecessary in this notice to reach
the question of the type of information that would be required to
demonstrate that a constraint is hindering the development or
delivery of a generation source that is in the public interest.
However, the Department notes that the considerations identified in
FPA section 216(a)(4) provide some examples of generation sources
the development of which would be in the public interest, including
sources that are needed to ensure adequate or reasonably priced
electricity, sources that are needed for diversification of supply,
sources that would promote energy independence, sources that would
further national energy policy, or sources that would enhance
national defense and homeland security. There may, however, be other
generation sources the development of which would be in the public
Additionally, this interpretation of the statute answers the
concerns of those commenters who question whether the statute
authorizes designation of National Corridors in the Conditional Areas
of Concern based solely on projections of future congestion. The
Congestion Study identified several Conditional Areas of Concern
``where future congestion would result if large amounts of new
generation were to be developed without simultaneous development of
associated transmission capacity.'' The Secretary is taking no action
with respect to those areas at this time. Nevertheless, were the
Secretary to designate a National Corridor for one of those areas, the
Secretary would need only to demonstrate the existence of a constraint
that was hindering the development or delivery of a generation source
that is in the public interest, and would not need to rely on
demonstrations of future, or even present, congestion.\16\
\16\ Because the Department is not issuing any draft National
Corridor designations based solely on projections of future
congestion (without any showing of a constraint that adversely
affects consumers), it is not necessary to determine now the extent
of its authority to do so.
The Department's interpretation of the scope of the Secretary's
authority is consistent with the objective and structure of the
statute. FPA section 216(a), as well as other provisions of EPAct,\17\
evince concern about the need to strengthen transmission infrastructure
throughout the Nation. The Department concludes that a broad
interpretation of the Secretary's discretion to designate National
Corridors is consistent with that concern, particularly given the
effect of a National Corridor designation, as discussed in Section I.A
above. Given the statutory limitations on the exercise of FERC's
permitting authority, there is no need to interpret narrowly the
Secretary's National Corridor designation authority.
\17\ See, e.g., EPAct sec. 1241 (requiring FERC to establish
rules to promote capital investment in transmission); EPAct sec.
1233 (requiring FERC to exercise its authority in a manner that
facilitates planning and expansion of transmission to meet the needs
of load-serving entities); EPAct sec. 368 (requiring the designation
of energy right-of-way corridors across Federal lands for electric
transmission and other energy projects); FPA sec. 216(h)
(establishing procedures to ensure timely and efficient review of
proposed transmission projects by Federal agencies); and EPAct sec.
1222 (giving additional authority for Western Area Power
Administration and Southwestern Power Administration to participate
with other entities in the development of transmission).
While the Department concludes that the Secretary has broad
authority to designate National Corridors, FPA
[[Page 25845]]
section 216(a) does not require the Secretary, under any circumstances,
to make a National Corridor designation. Rather, in recognition of the
Department's expertise, the statute leaves to the Secretary's judgment
which geographic areas experiencing constraints or congestion adversely
affecting consumers to designate as National Corridors. The Department
recognizes that FPA section 216(a) adopted a novel approach to
addressing the need for new transmission infrastructure, an approach
that poses challenges to all stakeholders as we collectively work to
address this problem. Therefore, the Secretary intends to proceed
carefully in the exercise of his discretion to designate National
Corridors. As evidenced by the specific draft designations set forth
below, the Department is not starting the process of designating
National Corridors at the outer limits of its authority. The Congestion
Study identified two Critical Congestion Areas, and today's notice
issues two draft National Corridors to address them. These draft
National Corridors are based on the existence of well-known, persistent
congestion that adversely affects large numbers of consumers.
Finally, the Department does not believe it is necessary to develop
a specific and finite set of criteria to guide the exercise of the
Secretary's discretion. Instead, the most reasonable interpretation of
FPA section 216 is that the Secretary may make National Corridor
designations based on the totality of the information developed, taking
into account relevant considerations, including the considerations
identified in FPA section 216(a)(4), as appropriate.
B. Analysis of Potential Solutions
Summary of Comments
The Department received comments on whether a National Corridor
designation should be based on an analysis of potential solutions to an
identified congestion problem. Many commenters, including the National
Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC), the New York
Public Service Commission (NYPSC), and the New Jersey Board of Public
Utilities (NJBPU), argued that the Department should conduct a cost/
benefit analysis of transmission solutions as well as non-transmission
solutions to relieving congestion before designating a National
Corridor; otherwise, they contend, the designation would unfairly skew
the playing field in favor of transmission solutions.\18\ For example,
the NJBPU and PSEG argued that without such an analysis, National
Corridor designation may lead to preemptive siting of long-haul rate-
based transmission projects intended to move power from remote
generating sources to load centers, and thus distort or destroy market
signals for local developers of generation, demand response resources,
and improvements to local distribution systems. NYPSC and the New York
Independent System Operator (NYISO)\19\ urged the Department to analyze
the potential market impact of a National Corridor designation, because
the very act of designating a National Corridor could cause downstream
project developers to abandon already-planned facilities. Consolidated
Edison Company of New York, Inc., and Orange and Rockland Utilities,
Inc. (collectively ConEd) and NJBPU expressed concern about whether a
National Corridor would disadvantage local generation to the detriment
of reliability, noting that remote generation cannot provide the same
level of voltage support and other ancillary services that local
generation can. Numerous individuals who commented in opposition to
specific transmission projects asserted that the Department has an
obligation under FPA section 216 to consider alternatives to building
new transmission lines.
\18\ See also comments of EPSA, Northern Indiana Public Service
Company, Old Dominion Electric Cooperative (ODEC), OMS, Piedmont
Environmental Council (PEC), PSEG, The Wilderness Society
(Wilderness), and many individuals.
\19\ NYISO is the ISO serving New York State.
On the other hand, numerous commenters argued that the Department
should not engage in analysis of possible solutions to congestion.
These commenters noted that the Department's role is to identify areas
where congestion and constraints exist, whereas other entities,
including State siting authorities, regional planning entities, market
participants, and under some circumstances FERC will consider the
relevant solutions. These commenters cautioned that any such analysis
by the Department would unnecessarily delay the designation
\20\ See, e.g., comments of FirstEnergy, National Grid, and
National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA).
DOE Response
The Department disagrees with those commenters who argue that a
National Corridor designation is warranted only if the Department has
demonstrated that transmission is the best, or at least a cost-
effective, solution to an identified congestion problem. Nothing in FPA
section 216 requires or envisions that the Department make such a
demonstration. In fact, the preparation of a transmission cost-benefit
analysis by the Department would be inconsistent with the very role
that the statute assigns to the Department. As discussed in Section I.A
above, the Department's role under FPA section 216 is to identify
constraint or congestion problems and their geographic locations; the
statute does not call for the Department to analyze and decide upon
solutions. While FPA section 216(a)(2) does call for the Secretary to
consider ``alternatives and recommendations from interested parties''
before making a National Corridor designation, the reference to
``alternatives and recommendations from interested parties'' in this
provision is ambiguous. In light of the statutory framework, the
Department concludes that the term ``alternatives and recommendations
from interested parties'' is intended to refer to comments suggesting
National Corridor designations for different congestion or constraint
problems, comments suggesting alternative boundaries for specific
National Corridors, as well as comments suggesting that the Department
refrain from designating a National Corridor.
The Department acknowledges that transmission expansion is but one
possible solution to a congestion or constraint problem; increased
demand response, improved energy efficiency, and conservation, as well
as siting of additional generation close to load centers are also
potential solutions. However, given the effect of a National Corridor
designation and the existing obligations of State and Federal siting
authorities as discussed in Section I.A above, there is no need for the
Department to undertake an analysis of transmission solutions and non-
transmission solutions or to speculate about any theoretical indirect
effects a National Corridor designation would have on the market.
Indeed, the Department believes that expanding its role to include
making findings on the optimal remedy for congestion could supplant or
otherwise duplicate the traditional roles of States and other entities.
C. Cost Allocation
Summary of Comments
The Congestion Study solicited comment on how the costs of proposed
transmission should be allocated. A few commenters argued that the
[[Page 25846]]
should consider cost allocation when deciding whether to make a
National Corridor designation, and offered recommendations on specific
cost allocation structures.\21\ For example, Montana-Dakota Utilities
Co. argued that the Department should only designate National Corridors
where the resulting transmission facilities would be paid for on a
beneficiary-pays, rather than a postage-stamp, basis. NRECA supported
rolled-in rate treatment for projects that serve native load network
customers. However, the majority of those who provided comment on cost
allocation issues urged against the Department considering those issues
in the FPA section 216(a) process.\22\ These commenters noted that
FERC, rather than the Department, has jurisdiction over cost allocation
for transmission projects, and argued that cost allocation was not
relevant to National Corridor designation.
\21\ See comments of PSEG, ODEC, and J. Hayden.
\22\ See, e.g., comments of Allegheny Power, American Electric
Power (AEP), Arizona Public Service Company (APS), ConEd, Duke
Energy Corporation (Duke), EEI, FirstEnergy, LS Power, National
Commission on Energy Policy (NCEP), National Grid, and OMS.
DOE Response
The Department agrees with those commenters who argue that the
analysis of whether to designate a National Corridor should not include
consideration of how the costs for new transmission facilities will be
allocated. While cost allocation issues can be critically important to
determining whether, when, and where specific transmission projects are
developed, those issues are not relevant to the Secretary's role under
FPA section 216(a) of identifying geographic areas where congestion or
constraints are adversely affecting consumers.
D. Regional Planning and Local Siting
Summary of Comments
The Department received comments on the relevance of regional
planning processes to National Corridor designation. FirstEnergy argued
that in general, in RTO regions, National Corridors should be
designated when a transmission facility would relieve congestion in an
identified congestion area and the facility has been recognized as
needed for reliability in an RTO's transmission planning and expansion
process. The Midwest ISO argued that the Department should wait to
designate a National Corridor until a suitable planning solution is
proposed within an identified congestion area. NARUC argued that the
Department should grant deference to the results of adequate regional
planning processes. Other commenters, for example NYPSC, also
recommended that the Department should coordinate its designations with
regional planning processes.
On the other hand, some commenters expressed concern about the
Department relying too much on RTO input regarding designation of
National Corridors. For example, ODEC argued that while RTOs provide a
forum within which public and well-vetted transmission planning could
occur, at this time they lack procedures needed to ensure that such
planning would actually occur. ABB expressed concern about the
fragmented nature of the studies performed by RTOs.
OMS argued that any designation must be based on the existence of
siting barriers. For example, OMS asserted that if needed transmission
is not being constructed due to cost recovery or other non-siting
uncertainties, then a designation is inappropriate. According to OMS,
designation is only appropriate when a National Corridor is truly
necessary to solve a congestion problem of national significance, when
the congestion problem is persistent, and when the prior failure to
develop a solution is the result of siting problems. The Public
Utilities Commission of the State of California (CPUC) argued that
designation is unwarranted unless there is evidence that State and
regional processes are not addressing the problem in a timely manner.
CPUC argued that it is, first of all, up to the States and the regions
to solve their transmission planning and siting problems, and Federal
agencies should not intervene unless and until there is a demonstrated
need for them to do so. CPUC further asserted that designation of a
National Corridor in connection with any large multi-state project is
likely to delay project siting, because of litigation and conflict it
would produce. CEC commented that Federal back-stop siting would be
beneficial where the State has been unable to make progress in
approving vital transmission projects.
PAPUC argued that the Department should not make any designation
that does not clearly identify the national interests requiring
protection and without making findings of fact that those interests are
better served by a National Corridor designation than by another
approach that would be less intrusive of State laws and policies. NYISO
urged the Department to designate National Corridors with care so as
not to usurp arbitrarily State siting authority. On the other hand, the
Midwest ISO argued that the Department should not wait until local
siting has become problematic, given the effect of a National Corridor
DOE Response
The Department disagrees with those commenters who suggest that the
Department defer making a National Corridor designation either until
siting problems have already manifested themselves or until a regional
planning process proposes a solution to the congestion or constraint
problem. Nothing in FPA section 216 requires or envisions that the
Department adopt a wait-and-see approach to National Corridor
designation. FPA section 216 empowers the Department to make
designations when it finds constraints or congestion adversely
affecting consumers, a finding that is not dependent on actions that
others (e.g., transmission owners, regional planners, or States) may
take to remedy those constraints or congestion. The Department fully
supports such entities taking aggressive action to remedy congestion
and nothing in a National Corridor designation conflicts with their
ability to do so. Moreover, acting in parallel with the efforts of
other entities is consistent with Congressional intent in enacting
EPAct, which emphasizes the immediate need for new investment in
transmission. Delaying action by the Department until action by all
others is exhausted would not be consistent with this intent, nor with
the Nation's pressing need for new transmission.
Moreover, the statute provides a specific mechanism by which States
can insulate themselves from the FERC permitting provisions of FPA
section 216(b). FPA section 216(i)(1) provides that three or more
contiguous States may enter into interstate compacts establishing
regional transmission siting agencies. 16 U.S.C. 824p(i)(1). Such
regional transmission siting agencies would then have authority to site
transmission facilities in National Corridors. FPA section 216(i)(3);
16 U.S.C. 824p(i)(3). Further, FERC would have no authority to issue a
transmission permit within a State that is party to such a compact
unless the members of the compact were in disagreement and the
Secretary, after notice and opportunity for hearing, made a finding
that the conditions of FPA section 216(b)(1)(C) were met. FPA section
216(i)(4); 16 U.S.C. 824p(i)(4). In light of this mechanism, as well as
the other statutory limitations on FERC's permitting authority
discussed in Section I.A above, the Department concludes it would be
inappropriate for it to limit itself to designating National Corridors
where States have either
[[Page 25847]]
failed to act or have already developed a preferred solution.
The Department supports and encourages regional planning efforts. A
National Corridor designation neither dictates nor bars any solution
that might be considered in a regional planning process. The Department
intends to draw the boundaries of any National Corridor so as to
encompass a range of potential transmission solutions. In the event
that a regional planning process concludes that a modification to an
existing National Corridor designation is needed, the Department will
consider such a request.
III. Defining National Corridor Boundaries
Summary of Comments
In the Congestion Study, the Department solicited comment on how,
where, and on what basis to establish the boundaries of a National
Corridor. One approach identified in the Congestion Study would use
specific transmission projects to define National Corridor boundaries.
Under this approach, a proponent of a National Corridor would identify
a specific project that could serve as a solution to the underlying
congestion or constraint problem, an approximate centerline for the
project would be identified, and the National Corridor boundary would
be banded around that centerline. A number of commenters, including
EEI, AEP, and Allegheny Power (Allegheny), supported this approach.
Some commenters supported a project-based approach provided that
there was some sort of independent review of the project. For example,
ODEC argued that an open stakeholder process should first identify and
vet conceptual projects and then make National Corridor boundary
recommendations to the Department for those projects. Southern
California Edison Company (SCE) argued that National Corridor
boundaries should be tailored to aid in the construction of specific
viable transmission projects approved through a regional planning
process. CREPC stated that the delineation of National Corridor
boundaries should be informed by a detailed analysis of congestion
mitigation options.
Several commenters raised the possibility of an incremental process
for setting National Corridor boundaries, under which the Secretary
would first make a designation of a broad area, and then as specific
transmission proposals are developed and presented for review by
appropriate authorities, the Secretary would narrow the boundaries.\23\
Commenters who supported a project-based approach emphasized that
National Corridor boundaries drawn in such manner should not dictate a
particular line route, but rather should be drawn broadly enough to
allow for consideration of alternative alignments during the siting
\23\ See, e.g., comments of APS, Wyoming Infrastructure
Authority, and Great Northern Properties, L.P. and Great Northern
Power Development, L.P.
On the other hand, some commenters opposed the project-centerline
approach to developing National Corridor boundaries. For example, PAPUC
argued that such an approach would involve the Secretary in siting
decisions of the sort that Congress did not intend and for which the
Department lacks expertise. OMS opposed National Corridor designation
for particular projects. A number of commenters supported use of a non-
project-based approach either instead of or in addition to a project-
based approach. FirstEnergy suggested that in the absence of a specific
project, a National Corridor could be drawn by means of a radius around
the congested area. However, most commenters who supported a non-
project-based approach recommended that the Department use a source-
and-sink approach to setting National Corridor boundaries, in which the
Department would identify a sink (the congested or constrained load
area) and a source (an area of potential supply), and then draw a
National Corridor connecting these two areas.\24\ AEP's version of a
source-and-sink approach looks at three factors: the area of potential
generation resources, the critically congested load area, and the
transmission deficiencies between the two areas.
\24\ See, e.g., comments of PAPUC, OMS, and National Grid.
Several commenters supported the specification of precise
boundaries for National Corridors. For example, Allegheny argued that
specific boundaries are needed so that the project sponsor would know
whether its project is encompassed within a National Corridor, FERC
could readily determine the geographic scope of its potential
jurisdiction, and land owners would know whether their property may be
subject to the Federal exercise of eminent domain. However, OMS argued
that instead of setting specific perimeter boundaries, the Department
should identify source and sink areas, define the goal of the National
Corridor, and then limit the National Corridor designation to those
projects that further that goal. OMS expressed concern that delineation
of specific boundaries could have the effect of establishing Federal
transmission line corridors within States, and notes that just because
a proposed project is located within a National Corridor it should not
be assumed to address the concerns that lead to the designation of the
National Corridor.
With regard to drawing the specific perimeters of a National
Corridor, Allegheny argued for using existing or proposed originating,
intermediate, and terminating substations for proposed lines identified
by planning studies. Numerous commenters argued that the Secretary
should draw National Corridor boundaries to exclude parks and other
environmentally protected areas.\25\ Some commenters, including CEC,
Imperial Irrigation District (IID) and the Appalachian