Office of Research and Development; Ambient Air Monitoring Reference and Equivalent Methods: Designation of a New Equivalent Method, 20846-20847 [E7-7997]
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 80 / Thursday, April 26, 2007 / Notices
please contact Kandilarya Jacaman at
Federal Energy Regulatory
Kimberly D. Bose,
[FR Doc. E7–7983 Filed 4–25–07; 8:45 am]
Sunshine Act; Notice of Meeting,
Notice of Vote, Explanation of Action
Closing Meeting and List of Persons
To Attend
April 19, 2007.
Federal Energy Regulatory
[Docket No. RP07–325–000]
Equitrans, L.P.; Notice of Technical
April 20, 2007.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES
Take notice that the Commission will
convene a technical conference in the
above referenced proceeding on Friday,
May 4, 2007, at 10 a.m. (EDT), in a room
to be designated at the offices of the
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
888 First Street, NE., Washington, DC
The Commission’s March 29, 2007
order 1 directed that a technical
conference be held to address the issues
raised by a March 1, 2007 filing of
Equitrans, L.P. (Equitrans) to institute a
surcharge to recover certain costs
incurred by Equitrans under the
Pipeline Safety Improvement Act of
2002 (PSIA).
The parties and the Commission Staff
will have the opportunity to discuss all
of the issues raised by the filing
including, but not limited to, the
validity of the costs Equitrans seeks to
recover and the underlying support for
these costs.
FERC conferences are accessible
under section 508 of the Rehabilitation
Act of 1973. For accessibility
accommodations please send an e-mail
to or call toll free
(866) 208–3372 (voice) or 202–502–8659
(TTY), or send a fax to 202–208–2106
with the required accommodations.
All interested persons are permitted
to attend. For further information please
contact Lisa T. Long by phone at (202)
502–8691 or via e-mail at
Kimberly D. Bose,
[FR Doc. E7–7988 Filed 4–25–07; 8:45 am]
1 Equitrans,
L.P., 118 FERC ¶ 61,258 (2007).
VerDate Aug<31>2005
18:59 Apr 25, 2007
Jkt 211001
The following notice of meeting is
published pursuant to Section 3(a) of
the Government in the Sunshine Act
(Pub. L. No. 94–409), 5 U.S.C. 552b:
Energy Regulatory Commission.
DATE AND TIME: April 26, 2007, 9:30 a.m.
PLACE: Room 2C, Commission Meeting
Room, 888 First Street, NE.,
Washington, DC 20426.
STATUS: Closed.
Investigations and Inquiries,
Enforcement Related Matters.
Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary, Telephone
(202) 502–8400.
Chairman Kelliher and
Commissioners Kelly, Spitzer, Moeller,
and Wellinghoff voted to hold a closed
meeting on April 26, 2007. The
certification of the General Counsel
explaining the action closing the
meeting is available for public
inspection in the Commission’s Public
Reference Room at 888 First Street, NE.,
Washington, DC 20426.
The Chairman and the
Commissioners, their assistants, the
Commission’s Secretary, the General
Counsel and members of his staff, and
a stenographer are expected to attend
the meeting. Other staff members from
the Commission’s program offices who
will advise the Commissioners in the
matters discussed will also be present.
Kimberly D. Bose,
[FR Doc. E7–7958 Filed 4–25–07; 8:45 am]
Office of Research and Development;
Ambient Air Monitoring Reference and
Equivalent Methods: Designation of a
New Equivalent Method
Environmental Protection
ACTION: Notice of the designation of a
new equivalent method for monitoring
ambient air quality.
PO 00000
Frm 00033
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given that
the Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) has designated, in accordance
with 40 CFR part 53, a new equivalent
method for measuring concentrations of
ozone (O3) in the ambient air.
Elizabeth Hunike, Human Exposure and
Atmospheric Sciences Division (MD–
D205–03), National Exposure Research
Laboratory, U.S. EPA, Research Triangle
Park, North Carolina 27711. Phone:
(919) 541–3737, e-mail:
accordance with regulations at 40 CFR
part 53, the EPA evaluates various
methods for monitoring the
concentrations of those ambient air
pollutants for which EPA has
established National Ambient Air
Quality Standards (NAAQSs) as set
forth in 40 CFR part 50. Monitoring
methods that are determined to meet
specific requirements for adequacy are
designated by the EPA as either
reference methods or equivalent
methods (as applicable), thereby
permitting their use under 40 CFR part
58 by States and other agencies for
determining attainment of the NAAQSs.
The EPA hereby announces the
designation of a new equivalent method
for measuring concentrations of O3 in
the ambient air. This designation is
made under the provisions of 40 CFR
part 53, as amended on December 18,
2006 (71 FR 61271).
The new equivalent method is an
automated method (analyzer) that
utilizes a measurement principle based
on absorption of ultraviolet light by
ozone at a wavelength of 254 nm. The
newly designated equivalent method is
identified as follows:
EQOA–0407–165, ‘‘Tanabyte Models 722,
723, 724, 725, or 726 Ambient Ozone
Analyzer,’’ enclosed in either a Dual-Bay
Chassis or a Single-Bay Chassis and operated
on either the 0–0.5 ppm or 0–1.0 ppm
measurement range, within an ambient
temperature range of 20 to 30 degrees C, and
with a sample inlet particulate filter installed
in the sample filter holder.
An application for an equivalent
method determination for the candidate
method based on this ozone analyzer
was received by the EPA on January 19,
2007. The sampler is commercially
available from the applicant, Tanabyte
Engineering, Inc., 1210 West Burbank
Boulevard, Suite B, Burbank, CA 91506.
A test analyzer representative of this
method has been tested in accordance
with the applicable test procedures
specified in 40 CFR part 53 (as amended
on December 18, 2006). After reviewing
the results of those tests and other
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 80 / Thursday, April 26, 2007 / Notices
information submitted by the applicant
in the application, EPA has determined,
in accordance with part 53, that this
method should be designated as an
equivalent method. The information
submitted by the applicant in the
application will be kept on file, either
at EPA’s National Exposure Research
Laboratory, Research Triangle Park,
North Carolina 27711 or in an approved
archive storage facility, and will be
available for inspection (with advance
notice) to the extent consistent with 40
CFR part 2 (EPA’s regulations
implementing the Freedom of
Information Act).
As a designated reference or
equivalent method, this method is
acceptable for use by states and other air
monitoring agencies under the
requirements of 40 CFR part 58,
Ambient Air Quality Surveillance. For
such purposes, the method must be
used in strict accordance with the
operation or instruction manual
associated with the method and subject
to any specifications and limitations
(e.g., configuration or operational
settings) specified in the applicable
designation method description (see the
identifications of the method above).
Use of the method should also be in
general accordance with the guidance
and recommendations of applicable
sections of the ‘‘Quality Assurance
Handbook for Air Pollution
Measurement Systems, Volume I,’’ EPA/
600/R–94/038a and ‘‘Quality Assurance
Handbook for Air Pollution
Measurement Systems, Volume II, Part
1,’’ EPA–454/R–98–004 (available at
qabook.html). Vendor modifications of a
designated reference or equivalent
method used for purposes of part 58 are
permitted only with prior approval of
the EPA, as provided in part 53.
Provisions concerning modification of
such methods by users are specified
under Section 2.8 (Modifications of
Methods by Users) of Appendix C to 40
CFR part 58.
In general, a method designation
applies to any sampler or analyzer
which is identical to the sampler or
analyzer described in the application for
designation. In some cases, similar
samplers or analyzers manufactured
prior to the designation may be
upgraded or converted (e.g., by minor
modification or by substitution of the
approved operation or instruction
manual) so as to be identical to the
designated method and thus achieve
designated status. The manufacturer
should be consulted to determine the
feasibility of such upgrading or
VerDate Aug<31>2005
18:59 Apr 25, 2007
Jkt 211001
Part 53 requires that sellers of
designated reference or equivalent
method analyzers or samplers comply
with certain conditions. These
conditions are specified in 40 CFR 53.9
and are summarized below:
(a) A copy of the approved operation
or instruction manual must accompany
the sampler or analyzer when it is
delivered to the ultimate purchaser.
(b) The sampler or analyzer must not
generate any unreasonable hazard to
operators or to the environment.
(c) The sampler or analyzer must
function within the limits of the
applicable performance specifications
given in 40 CFR parts 50 and 53 for at
least one year after delivery when
maintained and operated in accordance
with the operation or instruction
(d) Any sampler or analyzer offered
for sale as part of a reference or
equivalent method must bear a label or
sticker indicating that it has been
designated as part of a reference or
equivalent method in accordance with
part 53 and showing its designated
method identification number.
(e) If such an analyzer has two or
more selectable ranges, the label or
sticker must be placed in close
proximity to the range selector and
indicate which range or ranges have
been included in the reference or
equivalent method designation.
(f) An applicant who offers samplers
or analyzers for sale as part of a
reference or equivalent method is
required to maintain a list of ultimate
purchasers of such samplers or
analyzers and to notify them within 30
days if a reference or equivalent method
designation applicable to the method
has been canceled or if adjustment of
the sampler or analyzer is necessary
under 40 CFR 53.11(b) to avoid a
(g) An applicant who modifies a
sampler or analyzer previously
designated as part of a reference or
equivalent method is not permitted to
sell the sampler or analyzer (as
modified) as part of a reference or
equivalent method (although it may be
sold without such representation), nor
to attach a designation label or sticker
to the sampler or analyzer (as modified)
under the provisions described above,
until the applicant has received notice
under 40 CFR part 53.14(c) that the
original designation or a new
designation applies to the method as
modified, or until the applicant has
applied for and received notice under
40 CFR 53.8(b) of a new reference or
equivalent method determination for the
sampler or analyzer as modified.
PO 00000
Frm 00034
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Aside from occasional breakdowns or
malfunctions, consistent or repeated
noncompliance with any of these
conditions should be reported to:
Director, Human Exposure and
Atmospheric Sciences Division (MD–
E205–01), National Exposure Research
Laboratory, U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, Research Triangle
Park, North Carolina 27711.
Designation of this new equivalent
method is intended to assist the States
in establishing and operating their air
quality surveillance systems under 40
CFR part 58. Questions concerning the
commercial availability or technical
aspects of the method should be
directed to the applicant.
Jewel F. Morris,
Acting Director, National Exposure Research
[FR Doc. E7–7997 Filed 4–25–07; 8:45 am]
Reissuance of General NPDES Permit
(GP) for Alaskan Small Suction
Dredging (Permit Number AKG–37–
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Final notice of reissuance of a
general permit.
SUMMARY: On June 4, 2007, a general
permit regulating the activities of small
suction dredge mining for gold placer
mining operations in the State of Alaska
expires. On January 16, 2007, EPA
proposed to reissue this GP. There was
a 45 day comment period.
On April 4, 2007, the Department of
Natural Resources, Office of Project
Management and Permitting agreed with
EPA’s consistency determination under
the Alaska Coastal Management Act.
The Department of Environmental
Conservation certified the GP under
section 401 of the Clean Water Act on
April 16, 2007. EPA received several
comments on the GP and has prepared
a Response to Comments. EPA has
determined that each facility submitting
a new Notice of Intent (NOI) prior to the
expiration date of the current permit
will be automatically covered by the
reissued GP.
DATES: The GP will be effective on June
5, 2007. Since coverage between the
current GP and the reissued GP is
continuous, there is no administrative
extension of coverage under this GP.
[Federal Register Volume 72, Number 80 (Thursday, April 26, 2007)]
[Pages 20846-20847]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E7-7997]
Office of Research and Development; Ambient Air Monitoring
Reference and Equivalent Methods: Designation of a New Equivalent
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency.
ACTION: Notice of the designation of a new equivalent method for
monitoring ambient air quality.
SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given that the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) has designated, in accordance with 40 CFR part 53, a new
equivalent method for measuring concentrations of ozone (O3)
in the ambient air.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Elizabeth Hunike, Human Exposure and
Atmospheric Sciences Division (MD-D205-03), National Exposure Research
Laboratory, U.S. EPA, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711.
Phone: (919) 541-3737, e-mail:
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In accordance with regulations at 40 CFR
part 53, the EPA evaluates various methods for monitoring the
concentrations of those ambient air pollutants for which EPA has
established National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQSs) as set
forth in 40 CFR part 50. Monitoring methods that are determined to meet
specific requirements for adequacy are designated by the EPA as either
reference methods or equivalent methods (as applicable), thereby
permitting their use under 40 CFR part 58 by States and other agencies
for determining attainment of the NAAQSs.
The EPA hereby announces the designation of a new equivalent method
for measuring concentrations of O3 in the ambient air. This
designation is made under the provisions of 40 CFR part 53, as amended
on December 18, 2006 (71 FR 61271).
The new equivalent method is an automated method (analyzer) that
utilizes a measurement principle based on absorption of ultraviolet
light by ozone at a wavelength of 254 nm. The newly designated
equivalent method is identified as follows:
EQOA-0407-165, ``Tanabyte Models 722, 723, 724, 725, or 726
Ambient Ozone Analyzer,'' enclosed in either a Dual-Bay Chassis or a
Single-Bay Chassis and operated on either the 0-0.5 ppm or 0-1.0 ppm
measurement range, within an ambient temperature range of 20 to 30
degrees C, and with a sample inlet particulate filter installed in
the sample filter holder.
An application for an equivalent method determination for the
candidate method based on this ozone analyzer was received by the EPA
on January 19, 2007. The sampler is commercially available from the
applicant, Tanabyte Engineering, Inc., 1210 West Burbank Boulevard,
Suite B, Burbank, CA 91506.
A test analyzer representative of this method has been tested in
accordance with the applicable test procedures specified in 40 CFR part
53 (as amended on December 18, 2006). After reviewing the results of
those tests and other
[[Page 20847]]
information submitted by the applicant in the application, EPA has
determined, in accordance with part 53, that this method should be
designated as an equivalent method. The information submitted by the
applicant in the application will be kept on file, either at EPA's
National Exposure Research Laboratory, Research Triangle Park, North
Carolina 27711 or in an approved archive storage facility, and will be
available for inspection (with advance notice) to the extent consistent
with 40 CFR part 2 (EPA's regulations implementing the Freedom of
Information Act).
As a designated reference or equivalent method, this method is
acceptable for use by states and other air monitoring agencies under
the requirements of 40 CFR part 58, Ambient Air Quality Surveillance.
For such purposes, the method must be used in strict accordance with
the operation or instruction manual associated with the method and
subject to any specifications and limitations (e.g., configuration or
operational settings) specified in the applicable designation method
description (see the identifications of the method above).
Use of the method should also be in general accordance with the
guidance and recommendations of applicable sections of the ``Quality
Assurance Handbook for Air Pollution Measurement Systems, Volume I,''
EPA/600/R-94/038a and ``Quality Assurance Handbook for Air Pollution
Measurement Systems, Volume II, Part 1,'' EPA-454/R-98-004 (available
at Vendor modifications of a
designated reference or equivalent method used for purposes of part 58
are permitted only with prior approval of the EPA, as provided in part
53. Provisions concerning modification of such methods by users are
specified under Section 2.8 (Modifications of Methods by Users) of
Appendix C to 40 CFR part 58.
In general, a method designation applies to any sampler or analyzer
which is identical to the sampler or analyzer described in the
application for designation. In some cases, similar samplers or
analyzers manufactured prior to the designation may be upgraded or
converted (e.g., by minor modification or by substitution of the
approved operation or instruction manual) so as to be identical to the
designated method and thus achieve designated status. The manufacturer
should be consulted to determine the feasibility of such upgrading or
Part 53 requires that sellers of designated reference or equivalent
method analyzers or samplers comply with certain conditions. These
conditions are specified in 40 CFR 53.9 and are summarized below:
(a) A copy of the approved operation or instruction manual must
accompany the sampler or analyzer when it is delivered to the ultimate
(b) The sampler or analyzer must not generate any unreasonable
hazard to operators or to the environment.
(c) The sampler or analyzer must function within the limits of the
applicable performance specifications given in 40 CFR parts 50 and 53
for at least one year after delivery when maintained and operated in
accordance with the operation or instruction manual.
(d) Any sampler or analyzer offered for sale as part of a reference
or equivalent method must bear a label or sticker indicating that it
has been designated as part of a reference or equivalent method in
accordance with part 53 and showing its designated method
identification number.
(e) If such an analyzer has two or more selectable ranges, the
label or sticker must be placed in close proximity to the range
selector and indicate which range or ranges have been included in the
reference or equivalent method designation.
(f) An applicant who offers samplers or analyzers for sale as part
of a reference or equivalent method is required to maintain a list of
ultimate purchasers of such samplers or analyzers and to notify them
within 30 days if a reference or equivalent method designation
applicable to the method has been canceled or if adjustment of the
sampler or analyzer is necessary under 40 CFR 53.11(b) to avoid a
(g) An applicant who modifies a sampler or analyzer previously
designated as part of a reference or equivalent method is not permitted
to sell the sampler or analyzer (as modified) as part of a reference or
equivalent method (although it may be sold without such
representation), nor to attach a designation label or sticker to the
sampler or analyzer (as modified) under the provisions described above,
until the applicant has received notice under 40 CFR part 53.14(c) that
the original designation or a new designation applies to the method as
modified, or until the applicant has applied for and received notice
under 40 CFR 53.8(b) of a new reference or equivalent method
determination for the sampler or analyzer as modified.
Aside from occasional breakdowns or malfunctions, consistent or
repeated noncompliance with any of these conditions should be reported
to: Director, Human Exposure and Atmospheric Sciences Division (MD-
E205-01), National Exposure Research Laboratory, U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711.
Designation of this new equivalent method is intended to assist the
States in establishing and operating their air quality surveillance
systems under 40 CFR part 58. Questions concerning the commercial
availability or technical aspects of the method should be directed to
the applicant.
Jewel F. Morris,
Acting Director, National Exposure Research Laboratory.
[FR Doc. E7-7997 Filed 4-25-07; 8:45 am]