Energy Conservation Program for Consumer Products: Publication of the Petition for Waiver of General Electric Company From the Department of Energy (DOE) Refrigerator and Refrigerator-Freezer Test Procedures, 19189-19192 [E7-7232]
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 73 / Tuesday, April 17, 2007 / Notices
Office of Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy
[Case No. RF–007]
Energy Conservation Program for
Consumer Products: Publication of the
Petition for Waiver of General Electric
Company From the Department of
Energy (DOE) Refrigerator and
Refrigerator-Freezer Test Procedures
Office of Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy, Department of
ACTION: Notice of Petition for Waiver
and request for public comments.
SUMMARY: Today’s notice announces
General Electric Company’s (GE’s)
Petition for Waiver (hereafter,
‘‘Petition’’) from parts of the DOE test
procedure for determining the energy
consumption of electric refrigerators
and refrigerator-freezers. GE has
developed a new product line of
refrigerators and refrigerator-freezers
that contain sensors to detect
temperature and humidity, and which
interact with controls to vary the
effective wattage of anti-sweat heaters to
evaporate excess moisture. The existing
test procedure does not take ambient
temperature, humidity, or adaptive
control technology into account.
Therefore, GE proposes an alternate test
procedure that takes adaptive control
technology into account when
measuring energy consumption. DOE is
soliciting comments, data, and
information concerning GE’s Petition
and the proposed alternate test
DOE will accept comments, data,
and information not later than May 17,
ADDRESSES: Please submit comments,
identified by case number RF–007, by
any of the following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: https:// Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
• E-mail: Include
case number RF–007, or ‘‘GE Petition,’’
or both in the subject line of the
• Postal Mail: Ms. Brenda EdwardsJones, U.S. Department of Energy,
Building Technologies Program,
Mailstop EE–2J, Petition for Waiver Case
No. RF–007, 1000 Independence
Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20585–
0121, telephone: (202) 586–2945. Please
submit one signed original paper copy.
• Hand Delivery/Courier: Ms. Brenda
Edwards-Jones, U.S. Department of
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Energy, Building Technologies Program,
Room 1J–018, Forrestal Building, 1000
Independence Avenue, SW.,
Washington, DC 20585–0121.
Instructions: All submissions received
must include the agency name and case
number for this proceeding. Submit
electronic comments in WordPerfect,
Microsoft Word, Portable Document
Format (PDF), or text (ASCII) file format.
Avoid the use of special characters or
any form of encryption. Wherever
possible, include the electronic
signature of the author. Absent an
electronic signature, comments
submitted electronically must be
followed and authenticated by
submitting the signed original paper
document. DOE will not accept
telefacsimiles (faxes). According to
section 430.27(b)(1)(iv) of 10 CFR Part
430, any person submitting written
comments must also send a copy of the
comments to the Petitioner: Mr. Earl F.
Jones, Senior Counsel, GE Consumer &
Industrial, Appliance Park 2–225,
Louisville, KY 40225.
Under 10 CFR 1004.11, any person
submitting information that he or she
believes to be confidential and exempt
by law from public disclosure should
submit two copies: one copy of the
document including all the information
believed to be confidential, and one
copy of the document with the
information believed to be confidential
deleted. DOE will make its own
determination about the confidential
status of the information and treat it
according to that determination.
Docket: For access to the docket to
read this notice, the petition for waiver,
background documents, or comments
received, go to the U.S. Department of
Energy, Forrestal Building, Room 1J–018
(Resource Room of the Building
Technologies Program), 1000
Independence Avenue, SW.,
Washington, DC, (202) 586–9127,
between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday
through Friday, except Federal holidays.
Please call Ms. Brenda Edwards-Jones at
(202) 586–2945 for additional
information regarding visiting the
Resource Room. Please note that the
DOE’s Freedom of Information Reading
Room (formerly Room 1E–190 in the
Forrestal Building) is no longer housing
rulemaking materials.
Michael G. Raymond, U.S. Department
of Energy, Building Technologies
Program, Mail Stop EE–2J, 1000
Independence Avenue, SW.,
Washington, DC 20585–0121, (202) 586–
9611. E-mail:, or Ms.
Francine Pinto, Esq., U.S. Department of
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Energy, Office of General Counsel, Mail
Stop GC–72, 1000 Independence
Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20585–
0103, (202) 586–9507. E-mail:
I. Background and Authority
II. Petition for Waiver
III. Alternate Test Procedure
IV. Summary and Request for Comments
I. Background and Authority
Title III of the Energy Policy and
Conservation Act (‘‘EPCA’’) sets forth a
variety of provisions concerning energy
efficiency. Part B of Title III (42 U.S.C.
6291–6309) provides for the ‘‘Energy
Conservation Program for Consumer
Products Other Than Automobiles.’’
Part B includes definitions, test
procedures, labeling provisions, energy
conservation standards, and the
authority to require information and
reports from manufacturers. Further,
Part B authorizes the Secretary of
Energy to prescribe test procedures that
are reasonably designed to produce
results which measure energy
efficiency, energy use, or estimated
operating costs, and that are not unduly
burdensome to conduct. (42 U.S.C.
6293(b)(3)) The test procedure for
residential refrigerators and refrigeratorfreezers is contained in 10 CFR Part 430,
Subpart B, Appendix A1.
The regulations set forth in 10 CFR
430.27 contain provisions that enable a
person to seek a waiver from the test
procedure requirements for a covered
consumer product. A waiver will be
granted by the Assistant Secretary if it
is determined that the basic model for
which the Petition for Waiver was
submitted contains a design
characteristic which either prevents
testing of the basic model according to
the prescribed test procedures, or the
prescribed test procedures may evaluate
the basic model in a manner so
unrepresentative of its true energy
consumption characteristics as to
provide materially inaccurate
comparative data. 10 CFR 430.27(l). In
general, a waiver will remain in effect
until final test procedure amendments
become effective, thereby resolving the
problem that is the subject of the
waiver. 10 CFR Part 430.27(m).
II. Petition for Waiver
On November 18, 2006, GE filed a
Petition for Waiver from the uniform
test method for measuring the energy
consumption of electric refrigerators
and electric refrigerator-freezers set
forth at appendix A1 to subpart B of 10
CFR Part 430. GE subsequently modified
its Petition; the final version was filed
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 73 / Tuesday, April 17, 2007 / Notices
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
December 21, 2006. (GE’s original
Petition was drafted in the form of a test
procedure revision, with changes to the
CFR. It also included an Application for
Interim Waiver, which was not included
in the final version). GE is designing
new refrigerators and refrigeratorfreezers that contain variable anti-sweat
heater controls that detect and respond
to a broad range of temperature and
humidity conditions, and then activate
adaptive heaters as needed to evaporate
excess moisture. GE’s alternate test
procedure simulates the energy used by
the adaptive heaters in a typical
consumer household. Because the
existing test procedure under 10 CFR
Part 430 takes neither ambient humidity
nor adaptive technology into account, it
does not accurately measure the energy
consumption of GE’s new refrigerators
and refrigerator-freezers that feature
variable anti-sweat heater controls and
adaptive heaters. Consequently, GE has
submitted to DOE for approval an
alternate test procedure to assure that it
is correctly calculating the energy
consumption of this new product line.
III. Alternate Test Procedure
When test procedures for refrigerators
and refrigerator-freezers under 10 CFR
Part 430 were first developed, simple
mechanical defrost timers were the
norm. Today, GE’s new line of
refrigerators and refrigerator-freezers
contains sensors that detect ambient
temperature and humidity, and interact
with controls that vary the effective
wattage of anti-sweat heaters to
evaporate excess moisture. In sum, GE
proposes to ‘‘run the energyconsumption test with the anti-sweat
heater switch in the ‘off’ position and
then, because the test chamber is not
humidity-controlled, to add to that
result the kilowatt hours per day
derived by calculating the energy used
when the anti-sweat heater is in the ‘on’
position.’’ (GE Petition, page 4.)
According to GE, the objective of the
approach is to simulate the average
energy used by the adaptive anti-sweat
heaters as activated in typical consumer
households across the United States.
To determine the conditions in a
typical consumer household, DOE
understands that GE compiled historical
data for the monthly average outdoor
temperature and humidity for the top 50
metropolitan areas of the U.S. over
approximately the last 30 years. Then,
GE used the average exterior monthly
temperature and humidity values to
determine in-home conditions. In
addition, GE includes in the test
procedure a ‘‘system-loss factor’’ to
calculate system losses attributed to
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operating anti-sweat heaters, controls,
and related components.
IV. Summary and Request for
Today’s notice announces GE’s
Petition to waive certain parts of the test
procedures for its new line of
refrigerators and refrigerator-freezers
with variable anti-sweat heater controls
and adaptive heaters. DOE is publishing
the Petition under the provisions of 10
CFR 430.27(b)(1)(iv). DOE has deleted
information that it considers to be
confidential. The Petition includes an
alternate test procedure and calculation
methodology to determine the energy
consumption of GE’s new refrigerators
and refrigerator-freezers with adaptive
anti-sweat heaters. DOE is interested in
receiving comments from interested
parties on all aspects of the Petition and,
in particular, the proposed alternate test
procedure and calculation methodology.
Any person submitting written
comments to DOE must also send a copy
of such comments to GE. See 10 CFR
Issued in Washington, DC, on April 9,
Alexander A. Karsner,
Assistant Secretary, Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy.
U.S. Department of Energy Petition for
Waiver; Non-Confidential Version [Case
No. RF–007]
Submitted by:
Earl F. Jones, Senior Counsel, GE Consumer
& Industrial, Appliance Park 2–225,
Louisville, KY 40225,,
502–452–3164 (voice), 502–452–0395 (fax).
GE Consumer & Industrial, an operating
division of General Electric Co. (‘‘GE’’), is a
leading manufacturer and marketer of
household appliances, including, as relevant
to this proceeding, refrigerators, files this
Petition for Waiver (‘‘Petition’’). GE requests
that the Assistant Secretary grant it a waiver
from certain parts of the test procedure
promulgated by the U.S. Department of
Energy (‘‘DOE’’ or ‘‘the Department’’) for
determining refrigerator-freezer energy
consumption and allow GE to test its
refrigerator-freezer pursuant to the modified
procedure submitted herewith. This request
is filed pursuant to 10 CFR 430.27.
GE is designing a new refrigerator. A total
investment of $XXXX is being made for
research, development, facility upgrade,
acquisition of tooling and equipment and
product testing. Significant effort will be
required before the new product can be sold.
In order to be assured that it is correctly
calculating the energy consumption of the
product, that the product meets the
minimum energy requirements for its
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product class and is properly labeled, GE
seeks the Department’s expeditious
concurrence to its proposed amendment to
the refrigerator test procedure.
Even a casual review of the refrigerator
energy-consumption test procedure 12 reveals
that this 1970’s-era regulation has been
overtaken by advances in technology,
especially the increased use of electronic
controls. In developing its new refrigerator,
GE could have disregarded the test
procedure’s gaps, which could have resulted
in a better energy test result. GE decided,
however, to strive to attain the regulations’
intent to obtain test results that more closely
reflect the energy that would be consumed by
the new model when used by consumers.
Accordingly, GE has filed this Petition for
Waiver to eliminate or modify the portions of
the regulations that are inappropriate or
The Department’s regulations provide that
the Assistant Secretary will grant a Petition
upon: ‘‘determin[ation] that the basic model
for which the waiver was requested contains
a design characteristic which either prevents
testing of the basic model according to the
prescribed test procedures, or the prescribed
test procedures may evaluate the basic model
in a manner so unrepresentative of its true
energy consumption characteristics as to
provide materially inaccurate comparative
GE requests that the Assistant Secretary grant
this Petition on both grounds. First, because
the refrigerator energy test procedure does
not allow the energy used by GE’s new
refrigerator to be accurately calculated. The
new refrigerator contains adaptive anti-sweat
heaters, i.e., anti-sweat heaters that respond
to humidity conditions found in consumers’
homes. Since the test conditions specified by
the test procedure neither define required
humidity conditions nor otherwise take
ambient humidity conditions into account in
calculating energy consumption, the adaptive
feature of GE’s new model cannot be tested.
Second, if GE were to test its new smarttechnology refrigerator per the test
procedure, i.e., as if it contained oldtechnology ‘‘dumb’’ anti-sweat heaters, the
results of the energy test so conducted would
not accurately measure the energy used by
the new models.
The Refrigerator Energy Test Procedure
The test procedure for calculating energy
consumption 14 specifies that the test
chamber be maintained at 90°F. While clearly
not typical of conditions in the typical
consumer household, these conditions are
intended to simulate the energy used by a
refrigerator in a typical 72 °F household
where the refrigerator door is opened several
times a day.
But the test procedure does not specify test
chamber humidity conditions. Humidity
causes refrigerators to sweat. Manufacturers
combat this excess moisture by installing
anti-sweat heaters on mullions and other
locations where sweat accumulates. Old-style
‘‘dumb’’ technology anti-sweat heaters
12 10
CFR Part 430, Subpart B, App. A1.
CFR Part 430.27(l).
14 10 CFR Part 430, Subpart B, App. A1.
13 10
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 73 / Tuesday, April 17, 2007 / Notices
achieve and are tested at a pre-set level, i.e.,
number of watts, and turned on or off
regardless of the humidity or amount of
excess moisture on the unit.
GE’s Proposed Modifications
In developing the approach proposed in
this Petition, GE reviewed the Department’s
earlier decisions on waiver petitions,
including the waiver granted In the Matter of
Electrolux Home Appliances.15 When the test
procedure was originally developed, simple
mechanical defrost timers were the norm.
The Electrolux petition sought a test
procedure waiver to accommodate its
advanced defrost timer. The Assistant
Secretary, in granting the waiver,
acknowledged the role of technology
advances in evaluating the need for test
procedure waivers.
GE now seeks to change how it tests its
new models 16 to take into account advances
in sensing technology, i.e., sensors that detect
temperature and humidity conditions and
interact with controls to vary the effective
wattage of anti-sweat heaters to evaporate
excess moisture.17
GE proposes to run the energyconsumption test with the anti-sweat heater
switch in the ‘‘off’’ position and then,
because the test chamber is not humiditycontrolled, to add to that result the kilowatt
hours per day derived by calculating the
energy used when the anti-sweat heater is in
the ‘‘on’’ position. GE’s proposed
modification is further described on page 7.
The objective of the proposed approach is to
simulate the average energy used by the
adaptive anti-sweat heaters as activated in
typical consumer households across the
United States.18
Extensive research went into determining
what the average energy use of the adaptive
feature would be. The top 50 metropolitan
areas of the U.S., which represent 56% of the
total U.S. population according to the 2000
Census 19, were selected. The monthly
average exterior temperature and humidity
for these cities over approximately the last 30
years was determined.20
15 FR
Vol. 66 40689 et. seq. (Aug. 3, 2001).
GE models subject to this Petition are
PFIC1NFW, PFIC1NFX. These models have GE’s
new temperature-humidity sensor.
17 GE could have devised a control that did not
energize the anti-sweat heaters when on test,
thereby not counting energy used by these features
even though it is foreseeable that they would be
energized when used by most consumers. We have
chosen instead to file this Petition.
18 The Association of Home Appliance
Manufacturers, the appliance industry’s trade
association, has forwarded to the Department its
recently agreed-to state of principles that should
govern any revision of the refrigerator test
procedure. Crafted in response to the DOE’s
concerns about energy test practices that may
circumvent the regulatory purpose that energy tests
yield results that correlate to typical consumer
energy use, AHAM members endorsed the use of
calculation in appropriate circumstances. See
Exhibit A.
UNIVERSITY OF UTAH Web site, https://
GE used the average external monthly
temperature and humidity values to
determine in-home conditions.21 And, in an
effort to establish a national average of energy
used by a variably controlled anti-sweat
heater, the population-weighted humidity
values were grouped into 10 bands, each
with a range of 10% relative humidity. The
table below sets out the percent probability
that any U.S. household will experience the
listed average humidity conditions during
any month of the year.22
Ten population-weighted bands of ranges
of relative humidity were created:
% RH
1. 0–10 ..............
2. 10–20 ............
3. 20–30 ............
4. 30–40 ............
5. 40–50 ............
6. 50–60 ............
7. 60–70 ............
8. 70–80 ............
9. 80–90 ............
10. 90–100 ........
In recognition of the fact that there are
system losses involved with operating antisweat heaters, GE proposes to include in the
calculation a factor to account for such
energy. This additional energy includes the
electrical energy required to operate the antisweat heater control and related components,
and the additional energy required to
increase compressor run time to remove heat
introduced into the refrigerator
compartments by the anti-sweat heater, and
is accounted for by the ‘‘System-loss Factor,’’
which, based on GE’s historical experience,
is 1.3.23
Simply stated, the Correction Factor that
GE proposes to add to the energyconsumption test results obtained with the
anti-sweat heater switch in the ‘‘off’’
position, is calculated as follows:
Correction Factor = (Anti-sweat Heater
Power × System-loss Factor) × (24 hours/1
day) × (1 kW/1000 W)
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16 The
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normtemp.html, and
21 The outside temperature and humidity were
converted to internal household conditions with the
assumption that (1) The absolute humidity
remained constant. and (2) average monthly
ambient outdoor temperatures below 71 degrees
were increased to 71 and average ambient outdoor
temperatures above 75 degrees were cooled to 75.
The energy-saving benefits of dehumidification due
to air conditioning have not been taken into
account. This resulted in an over-estimation of the
energy used by the refrigerator.
22 See discussion at p. 6, infra, for validity of
using 10 bands to calculate national average antisweat heater wattage.
23 GE’s experience with previous anti-sweat
heater applications shows that system losses
associated with such features can cause an increase
in energy use, e.g., by harnesses, boards, additional
compressor run-time, etc., than added by the
operation of the heater alone. To account for these
‘‘systems losses’’ GE has used a multiplier of 1.3 in
calculating the Correction Factor.
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In further explanation of this calculation,
begin by calculating the national average
power in watts used by the anti-sweat
heaters. This is done by totaling the product
of constants A1–A10 multiplied by the
respective heater watts used by a refrigerator
operating in the median percent relative
humidity for that band and standard
refrigerator conditions: ambient temperature
of 72 °F, fresh food (FF) average temperature
of 45 °F and freezer (FZ) average temperature
of 5 °F.
Anti-sweat Heater Power = A1 * (Heater
Watts at 5% RH) + A2 * (Heater Watts at 15%
RH) + A3 * (Heater Watts at 25% RH) + A4
* (Heater Watts at 35% RH) + A5 * (Heater
Watts at 45% RH) + A6 * (Heater Watts at
55% RH) + A7 * (Heater Watts at 65% RH)
+ A8 * (Heater Watts at 75% RH) + A9 *
(Heater Watts at 85% RH) + A10 * (Heater
Watts at 95% RH)
As explained above, bands A1–A10 were
selected as representative of humidity
conditions of all U.S. households. Therefore,
in developing its design for optimum antisweat heater performance, GE and
manufacturers using adaptive anti-sweat
heaters must submit, as part of their data
submission under section 430.62(a)(4)(xii),
the watts used at the relative humidity
specified in each band. By reviewing this
information, the Department, competitors
and other stakeholders can be assured that
the calculated energy attributed to this
adaptive feature is accurate.
Based on the above, GE proposes to test its
new models as if the test procedure were
modified to calculate the energy of the unit
with the anti-sweat heaters in the on position
as equal to the energy of the unit tested with
the anti-sweat heaters in the off position plus
the Anti-Sweat Heater Power times the
System Loss Factor (expressed in KWH/YR).
GE urges the Assistant Secretary to grant
this Petition and allow GE to test its new
refrigerator models (PGCS1NJW, PGCS1NFW,
PFIC1NFW and PFIC1NFX) as described
above. We believe that granting our request
will encourage the introduction of advanced
technologies that neither penalize innovation
by over-calculating energy used by the new
feature nor encourage the creation of special
energy-test modes that avoid accounting for
that energy.
Approving this Petition will also help
ensure that consumers can continue to rely
on the Department’s test procedures—and the
level playing field that they help create—to
evaluate energy use among competing
products. A favorable ruling on this Petition
is necessary for GE to avoid the hardship that
otherwise would be imposed if its production
design and development plan is delayed and
commitments to suppliers cannot be assured.
Finally, granting the Petition will send a
clear message to manufacturers that the
Department’s waiver process should be used
to ensure that energy-using features are
properly measured.
Respectfully submitted,
Earl F. Jones, Senior Counsel, GE Consumer
& Industrial, Appliance Park 2–225,
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 73 / Tuesday, April 17, 2007 / Notices
Louisville, KY 40225,,
502–452–3164 (voice), 502–452–0395 (fax).
Affected Persons
Primary affected persons in the
refrigerator-freezer category include BSH
Home Appliances Corp. (Bosch-Siemens
Hausgerate GmbH), Electrolux Home
Products, Equator, Fisher & Paykel
Appliances, Inc., Gorenje USA, Haier
America Trading, L.L.C., Heartland
Appliances, Inc., Kelon Electrical Holdings
Col, Ltd., Liebherr Hausgerate, LG Electronics
USA Inc., Northland Corporation, Samsung
Electronics America, Inc., Sanyo Fisher
Company, Sears, Sub-Zero Freezer Company,
U-Line, Viking Range, and Whirlpool
Corporation. The Association of Home
Appliance Manufacturers is also generally
interested in energy efficiency requirements
for appliances. Consumers’ Union, ACEEE,
NRDC, Alliance to Save Energy are not
manufacturers but have an interest in this
matter. GE will notify all these organizations
as required by the Department’s rules and
provide them with a non-confidential version
of this Petition.
Exhibit A—AHAM Statement on
Interpretation of HRF–1 and DOE
Refrigerator-Freezer Test Procedure
[FR Doc. E7–7232 Filed 4–16–07; 8:45 am]
(As revised during 9/15/06 conference call of
AHAM’s DOE Test Procedures Task Force)
AHAM’s position is that the following
principles of interpretation should be applied
to the existing refrigerator-freezer test
procedure, and should apply to and guide
any revisions to the test procedure. The
intent of the energy test procedure is to
simulate typical room conditions
(approximately 70 °F) with door openings, by
testing at 90 °F without door openings.
Except for operating characteristics that are
affected by ambient temperature (for
Item No.
example, compressor percent run time), the
unit, when tested under this standard, shall
operate equivalent to the unit in typical room
conditions. The energy used by the unit shall
be calculated when a calculation is provided
by the standard.
Energy-consuming components that
operate in typical room conditions (including
as a result of door openings, or a function of
humidity), and that are not exempted by this
standard, shall operate in an equivalent
manner during energy testing under this
standard, or be accounted for by all
calculations as provided for in the standard.
1. Energy saving features that are designed
to operate when there are no door openings
for long periods of time shall not be
functional during the energy test.
2. The defrost heater should not either
function or turn off differently during the
energy test than it would when in typical
room conditions.
3. Electric heaters that would normally
operate at typical room conditions with door
openings should also operate during the
energy test.
4. Energy used during adaptive defrost
shall continue to be tested and adjusted per
the calculation provided for in this standard.
government in the Sunshine Act (Pub.
L. No. 94–409), 5 U.S.C 552b:
Energy Regulatory Commission.
April 19, 2007, 10 a.m.
Room 2C, 888 First Street, NE.,
Washington, DC 20426.
Note: Items listed on the agenda may be
deleted without further notice.
Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary, Telephone
(202) 502–8400. For a recorded message
listing items Struck from or added to the
meeting, call (202) 502–8627.
This is a list of matters to be
considered by the Commission. It does
not include a listing of all documents
relevant to the items on the agenda. All
public documents, however, may be
viewed on line at the Commission’s
Web site at using
the eLibrary link, or may be examined
in the Commission’s Public Reference
Federal Energy Regulatory
Regular Meeting
April 19, 2007, 10 a.m.
Sunshine Act Notice
April 12, 2007.
The following notice of meeting is
published pursuant to section 3(a) of the
Docket No.
A–1 ...............
A–2 ...............
A–3 ...............
AD02–1–000 .............................................
AD02–7–000 .............................................
AD06–3–000 .............................................
Agency Administrative Matters.
Customer Matters, Reliability, Security and Market Operations.
Energy Market Update.
E–5 ...............
E–6 ...............
RR06–1–006 .............................................
RR06–3–001 .............................................
RM06–4–002 .............................................
ER06–615–001, ER06–615–002, ER02–
1656–027, ER02–1656–029, ER02–
EL07–33–000 ............................................
EL07–37–000 ............................................
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EL07–40–000 ............................................
E–7 ...............
E–8 ...............
E–9 ...............
E–10 .............
EL05–121–000, EL05–121–002 ...............
EL06–102–000 ..........................................
EL05–102–002 ..........................................
E–11 .............
E–12 .............
ER07–568–000 .........................................
ER07–543–000 .........................................
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PO 00000
North American Electric Reliability Corporation.
North American Electric Reliability Corporation.
Promoting Transmission Investment through Pricing Reform.
California Independent System Operator Corporation.
California Independent System Operator Corporation.
Californians for Renewable Energy, Inc. v. California Public Utilities Commission,
Southern California Edison, and Long Beach Generation, L.L.C.
Californians for Renewable Energy, Inc. v. California Public Utilities Commission,
Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Metcalf Energy Center, L.L.C. and the Los
Medanous Energy Center, L.L.C.
PJM Interconnection, L.L.C.
American Electric Power Service Corporation.
Southern Company Services, Inc., Alabama Power Company, Georgia Power Company, Gulf Power Company, Mississippi Power Company, Savannah Electric and
Power Company and Southern Power Company.
Pacific Gas and Electric Company.
Linden VFT, L.L.C.
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[Federal Register Volume 72, Number 73 (Tuesday, April 17, 2007)]
[Pages 19189-19192]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E7-7232]
[[Page 19189]]
Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
[Case No. RF-007]
Energy Conservation Program for Consumer Products: Publication of
the Petition for Waiver of General Electric Company From the Department
of Energy (DOE) Refrigerator and Refrigerator-Freezer Test Procedures
AGENCY: Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Department of
ACTION: Notice of Petition for Waiver and request for public comments.
SUMMARY: Today's notice announces General Electric Company's (GE's)
Petition for Waiver (hereafter, ``Petition'') from parts of the DOE
test procedure for determining the energy consumption of electric
refrigerators and refrigerator-freezers. GE has developed a new product
line of refrigerators and refrigerator-freezers that contain sensors to
detect temperature and humidity, and which interact with controls to
vary the effective wattage of anti-sweat heaters to evaporate excess
moisture. The existing test procedure does not take ambient
temperature, humidity, or adaptive control technology into account.
Therefore, GE proposes an alternate test procedure that takes adaptive
control technology into account when measuring energy consumption. DOE
is soliciting comments, data, and information concerning GE's Petition
and the proposed alternate test procedure.
DATES: DOE will accept comments, data, and information not later than
May 17, 2007.
ADDRESSES: Please submit comments, identified by case number RF-007, by
any of the following methods:
Federal eRulemaking Portal:
Follow the instructions for submitting comments.
E-mail: Include case number
RF-007, or ``GE Petition,'' or both in the subject line of the message.
Postal Mail: Ms. Brenda Edwards-Jones, U.S. Department of
Energy, Building Technologies Program, Mailstop EE-2J, Petition for
Waiver Case No. RF-007, 1000 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC
20585-0121, telephone: (202) 586-2945. Please submit one signed
original paper copy.
Hand Delivery/Courier: Ms. Brenda Edwards-Jones, U.S.
Department of Energy, Building Technologies Program, Room 1J-018,
Forrestal Building, 1000 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC
Instructions: All submissions received must include the agency name
and case number for this proceeding. Submit electronic comments in
WordPerfect, Microsoft Word, Portable Document Format (PDF), or text
(ASCII) file format. Avoid the use of special characters or any form of
encryption. Wherever possible, include the electronic signature of the
author. Absent an electronic signature, comments submitted
electronically must be followed and authenticated by submitting the
signed original paper document. DOE will not accept telefacsimiles
(faxes). According to section 430.27(b)(1)(iv) of 10 CFR Part 430, any
person submitting written comments must also send a copy of the
comments to the Petitioner: Mr. Earl F. Jones, Senior Counsel, GE
Consumer & Industrial, Appliance Park 2-225, Louisville, KY 40225.
Under 10 CFR 1004.11, any person submitting information that he or
she believes to be confidential and exempt by law from public
disclosure should submit two copies: one copy of the document including
all the information believed to be confidential, and one copy of the
document with the information believed to be confidential deleted. DOE
will make its own determination about the confidential status of the
information and treat it according to that determination.
Docket: For access to the docket to read this notice, the petition
for waiver, background documents, or comments received, go to the U.S.
Department of Energy, Forrestal Building, Room 1J-018 (Resource Room of
the Building Technologies Program), 1000 Independence Avenue, SW.,
Washington, DC, (202) 586-9127, between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday
through Friday, except Federal holidays. Please call Ms. Brenda
Edwards-Jones at (202) 586-2945 for additional information regarding
visiting the Resource Room. Please note that the DOE's Freedom of
Information Reading Room (formerly Room 1E-190 in the Forrestal
Building) is no longer housing rulemaking materials.
Department of Energy, Building Technologies Program, Mail Stop EE-2J,
1000 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20585-0121, (202) 586-
9611. E-mail:, or Ms. Francine Pinto, Esq.,
U.S. Department of Energy, Office of General Counsel, Mail Stop GC-72,
1000 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20585-0103, (202) 586-
9507. E-mail:
I. Background and Authority
II. Petition for Waiver
III. Alternate Test Procedure
IV. Summary and Request for Comments
I. Background and Authority
Title III of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (``EPCA'') sets
forth a variety of provisions concerning energy efficiency. Part B of
Title III (42 U.S.C. 6291-6309) provides for the ``Energy Conservation
Program for Consumer Products Other Than Automobiles.'' Part B includes
definitions, test procedures, labeling provisions, energy conservation
standards, and the authority to require information and reports from
manufacturers. Further, Part B authorizes the Secretary of Energy to
prescribe test procedures that are reasonably designed to produce
results which measure energy efficiency, energy use, or estimated
operating costs, and that are not unduly burdensome to conduct. (42
U.S.C. 6293(b)(3)) The test procedure for residential refrigerators and
refrigerator-freezers is contained in 10 CFR Part 430, Subpart B,
Appendix A1.
The regulations set forth in 10 CFR 430.27 contain provisions that
enable a person to seek a waiver from the test procedure requirements
for a covered consumer product. A waiver will be granted by the
Assistant Secretary if it is determined that the basic model for which
the Petition for Waiver was submitted contains a design characteristic
which either prevents testing of the basic model according to the
prescribed test procedures, or the prescribed test procedures may
evaluate the basic model in a manner so unrepresentative of its true
energy consumption characteristics as to provide materially inaccurate
comparative data. 10 CFR 430.27(l). In general, a waiver will remain in
effect until final test procedure amendments become effective, thereby
resolving the problem that is the subject of the waiver. 10 CFR Part
II. Petition for Waiver
On November 18, 2006, GE filed a Petition for Waiver from the
uniform test method for measuring the energy consumption of electric
refrigerators and electric refrigerator-freezers set forth at appendix
A1 to subpart B of 10 CFR Part 430. GE subsequently modified its
Petition; the final version was filed
[[Page 19190]]
December 21, 2006. (GE's original Petition was drafted in the form of a
test procedure revision, with changes to the CFR. It also included an
Application for Interim Waiver, which was not included in the final
version). GE is designing new refrigerators and refrigerator-freezers
that contain variable anti-sweat heater controls that detect and
respond to a broad range of temperature and humidity conditions, and
then activate adaptive heaters as needed to evaporate excess moisture.
GE's alternate test procedure simulates the energy used by the adaptive
heaters in a typical consumer household. Because the existing test
procedure under 10 CFR Part 430 takes neither ambient humidity nor
adaptive technology into account, it does not accurately measure the
energy consumption of GE's new refrigerators and refrigerator-freezers
that feature variable anti-sweat heater controls and adaptive heaters.
Consequently, GE has submitted to DOE for approval an alternate test
procedure to assure that it is correctly calculating the energy
consumption of this new product line.
III. Alternate Test Procedure
When test procedures for refrigerators and refrigerator-freezers
under 10 CFR Part 430 were first developed, simple mechanical defrost
timers were the norm. Today, GE's new line of refrigerators and
refrigerator-freezers contains sensors that detect ambient temperature
and humidity, and interact with controls that vary the effective
wattage of anti-sweat heaters to evaporate excess moisture. In sum, GE
proposes to ``run the energy-consumption test with the anti-sweat
heater switch in the `off' position and then, because the test chamber
is not humidity-controlled, to add to that result the kilowatt hours
per day derived by calculating the energy used when the anti-sweat
heater is in the `on' position.'' (GE Petition, page 4.) According to
GE, the objective of the approach is to simulate the average energy
used by the adaptive anti-sweat heaters as activated in typical
consumer households across the United States. (Id.)
To determine the conditions in a typical consumer household, DOE
understands that GE compiled historical data for the monthly average
outdoor temperature and humidity for the top 50 metropolitan areas of
the U.S. over approximately the last 30 years. Then, GE used the
average exterior monthly temperature and humidity values to determine
in-home conditions. In addition, GE includes in the test procedure a
``system-loss factor'' to calculate system losses attributed to
operating anti-sweat heaters, controls, and related components.
IV. Summary and Request for Comments
Today's notice announces GE's Petition to waive certain parts of
the test procedures for its new line of refrigerators and refrigerator-
freezers with variable anti-sweat heater controls and adaptive heaters.
DOE is publishing the Petition under the provisions of 10 CFR
430.27(b)(1)(iv). DOE has deleted information that it considers to be
confidential. The Petition includes an alternate test procedure and
calculation methodology to determine the energy consumption of GE's new
refrigerators and refrigerator-freezers with adaptive anti-sweat
heaters. DOE is interested in receiving comments from interested
parties on all aspects of the Petition and, in particular, the proposed
alternate test procedure and calculation methodology. Any person
submitting written comments to DOE must also send a copy of such
comments to GE. See 10 CFR 430.27(b)(1)(iv).
Issued in Washington, DC, on April 9, 2007.
Alexander A. Karsner,
Assistant Secretary, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.
U.S. Department of Energy Petition for Waiver; Non-Confidential Version
[Case No. RF-007]
Submitted by:
Earl F. Jones, Senior Counsel, GE Consumer & Industrial, Appliance
Park 2-225, Louisville, KY 40225,, 502-452-3164
(voice), 502-452-0395 (fax).
GE Consumer & Industrial, an operating division of General
Electric Co. (``GE''), is a leading manufacturer and marketer of
household appliances, including, as relevant to this proceeding,
refrigerators, files this Petition for Waiver (``Petition''). GE
requests that the Assistant Secretary grant it a waiver from certain
parts of the test procedure promulgated by the U.S. Department of
Energy (``DOE'' or ``the Department'') for determining refrigerator-
freezer energy consumption and allow GE to test its refrigerator-
freezer pursuant to the modified procedure submitted herewith. This
request is filed pursuant to 10 CFR 430.27.
GE is designing a new refrigerator. A total investment of $XXXX
is being made for research, development, facility upgrade,
acquisition of tooling and equipment and product testing.
Significant effort will be required before the new product can be
In order to be assured that it is correctly calculating the
energy consumption of the product, that the product meets the
minimum energy requirements for its product class and is properly
labeled, GE seeks the Department's expeditious concurrence to its
proposed amendment to the refrigerator test procedure.
Even a casual review of the refrigerator energy-consumption test
procedure \12\ reveals that this 1970's-era regulation has been
overtaken by advances in technology, especially the increased use of
electronic controls. In developing its new refrigerator, GE could
have disregarded the test procedure's gaps, which could have
resulted in a better energy test result. GE decided, however, to
strive to attain the regulations' intent to obtain test results that
more closely reflect the energy that would be consumed by the new
model when used by consumers. Accordingly, GE has filed this
Petition for Waiver to eliminate or modify the portions of the
regulations that are inappropriate or irrelevant.
\12\ 10 CFR Part 430, Subpart B, App. A1.
The Department's regulations provide that the Assistant
Secretary will grant a Petition upon: ``determin[ation] that the
basic model for which the waiver was requested contains a design
characteristic which either prevents testing of the basic model
according to the prescribed test procedures, or the prescribed test
procedures may evaluate the basic model in a manner so
unrepresentative of its true energy consumption characteristics as
to provide materially inaccurate comparative data.\13\''
\13\ 10 CFR Part 430.27(l).
GE requests that the Assistant Secretary grant this Petition on both
grounds. First, because the refrigerator energy test procedure does
not allow the energy used by GE's new refrigerator to be accurately
calculated. The new refrigerator contains adaptive anti-sweat
heaters, i.e., anti-sweat heaters that respond to humidity
conditions found in consumers' homes. Since the test conditions
specified by the test procedure neither define required humidity
conditions nor otherwise take ambient humidity conditions into
account in calculating energy consumption, the adaptive feature of
GE's new model cannot be tested.
Second, if GE were to test its new smart-technology refrigerator
per the test procedure, i.e., as if it contained old-technology
``dumb'' anti-sweat heaters, the results of the energy test so
conducted would not accurately measure the energy used by the new
The Refrigerator Energy Test Procedure
The test procedure for calculating energy consumption \14\
specifies that the test chamber be maintained at 90[deg]F. While
clearly not typical of conditions in the typical consumer household,
these conditions are intended to simulate the energy used by a
refrigerator in a typical 72 [deg]F household where the refrigerator
door is opened several times a day.
\14\ 10 CFR Part 430, Subpart B, App. A1.
But the test procedure does not specify test chamber humidity
conditions. Humidity causes refrigerators to sweat. Manufacturers
combat this excess moisture by installing anti-sweat heaters on
mullions and other locations where sweat accumulates. Old-style
``dumb'' technology anti-sweat heaters
[[Page 19191]]
achieve and are tested at a pre-set level, i.e., number of watts,
and turned on or off regardless of the humidity or amount of excess
moisture on the unit.
GE's Proposed Modifications
In developing the approach proposed in this Petition, GE
reviewed the Department's earlier decisions on waiver petitions,
including the waiver granted In the Matter of Electrolux Home
Appliances.\15\ When the test procedure was originally developed,
simple mechanical defrost timers were the norm. The Electrolux
petition sought a test procedure waiver to accommodate its advanced
defrost timer. The Assistant Secretary, in granting the waiver,
acknowledged the role of technology advances in evaluating the need
for test procedure waivers.
\15\ FR Vol. 66 40689 et. seq. (Aug. 3, 2001).
GE now seeks to change how it tests its new models \16\ to take
into account advances in sensing technology, i.e., sensors that
detect temperature and humidity conditions and interact with
controls to vary the effective wattage of anti-sweat heaters to
evaporate excess moisture.\17\
\16\ The GE models subject to this Petition are PGCS1NJW,
PGSF5NFW, PFIC1NFW, PFIC1NFX. These models have GE's new
temperature-humidity sensor.
\17\ GE could have devised a control that did not energize the
anti-sweat heaters when on test, thereby not counting energy used by
these features even though it is foreseeable that they would be
energized when used by most consumers. We have chosen instead to
file this Petition.
GE proposes to run the energy-consumption test with the anti-
sweat heater switch in the ``off'' position and then, because the
test chamber is not humidity-controlled, to add to that result the
kilowatt hours per day derived by calculating the energy used when
the anti-sweat heater is in the ``on'' position. GE's proposed
modification is further described on page 7. The objective of the
proposed approach is to simulate the average energy used by the
adaptive anti-sweat heaters as activated in typical consumer
households across the United States.\18\
\18\ The Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers, the
appliance industry's trade association, has forwarded to the
Department its recently agreed-to state of principles that should
govern any revision of the refrigerator test procedure. Crafted in
response to the DOE's concerns about energy test practices that may
circumvent the regulatory purpose that energy tests yield results
that correlate to typical consumer energy use, AHAM members endorsed
the use of calculation in appropriate circumstances. See Exhibit A.
Extensive research went into determining what the average energy
use of the adaptive feature would be. The top 50 metropolitan areas
of the U.S., which represent 56% of the total U.S. population
according to the 2000 Census \19\, were selected. The monthly
average exterior temperature and humidity for these cities over
approximately the last 30 years was determined.\20\
\20\ DEPT. OF METEOROLOGY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH Web site,, https://, and https://
GE used the average external monthly temperature and humidity
values to determine in-home conditions.\21\ And, in an effort to
establish a national average of energy used by a variably controlled
anti-sweat heater, the population-weighted humidity values were
grouped into 10 bands, each with a range of 10% relative humidity.
The table below sets out the percent probability that any U.S.
household will experience the listed average humidity conditions
during any month of the year.\22\
\21\ The outside temperature and humidity were converted to
internal household conditions with the assumption that (1) The
absolute humidity remained constant. and (2) average monthly ambient
outdoor temperatures below 71 degrees were increased to 71 and
average ambient outdoor temperatures above 75 degrees were cooled to
75. The energy-saving benefits of dehumidification due to air
conditioning have not been taken into account. This resulted in an
over-estimation of the energy used by the refrigerator.
\22\ See discussion at p. 6, infra, for validity of using 10
bands to calculate national average anti-sweat heater wattage.
Ten population-weighted bands of ranges of relative humidity
were created:
Probability Constant
% RH (percent) designation
1. 0-10....................................... 3.4 A1
2. 10-20...................................... 21.1 A2
3. 20-30...................................... 20.4 A3
4. 30-40...................................... 16.6 A4
5. 40-50...................................... 12.6 A5
6. 50-60...................................... 11.9 A6
7. 60-70...................................... 6.9 A7
8. 70-80...................................... 4.7 A8
9. 80-90...................................... 0.8 A9
10. 90-100.................................... 1.5 A10
In recognition of the fact that there are system losses involved
with operating anti-sweat heaters, GE proposes to include in the
calculation a factor to account for such energy. This additional
energy includes the electrical energy required to operate the anti-
sweat heater control and related components, and the additional
energy required to increase compressor run time to remove heat
introduced into the refrigerator compartments by the anti-sweat
heater, and is accounted for by the ``System-loss Factor,'' which,
based on GE's historical experience, is 1.3.\23\
\23\ GE's experience with previous anti-sweat heater
applications shows that system losses associated with such features
can cause an increase in energy use, e.g., by harnesses, boards,
additional compressor run-time, etc., than added by the operation of
the heater alone. To account for these ``systems losses'' GE has
used a multiplier of 1.3 in calculating the Correction Factor.
Simply stated, the Correction Factor that GE proposes to add to
the energy-consumption test results obtained with the anti-sweat
heater switch in the ``off'' position, is calculated as follows:
Correction Factor = (Anti-sweat Heater Power x System-loss
Factor) x (24 hours/1 day) x (1 kW/1000 W)
In further explanation of this calculation, begin by calculating
the national average power in watts used by the anti-sweat heaters.
This is done by totaling the product of constants A1-A10 multiplied
by the respective heater watts used by a refrigerator operating in
the median percent relative humidity for that band and standard
refrigerator conditions: ambient temperature of 72 [deg]F, fresh
food (FF) average temperature of 45 [deg]F and freezer (FZ) average
temperature of 5 [deg]F.
Anti-sweat Heater Power = A1 * (Heater Watts at 5% RH) + A2 *
(Heater Watts at 15% RH) + A3 * (Heater Watts at 25% RH) + A4 *
(Heater Watts at 35% RH) + A5 * (Heater Watts at 45% RH) + A6 *
(Heater Watts at 55% RH) + A7 * (Heater Watts at 65% RH) + A8 *
(Heater Watts at 75% RH) + A9 * (Heater Watts at 85% RH) + A10 *
(Heater Watts at 95% RH)
As explained above, bands A1-A10 were selected as representative
of humidity conditions of all U.S. households. Therefore, in
developing its design for optimum anti-sweat heater performance, GE
and manufacturers using adaptive anti-sweat heaters must submit, as
part of their data submission under section 430.62(a)(4)(xii), the
watts used at the relative humidity specified in each band. By
reviewing this information, the Department, competitors and other
stakeholders can be assured that the calculated energy attributed to
this adaptive feature is accurate.
Based on the above, GE proposes to test its new models as if the
test procedure were modified to calculate the energy of the unit
with the anti-sweat heaters in the on position as equal to the
energy of the unit tested with the anti-sweat heaters in the off
position plus the Anti-Sweat Heater Power times the System Loss
Factor (expressed in KWH/YR).
GE urges the Assistant Secretary to grant this Petition and
allow GE to test its new refrigerator models (PGCS1NJW, PGCS1NFW,
and PFIC1NFX) as described above. We believe that granting our
request will encourage the introduction of advanced technologies
that neither penalize innovation by over-calculating energy used by
the new feature nor encourage the creation of special energy-test
modes that avoid accounting for that energy.
Approving this Petition will also help ensure that consumers can
continue to rely on the Department's test procedures--and the level
playing field that they help create--to evaluate energy use among
competing products. A favorable ruling on this Petition is necessary
for GE to avoid the hardship that otherwise would be imposed if its
production design and development plan is delayed and commitments to
suppliers cannot be assured.
Finally, granting the Petition will send a clear message to
manufacturers that the Department's waiver process should be used to
ensure that energy-using features are properly measured.
Respectfully submitted,
Earl F. Jones, Senior Counsel, GE Consumer & Industrial, Appliance
Park 2-225,
[[Page 19192]]
Louisville, KY 40225,, 502-452-3164 (voice),
502-452-0395 (fax).
Affected Persons
Primary affected persons in the refrigerator-freezer category
include BSH Home Appliances Corp. (Bosch-Siemens Hausgerate GmbH),
Electrolux Home Products, Equator, Fisher & Paykel Appliances, Inc.,
Gorenje USA, Haier America Trading, L.L.C., Heartland Appliances,
Inc., Kelon Electrical Holdings Col, Ltd., Liebherr Hausgerate, LG
Electronics USA Inc., Northland Corporation, Samsung Electronics
America, Inc., Sanyo Fisher Company, Sears, Sub-Zero Freezer
Company, U-Line, Viking Range, and Whirlpool Corporation. The
Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers is also generally
interested in energy efficiency requirements for appliances.
Consumers' Union, ACEEE, NRDC, Alliance to Save Energy are not
manufacturers but have an interest in this matter. GE will notify
all these organizations as required by the Department's rules and
provide them with a non-confidential version of this Petition.
Exhibit A--AHAM Statement on Interpretation of HRF-1 and DOE
Refrigerator-Freezer Test Procedure
(As revised during 9/15/06 conference call of AHAM's DOE Test
Procedures Task Force)
AHAM's position is that the following principles of
interpretation should be applied to the existing refrigerator-
freezer test procedure, and should apply to and guide any revisions
to the test procedure. The intent of the energy test procedure is to
simulate typical room conditions (approximately 70 [deg]F) with door
openings, by testing at 90 [deg]F without door openings.
Except for operating characteristics that are affected by
ambient temperature (for example, compressor percent run time), the
unit, when tested under this standard, shall operate equivalent to
the unit in typical room conditions. The energy used by the unit
shall be calculated when a calculation is provided by the standard.
Energy-consuming components that operate in typical room
conditions (including as a result of door openings, or a function of
humidity), and that are not exempted by this standard, shall operate
in an equivalent manner during energy testing under this standard,
or be accounted for by all calculations as provided for in the
1. Energy saving features that are designed to operate when
there are no door openings for long periods of time shall not be
functional during the energy test.
2. The defrost heater should not either function or turn off
differently during the energy test than it would when in typical
room conditions.
3. Electric heaters that would normally operate at typical room
conditions with door openings should also operate during the energy
4. Energy used during adaptive defrost shall continue to be
tested and adjusted per the calculation provided for in this
[FR Doc. E7-7232 Filed 4-16-07; 8:45 am]