Reader Aids, i-vii [FR-2007-04-02-ReaderAids]
[Federal Register Volume 72, Number 62 (Monday, April 2, 2007)] [Reader Aids] [Pages i-vii] From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [] Reader Aids Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 62 / Monday, April 2, 2007 / Reader Aids Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 62 / Monday, April 2, 2007 / Reader Aids Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 62 / Monday, April 2, 2007 / Reader Aids [[Page i]] CUSTOMER SERVICE AND INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------------- Federal Register/Code of Federal Regulations General Information, indexes and other finding 202-741-6000 aids Laws 741-6000 Presidential Documents Executive orders and proclamations 741-6000 The United States Government Manual 741-6000 Other Services Electronic and on-line services (voice) 741-6020 Privacy Act Compilation 741-6064 Public Laws Update Service (numbers, dates, etc.) 741-6043 TTY for the deaf-and-hard-of-hearing 741-6086 ========================================================== ELECTRONIC RESEARCH World Wide Web Full text of the daily Federal Register, CFR and other publications is located at: index.html Federal Register information and research tools, including Public Inspection List, indexes, and links to GPO Access are located at: E-mail FEDREGTOC-L (Federal Register Table of Contents LISTSERV) is an open e-mail service that provides subscribers with a digital form of the Federal Register Table of Contents. The digital form of the Federal Register Table of Contents includes HTML and PDF links to the full text of each document. To join or leave, go to and select Online mailing list archives, FEDREGTOC-L, Join or leave the list (or change settings); then follow the instructions. PENS (Public Law Electronic Notification Service) is an e- mail service that notifies subscribers of recently enacted laws. To subscribe, go to publaws-l.html and select Join or leave the list (or change settings); then follow the instructions. FEDREGTOC-L and PENS are mailing lists only. We cannot respond to specific inquiries. Reference questions. Send questions and comments about the Federal Register system to: The Federal Register staff cannot interpret specific documents or regulations. ========================================================== FEDERAL REGISTER PAGES AND DATE, APRIL ---------------------------------------------------------- 15597-15804............................................. 2 6 ---------------------------------------------------------- CFR PARTS AFFECTED DURING APRIL ---------------------------------------------------------- At the end of each month, the Office of the Federal Register publishes separately a List of CFR Sections Affected (LSA), which lists parts and sections affected by documents published since the revision date of each title. [[Page ii]] REMINDERS The items in this list were editorially compiled as an aid to Federal Register users. Inclusion or exclusion from this list has no legal significance. RULES GOING INTO EFFECT APRIL 02, 2007 AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Plant-related quarantine, domestic: Emerald ash borer; published 4-2-07 ENERGY DEPARTMENT Climate change: Voluntary Greenhouse Gas reporting Program-- Technical guidelines; correction; published 4-2-07 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Air quality implementation plans; approval and promulgation; various States: Utah; published 2-1-07 Virginia; published 3-2-07 FEDERAL HOUSING FINANCE BOARD Federal home loan bank system: Appointive directors; selection; published 4-2-07 FEDERAL MARITIME COMMISSION Organization, functions, and authority delegations: Agency reorganization; correction; published 4-2-07 HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT Coast Guard Drawbridge operations: Oregon; published 3-2-07 Ports and waterways safety; regulated navigation areas, safety zones, security zones, etc.: Fifth Coast Guard District; published 3-2-07 INTERIOR DEPARTMENT Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement Office Permanent program and abandoned mine land reclamation plan submissions: Tennessee; published 3-2-07 ARTS AND HUMANITIES, NATIONAL FOUNDATION National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Grants, other financial assistance, and nonprocurement agreements: Nonprocurement debarment and suspension; OMB guidance; published 3-1- 07 SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION Social security benefits and supplemental security income: Federal old age, survivors, and disability insurance, and aged, blind, and disabled-- Optometrists acceptability as medical sources for establishing medically determinable impairments; published 3-1-07 TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT Federal Aviation Administration Airworthiness directives: Pratt & Whitney; published 2-26-07 COMMENTS DUE NEXT WEEK AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT Agricultural Marketing Service Nectarines and peaches grown in California; comments due by 4-13-07; published 3-29-07 [FR E7-05789] Tomatoes grown in Florida; comments due by 4-9-07; published 2-6-07 [FR 07-00502] AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Exportation and importation of animals and animal products: Czech Republic et al.; live swine, swine semen, pork, and pork products; comments due by 4-13-07; published 2-12-07 [FR E7-02327] Plant-related quarantine, domestic: Pine shoot beetle; comments due by 4-13-07; published 2-12-07 [FR E7- 02325] BROADCASTING BOARD OF GOVERNORS Legal proceedings; testimony by employees, production of official records, and disclosure of official information; comments due by 4- 11-07; published 3-12-07 [FR E7-04329] COMMERCE DEPARTMENT National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fishery conservation and management: Caribbean, Gulf, and South Atlantic fisheries-- South Atlantic Fishery Management Council; hearings; comments due by 4-10-07; published 3-2-07 [FR E7-03703] Northeastern United States fisheries-- Georges Bank cod, haddock, and yellowtail flounder; comments due by 4-11-07; published 3-12-07 [FR E7-04442] DEFENSE DEPARTMENT Defense Acquisition Regulations System Acquisition regulations: Online Representations and Certifications Application; comments due by 4-13-07; published 2-12-07 [FR E7-02205] ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Air pollution; standards of performance for new stationary sources: Hospital, medical, and infectious waste incinerators; comments due by 4-9-07; published 2-6-07 [FR E7-01617] Air programs; approval and promulgation; State plans for designated facilities and pollutants: Missouri; comments due by 4-9-07; published 3-9-07 [FR E7-04297] Air quality implementation plans: Preparation, adoption, and submittal-- Plan submission methods and public hearing requirements; revisions and administrative changes; comments due by 4-12-07; published 3-13-07 [FR E7-04563] Air quality implementation plans; approval and promulgation; various States: Iowa; comments due by 4-9-07; published 3-8-07 [FR E7-04179] Kansas; comments due by 4-9-07; published 3-9-07 [FR E7-04304] Missouri; comments due by 4-9-07; published 3-9-07 [FR E7-04176] Air quality implementation plans; approval and promulgation; various States; air quality planning purposes; designation of areas: Missouri; comments due by 4-9-07; published 3-9-07 [FR E7-04300] Air quality implementation plans; approval and promulgation; various States: Nevada; comments due by 4-11-07; published 3-12-07 [FR E7-04428] New Jersey; comments due by 4-13-07; published 3-14-07 [FR E7-04665] Pesticides; tolerances in food, animal feeds, and raw agricultural commodities: Tris (2-ethylhexyl) phosphate; comments due by 4-9-07; published 2-7- 07 [FR 07-00460] Superfund program: National oil and hazardous substances contingency plan priorities list; comments due by 4-12-07; published 3-13-07 [FR E7-04449] HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT Food and Drug Administration Human drugs: Labeling of drug products (OTC)-- Standardized format and content requirements; convenience-size drug packets; alternative labeling requirements; comments due by 4-11-07; published 12-12-06 [FR E6-21019] HOMELAND SECURITY DEPARTMENT Coast Guard Anchorage regulations: New York; comments due by 4-9-07; published 2-6-07 [FR E7-01882] Virginia; comments due by 4-9-07; published 3-8-07 [FR E7-04111] Ports and waterways safety; regulated navigation areas, safety zones, security zones, etc.: Severn River and College Creek, Annapolis, MD; comments due by 4-13- [[Page iii]] 07; published 2-12-07 [FR E7-02334] INTERIOR DEPARTMENT Fish and Wildlife Service Endangered and threatened species: Critical habitat designations-- Flatwoods salamander; comments due by 4-9-07; published 2-7-07 [FR 07-00470] Nevin's barberry; comments due by 4-9-07; published 2-6-07 [FR 07- 00472] Findings on petitions, etc.-- Polar bear; comments due by 4-9-07; published 1-9-07 [FR 06-09962] Polar bear; comments due by 4-9-07; published 2-15-07 [FR 07- 00723] Gray wolf; comments due by 4-9-07; published 2-8-07 [FR 07-00487] INTERIOR DEPARTMENT Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement Office Permanent program and abandoned mine land reclamation plan submissions: Maryland; comments due by 4-9-07; published 3-8-07 [FR E7-04147] JUSTICE DEPARTMENT Grants and agreements: Nonprocurement debarment and suspension; OMB guidance; implementation; comments due by 4-12-07; published 3-13-07 [FR E7- 04362] LABOR DEPARTMENT Employee Benefits Security Administration Employee Retirement Income Security Act: Cross-trading of securities; statutory exemption; comments due by 4- 13-07; published 2-12-07 [FR E7-02290] TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT Federal Aviation Administration Airworthiness directives: Air Tractor, Inc.; comments due by 4-9-07; published 2-6-07 [FR E7- 01874] Airbus; comments due by 4-12-07; published 3-13-07 [FR E7-04534] British Aerospace; comments due by 4-12-07; published 3-13-07 [FR E7- 04518] Empresa Braileira de Aeronautica S.A. (EMBRAER); comments due by 4-9- 07; published 3-8-07 [FR E7-04128] Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A. (EMBRAER); comments due by 4- 11-07; published 3-12-07 [FR E7-04373] Fokker; comments due by 4-11-07; published 3-12-07 [FR E7-04379] McDonnell Douglas; comments due by 4-9-07; published 2-22-07 [FR E7- 02975] REIMS AVIATION S.A.; comments due by 4-9-07; published 3-8-07 [FR E7- 04131] Vulcanair S.p.A.; comments due by 4-9-07; published 3-9-07 [FR E7- 04242] Class B airspace; comments due by 4-13-07; published 2-12-07 [FR 07- 00599] Class E airspace; comments due by 4-9-07; published 2-23-07 [FR E7- 03050] TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Motor vehicle safety standards: Child restraint systems-- Lower anchors and tethers for children; system designs, child side impact safety, and public education; public meeting; comments due by 4-9-07; published 1-24-07 [FR E7-01021] TREASURY DEPARTMENT Internal Revenue Service Income taxes: Qualified film and television production costs deduction; cross- reference; comments due by 4-10-07; published 2-9-07 [FR E7-02153] Procedure and administration: Lien or discharge of property release; comments due by 4-11-07; published 1-11-07 [FR E7-00219] __________________________________________________________ LIST OF PUBLIC LAWS __________________________________________________________ This is a continuing list of public bills from the current session of Congress which have become Federal laws. It may be used in conjunction with ``P L U S'' (Public Laws Update Service) on 202-741-6043. This list is also available online at register/laws.html. The text of laws is not published in the Federal Register but may be ordered in ``slip law'' (individual pamphlet) form from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402 (phone, 202-512- 1808). The text will also be made available on the Internet from GPO Access at plaws/. Some laws may not yet be available. H.R. 1129/P.L. 110-16 To provide for the construction, operation, and maintenance of an arterial road in St. Louis County, Missouri. (Mar. 28, 2007; 121 Stat. 71) Last List March 27, 2007 __________________________________________________________ Public Laws Electronic Notification Service (PENS) __________________________________________________________ PENS is a free electronic mail notification service of newly enacted public laws. To subscribe, go to https:// Note: This service is strictly for E-mail notification of new laws. The text of laws is not available through this service. PENS cannot respond to specific inquiries sent to this address. CFR CHECKLIST Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 62 / Monday, April 2, 2007 / Reader Aids Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 62 / Monday, April 2, 2007 / Reader Aids Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 62 / Monday, April 2, 2007 / Reader Aids [[Page iv]] CFR CHECKLIST _______________________________________________________________________ This checklist, prepared by the Office of the Federal Register, is published weekly. It is arranged in the order of CFR titles, stock numbers, prices, and revision dates. An asterisk (*) precedes each entry that has been issued since last week and which is now available for sale at the Government Printing Office. A checklist of current CFR volumes comprising a complete CFR set, also appears in the latest issue of the LSA (List of CFR Sections Affected), which is revised monthly. The CFR is available free on-line through the Government Printing Office's GPO Access Service at For information about GPO Access call the GPO User Support Team at 1- 888-293-6498 (toll free) or 202-512-1530. The annual rate for subscription to all revised paper volumes is $1389.00 domestic, $555.60 additional for foreign mailing. Mail orders to the Superintendent of Documents, Attn: New Orders, P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954. All orders must be accompanied by remittance (check, money order, GPO Deposit Account, VISA, Master Card, or Discover). Charge orders may be telephoned to the GPO Order Desk, Monday through Friday, at (202) 512-1800 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. eastern time, or FAX your charge orders to (202) 512-2250. Title Stock Number Price Revision Date 1....................(869-062-00001-4)...... 5.00 \4\ Jan. 1, 2007 2....................(869-062-00002-2)...... 5.00 Jan. 1, 2007 3 (2005 Compilation (869-060-00003-8)...... 35.00 \1\ Jan. 1, 2006 and Parts 100 and 102). 4....................(869-062-00004-9)...... 10.00 \5\ Jan. 1, 2007 5 Parts: 1-699............... (869-062-00005-7)...... 60.00 Jan. 1, 2007 700-1199............ (869-060-00006-2)...... 50.00 Jan. 1, 2006 1200-End............ (869-062-00007-3)...... 61.00 Jan. 1, 2007 6....................(869-060-00008-9)...... 10.50 Jan. 1, 2006 7 Parts: 1-26................ (869-062-00009-0)...... 44.00 Jan. 1, 2007 27-52............... (869-062-00010-3)...... 49.00 Jan. 1, 2007 53-209.............. (869-062-00011-1)...... 37.00 Jan. 1, 2007 210-299............. (869-060-00012-7)...... 62.00 Jan. 1, 2006 300-399............. (869-062-00013-8)...... 46.00 Jan. 1, 2007 400-699............. (869-062-00014-6)...... 42.00 Jan. 1, 2007 700-899............. (869-062-00015-4)...... 43.00 Jan. 1, 2007 900-999............. (869-062-00016-2)...... 60.00 Jan. 1, 2007 1000-1199........... (869-062-00017-1)...... 22.00 Jan. 1, 2007 1200-1599........... (869-060-00018-6)...... 61.00 Jan. 1, 2006 1600-1899........... (869-060-00019-4)...... 64.00 Jan. 1, 2006 1900-1939........... (869-062-00020-1)...... 31.00 Jan. 1, 2007 1940-1949........... (869-062-00021-9)...... 50.00 \5\ Jan. 1, 2007 1950-1999........... (869-062-00022-7)...... 46.00 Jan. 1, 2007 *2000-End........... (869-062-00023-5)...... 50.00 Jan. 1, 2007 8....................(869-060-00024-1)...... 63.00 Jan. 1, 2006 9 Parts: 1-199............... (869-062-00025-1)...... 61.00 Jan. 1, 2007 200-End............. (869-062-00026-0)...... 58.00 Jan. 1, 2007 10 Parts: *1-50............... (869-062-00027-8)...... 61.00 Jan. 1, 2007 51-199.............. (869-060-00028-3)...... 58.00 Jan. 1, 2006 200-499............. (869-060-00029-1)...... 46.00 Jan. 1, 2006 500-End............. (869-066-00030-8)...... 62.00 Jan. 1, 2007 11...................(869-062-00031-6)...... 41.00 Jan. 1, 2007 12 Parts: 1-199............... (869-062-00032-4)...... 34.00 Jan. 1, 2007 *200-219............ (869-062-00033-2)...... 37.00 Jan. 1, 2007 220-299............. (869-062-00034-1)...... 61.00 Jan. 1, 2007 300-499............. (869-062-00035-9)...... 47.00 Jan. 1, 2007 *500-599............ (869-062-00036-7)...... 39.00 Jan. 1, 2007 600-899............. (869-060-00037-2)...... 56.00 Jan. 1, 2006 900-End............. (869-060-00038-1)...... 50.00 Jan. 1, 2006 13...................(869-060-00039-9)...... 55.00 Jan. 1, 2006 14 Parts: 1-59................ (869-060-00040-2)...... 63.00 Jan. 1, 2006 60-139.............. (869-060-00041-1)...... 61.00 Jan. 1, 2006 140-199............. (869-060-00042-9)...... 30.00 Jan. 1, 2006 200-1199............ (869-060-00043-7)...... 50.00 Jan. 1, 2006 1200-End............ (869-062-00044-8)...... 45.00 Jan. 1, 2007 15 Parts: *0-299.............. (869-062-00045-6)...... 40.00 Jan. 1, 2007 300-799............. (869-060-00046-1)...... 60.00 Jan. 1, 2006 800-End............. (869-060-00047-0)...... 42.00 Jan. 1, 2006 16 Parts: 0-999............... (869-060-00048-8)...... 50.00 Jan. 1, 2006 1000-End............ (869-060-00049-6)...... 60.00 Jan. 1, 2006 17 Parts: 1-199............... (869-060-00051-8)...... 50.00 Apr. 1, 2006 200-239............. (869-060-00052-6)...... 60.00 Apr. 1, 2006 240-End............. (869-060-00053-4)...... 62.00 Apr. 1, 2006 18 Parts: 1-399............... (869-060-00054-2)...... 62.00 Apr. 1, 2006 400-End............. (869-060-00055-1)...... 26.00 \7\ Apr. 1, 2006 19 Parts: 1-140............... (869-060-00056-9)...... 61.00 Apr. 1, 2006 141-199............. (869-060-00057-7)...... 58.00 Apr. 1, 2006 200-End............. (869-060-00058-5)...... 31.00 Apr. 1, 2006 20 Parts: 1-399............... (869-060-00059-3)...... 50.00 Apr. 1, 2006 400-499............. (869-060-00060-7)...... 64.00 Apr. 1, 2006 500-End............. (869-060-00061-5)...... 63.00 Apr. 1, 2006 21 Parts: 1-99................ (869-060-00062-3)...... 40.00 Apr. 1, 2006 100-169............. (869-060-00063-1)...... 49.00 Apr. 1, 2006 170-199............. (869-060-00064-0)...... 50.00 Apr. 1, 2006 200-299............. (869-060-00065-8)...... 17.00 Apr. 1, 2006 300-499............. (869-060-00066-6)...... 30.00 Apr. 1, 2006 500-599............. (869-060-00067-4)...... 47.00 Apr. 1, 2006 600-799............. (869-060-00068-2)...... 15.00 Apr. 1, 2006 800-1299............ (869-060-00069-1)...... 60.00 Apr. 1, 2006 1300-End............ (869-060-00070-4)...... 25.00 Apr. 1, 2006 22 Parts: 1-299............... (869-060-00071-2)...... 63.00 Apr. 1, 2006 300-End............. (869-060-00072-1)...... 45.00 \8\ Apr. 1, 2006 23...................(869-060-00073-9)...... 45.00 Apr. 1, 2006 24 Parts: 0-199............... (869-060-00074-7)...... 60.00 Apr. 1, 2006 200-499............. (869-060-00075-5)...... 50.00 Apr. 1, 2006 500-699............. (869-060-00076-3)...... 30.00 Apr. 1, 2006 700-1699............ (869-060-00077-1)...... 61.00 Apr. 1, 2006 1700-End............ (869-060-00078-0)...... 30.00 Apr. 1, 2006 25...................(869-060-00079-8)...... 64.00 Apr. 1, 2006 26 Parts: Secs. 1.0-1-1.60.... (869-060-00080-1)...... 49.00 Apr. 1, 2006 Secs. 1.61-1.169.... (869-060-00081-0)...... 63.00 Apr. 1, 2006 Secs. 1.170-1.300... (869-060-00082-8)...... 60.00 Apr. 1, 2006 Secs. 1.301-1.400... (869-060-00083-6)...... 47.00 Apr. 1, 2006 Secs. 1.401-1.440... (869-060-00084-4)...... 56.00 Apr. 1, 2006 Secs. 1.441-1.500... (869-060-00085-2)...... 58.00 Apr. 1, 2006 Secs. 1.501-1.640... (869-060-00086-1)...... 49.00 Apr. 1, 2006 Secs. 1.641-1.850... (869-060-00087-9)...... 61.00 Apr. 1, 2006 Secs. 1.851-1.907... (869-060-00088-7)...... 61.00 Apr. 1, 2006 Secs. 1.908-1.1000.. (869-060-00089-5)...... 60.00 Apr. 1, 2006 Secs. 1.1001-1.1400. (869-060-00090-9)...... 61.00 Apr. 1, 2006 Secs. 1.1401-1.1550. (869-060-00091-2)...... 58.00 Apr. 1, 2006 Secs. 1.1551-End.... (869-060-00092-5)...... 50.00 Apr. 1, 2006 2-29................ (869-060-00093-3)...... 60.00 Apr. 1, 2006 30-39............... (869-060-00094-1)...... 41.00 Apr. 1, 2006 40-49............... (869-060-00095-0)...... 28.00 Apr. 1, 2006 50-299.............. (869-060-00096-8)...... 42.00 Apr. 1, 2006 [[Page v]] 300-499............. (869-060-00097-6)...... 61.00 Apr. 1, 2006 500-599............. (869-060-00098-4)...... 12.00 \6\ Apr. 1, 2006 600-End............. (869-060-00099-2)...... 17.00 Apr. 1, 2006 27 Parts: 1-399............... (869-060-00100-0)...... 64.00 Apr. 1, 2006 400-End............. (869-060-00101-8)...... 18.00 Apr. 1, 2006 28 Parts:............ 0-42................ (869-060-00102-6)...... 61.00 July 1, 2006 43-End.............. (869-060-00103-4)...... 60.00 July 1, 2006 29 Parts: 0-99................ (869-060-00104-2)...... 50.00 July 1, 2006 100-499............. (869-060-00105-1)...... 23.00 July 1, 2006 500-899............. (869-060-00106-9)...... 61.00 July 1, 2006 900-1899............ (869-060-00107-7)...... 36.00 July 1, 2006 1900-1910 (869-060-00108-5)...... 61.00 July 1, 2006 (Secs. 1900 to 1910.999). 1910 (869-060-00109-3)...... 46.00 July 1, 2006 (Secs. 1910.1000 to end). 1911-1925........... (869-060-00110-7)...... 30.00 July 1, 2006 1926................ (869-060-00111-5)...... 50.00 July 1, 2006 1927-End............ (869-060-00112-3)...... 62.00 July 1, 2006 30 Parts: 1-199............... (869-060-00113-1)...... 57.00 July 1, 2006 200-699............. (869-060-00114-0)...... 50.00 July 1, 2006 700-End............. (869-060-00115-8)...... 58.00 July 1, 2006 31 Parts: 0-199............... (869-060-00116-6)...... 41.00 July 1, 2006 200-499............. (869-060-00117-4)...... 46.00 July 1, 2006 500-End............. (869-060-00118-2)...... 62.00 July 1, 2006 32 Parts: 1-39, Vol. I..................................15.00....\2\ July 1, 1984 1-39, Vol. II.................................19.00....\2\ July 1, 1984 1-39, Vol. III................................18.00....\2\ July 1, 1984 1-190............... (869-060-00119-1)...... 61.00 July 1, 2006 191-399............. (869-060-00120-4)...... 63.00 July 1, 2006 400-629............. (869-060-00121-2)...... 50.00 July 1, 2006 630-699............. (869-060-00122-1)...... 37.00 July 1, 2006 700-799............. (869-060-00123-9)...... 46.00 July 1, 2006 800-End............. (869-060-00124-7)...... 47.00 July 1, 2006 33 Parts: 1-124............... (869-060-00125-5)...... 57.00 July 1, 2006 125-199............. (869-060-00126-3)...... 61.00 July 1, 2006 200-End............. (869-060-00127-1)...... 57.00 July 1, 2006 34 Parts: 1-299............... (869-060-00128-0)...... 50.00 July 1, 2006 300-399............. (869-060-00129-8)...... 40.00 July 1, 2006 400-End & 35........ (869-060-00130-1)...... 61.00 \9\ July 1, 2006 36 Parts: 1-199............... (869-060-00131-0)...... 37.00 July 1, 2006 200-299............. (869-060-00132-8)...... 37.00 July 1, 2006 300-End............. (869-060-00133-6)...... 61.00 July 1, 2006 37...................(869-060-00134-4)...... 58.00 July 1, 2006 38 Parts: 0-17................ (869-060-00135-2)...... 60.00 July 1, 2006 18-End.............. (869-060-00136-1)...... 62.00 July 1, 2006 39...................(869-060-00137-9)...... 42.00 July 1, 2006 40 Parts: 1-49................ (869-060-00138-7)...... 60.00 July 1, 2006 50-51............... (869-060-00139-5)...... 45.00 July 1, 2006 52 (52.01-52.1018).. (869-060-00140-9)...... 60.00 July 1, 2006 52 (52.1019-End).... (869-060-00141-7)...... 61.00 July 1, 2006 53-59............... (869-060-00142-5)...... 31.00 July 1, 2006 60 (60.1-End)....... (869-060-00143-3)...... 58.00 July 1, 2006 60 (Apps)........... (869-060-00144-7)...... 57.00 July 1, 2006 61-62............... (869-060-00145-0)...... 45.00 July 1, 2006 63 (63.1-63.599).... (869-060-00146-8)...... 58.00 July 1, 2006 63 (63.600-63.1199). (869-060-00147-6)...... 50.00 July 1, 2006 63 (63.1200-63.1439) (869-060-00148-4)...... 50.00 July 1, 2006 63 (63.1440-63.6175) (869-060-00149-2)...... 32.00 July 1, 2006 63 (63.6580-63.8830) (869-060-00150-6)...... 32.00 July 1, 2006 63 (63.8980-End).... (869-060-00151-4)...... 35.00 July 1, 2006 64-71............... (869-060-00152-2)...... 29.00 July 1, 2006 72-80............... (869-060-00153-1)...... 62.00 July 1, 2006 81-85............... (869-060-00154-9)...... 60.00 July 1, 2006 86 (86.1-86.599-99). (869-060-00155-7)...... 58.00 July 1, 2006 86 (86.600-1-End)... (869-060-00156-5)...... 50.00 July 1, 2006 87-99............... (869-060-00157-3)...... 60.00 July 1, 2006 100-135............. (869-060-00158-1)...... 45.00 July 1, 2006 136-149............. (869-060-00159-0)...... 61.00 July 1, 2006 150-189............. (869-060-00160-3)...... 50.00 July 1, 2006 190-259............. (869-060-00161-1)...... 39.00 July 1, 2006 260-265............. (869-060-00162-0)...... 50.00 July 1, 2006 266-299............. (869-060-00163-8)...... 50.00 July 1, 2006 300-399............. (869-060-00164-6)...... 42.00 July 1, 2006 400-424............. (869-060-00165-4)...... 56.00 July 1, 2006 425-699............. (869-060-00166-2)...... 61.00 July 1, 2006 700-789............. (869-060-00167-1)...... 61.00 July 1, 2006 790-End............. (869-060-00168-9)...... 61.00 July 1, 2006 41 Chapters: 1, 1-1 to 1-10................................13.00....\3\ July 1, 1984 1, 1-11 to Appendix, 2 (2 Reserved)...........13.00....\3\ July 1, 1984 3-6...........................................14.00....\3\ July 1, 1984 7..............................................6.00....\3\ July 1, 1984 8..............................................4.50....\3\ July 1, 1984 9.............................................13.00....\3\ July 1, 1984 10-17..........................................9.50....\3\ July 1, 1984 18, Vol. I, Parts 1-5.........................13.00....\3\ July 1, 1984 18, Vol. II, Parts 6-19.......................13.00....\3\ July 1, 1984 18, Vol. III, Parts 20-52.....................13.00....\3\ July 1, 1984 19-100........................................13.00....\3\ July 1, 1984 1-100............... (869-060-00169-7)...... 24.00 July 1, 2006 101................. (869-060-00170-1)...... 21.00 \9\ July 1, 2006 102-200............. (869-060-00171-9)...... 56.00 July 1, 2006 201-End............. (869-060-00172-7)...... 24.00 July 1, 2006 42 Parts: 1-399............... (869-060-00173-5)...... 61.00 Oct. 1, 2006 400-413............. (869-060-00174-3)...... 32.00 Oct. 1, 2006 414-429............. (869-060-00175-1)...... 32.00 Oct. 1, 2006 430-End............. (869-060-00176-0)...... 64.00 Oct. 1, 2006 43 Parts: 1-999............... (869-060-00177-8)...... 56.00 Oct. 1, 2006 1000-end............ (869-060-00178-6)...... 62.00 Oct. 1, 2006 44...................(869-060-00179-4)...... 50.00 Oct. 1, 2006 45 Parts: 1-199............... (869-060-00180-8)...... 60.00 Oct. 1, 2006 200-499............. (869-060-00181-6)...... 34.00 Oct. 1, 2006 500-1199............ (869-060-00182-4)...... 56.00 Oct. 1, 2006 1200-End............ (869-060-00183-2)...... 61.00 Oct. 1, 2006 46 Parts: 1-40................ (869-060-00184-1)...... 46.00 Oct. 1, 2006 41-69............... (869-060-00185-9)...... 39.00 Oct. 1, 2006 70-89............... (869-060-00186-7)...... 14.00 Oct. 1, 2006 90-139.............. (869-060-00187-5)...... 44.00 Oct. 1, 2006 140-155............. (869-060-00188-3)...... 25.00 Oct. 1, 2006 156-165............. (869-060-00189-1)...... 34.00 Oct. 1, 2006 166-199............. (869-060-00190-5)...... 46.00 Oct. 1, 2006 200-499............. (869-060-00191-3)...... 40.00 Oct. 1, 2006 500-End............. (869-060-00192-1)...... 25.00 Oct. 1, 2006 47 Parts: 0-19................ (869-060-00193-0)...... 61.00 Oct. 1, 2006 20-39............... (869-060-00194-8)...... 46.00 Oct. 1, 2006 40-69............... (869-060-00195-6)...... 40.00 Oct. 1, 2006 70-79............... (869-060-00196-4)...... 61.00 Oct. 1, 2006 80-End.............. (869-060-00197-2)...... 61.00 Oct. 1, 2006 48 Chapters: 1 (Parts 1-51)...... (869-060-00198-1)...... 63.00 Oct. 1, 2006 1 (Parts 52-99)..... (869-060-00199-9)...... 49.00 Oct. 1, 2006 2 (Parts 201-299)... (869-060-00200-6)...... 50.00 Oct. 1, 2006 3-6................. (869-060-00201-4)...... 34.00 Oct. 1, 2006 7-14................ (869-060-00202-2)...... 56.00 Oct. 1, 2006 [[Page vi]] 15-28............... (869-060-00203-1)...... 47.00 Oct. 1, 2006 29-End.............. (869-060-00204-9)...... 47.00 Oct. 1, 2006 49 Parts: 1-99................ (869-060-00205-7)...... 60.00 Oct. 1, 2006 100-185............. (869-060-00206-5)...... 63.00 Oct. 1, 2006 186-199............. (869-060-00207-3)...... 23.00 Oct. 1, 2006 200-299............. (869-060-00208-1)...... 32.00 Oct. 1, 2006 300-399............. (869-060-00209-0)...... 32.00 Oct. 1, 2006 400-599............. (869-060-00210-3)...... 64.00 Oct. 1, 2006 600-999............. (869-060-00211-1)...... 19.00 Oct. 1, 2006 1000-1199........... (869-060-00212-0)...... 28.00 Oct. 1, 2006 1200-End............ (869-060-00213-8)...... 34.00 Oct. 1, 2006 50 Parts: 1-16................ (869-060-00214-6)...... 11.00 \10\ Oct. 1, 2006 17.1-17.95(b)....... (869-060-00215-4)...... 32.00 Oct. 1, 2006 17.95(c)-end........ (869-060-00216-2)...... 32.00 Oct. 1, 2006 17.96-17.99(h)...... (869-060-00217-1)...... 61.00 Oct. 1, 2006 17.99(i)-end and (869-060-00218-9)...... 47.00 \10\ Oct. 1, 2006 17.100-end. 18-199.............. (869-060-00219-7)...... 50.00 Oct. 1, 2006 200-599............. (869-060-00220-1)...... 45.00 Oct. 1, 2006 600-659............. (869-060-00221-9)...... 31.00 Oct. 1, 2006 660-End............. (869-060-00222-7)...... 31.00 Oct. 1, 2006 CFR Index and (869-060-00050-0)...... 62.00 Jan. 1, 2006 Findings Aids. Complete 2007 CFR set........................1,389.0........ 2007 0 Microfiche CFR Edition: Subscription (mailed as issued)............332.00......... 2007 Individual copies............................4.00......... 2007 Complete set (one-time mailing)............332.00......... 2006 Complete set (one-time mailing)............325.00......... 2005 \1\Because Title 3 is an annual compilation, this volume and all previous volumes should be retained as a permanent reference source. \2\The July 1, 1985 edition of 32 CFR Parts 1-189 contains a note only for Parts 1-39 inclusive. For the full text of the Defense Acquisition Regulations in Parts 1-39, consult the three CFR volumes issued as of July 1, 1984, containing those parts. \3\The July 1, 1985 edition of 41 CFR Chapters 1-100 contains a note only for Chapters 1 to 49 inclusive. For the full text of procurement regulations in Chapters 1 to 49, consult the eleven CFR volumes issued as of July 1, 1984 containing those chapters. \4\No amendments to this volume were promulgated during the period January 1, 2005, through January 1, 2006. The CFR volume issued as of January 1, 2005 should be retained. \5\No amendments to this volume were promulgated during the period January 1, 2006, through January 1, 2007. The CFR volume issued as of January 6, 2006 should be retained. \6\No amendments to this volume were promulgated during the period April 1, 2000, through April 1, 2006. The CFR volume issued as of April 1, 2000 should be retained. \7\No amendments to this volume were promulgated during the period April 1, 2005, through April 1, 2006. The CFR volume issued as of April 1, 2004 should be retained. \8\No amendments to this volume were promulgated during the period April 1, 2005, through April 1, 2006. The CFR volume issued as of April 1, 2005 should be retained. \9\No amendments to this volume were promulgated during the period July 1, 2005, through July 1, 2006. The CFR volume issued as of July 1, 2005 should be retained. \10\No amendments to this volume were promulgated during the period October 1, 2005, through October 1, 2006. The CFR volume issued as of October 1, 2005 should be retained. Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 62 / Monday, April 2, 2007 / Reader Aids [[Page vii]] TABLE OF EFFECTIVE DATES AND TIME PERIODS--APRIL 2007 _______________________________________________________________________ This table is used by the Office of the Federal Register to compute certain dates, such as effective dates and comment deadlines, which appear in agency documents. In computing these dates, the day after publication is counted as the first day. When a date falls on a weekend or holiday, the next Federal business day is used. (See 1 CFR 18.17) A new table will be published in the first issue of each month. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date of FR publication 15 days after publication 30 days after publication 45 days after publication 60 days after publication 90 days after publication ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ April 2 April 17 May 2 May 17 June 1 July 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ April 3 April 18 May 3 May 18 June 4 July 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ April 4 April 19 May 4 May 21 June 4 July 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ April 5 April 20 May 7 May 21 June 4 July 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ April 6 April 23 May 7 May 21 June 5 July 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ April 9 April 24 May 9 May 24 June 8 July 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ April 10 April 25 May 10 May 25 June 11 July 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ April 11 April 26 May 11 May 29 June 11 July 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ April 12 April 27 May 14 May 29 June 11 July 11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ April 13 April 30 May 14 May 29 June 12 July 12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ April 16 May 1 May 16 May 31 June 15 July 16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ April 17 May 2 May 17 June 1 June 18 July 16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ April 18 May 3 May 18 June 4 June 18 July 17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ April 19 May 4 May 21 June 4 June 18 July 18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ April 20 May 7 May 21 June 4 June 19 July 19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ April 23 May 8 May 23 June 7 June 22 July 23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ April 24 May 9 May 24 June 8 June 25 July 23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ April 25 May 10 May 25 June 11 June 25 July 24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ April 26 May 11 May 29 June 11 June 25 July 25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ April 27 May 14 May 29 June 11 June 26 July 26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ April 30 May 15 May 30 June 14 June 29 July 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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