Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to OMB for Review and Approval; Comment Request; NSPS for Nitric Acid Plants (Renewal), EPA ICR Number 1056.09, OMB Control Number 2060-0019, 14098-14099 [E7-5490]
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cprice-sewell on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 57 / Monday, March 26, 2007 / Notices
entitled top protection from disclosure
as allowed in section 114(c) of the Act.
Burden Statement: We estimate the
annual public reporting and
recordkeeping burden for this collection
of information to average about 445
hours per response. Burden means the
total time, effort, or financial resources
expended by persons to generate,
maintain, retain, or disclose or provide
information to or for a Federal agency.
This includes the time needed to review
instructions; develop, acquire, install,
and utilize technology and systems for
the purposes of collecting, validating,
and verifying information, processing
and maintaining information, and
disclosing and providing information;
adjust the existing ways to comply with
any previously applicable instructions
and requirements which have
subsequently changed; train personnel
to be able to respond to a collection of
information; search data sources;
complete and review the collection of
information; and transmit or otherwise
disclose the information.
Based on the Agency’s knowledge of
the number of title V permits issued
since 1997 and the implementation of
part 64 through permit renewals, the
expected impact of the CAM program
for the 3 years from October 1, 2006
until September 30, 2009 is about 3.12
million hours annually. The CAM rule
will incur an average annual cost of
about $114.5 million in 2005 dollars.
There are no annualized capital and
operation and maintenance costs.
The CAM program potentially affects
about 25,000 pollutant-specific
emissions units nationwide. The annual
burden for source owners or operators is
about 3.1 million hours for pollutantspecific emissions units combined. The
CAM rule will incur an average annual
cost of about $112 million in 2005
dollars. There are no annualized capital
and operational and maintenance costs
for monitoring programs in the cost
During the period, permitting
authorities will review CAM rule
submittals from source owners or
operators whose permits have already
been issued and are renewing those
permits as the 5-year permit terms
expire. Permitting authorities will also
be interacting with the source owners or
operators in addressing the CAM in
semi-annual monitoring reports and
reporting CAM data as necessary. We
estimate the annual CAM burden to
permitting authorities to be about
37,000 hours and about $1.9 million.
The ICR provides a detailed
explanation of the Agency’s estimate,
which is only briefly summarized here:
VerDate Aug<31>2005
15:30 Mar 23, 2007
Jkt 211001
Respondents/Affected Entities:
Owners and operators of title V sources
with controlled pollutant specific
emissions units that have a pre-control
potential to emit major amounts of
regulated air pollutants and permitting
Estimated Number of Respondents:
418 (sources plus permitting authorities,
Frequency of Response: Incremental
semi-annual and annual reports, plus
every 5 years at permit renewal.
Estimated Total Annual Hour Burden:
3,121,743 hours.
Estimated Total Annual Costs: $114.5
million. This includes annual labor
costs for sources and permitting
authorities and no capital or O&M costs.
Changes in the Estimate: There is an
increase of 3,058,055 hours in the total
estimated respondent annual burden
currently identified in the OMB
Inventory of Approved ICR Burdens.
This increase reflects the significant
increase in number of respondents
resulting from the implementation of
the rule and an increased number of
operating permit renewals, and EPA’s
reassessment of the reporting and
recordkeeping burdens associate with
implementing this rule.
Dated: March 16, 2007.
Oscar Morales,
Director, Collection Strategies Division.
[FR Doc. E7–5488 Filed 3–23–07; 8:45 am]
[EPA–HQ–OECA–2006–0437 FRL–8291–9]
Agency Information Collection
Activities; Submission to OMB for
Review and Approval; Comment
Request; NSPS for Nitric Acid Plants
(Renewal), EPA ICR Number 1056.09,
OMB Control Number 2060–0019
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: In compliance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C.
3501 et seq.), this document announces
that an Information Collection Request
(ICR) has been forwarded to the Office
of Management and Budget (OMB) for
review and approval. This is a request
to renew an existing approved
collection. This ICR is scheduled to
expire on April 30, 2007. Under OMB
regulations, the Agency may continue to
conduct or sponsor the collection of
information while this submission is
pending at OMB. This ICR describes the
PO 00000
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nature of the information collection and
its estimated burden and cost.
DATES: Additional comments may be
submitted on or before April 25, 2007.
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,
referencing docket ID number EPA–HQ–
OECA–2006–0437, to (1) EPA online
using (our
preferred method), by e-mail to, or by mail to: EPA
Docket Center (EPA/DC), Environmental
Protection Agency, Enforcement and
Compliance Docket and Information
Center, Mail Code 2201T, 1200
Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.,
Washington, DC 20460, and (2) OMB at:
Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs, Office of Management and
Budget (OMB), Attention: Desk Officer
for EPA, 725 17th Street, NW.,
Washington, DC 20503.
Learia Williams, Compliance
Assessment and Media Programs
Division, Office of Compliance, Mail
Code 2223A, Environmental Protection
Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue,
NW., Washington, DC 20460; telephone
number: (202) 564–4113; fax number:
(202) 564–0050; e-mail address:
submitted the following ICR to OMB for
review and approval according to the
procedures prescribed in 5 CFR 1320.12.
On June 21, 2006 (71 FR 35652), EPA
sought comments on this ICR pursuant
to 5 CFR 1320.8(d). EPA received no
EPA has established a public docket
for this ICR under Docket ID Number
EPA–HQ–OECA–2006–0437, which is
available for online viewing at https://, or in person
viewing at the Enforcement and
Compliance Docket and Information
Center in the EPA Docket Center (EPA/
DC), EPA West, Room 3334, 1301
Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington,
DC. The EPA Docket Center Public
Reading Room is open from 8:30 a.m. to
4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday,
excluding legal holidays. The telephone
number for the Reading Room is (202)
566–1744, and the telephone number for
the Enforcement and Compliance
Docket Center is (202) 566–1927.
Use EPA’s electronic docket and
comment system at,
to submit or view public comments,
access the index listing of the contents
of the docket, and to access those
documents in the docket that are
available electronically. Once in the
system, select ‘‘docket search,’’ then key
in the docket ID number identified
above. Please note that EPA’s policy is
that public comments, whether
cprice-sewell on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 57 / Monday, March 26, 2007 / Notices
submitted electronically or in paper,
will be made available for public
viewing at, as EPA
receives them and without change,
unless the comment contains
copyrighted material, CBI, or other
information whose public disclosure is
restricted by statute. For further
information about the electronic docket,
go to
Title: NSPS for Nitric Acid Plants
ICR Numbers: EPA ICR Number
1056.09, OMB Control Number 2060–
ICR Status: This ICR is scheduled to
expire on April 30, 2007. Under OMB
regulations, the Agency may continue to
conduct or sponsor the collection of
information while this submission is
pending at OMB. An Agency may not
conduct or sponsor, and a person is not
required to respond to, a collection of
information unless it displays a
currently valid OMB control number.
The OMB control numbers for EPA’s
regulations in title 40 of the CFR, after
appearing in the Federal Register when
approved, are listed in 40 CFR part 9,
are displayed either by publication in
the Federal Register or by other
appropriate means, such as on the
related collection instrument or form, if
applicable. The display of OMB control
numbers in certain EPA regulations is
consolidated in 40 CFR part 9.
Abstract: The New Source
Performance Standards (NSPS) for
Nitric Acid Plants were proposed on
August 17, 1971, and promulgated on
June 14, 1974. These standards apply to
nitric acid production units, which
commenced construction, modification
or reconstruction after the date of
proposal. The standards require
periodic recordkeeping to document
process information relating to the
source’s ability to meet the requirements
of the standard and to note the
operational conditions under which
compliance was achieved.
Owners or operators of the affected
facilities described must make the
following one-time only reports:
Notification of the date of construction
or reconstruction; notification of the
actual dates of startup, notification of
any physical or operational change to an
existing facility which may increase the
regulated pollutant emission rate;
notification of the date of the initial
performance test; and the results of the
initial performance test.
Owners or operators are also required
to maintain records of the occurrence
and duration of any startup, shutdown,
or malfunction in the operation of an
affected facility or any period during
which the monitoring system is
VerDate Aug<31>2005
15:30 Mar 23, 2007
Jkt 211001
inoperative. These notifications, reports,
records and semiannual reports are
required of all sources subject to NSPS.
This information is used by the Agency
to identify sources subject to the
standards to insure that the best
demonstrated technology is being
properly applied.
In the Administrator’s judgment,
volatile organic compound (VOC)
emissions from nitric acid plants cause
or contribute to air pollution that may
reasonably be anticipated to endanger
public health or welfare. Therefore,
NSPS were promulgated for this source
An Agency may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information
unless it displays a currently valid OMB
Control Number. The OMB Control
Number for EPA’s regulations are listed
in 40 CFR part 9 and 48 CFR chapter 15,
and are identified on the form and/or
instrument, if applicable.
Burden Statement: The annual public
reporting and recordkeeping burden for
this collection of information are
estimated to average 25 hours per
response. Burden means the total time,
effort, or financial resources expended
by persons to generate, maintain, retain,
or disclose or provide information to or
for a Federal agency. This includes the
time needed to review instructions;
develop, acquire, install, and utilize
technology and systems for the purposes
of collecting, validating, and verifying
information, processing and
maintaining information, and disclosing
and providing information; adjust the
existing ways to comply with any
previously applicable instructions and
requirements; train personnel to be able
to respond to a collection of
information; search data sources;
complete and review the collection of
information; and transmit or otherwise
disclose the information.
Respondents/Affected Entities: Nitric
acid plants.
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Frequency of Response: Initially and
Estimated Total Annual Hour Burden:
Estimated Total Costs: $2,549,639,
which includes $68,000 annualized
Capital Start up costs, $2,400,000
annualized Operations & Maintenance
(O & M) costs, and $81,639 annualized
Labor costs.
Changes in the Estimates: There is no
change in the labor hours or cost in this
ICR compared to the previous ICR. This
is due to two considerations. First, the
regulations have not changed over the
past three years and are not anticipated
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to change over the next three years.
Secondly, the growth rate for the
industry is very low, negative or nonexistent, so there is no significant
change in the overall burden.
Since there are no changes in the
regulatory requirements and there is no
significant industry growth, the labor
hours and cost figures in the previous
ICR are used in this ICR and there is no
change in burden to industry.
Dated: March 14, 2007.
Oscar Morales,
Director, Collection Strategies Division.
[FR Doc. E7–5490 Filed 3–23–07; 8:45 am]
[EPA–HQ–ORD–2007–0143; FRL–8291–5]
Request for Nominations to the EPA
Human Studies Review Board
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA or Agency)
Office of the Science Advisor (OSA) is
soliciting nominations of qualified
individuals in the area of biostatistics to
serve on the Human Studies Review
Board (HSRB). The HSRB is a Federal
advisory committee, operating in
accordance with the Federal Advisory
Committee Act (FACA) 5 U.S.C. App. 2
section 9, providing advice,
information, and recommendations to
EPA on issues related to scientific and
ethical aspects of human subjects
Nominations should be
submitted to EPA no later than April 25,
ADDRESSES: Submit your nominations
(‘‘comments’’), identified by Docket ID
No. EPA–HQ–ORD–2007–0143, by one
of the following methods:
Follow the on-line instructions for
submitting comments.
Mail: ORD Docket, Environmental
Protection Agency, Mailcode: 28221T,
1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW.,
Washington, DC 20460.
Hand Delivery: EPA Docket Center
(EPA/DC), Room 3304, EPA West
Building, 1301 Constitution Avenue,
NW., Washington, DC 20460, Attention
Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–ORD–2007–
0143. Deliveries are only accepted from
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through
Friday, excluding legal holidays.
[Federal Register Volume 72, Number 57 (Monday, March 26, 2007)]
[Pages 14098-14099]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E7-5490]
[EPA-HQ-OECA-2006-0437 FRL-8291-9]
Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to OMB for
Review and Approval; Comment Request; NSPS for Nitric Acid Plants
(Renewal), EPA ICR Number 1056.09, OMB Control Number 2060-0019
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501
et seq.), this document announces that an Information Collection
Request (ICR) has been forwarded to the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for review and approval. This is a request to renew an existing
approved collection. This ICR is scheduled to expire on April 30, 2007.
Under OMB regulations, the Agency may continue to conduct or sponsor
the collection of information while this submission is pending at OMB.
This ICR describes the nature of the information collection and its
estimated burden and cost.
DATES: Additional comments may be submitted on or before April 25,
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments, referencing docket ID number EPA-HQ-
OECA-2006-0437, to (1) EPA online using (our
preferred method), by e-mail to, or by mail to: EPA
Docket Center (EPA/DC), Environmental Protection Agency, Enforcement
and Compliance Docket and Information Center, Mail Code 2201T, 1200
Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20460, and (2) OMB at: Office
of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget
(OMB), Attention: Desk Officer for EPA, 725 17th Street, NW.,
Washington, DC 20503.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Learia Williams, Compliance Assessment
and Media Programs Division, Office of Compliance, Mail Code 2223A,
Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.,
Washington, DC 20460; telephone number: (202) 564-4113; fax number:
(202) 564-0050; e-mail address:
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: EPA has submitted the following ICR to OMB
for review and approval according to the procedures prescribed in 5 CFR
1320.12. On June 21, 2006 (71 FR 35652), EPA sought comments on this
ICR pursuant to 5 CFR 1320.8(d). EPA received no comments.
EPA has established a public docket for this ICR under Docket ID
Number EPA-HQ-OECA-2006-0437, which is available for online viewing at, or in person viewing at the Enforcement and
Compliance Docket and Information Center in the EPA Docket Center (EPA/
DC), EPA West, Room 3334, 1301 Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington,
DC. The EPA Docket Center Public Reading Room is open from 8:30 a.m. to
4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays. The
telephone number for the Reading Room is (202) 566-1744, and the
telephone number for the Enforcement and Compliance Docket Center is
(202) 566-1927.
Use EPA's electronic docket and comment system at https://, to submit or view public comments, access the index
listing of the contents of the docket, and to access those documents in
the docket that are available electronically. Once in the system,
select ``docket search,'' then key in the docket ID number identified
above. Please note that EPA's policy is that public comments, whether
[[Page 14099]]
submitted electronically or in paper, will be made available for public
viewing at, as EPA receives them and without
change, unless the comment contains copyrighted material, CBI, or other
information whose public disclosure is restricted by statute. For
further information about the electronic docket, go to
Title: NSPS for Nitric Acid Plants (Renewal).
ICR Numbers: EPA ICR Number 1056.09, OMB Control Number 2060-0019.
ICR Status: This ICR is scheduled to expire on April 30, 2007.
Under OMB regulations, the Agency may continue to conduct or sponsor
the collection of information while this submission is pending at OMB.
An Agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently
valid OMB control number. The OMB control numbers for EPA's regulations
in title 40 of the CFR, after appearing in the Federal Register when
approved, are listed in 40 CFR part 9, are displayed either by
publication in the Federal Register or by other appropriate means, such
as on the related collection instrument or form, if applicable. The
display of OMB control numbers in certain EPA regulations is
consolidated in 40 CFR part 9.
Abstract: The New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) for Nitric
Acid Plants were proposed on August 17, 1971, and promulgated on June
14, 1974. These standards apply to nitric acid production units, which
commenced construction, modification or reconstruction after the date
of proposal. The standards require periodic recordkeeping to document
process information relating to the source's ability to meet the
requirements of the standard and to note the operational conditions
under which compliance was achieved.
Owners or operators of the affected facilities described must make
the following one-time only reports: Notification of the date of
construction or reconstruction; notification of the actual dates of
startup, notification of any physical or operational change to an
existing facility which may increase the regulated pollutant emission
rate; notification of the date of the initial performance test; and the
results of the initial performance test.
Owners or operators are also required to maintain records of the
occurrence and duration of any startup, shutdown, or malfunction in the
operation of an affected facility or any period during which the
monitoring system is inoperative. These notifications, reports, records
and semiannual reports are required of all sources subject to NSPS.
This information is used by the Agency to identify sources subject to
the standards to insure that the best demonstrated technology is being
properly applied.
In the Administrator's judgment, volatile organic compound (VOC)
emissions from nitric acid plants cause or contribute to air pollution
that may reasonably be anticipated to endanger public health or
welfare. Therefore, NSPS were promulgated for this source category.
An Agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required
to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a
currently valid OMB Control Number. The OMB Control Number for EPA's
regulations are listed in 40 CFR part 9 and 48 CFR chapter 15, and are
identified on the form and/or instrument, if applicable.
Burden Statement: The annual public reporting and recordkeeping
burden for this collection of information are estimated to average 25
hours per response. Burden means the total time, effort, or financial
resources expended by persons to generate, maintain, retain, or
disclose or provide information to or for a Federal agency. This
includes the time needed to review instructions; develop, acquire,
install, and utilize technology and systems for the purposes of
collecting, validating, and verifying information, processing and
maintaining information, and disclosing and providing information;
adjust the existing ways to comply with any previously applicable
instructions and requirements; train personnel to be able to respond to
a collection of information; search data sources; complete and review
the collection of information; and transmit or otherwise disclose the
Respondents/Affected Entities: Nitric acid plants.
Estimated Number of Respondents: 24.
Frequency of Response: Initially and semiannually.
Estimated Total Annual Hour Burden: 1,290.
Estimated Total Costs: $2,549,639, which includes $68,000
annualized Capital Start up costs, $2,400,000 annualized Operations &
Maintenance (O & M) costs, and $81,639 annualized Labor costs.
Changes in the Estimates: There is no change in the labor hours or
cost in this ICR compared to the previous ICR. This is due to two
considerations. First, the regulations have not changed over the past
three years and are not anticipated to change over the next three
years. Secondly, the growth rate for the industry is very low, negative
or non-existent, so there is no significant change in the overall
Since there are no changes in the regulatory requirements and there
is no significant industry growth, the labor hours and cost figures in
the previous ICR are used in this ICR and there is no change in burden
to industry.
Dated: March 14, 2007.
Oscar Morales,
Director, Collection Strategies Division.
[FR Doc. E7-5490 Filed 3-23-07; 8:45 am]