Notice of Application for Non-Project Use of Project Lands and Waters and Soliciting Comments, Motions To Intervene, and Protests, 10512-10513 [E7-3968]
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sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 45 / Thursday, March 8, 2007 / Notices
The staff concludes that approval of this
proposal would not constitute a major
Federal action significantly affecting the
quality of the human environment.
The EA has been placed in the public
files of the FERC and is available for
public inspection at: Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission, Public
Reference, 888 First Street, NE., Room
2A, Washington, DC 20426, (202) 502–
Copies of the EA have been mailed to
federal, state and local agencies, public
interest groups, interested individuals,
affected landowners, newspapers, and
parties to this proceeding.
Any person wishing to comment on
the EA may do so. To ensure
consideration prior to a Commission
decision on the proposal, it is important
that we receive your comments before
the date specified below.
Please note that the Commission
strongly encourages electronic filing of
any comments or interventions or
protests to this proceeding. See 18 CFR
385.2001(a)(1)(iii) and the instructions
on the Commission’s Web site at https:// under the ‘‘e-Filing’’ link
and the link to the User’s Guide. Before
you can file comments you will need to
create a free account which can be
created by clicking on ‘‘Sign-up.’’
If you are filing written comments,
please carefully follow these
instructions to ensure that your
comments are received in time and
properly recorded:
• Send an original and two copies of
your comments to: Secretary, Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission, 888
First St., NE., Room 1A, Washington, DC
• Label one copy of the comments for
the attention of the Gas Branch 3, PJ
• Reference Docket No. CP06–442–
000; and
• Mail your comments so that they
will be received in Washington, DC on
or before April 2, 2007.
Comments will be considered by the
Commission but will not serve to make
the commentor a party to the
proceeding. Any person seeking to
become a party to the proceeding must
file a motion to intervene pursuant to
Rule 214 of the Commission’s Rules of
Practice and Procedures (18 CFR
385.214).1 Only intervenors have the
right to seek rehearing of the
Commission’s decision.
Affected landowners and parties with
environmental concerns may be granted
intervenor status upon showing good
1 Interventions may also be filed electronically via
the Internet in lieu of paper. See the previous
discussion on filing comments electronically.
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cause by stating that they have a clear
and direct interest in this proceeding
which would not be adequately
represented by any other parties. You do
not need intervenor status to have your
comments considered.
Additional information about the
project is available from the
Commission’s Office of External Affairs,
at 1–866–208–FERC or on the FERC
Internet Web site ( using
the eLibrary link. Click on the eLibrary
link, click on ‘‘General Search’’ and
enter the docket number excluding the
last three digits in the Docket Number
field. Be sure you have selected an
appropriate date range. For assistance,
please contact FERC Online Support at or toll free
at 1–866–208–3676, or for TTY, contact
(202) 502–8659. The eLibrary link also
provides access to the texts of formal
documents issued by the Commission,
such as orders, notices, and
rulemakings. In addition, the
Commission now offers a free service
called eSubscription which allows you
to keep track of all formal issuances and
submittals in specific dockets. This can
reduce the amount of time you spend
researching proceedings by
automatically providing you with
notification of these filings, document
summaries and direct links to the
documents. Go to
Magalie R. Salas,
[FR Doc. E7–4120 Filed 3–7–07; 8:45 am]
Federal Energy Regulatory
Notice of Application for Non-Project
Use of Project Lands and Waters and
Soliciting Comments, Motions To
Intervene, and Protests
February 27, 2007.
Take notice that the following
application has been filed with the
Commission and is available for public
a. Application Type: Non-Project Use
of Project Lands and Waters.
b. Project No.: 349–121.
c. Date Filed: December 19, 2006, and
supplemented on February 21, 2007.
d. Applicant: Alabama Power
e. Name of Project: Martin Dam
Hydroelectric Project.
f. Location: The project is located on
Lake Martin in Elmore County,
PO 00000
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g. Filed Pursuant to: Federal Power
Act, 16 U.S.C. § §thnsp;791(a)–825(r)
and § § 799 and 801.
h. Applicant Contact: Mr. Keith E.
Bryant, Senior Engineer; 600 18th Street
North, Birmingham, AL 35203, (205)
i. FERC Contact: Any questions on
this notice should be addressed to Isis
Johnson at (202) 502–6346, or by e-mail:
j. Deadline for filing comments and or
motions: March 27, 2007.
All documents (original and eight
copies) should be filed with: Secretary,
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
888 First Street, NE., Washington, DC
20426. Please include the project
number (P–349–121) on any comments
or motions filed. Comments, protests,
and interventions may be filed
electronically via the internet in lieu of
paper. See, 18 CFR 385.2001(a)(1)(iii)
and the instructions on the
Commission’s Web site under the ‘‘eFiling’’ link. The Commission strongly
encourages e-filings.
k. Description of Request: Alabama
Power Company, licensee for the Martin
Dam Hydroelectric Project, has
requested Commission approval to
permit Anchor Bay Marina, LP to
redevelop the facilities at Anchor Bay
Marina on Lake Martin. The proposed
redevelopment would include: (1)
Relocating three existing dock structures
with a total of 51 slips; (2) adding drystack storage for 144 boats; (3) providing
additional parking facilities; (4)
upgrading the existing boat showroom;
and (5) remodeling the existing sales
office, restroom facilities, and
restaurant. The dock structures would
be moved across the bay to the eastern
peninsula, along with their associated
water, electricity and cable television
lines. No new structures would be
added to the lake. The proposal also
includes the associated grading the east
peninsula. Filter fabric and riprap
would be used to stabilize the shoreline.
All excess material would be
transported to an inland spoil area
outside the project boundary. The
marina is located on the south shore of
Kowaliga Bay, approximately three
stream miles above Martin Dam in
Elmore County, Alabama.
l. Location of the Application: This
filing is available for review at the
Commission or may be viewed on the
Commission’s Web site at https://, using the ‘‘eLibrary’’ link.
Enter the docket number excluding the
last three digits in the docket number
field to access the document. For
assistance, contact FERC Online
Support at or toll-
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 45 / Thursday, March 8, 2007 / Notices
free at (866) 208–3676, or for TTY,
contact (202) 502–8659.
m. Individuals desiring to be included
on the Commission’s mailing list should
so indicate by writing to the Secretary
of the Commission.
n. Comments, Protests, or Motions to
Intervene—Anyone may submit
comments, a protest, or a motion to
intervene in accordance with the
requirements of Rules of Practice and
Procedure, 18 CFR 385.210, .211, .214.
In determining the appropriate action to
take, the Commission will consider all
protests or other comments filed, but
only those who file a motion to
intervene in accordance with the
Commission’s Rules may become a
party to the proceeding. Any comments,
protests, or motions to intervene must
be received on or before the specified
comment date for the particular
o. Filing and Service of Responsive
Documents—Any filings must bear in
all capital letters the title
applicable, and the Project Number of
the particular application to which the
filing refers. A copy of any motion to
intervene must also be served upon each
representative of the Applicant
specified in the particular application.
p. Agency Comments—Federal, state,
and local agencies are invited to file
comments on the described
applications. A copy of the applications
may be obtained by agencies directly
from the Applicant. If an agency does
not file comments within the time
specified for filing comments, it will be
presumed to have no comments. One
copy of an agency’s comments must also
be sent to the Applicant’s
Magalie R. Salas,
[FR Doc. E7–3968 Filed 3–7–07; 8:45 am]
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
Federal Energy Regulatory
Notice of Application Accepted for
Filing, Soliciting Motions To Intervene
and Protests, Ready for Environmental
Analysis, and Soliciting Comments,
Recommendations, Terms and
Conditions, and Fishway Prescriptions
March 2, 2007.
Take notice that the following
hydroelectric application has been filed
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with the Commission and is available
for public inspection.
a. Application Type: Amendment of
license to upgrade the installed
b. Project No.: 2778–035.
c. Date Filed: August 17, 2006.
d. Applicant: Idaho Power Company.
e. Name of Project: Shoshone Falls.
f. Location: The project is located on
the on the Snake River in Jerome and
Twin Falls Counties, Idaho. Part of the
project occupies lands owned by the
Bureau of Land Management.
g. Filed Pursuant to: Federal Power
Act, 16 U.S.C. 791a–825r.
h. Applicant Contact: Tom R. Saldin,
Senior Vice President, Idaho Power Co.,
P.O. Box 70, Boise, Idaho 83707. Tel:
(208) 388–2550. Also, Mr. Nathan F.
Gardiner, Idaho Power Co., P.O. Box 70,
Boise, Idaho 83707. Tel: (208) 388–2975.
i. FERC Contact: Any questions on
this notice should be addressed to
Vedula Sarma at (202) 502–6190 or
j. Deadline for filing motions to
intervene and protests, comments,
recommendations, preliminary terms
and conditions, and preliminary
fishway prescriptions is 60 days from
the issuance of this notice; reply
comments are due 105 days from the
issuance date of this notice. All
documents (original and eight copies)
should be filed with: Secretary, Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission, 888
First Street, NE., Washington, DC 20426.
The Commission’s Rules of Practice
require all intervenors filing documents
with the Commission to serve a copy of
that document on each person on the
official service list for the project.
Further, if an intervenor files comments
or documents with the Commission
relating to the merits of an issue that
may affect the responsibilities of a
particular resource agency, they must
also serve a copy of the document on
that resource agency.
Motions to intervene, protests,
comments, recommendations, terms and
conditions, and fishway prescriptions
may be filed electronically via the
Internet in lieu of paper. The
Commission strongly encourages
electronic filings. See 18 CFR
385.2001(a)(1)(iii) and the instructions
on the Commission’s Web site (https:// under the ‘‘e-Filing’’ link.
k. This application has been accepted
for filing and is ready for further
environmental analysis. On February
27, 2007, Commission staff issued a
draft environmental assessment to
facilitate the generation of further
analysis on the proposed project
expansion. Idaho Power Company (IPC)
proposes to demolish a section of the
PO 00000
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Shoshone Falls powerhouse built in
1907 and containing two generating
units 0.4 MW, and 0.6 MW and replace
it with a new powerhouse containing a
50 MW generating unit. The project’s
authorized installed capacity would
increase from 11,875 kilowatts (kW) to
60,875 kW, and the hydraulic capacity
would increase from 815 cubic feet per
second (cfs) to 4,815 cfs. The IPC also
requests an extension of the license term
for the project from 30 to 50 years.
l. A copy of the application is
available for review at the Commission
in the Public Reference Room or may be
viewed on the Commission’s Web site at using the
‘‘eLibrary’’ link. Enter the docket
number excluding the last three digits in
the docket number field to access the
document. For assistance, contact FERC
Online Support at or tollfree at 1–866–208–3676, or for TTY,
202–502–8659. A copy is also available
for inspection and reproduction at the
address in item h above.
Register online at https:// to be
notified via e-mail of new filings and
issuances related to this or other
pending projects. For assistance, contact
FERC Online Support.
m. Anyone may submit comments, a
protest, or a motion to intervene in
accordance with the requirements of
Rules of Practice and Procedure, 18 CFR
385.210, .211, .214. In determining the
appropriate action to take, the
Commission will consider all protests or
other comments filed, but only those
who file a motion to intervene in
accordance with the Commission’s
Rules may become a party to the
proceeding. Any comments, protests, or
motions to intervene must be received
on or before the specified comment date
for the particular application.
All filings must (1) Bear in all capital
letters the title ‘‘PROTEST’’, ‘‘MOTION
PRESCRIPTIONS;’’ (2) set forth in the
heading the name of the applicant and
the project number of the application to
which the filing responds; (3) furnish
the name, address, and telephone
number of the person protesting or
intervening; and (4) otherwise comply
with the requirements of 18 CFR
385.2001 through 385.2005. All
comments, recommendations, terms and
conditions or prescriptions must set
forth their evidentiary basis and
otherwise comply with the requirements
of 18 CFR 4.34(b). All comments,
recommendations, terms and conditions
[Federal Register Volume 72, Number 45 (Thursday, March 8, 2007)]
[Pages 10512-10513]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E7-3968]
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Notice of Application for Non-Project Use of Project Lands and
Waters and Soliciting Comments, Motions To Intervene, and Protests
February 27, 2007.
Take notice that the following application has been filed with the
Commission and is available for public inspection:
a. Application Type: Non-Project Use of Project Lands and Waters.
b. Project No.: 349-121.
c. Date Filed: December 19, 2006, and supplemented on February 21,
d. Applicant: Alabama Power Company.
e. Name of Project: Martin Dam Hydroelectric Project.
f. Location: The project is located on Lake Martin in Elmore
County, Alabama.
g. Filed Pursuant to: Federal Power Act, 16 U.S.C. Sec.
Sec. thnsp;791(a)-825(r) and Sec. Sec. 799 and 801.
h. Applicant Contact: Mr. Keith E. Bryant, Senior Engineer; 600
18th Street North, Birmingham, AL 35203, (205) 257-1403.
i. FERC Contact: Any questions on this notice should be addressed
to Isis Johnson at (202) 502-6346, or by e-mail:
j. Deadline for filing comments and or motions: March 27, 2007.
All documents (original and eight copies) should be filed with:
Secretary, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street, NE.,
Washington, DC 20426. Please include the project number (P-349-121) on
any comments or motions filed. Comments, protests, and interventions
may be filed electronically via the internet in lieu of paper. See, 18
CFR 385.2001(a)(1)(iii) and the instructions on the Commission's Web
site under the ``e-Filing'' link. The Commission strongly encourages e-
k. Description of Request: Alabama Power Company, licensee for the
Martin Dam Hydroelectric Project, has requested Commission approval to
permit Anchor Bay Marina, LP to redevelop the facilities at Anchor Bay
Marina on Lake Martin. The proposed redevelopment would include: (1)
Relocating three existing dock structures with a total of 51 slips; (2)
adding dry-stack storage for 144 boats; (3) providing additional
parking facilities; (4) upgrading the existing boat showroom; and (5)
remodeling the existing sales office, restroom facilities, and
restaurant. The dock structures would be moved across the bay to the
eastern peninsula, along with their associated water, electricity and
cable television lines. No new structures would be added to the lake.
The proposal also includes the associated grading the east peninsula.
Filter fabric and riprap would be used to stabilize the shoreline. All
excess material would be transported to an inland spoil area outside
the project boundary. The marina is located on the south shore of
Kowaliga Bay, approximately three stream miles above Martin Dam in
Elmore County, Alabama.
l. Location of the Application: This filing is available for review
at the Commission or may be viewed on the Commission's Web site at, using the ``eLibrary'' link. Enter the docket
number excluding the last three digits in the docket number field to
access the document. For assistance, contact FERC Online Support at or toll-
[[Page 10513]]
free at (866) 208-3676, or for TTY, contact (202) 502-8659.
m. Individuals desiring to be included on the Commission's mailing
list should so indicate by writing to the Secretary of the Commission.
n. Comments, Protests, or Motions to Intervene--Anyone may submit
comments, a protest, or a motion to intervene in accordance with the
requirements of Rules of Practice and Procedure, 18 CFR 385.210, .211,
.214. In determining the appropriate action to take, the Commission
will consider all protests or other comments filed, but only those who
file a motion to intervene in accordance with the Commission's Rules
may become a party to the proceeding. Any comments, protests, or
motions to intervene must be received on or before the specified
comment date for the particular application.
o. Filing and Service of Responsive Documents--Any filings must
bear in all capital letters the title ``COMMENTS'', ``RECOMMENDATIONS
applicable, and the Project Number of the particular application to
which the filing refers. A copy of any motion to intervene must also be
served upon each representative of the Applicant specified in the
particular application.
p. Agency Comments--Federal, state, and local agencies are invited
to file comments on the described applications. A copy of the
applications may be obtained by agencies directly from the Applicant.
If an agency does not file comments within the time specified for
filing comments, it will be presumed to have no comments. One copy of
an agency's comments must also be sent to the Applicant's
Magalie R. Salas,
[FR Doc. E7-3968 Filed 3-7-07; 8:45 am]