Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) Request for Grant Proposals: Fulbright Student Program, 6028-6035 [E7-2107]
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 26 / Thursday, February 8, 2007 / Notices
Commission process and review your
comments more efficiently, please use
only one method. The Commission will
post all comments on the Commission’s
Internet Web site (https://www.sec.gov/
rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the
submission, all subsequent
amendments, all written statements
with respect to the proposed rule
change that are filed with the
Commission, and all written
communications relating to the
proposed rule change between the
Commission and any person, other than
those that may be withheld from the
public in accordance with the
provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be
available for inspection and copying in
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Room. Copies of such filing also will be
available for inspection and copying at
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comments received will be posted
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information from submissions. You
should submit only information that
you wish to make available publicly.
All submissions should refer to File
Number SR–NYSE–2007–05 and should
be submitted on or before March 1,
For the Commission, by the Division of
Market Regulation, pursuant to delegated
Florence E. Harmon,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. E7–2085 Filed 2–7–07; 8:45 am]
[Public Notice 5686]
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
Bureau of Educational and Cultural
Affairs (ECA) Request for Grant
Proposals: Fulbright Student Program
Announcement Type: New
Cooperative Agreement.
Funding Opportunity Number: ECA/
Catalog of Federal Domestic
Assistance Number: 19.400.
Key Dates:
Application Deadline: May 3, 2007.
Executive Summary: The Office of
Academic Exchange Programs (ECA/A/
E) of the Bureau of Educational and
Cultural Affairs, U.S. Department of
State announces an open competition
for one or more assistance awards to
provide administrative services for the
Fulbright Student Program in Fiscal
Year 2008. Public and private non-profit
organizations or consortia of eligible
27 17
CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).
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organizations meeting the provisions
described in Internal Revenue Code
section 501(c)(3) may submit proposals
to cooperate with the Bureau in the
administration and implementation of
one or more of the following program
• For U.S. students: the Fulbright
U.S. Student Program.
• For foreign students administered
by world geographic region: the
Fulbright Foreign Student Program.
• For foreign students administered
globally: the International Fulbright
Science and Technology Award, the
Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching
Assistant Program, pre-academic
training, orientation programs, and
enrichment activities.
It is anticipated that the total amount
of funding available for all FY 2008
administrative costs to support the
program components listed above will
be $10,000,000 and will involve
management of 4,090 new students.
I. Funding Opportunity Description
Overall grant making authority for
this program is contained in the Mutual
Educational and Cultural Exchange Act
of 1961, Public Law 87–256, as
amended, also known as the FulbrightHays Act. The purpose of the Act is ‘‘to
enable the Government of the United
States to increase mutual understanding
between the people of the United States
and the people of other countries . . .;
to strengthen the ties which unite us
with other nations by demonstrating the
educational and cultural interests,
developments, and achievements of the
people of the United States and other
nations . . . and thus to assist in the
development of friendly, sympathetic
and peaceful relations between the
United States and the other countries of
the world.’’ The funding authority for
the program above is provided through
The Fulbright Program is the U.S.
government’s premier program for
international academic exchange and
one of our nation’s most important
investments in improving international
relations between the U.S. and other
countries through the development of
future leaders in virtually every area of
endeavor. It was created by the U.S.
Congress after World War II to exchange
U.S. and foreign students, scholars and
teachers to provide them opportunities
to experience firsthand the political,
economic and cultural institutions in
each other’s countries and thus help
establish a basis for international
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mutual understanding and peaceful
interaction. It now extends to over 150
countries worldwide and awards
approximately 7,000 new and renewal
grants to American and foreign
participants each year. The Fulbright
Program focuses on leadership
development and counts among its
270,000 alumni world leaders in every
profession and field of endeavor.
A hallmark of the Fulbright Program
is binationalism. The United States and
foreign governments, U.S. and foreign
educational and other public and
private institutions are all partners in
this exchange. Program priorities are
developed between the U.S. and foreign
partners and in many countries of the
world, financial contributions from
governments or public/private sources
match or exceed those of the United
Administration of the Fulbright
Program is programmatically and
administratively complex. It must
accommodate a variety of circumstances
in every geographic region of the world
and be responsive to and supportive of
many different constituencies in the
United States and abroad, each with its
own sets of goals and concerns. The
integrity of the Program requires
maintenance of the highest and most
consistent standards of academic and
professional quality in the selection of
candidates and the implementation of
projects. While the Program is active in
many countries, it is important that it
maintain a single world-wide identity.
Overall policy guidelines and selection
criteria for all Fulbright programs are
determined by the Presidentially
appointed J. William Fulbright Foreign
Scholarship Board, while responsibility
for conducting the program is assigned
to the Bureau of Educational and
Cultural Affairs of the Department of
Description of the Fulbright Student
The Fulbright Student Program offers
scholarships to recent U.S. and foreign
college and university graduates,
advanced graduate students including
those pursuing doctoral degrees, and
creative artists to study and conduct
research abroad and in the United
States. A basic premise of the Fulbright
program remains the selection of all
participants through an open and
transparent merit-based competition.
U.S. Student Program
Only one cooperative agreement will
be awarded for all administrative
services for the Fulbright U.S. Student
Program. Under the U.S. Fulbright
program, graduating college seniors or
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 26 / Thursday, February 8, 2007 / Notices
developing artists and professionals or
graduate students who are U.S. citizens
are awarded scholarships each year
through a competitive process to study
and undertake research at institutions in
countries overseas. Students must hold
a bachelor’s degree, or its equivalent,
before the start of the grant. Award
opportunities for U.S. students are
determined overseas by binational
Fulbright commissions and U.S.
embassies, in coordination with the
Bureau of Educational and Cultural
Affairs in Washington. In FY 2008, the
Fulbright U.S. Student Program expects
to send abroad approximately 1,400 U.S.
students, developing professionals and
artists to study and conduct research.
In addition to ‘‘traditional’’ research
awards, candidates for awards under the
U.S. student program may apply for
Fulbright English Teaching
Assistantships. Fulbright English
Teaching Assistants (ETA) teach English
language and conversation classes in
secondary schools and universities
abroad while simultaneously pursuing
individual study and research plans.
Candidates may also apply for
Fulbright Islamic Civilization Initiative
awards. These awards are intended to
enhance Americans’ knowledge of Islam
and Islamic culture through the
Fulbright students’ sharing of their
overseas experience.
U.S. students applying for a Fulbright
grant to a country targeted under the
National Security Language Initiative
may request an enhancement of their
award to provide up to six months incountry language training prior to
beginning their research project. This
initiative includes Arabic, Chinese,
Russian, Korean, and the Turkic, Indic
and Persian languages.
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
Foreign Student Program
One or more grants will be awarded
for administration of the Fulbright
Foreign Student Program. Section II
below contains detailed information on
applying to administer all or parts of the
Foreign Student Program.
Fulbright foreign student candidates
are nominated through open, meritbased competitions in each participating
country, conducted by a binational
Fulbright commission or, in the absence
of a commission, by the Public Affairs
Section (PAS) of U.S. embassies.
Scholarship opportunities for foreign
students are determined through
consultations between commissions or
embassies and the Bureau similar to the
process for the U.S. Student Program
nominees. The Fulbright Scholarship
Board makes the final selection of all
Fulbright nominees.
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The Fulbright Foreign Student
Program expects to bring to this country
approximately 2,685 new foreign
students for study and research in the
United States for FY 2008. This total
includes new foreign students in the
two activities listed immediately below.
Applicants for this administrative
award(s) should submit program
proposals and budget projections for
new FY 2008 students only. Awards to
foreign students from prior years will be
administered by the organizations
currently administering the program.
In addition to the traditional foreign
student program operating binationally
in more than 150 countries, the
Fulbright Foreign Student Program also
includes two special activities that are
competed and funded on a worldwide
basis: the International Fulbright
Science and Technology Award and the
Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching
Assistant Program.
The International Fulbright Science
and Technology award (S&T) for
outstanding foreign students is designed
to be among the most prestigious
international scholarships in science
and technology. Approximately 40
awards will be funded in FY 2008 for
Ph.D. study at a top U.S. academic
institution in science, technology or
engineering. Applicants will apply
through Fulbright commissions or U.S.
embassies in their country of
citizenship. Awards will be made to
candidates who demonstrate unique
aptitude and innovation in scientific
The Fulbright Foreign Language
Teaching Assistant Program (FLTA)
aims to strengthen foreign language
instruction at U.S. educational
institutions while providing young
teachers or teacher trainees of English as
a Foreign Language the opportunity to
refine their teaching skills, increase
their English language proficiency, and
broaden their knowledge of American
society and culture. The FLTA is
another key component of the National
Security Language Initiative. Fellows
are placed for an academic year at a U.S.
university where they teach their native
language and enroll in at least two
courses in U.S. studies or teaching
methodology. Languages taught by
FLTA participants may include Arabic,
Bengali, Chinese, French, Dari, Gaelic,
German, Hausa, Hindi, Indonesian,
Italian, Korean, Malay, Mongolian,
Pashto, Russian, Spanish, Swahili,
Tagalog, Tajik, Thai, Turkish, Urdu, and
Wolof. In FY 2008, the Bureau intends
to fund 400 FLTAs of whom 300 will be
in the strategic languages identified
under the NSLI program.
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Orientation and Enrichment Programs
The Bureau funds centrally a range of
activities designed to deepen the mutual
understanding foundation of the
Fulbright Program. These activities are
primarily related to orientation and
enrichment. The activities include preacademic English language and field of
study programs in law and economics;
three-day entry orientation programs
designed to introduce Fulbright
students to American academic life; and
enrichment seminars for first year
Fulbright foreign students.
Management of the Fulbright Student
Program is shared among the Office of
Academic Exchange Programs (ECA/A/
E) of the U.S. Department of State in
Washington, bilateral Fulbright
commissions in 50 countries, Public
Affairs Sections (PAS) of more than 100
U.S. embassies abroad, and cooperating
private sector organizations in the
United States. Grantee cooperating
agencies must ensure full and proper
identification of the Fulbright program
with the U.S. government and the
Department of State.
The Bureau will work cooperatively
and closely with the recipient(s) of
cooperative agreement award(s), provide
guidance and maintain a regular
dialogue on administrative and program
issues and questions as they arise over
the duration of the award.
Bureau activities and responsibilities
for this program include:
(1) Participation in the design and
direction of program activities;
(2) Approval of key personnel;
(3) Approval and input on program
timelines, agendas and administrative
(4) Guidance in execution of all
program components;
(5) Review and approval of all
program publicity and recruitment
(6) Approval of participating students,
in cooperation with Fulbright
commissions and U.S. embassies,
subject to final selection by the
Fulbright Board;
(7) Approval of changes to students’
proposed academic field, academic
program, or institution;
(8) Approval of decisions related to
special circumstances or problems
throughout the duration of program;
(9) Assistance with non-immigration
status and other SEVIS-related issues;
(10) Assistance with participant
(11) Liaison with relevant U.S.
embassies, Fulbright commissions and
country desk officers at the State
Programs must conform with Bureau
requirements and guidelines outlined in
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 26 / Thursday, February 8, 2007 / Notices
the Solicitation Package which includes
the Request for Grant Proposals (RFGP),
the Project Objectives, Goals and
Implementation (POGI) and the
Proposal Submission Instructions (PSI).
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
Applicant organizations are requested
to submit a narrative outlining a
comprehensive strategy for the
administration and implementation of
the Fulbright Student Programs for
which they are applying. The
comprehensive program strategy should
reflect a vision for the Program as a
whole, interpreting the goals of the
Fulbright Student Program with
creativity, as well as providing
innovative ideas and recommendations
for the Program. The Bureau places a
priority on insuring that the positive
impact of the Fulbright Student Program
is visible to the public in U.S. and
campus communities and applicants
should outline a plan to work with the
media and other organizations to insure
that the program and its scholarship
awards receive appropriate publicity.
Program For U.S. Students
Services under this cooperative
agreement will begin with the
organization of nominating merit review
panels for candidates for scholarships
beginning in academic year 2008–2009
and include the recruitment of students
for academic year 2009–2010.
Screening and Selection Process:
Applicant organizations should present
a plan to pre-screen for eligibility all
electronic applications previously
received from U.S. program applicants
for academic year 2008–09 and convene
national review panels composed of
area and subject experts to determine
which applicants will be nominated
based upon proven merit, project
proposal feasibility and factors that help
present a truly national character in the
pool, who will be recommended to PAS
and Fulbright commissions overseas
and to the J. William Fulbright Foreign
Scholarship Board.
Program Management: Applicants
should outline in their proposals plans
for tracking and monitoring
participants; development and
maintenance of an electronic database
on participants; and the preparation of
statistical reports on the distribution of
Post-Nomination Services: The
narrative should include a description
of how the cooperative agreement
recipient(s) will inform successful
candidates of their selection, and nonselected candidates and alternates of
their status; provide award packages for
students as required; respond to queries
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from participants; assist with predeparture orientation as requested;
electronically maintain data on
participants; evaluate participants’
health status and provide Bureau health
insurance; monitor participants and
provide participants’ reports and
analyses of these reports to the Bureau;
and assist with emergencies.
Fiscal Management: Applicants
should describe how the cooperating
agency will manage electronic
disbursement of payments to
participants; provide quarterly reports
on actual and projected expenditures;
provide statistical, insurance and other
reports; and monitor and audit internal
functions and systems in accordance
with U.S. government and Bureau
Recruitment: Provide a
comprehensive plan for the recruitment
of U.S. students for all programs for
academic year 2009–2010. Proposals
should offer imaginative strategies for
the recruitment of U.S. students and
plans to enhance the visibility of the
program, with particular focus on the
recruitment of groups currently underrepresented in the Fulbright program.
Publicity and Applications: The
recipient of the cooperative agreement
award will be responsible for
establishing and maintaining a Web site
for the U.S. student program which
should include provision for
electronically submitted applications.
Please outline in detail your plans for
the announcement of scholarship
opportunities for academic year 2009–
2010, application packets, an annual
directory of student participants, and
publicity for the program in the U.S.
Proposals should delineate an outreach
and recruitment strategy, with a strong
focus on diversity, which might include
written and electronic publications,
professional networking, media
relations, outreach to potential
applicants, universities and others.
Programs for Foreign Students
Provide a plan for administration and
implementation of the Foreign Student
Program(s), indicating precisely the
programs for which you are applying.
Describe your capacities for
administering the programs and provide
detailed information on how you will
perform the following duties:
Program Planning and Management:
The award recipient(s) will be
responsible for placement of foreign
students for academic year 2008–09 at
U.S. institutions, as needed; the
development of significant U.S.
institutional and private sector funding
and cost sharing for grants; developing
recommendations on participants’ living
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allowances; producing an electronic
participants database and special
reports. Proposals should offer strategies
for placement and plans to enhance the
visibility of the foreign student program
and may include other innovative
activities. Organizations or consortia of
organizations should describe overseas
capacities to assist U.S. embassies and
Fulbright commissions with publicity,
and recruitment as specified in the
attached Project, Objectives, Goals and
Implementation (POGI), for academic
year 2009–2010. Also detail any
regional, exchange or other kinds of
expertise that your organization would
contribute to the effective
administration of the program.
Selection: Discuss your plans for the
development of a comprehensive Web
site for foreign student applicants and
participants; preparation and
distribution of electronic application
materials and selection guidelines to
Fulbright commissions and PAS for
academic year 2009–2010; receipt and
review of recommended applications for
academic year 2008–2009; making
arrangements for required English
language and other assessments; and
preparation of participants’ handbooks
and orientation material. Your
organization should demonstrate the
capacity to both receive applications
electronically from overseas and to
transmit the applications electronically
to the ECA/A/E regional branches and
the Fulbright Scholarship Board.
Placement: Describe your
organization’s resources and capabilities
for insuring the best and most
appropriate placement of students at a
full range of U.S. public and private
institutions representing geographic and
institutional diversity. Discuss in detail
your organization’s potential for
securing co-funding from U.S.
institutions to leverage U.S. and other
sources of Fulbright funding. Detail
your past success securing cost-sharing.
Supervision and Support: Describe
how you will supervise and monitor
foreign students including oversight of
the following: enrollment in approved
academic programs and academic
performance; medical care and health
insurance; Federal tax compliance; J
visa status; renewal and extension of
awards; and emergencies.
Fiscal Management: Outline your
capacity to manage electronic stipend
payments to participants; handle tax
withholding, as required; provide
reports on expenditures, and insurance;
and monitor and audit internal
functions and systems in accordance
with U.S. government and Bureau
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 26 / Thursday, February 8, 2007 / Notices
English Language and Pre-Academic
Training: One organization or
consortium of organizations will
organize and administer worldwide
English language and pre-academic
training programs and short-term entry
orientation programs for selected
Fulbright students enrolling for
academic year 2008–2009, including
designing criteria and estimating costs
for these programs, placement and
supervision of participating students,
and evaluating and monitoring the
Enrichment Activities: The
organization or consortium of
organizations administering the preacademic and orientation programs will
also administer up to eight enrichment
seminars at locations around the nation
for foreign students in all programs in
academic year 2007–2008. The goal of
these workshops is to provide students
an in-depth understanding of American
institutions, society and culture.
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
II. Award Information
Type of Award: Cooperative
Agreement. ECA’s level of involvement
in this program is listed under number
I above.
Fiscal Year Funds: 2008.
Approximate Total Funding:
$10,000,000 pending availability of
Approximate Number of Awards: One
or more awards, in accordance with the
following options:
Organizations or consortia of
organizations may compete to
administer the entire worldwide
Fulbright Student program, comprising
both the U.S. and foreign student
components. Alternatively, single
organizations or consortia of
organizations may compete to
administer the U.S. student program
and/or the foreign student program
based on the following guidelines:
For the U.S. Student Program, the
Competition is open to:
—Single organizations or consortia of
organizations wishing to administer
the program worldwide.
For the Foreign Student Fulbright
Program, the competition is open to:
—Single organizations or consortia of
organizations wishing to administer the
program worldwide or;
—Single organizations or consortia of
organizations wishing to administer the
foreign student program for one or more
regions of the world. For the purposes
of this competition, regions are defined
as follows:
• Sub-Saharan Africa.
• Europe and Eurasia.
• East Asia and the Pacific.
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• North Africa and the Middle East.
• South and Central Asia.
• Western Hemisphere.
Proposals must include plans to
administer the Fulbright Foreign
Student Program in all of the countries
within a region where there currently is
a program. A complete list of country
programs in each region is provided in
the Project Objectives, Goals and
Implementation (POGI) package. Any
proposal that includes countries not
listed in the POGI may be declared
technically ineligible.
Organizations or consortia of
organizations bidding to administer the
Foreign Student Fulbright Program in
two or more regions must demonstrate
the capacity to administer the centrally
funded global foreign student programs
and enrichment activities including the
Fulbright Foreign Language Assistant
Program, the Fulbright International
Science and Technology Awards,
English language and pre-academic
programs, short-term orientation
programs, and at least eight 3–4 day
enrichment programs.
Consortia wishing to administer the
worldwide U.S. Fulbright Student
Program or the worldwide foreign
student program should designate one
organization to be the recipient of the
cooperative agreement award.
Applications proposing administration
of the Program by a consortium should
provide a detailed description of
arrangements for cooperative work
among the partners and between the
partners and the U.S. and overseas
academic communities, bilateral
commissions and other entities.
The Bureau reserves the right to
reduce, revise or increase proposal
budgets in accordance with the needs of
the program and availability of funds. In
addition, it reserves the right to accept
proposals in whole or in part and make
an award or awards in accordance with
the best interests of the Fulbright
Student Program.
Anticipated Award Date: Pending
availability of funds, October 1, 2007.
Anticipated Project Completion Date:
September 30, 2008.
Additional Information: Pending
successful implementation of this
program and the availability of funds in
subsequent fiscal years, it is ECA’s
intent to renew the grant(s) for a period
of not less than four additional fiscal
years, before openly competing the
program again. The Bureau reserves the
right to renew the award(s) beyond that
III. Eligibility Information
III.1. Eligible applicants: Applications
may be submitted by public and private
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non-profit organizations or consortia of
institutions meeting the provisions
described in Internal Revenue Code
section 26 U.S.C. 501(c)(3).
Consortia of eligible organizations
applying for grants should designate one
organization to be the recipient of the
cooperative agreement award.
Applications proposing a consortium
should provide a detailed description of
the responsibilities of each partner
organization and arrangements for
cooperative work among the partners
and between the partners and overseas
academic communities, binational
commissions, PAS and other entities
responsible for the Fulbright program.
III.2. Cost Sharing or Matching Funds:
The Bureau anticipates that proposals
will include significant amounts of costsharing in support of the Fulbright
Student Program, and encourages
applicants to provide maximum levels
of funding in support of this initiative.
When cost sharing is offered, it is
understood and agreed that the
applicant must provide the amount of
cost sharing as stipulated in its proposal
and later included in an approved grant
agreement. Cost sharing may be in the
form of allowable direct or indirect
costs. For accountability, you must
maintain written records to support all
costs which are claimed as your
contribution, as well as costs to be paid
by the Federal government. Such
records are subject to audit. The basis
for determining the value of cash and
in-kind contributions must be in
accordance with OMB Circular A–110,
(Revised), Subpart C.23—Cost Sharing
and Matching. In the event you do not
provide the minimum amount of cost
sharing as stipulated in the approved
budget, ECA’s contribution will be
reduced in like proportion.
III.3. Other Eligibility Requirements:
Bureau grant guidelines require that
organizations with less than four years
experience in conducting international
exchanges be limited to $60,000 in
Bureau funding. ECA anticipates
awarding one or more cooperative
agreement awards in an amount over
$60,000 to support program and
administrative costs required to
implement this exchange program.
Therefore, organizations with less than
four years experience in conducting
international exchanges are ineligible to
apply under this competition.
IV. Application and Submission
Note: Please read the complete
announcement before sending inquiries or
submitting proposals. Once the RFGP
deadline has passed, Bureau staff may not
discuss this competition with applicants
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 26 / Thursday, February 8, 2007 / Notices
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
until the proposal review process has been
IV.1 Contact Information to Request
an Application Package:
Please contact the Office of Academic
Exchange Programs, ECA/A/E, Room
234, U.S. Department of State, SA–44,
301 4th Street, SW., Washington, DC
20547, e-mail: fulbright@state.gov,
telephone: 202–453–8135 and fax
number: 202–453–8125, to request a
Solicitation Package. Please refer to the
Funding Opportunity Number ECA/A/
E–08–01 when making your request.
Alternatively, an electronic
application package may be obtained
from grants.gov. Please see section IV.3f
for further information.
The Solicitation Package contains the
Proposal Submission Instruction (PSI)
document which consists of required
application forms, and standard
guidelines for proposal preparation.
It also contains the Project Objectives,
Goals and Implementation (POGI)
document, which provides specific
information, award criteria and budget
instructions tailored to this competition.
IV.2. To Download a Solicitation
Package Via Internet: The entire
Solicitation Package may be
downloaded from the Bureau’s Web site
at https://exchanges.state.gov/education/
rfgps/menu.htm, or from the Grants.gov
Web site at https://www.grants.gov.
Please read all information before
IV.3. Content and Form of
Submission: Applicants must follow all
instructions in the Solicitation Package.
The application should be submitted
per the instructions under IV.3f.
‘‘Application Deadline and Methods of
Submission’’ section below.
IV.3a. You are required to have a Dun
and Bradstreet Data Universal
Numbering System (DUNS) number to
apply for a grant or cooperative
agreement from the U.S. Government.
This number is a nine-digit
identification number, which uniquely
identifies business entities. Obtaining a
DUNS number is easy and there is no
charge. To obtain a DUNS number,
access https://
www.dunandbradstreet.com or call 1–
866–705–5711. Please ensure that your
DUNS number is included in the
appropriate box of the SF–424 which is
part of the formal application package.
IV.3b. All proposals must contain an
executive summary, proposal narrative
and budget.
Please Refer to the Solicitation
Package. The mandatory Proposal
Submission Instructions (PSI) document
and the Project Objectives, Goals and
Implementation (POGI) document
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contain additional formatting and
technical requirements.
IV.3c. You must have nonprofit status
with the IRS at the time of application.
If your organization is a private
nonprofit which has not received a grant
or cooperative agreement from ECA in
the past three years, or if your
organization received nonprofit status
from the IRS within the past four years,
you must submit the necessary
documentation to verify nonprofit status
as directed in the PSI document. Failure
to do so will cause your proposal to be
declared technically ineligible.
IV.3d. Please take into consideration
the following information when
preparing your proposal narrative:
IV.3d.1 Adherence to All
Regulations Governing the J Visa.
The Bureau of Educational and
Cultural Affairs places the highest
emphasis on the secure and proper
administration of Exchange Visitor (J
visa) Programs and adherence by
grantees and sponsors to all regulations
governing the J visa. Therefore,
proposals should demonstrate the
applicant’s capacity to meet all
requirements governing the
administration of the Exchange Visitor
Programs as set forth in 22 CFR part 62,
including the oversight of Responsible
Officers and Alternate Responsible
Officers, screening and selection of
program participants, provision of prearrival information and orientation to
participants, monitoring of participants,
proper maintenance and security of
forms, record-keeping, reporting and
other requirements. The Grantee will be
responsible for issuing DS–2019 forms
to participants in this program.
A copy of the complete regulations
governing the administration of
Exchange Visitor (J) programs is
available at https://exchanges.state.gov
or from: United States Department of
State, Office of Exchange Coordination
and Designation, ECA/EC/ECD–SA–44,
Room 734, 301 4th Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20547, Telephone:
(202) 203–5029, FAX: (202) 453–8640.
Please refer to Solicitation Package for
further information.
IV.3d.2 Diversity, Freedom and
Democracy Guidelines. Pursuant to the
Bureau’s authorizing legislation,
programs must maintain a non-political
character and should be balanced and
representative of the diversity of
American political, social, and cultural
life. ‘‘Diversity’’ should be interpreted
in the broadest sense and encompass
differences including, but not limited to
ethnicity, race, gender, religion,
geographic location, socio-economic
status, and physical challenges.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to
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adhere to the advancement of this
principle both in program
administration and in program content.
Please refer to the review criteria under
the ‘Support for Diversity’ section for
specific suggestions on incorporating
diversity into your proposal. Public Law
104–319 provides that ‘‘in carrying out
programs of educational and cultural
exchange in countries whose people do
not fully enjoy freedom and
democracy,’’ the Bureau ‘‘shall take
appropriate steps to provide
opportunities for participation in such
programs to human rights and
democracy leaders of such countries.’’
Public Law 106–113 requires that the
governments of the countries described
above do not have inappropriate
influence in the selection process.
Proposals should reflect advancement of
these goals in their program contents, to
the full extent deemed feasible.
IV.3d.3. Program Monitoring and
Evaluation. Proposals must include a
plan to monitor and evaluate the
project’s success, both as the activities
unfold and at the end of the program.
The Bureau recommends that your
proposal include a draft survey
questionnaire or other instrument plus a
description of a methodology to use to
link outcomes to original project
objectives. The Bureau expects that the
grantee will be able to respond to key
evaluation questions, including
participant satisfaction with the
program, learning as a result of the
program, and anticipated changes in
behavior as a result of the program. The
evaluation plan should include
indicators that measure gains in mutual
understanding as well as substantive
Successful monitoring and evaluation
depend heavily on setting clear goals
and outcomes at the outset of a program.
Your evaluation plan should include a
description of your project’s objectives,
your anticipated project outcomes, and
how and when you intend to measure
these outcomes (performance
indicators). The more that outcomes are
‘‘smart’’ (specific, measurable,
attainable, results-oriented, and placed
in a reasonable time frame), the easier
it will be to conduct the evaluation. You
should also show how your project
objectives link to the goals of the
program described in this RFGP.
We encourage you to assess the
following three levels of outcomes, as
they relate to the program goals set out
in the RFGP (listed here in increasing
order of importance):
1. Participant satisfaction with the
program and exchange experience.
2. Participant learning, such as
increased knowledge, aptitude, skills,
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 26 / Thursday, February 8, 2007 / Notices
and changed understanding and
attitude. Learning includes both
substantive (subject-specific) learning
and mutual understanding.
3. Anticipated Participant behavior,
anticipated actions to apply knowledge
in work or community; greater
participation and responsibility in civic
organizations; interpretation and
explanation of experiences and new
knowledge gained; continued contacts
between participants, community
members, and others.
Grantees will be required to provide
reports analyzing their evaluation
findings to the Bureau in their regular
program reports. All data collected,
including survey responses and contact
information, must be maintained for a
minimum of three years and provided to
the Bureau upon request.
IV.3d.4. Describe your plans for:
overall program management, staffing,
coordination with ECA and with U.S.
and foreign universities, Fulbright
commissions and PAS of U.S.
embassies. Provide a staffing plan which
outlines the responsibilities of each staff
person and explains which staff
members will be accountable for each
program responsibility. Whenever
possible, streamline administrative
IV.3e. Please take the following
information into consideration when
preparing your budget:
IV.3e.1. Applicants must submit a
comprehensive line item administrative
budget for the entire program or the
specific portion of the program they are
applying to administer. It is anticipated
that funding for the cooperative
agreement award(s) for program
administration for all new Fulbright
students will be approximately
$10,000,000. Pending availability of FY
2008 funds, it is anticipated that most
of the resources will come from the FY
2008 Educational and Cultural
Exchange Programs Appropriation.
However, it is anticipated that a total of
$750,000 will be transferred to the
Bureau from Economic Support Funds
and other resources to administer
programs for approximately 200
Pakistani students and approximately
25 Indonesian students.
IV.3e.2. Allowable costs and
additional budget guidance are outlined
in detail in the POGI document. Please
refer to the Solicitation Package for
complete budget guidelines and
formatting instructions.
IV.3F. Application Deadline and
Methods of Submission:
Application Deadline Date: May 3,
Reference Number: ECA/A/E–08–01.
Methods of Submission:
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Applications may be submitted in one
of two ways:
(1) In hard-copy, via a nationally
recognized overnight delivery service
(i.e., DHL, Federal Express, UPS,
Airborne Express, or U.S. Postal Service
Express Overnight Mail, etc.), or
(2) electronically through https://
Along with the Project Title, all
applicants must enter the above
Reference Number in Box 11 on the SF–
424 contained in the mandatory
Proposal Submission Instructions (PSI)
of the solicitation document.
IV.3f.1. Submitting Printed
Applications must be shipped no later
than the above deadline. Delivery
services used by applicants must have
in-place, centralized shipping
identification and tracking systems that
may be accessed via the Internet and
delivery people who are identifiable by
commonly recognized uniforms and
delivery vehicles. Proposals shipped on
or before the above deadline but
received at ECA more than seven days
after the deadline will be ineligible for
further consideration under this
competition. Proposals shipped after the
established deadlines are ineligible for
consideration under this competition.
ECA will not notify you upon receipt of
application. It is each applicant’s
responsibility to ensure that each
package is marked with a legible
tracking number and to monitor/confirm
delivery to ECA via the Internet.
Delivery of proposal packages may not
be made via local courier service or in
person for this competition. Faxed
documents will not be accepted at any
time. Only proposals submitted as
stated above will be considered.
Important note: When preparing your
submission please make sure to include one
extra copy of the completed SF–424 form and
place it in an envelope addressed to ‘‘ECA/
The original and 10 copies of the
application should be sent to: U.S.
Department of State, SA–44, Bureau of
Educational and Cultural Affairs, Ref.:
ECA/A/E–08–01. Program Management,
ECA/EX/PM, Room 534. 301 4th Street,
SW., Washington, DC 20547.
IV.3f.2.—Submitting Electronic
Applications. Applicants have the
option of submitting proposals
electronically through Grants.gov
(https://www.grants.gov). Complete
solicitation packages are available at
Grants.gov in the ‘‘Find’’ portion of the
system. Please follow the instructions
available in the ‘Get Started’ portion of
the site (https://www.grants.gov/
GetStarted). Several of the steps in the
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Grants.gov registration process could
take several weeks. Therefore,
applicants should check with
appropriate staff within their
organizations immediately after
reviewing this RFGP to confirm or
determine their registration status with
Grants.gov. Once registered, the amount
of time it can take to upload an
application will vary depending on a
variety of factors including the size of
the application and the speed of your
Internet connection. Therefore, we
strongly recommend that you not wait
until the application deadline to begin
the submission process through
Direct all questions regarding
Grants.gov registration and submission
to: Grants.gov Customer Support,
Contact Center Phone: 800–518–4726,
Business Hours: Monday–Friday, 7
a.m.–9 p.m. Eastern Time,
E-mail: support@grants.gov.
Applicants have until midnight (12
a.m.), Washington, DC time of the
closing date to ensure that their entire
application has been uploaded to the
Grants.gov site. There are no exceptions
to the above deadline. Applications
uploaded to the site after midnight of
the application deadline date will be
automatically rejected by the grants.gov
system, and will be technically
Applicants will receive a
confirmation e-mail from grants.gov
upon the successful submission of an
application. ECA will not notify you
upon receipt of electronic applications.
It is the responsibility of all
applicants submitting proposals via the
Grants.gov Web portal to ensure that
proposals have been received by
Grants.gov in their entirety, and ECA
bears no responsibility for data errors
resulting from transmission or
conversion processes.
IV.3g. Intergovernmental Review of
Applications: Executive Order 12372
does not apply to this program.
V. Application Review Information
V.1. Review Process
The Bureau will review all proposals
for technical eligibility. Proposals will
be deemed ineligible if they do not fully
adhere to the guidelines stated herein
and in the Solicitation Package. All
eligible proposals will be reviewed by
the program office, as well as Public
Affairs Sections overseas, where
appropriate. Eligible proposals will be
subject to compliance with Federal and
Bureau regulations and guidelines and
forwarded to Bureau grant panels for
advisory review. Proposals may also be
reviewed by the Office of the Legal
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 26 / Thursday, February 8, 2007 / Notices
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
Adviser or by other Department
elements. Final funding decisions are at
the discretion of the Department of
State’s Assistant Secretary for
Educational and Cultural Affairs. Final
technical authority for cooperative
agreements resides with the Bureau’s
Grants Officer.
Review Criteria
Technically eligible applications will
be competitively reviewed according to
the criteria stated below. These criteria
are not rank ordered and all carry equal
weight in the proposal evaluation:
1. Quality of the program idea:
Proposals should display an
understanding of and respect for the
goals and distinguished traditions of the
Fulbright program, as reflected in the
requirements and priorities of this
RFGP. Proposals should demonstrate a
commitment to excellence and
creativity in the implementation and
management of this program, including
the recruitment of U.S. students, quality
of preacademic and enrichment
workshops, and placement of foreign
2. Program planning: Proposals
should respond precisely to the
planning requirements outlined in the
RFGP. Planning should demonstrate
substantive rigor. A detailed agenda and
relevant work plan, including a
timeline, should demonstrate feasibility
and the applicant’s logistical capacity to
implement the program.
3. Ability to achieve program
objectives: Proposals should
demonstrate clearly how the applicant
will fulfill the program’s objectives and
implement plans, while demonstrating
innovation and a commitment to
academic excellence. Proposals should
demonstrate a capacity for flexibility in
the management of the program.
4. Institutional Capacity: Proposed
personnel and institutional resources
should be adequate and appropriate to
achieve program goals. Applicants
should demonstrate established links to
institutions of higher education in the
U.S and knowledge of the overseas
educational environment, particularly
an awareness of conditions in societies
and educational institutions outside the
United States as they apply to academic
exchange programs. Applicants should
demonstrate prior experience or the
capacity to negotiate significant cost
savings for foreign students from
American institutions of higher
education. Applicants should also
demonstrate their capacity to provide an
information management/database
system that meets program
requirements, is compatible with the
Bureau’s systems, and provides for
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electronic applications, electronic data
storage, and electronic payment of
5. Institution’s Record/Ability:
Proposals should demonstrate an
institutional record of managing
successful exchange programs,
including significant experience in
developing and administering
international academic exchange
programs, sound fiscal management and
full compliance with all reporting
requirements for past Bureau
cooperative agreements as determined
by Bureau Grants Staff. In its review of
proposals, the Bureau will consider the
past performance of prior recipients and
the demonstrated potential of new
6. Support of Diversity: Proposals
should demonstrate substantive support
of the Bureau’s policy on diversity.
Achievable and relevant features should
be cited in both program administration
(recruitment and selection of
participants, academic placements and
program evaluation) and program
content (orientation and enrichment
programs, program meetings, resource
materials). Proposals should articulate a
diversity plan, not just a statement of
7. Project Evaluation: Proposals
should include a plan to evaluate the
program’s success, both as the activities
unfold and at the end of the program.
The Bureau recommends that proposals
include a draft survey questionnaire or
other instrument plus description of a
methodology to use to link outcomes to
original objectives.
8. Cost-effectiveness: The overhead
and administrative components of the
proposal, including salaries, should be
kept as low as possible while adequate
and appropriate to provide the required
services. Proposals should document
plans to realize cost-savings and other
efficiencies through use of technology,
administrative streamlining, and other
management techniques.
9. Cost-sharing: Proposals should
demonstrate maximum cost-sharing.
Preference will be given to proposals
which demonstrate innovative
approaches to leveraging of funds, and
other sharing of costs.
VI. Award Administration Information
VI.1a. Award Notices
Final awards cannot be made until
funds have been appropriated by
Congress, allocated and committed
through internal Bureau procedures.
Successful applicants will receive an
Assistance Award Document (AAD)
from the Bureau’s Grants Office. The
AAD and the original grant proposal
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with subsequent modifications (if
applicable) shall be the only binding
authorizing document between the
recipient and the U.S. Government. The
AAD will be signed by an authorized
Grants Officer, and mailed to the
recipient’s responsible officer identified
in the application.
Unsuccessful applicants will receive
notification of the results of the
application review from the ECA
program office coordinating this
VI.2 Administrative and National Policy
Terms and Conditions for the
Administration of ECA agreements
include the following:
Office of Management and Budget
Circular A–122, ‘‘Cost Principles for
Nonprofit Organizations.’’
Office of Management and Budget
Circular A–21, ‘‘Cost Principles for
Educational Institutions.’’
OMB Circular A–87, ‘‘Cost Principles
for State, Local and Indian
OMB Circular No. A–110 (Revised),
Uniform Administrative Requirements
for Grants and Agreements with
Institutions of Higher Education,
Hospitals, and other Nonprofit
OMB Circular No. A–102, Uniform
Administrative Requirements for
Grants-in-Aid to State and Local
OMB Circular No. A–133, Audits of
States, Local Government, and Nonprofit Organizations.
Please reference the following Web
sites for additional information: https://
VI.3. Reporting Requirements
You must provide ECA with a hard
copy original plus two copies of the
following reports:
A final program and financial report
no more than 90 days after the
expiration of the award; quarterly
financial reports, annual program
reports and ad hoc program reports as
requested by ECA/A/E.
All data collected, including survey
responses and contact information, must
be maintained for a minimum of three
years and provided to the Bureau upon
All reports must be sent to the ECA
Grants Officer and ECA Program Officer
listed in the final assistance award
VII. Agency Contacts
For questions about this
announcement, contact: Mr. Matthew
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 26 / Thursday, February 8, 2007 / Notices
McMahon, Office of Academic
Exchange Programs, ECA/A/E, Room
234, ECA/A/E–08–01, U.S. Department
of State, SA–44, 301 4th Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20547, e-mail:
McMahonMP@state.gov, phone: (202)
453–8135, and fax: (202) 453–8126.
All correspondence with the Bureau
concerning this RFGP should reference
the above title and number ECA/A/E–
Please read the complete
announcement before sending inquiries
or submitting proposals. All inquiries
about the RFGP or any aspect of the
Fulbright Student Program should be
submitted in writing via e-mail to Mr.
McMahon. Any questions or requests for
information from overseas Fulbright
commissions or Public Affairs Sections
of U.S. embassies should be submitted
in writing via e-mail to Mr. McMahon
for transmission to those overseas
offices. Once the RFGP deadline has
passed, Bureau staff may not discuss
this competition with applicants until
the proposal review process has been
VIII. Other Information
The terms and conditions published
in this RFGP are binding and may not
be modified by any Bureau
representative. Explanatory information
provided by the Bureau that contradicts
published language will not be binding.
Issuance of the RFGP does not
constitute an award commitment on the
part of the Government. The Bureau
reserves the right to reduce, revise, or
increase proposal budgets in accordance
with the needs of the program and the
availability of funds. Awards made will
be subject to periodic reporting and
evaluation requirements per section VI.3
Dated: January 31, 2007.
Dina Habib Powell,
Assistant Secretary for Educational and
Cultural Affairs, Department of State.
[FR Doc. E7–2107 Filed 2–7–07; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
[Summary Notice No. PE–2007–04]
SUMMARY: Pursuant to FAA’s rulemaking
provisions governing the application,
processing, and disposition of petitions
for exemption, part 11 of Title 14, Code
of Federal Regulations (14 CFR), this
notice contains a summary of certain
petitions seeking relief from specified
requirements of 14 CFR. The purpose of
this notice is to improve the public’s
awareness of, and participation in, this
aspect of the FAA’s regulatory activities.
Neither publication of this notice nor
the inclusion or omission of information
in the summary is intended to affect the
legal status of any petition or its final
Comments on petitions received
must identify the petition docket
number involved and must be received
on or before February 28, 2007.
ADDRESSES: Send comments on the
petition to the Docket Management
System, U.S. Department of
Transportation, Room Plaza 401, 400
Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC
20590–0001. You must identify the
docket number FAA–2006–26838 at the
beginning of your comments. If you
wish to receive confirmation that the
FAA received your comments, include a
self-addressed, stamped postcard.
You may also submit comments
through the Internet to https://
dms.dot.gov. You may review the public
docket containing the petition, any
comments received, and any final
disposition in person in the Dockets
Office between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.,
Monday through Friday, except Federal
holidays. The Dockets Office (telephone
1–800–647–5527) is on the plaza level
of the NASSIF Building at the
Department of Transportation at the
above address. Also, you may review
public dockets on the Internet at https://
Frances Shaver, (202–267–9681), Office
of Rulemaking (ARM–1), Federal
Aviation Administration, 800
Independence Avenue, SW.,
Washington, DC 20591–3356 or Tyneka
Thomas, (202–267–7626), Office of
Rulemaking (ARM–1), Federal Aviation
Administration, 800 Independence
Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20591–
This notice is published pursuant to
14 CFR 11.85 and 11.91.
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice of petition for exemption
Issued in Washington, DC, on January 31,
Pamela Hamilton-Powell,
Director, Office of Rulemaking.
Petitions for Exemption
VerDate Aug<31>2005
15:58 Feb 07, 2007
Jkt 211001
Section of 14 CFR Affected:
§§ 21.197(c)(2) and 21.199(a).
Description of Relief Sought: To allow
Era Helicopters, LLC to write special
flight permits with continuous
authorization to conduct ferry flights on
all of their aircraft maintained under
§ 135.411(a)(1).
[FR Doc. 07–546 Filed 2–7–07; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
[Summary Notice No. PE–2007–05]
Petitions for Exemption; Summary of
Petitions Received
Docket No.: FAA–2007–26838.
Petitioner: Era Helicopters, LLC.
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4703
Petitions for Exemption; Summary of
Petitions Received
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice of petitions for
exemption received.
SUMMARY: Pursuant to FAA’s rulemaking
provisions governing the application,
processing, and disposition of petitions
for exemption under part 11 of Title 14,
Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR),
this notice contains a summary of
certain petitions seeking relief from
specified requirements of 14 CFR. The
purpose of this notice is to improve the
public’s awareness of, and participation
in, this aspect of FAA’s regulatory
activities. Neither publication of this
notice nor the inclusion or omission of
information in the summary is intended
to affect the legal status of any petition
or its final disposition.
DATES: Comments on petitions received
must identify the petition docket
number involved and must be received
on or before February 28, 2007.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
[identified by DOT DMS Docket Number
FAA–2005–22336] by any of the
following methods:
• Web Site: https://dms.dot.gov.
Follow the instructions for submitting
comments on the DOT electronic docket
• Fax: 1–202–493–2251.
• Mail: Docket Management Facility;
U.S. Department of Transportation, 400
Seventh Street, SW., Nassif Building,
Room PL–401, Washington, DC 20590–
• Hand Delivery: Room PL–401 on
the plaza level of the Nassif Building,
400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington,
DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday
through Friday, except Federal holidays.
Docket: For access to the docket to
read background documents or
comments received, go to https://
dms.dot.gov at any time or to Room PL–
[Federal Register Volume 72, Number 26 (Thursday, February 8, 2007)]
[Pages 6028-6035]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: E7-2107]
[Public Notice 5686]
Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) Request for
Grant Proposals: Fulbright Student Program
Announcement Type: New Cooperative Agreement.
Funding Opportunity Number: ECA/A/E-08-01.
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number: 19.400.
Key Dates:
Application Deadline: May 3, 2007.
Executive Summary: The Office of Academic Exchange Programs (ECA/A/
E) of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, U.S. Department
of State announces an open competition for one or more assistance
awards to provide administrative services for the Fulbright Student
Program in Fiscal Year 2008. Public and private non-profit
organizations or consortia of eligible organizations meeting the
provisions described in Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3) may
submit proposals to cooperate with the Bureau in the administration and
implementation of one or more of the following program components:
For U.S. students: the Fulbright U.S. Student Program.
For foreign students administered by world geographic
region: the Fulbright Foreign Student Program.
For foreign students administered globally: the
International Fulbright Science and Technology Award, the Fulbright
Foreign Language Teaching Assistant Program, pre-academic training,
orientation programs, and enrichment activities.
It is anticipated that the total amount of funding available for
all FY 2008 administrative costs to support the program components
listed above will be $10,000,000 and will involve management of 4,090
new students.
I. Funding Opportunity Description
Overall grant making authority for this program is contained in the
Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961, Public Law 87-
256, as amended, also known as the Fulbright-Hays Act. The purpose of
the Act is ``to enable the Government of the United States to increase
mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the
people of other countries . . .; to strengthen the ties which unite us
with other nations by demonstrating the educational and cultural
interests, developments, and achievements of the people of the United
States and other nations . . . and thus to assist in the development of
friendly, sympathetic and peaceful relations between the United States
and the other countries of the world.'' The funding authority for the
program above is provided through legislation.
The Fulbright Program is the U.S. government's premier program for
international academic exchange and one of our nation's most important
investments in improving international relations between the U.S. and
other countries through the development of future leaders in virtually
every area of endeavor. It was created by the U.S. Congress after World
War II to exchange U.S. and foreign students, scholars and teachers to
provide them opportunities to experience firsthand the political,
economic and cultural institutions in each other's countries and thus
help establish a basis for international mutual understanding and
peaceful interaction. It now extends to over 150 countries worldwide
and awards approximately 7,000 new and renewal grants to American and
foreign participants each year. The Fulbright Program focuses on
leadership development and counts among its 270,000 alumni world
leaders in every profession and field of endeavor.
A hallmark of the Fulbright Program is binationalism. The United
States and foreign governments, U.S. and foreign educational and other
public and private institutions are all partners in this exchange.
Program priorities are developed between the U.S. and foreign partners
and in many countries of the world, financial contributions from
governments or public/private sources match or exceed those of the
United States.
Administration of the Fulbright Program is programmatically and
administratively complex. It must accommodate a variety of
circumstances in every geographic region of the world and be responsive
to and supportive of many different constituencies in the United States
and abroad, each with its own sets of goals and concerns. The integrity
of the Program requires maintenance of the highest and most consistent
standards of academic and professional quality in the selection of
candidates and the implementation of projects. While the Program is
active in many countries, it is important that it maintain a single
world-wide identity. Overall policy guidelines and selection criteria
for all Fulbright programs are determined by the Presidentially
appointed J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board, while
responsibility for conducting the program is assigned to the Bureau of
Educational and Cultural Affairs of the Department of State.
Description of the Fulbright Student Program
The Fulbright Student Program offers scholarships to recent U.S.
and foreign college and university graduates, advanced graduate
students including those pursuing doctoral degrees, and creative
artists to study and conduct research abroad and in the United States.
A basic premise of the Fulbright program remains the selection of all
participants through an open and transparent merit-based competition.
U.S. Student Program
Only one cooperative agreement will be awarded for all
administrative services for the Fulbright U.S. Student Program. Under
the U.S. Fulbright program, graduating college seniors or
[[Page 6029]]
developing artists and professionals or graduate students who are U.S.
citizens are awarded scholarships each year through a competitive
process to study and undertake research at institutions in countries
overseas. Students must hold a bachelor's degree, or its equivalent,
before the start of the grant. Award opportunities for U.S. students
are determined overseas by binational Fulbright commissions and U.S.
embassies, in coordination with the Bureau of Educational and Cultural
Affairs in Washington. In FY 2008, the Fulbright U.S. Student Program
expects to send abroad approximately 1,400 U.S. students, developing
professionals and artists to study and conduct research.
In addition to ``traditional'' research awards, candidates for
awards under the U.S. student program may apply for Fulbright English
Teaching Assistantships. Fulbright English Teaching Assistants (ETA)
teach English language and conversation classes in secondary schools
and universities abroad while simultaneously pursuing individual study
and research plans.
Candidates may also apply for Fulbright Islamic Civilization
Initiative awards. These awards are intended to enhance Americans'
knowledge of Islam and Islamic culture through the Fulbright students'
sharing of their overseas experience.
U.S. students applying for a Fulbright grant to a country targeted
under the National Security Language Initiative may request an
enhancement of their award to provide up to six months in-country
language training prior to beginning their research project. This
initiative includes Arabic, Chinese, Russian, Korean, and the Turkic,
Indic and Persian languages.
Foreign Student Program
One or more grants will be awarded for administration of the
Fulbright Foreign Student Program. Section II below contains detailed
information on applying to administer all or parts of the Foreign
Student Program.
Fulbright foreign student candidates are nominated through open,
merit-based competitions in each participating country, conducted by a
binational Fulbright commission or, in the absence of a commission, by
the Public Affairs Section (PAS) of U.S. embassies. Scholarship
opportunities for foreign students are determined through consultations
between commissions or embassies and the Bureau similar to the process
for the U.S. Student Program nominees. The Fulbright Scholarship Board
makes the final selection of all Fulbright nominees.
The Fulbright Foreign Student Program expects to bring to this
country approximately 2,685 new foreign students for study and research
in the United States for FY 2008. This total includes new foreign
students in the two activities listed immediately below. Applicants for
this administrative award(s) should submit program proposals and budget
projections for new FY 2008 students only. Awards to foreign students
from prior years will be administered by the organizations currently
administering the program.
In addition to the traditional foreign student program operating
binationally in more than 150 countries, the Fulbright Foreign Student
Program also includes two special activities that are competed and
funded on a worldwide basis: the International Fulbright Science and
Technology Award and the Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant
The International Fulbright Science and Technology award (S&T) for
outstanding foreign students is designed to be among the most
prestigious international scholarships in science and technology.
Approximately 40 awards will be funded in FY 2008 for Ph.D. study at a
top U.S. academic institution in science, technology or engineering.
Applicants will apply through Fulbright commissions or U.S. embassies
in their country of citizenship. Awards will be made to candidates who
demonstrate unique aptitude and innovation in scientific fields.
The Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant Program (FLTA)
aims to strengthen foreign language instruction at U.S. educational
institutions while providing young teachers or teacher trainees of
English as a Foreign Language the opportunity to refine their teaching
skills, increase their English language proficiency, and broaden their
knowledge of American society and culture. The FLTA is another key
component of the National Security Language Initiative. Fellows are
placed for an academic year at a U.S. university where they teach their
native language and enroll in at least two courses in U.S. studies or
teaching methodology. Languages taught by FLTA participants may include
Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, French, Dari, Gaelic, German, Hausa, Hindi,
Indonesian, Italian, Korean, Malay, Mongolian, Pashto, Russian,
Spanish, Swahili, Tagalog, Tajik, Thai, Turkish, Urdu, and Wolof. In FY
2008, the Bureau intends to fund 400 FLTAs of whom 300 will be in the
strategic languages identified under the NSLI program.
Orientation and Enrichment Programs
The Bureau funds centrally a range of activities designed to deepen
the mutual understanding foundation of the Fulbright Program. These
activities are primarily related to orientation and enrichment. The
activities include pre-academic English language and field of study
programs in law and economics; three-day entry orientation programs
designed to introduce Fulbright students to American academic life; and
enrichment seminars for first year Fulbright foreign students.
Management of the Fulbright Student Program is shared among the
Office of Academic Exchange Programs (ECA/A/E) of the U.S. Department
of State in Washington, bilateral Fulbright commissions in 50
countries, Public Affairs Sections (PAS) of more than 100 U.S.
embassies abroad, and cooperating private sector organizations in the
United States. Grantee cooperating agencies must ensure full and proper
identification of the Fulbright program with the U.S. government and
the Department of State.
The Bureau will work cooperatively and closely with the
recipient(s) of cooperative agreement award(s), provide guidance and
maintain a regular dialogue on administrative and program issues and
questions as they arise over the duration of the award.
Bureau activities and responsibilities for this program include:
(1) Participation in the design and direction of program
(2) Approval of key personnel;
(3) Approval and input on program timelines, agendas and
administrative procedures;
(4) Guidance in execution of all program components;
(5) Review and approval of all program publicity and recruitment
(6) Approval of participating students, in cooperation with
Fulbright commissions and U.S. embassies, subject to final selection by
the Fulbright Board;
(7) Approval of changes to students' proposed academic field,
academic program, or institution;
(8) Approval of decisions related to special circumstances or
problems throughout the duration of program;
(9) Assistance with non-immigration status and other SEVIS-related
(10) Assistance with participant emergencies;
(11) Liaison with relevant U.S. embassies, Fulbright commissions
and country desk officers at the State Department.
Programs must conform with Bureau requirements and guidelines
outlined in
[[Page 6030]]
the Solicitation Package which includes the Request for Grant Proposals
(RFGP), the Project Objectives, Goals and Implementation (POGI) and the
Proposal Submission Instructions (PSI).
Applicant organizations are requested to submit a narrative
outlining a comprehensive strategy for the administration and
implementation of the Fulbright Student Programs for which they are
applying. The comprehensive program strategy should reflect a vision
for the Program as a whole, interpreting the goals of the Fulbright
Student Program with creativity, as well as providing innovative ideas
and recommendations for the Program. The Bureau places a priority on
insuring that the positive impact of the Fulbright Student Program is
visible to the public in U.S. and campus communities and applicants
should outline a plan to work with the media and other organizations to
insure that the program and its scholarship awards receive appropriate
Program For U.S. Students
Services under this cooperative agreement will begin with the
organization of nominating merit review panels for candidates for
scholarships beginning in academic year 2008-2009 and include the
recruitment of students for academic year 2009-2010.
Screening and Selection Process: Applicant organizations should
present a plan to pre-screen for eligibility all electronic
applications previously received from U.S. program applicants for
academic year 2008-09 and convene national review panels composed of
area and subject experts to determine which applicants will be
nominated based upon proven merit, project proposal feasibility and
factors that help present a truly national character in the pool, who
will be recommended to PAS and Fulbright commissions overseas and to
the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board.
Program Management: Applicants should outline in their proposals
plans for tracking and monitoring participants; development and
maintenance of an electronic database on participants; and the
preparation of statistical reports on the distribution of awards.
Post-Nomination Services: The narrative should include a
description of how the cooperative agreement recipient(s) will inform
successful candidates of their selection, and non-selected candidates
and alternates of their status; provide award packages for students as
required; respond to queries from participants; assist with pre-
departure orientation as requested; electronically maintain data on
participants; evaluate participants' health status and provide Bureau
health insurance; monitor participants and provide participants'
reports and analyses of these reports to the Bureau; and assist with
Fiscal Management: Applicants should describe how the cooperating
agency will manage electronic disbursement of payments to participants;
provide quarterly reports on actual and projected expenditures; provide
statistical, insurance and other reports; and monitor and audit
internal functions and systems in accordance with U.S. government and
Bureau guidelines.
Recruitment: Provide a comprehensive plan for the recruitment of
U.S. students for all programs for academic year 2009-2010. Proposals
should offer imaginative strategies for the recruitment of U.S.
students and plans to enhance the visibility of the program, with
particular focus on the recruitment of groups currently under-
represented in the Fulbright program.
Publicity and Applications: The recipient of the cooperative
agreement award will be responsible for establishing and maintaining a
Web site for the U.S. student program which should include provision
for electronically submitted applications. Please outline in detail
your plans for the announcement of scholarship opportunities for
academic year 2009-2010, application packets, an annual directory of
student participants, and publicity for the program in the U.S.
Proposals should delineate an outreach and recruitment strategy, with a
strong focus on diversity, which might include written and electronic
publications, professional networking, media relations, outreach to
potential applicants, universities and others.
Programs for Foreign Students
Provide a plan for administration and implementation of the Foreign
Student Program(s), indicating precisely the programs for which you are
applying. Describe your capacities for administering the programs and
provide detailed information on how you will perform the following
Program Planning and Management: The award recipient(s) will be
responsible for placement of foreign students for academic year 2008-09
at U.S. institutions, as needed; the development of significant U.S.
institutional and private sector funding and cost sharing for grants;
developing recommendations on participants' living allowances;
producing an electronic participants database and special reports.
Proposals should offer strategies for placement and plans to enhance
the visibility of the foreign student program and may include other
innovative activities. Organizations or consortia of organizations
should describe overseas capacities to assist U.S. embassies and
Fulbright commissions with publicity, and recruitment as specified in
the attached Project, Objectives, Goals and Implementation (POGI), for
academic year 2009-2010. Also detail any regional, exchange or other
kinds of expertise that your organization would contribute to the
effective administration of the program.
Selection: Discuss your plans for the development of a
comprehensive Web site for foreign student applicants and participants;
preparation and distribution of electronic application materials and
selection guidelines to Fulbright commissions and PAS for academic year
2009-2010; receipt and review of recommended applications for academic
year 2008-2009; making arrangements for required English language and
other assessments; and preparation of participants' handbooks and
orientation material. Your organization should demonstrate the capacity
to both receive applications electronically from overseas and to
transmit the applications electronically to the ECA/A/E regional
branches and the Fulbright Scholarship Board.
Placement: Describe your organization's resources and capabilities
for insuring the best and most appropriate placement of students at a
full range of U.S. public and private institutions representing
geographic and institutional diversity. Discuss in detail your
organization's potential for securing co-funding from U.S. institutions
to leverage U.S. and other sources of Fulbright funding. Detail your
past success securing cost-sharing.
Supervision and Support: Describe how you will supervise and
monitor foreign students including oversight of the following:
enrollment in approved academic programs and academic performance;
medical care and health insurance; Federal tax compliance; J visa
status; renewal and extension of awards; and emergencies.
Fiscal Management: Outline your capacity to manage electronic
stipend payments to participants; handle tax withholding, as required;
provide reports on expenditures, and insurance; and monitor and audit
internal functions and systems in accordance with U.S. government and
Bureau guidelines.
[[Page 6031]]
English Language and Pre-Academic Training: One organization or
consortium of organizations will organize and administer worldwide
English language and pre-academic training programs and short-term
entry orientation programs for selected Fulbright students enrolling
for academic year 2008-2009, including designing criteria and
estimating costs for these programs, placement and supervision of
participating students, and evaluating and monitoring the programs.
Enrichment Activities: The organization or consortium of
organizations administering the pre-academic and orientation programs
will also administer up to eight enrichment seminars at locations
around the nation for foreign students in all programs in academic year
2007-2008. The goal of these workshops is to provide students an in-
depth understanding of American institutions, society and culture.
II. Award Information
Type of Award: Cooperative Agreement. ECA's level of involvement in
this program is listed under number I above.
Fiscal Year Funds: 2008.
Approximate Total Funding: $10,000,000 pending availability of
Approximate Number of Awards: One or more awards, in accordance
with the following options:
Organizations or consortia of organizations may compete to
administer the entire worldwide Fulbright Student program, comprising
both the U.S. and foreign student components. Alternatively, single
organizations or consortia of organizations may compete to administer
the U.S. student program and/or the foreign student program based on
the following guidelines:
For the U.S. Student Program, the Competition is open to:
--Single organizations or consortia of organizations wishing to
administer the program worldwide.
For the Foreign Student Fulbright Program, the competition is open
--Single organizations or consortia of organizations wishing to
administer the program worldwide or;
--Single organizations or consortia of organizations wishing to
administer the foreign student program for one or more regions of the
world. For the purposes of this competition, regions are defined as
Sub-Saharan Africa.
Europe and Eurasia.
East Asia and the Pacific.
North Africa and the Middle East.
South and Central Asia.
Western Hemisphere.
Proposals must include plans to administer the Fulbright Foreign
Student Program in all of the countries within a region where there
currently is a program. A complete list of country programs in each
region is provided in the Project Objectives, Goals and Implementation
(POGI) package. Any proposal that includes countries not listed in the
POGI may be declared technically ineligible.
Organizations or consortia of organizations bidding to administer
the Foreign Student Fulbright Program in two or more regions must
demonstrate the capacity to administer the centrally funded global
foreign student programs and enrichment activities including the
Fulbright Foreign Language Assistant Program, the Fulbright
International Science and Technology Awards, English language and pre-
academic programs, short-term orientation programs, and at least eight
3-4 day enrichment programs.
Consortia wishing to administer the worldwide U.S. Fulbright
Student Program or the worldwide foreign student program should
designate one organization to be the recipient of the cooperative
agreement award. Applications proposing administration of the Program
by a consortium should provide a detailed description of arrangements
for cooperative work among the partners and between the partners and
the U.S. and overseas academic communities, bilateral commissions and
other entities.
The Bureau reserves the right to reduce, revise or increase
proposal budgets in accordance with the needs of the program and
availability of funds. In addition, it reserves the right to accept
proposals in whole or in part and make an award or awards in accordance
with the best interests of the Fulbright Student Program.
Anticipated Award Date: Pending availability of funds, October 1,
Anticipated Project Completion Date: September 30, 2008.
Additional Information: Pending successful implementation of this
program and the availability of funds in subsequent fiscal years, it is
ECA's intent to renew the grant(s) for a period of not less than four
additional fiscal years, before openly competing the program again. The
Bureau reserves the right to renew the award(s) beyond that period.
III. Eligibility Information
III.1. Eligible applicants: Applications may be submitted by public
and private non-profit organizations or consortia of institutions
meeting the provisions described in Internal Revenue Code section 26
U.S.C. 501(c)(3).
Consortia of eligible organizations applying for grants should
designate one organization to be the recipient of the cooperative
agreement award. Applications proposing a consortium should provide a
detailed description of the responsibilities of each partner
organization and arrangements for cooperative work among the partners
and between the partners and overseas academic communities, binational
commissions, PAS and other entities responsible for the Fulbright
III.2. Cost Sharing or Matching Funds: The Bureau anticipates that
proposals will include significant amounts of cost-sharing in support
of the Fulbright Student Program, and encourages applicants to provide
maximum levels of funding in support of this initiative.
When cost sharing is offered, it is understood and agreed that the
applicant must provide the amount of cost sharing as stipulated in its
proposal and later included in an approved grant agreement. Cost
sharing may be in the form of allowable direct or indirect costs. For
accountability, you must maintain written records to support all costs
which are claimed as your contribution, as well as costs to be paid by
the Federal government. Such records are subject to audit. The basis
for determining the value of cash and in-kind contributions must be in
accordance with OMB Circular A-110, (Revised), Subpart C.23--Cost
Sharing and Matching. In the event you do not provide the minimum
amount of cost sharing as stipulated in the approved budget, ECA's
contribution will be reduced in like proportion.
III.3. Other Eligibility Requirements: Bureau grant guidelines
require that organizations with less than four years experience in
conducting international exchanges be limited to $60,000 in Bureau
funding. ECA anticipates awarding one or more cooperative agreement
awards in an amount over $60,000 to support program and administrative
costs required to implement this exchange program. Therefore,
organizations with less than four years experience in conducting
international exchanges are ineligible to apply under this competition.
IV. Application and Submission Information
Note: Please read the complete announcement before sending
inquiries or submitting proposals. Once the RFGP deadline has
passed, Bureau staff may not discuss this competition with
[[Page 6032]]
until the proposal review process has been completed.
IV.1 Contact Information to Request an Application Package:
Please contact the Office of Academic Exchange Programs, ECA/A/E,
Room 234, U.S. Department of State, SA-44, 301 4th Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20547, e-mail: fulbright@state.gov, telephone: 202-453-
8135 and fax number: 202-453-8125, to request a Solicitation Package.
Please refer to the Funding Opportunity Number ECA/A/E-08-01 when
making your request.
Alternatively, an electronic application package may be obtained
from grants.gov. Please see section IV.3f for further information.
The Solicitation Package contains the Proposal Submission
Instruction (PSI) document which consists of required application
forms, and standard guidelines for proposal preparation.
It also contains the Project Objectives, Goals and Implementation
(POGI) document, which provides specific information, award criteria
and budget instructions tailored to this competition.
IV.2. To Download a Solicitation Package Via Internet: The entire
Solicitation Package may be downloaded from the Bureau's Web site at
https://exchanges.state.gov/education/rfgps/menu.htm, or from the
Grants.gov Web site at https://www.grants.gov.
Please read all information before downloading.
IV.3. Content and Form of Submission: Applicants must follow all
instructions in the Solicitation Package. The application should be
submitted per the instructions under IV.3f. ``Application Deadline and
Methods of Submission'' section below.
IV.3a. You are required to have a Dun and Bradstreet Data Universal
Numbering System (DUNS) number to apply for a grant or cooperative
agreement from the U.S. Government. This number is a nine-digit
identification number, which uniquely identifies business entities.
Obtaining a DUNS number is easy and there is no charge. To obtain a
DUNS number, access https://www.dunandbradstreet.com or call 1-866-705-
5711. Please ensure that your DUNS number is included in the
appropriate box of the SF-424 which is part of the formal application
IV.3b. All proposals must contain an executive summary, proposal
narrative and budget.
Please Refer to the Solicitation Package. The mandatory Proposal
Submission Instructions (PSI) document and the Project Objectives,
Goals and Implementation (POGI) document contain additional formatting
and technical requirements.
IV.3c. You must have nonprofit status with the IRS at the time of
application. If your organization is a private nonprofit which has not
received a grant or cooperative agreement from ECA in the past three
years, or if your organization received nonprofit status from the IRS
within the past four years, you must submit the necessary documentation
to verify nonprofit status as directed in the PSI document. Failure to
do so will cause your proposal to be declared technically ineligible.
IV.3d. Please take into consideration the following information
when preparing your proposal narrative:
IV.3d.1 Adherence to All Regulations Governing the J Visa.
The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs places the highest
emphasis on the secure and proper administration of Exchange Visitor (J
visa) Programs and adherence by grantees and sponsors to all
regulations governing the J visa. Therefore, proposals should
demonstrate the applicant's capacity to meet all requirements governing
the administration of the Exchange Visitor Programs as set forth in 22
CFR part 62, including the oversight of Responsible Officers and
Alternate Responsible Officers, screening and selection of program
participants, provision of pre-arrival information and orientation to
participants, monitoring of participants, proper maintenance and
security of forms, record-keeping, reporting and other requirements.
The Grantee will be responsible for issuing DS-2019 forms to
participants in this program.
A copy of the complete regulations governing the administration of
Exchange Visitor (J) programs is available at https://
exchanges.state.gov or from: United States Department of State, Office
of Exchange Coordination and Designation, ECA/EC/ECD-SA-44, Room 734,
301 4th Street, SW., Washington, DC 20547, Telephone: (202) 203-5029,
FAX: (202) 453-8640.
Please refer to Solicitation Package for further information.
IV.3d.2 Diversity, Freedom and Democracy Guidelines. Pursuant to
the Bureau's authorizing legislation, programs must maintain a non-
political character and should be balanced and representative of the
diversity of American political, social, and cultural life.
``Diversity'' should be interpreted in the broadest sense and encompass
differences including, but not limited to ethnicity, race, gender,
religion, geographic location, socio-economic status, and physical
challenges. Applicants are strongly encouraged to adhere to the
advancement of this principle both in program administration and in
program content. Please refer to the review criteria under the `Support
for Diversity' section for specific suggestions on incorporating
diversity into your proposal. Public Law 104-319 provides that ``in
carrying out programs of educational and cultural exchange in countries
whose people do not fully enjoy freedom and democracy,'' the Bureau
``shall take appropriate steps to provide opportunities for
participation in such programs to human rights and democracy leaders of
such countries.'' Public Law 106-113 requires that the governments of
the countries described above do not have inappropriate influence in
the selection process. Proposals should reflect advancement of these
goals in their program contents, to the full extent deemed feasible.
IV.3d.3. Program Monitoring and Evaluation. Proposals must include
a plan to monitor and evaluate the project's success, both as the
activities unfold and at the end of the program. The Bureau recommends
that your proposal include a draft survey questionnaire or other
instrument plus a description of a methodology to use to link outcomes
to original project objectives. The Bureau expects that the grantee
will be able to respond to key evaluation questions, including
participant satisfaction with the program, learning as a result of the
program, and anticipated changes in behavior as a result of the
program. The evaluation plan should include indicators that measure
gains in mutual understanding as well as substantive knowledge.
Successful monitoring and evaluation depend heavily on setting
clear goals and outcomes at the outset of a program. Your evaluation
plan should include a description of your project's objectives, your
anticipated project outcomes, and how and when you intend to measure
these outcomes (performance indicators). The more that outcomes are
``smart'' (specific, measurable, attainable, results-oriented, and
placed in a reasonable time frame), the easier it will be to conduct
the evaluation. You should also show how your project objectives link
to the goals of the program described in this RFGP.
We encourage you to assess the following three levels of outcomes,
as they relate to the program goals set out in the RFGP (listed here in
increasing order of importance):
1. Participant satisfaction with the program and exchange
2. Participant learning, such as increased knowledge, aptitude,
[[Page 6033]]
and changed understanding and attitude. Learning includes both
substantive (subject-specific) learning and mutual understanding.
3. Anticipated Participant behavior, anticipated actions to apply
knowledge in work or community; greater participation and
responsibility in civic organizations; interpretation and explanation
of experiences and new knowledge gained; continued contacts between
participants, community members, and others.
Grantees will be required to provide reports analyzing their
evaluation findings to the Bureau in their regular program reports. All
data collected, including survey responses and contact information,
must be maintained for a minimum of three years and provided to the
Bureau upon request.
IV.3d.4. Describe your plans for: overall program management,
staffing, coordination with ECA and with U.S. and foreign universities,
Fulbright commissions and PAS of U.S. embassies. Provide a staffing
plan which outlines the responsibilities of each staff person and
explains which staff members will be accountable for each program
responsibility. Whenever possible, streamline administrative processes.
IV.3e. Please take the following information into consideration
when preparing your budget:
IV.3e.1. Applicants must submit a comprehensive line item
administrative budget for the entire program or the specific portion of
the program they are applying to administer. It is anticipated that
funding for the cooperative agreement award(s) for program
administration for all new Fulbright students will be approximately
$10,000,000. Pending availability of FY 2008 funds, it is anticipated
that most of the resources will come from the FY 2008 Educational and
Cultural Exchange Programs Appropriation. However, it is anticipated
that a total of $750,000 will be transferred to the Bureau from
Economic Support Funds and other resources to administer programs for
approximately 200 Pakistani students and approximately 25 Indonesian
IV.3e.2. Allowable costs and additional budget guidance are
outlined in detail in the POGI document. Please refer to the
Solicitation Package for complete budget guidelines and formatting
IV.3F. Application Deadline and Methods of Submission:
Application Deadline Date: May 3, 2007.
Reference Number: ECA/A/E-08-01.
Methods of Submission:
Applications may be submitted in one of two ways:
(1) In hard-copy, via a nationally recognized overnight delivery
service (i.e., DHL, Federal Express, UPS, Airborne Express, or U.S.
Postal Service Express Overnight Mail, etc.), or
(2) electronically through https://www.grants.gov.
Along with the Project Title, all applicants must enter the above
Reference Number in Box 11 on the SF-424 contained in the mandatory
Proposal Submission Instructions (PSI) of the solicitation document.
IV.3f.1. Submitting Printed Applications
Applications must be shipped no later than the above deadline.
Delivery services used by applicants must have in-place, centralized
shipping identification and tracking systems that may be accessed via
the Internet and delivery people who are identifiable by commonly
recognized uniforms and delivery vehicles. Proposals shipped on or
before the above deadline but received at ECA more than seven days
after the deadline will be ineligible for further consideration under
this competition. Proposals shipped after the established deadlines are
ineligible for consideration under this competition. ECA will not
notify you upon receipt of application. It is each applicant's
responsibility to ensure that each package is marked with a legible
tracking number and to monitor/confirm delivery to ECA via the
Internet. Delivery of proposal packages may not be made via local
courier service or in person for this competition. Faxed documents will
not be accepted at any time. Only proposals submitted as stated above
will be considered.
Important note: When preparing your submission please make sure
to include one extra copy of the completed SF-424 form and place it
in an envelope addressed to ``ECA/EX/PM''.
The original and 10 copies of the application should be sent to:
U.S. Department of State, SA-44, Bureau of Educational and Cultural
Affairs, Ref.: ECA/A/E-08-01. Program Management, ECA/EX/PM, Room 534.
301 4th Street, SW., Washington, DC 20547.
IV.3f.2.--Submitting Electronic Applications. Applicants have the
option of submitting proposals electronically through Grants.gov
(https://www.grants.gov). Complete solicitation packages are available
at Grants.gov in the ``Find'' portion of the system. Please follow the
instructions available in the `Get Started' portion of the site (http:/
/www.grants.gov/GetStarted). Several of the steps in the Grants.gov
registration process could take several weeks. Therefore, applicants
should check with appropriate staff within their organizations
immediately after reviewing this RFGP to confirm or determine their
registration status with Grants.gov. Once registered, the amount of
time it can take to upload an application will vary depending on a
variety of factors including the size of the application and the speed
of your Internet connection. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you
not wait until the application deadline to begin the submission process
through Grants.gov.
Direct all questions regarding Grants.gov registration and
submission to: Grants.gov Customer Support,
Contact Center Phone: 800-518-4726,
Business Hours: Monday-Friday, 7 a.m.-9 p.m. Eastern Time,
E-mail: support@grants.gov.
Applicants have until midnight (12 a.m.), Washington, DC time of
the closing date to ensure that their entire application has been
uploaded to the Grants.gov site. There are no exceptions to the above
deadline. Applications uploaded to the site after midnight of the
application deadline date will be automatically rejected by the
grants.gov system, and will be technically ineligible.
Applicants will receive a confirmation e-mail from grants.gov upon
the successful submission of an application. ECA will not notify you
upon receipt of electronic applications.
It is the responsibility of all applicants submitting proposals via
the Grants.gov Web portal to ensure that proposals have been received
by Grants.gov in their entirety, and ECA bears no responsibility for
data errors resulting from transmission or conversion processes.
IV.3g. Intergovernmental Review of Applications: Executive Order
12372 does not apply to this program.
V. Application Review Information
V.1. Review Process
The Bureau will review all proposals for technical eligibility.
Proposals will be deemed ineligible if they do not fully adhere to the
guidelines stated herein and in the Solicitation Package. All eligible
proposals will be reviewed by the program office, as well as Public
Affairs Sections overseas, where appropriate. Eligible proposals will
be subject to compliance with Federal and Bureau regulations and
guidelines and forwarded to Bureau grant panels for advisory review.
Proposals may also be reviewed by the Office of the Legal
[[Page 6034]]
Adviser or by other Department elements. Final funding decisions are at
the discretion of the Department of State's Assistant Secretary for
Educational and Cultural Affairs. Final technical authority for
cooperative agreements resides with the Bureau's Grants Officer.
Review Criteria
Technically eligible applications will be competitively reviewed
according to the criteria stated below. These criteria are not rank
ordered and all carry equal weight in the proposal evaluation:
1. Quality of the program idea: Proposals should display an
understanding of and respect for the goals and distinguished traditions
of the Fulbright program, as reflected in the requirements and
priorities of this RFGP. Proposals should demonstrate a commitment to
excellence and creativity in the implementation and management of this
program, including the recruitment of U.S. students, quality of
preacademic and enrichment workshops, and placement of foreign
2. Program planning: Proposals should respond precisely to the
planning requirements outlined in the RFGP. Planning should demonstrate
substantive rigor. A detailed agenda and relevant work plan, including
a timeline, should demonstrate feasibility and the applicant's
logistical capacity to implement the program.
3. Ability to achieve program objectives: Proposals should
demonstrate clearly how the applicant will fulfill the program's
objectives and implement plans, while demonstrating innovation and a
commitment to academic excellence. Proposals should demonstrate a
capacity for flexibility in the management of the program.
4. Institutional Capacity: Proposed personnel and institutional
resources should be adequate and appropriate to achieve program goals.
Applicants should demonstrate established links to institutions of
higher education in the U.S and knowledge of the overseas educational
environment, particularly an awareness of conditions in societies and
educational institutions outside the United States as they apply to
academic exchange programs. Applicants should demonstrate prior
experience or the capacity to negotiate significant cost savings for
foreign students from American institutions of higher education.
Applicants should also demonstrate their capacity to provide an
information management/database system that meets program requirements,
is compatible with the Bureau's systems, and provides for electronic
applications, electronic data storage, and electronic payment of
5. Institution's Record/Ability: Proposals should demonstrate an
institutional record of managing successful exchange programs,
including significant experience in developing and administering
international academic exchange programs, sound fiscal management and
full compliance with all reporting requirements for past Bureau
cooperative agreements as determined by Bureau Grants Staff. In its
review of proposals, the Bureau will consider the past performance of
prior recipients and the demonstrated potential of new applicants.
6. Support of Diversity: Proposals should demonstrate substantive
support of the Bureau's policy on diversity. Achievable and relevant
features should be cited in both program administration (recruitment
and selection of participants, academic placements and program
evaluation) and program content (orientation and enrichment programs,
program meetings, resource materials). Proposals should articulate a
diversity plan, not just a statement of compliance.
7. Project Evaluation: Proposals should include a plan to evaluate
the program's success, both as the activities unfold and at the end of
the program. The Bureau recommends that proposals include a draft
survey questionnaire or other instrument plus description of a
methodology to use to link outcomes to original objectives.
8. Cost-effectiveness: The overhead and administrative components
of the proposal, including salaries, should be kept as low as possible
while adequate and appropriate to provide the required services.
Proposals should document plans to realize cost-savings and other
efficiencies through use of technology, administrative streamlining,
and other management techniques.
9. Cost-sharing: Proposals should demonstrate maximum cost-sharing.
Preference will be given to proposals which demonstrate innovative
approaches to leveraging of funds, and other sharing of costs.
VI. Award Administration Information
VI.1a. Award Notices
Final awards cannot be made until funds have been appropriated by
Congress, allocated and committed through internal Bureau procedures.
Successful applicants will receive an Assistance Award Document (AAD)
from the Bureau's Grants Office. The AAD and the original grant
proposal with subsequent modifications (if applicable) shall be the
only binding authorizing document between the recipient and the U.S.
Government. The AAD will be signed by an authorized Grants Officer, and
mailed to the recipient's responsible officer identified in the
Unsuccessful applicants will receive notification of the results of
the application review from the ECA program office coordinating this
VI.2 Administrative and National Policy Requirements
Terms and Conditions for the Administration of ECA agreements
include the following:
Office of Management and Budget Circular A-122, ``Cost Principles
for Nonprofit Organizations.''
Office of Management and Budget Circular A-21, ``Cost Principles
for Educational Institutions.''
OMB Circular A-87, ``Cost Principles for State, Local and Indian
OMB Circular No. A-110 (Revised), Uniform Administrative
Requirements for Grants and Agreements with Institutions of Higher
Education, Hospitals, and other Nonprofit Organizations.
OMB Circular No. A-102, Uniform Administrative Requirements for
Grants-in-Aid to State and Local Governments.
OMB Circular No. A-133, Audits of States, Local Government, and
Non-profit Organizations.
Please reference the following Web sites for additional
information: https://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/grants. https://
VI.3. Reporting Requirements
You must provide ECA with a hard copy original plus two copies of
the following reports:
A final program and financial report no more than 90 days after the
expiration of the award; quarterly financial reports, annual program
reports and ad hoc program reports as requested by ECA/A/E.
All data collected, including survey responses and contact
information, must be maintained for a minimum of three years and
provided to the Bureau upon request.
All reports must be sent to the ECA Grants Officer and ECA Program
Officer listed in the final assistance award document.
VII. Agency Contacts
For questions about this announcement, contact: Mr. Matthew
[[Page 6035]]
McMahon, Office of Academic Exchange Programs, ECA/A/E, Room 234, ECA/
A/E-08-01, U.S. Department of State, SA-44, 301 4th Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20547, e-mail: McMahonMP@state.gov, phone: (202) 453-
8135, and fax: (202) 453-8126.
All correspondence with the Bureau concerning this RFGP should
reference the above title and number ECA/A/E-08-01.
Please read the complete announcement before sending inquiries or
submitting proposals. All inquiries about the RFGP or any aspect of the
Fulbright Student Program should be submitted in writing via e-mail to
Mr. McMahon. Any questions or requests for information from overseas
Fulbright commissions or Public Affairs Sections of U.S. embassies
should be submitted in writing via e-mail to Mr. McMahon for
transmission to those overseas offices. Once the RFGP deadline has
passed, Bureau staff may not discuss this competition with applicants
until the proposal review process has been completed.
VIII. Other Information
The terms and conditions published in this RFGP are binding and may
not be modified by any Bureau representative. Explanatory information
provided by the Bureau that contradicts published language will not be
binding. Issuance of the RFGP does not constitute an award commitment
on the part of the Government. The Bureau reserves the right to reduce,
revise, or increase proposal budgets in accordance with the needs of
the program and the availability of funds. Awards made will be subject
to periodic reporting and evaluation requirements per section VI.3
Dated: January 31, 2007.
Dina Habib Powell,
Assistant Secretary for Educational and Cultural Affairs, Department of
[FR Doc. E7-2107 Filed 2-7-07; 8:45 am]