Notice of Public Information Collection(s) Being Submitted for Review to the Office of Management and Budget, 5715-5717 [E7-1992]
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sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 25 / Wednesday, February 7, 2007 / Notices
Title: Filing Manual for Annual
International Circuit Status Reports.
Form No.: N/A.
Type of Review: Extension of a
currently approved collection.
Respondents: Business or other forprofit.
Number of Respondents: 138
respondents; 138 responses.
Estimated Time Per Response: 11
Frequency of Response: Annual
reporting requirement.
Nature of Response: Mandatory.
Total Annual Burden: 1,300 hours.
Annual Cost Burden: $46,000.
Privacy Act Impact Assessment: N/A.
Nature and Extent of Confidentiality:
At present, the Commission does not
provide any assurance of confidentiality
to carriers. However, the Commission is
seeking comment on whether the
circuit-status information the carriers
submit under section 43.82 continues to
be competitively sensitive or whether
the carriers’ circuit-status information
could also be made available to the
public. Carriers that want continued
confidential treatment for this
information should address why the
information is competitively sensitive. It
is possible that information that is
competitively sensitive when it is
submitted would not continue to be
sensitive after time has passed. The
agency is requesting that carriers
comment on whether the circuit-status
information could be released after one
year or after two years.
Needs and Uses: This collection will
be submitted as an extension (no change
in reporting requirements and/or
recordkeeping requirements) after this
60 day comment period to Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) in order
to obtain the full three year clearance.
There is no change in respondents,
burden hours or annual costs.
U.S. international carriers are
required to file circuit-status reports
with the Commission annually in
compliance with Section 43.82 of the
Commission’s rules. The reports provide
the Commission, the carriers, and others
about information on how U.S.
international carriers use their circuits.
The Commission uses the information
from the circuit-status reports to ensure
that carriers with market power to not
use their access to circuit capability to
engage in any anti-competitive behavior.
Additionally, the Commission uses the
reports to implement the requirement in
Section 9 of the Communications Act of
1934, as amended, that carriers pay
annual regulatory fees for each of the
bearer circuits they own.
Without this information, the
Commission’s efforts to achieve a more
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competitive international
telecommunications marketplace will be
impeded. Furthermore, the Commission
would not have the information
necessary to comply with its statutory
requirements under the Omnibus
Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993.
Congress mandated the Commission to
collect annual regulatory fees on active
equivalent 64 kilobits international
circuits. Without such information, the
Commission would not be able to fulfill
its statutory obligation.
OMB Control No.: 3060–0625.
Title: Part 24—Personal
Communications Services—Narrowband
Form No.: N/A.
Type of Review: Extension of a
currently approved collection.
Respondents: Individuals or
household, business or other for-profit,
not-for profit institutions, and state,
local and tribal government.
Number of Respondents: 13
respondents; 117 responses.
Estimated Time Per Response: 3
Frequency of Response: On occasion
reporting requirements and
recordkeeping requirement.
Nature of Response: Required to
obtain or retain benefits.
Total Annual Burden: 131 hours.
Annual Cost Burden: $53,000.
Privacy Act Impact Assessment: Yes.
Nature and Extent of Confidentiality:
There is no need for confidentiality.
Needs and Uses: This collection will
be submitted as an extension (no change
in reporting requirements and/or
recordkeeping requirements) after this
60 day comment period to Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) in order
to obtain the full three year clearance.
There is no change in respondents,
burden hours or annual costs.
Section 24.103 requires that certain
narrowband PCS licensees to notify
Commission at specific benchmarks that
are in compliance with construction
requirements in order to ensure that
licensees quickly construct their
systems and provide substantial service
to licensed areas. Further, the reporting
and recordkeeping requirements under
this section will be used to satisfy the
Commission’s rule that licensees prove
that they have established ‘‘substantial
service’’ within the 5 and 10 year
benchmarks established upon the grant
date of each license. Without this
information, the Commission would not
be able to carry out its statutory
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Federal Communications Commission.
Marlene H. Dortch,
[FR Doc. E7–1800 Filed 2–6–07; 8:45 am]
Notice of Public Information
Collection(s) Being Submitted for
Review to the Office of Management
and Budget
January 30, 2007.
SUMMARY: The Federal Communications
Commission, as part of its continuing
effort to reduce paperwork burden
invites the general public and other
Federal agencies to take this
opportunity to comment on the
following information collection(s), as
required by the Paperwork Reduction
Act (PRA) of 1995, Public Law 104–13.
An agency may not conduct or sponsor
a collection of information unless it
displays a currently valid control
number. No person shall be subject to
any penalty for failing to comply with
a collection of information subject to the
Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) that
does not display a valid control number.
Comments are requested concerning (a)
whether the proposed collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
Commission, including whether the
information shall have practical utility;
(b) the accuracy of the Commission’s
burden estimate; (c) ways to enhance
the quality, utility, and clarity of the
information collected; and (d) ways to
minimize the burden of the collection of
information on the respondents,
including the use of automated
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology.
DATES: Written Paperwork Reduction
Act (PRA) comments should be
submitted on or before March 9, 2007.
If you anticipate that you will be
submitting PRA comments, but find it
difficult to do so within the period of
time allowed by this notice, you should
advise the FCC contact listed below as
soon as possible.
ADDRESSES: Direct all PRA comments to
Allison E. Zaleski, Office of
Management and Budget, Room 10236
NEOB, Washington, DC 20503, (202)
395–6466, or via fax at 202–395–5167 or
via Internet at and to, Federal
Communications Commission, Room 1–
B441, 445 12th Street, SW., Washington,
DC 20554 or send an e-mail to If you would like to
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 25 / Wednesday, February 7, 2007 / Notices
obtain or view a copy of this
information collection, you may do so
by visiting the FCC PRA web page at:
additional information or copies of the
information collection(s), contact Judith
B. Herman at 202–418–0214 or via the
Internet at
OMB Control Number: 3060–0678.
Title: Part 25 of the Commission’s
Rules Governing the Licensing of, and
Spectrum Usage by, Satellite Network
Stations and Space Stations.
Form No.: FCC Form 312, Schedule S.
Type of Review: Revision of a
currently approved collection.
Respondents: Business or other forprofit.
Number of Respondents: 3,462
respondents; 3,462 responses.
Estimated Time Per Response: 12
hours (average).
Frequency of Response: On occasion
and annual reporting requirements and
third party disclosure requirement.
Obligation to Respond: Required to
obtain or retain benefits.
Total Annual Burden: 42,116 hours.
Total Annual Cost: $613,719,126.
Privacy Act Impact Assessment: N/A.
Nature and Extent of Confidentiality:
There is no need for confidentiality.
Needs and Uses: The Commission
will submit this information collection
to OMB as a revision during this
comment period to obtain the full 3-year
clearance from them. The Commission
has revised this collection since it was
last submitted to OMB. The Commission
on its own motion, proposes to revise
this collection to add a section to the
FCC Form 312 which will enable
satellite applicants to certify whether or
not they are subject to geographic
service or geographic coverage
requirements and whether they will
comply with those requirements. The
Commission amended the FCC Form
312 in order to make it easier to ensure
that applicants will comply with the
geographic service rules and/or
geographic coverage requirements
contained in Part 25 of the
Commission’s rules. Without such
information, the Commission could not
determine whether to permit
respondents to provide
telecommunications services in the
United States. Therefore, the
Commission would be unable to fulfill
its statutory responsibilities in
accordance with the Communications
Act of 1934, as amended, and the
obligations imposed on parties to the
WTO Basic Telecom Agreement.
OMB Control Number: 3060–1048.
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Title: Section 1.929(c)(1), Composite
Interference Contour (CIC).
Form No.: N/A.
Type of Review: Revision of a
currently approved collection.
Respondents: Business or other forprofit, not-for-profit institutions, and
state, local or tribal government.
Number of Respondents: 50
respondents; 50 responses.
Estimated Time Per Response: 2
Frequency of Response: On occasion
reporting requirement and
recordkeeping requirement.
Obligation to Respond: Required to
obtain or retain benefits.
Total Annual Burden: 100 hours.
Total Annual Cost: N/A.
Privacy Act Impact Assessment: N/A.
Nature and Extent of Confidentiality:
There is no need for confidentiality.
Needs and Uses: The Commission
will submit this information collection
to OMB as a revision during this
comment period to obtain the full 3-year
clearance from them.
The Commission has revised this
collection since it was last submitted to
OMB. On February 22, 2005, the
Commission released a Report and
Order in WT Docket No. 03–103 (70 FR
19293), which amended this section to
specify that expansion of a composite
interference contour (CIC) of a sitebased licensee in the Paging and
Radiotelephone Service—as well as the
Rural Radiotelephone Service and 800
MHz Specialized Mobile Radio
Service—over water on a secondary,
non-interference basis should be
classified as a minor (rather than a
major) modification of a license. Such
reclassification has eliminated the filing
requirements associated with these
license modifications, but requires sitebased licensees to provide the
geographic area licensee (on the same
frequency) with the technical and
engineering information necessary to
evaluate the site-based licensee’s
operations over water. The purpose of
this collection is to enable the
geographic licensee to have technical
and engineering information regarding a
site-based licensee’s operation over
water in order to guard against
unacceptable interference to its own
OMB Control Number: 3060–0496.
Title: The ARMIS Operating Data
Report No.: FCC Report 43–08.
Type of Review: Extension of a
currently approved collection.
Respondents: Business or other forprofit.
Number of Respondents: 56
respondents; 56 responses.
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Estimated Time Per Response: 139
Frequency of Response: Annual
reporting requirement.
Obligation to Respond: Mandatory.
Total Annual Burden: 7,784 hours.
Total Annual Cost: N/A.
Privacy Act Impact Assessment: N/A.
Nature and Extent of Confidentiality:
Ordinarily questions of a sensitive
nature are not involved in the ARMIS
Operating Data Report. The Commission
contends that areas in which detailed
information is required are fully subject
to regulation and the issue of data being
regarded as sensitive will arise in
special circumstances only. In such
circumstances, the respondent is
instructed on the appropriate
procedures to follow and safeguard
sensitive data. Commission rules 47
CFR 0.459 contain the procedures for
requesting confidential treatment of
Needs and Uses: The Commission
will submit this information collection
to OMB as an extension during this
comment period to obtain the full 3-year
clearance from them. There is no change
in the number of respondents and/or
burden hours.
ARMIS Report 43–08 monitors
network growth, usage, and reliability.
Section 43.21 of the Commission’s rules
details that requirement. The
Automated Reporting Management
Information System (ARMIS) was
implemented to facilitate the timely and
efficient analysis of revenue
requirements, rates of return and price
caps; to provide an improved basis for
audits and other oversight functions;
and to enhance the Commission’s ability
to quantify the effects of alternative
OMB Control Number: 3060–0798.
Title: FCC Application for Wireless
Telecommunications Bureau Radio
Service Authorization.
Form No.: FCC Form 601.
Type of Review: Extension of a
currently approved collection.
Respondents: Individuals or
household, business or other for-profit,
not-for-profit institutions, and state,
local or tribal government.
Number of Respondents: 250,920
respondents; 250,920 responses.
Estimated Time Per Response: .50–
1.25 hours.
Frequency of Response: On occasion
and every 10 year reporting
requirements, recordkeeping
requirement and third party disclosure
Obligation to Respond: Required to
obtain or retain benefits.
Total Annual Burden: 219,505 hours.
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 25 / Wednesday, February 7, 2007 / Notices
Total Annual Cost: $50,144,000.
Privacy Act Impact Assessment: Yes.
Nature and Extent of Confidentiality:
Respondents may request materials or
information submitted to the
Commission be withheld from public
inspection under 47 CFR 0.459 of the
Commission’s rules.
Needs and Uses: The Commission
will submit this information collection
to OMB as an extension during this
comment period to obtain the full 3-year
clearance from them. There is no change
in the number of respondents, burden
hours and/or annual costs.
The FCC Form 601 is a consolidated,
multi-part application form, or ‘‘long
form’’, that is used for general marketbased licensing and site-by-site
licensing for wireless
telecommunications and public safety
services filed through the Commission’s
Universal Licensing System (ULS). FCC
Form 601 is composed of a main form
that contains the administrative
information and a series of schedules
used for filing technical and other
information. Respondents are
encouraged to submit FCC Form 601
electronically and are required to do so
when submitting FCC Form 601 to
apply for an authorization for which the
applicant was the winning bidder in a
spectrum auction. The data collected on
the FCC Form 601 include the FCC
Registration Number (FRN), which
serves as a ‘‘common link’’ for all filings
an entity has with the Commission. The
Debt Collection Improvement Act of
1996 requires that those entities filing
with the Commission use a FRN.
OMB Control Number: 3060–1044.
Title: Review of the Section 251
Unbundling Obligations of Incumbent
Local Exchange Carriers, CC Docket No.
01–338 and WC Docket No. 04–313,
FCC 04–290, Order on Remand.
Form No.: N/A.
Type of Review: Revision of a
currently approved collection.
Respondents: Business or other forprofit, not-for-profit institutions, and
state, local or tribal government.
Number of Respondents: 645
respondents; 645 responses.
Estimated Time Per Response: 8
Frequency of Response: On occasion
reporting requirement, recordkeeping
requirement and third party disclosure
Obligation to Respond: Required to
obtain or retain benefits.
Total Annual Burden: 5,160 hours.
Total Annual Cost: N/A.
Privacy Act Impact Assessment: N/A.
Nature and Extent of Confidentiality:
The Commission is not requesting
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respondents to submit or disclose
confidential information. However, in
certain circumstances, respondents may
voluntarily choose to submit
confidential information pursuant to
applicable confidentiality rules, 47 CFR
Needs and Uses: The Commission
will submit this information collection
to OMB as a revision during this
comment period to obtain the full threeyear clearance from them. The
Commission has revised this collection
since it was last submitted to OMB.
In the Order on Remand (FCC 04–
290), the Commission responded to a
decision by the United States Court of
Appeals for the District of Columbia that
vacated the ‘‘sub-delegation’’ of
authority to state commissions and
vacated and remanded certain
nationwide impairment findings,
including mass market switching and
dedicated transport.
In the Order, the Commission adopted
three specific service eligibility criteria
for access to enhanced extended links
(EELs), which are important to assure
that requesting carriers may not obtain
EELs if they do not provide services that
qualify for unbundled network elements
(UNEs) under the Commission’s rules.
The Order requires carriers to collect
certain data regarding usage of local
telephone networks, and includes the
possibility of audits by the incumbent
carrier. Under the first of the three EELs
eligibility criteria, each carrier must
have a state certification of authority to
provide local voice service. Second,
each carrier must have at least one local
number assigned to each circuit and
must provide 911 or E911 capability to
each circuit, in order to demonstrate
actual provision of local voice service.
Third, each carrier must satisfy circuitspecific architectural safeguards.
Carriers requesting EELs also must
certify that they satisfy each criterion,
subject to an incumbent local exchange
carrier’s (LECs) limited right to obtain
an annual independent audit of the
requesting carrier.
The Commission has revised this
information collection to eliminate the
state commission UNE proceeding
requirement from the collection due to
the Order on Remand. This has resulted
in a ¥68,690 burden hours and
¥$5,275,000 in annual costs.
OMB Control Number: 3060–0942.
Title: Access Charge Reform, Price
Cap Performance Review for Local
Exchange Carriers, Low-Volume Long
Distance Users, Federal-State Joint
Board on Universal Service.
Form No.: N/A.
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Type of Review: Extension of a
currently approved collection.
Respondents: Business or other forprofit.
Number of Respondents: 759
respondents; 3,241 responses.
Estimated Time Per Response: 5–60
hours (average).
Frequency of Response: On occasion,
quarterly and annual reporting
requirements, recordkeeping
requirement and third party disclosure
Obligation to Respond: Required to
obtain or retain benefits.
Total Annual Burden: 21,321 hours.
Total Annual Cost: N/A.
Privacy Act Impact Assessment: N/A.
Nature and Extent of Confidentiality:
The Commission is not requesting
respondents to submit confidential
information to the Commission or to
USAC. If the Commission requests
respondents to submit information to
the Commission that the respondents
believe are confidential, respondents
may request confidential treatment of
such information pursuant to 47 CFR
0.459 of the Commission’s rules.
Needs and Uses: The Commission
will submit this information collection
to OMB as an extension during this
comment period to obtain the full threeyear clearance from them. In 2000, the
Commission adopted an integrated
interstate access reform and universal
service proposal put forth by the
members of the Coalition for Affordable
Local and Long Distance Service
(CALLS). The Commission requires the
following information to be reported to
the following entities under the CALLS
proposal: (a) Tariff filing; (b) quarterly
and annual data filings; and (c) cost
support filings. The Commission and
USAC (administrator) uses the
information to ensure compliance with
the interstate access reforms of the
CALLS proposal, or uses the line count
and other information filed by price cap
and competitive LECs to determine, on
a per-line basis, the amount that the
carrier receives from the interstate
access universal services support
mechanism; or to implement
requirements of section 201(b) of the
Communications Act.
Federal Communications Commission.
Marlene H. Dortch,
[FR Doc. E7–1992 Filed 2–6–07; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 72, Number 25 (Wednesday, February 7, 2007)]
[Pages 5715-5717]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E7-1992]
Notice of Public Information Collection(s) Being Submitted for
Review to the Office of Management and Budget
January 30, 2007.
SUMMARY: The Federal Communications Commission, as part of its
continuing effort to reduce paperwork burden invites the general public
and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on the
following information collection(s), as required by the Paperwork
Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995, Public Law 104-13. An agency may not
conduct or sponsor a collection of information unless it displays a
currently valid control number. No person shall be subject to any
penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information subject
to the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) that does not display a valid
control number. Comments are requested concerning (a) whether the
proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the Commission, including whether the
information shall have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the
Commission's burden estimate; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility,
and clarity of the information collected; and (d) ways to minimize the
burden of the collection of information on the respondents, including
the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of
information technology.
DATES: Written Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) comments should be
submitted on or before March 9, 2007. If you anticipate that you will
be submitting PRA comments, but find it difficult to do so within the
period of time allowed by this notice, you should advise the FCC
contact listed below as soon as possible.
ADDRESSES: Direct all PRA comments to Allison E. Zaleski, Office of
Management and Budget, Room 10236 NEOB, Washington, DC 20503, (202)
395-6466, or via fax at 202-395-5167 or via Internet at Allison--E.-- and to, Federal
Communications Commission, Room 1-B441, 445 12th Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20554 or send an e-mail to If you would
like to
[[Page 5716]]
obtain or view a copy of this information collection, you may do so by
visiting the FCC PRA web page at:
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For additional information or copies
of the information collection(s), contact Judith B. Herman at 202-418-
0214 or via the Internet at
OMB Control Number: 3060-0678.
Title: Part 25 of the Commission's Rules Governing the Licensing
of, and Spectrum Usage by, Satellite Network Stations and Space
Form No.: FCC Form 312, Schedule S.
Type of Review: Revision of a currently approved collection.
Respondents: Business or other for-profit.
Number of Respondents: 3,462 respondents; 3,462 responses.
Estimated Time Per Response: 12 hours (average).
Frequency of Response: On occasion and annual reporting
requirements and third party disclosure requirement.
Obligation to Respond: Required to obtain or retain benefits.
Total Annual Burden: 42,116 hours.
Total Annual Cost: $613,719,126.
Privacy Act Impact Assessment: N/A.
Nature and Extent of Confidentiality: There is no need for
Needs and Uses: The Commission will submit this information
collection to OMB as a revision during this comment period to obtain
the full 3-year clearance from them. The Commission has revised this
collection since it was last submitted to OMB. The Commission on its
own motion, proposes to revise this collection to add a section to the
FCC Form 312 which will enable satellite applicants to certify whether
or not they are subject to geographic service or geographic coverage
requirements and whether they will comply with those requirements. The
Commission amended the FCC Form 312 in order to make it easier to
ensure that applicants will comply with the geographic service rules
and/or geographic coverage requirements contained in Part 25 of the
Commission's rules. Without such information, the Commission could not
determine whether to permit respondents to provide telecommunications
services in the United States. Therefore, the Commission would be
unable to fulfill its statutory responsibilities in accordance with the
Communications Act of 1934, as amended, and the obligations imposed on
parties to the WTO Basic Telecom Agreement.
OMB Control Number: 3060-1048.
Title: Section 1.929(c)(1), Composite Interference Contour (CIC).
Form No.: N/A.
Type of Review: Revision of a currently approved collection.
Respondents: Business or other for-profit, not-for-profit
institutions, and state, local or tribal government.
Number of Respondents: 50 respondents; 50 responses.
Estimated Time Per Response: 2 hours.
Frequency of Response: On occasion reporting requirement and
recordkeeping requirement.
Obligation to Respond: Required to obtain or retain benefits.
Total Annual Burden: 100 hours.
Total Annual Cost: N/A.
Privacy Act Impact Assessment: N/A.
Nature and Extent of Confidentiality: There is no need for
Needs and Uses: The Commission will submit this information
collection to OMB as a revision during this comment period to obtain
the full 3-year clearance from them.
The Commission has revised this collection since it was last
submitted to OMB. On February 22, 2005, the Commission released a
Report and Order in WT Docket No. 03-103 (70 FR 19293), which amended
this section to specify that expansion of a composite interference
contour (CIC) of a site-based licensee in the Paging and Radiotelephone
Service--as well as the Rural Radiotelephone Service and 800 MHz
Specialized Mobile Radio Service--over water on a secondary, non-
interference basis should be classified as a minor (rather than a
major) modification of a license. Such reclassification has eliminated
the filing requirements associated with these license modifications,
but requires site-based licensees to provide the geographic area
licensee (on the same frequency) with the technical and engineering
information necessary to evaluate the site-based licensee's operations
over water. The purpose of this collection is to enable the geographic
licensee to have technical and engineering information regarding a
site-based licensee's operation over water in order to guard against
unacceptable interference to its own operation(s).
OMB Control Number: 3060-0496.
Title: The ARMIS Operating Data Report.
Report No.: FCC Report 43-08.
Type of Review: Extension of a currently approved collection.
Respondents: Business or other for-profit.
Number of Respondents: 56 respondents; 56 responses.
Estimated Time Per Response: 139 hours.
Frequency of Response: Annual reporting requirement.
Obligation to Respond: Mandatory.
Total Annual Burden: 7,784 hours.
Total Annual Cost: N/A.
Privacy Act Impact Assessment: N/A.
Nature and Extent of Confidentiality: Ordinarily questions of a
sensitive nature are not involved in the ARMIS Operating Data Report.
The Commission contends that areas in which detailed information is
required are fully subject to regulation and the issue of data being
regarded as sensitive will arise in special circumstances only. In such
circumstances, the respondent is instructed on the appropriate
procedures to follow and safeguard sensitive data. Commission rules 47
CFR 0.459 contain the procedures for requesting confidential treatment
of data.
Needs and Uses: The Commission will submit this information
collection to OMB as an extension during this comment period to obtain
the full 3-year clearance from them. There is no change in the number
of respondents and/or burden hours.
ARMIS Report 43-08 monitors network growth, usage, and reliability.
Section 43.21 of the Commission's rules details that requirement. The
Automated Reporting Management Information System (ARMIS) was
implemented to facilitate the timely and efficient analysis of revenue
requirements, rates of return and price caps; to provide an improved
basis for audits and other oversight functions; and to enhance the
Commission's ability to quantify the effects of alternative policy.
OMB Control Number: 3060-0798.
Title: FCC Application for Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Radio
Service Authorization.
Form No.: FCC Form 601.
Type of Review: Extension of a currently approved collection.
Respondents: Individuals or household, business or other for-
profit, not-for-profit institutions, and state, local or tribal
Number of Respondents: 250,920 respondents; 250,920 responses.
Estimated Time Per Response: .50-1.25 hours.
Frequency of Response: On occasion and every 10 year reporting
requirements, recordkeeping requirement and third party disclosure
Obligation to Respond: Required to obtain or retain benefits.
Total Annual Burden: 219,505 hours.
[[Page 5717]]
Total Annual Cost: $50,144,000.
Privacy Act Impact Assessment: Yes.
Nature and Extent of Confidentiality: Respondents may request
materials or information submitted to the Commission be withheld from
public inspection under 47 CFR 0.459 of the Commission's rules.
Needs and Uses: The Commission will submit this information
collection to OMB as an extension during this comment period to obtain
the full 3-year clearance from them. There is no change in the number
of respondents, burden hours and/or annual costs.
The FCC Form 601 is a consolidated, multi-part application form, or
``long form'', that is used for general market-based licensing and
site-by-site licensing for wireless telecommunications and public
safety services filed through the Commission's Universal Licensing
System (ULS). FCC Form 601 is composed of a main form that contains the
administrative information and a series of schedules used for filing
technical and other information. Respondents are encouraged to submit
FCC Form 601 electronically and are required to do so when submitting
FCC Form 601 to apply for an authorization for which the applicant was
the winning bidder in a spectrum auction. The data collected on the FCC
Form 601 include the FCC Registration Number (FRN), which serves as a
``common link'' for all filings an entity has with the Commission. The
Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996 requires that those entities
filing with the Commission use a FRN.
OMB Control Number: 3060-1044.
Title: Review of the Section 251 Unbundling Obligations of
Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers, CC Docket No. 01-338 and WC Docket
No. 04-313, FCC 04-290, Order on Remand.
Form No.: N/A.
Type of Review: Revision of a currently approved collection.
Respondents: Business or other for-profit, not-for-profit
institutions, and state, local or tribal government.
Number of Respondents: 645 respondents; 645 responses.
Estimated Time Per Response: 8 hours.
Frequency of Response: On occasion reporting requirement,
recordkeeping requirement and third party disclosure requirement.
Obligation to Respond: Required to obtain or retain benefits.
Total Annual Burden: 5,160 hours.
Total Annual Cost: N/A.
Privacy Act Impact Assessment: N/A.
Nature and Extent of Confidentiality: The Commission is not
requesting respondents to submit or disclose confidential information.
However, in certain circumstances, respondents may voluntarily choose
to submit confidential information pursuant to applicable
confidentiality rules, 47 CFR 0.459.
Needs and Uses: The Commission will submit this information
collection to OMB as a revision during this comment period to obtain
the full three-year clearance from them. The Commission has revised
this collection since it was last submitted to OMB.
In the Order on Remand (FCC 04-290), the Commission responded to a
decision by the United States Court of Appeals for the District of
Columbia that vacated the ``sub-delegation'' of authority to state
commissions and vacated and remanded certain nationwide impairment
findings, including mass market switching and dedicated transport.
In the Order, the Commission adopted three specific service
eligibility criteria for access to enhanced extended links (EELs),
which are important to assure that requesting carriers may not obtain
EELs if they do not provide services that qualify for unbundled network
elements (UNEs) under the Commission's rules. The Order requires
carriers to collect certain data regarding usage of local telephone
networks, and includes the possibility of audits by the incumbent
carrier. Under the first of the three EELs eligibility criteria, each
carrier must have a state certification of authority to provide local
voice service. Second, each carrier must have at least one local number
assigned to each circuit and must provide 911 or E911 capability to
each circuit, in order to demonstrate actual provision of local voice
service. Third, each carrier must satisfy circuit-specific
architectural safeguards. Carriers requesting EELs also must certify
that they satisfy each criterion, subject to an incumbent local
exchange carrier's (LECs) limited right to obtain an annual independent
audit of the requesting carrier.
The Commission has revised this information collection to eliminate
the state commission UNE proceeding requirement from the collection due
to the Order on Remand. This has resulted in a -68,690 burden hours and
-$5,275,000 in annual costs.
OMB Control Number: 3060-0942.
Title: Access Charge Reform, Price Cap Performance Review for Local
Exchange Carriers, Low-Volume Long Distance Users, Federal-State Joint
Board on Universal Service.
Form No.: N/A.
Type of Review: Extension of a currently approved collection.
Respondents: Business or other for-profit.
Number of Respondents: 759 respondents; 3,241 responses.
Estimated Time Per Response: 5-60 hours (average).
Frequency of Response: On occasion, quarterly and annual reporting
requirements, recordkeeping requirement and third party disclosure
Obligation to Respond: Required to obtain or retain benefits.
Total Annual Burden: 21,321 hours.
Total Annual Cost: N/A.
Privacy Act Impact Assessment: N/A.
Nature and Extent of Confidentiality: The Commission is not
requesting respondents to submit confidential information to the
Commission or to USAC. If the Commission requests respondents to submit
information to the Commission that the respondents believe are
confidential, respondents may request confidential treatment of such
information pursuant to 47 CFR 0.459 of the Commission's rules.
Needs and Uses: The Commission will submit this information
collection to OMB as an extension during this comment period to obtain
the full three-year clearance from them. In 2000, the Commission
adopted an integrated interstate access reform and universal service
proposal put forth by the members of the Coalition for Affordable Local
and Long Distance Service (CALLS). The Commission requires the
following information to be reported to the following entities under
the CALLS proposal: (a) Tariff filing; (b) quarterly and annual data
filings; and (c) cost support filings. The Commission and USAC
(administrator) uses the information to ensure compliance with the
interstate access reforms of the CALLS proposal, or uses the line count
and other information filed by price cap and competitive LECs to
determine, on a per-line basis, the amount that the carrier receives
from the interstate access universal services support mechanism; or to
implement requirements of section 201(b) of the Communications Act.
Federal Communications Commission.
Marlene H. Dortch,
[FR Doc. E7-1992 Filed 2-6-07; 8:45 am]