Corridors of the Future Program, 5787-5788 [E7-1979]
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 25 / Wednesday, February 7, 2007 / Notices
response, on December 21, 2006, SBA
published in the Federal Register a
notice of intent to waive the
Nonmanufacturer Rule for Demountable
Cargo Containers Manufacturing (Dry
Freight Containers/Connex Boxes). SBA
explained in the notice that it was
soliciting comments and sources of
small business manufacturers of this
class of products. In response to that
December 21, 2006 notice, SBA received
comments from small business
manufacturers indicating that it has
furnished this product to the Federal
government. Accordingly, based on the
available information, SBA has
determined that there are small business
manufacturers of this class of products,
and, is therefore denying the class
waiver of the Nonmanufacturer Rule for
Demountable Cargo Containers
Manufacturing (Dry Freight Containers/
Connex Boxes), NAICS 336212.
Dated: February 2, 2007.
Arthur Collins,
Acting Associate Administrator for
Government Contracting.
[FR Doc. E7–2028 Filed 2–6–07; 8:45 am]
Office of the Secretary
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
Notice of Applications for Certificates
of Public Convenience and Necessity
and Foreign Air Carrier Permits Filed
Under Subpart B (Formerly Subpart Q)
During the Week Ending January 19,
The following Applications for
Certificates of Public Convenience and
Necessity and Foreign Air Carrier
Permits were filed under Subpart B
(formerly Subpart Q) of the Department
of Transportation’s Procedural
Regulations (See 14 CFR 301.201 et
seq.). The due date for Answers,
Conforming Applications, or Motions to
Modify Scope are set forth below for
each application. Following the Answer
period DOT may process the application
by expedited procedures. Such
procedures may consist of the adoption
of a show-cause order, a tentative order,
or in appropriate cases a final order
without further proceedings.
Docket Number: OST–2007–26980.
Date Filed: January 17, 2007.
Due Date for Answers, Conforming
Applications, or Motion to Modify
Scope: February 7, 2007.
Description: Application of Jade Cargo
International Company Limited
requesting a foreign air carrier permit
authorizing it to engage in charter
foreign air transportation of property
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and mail between any point or points in
the People’s Republic of China, on the
one hand, and any point or points in the
United States, on the other hand.
Docket Number: OST–1996–2016.
Date Filed: January 18, 2007.
Due Date for Answers, Conforming
Applications, or Motion to Modify
Scope: February 8, 2007.
Description: Application of Delta Air
Lines, Inc. requesting renewal of its
certificate authority to engage in
scheduled foreign air transportation of
persons, property, and mail between
Atlanta, GA, and the coterminal points
Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Docket Number: OST–2007–27019.
Date Filed: January 19, 2007.
Due Date for Answers, Conforming
Applications, or Motion to Modify
Scope: February 9, 2007.
Description: Application of Delta Air
Lines, Inc. requesting (i) a certificate of
public convenience and necessity to
engage in scheduled foreign air
transportation of persons, property, and
mail between the United States and
China, (ii) seven weekly frequencies for
that service, and (iii) a U.S.-China
Renee V. Wright,
Program Manager, Docket Operations,
Federal Register Liaison.
[FR Doc. E7–1995 Filed 2–6–07; 8:45 am]
Office of the Secretary
Notice of Applications for Certificates
of Public Convenience and Necessity
and Foreign Air Carrier Permits Filed
Under Subpart B (formerly Subpart Q)
During the Week Ending January 26,
The following Applications for
Certificates of Public Convenience and
Necessity and Foreign Air Carrier
Permits were filed under Subpart B
(formerly Subpart Q) of the Department
of Transportation’s Procedural
Regulations (See 14 CFR 301.201 et.
seq.). The due date for Answers,
Conforming Applications, or Motions to
Modify Scope are set forth below for
each application. Following the Answer
period DOT may process the application
by expedited procedures. Such
procedures may consist of the adoption
of a show-cause order, a tentative order,
or in appropriate cases a final order
without further proceedings.
Docket Number: OST–2007–27060.
Date Filed: January 23, 2007.
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Due Date for Answers, Conforming
Applications, or Motion to Modify
Scope: February 13, 2007.
Description: Application of Zoom
Airlines Limited (‘‘Zoom’’) requesting
an exemption and a foreign air carrier
permit authorizing Zoom to provide (1)
scheduled foreign air transportation of
persons, property and mail between
London, England (London Gatwick
Airport) and New York, NY (John F.
Kennedy International Airport), and (2)
charter foreign air transportation of
persons, property and mail between a
point(s) in the United Kingdom, on the
one hand, and a point(s) in the United
States, on the other, and other charter
Docket Number: OST–2007–27074.
Date Filed: January 23, 2007.
Due Date for Answers, Conforming
Applications, or Motion to Modify
Scope: February 13, 2007.
Description: Application of Lynx
Aviation, Inc. requesting a certificate of
public convenience and necessity
authorizing interstate scheduled air
transportation of persons, property and
Docket Number: OST–2007–27056.
Date Filed: January 22, 2007.
Due Date for Answers, Conforming
Applications, or Motion to Modify
Scope: February 12, 2007.
Description: Application of Polar Air
Cargo, Inc. (‘‘Polar’’) requesting that the
Department (i) disclaim jurisdiction
over a proposed corporate reorganization in which Polar will be
converted from a California corporation
to a California limited liability company
bearing the name Polar Air Cargo, LLC,
and transfer its certificates of public
convenience and necessity, exemptions,
designations, frequency allocations and
related operating authorities (the
‘‘Authorities’’) to Polar Air Worldwide,
Inc. (‘‘Polar Worldwide’’), a Delaware
corporation, which will continue air
carrier operations under the ‘‘Polar Air
Cargo’’ brand, or (ii) in the alternative,
approve the transfer of the Authorities
to Polar Worldwide.
Renee V. Wright,
Program Manager, Docket Operations,
Federal Register Liaison.
[FR Doc. E7–1996 Filed 2–6–07; 8:45 am]
Corridors of the Future Program
Department of Transportation
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 25 / Wednesday, February 7, 2007 / Notices
Notice; announcement of
proposals selected to advance to Phase
2 of the Corridors of the Future Program.
The U.S. Department of
Transportation (DOT) announces the
selection of the Corridors of the Future
(CFP) Phase 1 proposals to be advanced
to Phase 2 of the CFP. Through the CFP
selection process, the DOT will select
up to 5 nationally significant
transportation corridors in need of
investment for the purpose of reducing
congestion, increasing freight system
reliability, and enhancing the quality of
life for U.S. citizens. The DOT has
identified 8 nationally significant
corridors comprised of 14 CFP
proposals that have the potential to
alleviate congestion and provide
national and regional long-term benefits
to further economic growth and
international trade within the corridors
and across the Nation. Several of these
proposals are multimodal and multijurisdictional in nature.
DATES: The proposals selected for Phase
2 of the CFP are invited to submit a
Corridor Application. Applications
must be received on or before May 25,
ADDRESSES: Proposals selected for Phase
2 should submit their Corridor
Application to Mr. James D. Ray, Chief
Counsel, Federal Highway
Administration, 400 Seventh Street,
SW., Room 4213, Washington, DC
20590, or electronically to
Michael W. Harkins, Attorney-Advisor,
(202) 366–4928
(, or Ms. Alla
C. Shaw, Attorney-Advisor, (202) 366–
1042 (, Federal
Highway Administration, Office of the
Chief Counsel, 400 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4230, Washington, DC 20590.
Office hours are from 7:45 a.m. to 4:15
p.m., e.t., Monday through Friday,
except Federal holidays.
Electronic Access: An electronic copy
of this document may also be
downloaded from the Office of the
Federal Register’s home page at: https:// and the Government
Printing Office’s Web page at: https://
Background: On September 5, 2006,
the DOT published a notice in the
Federal Register seeking applications
from States, or private sector entities,
interested in forming coalitions to build
and manage corridors in a way that
alleviates congestion on our highways,
rail, or waterways (71 FR 52364). The
notice outlined a two-phase submission
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
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and selection process. For Phase 1,
interested parties were asked to submit
proposals containing general
information about the proposed corridor
projects. The DOT received 38 proposals
during Phase I and evaluated each
proposal against the primary objectives
of the CFP. The DOT established a team
comprised of representatives from
DOT’s surface transportation
administrations with expertise in the
areas of finance, environment and
planning, infrastructure, and operations
to review the proposals. Proposals were
selected to move forward to Phase 2
based on each Applicant’s
responsiveness to the information
requested for Phase 1 and the ability of
the proposed project to achieve the
primary goals of the CFP, including the
development of corridors with national
and regional significance in the
movement of freight and people,
congestion reduction, and the use of
innovative financing.
Based on the recommendations of the
Phase 1 review team, the DOT has
identified 8 major corridors comprised
of 14 CFP proposals that have the
potential to achieve the goals of the
The 8 corridors and 14 proposals
selected for Phase 2 of the CFP are as
Planning Commission, and Chicago
Metropolitan Agency for Planning.
5. Interstate 5 (I–5)
A. I–5 in the Portland, Oregon and
Vancouver, Washington metropolitan
area—Submitted by the Oregon and
Washington State DOTs.
B. I–5 Corridor California—Submitted
by the California DOT.
6. Interstate 70 (I–70) Dedicated Truck
Lanes Corridor Missouri to Ohio—
Submitted by the Indiana DOT in
partnership with the Missouri, Illinois,
and Ohio DOTs.
7. Interstate 69 (I–69)—Submitted by
Arkansas State Highway and
Transportation Department on behalf of
the I–69 Corridor Coalition.
8. Interstate 10 (I–10)—Submitted by
Wilbur Smith Associates.
The proposals selected for Phase 2 of
the CFP are invited to submit a Corridor
Application as described in the
September 5, 2006, notice. Corridor
Applications must be received on or
before May 25, 2007.
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 101.
Issued on: February 1, 2007.
Maria Cino,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. E7–1979 Filed 2–6–07; 8:45 am]
1. Interstate 95 (I–95)
A. I–95—Submitted by the Florida,
Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina
and Virginia DOTs.
B. I–95—Submitted by the Interstate
95 Corridor Coalition.
C. The Southeast Interstate 95
Corridor—Submitted by CSX
2. Interstate 80 (I–80)
A. I–80 Nevada—Submitted by the
Regional Transportation Commission,
Reno, Nevada on behalf of the I–80
B. I–80 California—Submitted by the
California DOT.
3. Interstate 15 (I–15)
A. I–15 Corridor California—
Submitted by the California DOT.
B. I–15 Nevada—Submitted by the
Nevada DOT.
4. Northern Tier (Interstates 80, 90, and
A. Detroit/Chicago National/
International Corridor of Choice (I–94)
(National Freight Node and Link)—
Submitted by the Michigan DOT.
B. Illiana Expressway and Freight
Corridor (National Freight Node)—
Submitted by the Indiana and Illinois
DOTs, Northwestern Indiana Regional
PO 00000
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Federal Transit Administration
[Docket No: FTA–2006–23511]
Notice of Final Agency Guidance on
the Eligibility of Joint Development
Improvements Under Federal Transit
Federal Transit Administration
ACTION: Final Agency Guidance.
SUMMARY: This final Agency guidance
describes the eligibility of ‘‘joint
development’’ improvements under 49
U.S.C. 5301 et seq. (Federal transit law)
by interpreting the definition and
operation of the term ‘‘capital project’’
as defined at 49 U.S.C. 5302(a)(1)(G),
and as amended by Section 3003(a) of
the Safe, Accountable, Flexible,
Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A
Legacy for Users (SAFETEA–LU). This
final Agency guidance is the
culmination of three notices issued by
the Federal Transit Administration
(FTA or Agency), the first of which
appeared in the Federal Register on
January 31, 2006. FTA intends to
publish the text of this final Agency
guidance as a stand-alone FTA Circular
[Federal Register Volume 72, Number 25 (Wednesday, February 7, 2007)]
[Pages 5787-5788]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E7-1979]
Corridors of the Future Program
AGENCY: Department of Transportation (DOT).
[[Page 5788]]
ACTION: Notice; announcement of proposals selected to advance to Phase
2 of the Corridors of the Future Program.
SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) announces the
selection of the Corridors of the Future (CFP) Phase 1 proposals to be
advanced to Phase 2 of the CFP. Through the CFP selection process, the
DOT will select up to 5 nationally significant transportation corridors
in need of investment for the purpose of reducing congestion,
increasing freight system reliability, and enhancing the quality of
life for U.S. citizens. The DOT has identified 8 nationally significant
corridors comprised of 14 CFP proposals that have the potential to
alleviate congestion and provide national and regional long-term
benefits to further economic growth and international trade within the
corridors and across the Nation. Several of these proposals are
multimodal and multi-jurisdictional in nature.
DATES: The proposals selected for Phase 2 of the CFP are invited to
submit a Corridor Application. Applications must be received on or
before May 25, 2007.
ADDRESSES: Proposals selected for Phase 2 should submit their Corridor
Application to Mr. James D. Ray, Chief Counsel, Federal Highway
Administration, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Room 4213, Washington, DC
20590, or electronically to
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Michael W. Harkins, Attorney-
Advisor, (202) 366-4928 (, or Ms. Alla C. Shaw,
Attorney-Advisor, (202) 366-1042 (, Federal Highway
Administration, Office of the Chief Counsel, 400 Seventh Street, SW.,
Room 4230, Washington, DC 20590. Office hours are from 7:45 a.m. to
4:15 p.m., e.t., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays.
Electronic Access: An electronic copy of this document may also be
downloaded from the Office of the Federal Register's home page at: and the Government Printing Office's Web page
Background: On September 5, 2006, the DOT published a notice in the
Federal Register seeking applications from States, or private sector
entities, interested in forming coalitions to build and manage
corridors in a way that alleviates congestion on our highways, rail, or
waterways (71 FR 52364). The notice outlined a two-phase submission and
selection process. For Phase 1, interested parties were asked to submit
proposals containing general information about the proposed corridor
projects. The DOT received 38 proposals during Phase I and evaluated
each proposal against the primary objectives of the CFP. The DOT
established a team comprised of representatives from DOT's surface
transportation administrations with expertise in the areas of finance,
environment and planning, infrastructure, and operations to review the
proposals. Proposals were selected to move forward to Phase 2 based on
each Applicant's responsiveness to the information requested for Phase
1 and the ability of the proposed project to achieve the primary goals
of the CFP, including the development of corridors with national and
regional significance in the movement of freight and people, congestion
reduction, and the use of innovative financing.
Based on the recommendations of the Phase 1 review team, the DOT
has identified 8 major corridors comprised of 14 CFP proposals that
have the potential to achieve the goals of the CFP.
The 8 corridors and 14 proposals selected for Phase 2 of the CFP
are as follows:
1. Interstate 95 (I-95)
A. I-95--Submitted by the Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North
Carolina and Virginia DOTs.
B. I-95--Submitted by the Interstate 95 Corridor Coalition.
C. The Southeast Interstate 95 Corridor--Submitted by CSX
2. Interstate 80 (I-80)
A. I-80 Nevada--Submitted by the Regional Transportation
Commission, Reno, Nevada on behalf of the I-80 Coalition.
B. I-80 California--Submitted by the California DOT.
3. Interstate 15 (I-15)
A. I-15 Corridor California--Submitted by the California DOT.
B. I-15 Nevada--Submitted by the Nevada DOT.
4. Northern Tier (Interstates 80, 90, and 94)
A. Detroit/Chicago National/International Corridor of Choice (I-94)
(National Freight Node and Link)--Submitted by the Michigan DOT.
B. Illiana Expressway and Freight Corridor (National Freight
Node)--Submitted by the Indiana and Illinois DOTs, Northwestern Indiana
Regional Planning Commission, and Chicago Metropolitan Agency for
5. Interstate 5 (I-5)
A. I-5 in the Portland, Oregon and Vancouver, Washington
metropolitan area--Submitted by the Oregon and Washington State DOTs.
B. I-5 Corridor California--Submitted by the California DOT.
6. Interstate 70 (I-70) Dedicated Truck Lanes Corridor Missouri to
Ohio--Submitted by the Indiana DOT in partnership with the Missouri,
Illinois, and Ohio DOTs.
7. Interstate 69 (I-69)--Submitted by Arkansas State Highway and
Transportation Department on behalf of the I-69 Corridor Coalition.
8. Interstate 10 (I-10)--Submitted by Wilbur Smith Associates.
The proposals selected for Phase 2 of the CFP are invited to submit
a Corridor Application as described in the September 5, 2006, notice.
Corridor Applications must be received on or before May 25, 2007.
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 101.
Issued on: February 1, 2007.
Maria Cino,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. E7-1979 Filed 2-6-07; 8:45 am]