Final Flood Elevation Determinations, 5197-5214 [E7-1769]
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 23 / Monday, February 5, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
I Par. 7. The authority citation for part
602 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 26 U.S.C. 7805.
Par. 8. In § 602.101, paragraph (b) is
revised by adding an entry for
§ 1.367(a)–8T in numerical order to the
table to read as follows:
§ 602.101
CFR part or section where
identified and described
OMB control
1.367(a)–8T ..............................
Kevin M. Brown,
Deputy Commissioner for Services and
Approved: January 31, 2007.
Eric Solomon,
Assistant Secretary of the Treasury (Tax
[FR Doc. 07–490 Filed 2–1–07; 8:52 am]
Federal Emergency Management
44 CFR Part 67
Final Flood Elevation Determinations
Federal Emergency
Management Agency, DHS.
ACTION: Final rule.
Base (1% annual chance)
Flood Elevations (BFEs) and modified
BFEs are made final for the
Flooding source(s)
The date of issuance of the Flood
Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) showing
BFEs and modified BFEs for each
community. This date may be obtained
by contacting the office where the maps
are available for inspection as indicated
on the table below.
ADDRESSES: The final BFEs for each
community are available for inspection
at the office of the Chief Executive
Officer of each community. The
respective addresses are listed in the
table below.
William R. Blanton, Jr., Engineering
Management Section, Mitigation
Division, Federal Emergency
Management Agency, 500 C Street SW.,
Washington, DC 20472, (202) 646–3151.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA) makes the final determinations
listed below for the modified BFEs for
each community listed. These modified
elevations have been published in
newspapers of local circulation and
ninety (90) days have elapsed since that
publication. The Mitigation Division
Director of FEMA has resolved any
appeals resulting from this notification.
This final rule is issued in accordance
with section 110 of the Flood Disaster
Protection Act of 1973, 42 U.S.C. 4104,
and 44 CFR part 67. FEMA has
developed criteria for floodplain
management in floodprone areas in
accordance with 44 CFR part 60.
Interested lessees and owners of real
property are encouraged to review the
proof Flood Insurance Study and FIRM
available at the address cited below for
OMB Control numbers.
communities listed below. The BFEs
and modified BFEs are the basis for the
floodplain management measures that
each community is required either to
adopt or to show evidence of being
already in effect in order to qualify or
remain qualified for participation in the
National Flood Insurance Program
each community. The BFEs and
modified BFEs are made final in the
communities listed below. Elevations at
selected locations in each community
are shown.
National Environmental Policy Act.
This final rule is categorically excluded
from the requirements of 44 CFR part
10, Environmental Consideration. An
environmental impact assessment has
not been prepared.
Regulatory Flexibility Act. As flood
elevation determinations are not within
the scope of the Regulatory Flexibility
Act, 5 U.S.C. 601–612, a regulatory
flexibility analysis is not required.
Regulatory Classification. This final
rule is not a significant regulatory action
under the criteria of section 3(f) of
Executive Order 12866 of September 30,
1993, Regulatory Planning and Review,
58 FR 51735.
Executive Order 13132, Federalism.
This final rule involves no policies that
have federalism implications under
Executive Order 13132.
Executive Order 12988, Civil Justice
Reform. This final rule meets the
applicable standards of Executive Order
List of Subjects in 44 CFR Part 67
Administrative practice and
procedure, Flood insurance, Reporting
and recordkeeping requirements.
I Accordingly, 44 CFR part 67 is
amended as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 67
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 4001 et seq.;
Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1978, 3 CFR,
1978 Comp., p. 329; E.O. 12127, 44 FR 19367,
3 CFR, 1979 Comp., p. 376.
§ 67.11
2. The tables published under the
authority of § 67.11 are amended as
* Elevation in
feet (NGVD)
+ Elevation in
feet (NAVD)
# Depth in feet
above ground
Location of referenced elevation
Baldwin County, Alabama and Incorporated Areas
Docket No.: FEMA–B–7456
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with RULES
D’Olive Creek ........................
Styx River ..............................
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Approximately 3,100 feet upstream of Pinegrove Road .......
Tiawasee Creek ....................
Just upstream of Lake Forest Dam .......................................
Just downstream of U.S. Highway 90 ...................................
Confluence with D’Olive Creek at Lake Forest .....................
Approximately 1,500 feet upstream of Ridgewood Drive .....
Just downstream of Truck Route 17 (Brady Road) ..............
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City of Daphne.
City of Daphne.
Baldwin County (Unincorporated Areas).
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 23 / Monday, February 5, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
Flooding source(s)
* Elevation in
feet (NGVD)
+ Elevation in
feet (NAVD)
# Depth in feet
above ground
Location of referenced elevation
# Depth in feet above ground.
* National Geodetic Vertical Datum.
+ National American Vertical Datum.
Baldwin County (Unincorporated Areas)
Maps are available for inspection at the Baldwin County Building Department, 201 East Section Street, Foley, Alabama 36535.
City of Daphne
Maps are available for inspection at the Department of Community Development, 2651 Equity Drive, Daphne, Alabama 36526.
Carroll County, Kentucky and Incorporated Areas
Docket No.: FEMA–B–7470
Ohio River .............................
Western County boundary with Trimble County ...................
Eastern County boundary with Gallatin County ....................
Carroll County (Unincorporated Areas).
# Depth in feet above ground.
* National Geodetic Vertical Datum.
+ National American Vertical Datum.
Carroll County Unincorporated Areas
Maps are available for inspection at Carroll Emergency Operations Center, 829 Polk Street, Carrollton, Kentucky 41008.
Halifax County, North Carolina and Incorporated Areas
Docket Nos.: FEMA–D–7660, B–7465, and D–7560
Bear Swamp ..........................
Beaverdam Swamp Tributary
Approximately 500 feet upstream of the confluence with Little Fishing Creek.
Approximately 3.4 miles upstream of Airlie Road .................
Approximately 0.6 mile upstream of the confluence with
Marsh Swamp.
Approximately 1.5 miles upstream of Interstate 95 ..............
At the confluence with Beaverdam Swamp ..........................
Beech Swamp .......................
Approximately 1.5 miles upstream of Beaverdam Road ......
At the confluence with Fishing Creek ...................................
Tributary 1 ......................
Approximately 0.5 mile upstream of the confluence of
Beech Swamp Tributary 1.
At the confluence with Beech Swamp ..................................
Tributary 2 ......................
Approximately 700 feet upstream of Thirteen Bridges Road
At the confluence with Beech Swamp Tributary 1 ................
Tributary 3 ......................
Approximately 0.5 mile upstream of Loop Road ...................
Approximately 0.5 mile upstream of the confluence with
Beech Swamp.
Bells Branch ..........................
Bens Creek ............................
Approximately 1.4 miles upstream of the confluence with
Beech Swamp.
At the confluence with Chockoyotte Creek ...........................
Approximately 850 feet upstream of the confluence with
Chockoyotte Creek.
At the confluence with Little Fishing Creek ...........................
Breeches Swamp ..................
Approximately 1.5 miles upstream of the Halifax/Warren
County boundary.
At the confluence with Jacket Swamp ..................................
Approximately 0.8 mile upstream of Ringwood Road ...........
Approximately 0.5 mile downstream of Justice Branch
Approximately 2.0 miles upstream of the confluence of
Jacket Swamp.
At the confluence with Bear Swamp .....................................
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with RULES
Beaverdam Swamp ...............
Burnt Coat Swamp ................
Butterwood Creek ..................
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Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas), Town of
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas), Town of
City of Roanoke Rapids
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas), Town of
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 23 / Monday, February 5, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
* Elevation in
feet (NGVD)
+ Elevation in
feet (NAVD)
# Depth in feet
above ground
Flooding source(s)
Location of referenced elevation
Chockoyotte Creek ................
Approximately 1.3 miles upstream of Cold Mine School
At the confluence with Roanoke River ..................................
Chockoyotte Creek Tributary
Approximately 2.0 miles upstream of Zoo Road ...................
At the confluence with Chockoyotte Creek ...........................
Tributary A ......................
Approximately 30 feet downstream of County Road ............
At the confluence with Chockoyotte Creek ...........................
Tributary B ......................
City of Roanoke Rapids.
Conoconnara Swamp ............
Approximately 1,490 feet upstream of American Legion
At the confluence with Chockoyotte Creek ...........................
Approximately 40 feet downstream of Julian R. Allsbrook
At the confluence with Roanoke River ..................................
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Tributary 1 ......................
Approximately 1,000 feet upstream of NC–481 ....................
At the confluence with Conoconnara Swamp .......................
Tributary 2 ......................
Approximately 3.5 miles upstream of the confluence with
Conoconnara Swamp.
At the confluence with Conoconnara Swamp .......................
Tributary 2A ....................
Approximately 0.7 mile upstream of the confluence with
Conoconnara Swamp.
At the confluence with Conoconnara Swamp Tributary 2 ....
Tributary 3 ......................
Approximately 0.8 mile upstream of the confluence with
Conoconnara Swamp.
At the confluence with Conoconnara Swamp .......................
Deep Creek ...........................
Approximately 0.6 mile upstream of NC–481 .......................
At the Halifax-Edgecombe County boundary ........................
Deep Creek (into Roanoke
Tributary 1 ......................
Approximately 150 feet downstream of Moonlight Road (SR
Approximately 0.7 mile downstream of Thelma Road (SR
Approximately 80 feet downstream of Roper Springs Road
(SR 1525).
At the confluence with Deep Creek (into Roanoke River) ....
Tributary 2 ......................
Approximately 0.4 mile upstream of the confluence with
Deep Creek (into Roanoke River).
At the confluence with Deep Creek (into Roanoke River) ....
Tributary 4 ......................
Approximately 1,375 feet upstream of the confluence with
Deep Creek (into Roanoke River) Tributary 2A.
At the confluence with Deep Creek (into Roanoke River)
Tributary 2.
Approximately 1,300 feet upstream of the confluence with
deep Creek (into Roanoke River) Tributary 2.
At the confluence with Deep Creek (into Roanoke River) ....
Tributary 3 ......................
Approximately 0.5 mile upstream of the confluence with
Deep Creek (into Roanoke River).
At the confluence with Deep Creek (into Roanoke River) ....
Deep Creek Tributary ............
Approximately 1,700 feet upstream of the confluence with
Deep Creek (into Roanoke River).
At the confluence with Deep Creek ......................................
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with RULES
Tributary 2A ....................
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Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas), City of Roanoke Rapids, Town of
Town of Weldon, City of Roanoke Rapids, Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas), City of Roanoke Rapids.
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 23 / Monday, February 5, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
Flooding source(s)
* Elevation in
feet (NGVD)
+ Elevation in
feet (NAVD)
# Depth in feet
above ground
Location of referenced elevation
Tributary 5 ......................
Approximately 1.5 miles upstream of Thirteen Bridges
At the confluence with Deep Creek ......................................
Tributary 6 ......................
Approximately 0.5 mile upstream of the confluence with
Deep Creek Tributary 6.
At the confluence with Deep Creek Tributary 5 ....................
Tributary 7 ......................
Approximately 0.5 mile upstream of the confluence with
Deep Creek Tributary 5.
At the confluence with Deep Creek ......................................
Fishing Creek ........................
Approximately 2.1 miles upstream of the confluence with
Deep Creek.
At the Halifax-Edgecome County boundary ..........................
Tributary 4 ......................
At the Halifax-Warren County boundary ...............................
At the confluence with Fishing Creek ...................................
Tributary 5 ......................
Approximately 500 feet upstream of Thirteen Bridges Road
At the confluence of Fishing Creek .......................................
Hales Branch .........................
Approximately 0.7 mile upstream of South Dennis Street ....
At the upstream side of Zoo Road South .............................
Hales Mill Pond Branch .........
Approximately 1,200 feet upstream of Zoo Road South ......
At the confluence with Conoconnara Swamp .......................
Jacket Swamp .......................
Approximately 300 feet upstream of Old 125 Road (SR
At the confluence with Burnt Coat Swamp ...........................
Keehukee Swamp .................
Approximately 0.8 mile upstream of 95 ................................
At the confluence with Roanoke River ..................................
Tributary 1 ......................
Approximately 250 feet downstream of Railroad ..................
At the confluence with Keehukee Swamp ............................
Tributary 1 ......................
Approximately 1,650 feet upstream of the confluence with
Keehukee Swamp.
Approximately 2.1 miles upstream of the confluence with
Keehukee Swamp.
At the confluence with Keehukee Swamp ............................
Approximately 0.3 mile upstream of confluence with Bear
At the Halifax-Warren County boundary ...............................
At the confluence with Little Fishing Creek ...........................
Tributary 2 ......................
Approximately 0.4 mile upstream of confluence of Little
Fishing Creek Tributary 3.
At the confluence with Little Fishing Creek Tributary 1 ........
Tributary 3 ......................
At the Halifax-Warren County boundary ...............................
At the confluence with Little Fishing Creek Tributary 1 ........
Tributary 4 ......................
Approximately 400 feet upstream of Highway 561 ...............
At the confluence with Little Fishing Creek ...........................
Tributary 5 ......................
At the Halifax-Warren County boundary ...............................
At the confluence with Little Fishing Creek Tributary 4 ........
Tributary 6 ......................
Approximately 0.7 mile upstream of the confluence of Little
Fishing Creek Tributary 4.
At the confluence with Little Fishing Creek ...........................
Tributary 2 ......................
Little Fishing Creek ...............
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with RULES
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Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas), Town of
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas), Town of
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 23 / Monday, February 5, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
Flooding source(s)
* Elevation in
feet (NGVD)
+ Elevation in
feet (NAVD)
# Depth in feet
above ground
Location of referenced elevation
Little Quankey Creek .............
Approximately 0.9 mile upstream of Spruills Bridge Road ...
Approximately 750 feet upstream of Interstate 95 ................
Little Quankey Creek .............
Approximately 600 feet upstream of NC–48 .........................
At the confluence with Quankey Creek .................................
Approximately 0.75 mile upstream of NC–903 .....................
At the downstream side of Aurelian Springs Road ...............
Porter Creek ..........................
Approximately 0.7 mile upstream of Aurelian Springs Road
Approximately 1,500 feet upstream of the confluence with
Marsh Swamp.
Approximately 0.4 mile downstream of Justice Branch
Approximately 1,500 feet upstream of the confluence with
Marsh Swamp.
Approximately 1.1 miles upstream of the railroad ................
Approximately 1.1 miles upstream of the confluence with
Bells Branch and and Hales Branch.
Approximately 2.5 miles upstream of the confluence with
Bells Branch and Hales Branch.
At the confluence with Little Fishing Creek ...........................
Quankey Creek .....................
At the Halifax-Warren County boundary ...............................
At the confluence with Roanoke River ..................................
Reedy Creek .........................
At the confluence with Little Quankey Creek ........................
At the confluence with Little Fishing Creek ...........................
Roanoke River .......................
At the Halifax-Warren County boundary ...............................
At the Martin/Bertie/Halifax County boundary .......................
Rocky Swamp .......................
At the downstream side of Gaston Dam ...............................
Approximately 800 feet downstream of Highway 481 ..........
Webbs Mill Branch ................
Approximately 1.0 mile upstream of Sledge Road ...............
At the confluence with Keehukee Swamp ............................
Tributary 1 ......................
Approximately 0.3 mile upstream of the confluence with
Webbs Mill Branch Tributary 2.
At the confluence with Webbs Mill Branch ...........................
Tributary 2 ......................
Approximately 0.7 mile upstream of the confluence with
Webbs Mill Branch.
At the confluence with Webbs Mill Branch ...........................
Approximately 0.6 mile upstream of the confluence with
Webbs Mill Branch.
Tributary 7 ......................
Approximately 1.9 miles upstream of the confluence with
Little Fishing Creek.
At the confluence with Little Fishing Creek ...........................
Marsh Swamp .......................
Tributary 1 ......................
Tributary 2 ......................
Nash Creek ...........................
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Town of Halifax.
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas), Town of
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas), City of Roanoke Rapids, Town of
Halifax, Town of Weldon.
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas).
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas), Town of
Scotland Neck.
# Depth in feet above ground.
* National Geodetic Vertical Datum.
+ North American Vertical Datum.
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with RULES
Town of Enfield
Maps are available for inspection at the Enfield Town Hall, 105 Northwest Railroad Street, Enfield, North Carolina.
Town of Halifax
Maps are available for inspection at the Halifax Town Hall, 24 South King Street, Halifax, North Carolina.
Town of Hobgood
Maps are available for inspection at the Hobgood Town Hall, 207 West Commerce Street, Hobgood, North Carolina.
City of Roanoke Rapids
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 23 / Monday, February 5, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
Flooding source(s)
* Elevation in
feet (NGVD)
+ Elevation in
feet (NAVD)
# Depth in feet
above ground
Location of referenced elevation
Maps are available for inspection at the City of Roanoke Rapids Planning Department, 1040 Roanoke Avenue, Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina.
Town of Scotland Neck
Maps are available for inspection at the Scotland Neck Town Hall, 1310 Main Street, Scotland Neck, North Carolina.
Town of Weldon
Maps are available for inspection at the Weldon Town Hall, 109 Washington Avenue, Weldon, North Carolina.
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas)
Maps are available for inspection at the Halifax County Public Works Building, 26 North King Street, Room 102, Halifax, North Carolina.
Rockingham County, North Carolina and Incorporated Areas
Docket Nos: FEMA–D–7660 and D–7626
At the confluence with Dan River ..........................................
Belews Creek Tributary 1 ......
At the confluence with Belews Lake .....................................
At the confluence with Belews Creek ...................................
Approximately 1.0 mile upstream of the confluence with
Belews Creek Tributary 2 of Tributary 1.
At the confluence with Belews Creek Tributary 1 .................
Tributary 1 of Tributary 1
Approximately 0.4 mile upstream of the confluence with
Belews Creek Tributary 1.
At the confluence with Belews Creek Tributary 2 .................
Tributary of Tributary 2 ..
Approximately 1,450 feet upstream of the confluence with
Belews Creek Tributary 2.
At the Rockingham/Stokes County boundary .......................
Tributary of Tributary 3 ..
Approximately 1.5 miles upstream of the confluence with
Belews Lake.
At the confluence with Belews Lake .....................................
Tributary 2 ......................
Approximately 0.5 mile upstream of the confluence of
Belews Creek Tributary 1 of Tributary 2.
At the confluence with Belews Creek Tributary 1 .................
Tributary 2 of Tributary 1
Belews Lake ..........................
Approximately 0.7 mile upstream of the confluence with
Belews Creek Tributary 1.
The entire shoreline within the county ..................................
Benaja Creek .........................
At the confluence with Haw River. ........................................
Big Beaver Island Creek .......
At the Guilford/Rockingham County boundary ......................
Approximately 0.5 mile downstream of Park Road ...............
Tributary 10 ....................
At the Rockingham/Stokes County boundary .......................
At the confluence with Big Beaver Island Creek ..................
Approximately 700 feet upstream of the confluence with Big
Beaver Island Creek.
At the confluence with Big Beaver Island Creek ..................
Tributary 11 ....................
Tributary 12 ....................
At the Rockingham/Stokes County boundary .......................
At the confluence with Big Beaver Island Creek ..................
Approximately 950 feet upstream of the confluence with Big
Beaver Island Creek.
At the confluence with Big Beaver Island Creek ..................
Tributary 7 ......................
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with RULES
Belews Creek ........................
Boaz Creek ............................
Approximately 850 feet upstream of the confluence with Big
Beaver Island Creek.
At the confluence with Mayo River .......................................
Approximately 0.5 mile upstream of the confluence with
Boaz Creek Tributary.
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Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas), Town of
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 23 / Monday, February 5, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
* Elevation in
feet (NGVD)
+ Elevation in
feet (NAVD)
# Depth in feet
above ground
Flooding source(s)
Location of referenced elevation
Boaz Creek Tributary ............
At the confluence with Boaz Creek .......................................
Brushy Creek Tributary .........
Approximately 1,800 feet upstream of Sharp Road ..............
At the confluence with Brushy Creek ....................................
Approximately 0.8 mile upstream of the confluence with
Brushy Creek.
At the confluence with Dan River ..........................................
Tributary 2 ......................
Approximately 2.4 miles upstream of Wray Road ................
At the confluence with Buffalo Creek (into Dan River) .........
Tributary 3 ......................
Approximately 1,500 feet upstream of the confluence of
Buffalo Creek (into Dan River).
At the confluence with Buffalo Creek (into Dan River) .........
Tributary 4 ......................
Approximately 100 feet upstream of SR 770 ........................
At the confluence with Buffalo Creek (into Dan River) .........
Tributary 5 ......................
Approximately 500 feet upstream of Roberts Road ..............
At the confluence with Buffalo Creek (into Dan River) .........
Approximately 1,700 feet upstream of the confluence with
Buffalo Creek (into Dan River).
At the confluence with Mayo River .......................................
At the Rockingham/Stokes County boundary .......................
At the confluence with Buffalo Creek (into Mayo River) .......
Candy Creek .........................
Approximately 1,200 feet upstream of the confluence with
Buffalo Creek (into Mayo River).
At the confluence with Haw River .........................................
Cascade Creek ......................
Approximately 200 feet downstream of Guilford/Rockingham County boundary.
At the confluence with Dan River ..........................................
County Line Creek ................
At the North Carolina/Virginia State Line ..............................
At the Rockingham/Caswell County boundary ......................
Covenant Branch ...................
Approximately 150 feet upstream of the Rockingham/
Caswell County boundary.
At the confluence with Dan River ..........................................
Dan River ..............................
Approximately 1.2 miles upstream of the confluence with
Dan River.
At the Rockingham/Caswell County boundary ......................
Buffalo Creek (into Dan
Buffalo Creek (into Mayo
Buffalo Creek (into Mayo
River) Tributary.
Approximately 900 feet upstream of the Rockingham/
Stokes County boundary.
At the confluence with Dan River Tributary 26 .....................
Tributary 10 ....................
Approximately 0.4 mile upstream of Belton Road ................
At the confluence with Dan River ..........................................
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas), City of
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas), City of
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas), City of
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas), City of
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas), City of
Tributary 11 ....................
Approximately 1,000 feet upstream of the confluence of
Dan River Tributary of Tributary 10.
At the confluence with Dan River ..........................................
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Tributary 1 of Tributary
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with RULES
Brushy Creek .........................
Approximately 0.4 mile upstream of the confluence with
Boaz Creek.
At the confluence with Jacobs Creek ....................................
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Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 23 / Monday, February 5, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
Flooding source(s)
* Elevation in
feet (NGVD)
+ Elevation in
feet (NAVD)
# Depth in feet
above ground
Location of referenced elevation
Tributary 15 ....................
Approximately 1,800 feet upstream of the confluence with
Dan River.
At the confluence with Dan River ..........................................
Tributary 16 ....................
Approximately 400 feet upstream of Eagle Falls Road ........
At the confluence with Dan River ..........................................
Tributary 17 ....................
Approximately 1,200 feet upstream of the confluence with
Dan River.
At the confluence with Dan River ..........................................
Tributary 19 ....................
Approximately 0.5 mile upstream of the confluence with
Dan River.
At the confluence with Dan River ..........................................
Approximately 1,300 feet upstream of the confluence with
Dan River.
At the confluence with Dan River Tributary 26 .....................
Approximately 1,300 feet upstream of the confluence with
Dan River Tributary 26.
At the confluence with Dan River Tributary 32 .....................
Tributary 21 ....................
Approximately 0.5 mile upstream of the confluence with
Dan River.
At the confluence with Dan River ..........................................
Tributary 26 ....................
Approximately 0.6 mile upstream of the confluence with
Dan River.
At the confluence with Dan River ..........................................
Tributary 29 ....................
Approximately 600 feet upstream of Grogan Road ..............
At the confluence with Dan River ..........................................
Tributary 32 ....................
Approximately 0.8 mile upstream of the confluence with
Dan River.
At the confluence with Dan River ..........................................
Tributary 33 ....................
Approximately 0.7 mile upstream of the confluence with
Dan River Tributary 2 of Tributary 32.
At the confluence with Dan River ..........................................
Tributary 34 ....................
Approximately 0.7 mile upstream of the confluence with
Dan River.
At the confluence with Dan River ..........................................
Tributary 35 ....................
Approximately 1.1 miles upstream of the confluence with
Dan River.
At the confluence with Dan River ..........................................
Tributary 36 ....................
Approximately 0.7 mile upstream of the confluence with
Dan River.
At the confluence with Dan River ..........................................
Tributary 37 ....................
Approximately 0.4 mile upstream of the confluence with
Dan River.
At the confluence with Dan River ..........................................
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Tributary 23 ....................
Approximately 1,750 feet upstream of the confluence with
Dan River.
At the confluence with Dan River ..........................................
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Tributary 20 ....................
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Approximately 1,000 feet upstream of the confluence with
Dan River Tributary 32.
At the confluence with Dan River ..........................................
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Tributary 2 of Tributary
Tributary 2 of Tributary
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with RULES
Approximately 0.7 mile upstream of the confluence with
Dan River.
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Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 23 / Monday, February 5, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
Flooding source(s)
* Elevation in
feet (NGVD)
+ Elevation in
feet (NAVD)
# Depth in feet
above ground
Location of referenced elevation
Tributary 38 ....................
At the confluence with Dan River ..........................................
Tributary 44 ....................
Approximately 1,300 feet upstream of the confluence with
Dan River.
At the confluence with Dan River ..........................................
Tributary 45 ....................
Approximately 1,900 feet upstream of the confluence with
Dan River.
At the confluence with Dan River ..........................................
Tributary 47 ....................
Approximately 0.4 mile upstream of the confluence with
Dan River.
At the confluence with Dan River ..........................................
Tributary 48 ....................
Approximately 800 feet upstream of Dodge Loop Road ......
At the confluence with Dan River ..........................................
Tributary 49 ....................
At the Rockingham/Stokes County boundary .......................
At the confluence with Dan River ..........................................
Tributary 51 ....................
Approximately 1,900 feet upstream of the confluence with
Dan River.
At the confluence with Dan River ..........................................
Tributary 6 ......................
At the Rockingham/Stokes County boundary .......................
At the confluence with Dan River ..........................................
Tributary 7 ......................
Approximately 0.5 mile upstream of the confluence with
Dan River.
At the confluence with Dan River ..........................................
Approximately 0.6 mile upstream of the confluence with
Dan River.
At the confluence with Dan River ..........................................
Approximately 300 feet upstream of Chumney Loop ...........
At the confluence with Dan River Tributary 10 .....................
Dry Creek ..............................
Approximately 50 feet downstream of Riverside Circle ........
At the confluence with Cascade Creek .................................
Eurins Creek ..........................
Approximately 0.5 mile upstream of Main Street ..................
At the confluence with Belews Creek ...................................
Fall Creek ..............................
At the Rockingham/Stokes County boundary .......................
At the confluence with Mayo River .......................................
Fall Creek Tributary ...............
At North Carolina/Virginia State boundary ............................
At the confluence with Fall Creek .........................................
Giles Creek ............................
Approximately 1,000 feet upstream of the confluence with
Fall Creek.
At the confluence with Haw River .........................................
Haw River ..............................
Approximately 950 feet upstream of State Route 87 ............
At the Guilford/Rockingham County boundary ......................
Tributary 16 ....................
At the Guilford/Rockingham County boundary ......................
At the confluence with Haw River .........................................
Approximately 1.3 miles upstream of Kernodle Road ..........
Tributary near Powells
Tributary of Tributary 10
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with RULES
Tributary 39 ....................
Approximately 0.5 mile upstream of the confluence with
Dan River.
At the confluence with Dan River ..........................................
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Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas), Town of
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas), City of
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 23 / Monday, February 5, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
Flooding source(s)
* Elevation in
feet (NGVD)
+ Elevation in
feet (NAVD)
# Depth in feet
above ground
Location of referenced elevation
Tributary 17 ....................
At the confluence with Haw River .........................................
Tributary 18 ....................
Approximately 0.6 mile upstream of the confluence of Haw
At the confluence with Haw River Tributary 17 ....................
Hickory Creek ........................
Approximately 0.6 mile upstream of the confluence with
Haw River Tributary 17.
At the confluence with Mayo River .......................................
Approximately 1,600 feet upstream of the confluence with
Mayo River.
At the confluence of Lick Fork Creek ....................................
Tributary 10 ....................
Approximately 0.4 mile upstream of Bob White Drive ..........
At the confluence with Hogans Creek (into Dan River east)
Tributary 11 ....................
Approximately 1.0 mile upstream of the confluence with
Hogans Creek (into Dan River east).
At the confluence with Hogans Creek (into Dan River east)
Tributary 12 ....................
Approximately 0.7 mile upstream of the confluence with
Hogans Creek (into Dan River east).
At the confluence with Hogans Creek (into Dan River east)
Tributary 13 ....................
Approximately 0.5 mile upstream of the confluence with
Hogans Creek (into Dan River east).
At the confluence with Hogans Creek (into Dan River east)
Tributary 4 ......................
Approximately 0.5 mile upstream of the confluence with
Hogans Creek (into Dan River east).
At the confluence with Hogans Creek (into Dan River east)
Tributary 4A ....................
At the Rockingham/Caswell County boundary ......................
At the confluence with Hogans Creek (into Dan River east)
Tributary 5 ......................
Approximately 0.9 mile upstream of the confluence with
Hogans Creek (into Dan River east).
At the confluence with Hogans Creek (into Dan River east)
Tributary 7 ......................
Approximately 0.6 mile upstream of the confluence with
Hogans Creek (into Dan River east).
At the confluence with Hogans Creek (into Dan River east)
Tributary 8 ......................
Approximately 0.9 mile upstream of the confluence with
Hogans Creek (into Dan River east).
At the confluence with Hogans Creek (into Dan River east)
Tributary 9 ......................
Approximately 0.7 mile upstream of the confluence with
Hogans Creek (into Dan River east).
At the confluence with Hogans Creek (into Dan River east)
Approximately 0.8 mile upstream of the confluence with
Hogans Creek (into Dan River east).
At the confluence with Dan River ..........................................
Tributary 1 ......................
Approximately 0.4 mile upstream of Lemons Road ..............
At the confluence with Hogans Creek (into Dan River west)
Tributary 2 ......................
Approximately 200 feet upstream of Bald Hill Loop Road ....
At the confluence with Hogans Creek (into Dan River west)
Huffines Mill Creek ................
Approximately 1,500 feet upstream of the confluence with
Hogans Creek (into Dan River west).
At the confluence with Little Jacobs Creek ...........................
Approximately 0.6 mile upstream of the confluence with Little Jacobs Creek.
Hogans Creek (into Dan
River east).
Hogans Creek (into Dan
River west).
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with RULES
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Frm 00056
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Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 23 / Monday, February 5, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
* Elevation in
feet (NGVD)
+ Elevation in
feet (NAVD)
# Depth in feet
above ground
Flooding source(s)
Location of referenced elevation
Island Creek ..........................
Jacobs Creek ........................
Approximately 100 feet upstream of the confluence with Big
Beaver Island Creek.
Approximately 0.9 mile upstream of Case School Road ......
At the confluence with Dan River ..........................................
Tributary 1 ......................
Approximately 1.3 miles upstream of Carlton Road .............
At the confluence with Jacobs Creek ....................................
Tributary 3 ......................
Approximately 1,300 feet upstream of the confluence with
Jacobs Creek.
At the confluence with Jacobs Creek ....................................
Tributary 4 ......................
Approximately 1,100 feet upstream of the confluence with
Jacobs Creek.
At the confluence with Jacobs Creek ....................................
Approximately 0.5 mile upstream of Angoll Road .................
At the confluence with Jacobs Creek ....................................
Approximately 1,200 feet upstream of the confluence with
Jacobs Creek.
At the confluence with Jacobs Creek ....................................
Jones Branch (Jones Creek)
Approximately 0.5 mile upstream of the confluence with Jacobs Creek.
At the confluence with Matrimony Creek ..............................
Jones Creek ..........................
Approximately 900 feet upstream of the confluence with
Matrimony Creek.
At the confluence with Hogans Creek (into Dan River east)
Tributary 8 ......................
Approximately 1.0 mile upstream of the confluence with
North Fork Jones Creek.
At the confluence with Jones Creek .....................................
Tributary 1 ......................
Approximately 700 feet upstream of the confluence with
Jones Creek.
At the confluence with Jones Creek .....................................
Tributary 2 ......................
Approximately 1,300 feet upstream of the confluence with
Jones Creek.
At the confluence with Jones Creek .....................................
Tributary 3 ......................
Approximately 0.5 mile upstream of the confluence with
Jones Creek.
At the confluence with Jones Creek .....................................
Tributary 4 ......................
Approximately 0.6 mile upstream of the confluence with
Jones Creek.
At the confluence with Jones Creek .....................................
Tributary 5 ......................
Approximately 0.6 mile upstream of the confluence with
Jones Creek.
At the confluence with Jones Creek .....................................
Tributary 6 ......................
Approximately 0.6 mile upstream of the confluence with
Jones Creek.
At the confluence with Jones Creek .....................................
Tributary 9 ......................
Approximately 0.7 mile upstream of the confluence with
Jones Creek.
At the confluence with Jones Creek .....................................
Jacobs Creek Tributary near
Gold Hill.
Jacobs Creek Tributary near
SR 2190.
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with RULES
Tributary 2 ......................
Approximately 0.6 mile upstream of the confluence with Jacobs Creek.
At the confluence with Jacobs Creek ....................................
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Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas), City of
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 23 / Monday, February 5, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
* Elevation in
feet (NGVD)
+ Elevation in
feet (NAVD)
# Depth in feet
above ground
Location of referenced elevation
Approximately 0.5 mile upstream of the confluence with
Jones Creek.
At the Caswell/Rockingham County boundary ......................
Tributary 1 ......................
Approximately 0.5 mile upstream of NC 14 ..........................
At the confluence with Lick Fork Creek ................................
Tributary 10 ....................
Approximately 800 feet upstream of the confluence with
Lick Fork Creek.
At the confluence with Lick Fork Creek ................................
Tributary 12 ....................
Approximately 0.4 mile upstream of the confluence with
Lick Fork Creek.
At the confluence with Lick Fork Creek ................................
Tributary 16 ....................
Approximately 620 feet upstream of the confluence with
Lick Fork Creek.
At the confluence with Lick Fork Creek ................................
Tributary 17 ....................
Approximately 1,000 feet upstream of the confluence with
Lick Fork Creek.
At the confluence with Lick Fork Creek ................................
Tributary 5 ......................
Approximately 700 feet upstream of the confluence with
Lick Fork Creek.
At the confluence with Lick Fork Creek ................................
Tributary 6 ......................
Approximately 1,300 feet upstream of the confluence with
Lick Fork Creek.
At the confluence with Lick Fork Creek ................................
Tributary 9 ......................
Approximately 1.2 miles upstream of the confluence with
Lick Fork Creek.
At the confluence with Lick Fork Creek ................................
Little Beaver Island Creek .....
Approximately 1.0 mile upstream of Hidden Valley Drive ....
Approximately 0.9 mile downstream of Cardinal Road .........
Little Hogans Creek ...............
At Rockingham/Stokes County boundary .............................
At the confluence with Hogans Creek (into Dan River west)
Tributary 1 ......................
Approximately 1.1 miles upstream of Stanley Road .............
At the confluence with Little Hogans Creek ..........................
Tributary 2 ......................
Approximately 0.4 mile upstream of the confluence with Little Hogans Creek.
At the confluence with Little Hogans Creek ..........................
Tributary 3 ......................
Approximately 1,950 feet upstream of the confluence with
Little Hogans Creek.
At the confluence with Little Hogans Creek ..........................
Little Jacobs Creek ................
Approximately 0.5 mile upstream of the confluence with Little Hogans Creek.
At the confluence with Jacobs Creek ....................................
Little Troublesome Creek ......
Approximately 1.5 miles upstream of Webb Loop ................
At the confluence with Haw River .........................................
Massy Creek .........................
Approximately 1,000 feet upstream of Freeway Drive ..........
At the confluence with Dan River ..........................................
Massy Creek Tributary ..........
Approximately 1.4 miles upstream of Smothers Road .........
At the confluence with Massy Creek .....................................
Lick Fork Creek .....................
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with RULES
Flooding source(s)
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Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas), City of
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas), City of
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 23 / Monday, February 5, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
* Elevation in
feet (NGVD)
+ Elevation in
feet (NAVD)
# Depth in feet
above ground
Location of referenced elevation
Approximately 0.6 mile upstream of the confluence with
Massy Creek.
At the confluence with Dan River ..........................................
Matrimony Creek Tributary ....
Approximately 400 feet upstream of the North Carolina/Virginia State boundary.
At the confluence with Matrimony Creek ..............................
Mayo River ............................
Approximately 700 feet upstream of the confluence with
Matrimony Creek.
Approximately 0.8 mile upstream of NC 135 ........................
Tributary 11 ....................
At the North Carolina/Virginia State boundary ......................
At the confluence with Mayo River .......................................
Tributary 12 ....................
Approximately 1,700 feet upstream of the confluence with
Mayo River.
At the confluence with Mayo River .......................................
Tributary 14 ....................
Approximately 1,600 feet upstream of the confluence with
Mayo River.
At the confluence with Mayo River .......................................
Tributary 16 ....................
Approximately 800 feet upstream of the confluence with
Mayo River.
At the confluence with Mayo River .......................................
Tributary 17 ....................
Approximately 1,400 feet upstream of the confluence with
Mayo River.
At the confluence with Mayo River .......................................
Tributary 18 ....................
Approximately 2,000 feet upstream of the confluence with
Mayo River.
At the confluence with Mayo River .......................................
Tributary 19 ....................
Approximately 1,300 feet upstream of the confluence with
Mayo River.
At the confluence with Mayo River .......................................
Tributary 20 ....................
Approximately 1,100 feet upstream of the confluence with
Mayo River.
At the confluence with Mayo River .......................................
Tributary 21 ....................
Approximately 1,200 feet upstream of the confluence with
Mayo River.
At the confluence with Mayo River .......................................
Tributary 22 ....................
Approximately 600 feet upstream of the confluence with
Mayo River.
At the confluence with Mayo River .......................................
Tributary 23 ....................
Approximately 1,300 feet upstream of the confluence with
Mayo River.
At the confluence with Mayo River .......................................
Tributary 24 ....................
Approximately 1,000 feet upstream of the confluence with
Mayo River.
At the confluence with Mayo River .......................................
Tributary 25 ....................
Approximately 1,000 feet upstream of the confluence with
Mayo River.
At the confluence with Mayo River .......................................
Approximately 1,800 feet upstream of the confluence with
Mayo River.
Matrimony Creek ...................
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with RULES
Flooding source(s)
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Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas), City of
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas), Town of
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 23 / Monday, February 5, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
Flooding source(s)
* Elevation in
feet (NGVD)
+ Elevation in
feet (NAVD)
# Depth in feet
above ground
Location of referenced elevation
Tributary 26 ....................
At the confluence with Mayo River .......................................
Tributary 27 ....................
At the confluence of Mayo River Tributary to Tributary 26 ...
At the confluence with Mayo River .......................................
Tributary 3 ......................
Approximately 50 feet downstream of Anglin Mill Road .......
At the confluence with Mayo River .......................................
Tributary 5 ......................
Approximately 1.2 miles upstream of US 220 ......................
At the confluence with Mayo River .......................................
Tributary 6 ......................
Approximately 1.4 miles upstream of Janet Road ................
At the confluence with Mayo River .......................................
Tributary 7 ......................
Approximately 150 feet upstream of Chaney Loop ..............
At the confluence with Mayo River .......................................
Tributary of Tributary 26
Approximately 1,600 feet upstream of the confluence with
Mayo River.
At the confluence with Mayo River Tributary 26 ...................
Tributary of Tributary 5 ..
Approximately 450 feet upstream of old Anglin Loop ...........
At the confluence with Mayo River Tributary 5 .....................
Means Creek .........................
Approximately 1,000 feet upstream of the confluence with
Mayo River Tributary 5.
At the confluence with Mayo River .......................................
North Fork Jones Creek ........
Approximately 1,200 feet upstream of the confluence with
Mayo River.
At the confluence with Jones Creek .....................................
Approximately 1,500 feet upstream of the confluence with
Jones Creek.
Approximately 25 feet upstream of the confluence with
North Fork Jones Creek.
Tributary of Tributary ......
Approximately 1,600 feet upstream of the confluence with
North Fork Jones Creek.
At the confluence with Mayo River .......................................
Pawpaw Creek Tributary .......
Approximately 250 feet upstream of Smith Road .................
At the confluence with Pawpaw Creek .................................
Approximately 1,200 feet upstream of the confluence with
Pawpaw Creek.
Approximately 0.5 mile upstream of the confluence of Reed
Creek Tributary.
At the Rockingham/Stokes County boundary .......................
Approximately 600 feet upstream of the confluence with
Reed Creek.
Rock House Creek Tributary
Approximately 0.6 mile upstream of NC 65 ..........................
At the confluence with Rock House Creek ...........................
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas), City of
Rock House Creek ................
Approximately 600 feet upstream of the confluence with
Roach Creek.
At the confluence with Dan River ..........................................
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Roach Creek Tributary ..........
Approximately 0.9 mile upstream of the confluence of
Roach Creek Tributary.
At the confluence with Roach Creek .....................................
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Roach Creek .........................
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Approximately 1.1 miles upstream of the confluence with
Reed Creek.
At the confluence with Dan River ..........................................
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Pawpaw Creek ......................
Reed Creek ...........................
Reed Creek Tributary ............
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with RULES
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Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas), Town of
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas), Town of
Town of Wentworth.
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 23 / Monday, February 5, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
* Elevation in
feet (NGVD)
+ Elevation in
feet (NAVD)
# Depth in feet
above ground
Flooding source(s)
Location of referenced elevation
Approximately 0.6 mile upstream of the confluence with
Rock House Creek.
At the confluence with Hogans Creek (into Dan River east)
Rockingham Lake Creek .......
Rose Creek ...........................
Approximately 150 feet downstream of Anglers Drive ..........
At the confluence with Haw River .........................................
Smith River ............................
At the Guilford/Rockingham County boundary ......................
At the confluence with Dan River ..........................................
South Mayo River ..................
At North Carolina/Virginia State boundary ............................
Approximately 280 feet upstream of the confluence with
Smith River.
Approximately 1,980 feet upstream of the confluence of
Smith River Tributary 2 of Tributary 1.
At the confluence with Smith River Tributary 1 ....................
Approximately 1,630 feet upstream of the confluence with
Smith River Tributary 1.
At the confluence with Smith River Tributary 1 ....................
Approximately 1,600 feet upstream of John Street ..............
At the confluence with Mayo River .......................................
Town Creek ...........................
At North Carolina/Virginia State boundary ............................
At the confluence with Dan River ..........................................
Tributary 1 ......................
Approximately 1,300 feet upstream of NC 14 .......................
At the confluence with Town Creek ......................................
Tributary 3 ......................
Approximately 1.1 miles upstream of the confluence with
Town Creek.
At the confluence with Town Creek ......................................
Tributary 4 ......................
Approximately 0.4 mile upstream of the confluence with
Town Creek.
At the confluence with Town Creek ......................................
Approximately 1.3 miles upstream of the confluence with
Town Creek.
Approximately 40 feet downstream of Forsyth Street ...........
City of Reidsville.
Approximately 700 feet upstream of Forsyth Street .............
Approximately 80 feet upstream of Cypress Drive ...............
City of Reidsville.
Approximately 0.8 mile upstream of Cypress Drive ..............
Approximately 475 feet downstream of Summit Avenue ......
City of Reidsville.
Troublesome Creek ...............
Approximately 25 feet downstream of Piedmont Street .......
At the confluence with Haw River .........................................
Tributary 1 ......................
At Monroeton Road ...............................................................
At the confluence with Lake Reidsville and Troublesome
Tributary 2 ......................
Approximately 1.7 miles upstream of the confluence with
Troublesome Creek.
At the confluence with Lake Reidsville and Troublesome
Tributary 3 ......................
Approximately 1.0 mile upstream of McCoy Road ...............
At the confluence with Lake Reidsville and Troublesome
Tributary 3A ....................
Approximately 1.8 miles upstream of Iron Works Road .......
At the confluence with Troublesome Creek Tributary 3 .......
Tributary 1 ......................
Tributary 1 of Tributary 1
Tributary 2 of Tributary 1
Tributary A to Little Troublesome Creek.
Tributary B to Little Troublesome Creek.
Tributary C to Little Troublesome Creek.
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with RULES
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Jkt 211001
PO 00000
Frm 00061
Fmt 4700
Sfmt 4700
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas), City of
City of Eden.
City of Eden.
City of Eden.
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas), City of
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas), City of
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas), City of
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas), City of
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas), City of
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 23 / Monday, February 5, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
Flooding source(s)
* Elevation in
feet (NGVD)
+ Elevation in
feet (NAVD)
# Depth in feet
above ground
Location of referenced elevation
Approximately 2.1 miles upstream of Boyds Road ...............
At the confluence with Troublesome Creek ..........................
Tributary 5 ......................
Approximately 0.9 mile upstream of Brown Road ................
At the confluence with Troublesome Creek ..........................
Whetstone Creek ...................
Approximately 2,400 feet upstream of Hudson Road ...........
At the confluence with Dan River ..........................................
Approximately 1,600 feet upstream of the confluence with
Whetstone Creek Tributary.
At the confluence with Whetstone Creek ..............................
Whetstone Creek Tributary ...
Approximately 0.4 mile upstream of the confluence with
Whetstone Creek.
At the North Carolina/Virginia State boundary ......................
White Oak Creek ...................
Williamson Creek ..................
Approximately 1.0 mile upstream of Berry Hill Bridge Road
At the confluence with Dan River ..........................................
Approximately 600 feet upstream of the confluence of
Williamson Creek Tributary 11.
At the confluence with Williamson Creek ..............................
Tributary 1 ......................
Approximately 0.4 mile upstream of the confluence with
Williamson Creek.
At the confluence with Williamson Creek Tributary 1 ...........
Tributary 1 of Tributary 1
Approximately 1,100 feet upstream of the confluence with
Williamson Creek Tributary 1.
At the confluence with Williamson Creek ..............................
Tributary 10 ....................
Approximately 900 feet upstream of the confluence with
Williamson Creek.
At the confluence with Williamson Creek ..............................
Tributary 11 ....................
Approximately 500 feet upstream of the confluence with
Williamson Creek.
At the confluence with Williamson Creek ..............................
Tributary 2 ......................
Approximately 1,600 feet upstream of the confluence with
Williamson Creek.
At the confluence with Williamson Creek Tributary 1 ...........
Tributary 2 of Tributary 1
Approximately 700 feet upstream of the confluence with
Williamson Creek Tributary 1.
At the confluence with Williamson Creek ..............................
Tributary 3 ......................
Approximately 800 feet upstream of the confluence with
Williamson Creek.
At the confluence with Williamson Creek ..............................
Tributary 4 ......................
Approximately 750 feet upstream of the confluence with
Williamson Creek.
At the confluence with Williamson Creek ..............................
Tributary 5 ......................
Approximately 500 feet upstream of the confluence with
Williamson Creek.
At the confluence with Williamson Creek ..............................
Tributary 6 ......................
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with RULES
Tributary 4 ......................
Tributary 7 ......................
Approximately 700 feet upstream of the confluence with
Williamson Creek.
At the confluence with Williamson Creek ..............................
Tributary 8 ......................
Approximately 550 feet upstream of the confluence with
Williamson Creek.
At the confluence with Williamson Creek ..............................
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Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 23 / Monday, February 5, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
Flooding source(s)
* Elevation in
feet (NGVD)
+ Elevation in
feet (NAVD)
# Depth in feet
above ground
Location of referenced elevation
Approximately 500 feet upstream of the confluence with
Williamson Creek.
At the confluence with Williamson Creek ..............................
Wolf Island Creek ..................
Wolf Island Creek ..................
Approximately 1,600 feet downstream of NC 14 ..................
Approximately 1,600 feet downstream of NC 14 ..................
Tributary 1 ......................
At the upstream side of NC 14 .............................................
At the upstream side of Wilson Road ...................................
Tributary 2 ......................
Tributary near SR 1767
Approximately 0.5 mile upstream of Wilson Road ................
Approximately 800 feet upstream of Freeway Drive .............
Approximately 350 feet upstream of Franklin Street ............
At the confluence with Wolf Island Creek .............................
Tributary near SR 1902
Approximately 0.5 mile upstream of the confluence with
Wolf Island Creek.
At the confluence with Wolf Island Creek .............................
Approximately 1.2 miles upstream of the confluence with
Wolf Island Creek.
Approximately 500 feet upstream of the confluence with
Wolf Island Creek Tributary 2.
Approximately 900 feet upstream of Harrison Street ............
Approximately 1,000 feet upstream of the confluence with
Williamson Creek.
Approximately 150 feet downstream of the Rockingham/
Caswell County boundary.
Tributary 9 ......................
Tributary of Tributary 2 ..
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas), City of
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas), City of
City of Reidsville.
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas).
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas), City of
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with RULES
* National Geodetic Vertical Datum.
# Depth in feet above ground.
+ North American Vertical Datum.
City of Eden
Maps are available for inspection at Eden City Hall, Planning and Inspections Department, 308 East Stadium Drive, Eden, North Carolina.
City of Reidsville
Maps are available for inspection at Reidsville City Hall, Department of Community Development, 2nd Floor, 230 West Morehead Street,
Reidsville, North Carolina.
Town of Madison
Maps are available for inspection at Madison Town Hall, 120 North Market Street, Madison, North Carolina.
Town of Mayodan
Maps are available for inspection at Mayodan Town Hall, 210 West Main Street, Mayodan, North Carolina.
Town of Stoneville
Maps are available for inspection at Stoneville Town Hall, 101 Smith Street, Stoneville, North Carolina.
Town of Wentworth
Maps are available for inspection at Wentworth Town Hall, 292 NC Highway 65, Wentworth, North Carolina.
Rockingham County (Unincorporated Areas)
Maps are available for inspection at Rockingham County Planning and Inspections Department, Governmental Complex, 361 Highway 65,
Wentworth, North Carolina.
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 23 / Monday, February 5, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance No.
83.100, ‘‘Flood Insurance’’)
Dated: January 23, 2007.
David I. Maurstad,
Director, Mitigation Division, Federal
Emergency Management Agency, Department
of Homeland Security.
[FR Doc. E7–1769 Filed 2–2–07; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
50 CFR Part 229
[Docket No. 030221039–7022–40; I.D.
Taking of Marine Mammals Incidental
to Commercial Fishing Operations;
Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Temporary rule.
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with RULES
SUMMARY: The Assistant Administrator
for Fisheries (AA), NOAA, announces
temporary restrictions consistent with
the requirements of the Atlantic Large
Whale Take Reduction Plan’s
(ALWTRP) implementing regulations.
These regulations apply to lobster trap/
pot and anchored gillnet fishermen in
an area totaling approximately 2,201
nm2 (7,549 km2), east of Portsmouth,
NH for 15 days. The purpose of this
action is to provide protection to an
aggregation of northern right whales
(right whales).
DATES: Effective beginning at 0001 hours
February 7, 2007, through 2400 hours
February 21, 2007.
ADDRESSES: Copies of the proposed and
final Dynamic Area Management (DAM)
rules, Environmental Assessments
(EAs), Atlantic Large Whale Take
Reduction Team (ALWTRT) meeting
summaries, and progress reports on
implementation of the ALWTRP may
also be obtained by writing Diane
Borggaard, NMFS/Northeast Region,
One Blackburn Drive, Gloucester, MA
Diane Borggaard, NMFS/Northeast
Region, 978–281–9300 x6503; or Kristy
Long, NMFS, Office of Protected
Resources, 301–713–2322.
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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Electronic Access
Several of the background documents
for the ALWTRP and the take reduction
planning process can be downloaded
from the ALWTRP web site at https://
The ALWTRP was developed
pursuant to section 118 of the Marine
Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) to
reduce the incidental mortality and
serious injury of three endangered
species of whales (right, fin, and
humpback) due to incidental interaction
with commercial fishing activities. In
addition, the measures identified in the
ALWTRP would provide conservation
benefits to a fourth species (minke),
which are neither listed as endangered
nor threatened under the Endangered
Species Act (ESA). The ALWTRP,
implemented through regulations
codified at 50 CFR 229.32, relies on a
combination of fishing gear
modifications and time/area closures to
reduce the risk of whales becoming
entangled in commercial fishing gear
(and potentially suffering serious injury
or mortality as a result).
On January 9, 2002, NMFS published
the final rule to implement the
ALWTRP’s DAM program (67 FR 1133).
On August 26, 2003, NMFS amended
the regulations by publishing a final
rule, which specifically identified gear
modifications that may be allowed in a
DAM zone (68 FR 51195). The DAM
program provides specific authority for
NMFS to restrict temporarily on an
expedited basis the use of lobster trap/
pot and anchored gillnet fishing gear in
areas north of 40° N. lat. to protect right
whales. Under the DAM program,
NMFS may: (1) require the removal of
all lobster trap/pot and anchored gillnet
fishing gear for a 15–day period; (2)
allow lobster trap/pot and anchored
gillnet fishing within a DAM zone with
gear modifications determined by NMFS
to sufficiently reduce the risk of
entanglement; and/or (3) issue an alert
to fishermen requesting the voluntary
removal of all lobster trap/pot and
anchored gillnet gear for a 15–day
period and asking fishermen not to set
any additional gear in the DAM zone
during the 15–day period.
A DAM zone is triggered when NMFS
receives a reliable report from a
qualified individual of three or more
right whales sighted within an area (75
nm2 (139 km2)) such that right whale
density is equal to or greater than 0.04
right whales per nm2 (1.85 km2). A
qualified individual is an individual
ascertained by NMFS to be reasonably
able, through training or experience, to
PO 00000
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identify a right whale. Such individuals
include, but are not limited to, NMFS
staff, U.S. Coast Guard and Navy
personnel trained in whale
identification, scientific research survey
personnel, whale watch operators and
naturalists, and mariners trained in
whale species identification through
disentanglement training or some other
training program deemed adequate by
NMFS. A reliable report would be a
credible right whale sighting.
On January 24, 2007, an aerial survey
reported a sighting of seventeen right
whales in the proximity 42° 57′ N. lat.
and 70° 04′ W. long. This position lies
east of Portsmouth, NH. After
conducting an investigation, NMFS
ascertained that the report came from a
qualified individual and determined
that the report was reliable. Thus,
NMFS has received a reliable report
from a qualified individual of the
requisite right whale density to trigger
the DAM provisions of the ALWTRP.
Once a DAM zone is triggered, NMFS
determines whether to impose
restrictions on fishing and/or fishing
gear in the zone. This determination is
based on the following factors,
including but not limited to: the
location of the DAM zone with respect
to other fishery closure areas, weather
conditions as they relate to the safety of
human life at sea, the type and amount
of gear already present in the area, and
a review of recent right whale
entanglement and mortality data.
NMFS has reviewed the factors and
management options noted above
relative to the DAM under
consideration. As a result of this review,
NMFS prohibits lobster trap/pot and
anchored gillnet gear in this area during
the 15–day restricted period unless it is
modified in the manner described in
this temporary rule.
The DAM Zone is bound by the
following coordinates:
43° 19′ N., 70° 38′ W. (NW Corner)
43° 19′ N., 69° 35′ W.
42° 31′ N., 69° 35′ W.
42° 31′ N., 70° 38′ W.
42° 37′ N., 70° 38′ W. and follow the
coastline north to
42° 39′ N., 70° 38′ W.
43° 09′ N., 70° 38′ W. and follow the
coastline north to
43° 19′ N., 70° 38′ W. (NW Corner)
In addition to those gear
modifications currently implemented
under the ALWTRP at 50 CFR 229.32,
the following gear modifications are
required in the DAM zone. If the
requirements and exceptions for gear
modification in the DAM zone, as
described below, differ from other
ALWTRP requirements for any
overlapping areas and times, then the
[Federal Register Volume 72, Number 23 (Monday, February 5, 2007)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 5197-5214]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E7-1769]
Federal Emergency Management Agency
44 CFR Part 67
Final Flood Elevation Determinations
AGENCY: Federal Emergency Management Agency, DHS.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: Base (1% annual chance) Flood Elevations (BFEs) and modified
BFEs are made final for the communities listed below. The BFEs and
modified BFEs are the basis for the floodplain management measures that
each community is required either to adopt or to show evidence of being
already in effect in order to qualify or remain qualified for
participation in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
DATES: The date of issuance of the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM)
showing BFEs and modified BFEs for each community. This date may be
obtained by contacting the office where the maps are available for
inspection as indicated on the table below.
ADDRESSES: The final BFEs for each community are available for
inspection at the office of the Chief Executive Officer of each
community. The respective addresses are listed in the table below.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: William R. Blanton, Jr., Engineering
Management Section, Mitigation Division, Federal Emergency Management
Agency, 500 C Street SW., Washington, DC 20472, (202) 646-3151.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA) makes the final determinations listed below for the modified
BFEs for each community listed. These modified elevations have been
published in newspapers of local circulation and ninety (90) days have
elapsed since that publication. The Mitigation Division Director of
FEMA has resolved any appeals resulting from this notification.
This final rule is issued in accordance with section 110 of the
Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, 42 U.S.C. 4104, and 44 CFR part
67. FEMA has developed criteria for floodplain management in floodprone
areas in accordance with 44 CFR part 60.
Interested lessees and owners of real property are encouraged to
review the proof Flood Insurance Study and FIRM available at the
address cited below for each community. The BFEs and modified BFEs are
made final in the communities listed below. Elevations at selected
locations in each community are shown.
National Environmental Policy Act. This final rule is categorically
excluded from the requirements of 44 CFR part 10, Environmental
Consideration. An environmental impact assessment has not been
Regulatory Flexibility Act. As flood elevation determinations are
not within the scope of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601-
612, a regulatory flexibility analysis is not required.
Regulatory Classification. This final rule is not a significant
regulatory action under the criteria of section 3(f) of Executive Order
12866 of September 30, 1993, Regulatory Planning and Review, 58 FR
Executive Order 13132, Federalism. This final rule involves no
policies that have federalism implications under Executive Order 13132.
Executive Order 12988, Civil Justice Reform. This final rule meets
the applicable standards of Executive Order 12988.
List of Subjects in 44 CFR Part 67
Administrative practice and procedure, Flood insurance, Reporting
and recordkeeping requirements.
Accordingly, 44 CFR part 67 is amended as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 67 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 4001 et seq.; Reorganization Plan No. 3 of
1978, 3 CFR, 1978 Comp., p. 329; E.O. 12127, 44 FR 19367, 3 CFR,
1979 Comp., p. 376.
Sec. 67.11 [Amended]
2. The tables published under the authority of Sec. 67.11 are amended
as follows:
* Elevation in
feet (NGVD) +
Elevation in
Flooding source(s) Location of referenced feet (NAVD) Communities affected
elevation Depth
in feet above
ground Modified
Baldwin County, Alabama and Incorporated Areas
Docket No.: FEMA-B-7456
D'Olive Creek........................ Just upstream of Lake Forest +25 City of Daphne.
Just downstream of U.S. +35
Highway 90.
Tiawasee Creek....................... Confluence with D'Olive Creek +25 City of Daphne.
at Lake Forest.
Approximately 1,500 feet +60
upstream of Ridgewood Drive.
Styx River........................... Just downstream of Truck +77 Baldwin County
Route 17 (Brady Road). (Unincorporated
Approximately 3,100 feet +168
upstream of Pinegrove Road.
[[Page 5198]]
Depth in feet above ground.
* National Geodetic Vertical Datum.
+ National American Vertical Datum.
Baldwin County (Unincorporated Areas)
Maps are available for inspection at the Baldwin County Building Department, 201 East Section Street, Foley,
Alabama 36535.
City of Daphne
Maps are available for inspection at the Department of Community Development, 2651 Equity Drive, Daphne, Alabama
Carroll County, Kentucky and Incorporated Areas
Docket No.: FEMA-B-7470
Ohio River........................... Western County boundary with +465 Carroll County
Trimble County. (Unincorporated
Eastern County boundary with +472
Gallatin County.
Depth in feet above ground.
* National Geodetic Vertical Datum.
+ National American Vertical Datum.
Carroll County Unincorporated Areas
Maps are available for inspection at Carroll Emergency Operations Center, 829 Polk Street, Carrollton, Kentucky
Halifax County, North Carolina and Incorporated Areas
Docket Nos.: FEMA-D-7660, B-7465, and D-7560
Bear Swamp........................... Approximately 500 feet +161 Halifax County
upstream of the confluence (Unincorporated
with Little Fishing Creek. Areas).
Approximately 3.4 miles +214
upstream of Airlie Road.
Beaverdam Swamp...................... Approximately 0.6 mile +82 Halifax County
upstream of the confluence (Unincorporated
with Marsh Swamp. Areas).
Approximately 1.5 miles +132
upstream of Interstate 95.
Beaverdam Swamp Tributary............ At the confluence with +106 Halifax County
Beaverdam Swamp. (Unincorporated
Approximately 1.5 miles +120
upstream of Beaverdam Road.
Beech Swamp.......................... At the confluence with +62 Halifax County
Fishing Creek. (Unincorporated
Areas), Town of
Approximately 0.5 mile +77
upstream of the confluence
of Beech Swamp Tributary 1.
Tributary 1...................... At the confluence with Beech +75 Halifax County
Swamp. (Unincorporated
Approximately 700 feet +103
upstream of Thirteen Bridges
Tributary 2...................... At the confluence with Beech +77 Halifax County
Swamp Tributary 1. (Unincorporated
Approximately 0.5 mile +93
upstream of Loop Road.
Tributary 3...................... Approximately 0.5 mile +81 Halifax County
upstream of the confluence (Unincorporated
with Beech Swamp. Areas), Town of
Approximately 1.4 miles +97
upstream of the confluence
with Beech Swamp.
Bells Branch......................... At the confluence with +116 City of Roanoke Rapids
Chockoyotte Creek.
Approximately 850 feet +116
upstream of the confluence
with Chockoyotte Creek.
Bens Creek........................... At the confluence with Little +186 Halifax County
Fishing Creek. (Unincorporated
Approximately 1.5 miles +199
upstream of the Halifax/
Warren County boundary.
Breeches Swamp....................... At the confluence with Jacket +95 Halifax County
Swamp. (Unincorporated
Approximately 0.8 mile +107
upstream of Ringwood Road.
Burnt Coat Swamp..................... Approximately 0.5 mile +81 Halifax County
downstream of Justice Branch (Unincorporated
Road. Areas), Town of
Approximately 2.0 miles +102
upstream of the confluence
of Jacket Swamp.
Butterwood Creek..................... At the confluence with Bear +176 Halifax County
Swamp. (Unincorporated
[[Page 5199]]
Approximately 1.3 miles +267
upstream of Cold Mine School
Chockoyotte Creek.................... At the confluence with +57 Halifax County
Roanoke River. (Unincorporated
Areas), City of
Roanoke Rapids, Town
of Weldon.
Approximately 2.0 miles +202
upstream of Zoo Road.
Chockoyotte Creek Tributary.......... At the confluence with +79 Town of Weldon, City of
Chockoyotte Creek. Roanoke Rapids,
Halifax County
Approximately 30 feet +87
downstream of County Road.
Tributary A...................... At the confluence with +94 Halifax County
Chockoyotte Creek. (Unincorporated
Areas), City of
Roanoke Rapids.
Approximately 1,490 feet +135
upstream of American Legion
Tributary B...................... At the confluence with +114 City of Roanoke Rapids.
Chockoyotte Creek.
Approximately 40 feet +127
downstream of Julian R.
Allsbrook Highway.
Conoconnara Swamp.................... At the confluence with +43 Halifax County
Roanoke River. (Unincorporated
Approximately 1,000 feet +80
upstream of NC-481.
Tributary 1...................... At the confluence with +58 Halifax County
Conoconnara Swamp. (Unincorporated
Approximately 3.5 miles +67
upstream of the confluence
with Conoconnara Swamp.
Tributary 2...................... At the confluence with +72 Halifax County
Conoconnara Swamp. (Unincorporated
Approximately 0.7 mile +78
upstream of the confluence
with Conoconnara Swamp.
Tributary 2A..................... At the confluence with +77 Halifax County
Conoconnara Swamp Tributary (Unincorporated
2. Areas).
Approximately 0.8 mile +85
upstream of the confluence
with Conoconnara Swamp.
Tributary 3...................... At the confluence with +75 Halifax County
Conoconnara Swamp. (Unincorporated
Approximately 0.6 mile +80
upstream of NC-481.
Deep Creek........................... At the Halifax-Edgecombe +61 Halifax County
County boundary. (Unincorporated
Approximately 150 feet +101
downstream of Moonlight Road
(SR 1003).
Deep Creek (into Roanoke River)...... Approximately 0.7 mile +133 Halifax County
downstream of Thelma Road (Unincorporated
(SR 1400). Areas).
Approximately 80 feet +189
downstream of Roper Springs
Road (SR 1525).
Tributary 1...................... At the confluence with Deep +136 Halifax County
Creek (into Roanoke River). (Unincorporated
Approximately 0.4 mile +151
upstream of the confluence
with Deep Creek (into
Roanoke River).
Tributary 2...................... At the confluence with Deep +146 Halifax County
Creek (into Roanoke River). (Unincorporated
Approximately 1,375 feet +162
upstream of the confluence
with Deep Creek (into
Roanoke River) Tributary 2A.
Tributary 2A..................... At the confluence with Deep +146 Halifax County
Creek (into Roanoke River) (Unincorporated
Tributary 2. Areas).
Approximately 1,300 feet +159
upstream of the confluence
with deep Creek (into
Roanoke River) Tributary 2.
Tributary 4...................... At the confluence with Deep +175 Halifax County
Creek (into Roanoke River). (Unincorporated
Approximately 0.5 mile +181
upstream of the confluence
with Deep Creek (into
Roanoke River).
Tributary 3...................... At the confluence with Deep +154 Halifax County
Creek (into Roanoke River). (Unincorporated
Approximately 1,700 feet +163
upstream of the confluence
with Deep Creek (into
Roanoke River).
Deep Creek Tributary................. At the confluence with Deep +86 Halifax County
Creek. (Unincorporated
[[Page 5200]]
Approximately 1.5 miles +106
upstream of Thirteen Bridges
Tributary 5...................... At the confluence with Deep +62 Halifax County
Creek. (Unincorporated
Areas), Town of
Approximately 0.5 mile +77
upstream of the confluence
with Deep Creek Tributary 6.
Tributary 6...................... At the confluence with Deep +76 Halifax County
Creek Tributary 5. (Unincorporated
Approximately 0.5 mile +79
upstream of the confluence
with Deep Creek Tributary 5.
Tributary 7...................... At the confluence with Deep +67 Halifax County
Creek. (Unincorporated
Approximately 2.1 miles +77
upstream of the confluence
with Deep Creek.
Fishing Creek........................ At the Halifax-Edgecome +60 Halifax County
County boundary. (Unincorporated
At the Halifax-Warren County +165
Tributary 4...................... At the confluence with +81 Halifax County
Fishing Creek. (Unincorporated
Approximately 500 feet +101
upstream of Thirteen Bridges
Tributary 5...................... At the confluence of Fishing +90 Halifax County
Creek. (Unincorporated
Areas), Town of
Approximately 0.7 mile +102
upstream of South Dennis
Hales Branch......................... At the upstream side of Zoo +215 Halifax County
Road South. (Unincorporated
Approximately 1,200 feet +227
upstream of Zoo Road South.
Hales Mill Pond Branch............... At the confluence with +67 Halifax County
Conoconnara Swamp. (Unincorporated
Approximately 300 feet +73
upstream of Old 125 Road (SR
Jacket Swamp......................... At the confluence with Burnt +90 Halifax County
Coat Swamp. (Unincorporated
Approximately 0.8 mile +115
upstream of 95.
Keehukee Swamp....................... At the confluence with +28 Halifax County
Roanoke River. (Unincorporated
Approximately 250 feet +61
downstream of Railroad.
Tributary 1...................... At the confluence with +28 Halifax County
Keehukee Swamp. (Unincorporated
Approximately 1,650 feet +28
upstream of the confluence
with Keehukee Swamp.
Tributary 2...................... Approximately 2.1 miles +47 Halifax County
upstream of the confluence (Unincorporated
with Keehukee Swamp. Areas).
At the confluence with +29
Keehukee Swamp.
Little Fishing Creek................. Approximately 0.3 mile +161 Halifax County
upstream of confluence with (Unincorporated
Bear Swamp. Areas).
At the Halifax-Warren County +186
Tributary 1...................... At the confluence with Little +165 Halifax County
Fishing Creek. (Unincorporated
Approximately 0.4 mile +227
upstream of confluence of
Little Fishing Creek
Tributary 3.
Tributary 2...................... At the confluence with Little +200 Halifax County
Fishing Creek Tributary 1. (Unincorporated
At the Halifax-Warren County +240
Tributary 3...................... At the confluence with Little +216 Halifax County
Fishing Creek Tributary 1. (Unincorporated
Approximately 400 feet +238
upstream of Highway 561.
Tributary 4...................... At the confluence with Little +175 Halifax County
Fishing Creek. (Unincorporated
At the Halifax-Warren County +188
Tributary 5...................... At the confluence with Little +175 Halifax County
Fishing Creek Tributary 4. (Unincorporated
Approximately 0.7 mile +192
upstream of the confluence
of Little Fishing Creek
Tributary 4.
Tributary 6...................... At the confluence with Little +178 Halifax County
Fishing Creek. (Unincorporated
[[Page 5201]]
Approximately 1.9 miles +205
upstream of the confluence
with Little Fishing Creek.
Tributary 7...................... At the confluence with Little +181 Halifax County
Fishing Creek. (Unincorporated
Approximately 0.9 mile +200
upstream of Spruills Bridge
Little Quankey Creek................. Approximately 750 feet +134 Halifax County
upstream of Interstate 95. (Unincorporated
Approximately 600 feet +176
upstream of NC-48.
Little Quankey Creek................. At the confluence with +87 Town of Halifax.
Quankey Creek.
Approximately 0.75 mile +87
upstream of NC-903.
Marsh Swamp.......................... At the downstream side of +129 Halifax County
Aurelian Springs Road. (Unincorporated
Approximately 0.7 mile +130
upstream of Aurelian Springs
Tributary 1...................... Approximately 1,500 feet +85 Halifax County
upstream of the confluence (Unincorporated
with Marsh Swamp. Areas).
Approximately 0.4 mile +99
downstream of Justice Branch
Tributary 2...................... Approximately 1,500 feet +92 Halifax County
upstream of the confluence (Unincorporated
with Marsh Swamp. Areas).
Approximately 1.1 miles +96
upstream of the railroad.
Nash Creek........................... Approximately 1.1 miles +143 Halifax County
upstream of the confluence (Unincorporated
with Bells Branch and and Areas).
Hales Branch.
Approximately 2.5 miles +172
upstream of the confluence
with Bells Branch and Hales
Porter Creek......................... At the confluence with Little +166 Halifax County
Fishing Creek. (Unincorporated
At the Halifax-Warren County +227
Quankey Creek........................ At the confluence with +50 Halifax County
Roanoke River. (Unincorporated
Areas), Town of
At the confluence with Little +87
Quankey Creek.
Reedy Creek.......................... At the confluence with Little +180 Halifax County
Fishing Creek. (Unincorporated
At the Halifax-Warren County +180
Roanoke River........................ At the Martin/Bertie/Halifax +28 Halifax County
County boundary. (Unincorporated
Areas), City of
Roanoke Rapids, Town
of Halifax, Town of
At the downstream side of +136
Gaston Dam.
Rocky Swamp.......................... Approximately 800 feet +109 Halifax County
downstream of Highway 481. (Unincorporated
Approximately 1.0 mile +194
upstream of Sledge Road.
Webbs Mill Branch.................... At the confluence with +34 Halifax County
Keehukee Swamp. (Unincorporated
Approximately 0.3 mile +50
upstream of the confluence
with Webbs Mill Branch
Tributary 2.
Tributary 1...................... At the confluence with Webbs +38 Halifax County
Mill Branch. (Unincorporated
Approximately 0.7 mile +57
upstream of the confluence
with Webbs Mill Branch.
Tributary 2...................... At the confluence with Webbs +45 Halifax County
Mill Branch. (Unincorporated
Areas), Town of
Scotland Neck.
Approximately 0.6 mile +51
upstream of the confluence
with Webbs Mill Branch.
Depth in feet above ground.
* National Geodetic Vertical Datum.
+ North American Vertical Datum.
Town of Enfield
Maps are available for inspection at the Enfield Town Hall, 105 Northwest Railroad Street, Enfield, North
Town of Halifax
Maps are available for inspection at the Halifax Town Hall, 24 South King Street, Halifax, North Carolina.
Town of Hobgood
Maps are available for inspection at the Hobgood Town Hall, 207 West Commerce Street, Hobgood, North Carolina.
City of Roanoke Rapids
[[Page 5202]]
Maps are available for inspection at the City of Roanoke Rapids Planning Department, 1040 Roanoke Avenue,
Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina.
Town of Scotland Neck
Maps are available for inspection at the Scotland Neck Town Hall, 1310 Main Street, Scotland Neck, North
Town of Weldon
Maps are available for inspection at the Weldon Town Hall, 109 Washington Avenue, Weldon, North Carolina.
Halifax County (Unincorporated Areas)
Maps are available for inspection at the Halifax County Public Works Building, 26 North King Street, Room 102,
Halifax, North Carolina.
Rockingham County, North Carolina and Incorporated Areas
Docket Nos: FEMA-D-7660 and D-7626
Belews Creek......................... At the confluence with Dan +588 Rockingham County
River. (Unincorporated
At the confluence with Belews +737
Belews Creek Tributary 1............. At the confluence with Belews +588 Rockingham County
Creek. (Unincorporated
Approximately 1.0 mile +636
upstream of the confluence
with Belews Creek Tributary
2 of Tributary 1.
Tributary 1 of Tributary 1....... At the confluence with Belews +588 Rockingham County
Creek Tributary 1. (Unincorporated
Approximately 0.4 mile +662
upstream of the confluence
with Belews Creek Tributary
Tributary of Tributary 2......... At the confluence with Belews +780 Rockingham County
Creek Tributary 2. (Unincorporated
Approximately 1,450 feet +854
upstream of the confluence
with Belews Creek Tributary
Tributary of Tributary 3......... At the Rockingham/Stokes +737 Rockingham County
County boundary. (Unincorporated
Approximately 1.5 miles +785
upstream of the confluence
with Belews Lake.
Tributary 2...................... At the confluence with Belews +737 Rockingham County
Lake. (Unincorporated
Approximately 0.5 mile +822
upstream of the confluence
of Belews Creek Tributary 1
of Tributary 2.
Tributary 2 of Tributary 1....... At the confluence with Belews +588 Rockingham County
Creek Tributary 1. (Unincorporated
Approximately 0.7 mile +645
upstream of the confluence
with Belews Creek Tributary
Belews Lake.......................... The entire shoreline within +737 Rockingham County
the county. (Unincorporated
Benaja Creek......................... At the confluence with Haw +665 Rockingham County
River.. (Unincorporated
At the Guilford/Rockingham +688
County boundary.
Big Beaver Island Creek.............. Approximately 0.5 mile +663 Rockingham County
downstream of Park Road. (Unincorporated
At the Rockingham/Stokes +768
County boundary.
Tributary 10..................... At the confluence with Big +738 Rockingham County
Beaver Island Creek. (Unincorporated
Approximately 700 feet +746
upstream of the confluence
with Big Beaver Island Creek.
Tributary 11..................... At the confluence with Big +760 Rockingham County
Beaver Island Creek. (Unincorporated
At the Rockingham/Stokes +765
County boundary.
Tributary 12..................... At the confluence with Big +764 Rockingham County
Beaver Island Creek. (Unincorporated
Approximately 950 feet +798
upstream of the confluence
with Big Beaver Island Creek.
Tributary 7...................... At the confluence with Big +688 Rockingham County
Beaver Island Creek. (Unincorporated
Approximately 850 feet +696
upstream of the confluence
with Big Beaver Island Creek.
Boaz Creek........................... At the confluence with Mayo +656 Rockingham County
River. (Unincorporated
Areas), Town of
Approximately 0.5 mile +657
upstream of the confluence
with Boaz Creek Tributary.
[[Page 5203]]
Boaz Creek Tributary................. At the confluence with Boaz +656 Rockingham County
Creek. (Unincorporated
Approximately 0.4 mile +667
upstream of the confluence
with Boaz Creek.
Brushy Creek......................... At the confluence with Jacobs +578 Rockingham County
Creek. (Unincorporated
Approximately 1,800 feet +628
upstream of Sharp Road.
Brushy Creek Tributary............... At the confluence with Brushy +621 Rockingham County
Creek. (Unincorporated
Approximately 0.8 mile +660
upstream of the confluence
with Brushy Creek.
Buffalo Creek (into Dan River)....... At the confluence with Dan +527 Rockingham County
River. (Unincorporated
Areas), City of Eden.
Approximately 2.4 miles +920
upstream of Wray Road.
Tributary 2...................... At the confluence with +527 Rockingham County
Buffalo Creek (into Dan (Unincorporated
River). Areas), City of Eden.
Approximately 1,500 feet +528
upstream of the confluence
of Buffalo Creek (into Dan
Tributary 3...................... At the confluence with +528 Rockingham County
Buffalo Creek (into Dan (Unincorporated
River). Areas), City of Eden.
Approximately 100 feet +572
upstream of SR 770.
Tributary 4...................... At the confluence with +528 Rockingham County
Buffalo Creek (into Dan (Unincorporated
River). Areas).
Approximately 500 feet +627
upstream of Roberts Road.
Tributary 5...................... At the confluence with +538 Rockingham County
Buffalo Creek (into Dan (Unincorporated
River). Areas).
Approximately 1,700 feet +545
upstream of the confluence
with Buffalo Creek (into Dan
Buffalo Creek (into Mayo River)...... At the confluence with Mayo +697 Rockingham County
River. (Unincorporated
At the Rockingham/Stokes +753
County boundary.
Buffalo Creek (into Mayo River) At the confluence with +697 Rockingham County
Tributary. Buffalo Creek (into Mayo (Unincorporated
River). Areas).
Approximately 1,200 feet +710
upstream of the confluence
with Buffalo Creek (into
Mayo River).
Candy Creek.......................... At the confluence with Haw +663 Rockingham County
River. (Unincorporated
Approximately 200 feet +700
downstream of Guilford/
Rockingham County boundary.
Cascade Creek........................ At the confluence with Dan +499 Rockingham County
River. (Unincorporated
At the North Carolina/ +505
Virginia State Line.
County Line Creek.................... At the Rockingham/Caswell +602 Rockingham County
County boundary. (Unincorporated
Approximately 150 feet +604
upstream of the Rockingham/
Caswell County boundary.
Covenant Branch...................... At the confluence with Dan +508 Rockingham County
River. (Unincorporated
Areas), City of Eden.
Approximately 1.2 miles +527
upstream of the confluence
with Dan River.
Dan River............................ At the Rockingham/Caswell +470 Rockingham County
County boundary. (Unincorporated
Areas), City of Eden.
Approximately 900 feet +588
upstream of the Rockingham/
Stokes County boundary.
Tributary 1 of Tributary 26...... At the confluence with Dan +548 Rockingham County
River Tributary 26. (Unincorporated
Approximately 0.4 mile +597
upstream of Belton Road.
Tributary 10..................... At the confluence with Dan +533 Rockingham County
River. (Unincorporated
Approximately 1,000 feet +535
upstream of the confluence
of Dan River Tributary of
Tributary 10.
Tributary 11..................... At the confluence with Dan +535 Rockingham County
River. (Unincorporated
[[Page 5204]]
Approximately 1,800 feet +540
upstream of the confluence
with Dan River.
Tributary 15..................... At the confluence with Dan +540 Rockingham County
River. (Unincorporated
Approximately 400 feet +550
upstream of Eagle Falls Road.
Tributary 16..................... At the confluence with Dan +541 Rockingham County
River. (Unincorporated
Approximately 1,200 feet +555
upstream of the confluence
with Dan River.
Tributary 17..................... At the confluence with Dan +541 Rockingham County
River. (Unincorporated
Approximately 0.5 mile +562
upstream of the confluence
with Dan River.
Tributary 19..................... At the confluence with Dan +542 Rockingham County
River. (Unincorporated
Approximately 1,300 feet +554
upstream of the confluence
with Dan River.
Tributary 2 of Tributary 26...... At the confluence with Dan +548 Rockingham County
River Tributary 26. (Unincorporated
Approximately 1,300 feet +562
upstream of the confluence
with Dan River Tributary 26.
Tributary 2 of Tributary 32...... At the confluence with Dan +576 Rockingham County
River Tributary 32. (Unincorporated
Approximately 1,000 feet +582
upstream of the confluence
with Dan River Tributary 32.
Tributary 20..................... At the confluence with Dan +543 Rockingham County
River. (Unincorporated
Approximately 0.5 mile +563
upstream of the confluence
with Dan River.
Tributary 21..................... At the confluence with Dan +547 Rockingham County
River. (Unincorporated
Approximately 1,750 feet +591
upstream of the confluence
with Dan River.
Tributary 23..................... At the confluence with Dan +547 Rockingham County
River. (Unincorporated
Approximately 0.6 mile +571
upstream of the confluence
with Dan River.
Tributary 26..................... At the confluence with Dan +548 Rockingham County
River. (Unincorporated