Federal Travel Regulation; FTR Case 2006-304, Privately Owned Automobile Mileage Reimbursement, 4210-4211 [E7-1443]
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 19 / Tuesday, January 30, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
Name of non-regulatory SIP revision
Documents Incorporated by
geographic area
Northern Virginia VOC Emissions Control Area designated in 9 VAC 5–20–206.
EPA approval date
January 30, 2007 [Insert page State effective date is 3/9/05
number where the document 9 VAC 5–20–21, Sections
E.1.a.(16)., E.4.a.(18)
through a.(20), E.6.a,
E.11.a.(3), E.12.a.(5)
through a.(8), E.14.a. and
[FR Doc. E7–1337 Filed 1–29–07; 8:45 am]
A. Background
Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 5707(b), the
Administrator of General Services has
the responsibility to establish the
privately owned vehicle (POV) mileage
reimbursement rates. Separate rates are
set for airplanes, automobiles (including
trucks), and motorcycles. In order to set
these rates, GSA is required to conduct
periodic investigations, in consultation
with the Secretaries of Defense and
Transportation, and representatives of
Government employee organizations, of
the cost of travel and the operation of
POVs to employees while engaged on
official business. As required, GSA has
conducted an investigation of the costs
of operating a POA and is reporting the
cost per mile determination. The results
of the investigation have been reported
to Congress and a copy of the report
appears as an attachment to this
document. The report is being
published to comply with the
requirements of the law. GSA’s cost
studies show the Administrator of
General Services has determined the per
mile operating costs of $0.485 for
automobiles. As provided in 5 U.S.C.
5704(a)(1), the automobile
reimbursement rate cannot exceed the
single standard mileage rate established
by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
The IRS has announced a new single
standard mileage rate for automobiles of
$0.485 per mile effective January 1,
2007. The cost of operating a privately
owned airplane and motorcycle remain
41 CFR Chapter 301
[FTR Amendment 2007–01; FTR Case 2006–
304;Docket 2007–0002, Sequence 1]
RIN 3090–AI31
Federal Travel Regulation; FTR Case
2006-304, Privately Owned Automobile
Mileage Reimbursement
Office of Governmentwide
Policy, General Services Administration
ACTION: Final rule.
ycherry on PROD1PC64 with RULES
SUMMARY: The General Services
Administration (GSA) is amending the
Federal Travel Regulation (FTR), by
amending the mileage reimbursement
rate for use of a privately owned
automobile (POA) on official travel to
reflect current costs of operation as
determined in cost studies conducted by
the General Services Administration
(GSA). The governing regulation is
revised to increase the mileage
allowance for the cost of operating a
privately owned automobile from
$0.445 to $0.485 per mile. The FTR and
any corresponding documents may be
accessed at GSA’s website at https://
DATES: Effective Date: February 1, 2007.
Regulatory Secretariat (VIR), Room
4035, GS Building, Washington, DC,
20405, (202) 501–4755, for information
pertaining to status or publication
schedules. For clarification of content,
contact Ms. Umeki G. Thorne, Program
Analyst, Office of Governmentwide
Policy, Travel Management Policy, at
(202) 208–7636. Please cite FTR
Amendment 2007–01; FTR case 2006–
VerDate Aug<31>2005
15:02 Jan 29, 2007
Jkt 211001
This regulation is excepted from the
definition of ‘‘regulation’’ or ‘‘rule’’
under Section 3(d)(3) of Executive Order
12866, Regulatory Planning and Review,
dated September 30, 1993 and,
therefore, was not subject to review
under Section 6(b) of that Executive
Frm 00022
Fmt 4700
Sfmt 4700
C. Regulatory Flexibility Act
This final rule is not required to be
published in the Federal Register for
notice and comment as per the
exemption specified in 5 U.S.C.
553(a)(2); therefore, the Regulatory
Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601, et seq.,
does not apply.
D. Paperwork Reduction Act
The Paperwork Reduction Act does
not apply because the changes to the
Federal Travel Regulation do not
impose recordkeeping or information
collection requirements, or the
collection of information from offerors,
contractors, or members of the public
that require the approval of the Office of
Management and Budget under 44
U.S.C. 3501, et seq.
E. Small Business Regulatory
Enforcement Fairness Act
This final rule is also exempt from
congressional review prescribed under 5
U.S.C. 801 since it relates solely to
agency management and personnel.
List of Subjects in 41 CFR Part 301–10
Government employees, Travel and
transportation expenses.
Dated: January 18, 2007
Lurita Doan,
Administrator of General Services.
For the reasons set forth in the
preamble, under 5 U.S.C. 5701–5709,
GSA amends 41 CFR part 301–10 as set
forth below:
1. The authority citation for 41 CFR
part 301–10 continues to read as
B. Executive Order 12866
PO 00000
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 5707, 40 U.S.C. 121(c);
49 U.S.C. 40118, Office of Management and
Budget Circular No. A–126, ‘‘Improving the
Management and Use of Government
Aircraft.’’ Revised May 22, 1992.
2. Revise section 301–10.303,
privately owned automobile entry in the
table, to read as follows:
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 19 / Tuesday, January 30, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
§ 301–10.303 What am I reimbursed when
use of a POV is determined by my agency
to be advantageous to the Government?
For use of a
* * * * *
* * * * *
50 CFR Part 648
[Docket No. 061124307–7013–02; I.D.
RIN 0648–AT65
Per mile.
Attachment to Preamble—Report To
Congress On The Costs Of Operating
Privately Owned Vehicles
5 U.S.C. 5707(b)(1)(A) requires that the
Administrator of General Services, in
consultation with the Secretary of Defense,
the Secretary of Transportation, and
representatives of Government employee
organizations, conduct periodic
investigations of the cost of travel and
operation of privately owned vehicles (POVs)
(airplanes, automobiles, and motorcycles) to
Government employees while on official
travel, and report the results to the Congress
at least once a year. 5 U.S.C. 5707(b)(2)(B)
further requires that the Administrator of
General Services determine the average,
actual cost per mile for the use of each type
of POV based on the results of the cost
investigation. Such figures must be reported
to the Congress within 5 working days after
the cost determination has been made in
accordance with 5 U.S.C. 5707(b)(2)(C).
Pursuant to the requirements of 5 U.S.C.
5707(b)(1)(A), the General Services
Administration (GSA), in consultation with
the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of
Transportation, and representatives of
Government employee organizations,
conducted an investigation of the cost of
operating a privately owned automobile
(POA). As provided in 5 U.S.C. 5704(a)(1),
the automobile reimbursement rate cannot
exceed the single standard mileage rate
established by the Internal Revenue Service
(IRS). The IRS has announced a new single
standard mileage rate for POAs of $0.485
effective January 1, 2007. As required, GSA
is reporting the results of the investigation
and the cost per mile determination. Based
on cost studies conducted by GSA, I have
determined the per-mile operating costs of a
POA to be $0.485 for POAs. Reimbursement
for the use of a privately owned airplane and
privately owned motorcycle remains
This report to Congress on the cost of
operating POAs will be published in the
Federal Register.
[FR Doc. E7–1443 Filed 1–30–07; 8:45 am]
ycherry on PROD1PC64 with RULES
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Your reimbursement is
* * * * * ...............
Privately owned
automobile .........
* * * * * ...............
VerDate Aug<31>2005
15:02 Jan 29, 2007
Jkt 211001
Fisheries of the Northeastern United
States; Atlantic Mackerel, Squid, and
Butterfish Fisheries; Specifications
and Management Measures
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: This action implements 2007
specifications and management
measures for Atlantic mackerel, squid,
and butterfish (MSB) and modifies
existing management measures.
Specifically, it implements trimester
quota allocations for the Loligo squid
fishery and establishes the protocol for
an inseason adjustment to increase the
mackerel harvest, if landings approach
harvest limits. Lastly, this final rule
clarifies, updates, and corrects existing
regulatory language that is misleading or
incorrect. This action promotes the
utilization and conservation of the MSB
DATES: Effective March 1, 2007.
ADDRESSES: Copies of supporting
documents used by the Mid-Atlantic
Fishery Management Council (Council),
including the Environmental
Assessment (EA) and Regulatory Impact
Review (RIR)/Initial Regulatory
Flexibility Analysis (IRFA), are
available from: Daniel Furlong,
Executive Director, Mid-Atlantic
Fishery Management Council, Room
2115, Federal Building, 300 South New
Street, Dover, DE 19904–6790. The EA/
RIR/IRFA is accessible via the Internet
at https://www.nero.nmfs.gov. NMFS
prepared a Final Regulatory Flexibility
Analysis (FRFA), which is contained in
the Classification section of the
preamble of this rule. Copies of the
FRFA and the Small Entity Compliance
Guide are available from the Regional
Administrator, Northeast Regional
Office, NMFS, One Blackburn Drive,
Gloucester, MA 01930–2298, and are
also available via the internet at https://
Carrie Nordeen, Fishery Policy Analyst,
978- 281–9272, fax 978–281–9135.
PO 00000
Frm 00023
Fmt 4700
Sfmt 4700
Regulations implementing the Fishery
Management Plan for the Atlantic
Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish
Fisheries (FMP) appear at 50 CFR part
648, subpart B, and regulations
governing foreign fishing appear at 50
CFR part 600, subpart F. This action
fulfills NMFS regulatory requirements at
§§ 648.21 and 600.516(c) to, based on
the maximum optimum yield (Max OY)
of each fishery as established by the
regulations, annually specify the
amounts of the initial optimum yield
(IOY), allowable biological catch (ABC),
domestic annual harvest (DAH), and
domestic annual processing (DAP), as
well as, where applicable, the amounts
for total allowable level of foreign
fishing (TALFF) and joint venture
processing (JVP) for the affected species
managed under the FMP. The Council
adopted 2007 MSB specifications and
management measures at its June 2006
and August 2006 meetings and
submitted them to NMFS for review and
approval. Initial submission was on
September 1, 2006, and final submission
was on October 31, 2006. A proposed
rule for 2007 MSB specifications and
management measures was published
on December 5, 2006 (71 FR 70493). The
public comment period for the proposed
rule ended on January 4, 2007. Details
concerning the Council’s development
of these measures were presented in the
preamble of the proposed rule and are
not repeated here.
Disapproval of Incidental Loligo Squid
Possession Limit for the Illex Squid
In an effort to reduce regulatory
discarding and allow for more accurate
quantification of the removals of Loligo
squid taken in the directed Illex squid
fishery, the Council recommended
increasing the incidental Loligo squid
possession limit for vessels engaged in
the directed Illex squid fishery.
Specifically, during August closures of
the Loligo squid fishery, Illex squid
moratorium vessels fishing seaward of
the small mesh exemption line
(approximately the 50–fm (91–m) depth
contour) would have been permitted to
possess and land up to 10,000 lb (4.54
mt) of Loligo squid, provided they
possess a minimum of 10,000 lb (4.54
mt) of Illex squid on board. This
measure was recommend for 2007 only,
and the Council intended to re-assess it
for 2008.
NMFS explained at length in the
proposed rule that, while it supports the
Council’s intent to reduce regulatory
discarding of Loligo squid in the Illex
squid fishery, it was concerned about its
[Federal Register Volume 72, Number 19 (Tuesday, January 30, 2007)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 4210-4211]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: E7-1443]
41 CFR Chapter 301
[FTR Amendment 2007-01; FTR Case 2006-304;Docket 2007-0002, Sequence 1]
RIN 3090-AI31
Federal Travel Regulation; FTR Case 2006-304, Privately Owned
Automobile Mileage Reimbursement
AGENCY: Office of Governmentwide Policy, General Services
Administration (GSA).
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The General Services Administration (GSA) is amending the
Federal Travel Regulation (FTR), by amending the mileage reimbursement
rate for use of a privately owned automobile (POA) on official travel
to reflect current costs of operation as determined in cost studies
conducted by the General Services Administration (GSA). The governing
regulation is revised to increase the mileage allowance for the cost of
operating a privately owned automobile from $0.445 to $0.485 per mile.
The FTR and any corresponding documents may be accessed at GSA's
website at https://www.gsa.gov/ftr.
DATES: Effective Date: February 1, 2007.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: The Regulatory Secretariat (VIR), Room
4035, GS Building, Washington, DC, 20405, (202) 501-4755, for
information pertaining to status or publication schedules. For
clarification of content, contact Ms. Umeki G. Thorne, Program Analyst,
Office of Governmentwide Policy, Travel Management Policy, at (202)
208-7636. Please cite FTR Amendment 2007-01; FTR case 2006-304.
A. Background
Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 5707(b), the Administrator of General Services
has the responsibility to establish the privately owned vehicle (POV)
mileage reimbursement rates. Separate rates are set for airplanes,
automobiles (including trucks), and motorcycles. In order to set these
rates, GSA is required to conduct periodic investigations, in
consultation with the Secretaries of Defense and Transportation, and
representatives of Government employee organizations, of the cost of
travel and the operation of POVs to employees while engaged on official
business. As required, GSA has conducted an investigation of the costs
of operating a POA and is reporting the cost per mile determination.
The results of the investigation have been reported to Congress and a
copy of the report appears as an attachment to this document. The
report is being published to comply with the requirements of the law.
GSA's cost studies show the Administrator of General Services has
determined the per mile operating costs of $0.485 for automobiles. As
provided in 5 U.S.C. 5704(a)(1), the automobile reimbursement rate
cannot exceed the single standard mileage rate established by the
Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The IRS has announced a new single
standard mileage rate for automobiles of $0.485 per mile effective
January 1, 2007. The cost of operating a privately owned airplane and
motorcycle remain unchanged.
B. Executive Order 12866
This regulation is excepted from the definition of ``regulation''
or ``rule'' under Section 3(d)(3) of Executive Order 12866, Regulatory
Planning and Review, dated September 30, 1993 and, therefore, was not
subject to review under Section 6(b) of that Executive Order.
C. Regulatory Flexibility Act
This final rule is not required to be published in the Federal
Register for notice and comment as per the exemption specified in 5
U.S.C. 553(a)(2); therefore, the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C.
601, et seq., does not apply.
D. Paperwork Reduction Act
The Paperwork Reduction Act does not apply because the changes to
the Federal Travel Regulation do not impose recordkeeping or
information collection requirements, or the collection of information
from offerors, contractors, or members of the public that require the
approval of the Office of Management and Budget under 44 U.S.C. 3501,
et seq.
E. Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act
This final rule is also exempt from congressional review prescribed
under 5 U.S.C. 801 since it relates solely to agency management and
List of Subjects in 41 CFR Part 301-10
Government employees, Travel and transportation expenses.
Dated: January 18, 2007
Lurita Doan,
Administrator of General Services.
For the reasons set forth in the preamble, under 5 U.S.C. 5701-5709,
GSA amends 41 CFR part 301-10 as set forth below:
1. The authority citation for 41 CFR part 301-10 continues to read as
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 5707, 40 U.S.C. 121(c); 49 U.S.C. 40118,
Office of Management and Budget Circular No. A-126, ``Improving the
Management and Use of Government Aircraft.'' Revised May 22, 1992.
2. Revise section 301-10.303, privately owned automobile entry in the
table, to read as follows:
[[Page 4211]]
Sec. 301-10.303 What am I reimbursed when use of a POV is determined
by my agency to be advantageous to the Government?
For use of a Your reimbursement is
* * * * *...................................... * * * * *
Privately owned automobile..................... \1\ $0.485
* * * * *...................................... * * * * *
\1\ Per mile.
Attachment to Preamble--Report To Congress On The Costs Of Operating
Privately Owned Vehicles
5 U.S.C. 5707(b)(1)(A) requires that the Administrator of
General Services, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense, the
Secretary of Transportation, and representatives of Government
employee organizations, conduct periodic investigations of the cost
of travel and operation of privately owned vehicles (POVs)
(airplanes, automobiles, and motorcycles) to Government employees
while on official travel, and report the results to the Congress at
least once a year. 5 U.S.C. 5707(b)(2)(B) further requires that the
Administrator of General Services determine the average, actual cost
per mile for the use of each type of POV based on the results of the
cost investigation. Such figures must be reported to the Congress
within 5 working days after the cost determination has been made in
accordance with 5 U.S.C. 5707(b)(2)(C).
Pursuant to the requirements of 5 U.S.C. 5707(b)(1)(A), the
General Services Administration (GSA), in consultation with the
Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of Transportation, and
representatives of Government employee organizations, conducted an
investigation of the cost of operating a privately owned automobile
(POA). As provided in 5 U.S.C. 5704(a)(1), the automobile
reimbursement rate cannot exceed the single standard mileage rate
established by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The IRS has
announced a new single standard mileage rate for POAs of $0.485
effective January 1, 2007. As required, GSA is reporting the results
of the investigation and the cost per mile determination. Based on
cost studies conducted by GSA, I have determined the per-mile
operating costs of a POA to be $0.485 for POAs. Reimbursement for
the use of a privately owned airplane and privately owned motorcycle
remains unchanged.
This report to Congress on the cost of operating POAs will be
published in the Federal Register.
[FR Doc. E7-1443 Filed 1-30-07; 8:45 am]