Financial Responsibility and Installer Certification Grant Guidelines for States; Solid Waste Disposal Act, Subtitle I, as Amended by Title XV, Subtitle B of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, 4004-4007 [E7-1341]
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 18 / Monday, January 29, 2007 / Notices
Financial Responsibility and Installer
Certification Grant Guidelines for
States; Solid Waste Disposal Act,
Subtitle I, as Amended by Title XV,
Subtitle B of the Energy Policy Act of
Environmental Protection
ACTION: Notice of availability.
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
SUMMARY: By this notice, the
Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA), Office of Underground Storage
Tanks (OUST) is advising the public
that on January 22, 2007 EPA issued the
financial responsibility and installer
certification grant guidelines and
subsequently made the guidelines
available on EPA’s Web site. In this
notice, EPA is publishing the financial
responsibility and installer certification
grant guidelines in their entirety. EPA
developed the financial responsibility
and installer certification grant
guidelines as required by Section
9003(i)(2) of Subtitle I of the Solid
Waste Disposal Act, as amended by
Section 1530 of the Energy Policy Act of
DATES: On January 22, 2007, EPA issued
and subsequently posted the financial
responsibility and installer certification
grant guidelines on EPA’s Web site. EPA
is notifying the public via this notice
that the financial responsibility and
installer certification grant guidelines
are available as of January 29, 2007.
ADDRESSES: EPA posted the financial
responsibility and installer certification
grant guidelines on our Web site at:
epact_05.htm#Final. You may also
obtain paper copies from the National
Service Center for Environmental
Publications (NSCEP), EPA’s
publications distribution warehouse.
You may request copies from NSCEP by
calling 1–800–490–9198; writing to U.S.
EPA/NSCEP, Box 42419, Cincinnati, OH
45242–0419; or faxing your request to
NSCEP at 301–604–3408. Ask for: Grant
Guidelines To States For Implementing
The Financial Responsibility And
Installer Certification Provision Of The
Energy Policy Act Of 2005 (EPA–510–
R–07–002, January 2007).
Maricruz MaGowan, EPA’s Office of
Underground Storage Tanks, at or 703–
8, 2005, President Bush signed the
VerDate Aug<31>2005
16:04 Jan 26, 2007
Jkt 211001
Energy Policy Act of 2005. Title XV,
Subtitle B of this act, titled the
Underground Storage Tank Compliance
Act of 2005, contains amendments to
Subtitle I of the Solid Waste Disposal
Act. This is the first federal legislative
change for the underground storage tank
(UST) program since its inception over
20 years ago. The UST provisions of the
law significantly affect federal and state
UST programs, require major changes to
the programs, and are aimed at further
reducing UST releases to our
environment. Among other things, the
UST provisions of the Energy Policy Act
require that states receiving funding
under Subtitle I comply with certain
requirements contained in the law.
OUST worked, and is continuing to
work, with its partners to develop grant
guidelines that EPA regional tank
programs will incorporate into states’
grant agreements. The guidelines will
provide states that receive UST funds
with specific requirements, based on the
UST provisions of the Energy Policy
Act, for their state UST programs.
Section 9003(i) of Subtitle I of the
Solid Waste Disposal Act, as amended
by Section 1530 of the Energy Policy
Act, requires EPA to require states that
receive Subtitle I funding to impose
measures to protect groundwater from
contamination by USTs through use of
either evidence of financial
responsibility and installer certification
or secondary containment. As a result of
that requirement, EPA worked with
states, tribes, other Federal agencies,
tank owners and operators, UST
equipment industry, and other
stakeholders to develop draft financial
responsibility and installer certification
grant guidelines. In May 2006, EPA
released a draft of the financial
responsibility and installer certification
grant guidelines. EPA considered
comments and, subsequently on January
22, 2007, issued the financial
responsibility and installer certification
grant guidelines. EPA will incorporate
these guidelines into grant agreements
between EPA and states. States
receiving funds from EPA for their UST
programs must comply with the UST
provisions of the Energy Policy Act and
will be subject to action by EPA under
40 CFR 31.43 if they fail to comply with
the guidelines. (Please note that EPA
issued the secondary containment grant
guidelines in November 2006 and
published a notice of availability in the
November 22, 2006 Federal Register
[Volume 71, Number 225]. See EPA’s
Web site:
fedlaws/final_sc.htm to view the
secondary containment grant
PO 00000
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Statutory and Executive Order
Reviews: Under Executive Order 12866
(58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993), this
action is not a ‘‘significant regulatory
action’’ and is therefore not subject to
OMB review. Because this grant action
is not subject to notice and comment
requirements under the Administrative
Procedure Act or any other statute, it is
not subject to the Regulatory Flexibility
Act (5 U.S.C. Section 601 et seq..) or
Sections 202 and 205 of the Unfunded
Mandates Reform Act of 1999 (UMRA)
(Pub. L. 104–4). In addition, this action
does not significantly or uniquely affect
small governments. Although this action
does create new binding legal
requirements, such requirements do not
substantially and directly affect tribes
under Executive Order 13175 (63 FR
67249, November 9, 2000). Although
this grant action does not have
significant federalism implications
under Executive Order 13132 (64 FR
43255, August 10, 1999), EPA consulted
with states in the development of these
grant guidelines. This action is not
subject to Executive Order 13211,
‘‘Actions Concerning Regulations that
Significantly Affect Energy Supply,
Distribution, or Use’’ (66 FR 28355, May
22, 2001), because it is not a significant
regulatory action under Executive Order
12866. This action does not involve
technical standards; thus, the
requirements of Section 12(d) of the
National Technology Transfer and
Advancement Act of 1995 (15 U.S.C.
Section 272 note) do not apply. This
action does not impose an information
collection burden under the provisions
of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). The
Congressional Review Act, 5 U.S.C. 801
et seq., generally provides that before
certain actions may take effect, the
agency promulgating the action must
submit a report, which includes a copy
of the action, to each House of the
Congress and to the Comptroller General
of the United States. Since this final
action will contain legally binding
requirements, it is subject to the
Congressional Review Act, and EPA will
submit a report to Congress containing
this final action prior to the publication
of this action in the Federal Register.
Grant Guidelines to States for
Implementing the Financial
Responsibility and Installer
Certification Provision of the Energy
Policy Act of 2005
U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency; Office of Underground Storage
Tanks; January 2007.
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 18 / Monday, January 29, 2007 / Notices
Overview of Financial Responsibility and
Installer Certification Guidelines
Why Is EPA Issuing These Guidelines?
What Is in These Guidelines?
When Do These Guidelines Take Effect?
Requirements for Financial Responsibility
and Installer Certification
What Tanks Do These Guidelines Apply To?
How Does a State Implement These
What Requirements Must a State Program
Include To Meet the Financial
Responsibility and Installer Certification
How Is the Liability of Owners and Operators
What Enforcement Authority Must States
Have for Financial Responsibility and
Installer Certification?
How Will States Demonstrate Compliance
With These Guidelines?
How Will EPA Enforce States’ Compliance
With the Requirements in These
For More Information About the Financial
Responsibility and Installer Certification
Grant Guidelines
Background About the Energy Policy Act of
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
Overview of Financial Responsibility
and Installer Certification Guidelines
Why Is EPA Issuing These Guidelines?
The U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA), in consultation with
states and industry, has developed these
grant guidelines to implement the
financial responsibility and installer
certification provision in Section 9003(i)
of the Solid Waste Disposal Act
(SWDA), enacted by the Underground
Storage Tank Compliance Act, which is
part of the Energy Policy Act of 2005
signed by President Bush on August 8,
Section 1530 of the Energy Policy Act
amends Section 9003 in Subtitle I of the
Solid Waste Disposal Act to add
requirements for additional measures to
protect groundwater from
contamination. State underground
storage tank (UST) programs that receive
funding under Subtitle I must meet, at
a minimum, one of the following:
1. Evidence Of Financial
Responsibility And Certification—A
person that manufactures an
underground tank or piping for an
underground storage tank system or
installs an underground storage tank
system must maintain evidence of
financial responsibility under Section
9003(d) of Subtitle I in order to provide
for the costs of corrective actions
directly related to releases caused by
improper manufacture or installation
unless the person can demonstrate
themselves to be already covered as an
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owner or operator of an underground
storage tank under Section 9003,
Subtitle I. In addition, underground
storage tank installers must: be certified
or licensed; have the installation
certified or approved; install the
underground storage tank system
compliant with a code of practice and
in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions; or use another method
determined to be no less protective of
human health and the environment.
2. Tank And Piping Secondary
Containment—Each new or replaced
underground tank, or piping connected
to any such new or replaced tank, that
is within 1,000 feet of any existing
community water system or any existing
potable drinking water well must be
secondarily contained and monitored
for leaks. In the case of a replacement
of an existing underground tank or
existing piping connected to the
underground tank, the secondary
containment and monitoring shall apply
only to the specific underground tank or
piping being replaced, not to other
underground tanks and connected pipes
comprising such system. In addition,
each new motor fuel dispenser system
installed within 1,000 feet of any
existing community water system or any
existing potable drinking water well
must have under-dispenser
containment. These requirements do not
apply to repairs meant to restore an
underground tank, pipe, or dispenser to
operating condition. (These
requirements are described in the
secondary containment guidelines, EPA
510–R–06–001, published on November
15, 2006,
What Is In These Guidelines?
These guidelines describe the
minimum requirements for financial
responsibility and installer certification
that a state’s underground storage tank
program must contain in order for a
state to comply with statutory
requirements for Subtitle I funding.
These guidelines include definitions,
requirements, criteria, and options for
states choosing to implement the
financial responsibility and installer
certification provision.
When Do These Guidelines Take Effect?
States receiving Subtitle I funding
must implement either the financial
responsibility and installer certification
requirements described in these
guidelines or the secondary
containment requirements (EPA 510–R–
06–001, published on November 15,
final_sc.htm) by February 8, 2007.
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Requirements For Financial
Responsibility and Installer
What Tanks Do These Guidelines Apply
These guidelines apply to
underground storage tank systems
regulated under Subtitle I, except those
excluded by regulation at 40 CFR Part
280.10(b) and those deferred by
regulation at 40 CFR 280.10(c).
How Does A State Implement These
A state implements these guidelines
• Requiring financial responsibility
for all manufacturers of underground
storage tanks or piping for an
underground storage tank system that is
installed in the state,
• Requiring financial responsibility
and installer certification for all
installers of underground storage tank
systems in the state, and
• Developing processes and
procedures for financial responsibility
and installer certification provisions
that, at a minimum, meet the
requirements in these guidelines.
The state must meet these guidelines
by February 8, 2007. States may choose
to be more stringent than these
minimum requirements.
What Requirements Must A State
Program Include To Meet The Financial
Responsibility And Installer
Certification Provision?
State requirements must, at a
minimum, include the following
A. Persons Affected
State financial responsibility and
installer certification requirements must
clearly define who will be covered by
them. At a minimum, the following
persons must be covered:
• A person that manufactures an
underground storage tank or piping for
an underground storage tank system that
is installed in the state (manufacturer).1
• A person that installs part or all of
an underground storage tank system in
the state (installer).
The term ‘‘underground storage tank
system’’ has the same definition as
contained in 40 CFR 280.12.
Manufacturers or installers that
demonstrate to the state that they
already maintain financial
responsibility as the owner or operator
of an underground storage tank do not
need to maintain financial
1 This requirement does not apply to
manufacturing of underground ancillary equipment
or containment systems.
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 18 / Monday, January 29, 2007 / Notices
responsibility as a manufacturer or
installer for that same underground
storage tank.
In states where a single installer of an
underground storage tank system is
identified by the state (e.g., for purposes
of obtaining a permit), that person is the
one required to maintain financial
responsibility for that installation and
meet the certification requirements
described in these guidelines. Where
there is not a single installer on record,
states must define those who must
maintain evidence of financial
responsibility and meet the certification
requirements described in these
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
B. Amount and Scope of Coverage
States must require a minimum of:
• $1 million per occurrence and $2
million annual aggregate for
manufacturers to cover the costs of
corrective action of a release from a
regulated underground storage tank or
piping, as appropriate, caused by
improper manufacturing, and
• $1 million per occurrence and $2
million annual aggregate for installers to
cover the costs of corrective action of a
release from a regulated underground
storage tank system due to improper
These limits do not include legal
defense costs.
C. Length of Coverage
States must require that:
• Manufacturers of tanks and piping
maintain financial responsibility
coverage for 30 years after installation,
or until the underground storage tank
system is permanently closed, in
accordance with 40 CFR 280.71,
whichever of these events comes first.
• Installers of underground storage
tank systems maintain financial
responsibility for ten years after
installation, or until the underground
storage tank system is permanently
closed, in accordance with 40 CFR
280.71, or whichever of these events
comes first.
States may allow manufacturers and
installers to obtain financial
responsibility mechanisms with annual
or other limited policy periods, as long
as the manufacturer/installer maintains
uninterrupted coverage for the full
period required by these guidelines (30
years or ten years, as appropriate).
These types of mechanisms are
currently available. For example,
insurance is currently available in
various forms, including occurrencebased with annual policy periods or
claims-made with annual policy periods
coupled with appropriate retroactive
and extended reporting periods.
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D. Allowable Mechanisms
E. Notification and Recordkeeping
States may allow manufacturers and
installers to use a variety of financial
mechanisms as long as these
mechanisms meet all of the following
four criteria:
1. The mechanism must be valid and
2. The mechanism must be issued by
a provider that is licensed, registered,
and/or otherwise qualified to provide
such coverage in the state;
3. The mechanism must pay for the
costs of corrective action, up to the
coverage limits described above,
resulting from a release from a regulated
underground storage tank or tank
system caused by improper manufacture
or installation, as appropriate; and
4. The mechanism must require that
the provider notify the insured and the
state of cancellation or non-renewal of
the mechanism, within a time frame
determined to be reasonable by each
These mechanisms may include the
ones currently used by tank owners and
operators to meet their financial
responsibility requirements under 40
part 280.94 to 280.103.
However, not all of these current
mechanisms may be appropriate for use
in all instances to meet the new
manufacturer and installer financial
responsibility requirement, and some
may have to be modified to meet this
new requirement and be consistent with
State regulations.
In developing their requirements,
states are encouraged to consider, as a
model, provisions in 40 CFR part 280,
Subpart H, that reasonably prevent gaps
in coverage, such as in cases of
cancellation or non-renewal by the
financial responsibility provider,
bankruptcy of the installer/
manufacturer, or incapacity or
liquidation of the financial
responsibility provider.
If a State chooses to use a State
assurance fund to provide financial
responsibility for manufacturers and/or
installers, the state must develop a
separate fund, independent from its
existing state assurance fund (i.e., State
fund used to provide financial
responsibility for underground storage
tank owners and operators). This
requirement for a separate fund is to
ensure the financial integrity of existing
State assurance funds.
If a State allows a mechanism that
includes a deductible, the state must
either require first dollar coverage or
that manufacturers and installers
maintain separate financial
responsibility coverage for the
deductible amount.
State requirements must contain a
provision or provisions requiring a
system of notification and record
keeping to and/or by the manufacturer,
installer, owner, operator, and/or the
State program. These provisions must
reasonably address, at a minimum, the
following questions:
• To whom and when must the
evidence of financial responsibility be
• How and where must
manufacturers and installers maintain
evidence of financial responsibility?
• If an underground storage tank
system is permanently closed, in
accordance with 40 CFR 280.71, who
needs to notify the manufacturer/
• If the manufacturer or installer files
for bankruptcy or ceases operation for
any other reason, whom should they
notify and when?
• Any other question(s) that the state
may deem appropriate.
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F. Installer Certification
The state must require that a person
that installs an underground storage
tank system meet one of the following:
• Be certified or licensed by the tank
and piping manufacturer;
• Be certified or licensed by the EPA
Administrator or a State, as appropriate;
• Have their underground storage
tank system installation certified by a
registered professional engineer with
education and experience in
underground storage tank system
• Have their installation of the
underground storage tank inspected and
approved by the Administrator or the
State, as appropriate;
• Be compliant with a code of
practice developed by a nationallyrecognized association or independent
testing laboratory and in accordance
with the manufacturer’s instructions; or
• Be compliant with another method
that is determined by the Administrator
or a state, as appropriate, to be no less
protective of human health and the
Note: These requirements are similar to the
requirements already found under 40 CFR
280.20(d), 280.20(e), and 280.33(a). Most, if
not all, state underground storage tank
regulations already cover these requirements
for new installations and repairs. However,
States must also require that persons who
replace or add equipment after the initial
installation of the underground storage tank
system meet the installer certification
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 18 / Monday, January 29, 2007 / Notices
These provisions do not affect or alter
the liability of any owner or operator of
an underground storage tank system.
Owners and operators must still comply
with all applicable technical
regulations. For example, they must
comply with the requirements to report
releases, perform necessary corrective
action, and maintain financial
responsibility to pay for corrective
action and for compensation of third
parties for bodily injury and property
Agreement, must comply with certain
underground storage tank requirements
of Subtitle I. EPA anticipates State and
Tribal Assistance Grants (STAG) funds
will be available for inspection and
other underground storage tank
compliance activities. EPA will also
condition STAG grants with compliance
with these guidelines. Absent a
compelling reason to the contrary, EPA
expects to address noncompliance with
these STAG grant conditions by
utilizing EPA’s grant enforcement
authorities under 40 CFR part 31.43, as
necessary and appropriate.
What Enforcement Authority Must
States Have for Financial Responsibility
and Installer Certification?
For More Information About The
Financial Responsibility And Installer
Certification Grant Guidelines
At a minimum, States must have
comparable enforcement authorities for
violations of their financial
responsibility and installer certification
requirements as they have for violations
of current underground storage tank
Visit the EPA Office of Underground
Storage Tanks Web site at https:// or call 703–603–
How Will States Demonstrate
Compliance With These Guidelines?
On August 8, 2005, President Bush
signed the Energy Policy Act of 2005.
Title XV, Subtitle B of this act (entitled
the Underground Storage Tank
Compliance Act) contains amendments
to Subtitle I of the Solid Waste Disposal
Act—the original legislation that created
the underground storage tank (UST)
program. These amendments
significantly affect Federal and State
underground storage tank programs,
will require major changes to the
programs, and are aimed at reducing
underground storage tank releases to our
The amendments focus on preventing
releases. Among other things, they
expand eligible uses of the Leaking
Underground Storage Tank (LUST)
Trust Fund and include provisions
regarding inspections, operator training,
delivery prohibition, secondary
containment and financial
responsibility, and cleanup of releases
that contain oxygenated fuel additives.
Some of these provisions require
implementation by August 2006; others
will require implementation in
subsequent years. To implement the
new law, EPA and States will work
closely with tribes, other Federal
agencies, tank owners and operators,
and other stakeholders to bring about
the mandated changes affecting
underground storage tank facilities.
To see the full text of this new
legislation and for more information
about EPA’s work to implement the
underground storage tank provisions of
the law, see:
How is the Liability of Owners and
Operators Affected?
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
After February 8, 2007, the effective
date of the financial responsibility and
installer certification requirements, and
before receiving future grant funding,
States must provide one of the following
to EPA:
• For a State that has met the
requirements for financial responsibility
and installer certification, the State
must submit a certification indicating
that the State meets the requirements in
the guidelines.
• For a State that has not yet met the
requirements for financial responsibility
and installer certification, the State
must provide a document that describes
the State’s efforts to meet the
requirements. This document must
—A description of the State’s activities
to date to meet the requirements in
the guidelines;
—A description of the State’s planned
activities to meet the requirements;
—The date by which the State expects
to meet the requirements.
EPA may verify State certification of
compliance through site visits, record
reviews, or audits, as authorized by 40
CFR part 31.
How Will EPA Enforce States’
Compliance With The Requirements In
These Guidelines?
As a matter of law, each State that
receives funding under Subtitle I, which
would include a Leaking Underground
Storage Tank (LUST) Cooperative
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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Background About The Energy Policy
Act Of 2005
PO 00000
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Dated: January 22, 2007.
Susan Parker Bodine,
Assistant Administrator, Office of Solid Waste
and Emergency Response.
[FR Doc. E7–1341 Filed 1–26–07; 8:45 am]
National Advisory Council for
Environmental Policy and Technology
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice of meeting.
SUMMARY: Under the Federal Advisory
Committee Act, P.L. 92463, EPA gives
notice of a public teleconference of the
National Advisory Council for
Environmental Policy and Technology
(NACEPT). NACEPT provides advice to
the EPA Administrator on a broad range
of environmental policy, technology,
and management issues. The Council is
a panel of individuals who represent
diverse interests from academia,
industry, non-governmental
organizations, and local, State, and
tribal governments. The purpose of this
teleconference is to discuss and approve
an initial set of recommendations on
EPA’s role in the sustainable
development of biofuels. A copy of the
agenda for the meeting will be posted at
DATES: NACEPT will hold a public
teleconference on Thursday, February
15, 2007 at 3 p.m.–4:30 p.m. Eastern
Standard Time.
ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held in
the U.S. EPA Office of Cooperative
Environmental Management at 655 15th
Street, NW., Suite 800, Washington, DC
Sonia Altieri, Designated Federal
Officer,, (202)
233–0061, U.S. EPA, Office of
Cooperative Environmental
Management (1601E), 1200
Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Washington,
DC 20460.
to make oral comments or to provide
written comments to the Council should
be sent to Sonia Altieri, Designated
Federal Officer, at the contact
information above by February 9, 2007.
The public is welcome to attend all
portions of the meeting, but seating is
limited and is allocated on a first-come,
first-serve basis. Members of the public
wishing to gain access to the conference
[Federal Register Volume 72, Number 18 (Monday, January 29, 2007)]
[Pages 4004-4007]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E7-1341]
[[Page 4004]]
Financial Responsibility and Installer Certification Grant
Guidelines for States; Solid Waste Disposal Act, Subtitle I, as Amended
by Title XV, Subtitle B of the Energy Policy Act of 2005
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency.
ACTION: Notice of availability.
SUMMARY: By this notice, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),
Office of Underground Storage Tanks (OUST) is advising the public that
on January 22, 2007 EPA issued the financial responsibility and
installer certification grant guidelines and subsequently made the
guidelines available on EPA's Web site. In this notice, EPA is
publishing the financial responsibility and installer certification
grant guidelines in their entirety. EPA developed the financial
responsibility and installer certification grant guidelines as required
by Section 9003(i)(2) of Subtitle I of the Solid Waste Disposal Act, as
amended by Section 1530 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005.
DATES: On January 22, 2007, EPA issued and subsequently posted the
financial responsibility and installer certification grant guidelines
on EPA's Web site. EPA is notifying the public via this notice that the
financial responsibility and installer certification grant guidelines
are available as of January 29, 2007.
ADDRESSES: EPA posted the financial responsibility and installer
certification grant guidelines on our Web site at:
oust/fedlaws/epact_05.htm#Final. You may also obtain paper copies from
the National Service Center for Environmental Publications (NSCEP),
EPA's publications distribution warehouse. You may request copies from
NSCEP by calling 1-800-490-9198; writing to U.S. EPA/NSCEP, Box 42419,
Cincinnati, OH 45242-0419; or faxing your request to NSCEP at 301-604-
3408. Ask for: Grant Guidelines To States For Implementing The
Financial Responsibility And Installer Certification Provision Of The
Energy Policy Act Of 2005 (EPA-510-R-07-002, January 2007).
Underground Storage Tanks, at or 703-603-7175.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On August 8, 2005, President Bush signed the
Energy Policy Act of 2005. Title XV, Subtitle B of this act, titled the
Underground Storage Tank Compliance Act of 2005, contains amendments to
Subtitle I of the Solid Waste Disposal Act. This is the first federal
legislative change for the underground storage tank (UST) program since
its inception over 20 years ago. The UST provisions of the law
significantly affect federal and state UST programs, require major
changes to the programs, and are aimed at further reducing UST releases
to our environment. Among other things, the UST provisions of the
Energy Policy Act require that states receiving funding under Subtitle
I comply with certain requirements contained in the law. OUST worked,
and is continuing to work, with its partners to develop grant
guidelines that EPA regional tank programs will incorporate into
states' grant agreements. The guidelines will provide states that
receive UST funds with specific requirements, based on the UST
provisions of the Energy Policy Act, for their state UST programs.
Section 9003(i) of Subtitle I of the Solid Waste Disposal Act, as
amended by Section 1530 of the Energy Policy Act, requires EPA to
require states that receive Subtitle I funding to impose measures to
protect groundwater from contamination by USTs through use of either
evidence of financial responsibility and installer certification or
secondary containment. As a result of that requirement, EPA worked with
states, tribes, other Federal agencies, tank owners and operators, UST
equipment industry, and other stakeholders to develop draft financial
responsibility and installer certification grant guidelines. In May
2006, EPA released a draft of the financial responsibility and
installer certification grant guidelines. EPA considered comments and,
subsequently on January 22, 2007, issued the financial responsibility
and installer certification grant guidelines. EPA will incorporate
these guidelines into grant agreements between EPA and states. States
receiving funds from EPA for their UST programs must comply with the
UST provisions of the Energy Policy Act and will be subject to action
by EPA under 40 CFR 31.43 if they fail to comply with the guidelines.
(Please note that EPA issued the secondary containment grant guidelines
in November 2006 and published a notice of availability in the November
22, 2006 Federal Register [Volume 71, Number 225]. See EPA's Web site: to view the secondary
containment grant guidelines.)
Statutory and Executive Order Reviews: Under Executive Order 12866
(58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993), this action is not a ``significant
regulatory action'' and is therefore not subject to OMB review. Because
this grant action is not subject to notice and comment requirements
under the Administrative Procedure Act or any other statute, it is not
subject to the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. Section 601 et
seq..) or Sections 202 and 205 of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of
1999 (UMRA) (Pub. L. 104-4). In addition, this action does not
significantly or uniquely affect small governments. Although this
action does create new binding legal requirements, such requirements do
not substantially and directly affect tribes under Executive Order
13175 (63 FR 67249, November 9, 2000). Although this grant action does
not have significant federalism implications under Executive Order
13132 (64 FR 43255, August 10, 1999), EPA consulted with states in the
development of these grant guidelines. This action is not subject to
Executive Order 13211, ``Actions Concerning Regulations that
Significantly Affect Energy Supply, Distribution, or Use'' (66 FR
28355, May 22, 2001), because it is not a significant regulatory action
under Executive Order 12866. This action does not involve technical
standards; thus, the requirements of Section 12(d) of the National
Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995 (15 U.S.C. Section 272
note) do not apply. This action does not impose an information
collection burden under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act
of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). The Congressional Review Act, 5
U.S.C. 801 et seq., generally provides that before certain actions may
take effect, the agency promulgating the action must submit a report,
which includes a copy of the action, to each House of the Congress and
to the Comptroller General of the United States. Since this final
action will contain legally binding requirements, it is subject to the
Congressional Review Act, and EPA will submit a report to Congress
containing this final action prior to the publication of this action in
the Federal Register.
Grant Guidelines to States for Implementing the Financial
Responsibility and Installer Certification Provision of the Energy
Policy Act of 2005
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; Office of Underground Storage
Tanks; January 2007.
[[Page 4005]]
Overview of Financial Responsibility and Installer Certification
Why Is EPA Issuing These Guidelines?
What Is in These Guidelines?
When Do These Guidelines Take Effect?
Requirements for Financial Responsibility and Installer Certification
What Tanks Do These Guidelines Apply To?
How Does a State Implement These Guidelines?
What Requirements Must a State Program Include To Meet the Financial
Responsibility and Installer Certification Provision?
How Is the Liability of Owners and Operators Affected?
What Enforcement Authority Must States Have for Financial
Responsibility and Installer Certification?
How Will States Demonstrate Compliance With These Guidelines?
How Will EPA Enforce States' Compliance With the Requirements in
These Guidelines?
For More Information About the Financial Responsibility and Installer
Certification Grant Guidelines
Background About the Energy Policy Act of 2005
Overview of Financial Responsibility and Installer Certification
Why Is EPA Issuing These Guidelines?
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in consultation
with states and industry, has developed these grant guidelines to
implement the financial responsibility and installer certification
provision in Section 9003(i) of the Solid Waste Disposal Act (SWDA),
enacted by the Underground Storage Tank Compliance Act, which is part
of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 signed by President Bush on August 8,
Section 1530 of the Energy Policy Act amends Section 9003 in
Subtitle I of the Solid Waste Disposal Act to add requirements for
additional measures to protect groundwater from contamination. State
underground storage tank (UST) programs that receive funding under
Subtitle I must meet, at a minimum, one of the following:
1. Evidence Of Financial Responsibility And Certification--A person
that manufactures an underground tank or piping for an underground
storage tank system or installs an underground storage tank system must
maintain evidence of financial responsibility under Section 9003(d) of
Subtitle I in order to provide for the costs of corrective actions
directly related to releases caused by improper manufacture or
installation unless the person can demonstrate themselves to be already
covered as an owner or operator of an underground storage tank under
Section 9003, Subtitle I. In addition, underground storage tank
installers must: be certified or licensed; have the installation
certified or approved; install the underground storage tank system
compliant with a code of practice and in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions; or use another method determined to be no
less protective of human health and the environment.
2. Tank And Piping Secondary Containment--Each new or replaced
underground tank, or piping connected to any such new or replaced tank,
that is within 1,000 feet of any existing community water system or any
existing potable drinking water well must be secondarily contained and
monitored for leaks. In the case of a replacement of an existing
underground tank or existing piping connected to the underground tank,
the secondary containment and monitoring shall apply only to the
specific underground tank or piping being replaced, not to other
underground tanks and connected pipes comprising such system. In
addition, each new motor fuel dispenser system installed within 1,000
feet of any existing community water system or any existing potable
drinking water well must have under-dispenser containment. These
requirements do not apply to repairs meant to restore an underground
tank, pipe, or dispenser to operating condition. (These requirements
are described in the secondary containment guidelines, EPA 510-R-06-
001, published on November 15, 2006,
What Is In These Guidelines?
These guidelines describe the minimum requirements for financial
responsibility and installer certification that a state's underground
storage tank program must contain in order for a state to comply with
statutory requirements for Subtitle I funding. These guidelines include
definitions, requirements, criteria, and options for states choosing to
implement the financial responsibility and installer certification
When Do These Guidelines Take Effect?
States receiving Subtitle I funding must implement either the
financial responsibility and installer certification requirements
described in these guidelines or the secondary containment requirements
(EPA 510-R-06-001, published on November 15, 2006,
oust/fedlaws/final_sc.htm) by February 8, 2007.
Requirements For Financial Responsibility and Installer Certification
What Tanks Do These Guidelines Apply To?
These guidelines apply to underground storage tank systems
regulated under Subtitle I, except those excluded by regulation at 40
CFR Part 280.10(b) and those deferred by regulation at 40 CFR
How Does A State Implement These Guidelines?
A state implements these guidelines by:
Requiring financial responsibility for all manufacturers
of underground storage tanks or piping for an underground storage tank
system that is installed in the state,
Requiring financial responsibility and installer
certification for all installers of underground storage tank systems in
the state, and
Developing processes and procedures for financial
responsibility and installer certification provisions that, at a
minimum, meet the requirements in these guidelines.
The state must meet these guidelines by February 8, 2007. States
may choose to be more stringent than these minimum requirements.
What Requirements Must A State Program Include To Meet The Financial
Responsibility And Installer Certification Provision?
State requirements must, at a minimum, include the following
A. Persons Affected
State financial responsibility and installer certification
requirements must clearly define who will be covered by them. At a
minimum, the following persons must be covered:
A person that manufactures an underground storage tank or
piping for an underground storage tank system that is installed in the
state (manufacturer).\1\
\1\ This requirement does not apply to manufacturing of
underground ancillary equipment or containment systems.
A person that installs part or all of an underground
storage tank system in the state (installer).
The term ``underground storage tank system'' has the same
definition as contained in 40 CFR 280.12.
Manufacturers or installers that demonstrate to the state that they
already maintain financial responsibility as the owner or operator of
an underground storage tank do not need to maintain financial
[[Page 4006]]
responsibility as a manufacturer or installer for that same underground
storage tank.
In states where a single installer of an underground storage tank
system is identified by the state (e.g., for purposes of obtaining a
permit), that person is the one required to maintain financial
responsibility for that installation and meet the certification
requirements described in these guidelines. Where there is not a single
installer on record, states must define those who must maintain
evidence of financial responsibility and meet the certification
requirements described in these guidelines.
B. Amount and Scope of Coverage
States must require a minimum of:
$1 million per occurrence and $2 million annual aggregate
for manufacturers to cover the costs of corrective action of a release
from a regulated underground storage tank or piping, as appropriate,
caused by improper manufacturing, and
$1 million per occurrence and $2 million annual aggregate
for installers to cover the costs of corrective action of a release
from a regulated underground storage tank system due to improper
These limits do not include legal defense costs.
C. Length of Coverage
States must require that:
Manufacturers of tanks and piping maintain financial
responsibility coverage for 30 years after installation, or until the
underground storage tank system is permanently closed, in accordance
with 40 CFR 280.71, whichever of these events comes first.
Installers of underground storage tank systems maintain
financial responsibility for ten years after installation, or until the
underground storage tank system is permanently closed, in accordance
with 40 CFR 280.71, or whichever of these events comes first.
States may allow manufacturers and installers to obtain financial
responsibility mechanisms with annual or other limited policy periods,
as long as the manufacturer/installer maintains uninterrupted coverage
for the full period required by these guidelines (30 years or ten
years, as appropriate). These types of mechanisms are currently
available. For example, insurance is currently available in various
forms, including occurrence-based with annual policy periods or claims-
made with annual policy periods coupled with appropriate retroactive
and extended reporting periods.
D. Allowable Mechanisms
States may allow manufacturers and installers to use a variety of
financial mechanisms as long as these mechanisms meet all of the
following four criteria:
1. The mechanism must be valid and enforceable;
2. The mechanism must be issued by a provider that is licensed,
registered, and/or otherwise qualified to provide such coverage in the
3. The mechanism must pay for the costs of corrective action, up to
the coverage limits described above, resulting from a release from a
regulated underground storage tank or tank system caused by improper
manufacture or installation, as appropriate; and
4. The mechanism must require that the provider notify the insured
and the state of cancellation or non-renewal of the mechanism, within a
time frame determined to be reasonable by each state.
These mechanisms may include the ones currently used by tank owners
and operators to meet their financial responsibility requirements under
40 part 280.94 to 280.103.
However, not all of these current mechanisms may be appropriate for
use in all instances to meet the new manufacturer and installer
financial responsibility requirement, and some may have to be modified
to meet this new requirement and be consistent with State regulations.
In developing their requirements, states are encouraged to
consider, as a model, provisions in 40 CFR part 280, Subpart H, that
reasonably prevent gaps in coverage, such as in cases of cancellation
or non-renewal by the financial responsibility provider, bankruptcy of
the installer/manufacturer, or incapacity or liquidation of the
financial responsibility provider.
If a State chooses to use a State assurance fund to provide
financial responsibility for manufacturers and/or installers, the state
must develop a separate fund, independent from its existing state
assurance fund (i.e., State fund used to provide financial
responsibility for underground storage tank owners and operators). This
requirement for a separate fund is to ensure the financial integrity of
existing State assurance funds.
If a State allows a mechanism that includes a deductible, the state
must either require first dollar coverage or that manufacturers and
installers maintain separate financial responsibility coverage for the
deductible amount.
E. Notification and Recordkeeping
State requirements must contain a provision or provisions requiring
a system of notification and record keeping to and/or by the
manufacturer, installer, owner, operator, and/or the State program.
These provisions must reasonably address, at a minimum, the following
To whom and when must the evidence of financial
responsibility be provided?
How and where must manufacturers and installers maintain
evidence of financial responsibility?
If an underground storage tank system is permanently
closed, in accordance with 40 CFR 280.71, who needs to notify the
If the manufacturer or installer files for bankruptcy or
ceases operation for any other reason, whom should they notify and
Any other question(s) that the state may deem appropriate.
F. Installer Certification
The state must require that a person that installs an underground
storage tank system meet one of the following:
Be certified or licensed by the tank and piping
Be certified or licensed by the EPA Administrator or a
State, as appropriate;
Have their underground storage tank system installation
certified by a registered professional engineer with education and
experience in underground storage tank system installation;
Have their installation of the underground storage tank
inspected and approved by the Administrator or the State, as
Be compliant with a code of practice developed by a
nationally-recognized association or independent testing laboratory and
in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions; or
Be compliant with another method that is determined by the
Administrator or a state, as appropriate, to be no less protective of
human health and the environment.
Note: These requirements are similar to the requirements already
found under 40 CFR 280.20(d), 280.20(e), and 280.33(a). Most, if not
all, state underground storage tank regulations already cover these
requirements for new installations and repairs. However, States must
also require that persons who replace or add equipment after the
initial installation of the underground storage tank system meet the
installer certification requirements.
[[Page 4007]]
How is the Liability of Owners and Operators Affected?
These provisions do not affect or alter the liability of any owner
or operator of an underground storage tank system. Owners and operators
must still comply with all applicable technical regulations. For
example, they must comply with the requirements to report releases,
perform necessary corrective action, and maintain financial
responsibility to pay for corrective action and for compensation of
third parties for bodily injury and property damage.
What Enforcement Authority Must States Have for Financial
Responsibility and Installer Certification?
At a minimum, States must have comparable enforcement authorities
for violations of their financial responsibility and installer
certification requirements as they have for violations of current
underground storage tank requirements.
How Will States Demonstrate Compliance With These Guidelines?
After February 8, 2007, the effective date of the financial
responsibility and installer certification requirements, and before
receiving future grant funding, States must provide one of the
following to EPA:
For a State that has met the requirements for financial
responsibility and installer certification, the State must submit a
certification indicating that the State meets the requirements in the
For a State that has not yet met the requirements for
financial responsibility and installer certification, the State must
provide a document that describes the State's efforts to meet the
requirements. This document must include:
--A description of the State's activities to date to meet the
requirements in the guidelines;
--A description of the State's planned activities to meet the
requirements; and
--The date by which the State expects to meet the requirements.
EPA may verify State certification of compliance through site
visits, record reviews, or audits, as authorized by 40 CFR part 31.
How Will EPA Enforce States' Compliance With The Requirements In These
As a matter of law, each State that receives funding under Subtitle
I, which would include a Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST)
Cooperative Agreement, must comply with certain underground storage
tank requirements of Subtitle I. EPA anticipates State and Tribal
Assistance Grants (STAG) funds will be available for inspection and
other underground storage tank compliance activities. EPA will also
condition STAG grants with compliance with these guidelines. Absent a
compelling reason to the contrary, EPA expects to address noncompliance
with these STAG grant conditions by utilizing EPA's grant enforcement
authorities under 40 CFR part 31.43, as necessary and appropriate.
For More Information About The Financial Responsibility And Installer
Certification Grant Guidelines
Visit the EPA Office of Underground Storage Tanks Web site at or call 703-603-9900.
Background About The Energy Policy Act Of 2005
On August 8, 2005, President Bush signed the Energy Policy Act of
2005. Title XV, Subtitle B of this act (entitled the Underground
Storage Tank Compliance Act) contains amendments to Subtitle I of the
Solid Waste Disposal Act--the original legislation that created the
underground storage tank (UST) program. These amendments significantly
affect Federal and State underground storage tank programs, will
require major changes to the programs, and are aimed at reducing
underground storage tank releases to our environment.
The amendments focus on preventing releases. Among other things,
they expand eligible uses of the Leaking Underground Storage Tank
(LUST) Trust Fund and include provisions regarding inspections,
operator training, delivery prohibition, secondary containment and
financial responsibility, and cleanup of releases that contain
oxygenated fuel additives.
Some of these provisions require implementation by August 2006;
others will require implementation in subsequent years. To implement
the new law, EPA and States will work closely with tribes, other
Federal agencies, tank owners and operators, and other stakeholders to
bring about the mandated changes affecting underground storage tank
To see the full text of this new legislation and for more
information about EPA's work to implement the underground storage tank
provisions of the law, see:
Dated: January 22, 2007.
Susan Parker Bodine,
Assistant Administrator, Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response.
[FR Doc. E7-1341 Filed 1-26-07; 8:45 am]