National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health; Report on Residual Radioactive and Beryllium Contamination at Atomic Weapons Employer Facilities and Beryllium Vendor Facilities, 3395-3399 [E7-1157]
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 16 / Thursday, January 25, 2007 / Notices
preempts state law, or otherwise has
Federalism implications.
This rule announces the provisions of
section 6053(b) of the Deficit Reduction
Act of 2005. We do not estimate this
regulation will have any significant
effect on the economy. Nevertheless, we
estimate the impact of the provision,
once implemented, to be minimal. Our
analysis suggests that the modification
to the FMAPs will only affect Texas.
The effect will likely be a minimal
decrease in State Medicaid and SCHIP
spending and a corresponding minimal
increase in federal Medicaid and SCHIP
In addition, the provisions only
directly affect states. Therefore, there is
no need to perform a regulatory
flexibility analysis in accordance with
section 603 of the Regulatory Flexibility
H. Summary
We propose to adjust the fiscal year
2008 FMAP rate only for the State of
Texas, by reducing the income estimates
used in the FMAP calculation through
the application of adjustments to reflect
interstate population dispersal income
and FEMA disaster assistance income
for evacuees. Because this is the only
income that can be attributed to Katrina
evacuees based on BEA data, this
income will be subtracted from the 2005
state personal income as published by
BEA in October 2006 to obtain a new
state personal income for Texas. This
state personal income will be divided by
the state population as of July 2005 to
get a revised per capita personal income
for each state. This revised 2005 per
capita personal income will replace the
2005 per capita personal income in
calculating the 2008 FMAPs.
Effective Dates: The percentages listed
will be effective for each of the four (4)
quarter-year periods in the period
beginning October 1, 2007 and ending
September 30, 2008.
Thomas Musco or Robert Stewart, Office
of Health Policy, Office of the Assistant
Secretary for Planning and Evaluation,
Room 447D—Hubert H. Humphrey
Building, 200 Independence Avenue,
SW., Washington, DC 20201, (202) 690–
ycherry on PROD1PC64 with NOTICES
(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
Program Nos. 93.778: Medical Assistance
Program; 93.767: State Children’s Health
Insurance Program)
Dated: January 19, 2007.
Michael O. Leavitt,
Secretary of Health and Human Services.
[FR Doc. E7–1174 Filed 1–24–07; 8:45 am]
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Meeting of the Presidential Advisory
Council on HIV/AIDS
Department of Health and
Human Services, Office of the Secretary,
Office of Public Health and Science.
ACTION: Notice.
As stipulated by the Federal
Advisory Committee Act, the
Department of Health and Human
Services (DHHS) is hereby giving notice
that the Presidential Advisory Council
on HIV/AIDS (PACHA) will hold a
meeting. This meeting is open to the
public. A description of the Council’s
functions is included with this notice.
DATES: February 27, 2007, 8 a.m. to 5
p.m., and February 28, 2007, 8 a.m. to
4 p.m.
ADDRESSES: Hubert H. Humphrey
Building, 200 Independence Ave., SW.,
Room 705A, Washington, DC 20201.
Dana Ceasar, Program Assistant,
Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/
AIDS, Department of Health and Human
Services, Hubert H. Humphrey Building,
200 Independence Avenue, SW., Room
733E, Washington, DC 20201; (202)
690–2470 or visit the Council’s Web site
was established by Executive Order
12963, dated June 14, 1995, as amended
by Executive Order 13009, dated June
14, 1996. The Council was established
to provide advice, information, and
recommendations to the Secretary
regarding programs and policies
intended to (a) promote effective
prevention of HIV disease, (b) advance
research on HIV and AIDS, and (c)
promote quality services to persons
living with HIV disease and AIDS.
PACHA was established to serve solely
as an advisory body to the Secretary of
Health and Human Services. The
Council is composed of not more than
21 members. Council membership is
determined by the Secretary from
individuals who are considered
authorities with particular expertise in,
or knowledge of, matters concerning
The agenda for this Council meeting
includes the following topics: HIV/AIDS
prevention, treatment and care issues,
both domestically and internationally.
Members of the public will have the
opportunity to provide comments at the
meeting. Public comment will be
limited to three (3) minutes per speaker.
Public attendance is limited to space
available and pre-registration is required
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for both attendance and public
comment. Any individual who wishes
to participate should register at https:// Individuals who plan
to attend and need special assistance,
such as sign language interpretation or
other reasonable accommodations,
should indicate in the comment section
when registering.
Dated: January 16, 2007.
Anand K. Parekh,
Acting Executive Director, Presidential
Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS.
[FR Doc. E7–1125 Filed 1–24–07; 8:45 am]
National Institute for Occupational
Safety and Health; Report on Residual
Radioactive and Beryllium
Contamination at Atomic Weapons
Employer Facilities and Beryllium
Vendor Facilities
National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health
(NIOSH), Department of Health and
Human Services (HHS).
SUMMARY: The Department of Health and
Human Services (HHS) gives notice as
required by the National Defense
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005
(Pub. L. 108–375) of the release of a
report on residual contamination of
facilities under the Energy Employees
Occupational Illness Compensation
Program Act of 2000 (EEOICPA), 42
U.S.C. 7384 et seq. The report is below.
The report and appendices are also
available at:
Larry Elliott, Director, Office of
Compensation Analysis and Support,
National Institute for Occupational
Safety and Health, 4676 Columbia
Parkway, MS C–46, Cincinnati, OH
45226, Telephone 513–533–6800 (this is
not a toll-free number). Information
requests can also be submitted by e-mail
John Howard,
Director, National Institute for Occupational
Safety and Health.
Report on Residual Radioactive and
Beryllium Contamination at Atomic
Weapons Employer Facilities and
Beryllium Vendor Facilities
Prepared by: National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health
John Howard, M.D., Director, December 2006
ycherry on PROD1PC64 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 16 / Thursday, January 25, 2007 / Notices
I. Summary of Results
This update to the Report on Residual
Radioactive and Beryllium
Contamination at Atomic Weapons
Employer Facilities and Beryllium
Vendor Facilities is the second revision
of the original study reported in
November 2002 and revised in June
2004. The National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health
(NIOSH) is required to submit this
report by the National Defense
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005
(NDAA) (Pub. L. 108–375), which
amended the Energy Employees
Occupational Illness Compensation
Program Act of 2000 (EEOICPA), 42
U.S.C. 7384 et seq., as follows:
1. For each facility for which such
report found that insufficient
information was available to determine
whether significant residual
contamination was present;
2. For each facility for which such
report found that significant residual
contamination remained present as of
the date of the report, determine the
date on which such contamination
ceased to be present;
3. For each facility for which such
report found that significant residual
contamination was present but for
which the Director has been unable to
determine the extent to which such
contamination is attributable to atomic
weapons-related activities, identify the
specific dates of coverage attributable to
such activities and, in so identifying,
presume that such contamination is
attributable to such activities until there
is evidence of decontamination of
residual contamination identified with
atomic weapons-related activities;
4. For each facility for which such
report found significant residual
contamination, determine whether it is
at least as likely as not that such
contamination could have caused an
employee who was employed at such
facility only during the residual
contamination period to contract a
cancer or beryllium illness compensable
under subtitle B of the Energy
Employees Occupational Illness
Compensation Program Act of 2000; and
5. If new information that pertains to
the report has been made available to
the Director since that report was
submitted, identify and describe such
NIOSH found that there were 94 Atomic
Weapons Employer (AWE) facilities and
65 Beryllium Vendors that required
evaluation as described above. The
documents reviewed did not indicate
the existence of a current, unrecognized
occupational or public health threat.
NIOSH evaluated new information that
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had been identified since 2004. NIOSH
also based findings on information
posted on the Department of Energy
(DOE) Office of Environment, Safety,
and Health (ES&H) website as of July 31,
2006 (changes made to the DOE ES&H
website after July 31, 2006 are not
reflected in this report).
The following actions have been taken
in this report:
1. A determination on the presence of
significant residual radioactive or
beryllium contamination has been made
for all of the facilities for which the
previous report found that insufficient
information was available to determine
whether significant residual
contamination was present.
2. A determination on the date when
significant residual contamination was
no longer present has been made for
many facilities for which the previous
report found that significant residual
contamination remained present as of
the date of the report. However, many
sites were determined to have
significant residual contamination
remaining as of the date of this report.
This is described on a facility-by-facility
3. For all facilities for which the
previous report was unable to determine
that significant residual contamination
was attributable to atomic weaponsrelated activities, specific dates of
coverage attributable to such activities
have been determined and, when the
source of such contamination was not
clear, the contamination was presumed
to be associated with atomic weaponsrelated activities.
4. All facilities for which significant
residual contamination was determined
to be present after the period of
weapons related production are
considered to have the potential of
causing an employee who was
employed at such facility only during
the residual contamination period to
contract a cancer or beryllium illness
compensable under subtitle B of the
Energy Employees Occupational Illness
Compensation Program Act of 2000.
5. All information used in making the
determinations in this report are
referenced in the individual facility
evaluations found in Appendices A–3
and B–3.
Individual results for the 94 AWEs
evaluated as required by the NDAA are
as follows:
• 18 of the 94 atomic weapons
employer facilities have little potential
for significant residual contamination
outside of the periods in which
weapons-related production occurred.
• 72 of the 94 atomic weapons
employer facilities have the potential for
significant residual contamination
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outside of the periods in which
weapons-related production occurred.
• 4 of the 94 previously listed Atomic
Weapons Employer facilities are no
longer listed as Atomic Weapons
Employers on the DOE ES&H Web site.
Individual results for the 65
Beryllium Vendor Facilities evaluated
are required by the NDAA are as
• 7 of the 65 beryllium vendor
facilities have little potential for
significant residual contamination
outside of the periods in which
weapons-related production occurred.
• 58 of the 65 beryllium vendor
facilities evaluated have the potential
for significant residual contamination
outside of the periods in which
weapons-related production occurred.
II. Background and Purpose
The Energy Employees Occupational
Illness Compensation Program Act of
2000 (EEOICPA), 42 U.S.C. 7384 et seq.,
established a program to compensate
individuals who developed illnesses as
a result of their employment in nuclear
weapons production-related activities at
certain facilities in which radioactive
materials or beryllium was processed.
DOE was directed by Executive Order
13179 to publish in the Federal Register
a list of facilities covered by the Act. On
January 17, 2001, DOE published a list
of AWEs, DOE facilities, and beryllium
vendors, in the Federal Register; the list
was revised on December 27, 2002, 67
FR 32690. Updates to the list
(corrections, additions, and deletions)
have been made periodically by DOE.
This update to the Report on Residual
Radioactive and Beryllium
Contamination at Atomic Weapons
Employer Facilities and Beryllium
Vendor Facilities is the second revision
to the original study reported in
November of 2002 and revised in June
of 2004.
The DOE ES&H Web site (https:// provides a
synopsis of the work performed at each
facility, including a listing of periods
during which DOE believes, based on
current information, that weaponsrelated processing was conducted. In
determining these periods, DOE has
applied the definitions in EEOICPA to
the known facts about the time and
conditions of weapons-related
processing at each facility. DOE changes
the entries on its database as additional
information is obtained. These periods
are referred to in this report as ‘‘Periods
in which weapons-related production
occurred.’’ It must be noted that the
Department of Labor (DOL) is
responsible for determining actual
periods of covered employment based
ycherry on PROD1PC64 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 16 / Thursday, January 25, 2007 / Notices
upon DOE’s findings as well as
information from claimants and other
This study consisted primarily of an
evaluation of documents pertaining to
AWEs. These include documents
compiled by DOE ES&H, documents
obtained through NIOSH data capture
efforts, and documents located on the
Formerly Utilized Sites Remediation
Action Program (FUSRAP) and U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers Web sites. The
quantity and quality of the information
available for each site varied
significantly. Examples of
documentation reviewed include
radiological surveys, descriptions of
production operations, contractual
agreements, and interoffice
correspondence. In addition, interviews
with current and past employees of
these facilities were conducted to obtain
information not contained in available
documentation. When such interviews
were used in the facility evaluation,
they are listed in the individual site
descriptions in Appendix B–3.
NIOSH believes that contamination
levels at designated facilities in excess
of those indicated in 10 CFR part 835,
Appendix D (Occupational Radiation
Protection, Surface Contamination
Values) indicate that there is
‘‘significant contamination’’ remaining
in those facilities. Documentation for
each facility was reviewed, as available,
to determine if there was an indication
that residual radioactive contamination
was present outside of the periods in
which weapons-related production
occurred. Those levels then were
compared to current radiation
protection limits as listed in 10 CFR part
835, to determine if there was
‘‘significant contamination.’’ If there
was no documentation or limited
documentation on radiation levels at
specified facilities, NIOSH made a
professional judgment regarding the
residual contamination. If NIOSH
determined there was ‘‘the potential for
significant contamination’’ at a
designated facility, then NIOSH
determined, pursuant to NDAA, that
such contamination ‘‘could have caused
or substantially contributed to the
cancer of a covered employee with
In the case of beryllium
contamination, if there was no evidence
that the beryllium areas had been
decontaminated, it was determined that
this material could have caused or
substantially contributed to the
beryllium illness of an employee.
Because beryllium sensitization can
occur at very low levels of exposure, the
level of residual beryllium
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contamination remaining was not
included in the determination.
Because the investigation involved
evaluating potential radioactive
contamination and beryllium
contamination, the study was divided so
that the required expertise could be
devoted to the radiological facilities and
the beryllium facilities. Appendices A–
1 and B–1 provide synopses of the
findings for the 159 facilities that were
evaluated as required by NDAA:
Appendix A–1 applies to 94 facilities
evaluated for residual radioactive
contamination while Appendix B–1
applies to 65 facilities evaluated for
residual beryllium contamination.
Some of the periods in which
weapons-related production occurred
have been changed on the DOE ES&H
Web site since the June 2004 report.
Appendices A–2 and B–2 provide the
current descriptions and evaluations for
all AWE and Beryllium Vendor
facilities, respectively. Appendices A–3
and B–3 provide descriptions of each
facility, the data reviewed as a part of
this evaluation, and the final findings.
Periods of Residual Contamination
The evaluations focused on
determining whether the potential for
significant residual contamination
existed outside of the periods in which
weapons-related production occurred.
In many cases, no records of
decontamination were found or surveys
performed outside of the period in
which weapons-related production
occurred indicated the existence of
significant residual contamination.
However, some of the documentation
provided dates of decontamination,
dates of demolition of the facility, or
descriptions of the radiological controls
in place during operations. For sites that
exhibited a potential for significant
residual radioactive contamination
outside of the periods in which
weapons-related production occurred,
and for which an indication of a more
accurate period was available, this time
period was provided. For sites that
exhibited a potential for significant
residual radioactive contamination
outside of the periods in which
weapons-related production occurred,
and for which an indication of a more
accurate period was not available, it was
assumed that significant residual
contamination existed until the time
which the facility was demolished or
until the present, defined as July 2006,
when this report was written.
Some sites performed work with
radioactive material and/or beryllium
for commercial purposes, in addition to
work for the Atomic Energy
Commission (AEC)/DOE. When it was
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impossible to distinguish residual
contamination resulting from AEC/DOE
activities from those resulting from
commercial purposes, it was assumed
that the contamination was attributable
to weapons-related activities.
III. Residual Radioactive
Contamination Evaluation
This study consisted primarily of an
evaluation of documents pertaining to
AWEs. These include documents
compiled by DOE ES&H, documents
obtained through data capture efforts of
NIOSH, and documents located on the
FUSRAP and U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers Web sites. In all cases, the
individual site finding is based on the
available information. The finding on
any single site was based on the
quantity and completeness of the
information available regarding that site
and professional judgment as necessary.
In this evaluation of residual
radioactive contamination, as in the
previous report, the following factors
were considered:
(1) The radionuclides involved;
(2) The quantity of radioactive
material processed;
(3) The physical form of the
radioactive material processed (i.e.,
solid, liquid, or gas);
(4) The operations performed and
their potential for radiation/
radioactivity exposure;
(5) Documented radiological control
and monitoring programs that were in
place during operations; and
(6) Documented decontamination of
These factors were used to estimate
the potential for radiation exposure both
during operations and after production/
processing had ceased. For example, a
facility for which a decontamination
survey was documented was classified
as having little potential for residual
radioactive contamination after the
decontamination date, while a facility
with a high potential for residual
radioactive contamination during
operations and no documented
decontamination data was classified as
having a potential for residual
contamination after operations had
Each site was assigned to one of two
1. Documentation reviewed indicates
there is little potential for significant
residual contamination outside the
period in which weapons-related
production occurred.
A site was assigned to this category if
the documentation available for the
facility indicated one or more of the
following characteristics:
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 16 / Thursday, January 25, 2007 / Notices
ycherry on PROD1PC64 with NOTICES
(a) The facility was decontaminated
within the periods in which weaponsrelated production occurred,
(b) The facility had very little
potential for residual contamination
during actual operations, or
(c) The facility is still in operation
and the end date is listed as ‘‘present.’’
2. Documentation reviewed indicates
there is a potential for significant
residual contamination outside the
period in which weapons-related
production occurred.
A site was assigned to this category if
there was documentation indicating the
(a) Radioactive material was present
in quantities or forms which could have
caused or substantially contributed to
the cancer of a covered employee, and
(b) Radioactive material was
processed or present outside of the dates
as listed on the DOE ES&H website.
This type of documentation often
included FUSRAP surveys conducted
after Manhattan Engineering District
(MED)/AEC/DOE operations were
complete, which indicated the presence
of residual radioactive contamination
that could be attributed to those
In some cases, the facilities processed
radioactive material for not only nuclear
weapons production, but also
commercial, non-DOE contracts.
Sometimes the material processed for
nuclear weapons production was
indistinguishable from material
processed for commercial purposes.
Wherever residual radioactive
contamination due to DOE operations
was not clearly distinguishable from
that resulting from commercial
operations, it was assumed that the
contamination was the result of
weapons production activities. As a
result, in these cases, the findings were
that the potential for significant residual
contamination existed outside of the
periods in which weapons-related
production occurred. For sites that
exhibited a potential for significant
residual radioactive contamination
outside of the periods in which
weapons-related production occurred,
and for which an end date could not be
determined, it was assumed that
significant residual contamination
existed until the time the facility was
demolished or until the present, defined
as the date this report was written.
Findings of Evaluation of Facilities for
Residual Radioactive Contamination
The results of this study indicate that
there are atomic weapons employer
facilities for which the potential for
significant residual radiological
contamination exists outside of the
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periods in which weapons-related
production occurred as listed on the
DOE ES&H website.
Appendix A–1 lists the findings for
the potential for significant residual
radioactive contamination at the 94
facilities required for evaluation by
NDAA. Appendix A–2 lists all of the
AWE facilities and the findings for
potential residual radioactive
contamination. Appendix A–3 describes
each facility evaluated for residual
radioactive contamination, the data
reviewed as a part of this evaluation,
and the final findings.
IV. Residual Beryllium Contamination
The primary sources of information
used to evaluate each site were the
individual facility files compiled by
DOE ES&H. In addition, interviews with
current and past employees of these
facilities were conducted to obtain
information not contained in available
The finding on any single site was
based on the quantity and completeness
of the information available regarding
that site and professional judgment as
In this evaluation of residual
radioactive contamination, as in the
previous report, the following factors
were considered:
(1) If beryllium was actually handled
at the site.
(2) If there was evidence of
decontamination of the facility.
These factors were used to estimate
the potential for beryllium exposure
both during operations and after
production/processing had ceased. For
example, a facility for which a
decontamination survey was
documented or for which personal
interviews indicated that
decontamination was performed, was
classified as having little potential for
residual beryllium contamination after
the decontamination date; a facility
without such evidence of
decontamination was classified as
having a potential for residual beryllium
contamination after operations had
Each site was assigned to one of two
1. Documentation reviewed indicates
there is little potential for significant
residual contamination outside the
period in which weapons-related
production occurred.
A site was assigned to this category if
the documentation available for the
facility indicated one or more of the
following characteristics:
(a) Evidence of decontamination and/
or beryllium contamination survey data,
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(b) The facility had very little
potential for residual contamination
during actual operations, or
(c) The facility is still in operation
and the end date is listed as ‘‘present.’’
2. Documentation reviewed indicates
there is a potential for significant
residual contamination outside the
period in which weapons-related
production occurred.
A site was assigned to this category if
either of the following conditions
(a) Documentation was available
indicating that beryllium was processed
or present outside of the dates listed on
the DOE ES&H website that could have
caused or substantially contributed to
the beryllium illness of a covered
(b) There was no evidence of a
decontamination of the facility or area
where beryllium was processed.
In some cases, the facilities processed
beryllium material for not only nuclear
weapons production, but also
commercial, non-DOE contracts.
Sometimes the material processed for
nuclear weapons production was
indistinguishable from material
processed for commercial purposes.
Wherever residual beryllium
contamination due to DOE operations
was not clearly distinguishable from
that resulting from commercial
operations, it was assumed that the
contamination was the result of
weapons production activities. As a
result, in these cases, the findings were
that the potential for significant residual
contamination existed outside of the
periods in which weapons-related
production occurred. For sites that
exhibited a potential for significant
residual beryllium contamination
outside of the periods in which
weapons-related production occurred,
and for which an end date could not be
determined, it was assumed that
significant residual contamination
existed until the time the facility was
demolished or until the present, defined
as the date this report was written.
Findings of Evaluation of Facilities for
Residual Beryllium Contamination
The results of this study indicate that
there are Beryllium Vendor facilities for
which the potential for significant
residual beryllium contamination exists
outside of the periods in which
weapons-related production occurred as
listed on the DOE ES&H website.
Appendix B–1 lists the findings for
the potential for significant residual
beryllium contamination at the 65
facilities required for evaluation by
NDAA. Appendix B–2 lists all
Beryllium Vendor facilities and the
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 16 / Thursday, January 25, 2007 / Notices
findings for potential residual beryllium
contamination. Appendix B–3 describes
each facility evaluated for residual
beryllium contamination, the data
reviewed as a part of this evaluation,
and the final findings.
V. Conclusions
The findings of this study are: (1)
Some atomic weapons employer
facilities and beryllium vendor facilities
have the potential for significant
residual radiological and beryllium
contamination outside of the periods in
which weapons-related production
occurred. (2) For the purposes of this
report, NIOSH believes that facilities
having ‘‘significant contamination’’ had
quantities of radioactive material that
‘‘could have caused or substantially
contributed to the cancer of a covered
employee with cancer.’’ (3) The
documents reviewed did not indicate
the existence of a current, unrecognized
occupational or public health threat.
[FR Doc. E7–1157 Filed 1–24–07; 8:45 am]
Request for Information (RFI):
Guidance for Prioritization of Prepandemic and Pandemic Influenza
Vaccine—Extension of Comment
Dated: January 19, 2007.
John O. Agwunobi,
Assistant Secretary of Health, Office of Public
Health and Science, Department of Health
and Human Services.
[FR Doc. 07–323 Filed 1–24–07; 8:45 am]
Office of the Secretary,
Department of Health and Human
On December 14, 2006, the
Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS) issued a notice in the
Federal Register (FR Doc. Vol. 71, No.
240, Pages 75252–75253) to request
input from the public on considerations
in developing guidance for
prioritization of the distribution and
administration of both pre-pandemic
and pandemic influenza vaccines based
on various pandemic severity and
vaccine supply scenarios. Specifically,
HHS is seeking input on pandemic
influenza vaccine prioritization
considerations from all interested and
affected parties, including but not
limited to public health and health care
individuals and organizations, as well
as those from other sectors of the
economy including, for example, travel
and transportation, commerce and trade,
law enforcement, emergency
management and responders, other
critical infrastructure sectors and the
general public.
ycherry on PROD1PC64 with NOTICES
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Previous reports relating to pandemic
influenza vaccine prioritization issues
are available at https://
The purpose of this notice is to inform
all interested parties that the comment
period originally identified in the
December 14, 2006 Federal Register is
now being extended to February 5,
DATES: Responses should be submitted
to the Department of Health and Human
Services on or before 5 p.m., EDT,
February 5, 2007.
Instructions for Submitting
Comments: Electronic responses are
preferred and may be addressed to Written
responses should be addressed to the
Department of Health and Human
Services, Room 434E, 200 Independence
Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20201,
Attention: Pandemic Influenza Vaccine
Prioritization RFI. A copy of this RFI is
also available on the PandemicFlu.Gov
Web site and at https:// Please follow
instructions for submitting responses.
Schwartz, Office of Public Health and
Science, (404) 639–8953.
information on Federal government
strategic and implementation plans for
pandemic flu is available at https://
Centers for Disease Control and
National Institute for Occupational
Safety and Health (NIOSH), Safety and
Occupational Health Study Section
(SOHSS); Notice of Meeting
In accordance with section 10(a)(2) of
the Federal Advisory Committee Act
(Pub. L. 92–463), the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC)
announces the aforementioned
committee meeting.
Times and Dates: 8 a.m.–5 p.m., February
20, 2007. 8 a.m.–5 p.m., February 21, 2007.
Place: Embassy Suites Hotel, 1900
Diagonal Road, Alexandria, Virginia, 22314,
telephone 703.684.5900, fax 703.684.1403.
Status: Open 8 a.m.–8:30 a.m., February
20, 2007. Closed 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m., February
PO 00000
Frm 00017
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
20, 2007. Closed 8 a.m.–5 p.m., February 21,
Purpose: The Safety and Occupational
Health Study Section will review, discuss,
and evaluate grant applications received in
response to the Institute’s standard grants
review and funding cycles pertaining to
research issues in occupational safety and
health and allied areas.
It is the intent of NIOSH to support broadbased research endeavors in keeping with the
Institute’s program goals. This will lead to
improved understanding and appreciation for
the magnitude of the aggregate health burden
associated with occupational injuries and
illnesses, as well as to support more focused
research projects, which will lead to
improvements in the delivery of occupational
safety and health services and the prevention
of work-related injury and illness. It is
anticipated that the research funded will
promote these program goals.
Matters to be Discussed: The meeting will
convene an open session from 8–8:30 a.m. on
February 20, 2007, to address matters related
to the conduct of SOHSS business. The
remainder of the meeting will proceed in
closed session. The purpose of the closed
session is for the study section to consider
safety and occupational health-related grant
applications. These portions of the meeting
will be closed to the public in accordance
with provisions set forth in Section
552b(c)(4) and (6), Title 5 U.S.C., and the
Determination of the Director, Management
Analysis and Services Office, Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, pursuant to
Section 10(d) Pub. L. 92–463. Agenda items
are subject to change as priorities dictate.
For Further Information Contact: Price
Connor, Ph.D., NIOSH Health Scientist, 1600
Clifton Road, NE., Mailstop E–20, Atlanta,
Georgia 30333, telephone 404.498.2511, fax
The Director, Management Analysis and
Services Office, has been delegated the
authority to sign Federal Register notices
pertaining to announcements of meetings and
other committee management activities for
both CDC and the Agency for Toxic
Substances and Disease Registry.
Elaine L. Baker,
Acting Director, Management Analysis and
Services Office, Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention.
[FR Doc. E7–1083 Filed 1–24–07; 8:45 am]
Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Proposed Collection;
Comment Request
In compliance with Section
3506(c)(2)(A) of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 concerning
opportunity for public comment on
proposed collections of information, the
[Federal Register Volume 72, Number 16 (Thursday, January 25, 2007)]
[Pages 3395-3399]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E7-1157]
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health; Report on
Residual Radioactive and Beryllium Contamination at Atomic Weapons
Employer Facilities and Beryllium Vendor Facilities
AGENCY: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH),
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) gives notice
as required by the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year
2005 (Pub. L. 108-375) of the release of a report on residual
contamination of facilities under the Energy Employees Occupational
Illness Compensation Program Act of 2000 (EEOICPA), 42 U.S.C. 7384 et
seq. The report is below. The report and appendices are also available
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Larry Elliott, Director, Office of
Compensation Analysis and Support, National Institute for Occupational
Safety and Health, 4676 Columbia Parkway, MS C-46, Cincinnati, OH
45226, Telephone 513-533-6800 (this is not a toll-free number).
Information requests can also be submitted by e-mail to OCAS@CDC.GOV.
John Howard,
Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.
Report on Residual Radioactive and Beryllium Contamination at Atomic
Weapons Employer Facilities and Beryllium Vendor Facilities
Prepared by: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
John Howard, M.D., Director, December 2006
[[Page 3396]]
I. Summary of Results
This update to the Report on Residual Radioactive and Beryllium
Contamination at Atomic Weapons Employer Facilities and Beryllium
Vendor Facilities is the second revision of the original study reported
in November 2002 and revised in June 2004. The National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) is required to submit this
report by the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005
(NDAA) (Pub. L. 108-375), which amended the Energy Employees
Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act of 2000 (EEOICPA), 42
U.S.C. 7384 et seq., as follows:
1. For each facility for which such report found that insufficient
information was available to determine whether significant residual
contamination was present;
2. For each facility for which such report found that significant
residual contamination remained present as of the date of the report,
determine the date on which such contamination ceased to be present;
3. For each facility for which such report found that significant
residual contamination was present but for which the Director has been
unable to determine the extent to which such contamination is
attributable to atomic weapons-related activities, identify the
specific dates of coverage attributable to such activities and, in so
identifying, presume that such contamination is attributable to such
activities until there is evidence of decontamination of residual
contamination identified with atomic weapons-related activities;
4. For each facility for which such report found significant
residual contamination, determine whether it is at least as likely as
not that such contamination could have caused an employee who was
employed at such facility only during the residual contamination period
to contract a cancer or beryllium illness compensable under subtitle B
of the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act
of 2000; and
5. If new information that pertains to the report has been made
available to the Director since that report was submitted, identify and
describe such information.
NIOSH found that there were 94 Atomic Weapons Employer (AWE) facilities
and 65 Beryllium Vendors that required evaluation as described above.
The documents reviewed did not indicate the existence of a current,
unrecognized occupational or public health threat. NIOSH evaluated new
information that had been identified since 2004. NIOSH also based
findings on information posted on the Department of Energy (DOE) Office
of Environment, Safety, and Health (ES&H) website as of July 31, 2006
(changes made to the DOE ES&H website after July 31, 2006 are not
reflected in this report).
The following actions have been taken in this report:
1. A determination on the presence of significant residual
radioactive or beryllium contamination has been made for all of the
facilities for which the previous report found that insufficient
information was available to determine whether significant residual
contamination was present.
2. A determination on the date when significant residual
contamination was no longer present has been made for many facilities
for which the previous report found that significant residual
contamination remained present as of the date of the report. However,
many sites were determined to have significant residual contamination
remaining as of the date of this report. This is described on a
facility-by-facility basis.
3. For all facilities for which the previous report was unable to
determine that significant residual contamination was attributable to
atomic weapons-related activities, specific dates of coverage
attributable to such activities have been determined and, when the
source of such contamination was not clear, the contamination was
presumed to be associated with atomic weapons-related activities.
4. All facilities for which significant residual contamination was
determined to be present after the period of weapons related production
are considered to have the potential of causing an employee who was
employed at such facility only during the residual contamination period
to contract a cancer or beryllium illness compensable under subtitle B
of the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act
of 2000.
5. All information used in making the determinations in this report
are referenced in the individual facility evaluations found in
Appendices A-3 and B-3.
Individual results for the 94 AWEs evaluated as required by the
NDAA are as follows:
18 of the 94 atomic weapons employer facilities have
little potential for significant residual contamination outside of the
periods in which weapons-related production occurred.
72 of the 94 atomic weapons employer facilities have the
potential for significant residual contamination outside of the periods
in which weapons-related production occurred.
4 of the 94 previously listed Atomic Weapons Employer
facilities are no longer listed as Atomic Weapons Employers on the DOE
ES&H Web site.
Individual results for the 65 Beryllium Vendor Facilities evaluated
are required by the NDAA are as follows:
7 of the 65 beryllium vendor facilities have little
potential for significant residual contamination outside of the periods
in which weapons-related production occurred.
58 of the 65 beryllium vendor facilities evaluated have
the potential for significant residual contamination outside of the
periods in which weapons-related production occurred.
II. Background and Purpose
The Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act
of 2000 (EEOICPA), 42 U.S.C. 7384 et seq., established a program to
compensate individuals who developed illnesses as a result of their
employment in nuclear weapons production-related activities at certain
facilities in which radioactive materials or beryllium was processed.
DOE was directed by Executive Order 13179 to publish in the Federal
Register a list of facilities covered by the Act. On January 17, 2001,
DOE published a list of AWEs, DOE facilities, and beryllium vendors, in
the Federal Register; the list was revised on December 27, 2002, 67 FR
32690. Updates to the list (corrections, additions, and deletions) have
been made periodically by DOE. This update to the Report on Residual
Radioactive and Beryllium Contamination at Atomic Weapons Employer
Facilities and Beryllium Vendor Facilities is the second revision to
the original study reported in November of 2002 and revised in June of
The DOE ES&H Web site ( provides a
synopsis of the work performed at each facility, including a listing of
periods during which DOE believes, based on current information, that
weapons-related processing was conducted. In determining these periods,
DOE has applied the definitions in EEOICPA to the known facts about the
time and conditions of weapons-related processing at each facility. DOE
changes the entries on its database as additional information is
obtained. These periods are referred to in this report as ``Periods in
which weapons-related production occurred.'' It must be noted that the
Department of Labor (DOL) is responsible for determining actual periods
of covered employment based
[[Page 3397]]
upon DOE's findings as well as information from claimants and other
This study consisted primarily of an evaluation of documents
pertaining to AWEs. These include documents compiled by DOE ES&H,
documents obtained through NIOSH data capture efforts, and documents
located on the Formerly Utilized Sites Remediation Action Program
(FUSRAP) and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Web sites. The quantity and
quality of the information available for each site varied
significantly. Examples of documentation reviewed include radiological
surveys, descriptions of production operations, contractual agreements,
and interoffice correspondence. In addition, interviews with current
and past employees of these facilities were conducted to obtain
information not contained in available documentation. When such
interviews were used in the facility evaluation, they are listed in the
individual site descriptions in Appendix B-3.
NIOSH believes that contamination levels at designated facilities
in excess of those indicated in 10 CFR part 835, Appendix D
(Occupational Radiation Protection, Surface Contamination Values)
indicate that there is ``significant contamination'' remaining in those
facilities. Documentation for each facility was reviewed, as available,
to determine if there was an indication that residual radioactive
contamination was present outside of the periods in which weapons-
related production occurred. Those levels then were compared to current
radiation protection limits as listed in 10 CFR part 835, to determine
if there was ``significant contamination.'' If there was no
documentation or limited documentation on radiation levels at specified
facilities, NIOSH made a professional judgment regarding the residual
contamination. If NIOSH determined there was ``the potential for
significant contamination'' at a designated facility, then NIOSH
determined, pursuant to NDAA, that such contamination ``could have
caused or substantially contributed to the cancer of a covered employee
with cancer.''
In the case of beryllium contamination, if there was no evidence
that the beryllium areas had been decontaminated, it was determined
that this material could have caused or substantially contributed to
the beryllium illness of an employee. Because beryllium sensitization
can occur at very low levels of exposure, the level of residual
beryllium contamination remaining was not included in the
Because the investigation involved evaluating potential radioactive
contamination and beryllium contamination, the study was divided so
that the required expertise could be devoted to the radiological
facilities and the beryllium facilities. Appendices A-1 and B-1 provide
synopses of the findings for the 159 facilities that were evaluated as
required by NDAA: Appendix A-1 applies to 94 facilities evaluated for
residual radioactive contamination while Appendix B-1 applies to 65
facilities evaluated for residual beryllium contamination.
Some of the periods in which weapons-related production occurred
have been changed on the DOE ES&H Web site since the June 2004 report.
Appendices A-2 and B-2 provide the current descriptions and evaluations
for all AWE and Beryllium Vendor facilities, respectively. Appendices
A-3 and B-3 provide descriptions of each facility, the data reviewed as
a part of this evaluation, and the final findings.
Periods of Residual Contamination
The evaluations focused on determining whether the potential for
significant residual contamination existed outside of the periods in
which weapons-related production occurred. In many cases, no records of
decontamination were found or surveys performed outside of the period
in which weapons-related production occurred indicated the existence of
significant residual contamination. However, some of the documentation
provided dates of decontamination, dates of demolition of the facility,
or descriptions of the radiological controls in place during
operations. For sites that exhibited a potential for significant
residual radioactive contamination outside of the periods in which
weapons-related production occurred, and for which an indication of a
more accurate period was available, this time period was provided. For
sites that exhibited a potential for significant residual radioactive
contamination outside of the periods in which weapons-related
production occurred, and for which an indication of a more accurate
period was not available, it was assumed that significant residual
contamination existed until the time which the facility was demolished
or until the present, defined as July 2006, when this report was
Some sites performed work with radioactive material and/or
beryllium for commercial purposes, in addition to work for the Atomic
Energy Commission (AEC)/DOE. When it was impossible to distinguish
residual contamination resulting from AEC/DOE activities from those
resulting from commercial purposes, it was assumed that the
contamination was attributable to weapons-related activities.
III. Residual Radioactive Contamination Evaluation
This study consisted primarily of an evaluation of documents
pertaining to AWEs. These include documents compiled by DOE ES&H,
documents obtained through data capture efforts of NIOSH, and documents
located on the FUSRAP and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Web sites. In
all cases, the individual site finding is based on the available
information. The finding on any single site was based on the quantity
and completeness of the information available regarding that site and
professional judgment as necessary.
In this evaluation of residual radioactive contamination, as in the
previous report, the following factors were considered:
(1) The radionuclides involved;
(2) The quantity of radioactive material processed;
(3) The physical form of the radioactive material processed (i.e.,
solid, liquid, or gas);
(4) The operations performed and their potential for radiation/
radioactivity exposure;
(5) Documented radiological control and monitoring programs that
were in place during operations; and
(6) Documented decontamination of facilities
These factors were used to estimate the potential for radiation
exposure both during operations and after production/processing had
ceased. For example, a facility for which a decontamination survey was
documented was classified as having little potential for residual
radioactive contamination after the decontamination date, while a
facility with a high potential for residual radioactive contamination
during operations and no documented decontamination data was classified
as having a potential for residual contamination after operations had
Each site was assigned to one of two categories:
1. Documentation reviewed indicates there is little potential for
significant residual contamination outside the period in which weapons-
related production occurred.
A site was assigned to this category if the documentation available
for the facility indicated one or more of the following
[[Page 3398]]
(a) The facility was decontaminated within the periods in which
weapons-related production occurred,
(b) The facility had very little potential for residual
contamination during actual operations, or
(c) The facility is still in operation and the end date is listed
as ``present.''
2. Documentation reviewed indicates there is a potential for
significant residual contamination outside the period in which weapons-
related production occurred.
A site was assigned to this category if there was documentation
indicating the following:
(a) Radioactive material was present in quantities or forms which
could have caused or substantially contributed to the cancer of a
covered employee, and
(b) Radioactive material was processed or present outside of the
dates as listed on the DOE ES&H website.
This type of documentation often included FUSRAP surveys conducted
after Manhattan Engineering District (MED)/AEC/DOE operations were
complete, which indicated the presence of residual radioactive
contamination that could be attributed to those activities.
In some cases, the facilities processed radioactive material for
not only nuclear weapons production, but also commercial, non-DOE
contracts. Sometimes the material processed for nuclear weapons
production was indistinguishable from material processed for commercial
purposes. Wherever residual radioactive contamination due to DOE
operations was not clearly distinguishable from that resulting from
commercial operations, it was assumed that the contamination was the
result of weapons production activities. As a result, in these cases,
the findings were that the potential for significant residual
contamination existed outside of the periods in which weapons-related
production occurred. For sites that exhibited a potential for
significant residual radioactive contamination outside of the periods
in which weapons-related production occurred, and for which an end date
could not be determined, it was assumed that significant residual
contamination existed until the time the facility was demolished or
until the present, defined as the date this report was written.
Findings of Evaluation of Facilities for Residual Radioactive
The results of this study indicate that there are atomic weapons
employer facilities for which the potential for significant residual
radiological contamination exists outside of the periods in which
weapons-related production occurred as listed on the DOE ES&H website.
Appendix A-1 lists the findings for the potential for significant
residual radioactive contamination at the 94 facilities required for
evaluation by NDAA. Appendix A-2 lists all of the AWE facilities and
the findings for potential residual radioactive contamination. Appendix
A-3 describes each facility evaluated for residual radioactive
contamination, the data reviewed as a part of this evaluation, and the
final findings.
IV. Residual Beryllium Contamination Evaluation
The primary sources of information used to evaluate each site were
the individual facility files compiled by DOE ES&H. In addition,
interviews with current and past employees of these facilities were
conducted to obtain information not contained in available
The finding on any single site was based on the quantity and
completeness of the information available regarding that site and
professional judgment as necessary.
In this evaluation of residual radioactive contamination, as in the
previous report, the following factors were considered:
(1) If beryllium was actually handled at the site.
(2) If there was evidence of decontamination of the facility.
These factors were used to estimate the potential for beryllium
exposure both during operations and after production/processing had
ceased. For example, a facility for which a decontamination survey was
documented or for which personal interviews indicated that
decontamination was performed, was classified as having little
potential for residual beryllium contamination after the
decontamination date; a facility without such evidence of
decontamination was classified as having a potential for residual
beryllium contamination after operations had ceased.
Each site was assigned to one of two categories:
1. Documentation reviewed indicates there is little potential for
significant residual contamination outside the period in which weapons-
related production occurred.
A site was assigned to this category if the documentation available
for the facility indicated one or more of the following
(a) Evidence of decontamination and/or beryllium contamination
survey data,
(b) The facility had very little potential for residual
contamination during actual operations, or
(c) The facility is still in operation and the end date is listed
as ``present.''
2. Documentation reviewed indicates there is a potential for
significant residual contamination outside the period in which weapons-
related production occurred.
A site was assigned to this category if either of the following
conditions existed:
(a) Documentation was available indicating that beryllium was
processed or present outside of the dates listed on the DOE ES&H
website that could have caused or substantially contributed to the
beryllium illness of a covered employee.
(b) There was no evidence of a decontamination of the facility or
area where beryllium was processed.
In some cases, the facilities processed beryllium material for not
only nuclear weapons production, but also commercial, non-DOE
contracts. Sometimes the material processed for nuclear weapons
production was indistinguishable from material processed for commercial
purposes. Wherever residual beryllium contamination due to DOE
operations was not clearly distinguishable from that resulting from
commercial operations, it was assumed that the contamination was the
result of weapons production activities. As a result, in these cases,
the findings were that the potential for significant residual
contamination existed outside of the periods in which weapons-related
production occurred. For sites that exhibited a potential for
significant residual beryllium contamination outside of the periods in
which weapons-related production occurred, and for which an end date
could not be determined, it was assumed that significant residual
contamination existed until the time the facility was demolished or
until the present, defined as the date this report was written.
Findings of Evaluation of Facilities for Residual Beryllium
The results of this study indicate that there are Beryllium Vendor
facilities for which the potential for significant residual beryllium
contamination exists outside of the periods in which weapons-related
production occurred as listed on the DOE ES&H website.
Appendix B-1 lists the findings for the potential for significant
residual beryllium contamination at the 65 facilities required for
evaluation by NDAA. Appendix B-2 lists all Beryllium Vendor facilities
and the
[[Page 3399]]
findings for potential residual beryllium contamination. Appendix B-3
describes each facility evaluated for residual beryllium contamination,
the data reviewed as a part of this evaluation, and the final findings.
V. Conclusions
The findings of this study are: (1) Some atomic weapons employer
facilities and beryllium vendor facilities have the potential for
significant residual radiological and beryllium contamination outside
of the periods in which weapons-related production occurred. (2) For
the purposes of this report, NIOSH believes that facilities having
``significant contamination'' had quantities of radioactive material
that ``could have caused or substantially contributed to the cancer of
a covered employee with cancer.'' (3) The documents reviewed did not
indicate the existence of a current, unrecognized occupational or
public health threat.
[FR Doc. E7-1157 Filed 1-24-07; 8:45 am]