Airworthiness Directives; Bell Helicopter Textron Canada Model 206A, B, L, L-1, L-3, and L-4 Helicopters, 889-892 [E7-39]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 5 / Tuesday, January 9, 2007 / Rules and Regulations announcing the general course of action that the Commission intends to follow. This policy statement does not constitute an agency regulation requiring notice of proposed rulemaking, opportunities for public participation, prior publication, and delay in effective date under 5 U.S.C. 553 of the Administrative Procedure Act (‘‘APA’’). As such, it does not bind the Commission or any member of the general public. The provisions of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, which apply when notice and comment are required by the APA or another statute, are not applicable. Dated: December 27, 2006. Robert D. Lenhard, Vice Chairman, Federal Election Commission. [FR Doc. E7–65 Filed 1–8–07; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6715–01–P DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. FAA–2005–22696; Directorate Identifier 2005–SW–22–AD; Amendment 39– 14877; AD 2007–01–06] RIN 2120–AA64 Airworthiness Directives; Bell Helicopter Textron Canada Model 206A, B, L, L–1, L–3, and L–4 Helicopters Federal Aviation Administration, DOT. ACTION: Final rule. bajohnson on PROD1PC69 with RULES AGENCY: SUMMARY: This amendment supersedes an existing airworthiness directive (AD) for the specified Bell Helicopter Textron Canada (BHTC) model helicopters. The existing AD currently requires certain inspections and checks of the tail rotor blade (blade) for a deformation, a crack, and a bent or deformed tail rotor weight (weight). Also, that AD requires, before further flight, replacing each blade with an airworthy blade if a deformation, a crack, or a bent or deformed weight is found. This action contains the same actions as the existing AD and also adds to the applicability certain serialnumbered blades inadvertently omitted from the current AD. This action also requires replacing each affected blade, which is a terminating action. This amendment is prompted by three reports of skin cracks originating near the blade trailing edge balance weight. The actions specified by this AD are intended to prevent blade failure and subsequent loss of control of the helicopter. VerDate Aug 31 2005 03:41 Jan 09, 2007 Jkt 211001 Effective February 13, 2007. You may get the service information identified in this AD from Bell Helicopter Textron Canada, 12,800 Rue de l’Avenir, Mirabel, Quebec J7J1R4, telephone (450) 437–2862 or (800) 363–8023, fax (450) 433–0272. DATES: ADDRESSES: Examining the Docket You may examine the docket that contains this AD, any comments, and other information on the Internet at, or at the Docket Management System (DMS), U.S. Department of Transportation, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Room PL–401, on the plaza level of the Nassif Building, Washington, DC. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Sharon Miles, Aviation Safety Engineer, FAA, Rotorcraft Directorate, Regulations and Guidance Group, Fort Worth, Texas 76193–0111, telephone (817) 222–5122, fax (817) 222–5961. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: A proposal to amend 14 CFR part 39 by superseding AD 2004–24–08, Amendment 39–13884 (69 FR 69810, December 1, 2004), for the specified BHTC model helicopters was published in the Federal Register on October 17, 2005 (70 FR 60246). This action contains the same actions as the existing AD. Also, when we issued AD 2004–24– 08, we intentionally did not include the long-term requirement (no later than April 27, 2007) for removing and sending the affected blades to Rotor Blades, Inc. as specified by the manufacturer. We are including a longterm requirement in this AD that the affected blades be replaced on or before April 27, 2007, as terminating action. Additionally, in AD 2004–24–08, we inadvertently omitted blade serial numbers 10102 through 10114 from the applicability. We are correcting that oversight with this action. Since issuing AD 2004–24–08, BHTC has issued Alert Service Bulletin 206– 04–100 for Bell Model 206A and B helicopters, and 206L–04–127 for Bell Model 206L series helicopters, both Revision C, both dated March 5, 2005 (ASB). These ASBs add two warnings in the compliance section specifying returning the blade for balancing to Rotor Blades, Inc., and introduce new skin damage limits that supersede the previous damage limits. The ASB also gives a new address for Rotor Blades Inc. Transport Canada, the airworthiness authority for Canada, notified the FAA that an unsafe condition may exist on these helicopter models. Transport Canada advises of three reports of skin cracks originating near the blade trailing PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 889 edge balance weight. Two of the occurrences caused a loss of the weight and a strip of material along the trailing edge leading to an imbalance, which caused the fracture of three of the four tail rotor gearbox attachments. One of these occurrences resulted in the gearbox shifting that caused failure of the drive shaft and resulting loss of yaw control. Transport Canada issued AD No. CF–2004–05R1, dated June 28, 2004, to ensure the continued airworthiness of these helicopters in Canada. These helicopter models are manufactured in Canada and are type certificated for operation in the United States under the provisions of 14 CFR 21.29 and the applicable bilateral agreement. Pursuant to the applicable bilateral agreement, Transport Canada has kept the FAA informed of the situation described above. The FAA has examined the findings of Transport Canada, reviewed all available information, and determined that AD action is necessary for products of these type designs that are certificated for operation in the United States. Interested persons have been afforded an opportunity to participate in the making of this amendment. No comments were received on the proposal or the FAA’s determination of the cost to the public. The FAA has determined that air safety and the public interest require the adoption of the rule as proposed, except for a change in paragraph (f) of the AD to add additional contact information. This change will neither increase the economic burden on any operator nor increase the scope of the AD. The FAA estimates that this AD will: • Affect 2194 helicopters of U.S. registry, • Take about 1⁄4 work hour for a blade check or inspection, and • Take 3 work hours to replace a blade at an average labor rate of $65 per work hour. • Cost about $5848 per helicopter. (In its ASB, the manufacturer states it will give warranty credit based on hour usage on the blade with remaining life hours and other restrictions.) Based on these figures, we estimate the total cost impact of the AD on U.S. operators to be $19,989,973. Costs assume—200 pilot checks, 26 mechanic inspections, and one blade replacement for 90 percent of the fleet with a nonconforming blade. Regulatory Findings We have determined that this AD will not have federalism implications under Executive Order 13132. This AD will not have a substantial direct effect on E:\FR\FM\MIKE.XXX MIKE 890 Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 5 / Tuesday, January 9, 2007 / Rules and Regulations the States, on the relationship between the national Government and the States, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels of government. For the reasons discussed above, I certify that the regulation: 1. Is not a ‘‘significant regulatory action’’ under Executive Order 12866; 2. Is not a ‘‘significant rule’’ under the DOT Regulatory Policies and Procedures (44 FR 11034, February 26, 1979); and 3. Will not have a significant economic impact, positive or negative, on a substantial number of small entities under the criteria of the Regulatory Flexibility Act. We prepared an economic evaluation of the estimated costs to comply with this AD. See the DMS to examine the economic evaluation. Authority for This Rulemaking Title 49 of the United States Code specifies the FAA’s authority to issue rules on aviation safety. Subtitle I, Section 106, describes the authority of the FAA Administrator. Subtitle VII, Aviation Programs, describes in more bajohnson on PROD1PC69 with RULES Model 206A & B; Blade, P/N 206–016–201– 133, S/N with prefix ‘‘CS’’ and no ‘‘V’’ suffix 1381 1492 1520 1550 1556 1560 1562 1564 1569 1609 1611 1612 1614 1633 1677 1678 1680 1684 1789 1810 1814 1816 1820 1823 1834 1838 1840 1846 1848 1884 1889 1896 1900 1904 1909 1915 1916 1919 through 1442 through 1517 through 1542 through 1631 through 1675 1682 1787 1803 1812 through 1831 through 1836 through 1844 through through through through 1882 1887 1893 1898 through 1912 through 1921 VerDate Aug 31 2005 03:41 Jan 09, 2007 Jkt 211001 PART 39—AIRWORTHINESS DIRECTIVES 1. The authority citation for part 39 continues to read as follows: I Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701. § 39.13 [Amended] 2. Section 39.13 is amended by removing Amendment 39–13884 (69 FR 69810, December 1, 2004) and by adding a new airworthiness directive (AD), Amendment 39–14877, to read as follows: I Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation safety, Safety. 2007–01–06 Bell Helicopter Textron Canada: Amendment 39–14877. Docket No. FAA–2005–22696; Directorate Identifier 2005–SW–22–AD. Supersedes AD 2004– 24–08, Amendment 39–13884, Docket No. 2004–SW–12–AD. Adoption of the Amendment Applicability Accordingly, pursuant to the authority delegated to me by the Administrator, the Federal Aviation Administration amends part 39 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR part 39) as follows: Model 206A, B, L, L–1, L–3, and L–4 helicopters, with a tail rotor blade (blade) with the following part number (P/N) and serial number (S/N) installed, certificated in any category. List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 39 I Model 206A, B, L, L–1, L–3, & L–4; Blade, P/N 206–016–201–131, S/N with prefix ‘‘CS’’ and no ‘‘V’’ suffix 7000 7020 7045 7052 7134 7248 7272 7279 7342 7784 7786 7788 7790 7798 7821 7835 7841 8003 8029 8064 8119 8121 8142 8178 8264 8298 8370 8378 8419 8421 8425 8430 8440 8441 8443 8445 8449 8608 through 1567 through 1606 through through through through detail the scope of the Agency’s authority. We are issuing this rulemaking under the authority described in Subtitle VII, Part A, Subpart III, Section 44701, ‘‘General requirements.’’ Under that section, Congress charges the FAA with promoting safe flight of civil aircraft in air commerce by prescribing regulations for practices, methods, and procedures the Administrator finds necessary for safety in air commerce. This regulation is within the scope of that authority because it addresses an unsafe condition that is likely to exist or develop on products identified in this rulemaking action. PO 00000 through through through through through through through through through 7018 7043 7050 7132 7246 7270 7277 7339 7368 through through through through through through through through 7796 7819 7833 7839 8001 8026 8061 8117 through through through through through through through 10174 10220 10232 10235 10237 10244 10245 10248 10250 10266 10270 10276 10280 10284 10296 10300 10332 10333 10335 10349 10351 10363 10367 10373 10374 10377 10387 10410 10414 10419 10430 10432 10437 10438 10442 10458 10469 10470 8139 8176 8262 8294 8368 8375 8416 through 8428 through 8438 through 8447 through 8606 through 8622 Frm 00016 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\MIKE.XXX through 10218 through 10241 through through through through through through 10264 10268 10274 10278 10282 10292 through 10330 through 10347 through 10359 through 10365 through 10385 through 10408 through 10417 through 10427 through 10445 through 10466 MIKE Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 5 / Tuesday, January 9, 2007 / Rules and Regulations bajohnson on PROD1PC69 with RULES 1924 1928 1933 1934 1943 1945 1947 1948 1952 1960 1962 8624 through 8626 8628 through 8632 8635 through 8653 8655 through 8686 8690 8692 through 8700 8703 through 8715 8717 through 8722 8724 through 8742 8745 through 8828 8830 through 8835 8838 through 8840 8842 through 8881 8883 through 9032 9034 through 9139 9141 through 9198 9200 9202 through 9302 9304 through 9339 9341 through 9371 9373 through 9411 9413 9415 through 9417 9419 through 9496 9498 through 9585 9587 through 9594 9596 through 9618 9621 through 9629 9632 through 9642 9645 through 9651 9653 through 9673 9675 through 9707 9709 through 9724 9727 through 9731 9733 through 9735 9737 through 9739 9741 through 9748 9751 through 9785 9787 9788 9790 through 9792 9795 through 9847 9849 through 9928 9930 through 9937 9940 through 9942 9944 through 9952 9955 through 9972 9974 through 9989 9991 through 9995 9997 through 10004 10006 through 10009 10011 10013 through 10018 10021 through 10030 10034 10036 through 10057 10061 through 10082 10090 through 10092 10094 through 10100 10102 through 10114 10116 10119 10121 10123 through 10134 10136 through 10140 10142 through 10144 10146 through 10172 through 1931 through 1939 through 1957 through 1965 Compliance Required as indicated. To prevent blade failure and subsequent loss of control of the helicopter, do the following: VerDate Aug 31 2005 03:41 Jan 09, 2007 891 Jkt 211001 10474 10476 10480 10489 10493 10497 10505 10591 10608 10612 10623 10624 10631 10657 10672 10673 10676 10680 10685 10687 10689 10707 10712 10715 10730 10732 10736 10738 10739 10746 10750 10756 10760 10761 10765 10770 10774 10778 10781 10783 10792 10794 10798 10799 10806 10811 10814 10824 10825 10829 10831 10917 10923 10931 10936 10937 10940 10943 10945 10947 10948 10964 10965 10973 10982 10985 10986 (a) Before further flight, unless accomplished previously, and before installing any blade with a P/N and S/N listed in the applicability section of this AD, clean the blade. Using a 10X or higher magnifying glass, inspect both sides of each blade for a deformation, a crack, and a bent or deformed weight in the area shown in Figure 1 of this AD. Note 1: Paint irregularities on the blade may indicate a crack. PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\MIKE.XXX through through through through through through through through through 10478 10487 10491 10495 10503 10588 10606 10610 10620 through 10655 through 10669 through 10678 through 10683 through 10702 through 10734 through 10776 through 10785 through 10808 through 10822 MIKE Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 5 / Tuesday, January 9, 2007 / Rules and Regulations (b) After doing paragraph (a) of this AD, at the following intervals, clean both sides of each blade and do either paragraph (1) or (2) as follows: (1) At intervals not to exceed 12 hours time-in-service (TIS), using a 10X or higher magnifying glass, inspect both sides of each blade for a deformation, a crack, and a bent or deformed weight in the area shown in Figure 1 of this AD, or (2) Inspect and check both sides of each blade for a deformation, a crack, and a bent or deformed weight in the area shown in Figure 1 of this AD as follows: (i) Using a 10X or higher magnifying glass, inspect at intervals not to exceed 24 hours TIS, and (ii) Check at intervals not to exceed 3 hours TIS between the inspections required by paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this AD. An owner/ operator (pilot), holding at least a private pilot certificate, may perform this visual check and must enter compliance with this paragraph into the helicopter maintenance records by following 14 CFR sections 43.11 and 91.417(a)(2)(v). (c) Before further flight, replace any blade that has a deformation, a crack, or a bent or deformed weight with an airworthy blade. Note 2: Bell Helicopter Textron Alert Service Bulletin No. 206–04–100 for Model 206A and B and No. 206L–04–127 for Model 206L series, both Revision C, both dated March 5, 2005, pertain to the subject of this AD. VerDate Aug 31 2005 03:41 Jan 09, 2007 Jkt 211001 (d) On or before April 27, 2007, for any affected part-numbered blade with a S/N listed in the applicability section of this AD: (1) Replace the blade with a blade that has a S/N other than one listed in the applicability section of this AD, or (2) Replace the blade with a blade that has a S/N listed in the applicability section of this AD and also has a ‘‘V’’ suffix. (e) Replacing each blade with an airworthy blade as required by paragraph (d) of this AD constitutes terminating action for the requirements of this AD. (f) To request a different method of compliance or a different compliance time for this AD, follow the procedures in 14 CFR 39.19. Contact the Safety Management Group, Rotorcraft Directorate, FAA, ATTN: Sharon Miles, Aviation Safety Engineer, Regulations and Guidance Group, Fort Worth, Texas 76193–0111, telephone (817) 222–5122, fax (817) 222–5961, for information about previously approved alternative methods of compliance. (g) This amendment becomes effective on February 13, 2007. Note 3: The subject of this AD is addressed in Transport Canada (Canada) AD No. CF– 2004–05R1, dated June 28, 2004. PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 Issued in Fort Worth, Texas, on December 26, 2006. David A. Downey, Manager, Rotorcraft Directorate, Aircraft Certification Service. [FR Doc. E7–39 Filed 1–8–07; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4910–13–P DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [FAA–2006–26518; Directorate Identifier 2006–CE–84–AD; Amendment 39–14874; AD 2007–01–03] RIN 2120–AA64 Airworthiness Directives; Stemme GmbH & Co. KG Model S10–VT Gliders Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT. ACTION: Final rule; request for comments. AGENCY: SUMMARY: We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for the products listed above. This AD results from mandatory continuing airworthiness information (MCAI) E:\FR\FM\MIKE.XXX MIKE ER09JA07.003 bajohnson on PROD1PC69 with RULES 892


[Federal Register Volume 72, Number 5 (Tuesday, January 9, 2007)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 889-892]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E7-39]



Federal Aviation Administration

14 CFR Part 39

[Docket No. FAA-2005-22696; Directorate Identifier 2005-SW-22-AD; 
Amendment 39-14877; AD 2007-01-06]
RIN 2120-AA64

Airworthiness Directives; Bell Helicopter Textron Canada Model 
206A, B, L, L-1, L-3, and L-4 Helicopters

AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration, DOT.

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: This amendment supersedes an existing airworthiness directive 
(AD) for the specified Bell Helicopter Textron Canada (BHTC) model 
helicopters. The existing AD currently requires certain inspections and 
checks of the tail rotor blade (blade) for a deformation, a crack, and 
a bent or deformed tail rotor weight (weight). Also, that AD requires, 
before further flight, replacing each blade with an airworthy blade if 
a deformation, a crack, or a bent or deformed weight is found. This 
action contains the same actions as the existing AD and also adds to 
the applicability certain serial-numbered blades inadvertently omitted 
from the current AD. This action also requires replacing each affected 
blade, which is a terminating action. This amendment is prompted by 
three reports of skin cracks originating near the blade trailing edge 
balance weight. The actions specified by this AD are intended to 
prevent blade failure and subsequent loss of control of the helicopter.

DATES: Effective February 13, 2007.

ADDRESSES: You may get the service information identified in this AD 
from Bell Helicopter Textron Canada, 12,800 Rue de l'Avenir, Mirabel, 
Quebec J7J1R4, telephone (450) 437-2862 or (800) 363-8023, fax (450) 

Examining the Docket

    You may examine the docket that contains this AD, any comments, and 
other information on the Internet at, or at the 
Docket Management System (DMS), U.S. Department of Transportation, 400 
Seventh Street, SW., Room PL-401, on the plaza level of the Nassif 
Building, Washington, DC.

Engineer, FAA, Rotorcraft Directorate, Regulations and Guidance Group, 
Fort Worth, Texas 76193-0111, telephone (817) 222-5122, fax (817) 222-

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: A proposal to amend 14 CFR part 39 by 
superseding AD 2004-24-08, Amendment 39-13884 (69 FR 69810, December 1, 
2004), for the specified BHTC model helicopters was published in the 
Federal Register on October 17, 2005 (70 FR 60246). This action 
contains the same actions as the existing AD. Also, when we issued AD 
2004-24-08, we intentionally did not include the long-term requirement 
(no later than April 27, 2007) for removing and sending the affected 
blades to Rotor Blades, Inc. as specified by the manufacturer. We are 
including a long-term requirement in this AD that the affected blades 
be replaced on or before April 27, 2007, as terminating action. 
Additionally, in AD 2004-24-08, we inadvertently omitted blade serial 
numbers 10102 through 10114 from the applicability. We are correcting 
that oversight with this action.
    Since issuing AD 2004-24-08, BHTC has issued Alert Service Bulletin 
206-04-100 for Bell Model 206A and B helicopters, and 206L-04-127 for 
Bell Model 206L series helicopters, both Revision C, both dated March 
5, 2005 (ASB). These ASBs add two warnings in the compliance section 
specifying returning the blade for balancing to Rotor Blades, Inc., and 
introduce new skin damage limits that supersede the previous damage 
limits. The ASB also gives a new address for Rotor Blades Inc.
    Transport Canada, the airworthiness authority for Canada, notified 
the FAA that an unsafe condition may exist on these helicopter models. 
Transport Canada advises of three reports of skin cracks originating 
near the blade trailing edge balance weight. Two of the occurrences 
caused a loss of the weight and a strip of material along the trailing 
edge leading to an imbalance, which caused the fracture of three of the 
four tail rotor gearbox attachments. One of these occurrences resulted 
in the gearbox shifting that caused failure of the drive shaft and 
resulting loss of yaw control. Transport Canada issued AD No. CF-2004-
05R1, dated June 28, 2004, to ensure the continued airworthiness of 
these helicopters in Canada.
    These helicopter models are manufactured in Canada and are type 
certificated for operation in the United States under the provisions of 
14 CFR 21.29 and the applicable bilateral agreement. Pursuant to the 
applicable bilateral agreement, Transport Canada has kept the FAA 
informed of the situation described above. The FAA has examined the 
findings of Transport Canada, reviewed all available information, and 
determined that AD action is necessary for products of these type 
designs that are certificated for operation in the United States.
    Interested persons have been afforded an opportunity to participate 
in the making of this amendment. No comments were received on the 
proposal or the FAA's determination of the cost to the public. The FAA 
has determined that air safety and the public interest require the 
adoption of the rule as proposed, except for a change in paragraph (f) 
of the AD to add additional contact information. This change will 
neither increase the economic burden on any operator nor increase the 
scope of the AD.
    The FAA estimates that this AD will:
     Affect 2194 helicopters of U.S. registry,
     Take about \1/4\ work hour for a blade check or 
inspection, and
     Take 3 work hours to replace a blade at an average labor 
rate of $65 per work hour.
     Cost about $5848 per helicopter. (In its ASB, the 
manufacturer states it will give warranty credit based on hour usage on 
the blade with remaining life hours and other restrictions.)
    Based on these figures, we estimate the total cost impact of the AD 
on U.S. operators to be $19,989,973. Costs assume--200 pilot checks, 26 
mechanic inspections, and one blade replacement for 90 percent of the 
fleet with a nonconforming blade.

Regulatory Findings

    We have determined that this AD will not have federalism 
implications under Executive Order 13132. This AD will not have a 
substantial direct effect on

[[Page 890]]

the States, on the relationship between the national Government and the 
States, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities among the 
various levels of government.
    For the reasons discussed above, I certify that the regulation:
    1. Is not a ``significant regulatory action'' under Executive Order 
    2. Is not a ``significant rule'' under the DOT Regulatory Policies 
and Procedures (44 FR 11034, February 26, 1979); and
    3. Will not have a significant economic impact, positive or 
negative, on a substantial number of small entities under the criteria 
of the Regulatory Flexibility Act.
    We prepared an economic evaluation of the estimated costs to comply 
with this AD. See the DMS to examine the economic evaluation.

Authority for This Rulemaking

    Title 49 of the United States Code specifies the FAA's authority to 
issue rules on aviation safety. Subtitle I, Section 106, describes the 
authority of the FAA Administrator. Subtitle VII, Aviation Programs, 
describes in more detail the scope of the Agency's authority.
    We are issuing this rulemaking under the authority described in 
Subtitle VII, Part A, Subpart III, Section 44701, ``General 
requirements.'' Under that section, Congress charges the FAA with 
promoting safe flight of civil aircraft in air commerce by prescribing 
regulations for practices, methods, and procedures the Administrator 
finds necessary for safety in air commerce. This regulation is within 
the scope of that authority because it addresses an unsafe condition 
that is likely to exist or develop on products identified in this 
rulemaking action.

List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 39

    Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation safety, Safety.

Adoption of the Amendment

Accordingly, pursuant to the authority delegated to me by the 
Administrator, the Federal Aviation Administration amends part 39 of 
the Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR part 39) as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 39 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701.

Sec.  39.13  [Amended]

2. Section 39.13 is amended by removing Amendment 39-13884 (69 FR 
69810, December 1, 2004) and by adding a new airworthiness directive 
(AD), Amendment 39-14877, to read as follows:

2007-01-06 Bell Helicopter Textron Canada: Amendment 39-14877. 
Docket No. FAA-2005-22696; Directorate Identifier 2005-SW-22-AD. 
Supersedes AD 2004-24-08, Amendment 39-13884, Docket No. 2004-SW-12-


    Model 206A, B, L, L-1, L-3, and L-4 helicopters, with a tail 
rotor blade (blade) with the following part number (P/N) and serial 
number (S/N) installed, certificated in any category.

 Model 206A & B; Blade, P/N 206-016-    Model 206A, B, L, L-1, L-3, & L-4; Blade, P/N 206-016-201-131, S/N with
 201-133, S/N with prefix ``CS'' and                       prefix ``CS'' and no ``V'' suffix
           no ``V'' suffix
1381 through 1442                     7000 through 7018                     10174 through 10218
1492 through 1517                     7020 through 7043                     10220
1520 through 1542                     7045 through 7050                     10232
1550                                  7052 through 7132                     10235
1556                                  7134 through 7246                     10237 through 10241
1560                                  7248 through 7270                     10244
1562                                  7272 through 7277                     10245
1564 through 1567                     7279 through 7339                     10248
1569 through 1606                     7342 through 7368                     10250 through 10264
1609                                  7784                                  10266 through 10268
1611                                  7786                                  10270 through 10274
1612                                  7788                                  10276 through 10278
1614 through 1631                     7790 through 7796                     10280 through 10282
1633 through 1675                     7798 through 7819                     10284 through 10292
1677                                  7821 through 7833                     10296
1678                                  7835 through 7839                     10300 through 10330
1680 through 1682                     7841 through 8001                     10332
1684 through 1787                     8003 through 8026                     10333
1789 through 1803                     8029 through 8061                     10335 through 10347
1810 through 1812                     8064 through 8117                     10349
1814                                  8119                                  10351 through 10359
1816                                  8121 through 8139                     10363 through 10365
1820                                  8142 through 8176                     10367
1823 through 1831                     8178 through 8262                     10373
1834 through 1836                     8264 through 8294                     10374
1838                                  8298 through 8368                     10377 through 10385
1840 through 1844                     8370 through 8375                     10387 through 10408
1846                                  8378 through 8416                     10410
1848 through 1882                     8419                                  10414 through 10417
1884 through 1887                     8421                                  10419 through 10427
1889 through 1893                     8425 through 8428                     10430
1896 through 1898                     8430 through 8438                     10432
1900                                  8440                                  10437
1904                                  8441                                  10438
1909 through 1912                     8443                                  10442 through 10445
1915                                  8445 through 8447                     10458 through 10466
1916                                  8449 through 8606                     10469
1919 through 1921                     8608 through 8622                     10470

[[Page 891]]

1924                                  8624 through 8626                     10474
1928 through 1931                     8628 through 8632                     10476 through 10478
1933                                  8635 through 8653                     10480 through 10487
1934 through 1939                     8655 through 8686                     10489 through 10491
1943                                  8690                                  10493 through 10495
1945                                  8692 through 8700                     10497 through 10503
1947                                  8703 through 8715                     10505 through 10588
1948                                  8717 through 8722                     10591 through 10606
1952 through 1957                     8724 through 8742                     10608 through 10610
1960                                  8745 through 8828                     10612 through 10620
1962 through 1965                     8830 through 8835                     10623
                                      8838 through 8840                     10624
                                      8842 through 8881                     10631 through 10655
                                      8883 through 9032                     10657 through 10669
                                      9034 through 9139                     10672
                                      9141 through 9198                     10673
                                      9200                                  10676 through 10678
                                      9202 through 9302                     10680 through 10683
                                      9304 through 9339                     10685
                                      9341 through 9371                     10687
                                      9373 through 9411                     10689 through 10702
                                      9413                                  10707
                                      9415 through 9417                     10712
                                      9419 through 9496                     10715
                                      9498 through 9585                     10730
                                      9587 through 9594                     10732 through 10734
                                      9596 through 9618                     10736
                                      9621 through 9629                     10738
                                      9632 through 9642                     10739
                                      9645 through 9651                     10746
                                      9653 through 9673                     10750
                                      9675 through 9707                     10756
                                      9709 through 9724                     10760
                                      9727 through 9731                     10761
                                      9733 through 9735                     10765
                                      9737 through 9739                     10770
                                      9741 through 9748                     10774 through 10776
                                      9751 through 9785                     10778
                                      9787                                  10781
                                      9788                                  10783 through 10785
                                      9790 through 9792                     10792
                                      9795 through 9847                     10794
                                      9849 through 9928                     10798
                                      9930 through 9937                     10799
                                      9940 through 9942                     10806 through 10808
                                      9944 through 9952                     10811
                                      9955 through 9972                     10814 through 10822
                                      9974 through 9989                     10824
                                      9991 through 9995                     10825
                                      9997 through 10004                    10829
                                      10006 through 10009                   10831
                                      10011                                 10917
                                      10013 through 10018                   10923
                                      10021 through 10030                   10931
                                      10034                                 10936
                                      10036 through 10057                   10937
                                      10061 through 10082                   10940
                                      10090 through 10092                   10943
                                      10094 through 10100                   10945
                                      10102 through 10114                   10947
                                      10116                                 10948
                                      10119                                 10964
                                      10121                                 10965
                                      10123 through 10134                   10973
                                      10136 through 10140                   10982
                                      10142 through 10144                   10985
                                      10146 through 10172                   10986


    Required as indicated.
    To prevent blade failure and subsequent loss of control of the 
helicopter, do the following:
    (a) Before further flight, unless accomplished previously, and 
before installing any blade with a P/N and S/N listed in the 
applicability section of this AD, clean the blade. Using a 10X or 
higher magnifying glass, inspect both sides of each blade for a 
deformation, a crack, and a bent or deformed weight in the area 
shown in Figure 1 of this AD.

    Note 1: Paint irregularities on the blade may indicate a crack.

[[Page 892]]


    (b) After doing paragraph (a) of this AD, at the following 
intervals, clean both sides of each blade and do either paragraph 
(1) or (2) as follows:
    (1) At intervals not to exceed 12 hours time-in-service (TIS), 
using a 10X or higher magnifying glass, inspect both sides of each 
blade for a deformation, a crack, and a bent or deformed weight in 
the area shown in Figure 1 of this AD, or
    (2) Inspect and check both sides of each blade for a 
deformation, a crack, and a bent or deformed weight in the area 
shown in Figure 1 of this AD as follows:
    (i) Using a 10X or higher magnifying glass, inspect at intervals 
not to exceed 24 hours TIS, and
    (ii) Check at intervals not to exceed 3 hours TIS between the 
inspections required by paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this AD. An owner/
operator (pilot), holding at least a private pilot certificate, may 
perform this visual check and must enter compliance with this 
paragraph into the helicopter maintenance records by following 14 
CFR sections 43.11 and 91.417(a)(2)(v).
    (c) Before further flight, replace any blade that has a 
deformation, a crack, or a bent or deformed weight with an airworthy 

    Note 2: Bell Helicopter Textron Alert Service Bulletin No. 206-
04-100 for Model 206A and B and No. 206L-04-127 for Model 206L 
series, both Revision C, both dated March 5, 2005, pertain to the 
subject of this AD.

    (d) On or before April 27, 2007, for any affected part-numbered 
blade with a S/N listed in the applicability section of this AD:
    (1) Replace the blade with a blade that has a S/N other than one 
listed in the applicability section of this AD, or
    (2) Replace the blade with a blade that has a S/N listed in the 
applicability section of this AD and also has a ``V'' suffix.
    (e) Replacing each blade with an airworthy blade as required by 
paragraph (d) of this AD constitutes terminating action for the 
requirements of this AD.
    (f) To request a different method of compliance or a different 
compliance time for this AD, follow the procedures in 14 CFR 39.19. 
Contact the Safety Management Group, Rotorcraft Directorate, FAA, 
ATTN: Sharon Miles, Aviation Safety Engineer, Regulations and 
Guidance Group, Fort Worth, Texas 76193-0111, telephone (817) 222-
5122, fax (817) 222-5961, for information about previously approved 
alternative methods of compliance.
    (g) This amendment becomes effective on February 13, 2007.

    Note 3: The subject of this AD is addressed in Transport Canada 
(Canada) AD No. CF-2004-05R1, dated June 28, 2004.

    Issued in Fort Worth, Texas, on December 26, 2006.
David A. Downey,
Manager, Rotorcraft Directorate, Aircraft Certification Service.
 [FR Doc. E7-39 Filed 1-8-07; 8:45 am]
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