Notice of Availability of a Draft Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact for Improvements to the Lateral A/Retamal Dike Levee System, in the Lower Rio Grande Flood Control Project, located in Hidalgo County, TX, 797-798 [E7-46]
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 4 / Monday, January 8, 2007 / Notices
While the current LORAN–C system
is based on technology developed in the
1960’s, a portion of the stations have
been updated to allow for an enhanced
signal (Enhanced LORAN) once the
entire system is upgraded. More
information about Enhanced LORAN
(eLORAN) is available at: https:// Although
eLORAN would improve both the
accuracy and reliability of LORAN
transmissions, and provide a precise
timing service, further capital
investment would be required before
such a system would be fully
The Department of Transportation
and the Department of Homeland
Security are evaluating: (1)
Decommissioning the LORAN system,
(2) maintaining the system as currently
configured, and (3) whether further
investment in modernizing and
improving LORAN is in the public
Next Steps for this Project
At this time, the Department of
Transportation and the Department of
Homeland Security seek public input on
the various decisions currently under
consideration, namely (1) the extent to
which the current LORAN–C in its
current form is used for positioning,
navigation and timing, and (2) the
extent to which eLORAN would be
applied to these same practices as either
a complementary service or as a backup
to GPS. After considering all comments,
the Department of Transportation and
the Department of Homeland Security
will inform the public of the agreed
course of action with respect to future
investment in LORAN.
Dated: December 22, 2006.
Robert Zitz,
Deputy Under Secretary for Preparedness,
Department of Homeland Security.
Jeffrey N. Shane,
Under Secretary for Policy, Department of
[FR Doc. E6–22421 Filed 1–5–07; 8:45 am]
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
VerDate Aug<31>2005
17:57 Jan 05, 2007
Jkt 211001
Notice of Availability of a Draft
Environmental Assessment and
Finding of No Significant Impact for
Improvements to the Lateral A/Retamal
Dike Levee System, in the Lower Rio
Grande Flood Control Project, located
in Hidalgo County, TX
United States Section,
International Boundary and Water
Commission, United States and Mexico.
ACTION: Notice of Availability of Draft
Environmental Assessment (EA) and
Draft Finding of No Significant Impact
SUMMARY: Pursuant to Section 102(2)(c)
of the National Environmental Policy
Act (NEPA) of 1969, the Council on
Environmental Quality Final
Regulations (40 CFR Parts 1500 through
1508), and the United States Section,
International Boundary and Water
Commission’s (USIBWC) Operational
Procedures for Implementing Section
102 of NEPA, published in the Federal
Register September 2, 1981, (46 FR
44083); the USIBWC hereby gives notice
that the Draft Environmental
Assessment and FONSI for
Improvements to the Lateral A/Retamal
Dike Levee System, in the Lower Rio
Grande Flood Control Project, located in
Hidalgo County, Texas, are available.
Daniel Borunda, Environmental
Protection Specialist, Environmental
Management Division, United States
Section, International Boundary and
Water Commission; 4171 N. Mesa, C–
100; El Paso, Texas 79902. Telephone:
(915) 832–4767; e-mail:
DATES: Comments on the Draft EA and
Draft FONSI will be accepted through
February 5, 2007.
The USIBWC is authorized to
construct, operate, and maintain any
project or works projected by the United
States of America on the Lower Rio
Grande Flood Control Project (LRGFCP),
as authorized by the Act of the 74th
Congress, Sess. I Ch. 561 (H.R. 6453),
approved August 19, 1935 (49 Stat. 660),
and codified at 22 U.S.C. Section 277,
277a, 277b, 277c, and Acts amendatory
thereof and supplementary thereto. The
LRGFCP was constructed to protect
urban, suburban, and highly developed
irrigated farmland along the Rio Grande
delta in the United States and Mexico.
PO 00000
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The USIBWC, in cooperation with the
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
(USFWS), prepared this Draft
Environmental Assessment (Draft EA)
for the proposed action of raising the
Lateral A/Retamal Dike Levee System
located in Hidalgo County, Texas to
improve flood control. This levee
system is part of the LRGFCP that
extends approximately 180 miles from
the Town of Penitas in south Texas to
the Gulf of Mexico. The Lateral A/
Retamal Dike Levee System extends
approximately 14 miles, from the
Carlson Settling Basin to Retamal
Diversion Dam.
Proposed Action
The Proposed Action would increase
the flood containment capacity of the
Lateral A/Retamal Dike System to meet
the 3-foot freeboard design criterion for
flood protection. Throughout the
approximately 11.5-mile Lateral A
segment, height increases between 1.5
and 4 feet are typically needed to reach
the design freeboard value. For the 3.5mile Retamal Dike segment, typical
increases in levee height range from 0 to
2 feet. The increase in levee height will
result in an expansion to the levee
footprint by lateral extension of the
structure. Structural improvements,
such as a slurry cutoff barrier or a
riverside impermeable liner, may be
required for some levee segments where
seepage is a potential problem.
Alternatives to the Proposed Action
A No Action Alternative was
evaluated for the Lateral A/Retamal
Dike System. This alternative will retain
the existing configuration of the system,
as designed over 30 years ago, and the
current level of protection currently
associated with this system. Under
severe storm events, current
containment capacity may be
insufficient to fully control Rio Grande
flooding, with risks to personal safety
and potential property damage.
Summary of Findings
Pursuant to NEPA guidance (40 Code
of Federal Regulations 1500–1508), The
President’s Council on Environmental
Quality issued regulations for NEPA
implementation which included
provisions for both the content and
procedural aspects of the required
Environmental Assessment. The
USIBWC completed an EA of the
potential environmental consequences
of raising the Lateral A/Retamal Dike
System to meet current requirements for
flood control. The EA, which supports
this Finding of No Significant Impact,
evaluated the Proposed Action and No
Action Alternative.
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 4 / Monday, January 8, 2007 / Notices
Levee System Evaluation
No Action Alternative
The No Action Alternative was
evaluated as the single alternative action
to the Proposed Action. The No Action
Alternative will retain the current
configuration of the Lateral A/Retamal
Dike System, with no impacts to
biological and cultural resources, land
use, community resources, or
environmental health issues. In terms of
flood protection, however, current
containment capacity under the No
Action Alternative may be insufficient
to fully control Rio Grande flooding
under severe storm events, with
associated risks to personal safety and
Proposed Action
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
Biological Resources
Improvements to the Lateral A/
Retamal Dike Levee would require
vegetation removal. The approximate
removal is 151 acres of herbaceous
vegetation, 3 acres of Mesquite-Acacia
woodland, and 8 acres of Texas EbonyAnacua forest. Given its small extent,
woodland removal would have a
minimum impact on wildlife habitat. No
significant effects are anticipated for any
of the 25 threatened and endangered
species with potential habitat near the
right-of-way (ROW). None of 17
wetlands located within the ROW are
located within the construction corridor
and would be impacted by the potential
levee expansion. Indirect impacts to
wetlands near the corridor will be
avoided, as required, by modification of
the levee expansion alignment.
Cultural Resources
Improvements to the Lateral A/
Retamal Levee system may adversely
affect known archaeological resources,
by mechanical excavation or by burial
under the expanded levee footprint.
Resources potentially affected include
nine areas with a high probability to
contain historic or prehistoric
archaeological materials, and two
known archaeological sites. Historic-age
resources would also be affected,
primarily structures associated with
irrigation canals along the levee. These
resources are the levee, canals, weir
gates, standpipes, bridges, and
residential structures. Several of the
historic-age resources identified are
located landside of the levee, across
irrigation canals, and will not be
adversely affected or minimally
Water Resources
Improvements to the levee system
would increase flood containment
VerDate Aug<31>2005
17:57 Jan 05, 2007
Jkt 211001
capacity to control the design flood
event with a negligible increase in water
surface elevation. Levee footprint
expansion would not affect water
Land Use
The expansion would take place
almost completely within the ROW.
Removal of approximately 3 acres of
woodlands from natural resources
management areas would be required.
Levee expansion would affect less than
1 acre of active agricultural areas. Two
irrigation canals along the levee would
be temporarily affected by construction
activities. There is a minimum potential
for impacts on urban areas since no
residential developments are located
near the levee.
Community Resources
In terms of socioeconomic resources,
the influx of federal funds into Hidalgo
County from the levee improvement
would have a positive local economic
impact limited to the construction
period; the impact would represent less
than 1 percent of the annual county
employment, income and sales values.
No adverse impacts to
disproportionately high minority and
low-income populations were identified
for construction activities. Moderate
utilization of public roads is required
during construction; a temporary
increase in access road use would be
required for equipment mobilization to
staging areas.
Environmental Health Issues
Estimated air emissions of five criteria
pollutants during construction represent
less than 0.7 percent of the Hidalgo
County annual emissions inventory.
There would be a moderate increase in
ambient noise levels due to excavation
and fill activities. No long-term and
regular exposure is expected above
noise threshold values. A database
search identified no waste storage or
disposal sites within the expanded levee
footprint and its vicinity.
barriers and soil wetting to minimize
To protect vegetation, the
construction corridor may be revegetated with herbaceous or woody
vegetation, as agreed with the natural
resources management organization
where the corridor is located. Final
surveys prior to the start of the project
would determine the types and amounts
of vegetation to be removed, and
separation between construction
corridor and boundaries of wetlands. To
protect wildlife, construction activities
will be scheduled to occur, to the extent
possible, outside the bird migratory
If buried cultural materials are
encountered during construction, work
would cease and notification given to
the State Historic Preservation Officer.
Mitigation actions recommended by the
Texas Historical Commission (THC) for
potential impacts to historical or
archaeological resources will be
specified in a Memorandum of
Agreement between THC and the
Single hard copies of the Draft
Environmental Assessment and Finding
of No Significant Impact may be
obtained by request at the above
address. Electronic copies may also be
obtained from the USIBWC Home Page
Dated: December 29, 2006.
Allen Thomas,
Attorney Advisor.
[FR Doc. E7–46 Filed 1–5–07; 8:45 am]
Hearing of the Judicial Conference
Advisory Committee on Rules of
Bankruptcy Procedure
Best Management Practices and
Judicial Conference of the
United States, Advisory Committee on
Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure.
ACTION: Notice of cancellation of open
Engineering design measures will be
used, including optimization of the
levee expansion alignment to avoid
impacts on wooded vegetation,
wetlands, and other natural resources.
Riverside expansion will be used for a
majority of the Lateral A/Retamal Dike
Levee System. During construction, best
management practices will include
development of a storm water pollution
prevention plan to minimize impacts of
receiving waters, and use of sediment
SUMMARY: The public hearing on
proposed amendments to the Federal
Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure,
scheduled for January 22, in
Washington, DC, has been canceled.
[Original notice of hearing appeared in
the Federal Register of October 2, 2006.]
K. Rabiej, Chief, Rules Committee
Support Office, Administrative Office of
the United States Courts, Washington,
DC 20544, telephone (202) 502–1820.
PO 00000
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[Federal Register Volume 72, Number 4 (Monday, January 8, 2007)]
[Pages 797-798]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E7-46]
Notice of Availability of a Draft Environmental Assessment and
Finding of No Significant Impact for Improvements to the Lateral A/
Retamal Dike Levee System, in the Lower Rio Grande Flood Control
Project, located in Hidalgo County, TX
AGENCY: United States Section, International Boundary and Water
Commission, United States and Mexico.
ACTION: Notice of Availability of Draft Environmental Assessment (EA)
and Draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI).
SUMMARY: Pursuant to Section 102(2)(c) of the National Environmental
Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, the Council on Environmental Quality Final
Regulations (40 CFR Parts 1500 through 1508), and the United States
Section, International Boundary and Water Commission's (USIBWC)
Operational Procedures for Implementing Section 102 of NEPA, published
in the Federal Register September 2, 1981, (46 FR 44083); the USIBWC
hereby gives notice that the Draft Environmental Assessment and FONSI
for Improvements to the Lateral A/Retamal Dike Levee System, in the
Lower Rio Grande Flood Control Project, located in Hidalgo County,
Texas, are available.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Daniel Borunda, Environmental
Protection Specialist, Environmental Management Division, United States
Section, International Boundary and Water Commission; 4171 N. Mesa, C-
100; El Paso, Texas 79902. Telephone: (915) 832-4767; e-mail:
DATES: Comments on the Draft EA and Draft FONSI will be accepted
through February 5, 2007.
The USIBWC is authorized to construct, operate, and maintain any
project or works projected by the United States of America on the Lower
Rio Grande Flood Control Project (LRGFCP), as authorized by the Act of
the 74th Congress, Sess. I Ch. 561 (H.R. 6453), approved August 19,
1935 (49 Stat. 660), and codified at 22 U.S.C. Section 277, 277a, 277b,
277c, and Acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto. The LRGFCP
was constructed to protect urban, suburban, and highly developed
irrigated farmland along the Rio Grande delta in the United States and
The USIBWC, in cooperation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
(USFWS), prepared this Draft Environmental Assessment (Draft EA) for
the proposed action of raising the Lateral A/Retamal Dike Levee System
located in Hidalgo County, Texas to improve flood control. This levee
system is part of the LRGFCP that extends approximately 180 miles from
the Town of Pe[ntilde]itas in south Texas to the Gulf of Mexico. The
Lateral A/Retamal Dike Levee System extends approximately 14 miles,
from the Carlson Settling Basin to Retamal Diversion Dam.
Proposed Action
The Proposed Action would increase the flood containment capacity
of the Lateral A/Retamal Dike System to meet the 3-foot freeboard
design criterion for flood protection. Throughout the approximately
11.5-mile Lateral A segment, height increases between 1.5 and 4 feet
are typically needed to reach the design freeboard value. For the 3.5-
mile Retamal Dike segment, typical increases in levee height range from
0 to 2 feet. The increase in levee height will result in an expansion
to the levee footprint by lateral extension of the structure.
Structural improvements, such as a slurry cutoff barrier or a riverside
impermeable liner, may be required for some levee segments where
seepage is a potential problem.
Alternatives to the Proposed Action
A No Action Alternative was evaluated for the Lateral A/Retamal
Dike System. This alternative will retain the existing configuration of
the system, as designed over 30 years ago, and the current level of
protection currently associated with this system. Under severe storm
events, current containment capacity may be insufficient to fully
control Rio Grande flooding, with risks to personal safety and
potential property damage.
Summary of Findings
Pursuant to NEPA guidance (40 Code of Federal Regulations 1500-
1508), The President's Council on Environmental Quality issued
regulations for NEPA implementation which included provisions for both
the content and procedural aspects of the required Environmental
Assessment. The USIBWC completed an EA of the potential environmental
consequences of raising the Lateral A/Retamal Dike System to meet
current requirements for flood control. The EA, which supports this
Finding of No Significant Impact, evaluated the Proposed Action and No
Action Alternative.
[[Page 798]]
Levee System Evaluation
No Action Alternative
The No Action Alternative was evaluated as the single alternative
action to the Proposed Action. The No Action Alternative will retain
the current configuration of the Lateral A/Retamal Dike System, with no
impacts to biological and cultural resources, land use, community
resources, or environmental health issues. In terms of flood
protection, however, current containment capacity under the No Action
Alternative may be insufficient to fully control Rio Grande flooding
under severe storm events, with associated risks to personal safety and
Proposed Action
Biological Resources
Improvements to the Lateral A/Retamal Dike Levee would require
vegetation removal. The approximate removal is 151 acres of herbaceous
vegetation, 3 acres of Mesquite-Acacia woodland, and 8 acres of Texas
Ebony-Anacua forest. Given its small extent, woodland removal would
have a minimum impact on wildlife habitat. No significant effects are
anticipated for any of the 25 threatened and endangered species with
potential habitat near the right-of-way (ROW). None of 17 wetlands
located within the ROW are located within the construction corridor and
would be impacted by the potential levee expansion. Indirect impacts to
wetlands near the corridor will be avoided, as required, by
modification of the levee expansion alignment.
Cultural Resources
Improvements to the Lateral A/Retamal Levee system may adversely
affect known archaeological resources, by mechanical excavation or by
burial under the expanded levee footprint. Resources potentially
affected include nine areas with a high probability to contain historic
or prehistoric archaeological materials, and two known archaeological
sites. Historic-age resources would also be affected, primarily
structures associated with irrigation canals along the levee. These
resources are the levee, canals, weir gates, standpipes, bridges, and
residential structures. Several of the historic-age resources
identified are located landside of the levee, across irrigation canals,
and will not be adversely affected or minimally affected.
Water Resources
Improvements to the levee system would increase flood containment
capacity to control the design flood event with a negligible increase
in water surface elevation. Levee footprint expansion would not affect
water bodies.
Land Use
The expansion would take place almost completely within the ROW.
Removal of approximately 3 acres of woodlands from natural resources
management areas would be required. Levee expansion would affect less
than 1 acre of active agricultural areas. Two irrigation canals along
the levee would be temporarily affected by construction activities.
There is a minimum potential for impacts on urban areas since no
residential developments are located near the levee.
Community Resources
In terms of socioeconomic resources, the influx of federal funds
into Hidalgo County from the levee improvement would have a positive
local economic impact limited to the construction period; the impact
would represent less than 1 percent of the annual county employment,
income and sales values. No adverse impacts to disproportionately high
minority and low-income populations were identified for construction
activities. Moderate utilization of public roads is required during
construction; a temporary increase in access road use would be required
for equipment mobilization to staging areas.
Environmental Health Issues
Estimated air emissions of five criteria pollutants during
construction represent less than 0.7 percent of the Hidalgo County
annual emissions inventory. There would be a moderate increase in
ambient noise levels due to excavation and fill activities. No long-
term and regular exposure is expected above noise threshold values. A
database search identified no waste storage or disposal sites within
the expanded levee footprint and its vicinity.
Best Management Practices and Mitigation
Engineering design measures will be used, including optimization of
the levee expansion alignment to avoid impacts on wooded vegetation,
wetlands, and other natural resources. Riverside expansion will be used
for a majority of the Lateral A/Retamal Dike Levee System. During
construction, best management practices will include development of a
storm water pollution prevention plan to minimize impacts of receiving
waters, and use of sediment barriers and soil wetting to minimize
To protect vegetation, the construction corridor may be re-
vegetated with herbaceous or woody vegetation, as agreed with the
natural resources management organization where the corridor is
located. Final surveys prior to the start of the project would
determine the types and amounts of vegetation to be removed, and
separation between construction corridor and boundaries of wetlands. To
protect wildlife, construction activities will be scheduled to occur,
to the extent possible, outside the bird migratory season.
If buried cultural materials are encountered during construction,
work would cease and notification given to the State Historic
Preservation Officer. Mitigation actions recommended by the Texas
Historical Commission (THC) for potential impacts to historical or
archaeological resources will be specified in a Memorandum of Agreement
between THC and the USIBWC.
Single hard copies of the Draft Environmental Assessment and
Finding of No Significant Impact may be obtained by request at the
above address. Electronic copies may also be obtained from the USIBWC
Home Page at
Dated: December 29, 2006.
Allen Thomas,
Attorney Advisor.
[FR Doc. E7-46 Filed 1-5-07; 8:45 am]