Reader Aids, i-iii [FR-2007-01-04-ReaderAids]
[Federal Register Volume 72, Number 2 (Thursday, January 4, 2007)] [Reader Aids] [Pages i-iii] From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [] Reader Aids Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 2 / Thursday, January 4, 2007 / Reader Aids Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 2 / Thursday, January 4, 2007 / Reader Aids Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 2 / Thursday, January 4, 2007 / Reader Aids [[Page i]] CUSTOMER SERVICE AND INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------------- Federal Register/Code of Federal Regulations General Information, indexes and other finding 202-741-6000 aids Laws 741-6000 Presidential Documents Executive orders and proclamations 741-6000 The United States Government Manual 741-6000 Other Services Electronic and on-line services (voice) 741-6020 Privacy Act Compilation 741-6064 Public Laws Update Service (numbers, dates, etc.) 741-6043 TTY for the deaf-and-hard-of-hearing 741-6086 ========================================================== ELECTRONIC RESEARCH World Wide Web Full text of the daily Federal Register, CFR and other publications is located at: index.html Federal Register information and research tools, including Public Inspection List, indexes, and links to GPO Access are located at: E-mail FEDREGTOC-L (Federal Register Table of Contents LISTSERV) is an open e-mail service that provides subscribers with a digital form of the Federal Register Table of Contents. The digital form of the Federal Register Table of Contents includes HTML and PDF links to the full text of each document. To join or leave, go to and select Online mailing list archives, FEDREGTOC-L, Join or leave the list (or change settings); then follow the instructions. PENS (Public Law Electronic Notification Service) is an e- mail service that notifies subscribers of recently enacted laws. To subscribe, go to publaws-l.html and select Join or leave the list (or change settings); then follow the instructions. FEDREGTOC-L and PENS are mailing lists only. We cannot respond to specific inquiries. Reference questions. Send questions and comments about the Federal Register system to: The Federal Register staff cannot interpret specific documents or regulations. ========================================================== FEDERAL REGISTER PAGES AND DATE, JANUARY ---------------------------------------------------------- 1-246................................................... 3 247-462................................................. 4 6 ---------------------------------------------------------- CFR PARTS AFFECTED DURING JANUARY ---------------------------------------------------------- At the end of each month, the Office of the Federal Register publishes separately a List of CFR Sections Affected (LSA), which lists parts and sections affected by documents published since the revision date of each title. 3 CFR Proclamations: 6641 of 12/15/1993 (See Proc. 8097)................... 453 6763 of 12/23/1994 (See Proc. 8097)................... 453 6982 of 4/1/1997 (See Proc. 8095)..................... 429 7351 of 10/2/2000 (See Proc. 8097).................... 453 7512 of 12/7/2001 (See Proc. 8097).................... 453 7746 of 12/30/2003 (See Proc. 8097)................... 453 7747 of 12/30/2003 (See Proc. 8097)................... 453 7857 of 12/20/2004 (See Proc. 8097)................... 453 7971 of 12/22/2005 (See Proc. 8097)................... 453 7987 of 2/28/2006 (See Proc. 8097).................... 453 7991 of 3/24/2006 (See Proc. 8097).................... 453 7996 of 3/31/2006 (See Proc. 8097).................... 453 8034 of 6/30/2006 (See Proc. 8097).................... 453 8039 of 7/27/2006 (See Proc. 8097).................... 453 8093...................................................421 8094...................................................423 8095...................................................429 8096...................................................451 8097...................................................453 8098...................................................459 Executive Orders: 11582 (See EO 13421)...................................425 13421 (See EO 13421)...................................425 9 CFR 77.....................................................247 14 CFR 25.......................................................1 39........................................2, 247, 252, 256 Proposed Rules: 39......................................................50 61......................................................55 91......................................................55 135.....................................................55 17 CFR Proposed Rules: 230....................................................400 275....................................................400 18 CFR 50.....................................................198 380....................................................198 21 CFR 510....................................................260 520...............................................261, 262 522..........................................260, 263, 264 524....................................................264 22 CFR Proposed Rules: 9.......................................................59 24 CFR Proposed Rules: 570.....................................................62 26 CFR 1........................................................5 29 CFR 1915.....................................................7 38 CFR 3........................................................8 40 CFR 9......................................................368 52........................9, 11, 18, 20, 23, 200, 265, 267 63......................................................26 141....................................................368 142....................................................368 261.....................................................43 Proposed Rules: 35.....................................................293 52.........................................66, 67, 68, 296 63......................................................69 42 CFR Proposed Rules: 72......................................................92 44 CFR 65.....................................................269 67................................................272, 287 Proposed Rules: 67.....................................................297 50 CFR 648....................................................291 Proposed Rules: 17.....................................................321 635.....................................................96 [[Page ii]] REMINDERS The items in this list were editorially compiled as an aid to Federal Register users. Inclusion or exclusion from this list has no legal significance. RULES GOING INTO EFFECT JANUARY 4, 2007 AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Interstate transportation of animals and animal products (quarantine): Tuberculosis in cattle and bison-- State and zone designations; published 1-4-07 HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT Food and Drug Administration Animal drugs, feeds, and related products: Atipamezole; published 1-4-07 Chlorhexidine; published 1-4-07 Clomipramine tablets; published 1-4-07 Dexmedetomidine; published 1-4-07 Dirlotapide solution; published 1-4-07 Doxapram; published 1-4-07 Florfenicol; published 1-4-07 COMMENTS DUE NEXT WEEK AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT Agricultural Marketing Service Onions grown in Idaho and Oregon; comments due by 1-8-07; published 11- 7-06 [FR 06-09112] Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act; implementation: Electronic data interchange; trust benefit preservation; clarification; comments due by 1-8-07; published 11-8-06 [FR E6- 18826] AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT Commodity Credit Corporation Loan and purchase programs: Sugar Program-- Allocation shortfalls reassignment; comments due by 1-12-07; published 11-13-06 [FR E6-19076] AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT Food and Nutrition Service Child nutrition programs: National School Lunch Program-- Fluid milk substitutions; comments due by 1-8-07; published 11-9- 06 [FR 06-09136] AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration Barley protein testing; official fees and tolerances; comments due by 1- 8-07; published 11-8-06 [FR E6-18860] COMMERCE DEPARTMENT National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fishery conservation and management: West Coast States and Western Pacific fisheries-- Coastal pelagic species; comments due by 1-8-07; published 12-7-06 [FR E6-20770] Highly migratory species; comments due by 1-8-07; published 12-7- 06 [FR E6-20721] DEFENSE DEPARTMENT Defense Acquisition Regulations System Acquisition regulations: Contracting methods and contract type; comments due by 1-8-07; published 11-9-06 [FR E6-19034] Receiving reports for shipments; comments due by 1-8-07; published 11-9-06 [FR E6-19035] ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Air pollutants, hazardous; national emission standards: Gasoline distribution bulk terminals, pipeline facilities and gasoline dispensing facilities; comments due by 1-8-07; published 11-9-06 [FR E6-18656] Air pollution; standards of performance for new stationary sources: Volatile organic compounds (VOC)-- Synthetic organic chemicals manufacturing industry and petroleum refineries; equipment leaks; comments due by 1-8-07; published 11-7-06 [FR E6-18646] Air programs: Clean Air Act-- Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority; exemption; comments due by 1-12-07; published 12-13-06 [FR E6-21198] Air quality implementation plans; approval and promulgation; various States; air quality planning purposes; designation of areas: Michigan; comments due by 1-8-07; published 12-7-06 [FR E6-20639] Air quality implementation plans; approval and promulgation; various States: Delaware; comments due by 1-8-07; published 12-7-06 [FR E6-20650] South Carolina; comments due by 1-8-07; published 12-7-06 [FR E6- 20767] Toxic substances: Coke oven light oil (coal); testing requirements; revocation; comments due by 1-8-07; published 12-8-06 [FR E6-20908] FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Common carrier services: Missoula Intercarrier Compensation Reform Plan; comments due by 1-11- 07; published 12-6-06 [FR E6-20676] Radio services, special: Maritime communications; comments due by 1-8-07; published 11-8-06 [FR E6-18755] Television broadcasting: Advanced television (ATV) systems-- Digital television transition; DTV table of allotments; comments due by 1-11-07; published 11-15-06 [FR E6-18897] FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION Compliance procedures: Administrative fines challenges; comments due by 1-8-07; published 12-8-06 [FR E6-20735] Enforcement matters; policy statement; comments due by 1-8-07; published 12-8-06 [FR E6-20752] INTERIOR DEPARTMENT Fish and Wildlife Service Endangered and threatened species: Findings on petitions, etc.-- Colorado River cutthroat trout; comments due by 1-8-07; published 11-7-06 [FR E6-18691] Importation, exportation, and transportation of wildlife: Bald eagles protection; definition of ``disturb''; comments due by 1- 11-07; published 12-12-06 [FR E6-21139] NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION Acquisition regulations: Earned Value Management System; implementation; comments due by 1-12- 07; published 11-13-06 [FR E6-18918] NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Nuclear power reactors; security requirements; comments due by 1-9-07; published 10-26-06 [FR 06-08678] Production and utilization facilities; domestic licensing: American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Cases; incorporation by reference; comments due by 1-10-07; published 10-27-06 [FR E6-18023] SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Securities: Municipal securities disclosure; amendments; comments due by 1-8-07; published 12-8-06 [FR E6-20829] STATE DEPARTMENT Passports: Card format passport; fee schedule changes; comments due by 1-7-07; published 12-13-06 [FR E6-21219] TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT Federal Aviation Administration Airworthiness directives: Airbus; comments due by 1-8-07; published 12-8-06 [FR E6-20852] Bombardier; comments due by 1-10-07; published 12-11-06 [FR E6-20969] Cessna; comments due by 1-8-07; published 11-7-06 [FR E6-18659] [[Page iii]] EADS SOCATA; comments due by 1-8-07; published 12-7-06 [FR E6-20760] Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A. (EMBRAER); comments due by 1- 8-07; published 12-8-06 [FR E6-20856] General Electric Co.; comments due by 1-12-07; published 12-13-06 [FR 06-09674] Pacific Aerospace Corp. Ltd.; comments due by 1-10-07; published 12- 11-06 [FR E6-20976] Pilatus Aircraft Ltd; comments due by 1-10-07; published 12-11-06 [FR E6-20971] Rolls-Royce plc; comments due by 1-8-07; published 11-7-06 [FR E6- 18702] Turbomecca S.A.; comments due by 1-8-07; published 11-8-06 [FR E6- 18839] Airworthiness standards: Special conditions-- AmSafe, Inc.; Pilatus Aircraft Ltd., Models PC-12, PC-12/45, and PC-12/47 airplanes; comments due by 1-11-07; published 12-12-06 [FR E6-21018] Class D airspace; comments due by 1-8-07; published 12-7-06 [FR 06- 09563] Class E airspace; comments due by 1-8-07; published 12-7-06 [FR 06- 09564] Class E Airspace; comments due by 1-12-07; published 11-28-06 [FR E6- 20182] Class E airspace; comments due by 1-12-07; published 11-28-06 [FR E6- 20170] TREASURY DEPARTMENT Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau Alcohol; viticultural area designations: Lehigh Valley; Lehigh, Northampton, Berks, Schuylkill, Carbon, and Monroe Counties, PA; comments due by 1-8-07; published 11-8-06 [FR E6-18895] Tulocay, Napa County, CA; comments due by 1-8-07; published 11-8-06 [FR E6-18891] __________________________________________________________ LIST OF PUBLIC LAWS __________________________________________________________ Note: No public bills which have become law were received by the Office of the Federal Register for inclusion in today's List of Public Laws In the List of Public Laws printed in the Federal Register on December 29, 2006, S. 2735, Public Law 109-460, was printed incorrectly. It should read as follows: S. 2735/P.L. 109-460 To amend the National Dam Safety Program Act to reauthorize the national dam safety program, and for other purposes. (Dec. 22, 2006; 120 Stat. 3401) Last List December 29, 2006 __________________________________________________________ Public Laws Electronic Notification Service (PENS) __________________________________________________________ PENS is a free electronic mail notification service of newly enacted public laws. To subscribe, go to https:// Note: This service is strictly for E-mail notification of new laws. The text of laws is not available through this service. PENS cannot respond to specific inquiries sent to this address.
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