Reader Aids, i-vii [FR-2007-01-03-ReaderAids]

[Federal Register Volume 72, Number 1 (Wednesday, January 3, 2007)]
[Reader Aids]
[Pages i-vii]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []

Reader Aids

Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 1 / Wednesday, January 3, 2007 / 
Reader Aids

Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 1 / Wednesday, January 3, 2007 / 
Reader Aids

Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 1 / Wednesday, January 3, 2007 / 
Reader Aids

[[Page i]]



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1-246................................................... 3




At the end of each month, the Office of the Federal Register 
publishes separately a List of CFR Sections Affected (LSA), 
which lists parts and sections affected by documents published 
since the revision date of each title.

[[Page ii]]

The items in this list were editorially compiled as an aid 
to Federal Register users. Inclusion or exclusion from 
this list has no legal significance.

Agricultural Marketing Service
Soybean promotion, research, and information:
   United Soybean Board; representation adjustment; published 12-1-06
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Fishery conservation and management:
   Western Pacific fisheries--
      Bottomfish and seamount groundfish, crustacean, and precious 
         corals; published 12-1-06
Army Department
Claims and accounts:
   Claims against United States; published 11-30-06
   Claims on behalf of United States--
      Worldwide claims processing; published 11-30-06
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Natural gas companies (Natural Gas Act):
   Blanket certification and rates clarification; published 10-31-06
Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act:
   Small power production and cogeneration facilities; published 11-1-06
      Correction; published 12-18-06
Air pollutants, hazardous; national emission standards:
   Oil and natural gas production facilities; published 1-2-07
Air quality implementation plans; approval and promulgation; various 
   California; published 10-31-06
   Indiana; published 10-31-06
   Maryland; published 11-3-06
   Pennsylvania; published 1-2-07
   Utah; published 11-1-06
Solid waste:
   Hazardous waste; identification and listing--
      Exclusions; published 1-2-07
Television broadcasting:
   Children's television programming--
      Digital television broadcasters obligations to provide educational 
         programming; published 11-1-06
National Park Service
National Park System:
   Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, AK; vessel management; 
      published 11-30-06
Drug Enforcement Administration
Controlled substances; manufacturers, distributors, and dispensers; 
   Individual practitioner registration requirements; clarification; 
      published 12-1-06
Spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste; independent 
   storage; licensing requirements:
   Approved spent fuel storage casks; list; published 10-16-06
Federal Aviation Administration
Airworthiness directives:
   Boeing; published 11-27-06
Federal Transit Administration
Transit operations; prohibited drug use and alcohol misuse prevention:
   Safety-sensitive employees; controlled substances and alcohol misuse 
      testing; duplicative requirements elimination; published 11-30-06
Privacy Act; implementation; published 12-1-06
Adjudication; pensions, compensation, dependency, etc.:
   Filipino veterans' benefits improvements; published 1-2-07
                  COMMENTS DUE NEXT WEEK
Agricultural Marketing Service
Onions grown in Idaho and Oregon; comments due by 1-8-07; published 11-
   7-06 [FR 06-09112]
Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act; implementation:
   Electronic data interchange; trust benefit preservation; 
      clarification; comments due by 1-8-07; published 11-8-06 [FR E6-
Commodity Credit Corporation
Loan and purchase programs:
   Sugar Program--
      Allocation shortfalls reassignment; comments due by 1-12-07; 
         published 11-13-06 [FR E6-19076]
Food and Nutrition Service
Child nutrition programs:
   National School Lunch Program--
      Fluid milk substitutions; comments due by 1-8-07; published 11-9-
         06 [FR 06-09136]
Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration
Barley protein testing; official fees and tolerances; comments due by 1-
   8-07; published 11-8-06 [FR E6-18860]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Fishery conservation and management:
   West Coast States and Western Pacific fisheries--
      Coastal pelagic species; comments due by 1-8-07; published 12-7-06 
         [FR E6-20770]
      Highly migratory species; comments due by 1-8-07; published 12-7-
         06 [FR E6-20721]
Defense Acquisition Regulations System
Acquisition regulations:
   Contracting methods and contract type; comments due by 1-8-07; 
      published 11-9-06 [FR E6-19034]
   Receiving reports for shipments; comments due by 1-8-07; published 
      11-9-06 [FR E6-19035]
Air pollutants, hazardous; national emission standards:
   Gasoline distribution bulk terminals, pipeline facilities and 
      gasoline dispensing facilities; comments due by 1-8-07; published 
      11-9-06 [FR E6-18656]
Air pollution; standards of performance for new stationary sources:
   Volatile organic compounds (VOC)--
      Synthetic organic chemicals manufacturing industry and petroleum 
         refineries; equipment leaks; comments due by 1-8-07; published 
         11-7-06 [FR E6-18646]
Air programs:
   Clean Air Act--
      Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority; exemption; comments due 
         by 1-12-07; published 12-13-06 [FR E6-21198]
Air quality implementation plans; Aapproval and 
   promulgation; various States; air quality planning purposes; 
   designation of areas:
   Michigan; comments due by 1-8-07; published 12-7-06 [FR E6-20639]
Air quality implementation plans; approval and promulgation; various 
   Delaware; comments due by 1-8-07; published 12-7-06 [FR E6-20650]
   South Carolina; comments due by 1-8-07; published 12-7-06 [FR E6-
Toxic substances:
   Coke oven light oil (coal); testing requirements; revocation; 
      comments due

[[Page iii]]

      by 1-8-07; published 12-8-06 [FR E6-20908]
Common carrier services:
   Missoula Intercarrier Compensation Reform Plan; comments due by 1-11-
      07; published 12-6-06 [FR E6-20676]
Radio services, special:
   Maritime communications; comments due by 1-8-07; published 11-8-06 
      [FR E6-18755]
Television broadcasting:
   Advanced television (ATV) systems--
      Digital television transition; DTV table of allotments; comments 
         due by 1-11-07; published 11-15-06 [FR E6-18897]
Compliance procedures:
   Administrative fines challenges; comments due by 1-8-07; published 
      12-8-06 [FR E6-20735]
   Enforcement matters; policy statement; comments due by 1-8-07; 
      published 12-8-06 [FR E6-20752]
Fish and Wildlife Service
Endangered and threatened species:
   Findings on petitions, etc.--
      Colorado River cutthroat trout; comments due by 1-8-07; published 
         11-7-06 [FR E6-18691]
Importation, exportation, and transportation of wildlife:
   Bald eagles protection; definition of ``disturb''; comments due by 1-
      11-07; published 12-12-06 [FR E6-21139]
Acquisition regulations:
   Earned Value Management System; implementation; comments due by 1-12-
      07; published 11-13-06 [FR E6-18918]
Nuclear power reactors; security requirements; comments due by 1-9-07; 
   published 10-26-06 [FR 06-08678]
Production and utilization facilities; domestic licensing:
   American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel 
      Code Cases; incorporation by reference; comments due by 1-10-07; 
      published 10-27-06 [FR E6-18023]
   Municipal securities disclosure; amendments; comments due by 1-8-07; 
      published 12-8-06 [FR E6-20829]
   Card format passport; fee schedule changes; comments due by 1-7-07; 
      published 12-13-06 [FR E6-21219]
Federal Aviation Administration
Airworthiness directives:
   Airbus; comments due by 1-8-07; published 12-8-06 [FR E6-20852]
   Bombardier; comments due by 1-10-07; published 12-11-06 [FR E6-20969]
   Cessna; comments due by 1-8-07; published 11-7-06 [FR E6-18659]
   EADS SOCATA; comments due by 1-8-07; published 12-7-06 [FR E6-20760]
   Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A. (EMBRAER); comments due by 1-
      8-07; published 12-8-06 [FR E6-20856]
   General Electric Co.; comments due by 1-12-07; published 12-13-06 [FR 
   Pacific Aerospace Corp. Ltd.; comments due by 1-10-07; published 12-
      11-06 [FR E6-20976]
   Pilatus Aircraft Ltd; comments due by 1-10-07; published 12-11-06 [FR 
   Rolls-Royce plc; comments due by 1-8-07; published 11-7-06 [FR E6-
   Turbomecca S.A.; comments due by 1-8-07; published 11-8-06 [FR E6-
Airworthiness standards:
   Special conditions--
      AmSafe, Inc.; Pilatus Aircraft Ltd., Models PC-12, PC-12/45, and 
         PC-12/47 airplanes; comments due by 1-11-07; published 12-12-06 
         [FR E6-21018]
Class D airspace; comments due by 1-8-07; published 12-7-06 [FR 06-
Class E airspace; comments due by 1-8-07; published 12-7-06 [FR 06-
Class E Airspace; comments due by 1-12-07; published 11-28-06 [FR E6-
Class E airspace; comments due by 1-12-07; published 11-28-06 [FR E6-
Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau
Alcohol; viticultural area designations:
   Lehigh Valley; Lehigh, Northampton, Berks, Schuylkill, Carbon, and 
      Monroe Counties, PA; comments due by 1-8-07; published 11-8-06 [FR 
   Tulocay, Napa County, CA; comments due by 1-8-07; published 11-8-06 
      [FR E6-18891]

                    LIST OF PUBLIC LAWS

Note: No public bills which have become law were received 
by the Office of the Federal Register for inclusion in 
today's List of Public Laws
In the List of Public Laws printed in the Federal Register 
on December 29, 2006, S. 2735, Public Law 109-460, was 
printed incorrectly. It should read as follows:
S. 2735/P.L. 109-460
To amend the National Dam Safety Program Act to 
reauthorize the national dam safety program, and for other 
purposes. (Dec. 22, 2006; 120 Stat. 3401)
Last List December 29, 2006


    Public Laws Electronic Notification Service (PENS)

PENS is a free electronic mail notification service of 
newly enacted public laws. To subscribe, go to https://

Note: This service is strictly for E-mail notification of 
new laws. The text of laws is not available through this 
service. PENS cannot respond to specific inquiries sent to 
this address.


Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 1 / Wednesday, January 3, 2007 / 
Reader Aids

Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 1 / Wednesday, January 3, 2007 / 
Reader Aids

Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 1 / Wednesday, January 3, 2007 / 
Reader Aids

[[Page iv]]



This checklist, prepared by the Office of the Federal Register, is 
published weekly. It is arranged in the order of CFR titles, stock 
numbers, prices, and revision dates.
An asterisk (*) precedes each entry that has been issued since last 
week and which is now available for sale at the Government Printing 
A checklist of current CFR volumes comprising a complete CFR set, also 
appears in the latest issue of the LSA (List of CFR Sections Affected), 
which is revised monthly.
The CFR is available free on-line through the Government Printing 
Office's GPO Access Service at
index.html. For information about GPO Access call the GPO User Support 
Team at 1-888-293-6498 (toll free) or 202-512-1530.
The annual rate for subscription to all revised paper volumes is 
$1195.00 domestic, $298.75 additional for foreign mailing.
Mail orders to the Superintendent of Documents, Attn: New Orders, P.O. 
Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954. All orders must be accompanied 
by remittance (check, money order, GPO Deposit Account, VISA, Master 
Card, or Discover). Charge orders may be telephoned to the GPO Order 
Desk, Monday through Friday, at (202) 512-1800 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 
p.m. eastern time, or FAX your charge orders to (202) 512-2250.

Title                Stock Number             Price       Revision Date
1....................(869-060-00001-4)......   5.00    \4\ Jan. 1, 2006

2....................(869-060-00002-0)......   5.00        Jan. 1, 2006

3 (2005 Compilation  (869-060-00003-8)......  35.00    \1\ Jan. 1, 2006
and Parts 100 and 

4....................(869-060-00004-6)......  10.00        Jan. 1, 2006

5 Parts:
1-699............... (869-060-00005-4)......  60.00        Jan. 1, 2006
700-1199............ (869-060-00006-2)......  50.00        Jan. 1, 2006
1200-End............ (869-060-00007-1)......  61.00        Jan. 1, 2006
6....................(869-060-00008-9)......  10.50        Jan. 1, 2006

7 Parts:
1-26................ (869-060-00009-7)......  44.00        Jan. 1, 2006
27-52............... (869-060-00010-1)......  49.00        Jan. 1, 2006
53-209.............. (869-060-00011-9)......  37.00        Jan. 1, 2006
210-299............. (869-060-00012-7)......  62.00        Jan. 1, 2006
300-399............. (869-060-00013-5)......  46.00        Jan. 1, 2006
400-699............. (869-060-00014-3)......  42.00        Jan. 1, 2006
700-899............. (869-060-00015-1)......  43.00        Jan. 1, 2006
900-999............. (869-060-00016-0)......  60.00        Jan. 1, 2006
1000-1199........... (869-060-00017-8)......  22.00        Jan. 1, 2006
1200-1599........... (869-060-00018-6)......  61.00        Jan. 1, 2006
1600-1899........... (869-060-00019-4)......  64.00        Jan. 1, 2006
1900-1939........... (869-060-00020-8)......  31.00        Jan. 1, 2006
1940-1949........... (869-060-00021-6)......  50.00        Jan. 1, 2006
1950-1999........... (869-060-00022-4)......  46.00        Jan. 1, 2006
2000-End............ (869-060-00023-2)......  50.00        Jan. 1, 2006
8....................(869-060-00024-1)......  63.00        Jan. 1, 2006

9 Parts:
1-199............... (869-060-00025-9)......  61.00        Jan. 1, 2006
200-End............. (869-060-00026-7)......  58.00        Jan. 1, 2006

10 Parts:
1-50................ (869-060-00027-5)......  61.00        Jan. 1, 2006
51-199.............. (869-060-00028-3)......  58.00        Jan. 1, 2006
200-499............. (869-060-00029-1)......  46.00        Jan. 1, 2006
500-End............. (869-060-00030-5)......  62.00        Jan. 1, 2006
11...................(869-060-00031-3)......  41.00        Jan. 1, 2006

12 Parts:
1-199............... (869-060-00032-1)......  34.00        Jan. 1, 2006
200-219............. (869-060-00033-0)......  37.00        Jan. 1, 2006
220-299............. (869-060-00034-8)......  61.00        Jan. 1, 2006
300-499............. (869-060-00035-6)......  47.00        Jan. 1, 2006
500-599............. (869-060-00036-4)......  39.00        Jan. 1, 2006
600-899............. (869-060-00037-2)......  56.00        Jan. 1, 2006
900-End............. (869-060-00038-1)......  50.00        Jan. 1, 2006
13...................(869-060-00039-9)......  55.00        Jan. 1, 2006

14 Parts:
1-59................ (869-060-00040-2)......  63.00        Jan. 1, 2006
60-139.............. (869-060-00041-1)......  61.00        Jan. 1, 2006
140-199............. (869-060-00042-9)......  30.00        Jan. 1, 2006
200-1199............ (869-060-00043-7)......  50.00        Jan. 1, 2006
1200-End............ (869-060-00044-5)......  45.00        Jan. 1, 2006

15 Parts:
0-299............... (869-060-00045-3)......  40.00        Jan. 1, 2006
300-799............. (869-060-00046-1)......  60.00        Jan. 1, 2006
800-End............. (869-060-00047-0)......  42.00        Jan. 1, 2006

16 Parts:
0-999............... (869-060-00048-8)......  50.00        Jan. 1, 2006
1000-End............ (869-060-00049-6)......  60.00        Jan. 1, 2006

17 Parts:
1-199............... (869-060-00051-8)......  50.00        Apr. 1, 2006
200-239............. (869-060-00052-6)......  60.00        Apr. 1, 2006
240-End............. (869-060-00053-4)......  62.00        Apr. 1, 2006

18 Parts:
1-399............... (869-060-00054-2)......  62.00        Apr. 1, 2006
400-End............. (869-060-00055-1)......  26.00    \6\ Apr. 1, 2006

19 Parts:
1-140............... (869-060-00056-9)......  61.00        Apr. 1, 2006
141-199............. (869-060-00057-7)......  58.00        Apr. 1, 2006
200-End............. (869-060-00058-5)......  31.00        Apr. 1, 2006

20 Parts:
1-399............... (869-060-00059-3)......  50.00        Apr. 1, 2006
400-499............. (869-060-00060-7)......  64.00        Apr. 1, 2006
500-End............. (869-060-00061-5)......  63.00        Apr. 1, 2006

21 Parts:
1-99................ (869-060-00062-3)......  40.00        Apr. 1, 2006
100-169............. (869-060-00063-1)......  49.00        Apr. 1, 2006
170-199............. (869-060-00064-0)......  50.00        Apr. 1, 2006
200-299............. (869-060-00065-8)......  17.00        Apr. 1, 2006
300-499............. (869-060-00066-6)......  30.00        Apr. 1, 2006
500-599............. (869-060-00067-4)......  47.00        Apr. 1, 2006
600-799............. (869-060-00068-2)......  15.00        Apr. 1, 2006
800-1299............ (869-060-00069-1)......  60.00        Apr. 1, 2006
1300-End............ (869-060-00070-4)......  25.00        Apr. 1, 2006

22 Parts:
1-299............... (869-060-00071-2)......  63.00        Apr. 1, 2006
300-End............. (869-060-00072-1)......  45.00    \7\ Apr. 1, 2006
23...................(869-060-00073-9)......  45.00        Apr. 1, 2006

24 Parts:
0-199............... (869-060-00074-7)......  60.00        Apr. 1, 2006
200-499............. (869-060-00075-5)......  50.00        Apr. 1, 2006
500-699............. (869-060-00076-3)......  30.00        Apr. 1, 2006
700-1699............ (869-060-00077-1)......  61.00        Apr. 1, 2006
1700-End............ (869-060-00078-0)......  30.00        Apr. 1, 2006
25...................(869-060-00079-8)......  64.00        Apr. 1, 2006

26 Parts:
Secs. 1.0-1-1.60.... (869-060-00080-1)......  49.00        Apr. 1, 2006
Secs. 1.61-1.169.... (869-060-00081-0)......  63.00        Apr. 1, 2006
Secs. 1.170-1.300... (869-060-00082-8)......  60.00        Apr. 1, 2006
Secs. 1.301-1.400... (869-060-00083-6)......  47.00        Apr. 1, 2006
Secs. 1.401-1.440... (869-060-00084-4)......  56.00        Apr. 1, 2006
Secs. 1.441-1.500... (869-060-00085-2)......  58.00        Apr. 1, 2006
Secs. 1.501-1.640... (869-060-00086-1)......  49.00        Apr. 1, 2006
Secs. 1.641-1.850... (869-060-00087-9)......  61.00        Apr. 1, 2006
Secs. 1.851-1.907... (869-060-00088-7)......  61.00        Apr. 1, 2006
Secs. 1.908-1.1000.. (869-060-00089-5)......  60.00        Apr. 1, 2006
Secs. 1.1001-1.1400. (869-060-00090-9)......  61.00        Apr. 1, 2006
Secs. 1.1401-1.1550. (869-060-00091-2)......  58.00        Apr. 1, 2006
Secs. 1.1551-End.... (869-060-00092-5)......  50.00        Apr. 1, 2006
2-29................ (869-060-00093-3)......  60.00        Apr. 1, 2006
30-39............... (869-060-00094-1)......  41.00        Apr. 1, 2006
40-49............... (869-060-00095-0)......  28.00        Apr. 1, 2006
50-299.............. (869-060-00096-8)......  42.00        Apr. 1, 2006

[[Page v]]

300-499............. (869-060-00097-6)......  61.00        Apr. 1, 2006
500-599............. (869-060-00098-4)......  12.00    \5\ Apr. 1, 2006
600-End............. (869-060-00099-2)......  17.00        Apr. 1, 2006

27 Parts:
1-399............... (869-060-00100-0)......  64.00        Apr. 1, 2006
400-End............. (869-060-00101-8)......  18.00        Apr. 1, 2006
28 Parts:............

0-42................ (869-060-00102-6)......  61.00        July 1, 2006
43-End.............. (869-060-00103-4)......  60.00        July 1, 2006

29 Parts:
0-99................ (869-060-00104-2)......  50.00        July 1, 2006
100-499............. (869-060-00105-1)......  23.00        July 1, 2006
500-899............. (869-060-00106-9)......  61.00        July 1, 2006
900-1899............ (869-060-00107-7)......  36.00        July 1, 2006
1900-1910            (869-060-00108-5)......  61.00        July 1, 2006
(Secs. 1900 to 
1910                 (869-060-00109-3)......  46.00        July 1, 2006
(Secs. 1910.1000 to 
1911-1925........... (869-060-00110-7)......  30.00        July 1, 2006
1926................ (869-060-00111-5)......  50.00        July 1, 2006
1927-End............ (869-060-00112-3)......  62.00        July 1, 2006

30 Parts:
1-199............... (869-060-00113-1)......  57.00        July 1, 2006
200-699............. (869-060-00114-0)......  50.00        July 1, 2006
700-End............. (869-060-00115-8)......  58.00        July 1, 2006

31 Parts:
0-199............... (869-060-00116-6)......  41.00        July 1, 2006
200-499............. (869-060-00117-4)......  46.00        July 1, 2006
500-End............. (869-060-00118-2)......  62.00        July 1, 2006
32 Parts:
1-39, Vol. I..................................15.00....\2\ July 1, 1984
1-39, Vol. II.................................19.00....\2\ July 1, 1984
1-39, Vol. III................................18.00....\2\ July 1, 1984
1-190............... (869-060-00119-1)......  61.00        July 1, 2006
191-399............. (869-060-00120-4)......  63.00        July 1, 2006
400-629............. (869-060-00121-2)......  50.00        July 1, 2006
630-699............. (869-060-00122-1)......  37.00        July 1, 2006
700-799............. (869-060-00123-9)......  46.00        July 1, 2006
800-End............. (869-060-00124-7)......  47.00        July 1, 2006

33 Parts:
1-124............... (869-060-00125-5)......  57.00        July 1, 2006
125-199............. (869-060-00126-3)......  61.00        July 1, 2006
200-End............. (869-060-00127-1)......  57.00        July 1, 2006

34 Parts:
1-299............... (869-060-00128-0)......  50.00        July 1, 2006
300-399............. (869-060-00129-8)......  40.00        July 1, 2006
400-End & 35........ (869-060-00130-1)......  61.00    \8\ July 1, 2006

36 Parts:
1-199............... (869-060-00131-0)......  37.00        July 1, 2006
200-299............. (869-060-00132-8)......  37.00        July 1, 2006
300-End............. (869-060-00133-6)......  61.00        July 1, 2006
37...................(869-060-00134-4)......  58.00        July 1, 2006

38 Parts:
0-17................ (869-060-00135-2)......  60.00        July 1, 2006
18-End.............. (869-060-00136-1)......  62.00        July 1, 2006
39...................(869-060-00137-9)......  42.00        July 1, 2006

40 Parts:
1-49................ (869-060-00138-7)......  60.00        July 1, 2006
50-51............... (869-060-00139-5)......  45.00        July 1, 2006
52 (52.01-52.1018).. (869-060-00140-9)......  60.00        July 1, 2006
52 (52.1019-End).... (869-060-00141-7)......  61.00        July 1, 2006
53-59............... (869-060-00142-5)......  31.00        July 1, 2006
60 (60.1-End)....... (869-060-00143-3)......  58.00        July 1, 2006
60 (Apps)........... (869-060-00144-7)......  57.00        July 1, 2006
61-62............... (869-060-00145-0)......  45.00        July 1, 2006
63 (63.1-63.599).... (869-060-00146-8)......  58.00        July 1, 2006
63 (63.600-63.1199). (869-060-00147-6)......  50.00        July 1, 2006
63 (63.1200-63.1439) (869-060-00148-4)......  50.00        July 1, 2006
63 (63.1440-63.6175) (869-060-00149-2)......  32.00        July 1, 2006
63 (63.6580-63.8830) (869-060-00150-6)......  32.00        July 1, 2006
63 (63.8980-End).... (869-060-00151-4)......  35.00        July 1, 2006
64-71............... (869-060-00152-2)......  29.00        July 1, 2006
72-80............... (869-060-00153-1)......  62.00        July 1, 2006
81-85............... (869-060-00154-9)......  60.00        July 1, 2006
86 (86.1-86.599-99). (869-060-00155-7)......  58.00        July 1, 2006
86 (86.600-1-End)... (869-060-00156-5)......  50.00        July 1, 2006
87-99............... (869-060-00157-3)......  60.00        July 1, 2006
100-135............. (869-060-00158-1)......  45.00        July 1, 2006
136-149............. (869-060-00159-0)......  61.00        July 1, 2006
150-189............. (869-060-00160-3)......  50.00        July 1, 2006
190-259............. (869-060-00161-1)......  39.00        July 1, 2006
260-265............. (869-060-00162-0)......  50.00        July 1, 2006
266-299............. (869-060-00163-8)......  50.00        July 1, 2006
300-399............. (869-060-00164-6)......  42.00        July 1, 2006
400-424............. (869-060-00165-4)......  56.00        July 1, 2006
425-699............. (869-060-00166-2)......  61.00        July 1, 2006
700-789............. (869-060-00167-1)......  61.00        July 1, 2006
790-End............. (869-060-00168-9)......  61.00        July 1, 2006
41 Chapters:
1, 1-1 to 1-10................................13.00....\3\ July 1, 1984
1, 1-11 to Appendix, 2 (2 Reserved)...........13.00....\3\ July 1, 1984
3-6...........................................14.00....\3\ July 1, 1984
7..............................................6.00....\3\ July 1, 1984
8..............................................4.50....\3\ July 1, 1984
9.............................................13.00....\3\ July 1, 1984
10-17..........................................9.50....\3\ July 1, 1984
18, Vol. I, Parts 1-5.........................13.00....\3\ July 1, 1984
18, Vol. II, Parts 6-19.......................13.00....\3\ July 1, 1984
18, Vol. III, Parts 20-52.....................13.00....\3\ July 1, 1984
19-100........................................13.00....\3\ July 1, 1984
1-100............... (869-060-00169-7)......  24.00        July 1, 2006
101................. (869-060-00170-1)......  21.00    \8\ July 1, 2006
102-200............. (869-060-00171-9)......  56.00        July 1, 2006
201-End............. (869-060-00172-7)......  24.00        July 1, 2006

42 Parts:
1-399............... (869-060-00173-5)......  61.00        Oct. 1, 2006
400-413............. (869-060-00174-3)......  32.00        Oct. 1, 2006
414-429............. (869-060-00175-1)......  32.00        Oct. 1, 2006
430-End............. (869-060-00176-0)......  64.00        Oct. 1, 2006

43 Parts:
*1-999.............. (869-060-00177-8)......  56.00        Oct. 1, 2006
1000-end............ (869-060-00178-6)......  62.00        Oct. 1, 2006
44...................(869-060-00179-4)......  50.00        Oct. 1, 2006

45 Parts:
1-199............... (869-060-00180-8)......  60.00        Oct. 1, 2006
200-499............. (869-060-00181-6)......  34.00        Oct. 1, 2006
500-1199............ (869-060-00182-4)......  56.00        Oct. 1, 2006
1200-End............ (869-060-00183-2)......  61.00        Oct. 1, 2006

46 Parts:
1-40................ (869-060-00184-1)......  46.00        Oct. 1, 2006
41-69............... (869-060-00185-9)......  39.00        Oct. 1, 2006
70-89............... (869-060-00186-7)......  14.00        Oct. 1, 2006
90-139.............. (869-060-00187-5)......  44.00        Oct. 1, 2006
140-155............. (869-060-00188-3)......  25.00        Oct. 1, 2006
156-165............. (869-060-00189-1)......  34.00        Oct. 1, 2006
166-199............. (869-060-00190-5)......  46.00        Oct. 1, 2006
200-499............. (869-060-00191-3)......  40.00        Oct. 1, 2006
500-End............. (869-060-00192-1)......  25.00        Oct. 1, 2006

47 Parts:
*0-19............... (869-060-00193-0)......  61.00        Oct. 1, 2006
20-39............... (869-060-00194-8)......  46.00        Oct. 1, 2006
40-69............... (869-060-00195-6)......  40.00        Oct. 1, 2006
70-79............... (869-056-00195-9)......  61.00        Oct. 1, 2005
80-End.............. (869-060-00197-2)......  61.00        Oct. 1, 2006

48 Chapters:
1 (Parts 1-51)...... (869-056-00197-5)......  63.00        Oct. 1, 2005
1 (Parts 52-99)..... (869-056-00198-3)......  49.00        Oct. 1, 2005
2 (Parts 201-299)... (869-060-00200-6)......  50.00        Oct. 1, 2006
3-6................. (869-060-00201-4)......  34.00        Oct. 1, 2006
7-14................ (869-060-00202-2)......  56.00        Oct. 1, 2006

[[Page vi]]

15-28............... (869-056-00202-5)......  47.00        Oct. 1, 2005
29-End.............. (869-060-00204-9)......  47.00        Oct. 1, 2006

49 Parts:
1-99................ (869-060-00205-7)......  60.00        Oct. 1, 2006
100-185............. (869-056-00205-0)......  63.00        Oct. 1, 2005
186-199............. (869-060-00207-3)......  23.00        Oct. 1, 2006
200-299............. (869-060-00208-1)......  32.00        Oct. 1, 2006
300-399............. (869-060-00209-0)......  32.00        Oct. 1, 2006
*400-599............ (869-060-00210-3)......  64.00        Oct. 1, 2006
600-999............. (869-056-00210-6)......  19.00        Oct. 1, 2005
1000-1199........... (869-060-00212-0)......  28.00        Oct. 1, 2006
1200-End............ (869-056-00212-2)......  34.00        Oct. 1, 2005

50 Parts:
1-16................ (869-060-00214-6)......  11.00    \9\ Oct. 1, 2006
17.1-17.95(b)....... (869-056-00214-9)......  32.00        Oct. 1, 2005
17.95(c)-end........ (869-056-00215-7)......  32.00        Oct. 1, 2005
17.96-17.99(h)...... (869-060-00217-1)......  61.00        Oct. 1, 2006
17.99(i)-end and     (869-060-00218-9)......  47.00    \9\ Oct. 1, 2006
18-199.............. (869-056-00218-1)......  50.00        Oct. 1, 2005
200-599............. (869-056-00218-1)......  45.00        Oct. 1, 2005
600-End............. (869-056-00219-0)......  62.00        Oct. 1, 2005

CFR Index and        (869-060-00050-0)......  62.00        Jan. 1, 2006
Findings Aids.

Complete 2006 CFR set........................1,398.0........       2006

Microfiche CFR Edition:
  Subscription (mailed as issued)............332.00.........       2006
  Individual copies............................4.00.........       2006
  Complete set (one-time mailing)............325.00.........       2005
  Complete set (one-time mailing)............325.00.........       2004

\1\Because Title 3 is an annual compilation, this volume and all 
previous volumes should be retained as a permanent reference source.

\2\The July 1, 1985 edition of 32 CFR Parts 1-189 contains a note only for 
Parts 1-39 inclusive. For the full text of the Defense Acquisition 
Regulations in Parts 1-39, consult the three CFR volumes issued as of July 
1, 1984, containing those parts.

\3\The July 1, 1985 edition of 41 CFR Chapters 1-100 contains a note 
only for Chapters 1 to 49 inclusive. For the full text of procurement 
regulations in Chapters 1 to 49, consult the eleven CFR volumes issued 
as of July 1, 1984 containing those chapters.
\4\No amendments to this volume were promulgated during the period 
January 1, 2005, through January 1, 2006. The CFR volume issued as of 
January 1, 2005 should be retained.
\5\No amendments to this volume were promulgated during the period 
April 1, 2000, through April 1, 2006. The CFR volume issued as of April 
1, 2000 should be retained.
\6\No amendments to this volume were promulgated during the period 
April 1, 2005, through April 1, 2006. The CFR volume issued as of April 
1, 2004 should be retained.
\7\No amendments to this volume were promulgated during the period 
April 1, 2005, through April 1, 2006. The CFR volume issued as of April 
1, 2005 should be retained.
\8\No amendments to this volume were promulgated during the period July 
1, 2005, through July 1, 2006. The CFR volume issued as of July 1, 2005 
should be retained.
\9\No amendments to this volume were promulgated during the period 
October 1, 2005, through October 1, 2006. The CFR volume issued as of 
October 1, 2005 should be retained.


Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 1 / Wednesday, January 3, 2007 / 
Reader Aids 

[[Page vii]]



    This table is used by the Office of the Federal Register to compute 
certain dates, such as effective dates and comment deadlines, which 
appear in agency documents. In computing these dates, the day after 
publication is counted as the first day.
    When a date falls on a weekend or holiday, the next Federal 
business day is used. (See 1 CFR 18.17)
    A new table will be published in the first issue of each month.

      Date of FR  publication          15 days after  publication      30 days after  publication      45 days after  publication     60 days after  publication     90 days after  publication
               Jan 3                             Jan 18                           Feb 2                          Feb 20                        March 5                        April 3
               Jan 4                             Jan 19                           Feb 5                          Feb 20                        March 5                        April 4
               Jan 5                             Jan 22                           Feb 5                          Feb 20                        March 6                        April 5
               Jan 8                             Jan 23                           Feb 7                          Feb 22                        March 9                        April 9
               Jan 9                             Jan 24                           Feb 8                          Feb 23                        March 12                       April 9
               Jan 10                            Jan 25                           Feb 9                          Feb 26                        March 12                       April 10
               Jan 11                            Jan 26                          Feb 12                          Feb 26                        March 12                       April 11
               Jan 12                            Jan 29                          Feb 12                          Feb 26                        March 13                       April 12
               Jan 16                            Jan 31                          Feb 15                         March 2                        March 19                       April 16
               Jan 17                             Feb 1                          Feb 16                         March 5                        March 19                       April 17
               Jan 18                             Feb 2                          Feb 20                         March 5                        March 19                       April 18
               Jan 19                             Feb 5                          Feb 20                         March 5                        March 20                       April 19
               Jan 22                             Feb 6                          Feb 21                         March 8                        March 23                       April 23
               Jan 23                             Feb 7                          Feb 22                         March 9                        March 26                       April 23
               Jan 24                             Feb 8                          Feb 23                         March 12                       March 26                       April 24
               Jan 25                             Feb 9                          Feb 26                         March 12                       March 26                       April 25
               Jan 26                            Feb 12                          Feb 26                         March 12                       March 27                       April 26
               Jan 29                            Feb 13                          Feb 28                         March 15                       March 30                       April 30
               Jan 30                            Feb 14                          March 1                        March 16                       April 2                        April 30
               Jan 31                            Feb 15                          March 2                        March 19                       April 2                         May 1
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