2006 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 6,451 - 6,500 of 31,763
Notice of Opportunity To Participate, Criteria Requirements and Application Procedure for Participation in the Military Airport Program (MAP)
This notice announces the criteria, application procedures, and schedule to be applied by the Secretary of Transportation in designating or redesignating, and funding capital development annually for up to 15 current (joint-use) or former military airports seeking designation or redesignation to participate in the Military Airport Program (MAP). The MAP allows the Secretary to designate current (joint-use) or former military airports to receive grants from the Airport Improvement Program (AIP). The Secretary is authorized to designate an airport (other than an airport designated before August 24, 1994) only if: (1) The airport is a former military installation closed or realigned under the Title 10 U.S.C. 2687 (announcement of closures of large Department of Defense installations after September 30, 1977), or under Section 201 or 2905 of the Defense Authorization Amendments and Base Closure and Realignment Acts; or (2) The airport is a military installation with both military and civil aircraft operations. The Secretary shall consider for designation only those current or former military airports, at least partly converted to civilian airports as part of the national air transportation system, that will reduce delays at airports with more than 20,000 hours of annual delays in commercial passenger aircraft takeoffs and landings, or will enhance airport and air traffic control system capacity in metropolitan areas or reduce current and projected flight delays (49 U.S.C. 47118(c)).
Request for Measures of Consumers' Assessment of Cultural Competency
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) is soliciting the submission of instruments or items that measure patient perspectives on the cultural awareness of the healthcare professionals providing care to those patients. This initiative is in response to the need to develop a new CAHPS[supreg] cultural competency survey. AHRQ is interested in incorporating this survey into an integrated set of carefully tested, standardized survey questionnaires and accompanying reports. The addition of the CAHPS[supreg] cultural competency component to the set is intended to empower consumers with quality of care information while also encouraging healthcare professionals to provide culturally competent care. The survey will be designed to assess the quality of care and services provided by healthcare professional in the context of cultural competency. Based on prior work, there are several functional areas that the planned instrument could assess such as: (1) Patient-provider communication (e.g., providers give clear explanations, patients feel that they get all the information they need,), (2) respect for patient preferences/shared decision-making (e.g., providers discuss pros and cons of treatment options, providers understand and takes into account patient's environment, family members are appropriately included in decisions), (3) experiences leading to trust or distrust (e.g., providers treat patients in a culturally sensitive or insensitive manner that led to trust or distrust), (4) experiences of discrimination (e.g., providers or staff treat patients with disrespect because of a patients' racial/ethnic backgrounds, insurance type/ status, lack of proficiency in English), (5) language access (e.g., availability of interpreter services and translated materials), and (6) alternative treatment (e.g., providers are open to discussion about traditional healers and remedies).
Request for Measures of Consumers' Health Information Delivery Experiences
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) is soliciting the submission of instruments or items that measure how well health plans, hospitals, clinicians, and group practices address health literacy issues. Based on a literature review and an assessment of currently available questionnaires, AHRQ identified the need to develop a new health literacy module of the CAHPS[supreg] survey. The intent of the planned module is to examine patients' perspectives on how well health information is communicated to them by healthcare professionals in greater detail than before. The intent of the new module is to provide information to health plans, hospitals, clinicians, group practices, and other interested parties regarding quality of health information delivered to patients. Based on prior work, there are several functional areas that the planned instrument could address. These include the clarity and usability of provided health information related to: (a) Preventive services (e.g., risk and benefits of the service, explanation of screening results; (b) health problems/concerns (e.g., information on how to stay healthy or prevent illness); (c) treatment choices, instructions, or goals (e.g., pros and cons of each treatment option); and (d) medications (e.g., reason for taking medications, instructions on how to take medications, possible side effects). AHRQ is especially interested in measures of patients' assessments of written communications (e.g., instructions for self-care, health promotion materials), and the use and effectiveness of educational techniques to ensure patient's comprehension of health information (e.g., allowing time for questions, repeating information, using visual aids, employing health educators to review treatment plans and follow-up). AHRQ is also interested in measures that assess the quality of services supporting health information delivery such as language assistance (e.g., availability and timeliness of interpreter services, availability of patient education materials in other language), and administrative assistance (e.g., assistance in completing medical paperwork).
Meeting of the Compact Council for the National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact
The purpose of this notice is to announce a meeting of the National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact Council (Compact Council) created by the National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact Act of 1998 (Compact). Thus far, the Federal Government and 27 states are parties to the Compact which governs the exchange of criminal history records for licensing, employment, and similar purposes. The Compact also provides a legal framework for the establishment of a cooperative federal-state system to exchange such records. The United States Attorney General appointed 15 persons from Federal and State agencies to serve on the Compact Council. The Compact Council will prescribe system rules and procedures for the effective and proper operation of the Interstate Identification Index System. Matters for discussion are expected to include: (1) Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006. (2) Policy Change When Applicants are Physically Incapable of Providing Fingerprints. (3) Strategy for Increasing State Ratification of the National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact. The meeting will be open to the public on a first-come, first- seated basis. Any member of the public wishing to file a written statement with the Compact Council or wishing to address this session of the Compact Council should notify Mr. Todd C. Commodore at (304) 625-2803, at least 24 hours prior to the start of the session. The notification should contain the requestor's name and corporate designation, consumer affiliation, or government designation, along with a short statement describing the topics to be addressed and the time needed for the presentation. Requesters will ordinarily be allowed up to 15 minutes to present a topic. Dates and Times: The Compact Council will meet in open session from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m., on November 7-8, 2006.
Notice for October 2006 Advisory Committee Meeting
The Secretary of Health and Human Services, by authority of 42 U.S.C. 9836A, section 641A(b) of the Head Start Act, as amended (5 U.S.C. Appendix 2), has formed the Advisory Committee on Head Start Accountability and Educational Performance Measures (the Committee). The Committee is governed by the provisions of Public Law 92-463, as amended (5 U.S.C. Appendix 2). The function of the Committee is to help assess the progress of HHS in developing and implementing educational measures in the Head Start Program. This includes the Head Start National Reporting System (NRS). The Committee is to provide recommendations for integrating NRS with other ongoing assessments of the effectiveness of the program. The Committee will make recommendations as to how NRS and other assessment data can be included in the broader Head Start measurement efforts found in the Family and Child Experiences Survey (FACES), the National Head Start Impact Study, Head Start's Performance-Based Outcome System, and the ongoing evaluation of the Early Head Start program.
National Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council
Pursuant to Public Law 96-472, the National Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council (NEPEC) will hold a meeting on October 16 and 17, 2006. The meeting location is University of California, Engineering Building Unit, Room 205-206, 900 University Avenue, Riverside, California 92521. The Council is comprised of members from academia and the Federal government. The Council shall advise the Director of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) on proposed earthquake predictions, on the completeness and scientific validity of the available data related to earthquake predictions, and on related matters as assigned by the Director. At this meeting, the Council will discuss recent findings of the Working Group on California Earthquake Probabilities; will hear presentations on statistical tests being applied to prediction algorithms under the Regional Earthquake Likelihood Models project and on the organizational structure of the Center for Study of Earthquake Predictability; and will edit a draft document that provides guidelines to researchers on posing earthquake predictions in a rigorous and testable manner. Meetings of the National Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council are open to the public. A portion of the meeting will be closed to the public pursuant to subsections (c)(2), and (6) of subsection 552b of Title 5, U.S. Code. Those planning to attend the meeting may contact Dr. Michael Blanpied, the Executive Secretary for the NEPEC [U.S. Geological Survey, MS 905, 12201 Sunrise Valley Dr., Reston, Virginia 20192, e-mail mblanpied@usgs.gov], in order to receive copies of the agenda and other materials in advance. It is the policy of the NEPEC to accept written public comments of any length and to accommodate brief oral comments whenever possible. Interested parties should contact Dr. Blanpied at least 5 days prior to the meeting. Individuals requiring special accommodations to access the meeting should also contact Dr. Blanpied so that appropriate arrangements can be made.
Bird Banding Laboratory Advisory Committee
The next meeting of the Advisory Committee on the Bird Banding Laboratory (Committee) will take place November 7 and 8, 2006, at the Red Lion Hotel, 3500 NE Cornell Road, Hillsboro, Oregon 97124. The meeting runs from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. each day. The purpose of the Advisory Committee, which is co-chaired by the USGS and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, is to represent the interests of the bird banding community, including both game and non-game birds, in advising the U.S. Department of the Interior and the USGS on current and future management of the Bird Banding Laboratory (BBL). The agenda for this meeting will focus on finalizing the draft report, including numerous recommendations for improving the BBL's business operations and its level of customer service, begun with the Committee's first meeting in November, 2005. The meeting is open to all members of the interested public, and time on the agenda has been reserved at the conclusion of each day's work for the Committee to receive verbal comments (limited to 5 minutes per person) from the public. To speak before the Committee, please register in advance with Mr. Daniel James (see contact information below), the USGS Designated Federal Official (DFO) for the Committee).
Notice of Availability of the Fort Bliss, Texas and New Mexico, Mission Master Plan Supplemental Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement
The Department of the Army announces the availability of a Draft Supplemental Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (DSEIS) identifying the potential environmental effects of changing land and airspace use at Fort Bliss to support evolving changes in missions and units and support Army Transformation, Integrated Global Presence and Basing Strategy, Base Realignment And Closure (BRAC), the Army Campaign Plan and other Army initiatives. The SEIS will supplement the Fort Bliss, Texas and New Mexico, Mission Master Plan Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS), for which a Record of Decision was signed in 2001.
Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
The information collection requirements described below will be submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (``OMB'') for review, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act (``PRA'') (44 U.S.C. 3501-3520). The Federal Trade Commission (``FTC'' or ``Commission'') is seeking public comments on its proposal to extend through January 31, 2010 the current OMB clearance for information collection requirements contained in its Mail or Telephone Order Merchandise Trade Regulation Rule (``MTOR'' or ``Rule''), 16 CFR part 435. That clearance expires on January 31, 2007.
Membership of the Economic Development Administration Performance Review Board
In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 4314(c)(4), the Economic Development Administration (EDA), Department of Commerce (DOC), announces the appointment of those individuals who have been selected to serve as members of the EDA Performance Review Board. The EDA Performance Review Board is responsible for (1) Reviewing performance appraisals and ratings of Senior Executive Service (SES) members and (2) making recommendations to the appointing authority on other performance management issues, such as pay adjustments, bonuses and Presidential Rank Awards for SES members. The appointment of these members to the EDA Performance Review Board will be for a period of twelve (12) months.
Use of Reports of Marine Casualty in Claims Process by National Pollution Funds Center
The U.S. Coast Guard is providing a notice of interpretation that the prohibition in 46 U.S.C. 6308 on the use of any part of a report of a Coast Guard Marine Casualty Investigation Report (MCIR) in certain administrative proceedings does not prohibit use of such reports in the process used by the Coast Guard's National Pollution Funds Center (NPFC) for determining whether to pay or deny claims under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990.
National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods; Renewal
In accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act, this notice is announcing the re-chartering of the National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods (NACMCF). The Committee is being renewed in cooperation with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The establishment of the Committee was recommended by a 1985 report of the National Academy of Sciences Committee on Food Protection, Subcommittee on Microbiological Criteria, ``An Evaluation of the Role of Microbiological Criteria for Foods.'' The current charter for the NACMCF is available for viewing on the NACMCF homepage at https://www.fsis.usda.gov/OPHS/NACMCF/index.htm.
Qualification of Drivers; Exemption Requests; Epilepsy and Seizure Disorders
FMCSA announces receipt of applications from four individuals for exemptions from the prohibition against persons with a clinical diagnosis of epilepsy (or any other condition which is likely to cause a loss of consciousness or any loss of ability to control a commercial motor vehicle (CMV)), operating trucks and buses in interstate commerce. If granted, the exemptions would enable these individuals with seizure disorders to operate CMVs in interstate commerce. All records associated with these requests are available in the public docket.
Medical Review Board Meeting
FMCSA announces that its MRB will hold a public meeting. The MRB members will continue deliberations about current FMCSA medical standards, as well as consider recommendations for new science-based standards and guidelines to ensure that the physical condition of drivers is adequate to enable them to safely operate commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) in interstate commerce. In accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), the meeting is open to the public.
Membership in the National Parks Overflights Advisory Group
By Federal Register notice (See 71 FR 16610; April 3, 2006), the National Park Service (NPS) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), asked interested persons to apply to fill six vacant positions on the National Parks Overflights Advisory Group (NPOAG) Aviation Rulemaking Committee (ARC). The vacancies represent general aviation (one vacancy), commercial air tour operators (two vacancies), environmental concerns (two vacancies) and Native American tribes (one vacancy), and invited interested persons to apply to fill the vacancies due to completion (October 9, 2006) of a three-year term appointment. This notice informs the public of the persons selected to fill the vacancies on the NPOAG ARC.
Procurement List; Additions and Deletions
This action adds to the Procurement List services to be furnished by nonprofit agencies employing persons who are blind or have other severe disabilities, and deletes from the Procurement List products and service previously furnished by such agencies.
National Flood Insurance Program; Appeal of Decisions Relating to Flood Insurance Claims
This rule amends and finalizes the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA's) May 2006 interim rule establishing an appeals process for National Flood Insurance policyholders as required under section 205 of the Bunning-Bereuter-Blumenauer Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2004.
Amendment to Notices of Emergency Declarations
This notice amends the notices of emergency declarations for 44 States and the District of Columbia granted due to the influx of evacuees from areas struck by Hurricane Katrina.
Receipt of Applications for Permit
The public is invited to comment on the following applications to conduct certain activities with endangered species and marine mammals.
International Sanitary and Phytosanitary Standard-Setting Activities
In accordance with legislation implementing the results of the Uruguay Round of negotiations under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, we are informing the public of international standard- setting activities of the World Organization for Animal Health, the Secretariat of the International Plant Protection Convention, and the North American Plant Protection Organization, and we are soliciting public comment on the standards to be considered.
Procurement List; Proposed Addition and Deletions
The Committee is proposing to add to the Procurement List product to be furnished by nonprofit agencies employing persons who are blind or have other severe disabilities, and to delete products previously furnished by such agencies. Comments Must be Received on or Before: November 12, 2006.
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA): Request for Comments on NFPA's Codes and Standards
The purpose of this notice is to request comments on the technical reports that will be published in the NFPA's 2007 Fall Revision Cycle. The publication of this notice by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) on behalf of NFPA is being undertaken as a public service; NIST does not necessarily endorse, approve, or recommend any of the standards referenced in the notice. Since 1896, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has accomplished its mission by advocating scientifically based consensus codes and standards, research, and education for safety related issues. NFPA's National Fire Codes[supreg], which holds over 270 documents, are administered by more than 225 Technical Committees comprised of approximately 7,000 volunteers and are adopted and used throughout the world. NFPA is a nonprofit membership organization with approximately 80,000 members from over 70 nations, all working together to fulfill the Association's mission. The NFPA process provides ample opportunity for public participation in the development of its codes and standards. All NFPA codes and standards are revised and updated every three to five years in Revision Cycles that begin twice each year and that takes approximately two years to complete. Each Revision Cycle proceeds according to a published schedule that includes final dates for all major events in the process. The process contains five basic steps that are followed both for developing new documents as well as revising existing documents. These steps are: Calling for Proposals; Publishing the Proposals in the Report on Proposals; Calling for Comments on the Committee's disposition of the Proposals and these Comments are published in the Report on Comments; having a Technical Report Session at the NFPA Annual Meeting; and finally, the Standards Council Consideration and Issuance of documents.
Request for Information (RFI) From Commercial Sources on Positioning, Navigation, and Timing
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is issuing this RFI on behalf of the National Security Space Office (NSSO) to solicit information on Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) to assist NSSO in developing an evolutionary path for a robust National PNT architecture for the 2025 time period in cooperation with the Department of Transportation and other relevant government organizations. The NSSO is developing the architecture in response to tasking from the National Space-Based PNT Executive Committee, chaired by the Deputy Secretary of Defense and the Deputy Secretary of Transportation. The goal is to develop a long-term PNT investment strategy and framework to enable robust PNT capabilities needed by the U.S. Government, its allies, and commercial users.
Receipt of Applications for Permit
The public is invited to comment on the following applications to conduct certain activities with marine mammals.
Issuance of Permits
The following permits were issued.
Issuance of Permits
The following permits were issued.
Environmental Impact Statement: Polk County, IA
The FHWA and Iowa DOT are issuing this notice to advise the public an EIS will be prepared for a proposed roadway project in Polk County, Iowa. The planned EIS will evaluate potential transportation improvement alternatives for serving northwest Des Moines and its neighboring communities between IA 415 and Euclid Avenue.
Environmental Impact Statements and Regulations; Availability of EPA Comments
EPA expressed environmental concerns about the adverse impacts of sediment and manure to water quality. Alternative 3 Destination Management offers the best remedy and should be given additional consideration. The final EIS should include a detailed monitoring and enforcement plan. Rating EC2.
Air Quality Designations and Classifications for the 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards; Early Action Compact Areas With Deferred Effective Dates
This action corrects the 8-hour ozone nonattainment boundary for Monroe County, Georgia by deleting a highway from the boundary description, and clarifies the 8-hour ozone nonattainment boundary for Murray County, Georgia by adding a boundary description. Monroe County, Georgia is part of the Macon, Georgia 8-hour ozone nonattainment area and a portion of Murray County, Georgia makes up the Murray County (Chattahoochee National Forest Mountains), Georgia 8-hour ozone nonattainment area. The nonattainment boundaries for these two counties were described in EPA's final 8-hour ozone designations rule which was published in the Federal Register on April 30, 2004. EPA is clarifying the exact location of the 8-hour ozone nonattainment boundary for Murray County by including the precise descriptions of the boundary in the Code of Federal Regulations. In addition, pursuant to Clean Air Act (CAA) section 110(k)(6), EPA is also correcting an error made in identifying the 8-hour ozone nonattainment boundary for Monroe County.
Notice of Filing of a Pesticide Petition for Establishment of Regulations for Residues of Pesticide Chemicals in or on Various Commodities
This notice announces the initial filing of a pesticide petition proposing the establishment of regulations for residues of pesticide chemicals in or on various commodities.
Post-Delisting Monitoring Results for the American Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus anatum), 2003
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (``we'' or ``Service'') announces the availability of the results from 2003 monitoring data collected as part of the post-delisting monitoring plan for the American peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus anatum).
Notice of November Resource Advisory Council Meeting To Be Held in Twin Falls District, ID
This notice announces the intent to hold a Resource Advisory Council (RAC) meeting in the Twin Falls District of Idaho on Tuesday, November 28, 2006. The meeting will be held at the Red Lion Canyon Springs Hotel, 1357 Blue Lakes Boulevard, in Twin Falls, Idaho.
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Model A318, A319, A320, and A321 Airplanes
We propose to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for the products listed above. This proposed AD results from mandatory continuing airworthiness information (MCAI) issued by an aviation authority of another country to identify and correct an unsafe condition on an aviation product. The proposed AD would require actions that are intended to address the unsafe condition described in the MCAI.
Airworthiness Directives; Bombardier Model DHC-8-400 Series Airplanes
The FAA proposes to supersede an existing airworthiness directive (AD) that applies to certain Bombardier Model DHC-8-400 series airplanes. The existing AD currently requires revising the airplane flight manual (AFM) to advise the flightcrew of appropriate procedures to follow in the event that a main landing gear (MLG) fails to extend following a gear-down selection. The existing AD also currently requires repetitive replacement of the left and right MLG uplock assemblies with new assemblies; and an inspection of the left and right MLG uplock rollers for the presence of an inner low friction liner, and corrective actions if necessary. This proposed AD would revise the requirement for replacing the left and right MLG uplock assemblies by allowing replacement with alternative parts. For a certain MLG uplock assembly, this proposed AD would require repetitive inspections of the uplock hatch lower jaw for the presence of a wear groove and replacement with an improved part if necessary. For a certain MLG uplock assembly, this proposed AD also would require repetitive inspections of the uplock roller to ensure that it rotates freely and replacement with a new part if necessary. This proposed AD would allow optional replacement of the left and right MLG uplock assemblies with improved parts, which ends the requirements of the AFM revision and repetitive replacement and inspections. This proposed AD would remove airplanes from the applicability. This proposed AD results from development of a terminating action. We are proposing this AD to ensure that the flightcrew has the procedures necessary to address failure of an MLG to extend following a gear-down selection; and to detect and correct such failure, which could result in a gear-up landing and possible injury to passengers and crew.
Airworthiness Directives; McDonnell Douglas Model 717-200 Airplanes
The FAA proposes to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain McDonnell Douglas Model 717-200 airplanes. This proposed AD would require replacing certain attaching hardware of the bulkhead nipple assemblies of the left and right wing vent boxes with new electrical bonding attaching hardware, doing resistance testing of the new electrical bonds, and doing fuel leakage testing of the reworked nipple assemblies. This proposed AD results from fuel system reviews conducted by the manufacturer. We are proposing this AD to provide a conductive path, from the bulkhead nipple assemblies of the left and right wing vent boxes to the airframe structure inside the wing fuel tanks, to dissipate high amperage lightning-induced currents which might otherwise create an ignition source for fuel vapors inside the wing vent boxes and lead to an explosion of the fuel tanks.
Airworthiness Directives; McDonnell Douglas Model DC-10-10, DC-10-10F, DC-10-15, DC-10-30, and DC-10-30F (KC-10A and KDC-10) Airplanes; Model DC-10-40 and DC-10-40F Airplanes Equipped With Pratt & Whitney JT9-20 or JT9-20J Engines; and Model MD-10-10F and MD-10-30F Airplanes
The FAA proposes to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for the McDonnell Douglas airplanes previously described. This proposed AD would require replacing the control modules of the fire detection systems of the propulsion engines with new, improved control modules. This proposed AD results from a report of broken or severed wiring between engine fire detectors and the fire detection system control module, which caused the fire detection system to become non-functional without flightcrew awareness. We are proposing this AD to prevent unannunciated fire in a propulsion engine, which could cause injury to flightcrew and passengers or loss of the airplane.
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