December 2006 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 351 - 400 of 2,534
Environmental Management Site-Specific Advisory Board, Idaho National Laboratory
This notice announces a meeting of the Environmental Management Site-Specific Advisory Board (EM SSAB), Idaho National Laboratory. The Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. No. 92-463, 86 Stat. 770) requires that public notice of this meeting be announced in the Federal Register.
Airworthiness Directives; Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A. (EMBRAER) Model EMB-135BJ Airplanes
The FAA proposes to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A. (EMBRAER) Model EMB- 135BJ airplanes. This proposed AD would require modifying the forward and aft auxiliary fuel tanks. This proposed AD results from a report of sparks due to chafing between the harnesses of the forward and aft auxiliary fuel tanks, between certain harnesses attached to the aircraft structure, or between certain harnesses attached to certain mechanical components. We are proposing this AD to prevent a potential ignition source inside a fuel tank, which, in combination with flammable fuel vapors, could result in a fuel tank explosion.
Burr Trail Modifications, Final Environmental Impact Statement, Capitol Reef National Park, Utah
Pursuant to Sec. 102(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, 83 Stat. 852, 853, codified as amended at 42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(C), the National Park Service announces the availability of the Record of Decision for the Burr Trail Modifications, Capitol Reef National Park, Utah. On October 23, 2006 the Director, Intermountain Region approved the Record of Decision for the project. As soon as practicable, the National Park Service will begin to implement the Preferred Alternative contained in the FEIS issued on July 14, 2006. The following course of action will occur under the preferred alternative. In areas with high bentonite clay content, a gravel surface course will be constructed to increase safety. Geotextile fabric may be used between the aggregate and subbase to prevent gravel loss into the subgrade. Without altering the overhanging rock, a narrow section of the road at mile point 0.65 will be widened by 6 feet to 10 feet. This will be accomplished by moving the northern roadside ditch toward the overhanging rock. A rock embankment will be added to the southern side of the road (the north bank of Sandy Creek) to provide structural stability for a portion of the road as well as slope protection. The road bank in the vicinity of mile points 0.75 and 0.85 will be stabilized using slope protection to reduce erosion and maintain the natural contours of the existing stream channel. Up to 530 linear feet of slope protection will be placed along the base and 6 feet or more up the sides of the road embankment. The base width of the protection will remain aligned with the slope to minimize placement of rock within the existing stream channel. Two paved fords, impassable whenever water flows across the roadway, will be constructed at mile points 0.10 and 0.20. Two vented paved fords will be constructed at mile points 0.50 and 0.60. These crossings will be passable during 2-year storm events; floodwaters will be conveyed through two 24-inch-diameter corrugated metal pipe culverts. The paved fords (vented and unvented) will be relatively consistent with the existing topography, and their length will be sufficient to contain overtopping 10-year storm event floodwaters within the paved area. Each of the fords will include slope protection to protect the upstream and downstream banks and inlet and outlet protection to reduce and minimize erosion and scour. Paved fords, similar to those that will be constructed at mile points 0.10 and 0.20, will be constructed at each of the two minor drainage channels. The upstream channel (i.e., inlet) will be recontoured to direct surface flow over the paved ford, and inlet and outlet protection will be installed to minimize erosion and scour. Slope protection will be added to portions of the downstream road embankment to minimize erosion. A vented paved ford will be constructed to facilitate crossing Halls Creek. This ford will include four 36-inch-diameter corrugated metal pipe culverts. The roadway at the crossing will be shifted a short distance downstream (i.e., to the south) from the Halls Creek/ Burr Canyon drainage confluence so that the culverts in the paved ford can accommodate flows from the two drainages. Inlet and outlet protection will be added to minimize scouring and erosion. Slope protection will also be placed on the stream banks both upstream and downstream of the crossing if necessary to reduce the potential for erosion of the stream banks. An existing culvert near the base of the switchbacks in Burr Canyon will be replaced by three 36-inch-diameter corrugated metal pipe culverts. Inlet protection will be installed while the outlet will use the existing rock channel as erosion protection. An approximately 50-foot length of road just east of the existing culvert will be widened 6 to 10 feet by adding a rock embankment and backfilling to widen the road on the south slope of the Burr Canyon drainage. A cattle guard will be placed at the park boundary by the National Park Service to prevent cattle from entering the park from adjacent Bureau of Land Management-administered lands, and the existing cattle guard at mile point 0.55 will be removed when the current grazing allotment expires. This course of action and three alternatives were analyzed in the Draft and Final Environmental Impact Statements. The full range of foreseeable environmental consequences was assessed, and appropriate mitigating measures were identified. The Record of Decision includes a statement of the decision made, synopses of other alternatives considered, the basis for the decision, a description of the environmentally preferable alternative, a finding on impairment of park resources and values, a listing of measures to minimize environmental harm, and an overview of public involvement in the decision-making process.
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Model A330 and A340 Airplanes
The FAA proposes to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all Airbus Model A330 and A340 airplanes. This proposed AD would require revising the Airworthiness Limitations section of the Instructions for Continued Airworthiness by incorporating new and revised certification maintenance requirements (CMRs). This proposed AD results from the manufacturer's determination that additional and revised CMRs are necessary in order to ensure continued operational safety of the affected airplanes. We are proposing this AD to prevent safety-significant latent failures that would, in combination with one or more other specific failures or events, result in a hazardous or catastrophic failure condition.
Regional Fishery Management Council Chairs, Vice Chairs, and Executive Directors Meeting
NMFS will host a meeting of the Regional Fishery Management Council Chairs, Vice Chairs, and Executive Directors in January 2007. The intent of this meeting is to discuss issues of relevance to the Councils, including implementation of the FY 2007 budget, updates on NMFS initiatives on limited access programs, and issues related to implementation of the bill recently passed by Congress that would amend the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (Magnuson- Stevens Act).
List of Approved Spent Fuel Storage Casks: HI-STORM 100 Revision 3; Withdrawal of Direct Final Rule
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is withdrawing a direct final rule that would have revised the Holtec International HI- STORM 100 cask system listing within the ``List of Approved Spent Fuel Storage Casks'' to include Amendment No. 3 to the Certificate of Compliance. The NRC is taking this action because it has received significant adverse comments in response to the direct final rule. These significant adverse comments shall be considered as comments to the companion proposed rule that was published concurrently with the direct final rule.
SES Performance Review Board
Publication of the Performance Review Board (PRB) membership is required by 5 U.S.C. 4314(c)(4). The PRB is responsible for reviewing performance appraisals and ratings of Senior Executive Service (SES) members and making written recommendations to the Chair regarding SES retention and compensation matters, including performance ratings, performance awards, potential Presidential Rank Award nominees, and performance-based pay adjustments.
Oregon Disaster # OR-00015
This is a notice of an Administrative declaration of a disaster for the State of OREGON dated 12/19/2006. Incident: Severe Winter Storm & Flooding. Incident Period: 11/02/2006 through 11/08/2006. Effective Date: 12/19/2006. Physical Loan Application Deadline Date: 02/20/2007. Economic Injury (EIDL) Loan Application Deadline Date: 09/19/2007.
Privacy Act Systems of Records Notice
The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) is revising its Privacy Act Systems of Records (SOR) Notice. As part of the periodic review of agency regulations, staff determined the need to update and revise its SOR Notice. The review identified several changes requiring revision to the SOR Notice including changes in recordkeeping practices, agency organizational changes, and new systems of records not previously identified. In some systems, NCUA staff identified minor changes to routine uses. No new exemptions from provisions of the Privacy Act of 1974 were required. The revisions reflect the changes, clarify, and update the SOR Notice.
National Park System Units in Alaska
The National Park Service (NPS or Service) is proposing to revise the special regulations for the NPS-administered areas in Alaska to update provisions governing subsistence use of timber, seaweed collection, river management, ORV use, fishing and camping. The revision would also update definitions, prohibit using motorized vehicles to herd wildlife, and establish wildlife viewing distances in several park areas.
Management's Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting
We are proposing interpretive guidance for management regarding its evaluation of internal control over financial reporting. The interpretive guidance sets forth an approach by which management can conduct a top-down, risk-based evaluation of internal control over financial reporting. The proposed guidance is intended to assist companies of all sizes to complete their annual evaluation in an effective and efficient manner and it provides guidance on a number of areas commonly cited as concerns over the past two years. In addition, we are proposing an amendment to our rules requiring management's annual evaluation of internal control over financial reporting to make it clear that an evaluation that complies with the interpretive guidance is one way to satisfy those rules. Further, we are proposing an amendment to our rules to revise the requirements regarding the auditor's attestation report on the assessment of internal control over financial reporting.
Announcement of Funding Awards for the Housing Choice Voucher Program; Fiscal Year 2006
In accordance with section 102(a)(4)(C) of the Department of Housing and Urban Development Reform Act of 1989, this document notifies the public of funding awards for Fiscal Year (FY) 2006 to housing agencies (HAs) under the Section 8 housing choice voucher program. The purpose of this notice is to publish the names, addresses, and the amount of the awards to HAs for non-competitive funding awards for housing conversion actions, public housing relocations and replacements, moderate rehabilitation replacements, and HOPE VI voucher awards.
Notice of Submission of Proposed Information Collection to OMB; Survey of Local Regulatory Practices and Manufactured Homes
The proposed information collection requirement described below has been submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act. The Department is soliciting public comments on the subject proposal. How local regulatory barriers impact incidence of manufactured homes (MH) in metro communities is unknown. Information collected from local planning directors will help determine to what extent regulations limit MH as an affordable housing option.
Notice of Submission of Proposed Information Collection to OMB; Telephone Survey of Multifamily Assisted Housing Properties That are Eligible for HUD's Service Coordination Program
The proposed information collection requirement described below has been submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act. The Department is soliciting public comments on the subject proposal. This project is a survey of HUD's Multifamily Assisted Housing properties that are eligible for the Service Coordinator Program. The study will be administered to a statistical sample of properties. This study involves a telephone survey of multifamily property managers. The survey will assess the level of satisfaction with the provision of service coordination that links residents of Multifamily Assisted Housing to the needed supportive services.
NASA Advisory Council; Meeting
In accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act, Public Law 92-463, as amended, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration announces a meeting of the NASA Advisory Council. The agenda for the meeting includes updates from each of the Council committees, including discussion and deliberation of potential recommendations. The Council Committees address NASA interests in the following areas: Aeronautics, Audit and Finance, Space Exploration, Human Capital, Science, and Space Operations.
Paradichlorobenzene; Notice of Receipt of Request to Voluntarily Cancel Pesticide Registration
In accordance with section 6(f)(1) of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), as amended, EPA is issuing a notice of receipt of a request by the registrant to voluntarily cancel their registration and the use of products containing the pesticide paradichlorobenzene. The request would terminate all uses of Fertilome Tree Borer Crystals. The request would not terminate the last paradichlorobenzene product registered for use in the U.S. EPA intends to grant this request at the close of the comment period for this announcement unless the Agency receives substantive comments within the comment period that would merit its further review of the request or unless the registrant withdraws their request within this period. Upon acceptance of this request, any sale, distribution, or use of products listed in this notice will be permitted only if such sale, distribution, or use is consistent with the terms as described in the final order.
United States Standards for Soybeans
In a final rule published in the Federal Register on September 6, 2006, we amended regulations concerning the United States Standards for Soybeans. The final rule contained an error in the rule portion; inadvertently, footnote reference numbers were left off of Table 17 in 7 CFR 800.86. This document corrects that error.
Airworthiness Directives; Fokker Model F27 Mark 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, and 700 Airplanes
The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all Fokker Model F27 Mark 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, and 700 airplanes. This AD requires revising the Limitations section of the airplane flight manual regarding the use of continuous ignition, fuel filter heating, and resetting circuit breakers during flight in certain conditions such as icing. This AD results from reports of power loss on one or both engines in icing conditions. We are issuing this AD to advise the flightcrew that continuous ignition will not reduce the probability of power loss, and what action they must take to avoid this hazard. Loss of power in one or more engines during flight, if not prevented, could result in loss of control of the airplane.
Airworthiness Directives; Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A. (EMBRAER) Model EMB-145XR Airplanes
The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain EMBRAER Model EMB-145XR airplanes. This AD requires replacement of certain segments of the passenger seat tracks with new, improved seat tracks. This AD results from instances where the shear plungers of the passenger seat legs were not adequately fastened. We are issuing this AD to prevent inadequate fastening of the seat leg shear plungers, which could result in failure of the passenger seat tracks during emergency landing conditions and consequent injury to passengers.
Airworthiness Directives; Boeing Model 777-200 and -300 Series Airplanes Equipped with Rolls-Royce Engines
The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Boeing Model 777-200 and -300 series airplanes equipped with Rolls-Royce engines. This AD requires repetitive inspections to detect cracks of the outer V-blades of the thrust reverser, and corrective action if necessary. This AD also provides for optional terminating action for the repetitive inspections. This AD results from reports of cracked outer V-blades in the thrust reversers. We are issuing this AD to prevent separation of a thrust reverser from the airplane during normal reverse thrust or during a refused takeoff, which could result in impact damage to other airplane areas. If a thrust reverser separates from the airplane during a refused takeoff, the engine could produce forward thrust, resulting in unexpected thrust asymmetry and a possible runway excursion.
Flat Rate Supplemental Wage Withholding; Correction
This document contains corrections to final regulations (TD 9276) that were published in the Federal Register on Tuesday, July 25, 2006 (71 FR 42049), amending the regulations that provide for determining the amount of income tax withholding on supplemental wages. These regulations apply to all employers and others making supplemental wage payments to employees.
Exchanges of Property for an Annuity
On October 18, 2006, on page 61441 of the Federal Register (71 FR 61441), a notice of proposed rulemaking and notice of public hearing announced that a public hearing concerning guidance on the taxation of the exchange of property for an annuity contract will be held February 16, 2007 in the auditorium of the New Carrollton Federal Building, 5000 Ellin Road, Lanham, MD 20706. The location of the public hearing has changed.
Railroad Track Maintenance Credit; Hearing Cancellation
This document cancels a public hearing on proposed regulations by cross-reference to temporary regulations relating to the railroad track maintenance credit determined for qualified railroad track maintenance expenditures paid or incurred by a Class II or Class III railroad and other eligible taxpayers during the taxable year.
Common Crop Insurance Regulations, Millet Crop Insurance Provisions
The Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC) proposes to amend the Common Crop Insurance Regulations, Millet Crop Insurance Provisions to remove the reduction in indemnity for any unharvested millet acreage to better meet the needs of insured producers. The changes will apply for the 2008 and succeeding crop years.
Standard Instrument Approach Procedures, Weather Takeoff Minimums; Miscellaneous Amendments
This amendment establishes, amends, suspends, or revokes Standard Instrument Approach Procedures (SIAPs) and/or Weather Takeoff Minimums for operations at certain airports. These regulatory actions are needed because of the adoption of new or revised criteria, or because of changes occurring in the National Airspace System, such as the commissioning of new navigational facilities, addition of new obstacles, or changes in air traffic requirements. These changes are designed to provide safe and efficient use of the navigable airspace and to promote safe flight operations under instrument flight rules at the affected airports.
Endangered And Threatened Species; Proposed Endangered Status for North Pacific Right Whale
We, NMFS, have completed a status review of the northern right whale under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). We initiated this review in response to a petition submitted by the Center for Biological Diversity, dated August 16, 2005, to list the North Pacific right whale as a separate endangered species. Based on the findings from the status review and consideration of the factors affecting this species, we have concluded that right whales in the northern hemisphere exist as two species: the North Pacific right whale (Eubalaena japonica) and the North Atlantic right whale (E. glacialis). We have also determined that each of these species is in danger of extinction throughout its range. To reflect this taxonomic revision, we are designating each separately as an endangered species. This rule proposes to list the North Pacific right whale as an endangered species; a proposed rule to list the North Atlantic right whale isissued separately. We also intend to designate critical habitat for the North Pacific right whale. A proposed rule for designation of critical habitat will follow this action. We are soliciting public comment on this proposed listing determination.
Extension of Regulatory and Administrative Waivers Granted for Public and Indian Housing Programs To Assist With Recovery and Relief in Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma Disaster Areas
This notice advises the public of HUD's decision to extend for an additional period ending December 31, 2007, or for such other period as specified in this notice (e.g., Uniform Financial Reporting Standards (UFRS) and Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS) waivers) certain HUD regulations and other administrative requirements governing HUD's Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH) programs that were identified and waived or deferred under notices of Regulatory and Administrative Waivers Granted for Public and Indian Housing Programs to Assist with Recovery and Relief in Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma Disaster Areas, published October 3, 2005, November 1, 2005, and March 13, 2006. The requirements in these three notices were waived or deferred in order to facilitate the delivery of safe and decent housing under these programs to families and individuals who were displaced from their housing by Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma. This notice provides that entities that administer PIH programs, which include public housing agencies (PHAs), tribally designated housing entities (TDHEs), and local and tribal governments, and that are located in an area declared by the President to be a federal disaster area as a result of Hurricane Katrina, Rita, or Wilma, and that previously notified HUD that they were deferring compliance with the program requirements identified in the three Federal Register notices, may continue to defer compliance with the regulations and requirements listed in this notice for an additional period ending December 31, 2007, or for such other period as specified in this notice (e.g., for UFRS and PHAS waivers). The additional waiver period is subject to the program administrator submitting a notification to HUD, within 45 calendar days of the effective date of this notice, advising of the intent to defer compliance with the program requirements identified in this notice, unless a specific waiver provision states: (1) That the waiver will be applied automatically or (2) the specific waiver does not require such notification. PIH program administrators that are not located in a disaster area but are continuing to assist with Hurricane Katrina, Rita, or Wilma recovery and relief and have requested and were approved for waiver of the regulations and administrative requirements listed in this notice under the original waiver notices, may request waiver or deferral of the requirements for an additional period ending December 31, 2007, or for such other period as specified in this notice (e.g., under UFRS and PHAS waivers), with justification of the need for more time, unless a specific waiver provision states it will be applied automatically. HUD will review and respond to waiver requests through an expedited process that assigns priority to these requests and maximizes use of electronic communications to speed response time. PIH program administrators, located in an area declared a federal disaster area as a result of Hurricane Katrina, Rita, or Wilma, or PIH program administrators not located in such an area but continuing to assist with Hurricane Katrina, Rita, or Wilma relief and recovery efforts, may defer compliance or request waiver of a regulation or other administrative requirement, respectively, through the expedited waiver process provided in this notice. This notice applies only to PIH programs or to cross-cutting regulatory or administrative requirements that are applicable to PIH program administrators. In addition to the regulatory and administrative requirements cited in the notice of waivers granted to assist with recovery and relief in Hurricane Katrina disaster areas, this notice includes a waiver, identified in Section III.A.2 of the notices of waivers granted to assist with recovery and relief in Hurricane Rita disaster areas, for an extension for improved performance by certain PHAs located in areas declared a federal disaster area as a result of Hurricane Katrina.
Irish Potatoes Grown in Colorado; Modification of the Handling Regulation for Area No. 2
This rule modifies the grade and maturity requirements for potatoes handled under the Colorado potato marketing order, Area No. 2. The marketing order regulates the handling of Irish potatoes grown in Colorado and is administered locally by the Colorado Potato Administrative Committee, Area No. 2 (Committee). This rule relaxes the minimum grade requirement from U.S. No. 1 grade to U.S. Commercial grade for all Area No. 2 potato varieties, other than round, red- skinned varieties, measuring from 1 \1/2\-inch minimum diameter to 2 \1/4\-inch maximum diameter (size B), and 1-inch minimum diameter to 1 \3/4\-inch maximum diameter. This rule also changes from August 25 to August 1 of each year the date minimum maturity requirements are implemented. These changes are intended to facilitate the handling and marketing of Colorado Area No. 2 potatoes.
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