December 2006 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 251 - 300 of 2,534
Prospective Grant of Exclusive License: Convection Enhanced Delivery and Tracking of Gadolinium Conjugated Therapeutic Agents to the Central Nervous System
This is notice, in accordance with 35 U.S.C. 209(c)(1) and 37 CFR 404.7(a)(1)(i), that the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Department of Health and Human Services, is contemplating the grant of an exclusive worldwide license to practice the invention embodied in: HHS. Ref. No. E-202-2002 ``Method for Convection Enhanced Delivery of Therapeutic Agents,'' Provisional Patent Application, 60/413,673; International Patent Application PCT/US03/30155, U.S. Patent Application Serial No. 10/528,310; European Patent Application Serial No. 03756863.1; Australian Patent Application No. 2003299140; Canadian Patent Application No. 2,499,573; and HHS Ref. No. E-206-2000/0 and /1 ``Method for Increasing the Distribution of Therapeutic Agents;'' and ``Method for Increasing the Distribution of Nucleic Acids;'' Provisional Patent Application 60/250,286; Provisional Patent Application No. 60/286,308; U.S. Patent Application No. 09/999,203; U.S. Patent Application No. 10/132,681; and Canadian Patent Application No. 2327208, to Medtronic Neurological, a Division of the Medtronic Corporation, having its headquarters in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The United States of America is the assignee of the patent rights of the above invention. The contemplated exclusive license may be granted in a field of use limited to the development and sales of a clinical grade surrogate tracer for tracking the distribution of convection enhanced delivered central nervous system therapeutics, excluding lipid based systems.
Proposed NPDES General Permit for Discharges From the Oil and Gas Extraction Point Source Category to Coastal Waters in Texas (TXG330000)
EPA Region 6 today proposes to issue a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) general permit regulating discharges from oil and gas wells in the Coastal Subcategory in Texas and regulating produced water discharges from wells in the Stripper and Offshore Subcategories which discharge into coastal waters of Texas. As proposed, the permit prohibits the discharge of drilling fluid, drill cuttings, produced sand and well treatment, completion and workover fluids. Produced water discharges are prohibited, except from wells in the Stripper Subcategory located east of the 98th meridian whose produced water comes from the Carrizo/Wilcox, Reklaw or Bartosh formations in Texas. Discharge of dewatering effluent is proposed to be prohibited, except from reserve pits which have not received drilling fluids and/or drill cuttings since January 15, 1997. The discharge of deck drainage, formation test fluids, sanitary waste, domestic waste and miscellaneous discharges is proposed to be authorized. We are proposing to reissue the existing NPDES General Permit for Discharges from the Oil and Gas Extraction Category to Coastal Waters of Texas with only one change, the addition of annual monitoring for dissolved solids from Stripper Subcategory produced water.
Manual for Courts-Martial; Proposed Amendments
The JSC is forwarding final proposed amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States (2005 ed.) (MCM) to the Department of Defense. The proposed changes, resulting from the JSC's 2005 and 2006 annual reviews of the MCM, concern the rules of procedure applicable in trials by courts-martial and offenses that may be charged under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). The proposed changes have not been coordinated within the Department of Defense under DoD Directive 5500.1, ``Preparation and Processing of Legislation, Executive Orders, Proclamations, and Reports and Comments Thereon'' May 21, 1964, and do not constitute the official position of the Department of Defense, the Military Departments, or any other government agency.
Standard Instrument Approach Procedures; Miscellaneous Amendments
This amendment amends Standard Instrument Approach Procedures (SIAPs) for operations at certain airports. These regulatory actions are needed because of changes occurring in the National Airspace System, such as the commissioning of new navigational facilities, addition of new obstacles, or changes in air traffic requirements. These changes are designed to provide safe and efficient use of the navigable airspace and to promote safe flight operations under instrument flight rules at the affected airports.
Debt Service Reserve Pilot Program
This solicitation is for proposals from pubic transportation agencies currently receiving grant funds under the Urbanized Area Formula Program at 49 U.S.C. 5307 to establish a debt service reserve fund in connection with bonds to be issued in support of a public transportation project.
Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Advisory Committee
This notice sets forth the schedule and proposed agenda of an upcoming open meeting of The Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Advisory Committee. The notice also describes the functions of the Committee. Notice of this meeting is required by section 10(a)(2) of the Federal Advisory Committee Act and is intended to notify the public of their opportunity to attend.
Submission of Information Collection to the Office of Management and Budget
The Bureau of Indian Affairs and Indian Health Service are submitting the information collection, titled ``Indian Self- Determination and Education Assistance Act Programs, 25 CFR 900'' to the Office of Management and Budget for renewal. The information collection, OMB Control 1076-0136, is used to process contracts, grants or cooperative agreements for award by the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Indian Health Service as authorized by the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, as amended. The Department of the Interior and the Department of Health and Human Services invite you to submit comments to the OMB on the information collection described below.
Caribou-Targhee National Forest, ID, WY and UT, Caribou Oil and Gas Leasing EIS
The Caribou-Targhee National Forest gives notice of the intent to prepare an environmental impact statement (EIS) to document the analysis and disclose the anticipated environmental and human effects of oil and gas leasing on the Caribou administrative unit of the Forest and the Curlew National Grassland in southeast Idaho, with minor amounts of land in northern Utah and western Wyoming. The Federal Onshore Oil and Gas Leasing Reform Act of 1987 (FOOGLRA) requires the Forest Service to evaluate National Forest System (NFS) lands for potential oil and gas leasing. As the agency responsible for lease issuance and administration, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will participate as a cooperating agency.
Tripod Fire Salvage Project, Okanogan and Wenatchee National Forests, Okanogan County, WA
Notice is hereby given that the USDA Forest Service will prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for a proposal to recover the economic value through salvage harvest of dead and dying trees damaged in the Tripod Complex Fire, to remove potential hazard trees from open roads, and to reforest salvage harvest units within specified drainages of the Methow Valley and Tonasket Ranger Districts, Okanogan and Wenatchee National Forests. Details of the proposal are further described in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section below. Approximately 2,800 acres would be treated in the proposed project area. The analysis area encompasses a portion of the burned area in the Middle Fork Beaver Creek, Lightning Creek, Chewuch River, Ramsey Creek, Boulder Creek, North Fork Boulder Cree, Bromas Creek, Brevucinus Creek, Twentymile Creek, Pelican Creek, McCay Creek, Granite Creek, Cedar Creek, and Cabin Creek drainages, along Road 37 and Road 39 within the fire boundary, and includes parts of the following townships: T34N, R23E; T34N, R24E; T35N, R22E; T35N, R23E; T35N, R24E; T36N, R22E; T36N, R23E; T36N, R24E; T37N, R22E; T37N, R23E; T38N, R23E; and T39N, R23E; Williamette Meridian. The Tripod Complex Fire, located five miles northeast of Winthrop, Washington, burned approximately 175,000 acres across mixed ownership in July to September 2006. Approximately 164,000 acres were on National Forest System lands administered by the Methow Valley Ranger District and the Tonasket Ranger District, Okanogan and Wenatchee National Forests. The purpose of the EIS will be to evaluate a range of reasonable alternatives for this proposal and take public comment on the analysis. The direction in the amended Okanogan National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan (Forest Plan) provides the overall guidance for management of National Forest System lands included in this proposal.
Kaibab National Forest; Arizona; Warm Fire Recovery Project
This project would address part of the overall restoration needs for the approximately 40,000 acres that burned in June through July 2006 in the fire suppression area of the Warm Fire. Specifically, this proposal includes salvage of approximately 84.5 million board feet (MMBF) (168,987 hundred cubic feet) of fire killed timber on approximately 9,990 acres and reforestation through planting conifers on approximately 14,690 acres, while allowing approximately 4,050 acres to naturally reforest with quaking aspen.
Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards
Section 550 of the Homeland Security Appropriations Act of 2007 (``Section 550'') provided the Department of Homeland Security with authority to promulgate ``interim final regulations'' for the security of certain chemical facilities in the United States. This notice seeks comment both on proposed text for such interim final regulations and on several practical and policy issues integral to the development of a chemical facility security program.
Appliance Labeling Rule
The Energy Policy Act of 2005 directs the Commission to issue labeling requirements for the electricity used by ceiling fans to circulate air. The Commission is publishing amendments to the Appliance Labeling Rule that establish energy labeling requirements for these products.
Changes in Computing Depreciation
This document contains regulations relating to a change in computing depreciation or amortization as well as a change from a nondepreciable or nonamortizable asset to a depreciable or amortizable asset (or vice versa). Specifically, these regulations provide guidance to any taxpayer that makes a change in depreciation or amortization on whether such a change is a change in method of accounting under section 446(e) of the Internal Revenue Code and on the application of section 1016(a)(2) in determining whether the change is a change in method of accounting.
Modification of Class E Airspace; Creston, IA
This action amends Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations, part 71 (14 CFR 71) by modifying the Class E airspace area at Creston Municipal Airport, IA. An examination of controlled airspace for Creston, IA, revealed discrepancies in the legal description for the Class E airspace area. The intended effect of this rule is to provide controlled airspace of appropriate dimensions to protect aircraft executing Standard Instrument Approach Procedures (SIAP) to Creston Municipal Airport.
Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Comment Request; FHA TOTAL Mortgage Scorecard
The proposed information collection requirement described below will be submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act. The Department is soliciting public comments on the subject proposal.
WTO Dispute Settlement Proceeding Regarding Antidumping Measures on Stainless Steel Sheet and Strip Coils From Mexico
The Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) is providing notice that on October 26, 2006, the Dispute Settlement Body established, at the request of Mexico, a panel under the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization (WTO Agreement) concerning certain U.S. antidumping orders against stainless steel sheet and strip coils (Department of Commerce Case No. A-201-822). That request may be found at contained in a document designated as WT/SD344/4. USTR invites written comments from the public concerning the issues raised in this dispute.
WTO Dispute Settlement Proceeding Regarding United States-Customs Bond Directive for Merchandise Subject to Anti-Dumping/Countervailing Duties
The Office of the United States Trade Representative (``USTR'') is providing notice that on November 21, 2006, the Dispute Settlement Body, at India's request, established a panel under the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization (``WTO Agreement''). That request may be found at contained in a document designated as WT/DS345/6. USTR invites written comments from the public concerning the issues raised in this dispute.
Endangered And Threatened Species; Proposed Endangered Status for North Atlantic Right Whales
We, NMFS, have completed a comprehensive status review of right whales in the northern hemisphere under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Based on the findings from the status review, we have concluded these right whales exist as two species, the North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) and the North Pacific right whale (E. japonicus). We have also determined that each of these species is in danger of extinction throughout its range. To reflect this taxonomic revision, we are issuing two proposed rules to designate each separately as an endangered species. This proposed rule is to list the North Atlantic right whale; a proposed rule to list the North Pacific right whale is issued separately. We are soliciting public comment on this proposed listing determination.
Antidumping Proceedings: Calculation of the Weighted-Average Dumping Margin During an Antidumping Investigation; Final Modification
The Department of Commerce is modifying its methodology in antidumping investigations with respect to the calculation of the weighted-average dumping margin. This final modification is necessary to implement the recommendations of the World Trade Organization Dispute Settlement Body. Under this final modification, the Department will no longer make average-to-average comparisons in investigations without providing offsets for non-dumped comparisons. The schedule for implementing this change is set forth in the ``Timetable'' section, below.
Initiation of Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Administrative Reviews
The Department of Commerce (the Department) has received requests to conduct administrative reviews of various antidumping and countervailing duty orders and findings with November anniversary dates. In accordance with the Department's regulations, we are initiating those administrative reviews.
Availability of Grant Funds for Fiscal Year 2007
The NOAA publishes this notice to provide the general public with a consolidated source of program and application information related to its competitive grant and cooperative agreement (CA) award offerings for fiscal year (FY) 2007. This Omnibus notice is designed to replace the multiple Federal Register notices that traditionally advertised the availability of NOAA''s discretionary funds for its various programs. It should be noted that additional program initiatives unanticipated at the time of the publication of this notice may be announced through subsequent Federal Register notices. All announcements will also be available through the website.
Notice of Deadline for Submitting Completed Applications to Begin Participation in the Tribal Self-Governance Program in Fiscal Year 2008 or Calendar Year 2008
In this notice, the Office of Self-Governance (OSG) establishes a March 1, 2007, deadline for tribes/consortia to submit completed applications to begin participation in the tribal self- governance program in fiscal year 2008 or calendar year 2008.
Source of Income From Certain Space and Ocean Activities; Source of Communications Income
This document contains final regulations under section 863(d) governing the source of income from certain space and ocean activities. It also contains final regulations under section 863(a), (d), and (e) governing the source of income from certain communications activities. In addition, this document contains final regulations under section 863(a) and (b), amending the regulations in Sec. 1.863-3 to conform those regulations to these final regulations. The final regulations primarily affect persons who derive income from activities conducted in space, or on or under water not within the jurisdiction of a foreign country, possession of the United States, or the United States (in international water). The final regulations also affect persons who derive income from transmission of communications.
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