Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request, 78438-78440 [E6-22406]
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 250 / Friday, December 29, 2006 / Notices
the risks for such nontraditional ARMs,
the agencies have substantially revised
the CHARM booklet to include
discussions of the features and risks of
these newer products. Key changes to
the CHARM booklet include new
information about interest only ARMs,
payment option ARMs, and ‘‘hybrid’’
ARMs that include an initial fixed rate
period with a longer adjustable rate
period. The shopping worksheet has
been expanded to allow consumers to
compare the terms of more products.
Examples throughout the booklet have
been updated to reflect current interest
rates and mortgage amounts. The
booklet also now briefly explains what
is involved in a ‘‘stated income’’ or ‘‘low
doc’’ loan. To help consumers navigate
through the booklet, the agencies have
added a summary of ‘‘core messages’’ at
the beginning of the booklet.
Creditors may at their option
immediately begin using the revised
CHARM booklet or suitable substitute to
comply with the requirements in 12
CFR 226.19(b)(1). The agencies
understand, however, that some
creditors may wish to use their existing
stock of CHARM booklets. Therefore,
creditors may continue to use their
existing stock of CHARM booklets until
October 1, 2007; beginning on October
1, 2007, creditors must use the revised
CHARM booklet or suitable substitute to
comply with Regulation Z.
By order of the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System, December 22, 2006.
Jennifer J. Johnson,
Secretary of the Board.
[FR Doc. E6–22316 Filed 12–28–06; 8:45 am]
Agency Information Collection
Activities; Submission for OMB
Review; Comment Request
Federal Trade Commission.
Notice and request for comment.
pwalker on PROD1PC69 with NOTICES
SUMMARY: The information collection
requirements described below will be
submitted to the Office of Management
and Budget (‘‘OMB’’) for review, as
required by the Paperwork Reduction
Act (‘‘PRA’’). The Federal Trade
Commission (‘‘FTC’’ or ‘‘Commission’’)
is seeking public comments on its
proposal to extend through April 30,
2010 the current OMB clearance for its
Free Annual File Disclosures Rule
(‘‘Rule’’). That clearance expires on
April 30, 2007.
DATES: Comments must be filed by
February 27, 2007.
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Interested parties are
invited to submit written comments.
Comments should refer to ‘‘Free Annual
File Disclosures Rule: FTC Matter No.
P054816,’’ to facilitate the organization
of comments. A comment filed in paper
form should include this reference both
in the text and on the envelope and
should be mailed or delivered, with two
complete copies, to the following
address: Federal Trade Commission,
Room H–135 (Annex J), 600
Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Washington,
DC 20580. Because paper mail in the
Washington area and at the Commission
is subject to delay, please consider
submitting your comments in electronic
form, as prescribed below. However, if
the comment contains any material for
which confidential treatment is
requested, it must be filed in paper
form, and the first page of the document
must be clearly labeled ‘‘Confidential.’’ 1
Comments filed in electronic form
should be submitted by following the
instructions on the web-based form at
freereports. To ensure that the
Commission considers an electronic
comment, you must file it on the webbased form at the https://
weblink. If this notice appears at https://, you may also file
an electronic comment through that
Web site. The Commission will consider
all comments that
forwards to it.
The FTC Act and other laws the
Commission administers permit the
collection of public comments to
consider and use in this proceeding as
appropriate. All timely and responsive
public comments will be considered by
the Commission and will be available to
the public on the FTC Web site, to the
extent practicable, at https:// As a matter of discretion,
the FTC makes every effort to remove
home contact information for
individuals from the public comments it
receives before placing those comments
on the FTC Web site. More information,
including routine uses permitted by the
Privacy Act, may be found in the FTC’s
privacy policy at
Requests for additional information
1 Commission Rule 4.2(d), 16 CFR 4.2(d). The
comment must be accompanied by an explicit
request for confidential treatment, including the
factual and legal basis for the request, and must
identify the specific portions of the comment to be
withheld from the public record. The request will
be granted or denied by the Commission’s General
Counsel, consistent with applicable law and the
public interest. See Commission Rule 4.9(c), 16 CFR
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should be addressed to Sandra
Farrington, Attorney, Division of
Privacy and Identity Protection, Bureau
of Consumer Protection, Federal Trade
Commission, 600 Pennsylvania Avenue,
NW., NJ–3158, Washington, DC 20580,
(202) 326–2252.
Paperwork Reduction Act (‘‘PRA’’), 44
U.S.C. 3501–3520, federal agencies must
obtain approval from OMB for each
collection of information they conduct
or sponsor. ‘‘Collection of information’’
means agency requests or requirements
that members of the public submit
reports, keep records, or provide
information to a third party. 44 U.S.C.
3502(3); 5 CFR 1320.3(c). As required by
section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the PRA, the
FTC is providing this opportunity for
public comment before requesting that
OMB extend the existing paperwork
clearance for the regulations noted
The FTC invites comments on: (1)
Whether the proposed collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
agency, including whether the
information will have practical utility;
(2) the accuracy of the agency’s estimate
of the burden of the proposed collection
of information, including the validity of
the methodology and assumptions used;
(3) ways to enhance the quality, utility,
and clarity of the information to be
collected; and (4) ways to minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on those who are to respond, including
through the use of appropriate
automated, electronic, mechanical, or
other technological collection
techniques or other forms of information
technology, e.g., permitting electronic
submission of responses.
All comments should be filed as
prescribed in the ADDRESSES section
above, and must be received on or
before February 27, 2007.
The Rule, 16 CFR Parts 610 and 698,
was promulgated pursuant to the Free
and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of
2003 (‘‘FACT Act’’), Pub. L. 108–159
(Dec. 4, 2003), and the Fair Credit
Reporting Act (‘‘FCRA’’), 16 U.S.C. 1681
et seq. As mandated by the FACT Act,
the Rule requires nationwide and
nationwide consumer specialty
reporting agencies to provide to
consumers, upon request, one free file
disclosure within any 12-month period.
Generally, the Rule requires the
nationwide consumer reporting
agencies, as defined in Section 603(p) of
the FCRA, 15 U.S.C. 1681a(p), to create
and operate a centralized source that
provides consumers with the ability to
request their free annual file disclosures
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 250 / Friday, December 29, 2006 / Notices
from each of the nationwide consumer
reporting agencies through a centralized
Internet Web site, toll-free telephone
number, and postal address. The Rule
also requires the nationwide consumer
reporting agencies to establish a
standardized form for Internet and mail
requests for annual file disclosures, and
provides a model standardized form that
may be used to comply with that
The Rule also requires nationwide
specialty consumer reporting agencies,
as defined in Section 603(w) of the
FCRA, 15 U.S.C. 1681a(w), to establish
a streamlined process for consumers to
request annual file disclosures. This
streamlined process must include a tollfree telephone number for consumers to
make such requests.
Burden Statement
pwalker on PROD1PC69 with NOTICES
Estimated total annual hours burden:
311,000 hours (rounded to the nearest
In its 2004 PRA-related Federal
Register Notices 2 and corresponding
submission to OMB, FTC staff estimated
that consumer reporting agencies would
receive an average of 16.6 million new
annual file disclosure requests per year
during the three-year period from May
1, 2004 through April 30, 2007.3 Thus,
estimated average annual disclosure
burden for those three years was
approximately 199,000 hours.4
No provisions in the Rule have been
amended since staff’s prior submission
to OMB. However, the Consumer Data
Industry Association recently stated that
since December 1, 2004, the nationwide
consumer reporting agencies have
provided over 52 million free annual
file disclosures through the centralized
Internet Web site, toll-free telephone
number, and postal address required to
be established by the FACT Act and the
2 69 FR 13192 (Mar. 19, 2004); 69 FR 35468 (Jun.
24, 2004).
3 Staff predicted that nationwide consumer
reporting agencies and nationwide specialty
consumer reporting agencies would receive 19.9
million new annual file disclosure requests per
year. However, the nationwide and nationwide
specialty consumer reporting agencies were not
required to provide annual file disclosures under
the Rule until December 2004, 6 months after the
Rule was published. On that basis, staff predicted
there would be 9.45 million new requests for
annual file disclosures for the first year of the
clearance. [19.9 million/2] Thus, staff projected that
consumer reporting agencies would receive an
average of 16.6 million new requests per year
during the requested clearance period. [(9.45
million + 19.9 million + 19.9 million)/3 = 16.6
4 This total included estimated time to increase
call center and internet capacity to handle
heightened request volume, alternate use of live
operators in limited instances, and processing mail
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Rule.5 Applying this data, staff
estimates that the average annual
disclosure burden for the three-year
period for which the Commission seeks
OMB clearance is approximately
311,000 hours, as detailed below, and
that the nationwide consumer reporting
agencies and the nationwide specialty
consumer reporting agencies will
receive 26.69 million requests per year
from consumers for free annual file
Annual File Disclosures Provided
Through the Internet
Both nationwide consumer reporting
agencies and nationwide specialty
consumer reporting agencies will likely
handle the overwhelming majority of
consumer requests through internet Web
sites.7 The annual file disclosures
requests processed through the internet
will not impose any hours burden per
request on the nationwide and
nationwide specialty consumer
reporting agencies, even though there
will be some periodically recurring time
and investment required to adjust the
internet capacity needed to handle the
new changing request volume.
Consumer reporting agencies likely will
make such adjustments by negotiating
or renegotiating outsourcing service
contracts annually or as conditions
change. Negotiating and renegotiating
such contracts requires the time of
trained personnel. Staff estimates that
negotiating such contracts will require a
cumulative total of 8,320 hours and
$425,152 in setup and/or maintenance
costs.8 Such activity is treated as an
5 Letter from Stuart K. Pratt, President & CEO,
Consumer Data Industry Association, to Rep.
Barney Frank, Committee on Financial Services,
U.S. House of Representatives (Dec. 1, 2006).
6 This figure annualizes the Consumer Data
Industry Association’s estimate of 52 million new
requests for the two-year period from December 1,
2004 to December 1, 2006 and revises it upward
over the next three years based on population
growth projections issued by the U.S. Census
Bureau. See U.S. Census Bureau Interim Projections
by Age, Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin, available
7 According to a HarrisInteractive poll, the
percentage of households that have access to the
internet is currently over 60% and increasing. See
The Harris Poll #8, February 5, 2003, available at
index.asp?PID=356. In addition, internet users are
probably more likely to request an annual file
disclosure. Accordingly, staff estimates that
annually, 75% of the 26.69 million new requests (or
approximately 20 million) will be made online.
8 Based on the time necessary for similar activity
in the federal government (including at the FTC),
staff estimates that such contracting and
administration will require approximately 4 fulltime equivalent employees (‘‘FTE’’) for the web
service contract. Thus, staff estimates that
administering the contract will require 4 FTE,
which is 8,320 hours per year (4 FTE x 2080 hrs/
yr). The cost is based on the reported Bureau of
Labor Statistics (BLS) rate ($48.03) for computer
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annual burden of maintaining and
adjusting the changing internet capacity
Annual File Disclosures Requested over
the Telephone
Most of the telephone requests for
annual file disclosures will also be
handled in an automated fashion,
without any additional personnel
needed to process the requests. As with
the internet, additional time and
investment will be needed to increase
and administer the automated telephone
capacity for the expected increase in
request volume. The nationwide and
nationwide specialty consumer
reporting agencies will likely make such
adjustments by negotiating or
renegotiating outsourcing service
contracts annually or as conditions
change. Staff estimates that this will
require a total of 6,240 hours at a cost
of $301,142 in setup and/or
maintenance costs.9 This also is treated
as an annual recurring burden necessary
to obtain, maintain, and adjust
automated call center capacity.
A small percentage of those
consumers who telephone the
centralized source or the nationwide
speciality consumer reporting agencies
will not have telephone equipment
compatible with an automated system
and may need to be processed by a live
operator.10 Based on their knowledge of
the industry, staff estimates that each of
these requests will take 5 minutes to
process, for a total of 5,334 additional
hours of operator time. [(64,008 x 5
minutes)/60 minutes = 5,334 hours]
Annual File Disclosures that Require
Processing by Mail
Based on their knowledge of the
industry, staff believes that no more
than 1% of consumers (1% x 26.69
million, or 266,900) will request an
annual file disclosure through U.S.
postal service mail. Staff estimates that
programmers for 2005 (most recently available BLS
data) multiplied by 6.286% (approximate wage
inflation for 2005 and 2006 based on the BLS
Employment Cost Index), resulting in a wage of
$51.10 per hour. Thus, the estimated setup and
maintenance cost for an internet system is $425,152
per year (8,320 hours x $51.10/hour).
9 Staff estimates that recurrent contracting for
automated telephone capacity will require
approximately 3 FTE, a total of 6,240 hours (3 x
2,080 hours). Applying a wage rate of $48.26 based
on the 2005 BLS rate for marketing managers
($45.36/hr), the estimate for setup and maintenance
cost is $301,142 (6,240 x $48.26) per year.
10 Based on their knowledge of the industry, staff
estimates that consumers will submit 24% (6.4
million) of the average 26.69 million new requests
for annual file disclosures by telephone. Of those,
an estimated 1% (or 64,056) will not have
telephone equipment compatible with an
automated system and may need to be serviced by
live personnel.
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 250 / Friday, December 29, 2006 / Notices
10 minutes per request is required to
handle these requests, thereby totaling
44,483 hours of time by clerical
personnel. [(266,900 x 10 minutes)/60
minutes = 44,483 hours] In addition,
whenever the requesting consumer
cannot be identified using an automated
method (a Web site or automated
telephone service), it will be necessary
to redirect that consumer to send
identifying material along with the
request by mail. Staff estimates that this
will occur in about 5% of the new
requests (or 1,321,155) that were
originally placed over the internet or
telephone. Staff estimates that inputting
and processing those redirected requests
will consume approximately 10 minutes
apiece at a cumulative total of 220,193
clerical hours. [(1,321,155 x 10
minutes)/60 minutes = 220,193 hours]
pwalker on PROD1PC69 with NOTICES
Instructions to Consumers
The Rule also requires that certain
instructions be provided to consumers.
See Rule sections 610.2(b)(2)(iv)(A,B),
610.3(a)(2)(iii)(A,B). Minimal associated
time or cost is involved, however.
Internet instructions to consumers are
embedded in the centralized source
Web site and do not require additional
time or cost for the nationwide
consumer reporting agencies. Similarly,
regarding telephone requests, the
automated phone systems provide the
requisite instructions when consumers
select certain options. Some consumers
who request their credit reports by mail
may additionally request printed
instructions from the nationwide and
nationwide specialty consumer
reporting agencies. Staff estimates that
there will be a total of 1,588,055
requests each year for free annual file
disclosures by mail.11 Based on their
knowledge of the industry, staff
estimates that of the predicted 1,588,055
mail requests 10% (or 158,806) will
request instructions by mail. If printed
instructions are sent to each of these
consumers by mail, requiring 10
minutes of clerical time per consumer,
this will require 26,468 hours. [(158,806
instructions x 10 minutes)/60 minutes
per hour]
Labor costs: $5.18 million.
Labor costs are derived by applying
hourly cost figures to the burden hours
described above. Accordingly, staff
estimates that it will cost $70,195 to
provide annual file disclosures for
requests that require a telephone service
representative. [5,338 hours x $13.15
11 This figure includes both the estimated 1% of
26.69 million requests that will be made by mail
each year (266,900), and the estimated 5% of the
requests initially made over the Internet or
telephone that will be redirected to the mail process
(5% of 99% of 26.69 million = 1,321,155).
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per hour].12 The remaining processing
of requests for annual file disclosures
and instructions will be performed by
clerical personnel, which will require
291,144 hours at a cost of $4,387,540.
[(44,483 hours for handling initial mail
request + 220,193 hours for handling
requests redirected to mail + 26,468
hours for handling instructions mailed
to consumers) x $15.07 per hour.13] As
elaborated on above, staff estimates that
a total of 14,560 labor hours (8,320
internet contract hours + 6,240
telephone capacity contract hours) will
be needed to obtain, maintain, and
adjust the new capacity requirements
for the automated telephone call center
and the internet web services. This will
result in approximately $726,294 per
year in labor costs. [(8,320 hours x
$51.10 per hour for automated phone
service) + (6,240 hours x $48.26 per
hour for Web services)] 14 Thus, staff
estimates that all non-contract labor will
cost $5.18 million each year.
Capital/other non-labor costs: $8.39
Staff believes it is likely that the
consumer reporting agencies will use
third-party contractors (instead of their
own employees) to increase the capacity
of their systems. Because of the way
these contracts are typically established,
these costs will likely be incurred on a
continuing basis, and will be calculated
based on the number of requests
handled by the systems. Staff estimates
that the total annual amount to be paid
for services delivered under these
contracts is $8.39 million.15
Thus, combined, estimated annual
labor and non-labor costs are
approximately $13.57 million per
William Blumenthal,
General Counsel.
[FR Doc. E6–22406 Filed 12–28–06; 8:45 am]
12 The 2005 BLS wage rate for telephone
operators, $12.36, increased by 6.385% for
compounded wage inflation, is $13.15.
13 The 2005 BLS wage rate for employees in
administrative support, clerical (level 4 of 9),
$14.17, multiplied by 6.385% for compounded
wage inflation, is $15.07.
14 The 2005 BLS wage rate for top-level computer
programmers, $48.03, multiplied by 6.385% for
compounded wage inflation, is $51.10. The 2005
BLS wage rate for marketing managers, averaged
overall, is $45.36; compounded for wage inflation
at 6.385% it becomes $48.26.
15 This consists of an estimated $7.69 million for
automated telephone cost ($1.20 per request x 6.41
million requests) and an estimated $700,000 ($0.035
per request x 20 million requests) for internet web
service cost. Per unit cost estimates are based on
staff’s knowledge of the industry.
16 The consumer reporting industry is a multibillion dollar market. As of 2002, it is estimated to
have more than $4 billion dollars in sales of file
disclosures. One study indicates that the
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Office of the National Coordinator for
Health Information Technology;
American Health Information
Community Meeting
Announcement of meeting.
SUMMARY: This notice announces the
11th meeting of the American Health
Information Community in accordance
with the Federal Advisory Committee
Act (Pub. L. 92–463, 5 U.S.C., app.) The
American Health Information
Community will advise the Secretary
and recommend specific actions to
achieve a common interoperability
framework for health information
technology (IT).
January 23, 2007, from 8:30 a.m.
to 4:30 p.m.
Hubert H. Humphrey
Building (200 Independence Avenue,
SW., Washington, DC 20201),
Conference Room 800.
meeting will include presentations by
the Consumer Empowerment,
Biosurveillance, Confidentiality, Privacy
and Security, and Quality Workgroups
on their Recommendations and also a
demonstration of prototypes of the
Nationwide Health Information Network
A Web site of the Community meeting
will be available on the NIH Web site at:
If you have special needs for the
meeting, please contact (202) 690–7151.
Dated: December 19, 2006.
Judith Sparrow,
Director, American Health Information
Community, Office of Programs and
Coordination, Office of the National
Coordinator for Health Information
[FR Doc. 06–9931 Filed 12–28–06; 8:45 am]
nationwide consumer reporting agencies had
approximately $1.2 billion in earnings in 2002. See
Michael Turner, Daniel Balis, Joseph Duncan, and
Robin Varghese, ‘‘Free Consumer Credit Reports: At
What Cost? The Economic Impact of a Free Credit
Report Law to the National Credit Reporting
Infrastructure,’’ Washington, DC: Information Policy
Institute, September, 2003. Thus, the total labor and
non-labor cost burden estimate of $13.57 million
represents a small percentage—approximately 1%
of the overall market ($13.57 million divided by
$1.2 billion). This comparison is conservative, as it
does not include the earnings of the nationwide
specialty consumer reporting agencies.
[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 250 (Friday, December 29, 2006)]
[Pages 78438-78440]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E6-22406]
Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for OMB
Review; Comment Request
AGENCY: Federal Trade Commission.
ACTION: Notice and request for comment.
SUMMARY: The information collection requirements described below will
be submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (``OMB'') for
review, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act (``PRA''). The
Federal Trade Commission (``FTC'' or ``Commission'') is seeking public
comments on its proposal to extend through April 30, 2010 the current
OMB clearance for its Free Annual File Disclosures Rule (``Rule'').
That clearance expires on April 30, 2007.
DATES: Comments must be filed by February 27, 2007.
ADDRESSES: Interested parties are invited to submit written comments.
Comments should refer to ``Free Annual File Disclosures Rule: FTC
Matter No. P054816,'' to facilitate the organization of comments. A
comment filed in paper form should include this reference both in the
text and on the envelope and should be mailed or delivered, with two
complete copies, to the following address: Federal Trade Commission,
Room H-135 (Annex J), 600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20580.
Because paper mail in the Washington area and at the Commission is
subject to delay, please consider submitting your comments in
electronic form, as prescribed below. However, if the comment contains
any material for which confidential treatment is requested, it must be
filed in paper form, and the first page of the document must be clearly
labeled ``Confidential.'' \1\
\1\ Commission Rule 4.2(d), 16 CFR 4.2(d). The comment must be
accompanied by an explicit request for confidential treatment,
including the factual and legal basis for the request, and must
identify the specific portions of the comment to be withheld from
the public record. The request will be granted or denied by the
Commission's General Counsel, consistent with applicable law and the
public interest. See Commission Rule 4.9(c), 16 CFR 4.9(c).
Comments filed in electronic form should be submitted by following
the instructions on the web-based form at https:// To ensure that the Commission
considers an electronic comment, you must file it on the web-based form
at the weblink. If this
notice appears at, you may also file an
electronic comment through that Web site. The Commission will consider
all comments that forwards to it.
The FTC Act and other laws the Commission administers permit the
collection of public comments to consider and use in this proceeding as
appropriate. All timely and responsive public comments will be
considered by the Commission and will be available to the public on the
FTC Web site, to the extent practicable, at As a
matter of discretion, the FTC makes every effort to remove home contact
information for individuals from the public comments it receives before
placing those comments on the FTC Web site. More information, including
routine uses permitted by the Privacy Act, may be found in the FTC's
privacy policy at
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Requests for additional information
should be addressed to Sandra Farrington, Attorney, Division of Privacy
and Identity Protection, Bureau of Consumer Protection, Federal Trade
Commission, 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., NJ-3158, Washington, DC
20580, (202) 326-2252.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Under the Paperwork Reduction Act (``PRA''),
44 U.S.C. 3501-3520, federal agencies must obtain approval from OMB for
each collection of information they conduct or sponsor. ``Collection of
information'' means agency requests or requirements that members of the
public submit reports, keep records, or provide information to a third
party. 44 U.S.C. 3502(3); 5 CFR 1320.3(c). As required by section
3506(c)(2)(A) of the PRA, the FTC is providing this opportunity for
public comment before requesting that OMB extend the existing paperwork
clearance for the regulations noted herein.
The FTC invites comments on: (1) Whether the proposed collection of
information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of
the agency, including whether the information will have practical
utility; (2) the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information, including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used; (3) ways to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and (4) ways
to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who
are to respond, including through the use of appropriate automated,
electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or
other forms of information technology, e.g., permitting electronic
submission of responses.
All comments should be filed as prescribed in the ADDRESSES section
above, and must be received on or before February 27, 2007.
The Rule, 16 CFR Parts 610 and 698, was promulgated pursuant to the
Free and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003 (``FACT Act''), Pub.
L. 108-159 (Dec. 4, 2003), and the Fair Credit Reporting Act
(``FCRA''), 16 U.S.C. 1681 et seq. As mandated by the FACT Act, the
Rule requires nationwide and nationwide consumer specialty reporting
agencies to provide to consumers, upon request, one free file
disclosure within any 12-month period.
Generally, the Rule requires the nationwide consumer reporting
agencies, as defined in Section 603(p) of the FCRA, 15 U.S.C. 1681a(p),
to create and operate a centralized source that provides consumers with
the ability to request their free annual file disclosures
[[Page 78439]]
from each of the nationwide consumer reporting agencies through a
centralized Internet Web site, toll-free telephone number, and postal
address. The Rule also requires the nationwide consumer reporting
agencies to establish a standardized form for Internet and mail
requests for annual file disclosures, and provides a model standardized
form that may be used to comply with that requirement.
The Rule also requires nationwide specialty consumer reporting
agencies, as defined in Section 603(w) of the FCRA, 15 U.S.C. 1681a(w),
to establish a streamlined process for consumers to request annual file
disclosures. This streamlined process must include a toll-free
telephone number for consumers to make such requests.
Burden Statement
Estimated total annual hours burden: 311,000 hours (rounded to the
nearest thousand).
In its 2004 PRA-related Federal Register Notices \2\ and
corresponding submission to OMB, FTC staff estimated that consumer
reporting agencies would receive an average of 16.6 million new annual
file disclosure requests per year during the three-year period from May
1, 2004 through April 30, 2007.\3\ Thus, estimated average annual
disclosure burden for those three years was approximately 199,000
\2\ 69 FR 13192 (Mar. 19, 2004); 69 FR 35468 (Jun. 24, 2004).
\3\ Staff predicted that nationwide consumer reporting agencies
and nationwide specialty consumer reporting agencies would receive
19.9 million new annual file disclosure requests per year. However,
the nationwide and nationwide specialty consumer reporting agencies
were not required to provide annual file disclosures under the Rule
until December 2004, 6 months after the Rule was published. On that
basis, staff predicted there would be 9.45 million new requests for
annual file disclosures for the first year of the clearance. [19.9
million/2] Thus, staff projected that consumer reporting agencies
would receive an average of 16.6 million new requests per year
during the requested clearance period. [(9.45 million + 19.9 million
+ 19.9 million)/3 = 16.6 million]
\4\ This total included estimated time to increase call center
and internet capacity to handle heightened request volume, alternate
use of live operators in limited instances, and processing mail
No provisions in the Rule have been amended since staff's prior
submission to OMB. However, the Consumer Data Industry Association
recently stated that since December 1, 2004, the nationwide consumer
reporting agencies have provided over 52 million free annual file
disclosures through the centralized Internet Web site, toll-free
telephone number, and postal address required to be established by the
FACT Act and the Rule.\5\ Applying this data, staff estimates that the
average annual disclosure burden for the three-year period for which
the Commission seeks OMB clearance is approximately 311,000 hours, as
detailed below, and that the nationwide consumer reporting agencies and
the nationwide specialty consumer reporting agencies will receive 26.69
million requests per year from consumers for free annual file
\5\ Letter from Stuart K. Pratt, President & CEO, Consumer Data
Industry Association, to Rep. Barney Frank, Committee on Financial
Services, U.S. House of Representatives (Dec. 1, 2006).
\6\ This figure annualizes the Consumer Data Industry
Association's estimate of 52 million new requests for the two-year
period from December 1, 2004 to December 1, 2006 and revises it
upward over the next three years based on population growth
projections issued by the U.S. Census Bureau. See U.S. Census Bureau
Interim Projections by Age, Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin,
available at
Annual File Disclosures Provided Through the Internet
Both nationwide consumer reporting agencies and nationwide
specialty consumer reporting agencies will likely handle the
overwhelming majority of consumer requests through internet Web
sites.\7\ The annual file disclosures requests processed through the
internet will not impose any hours burden per request on the nationwide
and nationwide specialty consumer reporting agencies, even though there
will be some periodically recurring time and investment required to
adjust the internet capacity needed to handle the new changing request
volume. Consumer reporting agencies likely will make such adjustments
by negotiating or renegotiating outsourcing service contracts annually
or as conditions change. Negotiating and renegotiating such contracts
requires the time of trained personnel. Staff estimates that
negotiating such contracts will require a cumulative total of 8,320
hours and $425,152 in setup and/or maintenance costs.\8\ Such activity
is treated as an annual burden of maintaining and adjusting the
changing internet capacity requirements.
\7\ According to a HarrisInteractive poll, the percentage of
households that have access to the internet is currently over 60%
and increasing. See The Harris Poll 8, February 5, 2003,
available at
index.asp?PID=356. In addition, internet users are probably more
likely to request an annual file disclosure. Accordingly, staff
estimates that annually, 75% of the 26.69 million new requests (or
approximately 20 million) will be made online.
\8\ Based on the time necessary for similar activity in the
federal government (including at the FTC), staff estimates that such
contracting and administration will require approximately 4 full-
time equivalent employees (``FTE'') for the web service contract.
Thus, staff estimates that administering the contract will require 4
FTE, which is 8,320 hours per year (4 FTE x 2080 hrs/yr). The cost
is based on the reported Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) rate
($48.03) for computer programmers for 2005 (most recently available
BLS data) multiplied by 6.286% (approximate wage inflation for 2005
and 2006 based on the BLS Employment Cost Index), resulting in a
wage of $51.10 per hour. Thus, the estimated setup and maintenance
cost for an internet system is $425,152 per year (8,320 hours x
Annual File Disclosures Requested over the Telephone
Most of the telephone requests for annual file disclosures will
also be handled in an automated fashion, without any additional
personnel needed to process the requests. As with the internet,
additional time and investment will be needed to increase and
administer the automated telephone capacity for the expected increase
in request volume. The nationwide and nationwide specialty consumer
reporting agencies will likely make such adjustments by negotiating or
renegotiating outsourcing service contracts annually or as conditions
change. Staff estimates that this will require a total of 6,240 hours
at a cost of $301,142 in setup and/or maintenance costs.\9\ This also
is treated as an annual recurring burden necessary to obtain, maintain,
and adjust automated call center capacity.
\9\ Staff estimates that recurrent contracting for automated
telephone capacity will require approximately 3 FTE, a total of
6,240 hours (3 x 2,080 hours). Applying a wage rate of $48.26 based
on the 2005 BLS rate for marketing managers ($45.36/hr), the
estimate for setup and maintenance cost is $301,142 (6,240 x $48.26)
per year.
A small percentage of those consumers who telephone the centralized
source or the nationwide speciality consumer reporting agencies will
not have telephone equipment compatible with an automated system and
may need to be processed by a live operator.\10\ Based on their
knowledge of the industry, staff estimates that each of these requests
will take 5 minutes to process, for a total of 5,334 additional hours
of operator time. [(64,008 x 5 minutes)/60 minutes = 5,334 hours]
\10\ Based on their knowledge of the industry, staff estimates
that consumers will submit 24% (6.4 million) of the average 26.69
million new requests for annual file disclosures by telephone. Of
those, an estimated 1% (or 64,056) will not have telephone equipment
compatible with an automated system and may need to be serviced by
live personnel.
Annual File Disclosures that Require Processing by Mail
Based on their knowledge of the industry, staff believes that no
more than 1% of consumers (1% x 26.69 million, or 266,900) will request
an annual file disclosure through U.S. postal service mail. Staff
estimates that
[[Page 78440]]
10 minutes per request is required to handle these requests, thereby
totaling 44,483 hours of time by clerical personnel. [(266,900 x 10
minutes)/60 minutes = 44,483 hours] In addition, whenever the
requesting consumer cannot be identified using an automated method (a
Web site or automated telephone service), it will be necessary to
redirect that consumer to send identifying material along with the
request by mail. Staff estimates that this will occur in about 5% of
the new requests (or 1,321,155) that were originally placed over the
internet or telephone. Staff estimates that inputting and processing
those redirected requests will consume approximately 10 minutes apiece
at a cumulative total of 220,193 clerical hours. [(1,321,155 x 10
minutes)/60 minutes = 220,193 hours]
Instructions to Consumers
The Rule also requires that certain instructions be provided to
consumers. See Rule sections 610.2(b)(2)(iv)(A,B),
610.3(a)(2)(iii)(A,B). Minimal associated time or cost is involved,
however. Internet instructions to consumers are embedded in the
centralized source Web site and do not require additional time or cost
for the nationwide consumer reporting agencies. Similarly, regarding
telephone requests, the automated phone systems provide the requisite
instructions when consumers select certain options. Some consumers who
request their credit reports by mail may additionally request printed
instructions from the nationwide and nationwide specialty consumer
reporting agencies. Staff estimates that there will be a total of
1,588,055 requests each year for free annual file disclosures by
mail.\11\ Based on their knowledge of the industry, staff estimates
that of the predicted 1,588,055 mail requests 10% (or 158,806) will
request instructions by mail. If printed instructions are sent to each
of these consumers by mail, requiring 10 minutes of clerical time per
consumer, this will require 26,468 hours. [(158,806 instructions x 10
minutes)/60 minutes per hour]
\11\ This figure includes both the estimated 1% of 26.69 million
requests that will be made by mail each year (266,900), and the
estimated 5% of the requests initially made over the Internet or
telephone that will be redirected to the mail process (5% of 99% of
26.69 million = 1,321,155).
Labor costs: $5.18 million.
Labor costs are derived by applying hourly cost figures to the
burden hours described above. Accordingly, staff estimates that it will
cost $70,195 to provide annual file disclosures for requests that
require a telephone service representative. [5,338 hours x $13.15 per
hour].\12\ The remaining processing of requests for annual file
disclosures and instructions will be performed by clerical personnel,
which will require 291,144 hours at a cost of $4,387,540. [(44,483
hours for handling initial mail request + 220,193 hours for handling
requests redirected to mail + 26,468 hours for handling instructions
mailed to consumers) x $15.07 per hour.\13\] As elaborated on above,
staff estimates that a total of 14,560 labor hours (8,320 internet
contract hours + 6,240 telephone capacity contract hours) will be
needed to obtain, maintain, and adjust the new capacity requirements
for the automated telephone call center and the internet web services.
This will result in approximately $726,294 per year in labor costs.
[(8,320 hours x $51.10 per hour for automated phone service) + (6,240
hours x $48.26 per hour for Web services)] \14\ Thus, staff estimates
that all non-contract labor will cost $5.18 million each year.
\12\ The 2005 BLS wage rate for telephone operators, $12.36,
increased by 6.385% for compounded wage inflation, is $13.15.
\13\ The 2005 BLS wage rate for employees in administrative
support, clerical (level 4 of 9), $14.17, multiplied by 6.385% for
compounded wage inflation, is $15.07.
\14\ The 2005 BLS wage rate for top-level computer programmers,
$48.03, multiplied by 6.385% for compounded wage inflation, is
$51.10. The 2005 BLS wage rate for marketing managers, averaged
overall, is $45.36; compounded for wage inflation at 6.385% it
becomes $48.26.
Capital/other non-labor costs: $8.39 million.
Staff believes it is likely that the consumer reporting agencies
will use third-party contractors (instead of their own employees) to
increase the capacity of their systems. Because of the way these
contracts are typically established, these costs will likely be
incurred on a continuing basis, and will be calculated based on the
number of requests handled by the systems. Staff estimates that the
total annual amount to be paid for services delivered under these
contracts is $8.39 million.\15\
\15\ This consists of an estimated $7.69 million for automated
telephone cost ($1.20 per request x 6.41 million requests) and an
estimated $700,000 ($0.035 per request x 20 million requests) for
internet web service cost. Per unit cost estimates are based on
staff's knowledge of the industry.
Thus, combined, estimated annual labor and non-labor costs are
approximately $13.57 million per year.\16\
\16\ The consumer reporting industry is a multi-billion dollar
market. As of 2002, it is estimated to have more than $4 billion
dollars in sales of file disclosures. One study indicates that the
nationwide consumer reporting agencies had approximately $1.2
billion in earnings in 2002. See Michael Turner, Daniel Balis,
Joseph Duncan, and Robin Varghese, ``Free Consumer Credit Reports:
At What Cost? The Economic Impact of a Free Credit Report Law to the
National Credit Reporting Infrastructure,'' Washington, DC:
Information Policy Institute, September, 2003. Thus, the total labor
and non-labor cost burden estimate of $13.57 million represents a
small percentage--approximately 1% of the overall market ($13.57
million divided by $1.2 billion). This comparison is conservative,
as it does not include the earnings of the nationwide specialty
consumer reporting agencies.
William Blumenthal,
General Counsel.
[FR Doc. E6-22406 Filed 12-28-06; 8:45 am]