Availability of Grant Funds for Fiscal Year 2007, 77726-77738 [E6-22176]
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 248 / Wednesday, December 27, 2006 / Notices
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
Request for Information (RFI) for
assistance by interested government
agencies, organizations, and industry
businesses. The information requested
may include:
• An assessment of, or comment on,
the white paper presented by the Travel
and Tourism Advisory Board, which
can be found at: https://tinet.ita.doc.gov/
• Respondents are highly encouraged
to provide specific comments on the
recommendations that are covered in
the white paper, organized by the
Æ making it easier for people to visit
by balancing hospitality with security,
Æ asking people to visit the United
States through a nationally coordinated
marketing program, and
Æ demonstrating the value of travel
and tourism to the nation’s economy.
• In addition, respondents are
encouraged to provide comments/
observations related to other areas of
concern or issues that are not addressed
in the white paper, such as:
Æ sustainable tourism development,
Æ medical tourism,
Æ cultural heritage tourism
Æ technical training/tours for
business-to-business development,
Æ education exchanges or attendance,
Æ public-private partnerships, or
Æ infrastructure challenges, to name a
Comments will serve in the
development of policies and programs
to be implemented by the federal
government concerning the tourism
The Government encourages both
rigorous and creative solutions in
response to this RFI.
How to Respond
The Department of Commerce is
asking respondents to provide written
input concerning any and all
recommendations contained within the
white paper submitted by the Travel
and Tourism Advisory Board and other
aspects of travel and tourism that may
not be addressed in the white paper.
All responses should be e-mailed to
either of the following members of the
Office of Travel and Tourism Industries:
julie.heizer@mail.doc.gov or
Please use reference: 2006 RFI
Restoring America’s Travel Brand, A
National Strategy to Compete for
International Visitors in the subject line
of all correspondence. Please submit
responses by January 19, 2007.
Input provided through this RFI may
be representative of the collective
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opinion from a membership-wide
survey of a travel and tourism industry
trade association, or it can be submitted
as the opinion of a single person. Any
opinions or information received that
are not specific to travel and tourism
related issues will not be considered.
This RFI is issued solely for
information and planning purposes and
does not constitute a solicitation. All
information received in response to this
RFI that is marked ‘‘Proprietary’’ will be
handled accordingly. Responses to the
RFI will not be returned. In accordance
with FAR 15.201(e), responses to this
notice will not be considered an offer
and cannot be accepted by the
Government to form a binding contract.
Interested parties are solely responsible
for all expenses associated with
responding to this RFI.
Additional information on the Travel
and Tourism Advisory Board and the
white paper submission may also be
found at the Office of Travel & Tourism
Industries Web site at: https://
Points of Contact
Julie Heizer, Deputy Director,
Industry Relations, Phone 202.482.4904,
Fax 202.482.2887, E-mail
Cynthia Warshaw, International Trade
Specialist, Phone 202.482.4601, Fax
202.482.2887, E-mail
Place of Performance
Address: Washington, DC.
Postal Code: 20230.
Country: United States.
You will find the RFI on the OTTI
Web site at: https://
Dated: December 20, 2006.
Helen N. Marano,
Director, Office of Travel & Tourism
[FR Doc. E6–22098 Filed 12–26–06; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
[Docket No. 030602141–6326–45; I.D.
RIN 0648–ZB55
Availability of Grant Funds for Fiscal
Year 2007
National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Notice.
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SUMMARY: The NOAA publishes this
notice to provide the general public
with a consolidated source of program
and application information related to
its competitive grant and cooperative
agreement (CA) award offerings for
fiscal year (FY) 2007. This Omnibus
notice is designed to replace the
multiple Federal Register notices that
traditionally advertised the availability
of NOAA’’s discretionary funds for its
various programs. It should be noted
that additional program initiatives
unanticipated at the time of the
publication of this notice may be
announced through subsequent Federal
Register notices. All announcements
will also be available through the
Grants.gov website.
DATES: Proposals must be received by
the date and time indicated under each
program listing in the SUPPLEMENTARY
INFORMATION section of this notice.
ADDRESSES: Proposals must be
submitted to the addresses listed in the
this notice for each program. The
Federal Register and Full Funding
Opportunity (FFO) notices may be
found on the Grants.gov website. The
URL for Grants.gov is https://
Please contact the person listed within
this notice as the information contact
under each program.
Applicants must comply with all
requirements contained in the FFO
announcements for each of the programs
listed in this omnibus notice. These
FFOs are available at https://
The list of entries below describe the
basic information and requirements for
competitive grant/cooperative
agreement programs offered by NOAA.
These programs are open to any
applicant who meets the eligibility
criteria provided in each entry. To be
considered for an award in a
competitive grant/cooperative
agreement program, an eligible
applicant must submit a complete and
responsive application to the
appropriate program office. An award is
made upon conclusion of the evaluation
and selection process for the respective
NOAA Project Competitions
This omnibus notice describes
funding opportunities for the following
NOAA discretionary grant programs:
National Marine Fisheries Service
1. 2007 Hawaii Seafood Program
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 248 / Wednesday, December 27, 2006 / Notices
2. Chesapeake Bay Cooperative
Science Program
3. Chesapeake Bay Fisheries Research
4. Chesapeake Bay Submerged
Aquatic Vegetation Restoration Program
5. Mid-Atlantic Research Set-Aside
6. Proactive Species Conservation
National Ocean Service
1. FY 2007 Regional Integrated Ocean
Observing System
2. California Bay Watershed
Education and Training (B-WET)
Program, Adult and Community
Watershed Education in the Monterey
National Weather Service
1. Hydrologic Research and Social
Science Research in Hydrologic
Oceanic and Atmospheric Research
1. NOAA’s Great Lakes Ecosystem
Under Secretary’s Associated Office
1. National Ocean Sciences
Competition for High School Students
2. Administrative Services for
NOAA’s Ernest F. Hollings
Undergraduate Scholarship Program
NOAA Mission Goals
The mission of the agency is to
understand and predict changes in the
Earth’s environment and conserve and
manage coastal and marine resources to
meet our Nation’s economic, social, and
environmental needs. Below is a listing
of the program solicitations that
generally fall under one or more areas
of NOAA’s strategic plan, i.e., mission
goals. It is imperative that potential
applicants tie their proposals to one of
the mission goals. Program solicitations
are provided from each of the five
operating units within NOAA.
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
NOAA Project Competitions Listed by
NOAA Mission Goals
1. Protect, restore and manage the use
of coastal and ocean resources through
ecosystem-based management.
areas are among the most developed in
the Nation. More than half the
population lives on less than one-fifth of
the land in the contiguous United
States. Furthermore, employment in
near shore areas is growing three times
faster than population. Coastal and
marine waters support over 28 million
jobs and provide a tourism destination
for nearly 90 million Americans a year.
The value of the ocean economy to the
United States is over $115 billion. The
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value added annually to the national
economy by the commercial and
recreational fishing industry alone is
over $48 billion. U.S. aquaculture sales
total almost $1 billion annually. With its
Exclusive Economic Zone of 3.4 million
square miles, the United States manages
the largest marine territory of any nation
in the world. Funded proposals should
help achieve the following outcomes:
A. Healthy and productive coastal and
marine ecosystems that benefit society;
B. A well-informed public that acts as
a steward of coastal and marine
Program Names:
1. 2007 Hawaii Seafood Program
2. California Bay Watershed
Education and Training (B-WET)
Program, Adult and Community
Watershed Education in the Monterey
3. Chesapeake Bay Fisheries Research
4. Chesapeake Bay Cooperative
Science Program
5. Chesapeake Bay Submerged
Aquatic Vegetation Restoration Program
6. Mid-Atlantic Research Set-Aside
7. NOAA’s Great Lakes Ecosystem
8. Proactive Species Conservation
2. Understand climate variability and
change to enhance society’s ability to
plan and respond.
shapes the environment, natural
resources, economies, and social
systems that people depend upon
worldwide. While humanity has learned
to contend with some aspects of
climate’s natural variability, major
climatic events, combined with the
stresses of population growth, economic
growth, public health concerns, and
land-use practices, can impose serious
consequences on society. The 1997–98
El Nino, for example, had a $25 billion
impact on the U.S. economy — property
losses were $2.6 billion and crop losses
approached $2 billion. Long-term
drought leads to increased and
competing demands for fresh water with
related effects on terrestrial and marine
ecosystems, agricultural productivity,
and even the spread of infectious
diseases. Decisions about mitigating
climate change also can alter economic
and social structures on a global scale.
We can deliver reliable climate
information in useful ways to help
minimize risks and maximize
opportunities for decisions in
agriculture, public policy, natural
resources, water and energy use, and
public health. We continue to move
toward developing a seamless suite of
PO 00000
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weather and climate products. The
Climate Goal addresses predictions on
time scales of up to decades or longer.
Funded proposals should help
achieve the following outcomes:
A. A predictive understanding of the
global climate system on time scales of
weeks to decades with quantified
uncertainties sufficient for making
informed and reasoned decisions; and
B. Climate-sensitive sectors and the
climate-literate public effectively
incorporating NOAA’s climate products
into their plans and decisions.
Program Names: None
3. Serve society’s needs for weather
and water information.
droughts, hurricanes, tornadoes,
tsunamis, wildfires, and other severe
weather events cause $11 billion in
damages each year in the United States.
Weather is directly linked to public
health and safety, and nearly one-third
of the U.S. economy (about $3 trillion)
is sensitive to weather and climate.
With so much at stake, NOAA’s role in
understanding, observing, forecasting,
and warning of environmental events is
expanding. With our partners, we seek
to provide decision makers with key
observations, analyses, predictions, and
warnings for a range of weather and
water conditions, including those
related to water supply, air quality,
space weather, and wildfires.
Businesses, governments, and nongovernmental organizations are getting
more sophisticated about how to use
this weather and water information to
improve operational efficiencies, to
manage environmental resources, and to
create a better quality of life. On
average, hurricanes, tornadoes,
tsunamis, and other severe weather
events cause $11 billion in damages per
year. Weather, including space weather,
is directly linked to public safety and
about one-third of the U.S. economy
(about $3 trillion) is weather sensitive.
With so much at stake, NOAA’s role in
observing, forecasting, and warning of
environmental events is expanding,
while economic sectors and its public
are becoming increasingly sophisticated
at using NOAA’s weather, air quality,
and water information to improve their
operational efficiencies and their
management of environmental
resources, and quality of life.
Funded proposals should help
achieve the following outcomes:
A. Reduced loss of life, injury, and
damage to the economy;
B. Better, quicker, and more valuable
weather and water information to
support improved decisions; and
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 248 / Wednesday, December 27, 2006 / Notices
C. Increased customer satisfaction
with weather and water information and
Program Names:
1. FY 2007 Regional Integrated Ocean
Observing System
2. Hydrologic Research and Social
Science Research in Hydrologic
4. Support the Nation’s commerce
with information for safe, efficient, and
environmentally sound transportation.
efficient transportation systems are
crucial to the U.S. economy. The U.S.
marine transportation system ships over
95 percent of the tonnage and more than
20 percent by value of foreign trade
through U.S. ports, including 48 percent
of the oil needed to meet America’s
energy demands. At least $4 billion is
lost annually due to economic
inefficiencies resulting from weatherrelated air-traffic delays. Improved
surface weather forecasts and specific
user warnings would reduce the 7,000
weather related fatalities and 800,000
injuries that occur annually from
crashes on roads and highways. The
injuries, loss of life, and property
damage from weather-related crashes
cost an average of $42 billion annually.
We provide information, services, and
products for transportation safety and
for increased commerce on roads, rails,
and waterways. We will improve the
accuracy of our information for marine,
aviation, and surface weather forecasts,
the availability of accurate and
advanced electronic navigational charts,
and the delivery of real-time
oceanographic information. We seek to
provide consistent, accurate, and timely
positioning information that is critical
for air, sea, and surface transportation.
We will respond to hazardous material
spills and provide search and rescue
routinely to save lives and money and
to protect the coastal environment. We
will work with port and coastal
communities and with Federal and state
partners to ensure that port operations
and development proceed efficiently
and in an environmentally sound
manner. We will work with the Federal
Aviation Administration and the private
sector to reduce the negative impacts of
weather on aviation without
compromising safety. Because of
increased interest by the public and
private sectors, we also will expand
weather information for marine and
surface transportation to enhance safety
and efficiency.
Funded proposals should help
achieve the following outcomes:
A. Safe, secure, efficient, and
seamless movement of goods and people
in the U.S. transportation system; and
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B. Environmentally sound
development and use of the U.S.
transportation system.
Program Names: None
5. Provide critical support for NOAA’s
effective, and efficient support activities
are necessary for us to achieve our
Mission Goals. Our facilities, ships,
aircraft, environmental satellites, dataprocessing systems, computing and
communication systems, and our
approach to management provide the
foundation of support for all of our
programs. This critical foundation must
adapt to evolving mission needs and,
therefore, is an integral part of our
strategic planning. It also must support
U.S. homeland security by maintaining
continuity of operations and by
providing NOAA services, such as civil
alert relays through NOAA Weather
Radio and air dispersion forecasts, in
response to national emergencies.
NOAA ships, aircraft, and
environmental satellites are the
backbone of the global Earth observing
system and provide many critical
mission support services. To keep this
capability strong and current with our
Mission Goals, we will ensure that
NOAA has adequate access to safe and
efficient ships and aircraft through the
use of both NOAA platforms and those
of other agency, academic, and
commercial partners. We will work with
academia and partners in the public and
private sectors to ensure that future
satellite systems are designed,
developed, and operated with the latest
Leadership development and program
support are essential for achieving our
Mission Goals. We must also commit to
organizational excellence through
management and leadership across a
‘‘corporate’’ NOAA. We must continue
our commitment to valuing NOAA’s
diverse workforce, including effective
workforce planning strategies designed
to attract, retain and develop
competencies at all levels of our
workforce. Through the use of business
process reengineering, we will strive for
state-of-the-art, value-added financial
and administrative processes. NOAA
will ensure state-of-the-art and secure
information technology and systems. By
developing long-range, comprehensive
facility planning processes NOAA will
be able to ensure right-sized, costeffective, and safe facilities.
Funded proposals should help
achieve the following outcomes:
A. A dynamic workforce with
competencies that support NOAA’s
mission today and in the future.
Program Names:
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1. Administrative Services for
NOAA’s Ernest F. Hollings
Undergraduate Scholarship Program
Non-Competitive Projects
1. Protect, restore and manage the use of
coastal and ocean resources through
ecosystem-based management. See
1. NOAA Northeast Pacific Expedition
Grant Program
Electronic Access
The full funding announcement for
each program is available via the
Grants.gov web site: https://
www.grants.gov. These announcements
will also be available by contacting the
program official identified below. You
will be able to access, download and
submit electronic grant applications for
NOAA Programs in this announcement
at https://www.grants.gov. The closing
dates will be the same as for the paper
submissions noted in this
announcement. NOAA strongly
recommends that you do not wait until
the application deadline date to begin
the application process through
Grants.gov. Getting started with
Grants.gov is easy! Go to https://
www.grants.gov. There are two key
features on the site: Find Grant
Opportunities and Apply for Grants.
Everything else on the site is designed
to support these two features and your
use of them. While you can begin
searching for grant opportunities for
which you would like to apply
immediately, it is recommended that
you complete the remaining Get Started
steps sooner rather than later, so that
when you find an opportunity for which
you would like to apply, you are ready
to go.
Get Started Step 1 Find Grant
Opportunity for Which You Would Like
to Apply
Start your search for Federal
government-wide grant opportunities
and register to receive automatic email
notifications of new grant opportunities
or any modifications to grant
opportunities as they are posted to the
site by clicking the Find Grant
Opportunities tab at the top of the page.
Get Started Step 2 Register with Central
Contractor Registry (CCR)
Your organization will also need to be
registered with Central Contractor
Registry. You can register with them
online. This will take about 30 minutes.
You should receive your CCR
registration within 3 business days.
Important: You must have a DUNS
number from Dun & Bradstreet before
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 248 / Wednesday, December 27, 2006 / Notices
you register with CCR. Many
organizations already have a DUNS
number. To determine if your
organization already has a DUNS
number or to obtain a DUNS number,
contact Dun & Bradstreet at 1–866–705–
5711. This will take about 10 minutes
and is free of charge. Be sure to
complete the Marketing Partner ID
(MPIN) and Electronic Business Primary
Point of Contact fields during the CCR
registration process. These are
mandatory fields that are required when
submitting grant applications through
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
Get Started Step 3 Register with the
Credential Provider
You must register with a Credential
Provider to receive a username and
password. This will be required to
securely submit your grant application.
Evaluation Criteria and Selection
NOAA standardized the evaluation
and selection process for its competitive
assistance programs. All proposals
submitted in response to this notice
shall be evaluated and selected in
accordance with the following
procedures. There are two sets of
evaluation criteria and selection
procedures, one for project proposals,
and the other for fellowship,
scholarship, and internship programs.
These evaluation criteria and selection
procedures apply to all of the programs
included below.
Proposal Review and Selection Process
for Projects
Some programs may include a preapplication process which provides an
initial review and feedback to the
applicants that have responded to a call
Get Started Step 4 Register with
for letters of intent or pre-proposals;
however, not all programs will include
The final step in the Get Started
such a process. If a pre-application
process is to register with Grants.gov.
process is used by a program, it shall be
This will be required to submit grant
described in the Summary Description
applications on behalf of your
and the deadline shall be provided in
organization. After you have completed
the Application Deadline section. Upon
the registration process, you will receive
receipt of a full application by NOAA,
email notification confirming that you
an initial administrative review is
are able to submit applications through
conducted to determine compliance
with requirements and completeness of
Get Started Step 5 Log on to Grants.gov the application. A merit review is
conducted to individually evaluate,
After you have registered with
Grants.gov, you can log on to Grants.gov score, and rank applications using the
evaluation criteria. A second merit
to verify if you have registered
review may be conducted on the
successfully, to check application
applicants that meet the program’s
status, and to update information in
threshold (based on scores from the first
your applicant profile, such as your
name, telephone number, email address, merit review) to make selections using
and title. In the future, you will have the the selection factors provided below.
Merit review is conducted by mail
ability to determine if you are
reviewers and/or peer panel reviewers.
authorized to submit applications
Each reviewer will individually
through Grants.gov on behalf of your
evaluate and rank proposals using the
evaluation criteria provided below. No
Electronic Application File Format and consensus advice shall be provided by
Naming Conventions
either merit review group if there are
any non-Federal members. A minimum
After the initial grant application
of three merit reviewers per proposal at
package has been submitted to NOAA
each stage is required. The merit
(e.g., via Grants.gov), requests for
reviewer’s ratings are used to produce a
additional or modified forms may be
requested by NOAA. Applicants should rank order of the proposals. The NOAA
Program Officer may review the ranking
resubmit forms in Portable Document
of the proposals and make
File Format (PDF) and follow the
recommendations to the Selecting
following file naming convention to
Official based on the mail and/or panel
name resubmitted forms. For example:
review(s) and selection factors listed
below. The Selecting Official selects
(1) 98042 = Proposal # (provided to
proposals after considering the mail
applicant by Grants.gov and NOAA)
and/or peer panel review(s) and
(2) SF–424 = Form Number
recommendations of the Program
(3) mmddyy = Date
Officer. In making the final selections,
(4) v2 = Version Number
To learn how to convert documents to the Selecting Official will award in rank
PDF go to: https://www.grants.gov/assets/ order unless the proposal is justified to
be selected out of rank order based upon
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one or more of the selection factors
below. The Program Officer and/or
Selecting Official may negotiate the
funding level of the proposal. The
Selecting Official makes final
recommendations for award to the
Grants Officer who is authorized to
obligate the funds.
Evaluation Criteria for Projects
1. Importance and/or relevance and
applicability of proposed project to the
program goals: This ascertains whether
there is intrinsic value in the proposed
work and/or relevance to NOAA,
federal, regional, state, or local
2. Technical/scientific merit: This
assesses whether the approach is
technically sound and/or innovative, if
the methods are appropriate, and
whether there are clear project goals and
3. Overall qualifications of applicants:
This ascertains whether the applicant
possesses the necessary education,
experience, training, facilities, and
administrative resources to accomplish
the project.
4. Project costs: The Budget is
evaluated to determine if it is realistic
and commensurate with the project
needs and time-frame.
5. Outreach and education: NOAA
assesses whether this project provides a
focused and effective education and
outreach strategy regarding NOAA’s
mission to protect the Nation’s natural
Selection Factors for Projects
The merit review ratings shall provide
a rank order to the Selecting Official for
final funding recommendations. A
program officer may first make
recommendations to the Selecting
Official applying the selection factors
below. The Selecting Official shall
award in the rank order unless the
proposal is justified to be selected out
of rank order based upon one or more
of the following factors:
1. Availability of funding.
2. Balance/distribution of funds:
a. Geographically
b. By type of institutions
c. By type of partners
d. By research areas
e. By project types
3. Whether this project duplicates
other projects funded or considered for
funding by NOAA or other federal
4. Program priorities and policy
5. Applicant’s prior award
6. Partnerships and/or Participation of
targeted groups.
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 248 / Wednesday, December 27, 2006 / Notices
2. Availability of funds
3. Program-specific objectives
4. Degree in scientific area and type
of degree sought
Proposal Review and Selection Process
for NOAA Fellowship, Scholarship and
Internship Programs
Some programs may include a preapplication process which provides an
initial review and feedback to the
applicants that have responded to a call
for letters of intent or pre-proposals;
however, not all programs will include
such a process. If a pre-application
process is used by a program, it shall be
described in the Summary Description
and the deadline shall be provided in
the Application Deadline section. An
initial administrative review of full
applications is conducted to determine
compliance with requirements and
completeness of applications. A merit
review is conducted to individually
evaluate, score, and rank applications
using the evaluation criteria. A second
merit review may be conducted on the
applicants that meet the program’s
threshold (based on scores from the first
merit review) to make selections using
the selection factors provided below.
The Program Officer may conduct a
review of the rank order and make
recommendations to the Selecting
Official based on the panel ratings and
the selection factors listed below. The
Selecting Official considers merit
reviews and recommendations. The
Selecting Official will award in rank
order unless the proposal is justified to
be selected out of rank order based upon
one or more of the selection factors
below. The Selecting Official makes
final recommendations for awards to the
Grants Officer who is authorized to
obligate the funds.
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
7. Adequacy of information necessary
for NOAA staff to make a NEPA
determination and draft necessary
documentation before recommendations
for funding are made to the Grants
National Marine Fisheries Service
Evaluation Criteria for Fellowship/
1. Academic record and statement of
career goals and objectives of student
2. Quality of project and applicability
to program priorities
3. Recommendations and/or
endorsements of student
4. Additional relevant experience
related to diversity of education; extracurricular activities; honors and awards;
interpersonal, written, and oral
communications skills
5. Financial need of student
Selection Factors for Fellowship/
1. Balance/Distribution of funds:
a. Across academic disciplines
b. By types of institutions
c. Geographically
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NOAA Project Competitions
1. 2007 Hawaii Seafood Program
soliciting applications for financial
assistance for the 2007 Hawaii Seafood
Program. The Hawaii Seafood Program
is proposed for an effort to help
strengthen and sustain the economic
viability of Hawaii’s fishing and seafood
industry through activities that promote
Hawaii fisheries products as high
quality and safe domestic seafood
produced by a responsible and wellmanaged fishery. Projects may request
support for cooperative seafood safety
research, technical assistance, and/or
seafood education. This program will
support NOAA’s mission to protect,
restore and manage the use of coastal
and ocean resources through ecosystembased management.
Approximately $1,000,000 may be
available. Actual funding availability for
this program is contingent upon FY07
Congressional appropriations.
11.452, Unallied Industry Projects.
Applications must be received by 5 p.m.
Hawaii standard time on February 28,
APPLICATIONS: Applications are
available through the Grants.Gov
website at https://www.grants.gov. For
those organizations without internet
access, application materials and
instructions may be obtained from Scott
W.S. Bloom, NOAA Federal Program
Officer, Pacific Islands Regional Office,
1601 Kapiolani Blvd., Suite 1110,
Honolulu, HI, 96814.
W.S. Bloom (NOAA Fisheries) at 808–
944–2218, or by e-mail at
ELIGIBILITY: Eligible applicants are
individuals, institutions of higher
education, other nonprofits, commercial
organizations, international
organizations, foreign governments,
organizations under the jurisdiction of
foreign governments, and state, local
and Indian tribal governments. Federal
agencies, or employees of Federal
agencies are not eligible to apply.
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Applications under this program are
subject to Executive Order 12372,
‘‘Intergovernmental Review of Federal
2. Chesapeake Bay Cooperative Science
National Marine Fisheries Service
(NMFS) / NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office
(NCBO) is soliciting applications for
financial assistance to support
Cooperative Science in Chesapeake Bay.
The NCBO is developing a Cooperative
Science Program in Chesapeake Bay to
formalize and expand collaborative
research among the Chesapeake Bay’s
commercial fishing industry, marine
scientists, and fishery management
communities. The goal of this initiative
is to enhance the data upon which
fishery management decisions are made
as well as to facilitate communication
and collaboration among commercial
fishermen, scientists, and fishery
managers. Through this initiative, the
NCBO will develop a collaborative and
cooperative program to set research
priorities that meet management and
fishing industry needs. This funding
will provide a significant opportunity
for the NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office to
develop collaborative relationships with
the fishing industry. This program will
support NOAA’s mission to protect,
restore and manage the use of coastal
and ocean resources through ecosystembased management.
availability for this program is
contingent upon FY07 Congressional
appropriations. Approximately
$100,000 - $150,000 in funding may be
available for awards in FY 2007; there
are no restrictions on minimum or
maximum funding requests. Award
periods may be up to a maximum of 3
years, with annual funding contingent
on the availability of Federal
Wildlife Coordination Act, as amended,
at 16 U.S.C. 661
11.457, Chesapeake Bay Studies.
Intent must be received by 5 p.m. EST
on February 7, 2007 to
Derek.orner@noaa.gov. Full proposals
must be received by 5 p.m. EST on
March 12, 2007.
PROPOSALS: Applicants should submit
proposals online through
www.grants.gov. If online submission is
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 248 / Wednesday, December 27, 2006 / Notices
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
not possible, paper applications may be
mailed to NOAA Chesapeake Bay
Office, 410 Severn Ave., Suite 107A,
Annapolis, MD 21403.
Orner, NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office,
410 Severn Ave., Suite 107A,
Annapolis, MD 21403; email:
Derek.orner@noaa.gov; phone: 410–
ELIGIBILITY: Eligible applicants are
institutions of higher education, other
nonprofits, commercial organizations,
foreign governments, organizations
under the jurisdiction of foreign
governments, international
organizations, and state, local and
Indian tribal governments. Federal
agencies or institutions are not eligible
to receive Federal assistance under this
There are no cost-sharing or matching
requirements under this solicitation.
Applications under this program are
subject to Executive Order 12372,
‘‘Intergovernmental Review of Federal
3. Chesapeake Bay Fisheries Research
National Marine Fisheries Service
(NMFS), NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office
(NCBO), is soliciting applications for
financial assistance to support fisheries
research, monitoring, modeling, or
assessment that will facilitate effective
ecosystem-based management in
Chesapeake Bay. This management
paradigm requires knowledge of the
interactions among exploited species,
and their habitats and stressors, to
develop viable management plans.
Applicants follow the Fisheries
Ecosystem Plan (https://
FEPlDRAFT.pdf) in identifying the
science necessary to support ecosystembased fisheries management in the Bay.
This program will support NOAA’s
mission to protect, restore and manage
the use of coastal and ocean resources
through ecosystem-based management.
availability for this program is
contingent upon FY07 Congressional
appropriations. Approximately
$1,000,000 was available in FY 2006
and similar levels may be available for
awards in FY2007 (this includes
continuation of multi-year awards);
there are no restrictions on minimum or
maximum funding requests. Award
periods may be up to a maximum of 3
years, with annual funding contingent
on the availability of Federal
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Wildlife Coordination Act, as amended,
at 16 U.S.C. 661
11.457, Chesapeake Bay Studies.
Intent must be received by 5 p.m. EST
on February 7, 2007 to
Derek.orner@noaa.gov. Full proposals
must be received by 5 p.m. EST on
March 12, 2007.
PROPOSALS: Applicants should submit
proposals online through
www.grants.gov. If online submission is
not possible, paper applications may be
mailed to NOAA Chesapeake Bay
Office, 410 Severn Ave., Suite 107A,
Annapolis, MD 21403. Information
Contact: Derek Orner, NOAA
Chesapeake Bay Office, 410 Severn
Ave., Suite 107A, Annapolis, MD 21403;
email: derek.orner@noaa.gov; phone:
ELIGIBILITY: Eligible applicants are
institutions of higher education, other
nonprofits, commercial organizations,
foreign governments, organizations
under the jurisdiction of foreign
governments, international
organizations, and state, local and
Indian tribal governments. Federal
agencies or institutions are not eligible
to receive Federal assistance under this
There are no cost-sharing or matching
requirements under this solicitation.
Applications under this program are
subject to Executive Order 12372,
‘‘Intergovernmental Review of Federal
4. Chesapeake Bay Submerged Aquatic
Vegetation Restoration Program
National Marine Fisheries Service
(NMFS) / NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office
(NCBO) is soliciting applications for
financial assistance to support
submerged aquatic vegetation(SAV)
Restoration projects in Chesapeake Bay.
This program is a competitive program
that supports vital restoration, research,
monitoring, analysis, modeling and
assessment of SAV activities that will
assist the CBP, NOAA, and other
program partners in reaching the goal of
effective ecosystem-based management
and integrated restoration. Projects
follow and the guidance in the
Chesapeake Bay Program’s ‘‘Strategy to
Accelerate the Protection and
Restoration of Submerged Aquatic
Vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay’’
which is available at https://
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FinallSAVlrestoration.pdf. This
program will support NOAA’s mission
to protect, restore and manage the use
of coastal and ocean resources through
ecosystem-based management.
availability for this program is
contingent upon FY07 Congressional
appropriations. Approximately
$250,000 in funding may be available
for awards in FY 2007; there are no
restrictions on minimum or maximum
funding requests. Award periods may be
up to a maximum of 3 years, with
annual funding contingent on the
availability of Federal appropriations.
Wildlife Coordination Act, as amended,
at 16 U.S.C. 661.
11.457, Chesapeake Bay Studies.
Intent must be received by 5 p.m. EST
on February 7, 2007. Full proposals
must be received by 5 p.m. EST on
March 12, 2007. Address for Submitting
Proposals: Applicants should submit
proposals online through
www.grants.gov. If online submission is
not possible, paper applications may be
mailed to NOAA Chesapeake Bay
Office, 410 Severn Ave., Suite 107A,
Annapolis, MD 21403. Information
Contact: Peter Bergstrom, NOAA
Chesapeake Bay Office, 410 Severn
Ave., Suite 107A, Annapolis, MD 21403;
email: peter.bergstrom@noaa.gov;
phone: 410–267–5665.
ELIGIBILITY: Eligible applicants are
institutions of higher education, other
nonprofits, commercial organizations,
foreign governments, organizations
under the jurisdiction of foreign
governments, international
organizations, and state, local and
Indian tribal governments. Federal
agencies or institutions are not eligible
to receive Federal assistance under this
There are no cost-sharing or matching
requirements under this solicitation.
Applications under this program are
subject to Executive Order 12372,
‘‘Intergovernmental Review of Federal
5. Mid-Atlantic Research Set-Aside
Research Set-Aside (RSA) Program
provides a mechanism to fund research
and compensate vessels through the sale
of fish harvested under a research quota.
For fishing year 2008 (January 1–
December 31, 2008), NMFS announces
that up to 3 percent of the total
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 248 / Wednesday, December 27, 2006 / Notices
allowable landings (TAL) in certain
Mid-Atlantic fisheries may be dedicated
to research endeavors under the RSA
program. The setting of the actual RSA
quotas will be the subject of future
rulemaking. NMFS is soliciting
proposals for research activities
concerning the summer flounder, scup,
black sea bass, Loligo squid, Illex squid,
Atlantic mackerel, butterfish, Atlantic
bluefish, and tilefish fisheries. The setasides may range between 0 and 3
percent of each species’ TAL. The setaside allocated for a given species is
designated primarily for research
involving that species. However, to
promote research for species where it
would otherwise be infeasible,
individual research projects may request
up to 25 percent of the set-aside
allocations for other species listed in
this notice that are not directly involved
in a particular research project. No
Federal funds are provided for research
under this notification, but rather the
opportunity to fish and sell the catch to
generate income to offset research costs.
Projects funded under an RSA
allocation (or award) must enhance
understanding of the fishery resource or
contribute to the body of information on
which management decisions are made.
The program priorities for this
opportunity support NOAA’s Mission
support goal of: Ecosystems - Protect,
Restore, and Manage Use of Coastal and
Ocean Resources through EcosystemBased Management.
Federal funds are provided for research
under this notification, but rather the
opportunity to fish and sell the catch to
generate income. The Federal
Government may issue an Exempted
Fishing Permit (EFP) or Letter of
Acknowledgment (LOA), as applicable,
which may provide special fishing
privileges in response to research
proposals selected under this program.
grants is consistent with sections
303(b)(11), 402(e), and 404(c) of the
Magnuson-Stevens Fishery
Conservation and Management Act, 16
U.S.C. 1853(b)(11), 16 U.S.C. 1881a(e),
and 16 U.S.C. 1881c(c), respectively.
The award of a set-aside from the TAL
of selected species resulted from the
approval of Framework Adjustment 1
(Framework 1) to the Atlantic Mackerel,
Squid, and Butterfish; Summer
Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass;
and Atlantic Bluefish Fishery
Management Plans (FMPs); and the RSA
provisions of the Tilefish FMP.
Framework 1 established a procedure
through which RSA amounts are set
annually as part of the Mid-Atlantic
Fishery Management Council’s
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(Council) quota-setting process (66 FR
42156, August 10, 2001), and is codified
in regulations at 50 CFR 648.21(g).
Unallied Management Projects.
Applications must be received by NMFS
on or before 5 p.m. EST on February 12,
APPLICATIONS: Applications should
be submitted through https://
www.grants.gov, and use the following
funding opportunity # NMFS-NEFSC–
2007–2000887 unless an applicant does
not have Internet access. In that case,
hard copies should be sent to NMFS,
Northeast Fisheries Science Center, 166
Water Street, Woods Hole, MA 02543.
Mark proposals ‘‘Attention: MidAtlantic Research Set-Aside Program.’’
Furlong, Executive Director, MidAtlantic Fishery Management Council,
by phone at 302–674–2331 ext. 19, or
fax at 302–674–5399; Clay Heaton,
Fishery Management Specialist, MidAtlantic Fishery Management Council,
by phone at 302–674–2331 ext. 13, or
via email at cheaton@mafmc.org; or
Paul Perra, Fishery Policy Analyst,
NMFS, Northeast Regional Office, One
Blackburn Drive, Gloucester, MA 01930,
by phone at 978–281–9153, by fax at
978–281–9135, or via e-mail at
ELIGIBILITY: Eligible applicants
include institutions of higher education,
hospitals, other nonprofits, commercial
organizations, individuals, state, local,
and Native American tribal
governments. Federal agencies and
institutions are not eligible to receive
Federal assistance under this notice.
Additionally, employees of any Federal
agency or Regional Fishery Management
Council are ineligible to submit an
application under this program.
However, Council members who are not
Federal employees may submit an
Applicants under this program are
subject to Executive Order 12372,
‘‘Intergovernmental Review of Federal
6. Proactive Species Conservation
National Marine Fisheries Service
(NMFS) is soliciting applications for
financial assistance to support the
conservation of marine and anadromous
species of concern. To raise awareness
of potentially at-risk species and to
foster their proactive conservation, the
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NMFS created a ‘‘species of concern’’
list in April 2004 (69 FR 19975). Under
this solicitation, the NMFS is seeking to
support conservation efforts for these
species of concern. Any state, tribal, or
local entity that has management or
regulatory authority over one or more of
these species or over activities that
affect these species is eligible to apply.
A current list of NMFS’ species of
concern can be found at https://
concern/#list. This program will support
NOAA’s mission to protect, restore and
manage the use of coastal and ocean
resources through ecosystem-based
availability for this program is
contingent upon FY07 Congressional
appropriations. Approximately
$500,000 was available in FY 2006 and
similar levels may be available for
awards in FY2007; there are no
restrictions on minimum or maximum
funding requests. Award periods may be
up to a maximum of 5 years, with
annual funding contingent on the
availability of Federal appropriations.
Wildlife Coordination Act, as amended,
at 16 U.S.C. 661.
11.472, Unallied Science Programs.
must be received by 5 p.m. EST on
February 12, 2007. Hard copy
applications must be postmarked by
February 12, 2007.
PROPOSALS: Applicants should submit
proposals online through
www.grants.gov. If online submission is
not possible, paper applications may be
mailed to NOAA/NMFS/Office of
Protected Resources, Attn: Lisa
Manning, 1315 East-West Highway,
SSMC3, Silver Spring, MD 20910.
Manning, 1315 East-West Highway,
Silver Spring, MD 20910; email:
lisa.manning@noaa.gov; phone: 301–
ELIGIBILITY: Eligible applicants are
state, tribal, or local governments that
have regulatory or management
authority over one or more federally
identified species of concern or over
activities that affect one or more
federally identified species of concern.
There are no cost-sharing or matching
requirements under this solicitation.
Applications under this program are
subject to Executive Order 12372,
‘‘Intergovernmental Review of Federal
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 248 / Wednesday, December 27, 2006 / Notices
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
National Ocean Service
1. FY 2007 Regional Integrated Ocean
Observing System Development
to be user-driven and provide sustained
data and information in forms and at
rates required by decision makers, the
Integrated Ocean Observing System
(IOOS) will efficiently link observations,
data management, and modeling to
provide required data and information
on local to global scales, e.g., from the
local scale of beaches and shellfish beds
to the global scale of an El Nino event.
Regional coastal ocean observing
systems (RCOOSs) are designed to
complement the observing systems
managed directly by federal agencies
that meet national priorities. With the
guidance of Regional Associations to
understand regional priorities, RCOOSs
provide the types of data, information,
and products needed to address the
estuarine and coastal issues experienced
by the different regions, and to leverage
the delivery and applicability of data
collected by local network nodes.
NOAA views this announcement as an
opportunity to demonstrate the regional
observing system concept. To assist in
regional IOOS development, NOAA
seeks proposals for one- to three-year
grant or cooperative agreement projects
that address the following focus areas:
1. Regional coastal ocean observing
systems (RCOOS) development - to
further the establishment and
integration of observing system assets
within regions and the operation of
those assets for the benefit of the region.
Proposals submitted under this focus
area will demonstrate the approach and
benefits of integration at the scale of the
Regional Association. While focus areas
2 and 3 address particular components
of IOOS (e.g., data management and
product development), this focus area
invites proposals that implement an
end-to-end RCOOS that addresses
regional needs.
2. IOOS application and product
development for regional stakeholders
— to develop, advance, and document
the value of applying existing IOOS
assets to the real-world issues of
managers, industry, and the general
public. Proposals submitted under this
focus area will address regional needs
for IOOS applications and products and
quantify the value of the application or
product to the end user.
3. Data management and
communication by local data network
nodes — to develop guidance and
processes for regional non-federal data
providers to contribute to the IOOS data
stream. Proposals submitted under this
focus area will develop local data
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network nodes that deliver regional data
to a range of consumers using common
standards and protocols.
The program priorities for this
opportunity support NOAA’s mission
support goal of: Weather and Water —
Serve Society’s Needs for Weather and
Water Information. Other goals are
supported, but this is the goal the
opportunity most closely addresses.
Availability: Total anticipated funding
for all awards is approximately
$15,000,000 and is subject to the
availability of FY 2007 appropriations.
Multiple awards are anticipated from
this announcement. The anticipated
federal funding per award (min-max) is
approximately $100,000 to $6,000,000.
The anticipated number of awards
ranges from 7 to 14, approximately, and
will be adjusted based on available
authority for this program is provided
under the Coastal Zone Management
Act, 16 U.S.C. 1456c (Technical
Assistance); 33 U.S.C. 883d; and 33
U.S.C. 1442 (Research program
investigating possible long-range effects
of pollution, overfishing, and
anthropogenically-induced changes of
ocean ecosystems).
ASSISTANCE (CFDA) Number: 11.473,
Coastal Services Center.
required prior to submitting a full
proposal. LOIs must be received by the
Coastal Services Center by 5 p.m. EST
on January 31, 2007. Full proposal
applications must be received by 5 p.m.
EST, April 17, 2007.
APPLICATIONS: LOIs must be sent via
e-mail to James.L.Free@noaa.gov.
Applicants submitting a LOI should
reference the Funding Opportunity Title
(FY 2007 Regional Integrated Ocean
Observing System Development) as the
subject line of the e-mail containing the
If an applicant does not have Internet
access, the applicant must submit
through surface mail one original and
two copies of the LOI to the Coastal
Services Center. No fax copies will be
accepted. Any U.S. Postal Service
correspondence should be sent to the
attention of James Lewis Free, NOAA
Coastal Services Center, 2234 South
Hobson Avenue, Charleston, SC, 29405–
Full proposal application packages
should be submitted through Grants.gov
APPLY. The standard NOAA funding
application package is available at
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If an applicant does not have Internet
access, the applicant must submit
through surface mail one set of originals
(signed) and two copies of the proposals
and related forms to the Coastal Services
Center. No e-mail or fax copies will be
accepted. Any U.S. Postal Service
correspondence should be sent to the
attention of James Lewis Free, NOAA
Coastal Services Center, 2234 South
Hobson Avenue, Charleston, SC, 29405–
administrative issues, contact James
Lewis Free at 843–740–1185 (phone) or
e-mail him at James.L.Free@noaa.gov.
Technical questions on the IOOS
announcement should be directed to the
following people according to the focus
area in question: RCOOS Development,
Geno Olmi by telephone at 843–740–
1230 (phone) or e-mail him at
Geno.Olmi@noaa.gov; IOOS
Applications and Product Development,
Dave Eslinger by telephone (843) 740–
1270, or by e-mail
Dave.Eslinger@noaa.gov; and Data
Management and Communications, Jim
Boyd by telephone (843) 740–1278, or
by e-mail James.Boyd@noaa.gov.
ELIGIBILITY: Eligible funding
applicants are institutions of higher
education, non-profit and for-profit
organizations, international
organizations, and state, local and
Indian tribal governments. Federal
agencies or institutions and foreign
governments may not be the primary
recipient of awards under this
announcement, but are encouraged to
partner with applicants. Federal
partners must identify the relevant
statutory authorities that will allow for
the receipt of funds.
There is no requirement for cost sharing.
Applications under this program are
subject to Executive Order 12372,
‘‘Intergovernmental Review of Federal
2. California Bay Watershed Education
and Training (B-WET) Program, Adult
and Community Watershed Education
in the Monterey Bay
California B-WET Program, Adult and
Community Watershed Education, is a
competitively based program that
supports existing environmental
education programs, fosters the growth
of new programs, and encourages the
development of partnerships among
environmental education programs
throughout the Monterey Bay
watershed. Funded projects provide
meaningful watershed education to
adults and communities. The term
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 248 / Wednesday, December 27, 2006 / Notices
meaningful watershed education is
defined as outcome-based programs that
educate citizens about their role in
protecting water quality and
demonstrate behavioral changes that
improve water quality and promote
environmental stewardship. This
program will support NOAA’s mission
to protect, restore and manage the use
of coastal and ocean resources through
ecosystem-based management.
solicitation announces that
approximately $100,000 may be
available in FY 2007 in award amounts
to be determined by the proposals and
available funds. The National Marine
Sanctuary Program anticipates that
approximately 2–4 grants will be
awarded with these funds and that
typical project awards will range from
$10,000 to $50,000.
1440, 15 U.S.C. 1540.
11.429, Marine Sanctuary Program.
must be received by 5 p.m. Pacific
standard time on February 1, 2007. Hard
copy and electronic proposals received
after that time will not be considered for
funding and will be returned to the
PROPOSALS: It is strongly preferred
that you submit your application
through Grants.gov at the internet site:
https://www.grants.gov. You may access,
download, and submit an electronic
grant application through Grants.gov.
The full funding announcement is
available via the grants.gov web site:
https://www.grants.gov. The
announcement will also be available at
the NOAA web site https://
sanctuaries.noaa.gov/bwet or by
contacting the program officials
identified below. Applicants must
comply with all requirements contained
in the full funding opportunity
announcement. NOAA strongly
recommends that you do not wait until
the application deadline date to begin
the application process through
applications, a signed original and 2
copies (submission of five additional
hard copies is strongly encouraged to
expedite the review process, but it is not
required) may be submitted to Attn:
Seaberry Nachbar, B-WET Program
Manager, Monterey Bay National Marine
Sanctuary Office, 299 Foam Street,
Monterey, CA 93940. The closing
deadline for applying through
grants.gov is the same as for the paper
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submission noted in this
ELIGIBILITY: Eligible applicants are
institutions of higher education,
nonprofit organizations, state or local
government agencies, and Indian tribal
governments. The Department of
Commerce/ National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (DOC/
NOAA) is strongly committed to
broadening the participation of
historically black colleges and
universities, Hispanic serving
institutions, tribal colleges and
universities, and institutions that
service underserved areas.
No cost sharing is required under this
program; however, the National Marine
Sanctuary Program strongly encourages
applicants to share as much of the costs
of the award as possible. Funds from
other Federal awards may not be
considered matching funds. The nature
of the contribution (cash versus in-kind)
and the amount of matching funds will
be taken into consideration in the
review process with cash being the
preferred method of contribution.
Applications under this program are not
subject to Executive Order 12372,
‘‘Intergovernmental Review of Federal
National Weather Service
1. Hydrologic Research and Social
Science Research in Hydrologic
program announcement is for projects to
be conducted by research investigators
for a 1-year or a 3-year period,
depending on which high-priority area
the proposal is submitted to. June 1,
2007, should be used as the proposed
start date on proposals. This program
represents an NOAA/NWS effort to
create a cost-effective continuum of
basic and applied research through
collaborative research between the
Hydrology Laboratory of the NWS Office
of Hydrologic Development and
academic communities or other private
or public agencies which have expertise
in hydrologic research, and in social
science research in hydrologic
applications. These activities will
engage researchers and students in basic
and applied research to improve
hydrologic forecasting, including the
display of probabilistic information to
emergency managers and to the general
public. The program priorities for this
opportunity support NOAA’s mission
support goal of: Weather and WaterServe Society’s Needs for Weather and
Water Information.
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expected that, depending on availability
of funds, one award for each of the three
priority areas described in the detailed
announcement will be made. However,
if no proposals are deemed of suitable
quality in any of the two areas, no
award in that particular area will be
made. The government Maximum
funding is described in the detailed
313 and 33 U.S.C. 883d.
11.462, Hydrologic Research.
are due no later than 3 p.m. EST 30
calendar days after the publication of
this announcement. Proposals should be
submitted through https://
www.grants.gov. For applicants without
internet access, they may be sent to
NOAA/NWS; 1325 East-West Highway,
Room 8176; Silver Spring, MD 20910–
Pedro Restrepo by phone at 301–713–
0640 ext. 210, or fax to 301–713–0963,
or via e-mail at
Pedro.Restrepo@noaa.gov. Proponents
are advised that soliciting advice on any
aspect of this funding opportunity from
employees and contractors of the Office
of Hydrologic Development, other than
Dr. Pedro Restrepo, is not permitted.
Requesting advice from any other
NOAA office, such as NOHRSC, NCEP
or any of the RFCs or WFOs is allowed
and highly encouraged.
ELIGIBILITY: Eligible applicants are
Federal agencies, institutions of higher
education, other nonprofits, commercial
organizations, foreign governments,
organizations under the jurisdiction of
foreign governments, and international
organizations, state, local and Indian
tribal governments. PLEASE NOTE:
Before non-NOAA Federal applicants
may be funded, they must demonstrate
that they have legal authority to receive
funds from another Federal agency in
excess of their appropriation. Because
this announcement is not proposing to
procure goods or services from
applicants, the Economy Act (31 U.S.C.
1535) is not an appropriate legal basis.
Applications under this program are not
subject to Executive Order 12372,
‘‘Intergovernmental Review of Federal
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 248 / Wednesday, December 27, 2006 / Notices
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
Oceans and Atmospheric Research
1. NOAA’s Great Lakes Ecosystem
mission is to understand and predict
changes in the Earth’s environment and
conserve and manage coastal and
marine resources to meet our nation’s
economic, social and environmental
needs. Proposals funded under this
announcement fulfill NOAA’s
ecosystem mission to protect, restore,
and manage use of coastal and ocean
resources through ecosystem-based
management. The Great Lakes
Environmental Research Laboratory
(GLERL) is actively involved in research
on ecological prediction, aquatic
invasive species, physical environment
prediction, and environmental
observing systems. Specific research
projects include studies on aquatic
invasive species in the Great Lakes,
especially prevention of introduction
and effects on food webs, the
development of coastal environmental
forecast systems, Great Lakes water
supplies, water level forecasting, food
web interactions and regulation and
forecasting risks to Human Health (e.g.,
beach closings, drinking water quality
and harmful algal blooms).
anticipated federal funding for FY 2007
is $1.5M in the first year with funding
for 20 - 30 of awards. Federal Funding
for FY 2008 and beyond may be used in
part to fund some awards submitted
under this competition. We anticipate
that the annual cost of most funded
projects will fall between $1,000 and
$50,000 per year. Actual funding levels
will depend upon the final FY 2007 and
subsequent budget appropriations.
- Special Oceanic and Atmospheric
Intent should be received at GLERL no
later than 5 p.m. EST, February 16,
2007. Full proposals must be received
no later than 5 p.m. EST, March 30,
PROPOSALS: (1) Letters of Intent (LOI).
LOIs are encouraged to be submitted by
facsimile or e-mail to the identified
NOAA program element’s program
manager and to GLERLgrants@noaa.gov.
If an applicant does not have Internet
access, LOI hard copies should be sent
to the Program Managers listed with
each program in the Program Priorities
section and to the GLERL Grants
Manager, Sandra Salyers, NOAA/
VerDate Aug<31>2005
20:43 Dec 26, 2006
Jkt 211001
GLERL, 2205 Commonwealth Blvd; Ann
Arbor, MI., 48105, phone 734–741–
2246; (2) Proposals. Proposals should be
submitted through Grants.gov APPLY
(https://www.grants.gov). If an applicant
does not have Internet access, please
contact the GLERL Grants Manager (see
above) for hard copy instructions.
Salyers, NOAA/GLERL, 2205
Commonwealth Blvd; Ann Arbor, MI
48105, phone 734–741–2246.
ELIGIBILITY: Eligible applicants are
institutions of higher education, other
nonprofits, commercial organizations,
international organizations, State, local
and Indian tribal governments. Federal
agencies or institutions are not eligible
to receive Federal assistance under this
No cost sharing is required.
Applications under this program are not
subject to Executive Order 12372,
‘‘Intergovernmental Review of Federal
Under Secretary’s Associated Office
1. National Ocean Sciences Competition
for High School Students
Office of Education (OED), on behalf of
its partner agencies in the National
Oceanographic Partnership Program
(NOPP), is requesting applications in
support of an academic competition for
high school students focusing on ocean
sciences and related fields. The goal of
this program is to expose high school
students in the United States and its
territories to the excitement of ocean
sciences and related fields as well as
careers in those fields. Projects should
be 5 years in duration, employ one or
more of the strategies articulated in the
NOAA Education Plan (https://
NOAAlEdlPlan.pdf), involve
partnerships among academic
institutions, free-choice learning
venues, NGOs and Federal entities, and
have an evaluation that both monitors
the quality of the experience for the
participants (be they students, teachers,
or volunteers) and the impact of the
program on the participants. Although it
is expected that the project’s focal point
will be a tiered academic competition
with regional and national-level events,
it should also provide additional
learning experiences for student
participants, their peers and their
teachers, such as internships and field
or research experiences. It is anticipated
that final recommendations for funding
under this announcement will be made
PO 00000
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on or around February 28, 2007, and
that the grant funded through this
announcement will have a start date no
earlier than April 1, 2007. There are no
other program priorities for this
announcement. This FFO meets
NOAA’s Mission Goal to protect, restore
and manage the use of coastal and ocean
resources through ecosystem-based
announces the availability of
approximately $2,000,000 of Federal
financial assistance in FY 2007 for an
academic competition for high school
students on ocean sciences and related
fields. One award in the form of a grant
will be made. NOAA will only consider
projects that have a duration of five
years. The total Federal amount for all
years that may be requested from NOAA
for the direct and indirect costs of the
proposed project shall not exceed
$10,000,000 for five years. The
minimum Federal amount that must be
requested from NOAA for all years for
the direct and indirect costs is
$1,000,000. Applications requesting
Federal support from NOAA of less than
$1,000,000 total or more than
$10,000,000 total will not be considered
for funding through this announcement.
The amount of funding available
through this announcement will be
dependent upon the final
appropriations for FY 2007 through FY
2011 and commitment of funds from
partnering agencies of the National
Oceanographic Partnership Program
Authority for this funding opportunity
is provided by the following: 15 U.S.C.
- Congressionally Identified Awards and
deadline for full applications is 5 p.m.,
EST February 12, 2007.
PROPOSALS: Full applications should
be submitted through Grants.gov (https://
www.grants.gov). If an applicant does
not have Internet access, one hard copy
should be sent to ATTN: Competition
Manager for Funding Opportunity SECOED–2007–2000888, DOC/NOAA Office
of Education, 1401 Constitution Ave.,
NW, Room 6863, Washington, DC
20230. If submitting a hard copy,
applicants are requested to provide a
CD-ROM of the application, including
scanned signed forms.
further information contact Sarah
Schoedinger at 704–370–3528 or
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 248 / Wednesday, December 27, 2006 / Notices
ELIGIBILITY: Eligible applicants are
institutions of higher education, other
nonprofits, and state, local and Indian
tribal governments in the United States.
For profit organizations, foreign
institutions, foreign organizations and
foreign government agencies are not
eligible to apply. Federal agencies are
not eligible to receive Federal assistance
under this announcement, but may be
project partners. The Department of
Commerce/National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (DOC/
NOAA) is strongly committed to
increasing the participation of Minority
Serving Institutions (MSIs), i.e.,
Historically Black Colleges and
Universities, Hispanic-serving
institutions, Tribal colleges and
universities, Alaskan Native and Native
Hawaiian institutions, and institutions
that work in underserved communities.
Applications are encouraged that
involve any of the above types of
OTHER: An individual or institution
may apply only once through this
funding opportunity.
Applications under this program are not
subject to Executive Order 12372,
‘‘Intergovernmental Review of Federal
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
2. Administrative Services for NOAA’s
Ernest F. Hollings Undergraduate
Scholarship Program
purpose of this document is to advise
the public that NOAA’s Office of
Education is announcing the availability
of Federal assistance for a not-for-profit
organization for administrative services
for the Ernest F. Hollings Undergraduate
Scholarship Program. The purposes of
the program include: (1) To increase
undergraduate training in oceanic and
atmospheric science, research,
technology, and education and foster
multidisciplinary training
opportunities; (2) to increase public
understanding and support for
stewardship of the ocean and
atmosphere and improve environmental
literacy; (3) to recruit and prepare
students for public service careers with
the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration and other natural
resource and science agencies at the
Federal, state and local levels of
government; and (4) to recruit and
prepare students for careers as teachers
and educators in oceanic and
atmospheric science and to improve
scientific and environmental education
in the United States.
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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Jkt 211001
The Hollings Scholarship Program
provides selected undergraduate
applicants with awards that include
academic assistance (up to a maximum
of $8,000) for full-time study during the
9-month academic year; a 10-week, fulltime internship position ($650/week)
during the summer at a NOAA or
partner facility; and, if reappointed,
academic assistance (up to a maximum
of $8,000) for full-time study during a
second 9-month academic year. The
internship between first and second
years of the award provides ‘‘hands-on’’
multi-disciplinary educational training
experience involving scholars in NOAArelated scientific, research,
technological, policy, management, and
education activities. Awards also
include a housing subsidy for scholars
who do not reside at home during the
summer internship and travel expenses
for attendance and participation at a
Hollings scholarship orientation
program, conference travel, and an end
of summer internship presentation
The program priorities for this
opportunity support NOAA’s mission
support goal of Critical Support —
Facilities, ships, aircraft, environmental
satellites, data-processing systems,
computing and communications
appropriations, this solicitation
announces that funding at a maximum
of $3,400,000 will be available for
program administration of the Ernest F.
Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship
Program over a two-year period. Only
one application will be funded. Up to 18
percent is allowed for administrative
overhead and at least 82 percent is for
student support. It is anticipated that
the funding instrument will be a
cooperative agreement since NOAA will
be substantially involved in the
selection of scholarship recipients,
identifying NOAA facilities to place
students during the one summer
internship, and with collaboration,
participation, or intervention in project
1540, P.L. 108–447.
- Educational Partnership Program with
Minority Serving Institutions.
Applications must be received by the
NOAA Office of Education on or before
February 12, 2007 no later than 5 p.m.
APPLICATIONS: Applications
submitted in response to this
announcement should be submitted
PO 00000
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through the Grants.gov web site.
Electronic access to the full funding
announcement for this program is
available via the Grants.gov web site:
https://www.grants.gov. The
announcement will also be available at
the NOAA Office of Education web site
https://www.oesd.noaa.gov or by
contacting the program official
identified below. Paper applications (a
signed original and two copies) may
also be submitted to NOAA at the
following address: NOAA/Office of
Education, 1315 East West Highway,
Room 10703, Silver Spring, MD 20910.
No facsimile applications will be
accepted. Organizations are encouraged
to submit Letters of Intent to NOAA
within 30 days of this announcement to
aid in planning the review processes.
Letters of Intent may be submitted via
e-mail to Chantell.Haskins@noaa.gov.
Information should include a general
description of the program
administration proposal.
Haskins, Program Manager at (301) 713–
9437 ext. 125 or
ELIGIBILITY: Proposals will only be
accepted from non-profit organizations.
Applications under this program are not
subject to Executive Order 12372,
‘‘Intergovernmental Review of Federal
Non-Competitive Project
The following entry provides the
description and requirements of
NOAA’s noncompetitive project. NOAA
Northeast Pacific Expedition Grant
Undersea Research Program (NURP),
Ocean Exploration Program, and
National Marine Sanctuary Program
announce that they will be sponsoring
an expedition in 2009 to examine deep
sea habitats in the Northeast Pacific
Ocean. The geographic regions of
interest include waters off the coasts of
the states of California, Oregon,
Washington, Alaska (including the
Aleutian Islands), and Hawaii
(specifically the Northwestern Hawaiian
Islands), and the Emperor Seamounts. It
is anticipated that the expedition will
use the R/V Kaıimikai-o-Kanaloa and
the 2000–meter capable human
occupied submersibles, Pisces IV and V,
and be approximately four months in
length with seven to ten individual
segments. Funding will be provided for
an external, competitive grant program
entitled the NOAA Northeast Pacific
Expedition Grant Program to be
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 248 / Wednesday, December 27, 2006 / Notices
administered through the NURP Centers
for the West Coast and Polar Regions
and Hawaii and the Western Pacific
Regions, the Hawaii Undersea Research
Laboratory, in partnership with NURP
headquarters, the Ocean Exploration
Program and the National Marine
Sanctuary Program. Specific priorities,
geographic preferences, application
requirements, and the competitive peerreview process will be provided in the
request for proposals to be posted at
expedition. The program priorities for
this opportunity support NOAA’s
mission support goal of: Ecosystems Protect, Restore, and Manage Use of
Coastal and Ocean Resources through
Ecosystem-Based Management.
Approximately $2,000,000 may be
available in FY 2008 and FY 2009 to
support awards under this program.
authority for this program is provided
under 33 U.S.C. 883d.
ASSISTANCE (CFDA) Number: 11.430,
National Undersea Research Program.
Puglise, 301–713–2427, extension 199
or e-mail at kimberly.puglise@noaa.gov.
The request for proposals will be
announced at: https://
The awards require a 1:1 federal to nonfederal match.
Applications under this program are not
subject to Executive Order 12372,
‘‘Intergovernmental Review of Federal
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
Limitation of Liability
Funding for programs listed in this
notice is contingent upon the
availability of Fiscal Year 2007
appropriations. Applicants are hereby
given notice that funds have not yet
been appropriated for the programs
listed in this notice. In no event will
NOAA or the Department of Commerce
be responsible for proposal preparation
costs if these programs fail to receive
funding or are cancelled because of
other agency priorities. Publication of
this announcement does not oblige
NOAA to award any specific project or
to obligate any available funds.
Universal Identifier
Applicants should be aware that they
are required to provide a Dun and
Bradstreet Data Universal Numbering
System (DUNS) number during the
application process. See the October 30,
2002 Federal Register, Notice of
Proposed Requirement for Use of a
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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Jkt 211001
Universal Identifier by Grant Applicants
(67 FR 66177) for additional
information. Organizations can receive a
DUNS number at no cost by calling the
dedicated toll-free DUNS Number
request line at 1–866–705–5711 or via
the internet https://
National Environmental Policy Act
NOAA must analyze the potential
environmental impacts, as required by
the NEPA, for applicant projects or
proposals which are seeking NOAA
federal funding opportunities. Detailed
information on NOAA compliance with
NEPA can be found at the following
NOAA NEPA website: https://
www.nepa.noaa.gov/, including our
NOAA Administrative Order 216–6 for
NEPA, https://www.nepa.noaa.gov/
NAO216l--6l--TOC.pdf, and the
Council on Environmental Quality
implementation regulations, https://
Consequently, as part of an
applicant’s package, and under their
description of their program activities,
applicants are required to provide
detailed information on the activities to
be conducted, locations, sites, species
and habitat to be affected, possible
construction activities, and any
environmental concerns that may exist
(e.g., the use and disposal of hazardous
or toxic chemicals, introduction of nonindigenous species, impacts to
endangered and threatened species,
aquaculture projects, and impacts to
coral reef systems). NOAA has
developed an environmental
information questionnaire to provide
applicants and Federal grant managers
with a simple tool to ensure that project
and environmental information is
obtained. The questionnaire will apply
only to those programs where actions
are considered major Federal actions or
to those where NOAA must determine
if the action is a major Federal action.
The questionnaire consists of a
comprehensive list of questions that
encompasses a broad range of subject
areas. The applicants will not be
required to answer every question in the
questionnaire. Each program will draw
from the final comprehensive list of
questions to create a relevant subset of
questions for applicants to answer.
These questions will be found in the
Federal Funding Opportunity
Announcement for individual programs
under Section IV.B. (Application and
Submission Information; Content and
Form of Application Submission). The
information provided in answers to the
questionnaire will be used by NOAA
PO 00000
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staff to determine compliance
requirements for NEPA and conduct
subsequent NEPA analysis as needed.
The information provided in the
questionnaire may also be used for other
regulatory review requirements
associated with the proposed project.
NOAA may require follow-up
information after the application
process has been completed.
In addition to providing specific
information that will serve as the basis
for any required impact analyses,
applicants may also be requested to
assist NOAA in the drafting of an
environmental assessment, if NOAA
determines an assessment is required.
Applicants will also be required to
cooperate with NOAA in identifying
and implementing feasible measures to
reduce or avoid any identified adverse
environmental impacts of their
proposal. The failure to do so shall be
grounds for not selecting an application.
In some cases, if additional information
is required after an application is
selected, funds can be withheld by the
Grants Officer under a special award
condition requiring the recipient to
submit additional environmental
compliance information sufficient to
enable NOAA to make an assessment on
any impacts that a project may have on
the environment.
Compliance with Department of
Commerce Bureau of Industry and
Security Export Administration
Regulations (15 CFR 734.2(b)(2)(ii))
(a) This clause applies to the extent
that this financial assistance award
involves access to export-controlled
information or technology.
(b) In performing this financial
assistance award, the recipient may gain
access to export-controlled information
or technology. The recipient is
responsible for compliance with all
applicable laws and regulations
regarding export-controlled information
and technology, including deemed
exports. The recipient shall establish
and maintain throughout performance
of the financial assistance award
effective export compliance procedures
at non-NOAA facilities. At a minimum,
these export compliance procedures
must include adequate controls of
physical, verbal, visual, and electronic
access to export-controlled information
and technology.
(c) Definitions
(1) Deemed export. The Export
Administration Regulations (EAR)
define a deemed export as any release
of technology or source code subject to
the EAR to a foreign national, both in
the United States and abroad. Such
release is ‘‘deemed’’ to be an export to
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 248 / Wednesday, December 27, 2006 / Notices
the home country of the foreign
national. 15 CFR 734.2(b)(2)(ii).
(2) Export-controlled information and
technology. Export-controlled
information and technology is
information and technology subject to
the EAR (15 CFR parts 730 et seq.),
implemented by the DOC Bureau of
Industry and Security, or the
International Traffic I Arms Regulations
(ITAR) (22 CFR parts 120–130),
implemented by the Department of
State. This includes, but is not limited
to, dual-use items, defense articles and
any related assistance, services, software
or technical data as defined in the EAR
and ITAR.
(d) The recipient shall control access
to all export-controlled information and
technology that it possesses or that
comes into its possession in
performance of this financial assistance
award, to ensure that access is
restricted, or licensed, as required by
applicable Federal laws, Executive
Orders, and/or regulations.
(e) Nothing in the terms of this
financial assistance award is intended to
change, supersede, or waive any of the
requirements of applicable Federal laws,
Executive Orders or regulations.
(f) The recipient shall include this
clause, including this paragraph (f), in
all lower tier transactions (subawards,
contracts, and subcontracts) under this
financial assistance award that may
involve access to export-controlled
information technology.
of December 30, 2004 (69 FR 78389) are
applicable to this solicitation.
Paperwork Reduction Act
This document contains collection-ofinformation requirements subject to the
Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA). The
use of Standard Forms 424, 424A, 424B,
SF LLL, CD–346, SF 424 Research and
Related Family, SF 424 Short
Organizational Family, and the SF 424
Individual Form Family has been
approved by the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) under the respective
control numbers 4040–0004, 0348–0044,
0348–0040, 0348–0046, 0605–0001,
4040–0001, 4040–0003, and 4040–0005.
Notwithstanding any other provision of
law, no person is required to respond to,
nor shall any person be subject to a
penalty for failure to comply with, a
collection of information subject to the
requirements of the PRA unless that
collection of information displays a
currently valid OMB control number.
Executive Order 12866
This notice has been determined to be
not significant for purposes of Executive
Order 12866.
Executive Order 13132 (Federalism)
It has been determined that this notice
does not contain policies with
Federalism implications as that term is
defined in Executive Order 13132.
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
NOAA implementation of Homeland
Security Presidential Directive — 12.
Administrative Procedure Act/
Regulatory Flexibility Act
If the performance of a financial
assistance award, if approved by NOAA,
requires recipients to have physical
access to Federal premises for more than
180 days or access to a Federal
information system, any items or
services delivered under a financial
assistance award shall comply with the
Department of Commerce personal
identity verification procedures that
implement Homeland Security
Presidential Directive -12, FIPS PUB
201, and the Office of Management and
Budget Memorandum M–05–24. The
recipient shall insert this clause in all
subawards or contracts when the
subaward recipient or contractor is
required to have physical access to a
Federally controlled facility or access to
a Federal information system.
The Department of Commerce PreAward Notification Requirements for
Grants and Cooperative Agreements.
The Department of Commerce PreAward Notification Requirements for
Grants and Cooperative Agreements
contained in the Federal Register notice
Prior notice and an opportunity for
public comment are not required by the
Administrative Procedure Act or any
other law for rules concerning public
property, loans, grants, benefits, and
contracts (5 U.S.C. 553(a)(2)). Because
notice and opportunity for comment are
not required pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 553 or
any other law, the analytical
requirements of the Regulatory
Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) are
inapplicable. Therefore, a regulatory
flexibility analysis has not been
VerDate Aug<31>2005
20:43 Dec 26, 2006
Jkt 211001
Dated: December 20, 2006.
Daniel Clever,
Deputy Director, Acquisitions and Grants
[FR Doc. E6–22176 Filed 12–26–06; 8:45 am]
PO 00000
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National Oceanic and Atmospheric
[I.D. 122106B]
Regional Fishery Management Council
Chairs, Vice Chairs, and Executive
Directors Meeting
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Notice of a public meeting.
SUMMARY: NMFS will host a meeting of
the Regional Fishery Management
Council Chairs, Vice Chairs, and
Executive Directors in January 2007.
The intent of this meeting is to discuss
issues of relevance to the Councils,
including implementation of the FY
2007 budget, updates on NMFS
initiatives on limited access programs,
and issues related to implementation of
the bill recently passed by Congress that
would amend the Magnuson-Stevens
Fishery Conservation and Management
Act (Magnuson-Stevens Act).
DATES: The meeting will begin at 9 a.m.
on Wednesday, January 10, 2007, recess
at 5 p.m. or when business is complete;
reconvene at 9 a.m. on Thursday,
January 11, 2007, and adjourn by 5 p.m.
or when business is complete; and
reconvene at 9 a.m. on Friday, January
12, 2007, and adjourn by noon.
ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held at
NOAA Headquarters, Room 4527, 1315
East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD
William D. Chappell: telephone 301–
713–2337 or e-mail at
William.Chappell@noaa.gov; or Linda
Moon: telephone 301–713–2337 or email at Linda.Moon@noaa.gov.
Magnuson-Stevens Fishery
Conservation and Management
Reauthorization Act of 2006 (HR 5946),
when signed by the President, will
establish the Council Coordinating
Committee by amending Section 302 (16
U.S.C. 1852) of the Magnuson-Stevens
Act. The committee consists of the
chairs, vice chairs, and executive
directors of each of the 8 Regional
Fishery Management Councils
authorized by the Magnuson-Stevens
Act or other Council members or staff.
NMFS will host this meeting and
provide reports to the Committee for its
information and discussion. The main
topic of discussion will be
implementation of the newly authorized
Act. NMFS will also present and accept
[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 248 (Wednesday, December 27, 2006)]
[Pages 77726-77738]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: E6-22176]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
[Docket No. 030602141-6326-45; I.D. 051906D]
RIN 0648-ZB55
Availability of Grant Funds for Fiscal Year 2007
AGENCY: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The NOAA publishes this notice to provide the general public
with a consolidated source of program and application information
related to its competitive grant and cooperative agreement (CA) award
offerings for fiscal year (FY) 2007. This Omnibus notice is designed to
replace the multiple Federal Register notices that traditionally
advertised the availability of NOAA''s discretionary funds for its
various programs. It should be noted that additional program
initiatives unanticipated at the time of the publication of this notice
may be announced through subsequent Federal Register notices. All
announcements will also be available through the Grants.gov website.
DATES: Proposals must be received by the date and time indicated under
each program listing in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section of this
ADDRESSES: Proposals must be submitted to the addresses listed in the
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section of this notice for each program. The
Federal Register and Full Funding Opportunity (FFO) notices may be
found on the Grants.gov website. The URL for Grants.gov is https://www.grants.gov.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Please contact the person listed
within this notice as the information contact under each program.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Applicants must comply with all requirements
contained in the FFO announcements for each of the programs listed in
this omnibus notice. These FFOs are available at https://www.grants.gov.
The list of entries below describe the basic information and
requirements for competitive grant/cooperative agreement programs
offered by NOAA. These programs are open to any applicant who meets the
eligibility criteria provided in each entry. To be considered for an
award in a competitive grant/cooperative agreement program, an eligible
applicant must submit a complete and responsive application to the
appropriate program office. An award is made upon conclusion of the
evaluation and selection process for the respective program.
NOAA Project Competitions
This omnibus notice describes funding opportunities for the
following NOAA discretionary grant programs:
National Marine Fisheries Service
1. 2007 Hawaii Seafood Program
[[Page 77727]]
2. Chesapeake Bay Cooperative Science Program
3. Chesapeake Bay Fisheries Research Program
4. Chesapeake Bay Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Restoration Program
5. Mid-Atlantic Research Set-Aside
6. Proactive Species Conservation Program
National Ocean Service
1. FY 2007 Regional Integrated Ocean Observing System
2. California Bay Watershed Education and Training (B-WET) Program,
Adult and Community Watershed Education in the Monterey Bay
National Weather Service
1. Hydrologic Research and Social Science Research in Hydrologic
Oceanic and Atmospheric Research
1. NOAA's Great Lakes Ecosystem Research
Under Secretary's Associated Office
1. National Ocean Sciences Competition for High School Students
2. Administrative Services for NOAA's Ernest F. Hollings
Undergraduate Scholarship Program
NOAA Mission Goals
The mission of the agency is to understand and predict changes in
the Earth's environment and conserve and manage coastal and marine
resources to meet our Nation's economic, social, and environmental
needs. Below is a listing of the program solicitations that generally
fall under one or more areas of NOAA's strategic plan, i.e., mission
goals. It is imperative that potential applicants tie their proposals
to one of the mission goals. Program solicitations are provided from
each of the five operating units within NOAA.
NOAA Project Competitions Listed by NOAA Mission Goals
1. Protect, restore and manage the use of coastal and ocean
resources through ecosystem-based management.
SUMMARY DESCRIPTION: Coastal areas are among the most developed in
the Nation. More than half the population lives on less than one-fifth
of the land in the contiguous United States. Furthermore, employment in
near shore areas is growing three times faster than population. Coastal
and marine waters support over 28 million jobs and provide a tourism
destination for nearly 90 million Americans a year. The value of the
ocean economy to the United States is over $115 billion. The value
added annually to the national economy by the commercial and
recreational fishing industry alone is over $48 billion. U.S.
aquaculture sales total almost $1 billion annually. With its Exclusive
Economic Zone of 3.4 million square miles, the United States manages
the largest marine territory of any nation in the world. Funded
proposals should help achieve the following outcomes:
A. Healthy and productive coastal and marine ecosystems that
benefit society; and
B. A well-informed public that acts as a steward of coastal and
marine ecosystems.
Program Names:
1. 2007 Hawaii Seafood Program
2. California Bay Watershed Education and Training (B-WET) Program,
Adult and Community Watershed Education in the Monterey Bay
3. Chesapeake Bay Fisheries Research Program
4. Chesapeake Bay Cooperative Science Program
5. Chesapeake Bay Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Restoration Program
6. Mid-Atlantic Research Set-Aside
7. NOAA's Great Lakes Ecosystem Research
8. Proactive Species Conservation Program
2. Understand climate variability and change to enhance society's
ability to plan and respond.
SUMMARY DESCRIPTION: Climate shapes the environment, natural
resources, economies, and social systems that people depend upon
worldwide. While humanity has learned to contend with some aspects of
climate's natural variability, major climatic events, combined with the
stresses of population growth, economic growth, public health concerns,
and land-use practices, can impose serious consequences on society. The
1997-98 El Nino, for example, had a $25 billion impact on the U.S.
economy -- property losses were $2.6 billion and crop losses approached
$2 billion. Long-term drought leads to increased and competing demands
for fresh water with related effects on terrestrial and marine
ecosystems, agricultural productivity, and even the spread of
infectious diseases. Decisions about mitigating climate change also can
alter economic and social structures on a global scale. We can deliver
reliable climate information in useful ways to help minimize risks and
maximize opportunities for decisions in agriculture, public policy,
natural resources, water and energy use, and public health. We continue
to move toward developing a seamless suite of weather and climate
products. The Climate Goal addresses predictions on time scales of up
to decades or longer.
Funded proposals should help achieve the following outcomes:
A. A predictive understanding of the global climate system on time
scales of weeks to decades with quantified uncertainties sufficient for
making informed and reasoned decisions; and
B. Climate-sensitive sectors and the climate-literate public
effectively incorporating NOAA's climate products into their plans and
Program Names: None
3. Serve society's needs for weather and water information.
SUMMARY DESCRIPTION: Floods, droughts, hurricanes, tornadoes,
tsunamis, wildfires, and other severe weather events cause $11 billion
in damages each year in the United States. Weather is directly linked
to public health and safety, and nearly one-third of the U.S. economy
(about $3 trillion) is sensitive to weather and climate. With so much
at stake, NOAA's role in understanding, observing, forecasting, and
warning of environmental events is expanding. With our partners, we
seek to provide decision makers with key observations, analyses,
predictions, and warnings for a range of weather and water conditions,
including those related to water supply, air quality, space weather,
and wildfires. Businesses, governments, and non-governmental
organizations are getting more sophisticated about how to use this
weather and water information to improve operational efficiencies, to
manage environmental resources, and to create a better quality of life.
On average, hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, and other severe weather
events cause $11 billion in damages per year. Weather, including space
weather, is directly linked to public safety and about one-third of the
U.S. economy (about $3 trillion) is weather sensitive. With so much at
stake, NOAA's role in observing, forecasting, and warning of
environmental events is expanding, while economic sectors and its
public are becoming increasingly sophisticated at using NOAA's weather,
air quality, and water information to improve their operational
efficiencies and their management of environmental resources, and
quality of life.
Funded proposals should help achieve the following outcomes:
A. Reduced loss of life, injury, and damage to the economy;
B. Better, quicker, and more valuable weather and water information
to support improved decisions; and
[[Page 77728]]
C. Increased customer satisfaction with weather and water
information and services.
Program Names:
1. FY 2007 Regional Integrated Ocean Observing System
2. Hydrologic Research and Social Science Research in Hydrologic
4. Support the Nation's commerce with information for safe,
efficient, and environmentally sound transportation.
SUMMARY DESCRIPTION: Safe and efficient transportation systems are
crucial to the U.S. economy. The U.S. marine transportation system
ships over 95 percent of the tonnage and more than 20 percent by value
of foreign trade through U.S. ports, including 48 percent of the oil
needed to meet America's energy demands. At least $4 billion is lost
annually due to economic inefficiencies resulting from weather-related
air-traffic delays. Improved surface weather forecasts and specific
user warnings would reduce the 7,000 weather related fatalities and
800,000 injuries that occur annually from crashes on roads and
highways. The injuries, loss of life, and property damage from weather-
related crashes cost an average of $42 billion annually.
We provide information, services, and products for transportation
safety and for increased commerce on roads, rails, and waterways. We
will improve the accuracy of our information for marine, aviation, and
surface weather forecasts, the availability of accurate and advanced
electronic navigational charts, and the delivery of real-time
oceanographic information. We seek to provide consistent, accurate, and
timely positioning information that is critical for air, sea, and
surface transportation. We will respond to hazardous material spills
and provide search and rescue routinely to save lives and money and to
protect the coastal environment. We will work with port and coastal
communities and with Federal and state partners to ensure that port
operations and development proceed efficiently and in an
environmentally sound manner. We will work with the Federal Aviation
Administration and the private sector to reduce the negative impacts of
weather on aviation without compromising safety. Because of increased
interest by the public and private sectors, we also will expand weather
information for marine and surface transportation to enhance safety and
Funded proposals should help achieve the following outcomes:
A. Safe, secure, efficient, and seamless movement of goods and
people in the U.S. transportation system; and
B. Environmentally sound development and use of the U.S.
transportation system.
Program Names: None
5. Provide critical support for NOAA's mission.
SUMMARY DESCRIPTION: Strong, effective, and efficient support
activities are necessary for us to achieve our Mission Goals. Our
facilities, ships, aircraft, environmental satellites, data-processing
systems, computing and communication systems, and our approach to
management provide the foundation of support for all of our programs.
This critical foundation must adapt to evolving mission needs and,
therefore, is an integral part of our strategic planning. It also must
support U.S. homeland security by maintaining continuity of operations
and by providing NOAA services, such as civil alert relays through NOAA
Weather Radio and air dispersion forecasts, in response to national
NOAA ships, aircraft, and environmental satellites are the backbone
of the global Earth observing system and provide many critical mission
support services. To keep this capability strong and current with our
Mission Goals, we will ensure that NOAA has adequate access to safe and
efficient ships and aircraft through the use of both NOAA platforms and
those of other agency, academic, and commercial partners. We will work
with academia and partners in the public and private sectors to ensure
that future satellite systems are designed, developed, and operated
with the latest technology.
Leadership development and program support are essential for
achieving our Mission Goals. We must also commit to organizational
excellence through management and leadership across a ``corporate''
NOAA. We must continue our commitment to valuing NOAA's diverse
workforce, including effective workforce planning strategies designed
to attract, retain and develop competencies at all levels of our
workforce. Through the use of business process reengineering, we will
strive for state-of-the-art, value-added financial and administrative
processes. NOAA will ensure state-of-the-art and secure information
technology and systems. By developing long-range, comprehensive
facility planning processes NOAA will be able to ensure right-sized,
cost-effective, and safe facilities.
Funded proposals should help achieve the following outcomes:
A. A dynamic workforce with competencies that support NOAA's
mission today and in the future.
Program Names:
1. Administrative Services for NOAA's Ernest F. Hollings
Undergraduate Scholarship Program
Non-Competitive Projects Announcement
1. Protect, restore and manage the use of coastal and ocean resources
through ecosystem-based management. See SUMMARY DESCRIPTION above.
1. NOAA Northeast Pacific Expedition Grant Program
Electronic Access
The full funding announcement for each program is available via the
Grants.gov web site: https://www.grants.gov. These announcements will
also be available by contacting the program official identified below.
You will be able to access, download and submit electronic grant
applications for NOAA Programs in this announcement at https://www.grants.gov. The closing dates will be the same as for the paper
submissions noted in this announcement. NOAA strongly recommends that
you do not wait until the application deadline date to begin the
application process through Grants.gov. Getting started with Grants.gov
is easy! Go to https://www.grants.gov. There are two key features on the
site: Find Grant Opportunities and Apply for Grants. Everything else on
the site is designed to support these two features and your use of
them. While you can begin searching for grant opportunities for which
you would like to apply immediately, it is recommended that you
complete the remaining Get Started steps sooner rather than later, so
that when you find an opportunity for which you would like to apply,
you are ready to go.
Get Started Step 1 Find Grant Opportunity for Which You Would Like to
Start your search for Federal government-wide grant opportunities
and register to receive automatic email notifications of new grant
opportunities or any modifications to grant opportunities as they are
posted to the site by clicking the Find Grant Opportunities tab at the
top of the page.
Get Started Step 2 Register with Central Contractor Registry (CCR)
Your organization will also need to be registered with Central
Contractor Registry. You can register with them online. This will take
about 30 minutes. You should receive your CCR registration within 3
business days. Important: You must have a DUNS number from Dun &
Bradstreet before
[[Page 77729]]
you register with CCR. Many organizations already have a DUNS number.
To determine if your organization already has a DUNS number or to
obtain a DUNS number, contact Dun & Bradstreet at 1-866-705-5711. This
will take about 10 minutes and is free of charge. Be sure to complete
the Marketing Partner ID (MPIN) and Electronic Business Primary Point
of Contact fields during the CCR registration process. These are
mandatory fields that are required when submitting grant applications
through Grants.gov.
Get Started Step 3 Register with the Credential Provider
You must register with a Credential Provider to receive a username
and password. This will be required to securely submit your grant
Get Started Step 4 Register with Grants.gov
The final step in the Get Started process is to register with
Grants.gov. This will be required to submit grant applications on
behalf of your organization. After you have completed the registration
process, you will receive email notification confirming that you are
able to submit applications through Grants.gov.
Get Started Step 5 Log on to Grants.gov
After you have registered with Grants.gov, you can log on to
Grants.gov to verify if you have registered successfully, to check
application status, and to update information in your applicant
profile, such as your name, telephone number, email address, and title.
In the future, you will have the ability to determine if you are
authorized to submit applications through Grants.gov on behalf of your
Electronic Application File Format and Naming Conventions
After the initial grant application package has been submitted to
NOAA (e.g., via Grants.gov), requests for additional or modified forms
may be requested by NOAA. Applicants should resubmit forms in Portable
Document File Format (PDF) and follow the following file naming
convention to name resubmitted forms. For example: 98042--SF-424--
(1) 98042 = Proposal (provided to applicant by Grants.gov
and NOAA)
(2) SF-424 = Form Number
(3) mmddyy = Date
(4) v2 = Version Number
To learn how to convert documents to PDF go to: https://www.grants.gov/assets/PDFConversion.pdf.
Evaluation Criteria and Selection Procedures
NOAA standardized the evaluation and selection process for its
competitive assistance programs. All proposals submitted in response to
this notice shall be evaluated and selected in accordance with the
following procedures. There are two sets of evaluation criteria and
selection procedures, one for project proposals, and the other for
fellowship, scholarship, and internship programs. These evaluation
criteria and selection procedures apply to all of the programs included
Proposal Review and Selection Process for Projects
Some programs may include a pre-application process which provides
an initial review and feedback to the applicants that have responded to
a call for letters of intent or pre-proposals; however, not all
programs will include such a process. If a pre-application process is
used by a program, it shall be described in the Summary Description and
the deadline shall be provided in the Application Deadline section.
Upon receipt of a full application by NOAA, an initial administrative
review is conducted to determine compliance with requirements and
completeness of the application. A merit review is conducted to
individually evaluate, score, and rank applications using the
evaluation criteria. A second merit review may be conducted on the
applicants that meet the program's threshold (based on scores from the
first merit review) to make selections using the selection factors
provided below. Merit review is conducted by mail reviewers and/or peer
panel reviewers. Each reviewer will individually evaluate and rank
proposals using the evaluation criteria provided below. No consensus
advice shall be provided by either merit review group if there are any
non-Federal members. A minimum of three merit reviewers per proposal at
each stage is required. The merit reviewer's ratings are used to
produce a rank order of the proposals. The NOAA Program Officer may
review the ranking of the proposals and make recommendations to the
Selecting Official based on the mail and/or panel review(s) and
selection factors listed below. The Selecting Official selects
proposals after considering the mail and/or peer panel review(s) and
recommendations of the Program Officer. In making the final selections,
the Selecting Official will award in rank order unless the proposal is
justified to be selected out of rank order based upon one or more of
the selection factors below. The Program Officer and/or Selecting
Official may negotiate the funding level of the proposal. The Selecting
Official makes final recommendations for award to the Grants Officer
who is authorized to obligate the funds.
Evaluation Criteria for Projects
1. Importance and/or relevance and applicability of proposed
project to the program goals: This ascertains whether there is
intrinsic value in the proposed work and/or relevance to NOAA, federal,
regional, state, or local activities.
2. Technical/scientific merit: This assesses whether the approach
is technically sound and/or innovative, if the methods are appropriate,
and whether there are clear project goals and objectives.
3. Overall qualifications of applicants: This ascertains whether
the applicant possesses the necessary education, experience, training,
facilities, and administrative resources to accomplish the project.
4. Project costs: The Budget is evaluated to determine if it is
realistic and commensurate with the project needs and time-frame.
5. Outreach and education: NOAA assesses whether this project
provides a focused and effective education and outreach strategy
regarding NOAA's mission to protect the Nation's natural resources.
Selection Factors for Projects
The merit review ratings shall provide a rank order to the
Selecting Official for final funding recommendations. A program officer
may first make recommendations to the Selecting Official applying the
selection factors below. The Selecting Official shall award in the rank
order unless the proposal is justified to be selected out of rank order
based upon one or more of the following factors:
1. Availability of funding.
2. Balance/distribution of funds:
a. Geographically
b. By type of institutions
c. By type of partners
d. By research areas
e. By project types
3. Whether this project duplicates other projects funded or
considered for funding by NOAA or other federal agencies.
4. Program priorities and policy factors.
5. Applicant's prior award performance.
6. Partnerships and/or Participation of targeted groups.
[[Page 77730]]
7. Adequacy of information necessary for NOAA staff to make a NEPA
determination and draft necessary documentation before recommendations
for funding are made to the Grants Officer.
Proposal Review and Selection Process for NOAA Fellowship, Scholarship
and Internship Programs
Some programs may include a pre-application process which provides
an initial review and feedback to the applicants that have responded to
a call for letters of intent or pre-proposals; however, not all
programs will include such a process. If a pre-application process is
used by a program, it shall be described in the Summary Description and
the deadline shall be provided in the Application Deadline section. An
initial administrative review of full applications is conducted to
determine compliance with requirements and completeness of
applications. A merit review is conducted to individually evaluate,
score, and rank applications using the evaluation criteria. A second
merit review may be conducted on the applicants that meet the program's
threshold (based on scores from the first merit review) to make
selections using the selection factors provided below. The Program
Officer may conduct a review of the rank order and make recommendations
to the Selecting Official based on the panel ratings and the selection
factors listed below. The Selecting Official considers merit reviews
and recommendations. The Selecting Official will award in rank order
unless the proposal is justified to be selected out of rank order based
upon one or more of the selection factors below. The Selecting Official
makes final recommendations for awards to the Grants Officer who is
authorized to obligate the funds.
Evaluation Criteria for Fellowship/Scholarships/Internships
1. Academic record and statement of career goals and objectives of
2. Quality of project and applicability to program priorities
3. Recommendations and/or endorsements of student
4. Additional relevant experience related to diversity of
education; extra-curricular activities; honors and awards;
interpersonal, written, and oral communications skills
5. Financial need of student
Selection Factors for Fellowship/Scholarships/Internships
1. Balance/Distribution of funds:
a. Across academic disciplines
b. By types of institutions
c. Geographically
2. Availability of funds
3. Program-specific objectives
4. Degree in scientific area and type of degree sought
NOAA Project Competitions
National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)
1. 2007 Hawaii Seafood Program
SUMMARY DESCRIPTION: NMFS is soliciting applications for financial
assistance for the 2007 Hawaii Seafood Program. The Hawaii Seafood
Program is proposed for an effort to help strengthen and sustain the
economic viability of Hawaii's fishing and seafood industry through
activities that promote Hawaii fisheries products as high quality and
safe domestic seafood produced by a responsible and well-managed
fishery. Projects may request support for cooperative seafood safety
research, technical assistance, and/or seafood education. This program
will support NOAA's mission to protect, restore and manage the use of
coastal and ocean resources through ecosystem-based management.
FUNDING AVAILABILITY: Approximately $1,000,000 may be available.
Actual funding availability for this program is contingent upon FY07
Congressional appropriations.
Unallied Industry Projects.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Applications must be received by 5 p.m.
Hawaii standard time on February 28, 2007.
through the Grants.Gov website at https://www.grants.gov. For those
organizations without internet access, application materials and
instructions may be obtained from Scott W.S. Bloom, NOAA Federal
Program Officer, Pacific Islands Regional Office, 1601 Kapiolani Blvd.,
Suite 1110, Honolulu, HI, 96814.
INFORMATION CONTACT: Scott W.S. Bloom (NOAA Fisheries) at 808-944-
2218, or by e-mail at Scott.Bloom@noaa.gov.
ELIGIBILITY: Eligible applicants are individuals, institutions of
higher education, other nonprofits, commercial organizations,
international organizations, foreign governments, organizations under
the jurisdiction of foreign governments, and state, local and Indian
tribal governments. Federal agencies, or employees of Federal agencies
are not eligible to apply.
INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVIEW: Applications under this program are
subject to Executive Order 12372, ``Intergovernmental Review of Federal
2. Chesapeake Bay Cooperative Science Program
SUMMARY DESCRIPTION: The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) /
NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office (NCBO) is soliciting applications for
financial assistance to support Cooperative Science in Chesapeake Bay.
The NCBO is developing a Cooperative Science Program in Chesapeake Bay
to formalize and expand collaborative research among the Chesapeake
Bay's commercial fishing industry, marine scientists, and fishery
management communities. The goal of this initiative is to enhance the
data upon which fishery management decisions are made as well as to
facilitate communication and collaboration among commercial fishermen,
scientists, and fishery managers. Through this initiative, the NCBO
will develop a collaborative and cooperative program to set research
priorities that meet management and fishing industry needs. This
funding will provide a significant opportunity for the NOAA Chesapeake
Bay Office to develop collaborative relationships with the fishing
industry. This program will support NOAA's mission to protect, restore
and manage the use of coastal and ocean resources through ecosystem-
based management.
FUNDING AVAILABILITY: Funding availability for this program is
contingent upon FY07 Congressional appropriations. Approximately
$100,000 - $150,000 in funding may be available for awards in FY 2007;
there are no restrictions on minimum or maximum funding requests. Award
periods may be up to a maximum of 3 years, with annual funding
contingent on the availability of Federal appropriations.
STATUTORY AUTHORITY: Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, as
amended, at 16 U.S.C. 661
Chesapeake Bay Studies.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Letters of Intent must be received by 5 p.m.
EST on February 7, 2007 to Derek.orner@noaa.gov. Full proposals must be
received by 5 p.m. EST on March 12, 2007.
proposals online through www.grants.gov. If online submission is
[[Page 77731]]
not possible, paper applications may be mailed to NOAA Chesapeake Bay
Office, 410 Severn Ave., Suite 107A, Annapolis, MD 21403.
INFORMATION CONTACT: Derek Orner, NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office, 410
Severn Ave., Suite 107A, Annapolis, MD 21403; email:
Derek.orner@noaa.gov; phone: 410-267-5676.
ELIGIBILITY: Eligible applicants are institutions of higher
education, other nonprofits, commercial organizations, foreign
governments, organizations under the jurisdiction of foreign
governments, international organizations, and state, local and Indian
tribal governments. Federal agencies or institutions are not eligible
to receive Federal assistance under this notice.
COST SHARING REQUIREMENTS: There are no cost-sharing or matching
requirements under this solicitation.
INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVIEW: Applications under this program are
subject to Executive Order 12372, ``Intergovernmental Review of Federal
3. Chesapeake Bay Fisheries Research Program
SUMMARY DESCRIPTION: The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS),
NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office (NCBO), is soliciting applications for
financial assistance to support fisheries research, monitoring,
modeling, or assessment that will facilitate effective ecosystem-based
management in Chesapeake Bay. This management paradigm requires
knowledge of the interactions among exploited species, and their
habitats and stressors, to develop viable management plans. Applicants
follow the Fisheries Ecosystem Plan (https://noaa.chesapeakebay.net/docs/FEP_DRAFT.pdf) in identifying the science necessary to support
ecosystem-based fisheries management in the Bay. This program will
support NOAA's mission to protect, restore and manage the use of
coastal and ocean resources through ecosystem-based management.
FUNDING AVAILABILITY: Funding availability for this program is
contingent upon FY07 Congressional appropriations. Approximately
$1,000,000 was available in FY 2006 and similar levels may be available
for awards in FY2007 (this includes continuation of multi-year awards);
there are no restrictions on minimum or maximum funding requests. Award
periods may be up to a maximum of 3 years, with annual funding
contingent on the availability of Federal appropriations.
STATUTORY AUTHORITY: Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, as
amended, at 16 U.S.C. 661
Chesapeake Bay Studies.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Letters of Intent must be received by 5 p.m.
EST on February 7, 2007 to Derek.orner@noaa.gov. Full proposals must be
received by 5 p.m. EST on March 12, 2007.
proposals online through www.grants.gov. If online submission is not
possible, paper applications may be mailed to NOAA Chesapeake Bay
Office, 410 Severn Ave., Suite 107A, Annapolis, MD 21403. Information
Contact: Derek Orner, NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office, 410 Severn Ave.,
Suite 107A, Annapolis, MD 21403; email: derek.orner@noaa.gov; phone:
ELIGIBILITY: Eligible applicants are institutions of higher
education, other nonprofits, commercial organizations, foreign
governments, organizations under the jurisdiction of foreign
governments, international organizations, and state, local and Indian
tribal governments. Federal agencies or institutions are not eligible
to receive Federal assistance under this notice.
COST SHARING REQUIREMENTS: There are no cost-sharing or matching
requirements under this solicitation.
INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVIEW: Applications under this program are
subject to Executive Order 12372, ``Intergovernmental Review of Federal
4. Chesapeake Bay Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Restoration Program
SUMMARY DESCRIPTION: The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) /
NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office (NCBO) is soliciting applications for
financial assistance to support submerged aquatic vegetation(SAV)
Restoration projects in Chesapeake Bay. This program is a competitive
program that supports vital restoration, research, monitoring,
analysis, modeling and assessment of SAV activities that will assist
the CBP, NOAA, and other program partners in reaching the goal of
effective ecosystem-based management and integrated restoration.
Projects follow and the guidance in the Chesapeake Bay Program's
``Strategy to Accelerate the Protection and Restoration of Submerged
Aquatic Vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay'' which is available at https://www.chesapeakebay.net/pubs/subcommittee/lrsc/thwg/Final_SAV_restoration.pdf. This program will support NOAA's mission to protect,
restore and manage the use of coastal and ocean resources through
ecosystem-based management.
FUNDING AVAILABILITY: Funding availability for this program is
contingent upon FY07 Congressional appropriations. Approximately
$250,000 in funding may be available for awards in FY 2007; there are
no restrictions on minimum or maximum funding requests. Award periods
may be up to a maximum of 3 years, with annual funding contingent on
the availability of Federal appropriations.
STATUTORY AUTHORITY: Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, as
amended, at 16 U.S.C. 661.
Chesapeake Bay Studies.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Letters of Intent must be received by 5 p.m.
EST on February 7, 2007. Full proposals must be received by 5 p.m. EST
on March 12, 2007. Address for Submitting Proposals: Applicants should
submit proposals online through www.grants.gov. If online submission is
not possible, paper applications may be mailed to NOAA Chesapeake Bay
Office, 410 Severn Ave., Suite 107A, Annapolis, MD 21403. Information
Contact: Peter Bergstrom, NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office, 410 Severn Ave.,
Suite 107A, Annapolis, MD 21403; email: peter.bergstrom@noaa.gov;
phone: 410-267-5665.
ELIGIBILITY: Eligible applicants are institutions of higher
education, other nonprofits, commercial organizations, foreign
governments, organizations under the jurisdiction of foreign
governments, international organizations, and state, local and Indian
tribal governments. Federal agencies or institutions are not eligible
to receive Federal assistance under this notice.
COST SHARING REQUIREMENTS: There are no cost-sharing or matching
requirements under this solicitation.
INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVIEW: Applications under this program are
subject to Executive Order 12372, ``Intergovernmental Review of Federal
5. Mid-Atlantic Research Set-Aside
SUMMARY DESCRIPTION: The Research Set-Aside (RSA) Program provides
a mechanism to fund research and compensate vessels through the sale of
fish harvested under a research quota. For fishing year 2008 (January
1-December 31, 2008), NMFS announces that up to 3 percent of the total
[[Page 77732]]
allowable landings (TAL) in certain Mid-Atlantic fisheries may be
dedicated to research endeavors under the RSA program. The setting of
the actual RSA quotas will be the subject of future rulemaking. NMFS is
soliciting proposals for research activities concerning the summer
flounder, scup, black sea bass, Loligo squid, Illex squid, Atlantic
mackerel, butterfish, Atlantic bluefish, and tilefish fisheries. The
set-asides may range between 0 and 3 percent of each species' TAL. The
set-aside allocated for a given species is designated primarily for
research involving that species. However, to promote research for
species where it would otherwise be infeasible, individual research
projects may request up to 25 percent of the set-aside allocations for
other species listed in this notice that are not directly involved in a
particular research project. No Federal funds are provided for research
under this notification, but rather the opportunity to fish and sell
the catch to generate income to offset research costs. Projects funded
under an RSA allocation (or award) must enhance understanding of the
fishery resource or contribute to the body of information on which
management decisions are made. The program priorities for this
opportunity support NOAA's Mission support goal of: Ecosystems -
Protect, Restore, and Manage Use of Coastal and Ocean Resources through
Ecosystem-Based Management.
FUNDING AVAILABILITY: No Federal funds are provided for research
under this notification, but rather the opportunity to fish and sell
the catch to generate income. The Federal Government may issue an
Exempted Fishing Permit (EFP) or Letter of Acknowledgment (LOA), as
applicable, which may provide special fishing privileges in response to
research proposals selected under this program.
STATUTORY AUTHORITY: Issuing grants is consistent with sections
303(b)(11), 402(e), and 404(c) of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery
Conservation and Management Act, 16 U.S.C. 1853(b)(11), 16 U.S.C.
1881a(e), and 16 U.S.C. 1881c(c), respectively. The award of a set-
aside from the TAL of selected species resulted from the approval of
Framework Adjustment 1 (Framework 1) to the Atlantic Mackerel, Squid,
and Butterfish; Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass; and Atlantic
Bluefish Fishery Management Plans (FMPs); and the RSA provisions of the
Tilefish FMP. Framework 1 established a procedure through which RSA
amounts are set annually as part of the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management
Council's (Council) quota-setting process (66 FR 42156, August 10,
2001), and is codified in regulations at 50 CFR 648.21(g).
Management Projects.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Applications must be received by NMFS on or
before 5 p.m. EST on February 12, 2007.
submitted through https://www.grants.gov, and use the following funding
opportunity NMFS-NEFSC-2007-2000887 unless an applicant does
not have Internet access. In that case, hard copies should be sent to
NMFS, Northeast Fisheries Science Center, 166 Water Street, Woods Hole,
MA 02543. Mark proposals ``Attention: Mid-Atlantic Research Set-Aside
INFORMATION CONTACT: Daniel Furlong, Executive Director, Mid-
Atlantic Fishery Management Council, by phone at 302-674-2331 ext. 19,
or fax at 302-674-5399; Clay Heaton, Fishery Management Specialist,
Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council, by phone at 302-674-2331 ext.
13, or via email at cheaton@mafmc.org; or Paul Perra, Fishery Policy
Analyst, NMFS, Northeast Regional Office, One Blackburn Drive,
Gloucester, MA 01930, by phone at 978-281-9153, by fax at 978-281-9135,
or via e-mail at paul.perra@noaa.gov.
ELIGIBILITY: Eligible applicants include institutions of higher
education, hospitals, other nonprofits, commercial organizations,
individuals, state, local, and Native American tribal governments.
Federal agencies and institutions are not eligible to receive Federal
assistance under this notice. Additionally, employees of any Federal
agency or Regional Fishery Management Council are ineligible to submit
an application under this program. However, Council members who are not
Federal employees may submit an application.
INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVIEW: Applicants under this program are subject
to Executive Order 12372, ``Intergovernmental Review of Federal
6. Proactive Species Conservation Program
SUMMARY DESCRIPTION: The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)
is soliciting applications for financial assistance to support the
conservation of marine and anadromous species of concern. To raise
awareness of potentially at-risk species and to foster their proactive
conservation, the NMFS created a ``species of concern'' list in April
2004 (69 FR 19975). Under this solicitation, the NMFS is seeking to
support conservation efforts for these species of concern. Any state,
tribal, or local entity that has management or regulatory authority
over one or more of these species or over activities that affect these
species is eligible to apply. A current list of NMFS' species of
concern can be found at https://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/species/concern/#list. This program will support NOAA's mission to protect, restore and
manage the use of coastal and ocean resources through ecosystem-based
FUNDING AVAILABILITY: Funding availability for this program is
contingent upon FY07 Congressional appropriations. Approximately
$500,000 was available in FY 2006 and similar levels may be available
for awards in FY2007; there are no restrictions on minimum or maximum
funding requests. Award periods may be up to a maximum of 5 years, with
annual funding contingent on the availability of Federal
STATUTORY AUTHORITY: Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, as
amended, at 16 U.S.C. 661.
Unallied Science Programs.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Proposals must be received by 5 p.m. EST on
February 12, 2007. Hard copy applications must be postmarked by
February 12, 2007.
proposals online through www.grants.gov. If online submission is not
possible, paper applications may be mailed to NOAA/NMFS/Office of
Protected Resources, Attn: Lisa Manning, 1315 East-West Highway, SSMC3,
Silver Spring, MD 20910.
INFORMATION CONTACT: Lisa Manning, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver
Spring, MD 20910; email: lisa.manning@noaa.gov; phone: 301-713-1401.
ELIGIBILITY: Eligible applicants are state, tribal, or local
governments that have regulatory or management authority over one or
more federally identified species of concern or over activities that
affect one or more federally identified species of concern.
COST SHARING REQUIREMENTS: There are no cost-sharing or matching
requirements under this solicitation.
INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVIEW: Applications under this program are
subject to Executive Order 12372, ``Intergovernmental Review of Federal
[[Page 77733]]
National Ocean Service
1. FY 2007 Regional Integrated Ocean Observing System Development
SUMMARY DESCRIPTION: Designed to be user-driven and provide
sustained data and information in forms and at rates required by
decision makers, the Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) will
efficiently link observations, data management, and modeling to provide
required data and information on local to global scales, e.g., from the
local scale of beaches and shellfish beds to the global scale of an El
Ni[ntilde]o event.
Regional coastal ocean observing systems (RCOOSs) are designed to
complement the observing systems managed directly by federal agencies
that meet national priorities. With the guidance of Regional
Associations to understand regional priorities, RCOOSs provide the
types of data, information, and products needed to address the
estuarine and coastal issues experienced by the different regions, and
to leverage the delivery and applicability of data collected by local
network nodes. NOAA views this announcement as an opportunity to
demonstrate the regional observing system concept. To assist in
regional IOOS development, NOAA seeks proposals for one- to three-year
grant or cooperative agreement projects that address the following
focus areas:
1. Regional coastal ocean observing systems (RCOOS) development -
to further the establishment and integration of observing system assets
within regions and the operation of those assets for the benefit of the
region. Proposals submitted under this focus area will demonstrate the
approach and benefits of integration at the scale of the Regional
Association. While focus areas 2 and 3 address particular components of
IOOS (e.g., data management and product development), this focus area
invites proposals that implement an end-to-end RCOOS that addresses
regional needs.
2. IOOS application and product development for regional
stakeholders -- to develop, advance, and document the value of applying
existing IOOS assets to the real-world issues of managers, industry,
and the general public. Proposals submitted under this focus area will
address regional needs for IOOS applications and products and quantify
the value of the application or product to the end user.
3. Data management and communication by local data network nodes --
to develop guidance and processes for regional non-federal data
providers to contribute to the IOOS data stream. Proposals submitted
under this focus area will develop local data network nodes that
deliver regional data to a range of consumers using common standards
and protocols.
The program priorities for this opportunity support NOAA's mission
support goal of: Weather and Water -- Serve Society's Needs for Weather
and Water Information. Other goals are supported, but this is the goal
the opportunity most closely addresses.
FUNDING AVAILABILITY: Funding Availability: Total anticipated
funding for all awards is approximately $15,000,000 and is subject to
the availability of FY 2007 appropriations. Multiple awards are
anticipated from this announcement. The anticipated federal funding per
award (min-max) is approximately $100,000 to $6,000,000. The
anticipated number of awards ranges from 7 to 14, approximately, and
will be adjusted based on available funding.
STATUTORY AUTHORITY: Statutory authority for this program is
provided under the Coastal Zone Management Act, 16 U.S.C. 1456c
(Technical Assistance); 33 U.S.C. 883d; and 33 U.S.C. 1442 (Research
program investigating possible long-range effects of pollution,
overfishing, and anthropogenically-induced changes of ocean
Coastal Services Center.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: A LOI is required prior to submitting a full
proposal. LOIs must be received by the Coastal Services Center by 5
p.m. EST on January 31, 2007. Full proposal applications must be
received by 5 p.m. EST, April 17, 2007.
to James.L.Free@noaa.gov. Applicants submitting a LOI should reference
the Funding Opportunity Title (FY 2007 Regional Integrated Ocean
Observing System Development) as the subject line of the e-mail
containing the LOI.
If an applicant does not have Internet access, the applicant must
submit through surface mail one original and two copies of the LOI to
the Coastal Services Center. No fax copies will be accepted. Any U.S.
Postal Service correspondence should be sent to the attention of James
Lewis Free, NOAA Coastal Services Center, 2234 South Hobson Avenue,
Charleston, SC, 29405-2413.
Full proposal application packages should be submitted through
Grants.gov APPLY. The standard NOAA funding application package is
available at www.grants.gov.
If an applicant does not have Internet access, the applicant must
submit through surface mail one set of originals (signed) and two
copies of the proposals and related forms to the Coastal Services
Center. No e-mail or fax copies will be accepted. Any U.S. Postal
Service correspondence should be sent to the attention of James Lewis
Free, NOAA Coastal Services Center, 2234 South Hobson Avenue,
Charleston, SC, 29405-2413.
INFORMATION CONTACT: For administrative issues, contact James Lewis
Free at 843-740-1185 (phone) or e-mail him at James.L.Free@noaa.gov.
Technical questions on the IOOS announcement should be directed to the
following people according to the focus area in question: RCOOS
Development, Geno Olmi by telephone at 843-740-1230 (phone) or e-mail
him at Geno.Olmi@noaa.gov; IOOS Applications and Product Development,
Dave Eslinger by telephone (843) 740-1270, or by e-mail
Dave.Eslinger@noaa.gov; and Data Management and Communications, Jim
Boyd by telephone (843) 740-1278, or by e-mail James.Boyd@noaa.gov.
ELIGIBILITY: Eligible funding applicants are institutions of higher
education, non-profit and for-profit organizations, international
organizations, and state, local and Indian tribal governments. Federal
agencies or institutions and foreign governments may not be the primary
recipient of awards under this announcement, but are encouraged to
partner with applicants. Federal partners must identify the relevant
statutory authorities that will allow for the receipt of funds.
COST SHARING REQUIREMENTS: There is no requirement for cost
INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVIEW: Applications under this program are
subject to Executive Order 12372, ``Intergovernmental Review of Federal
2. California Bay Watershed Education and Training (B-WET) Program,
Adult and Community Watershed Education in the Monterey Bay
SUMMARY DESCRIPTION: The California B-WET Program, Adult and
Community Watershed Education, is a competitively based program that
supports existing environmental education programs, fosters the growth
of new programs, and encourages the development of partnerships among
environmental education programs throughout the Monterey Bay watershed.
Funded projects provide meaningful watershed education to adults and
communities. The term
[[Page 77734]]
meaningful watershed education is defined as outcome-based programs
that educate citizens about their role in protecting water quality and
demonstrate behavioral changes that improve water quality and promote
environmental stewardship. This program will support NOAA's mission to
protect, restore and manage the use of coastal and ocean resources
through ecosystem-based management.
FUNDING AVAILABILITY: This solicitation announces that
approximately $100,000 may be available in FY 2007 in award amounts to
be determined by the proposals and available funds. The National Marine
Sanctuary Program anticipates that approximately 2-4 grants will be
awarded with these funds and that typical project awards will range
from $10,000 to $50,000.
STATUTORY AUTHORITY: 16 U.S.C. 1440, 15 U.S.C. 1540.
Marine Sanctuary Program.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Proposals must be received by 5 p.m. Pacific
standard time on February 1, 2007. Hard copy and electronic proposals
received after that time will not be considered for funding and will be
returned to the applicant.
ADDRESS FOR SUBMITTING PROPOSALS: It is strongly preferred that you
submit your application through Grants.gov at the internet site: https://www.grants.gov. You may access, download, and submit an electronic
grant application through Grants.gov. The full funding announcement is
available via the grants.gov web site: https://www.grants.gov. The
announcement will also be available at the NOAA web site https://sanctuaries.noaa.gov/bwet or by contacting the program officials
identified below. Applicants must comply with all requirements
contained in the full funding opportunity announcement. NOAA strongly
recommends that you do not wait until the application deadline date to
begin the application process through Grants.gov.
INFORMATION CONTACT: Paper applications, a signed original and 2
copies (submission of five additional hard copies is strongly
encouraged to expedite the review process, but it is not required) may
be submitted to Attn: Seaberry Nachbar, B-WET Program Manager, Monterey
Bay National Marine Sanctuary Office, 299 Foam Street, Monterey, CA
93940. The closing deadline for applying through grants.gov is the same
as for the paper submission noted in this announcement.
ELIGIBILITY: Eligible applicants are institutions of higher
education, nonprofit organizations, state or local government agencies,
and Indian tribal governments. The Department of Commerce/ National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (DOC/NOAA) is strongly committed
to broadening the participation of historically black colleges and
universities, Hispanic serving institutions, tribal colleges and
universities, and institutions that service underserved areas.
COST SHARING REQUIREMENTS: No cost sharing is required under this
program; however, the National Marine Sanctuary Program strongly
encourages applicants to share as much of the costs of the award as
possible. Funds from other Federal awards may not be considered
matching funds. The nature of the contribution (cash versus in-kind)
and the amount of matching funds will be taken into consideration in
the review process with cash being the preferred method of
INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVIEW: Applications under this program are not
subject to Executive Order 12372, ``Intergovernmental Review of Federal
National Weather Service
1. Hydrologic Research and Social Science Research in Hydrologic
SUMMARY DESCRIPTION: This program announcement is for projects to
be conducted by research investigators for a 1-year or a 3-year period,
depending on which high-priority area the proposal is submitted to.
June 1, 2007, should be used as the proposed start date on proposals.
This program represents an NOAA/NWS effort to create a cost-effective
continuum of basic and applied research through collaborative research
between the Hydrology Laboratory of the NWS Office of Hydrologic
Development and academic communities or other private or public
agencies which have expertise in hydrologic research, and in social
science research in hydrologic applications. These activities will
engage researchers and students in basic and applied research to
improve hydrologic forecasting, including the display of probabilistic
information to emergency managers and to the general public. The
program priorities for this opportunity support NOAA's mission support
goal of: Weather and Water- Serve Society's Needs for Weather and Water
FUNDING AVAILABILITY: It is expected that, depending on
availability of funds, one award for each of the three priority areas
described in the detailed announcement will be made. However, if no
proposals are deemed of suitable quality in any of the two areas, no
award in that particular area will be made. The government Maximum
funding is described in the detailed announcement.
STATUTORY AUTHORITY: 15 U.S.C. 313 and 33 U.S.C. 883d.
Hydrologic Research.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Proposals are due no later than 3 p.m. EST 30
calendar days after the publication of this announcement. Proposals
should be submitted through https://www.grants.gov. For applicants
without internet access, they may be sent to NOAA/NWS; 1325 East-West
Highway, Room 8176; Silver Spring, MD 20910-3283.
INFORMATION CONTACT(S): Dr. Pedro Restrepo by phone at 301-713-0640
ext. 210, or fax to 301-713-0963, or via e-mail at
Pedro.Restrepo@noaa.gov. Proponents are advised that soliciting advice
on any aspect of this funding opportunity from employees and
contractors of the Office of Hydrologic Development, other than Dr.
Pedro Restrepo, is not permitted. Requesting advice from any other NOAA
office, such as NOHRSC, NCEP or any of the RFCs or WFOs is allowed and
highly encouraged.
ELIGIBILITY: Eligible applicants are Federal agencies, institutions
of higher education, other nonprofits, commercial organizations,
foreign governments, organizations under the jurisdiction of foreign
governments, and international organizations, state, local and Indian
tribal governments. PLEASE NOTE: Before non-NOAA Federal applicants may
be funded, they must demonstrate that they have legal authority to
receive funds from another Federal agency in excess of their
appropriation. Because this announcement is not proposing to procure
goods or services from applicants, the Economy Act (31 U.S.C. 1535) is
not an appropriate legal basis.
INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVIEW: Applications under this program are not
subject to Executive Order 12372, ``Intergovernmental Review of Federal
[[Page 77735]]
Oceans and Atmospheric Research
1. NOAA's Great Lakes Ecosystem Research
SUMMARY DESCRIPTION: NOAA's mission is to understand and predict
changes in the Earth's environment and conserve and manage coastal and
marine resources to meet our nation's economic, social and
environmental needs. Proposals funded under this announcement fulfill
NOAA's ecosystem mission to protect, restore, and manage use of coastal
and ocean resources through ecosystem-based management. The Great Lakes
Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL) is actively involved in
research on ecological prediction, aquatic invasive species, physical
environment prediction, and environmental observing systems. Specific
research projects include studies on aquatic invasive species in the
Great Lakes, especially prevention of introduction and effects on food
webs, the development of coastal environmental forecast systems, Great
Lakes water supplies, water level forecasting, food web interactions
and regulation and forecasting risks to Human Health (e.g., beach
closings, drinking water quality and harmful algal blooms).
FUNDING AVAILABILITY: Total anticipated federal funding for FY 2007
is $1.5M in the first year with funding for 20 - 30 of awards. Federal
Funding for FY 2008 and beyond may be used in part to fund some awards
submitted under this competition. We anticipate that the annual cost of
most funded projects will fall between $1,000 and $50,000 per year.
Actual funding levels will depend upon the final FY 2007 and subsequent
budget appropriations.
Special Oceanic and Atmospheric Projects
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Letters of Intent should be received at GLERL
no later than 5 p.m. EST, February 16, 2007. Full proposals must be
received no later than 5 p.m. EST, March 30, 2007.
are encouraged to be submitted by facsimile or e-mail to the identified
NOAA program element's program manager and to GLERLgrants@noaa.gov. If
an applicant does not have Internet access, LOI hard copies should be
sent to the Program Managers listed with each program in the Program
Priorities section and to the GLERL Grants Manager, Sandra Salyers,
NOAA/GLERL, 2205 Commonwealth Blvd; Ann Arbor, MI., 48105, phone 734-
741-2246; (2) Proposals. Proposals should be submitted through
Grants.gov APPLY (https://www.grants.gov). If an applicant does not have
Internet access, please contact the GLERL Grants Manager (see above)
for hard copy instructions.
INFORMATION CONTACT: Sandra Salyers, NOAA/GLERL, 2205 Commonwealth
Blvd; Ann Arbor, MI 48105, phone 734-741-2246.
ELIGIBILITY: Eligible applicants are institutions of higher
education, other nonprofits, commercial organizations, international
organizations, State, local and Indian tribal governments. Federal
agencies or institutions are not eligible to receive Federal assistance
under this notice.
COST SHARING REQUIREMENTS: No cost sharing is required.
INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVIEW: Applications under this program are not
subject to Executive Order 12372, ``Intergovernmental Review of Federal
Under Secretary's Associated Office (USAO)
1. National Ocean Sciences Competition for High School Students
SUMMARY DESCRIPTION: NOAA's Office of Education (OED), on behalf of
its partner agencies in the National Oceanographic Partnership Program
(NOPP), is requesting applications in support of an academic
competition for high school students focusing on ocean sciences and
related fields. The goal of this program is to expose high school
students in the United States and its territories to the excitement of
ocean sciences and related fields as well as careers in those fields.
Projects should be 5 years in duration, employ one or more of the
strategies articulated in the NOAA Education Plan (https://www.oesd.noaa.gov/NOAA_Ed_Plan.pdf), involve partnerships among
academic institutions, free-choice learning venues, NGOs and Federal
entities, and have an evaluation that both monitors the quality of the
experience for the participants (be they students, teachers, or
volunteers) and the impact of the program on the participant