Quarterly Status Report of Water Service, Repayment, and Other Water-Related Contract Negotiations, 67159-67161 [E6-19554]
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sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 223 / Monday, November 20, 2006 / Notices
park resources is paramount. Stronger
educational and outreach programs
provide enjoyment and introduce park
conservation values. The basic character
of park activities and the rustic
architecture of facilities are retained so
that the parks remain strikingly different
from surrounding areas. Park
administrative facilities are redesigned
and may be relocated outside the parks.
Park facilities accommodate sustainable
growth. Stock use continues with
appropriate management and
Alternative A: Emphasize Natural
Ecosystems and Biodiversity; Reduce
Use and Development: The parks are
natural resource preserves; they are
primarily valued because they contain
publicly owned resources that will be
conserved for the future. Levels of use
are lower than at present, and visitor
experiences are more directly connected
to natural resources and provide more
solitude. The parks contrast strongly
with surrounding lands which are
continuing to develop. Park managers
aggressively cooperate with the
managers of surrounding lands to
enhance range-wide biodiversity.
Alternative C: Preserve Traditional
Character and Retain the Feel of
Yesteryear; Guide Growth: The parks
present a traditional character and the
feeling of yesteryear, where experiences
are more reminiscent of how visitors
used the parks in the past. This is
conveyed through rustic architecture
and lower impact recreational activities
(such as sightseeing and hiking) that
were popular from the 1920s to the
1960s, providing an experience that is
strikingly different from that in an urban
setting. Redesigned developed areas
accommodate limited growth; overnight
stays are encouraged. Negative impacts
on natural resources are controlled, so
as to maintain or improve resource
Alternative D: Preserve Basic
Character and Adapt to Changing User
Groups; Guide Growth: The parks
preserve some of their traditional
character and rustic architecture, but
diverse new user groups and uses are
encouraged. Day use is more common.
Facilities are expanded to meet users’
needs, while frequent interpretive
programs are offered to educate,
entertain, and instill a sense of park
conservation values. Negative impacts
on natural resources are controlled or
mitigated, so as to maintain or improve
resource conditions.
Addresses and Further Information:
Copies of the Final EIS will be available
for public review in the office of the
Superintendent and at local area public
libraries, and may also be requested (by
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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those not presently on the mailing list)
by contacting the park by letter at: Final
EIS/GMP, Sequoia and Kings Canyon
National Parks, 47050 Generals
Highway, Three Rivers, CA 93271–9651;
by telephone at (559) 565–3101; or by email at seki_superintendent@nps.gov.
Please note that names and addresses of
all respondents will become part of the
public record. Our practice is to make
all comments, including names, home
addresses, home phone numbers, and email addresses of respondents, available
for public review. Individual
respondents may request that we
withhold their names and/or home
addresses, etc., but if you wish us to
consider withholding this information
you must state this prominently at the
beginning of your comments. In
addition, you must present a rationale
for withholding this information. This
rationale must demonstrate that
disclosure would constitute a clearly
unwarranted invasion of privacy.
Unsupported assertions will not meet
this burden. In the absence of
exceptional, documentable
circumstances, this information will be
released. We will always make
submissions from organizations or
businesses, and from individuals
identifying themselves as
representatives of or officials of
organizations or businesses, available
for public inspection in their entirety.
Decision: The National Park Service
will execute a Record of Decision not
sooner than 30 days following
publication by the Environmental
Protection Agency of their notice of
filing of the Final EIS in the Federal
Register. As a delegated EIS the official
responsible for the final approval of the
General Management Plan and
Comprehensive River Management Plan
is the Regional Director; subsequently
the official responsible for
implementing the new plans would be
the Superintendent, Sequoia and Kings
Canyon National Parks.
Dated: October 6, 2006.
George J. Turnbull,
Acting Regional Director, Pacific West Region.
[FR Doc. 06–9279 Filed 11–17–06; 8:45 am]
Bureau of Reclamation
Quarterly Status Report of Water
Service, Repayment, and Other WaterRelated Contract Negotiations
Bureau of Reclamation,
PO 00000
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SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given of
contractual actions that have been
proposed to the Bureau of Reclamation
(Reclamation) and are new, modified,
discontinued, or completed since the
last publication of this notice on August
2, 2006. This notice is one of a variety
of means used to inform the public
about proposed contractual actions for
capital recovery and management of
project resources and facilities
consistent with section 9(f) of the
Reclamation Project Act of 1939.
Additional announcements of
individual contract actions may be
published in the Federal Register and in
newspapers of general circulation in the
areas determined by Reclamation to be
affected by the proposed action.
ADDRESSES: The identity of the
approving officer and other information
pertaining to a specific contract
proposal may be obtained by calling or
writing the appropriate regional office at
the address and telephone number given
for each region in the SUPPLEMENTARY
Sandra L. Simons, Manager, Contract
Services Office, Bureau of Reclamation,
PO Box 25007, Denver, Colorado 80225–
0007; telephone 303–445–2902.
with section 9(f) of the Reclamation
Project Act of 1939 and the rules and
regulations published in 52 FR 11954,
April 13, 1987 (43 CFR 426.22),
Reclamation will publish notice of
proposed or amendatory contract
actions for any contract for the delivery
of project water for authorized uses in
newspapers of general circulation in the
affected area at least 60 days prior to
contract execution. Announcements
may be in the form of news releases,
legal notices, official letters,
memorandums, or other forms of
written material. Meetings, workshops,
and/or hearings may also be used, as
appropriate, to provide local publicity.
The public participation procedures do
not apply to proposed contracts for the
sale of surplus or interim irrigation
water for a term of 1 year or less. Either
of the contracting parties may invite the
public to observe contract proceedings.
All public participation procedures will
be coordinated with those involved in
complying with the National
Environmental Policy Act. Pursuant to
the ‘‘Final Revised Public Participation
Procedures’’ for water resource-related
contract negotiations, published in 47
FR 7763, February 22, 1982, a tabulation
is provided of all proposed contractual
actions in each of the five Reclamation
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 223 / Monday, November 20, 2006 / Notices
regions. When contract negotiations are
completed, and prior to execution, each
proposed contract form must be
approved by the Secretary of the
Interior, or pursuant to delegated or
redelegated authority, the Commissioner
of Reclamation or one of the regional
directors. In some instances,
congressional review and approval of a
report, water rate, or other terms and
conditions of the contract may be
Public participation in and receipt of
comments on contract proposals will be
facilitated by adherence to the following
1. Only persons authorized to act on
behalf of the contracting entities may
negotiate the terms and conditions of a
specific contract proposal.
2. Advance notice of meetings or
hearings will be furnished to those
parties that have made a timely written
request for such notice to the
appropriate regional or project office of
3. Written correspondence regarding
proposed contracts may be made
available to the general public pursuant
to the terms and procedures of the
Freedom of Information Act, as
4. Written comments on a proposed
contract or contract action must be
submitted to the appropriate regional
officials at the locations and within the
time limits set forth in the advance
public notices.
5. All written comments received and
testimony presented at any public
hearings will be reviewed and
summarized by the appropriate regional
office for use by the contract approving
6. Copies of specific proposed
contracts may be obtained from the
appropriate regional director or his
designated public contact as they
become available for review and
7. In the event modifications are made
in the form of a proposed contract, the
appropriate regional director shall
determine whether republication of the
notice and/or extension of the comment
period is necessary.
Factors considered in making such a
determination shall include, but are not
limited to (i) The significance of the
modification, and (ii) the degree of
public interest which has been
expressed over the course of the
negotiations. At a minimum, the
regional director shall furnish revised
contracts to all parties who requested
the contract in response to the initial
public notice.
The February 23, 2006, notice should
be used as a reference point to identify
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changes. The numbering system in this
notice corresponds with the numbering
system in the February 23, 2006, notice.
Boulder Canyon Project;
Bureau of Reclamation
CAP ..............
CVP ..............
CVPIA ..........
Central Arizona Project.
Central Valley Project.
Central Valley Project Improvement Act.
Colorado River Storage
Federal Register.
Irrigation and Drainage District.
Irrigation District.
Municipal and Industrial.
New Mexico Interstate Stream
Operation and Maintenance.
Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin
Present Perfected Right.
Reclamation Reform Act of
Safety of Dams.
Small Reclamation Projects
Act of 1956.
Water District.
CRSP ...........
FR ................
IDD ...............
ID ..................
M&I ...............
NMISC ..........
O&M .............
P–SMBP .......
PPR ..............
RRA ..............
SOD .............
SRPA ...........
WD ...............
Pacific Northwest Region: Bureau of
Reclamation, 1150 North Curtis Road,
Suite 100, Boise, Idaho 83706–1234,
telephone 208–378–5344.
Modified contract action:
16. Two irrigation water user entities,
Boise Project, Idaho: Long-term renewal
and/or conversion of two irrigation
water service contracts for supplemental
irrigation use of up to 2,218 acre-feet of
storage space in Lucky Peak Reservoir,
a Corps of Engineers’ project on the
Boise River, Idaho. Sixteen water
service contracts have been converted to
repayment contracts for a total of 68,000
acre-feet of storage space.
Completed contract action:
19. Stanfield ID, Umatilla Project,
Oregon: Contract for long-term
boundary expansion to include lands
outside of federally recognized district
boundaries. Contract executed
September 8, 2006.
Mid-Pacific Region: Bureau of
Reclamation, 2800 Cottage Way,
Sacramento, California 95825–1898,
telephone 916–978–5250.
New contract actions:
44. Elk Creek Community Services
District, CVP, California: Interim
renewal of water service contract for an
initial period of 3 years, with
subsequent interim renewal contracts of
2 years pursuant to section 3404(c) of
the CVPIA.
45. Westlands WD, CVP, California:
Interim renewal of water service
PO 00000
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contract (Case No. CV–79–106–EDP) for
an initial period of 3 years, with
subsequent interim renewal contracts of
2 years pursuant to section 3404(c) of
the CVPIA.
46. Westlands WD, CVP, California:
Interim renewal of water service
contract (No. 14–06–200–495A) for an
initial period of 3 years, with
subsequent interim renewal contracts of
2 years pursuant to section 3404(c) of
the CVPIA.
Modified contract actions:
42. Cawelo WD and LindsayStrathmore ID, CVP, California: Longterm Warren Act contract for conveying
nonproject water for a non-CVP
43. Elk Creek Community Services
District, CVP, California: Renewal of
long-term water service contract for up
to 100 acre-feet for a period of 40 years.
Lower Colorado Region: Bureau of
Reclamation, PO Box 61470 (Nevada
Highway and Park Street), Boulder City,
Nevada 89006–1470, telephone 702–
New contract actions:
42. City of Needles, BCP, California:
Amendment to contract No. 05–XX–30–
W0445 to include PPR No. 44 for an
annual diversion of 1,260 acre-feet or
the annual consumptive use of 273 acrefeet, whichever is less.
43. Cibola Resources, LLC, BCP,
Arizona: Assign contract No. 06-XX–30W0449 to B&F Investment, LLC, transfer
the 60-acre-foot entitlement to B&F
under that contract, and enter into a
new contract with B&F to change the
type and place of use.
44. Rudy J. Leon and Helen V.
Thomas, BCP, California: Enter into a
contract for their entitlement of PPR No.
38 for 1.7086 acre-feet of water per year.
Completed contract actions:
11. Berneil Water Co., CAP, Arizona:
Partial assignment of 200 acre-feet of
water per year to the Cave Creek Water
37. Cibola Valley IDD, BCP, Arizona:
Assign 60 acre-feet per year of the
district’s entitlement to Arizona fourthpriority water to Cibola Resources, LLC,
for agricultural purposes.
Upper Colorado Region: Bureau of
Reclamation, 125 South State Street,
Room 6107, Salt Lake City, Utah 84138–
1102, telephone 801–524–3864.
New contraction:
1.(h) Michael and Nancy Courtney
Schell, Aspinall Storage Unit, CRSP:
The Schells have requested a 40-year
water service contract for 1 acre-foot of
water out of Blue Mesa Reservoir. An
augmentation plan is not required for
their direct withdrawal of water from
the reservoir.
Modified contract:
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 223 / Monday, November 20, 2006 / Notices
32. Emery County Project, Utah: The
Huntington Cleveland Irrigation
Company has requested a contract for
carriage of up to 14,074 acre-feet of
nonproject water; utilizing Huntington
North Reservoir as a regulating feature
associated with their Salinity Control
Great Plains Region: Bureau of
Reclamation, PO Box 36900, Federal
Building, 316 North 26th Street,
Billings, Montana 59107–6900,
telephone 406–247–7752.
New contract actions:
49. Colorado River Water
Conservation District, Colorado-Big
Thompson Project, Colorado: Long-term
exchange, conveyance, and storage
contract to implement the Exhibit B
Agreement of the Settlement Agreement
on Operating Procedures for Green
Mountain Reservoir Concerning
Operating Limitations and in Resolution
of the Petition Filed August 7, 2003, in
Case No. 49-CV–2782 (The United
States v Northern Colorado Water
Conservancy District, et al., U.S. District
Court for the District of Colorado, Case
No. 2782 and Consolidated Case Nos.
5016 and 5017).
50. Colorado River Water
Conservation District, Colorado-Big
Thompson Project, Colorado:
Consideration of a request for a longterm contract for the use of excess
capacity for storage and exchange in
Green Mountain Reservoir in the
Colorado-Big Thompson Project.
Modified contract actions:
9. Highland-Hanover ID, HanoverBluff Unit, P-SMBP, Wyoming:
Negotiate long-term water service
10. Upper Bluff ID, Hanover-Bluff
Unit, P-SMBP, Wyoming: Negotiate
long-term water service contract.
13. Savage ID, P-SMBP, Montana: The
district is currently seeking title
transfer. The contract is subject to
renewal pending outcome of the title
transfer process. A 5-year interim
contract was executed May 7, 2003, to
ensure a continuous water supply.
Completed contract actions:
8. City of Cheyenne, Kendrick Project,
Wyoming: Negotiate a long-term
contract for storage space for
replacement water on a daily basis in
Seminoe Reservoir. A temporary
contract has been issued pending
negotiation of the long-term contract.
Long-term contract was executed
October 1, 2006.
16. Glendo Unit, P-SMBP, Wyoming:
Amendments to long-term water service
contracts with Burbank Ditch, New
Grattan Ditch Company, Torrington ID,
Lucerne Canal and Power Company,
and Wright and Murphy Ditch
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Company. Contract amendments were
executed June 28, 2006.
17. Glendo Unit, P-SMBP, Nebraska:
Amendments to long-term water service
contracts with Bridgeport, Enterprise,
and Mitchell IDs, and Central Nebraska
Public Power and ID. Contract
amendments were executed June 28,
27. Hill County WD, Milk River
Project, Montana: Drafting contracts for
renewal of municipal water supply
contract No. 14–06–600–8954 which
expired August 1, 2006. The proposal
includes splitting the contract between
Hill County WD and North Havre
County WD which both receive their
full water supply under the current
contract. Contract No. 069E670064 with
Hill County WD was executed July 28,
2006; and contract No. 069E670065 with
North Havre County WD was executed
August 4, 2006.
Discontinued contract action:
21. Canadian River Municipal Water
Authority, Lake Meredith Salinity
Control Project, New Mexico and Texas:
Negotiation of a contract for the transfer
of control (care and O&M) of the project
to the Authority in accordance with
Pub. L. 102–575, Title VIII, Section
Dated: September 27, 2006.
Roseann Gonzales,
Director, Office of Program and Policy
[FR Doc. E6–19554 Filed 11–17–06; 8:45 am]
[Investigation No. 731–TA–891 (Review)]
Foundry Coke From China
United States International
Trade Commission.
ACTION: Scheduling of an expedited fiveyear review concerning the antidumping
duty order on foundry coke from China.
SUMMARY: The Commission hereby gives
notice of the scheduling of an expedited
review pursuant to section 751(c)(3) of
the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C.
1675(c)(3)) (the Act) to determine
whether revocation of the antidumping
duty order on foundry coke from China
would be likely to lead to continuation
or recurrence of material injury within
a reasonably foreseeable time. For
further information concerning the
conduct of this review and rules of
general application, consult the
Commission’s Rules of Practice and
Procedure, part 201, subparts A through
E (19 CFR part 201), and part 207,
PO 00000
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subparts A, D, E, and F (19 CFR part
DATES: Effective Date: November 6,
Motwane (202–205–3176), Office of
Investigations, U.S. International Trade
Commission, 500 E Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20436. Hearingimpaired persons can obtain
information on this matter by contacting
the Commission’s TDD terminal on 202–
205–1810. Persons with mobility
impairments who will need special
assistance in gaining access to the
Commission should contact the Office
of the Secretary at 202–205–2000.
General information concerning the
Commission may also be obtained by
accessing its Internet server (https://
www.usitc.gov). The public record for
this review may be viewed on the
Commission’s electronic docket (EDIS)
at https://edis.usitc.gov.
Background. On November 6, 2006,
the Commission determined that the
domestic interested party group
response to its notice of institution (71
FR 43518) of the subject five-year
review was adequate and that the
respondent interested party group
response was inadequate. The
Commission did not find any other
circumstances that would warrant
conducting a full review.1 Accordingly,
the Commission determined that it
would conduct an expedited review
pursuant to section 751(c)(3) of the Act.
Staff report. A staff report containing
information concerning the subject
matter of the review will be placed in
the nonpublic record on November 28,
2006, and made available to persons on
the Administrative Protective Order
service list for this review. A public
version will be issued thereafter,
pursuant to § 207.62(d)(4) of the
Commission’s rules.
Written submissions. As provided in
§ 207.62(d) of the Commission’s rules,
interested parties that are parties to the
review and that have provided
individually adequate responses to the
notice of institution,2 and any party
other than an interested party to the
review may file written comments with
the Secretary on what determination the
1 A record of the Commissioners’ votes, the
Commission’s statement on adequacy, and any
individual Commissioner’s statements will be
available from the Office of the Secretary and at the
Commission’s Web site.
2 The Commission has found the responses
submitted by ABC Coke, Citizens Gas & Coke
Utility, Erie Coke, Sloss Industries Corp., and
Tonawanda Coke Corp. to be individually adequate.
Comments from other interested parties will not be
accepted (see 19 CFR 207.62(d)(2)).
[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 223 (Monday, November 20, 2006)]
[Pages 67159-67161]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: E6-19554]
Bureau of Reclamation
Quarterly Status Report of Water Service, Repayment, and Other
Water-Related Contract Negotiations
AGENCY: Bureau of Reclamation, Interior.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given of contractual actions that have been
proposed to the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) and are new,
modified, discontinued, or completed since the last publication of this
notice on August 2, 2006. This notice is one of a variety of means used
to inform the public about proposed contractual actions for capital
recovery and management of project resources and facilities consistent
with section 9(f) of the Reclamation Project Act of 1939. Additional
announcements of individual contract actions may be published in the
Federal Register and in newspapers of general circulation in the areas
determined by Reclamation to be affected by the proposed action.
ADDRESSES: The identity of the approving officer and other information
pertaining to a specific contract proposal may be obtained by calling
or writing the appropriate regional office at the address and telephone
number given for each region in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Sandra L. Simons, Manager, Contract
Services Office, Bureau of Reclamation, PO Box 25007, Denver, Colorado
80225-0007; telephone 303-445-2902.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Consistent with section 9(f) of the
Reclamation Project Act of 1939 and the rules and regulations published
in 52 FR 11954, April 13, 1987 (43 CFR 426.22), Reclamation will
publish notice of proposed or amendatory contract actions for any
contract for the delivery of project water for authorized uses in
newspapers of general circulation in the affected area at least 60 days
prior to contract execution. Announcements may be in the form of news
releases, legal notices, official letters, memorandums, or other forms
of written material. Meetings, workshops, and/or hearings may also be
used, as appropriate, to provide local publicity. The public
participation procedures do not apply to proposed contracts for the
sale of surplus or interim irrigation water for a term of 1 year or
less. Either of the contracting parties may invite the public to
observe contract proceedings. All public participation procedures will
be coordinated with those involved in complying with the National
Environmental Policy Act. Pursuant to the ``Final Revised Public
Participation Procedures'' for water resource-related contract
negotiations, published in 47 FR 7763, February 22, 1982, a tabulation
is provided of all proposed contractual actions in each of the five
[[Page 67160]]
regions. When contract negotiations are completed, and prior to
execution, each proposed contract form must be approved by the
Secretary of the Interior, or pursuant to delegated or redelegated
authority, the Commissioner of Reclamation or one of the regional
directors. In some instances, congressional review and approval of a
report, water rate, or other terms and conditions of the contract may
be involved.
Public participation in and receipt of comments on contract
proposals will be facilitated by adherence to the following procedures:
1. Only persons authorized to act on behalf of the contracting
entities may negotiate the terms and conditions of a specific contract
2. Advance notice of meetings or hearings will be furnished to
those parties that have made a timely written request for such notice
to the appropriate regional or project office of Reclamation.
3. Written correspondence regarding proposed contracts may be made
available to the general public pursuant to the terms and procedures of
the Freedom of Information Act, as amended.
4. Written comments on a proposed contract or contract action must
be submitted to the appropriate regional officials at the locations and
within the time limits set forth in the advance public notices.
5. All written comments received and testimony presented at any
public hearings will be reviewed and summarized by the appropriate
regional office for use by the contract approving authority.
6. Copies of specific proposed contracts may be obtained from the
appropriate regional director or his designated public contact as they
become available for review and comment.
7. In the event modifications are made in the form of a proposed
contract, the appropriate regional director shall determine whether
republication of the notice and/or extension of the comment period is
Factors considered in making such a determination shall include,
but are not limited to (i) The significance of the modification, and
(ii) the degree of public interest which has been expressed over the
course of the negotiations. At a minimum, the regional director shall
furnish revised contracts to all parties who requested the contract in
response to the initial public notice.
The February 23, 2006, notice should be used as a reference point
to identify changes. The numbering system in this notice corresponds
with the numbering system in the February 23, 2006, notice.
Definitions of Abbreviations Used in This Document
Boulder Canyon Project; Bureau of
BCP; reclamation Reclamation
CAP................................. Central Arizona Project.
CVP................................. Central Valley Project.
CVPIA............................... Central Valley Project Improvement
CRSP................................ Colorado River Storage Project.
FR.................................. Federal Register.
IDD................................. Irrigation and Drainage District.
ID.................................. Irrigation District.
M&I................................. Municipal and Industrial.
NMISC............................... New Mexico Interstate Stream
O&M................................. Operation and Maintenance.
P-SMBP.............................. Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program.
PPR................................. Present Perfected Right.
RRA................................. Reclamation Reform Act of 1982.
SOD................................. Safety of Dams.
SRPA................................ Small Reclamation Projects Act of
WD.................................. Water District.
Pacific Northwest Region: Bureau of Reclamation, 1150 North Curtis
Road, Suite 100, Boise, Idaho 83706-1234, telephone 208-378-5344.
Modified contract action:
16. Two irrigation water user entities, Boise Project, Idaho: Long-
term renewal and/or conversion of two irrigation water service
contracts for supplemental irrigation use of up to 2,218 acre-feet of
storage space in Lucky Peak Reservoir, a Corps of Engineers' project on
the Boise River, Idaho. Sixteen water service contracts have been
converted to repayment contracts for a total of 68,000 acre-feet of
storage space.
Completed contract action:
19. Stanfield ID, Umatilla Project, Oregon: Contract for long-term
boundary expansion to include lands outside of federally recognized
district boundaries. Contract executed September 8, 2006.
Mid-Pacific Region: Bureau of Reclamation, 2800 Cottage Way,
Sacramento, California 95825-1898, telephone 916-978-5250.
New contract actions:
44. Elk Creek Community Services District, CVP, California: Interim
renewal of water service contract for an initial period of 3 years,
with subsequent interim renewal contracts of 2 years pursuant to
section 3404(c) of the CVPIA.
45. Westlands WD, CVP, California: Interim renewal of water service
contract (Case No. CV-79-106-EDP) for an initial period of 3 years,
with subsequent interim renewal contracts of 2 years pursuant to
section 3404(c) of the CVPIA.
46. Westlands WD, CVP, California: Interim renewal of water service
contract (No. 14-06-200-495A) for an initial period of 3 years, with
subsequent interim renewal contracts of 2 years pursuant to section
3404(c) of the CVPIA.
Modified contract actions:
42. Cawelo WD and Lindsay-Strathmore ID, CVP, California: Long-term
Warren Act contract for conveying nonproject water for a non-CVP
43. Elk Creek Community Services District, CVP, California: Renewal
of long-term water service contract for up to 100 acre-feet for a
period of 40 years.
Lower Colorado Region: Bureau of Reclamation, PO Box 61470 (Nevada
Highway and Park Street), Boulder City, Nevada 89006-1470, telephone
New contract actions:
42. City of Needles, BCP, California: Amendment to contract No. 05-
XX-30-W0445 to include PPR No. 44 for an annual diversion of 1,260
acre-feet or the annual consumptive use of 273 acre-feet, whichever is
43. Cibola Resources, LLC, BCP, Arizona: Assign contract No. 06-XX-
30-W0449 to B&F Investment, LLC, transfer the 60-acre-foot entitlement
to B&F under that contract, and enter into a new contract with B&F to
change the type and place of use.
44. Rudy J. Leon and Helen V. Thomas, BCP, California: Enter into a
contract for their entitlement of PPR No. 38 for 1.7086 acre-feet of
water per year.
Completed contract actions:
11. Berneil Water Co., CAP, Arizona: Partial assignment of 200
acre-feet of water per year to the Cave Creek Water Company.
37. Cibola Valley IDD, BCP, Arizona: Assign 60 acre-feet per year
of the district's entitlement to Arizona fourth-priority water to
Cibola Resources, LLC, for agricultural purposes.
Upper Colorado Region: Bureau of Reclamation, 125 South State
Street, Room 6107, Salt Lake City, Utah 84138-1102, telephone 801-524-
New contraction:
1.(h) Michael and Nancy Courtney Schell, Aspinall Storage Unit,
CRSP: The Schells have requested a 40-year water service contract for 1
acre-foot of water out of Blue Mesa Reservoir. An augmentation plan is
not required for their direct withdrawal of water from the reservoir.
Modified contract:
[[Page 67161]]
32. Emery County Project, Utah: The Huntington Cleveland Irrigation
Company has requested a contract for carriage of up to 14,074 acre-feet
of nonproject water; utilizing Huntington North Reservoir as a
regulating feature associated with their Salinity Control Project.
Great Plains Region: Bureau of Reclamation, PO Box 36900, Federal
Building, 316 North 26th Street, Billings, Montana 59107-6900,
telephone 406-247-7752.
New contract actions:
49. Colorado River Water Conservation District, Colorado-Big
Thompson Project, Colorado: Long-term exchange, conveyance, and storage
contract to implement the Exhibit B Agreement of the Settlement
Agreement on Operating Procedures for Green Mountain Reservoir
Concerning Operating Limitations and in Resolution of the Petition
Filed August 7, 2003, in Case No. 49-CV-2782 (The United States v
Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District, et al., U.S. District
Court for the District of Colorado, Case No. 2782 and Consolidated Case
Nos. 5016 and 5017).
50. Colorado River Water Conservation District, Colorado-Big
Thompson Project, Colorado: Consideration of a request for a long-term
contract for the use of excess capacity for storage and exchange in
Green Mountain Reservoir in the Colorado-Big Thompson Project.
Modified contract actions:
9. Highland-Hanover ID, Hanover-Bluff Unit, P-SMBP, Wyoming:
Negotiate long-term water service contract.
10. Upper Bluff ID, Hanover-Bluff Unit, P-SMBP, Wyoming: Negotiate
long-term water service contract.
13. Savage ID, P-SMBP, Montana: The district is currently seeking
title transfer. The contract is subject to renewal pending outcome of
the title transfer process. A 5-year interim contract was executed May
7, 2003, to ensure a continuous water supply.
Completed contract actions:
8. City of Cheyenne, Kendrick Project, Wyoming: Negotiate a long-
term contract for storage space for replacement water on a daily basis
in Seminoe Reservoir. A temporary contract has been issued pending
negotiation of the long-term contract. Long-term contract was executed
October 1, 2006.
16. Glendo Unit, P-SMBP, Wyoming: Amendments to long-term water
service contracts with Burbank Ditch, New Grattan Ditch Company,
Torrington ID, Lucerne Canal and Power Company, and Wright and Murphy
Ditch Company. Contract amendments were executed June 28, 2006.
17. Glendo Unit, P-SMBP, Nebraska: Amendments to long-term water
service contracts with Bridgeport, Enterprise, and Mitchell IDs, and
Central Nebraska Public Power and ID. Contract amendments were executed
June 28, 2006.
27. Hill County WD, Milk River Project, Montana: Drafting contracts
for renewal of municipal water supply contract No. 14-06-600-8954 which
expired August 1, 2006. The proposal includes splitting the contract
between Hill County WD and North Havre County WD which both receive
their full water supply under the current contract. Contract No.
069E670064 with Hill County WD was executed July 28, 2006; and contract
No. 069E670065 with North Havre County WD was executed August 4, 2006.
Discontinued contract action:
21. Canadian River Municipal Water Authority, Lake Meredith
Salinity Control Project, New Mexico and Texas: Negotiation of a
contract for the transfer of control (care and O&M) of the project to
the Authority in accordance with Pub. L. 102-575, Title VIII, Section
Dated: September 27, 2006.
Roseann Gonzales,
Director, Office of Program and Policy Services.
[FR Doc. E6-19554 Filed 11-17-06; 8:45 am]