Government-Owned Inventions; Availability for Licensing, 62598-62601 [E6-17966]

Download as PDF 62598 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 207 / Thursday, October 26, 2006 / Notices proposed data collection projects, the National Cancer Institute (NCI), the National Institutes of Health (NIH) will publish periodic summaries of proposed projects to be submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval. Proposed Collection Title: Health Information National Trends Survey 2007 (HINTS 2007). Type of Information Collection Request: New. Need and Use of Information Collection: Building on the first two rounds of HINTS data collection, HINTS 2007 will continue to provide NCI with a comprehensive assessment of the American public’s current access to, and use of, information about cancer, including cancer prevention, early detection, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. The content of the survey will focus on understanding the degree to which members of the general population understand vital cancer prevention messages. More importantly, this NCI survey will couple knowledgerelated questions with inquiries into the communication channels through which understanding is being obtained. HINTS is intended to be the foundation of NCI’s effort to build on the opportunities presented by a national shift in communication context, and by so doing, improve the nation’s ability to reduce the national cancer burden. Data will be used (1) To understand individuals sources of and access to cancer-related information; (2) to measure progress in improving cancer knowledge and communication to the general public; (3) to develop appropriate messages for the public about cancer prevention, detection, diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship; Estimated number of respondents Type of respondent and (4) to identify research gaps and guide decisions about NCI’s research efforts in health promotion and health communication. Frequency of Response: One time. Affected Public: Individuals. Type of Respondents: U.S. Adults. The annual reporting burden is as follows: Estimated Number of Respondents: 10,599. Estimated Number of Responses per Respondent: 1. Average Burden Hours per Response: .33. Estimated Total Annual Burden Hours Requested: 3,576. The annualized cost to respondents is estimated at: $35,760. There are no Capital Costs to report. There are no Operating or Maintenance Costs to report. Frequency of response Average hours per response Annual hour burden Pilot RDD Screener ......................................................................................... Pilot RDD Interview* ........................................................................................ Pilot Mail Survey .............................................................................................. RDD Screener ................................................................................................. RDD Interview* ................................................................................................. Mail Survey ...................................................................................................... Telephone Screener for Followup of Mail ....................................................... Telephone Interview for Follow-up of Mail* ..................................................... 250 150 150 5,833 3,500 3,660 956 478 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .0833 .4167 .3333 .0833 .4167 .3333 .0833 .4167 21 63 50 486 1,458 1,219 80 199 Totals ........................................................................................................ ........................ ........................ ........................ 3,576 * Pilot ycherry on PROD1PC64 with NOTICES survey and HINTS 2007 RDD interview respondents are a subset of the RDD screener respondents. Similarly, the telephone interview respondents in the followup of mail nonrespondents are a subset of the telephone screener respondents in the followup of mail nonrespondents. N = 10,849. Request for Comments: Written comments and/or suggestions from the public and affected agencies are invited on one or more of the following points: (1) Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the function of the agency, including whether the information will have practical utility; (2) The accuracy of the agency’s estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used; (3) Ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and (4) Ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond, including the use of appropriate automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or other forms of information technology. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: To request more information on the proposed project or to obtain a copy of the data collection plans and VerDate Aug<31>2005 15:21 Oct 25, 2006 Jkt 211001 instruments, contact Bradford W. Hesse, Ph.D., Project Officer, National Cancer Institute, NIH, EPN 4068, 6130 Executive Boulevard MSC 7365, Bethesda, Maryland 20892–7365, or call non-toll-free number 301–594–9904, or FAX your request to 301–480–2198, or E-mail your request, including your address, to Comments Due Date: Comments regarding this information collection are best assured of having their full effect if received within 60-days of the date of this publication. Dated: October 18, 2006. Rachelle Ragland-Greene, NCI Project Clearance Liaison, National Institutes of Health. [FR Doc. E6–17964 Filed 10–25–06; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4101–01–P PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES National Institutes of Health Government-Owned Inventions; Availability for Licensing National Institutes of Health, Public Health Service, HHS. ACTION: Notice. AGENCY: SUMMARY: The inventions listed below are owned by an agency of the U.S. Government and are available for licensing in the U.S. in accordance with 35 U.S.C. 207 to achieve expeditious commercialization of results of federally-funded research and development. Foreign patent applications are filed on selected inventions to extend market coverage for companies and may also be available for licensing. ADDRESSES: Licensing information and copies of the U.S. patent applications listed below may be obtained by writing to the indicated licensing contact at the E:\FR\FM\26OCN1.SGM 26OCN1 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 207 / Thursday, October 26, 2006 / Notices ycherry on PROD1PC64 with NOTICES Office of Technology Transfer, National Institutes of Health, 6011 Executive Boulevard, Suite 325, Rockville, Maryland 20852–3804; telephone: 301/ 496–7057; fax: 301/402–0220. A signed Confidential Disclosure Agreement will be required to receive copies of the patent applications. Manganese Superoxide Dimutase VAL16ALA Polymorphism Predicts Resistance to Doxorubicin Cancer Therapy Description of Technology: Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States and it is estimated that there will be approximately 600,000 deaths caused by cancer in 2006. Major drawbacks of the existing cancer therapies are the interindividial differences in the response and the cytotoxic side-effects that are associated with them. Thus, there is a need to develop new therapeutic approaches to optimize treatment and increase patient survival. This technology describes the identification of a manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) polymorphism as a novel biomarker for the prognosis of doxorubicin therapeutic response in breast cancer patients, wherein a Val16Ala polymorphism of MnSOD is indicative of patient survival. More specifically, patients undergoing doxorubicin combination therapy with Val/Val, Val/ Ala, and Ala/Ala genotypes had 95.2%, 79%, and 45.5% survival rates, respectively, in a case study of 70 unselected breast cancer patients. Carriers of the Ala/Ala genotype had a highly significantly poorer breast cancer-specific survival in a multivariate Cox regression analysis than carriers of the Val/Val genotype. This technology can be developed into an assay to screen for breast cancer patients who will be responsive to doxorubicin treatment. Further, as the MnSOD polymorphism is common in the population (15% to 20% of patients have the Ala/Ala genotype), it is a common risk factor for doxorubicin therapy. This technology can potentially be utilized as a screening tool applicable for all cancer types treated with doxorubicin. Applications: (1) A novel genetic marker that can predict breast cancer patient survival with doxorubicin treatment; (2) A screening test based on MnSOD Val16Ala genotype that predicts patient response to doxorubicin cancer therapy, wherein treatment can be subsequently individualized according to patient MnSOD genotype. Development Status: Future studies include determining the mechanism in VerDate Aug<31>2005 15:21 Oct 25, 2006 Jkt 211001 which the polymorphism modulates doxorubicin toxicity. Inventors: Stefan Ambs and Brenda Boersma (NCI). Patent Status: U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/799,788 filed 11 May 2006 (HHS Reference No. E–137– 2006/0–US–01). Licensing Status: Available for nonexclusive or exclusive licensing. Licensing Contact: Jennifer Wong; 301/435–4633; Collaborative Research Opportunity: The Laboratory of Human Carcinogenesis, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, is seeking statements of capability or interest from parties interested in collaborative research to further develop, evaluate, or commercialize MnSOD genotyping assays to assess a patient’s response to doxorubicin combination therapy. Please contact Betty Tong, Ph.D. at 301– 594–4263 or for more information. A Novel Magnetic Resonance RadioFrequency Coil Array that Eliminates Inductive Coupling Description of Technology: Parallel magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques employ RF coil arrays for faster data acquisition, and have been shown to reduce the overall length of MRI procedures, improve signal-tonoise ratio (SNR) and image quality, thus making MRI more attractive and less costly. Elimination of inductive coupling is an essential step in designing RF coil arrays for parallel MRI. If mutual inductance remains among coils in the RF coil array, the MR signal obtained from one coil may disturb the flux in another coil, making it difficult to match the impedance of each individual element to the input impedance its preamplifier. This nonoptimal matching can lead to degradation of MR signal thereby yielding images with low quality. The most common strategy for inductive decoupling involves the use of preamplifiers with very low input impedance and decoupling networks with lumped elements. However, the construction of preamplifiers with low input impedance is not easy to accomplish, and these preamplifiers impose technical restrictions on coil design, requiring the use of overlapping loops to further minimize the amount of mutual inductance between the coils. The present invention describes a novel RF coil circuitry scheme to remove inductive coupling and to overcome the limitations of having to use overlapping geometries and lowimpedance preamplifiers. The coil array PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 62599 employs a transformer to match the input impedance of the preamplifier. The signal that reaches the preamplifier is coupled in an inductive fashion to the RF coil decoupling network through the transformer’s primary coil. Because primary and secondary coils in the transformer are isolated, the preamplifier circuit (and the MRI scanner electronics) is electrically isolated from the MR pickup coil. This arrangement provides a perfect electrical balance and isolation between the array channels, thus making it unnecessary to use traps and balluns in the circuit. At 7T, a 4-channel small animal coil array implementing the novel circuitry provided images with excellent SNR and demonstrated isolation of all individual RF coils and immunity to standing waves and other parasitic signals. Applications: (1) MR imaging of humans, including imaging of brain; (2) MR imaging of animals, including nonhuman primates and rodents; (3) Functional imaging of humans and animals. Advantages: (1) Allows for increased flexibility of coil design including geometries that require array with overlapping receiver coil loops; (2) Can provide high level of mutual inductance decoupling within coils in the array; (3) Isolates the grounds from coil to coil, and cancels all ground loops related to the coil array; (4) Greatly increases the signal to noise ratio in MR imaging. Development Status: Early stage; Working model made and tested, improved model for animals under testing. Inventors: George C. Nascimento and Afonso C. Silva (NINDS). Patent Status: U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/789,934 filed 30 Mar 2006 (HHS Reference No. E–099–2006/ 0–US–01). Licensing Status: Available for nonexclusive or exclusive licensing. Licensing Contact: Chekesha S. Clingman, Ph.D.; 301/435–5018; PDE11A as a Novel Therapeutic Target for Inherited Form of Cushing Syndrome and Endocrine Tumors Description of Technology: Cushing Syndrome, a disorder associated with excess production of a steroid hormone, cortisol, affects up to 10 per 15 million people every year. Cushing Syndrome may be caused by several reasons such as cortisol-producing endocrine tumors and can be inherited in some instances. Surgery of the adrenal tumor is the most common method of treatment. New diagnostic and therapeutic approaches E:\FR\FM\26OCN1.SGM 26OCN1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with NOTICES 62600 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 207 / Thursday, October 26, 2006 / Notices need to be developed for successful management of the disease. This technology describes the clinical identification of a new disease termed ‘‘isolated micronodular adrenocortical disease’’ (iMAD), as well as the role of PDE11A gene in this disease. Additionally, the technology also identifies particular sequence variants of the PDE11A gene associated with abnormal or altered function of the gene, PDE11A as a potential novel drug target for the treatment of bilateral adrenal hyperplasia, and possibly other endocrine tumors and malignancies. Applications and Modality: (1) Identification of PDE11A gene and sequence variants for the diagnosis of ‘‘isolated micronodular adrenocortical disease’’ (iMAD), a form of Cushing Syndrome and endocrine tumors, i.e., as diagnostic tool. (2) Identification of PDE11A as a potential novel drug target for the treatment of bilateral adrenal hyperplasia and other endocrine and non-endocrine tumors and malignancies. Market: (1) 5 to 10 per 15 million 10 to 15 million new cases of Cushing Syndrome every year; (2) 27,000 new cases of endocrine tumors every year; (3) The technology involving PDE11A genes for the diagnosis and treatment of endocrine tumors including Cushing syndrome; (4) The endocrine drug market is more than 40 billion U.S. dollars. Development Status: The technology is currently in the pre-clinical stage of development. Inventor: Dr. Constantine A. Stratakis (NICHD). Publication: A Horvath et al. A genome-wide scan identifies mutations in the gene encoding phosphodiesterase 11A4 (PDE11A) in individuals with adrenocortical hyperplasia. Nat Genet. 2006 Jul;38(7):794–800. Epub 2006 Jun 11, doi:10.1038/ng1809. [PubMed abs] Patent Status: U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/761,446 filed 24 Jan 2006 entitled ‘‘PDE11A mutations in Adrenal Diseases’’ (HHS Reference No. E–027–2006/0–US–01). Licensing Status: Available for exclusive and non-exclusive license. Licensing Contact: Mojdeh Bahar; 301/435–2950; Collaborative Research Opportunity: The NICHD Heritable Disorders Branch is seeking statements of capability or interest from parties interested in collaborative research to further develop, evaluate, or commercialize testing for PDE11A genetic or functional defects in endocrine disease, and endocrine and other tumors or cancers. Please contact Betty Tong, Ph.D. at 301– VerDate Aug<31>2005 15:21 Oct 25, 2006 Jkt 211001 594–4263 or for more information. 2-Amino-O4-Substituted Pteridines: Improved Chemotherapy Adjuvants Description of Technology: O6Benzylguanine derivatives, some O6benzylpyrimidines, and related compounds are known to be inactivators of the human DNA repair protein O6alkylguanine-DNA alkyltransferase (alkyltransferase). This repair protein is the primary source of resistance many tumor cells develop when exposed to chemotherapeutic agents that modify the O6-position of DNA guanine residues. Therefore, inactivation of this protein can bring about a significant improvement in the therapeutic effectiveness of these chemotherapy drugs. The prototype inactivator O6benzylguanine is currently in clinical trials in the United States as an adjuvant in combination with the chloroethylating agent 1, 3-bis (2chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea (BCNU) and the methylating agent temozolomide. A similar alkyltransferase inactivator, O6(4-bromothenyl) guanine is in clinical trials in the UK. This technology is directed to the discovery of a new class of potent alkyltransferase inactivators, 2-aminoO4-benzylpteridine derivatives targeted for use in cancer treatment in combination with chemotherapeutic agents such as 1, 3-bis (2-chloroethyl)1-nitrosurea (BCNU) or temozolomide. The derivatives of the present invention inactivate the O6-alkylguanine-DNAalkyltransferase repair protein and thus enhance activity of such chemotherapeutic agents. Some of the derivatives are water soluble and possess tumor cell selectivity in particular by inactivating alkyltransferase in tumor cells that overexpress folic acid receptors. The 2amino-O4-benzylpteridine derivatives represent a promising new class of alkyltransferase inactivator with representatives that may be great candidates as chemotherapy adjuvants. Applications and Modality: (1) New small molecules as alkyltransferase inactivators based on 2-amino-O4benzylpteridine compounds; (2) Promising candidates as chemotherapy adjuvants for the treatment of cancer; (3) Therapeutic application for drug resistant tumors where acquired resistance is caused by O6-alkylguanineDNA alkyltransferase. Market: (1) 600,000 deaths from cancer related diseases estimated in 2006; (2) This technology involving small molecule therapeutics for the treatment of several cancers has a PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 potential market of several billion U.S. dollars. Development Status: The technology is currently in the pre-clinical stage of development. Inventors: Robert C. Moschel (NCI) et al. Publication: ME Nelson, NA Loktionova, AE Pegg, RC Moschel. 2amino-O4-benzylpteridine derivatives: potent inactivators of O6-alkylguanineDNA alkyltransferase. J Med Chem. 2004 Jul 15;47(15):3887–3891. Epub 2004 Jun 18, doi 10.1021/jm049758+ S0022–2623(04)09758–4. Patent Status: U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/534,519 filed 06 Jan 2004 (HHS Reference No. E–274–2003/ 0–US–01); U.S. Patent Application No. 10/585,566 filed 06 Jul 2006 (HHS Reference No. E–274–2003/0–US–03); Foreign equivalents. Licensing Status: Available for exclusive or non-exclusive licensing. Licensing Contact: Adaku Madu, J.D.; 301/435–5560; Retrovirus-Like Particles as Vaccines and Immunogens Description of Technology: This technology describes retrovirus-like particles and their production from retroviral constructs in which the gene encoding all but seven amino acids of the nucleocapsid (NC) protein was deleted. NC is critical for both genomic RNA packaging into the virion and viral integration into the host cell. Therefore, this deletion functionally eliminates two essential steps in retrovirus replication, thereby resulting in noninfectious retrovirus-like particles that maintain their full complement of antigenic proteins. Furthermore, efficient formation of these particles requires inhibition of the protease enzymatic activity, either by mutation to the protease gene in the construct or by protease inhibitor thereby ensuring the production of non-infectious retroviruslike particles by altering two independent targets. These particles can be used in vaccines or immunogenic compositions. Specific examples using HIV–1 constructs are given. Applications: Retroviral vaccine; Immunogenic compositions. Development Status: In vitro data available. Inventor: David E. Ott (NCI). Publications: 1. DE Ott et al. Elimination of protease activity restores efficient virion production to a human immunodeficiency virus type 1 nucleocapsid deletion mutant. J Virol. 2003 May;77(10):5547–5556. [PubMed abs] E:\FR\FM\26OCN1.SGM 26OCN1 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 207 / Thursday, October 26, 2006 / Notices 2. DE Ott et al. Redundant roles for nucleocapsid and matrix RNA-binding sequences in human immunodeficiency virus type 1 assembly. J Virol. 2005 Nov;79(22), 13839–13847. [PubMed abs] Patent Status: U.S. Patent Application No. 11/413,614 filed 27 Apr 2006 (HHS Reference No. E–236–2003/0–US–02). Licensing Status: Available for nonexclusive or exclusive licensing. Licensing Contact: Susan Ano, Ph.D.; 301/435–5515; Collaborative Research Opportunity: The NCI, CCR, AIDS Vaccine Program is seeking statements of capability or interest from parties interested in collaborative research to further develop, evaluate, or commercialize whole retrovirus-like particle vaccines. Please contact Betty Tong, Ph.D. at 301– 594–4263 or for more information. Dated: October 19, 2006. Steven M. Ferguson, Director, Division of Technology Development and Transfer, Office of Technology Transfer, National Institutes of Health. [FR Doc. E6–17966 Filed 10–25–06; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4140–01–P DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Coast Guard [USCG–2006–24851] Draft Environmental Assessment, Draft Finding of No Significant Impact, and Draft Memorandum of Agreement for the Decommissioning and Excessing of the U.S. Coast Guard Cutters STORIS (WMEC–38) and ACUSHNET (WMEC–167) Coast Guard, DHS. Notice of availability and request for comments. AGENCY: ycherry on PROD1PC64 with NOTICES ACTION: SUMMARY: The U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) announces the availability of, and seeks comment on, the Environmental Assessment and Draft Finding of No Significant Impact for the proposed decommissioning of the USCG cutters STORIS (WMEC–38) and ACUSHNET (WMEC–167) in Ketchikan and Kodiak, Alaska. The USCG is also announcing the availability and seeking comment on a related Draft Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the Alaska State Historic Preservation Office (AK SHPO) and the General Services Administration (GSA). DATES: Comments and related material must reach Coast Guard Headquarters on or before November 27, 2006. VerDate Aug<31>2005 15:21 Oct 25, 2006 Jkt 211001 Please submit comments by only one of the following means: (1) By e-mail to Susan Hathaway at (2) By conventional mail delivery to Susan Hathaway, Headquarters, United States Coast Guard, Assistant Commandant for Engineering and Logistics, Environmental Management (CG–443), 2100 Second St., SW., Rm. 6109, Washington, DC 20593. (3) By fax to Susan Hathaway at (202) 475–5956. (4) Through the Web Site for the Docket Management System at https:// The Docket Management Facility maintains the public docket. Comments will become part of this docket and will be available for inspection or copying at the Nassif Building, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Room PL–401, Washington, DC between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except for Federal holidays. You may also view this docket, including this notice and comments, on the Internet at Click on Simple Search and enter the docket number (24851). FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: By mail: Susan Hathaway, Headquarters, United States Coast Guard, Assistant Commandant for Engineering and Logistics, Environmental Management (CG–443), 2100 Second St., SW., Rm. 6109, Washington, DC 20593; by telephone: (202) 475–5688; by fax: (202) 475–5956; or by e-mail: To view and download the Environmental Assessment (EA), Draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI), and Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), please go to https:// NEPAhot.htm and scroll to ACUSHNET and STORIS Decommissioning EA for Public Review. The EA, Draft FONSI, and MOA can also be viewed and downloaded from the Docket Management System at https:// Click on Simple Search and enter the docket number (24851). The Draft FONSI is after the cover sheet at the front of the EA and the MOA is Appendix D of the EA. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: ADDRESSES: Request for Comments We encourage you to submit comments on the EA, Draft FONSI, and MOA. If you do so, please include your name and address, identify the docket number for this notice (USCG–2006– 24851), and give the reasons for each comment. You may submit your comments by mail, hand delivery, fax, or electronic means to the Docket PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 62601 Management Facility at the addresses under ADDRESSES but please submit your comments by only one means. If you submit them by mail or hand delivery, submit them in an unbound format, no larger than 81⁄2 by 11 inches, suitable for copying and electronic filing. If you submit them by mail and would like to know they reached the Facility, please enclose a stamped, selfaddressed postcard or envelope. We will consider all comments received during the comment period. Proposed Action After over 60 years of continuous service, the USCGCs STORIS (WMEC– 38) and ACUSHNET (WMEC–167) have reached the end of their service lives. The USCG intends to decommission the USCGC STORIS (WMEC–38) in 2007 and the USCGC ACUSHNET (WMEC– 167) between 2008 and 2010, and report the vessels as excess personal property to the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) pursuant to the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 and its implementing regulations at Title 41, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), part 102–36 (41 CFR part 102–36). Preparation of the EA for the decommissioning of the USCGCs STORIS (WMEC–38) and ACUSHNET (WMEC–167) is being conducted in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 (Section 102[2][c]) and its implementing regulations at 40 CFR Part 1500. Environmental Assessment An EA has been prepared that identifies and examines alternatives including a no action alternative and the preferred alternative, the decommissioning and subsequent reporting of the vessels to GSA, as well as a third possible outcome, that is beyond the control of the Coast Guard and entails passage by Congress of specific legislation that directs the vessels’ disposition. The EA assesses the potential environmental impacts of these alternatives and the additional possibility of specific legislation. As the Coast Guard has determined that the vessels are historic for purposes of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, the Coast Guard has engaged in Section 106 consultation with the Alaska State Historic Preservation Office (AK SHPO) in developing a MOA on the Coast Guard’s intended action of decommissioning of the USCGCs STORIS (WMEC–38) and ACUSHNET (WMEC–167) and then reporting the vessels as excess personal property to E:\FR\FM\26OCN1.SGM 26OCN1


[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 207 (Thursday, October 26, 2006)]
[Pages 62598-62601]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E6-17966]



National Institutes of Health

Government-Owned Inventions; Availability for Licensing

AGENCY: National Institutes of Health, Public Health Service, HHS.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: The inventions listed below are owned by an agency of the U.S. 
Government and are available for licensing in the U.S. in accordance 
with 35 U.S.C. 207 to achieve expeditious commercialization of results 
of federally-funded research and development. Foreign patent 
applications are filed on selected inventions to extend market coverage 
for companies and may also be available for licensing.

ADDRESSES: Licensing information and copies of the U.S. patent 
applications listed below may be obtained by writing to the indicated 
licensing contact at the

[[Page 62599]]

Office of Technology Transfer, National Institutes of Health, 6011 
Executive Boulevard, Suite 325, Rockville, Maryland 20852-3804; 
telephone: 301/496-7057; fax: 301/402-0220. A signed Confidential 
Disclosure Agreement will be required to receive copies of the patent 

Manganese Superoxide Dimutase VAL16ALA Polymorphism Predicts Resistance 
to Doxorubicin Cancer Therapy

    Description of Technology: Cancer is the second leading cause of 
death in the United States and it is estimated that there will be 
approximately 600,000 deaths caused by cancer in 2006. Major drawbacks 
of the existing cancer therapies are the interindividial differences in 
the response and the cytotoxic side-effects that are associated with 
them. Thus, there is a need to develop new therapeutic approaches to 
optimize treatment and increase patient survival.
    This technology describes the identification of a manganese 
superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) polymorphism as a novel biomarker for the 
prognosis of doxorubicin therapeutic response in breast cancer 
patients, wherein a Val16Ala polymorphism of MnSOD is indicative of 
patient survival. More specifically, patients undergoing doxorubicin 
combination therapy with Val/Val, Val/Ala, and Ala/Ala genotypes had 
95.2%, 79%, and 45.5% survival rates, respectively, in a case study of 
70 unselected breast cancer patients. Carriers of the Ala/Ala genotype 
had a highly significantly poorer breast cancer-specific survival in a 
multivariate Cox regression analysis than carriers of the Val/Val 
genotype. This technology can be developed into an assay to screen for 
breast cancer patients who will be responsive to doxorubicin treatment. 
Further, as the MnSOD polymorphism is common in the population (15% to 
20% of patients have the Ala/Ala genotype), it is a common risk factor 
for doxorubicin therapy. This technology can potentially be utilized as 
a screening tool applicable for all cancer types treated with 
    Applications: (1) A novel genetic marker that can predict breast 
cancer patient survival with doxorubicin treatment; (2) A screening 
test based on MnSOD Val16Ala genotype that predicts patient response to 
doxorubicin cancer therapy, wherein treatment can be subsequently 
individualized according to patient MnSOD genotype.
    Development Status: Future studies include determining the 
mechanism in which the polymorphism modulates doxorubicin toxicity.
    Inventors: Stefan Ambs and Brenda Boersma (NCI).
    Patent Status: U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/799,788 filed 11 
May 2006 (HHS Reference No. E-137-2006/0-US-01).
    Licensing Status: Available for non-exclusive or exclusive 
    Licensing Contact: Jennifer Wong; 301/435-4633;
    Collaborative Research Opportunity: The Laboratory of Human 
Carcinogenesis, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, 
National Institutes of Health, is seeking statements of capability or 
interest from parties interested in collaborative research to further 
develop, evaluate, or commercialize MnSOD genotyping assays to assess a 
patient's response to doxorubicin combination therapy. Please contact 
Betty Tong, Ph.D. at 301-594-4263 or for more 

A Novel Magnetic Resonance Radio-Frequency Coil Array that Eliminates 
Inductive Coupling

    Description of Technology: Parallel magnetic resonance imaging 
(MRI) techniques employ RF coil arrays for faster data acquisition, and 
have been shown to reduce the overall length of MRI procedures, improve 
signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and image quality, thus making MRI more 
attractive and less costly. Elimination of inductive coupling is an 
essential step in designing RF coil arrays for parallel MRI. If mutual 
inductance remains among coils in the RF coil array, the MR signal 
obtained from one coil may disturb the flux in another coil, making it 
difficult to match the impedance of each individual element to the 
input impedance its preamplifier. This non-optimal matching can lead to 
degradation of MR signal thereby yielding images with low quality. The 
most common strategy for inductive decoupling involves the use of 
preamplifiers with very low input impedance and decoupling networks 
with lumped elements. However, the construction of preamplifiers with 
low input impedance is not easy to accomplish, and these preamplifiers 
impose technical restrictions on coil design, requiring the use of 
overlapping loops to further minimize the amount of mutual inductance 
between the coils.
    The present invention describes a novel RF coil circuitry scheme to 
remove inductive coupling and to overcome the limitations of having to 
use overlapping geometries and low-impedance preamplifiers. The coil 
array employs a transformer to match the input impedance of the 
preamplifier. The signal that reaches the preamplifier is coupled in an 
inductive fashion to the RF coil decoupling network through the 
transformer's primary coil. Because primary and secondary coils in the 
transformer are isolated, the preamplifier circuit (and the MRI scanner 
electronics) is electrically isolated from the MR pickup coil. This 
arrangement provides a perfect electrical balance and isolation between 
the array channels, thus making it unnecessary to use traps and balluns 
in the circuit. At 7T, a 4-channel small animal coil array implementing 
the novel circuitry provided images with excellent SNR and demonstrated 
isolation of all individual RF coils and immunity to standing waves and 
other parasitic signals.
    Applications: (1) MR imaging of humans, including imaging of brain; 
(2) MR imaging of animals, including non-human primates and rodents; 
(3) Functional imaging of humans and animals.
    Advantages: (1) Allows for increased flexibility of coil design 
including geometries that require array with overlapping receiver coil 
loops; (2) Can provide high level of mutual inductance decoupling 
within coils in the array; (3) Isolates the grounds from coil to coil, 
and cancels all ground loops related to the coil array; (4) Greatly 
increases the signal to noise ratio in MR imaging.
    Development Status: Early stage; Working model made and tested, 
improved model for animals under testing.
    Inventors: George C. Nascimento and Afonso C. Silva (NINDS).
    Patent Status: U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/789,934 filed 30 
Mar 2006 (HHS Reference No. E-099-2006/0-US-01).
    Licensing Status: Available for non-exclusive or exclusive 
    Licensing Contact: Chekesha S. Clingman, Ph.D.; 301/435-5018;

PDE11A as a Novel Therapeutic Target for Inherited Form of Cushing 
Syndrome and Endocrine Tumors

    Description of Technology: Cushing Syndrome, a disorder associated 
with excess production of a steroid hormone, cortisol, affects up to 10 
per 15 million people every year. Cushing Syndrome may be caused by 
several reasons such as cortisol-producing endocrine tumors and can be 
inherited in some instances. Surgery of the adrenal tumor is the most 
common method of treatment. New diagnostic and therapeutic approaches

[[Page 62600]]

need to be developed for successful management of the disease.
    This technology describes the clinical identification of a new 
disease termed ``isolated micronodular adrenocortical disease'' (iMAD), 
as well as the role of PDE11A gene in this disease. Additionally, the 
technology also identifies particular sequence variants of the PDE11A 
gene associated with abnormal or altered function of the gene, PDE11A 
as a potential novel drug target for the treatment of bilateral adrenal 
hyperplasia, and possibly other endocrine tumors and malignancies.
    Applications and Modality: (1) Identification of PDE11A gene and 
sequence variants for the diagnosis of ``isolated micronodular 
adrenocortical disease'' (iMAD), a form of Cushing Syndrome and 
endocrine tumors, i.e., as diagnostic tool. (2) Identification of 
PDE11A as a potential novel drug target for the treatment of bilateral 
adrenal hyperplasia and other endocrine and non-endocrine tumors and 
    Market: (1) 5 to 10 per 15 million 10 to 15 million new cases of 
Cushing Syndrome every year; (2) 27,000 new cases of endocrine tumors 
every year; (3) The technology involving PDE11A genes for the diagnosis 
and treatment of endocrine tumors including Cushing syndrome; (4) The 
endocrine drug market is more than 40 billion U.S. dollars.
    Development Status: The technology is currently in the pre-clinical 
stage of development.
    Inventor: Dr. Constantine A. Stratakis (NICHD).
    Publication: A Horvath et al. A genome-wide scan identifies 
mutations in the gene encoding phosphodiesterase 11A4 (PDE11A) in 
individuals with adrenocortical hyperplasia. Nat Genet. 2006 
Jul;38(7):794-800. Epub 2006 Jun 11, doi:10.1038/ng1809. [PubMed abs]
    Patent Status: U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/761,446 filed 24 
Jan 2006 entitled ``PDE11A mutations in Adrenal Diseases'' (HHS 
Reference No. E-027-2006/0-US-01).
    Licensing Status: Available for exclusive and non-exclusive 
    Licensing Contact: Mojdeh Bahar; 301/435-2950;
    Collaborative Research Opportunity: The NICHD Heritable Disorders 
Branch is seeking statements of capability or interest from parties 
interested in collaborative research to further develop, evaluate, or 
commercialize testing for PDE11A genetic or functional defects in 
endocrine disease, and endocrine and other tumors or cancers. Please 
contact Betty Tong, Ph.D. at 301-594-4263 or for 
more information.

2-Amino-O4-Substituted Pteridines: Improved Chemotherapy Adjuvants

    Description of Technology: O6-Benzylguanine derivatives, 
some O6-benzylpyrimidines, and related compounds are known 
to be inactivators of the human DNA repair protein O6-
alkylguanine-DNA alkyltransferase (alkyltransferase). This repair 
protein is the primary source of resistance many tumor cells develop 
when exposed to chemotherapeutic agents that modify the O6-
position of DNA guanine residues. Therefore, inactivation of this 
protein can bring about a significant improvement in the therapeutic 
effectiveness of these chemotherapy drugs. The prototype inactivator 
O6-benzylguanine is currently in clinical trials in the 
United States as an adjuvant in combination with the chloroethylating 
agent 1, 3-bis (2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea (BCNU) and the methylating 
agent temozolomide. A similar alkyltransferase inactivator, 
O6-(4-bromothenyl) guanine is in clinical trials in the UK.
    This technology is directed to the discovery of a new class of 
potent alkyltransferase inactivators, 2-amino-O4-
benzylpteridine derivatives targeted for use in cancer treatment in 
combination with chemotherapeutic agents such as 1, 3-bis (2-
chloroethyl)-1-nitrosurea (BCNU) or temozolomide. The derivatives of 
the present invention inactivate the O6-alkylguanine-DNA-
alkyltransferase repair protein and thus enhance activity of such 
chemotherapeutic agents. Some of the derivatives are water soluble and 
possess tumor cell selectivity in particular by inactivating 
alkyltransferase in tumor cells that overexpress folic acid receptors. 
The 2-amino-O4-benzylpteridine derivatives represent a 
promising new class of alkyltransferase inactivator with 
representatives that may be great candidates as chemotherapy adjuvants.
    Applications and Modality: (1) New small molecules as 
alkyltransferase inactivators based on 2-amino-O4-
benzylpteridine compounds; (2) Promising candidates as chemotherapy 
adjuvants for the treatment of cancer; (3) Therapeutic application for 
drug resistant tumors where acquired resistance is caused by 
O6-alkylguanine-DNA alkyltransferase.
    Market: (1) 600,000 deaths from cancer related diseases estimated 
in 2006; (2) This technology involving small molecule therapeutics for 
the treatment of several cancers has a potential market of several 
billion U.S. dollars.
    Development Status: The technology is currently in the pre-clinical 
stage of development.
    Inventors: Robert C. Moschel (NCI) et al.
    Publication: ME Nelson, NA Loktionova, AE Pegg, RC Moschel. 2-
amino-O4-benzylpteridine derivatives: potent inactivators of 
O6-alkylguanine-DNA alkyltransferase. J Med Chem. 2004 Jul 
15;47(15):3887-3891. Epub 2004 Jun 18, doi 10.1021/jm049758+ S0022-
    Patent Status: U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/534,519 filed 06 
Jan 2004 (HHS Reference No. E-274-2003/0-US-01); U.S. Patent 
Application No. 10/585,566 filed 06 Jul 2006 (HHS Reference No. E-274-
2003/0-US-03); Foreign equivalents.
    Licensing Status: Available for exclusive or non-exclusive 
    Licensing Contact: Adaku Madu, J.D.; 301/435-5560;

Retrovirus-Like Particles as Vaccines and Immunogens

    Description of Technology: This technology describes retrovirus-
like particles and their production from retroviral constructs in which 
the gene encoding all but seven amino acids of the nucleocapsid (NC) 
protein was deleted. NC is critical for both genomic RNA packaging into 
the virion and viral integration into the host cell. Therefore, this 
deletion functionally eliminates two essential steps in retrovirus 
replication, thereby resulting in non-infectious retrovirus-like 
particles that maintain their full complement of antigenic proteins. 
Furthermore, efficient formation of these particles requires inhibition 
of the protease enzymatic activity, either by mutation to the protease 
gene in the construct or by protease inhibitor thereby ensuring the 
production of non-infectious retrovirus-like particles by altering two 
independent targets. These particles can be used in vaccines or 
immunogenic compositions. Specific examples using HIV-1 constructs are 
    Applications: Retroviral vaccine; Immunogenic compositions.
    Development Status: In vitro data available.
    Inventor: David E. Ott (NCI).
    1. DE Ott et al. Elimination of protease activity restores 
efficient virion production to a human immunodeficiency virus type 1 
nucleocapsid deletion mutant. J Virol. 2003 May;77(10):5547-5556. 
[PubMed abs]

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    2. DE Ott et al. Redundant roles for nucleocapsid and matrix RNA-
binding sequences in human immunodeficiency virus type 1 assembly. J 
Virol. 2005 Nov;79(22), 13839-13847. [PubMed abs] Patent Status: U.S. 
Patent Application No. 11/413,614 filed 27 Apr 2006 (HHS Reference No. 
    Licensing Status: Available for non-exclusive or exclusive 
    Licensing Contact: Susan Ano, Ph.D.; 301/435-5515;
    Collaborative Research Opportunity: The NCI, CCR, AIDS Vaccine 
Program is seeking statements of capability or interest from parties 
interested in collaborative research to further develop, evaluate, or 
commercialize whole retrovirus-like particle vaccines. Please contact 
Betty Tong, Ph.D. at 301-594-4263 or for more 

    Dated: October 19, 2006.
Steven M. Ferguson,
Director, Division of Technology Development and Transfer, Office of 
Technology Transfer, National Institutes of Health.
 [FR Doc. E6-17966 Filed 10-25-06; 8:45 am]
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