Special Conditions: Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, Boeing Model 777-200 Series Airplane; Overhead Cross Aisle Stowage Compartments, 61432-61435 [E6-17345]

Download as PDF 61432 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 201 / Wednesday, October 18, 2006 / Proposed Rules excluding the internal components of the electrical sensor assemblies to avoid damage as a result of an in-flight jam. Pitch Roll Nose up 125 lbf ........ Nose down 125 lbf .... Nose left 50 lbf. Nose right 50 lbf. 3. High Intensity Radiated Fields (HIRF) Protection a. Protection from Unwanted Effects of High Intensity Radiated Fields. Each electrical and electronic system which performs critical functions must be designed and installed to ensure that the operation and operational capability of these systems to perform critical functions is not adversely affected when the airplane is exposed to high intensity radiated fields. b. For the purposes of this special condition, the following definition applies: Critical Functions: Functions whose failure would contribute to or cause a failure condition that would prevent the continued safe flight and landing of the airplane. Issued in Renton, Washington, on October 10, 2006. Kalene C. Yanamura, Acting Manager, Transport Airplane Directorate, Aircraft Certification Service. [FR Doc. 06–8762 Filed 10–17–06; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4910–13–P DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 25 [Docket No. NM354; Notice No. 25–06–09– SC] Special Conditions: Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, Boeing Model 777–200 Series Airplane; Overhead Cross Aisle Stowage Compartments Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT. ACTION: Notice of proposed special conditions. rmajette on PROD1PC67 with PROPOSALS AGENCY: SUMMARY: The FAA proposes special conditions for the Boeing Model 777– 200 series airplanes. This airplane, modified by Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, will have novel or unusual design features associated with overhead cross aisle stowage compartments. The applicable airworthiness regulations do not contain adequate or appropriate safety standards for these design features. These proposed special conditions contain the VerDate Aug<31>2005 15:22 Oct 17, 2006 Jkt 211001 additional safety standards the Administrator considers necessary to establish a level of safety equivalent to that established by the existing airworthiness standards. DATES: We must receive your comments on or before November 7, 2006. ADDRESSES: You may mail or deliver comments on these special conditions in duplicate to: Federal Aviation Administration, Transport Airplane Directorate, Attn: Rules Docket (ANM– 113), Docket No. NM354, 1601 Lind Avenue, SW., Renton, Washington 98057–3356. You must mark your comments: Docket No. NM354. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jayson Claar, FAA, Airframe/Cabin Branch, ANM–115, Transport Airplane Directorate, Aircraft Certification Service, 1601 Lind Avenue, SW., Renton, Washington 98057–3356; telephone (425) 227–2194; facsimile (425) 227–1232. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Comments Invited We invite interested people to take part in this rulemaking by sending written comments, data, or views. The most helpful comments reference a specific portion of the special conditions, explain the reason for any recommended change, and include supporting data. We ask that you send us two copies of written comments. We will file in the docket all comments we receive, as well as a report summarizing each substantive public contact with FAA personnel concerning these special conditions. You may inspect the docket before and after the comment closing date. If you wish to review the docket in person, go to the address in the ADDRESSES section of this preamble between 7:30 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. We will consider all comments we receive on or before the closing date for comments. We will consider comments filed late if it is possible to do so without incurring expense or delay. We may change these special conditions based on the comments we receive. If you want the FAA to acknowledge receipt of your comments on these proposed special conditions, include with your comments a pre-addressed, stamped postcard on which the docket number appears. We will stamp the date on the postcard and mail it back to you. Background On April 20, 2005, Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, Seattle, Washington, applied for a supplemental type certificate to permit installation of PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 overhead cross aisle stowage compartments in Boeing 777–200 series airplanes. The Boeing Model 777–200 series airplanes are large twin engine airplanes with four pairs of Type A exits, a passenger capacity of 440, and a range of 5000 miles. (The Boeing 777– 200 airplanes can be configured with various passenger capacities and range). The regulations do not address the novel and unusual design features associated with the installation of overhead cross aisle stowage compartments installed on the Boeing Model 777–200, making these special conditions necessary. Generally, the requirements for overhead stowage compartments are similar to stowage compartments in remote crew rest compartments (i.e., located on lower lobe, main deck or overhead) already in use on Boeing Model 777–200 and –747 series airplanes. Remote crew rest compartments have been previously installed and certified in the main passenger cabin area, above the main passenger area, and below the passenger cabin area adjacent to the cargo compartment of the Boeing Model 777– 200, and –300 series airplanes. Type Certification Basis Under the provisions of § 21.101, Boeing Commercial Airplane Group must show that the Boeing Model 777– 200, as changed, continues to meet the applicable provisions of the regulations incorporated by reference in Type Certificate No. T00001SE or the applicable regulations in effect on the date of application for the change. The regulations incorporated by reference in the type certificate are commonly referred to as the ‘‘original type certification basis.’’ The regulations incorporated by reference in Type Certificate No. T00001SE for the Boeing Model 777–200 series airplanes include Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), part 25, as amended by Amendments 25–1 through 25–82, except for § 25.571(e)(1) which remains at Amendment 25–71, with exceptions. Refer to Type Certificate No. T00001SE, as applicable, for a complete description of the certification basis for this model, including certain special conditions that are not relevant to these proposed special conditions. If the Administrator finds the applicable airworthiness regulations (part 25 as amended) do not contain adequate or appropriate safety standards for the Boeing Model 777–200 because of a novel or unusual design feature, special conditions are prescribed under the provisions of § 21.16. In addition to the applicable airworthiness regulations and special E:\FR\FM\18OCP1.SGM 18OCP1 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 201 / Wednesday, October 18, 2006 / Proposed Rules conditions, the Boeing Model 777–200 must comply with the fuel vent and exhaust emission requirements of 14 CFR part 34 and the noise certification requirements of 14 CFR part 36. The FAA issues special conditions, as defined in § 11.19, under § 11.38 and they become part of the type certification basis under § 21.101. Special conditions are initially applicable to the model for which they are issued. Should the applicant apply for a supplemental type certificate to modify any other model included on the same type certificate to incorporate the same or similar novel or unusual design feature, the special conditions would also apply to the other model under § 21.101. rmajette on PROD1PC67 with PROPOSALS Novel or Unusual Design Features The Boeing Model 777–200 will incorporate the following novel or unusual design features: the installation of powered lift-enabled stowage compartments that rise into the overhead area and lower into the emergency exit cross aisle. The overhead cross aisle stowage compartments are configured to allow stowage of galley type standard containers as well as coats, bags, and other items typically stowed in closets or bins. These stowage compartments will be located above the emergency exit cross aisle at Doors 2 and 4 of Boeing Model 777–200 series airplanes. Each stowage compartment is accessed from the main deck by a powered lift that lowers and raises the stowage compartment between the overhead and the main deck. In addition, the lift can be hand cranked up and down in the event of a power or lift motor failure. A smoke detection system will be provided in the overhead cross aisle stowage compartments. Discussion of the Proposed Special Conditions In general, the requirements listed in these proposed special conditions for overhead cross aisle stowage compartments are similar to those previously approved for overhead crew rest compartments in earlier certification programs, such as for the Boeing Model 777–200 and Model 747 series airplanes. These proposed special conditions establish compartment access, power lift, electrical power, smoke/fire detection, fire extinguisher, fire containment, smoke penetration, and compartment design criteria for the overhead cross aisle stowage compartments. The overhead stowage compartments are not a direct analogy to stowage compartments in remote crew rest compartments installed and VerDate Aug<31>2005 15:22 Oct 17, 2006 Jkt 211001 61433 certified for Boeing Model 777 series airplanes, but the safety issues raised are similar. Features similar to those considered in the development of previous special conditions for fire protection will be included here also. The proposed requirements would provide an equivalent level of safety to that provided by other Boeing Model 777–200 series airplanes with similar overhead compartments. the overhead stowage compartment quickly to the main deck to fight a fire. The manual lift system must be capable of raising the compartment quickly so the cross aisle is not blocked in an emergency. Training on manual operation must be added to appropriate manuals. Operational Evaluations and Approval The FAA’s Aircraft Certification Service will administer these proposed special conditions, which specify requirements for design approvals (that is, type design changes and supplemental type certificates) of overhead cross aisle stowage compartments. The Aircraft Evaluation Group of the FAA’s Flight Standards Service must evaluate and approve the operational use of overhead cross aisle stowage compartments prior to use. The Aircraft Evaluation Group must receive all instructions for continued airworthiness, including service bulletins, prior to the FAA accepting and issuing approval of the modification. A handheld fire extinguisher appropriate to fight the kinds of fire likely to occur in the overhead stowage compartment must be provided. This handheld fire extinguisher must be adjacent to the overhead compartment. This extinguisher must be in addition to those required for the passenger cabin. Proposed Special Condition No. 1, Compartment Access and Placards Appropriate placards, or other means, are required to address door access and locking to prohibit passenger access and operation of the overhead storage compartment. There must also be a means to preclude anyone from being trapped inside the stowage compartment. Proposed Special Condition No. 2, Power Lift The power lift must be designed so the overhead stowage compartment will not jam in the down position, even if lowered on top of a hard structure. The lift must operate at a speed that allows anyone underneath the compartment to move clear without injury. The lift controls must be placed clear of the compartment door and must be pressed continuously for lift operation. Training on operation procedures must be added to appropriate manuals. Proposed Special Condition No. 3, Manual Lift There must be a means to manually operate the lift that is independent of the electrical drive system and is capable of overcoming jamming in the drive and lift mechanisms. The lift must be operable by a range of occupants, including a fifth percentile female. The manual lift must be capable of lowering PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 Proposed Special Condition No. 4, Handheld Fire Extinguisher Proposed Special Condition No. 5, Fire Containment This special condition requires either the installation of a manually activated fire extinguishing system that is accessible from outside the overhead stowage compartment, or a demonstration that the crew could satisfactorily perform the function of extinguishing a fire under the prescribed conditions. A manually activated built-in fire extinguishing system would be required only if a crewmember could not successfully locate and get access to the fire during a demonstration where the crewmember is responding to the alarm. Proposed Special Condition No. 6, Smoke Penetration The design of the compartment must provide means to exclude hazardous quantities of smoke or extinguishing agent originating in the compartment or drive motor from entering other occupied areas. The means must take into account the time period during which the compartment may be accessed to manually fight a fire, if applicable. During the one-minute smoke detection time (see Special Condition No. 7), penetration of a small quantity of smoke (one that would dissipate within 3 minutes under normal ventilation conditions) from this overhead stowage compartment design into an occupied area on this airplane configuration would be acceptable based on the limitations placed in this and other associated special conditions. These special conditions place sufficient restrictions in the quantity and type of material allowed in the overhead stowage compartment that threat from a fire in this remote area would be equivalent to that experienced on the main cabin. E:\FR\FM\18OCP1.SGM 18OCP1 rmajette on PROD1PC67 with PROPOSALS 61434 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 201 / Wednesday, October 18, 2006 / Proposed Rules Proposed Special Condition No. 7, Compartment Design Criteria The material used to construct the overhead stowage compartment must meet the flammability requirements for compartment interiors in § 25.853 and be fire resistant. Depending on the size of the compartment, certain fire protection features of Class B cargo compartments are also required. Enclosed stowage compartments equal to or exceeding 25 ft3 in interior volume must be provided with a smoke or fire detection system to ensure that a fire can be detected within a one-minute detection time. This is the same requirement as has been applied to remote crew rest compartments. Enclosed stowage compartments equal to or greater than 57 ft3 in interior volume but less than or equal to 200 ft3, must have a liner that meets the requirements of § 25.855 for a Class B cargo compartment. The overhead stowage compartment may not be greater than 200 ft3 in interior volume. The in-flight accessibility of very large enclosed stowage compartments and the subsequent impact on the crewmember’s ability to effectively reach any part of the compartment with the contents of a handheld fire extinguisher would require additional fire protection considerations similar to those required for inaccessible compartments such as Class C cargo compartments. The overhead stowage compartment smoke or fire detection and fire suppression systems (including airflow management features which prevent hazardous quantities of smoke or fire extinguishing agent from entering any other compartment occupied by crewmembers or passengers) is considered complex in terms of paragraph 6d of Advisory Circular (AC) 25.1309–1A, ‘‘System Design and Analysis.’’ The FAA considers failure of the overhead stowage compartment fire protection system (that is, smoke or fire detection and fire suppression systems) in conjunction with an overhead stowage fire to be a catastrophic event. Based on the ‘‘Depth of Analysis Flowchart’’ shown in Figure 2 of AC 25.1309–1A, the depth of analysis should include both qualitative and quantitative assessments (reference paragraphs 8d, 9, and 10 of AC 25.1309– 1A). The requirements to enable crewmember(s) quick access to the overhead stowage compartment and to locate a fire source inherently places limits on the amount of baggage stowed and the size of the overhead stowage compartment. The overhead stowage VerDate Aug<31>2005 15:22 Oct 17, 2006 Jkt 211001 compartment is limited to stowage of galley type standard containers as well as coats, bags, and other items typically stowed in closets or bins. It is not intended to be used for the stowage of other items. The design of such a system to include other items may require additional special conditions to ensure safe operation. Applicability These special conditions are applicable to the Boeing Model 777–200 series airplanes with overhead cross aisle stowage compartments. Should Boeing Commercial Airplane Group apply later for a change to the type certificate to include another model included on Type Certificate No. T00001SE, incorporating the same novel or unusual design feature, the special conditions would apply to that model as well under the provisions of § 21.101. The Boeing Model 777–200 series airplane is scheduled for imminent delivery. Special conditions for other types of stowage compartments in remote areas of airplanes have been subject to the notice and public comment procedure in several prior instances. Therefore, because a delay would significantly affect the applicant’s installation of the overhead cross aisle stowage compartment and certification of the airplane, we are shortening the public comment period to 20 days. Conclusion This action affects only certain novel or unusual design features on the Boeing Model 777–200 series airplanes. It is not a rule of general applicability and affects only the applicant who applied to the FAA for approval of these features on the airplane. List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 25 Aircraft, Aviation safety, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements. The authority citation for these special conditions is as follows: Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701, 44702, 44704. The Proposed Special Conditions Accordingly, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) proposes the following special conditions as part of the type certification basis for Boeing Model 777–200 series airplanes. Each overhead cross aisle stowage compartment and the adjacent area, including the structural frame, mechanical system and drive motor, must meet the following requirements: 1. Compartment Access and Placards. There must be a means to prohibit or prevent passengers from entering or PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 operating the overhead cross aisle stowage compartment. Placards prohibiting access are acceptable. For all doors installed, there must be a means to preclude anyone from being trapped inside the stowage compartment. If a latching/locking mechanism is installed, the door must be capable of being opened from the outside without the aid of special tools. The mechanism must not prevent opening from the inside of the stowage at any time. 2. Power Lift. There must be a means such as a load or force limiter to protect the overhead cross aisle stowage compartment electrical lift drive system from failure or jamming in the down position in the event it is lowered on top of hard structure such as a galley cart. (a) The electrical lift controls must be placed so the operator is clear of the lift and designed such that the controls must be pressed continuously for lift operation. (b) The electrical lift must raise and lower the stowage compartment at a slow enough rate, and stop above the floor at such a height, that anyone underneath can easily move clear without injury. (c) Stowage compartment operation training procedures must be added to the appropriate flight attendant manuals. 3. Manual Lift. There must be a means in the event of failure of the aircraft’s main power system, or of the electrically powered overhead cross aisle stowage compartment lift system, for manually activating the lift system. (a) This manual lift must be independent of the electrical drive system and capable of overcoming jamming in the drive and lift mechanisms. (b) The manual lift must be accessible and operable by a range of occupants, including a fifth percentile female. (c) The manual lift must be capable of lowering the stowage compartment to the main deck quickly enough to fight a fire in the stowage compartment before overhead cross aisle stowage compartment fire containment is compromised. (d) The manual lift must be capable of quickly raising the stowage compartment such that the cross aisle is not blocked in the event of an emergency. (e) Stowage compartment firefighting training procedures must be added to the appropriate flight attendant manuals. 4. Fire Extinguisher. The means to manually fight a fire in the overhead cross aisle stowage compartment or involving the compartment motor must E:\FR\FM\18OCP1.SGM 18OCP1 61435 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 201 / Wednesday, October 18, 2006 / Proposed Rules consider the additional stowage volume and time required to manually lower the compartment after indication. The following equipment must be provided directly adjacent to each overhead cross aisle stowage compartment: at least one approved handheld fire extinguisher appropriate for the kinds of fires likely to occur within the overhead stowage compartment and fires involving the compartment motor. 5. Fire Containment. Fires originating within the overhead cross aisle stowage compartment or at the drive motor must be controlled without a crewmember having to access the compartment. Alternatively, the design of the access provisions must allow crewmembers equipped for firefighting to have unrestricted access to the compartment and drive motor. If the latter approach is elected it must be demonstrated that a crewmember has sufficient access to enable them to extinguish a fire. The time for a crewmember on the main deck to react to the fire alarm, (and, if applicable, to don the firefighting equipment and to open the compartment) must not exceed the flammability and fire containment capabilities of the stowage compartment. 6. Smoke Penetration. There must be a means provided to exclude hazardous quantities of smoke or extinguishing agent originating in the overhead cross aisle stowage compartment or drive motor from entering any other compartment occupied by crewmembers or passengers. If access is required to comply with Special Condition 5., this means must include the time period when accessing the stowage compartment to manually fight a fire. Smoke entering any other compartment occupied by crewmembers or passengers, when access to the stowage compartment is opened to manually fight a fire, must dissipate within five minutes after the access to the stowage compartment is closed. Prior to the one minute smoke detection time (reference note 2 in paragraph (7)) penetration of a small quantity of smoke from the stowage compartment into an occupied area is acceptable. Flight tests must be conducted to show compliance with this requirement. 7. Compartment Design Criteria. The overhead cross aisle stowage compartment must be designed to minimize the hazards to the airplane in the event of a fire originating in the stowage compartment or drive motor. (a) Fire Extinguishing System. If a built-in fire extinguishing system is used in lieu of manual firefighting, then the fire extinguishing system must be designed so no hazardous quantities of extinguishing agent will enter other compartments occupied by passengers or crew. The system must have adequate capacity to suppress any fire occurring in the stowage compartment or drive motor, considering the fire threat, volume of the compartment, and the ventilation rate. (b) Compartment Size. All enclosed remote stowage compartments, including the overhead cross aisle stowage compartment, must meet the design criteria given in the table below. As indicated by the table below, enclosed stowage compartments greater than 200 ft 3 in interior volume are not addressed by this special condition. STOWAGE COMPARTMENT INTERIOR VOLUMES Fire protection features less than 25 ft 3 25 ft 3 to 57 ft 3 Materials of Construction 1 .................................................................................................. Detectors 2 ........................................................................................................................... Liner 3 .................................................................................................................................. Yes ................... No ..................... No ..................... Yes ................... Yes ................... Yes ................... 57 ft 3 to 200 ft 3 Yes. Yes. Yes. 1 Material. The material used to construct each enclosed stowage compartment must be at least fire resistant and must meet the flammability standards established for interior components (that is, 14 CFR Part 25 Appendix F, Parts I, IV, and V) per the requirements of § 25.853. For compartments less than 25 ft 3 in interior volume, the design must ensure the ability to contain a fire likely to occur within the compartment under normal use. 2 Detectors. Enclosed stowage compartments equal to or exceeding 25 ft 3 in interior volume must be provided with a smoke or fire detection system to ensure that a fire can be detected within one minute. Flight tests must be conducted to show compliance with this requirement. Each system (or systems) must provide: (a) A visual indication in the flight deck within one minute after the start of a fire; (b) A warning in the main passenger cabin. This warning must be readily detectable by a flight attendant, taking into consideration the positioning of flight attendants throughout the main passenger compartment during various phases of flight. 3 Liner. If it can be shown the material used to construct the stowage compartment meets the flammability requirements of a liner for a Class B cargo compartment (that is, § 25.855 at Amendment 25–93 and Appendix F, part I, paragraph (a)(2)(ii)), in addition to the above. 1 Material requirement, then no liner would be required for enclosed stowage compartments equal to or greater than 25 ft 3 in interior volume but less than 57 ft 3 in interior volume. For all enclosed stowage compartments equal to or greater than 57 ft 3 in interior volume but less than or equal to 200 ft 3, a liner must be provided that meets the requirements of § 25.855 for a Class B cargo compartment. Issued in Renton, Washington, on October 10, 2006. Kalene C. Yanamura, Acting Manager, Transport Airplane Directorate, Aircraft Certification Service. [FR Doc. E6–17345 Filed 10–17–06; 8:45 am] DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BILLING CODE 4910–13–P [Docket No. 040915266–6239–03] Bureau of Industry and Security 15 CFR Parts 732, 736, 740, 744, 752, 764, and 772 rmajette on PROD1PC67 with PROPOSALS RIN 0694–AC94 Revised ‘‘Knowledge’’ Definition, Revision of ‘‘Red Flags’’ Guidance and Safe Harbor Bureau of Industry and Security, Commerce. ACTION: Proposed rule; withdrawal. AGENCY: VerDate Aug<31>2005 15:22 Oct 17, 2006 Jkt 211001 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 SUMMARY: BIS is withdrawing a proposed rule published October 2004. That rule would have revised the definition of ‘‘knowledge’’ in the Export Administration Regulations. It also would have updated the ‘‘red flags’’ guidance and would have provided a safe harbor from liability arising from knowledge under the definition of that term. In light of the public comments received on the proposed rule and BIS’s review of relevant provisions of the existing regulations, this proposed rule is being withdrawn. The proposed rule is withdrawn on October 18, 2006. DATES: E:\FR\FM\18OCP1.SGM 18OCP1


[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 201 (Wednesday, October 18, 2006)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 61432-61435]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: E6-17345]



Federal Aviation Administration

14 CFR Part 25

[Docket No. NM354; Notice No. 25-06-09-SC]

Special Conditions: Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, Boeing 
Model 777-200 Series Airplane; Overhead Cross Aisle Stowage 

AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT.

ACTION: Notice of proposed special conditions.


SUMMARY: The FAA proposes special conditions for the Boeing Model 777-
200 series airplanes. This airplane, modified by Boeing Commercial 
Airplane Group, will have novel or unusual design features associated 
with overhead cross aisle stowage compartments. The applicable 
airworthiness regulations do not contain adequate or appropriate safety 
standards for these design features. These proposed special conditions 
contain the additional safety standards the Administrator considers 
necessary to establish a level of safety equivalent to that established 
by the existing airworthiness standards.

DATES: We must receive your comments on or before November 7, 2006.

ADDRESSES: You may mail or deliver comments on these special conditions 
in duplicate to: Federal Aviation Administration, Transport Airplane 
Directorate, Attn: Rules Docket (ANM-113), Docket No. NM354, 1601 Lind 
Avenue, SW., Renton, Washington 98057-3356. You must mark your 
comments: Docket No. NM354.

Branch, ANM-115, Transport Airplane Directorate, Aircraft Certification 
Service, 1601 Lind Avenue, SW., Renton, Washington 98057-3356; 
telephone (425) 227-2194; facsimile (425) 227-1232.


Comments Invited

    We invite interested people to take part in this rulemaking by 
sending written comments, data, or views. The most helpful comments 
reference a specific portion of the special conditions, explain the 
reason for any recommended change, and include supporting data. We ask 
that you send us two copies of written comments.
    We will file in the docket all comments we receive, as well as a 
report summarizing each substantive public contact with FAA personnel 
concerning these special conditions. You may inspect the docket before 
and after the comment closing date. If you wish to review the docket in 
person, go to the address in the ADDRESSES section of this preamble 
between 7:30 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal 
    We will consider all comments we receive on or before the closing 
date for comments. We will consider comments filed late if it is 
possible to do so without incurring expense or delay. We may change 
these special conditions based on the comments we receive.
    If you want the FAA to acknowledge receipt of your comments on 
these proposed special conditions, include with your comments a pre-
addressed, stamped postcard on which the docket number appears. We will 
stamp the date on the postcard and mail it back to you.


    On April 20, 2005, Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, Seattle, 
Washington, applied for a supplemental type certificate to permit 
installation of overhead cross aisle stowage compartments in Boeing 
777-200 series airplanes. The Boeing Model 777-200 series airplanes are 
large twin engine airplanes with four pairs of Type A exits, a 
passenger capacity of 440, and a range of 5000 miles. (The Boeing 777-
200 airplanes can be configured with various passenger capacities and 
    The regulations do not address the novel and unusual design 
features associated with the installation of overhead cross aisle 
stowage compartments installed on the Boeing Model 777-200, making 
these special conditions necessary. Generally, the requirements for 
overhead stowage compartments are similar to stowage compartments in 
remote crew rest compartments (i.e., located on lower lobe, main deck 
or overhead) already in use on Boeing Model 777-200 and -747 series 
airplanes. Remote crew rest compartments have been previously installed 
and certified in the main passenger cabin area, above the main 
passenger area, and below the passenger cabin area adjacent to the 
cargo compartment of the Boeing Model 777-200, and -300 series 

Type Certification Basis

    Under the provisions of Sec.  21.101, Boeing Commercial Airplane 
Group must show that the Boeing Model 777-200, as changed, continues to 
meet the applicable provisions of the regulations incorporated by 
reference in Type Certificate No. T00001SE or the applicable 
regulations in effect on the date of application for the change. The 
regulations incorporated by reference in the type certificate are 
commonly referred to as the ``original type certification basis.'' The 
regulations incorporated by reference in Type Certificate No. T00001SE 
for the Boeing Model 777-200 series airplanes include Title 14 Code of 
Federal Regulations (CFR), part 25, as amended by Amendments 25-1 
through 25-82, except for Sec.  25.571(e)(1) which remains at Amendment 
25-71, with exceptions. Refer to Type Certificate No. T00001SE, as 
applicable, for a complete description of the certification basis for 
this model, including certain special conditions that are not relevant 
to these proposed special conditions.
    If the Administrator finds the applicable airworthiness regulations 
(part 25 as amended) do not contain adequate or appropriate safety 
standards for the Boeing Model 777-200 because of a novel or unusual 
design feature, special conditions are prescribed under the provisions 
of Sec.  21.16.
    In addition to the applicable airworthiness regulations and special

[[Page 61433]]

conditions, the Boeing Model 777-200 must comply with the fuel vent and 
exhaust emission requirements of 14 CFR part 34 and the noise 
certification requirements of 14 CFR part 36.
    The FAA issues special conditions, as defined in Sec.  11.19, under 
Sec.  11.38 and they become part of the type certification basis under 
Sec.  21.101.
    Special conditions are initially applicable to the model for which 
they are issued. Should the applicant apply for a supplemental type 
certificate to modify any other model included on the same type 
certificate to incorporate the same or similar novel or unusual design 
feature, the special conditions would also apply to the other model 
under Sec.  21.101.

Novel or Unusual Design Features

    The Boeing Model 777-200 will incorporate the following novel or 
unusual design features: the installation of powered lift-enabled 
stowage compartments that rise into the overhead area and lower into 
the emergency exit cross aisle.
    The overhead cross aisle stowage compartments are configured to 
allow stowage of galley type standard containers as well as coats, 
bags, and other items typically stowed in closets or bins. These 
stowage compartments will be located above the emergency exit cross 
aisle at Doors 2 and 4 of Boeing Model 777-200 series airplanes.
    Each stowage compartment is accessed from the main deck by a 
powered lift that lowers and raises the stowage compartment between the 
overhead and the main deck. In addition, the lift can be hand cranked 
up and down in the event of a power or lift motor failure. A smoke 
detection system will be provided in the overhead cross aisle stowage 

Discussion of the Proposed Special Conditions

    In general, the requirements listed in these proposed special 
conditions for overhead cross aisle stowage compartments are similar to 
those previously approved for overhead crew rest compartments in 
earlier certification programs, such as for the Boeing Model 777-200 
and Model 747 series airplanes. These proposed special conditions 
establish compartment access, power lift, electrical power, smoke/fire 
detection, fire extinguisher, fire containment, smoke penetration, and 
compartment design criteria for the overhead cross aisle stowage 
compartments. The overhead stowage compartments are not a direct 
analogy to stowage compartments in remote crew rest compartments 
installed and certified for Boeing Model 777 series airplanes, but the 
safety issues raised are similar. Features similar to those considered 
in the development of previous special conditions for fire protection 
will be included here also. The proposed requirements would provide an 
equivalent level of safety to that provided by other Boeing Model 777-
200 series airplanes with similar overhead compartments.

Operational Evaluations and Approval

    The FAA's Aircraft Certification Service will administer these 
proposed special conditions, which specify requirements for design 
approvals (that is, type design changes and supplemental type 
certificates) of overhead cross aisle stowage compartments.
    The Aircraft Evaluation Group of the FAA's Flight Standards Service 
must evaluate and approve the operational use of overhead cross aisle 
stowage compartments prior to use. The Aircraft Evaluation Group must 
receive all instructions for continued airworthiness, including service 
bulletins, prior to the FAA accepting and issuing approval of the 

Proposed Special Condition No. 1, Compartment Access and Placards

    Appropriate placards, or other means, are required to address door 
access and locking to prohibit passenger access and operation of the 
overhead storage compartment. There must also be a means to preclude 
anyone from being trapped inside the stowage compartment.

Proposed Special Condition No. 2, Power Lift

    The power lift must be designed so the overhead stowage compartment 
will not jam in the down position, even if lowered on top of a hard 
structure. The lift must operate at a speed that allows anyone 
underneath the compartment to move clear without injury. The lift 
controls must be placed clear of the compartment door and must be 
pressed continuously for lift operation. Training on operation 
procedures must be added to appropriate manuals.

Proposed Special Condition No. 3, Manual Lift

    There must be a means to manually operate the lift that is 
independent of the electrical drive system and is capable of overcoming 
jamming in the drive and lift mechanisms. The lift must be operable by 
a range of occupants, including a fifth percentile female. The manual 
lift must be capable of lowering the overhead stowage compartment 
quickly to the main deck to fight a fire. The manual lift system must 
be capable of raising the compartment quickly so the cross aisle is not 
blocked in an emergency. Training on manual operation must be added to 
appropriate manuals.

Proposed Special Condition No. 4, Handheld Fire Extinguisher

    A handheld fire extinguisher appropriate to fight the kinds of fire 
likely to occur in the overhead stowage compartment must be provided. 
This handheld fire extinguisher must be adjacent to the overhead 
compartment. This extinguisher must be in addition to those required 
for the passenger cabin.

Proposed Special Condition No. 5, Fire Containment

    This special condition requires either the installation of a 
manually activated fire extinguishing system that is accessible from 
outside the overhead stowage compartment, or a demonstration that the 
crew could satisfactorily perform the function of extinguishing a fire 
under the prescribed conditions. A manually activated built-in fire 
extinguishing system would be required only if a crewmember could not 
successfully locate and get access to the fire during a demonstration 
where the crewmember is responding to the alarm.

Proposed Special Condition No. 6, Smoke Penetration

    The design of the compartment must provide means to exclude 
hazardous quantities of smoke or extinguishing agent originating in the 
compartment or drive motor from entering other occupied areas. The 
means must take into account the time period during which the 
compartment may be accessed to manually fight a fire, if applicable.
    During the one-minute smoke detection time (see Special Condition 
No. 7), penetration of a small quantity of smoke (one that would 
dissipate within 3 minutes under normal ventilation conditions) from 
this overhead stowage compartment design into an occupied area on this 
airplane configuration would be acceptable based on the limitations 
placed in this and other associated special conditions. These special 
conditions place sufficient restrictions in the quantity and type of 
material allowed in the overhead stowage compartment that threat from a 
fire in this remote area would be equivalent to that experienced on the 
main cabin.

[[Page 61434]]

Proposed Special Condition No. 7, Compartment Design Criteria

    The material used to construct the overhead stowage compartment 
must meet the flammability requirements for compartment interiors in 
Sec.  25.853 and be fire resistant. Depending on the size of the 
compartment, certain fire protection features of Class B cargo 
compartments are also required. Enclosed stowage compartments equal to 
or exceeding 25 ft\3\ in interior volume must be provided with a smoke 
or fire detection system to ensure that a fire can be detected within a 
one-minute detection time. This is the same requirement as has been 
applied to remote crew rest compartments.
    Enclosed stowage compartments equal to or greater than 57 ft\3\ in 
interior volume but less than or equal to 200 ft\3\, must have a liner 
that meets the requirements of Sec.  25.855 for a Class B cargo 
compartment. The overhead stowage compartment may not be greater than 
200 ft\3\ in interior volume. The in-flight accessibility of very large 
enclosed stowage compartments and the subsequent impact on the 
crewmember's ability to effectively reach any part of the compartment 
with the contents of a handheld fire extinguisher would require 
additional fire protection considerations similar to those required for 
inaccessible compartments such as Class C cargo compartments.
    The overhead stowage compartment smoke or fire detection and fire 
suppression systems (including airflow management features which 
prevent hazardous quantities of smoke or fire extinguishing agent from 
entering any other compartment occupied by crewmembers or passengers) 
is considered complex in terms of paragraph 6d of Advisory Circular 
(AC) 25.1309-1A, ``System Design and Analysis.'' The FAA considers 
failure of the overhead stowage compartment fire protection system 
(that is, smoke or fire detection and fire suppression systems) in 
conjunction with an overhead stowage fire to be a catastrophic event. 
Based on the ``Depth of Analysis Flowchart'' shown in Figure 2 of AC 
25.1309-1A, the depth of analysis should include both qualitative and 
quantitative assessments (reference paragraphs 8d, 9, and 10 of AC 
    The requirements to enable crewmember(s) quick access to the 
overhead stowage compartment and to locate a fire source inherently 
places limits on the amount of baggage stowed and the size of the 
overhead stowage compartment. The overhead stowage compartment is 
limited to stowage of galley type standard containers as well as coats, 
bags, and other items typically stowed in closets or bins. It is not 
intended to be used for the stowage of other items. The design of such 
a system to include other items may require additional special 
conditions to ensure safe operation.


    These special conditions are applicable to the Boeing Model 777-200 
series airplanes with overhead cross aisle stowage compartments. Should 
Boeing Commercial Airplane Group apply later for a change to the type 
certificate to include another model included on Type Certificate No. 
T00001SE, incorporating the same novel or unusual design feature, the 
special conditions would apply to that model as well under the 
provisions of Sec.  21.101.
    The Boeing Model 777-200 series airplane is scheduled for imminent 
delivery. Special conditions for other types of stowage compartments in 
remote areas of airplanes have been subject to the notice and public 
comment procedure in several prior instances. Therefore, because a 
delay would significantly affect the applicant's installation of the 
overhead cross aisle stowage compartment and certification of the 
airplane, we are shortening the public comment period to 20 days.


    This action affects only certain novel or unusual design features 
on the Boeing Model 777-200 series airplanes. It is not a rule of 
general applicability and affects only the applicant who applied to the 
FAA for approval of these features on the airplane.

List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 25

    Aircraft, Aviation safety, Reporting and recordkeeping 

    The authority citation for these special conditions is as follows:

    Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701, 44702, 44704.

The Proposed Special Conditions

    Accordingly, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) proposes the 
following special conditions as part of the type certification basis 
for Boeing Model 777-200 series airplanes. Each overhead cross aisle 
stowage compartment and the adjacent area, including the structural 
frame, mechanical system and drive motor, must meet the following 
    1. Compartment Access and Placards. There must be a means to 
prohibit or prevent passengers from entering or operating the overhead 
cross aisle stowage compartment. Placards prohibiting access are 
acceptable. For all doors installed, there must be a means to preclude 
anyone from being trapped inside the stowage compartment. If a 
latching/locking mechanism is installed, the door must be capable of 
being opened from the outside without the aid of special tools. The 
mechanism must not prevent opening from the inside of the stowage at 
any time.
    2. Power Lift. There must be a means such as a load or force 
limiter to protect the overhead cross aisle stowage compartment 
electrical lift drive system from failure or jamming in the down 
position in the event it is lowered on top of hard structure such as a 
galley cart.
    (a) The electrical lift controls must be placed so the operator is 
clear of the lift and designed such that the controls must be pressed 
continuously for lift operation.
    (b) The electrical lift must raise and lower the stowage 
compartment at a slow enough rate, and stop above the floor at such a 
height, that anyone underneath can easily move clear without injury.
    (c) Stowage compartment operation training procedures must be added 
to the appropriate flight attendant manuals.
    3. Manual Lift. There must be a means in the event of failure of 
the aircraft's main power system, or of the electrically powered 
overhead cross aisle stowage compartment lift system, for manually 
activating the lift system.
    (a) This manual lift must be independent of the electrical drive 
system and capable of overcoming jamming in the drive and lift 
    (b) The manual lift must be accessible and operable by a range of 
occupants, including a fifth percentile female.
    (c) The manual lift must be capable of lowering the stowage 
compartment to the main deck quickly enough to fight a fire in the 
stowage compartment before overhead cross aisle stowage compartment 
fire containment is compromised.
    (d) The manual lift must be capable of quickly raising the stowage 
compartment such that the cross aisle is not blocked in the event of an 
    (e) Stowage compartment firefighting training procedures must be 
added to the appropriate flight attendant manuals.
    4. Fire Extinguisher. The means to manually fight a fire in the 
overhead cross aisle stowage compartment or involving the compartment 
motor must

[[Page 61435]]

consider the additional stowage volume and time required to manually 
lower the compartment after indication. The following equipment must be 
provided directly adjacent to each overhead cross aisle stowage 
compartment: at least one approved handheld fire extinguisher 
appropriate for the kinds of fires likely to occur within the overhead 
stowage compartment and fires involving the compartment motor.
    5. Fire Containment. Fires originating within the overhead cross 
aisle stowage compartment or at the drive motor must be controlled 
without a crewmember having to access the compartment. Alternatively, 
the design of the access provisions must allow crewmembers equipped for 
firefighting to have unrestricted access to the compartment and drive 
motor. If the latter approach is elected it must be demonstrated that a 
crewmember has sufficient access to enable them to extinguish a fire. 
The time for a crewmember on the main deck to react to the fire alarm, 
(and, if applicable, to don the firefighting equipment and to open the 
compartment) must not exceed the flammability and fire containment 
capabilities of the stowage compartment.
    6. Smoke Penetration. There must be a means provided to exclude 
hazardous quantities of smoke or extinguishing agent originating in the 
overhead cross aisle stowage compartment or drive motor from entering 
any other compartment occupied by crewmembers or passengers. If access 
is required to comply with Special Condition 5., this means must 
include the time period when accessing the stowage compartment to 
manually fight a fire. Smoke entering any other compartment occupied by 
crewmembers or passengers, when access to the stowage compartment is 
opened to manually fight a fire, must dissipate within five minutes 
after the access to the stowage compartment is closed. Prior to the one 
minute smoke detection time (reference note 2 in paragraph (7)) 
penetration of a small quantity of smoke from the stowage compartment 
into an occupied area is acceptable. Flight tests must be conducted to 
show compliance with this requirement.
    7. Compartment Design Criteria. The overhead cross aisle stowage 
compartment must be designed to minimize the hazards to the airplane in 
the event of a fire originating in the stowage compartment or drive 
    (a) Fire Extinguishing System. If a built-in fire extinguishing 
system is used in lieu of manual firefighting, then the fire 
extinguishing system must be designed so no hazardous quantities of 
extinguishing agent will enter other compartments occupied by 
passengers or crew. The system must have adequate capacity to suppress 
any fire occurring in the stowage compartment or drive motor, 
considering the fire threat, volume of the compartment, and the 
ventilation rate.
    (b) Compartment Size. All enclosed remote stowage compartments, 
including the overhead cross aisle stowage compartment, must meet the 
design criteria given in the table below. As indicated by the table 
below, enclosed stowage compartments greater than 200 ft \3\ in 
interior volume are not addressed by this special condition.

                                      Stowage Compartment Interior Volumes
     Fire protection features         less than 25 ft \3\      25 ft \3\ to 57 ft \3\    57 ft \3\ to 200 ft \3\
Materials of Construction \1\....  Yes......................  Yes.....................  Yes.
Detectors \2\....................  No.......................  Yes.....................  Yes.
Liner \3\........................  No.......................  Yes.....................  Yes.
\1\ Material. The material used to construct each enclosed stowage compartment must be at least fire resistant
  and must meet the flammability standards established for interior components (that is, 14 CFR Part 25 Appendix
  F, Parts I, IV, and V) per the requirements of Sec.   25.853. For compartments less than 25 ft \3\ in interior
  volume, the design must ensure the ability to contain a fire likely to occur within the compartment under
  normal use.
\2\ Detectors. Enclosed stowage compartments equal to or exceeding 25 ft \3\ in interior volume must be provided
  with a smoke or fire detection system to ensure that a fire can be detected within one minute. Flight tests
  must be conducted to show compliance with this requirement. Each system (or systems) must provide:
(a) A visual indication in the flight deck within one minute after the start of a fire;
(b) A warning in the main passenger cabin. This warning must be readily detectable by a flight attendant, taking
  into consideration the positioning of flight attendants throughout the main passenger compartment during
  various phases of flight.
\3\ Liner. If it can be shown the material used to construct the stowage compartment meets the flammability
  requirements of a liner for a Class B cargo compartment (that is, Sec.   25.855 at Amendment 25-93 and
  Appendix F, part I, paragraph (a)(2)(ii)), in addition to the above.
\1\ Material requirement, then no liner would be required for enclosed stowage compartments equal to or greater
  than 25 ft \3\ in interior volume but less than 57 ft \3\ in interior volume. For all enclosed stowage
  compartments equal to or greater than 57 ft \3\ in interior volume but less than or equal to 200 ft \3\, a
  liner must be provided that meets the requirements of Sec.   25.855 for a Class B cargo compartment.

    Issued in Renton, Washington, on October 10, 2006.
Kalene C. Yanamura,
Acting Manager, Transport Airplane Directorate, Aircraft Certification 
[FR Doc. E6-17345 Filed 10-17-06; 8:45 am]
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