Energy Conservation Program for Consumer Products: Energy Conservation Standards for Residential Furnaces and Boilers, 59204-59259 [06-8431]
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
Office of Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy
10 CFR Part 430
[Docket Number EE–RM/STD–01–350]
RIN 1904–AA78
Energy Conservation Program for
Consumer Products: Energy
Conservation Standards for
Residential Furnaces and Boilers
Office of Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy, Department of
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking
and public meeting.
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
SUMMARY: The Energy Policy and
Conservation Act (EPCA or the Act)
prescribes energy conservation
standards for various consumer
products and commercial and industrial
equipment, and requires the Department
of Energy (DOE or the Department) to
determine if amendments to increase
the stringency of the standards are
technologically feasible and
economically justified, and if they
would save a significant amount of
energy. In this notice, the Department is
proposing to amend the energy
conservation standards for residential
furnaces and boilers and is announcing
a public meeting.
DATES: The Department will hold a
public meeting on October 30, 2006,
from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., in Washington,
DC. The Department must receive
requests to speak at the public meeting
before 4 p.m., October 16, 2006. The
Department must receive a signed
original and an electronic copy of
statements to be given at the public
meeting before 4 p.m., October 16, 2006.
The Department will accept
comments, data, and information
regarding the notice of proposed
rulemaking (NOPR) before and after the
public meeting, but no later than
January 15, 2007. See section VII,
‘‘Public Participation,’’ of this notice for
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
identified by docket number EE–RM/
STD–01–350 and/or regulatory
information number (RIN) 1904–AA78,
by any of the following methods:
1. Federal eRulemaking Portal: Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
2. E-mail: ResidentialFBNOPR Include docket
number EE–RM/STD–01–350 and/or
RIN number 1904–AA78 in the subject
line of the message.
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3. Mail: Ms. Brenda Edwards-Jones,
U.S. Department of Energy, Building
Technologies Program, Mailstop EE–2J,
NOPR for Residential Furnaces and
Boilers, Docket Number EE–RM/STD–
01–350 and/or RIN number 1904–AA78,
1000 Independence Avenue, SW.,
Washington, DC 20585–0121. Please
submit one signed original paper copy.
4. Hand Delivery/Courier: Ms. Brenda
Edwards-Jones, U.S. Department of
Energy, Building Technologies Program,
Room 1J–018, 1000 Independence
Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20585–
0121. Telephone: (202) 586–2945.
Please submit one signed original paper
Instructions: All submissions received
must include the agency name and
Docket Number or RIN for this
rulemaking. For detailed instructions on
submitting comments and additional
information on the rulemaking process,
see section VII, ‘‘Public Participation,’’
of this notice for details.
Docket: For access to the docket to
read background documents or
comments received, visit the U.S.
Department of Energy, Forrestal
Building, Room 1J–018 (Resource Room
of the Building Technologies Program),
1000 Independence Avenue, SW.,
Washington, DC 20585–0121, (202) 586–
2945, between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.,
Monday through Friday, except Federal
holidays. Please call Ms. Brenda
Edwards-Jones at the above telephone
number for additional information
regarding visiting the Resource Room.
Please note: The Department’s Freedom
of Information Reading Room (formerly
Room 1E–190 at the Forrestal Building)
is no longer housing rulemaking
Mohammed Khan, Project Manager,
Energy Conservation Standards for
Residential Furnaces and Boilers, U.S.
Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency
and Renewable Energy, Building
Technologies Program, EE–2J, 1000
Independence Avenue, SW.,
Washington, DC 20585–0121, (202) 586–
7892, e-mail:
Francine Pinto, Esq., U.S. Department
of Energy, Office of the General Counsel,
GC–72, 1000 Independence Avenue,
SW., Washington, DC 20585–0121, (202)
586–9507, e-mail:
Table of Contents
I. Summary of the Proposed Rule
II. Introduction
A. Consumer Overview
B. Authority
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C. Background
1. Current Standards
2. History of Standards Rulemaking for
Residential Furnaces and Boilers
3. Process Improvement
D. Negotiated Boiler Standards Agreement
III. General Discussion
A. General Issues
1. Impact of Furnace and Boiler Standards
on Future Natural Gas Prices
2. Inclusion of Electricity Consumption in
Furnace and Boiler Standards
3. Separate Standards for Equipment
Installed in New Homes and as
4. Separate Standards for Different Regions
B. Test Procedures
C. Technological Feasibility
1. General
2. Maximum Technologically Feasible
D. Energy Savings
1. Determination of Savings
2. Significance of Savings
E. Economic Justification
1. Specific Criteria
a. Economic Impact on Manufacturers and
b. Life-Cycle Costs
c. Energy Savings
d. Lessening of Utility or Performance of
e. Impact of Any Lessening of Competition
f. Need of the Nation to Conserve Energy
g. Other Factors
2. Rebuttable Presumption
IV. Methodology and Discussion of
A. Product Classes
B. Engineering Analysis
1. Manufacturing Costs
2. Markups
3. Installation Costs
a. Non-Weatherized Gas Furnaces
b. Other Product Classes
4. Maintenance Costs
5. Rebuttable-Presumption Payback Period
C. Life-Cycle Cost and Payback Period
1. Equipment Prices
2. Installation Costs
3. Household Annual Energy Consumption
4. Energy Prices
5. Maintenance Costs
6. Equipment Lifetime
7. Discount Rates
8. Effective Date of the New Standards
9. Inputs to Payback Period Analysis
10. Base-Case Equipment
D. National Impact Analysis—National
Energy Savings and Net Present Value
1. Shipments, National Energy Savings,
and Net Present Value
2. Annual Unit Energy Consumption
3. Site-to-Source Conversion Factors
4. Installed Equipment Costs
5. Maintenance Costs
6. Energy Prices
7. Discount Rates
E. Consumer Subgroup Analysis
F. Manufacturer Impact Analysis
1. General Description
2. Industry Profile
3. Industry Cash Flow Analysis
4. Subgroup Impact Analysis
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
5. Government Regulatory Impact Model
6. Manufacturer Interviews
a. Issues
b. GRIM Scenarios and Key Inputs
1. Shipments Forecast
2. Markups
3. Product and Capital Conversion Costs
G. Employment Impact Analysis
H. Utility Impact Analysis
I. Environmental Analysis
V. Analytical Results
A. Trial Standard Levels
B. Economic Justification and Energy
1. Economic Impacts on Consumers
a. Life-Cycle Cost and Payback Period
b. Consumer Subgroup Analysis
c. Rebuttable-Presumption Payback
2. Economic Impacts on Manufacturers
a. Industry Cash Flow Analysis Results
i. Non-Weatherized Gas Furnaces
ii. Weatherized Gas Furnaces
iii. Mobile Home Gas Furnaces
iv. Oil-Fired Furnaces
v. Gas Boilers
vi. Oil-Fired Boilers
b. Impacts on Manufacturing Capacity
c. Impacts on Subgroups of Manufacturers
d. Cumulative Regulatory Burden
3. National Impact Analysis
a. Significance of Energy Savings
b. Net Present Value
c. Impacts on Employment
4. Impact on Utility or Performance of
5. Impact of Any Lessening of Competition
6. Need of the Nation to Conserve Energy
7. Other Factors
C. Proposed Standard
VI. Procedural Issues and Regulatory Review
A. Review Under Executive Order 12866
B. Review Under the Regulatory Flexibility
C. Review Under the Paperwork Reduction
D. Review Under the National
Environmental Policy Act
E. Review Under Executive Order 13132
F. Review Under Executive Order 12988
G. Review Under the Unfunded Mandates
Reform Act of 1995
H. Review Under the Treasury and General
Government Appropriations Act of 1999
I. Review Under Executive Order 12630
J. Review Under the Treasury and General
Government Appropriations Act of 2001
K. Review Under Executive Order 13211
L. Review Under the Information Quality
Bulletin for Peer Review
M. Review Under Executive Order 12898
VII. Public Participation
A. Attendance at Public Meeting
B. Procedure for Submitting Requests to
C. Conduct of Public Meeting
D. Submission of Comments
E. Issues on Which DOE Seeks Comment
VIII. Approval of the Office of the Secretary
I. Summary of the Proposed Rule
The Energy Policy and Conservation
Act (EPCA or the Act), as amended,
specifies that any new or amended
energy conservation standard the
Department of Energy (DOE or the
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Department) prescribes for consumer
products shall be designed to ‘‘achieve
the maximum improvement in energy
efficiency * * * which the Secretary
determines is technologically feasible
and economically justified.’’ (42 U.S.C.
6295(o)(2)(A)) Furthermore, the new or
amended standard must ‘‘result in
significant conservation of energy.’’ (42
U.S.C. 6295(o)(3)(B)) In accordance with
these and other statutory criteria
discussed in this notice, the Department
proposes to amend the residential
furnace and boiler energy conservation
standards and raise efficiency levels as
shown in Table I.1. The proposed
standards would apply to all covered
furnaces and boilers offered for sale in
the United States, effective on January 1,
Product class
Non-weatherized gas furnaces .....
Weatherized gas furnaces ............
Mobile home gas furnaces ...........
Oil-fired furnaces ..........................
Gas boilers ...................................
Oil-fired boilers .............................
AFUE = annual fuel utilization efficiency.
The Department’s analyses indicate
that the proposed standards would save
a significant amount of energy—an
estimated 0.41 quadrillion British
thermal units (Btu), or quads, of
cumulative energy over 24 years (2015–
2038). For comparison, approximately
six quads are used annually for space
heating in U.S. homes. The economic
impacts on consumers—i.e., the average
life-cycle cost (LCC) savings—are
The cumulative national net present
value (NPV) of total consumer costs and
savings of the proposed standard (DOE’s
trial standard level 2, or TSL2) from
2015 to 2038, in 2004$, ranges from
$650 million (seven-percent discount
rate) to $2.48 billion (three-percent
discount rate). This is the estimated
total value of future operating-costsavings minus the estimated increased
equipment costs, discounted to 2004.
The Department estimated the furnace
and boiler industry net present value
(INPV) to be approximately $1.6 billion
in 2004$. If the Department adopts the
proposed standard, it expects
manufacturers will lose 4.1 to 7 percent
of the INPV, which is approximately
$65–114 million. The NPV for
consumers (at the seven-percent
discount rate) exceeds industry losses
due to energy efficiency standards by
about seven times.
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The proposed standard will lead to
reductions in greenhouse gas emissions,
resulting in cumulative (undiscounted)
emission reductions of 19.6 million tons
(Mt) of carbon dioxide (CO2) from 2015
to 2038. Additionally, the standard
would result in 13.0 thousand tons (kt)
of nitrogen oxides (NOX) emissions
reductions or generate a similar amount
of NOX emissions allowance credits in
areas where such emissions are subject
to emissions caps. The standard would
also generate 1.5 kt of sulfur dioxide
(SO2) emissions reductions from 2015 to
2038. Most of the energy saved is
natural gas. In addition, the Department
expects the energy savings from the
proposed standards to eliminate the
need for approximately 14 megawatts
(MW) of generating capacity by 2030.
The above results reflect the
Department’s use of energy price
projections from the U.S. Energy
Information Administration (EIA)’s
Annual Energy Outlook 2005
(AEO2005). In addition, the Department
performed a sensitivity analysis to
assess the impacts of the standard using
the Annual Energy Outlook 2006
(AEO2006) energy price forecasts. In
this sensitivity analysis, the proposed
standards would save the same amount
of energy (0.41 quads) over 2015–2038.
The cumulative NPV of total consumer
costs and savings of the proposed
standard from 2015 to 2038, in 2004$,
ranges from $820 million (seven-percent
discount rate) to $3.02 billion (threepercent discount rate). The other results
are approximately the same as in the
analysis using AEO2005.
The Department has found the
proposed standard represents the
maximum improvement in energy
efficiency that is technologically
feasible and economically justified. The
Department found the benefits to the
Nation of the proposed standard (energy
savings, consumer average LCC savings,
national NPV increase, and emission
reductions) outweigh the costs (loss of
manufacturer NPV, and LCC increases
for some consumers). The Department
considered higher energy efficiency
levels as trial standard levels; however,
it found the burdens of the higher
efficiency levels (loss of manufacturer
NPV, LCC increases for some
consumers, and safety concerns)
outweigh the benefits (energy savings,
LCC savings for some consumers,
national NPV increase, and emission
reductions). The Department concludes
that the proposed standard is
economically justified. Furthermore,
DOE has found that the proposed
standard is technologically feasible
since products achieving these
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
efficiencies already are commercially
II. Introduction
A. Consumer Overview
The Department is proposing to raise
the energy conservation standard levels
for residential furnaces and boilers as
shown above in Table II.1. The
proposed efficiency standard would
apply to all covered furnaces and boilers
offered for sale in the United States,
effective on January 1, 2015. Relative to
the current standard levels, the
proposed levels for residential furnaces
and boilers represent an improvement
in energy efficiency of one to five
percent, depending on the product
Product class
Non-weatherized gas furnaces .........
Weatherized gas furnaces ................
Mobile home gas furnaces ...............
Oil-fired furnaces ..............................
Gas boilers .......................................
Oil-fired boilers .................................
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
AFUE = annual fuel utilization efficiency.
B. Authority
Title III of EPCA sets forth a variety
of provisions designed to improve
energy efficiency. Part B of title III (42
U.S.C. 6291–6309) provides for the
Energy Conservation Program for
Consumer Products other than
Automobiles. The program covers
consumer products (referred to hereafter
as ‘‘covered products’’), including
residential furnaces and boilers. (42
U.S.C. 6292(a)(5))
Under the Act, the program consists
essentially of these parts: Testing,
labeling, and Federal energy
conservation standards. The Federal
Trade Commission (FTC) is responsible
for labeling, and DOE implements the
remainder of the program. Section 323
of the Act authorizes the Department,
with assistance from the National
Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) and subject to certain criteria
and conditions, to develop test
procedures to measure the energy
efficiency, energy use, or estimated
annual operating cost of each covered
product. (42 U.S.C. 6293) The furnace
and boiler test procedures appear at
Title 10 of the Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR) part 430, subpart B,
Appendix N.
EPCA provides criteria for prescribing
new or amended standards for covered
products. As indicated above, any new
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or amended standard for a covered
product must be designed to achieve the
maximum improvement in energy
efficiency that is technologically
feasible and economically justified. (42
U.S.C. 6295(o)(2)(A)) EPCA precludes
the Department from adopting any
standard that would not result in
significant conservation of energy. (42
U.S.C. 6295(o)(3)(B)) Moreover, the
Department may not prescribe a
standard: (1) For certain products, if no
test procedure has been established for
the product, or (2) if DOE determines by
rule that the standard is not
technologically feasible or economically
justified. (42 U.S.C. 6295(o)(3)(B) The
Act (42 U.S.C. 6295(o)(2)(B)(i)) also
provides that, in deciding whether a
standard is economically justified, DOE
must, after receiving comments on the
proposed standard, determine whether
the benefits of the standard exceed its
burdens by considering, to the greatest
extent practicable, the following seven
(1) The economic impact of the standard
on manufacturers and consumers of the
products subject to the standard;
(2) The savings in operating costs
throughout the estimated average life of the
covered products in the type (or class)
compared to any increase in the price, initial
charges, or maintenance expenses for the
covered products that are likely to result
from the imposition of the standard;
(3) The total projected amount of energy
savings likely to result directly from the
imposition of the standard;
(4) Any lessening of the utility or the
performance of the covered products likely to
result from the imposition of the standard;
(5) The impact of any lessening of
competition, as determined in writing by the
Attorney General, that is likely to result from
the imposition of the standard;
(6) The need for national energy
conservation; and
(7) Other factors the Secretary considers
EPCA contains what is commonly
known as an ‘‘anti-backsliding’’
provision. (42 U.S.C. 6295(o)(1)) This
provision mandates that the Secretary
not prescribe any amended standard
that either increases the maximum
allowable energy use or decreases the
minimum required energy efficiency of
a covered product. Also, the Secretary
may not prescribe an amended or a new
standard if interested persons have
established by a preponderance of the
evidence that the standard is likely to
result in the unavailability in the United
States of any covered product type (or
class) with performance characteristics,
features, sizes, capacities, and volume
that are substantially the same as those
generally available in the United States.
(42 U.S.C. 6295 (o)(4))
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In addition, section 325(o)(2)(B)(iii) of
EPCA establishes a rebuttablepresumption that a standard is
economically justified if the Secretary
finds that ‘‘the additional cost to the
consumer of purchasing a product
complying with an energy efficiency
standard level will be less than three
times the value of the energy * * *
savings during the first year that the
consumer will receive as a result of the
standard, as calculated under the
applicable test procedure * * *.’’ The
rebuttable-presumption test is an
alternative path to establishing
economic justification. (42 U.S.C.
Section 325(q)(1) of EPCA is
applicable to promulgating a standard
for a type or class of covered product
that has two or more subcategories. The
Department must specify a different
standard level than that which applies
generally to such type or class of
products ‘‘for any group of covered
products which have the same function
or intended use, if * * * products
within such group—(A) Consume a
different kind of energy from that
consumed by other covered products
within such type (or class); or (B) have
a capacity or other performance-related
feature which other products within
such type (or class) do not have and
such feature justifies a higher or lower
standard’’ that applies or will apply to
the other products. (42 U.S.C.6295(q)(l))
In determining whether a performancerelated feature justifies such a different
standard for a group of products, the
Department must consider ‘‘such factors
as the utility to the consumer of such a
feature’’ and other factors DOE deems
appropriate. Any rule prescribing such
a standard must include an explanation
of the basis on which such higher or
lower level was established. (42 U.S.C.
Federal energy conservation
requirements generally supersede State
laws or regulations concerning energy
conservation testing, labeling, and
standards. (42 U.S.C. 6297 (a)–(c)) The
Department can, however, grant waivers
of preemption for particular State laws
or regulations, in accordance with the
procedures and other provisions of
section 327(d) of the Act. (42 U.S.C.
6297(d)) Specifically, States with a
regulation that provides for an energy
conservation standard for any type of
covered product for which there is a
Federal energy conservation standard
may petition the Secretary for a DOE
rule that allows the State regulation to
become effective with respect to such
covered product. The Department must
prescribe a rule granting the petition if
the State establishes by a preponderance
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
of the evidence that its regulation is
needed to meet ‘‘unusual and
compelling State or local energy * * *
interests.’’ (42 U.S.C. 6297(d)(1)(B))
C. Background
1. Current Standards
EPCA established an energy
conservation standard for residential
furnaces and boilers.1 It set the standard
in terms of the annual fuel utilization
efficiency (AFUE) descriptor at a
minimum value of 78 percent for most
furnaces. It set the minimum AFUE at
75 percent for gas steam boilers and 80
percent for other boilers. For mobile
home furnaces, EPCA set the minimum
AFUE at 75 percent. These standards
became effective on January 1, 1992,
with the exception of the standard for
mobile home furnaces, for which the
effective date was September 1, 1990.
(42 U.S.C. 6295(f)(1)–(2))
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
2. History of Standards Rulemaking for
Residential Furnaces and Boilers
For ‘‘small’’ gas furnaces (those
having an input rate of less than 45,000
Btu per hour), the Department
published a final rule on November 17,
1989, in which it set the minimum
AFUE for these products at 78 percent,
effective January 1, 1992. 54 FR 47916.
For mobile home furnaces, the
Department issued an advance notice of
proposed rulemaking (ANOPR) on
September 28, 1990 (55 FR 39624),
followed by a proposed rule on March
4, 1994. 59 FR 10464. The Interior and
Related Agencies Appropriations for
Fiscal Year 1996 (Pub. L. 104–34)
included a moratorium on appliance
standards rulemakings, preventing DOE
from finalizing the standards on mobile
home furnaces. The Department
responded to the moratorium by
developing an improved process, known
as the Process Rule, for its energy
conservation standards rulemakings
(Procedures for Consideration of New or
Revised Energy Conservation Standards
for Consumer Products, Title 10 CFR
part 430, Subpart C, Appendix A). 61 FR
36974. The Process Rule provided
guidance on how DOE prioritizes its
standards rulemakings. As a result, the
Department pursued standards
rulemakings for other products rather
than finalizing the proposed standard
1 EPCA states that a ‘‘furnace’’ includes forced-air
and gravity central furnaces and low-pressure steam
and hot water boilers, and that it must have a heat
input rate of less than 225,000 Btu/h for forced-air
and gravity central furnaces, and less than 300,000
Btu/h for boilers. (42 U.S.C. 6291(23)) However, in
this notice, DOE has adopted the terminology used
in the heating, ventilating, and air conditioning
industry, which considers furnaces and boilers as
separate categories.
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for mobile home furnaces. Therefore,
the Department did not publish a final
rule for amending mobile home furnace
standards and the minimum energy
conservation standard remained at 75
percent AFUE.
The Act also directed the Department
to publish a final rule to determine
whether the standards should be
amended for all furnaces and boilers.
(42 U.S.C. 6295(f)(3)(B)) On September
8, 1993, the Department published an
ANOPR (hereafter referred to as the
September 1993 ANOPR) in which it
presented the product classes for
furnaces that it planned to analyze, and
a detailed discussion of the analytical
methodology that it expected to use in
this rulemaking. 58 FR 47326. The
Department invited stakeholders to
submit comments and data on the
planned methodology. However, the
1996 moratorium on appliance
standards rulemakings prevented DOE
from proceeding further with the
rulemaking process.2
In the fiscal year 2001 Priority Setting
for the Appliance Rulemaking Process,
DOE assigned a high level of priority to
a rulemaking to consider amendments
to the energy conservation standards for
residential furnaces and boilers,
including mobile home furnaces. On
June 13, 2001, DOE published a
Framework Document for Residential
Furnaces and Boilers Standards
Rulemaking (Framework Document).
The Department held a public meeting
on July 17, 2001, to discuss the
procedural and analytical approaches in
this rulemaking, and to seek stakeholder
comments on the Framework Document.
The Department held another public
meeting on May 8, 2002, to receive and
discuss comments on issues related to
venting installations. In June 2002, the
Gas Appliance Manufacturers
Association (GAMA) commented on
DOE’s analysis of manufacturing costs.
In August 2002, GAMA convened a
meeting with DOE and the American
Council for an Energy-Efficient
Economy (ACEEE) to discuss
approaches for analyzing electricity use
in furnaces. In September 2002, the
Department posted its engineering
analysis and received stakeholder
comments. The Department published
an ANOPR on July 29, 2004 (hereafter
referred to as the 2004 ANOPR), and
held a public meeting on September 29,
2004, to present the methodology and
results of the ANOPR analyses. 69 FR
2 Pub. L. 104–34, the Department of the Interior
and Related Agencies Appropriations Act for Fiscal
Year 1996 which included a moratorium on
proposing or issuing energy conservation appliance
standard for FY 1996.
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As set forth in the updated
rulemaking timeline published in the
Department’s Semi-annual Regulatory
Agenda on December 13, 2004, DOE
expects to issue a final rule in 2007. 69
FR 72713. The effective date for any
new standards for furnaces and boilers
published in 2007 would be 2015, or
eight years after publication as a final
rule in the Federal Register. (42 U.S.C.
6295 (f)(3)(B))
3. Process Improvement
The Process Rule applies to the
development of energy conservation
standards for all consumer products,
including those for residential furnaces
and boilers. 61 FR 36974. In this notice,
the Department describes the framework
and methodologies by which it is
developing the standard. The framework
and methodologies reflect
improvements made and steps taken in
accordance with the Process Rule,
including the use of improved economic
models and analytical tools. The
rulemaking process is dynamic, and as
timely new data, models, or tools that
enhance the development of standards
become available, the Department will
incorporate them into the rulemaking.
In response to the DOE’s 2004
ANOPR, the American Gas Association
(AGA) asserted that the spreadsheets
used by the Department do not meet the
requirements of the Process Rule, which
specifies the use of transparent and
robust analytical methods ‘‘that are fully
documented for the public and that
produce results that can be explained
and reproduced * * *.’’ AGA suggested
that DOE (1) explore simpler analytical
methods for its analyses, or (2) provide
stakeholders with more direct means of
testing alternate assumptions and
sensitivities. (AGA, No. 78 at p. 2) 3
Southern Company (Southern)
commented that it would be helpful if
DOE provided tools for the review of its
analysis results that could be used more
easily. (Southern, No. 71 at p. 3) After
the 2004 ANOPR, DOE improved the
design and user-friendliness of the
analytical spreadsheets by creating
process diagrams and by adding
additional summary worksheets, help
screens to assist the user, and input
screens to allow the testing of alternate
assumptions. The Department also
expanded its documentation by adding
3 A notation in the form ‘‘AGA, No. 78 at p. 2’’
identifies a written comment the Department has
received and has included in the docket of this
rulemaking. This particular notation refers to a
comment (1) By the American Gas Association
(AGA), (2) in the document number 78 in the
docket of this rulemaking (maintained in the
Resource Room of the Building Technologies
Program), and (3) appear on page 2 of document
number 78.
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
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appendices that explain in detail the
design and use of the spreadsheets.
GAMA commented that there should
be more informal communication
between DOE and the furnace industry
during the course of the rulemaking.
(GAMA, No. 67 at p. 8) In accordance
with the Process Rule, DOE sought
stakeholder review at several points in
the rulemaking and organized public
meetings, webcasts, and conference
calls to discuss important issues. The
Department recognizes the value of
having informal, open communication
with stakeholders, as stakeholder input
can contribute significantly to the
quality of the Department’s analyses and
improve the Department’s decision
making. However, the open nature of
the process has introduced substantial
delays in the Department’s rulemaking
schedules. Such delays have been an
unintended consequence of the Process
Rule. The Department therefore,
recognizes the need for a balance in the
allowance of stakeholder input and
maintaining rulemaking schedules, and
will better integrate stakeholder input
and expert review within the scope of
the structured notice-and-comment
rulemaking process.
D. Negotiated Boiler Standards
On July 14, 2006, GAMA and ACEEE,
on behalf of 28 residential boiler
manufacturers and four energy
efficiency organizations, submitted a
negotiated agreement recommending
new national standards for residential
boilers that would consist of a
performance requirement (minimum
AFUE levels) and design requirements.
The recommended performance levels
are the maximum that the industry feels
would safeguard against corrosion and
ensure safe venting. Both GAMA and
ACEEE believe that the design
requirements would bring about
additional, non-trivial energy savings.
For gas-fired boilers, both water and
steam types, the agreement calls for a
ban on standing pilots. For gas-fired
water boilers only, there are two design
requirements. In addition to the ban on
standing pilots, the agreement also
requires a ‘‘temperature reset’’ feature
that automatically adjusts the boiler
output according to the outdoor ambient
air temperature. For oil-fired water
boilers, the agreement contains the
design requirement for the same
‘‘temperature reset’’ feature.
The Department sincerely appreciates
the effort stakeholders have made to
propose an agreement for the boiler
portion of this rulemaking. However,
the Department has determined that the
recommended standards in the
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negotiated agreement are beyond the
scope of its legal authority. The Energy
Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA)
authorizes the Secretary to amend
energy conservation standards for
specified products. (42 U.S.C. 6295)
Section 321(6) of the EPCA defines the
term ‘‘energy conservation standard’’ as
(A) A performance standard which
prescribes a minimum level of energy
efficiency or a maximum quantity of
energy use, * * * or
(B) A design requirement for the
products specified in paragraphs (6), (7),
(8), (10), (15), (16), (17), and (19) of
section 322(a) * * * [of this title.]
(42 U.S.C. 6291(6))
The language of EPCA authorizes the
Department to establish a performance
standard or a single design standard.
EPCA’s list of specified products for
which a design standard can be
established does not include residential
furnaces and boilers. As such, a
standard that establishes both a
performance standard and a design
requirement is beyond the scope of the
Department’s legal authority. In the case
of gas-fired water boilers, the agreement
recommends two design requirements
which is contrary to EPCA’s limit of one
design requirement for the specified
covered products.
The Department’s staff met with
representatives from GAMA and ACEEE
on August 1, 2006, and August 7, 2006,
respectively, to discuss the
Department’s legal position on the
negotiated agreement. The Department
regrets that this negotiated agreement
does not meet the statutory criteria in
EPCA and therefore cannot be accepted.
The Department strongly encourages
stakeholders to continue to work
together to propose agreements to the
Department in the future, understanding
that the Department must comply with
EPCA’s statutory requirements.
III. General Discussion
A. General Issues
The Department received comments
on several general issues related to the
furnace and boiler rulemaking. Those
issues are related to the impact of the
standards on future natural gas prices,
furnace electricity consumption,
separate standards for equipment in
new homes and replacements, and
separate standards for different regions.
1. Impact of Furnace and Boiler
Standards on Future Natural Gas Prices
The Natural Resources Defense
Council (NRDC), American Chemistry
Council (ACC), ACEEE, and Dow
Chemical Company commented that
more stringent furnace and boiler
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standards may result in lower natural
gas prices in the future, and that DOE
should account for the associated
benefit for all gas consumers. (NRDC,
No. 52 at p. 2; ACC, No. 62 at p. 3;
ACEEE, No. 84 at p. 9; and Joint
Comment by NRDC and Dow, No. 64 at
p. 3) The impact of appliance standards
on energy prices has not historically
been a part of DOE’s analysis.
Estimating such impacts would require
new analytical methods. The
Department evaluated a recent study
that includes consideration of the
impacts of furnace and boiler standards
on natural gas prices.4 While this study
finds that standards could result in a
small decrease in natural gas prices, the
Department’s review of the study
reveals that there is no conclusive
evidence that furnace and boiler
standards will affect overall natural gas
prices. If the stakeholders’ assertion is
correct, then consumer gas prices will
decrease, in turn decreasing the income
of gas utilities—resulting in a transfer of
benefits from the natural gas producers
to the consumers. However, on a
societal level, there is no clear evidence
that there will be any impact on natural
gas prices resulting from the furnace
and boiler standards. Furthermore, DOE
believes it is currently impossible,
within the framework of a standards
rulemaking, to estimate the possible
impact of energy conservation standards
on utility prices. Therefore, the
Department did not consider these
impacts in the current rulemaking.
2. Inclusion of Electricity Consumption
in Furnace and Boiler Standards
The Department received a number of
comments regarding the inclusion of
furnace and boiler electricity
consumption in amended standards for
furnaces and boilers. The Department
was recently given authority to regulate
the electricity consumed by furnaces for
the purposes of circulating air by the
Energy Policy Act of 2005, Pub. L. 104–
58 (EPACT 2005). EPACT 2005, section
135(c), amended section 325 of EPCA
(42 U.S.C. 6295(f)(3)) to include the
following: ‘‘[T]he Secretary may
consider and prescribe energy
conservation standards or energy use
standards for electricity used for
purposes of circulating air through duct
work.’’ However, at the November 15,
2005, public meeting to discuss DOE’s
appliance-standards-program schedulesetting, the Department received
comments from GAMA and the
4 Wiser, R., M. Bolinger, M. St. Clair. Easing the
Natural Gas Crisis: Reducing Natural Gas Prices
through Increased Deployment of Renewable
Energy and Energy Efficiency. LBNL. January 2005.
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
Appliance Standards Awareness Project
(ASAP) urging the Department to
complete the AFUE standard
rulemaking as soon as possible.
Furthermore, GAMA and ASAP
expressed their preference that DOE
address furnace blower electricity
consumption separately from the AFUE
standard rulemaking. Since adding
electricity consumption standards to
this rulemaking would likely cause
further substantial delay in the
rulemaking process, the Department
accepts the recommendations from
GAMA and ASAP and has decided not
to address furnace electricity
consumption in this rulemaking. It will
consider furnace electricity
consumption separately to enable it
complete the furnace and boiler AFUE
rulemaking as expeditiously as possible.
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
3. Separate Standards for Equipment
Installed in New Homes and as
ACEEE suggested that DOE consider
separate standards for new construction
and retrofits. (ACEEE, No. 53 at p. 5)
EPCA directs the Department to
establish performance standards that
prescribe minimum levels of energy
efficiency or maximum levels of energy
use for covered products. The Act does
not authorize DOE to set multiple levels
of efficiency for a given covered
product, depending on where the
product is installed—either in terms of
a given region of the country or in terms
of home type, i.e., new or existing. (42
U.S.C. 6291(6)(A)) The Department
believes it does not have the authority
to set separate standards for furnaces
and boilers for new homes and for
existing homes and, therefore, rejects
the suggestion that it consider separate
standards for new construction and
4. Separate Standards for Different
The Department received numerous
comments regarding the setting of
separate furnace and boiler standards
for different regions of the country.
Some of the commentators expressed
reasons why separate standards would
be beneficial or asked if DOE had the
authority to set regional standards.
(Ohio Consumers’ Counsel (OCC), No.
70 at p. 5; Individuals, No. 73 at p. 1;
Baltimore Gas and Electricity (BGE), No.
75 at p. 1; National Association of
Regulatory Utility Commissioners
(NARUC), No. 77 at p. 5; ACEEE, No.
59.8 at pp. 36 5 and 165; Individual, No.
5 A notation in the form ‘‘ACEEE, No. 59.8 at p.
36,’’ identifies a comment in the transcript of the
Public Meeting on Standards for Furnaces and
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87 at p. 1; Northeast Energy Efficiency
Partnerships (NEEP), No. 55 at pp. 2 and
3; NRDC, No. 59.8 at pp. 29 and 33, and
No. 63 at p. 9; Oregon Department of
Energy (ODOE), No. 61 at p. 2; National
Consumer Law Center (NCLC), No. 66 at
pp. 7 and 8; New Jersey Board of Public
Utilities (NJBPU), No. 83 at p. 1; Izaak
Walton League of America (IWL), No. 88
at p. 1; Southern, No. 71 at p. 21 and
No. 59.8 at p. 219; Trane, No. 59.8 at p.
207; GAMA, No. 59.8 at pp. 206 and
217; York, No. 65 at p. 2; Edison Electric
Institute (EEI), No. 69 at p. 2;
Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI),
No. 89 at p. 2; National Propane Gas
Association (NPGA), No. 72 at p. 2;
AGA, No. 59.8 at p. 40; Alliance to Save
Energy (ASE), No. 80 at p. 2; North
American Insulation Manufacturers
Association (NAIMA), No. 60 at p. 1;
and Lennox, No. 79 at p. 3)
As discussed in the 2004 ANOPR, the
Department has determined that EPCA
does not authorize DOE to set regional
energy conservation standards; instead,
the Department can only establish
national standards. 69 FR 45419. None
of the comments received in response to
the 2004 ANOPR provided a basis for
changing that determination.
However, the Department notes that
EPCA allows states to seek from the
Department a waiver of Federal
preemption of state or local energy
conservation standards. Section 327(d)
of EPCA, ‘‘Waiver of Federal
Preemption,’’ states that, ‘‘Any State
* * * with a State regulation which
provides for any energy conservation
standard * * * for any type * * * of
covered product for which there is a
Federal energy conservation standard
* * * may file a petition with the
Secretary requesting a rule that such
State regulation become effective with
respect to such covered product.’’ (42
U.S.C. 6297(d)(1)(A)) Within a
maximum of one year, DOE must act on
any such petition. (42 U.S.C. 6297(d)(2))
The Department must prescribe a rule
granting a waiver from Federal
preemption if, subject to the condition
specified in section 327(d), the State
establishes by a preponderance of the
evidence that its regulation is needed to
meet ‘‘unusual and compelling State or
local energy * * * interests.’’ (42 U.S.C.
6297(d)(1)(B)) The statute states that the
phrase ‘‘unusual and compelling State
Boilers held in Washington, DC, 9/29/2004, which
is document number 59.8 in the docket of this
rulemaking. This particular notation refers to a
comment (1) by the American Council for an
Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE), (2) in the
document number 59.8 in the docket of this
rulemaking (maintained in the Resource Room of
the Building Technologies Program), and (3)
appearing on page 36 of document number 59.8.
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or local energy * * * interests’’ means
interests which:
(i) Are substantially different in nature or
magnitude than those prevailing in the
United States generally; and (ii) are such that
the costs, benefits, burdens, and reliability of
energy * * * savings resulting from the State
regulation make such regulation preferable or
necessary when measured against the costs,
benefits, burdens, and reliability of
alternative approaches to energy * * *
savings or production, including reliance on
reasonably predictable market-induced
improvements in efficiency of all products
subject to the State regulation.
The factors described in clause (ii) shall be
evaluated within the context of the State’s
energy plan and forecast, and, with respect
to a State regulation for which a petition has
been submitted to the Secretary * * * [42
U.S.C. 6297(d)(1)(c)]
In evaluating the evidence that a State
regulation is needed to meet unusual
and compelling State energy interests,
the Department will consider the factors
described in 42 U.S.C. 6297(d)(1)(C)(i)
and (ii). It appears to the Department
that in the context of residential
furnaces and boilers, where regional
climatic effects can have significant
impact on whether a specified energy
conservation standard would be
technologically feasible and
economically justified in that region,
such regional climatic effects will be
important in DOE’s assessment of
whether there are ‘‘unusual and
compelling State or local energy
interests’’ for State energy conservation
standards. States having higher-thanaverage, population-weighted heating
degree days (HDDs) based on long-term
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration data 6 would seem to
have the best prospects for
demonstrating ‘‘unusual and
compelling’’ interests to support a
waiver of preemption in the particular
circumstances presented here.7 (In
conducting its analysis, the Department
used average heating degree days within
a State to divide States into groups for
purposes of assessing standards.) States
with significantly higher heating
requirements have significantly higher
furnace use. This may indicate that, for
6 State, Regional, And National Monthly Heating
Degree Days Weighted By Population (2000 Census),
1971—2000 (and previous normal periods).
Historical Climatography Series No. 5–1. National
Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information
Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration. Available at: https://
7 Nationwide, the U.S. averages 5528 HDDs. The
following States average 6000 or more HDDs:
Alaska, Colorado, Connecticut, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa,
Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota,
Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New York,
North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont,
Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
those States, a State energy conservation
standard which is higher than the
Federal standard would be cost-effective
and would provide significantly more
energy savings than the Federal
standard. If those States, particularly the
ones most severely affected, adopted
standards higher than DOE’s proposed
standards, and sought waivers, it could
result in certain contiguous States with
higher requirements, which would
lessen the impact on manufacturers.
Another way to address the benefits
and costs of proposed State regulations
with higher energy conservation
standards would be for a State in its
application for a waiver of preemption
to identify the saturation of homes with
products that already meet those higher
standards. For example, a State could
provide evidence that a significant
percentage of gas furnaces sold today in
that State already meets, for example, a
90–percent–AFUE condensing standard.
A State applying to DOE for a
preemption waiver also could identify
any subsidies and/or incentives, such as
tax rebates or purchase price rebates,
that the State or other entities are
offering. To the extent States
demonstrate that these programs have
not worked, they may be able to show
that ‘‘the costs, benefits, burdens, and
reliability’’ of energy savings from
mandatory State energy conservation
regulations make such regulations
preferable to their voluntary programs.
EPCA section 327(d)(3) further
provides that DOE may not grant a
waiver if interested persons establish by
a preponderance of the evidence that
the State regulation would significantly
burden manufacturing, marketing,
distribution, sale, or servicing of the
covered product on a national basis. (42
U.S.C. 6297(d)(3)) In determining
whether the State regulation meets this
criterion, the Department must consider
the extent to which the State regulation
addresses several factors.
The first factor is ‘‘the extent to which
the State regulation will increase
manufacturing or distribution costs of
manufacturers, distributors, and others
* * *.’’ (42 U.S.C. 6297(d)(3)(A)) In
addressing this factor, a State seeking a
waiver of federal preemption likely
would want to address the extent to
which manufacturers already produce
and sell products that would meet the
State’s proposed standard. This
description also could include
information describing how efficiencies
of shipments to that State already vary
from current DOE efficiency levels.
The second factor is ‘‘the extent to
which the State regulation will
disadvantage smaller manufacturers,
distributors, or dealers or lessen
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competition in the sale of the covered
product in the State * * *.’’ (42 U.S.C.
6297(d)(3)(B)) Similar to the prior factor,
in addressing this factor, a State seeking
a waiver of federal preemption might
wish to provide evidence with its
petition that demonstrates that there are
no, or just insignificant, differences
between small and large manufacturers
with respect to producing and selling
furnaces in that State. A State also could
offer other evidence as to why its
regulation would not disadvantage these
entities or lessen competition, based on
the particular circumstances in that
State. For example, a State could seek to
demonstrate that the differences (or lack
of differences) between small and large
manufacturers, with respect to
producing and selling furnaces in that
State, indicate that the regulation would
not disadvantage the smaller
The third factor is ‘‘the extent to
which the State regulation would cause
a burden to manufacturers to redesign
and produce the covered product type
* * *, taking into consideration the
extent to which the regulation would
result in a reduction (i) in the current
models, or in the projected availability
of models, that could be shipped on the
effective date of the regulation to the
State and within the United States; or
(ii) in the current or projected sales
volume of the covered product type
* * * in the State and the United States
* * *.’’ (42 U.S.C. 6297(d)(3)(c)) In
addressing this factor, a State seeking a
waiver of federal preemption might seek
to demonstrate that high-efficiency
heating equipment, such as condensing
furnaces, already have achieved
significant market shares in that State.
In some relatively cold States with
significant heating requirements, sales
of condensing furnaces are reported to
be on the order of 50 percent. A State
also might wish to submit other
information that addresses why it
believes its regulation would not affect
sales volumes or the number of models
available (except for elimination of
lower efficiency models).
The fourth factor is ‘‘the extent to
which the State regulation is likely to
contribute significantly to a
proliferation of State appliance
efficiency requirements and the
cumulative impact such requirements
would have.’’ (42 U.S.C. 6297(d)(3)(D))
In addressing this factor, a State seeking
a waiver from DOE may wish to seek to
demonstrate, for example, the extent to
which it has chosen identical standard
levels as other States that have
developed proposed regulations or
States that have regulations already in
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An additional factor DOE must
consider is the extent to which ‘‘the
State regulation is likely to result in the
unavailability in the State of any
covered product type * * * of
performance characteristics (including
reliability), features, sizes, capacities,
and volumes that are substantially the
same as those generally available in the
State * * *.’’ (42 U.S.C. 6297(d)(4)) A
State seeking preemption waiver may
wish to explain in its petition or
accompanying documents why it
believes its regulation would not affect
the characteristics and features (other
than efficiency) of the furnaces that
would be offered for sale in that State.
It might seek to demonstrate, for
example, that among products currently
offered for sale in that or other States,
high efficiency furnaces already have all
of the characteristics and features
available in less efficient furnaces sold
in that State.
The Department recognizes that States
have set, or are considering, standards
for furnaces and that some may wish to
seek a determination from DOE that
their standards are needed to meet
‘‘unusual and compelling State or local
energy interests.’’ The Department
encourages States to coordinate among
themselves the submission of any
waiver petitions they may wish to file.
The Department will consider an
aggregate petition from multiple States
as long as the petition individually
addresses the statutory criteria for each
of the States. The Department believes
the approach taken in evaluating the
regional impacts of standards in its
analysis represents a reasonable
approach for estimating the national
impacts of having a Federal standard
and one or more higher State energy
conservation standards for furnaces and
boilers. All petitions for waivers also
must comply with requirements as
described in 10 CFR Part 430.41(a)(1).
B. Test Procedures
Section 7(b) of the Process Rule
provides that the Department will
propose necessary modifications to the
test procedures for a product before
issuing the proposed rule concerning
energy conservation standards for that
product. For furnaces and boilers, the
Department believes modifications are
not currently necessary, so it has not
proposed to modify the existing test
C. Technological Feasibility
1. General
The Department considers a design
option to be technologically feasible if it
is in use by the respective industry or
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
if research has progressed to the
development of a working prototype.
The Process Rule sets forth a definition
of technological feasibility as follows:
‘‘Technologies incorporated in
commercial products or in working
prototypes will be considered
technologically feasible.’’ 10 CFR part
430, Subpart C, Appendix A, section
In each standards rulemaking, the
Department conducts a screening
analysis, which it bases on information
gathered regarding existing technology
options and prototype designs. In
consultation with manufacturers, design
engineers, and other stakeholders, the
Department develops a list of design
options for consideration in the
rulemaking. Once the Department has
determined that a particular design
option is technologically feasible, it
further evaluates each design option in
light of the other three criteria in the
Process Rule. 10 CFR part 430, Subpart
C, Appendix A, section 4(a)(3) and (4).
The three additional criteria are: (a)
Practicability to manufacture, install,
and service, (b) adverse impacts on
product utility or availability, or (c)
health or safety concerns that cannot be
resolved. All design options that pass
these screening criteria are candidates
for further assessment.
As discussed in the 2004 ANOPR, the
Department is not considering the
following design options because they
do not meet one or more of the
screening criteria: self-generation of
electric power, fuel-driven heat pumps,
flue-gas recirculation, and smart valves.
69 FR 45387. In this notice, DOE has not
changed the list of technology options
that it screened out of the analysis. (See
the Technical Support Document (TSD)
accompanying this notice, Chapter 4.)
Lennox, Carrier, Trane, York, NPGA,
Alagasco, and MHI commented that the
maximum efficiency level considered
for non-condensing, non-weatherized
gas furnaces should be 80-percent
AFUE. They contended that, at 81percent AFUE, there would be a
significant increase of risk to the
consumer because of an increased
potential for vent-system failure. These
comments cited concerns regarding
corrosion in vents from condensation,
and noted that conditions under which
consumers use the product are much
more severe than lab conditions.
(Lennox, Public Meeting Transcript, No.
59.8 at p. 27 and No. 79 at p. 1; Carrier,
Public Meeting Transcript, No. 59.8 at p.
188 and No. 68 at p. 1; Trane, Public
Meeting Transcript, No. 59.8 at p. 227;
York, No. 65 at p. 7; NPGA, No. 72 at
p. 3; Alagasco, No. 82 at p. 2; and MHI,
No. 89 at p. 4) NAIMA, OCC, and
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NJBPU disagreed with limiting
consideration to an 80-percent-AFUE
level. (NAIMA, No. 60 at p. 1; OCC, No.
70 at p. 5; and NJBPU, No. 83 at p. 2)
The Department has reviewed the
manufacturer literature and found that
products at 81-percent AFUE are
available for sale. It believes the fact that
such products are being offered for sale
demonstrates that they are practicable to
manufacture, install, and service and
cannot be excluded from consideration
in this rulemaking.
The Department recognizes that this
AFUE level of 81 percent may pose
health or safety concerns in certain
conditions, but it believes that the
concerns can likely be resolved with
proper equipment and venting system
design, as discussed in section IV.B.3.
Therefore, DOE considered 81-percent
AFUE in its analysis for nonweatherized gas furnaces, and took into
account the stakeholders’ concerns.
The 2004 ANOPR analysis included
non-weatherized gas furnaces at 82 and
83-percent AFUE. However, because it
is well understood that significant vent
system corrosion problems, which can
lead to potential safety issues, may exist
at these efficiency levels for nonweatherized gas furnaces, the
Department does not believe these
products can be mass-produced and be
reliable to install and service on the
scale necessary to serve the relevant
market by the effective date of the
proposed standard. Therefore, DOE did
not consider non-weatherized gas
furnaces at 82 and 83-percent AFUE in
the analysis for today’s proposed rule.
The evaluated technologies all have
been used (or are being used) in
commercially available products or
working prototypes. The designs all
incorporate materials and components
that are commercially available in
today’s furnace and boiler supply
market. The Department believes all of
the efficiency levels evaluated in this
notice are technologically feasible.
2. Maximum Technologically Feasible
In developing today’s proposed rule,
the Department followed the provisions
of section 325(p)(2) of the Act, which
states that, when the Department
proposes to adopt, or to decline to
adopt, an amended or new standard for
each type (or class) of covered product,
‘‘the Secretary shall determine the
maximum improvement in energy
efficiency or maximum reduction in
energy use that is technologically
feasible * * * .’’ The Department
determined the maximum
technologically feasible (‘‘max tech’’)
efficiency level in the engineering
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analysis using the most efficient design
parameters that lead to the creation of
the highest equipment efficiencies
achievable. (See TSD Chapter 6.) Table
III.1 lists the max tech levels that the
Department determined for this
Product class
Non-weatherized gas furnaces .....
Weatherized gas furnaces ............
Mobile home gas furnaces ...........
Oil-fired furnaces ..........................
Gas boilers ...................................
Oil-fired boilers .............................
For all product classes, products with
these efficiency levels already are being
sold in small quantities. (There is one
weatherized gas furnace listed in the
GAMA directory at 82.8-percent AFUE.)
No production models or prototypes of
equipment at higher efficiency levels are
currently available. For weatherized gas
furnaces, the Department recognizes
that the 83-percent-AFUE level may
pose health or safety concerns in certain
installations. DOE believes these
concerns can be resolved with proper
equipment and system design and
proper installation.
D. Energy Savings
1. Determination of Savings
The Department used its national
energy savings (NES) spreadsheet to
estimate energy savings from amended
standards for furnaces and boilers. (The
NES Spreadsheet Model is described in
section IV.D of this notice.) The
Department forecasted energy savings
over the period of analysis (beginning
with 2015, the year that amended
standards would go into effect, and
ending in 2038) for each trial standard
level, relative to the base case. It
quantified the energy savings
attributable to amended energy
conservation standards as the difference
in energy consumption between the
standards case and the base case. The
base case represents the forecast of
energy consumption in the absence of
amended energy conservation
standards. The base case considers
market demand for more-efficient
products; for example, in the case of
non-weatherized gas furnaces, the base
case forecasts an increase in the market
share of condensing furnaces by 2015.
The NES Spreadsheet Model
calculates the electricity savings in ‘‘site
energy’’ expressed in kilowatt-hours
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
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(kWh). Site energy is the energy directly
consumed on location by the furnace or
boiler. The Department reports national
energy savings in terms of the source
energy savings, which is the savings of
the energy that is used to generate and
transmit the energy consumed at the
site. (See TSD, Chapter 10.) The
Department derived these conversion
factors, which change with time, from
the EIA’s AEO2005.8
AGA commented that DOE should
consider the ‘‘rebound effect’’ that may
occur as a result of more intensive use
of a more energy-efficient appliance,
leading to higher energy consumption.
(AGA, No. 54 at p. 3) ACEEE stated that
the rebound effect has often been
hypothesized, but actual field
experience indicates that there is rarely
a rebound effect resulting from use of
more-efficient appliances. (ACEEE, No.
84 at p. 13)
The Department examined a summary
of the literature regarding the rebound
effect in relation to space heating
equipment.9 Based on five studies
chosen for their robust methodology, the
summary concluded that, for a 100
percent increase in fuel efficiency,
values of ‘‘take-back’’ or rebound for
space heating are between 10 and 30
percent of the energy consumption
savings. The National Energy Modeling
System (NEMS), which is used for
developing EIA’s AEO, incorporates a
rebound effect for space heating.
According to an EIA report,10 the
rebound effect for the residential
module in NEMS results in a 0.15
percent increase in energy consumption
for a 1 percent increase in efficiency. In
keeping with EIA’s approach, the
Department chose to apply a rebound
effect of 15 percent (for a 100 percent
increase in efficiency) in its analysis of
furnace and boiler standards. That is,
DOE reduced the calculated energy
savings and associated emissions
reductions by 15 percent.
The take-back in energy consumption
associated with the rebound effect
provides consumers with increased
value (e.g., a warmer indoor
environment, since the increased
efficiency enables consumers to use
their heating equipment more
intensively). The impact on consumers
is thus the sum of the change in the cost
8 The Department conducted an energy price
sensitivity analysis using EIA’s AEO2006. Section
IV.C.4 provides further explanation and details of
the energy price sensitivity analysis.
9 Greening, L.A., D.L. Greene, and C. Difiglio.
Energy efficiency and consumption—the rebound
effect—a survey. Energy Policy. 2000. 28: pp. 389–
10 EIA, Price Responsiveness in the AEO2003
NEMS Residential and Commercial Buildings
Sector Models (p. 3).
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of owning the heating equipment (i.e.,
life-cycle cost) and the increased value
for the warmer indoor environment.
However, the Department is unable to
monetize this increase in consumer
value in the LCC analysis. The
Department believes that, if it were able
to monetize the increased value to
consumers added by the rebound effect,
this value would be at least as great as
the value of the foregone energy savings.
For this analysis, the Department
estimates that this value is equivalent to
the monetary value of the energy
savings that would have occurred
without the rebound effect. Therefore,
the economic impacts on consumers
with or without the rebound effect, as
measured in the LCC and NPV analyses,
are the same.
2. Significance of Savings
Section 325 of the Act prohibits the
Department from adopting a standard
for a product if that standard would not
result in ‘‘significant’’ energy savings.
(42 U.S.C. 6295(o)(3)(B)) While the Act
does not define the term ‘‘significant,’’
the U.S. Court of Appeals, in Natural
Resources Defense Council v.
Herrington, 768 F.2d 1355, 1373 (D.C.
Cir. 1985), indicated that Congress
intended ‘‘significant’’ energy savings in
this context to be savings that were not
‘‘genuinely trivial.’’ The energy savings
for energy conservation standards at
each of the trial standard levels
considered in this rulemaking are
nontrivial, and therefore the Department
considers them ‘‘significant’’ within the
meaning of section 325 of the Act.
E. Economic Justification
1. Specific Criteria
As noted earlier, EPCA provides
seven factors to be evaluated in
determining whether an energy
conservation standard is economically
justified. (42 U.S.C. 6295(o)(2)(B)) The
following sections discuss how the
Department has addressed each of those
seven factors in this rulemaking.
a. Economic Impact on Manufacturers
and Consumers. The Process Rule
established procedures, interpretations,
and policies to guide the Department in
the consideration of new or revised
appliance energy conservation
standards. The provisions of the rule
have direct bearing on the
implementation of the manufacturer
impact analysis (MIA). First, as
provided in Section 10 of the Process
Rule (Principles for the Analysis of
Impacts on Manufacturers), the
Department uses an annual-cash-flow
approach in determining the
quantitative impacts of a new or
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amended standard on manufacturers.
This includes both a short-term
assessment, based on the cost and
capital requirements during the period
between the announcement of a
regulation and the time when the
regulation becomes effective, and a
long-term assessment. The impacts
analyzed include INPV, cash flows by
year, changes in revenue and income,
and other measures of impact, as
appropriate. Second, the Department
analyzes and reports the impacts on
different types of manufacturers, with
particular attention to impacts on small
manufacturers. Third, the Department
considers the impact of standards on
domestic manufacturer employment,
manufacturing capacity, plant closures,
and loss of capital investment. Finally,
the Department takes into account
cumulative impacts of different DOE
regulations on manufacturers.
For consumers, measures of economic
impact include the changes in LCC and
payback period for each trial standard
level. As the Act sets forth, the LCC is
one of the seven factors to be considered
in determining economic justification.
(42 U.S.C. 6295(o)(2)(B)(i)(II)) It is
discussed in detail in the section below.
ODOE commented that the simple
payback period is not a useful metric,
since it fails to take into account the
rising costs of fuel. (ODOE, No. 61 at p.
10) The Department uses simplepayback-period results as one of the
factors in evaluating the economic
impacts of standards on consumers, but
it relies more heavily on the impacts on
LCC to take into account the changing
cost of fuel.
b. Life-Cycle Costs. The LCC is the
sum of the purchase price of equipment,
including the installation, and the
operating expense, including energy and
maintenance expenditures, discounted
over the lifetime of the equipment.
Where possible in estimating the energy
costs in the LCC calculation, DOE uses
consumer marginal energy rates, which
are the energy rates that correspond to
incremental changes in energy use.
For each furnace and boiler product
class, the Department calculated both
LCC and LCC savings for various
efficiency levels. The LCC analysis
estimated the LCC for representative
equipment in housing units that are
representative of the segment of the U.S.
housing stock that uses furnaces and
boilers. To account for uncertainty and
variability in specific inputs, such as
equipment lifetime and discount rate, it
used a distribution of values with
probabilities attached to each value. For
each housing unit, DOE sampled the
values of these inputs from the
probability distributions. As a result, the
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
analysis produced a range of LCCs. A
distinct advantage of this approach is
that DOE can identify the percentage of
consumers achieving LCC savings or
attaining certain payback values due to
an increased energy conservation
standard, in addition to the average LCC
savings or average payback for that
standard. The Department gives the LCC
savings as a distribution, with a mean
value and a range. The Department
assumed in its analysis that the
consumer purchases the furnace or
boiler in 2015.
c. Energy Savings. While significant
conservation of energy is a separate
statutory requirement for imposing an
energy conservation standard, the Act
requires DOE, in determining the
economic justification of a standard, to
consider the total projected energy
savings that are expected to result
directly from the standard. (42 U.S.C.
6295(o)(2)(B)(i)(III)) The Department
used the NES Spreadsheet results in its
consideration of total projected savings.
d. Lessening of Utility or Performance
of Products. In establishing classes of
products, and in evaluating design
options and the impact of potential
standard levels, the Department aimed
to develop standards for residential
furnaces and boilers which would not
lessen the utility or performance of the
products under consideration in this
rulemaking. (42 U.S.C.
6295(o)(2)(B)(i)(IV)) None of the
considered trial standard levels would
reduce the utility or performance of
furnaces and boilers. The efficiency
levels considered in this rulemaking do
not involve changes in equipment
design or unusual installation
requirements that could reduce the
utility or performance of furnaces and
e. Impact of Any Lessening of
Competition. The Act directs the
Department to consider any lessening of
competition that is likely to result from
standards. It directs the Attorney
General to determine the impact, if any,
of any lessening of competition likely to
result from a proposed standard and to
transmit such determination to the
Secretary, not later than 60 days after
the publication of a proposed rule,
together with an analysis of the nature
and extent of such impact. (42 U.S.C.
6295(o)(2)(B)(i)(V) and (B)(ii)) The
Department has transmitted a copy of
today’s proposed rule to the Attorney
General and has requested that the
Department of Justice (DOJ) provide its
determination on this issue.
f. Need of the Nation To Conserve
Energy. The non-monetary benefits of
the proposed standard are likely to be
reflected in improvements to the
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security and reliability of the Nation’s
energy system—namely, reductions in
the overall demand for energy will
result in reduced costs for maintaining
reliability of the Nation’s electricity
system. The Department conducts a
utility impact analysis to estimate how
standards may impact the Nation’s
needed power generation capacity. This
analysis captures the effects of
efficiency improvements on furnace
electricity consumption, as well as
impacts associated with the market shift
from natural gas heating to electric
heating that DOE estimates will occur at
higher gas-furnace efficiency levels.
This market shift more than offsets the
electricity savings from more efficient
furnace designs, resulting in an increase
in projected generating capacity for the
higher trial standard levels.
The Department has determined that
the energy conservation standards
proposed today would result in
reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.
The Department quantified a range of
primary energy conversion factors and
estimated the emissions reductions
associated with the generation displaced
by the energy conservation standards.
The Department reports the
environmental effects of amended
energy conservation standards at each
trial standard level for this equipment in
the TSD environmental assessment.
g. Other Factors. The Act allows the
Secretary of Energy, in determining
whether a standard is economically
justified, to consider any other factors
the Secretary deems to be relevant. (42
U.S.C. 6295 (o)(2) (B)(i)(VII)) Under this
provision, the Department considered
the potential for furnace and boiler
standards to pose public health risks
due to carbon monoxide release into the
home as a result of venting system
2. Rebuttable Presumption
As set forth in section 325(o)(2)(B)(iii)
of EPCA, 42 U.S.C. 6295(o)(2)(B)(iii),
there is a rebuttable presumption that an
energy conservation standard is
economically justified if the increased
installed cost for a product that meets
the standard is less than three times the
value of the first-year energy savings
resulting from the standard. However,
although the Department examined the
rebuttable-presumption criteria, it
determined economic justification for
the proposed standard levels through a
more detailed analysis of the economic
impacts of increased efficiency as
described above, pursuant to section
325(o)(2)(B)(i) of EPCA. (42 U.S.C.
6295(o)(2)(B)(i)) The rebuttable
presumption payback calculation is
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discussed in section IV.B.5 of this
IV. Methodology and Discussion of
The Department used spreadsheet
models to meet certain objectives of the
Process Rule for this rulemaking. It used
the Engineering Spreadsheet to develop
the relationship between cost and
efficiency for furnaces and boilers and
to calculate the simple payback for the
purposes of satisfying the rebuttable
payback requirements. The LCC
Spreadsheet calculates the consumer
benefits and payback periods for
amended energy conservation
standards. The National Impact
Analysis Spreadsheet provides
shipments forecasts and then calculates
NES and NPV impacts of potential
amended energy conservation
standards. The Department also
assessed manufacturer impacts, largely
through the use of the Government
Regulatory Impact Model (GRIM).
Additionally, DOE estimated the
impacts of residential furnace and boiler
energy conservation standards on
utilities and the environment. The
Department used a version of EIA’s
NEMS for the utility and environmental
analyses. The NEMS model simulates
the energy economy of the U.S. and has
been developed over several years by
the EIA primarily for the purpose of
preparing the AEO. The NEMS produces
forecasts for the U.S. that are available
in the public domain. The version of
NEMS used for appliance standards
analysis is called NEMS–BT, and is
primarily based on the AEO2005
version with minor modifications.11 The
NEMS offers a sophisticated picture of
the effect of standards, since it accounts
for the interactions between the various
energy supply and demand sectors and
the economy as a whole.
The Department invites comments on
the validity of the analytical methods
used in this rulemaking and the
appropriateness of the interpretation
and use of the results of the analysis.
A. Product Classes
For this rulemaking, the Department
initially considered the product classes
11 The EIA approves the use of the name NEMS
to describe only an AEO version of the model
without any modification to code or data. Because
the present analysis entails some minor code
modifications and runs the model under various
policy scenarios that deviate from AEO
assumptions, the name NEMS–BT refers to the
model as used here. For more information on
NEMS, refer to The National Energy Modeling
System: An Overview. DOE/EIA–0581 (98),
February, 1998. BT is DOE’s Building Technologies
Program. NEMS–BT was formerly called NEMS–
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
discussed in the 1993 ANOPR. In 1987,
the Act set the initial Federal energy
conservation standard, which covered
furnaces, boilers, mobile home furnaces,
and ‘‘small’’ furnaces. In the 1993
ANOPR, the Department expanded the
product classes to differentiate fuel
type, heat transfer medium (i.e., hot
water or steam for boilers), and outdoor
and indoor installation suitability (i.e.,
weatherized or non-weatherized). Table
IV.1 lists the product classes DOE
initially considered in this rulemaking.
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
Gas furnaces ............................................................................................
Oil-fired furnaces ......................................................................................
Mobile home furnaces ..............................................................................
Electric resistance furnaces .....................................................................
Hot water boilers ......................................................................................
Steam boilers ............................................................................................
Based on the market assessment and
stakeholder comments, the Department
grouped the product classes into three
categories for the analysis for today’s
proposed rule. The first category
consists of the most widely used
product class, non-weatherized gas
The second category consists of those
classes that have fewer shipments, but
typically more than 100,000 per year:
Weatherized gas furnaces, mobile home
gas furnaces, non-weatherized oil-fired
furnaces, hot-water gas boilers, and hotwater oil-fired boilers. The Department’s
analysis of these product classes was
similar to its analysis of nonweatherized gas furnaces.
The third category includes product
classes for which DOE did not perform
analyses and is not proposing an
amendment to the current standards for
these products. This category includes
steam gas boilers and steam oil-fired
boilers, which have annual shipments
below 40,000 units and show a
declining trend of shipments. This
category also includes weatherized oilfired furnaces, mobile home oil-fired
furnaces, and electric furnaces.
Weatherized oil-fired furnaces and
mobile home oil-fired furnaces have
very low shipments and are represented
by only a few models in the GAMA
directory; promulgating a higher
standard for these products would result
in de minimis energy savings.
Additionally, all of the GAMA-listed
models for weatherized oil-fired
furnaces and mobile home oil-fired
furnaces exceed the current 78-percentAFUE standard. Therefore, for these
classes, DOE is not proposing an update
of the existing standard. The
Department did not consider electric
furnaces since their efficiency
approaches 100-percent AFUE and
improvements to them would also have
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Non-weatherized and weatherized.
Non-weatherized and weatherized.
Gas and oil-fired.
Gas and oil-fired.
Gas and oil-fired.
de minimis energy-savings potential.
Therefore, for electric furnaces, DOE is
not proposing a standard.
B. Engineering Analysis
The purpose of the engineering
analysis is to characterize the
relationship between efficiency and cost
of furnaces and boilers. The Department
used this efficiency/cost relationship as
input to the payback period, LCC, and
NES analyses.
The engineering analysis develops
data that can be used to establish the
consumer price of more-efficient
equipment. These data include
manufacturing costs, markups,
installation costs, and maintenance
To generate the manufacturing costs,
the Department identified three basic
methodologies: (1) The design-option
approach, which provides the
incremental costs of adding design
options to a baseline model that will
improve efficiency; (2) the efficiencylevel approach, which provides the
incremental costs of moving to higher
energy-efficiency levels, without regard
to the particular design option(s) used to
achieve such increases; and (3) the costassessment (or reverse-engineering)
approach, which provides ‘‘bottom-up’’
manufacturing cost assessments for
achieving various levels of increased
efficiency, based on detailed data on
costs for parts and material, labor,
shipping/packaging, and investment for
models that operate at particular
efficiency levels.
The Department began the
manufacturing cost analysis by
exploring how manufacturers would
likely design products to perform at the
various efficiency levels considered and
to thoroughly understand the
relationships between different
equipment configurations and
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efficiency. The Department initially
considered several design options that
could meet each considered efficiency
level. It selected the design option(s) it
believed manufacturers would most
likely implement to achieve a given
considered energy efficiency level. To
estimate the manufacturing costs of
these design options, the Department
relied primarily on the cost-assessment
(or reverse-engineering) approach, but
also used the design-option approach.
To compare the total additional
consumer cost of improved equipment
efficiency, the Department defined a
baseline design for each product class.
The baseline model establishes the
starting point for analyzing technologies
that provide energy-efficiency
improvement. Based on its market
assessment and input provided by
GAMA, the Department defined a
baseline model as an appliance with an
efficiency at the minimum level
prescribed by EPCA (i.e., 78-percent
AFUE for non-weatherized gas
furnaces), and having commonly
available features and technologies.
The Department next determined
markups, installation cost, and
maintenance cost to complete the
engineering analysis. It estimated
markups using publicly available
corporate and industry data and, for
mobile home furnaces, data from MHI.
To estimate installation costs, DOE
created an Installation Model to assess
venting costs, and verified it against
known existing data. It estimated
maintenance costs using publicly
available industry data.
Table IV.2 summarizes the approach
and data DOE used to derive the inputs
to the engineering analysis for the 2004
ANOPR analysis, and the changes made
in the analysis for today’s proposed
rule. Discussion of the changes follows
in the sections below.
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
2004 ANOPR analysis
Proposed rule analysis
Equipment Cost ..................................................
For the most widely used efficiency levels,
used a cost model of manufacturing costs
created by tear-down analysis; for the remaining levels, used design-opinion analysis. Incorporated industry feedback from
GAMA and individual manufacturers to generate manufacturing-cost-versus-efficiency
Markups ..............................................................
Derived markups from an analysis of corporate financial data. Multiplied manufacturing costs by manufacturer, distributor,
contractor, and builder markups, and sales
tax, as appropriate, to get equipment price.
Used a distribution of weighted-average installation costs from the Installation Model.
Installation configuration are weight-averaged by frequency of occurrence in the
field, and vary by installation size. The Installation Model is based on a commonly
used cost-estimation method and is comparable to available, known data.
Used Gas Research Institute data for gas furnaces and boilers, water heater rulemaking
survey results for oil-fired equipment, and
data from the 1993 rulemaking for mobile
home furnaces.
Calculated energy use using the DOE test
AEO2003 forecast prices for year 2012 ..........
Added cost of drip pan for condensing units.
Some units omit a combustion air pipe. Updated underlying metal and cost data to
2004 via Consumer Price Index. Did not
consider design options at 82-percent and
83-percent AFUE for non-weatherized gas
furnaces due to potential safety hazards.
manufacturing-cost-versus-efficiency curves.
No change.
Installation Cost ..................................................
Maintenance Costs .............................................
Annual Energy Use* ...........................................
Energy Prices* ....................................................
Same method; new assumption that all 81percent AFUE gas furnaces use double wall
Same sources, but accounted for higher
maintenance frequency for modulating design option, and used same costs for condensing and non-condensing equipment.
No change.
AEO2005 forecast prices for effective date of
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
* Inputs required to calculate rebuttable-presumption payback period. For more details on the rebuttable-presumption payback period, refer to
section IV.B.5.
** The Department uses field-representative energy use values in the LCC and payback period analysis. Refer to section IV.C.3. for more
The Department received comments
concerning the efficiency levels it
should consider in the engineering
GAMA and Rheem expressed concern
about producing an entire family of gas
furnaces at 81-percent AFUE and
suggested that, for some, and not all,
furnace models within a given family, it
is possible to design and produce units
that can safely perform at the 81-percent
level. They indicated that developing a
complete family of furnaces, spanning
the full range of capacities, in which all
units could safely operate at 81-percent
AFUE, would be difficult due to
confining design and manufacturing
procedures. (GAMA, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 59.8 at p. 177; Rheem,
Public Meeting Transcript, No. 59.8 at p.
179) In response to these comments,
DOE conducted an analysis evaluating
approaches necessary to manufacture a
full line of product that can perform at
81-percent AFUE and the additional
costs involved for producing such a
family of furnaces.
To perform this analysis, the
Department identified an approach to
manufacturing an entire furnace family
at 81-percent AFUE without posing
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unacceptable safety and reliability risks.
The Department identified two potential
cases for producing an entire family of
81-percent AFUE non-weatherized gas
furnaces, and the additional per-unit
cost associated with each case. The
Department based the estimates for both
cases on manufacturer-provided data,
which an independent consultant
reviewed. The first case, estimate case 1,
includes SKU cost (Stock Keeping Unit
and customization development cost),
parts cost increases, and vent connector
cost; case 2, in addition to the above
costs, assumes that a heat exchanger
redesign cost would be needed. The
estimated additional per-unit cost for
producing a family of furnaces that can
achieve reliable, safe operation at 81percent AFUE is $47.20 for case 1 (the
default case) and $88.70 for case 2.
York asserted that DOE cannot set the
proposed standard for mobile home
furnaces above 80-percent AFUE, since
section 325(o)(4) of EPCA, 42 U.S.C.
6295(o)(4), provides that DOE may not
prescribe an amended standard if ‘‘the
standard is likely to result in the
unavailability in the United States of
any covered product type (or class) of
performance characteristics (including
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reliability), features, sizes, capacities,
and volumes that are substantially the
same as those generally available in the
United States.’’ York also stated that
there are no non-condensing mobile
home furnaces currently available on
the market that exceed 80-percent
AFUE. Additionally, York stated that
their interpretation of this EPCA
provision also applies to 90-percent
AFUE units for mobile home furnaces.
(York, No. 65 at p. 7)
After considering the comments from
York, DOE concluded that section
325(o)(4) of EPCA, 42 U.S.C. 6295(o)(4),
does not require it to set a new or
amended energy conservation standard
either at an efficiency level currently
available in the U.S., or at an efficiency
level that would ensure all products
meeting the standard would have all of
the attributes of currently available
products. The ‘‘performance
characteristics’’ and ‘‘features’’ referred
to in section 325(o)(4) of EPCA, 42
U.S.C. 6295(o)(4), do not include
efficiency or energy-use levels. Rather,
these terms refer to other types of
product characteristics of concern to
consumers, such as features affecting
temperature control or user comfort. To
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
interpret section 325(o)(4) of EPCA, 42
U.S.C. 6295(o)(4), otherwise would bar
DOE from ever prescribing higher
minimum standard levels, because any
such higher levels necessarily result in
new energy-efficiency-improving
technologies incorporated into the
product and the unavailability of
products including less efficient
technologies. This interpretation would
be inconsistent with EPCA’s other
provisions and its purpose of improving
product efficiencies. Thus, the lack of
currently available, non-condensing,
mobile home furnaces above 80-percent
AFUE does not mean that section
325(o)(4) of EPCA, 42 U.S.C. 6295(o)(4),
bars DOE from adopting a level higher
than that as a minimum standard for
this product class. Thus, DOE believes
that section 325(o)(4) of EPCA, 42 U.S.C.
6295(o)(4), does not preclude DOE from
considering efficiencies for mobile
home furnaces above a given level, such
as 80-percent AFUE. As discussed in
section III.C.2 above, DOE identified 90percent AFUE as the maximum
technologically feasible level for mobile
home furnaces. The Department
analyzed efficiency levels that include
80-percent and 90-percent AFUE for
mobile home furnaces and the results
are presented in section V.C.
1. Manufacturing Costs
The Department adjusted its
engineering cost model based on cost
data received from several individual
manufacturers, and used the model to
create new cost-efficiency curves for the
industry. The Department then used
these cost-efficiency curves as
manufacturing cost inputs for the MIA.
Details of the MIA are in Chapter 12 of
the TSD.
Lennox, York, and GAMA commented
that the cost of materials in the 2004
ANOPR TSD was outdated. (Lennox,
Public Meeting Transcript, No. 59.8 at p.
66; York, No. 65 at p. 3; and GAMA, No.
67 at p. 6) For the 2004 ANOPR
engineering analysis, reviewed by
manufacturers, the Department used a
five-year average of material prices from
years 2000 through 2004. In response to
various comments, the Department
reviewed material-cost data from the
first quarter of 2005 and found prices
higher than those in the reference
scenario that it used in the 2004 ANOPR
analysis. Based on the more recent data,
DOE updated the five-year average
prices used in the analysis for this
notice and conducted a material price
sensitivity analysis with two additional
material-price scenarios. The reference
case uses a revised five-year average of
material prices from years 2000 through
2004. The new prices of copper,
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aluminum, steel, and stainless steel
reflect prices from the Bureau of Labor
Statistics (BLS) Producer Price Indices
(PPIs) spanning 2000–2004. The
Department used the PPIs for copper
rolling, drawing, and extruding, and for
steel mill products, and adjusted them
to 2004$ using the gross-domesticproduct implicit-price deflator.
The Department created two scenarios
for the material-price sensitivity
analysis: a low-bound and a highbound. It calculated the low-bound
scenario by finding the lowest price per
pound of M6 core steel between 2000
and 2004. The lowest price of M6 core
steel on a per-pound basis occurred in
2002. Then, DOE applied a 15-percent
reduction to each of the raw material
costs in that same year. It used these
prices to determine their effect on the
cost-efficiency relationship. Likewise,
DOE calculated the high-bound scenario
using the average price for each of the
raw materials from the first quarter of
2005, when prices of raw materials were
uncharacteristically high. The
Department evaluated the results of the
material price sensitivity analysis, using
all three material-cost scenarios, in the
engineering analysis and then used
them as inputs for the LCC analysis. The
results for the material-price-sensitivity
analysis are presented in Appendix Z of
the TSD.
GAMA stated that DOE’s cost estimate
for modulating furnaces is about 30
percent too low because of faulty
assumptions regarding the cost of
upgrading the controls. (GAMA, No. 67
at p. 2) The Department reviewed its
cost estimate for modulating furnaces.
Based on market data, it determined that
the cost of the components for the
evaluated design (two-stage modulation)
is slightly higher than the cost used in
the ANOPR analysis. Consequently, the
Department implemented this small
change in price for the NOPR analysis.
Carrier stated that improving
efficiency with modulation assumes
maintaining constant excess air when
switching from high fire to low fire.
Carrier further stated that a brushless,
direct-current (DC) draft inducer motor
is required to maintain constant excess
air, so DOE should include the cost of
brushless, DC draft inducers in its
analysis. (Carrier, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 59.8 at p. 181) To some
extent, DOE did this in the analysis for
the 2004 ANOPR. Current modulating
furnaces have a two-stage motor for the
draft inducer, and DOE included the
cost of this motor in analyzing the cost
of achieving that level of efficiency. The
Department has revised its analysis for
the proposed rule to account for the cost
of the two-stage modulation design
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option components, including the cost
of the draft inducer as advocated by
Carrier, for all products that achieve
higher efficiencies using modulation.
2. Markups
Using the cost data, DOE developed
estimates of the consumer price of
furnaces and boilers. To estimate prices,
DOE determined typical markups at
each stage of the distribution chain,
from the manufacturer to the consumer.
In addition to estimating average
markups, the Department characterized
the markups with probability
distributions through a statistical
analysis of U.S. Census data and used
these distributions in the LCC analysis.
(See TSD, Chapter 5.)
The Department estimated the
manufacturer markup based on analysis
of corporate financial records. It
included the following expenses in the
determination of the manufacturer
markup: research and development
(R&D), net profit, general and
administrative costs, warranty expenses,
taxes, and sales and marketing costs. It
excluded shipping expenses (outbound) because these expenses were
included in the manufacturing cost. The
Department determined R&D expenses
by assuming that engineering budgets
would be reallocated from value
engineering and new-feature
development to product development
and redesign.
The Department based the wholesale
and contractor markups on firm balance
sheet data. It estimated builder markup
(applied to new construction
installations only) from U.S. Census
data for the residential and commercial
building construction industry and from
heating, ventilating, and airconditioning (HVAC) industry data. The
Department used recent State and local
sales tax data to estimate sales taxes
(applied to replacement installations
For mobile home furnaces, the
distribution chain is shorter than the
distribution chains for other product
classes. The heating equipment
manufacturer sells to the manufactured
housing maker, who installs the furnace
at the factory. In this case, the
Department estimated markups using
information from MHI.
The overall markups are lower for
new construction installations than for
replacement installations. For
wholesalers and contractors, the markup
on incremental costs (i.e., the costs over
and above the costs for a baseline
model) is lower than the markup on the
baseline model cost. The reason is that
only wholesalers’ and contractors’
profits and other operating costs
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typically scale with the price they pay
for the products they sell. Trane
questioned the assumption that
incremental markups should be lower
than baseline markups. (Trane, Public
Meeting Transcript, No. 59.8 at p. 147)
AGA said that wholesalers, contractors,
and builders will base markups not on
incremental costs of the technology, but
on the economic value of the product in
the supply chain. (AGA, No. 78 at p. 4)
The Department evaluated the markup
chain and found that the markup on
incremental costs is lower than the
baseline markup for wholesalers and
contractors, so the Department did not
change its application of markups. (See
TSD, Chapter 5.)
3. Installation Costs
The Department defines the
installation cost as the expense to the
consumer for professional installation of
a furnace or a boiler. The installation
cost is not part of the equipment’s retail
price. The cost of installation covers all
labor and material costs associated with
the installation of a new unit or the
replacement of an existing one,
excluding the cost of the unit itself. For
furnaces and boilers, the installation
cost is typically the largest single
component of the total cost to the
consumer and is greater than the
equipment price.
The predominant part of the
installation cost is the venting system.
The American National Standards
Institute (ANSI) standard Z21.47–1993
defines four furnace and boiler
categories (I–IV) with respect to the
venting system. The categories are
defined based on the operating pressure
and temperature of the combustion
gases inside the vent. Most noncondensing equipment falls into
Category I (high temperature, negative
pressure). Most condensing equipment
falls into Category IV (low temperature,
positive pressure), but some noncondensing boilers are in Category III
(high temperature, positive pressure).
Category III venting requires stainless
steel material (AL29–4C) and sealed
The Department devoted considerable
effort to identifying appropriate cost
figures to use in its analysis. In the
process, DOE found that there is no
complete, up-to-date data source for
installation costs for the product classes
under consideration. Therefore, DOE
developed its own Installation Model to
determine installation costs for nonweatherized gas furnaces. The
Department used RS Means, a wellknown construction-cost-estimation
method, to develop labor costs, and
obtained quotes from national
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distributors to develop material costs.
The Installation Model weight-averages
the detailed costs for a large variety of
typical installations in the field,
including both new construction and
retrofit installations; single and
multifamily housing; plastic, metal, and
masonry chimney vents; single- and
double-wall vent connectors; and
common venting with other appliances.
Chimney relining practices and
orphaned water heaters are explicitly
modeled. The Department modified
certain assumptions to apply the
Installation Model to oil-fired furnaces
and gas- and oil-fired boilers.
In their comments, Carrier, Lennox,
Alagasco, and York addressed space
constraints and other issues related to
the cost of installing furnaces and
boilers. Carrier stated that, in southern
and western markets, many furnaces are
installed in attics, and if the furnace is
more than 21 inches wide, it will not fit
into the attic through the attic access.
(Carrier, Public Meeting Transcript, No.
59.8 at p. 51) Lennox asked that the
installation analysis account for nonconventional installations of very large
units. (Lennox, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 59.8 at p. 75) Lennox
commented that, with regard to oil-fired
furnaces, because of the larger heat
exchangers, the physical size of the
furnace cabinet can cause space
constraint problems. (Lennox, No. 79 at
p. 2) Alagasco stated that DOE’s
installation model underestimates costs
associated with the installation of gas
furnaces, especially for replacement
markets. (Alagasco, No. 82 at pp. 1–2)
Finally, York stated that, due to the
large size of residences in some areas of
the country, more than one furnace
system may be installed in a dwelling,
and installing or changing multiple
systems has a different cost impact than
changing or installing a single system.
(York, Public Meeting Transcript, No.
59.8 at p. 74) The Department’s
Installation Model includes a wide
variety of installation situations, as
mentioned above, and accounts for most
situations where space constraints may
be an issue.
a. Non-Weatherized Gas Furnaces. In
the 2004 ANOPR, DOE estimated that
eight percent of all installations of nonweatherized gas furnaces at 81-percent
AFUE will require Category III venting.
It based this estimate on the fact that if
the steady-state efficiency of a noncondensing furnace exceeds 83 percent,
it must be vented with a Category III
venting system to prevent condensation
problems. The Department arrived at the
eight-percent value by considering the
difference between the steady-state
efficiency and the AFUE for actual
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models, based on the model information
listed in the GAMA directory. Carrier
and Lennox commented that the
Department did not appropriately
account for the fraction of 81-percentAFUE furnaces that would require
Category III venting and recommended
that the eight-percent number be raised
considerably. (Lennox, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 59.8 at p. 89 and No. 79
at p. 2; and Carrier, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 59.8 at p. 89) GAMA and
Carrier stated that DOE’s approach
underestimates the fraction of Category
III models because there is at least 0.5percent difference between the steadystate efficiency as measured by the DOE
test procedure and as measured in the
ANSI Z21.47 categorization test. (The
ANSI Z21.47 test is applied by
manufacturers to identify venting
categories to develop information for the
manufacturers’ installation manuals.)
(GAMA, Public Meeting Transcript, No.
59.8 at p. 85 and No. 67 at p. 5; and
Carrier, Public Meeting Transcript, No.
59.8 at p. 93 and No. 68 at p. 1)
In the analysis for this proposed rule,
DOE did not directly estimate the
fraction of Category III models by
considering the difference between the
steady-state efficiency and the AFUE for
actual models. For this analysis, DOE
investigated existing models and
manufacturers’ installation manuals. It
determined that non-weatherized gas
furnaces at 80- and 81-percent AFUE,
when applied in vertical venting
installations, fall into Category I. When
81-percent-AFUE furnaces replace 80percent-AFUE furnaces, a significant
fraction of installations requires an
update from a single-wall to a Type-B,
double-wall vent connector. In the case
of replacement installations, the
Department added the cost of a Type-B,
double-wall vent connector to 40percent of the installations. When
applied in horizontal venting
installations, furnaces at 80 and 81percent AFUE are either in Category III
or are in Category I using a power
venter. The cost for these two venting
methods is similar. Since horizontal
installations account for a negligible
fraction of all non-condensing furnace
installations (estimated at less than 0.1percent), DOE did not include this type
of installation in its analysis.
Carrier, NPGA, and Lennox
commented that lack of knowledge on
the part of installers regarding proper
installation practices for 81-percentAFUE furnaces could result in incorrect
installation and unsafe conditions for
the consumer. (Carrier, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 59.8 at p. 83; NPGA, No.
72 at p. 4; and Lennox, No. 79 at p. 2)
York and Alagasco stated that there are
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issues regarding long-term safety,
reliability, and performance of the
Category III venting materials or systems
available on the market today, and this
is a major concern if thousands of
installations across the country will
require such systems. (York, No. 65 at
p. 3; Alagasco, No. 82 at p. 2) Carrier,
Rheem, and York commented that they
do not offer Category III appliances, and
stated that Category III venting is not
used for 81-percent-AFUE models.
(Carrier, Public Meeting Transcript, No.
59.8 at p. 115; Rheem, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 59.8 at p. 117; and York,
No. 65 at p. 3) The Department
recognizes the stakeholders’ concerns.
As discussed above, however, analysis
for this proposed rule indicated that
Category III venting would be required
for a negligible fraction of installations
of 81-percent-AFUE gas furnaces.
Furthermore, based on the existing use
of Category III venting, particularly for
high-efficiency boilers, the Department
believes that the relevant stainless steel
materials (AL29–4C) would perform
with an acceptable degree of safety and
reliability for Category III furnaces.
The ODOE commented that the
assumed overall cost for condensing
furnace installation is too high, as it
fails to account for the expected growth
in the share of condensing furnaces that
are for the replacement market, and the
relatively small installation cost for
replacing a condensing furnace. (ODOE,
No. 61 at pp. 7–8) NRDC noted that
installation costs will decline when
replacement of 90-percent-AFUE
furnaces becomes widespread. (NRDC,
No. 528 at p. 4) The Department
adjusted its estimate of installation costs
for condensing furnaces to account for
a higher share of replacements in total
installations of condensing furnaces in
2015. With regard to the cost for
replacing a condensing furnace, the
Department did not find any new data
to justify a change to the cost used in
the 2004 ANOPR analysis.
AGA stated that installation costs for
condensing furnaces are incompletely
represented in the 2004 ANOPR, since
installation codes require that
condensing appliances be provided with
an auxiliary drain pan to prevent
damage to building components in the
event of a blockage in the condensate
drain piping system, and an estimated
40-percent of all condensing furnace
installations need drain pans. (AGA, No.
78 at p. 5) The Department adjusted its
Installation Model to account for the use
of drain pans in 40 percent of
condensing furnace installations.
In addition, the Department
recognizes that some consumers may
experience additional costs that exceed
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those used in the Department’s analysis
to address necessary structural changes
for installing a condensing furnace,
primarily for the vent systems
associated with non-weatherized gas
furnaces and for mobile home gas
furnaces at or above 90-percent-AFUE.
The Department understands that, for
some dwellings, it may be necessary to
make ‘‘structural’’ changes, such as the
removal or penetration of an interior
wall, exterior wall, or roof, to
accommodate new vent systems (and
combustion air intakes). While the
Department has no data to quantify the
number of consumers that may be
affected in this manner and the cost
magnitude, it believes the possible cost
impacts may be significant enough to
warrant consideration in evaluating the
adoption of a standard level that would
require condensing technology. The
Department invites comments on the
number of consumers that may be
affected by structural changes for
installing a condensing furnace and the
cost magnitude of any structural
b. Other Product Classes. For
weatherized gas furnaces, the
Department estimated the installation
cost for the baseline model using data
from Section 400 of the 2002 RS Means
Mechanical Cost Data. The assumption
that installation costs remain mostly
constant as efficiency increases seems
reasonable for single-package systems.
The increases in size and weight for
more-efficient systems are small relative
to the large size and weight of the
baseline model unit.
For mobile home gas furnaces in new
homes, installation costs are part of the
equipment cost because mobile home
gas furnaces are assembled in the
factory rather than in the field. The
Department included these factory
assembly costs in the manufacturer
markup. With respect to mobile home
gas furnaces for replacement, the
Department did not find any new data
to estimate an installation cost, so it
used the same approach as for newhome furnaces.
York, GAMA, and MHI commented
on venting issues related to mobile
home furnaces. GAMA and York
suggested that DOE did not sufficiently
explore vent corrosion issues related to
mobile home furnaces and weatherized
furnaces in the 2004 ANOPR analysis.
(GAMA, Public Meeting Transcript, No.
59.8 at p. 228; and York, No. 65 at p.
5) York, GAMA, and MHI noted that
approved venting materials for Category
III venting are not available for mobile
home furnace installations. (York, No.
65 at p. 5; GAMA, No. 67 at p. 6; and
MHI, No. 89 at p. 3) York also stated
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that condensation and resulting
corrosion must be considered for
weatherized furnaces, along with the
cost impact of materials having more
corrosion-resistant properties. (York,
No. 65 at p. 8) GAMA agreed with DOE
that it is appropriate not to include
venting costs for weatherized products,
but stated that there is a need to capture
the increased likelihood of heat
exchanger and flue corrosion resulting
in premature failure. (GAMA, No. 67 at
p. 6) In conducting its analysis for this
notice, DOE reviewed the issue of vent
corrosion for mobile home furnace
installations and included a cost to
account for proper venting system
installation. For weatherized furnaces,
the Department reviewed corrosion
issues and found that current models
having an AFUE of up to 82 percent do
not have special requirements to
address corrosion issues. Therefore, the
Department did not change its cost
estimates for this product class for this
proposed rule.
For gas hot water boilers, the 2004
ANOPR analysis used a uniform
assumption that 20-percent of
installations would require Category III
venting at 80–84-percent-AFUE levels.
GAMA, ACEEE, and AGA commented
that the analysis should include a
gradually increasing share of Category
III venting as the AFUE rises. (GAMA,
Public Meeting Transcript, No. 59.8 at p.
111; ACEEE, Public Meeting Transcript,
No. 59.8 at p. 113; and AGA, No. 78 at
p. 5) GAMA asked that DOE’s analysis
use GAMA’s data showing the fraction
of gas hot water boiler models vented
with Category III by efficiency level.
(GAMA, Public Meeting Transcript, No.
59.8 at p. 107) AGA stated that
manufacturers’ installation instructions
for a number of gas hot water boilers in
the range of 83–84-percent AFUE do
require Category III venting, and
recommended that DOE consider these
requirements. (AGA, No. 78 at p. 5)
In the analysis for today’s proposed
rule, DOE used data provided by GAMA
on the fraction of installations at each
efficiency level that would require
Category III venting. The Department
also conducted a sensitivity analysis
using similar assumptions as in the
2004 ANOPR. This analysis reflected
current construction practices, which
use Category III venting for horizontal
venting installations at all efficiency
GAMA and ACEEE commented that
DOE should further investigate
installation practices for oil-fired
equipment at various efficiency levels.
(GAMA, Public Meeting Transcript, No.
59.8 at pp. 112 and No. 67 at p. 4; and
ACEEE, No. 53 at p. 6) ACEEE stated
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that DOE’s analysis for oil systems does
not fully account for the fact that
exhaust from oil systems is generally at
a higher temperature and has lower
moisture content than exhaust from gas
systems. (ACEEE, No. 84 at p. 11)
Carrier urged DOE to perform vent
condensation analyses on higherefficiency oil furnace designs. (Carrier,
No. 68 at p. 4)
The 2004 ANOPR analytical approach
for oil-fired furnaces assumed that all
installations of 83-percent-AFUE, or
lower efficiency, equipment would be
vented using Type L vents, and all
installations of 84-percent-AFUE, or
higher efficiency, equipment would be
vented using 316-grade stainless steel
vent systems. For this notice, the
Department consulted Brookhaven
National Laboratory and other experts,
and also reviewed the National Fire
Protection Association (NFPA)
standards NFPA–31 Standard for the
Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment
and NFPA–11 Standard for Chimneys,
Fireplaces, Vents, and Solid FuelBurning Appliances. The analysis for
today’s proposed rule has taken into
consideration the NFPA–31 standard,
which provides that Type L vents can be
used safely with products of up to 88
percent, steady-state efficiency (or 87percent AFUE), depending on the vent
configurations and equipment size. The
Department used a gradual increase in
the number of 316-grade stainless steel
vent installations from zero percent at
80–82-percent AFUE to 100-percent at
86-percent AFUE. The mid-point of the
range is 50 percent at 84-percent AFUE.
This assumption accounts for the
NFPA–31 recommendations at the
upper end of the range. The Department
used a similar approach for oil-fired
boilers, but shifted the above AFUE
values upward by one AFUE efficiency
point, in accordance with the NFPA–31
standard. The approach DOE used in
this proposed rule accounts for the fact
that exhaust from oil systems is
generally at a higher temperature and
has lower moisture content than exhaust
from gas systems. It also addresses vent
condensation on higher-efficiency, oilfired furnace designs.
4. Maintenance Costs
Maintenance costs are the costs of
regular maintenance of a furnace or
boiler when it fails, including all
associated labor and material costs. For
non-weatherized and weatherized gas
furnaces and gas boilers, in the 2004
ANOPR analysis, DOE used data on the
cost and frequency of maintenance that
were provided in the Gas Research
Institute (GRI)-94/0175 topical report
Assessment of Technology for
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Improving the Efficiency of Residential
Gas Furnaces and Boilers. The
Department used this information to
estimate required minimum
maintenance frequencies of once every
five years for all equipment without
modulation, and once every four years
for all equipment with modulation, to
account for the greater complexity of the
modulation feature. For oil-fired
furnaces and oil-fired boilers, DOE
applied the results of a survey
performed for its previous water heater
rulemaking. For mobile home furnaces,
DOE used data from the Technical
Support Document: Energy Efficiency
Standards for Consumer Products, DOE/
EE–0009, published in November 1993.
(See TSD, Chapter 6.)
The ODOE and York stated that the
GRI data DOE used are outdated.
(ODOE, No. 61 at p. 9; and York, No. 65
at p. 6) GAMA stated that maintenance
costs should at least scale with the cost
of the product, if not meet some other
more rigorous assumption. (GAMA,
Public Meeting Transcript, No. 59.8 at p.
165) ODOE commented that, unless
DOE can provide data that support its
contention that the maintenance costs
vary proportionally to the efficiency of
the furnace, using the same
maintenance costs would be appropriate
for all furnaces. (ODOE, No. 61 at p. 9)
In its review of these comments, DOE
confirmed that maintenance frequency,
and therefore cost, does not necessarily
vary with AFUE. Rather, the greater
complexity of the modulation feature
causes furnaces with this feature to
require more frequent maintenance and
thus incur higher maintenance costs.
The ODOE disagreed with how the
2004 ANOPR analysis represented
maintenance costs for condensing
equipment in terms of maintenance
contracts. (ODOE, No. 61 at p. 9) In the
2004 ANOPR, DOE used a value for
condensing equipment from the GRI
report that represented the cost of a
service contract that includes a
specified set of routine repairs. In the
analysis for this notice, the Department
compared maintenance instructions for
non-condensing and condensing gas
furnaces from manufacturers’ manuals,
researched RS Means literature for
maintenance differences between noncondensing and condensing gas
furnaces, and collected opinions from
several furnace installation and
maintenance experts. It found, as
asserted by ODOE, that annual
maintenance contracts are not
commonly applicable to condensing gas
furnaces, and it did not find evidence of
differences in maintenance
requirements between condensing and
non-condensing designs. Thus, in
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accordance with ODOE’s comment, the
Department used the same maintenance
cost data for condensing and noncondensing furnaces, and it applied the
same considerations to gas boilers.
5. Rebuttable-Presumption Payback
Section 325(o)(2)(B)(iii) of the Act
establishes a rebuttable-presumption
that a standard is economically justified
if the Secretary finds that ‘‘the
additional cost to the consumer of
purchasing a product complying with
an energy conservation standard level
will be less than three times the value
of the energy * * * savings during the
first year that the consumer will receive
as a result of the standard, as calculated
under the applicable test procedure
* * *.’’ (42 U.S.C. 6295(o)(2)(B)(iii))
The Department defines the
rebuttable-presumption payback period
as the length of time it takes the
consumer to recover the higher installed
cost of more-energy-efficient equipment
through lowering operating costs.
Numerically, the rebuttablepresumption payback period is the ratio
of the increase in total installed cost
(including the purchase price and
installation cost) to the decrease in
operating expenses (including
maintenance). Energy expenses are the
primary component of operating
expenses. The Department determines
the changes in total installed cost and
operating expenses relative to the
baseline for each product class (i.e., the
current standard level). Energy-expense
savings are the first year’s energy
savings multiplied by the average
energy prices forecast for the year in
which a new standard is expected to
take effect—in this case, the year 2015.
The Department used energy price
forecasts from the AEO2005 to estimate
the energy price in the year 2015.12 To
calculate energy-expense savings at each
efficiency level, the Department uses the
DOE test procedure for calculating
annual energy consumption. (See TSD,
Chapter 6.)
C. Life-Cycle Cost and Payback Period
In response to the requirements of
section 325(o)(2)(B)(i) of the Act, the
Department conducted an LCC and
payback period analysis to evaluate the
economic impacts of possible new
furnace and boiler energy conservation
standards on individual consumers.
This section of this notice describes the
12 Although the Department conducted an energy
price sensitivity analysis using EIA’s AEO2006, it
did not perform a sensitivity analysis to determine
the effect of AEO2006 energy prices on the
rebuttable-presumption payback period.
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
LCC and payback period analysis. The
Department conducted the analysis
using a spreadsheet model developed in
Microsoft (MS) Excel for Windows 2000
or XP. (See TSD, Chapter 8.)
The LCC is the total consumer
expense over the life of the furnace or
boiler, including purchase and
installation expense and operating costs
(energy expenditures and maintenance
costs). To compute LCCs, the
Department discounted future operating
costs to the time of purchase and
summed them over the lifetime of the
furnace or boiler. The payback period is
the change in purchase expense due to
an increased efficiency standard,
divided by the change in annual
operating cost that results from the
standard. Otherwise stated, the payback
period is the number of years it would
take for the consumer to recover the
increased costs of a higher-efficiency
product through energy savings.
The Department measures the change
in LCC and the change in payback
period associated with a given
efficiency level relative to a base case
forecast of equipment efficiency. The
base case forecast reflects the market in
the absence of amended mandatory
energy conservation standards. It
depicts the current status of the market,
including the existing demand for
products that exceed the current energy
conservation standards.
The Department calculated the LCC
and payback periods for a nationally
representative set of housing units. It
selected the representative sample of
households from EIA’s Residential
Energy Consumption Survey (RECS).
Whereas the 2004 ANOPR used the
1997 RECS, the analysis for today’s
proposed rule used the 2001 survey
(RECS 2001), which are the most recent
data available. For each sampled
household, DOE determined the energy
consumption and energy price for either
a furnace or a boiler. Thus, by using a
representative sample of households,
the analysis allowed for the capture of
the wide variability in energy
consumption and energy prices
associated with furnace and boiler use.
The Department determined the LCCs
and payback periods for each sampled
household using the furnace or boiler
energy consumption and energy price
unique to each household, as well as
other input variables. As discussed
below, DOE characterized the other
input variables with probability
distributions. The Department
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calculated the LCC associated with the
baseline furnace or boiler in each
household. To calculate the LCC savings
and payback period associated with
more-efficient equipment (i.e.,
equipment meeting higher efficiency
standards), DOE substituted the baseline
unit with a more efficient design.
Inputs for determining the total
installed cost include equipment
prices—which account for manufacturer
costs, manufacturer markups,
distributor and wholesaler markups,
builder or contractor markups, and sales
taxes—and installation costs. Inputs for
determining operating expenses include
annual household energy consumption,
marginal natural gas and electricity
prices, natural gas and electricity price
projections, maintenance costs,
equipment lifetime, discount rates, and
the year standards take effect.
To account for uncertainty and
variability in certain inputs, the
Department created distributions of
values with probabilities attached to
each value. Of the listed installed cost
inputs, DOE characterized the
manufacturer, dealer, distributor, and
builder markups, as well as the sales tax
and installation price, with
distributions. Of the operating cost
inputs, it characterized the discount rate
and the equipment lifetime with
distributions. For each housing unit,
DOE sampled and randomly selected
the values of these inputs from the
distributions, according to their
probability. With regard to energy
consumption and energy price, as noted
earlier, DOE determined unique values
for each sampled household. Although
DOE did not characterize energy
consumption and energy price with
probability distributions, it captured the
variability of these inputs by using a
representative set of households in the
LCC and payback period analysis. The
LCC and Payback Period Model uses a
Monte Carlo simulation to incorporate
uncertainty and variability into the
analysis when combined with Crystal
Ball (a commercially available software
program). The Monte Carlo simulations
sampled input values randomly from
the probability distributions. The model
calculated the LCC and payback period
for each design option for 10,000
housing units per simulation run.
AGA commented that it appeared
DOE was using Monte Carlo analysis for
variables that are independent and for
which DOE did not account for the
correlation. (AGA, No. 54 at p. 3) For
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those variables that it characterized with
probability distributions, DOE had no
evidence to suggest that any of the
variables—for example, discount rates
and equipment lifetime—were
correlated with each other. Thus, DOE
assigned the discount rate associated
with any given household based on its
probability of occurrence, without
consideration of the assumed lifetime
for the furnace or boiler in that
household. In the case of energy
consumption and energy price, because
DOE determined unique values for each
sampled household rather than
assigning them using probability
distributions, it in effect correlated
energy consumption and energy price
for each household.
AGA also said that probability
distributions for a number of variables
used in the uncertainty analysis appear
to be unjustified by data. (AGA, No. 54
at p. 2) In constructing probability
distributions for the variables, the
Department used the most recent data
from multiple sources (See TSD,
Chapters 7 and 8). The Department
reviewed the data used to develop the
probability distributions for all of the
variables. The Department believes that
the distributions are supported by the
available data.
GAMA commented that the LCC
analysis should include financing costs,
since many consumers use some form of
credit to purchase a furnace or boiler.
(GAMA, Public Meeting Transcript, No.
59.8 at p. 153) The Department
implicitly accounts for financing costs
in its application of discount rates. As
discussed in section IV.C.7, the discount
rate for equipment purchased as part of
a new home is based on mortgage rates,
and the discount rate for replacement
equipment considers interest rates for a
number of loan and credit types. Using
these rates, the discounted sum of
annual payments on a loan or credit
amount would be equal to the total
installed cost if it were paid in full at
the time of purchase. Therefore, the
Department believes it is not necessary
to separately account for financing
Table IV.3 summarizes the approach
and data DOE used to derive the inputs
to the LCC and payback period
calculations for the 2004 ANOPR, and
the changes it made for today’s
proposed rule. Discussion of the inputs
and the changes follows in the sections
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
2004 ANOPR description
Changes for proposed rule
Affecting Installed Costs
Equipment Price .................................................
Installation Cost ..................................................
Derived by multiplying manufacturer cost by
manufacturer, distributor, contractor, and
builder markups and sales tax, as appropriate.
Used a distribution of weighted-average installation costs from the Installation Model.
Weight-averaged installation configuration
by frequency of occurrence in the field.
No change.
No change.
Affecting Operating Costs
Maintenance Costs .............................................
Used GRI data for gas furnaces and boilers,
water heater rulemaking survey results for
oil-fired equipment, and data from the 1993
rulemaking for mobile home furnaces.
Annual Heating Load ..........................................
Calculated heating and cooling loads using
1997 RECS data. Assumed the furnace
input capacity versus airflow capacity based
on the vintage of the equipment and characteristics of each house.
Annual Energy Use ............................................
Used 26 virtual models that captured the
range of common furnace sizes. Energy
calculations used annual heating load for
each housing unit.
Calculated 1998 average and marginal energy
prices for each sample house. Used
AEO2003 forecasts to estimate future average and marginal energy prices.
Energy Prices * ...................................................
Same sources, supplemented with new information that indicates higher maintenance
frequency for modulating equipment, and
identical maintenance costs for condensing
and non-condensing equipment (See TSD,
Chapter 5).
Calculated heating loads using 2001 RECS
data (cooling loads not considered). Incorporated adjustment to account for change
in new home size and shell performance
between 2001 and 2015 (See TSD, Chapter 7).
Same method, using RECS 2001 data.
Calculated 2001 average and marginal energy
prices for each sample house. Used
AEO2005 forecasts to estimate future average and marginal energy prices.
Affecting Present Value of Annual Operating Cost Savings
Lifetime ...............................................................
Used 2001.58(9) Appliance Magazine survey
Discount Rate .....................................................
Applied data from 1998 Survey of Consumer
Finances and other sources to estimate a
discount rate for each house. (See ANOPR
TSD, Chapter 8).
Same, except for boilers, for which DOE developed new estimates based on a literature review (See TSD, Chapter 8).
Same sources; used more recent data (See
TSD, Chapter 8).
* The Department used the AEO2006 forecasts to estimate future average and marginal energy prices for the energy price sensitivity analysis.
Section IV.C.4. provides further explanation of the rationale and methodology for the energy price sensitivity analysis.
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
1. Equipment Prices
As described in section IV.B.1 above,
the Department determined
manufacturing costs reflecting different
efficiency levels using a reverseengineering cost analysis for one size of
equipment representative of each
product class. To derive the
manufacturing costs for other sizes of
furnaces and boilers, DOE scaled the
costs from the sizes used in the
engineering analysis.
To develop a range of equipment sizes
for non-weatherized gas furnaces that
represent the majority of combinations
of input capacity and nominal
maximum airflow, the Department
developed generic models to represent
26 different combinations of those two
variables. The Department derived the
models from baseline models with the
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most commonly occurring input
capacities and corresponding maximum
nominal airflow rates. To develop the
manufacturing cost for each model, DOE
took the cost from the engineering
analysis for a model with a typical
capacity, scaled the cost for other input
capacities, and adjusted costs for
furnaces with different-size blowers.
For the analysis of weatherized gas
furnaces, DOE used the same generic
models as in the analysis of nonweatherized gas furnaces. For the
analysis of mobile home furnaces, the
Department used a subset of those
models. For the analysis of oil-fired
furnaces and gas- and oil-fired boilers,
the Department used a number of
different sizes derived from the
distribution of models in the GAMA
March 2005 directory. For all of these
product classes, DOE scaled the cost for
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each input size from the cost identified
for a typical model for the specific
product class in the engineering
The Department applied markups to
the manufacturer cost of each virtual
model to arrive at the equipment price
paid by the purchaser. It determined
markups on each stage of the
distribution chain from the
manufacturer to the consumer. (See
TSD, Chapter 5.) In addition to
estimating average markups, the
Department characterized the markups
with probability distributions through a
statistical analysis of U.S. Census data.
The markups assigned to units in the
new construction subsample include a
builder markup. The markups assigned
to units in the replacement equipment
subsample include sales taxes. The
Department determined that the markup
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
for wholesalers and contractors on
incremental costs for higher efficiency
equipment is lower than the markup on
the cost of a baseline model. Thus, for
calculating the equipment cost of
baseline equipment, the Department
used the distribution of baseline
markups. For the incremental cost of
equipment at efficiency levels above the
baseline, the Department applied
incremental markups.
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
2. Installation Costs
The LCC and payback period analysis
drew on the engineering analysis for
installation costs at various efficiency
levels. The Department assigned each
household an installation cost from a
distribution of weight-averaged values.
For non-weatherized gas furnaces, oilfired furnaces, and gas- and oil-fired
boilers, DOE calculated the distribution
using its Installation Model. For
weatherized gas furnaces, DOE used
calculations based on the RS Means
approach to determine a mean value
and assigned a triangular distribution of
±15-percent around the mean. For
mobile home furnaces, it included the
installation cost in the manufacturer
3. Household Annual Energy
The Department calculated furnace
fuel and electricity use by considering
how furnaces operate in the sample
housing units. (See TSD, Chapter 7.)
While the AFUE measure does not
consider electricity use, it is necessary
to include it in the LCC analysis because
both fuel and electricity consumption
change with AFUE and these changes
together determine the overall energy
savings. The Department recognizes that
the heat from a furnace blower
contributes to heating the conditioned
space. It included this effect in its LCC
analysis to capture all operating
expenses and completely evaluate the
impact of new furnace standards on
The LCC and payback period analysis
calculated furnace and boiler energy
consumption under field conditions for
a representative sample of housing
units. These conditions included the
climate conditions during the heating
season and the size of the house, which
influence the number of hours the
equipment operates.
The calculation of furnace or boiler
energy consumption required an
estimate of the annual heating load for
each housing unit (the amount of heat
needed to keep it comfortable over an
entire year). Determining the annual
heating load for a housing unit required
making assumptions about its size and
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construction, thermal efficiency, and
geographical location. In the 2004
ANOPR analysis, DOE used data
associated with the sample houses from
the 1997 RECS. North Star Energy
Group (NSEG) and Lennox commented
that DOE’s estimation of heating loads
should account for improvement in
thermal shells and changes in home size
that are likely by the effective date of
new standards. (NSEG, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 59.8 at p. 195; Lennox,
Public Meeting Transcript, No. 59.8 at p.
166) In the analysis for today’s proposed
rule, the Department adjusted heating
loads calculated for new construction
housing units using data from AEO2005
that projected changes in the thermal
efficiency and the floor area of new
houses. While thermal efficiency is
projected to improve somewhat, the
impact on heating load is roughly
balanced by an expected increase in
floor area. The Department applied
these adjustment factors to the
calculated heating loads for those RECS
houses designated as representative of
new houses.
Determination of the energy
consumption of the equipment installed
in each sampled housing unit also
required estimating the input capacity
and efficiency of the existing furnace.
The Department then calculated how
much energy furnaces with various
improved designs would need to meet
the heating load of the sampled housing
The Department received several
comments suggesting that it re-examine
its 2004 ANOPR calculation of the
energy consumption impacts of twostage modulation. (GAMA, Public
Meeting Transcript, No. 59.8 at p. 177;
Individual, Public Meeting Transcript,
No. 59.8 at p. 183; Lennox, Public
Meeting Transcript, No. 59.8 at p. 152;
York, No. 65 at p. 3; Carrier, No. 68 at
p. 68; AGA, No. 78 at p. 4; and
Alagasco, No. 82 at p. 2) For today’s
proposed rule, DOE took into account
these comments and revised the energy
consumption calculation. It used the
2004 public review draft of the
proposed update of the American
Society of Heating, Refrigerating and
Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)
SPC 103 test procedure, ‘‘Method of
Testing for Annual Fuel Utilization
Efficiency of Residential Central
Furnaces and Boilers,’’ which accounts
for the effects of two-stage modulation.
The results now show that this design
option does not provide efficiency
benefits unless an electronically
commutated blower motor is used.
ACEEE and ODOE commented that
DOE’s electricity consumption results in
the 2004 ANOPR LCC analysis appear to
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be inconsistent with the data on average
annual auxiliary electricity
consumption (Eae) as reported in the
GAMA directory of models. (ACEEE,
No. 53 at p. 3; and ODOE, No. 61 at p.
4) For this proposed rule, DOE revised
its approach for calculating electricity
consumption for the LCC analysis. It
based the revised calculations on data
on the most current manufacturer
product literature. (See TSD, Chapter 7)
The resulting electricity consumption
values are consistent with the data in
the GAMA directory.
4. Energy Prices
The Department used average energy
prices to calculate the energy costs of
the base-case equipment and marginal
energy prices for the cost of saved
energy associated with higher-efficiency
equipment. Marginal energy prices
reflect a change in a consumer’s bill
associated with a change in energy
consumed, and thus such prices capture
the value of the increment of energy
saved as a result of standards. Consumer
gas bills typically have multiple rates—
a base rate for the first block of gas used
and different rates for further
increments. Increased efficiency will
impact the gas use at the rate applied to
the last incremental consumption. For
oil-fired furnaces and boilers, as well as
gas furnaces using liquefied petroleum
gas (LPG), the Department used average
fuel prices for both base-case and
higher-efficiency equipment, since
consumers typically purchase fuel oil
and LPG in bulk amounts, and the
energy saved is based on the price paid
for the bulk amount.
For each household sampled from the
RECS database, DOE identified the
average gas and electricity prices either
from that household’s data, if available,
or from another household in the same
Census division for which both prices
were available. The Department
estimated marginal energy prices from
the RECS monthly billing data. The
estimated marginal prices are very close
to average prices. The Department
invites comments on the methodology
and data it used to determine marginal
energy prices.
As in past rulemakings, the
Department used price forecasts by the
EIA to estimate the future trend in
energy prices. It multiplied the average
or marginal prices by the forecasted
annual price changes in the Reference
Case forecast in AEO2005.
EIA published its Annual Energy
Outlook for 2006, AEO2006, after DOE
had completed much of the analysis for
this proposed rule. While the energy
price forecast in AEO2006 did not
change substantially for electricity after
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
2015, the effective date of this
rulemaking, the natural gas price
forecasts were significantly different
when compared to the energy price
forecast in AEO2005. The natural gas
price forecasts in the AEO2005 are
consistently lower by an average of
$1.40 after 2015 than the natural gas
price forecasts in the AEO2006. The oil
price forecasts in the AEO2005 are
consistently lower by an average of
$4.60 after 2015 than the oil price
forecasts in the AEO2006 by an average
of $4.60 after 2015. On average, the
AEO2006 forecasts show approximately
a 20-percent increase in energy prices
over those in AEO2005. Since most of
the energy used by furnaces is natural
gas (and oil), this change could impact
the analysis results. To account and
assess the possible impact of these
increases in projected energy prices, the
Department conducted an energy price
sensitivity analysis using the AEO2006
scenario. The energy price sensitivity
analysis uses recently published energy
prices, housing starts, and site-to-source
conversion factors based on the
AEO2006. It examines the impact of
these changes on the LCC and Payback
Period, Consumer Subgroup, and
National Impact analyses. The results of
each analysis are shown in sections
V.B.1.a., V.B.1.b., V.B.3.a., and V.B.3.b.,
respectively. For the AEO2006 energy
price sensitivity analysis, the
Department determined that the
consumers’ purchasing decisions in the
base case (i.e., in the case where no
change in standards is assumed to
occur) would be similar to those as in
the energy price trajectory using
AEO2005. The Department welcomes
comment on the determination of the
forecast of the gas furnace shipments as
a function of the energy prices.
Furthermore, the Department intends to
use the most recent energy price
forecasts from the EIA in its revised
analyses for the final rule.
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
5. Maintenance Costs
For the LCC analysis, DOE used the
maintenance cost data derived in the
engineering analysis. Based on a
sensitivity analysis in a 1994 GRI report
and on engineering judgment, the
Department assumed a triangular
distribution for maintenance costs to
capture the variability of these costs
among homes, with a minimum at 80
percent of the average cost and a
maximum at 120 percent of the average
cost. The Department is not aware of
any recent data that provide a
distribution of maintenance costs.
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6. Equipment Lifetime
The Department defines the
equipment lifetime as the age at which
a furnace or boiler is retired from
service. Because none of the available
data on equipment lifetime show a clear
relationship between efficiency and
lifetime, DOE assumed that equipment
lifetime is independent of efficiency.
The Department used a triangular
probability distribution from the range
for each product class to assign a
lifetime to individual furnaces and
boilers in the sample housing units.
In the 2004 ANOPR, DOE used an
average lifetime of 20 years for gas
furnaces, 15 years for oil-fired furnaces
and boilers, and 17 years for gas boilers.
ACEEE commented that DOE’s
equipment lifetime estimates appeared
to be somewhat short, and were a
significant change from values used in
the last DOE rulemaking on these
products. ACEEE recommended that
DOE look for field data on actual
average equipment lifetime. (ACEEE,
No. 84 at p. 11) The Department
conducted a literature review to obtain
estimates of boiler lifetime. Based on the
information found, it increased the
lifetimes used for gas- and oil-fired
boilers to 25 years.
7. Discount Rates
The Department derived the discount
rates for the LCC analysis from estimates
of the finance cost to purchase a furnace
or boiler. New-housing equipment is
purchased as part of the home, which is
almost always financed with a mortgage
loan. Therefore, the Department
estimated discount rates for newhousing equipment using the effective
mortgage rate for home buyers, not
simply the nominal rate. For the
consumer life-cycle-cost calculation, the
effective rate corresponds to the interest
rate after deduction of mortgage interest
for income tax purposes. Such
adjustment is not appropriate for the
NPV calculations. As described in
section IV.D.7., for the NPV calculations
the Department used discount rates of
both seven percent and three percent, in
accordance with the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB)’s
guidelines contained in Circular A–4,
Regulatory Analysis, September 17,
2003. (OMB Circular A–4, § E
(September 17, 2003)).
Households use a variety of methods,
the prevalence of which may change
over time, to finance a replacement
furnace or boiler. The shares of different
financing vehicles in total replacement
equipment purchases are unknown, so
the Department identified all possible
customary sources of acquiring funds
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for purchase of replacement furnaces,
including household assets that might
be sold to raise funds. The Department
then estimated the shares of the various
debt and equity classes in the average
U.S. household equity and debt
portfolios using data from the 1998 and
2001 Federal Reserve Board’s Survey of
Consumer Finances (SCF) (See TSD,
Chapter 8.) The Department estimated a
distribution of interest or return rates
associated with each type of equity and
debt from the SCF and other sources,
and then developed a distribution of
weighted-average finance costs for
replacement equipment.
NRDC commented that DOE’s
approach for deriving discount rates in
the 2004 ANOPR analysis had
shortcomings that resulted in the use of
rates that were too high. (NRDC, No. 63
at p. 12) The Department acknowledges
there are diverse views on selecting
discount rates for household purchase
of appliances, but the approach DOE
used for furnaces and boilers is
consistent with the method it used for
its rulemaking for residential airconditioning equipment. For this notice,
DOE incorporated more recent data on
consumer finances, mortgage rates,
other debt interest rates, and rates of
return on equity classes. The resulting
discount rates are lower than those used
in the 2004 ANOPR analysis for newhome furnace and boiler purchases (See
TSD, Chapter 8.)
GAMA commented that using a
different discount rate for each
household is questionable. (GAMA, No.
67 at p. 7) The Department disagrees.
Since the finance cost for purchasing a
furnace or boiler varies among
households depending on their financial
situation, the Department found that
using different discount rates was
8. Effective Date of the New Standards
Generally all covered products to
which a new or amended energy
conservation standard applies must
comply with the standard if they are
manufactured or imported on or after a
specified date. (42 U.S.C. 6291(10), 6295
(b)–(k)) Section 325(f)(3)(B) of EPCA
directs that DOE is to publish a final
rule for furnaces and boilers by January
1, 1994, and that any amendment shall
apply to products manufactured on or
after January 1, 2002. The Department
has applied this eight-year
implementation period to determine the
effective date of any standard prescribed
by this rulemaking. Since DOE expects
to issue a final rule in 2007, the effective
date for this rulemaking will be 8 years
from the date of publication of the final
rule, that is, in 2015. Thus, the
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
Department calculated the LCC and
payback period for all consumers as if
each one purchased a new residential
furnace or boiler in 2015.
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
9. Inputs to Payback Period Analysis
The payback period is the length of
time it takes the consumer to recover the
higher installed cost of more-energyefficient equipment through lower
operating costs. Numerically, the
payback period is the ratio of the
increase in total installed cost
(including the purchase price and
installation cost) to the decrease in
operating expenses (including
maintenance). Thus, similar to the LCC,
the payback period is based on the total
installed cost and the operating
expenses. However, unlike for the LCC,
DOE considers only the first year’s
operating expenses in the calculation of
the payback period. Because DOE
considers only the first year’s operating
expenses, the payback period does not
take into account changes in operating
expense over time or the time value of
money; that is, electricity price trends
and discount rates are not required
inputs. Energy expenses are the primary
component of operating expenditures.
The Department determines the energyexpense savings for the payback period
as the first year’s energy savings
multiplied by the energy prices for the
year in which a new standard is
expected to take effect, in this case the
year 2015.
The energy consumption DOE used to
calculate the payback period for the LCC
analysis reflects current field conditions
for a representative sample of housing
units. This approach to determining
energy consumption and savings is in
contrast to the rebuttable-paybackperiod calculations in the engineering
analysis, which use the DOE test
procedure’s method for calculating
annual energy consumption. The change
in the annual energy consumption
(otherwise called the energy savings)
between the base-case furnace or boiler
and a more efficient unit, as calculated
in the LCC analysis, is smaller than the
change in the energy consumption
calculated from the DOE test procedure.
Because smaller energy savings result in
smaller decreases in operating expenses,
the payback periods calculated for the
LCC analysis are longer than the
rebuttable-payback periods.
10. Base-Case Equipment
The base-case forecasts equipment
that consumers are expected to purchase
in the absence of new standards. In the
2004 ANOPR analysis, DOE developed
the base-case forecast for each product
class using the available data on
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shipments of furnaces and boilers by
efficiency levels. For non-weatherized
gas furnaces, the Department forecasted
the base-case share of condensing
furnaces based on the average growth
rate for the period 1991–2000. The
projected condensing furnace market
share increased from 24 percent in the
late 1990s to 27 percent in 2015. The
Gas Technology Institute (GTI), ACEEE,
NSEG, AGA, GAMA, York, and Lennox
commented that DOE should account
for recent market trends that are leading
to greater sales of condensing gas
furnaces. (GTI, No. 74 at p. 2; ACEEE,
No. 84 at p. 13; NSEG, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 59.8 at p. 23; AGA, No.
59.8 at p. 42; GAMA, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 59.8 at p. 158; York, No.
65 at p. 2; and Lennox, 79 at p. 3) The
Department agrees that use of the most
recent data is important. In its analysis
for this notice, the Department revised
its assignment of gas furnaces to
sampled housing units in the base case
to reflect the recent trend toward a
higher market share for condensing
furnaces, as shown in shipments data
through 2003 provided by GAMA. There
is a strong correlation between
condensing furnace market share and
the natural gas price for the 1990–2003
period. The Department based the
projected market share of condensing
furnaces in 2015 on an evaluation of
this correlation, projected natural gas
prices from AEO2005, and market
factors that could sustain the
condensing furnace market share even
with a lower gas price. The projected
condensing furnace market share for
2015 is 35 percent. Therefore, for the
LCC analysis base case, the Department
assigned condensing furnaces to 35
percent of the sampled housing units
with non-weatherized gas furnaces.13
GAMA commented that the 2004
ANOPR analysis does not draw a
correlation between an individual
household’s characteristics and the
furnace it would have bought under the
base case. (GAMA, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 59.8 at p. 158) The
Department’s analysis does correlate the
type of furnace assigned as base-case
equipment with certain household
characteristics. Specifically, in assigning
condensing furnaces as base-case
equipment, the Department used a
ranking of the RECS sample housing
units by heating degree days to assign
condensing furnaces to households in
colder climates.
13 The Department assumed the same
disbursement of condensing furnaces, 35 percent,
within the sampled housing units for nonweatherized gas furnaces in the energy price
sensitivity analysis, which it based on AEO2006.
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For other product classes, the
Department assigned base-case
equipment to the sampled housing units
from a distribution of AFUEs that is
representative of current shipments for
each product class. The assignment of
equipment efficiency took climate into
D. National Impact Analysis—National
Energy Savings and Net Present Value
1. Shipments, National Energy Savings,
and Net Present Value
The Department calculated the NES
and the NPV of total customer costs and
savings expected to result from new
standards at specific efficiency levels,
defined as a difference between a basecase forecast (without new standards)
and the standards case (with new
standards). The NES refers to
cumulative energy savings from 2015
through 2038. The Department
calculated net monetary savings in each
year relative to the base-case as the
difference between total operating-cost
savings and increases in total installed
cost. Cumulative savings are the sum of
the annual NPV over the specified time
period. The Department accounted for
operating-cost savings until all the
equipment installed through 2038 is
An important element in the estimate
of the future impact of a standard is
product shipments. The shipments
portion of the NES Spreadsheet uses
historical data as a basis for projecting
furnace and boiler shipments. Furnace
and boiler shipments comprise units
used to replace retired units of the same
type or of another fuel type, as well as
units installed in new homes. (See TSD,
Chapter 9.)
In the 2004 ANOPR analysis, the
Department estimated retirements based
solely on past shipments and the
assumed equipment lifetimes. For gas
furnaces (all three product classes
together), the resulting total shipments
in the 1993–2001 period were less than
those reported by GAMA. (GAMA, No.
24) For today’s proposed rule, the
Department added two additional
components of gas furnace shipments in
this period, early retirement and fuel
switching, which brought the shipments
estimated by the model into closer
agreement with the GAMA data.
(GAMA, No. 94)
The first added component of gas
furnace shipments is the early
retirement of non-condensing furnaces
and their replacement with moreefficient condensing furnaces. Evidence
for this trend can be seen in the GAMA
data, which show a large increase in
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
condensing furnace shipments in this
period in response to rising natural gas
prices. The second added component is
conversion from non-central gas heating
to central heating with a gas furnace.
There is evidence for this conversion in
the RECS data, which show a large
increase between 1993 and 2001 in
homes with central gas heating that
were built before 1990, as well as in the
trade literature. The shipments from
these additional components are most
likely to be non-weatherized gas
furnaces, because they account for about
90 percent of all gas furnace shipments.
The Department assumed that
shipments from these additional
components follow a normal
distribution, rising gradually from 1993,
reaching a maximum value, and then
decreasing again. It assumed that
shipments from these additional
components gradually taper off due to a
decline in the number of homes for
which conversion from non-central gas
heating or early retirement of noncondensing furnaces is possible or
economically attractive. The
Department corrected replacements in
subsequent years to avoid doublecounting due to furnaces being removed
from the stock before the end of their
lifetime. The Department also estimated
the annual number of replacements
based on past shipments, projected
shipments to new housing construction
over the next decade, and equipment
retirement rates.
York stated that the 2004 ANOPR
analysis neglected the market for
replacement of furnaces in mobile
homes. (York, No. 65 at p. 5) In the NES
calculations for the proposed rule, the
Department included estimated
shipments for replacement of furnaces
in mobile homes.
To estimate future conversions to
natural gas, DOE used data from utility
surveys conducted by the AGA that
report the numbers of households that
converted to natural gas space heating.
ACC commented that DOE should
consider expected relative prices of
natural gas and electricity in estimating
future conversions. (ACC, No. 62 at p.
3) The Department estimated the annual
conversions to natural gas as a constant
percentage of projected replacements
using data from the 1985–1995 period.
The trend in relative energy prices in
this period is similar to the trend of
projected energy prices.
EEI commented that DOE should
address the impact of DOE’s new energy
conservation standard for heat pumps
on heating system conversions after
January 2006. (EEI, No. 69 at p. 2) The
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Department believes few existing houses
with a heat pump that is due to be
replaced would be likely to convert to
a combination of a gas furnace and
central air conditioner, even if the price
of a new heat pump is several hundred
dollars more after the new central air
conditioner/heat pump standard goes
into effect. Houses with a heat pump
typically lack venting systems, and/or
access to a source of natural gas, which
are necessary to convert to gas heating.
Therefore, the Department did not
include conversions from heat pumps to
natural gas equipment in its analysis.
The Department also estimated the
number of annual shipments of each
product class going to new housing
units as a function of the market share
estimated for each product class. For
non-weatherized and mobile home gas
furnaces, the Department estimated
market-shift effects from changes in
relative fuel prices and from equipment
price increases expected from higher
efficiency standards. In forecasting gas
furnace market shares, the Department
assumed an impact of higher installed
costs due to standards would be a
decrease in market share held by gas
furnaces in new construction, in favor of
electric heating. The Department
accounted for these market shift effects
in the calculation of NES and NPV by
considering the differential in energy
consumption, utility bills and
equipment cost between households
with gas heating and those with electric
heating. The Department based its
estimates on the current market share of
heat pumps and electric furnaces in
households with electric space heating,
as provided by RECS 2001. For nonweatherized gas furnaces, DOE assumed
that heat pumps account for 54 percent
of the additional electric heating
equipment purchased due to market
shift, and electric resistance furnaces
account for 46 percent. It based these
values on equipment shares in homes
built in 1999–2003. For mobile home
gas furnaces, the assumed shares of
additional electric heating equipment
purchased due to market shift are 41
percent for heat pumps and 59 percent
for electric resistance furnaces. In
determining market shift effects, the
Department assumed the above shares of
heat pumps and electric resistance
furnaces remained constant over the
analysis period. The Department invites
comments on its assumption of constant
heat pump and electric resistance
furnace market shares in order to
calculate the market shift effects on NES
and NPV.
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NPGA, Laclede, and NSEG
recommended that DOE analyze the
potential for a market shift from gas
furnaces to electric heating equipment
resulting from new gas furnace
standards. (NPGA, No. 72 at p. 4;
Laclede, No. 76 at p. 3; and NSEG,
Public Meeting Transcript, No. 59.8 at p.
24) Similarly, EEI commented that DOE
should consider how the increased
energy-efficiency standards for heat
pumps in 2006 will shift market shares
in new construction from electric to gas
space-heating systems. (EEI, No. 69 at p.
2) In the analysis for this notice, the
Department used the same approach to
evaluate market shifts as in the 2004
ANOPR analysis, but it used more
recent data on heating equipment
prices. (See TSD, Chapter 9.) The
Department also included the impact of
projected higher heat pump prices after
2006. (See TSD, Chapter 9.) Projected
market share shifts are reflected in the
Southern and Carrier commented that
standards for gas furnaces could induce
switching to combination space- and
water-heating appliances. (Southern,
Public Meeting Transcript, No. 59.8 at p.
200; and Carrier, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 59.8 at p. 198) The
Department believes that the historical
market data necessary for estimating the
potential for consumers to switch to
combination space- and water-heating
appliances do not exist. Therefore, DOE
was not able to include this potential
market effect in the shipments
The Department estimated the future
market shares of oil-fired furnaces and
gas- and oil-fired boilers in total new
housing completions based on their
average shares in homes built in the
1999–2003 period. For new homes that
use oil-fired equipment, gas is generally
not available, so the Department
considered the market shares to be
independent of changes in equipment
price due to the implementation of
standards. Gas boilers in new homes are
associated with specific types of heating
systems, such as hydronic radiators or
radiant floors, so substitution of
alternative equipment is unlikely.
Therefore, the Department assumed that
the market share would not be affected
by changes in equipment price due to
Table IV.4 summarizes the approach
and data DOE used to derive the inputs
to the shipments analysis for today’s
proposed rule, and the changes made in
the analysis for this proposed rule. (See
TSD, Chapter 9.)
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
2004 ANOPR description
Changes for proposed rule
Shipments* .........................................................
Calculated total shipments for replacements
based on past shipments and retirement
function, and for new homes based on projection of new housing from AEO2003. The
projected market shares in new homes
were a function of relative heating equipment prices. Based conversions-upon-replacement on historic survey data.
Replacement of worn-out heating equipment
with unit of same equipment type (i.e., furnace versus boiler) and same fuel (natural
gas or oil). Applies a replacement probability distribution based on equipment lifetime.
Replacement of worn-out heating equipment
with equipment utilizing a different fuel.
Based on utility surveys conducted by AGA
that report the numbers of households that
converted from oil or electricity to natural
gas space heating. Source: AGA House
Heating Survey 1985–1995.
Installation of heating equipment into new single-family, multi-family or mobile homes according to construction rates and equipment
type market shares. Used housing completions according to DOE forecast and modeled market shares according to energy
and equipment price trends.
Not applied .......................................................
Same approach as ANOPR, with updated
shipments data from GAMA. Included shipments for mobile home furnace replacement. Projection of new housing updated to
AEO2005. Market share projection used reestimated parameters. Model used two additional shipment categories to calibrate
with GAMA data.
No change.
Replacements in kind .........................................
Conversions ........................................................
Installations in new housing ...............................
Gas furnace early replacement ..........................
Conversion from non-central gas heating to
central heating with a gas furnace.
Not applied .......................................................
No change.
No change.
Early replacement of non-condensing furnaces with more efficient condensing furnaces. Model calibrated to GAMA data,
which show a large increase in condensing
furnace shipments in response to rising natural gas prices.
Conversion from non-central gas heating to
central heating with a gas furnace. Model
used RECS data, which show a large increase between 1993 and 2001 in homes
with central gas heating that were built before 1990.
*For the energy price sensitivity analysis, the Department based its new housing projections on forecasts from the AEO2006. Section V.B.3.a
presents the results of the energy price sensitivity analysis.
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
To make the analysis more accessible
and transparent to stakeholders, the
Department used an MS Excel
spreadsheet model to calculate the NES
and NPV. MS Excel is the most widely
used spreadsheet calculation tool in the
U.S. and there is general familiarity
with its basic features. Thus, the
Department’s use of MS Excel for the
spreadsheet models provides
stakeholders access to the models
within a familiar context. In addition,
the TSD and other documentation that
DOE provides during the rulemaking
explain the models and how to use
them, and stakeholders can review
DOE’s analyses by changing various
input quantities within the spreadsheet.
Unlike the LCC analysis, the NES
Spreadsheet does not use distributions
for inputs. The Department examined
the sensitivity of monetary savings by
applying different scenarios of energy
prices and societal discount rates. (See
TSD, Chapter 10.)
In addition to analyzing national
impacts, the Department analyzed the
NES and NPV for the Southern and
Northern regions. The Department
defined the Southern region as
including those States that have an
average of less than 5,000 heating
degree-days. The Department defined
the Northern region as including those
States that have an average of more than
5,000 heating degree-days.14 See section
III.A.4 for a list of States that fall under
the Northern or Southern regions.
Table IV.5 summarizes the approach
and data DOE used to derive the inputs
to the NES and NPV analyses for the
2004 ANOPR, and the changes made in
the analyses of the proposed rule. (See
TSD, Chapter 10.)
14 The following States average 5000 or more
HDDs: Alaska, Colorado, Connecticut, Idaho,
Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maine,
Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri,
Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey,
New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon,
Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Utah,
Vermont, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin,
and Wyoming.
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
2004 ANOPR description
Changes for proposed rule
Shipments ...........................................................
Date Products Must Meet Standard ...................
Annual UEC (Unit Energy Consumption) ...........
Annual Shipments form shipments model .......
2012 .................................................................
Annual weighted-average values were a function of efficiency level. Base case UEC for
non-weatherized gas furnaces accounted
for projected share of condensing furnaces.
Annual weighted-average values were a function of efficiency level (established from the
LCC analysis).
Annual weighted-average values were a function of efficiency level (established from the
LCC analysis).
AEO2003 forecasts to 2025 and extrapolation
beyond 2025.
Generated by DOE/EIA’s National Energy
Modeling System (includes electric generation, transmission, and distribution losses).
7-percent and 3-percent real ...........................
Future expenses discounted to year 2001 ......
See Table IV.4.
No change. Projected share of condensing
furnaces reflected recent shipments data.
Installed Cost per Unit ........................................
Maintenance Cost per Unit ................................
Energy Prices * ..................................................
Energy Site-to-Source Conversion .....................
Discount Rate .....................................................
Present Year ......................................................
No change.
No change.
AEO2005 forecasts to 2025 and extrapolation
beyond 2025.
No change.
No change.
Future expenses discounted to year 2004.
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
* For the energy price sensitivity analysis, the Department used AEO2006 forecasts to derive its energy prices up to 2025 and extrapolated beyond 2025. The rationale and methodology for the energy price sensitivity analysis is further explained in Section V.B.3.a.
2. Annual Unit Energy Consumption
The annual unit energy consumption
(UEC) values for the base-case forecast
and each higher efficiency level come
from the LCC analysis. Each UEC
includes a value for gas (or oil)
consumption. The base-case forecast
reflects the expected pattern of
equipment purchases in the absence of
any new standards. Since there is little
evidence of change in recent years in
the average AFUE for each product
class, DOE used the average values from
recent GAMA shipments data for each
year of the base-case forecast. In
particular, for non-weatherized gas
furnaces, DOE took into account the
considerable rise in the market share of
condensing furnaces in 2001–2003
shown in data provided by GAMA. This
increase (to 31 percent) corresponds to
the sharp rise in the average residential
gas price in this period. Given that the
price forecast in the AEO2005 shows a
residential gas price in future years that
is considerably lower than in 2003, one
might expect the condensing furnace
market share to be lower in the future
than in 2003. However, other factors
could potentially sustain the
condensing furnace market share even
with a lower gas price (such as the
greater acceptance of condensing
furnaces among homebuilders).
Therefore, the Department projected
that the share remains at slightly above
the 2003 level (35 percent) throughout
the considered period.15 The
15 The Department assumed the same
disbursement of condensing furnaces, 35 percent,
within the sampled housing units for nonweatherized gas furnaces in the energy price
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Department also evaluated alternative
scenarios of the future condensing
furnace market share. Appendix R of the
TSD describes these scenarios and
presents the NES and NPV results for
non-weatherized gas furnaces using the
alternative scenarios. The Department
invites comments on its assumption of
constant condensing furnace market
share in its default scenario for
calculating annual unit energy
analysis. Total equipment costs for each
efficiency level equal the average cost
multiplied by shipments in each year.
The Department assumed no change in
real equipment costs at each level after
2015. In cases where a market shift
away from gas furnaces is projected,
DOE accounted for the equipment costs
of the electric heating equipment
purchased instead.
3. Site-to-Source Conversion Factors
Primary energy consumption includes
energy used and lost in the production
and transmission of the energy
consumed at the site. The Department
derived annual site-to-source
conversion factors using the NEMS
AEO2005 Reference Case and estimated
energy savings and system load impacts
as a result of possible standards for each
year.16 The factors the Department used
are marginal values, which represent the
response of the system to an
incremental decrease in consumption
associated with energy conservation
standards. Natural gas losses include
pipeline leakage, pumping energy, and
transportation fuel.
The Department took average
annualized maintenance costs for the
base-case forecast and each efficiency
level from the LCC analysis. It considers
the annualized maintenance cost to be
an operating cost that is applied for each
year that the equipment remains in the
stock. The Department assumed no
change in real maintenance costs after
4. Installed Equipment Costs
Average installed equipment costs for
the base-case forecast and each
efficiency level came from the LCC
sensitivity analysis. In other words, the Department
did not update this percentage based on AEO2006
for the energy price sensitivity analysis.
16 For the energy price sensitivity analysis, the
Department derived the annual site-to-source
conversion factors using the NEMS AEO2006
Reference Case.
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5. Maintenance Costs
6. Energy Prices
The NPV calculation used energy
prices to value energy savings for
natural gas and electricity. It used
average energy prices for fuel oil and
LPG, since consumers typically
purchase fuel oil and LPG in bulk
amounts, and the energy saved is based
on the price paid for the bulk amount.
The Department used 2001 energy
prices for the RECS housing sample in
the LCC analysis. To project prices out
to 2025, DOE used energy price
projections from AEO2005. In the
energy price sensitivity analysis, DOE
calculated the NES and NPV using the
recently-published energy price
projections from AEO2006. For the
years after 2025, DOE applied the
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
average annual growth rate in 2010–
2025 for gas and heating oil prices and
the average annual growth rate in 2015–
2025 for electricity prices in both cases.
The Northwest Power and
Conservation Council (NPCC) asked if
NEMS (used for the AEO2005
projections) has a feedback loop
between gas consumption and the
forecast of future prices for natural gas.
(NPCC, Public Meeting Transcript, No.
59.8 at p. 245) NEMS does incorporate
such feedback.
Southern, ACEEE, and ODOE
commented that DOE should conduct a
sensitivity analysis using a greater range
of fuel prices, and independent
forecasts, such as forecasts prepared by
Energy and Environmental Analysis,
Inc. (Southern, No. 71 at p. 3; ACEEE,
Public Meeting Transcript, No. 59.8 at p.
163; and ODOE, No. 61 at p. 10) The
Department used for today’s analysis
price forecasts from the AEO2005,
including the High and Low Economic
Growth Cases. For the energy price
sensitivity analysis, the Department
used the price forecasts from AEO2006,
including the High and Low Economic
Growth Cases. The range of prices in
these forecasts, especially for natural
gas, is quite wide and encompasses the
scenarios in the AGA’s ‘‘Natural Gas
Outlook to 2020’’ (February 2005),
which were prepared by the Energy and
Environmental Analysis, Inc. Therefore,
the Department concludes that its
analysis encompasses a reasonable
range of future energy prices.
GTI commented that the analysis
should consider reallocation of gas
utility distribution costs in the case
where furnace standards result in lower
natural gas demand. (GTI, No. 51 at p.
2) Historically, DOE has used the same
energy price forecasts for standards
cases as for the base case. Lower natural
gas demand due to furnace standards
could lead to higher fixed-cost charges
for natural gas consumers, but such
charges are subject to State regulation
and the Department is not aware of a
reliable method for estimating the
magnitude of the impact on average
retail prices. Since developing a reliable
method for evaluating such costs is
outside the scope of the rulemaking,
DOE has not included this factor in its
7. Discount Rates
To discount future impacts, the
Department used discount rates of both
seven percent and three percent, in
accordance with the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB)’s
guidelines contained in Circular A–4,
Regulatory Analysis, September 17,
2003. (OMB Circular A–4, § E
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(September 17, 2003)). For the purpose
of this analysis, the Department used
2005 as the reference year for
discounting because it concluded the
analysis in this year.
E. Consumer Subgroup Analysis
In analyzing the potential consumer
impact of new or amended standards,
the Department evaluated the impact on
identifiable groups of consumers (i.e.,
subgroups) that may be
disproportionately affected by a national
standard level. The Department
analyzed the potential effect of
standards on households with low
income levels and households occupied
by seniors, two consumer subgroups of
interest. The Department defined
seniors as those households having a
head of household over age 65, and
defined low income as those households
at or below 100 percent of the poverty
level. (See TSD, Chapter 11.)
The Department also analyzed the
potential effect of standards on
Southern and Northern households. For
this analysis, the Department defined
Southern households as those
households located in States that have
an average of less than 5,000 heating
degree-days. The Department defined
Northern households as those
households located in States that have
an average of more than 5,000 heating
degree-days. See section III.A.4 for a list
of States that fall under the Northern or
Southern regions.
EEI commented that DOE should
examine the same subgroups that it
analyzed for the residential air
conditioner and heat pump rulemaking.
(EEI, No. 69 at p. 5) The Department
analyzed households with low income
levels and households occupied by
seniors in the furnace and boiler
analysis, as it did in the residential air
conditioner and heat pump rulemaking.
NSEG suggested that DOE use discount
rates specific to each subgroup. (NSEG,
No. 51 at p. 6) The Department’s
analysis uses a distribution of discount
rates that accounts for all consumer
F. Manufacturer Impact Analysis
1. General Description
In determining whether a standard for
a covered product is economically
justified, the Secretary of Energy is
required to consider ‘‘the economic
impact of the standard on the
manufacturers and on the consumers of
the products subject to such standard.’’
(42 U.S.C. 6295(o)(2)(B)(i)(I)) The statute
also calls for an assessment of the
impact of any lessening of competition
as determined by the Attorney General.
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(42 U.S.C. 6295(o)(2)(B)(i)(V)) The
Department conducted the MIA to
estimate the financial impact of
efficiency standards on the residential
furnace and boiler industry and to
assess the impact of such standards on
employment and manufacturing
The MIA has both quantitative and
qualitative components. The
quantitative part of the MIA primarily
relies on the GRIM, an industry-cashflow model adapted for this rulemaking.
The key GRIM inputs relate to industry
cost structure, shipments, and pricing
strategies. The GRIM’s key output is the
INPV. The model estimates the financial
impact of higher efficiency standards by
comparing changes in INPV between the
baseline and the various trial standard
levels. The qualitative part of the MIA
addresses factors such as product
characteristics, characteristics of
particular firms, and market and
product trends, and includes an
assessment of the impacts of standards
on subgroups of manufacturers. (See
TSD, Chapter 12.)
On July 17, 2001, the Department
prepared a Framework Document
entitled Framework Document for
Residential Furnaces and Boilers Energy
Conservation Standards Rulemaking.17
This document outlined the procedural
and analytical approaches to be used in
the MIA. Later in the rulemaking, the
2004 ANOPR further discussed the
three-step process involved in
determining the impact of new
residential furnace and boiler standards
on manufacturers. 69 FR 45451. This
process is detailed below. In response to
the 2004 ANOPR documentation and
public meeting, the Department
received specific comments on the MIA,
which are addressed in this section.
As outlined, the Department
conducted the MIA in three phases.
Phase 1, Industry Profile, consisted of
preparing an industry characterization,
including data on market share, sales
volumes and trends, pricing,
employment, and financial structure.
Phase 2, Industry Cash Flow, focused on
the industry as a whole. In this phase,
DOE used the GRIM to prepare an
industry-cash-flow analysis. Using
publicly available information
developed in Phase 1, the Department
adapted the GRIM’s generic structure to
perform an analysis of residential
furnace and boiler energy conservation
17 U.S. Department of Energy, Framework
Document for Residential Furnaces and Boilers
Energy Conservation Standards Rulemaking, July
17, 2001. This document is available at https://
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
standards. In Phase 3, Subgroup Impact
Analysis, DOE conducted interviews
with manufacturers representing over 80
percent of domestic furnace and boiler
sales. This group included large and
small manufacturers of furnaces and
boilers, providing a representative crosssection of the industry. During these
interviews, the Department discussed
engineering, manufacturing,
procurement, and financial topics
specific to each company and also
obtained each manufacturer’s view of
the industry as a whole. The interviews
provided valuable information that the
Department used to evaluate the
impacts of a standard on manufacturers’
cash flows, manufacturing capacities,
and employment levels.
2. Industry Profile
In Phase 1 of the MIA, the Department
prepared a profile of the residential
furnace and boiler industry that built on
the market and technology assessments
originally prepared for the 2004 ANOPR
analysis and subsequently updated for
today’s proposed rule. Before initiating
the detailed impact studies, DOE
collected information on the present
and past structure and market
characteristics of residential furnace and
boiler manufacturing. The information
DOE collected at that time included
market share, product shipments,
markups, and cost structure for various
manufacturers. The industry profile
includes further detail on product
characteristics, estimated manufacturer
market shares, the financial situation of
manufacturers, trends in the number of
firms, the market, and product
characteristics of the residential furnace
and boiler industry.
The industry profile included a
topdown cost analysis of residential
furnace and boiler manufacturers that
DOE used to derive cost and
preliminary financial inputs for the
GRIM (e.g., revenues; material; labor;
overhead; depreciation; selling, general,
and administrative expenses; and R&D
expenses). The Department also used
public sources of information to expand
its initial characterization of the
industry, including 10–K reports from
the Securities and Exchange
Commission, Moody’s company data
reports, Standard & Poor’s stock reports,
Value Line industry composites,
corporate annual reports, the U.S.
Census Bureau’s Economic Census, Dun
& Bradstreet reports, and industry
analysis from Ibbotson Associates and
Dow Jones Financial Services.
3. Industry Cash Flow Analysis
Phase 2 of the MIA focused on the
financial impacts of new standards on
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the industry as a whole. Energy
conservation standards can affect
furnace and boiler manufacturers in
three distinct ways, including: (1)
Increased investment; (2) higher
production costs per unit; and (3)
altered revenue by virtue of higher perunit prices and changes in sales
volumes. The analytical tool DOE uses
for calculating the financial impacts of
standards on manufacturers is the
GRIM. To quantify these impacts in
Phase 2 of the MIA, the Department
performed a cash flow analysis of the
residential furnace and boiler industry
using the GRIM.
4. Subgroup Impact Analysis
Using average cost assumptions to
develop an industry-cash-flow estimate
is not adequate for assessing differential
impacts among subgroups of
manufacturers. Small manufacturers,
niche players, or manufacturers
exhibiting a cost structure that largely
differs from the industry average could
be more negatively affected. The
Department used the results of the
industry characterization to group
manufacturers exhibiting similar
characteristics. In the Framework
Document and at the 2004 ANOPR
public meeting, the Department invited
stakeholders to comment on the
manufacturing subgroups that should be
analyzed for the MIA. The Department
had established six subgroups
corresponding to each of the product
classes in the 2004 ANOPR. It did not
receive comments at the public meeting
or in response to either the Framework
Document or the 2004 ANOPR.
Consequently, the Department decided
to use the six subgroups that correspond
to each of the product classes in the
MIA, based on the market assessment.
Based on this decision, the
Department prepared two different
interview guides—one for furnace
manufacturers and one for boiler
manufacturers. The Department used
these interview guides to tailor the
GRIM to incorporate unique financial
characteristics from both industries.
Within each of these industries, the
Department contacted companies from
its database of manufacturers, which
provided a representation of each
subgroup. It interviewed small and large
companies, subsidiaries and
independent firms, and public and
private corporations. The Department
also made an effort to interview
companies that had previously
participated in the Department’s
rulemaking process for residential
furnaces and boilers. The purpose of the
meetings was to enhance the
Department’s understanding of how
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manufacturer impacts vary with the trial
standard levels. During the course of the
MIA, the Department held nine
interviews with furnace manufacturers
and five interviews with boiler
manufacturers, together representing
over 80 percent of domestic furnace and
boiler sales. Finally, DOE developed a
GRIM for each of the six subgroups.
The Department also evaluated the
impact of the energy conservation
standards on small businesses. Small
businesses, as defined by the Small
Business Administration (SBA) for the
furnace and boiler manufacturing
industry, are manufacturing enterprises
with 750 or fewer employees. The
Department created a version of the
interview guide tailored for small
furnace and boiler manufacturers, and
contacted 11 small businesses to
determine if they were interested in
discussing differential impacts
standards would have on their
companies. (See TSD, Chapter 12.)
5. Government Regulatory Impact Model
A higher energy conservation
standard can affect a manufacturer’s
cash flow in three distinct ways,
resulting in: (1) Increased investment;
(2) higher production costs per unit; and
(3) altered revenue by virtue of higher
per-unit prices and changes in sales
volumes. As mentioned, the Department
uses the GRIM to quantify changes in
cash flow that result in a higher or lower
industry value. The GRIM analysis uses
a standard, annual-cash-flow analysis
that incorporates manufacturer prices,
manufacturing costs, shipments, and
industry financial information as inputs
and models changes in costs,
distribution of shipments, investments,
and associated margins that would
result from new regulatory conditions
(in this case, standard levels). The GRIM
spreadsheet uses a number of inputs to
arrive at a series of annual cash flows,
beginning with the base year of the
analysis, 2004, and continuing to 2038.
The Department calculated INPVs by
summing the stream of annual
discounted cash flows during this
The Department used the GRIM to
calculate cash flows using standard
accounting principles and to compare
changes in INPV between a baseline and
different trial standard levels for energy
conservation standards (the standards
case). Essentially, the difference in INPV
between the baseline and the standards
case represents the financial impact of
the new standard on manufacturers. The
Department collected this information
from a number of sources, including
publicly available data and interviews
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
with several manufacturers. (See TSD,
Chapter 12.)
GAMA asked if the MIA included
consideration of cumulative regulatory
burden. (GAMA, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 59.8 at p. 241) The
Department considered the impacts of
cumulative regulations in the MIA.
Section V.B.2.d of this notice and
Chapter 12 of the TSD summarize these
6. Manufacturer Interviews
As part of the MIA, DOE discussed
potential impacts of standards with
manufacturers responsible for a majority
of residential furnace and boiler sales.
The manufacturers interviewed
comprise 82 percent of the gas furnace
market, close to 100 percent of the
mobile home furnace market, 61 percent
of the oil-fired furnace market, and 79
percent of the boiler market. These
interviews were in addition to those the
Department conducted during the 2004
ANOPR as part of the engineering
analysis. The interviews provided
valuable information that DOE used to
evaluate the impacts of new standards
on manufacturers’ cash flows,
manufacturing capacities, and
employment levels.
a. Issues. Venting was the most
common concern discussed by
manufacturers, both at the 2004 ANOPR
public meeting and during the
manufacturer interviews. Proper venting
is necessary because of the safety and
reliability issues associated with
corrosion that is caused from
condensation within the venting
systems at certain efficiency levels. Due
to this concern, many manufacturers
commented that residential furnaces
and boilers cannot be properly or safely
vented at certain AFUE levels. Instead,
some manufacturers stated that they
would choose not to manufacturer an
entire line of products at those
efficiency levels for which the safety
concerns exceed the benefits. To
address these concerns, the Department
requested additional information from
manufacturers. For example, for nonweatherized gas furnaces, the
Department requested information from
manufacturers on the costs for
designing, manufacturing, and selling
an entire furnace family at an 81percent-AFUE efficiency level. The
Department used manufacturer
responses to update product costs in the
engineering analysis and investment
figures in the MIA. However, this still
does not fully address manufacturer
concerns with venting because some
manufacturers stated they are not
willing to bear the increased risk at any
cost. (See TSD, Chapter 12.)
Manufacturers of furnaces and boilers
stated that the development,
manufacture, sale, and use of the
products at near-condensing levels
would increase the risk of warranty and
product liability claims, and that such
claims could be substantial and have a
significant adverse effect on their future
profitability. During the interviews,
manufacturers indicated that their
warranty costs could double or even
triple. Considering that earnings before
interest and taxes are typically about
seven percent for manufactures of
furnaces and boilers, this level of
increase in warranted costs could
reduce profits by twenty percent or
more. Although DOE attempted to
quantify the financial impacts resulting
from warranty cost increases, it did not
consider these costs in its assessment of
INPV due to insufficient information
relating to changes in equipment failure
rates and their associated costs. The
Department seeks comment and
information which would help to
monetize these impacts. (See TSD,
Chapter 12.)
Another concern expressed by the
manufacturers during the interviews
centered on the shipments forecasted by
the NES model. The NES model
forecasts the total number of products
sold and the efficiency distribution of
these products for the base case and all
trial standard levels. During the course
of the interviews, DOE asked
manufacturers to comment on the NES
forecasts. For many product classes,
manufacturers generally agreed with the
projected impacts of standards on total
shipments and the distribution mix of
efficiencies. However, most
manufacturers stated that DOE
overestimated the shipment levels
predicted at higher efficiency levels
(trial standard levels 4 and 5). In some
cases, they maintained that consumers
would stop buying furnaces and boilers
and would choose heat pumps and/or
combination systems instead. The
manufacturers expressed a common
view that new construction markets and
southern States are most susceptible to
product switching. They also noted that
higher efficiency standards will affect
replacement market sales, where
consumers may be more inclined to
repair their existing system than to
purchase a new system with a costly
installation. Finally, manufacturers
commented on the predicted
distribution of products by efficiency
level for the year 2015. In several
instances, they provided revised
estimates, which the Department used
to revise the shipment forecasts in the
GRIM. The next section provides further
details on the manufacturers’ shipments
forecast and the NES shipments
b. GRIM Scenarios and Key Inputs.
1. Shipments Forecast. The GRIM
estimates manufacturer revenues based
on total-unit-shipment forecasts and the
distribution of these values by AFUE
levels. Changes in the efficiency mix by
standard level are a key driver of
manufacturer finances. For this analysis,
the GRIM used both NES and
manufacturers’ shipments forecasts for
each product from 2004 to 2038. Total
shipments forecasted by the NES for all
trial standard levels in 2015 are shown
in Table IV.6 and are further detailed in
this section of this proposed rule.
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
Product class
Non-weatherized gas furnaces ........................................................................................
Weatherized gas furnaces ...............................................................................................
Mobile home gas furnaces ..............................................................................................
Oil-fired furnaces ..............................................................................................................
Gas boilers .......................................................................................................................
Oil-fired boilers .................................................................................................................
As described above, manufacturers
stated during interviews that the NES
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understated the decline in shipments at
increased efficiency levels. In particular,
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some manufacturers commented that at
trial standard level 4 and above, for non-
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
weatherized gas furnaces, they expect
consumers to switch to heat pumps or
repair their existing equipment due to
the increased cost of condensing nonweatherized gas furnaces.
Manufacturers also suggested that there
will be a market shift away from nonweatherized gas furnaces at 90-percent
AFUE and above in the southern
climates, where heat pumps are more
feasible. One manufacturer expects on
the order of a 50-percent drop in
shipments at trial standard level 5 and
a 25-percent drop in shipments at trial
standard level 4 for non-weatherized gas
furnaces. Manufacturers also expressed
their concern that, at trial standard
levels 1, 2, and 3, equipment switching
alone would cause shipment drops that
did not seem to be characterized by the
For weatherized gas furnaces, some
manufacturers stated that there would
be a decline in shipments for all
efficiency levels above the current
standard, with more significant declines
at 83-percent AFUE. One manufacturer
commented that consumers would be
more likely to purchase heat pumps
because of their reliability, and because
of the increased risk of condensation
with 83-percent-AFUE furnaces.
However, some manufacturers
acknowledged that consumers usually
buy weatherized gas furnaces with an
air-conditioning unit, and the airconditioning unit is the key driver in
consumers’ decision.
Manufacturers expressed similar
concerns for mobile home furnaces as
they did for non-weatherized gas
furnaces at and above 90-percent AFUE.
They commented that consumers will
switch to heat pumps or combination
systems rather than make an increased
investment in more-efficient mobile
home furnaces. For oil-fired furnaces,
manufacturers suggested that the
industry for this equipment will begin
to shrink at trial standard levels 4 and
5. In addition, they foresee a drop in
shipments at higher efficiency levels
because consumers will either change to
alternative heating sources like heat
pumps or use propane. Finally,
manufacturers of boilers expressed
concern that the NES analysis did not
forecast any decline in shipments at any
of the trial standard levels. They stated
that, because of increased first cost,
consumers are more likely to choose
radiant or electric furnaces than moreefficient boiler systems. One
manufacturer recognized that there had
already been consolidation within the
boiler industry and predicted that
increased efficiency standards would
cause further consolidation within the
boiler industry. Furthermore, other
manufacturers stated that they believe
that the industry would continue to
move toward consolidation even in the
absence of increased energy efficiency
The Department took into
consideration all of the manufacturers’
concerns with the NES shipments
forecast and derived an alternative
shipments forecast (referred to as
‘‘manufacturers forecast’’) for each
product class, based on information
received during the manufacturer
interviews. Table IV.7 shows the
alternative shipments forecast for all
trial standard levels in 2015 by product
Product class
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
Non-weatherized gas furnaces ........................................................................................
Weatherized gas furnaces ...............................................................................................
Mobile home gas furnaces ..............................................................................................
Oil-fired furnaces .............................................................................................................
Gas boilers ......................................................................................................................
Oil-fired boilers ................................................................................................................
The manufacturers’ shipments
forecast shows increased declines over
the declines forecasted by the NES
model for most product classes at
increased efficiency levels. Trial
standard level 5 shows a more
significant decline for all product
classes except weatherized gas furnaces.
For non-weatherized gas furnaces, the
difference between the decline
forecasted by the manufacturers’
shipments and the decline forecasted by
the NES shipments for trial standard
levels 4 and 5 is approximately -14
percent and -44 percent, respectively.
For weatherized gas furnaces, the
Department used the NES shipments
forecast because the prices of the
products did not largely vary across trial
standard levels and, thus, the
Department would not expect a decline
in the total shipments. Finally, based on
its analysis of the furnace and boiler
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industry, DOE assumed that shipments
at lower efficiencies were most likely to
be rolled up into higher efficiency levels
in response to increases in the efficiency
standard. In other words, at an
increased minimum standard level, the
shipments at efficiencies below the new
minimum standard level will be added
to the shipments at the new minimum
standard level. The Department took
both the NES shipments forecast and the
manufacturers’ shipments forecast into
consideration when assessing impacts
on the industry.
2. Markups. During the interviews,
manufacturers commented on the
differentiation between basic and
premium products. Manufacturers
generally stated that they differentiate
between basic and premium products
and include both in their mix of product
offerings. To accomplish this
differentiation, manufacturers usually
PO 00000
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offer higher efficiency levels and more
features for premium products, which
increases their profitability for these
types of products. To estimate the
manufacturer price of the equipment
sold, DOE applied different markups to
the production costs estimated in the
engineering analysis.
For the MIA analysis, DOE considered
up to four distinct markup scenarios to
bound the range of expected product
prices following standards. For each
product class, the Department used the
markup scenarios that best characterize
the markup conditions described by
manufacturers, and that reflect the type
of market responses manufacturers
expect as a result of standards. Table
IV.8 summarizes the markup scenario
DOE used for each product class and the
markup applied for the flat markup
scenario. (See TSD, Chapter 12.)
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
Flat markup
(Markup applied)
Product class
Non-weatherized gas furnaces ........................................................................
Weatherized gas furnaces ...............................................................................
Mobile home gas furnaces* .............................................................................
Oil-fired furnaces .............................................................................................
Gas boilers .......................................................................................................
Oil-fired boilers .................................................................................................
Two-tier markup
Constant price
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
* For mobile home gas furnaces, the Department used flat markup scenario only.
For the flat markup scenario, the
Department applied a uniform ‘‘flat
markup’’ across all products, which it
calculated from industry data. A flat
markup assumes no differentiation in
gross-margin percentage across product
efficiency levels. The Department based
the two-tier markup on the assumption
that manufacturers differentiate between
baseline and premium products—giving
a baseline product one markup and a
premium product another, higher
markup. The Department used the threetier markup assumption for boilers,
based on the information the
manufacturers provided during the
interviews regarding the change in
profitability for different efficiency
levels. Finally, since some
manufacturers commented that they
will not be able to recover any of the
incremental product cost resulting from
new standards for some product classes,
the Department used a constant price
markup and modeled this situation by
assuming manufacturers’ baseline prices
remain unchanged even if the baseline
efficiency level is increased.
3. Product and Capital Conversion
Costs. Energy conservation standards
typically cause manufacturers to incur
one-time conversion costs to bring their
production facilities and product
designs into compliance with the new
regulation. For the purpose of the MIA,
DOE classified these one-time
conversion costs into two major groups.
Product conversion expenses are onetime investments in research,
development, testing, and marketing,
focused on making product designs
comply with the new efficiency
standard. Conversion-capital
expenditures are one-time investments
in property, plant, and equipment to
adapt or change existing production
facilities so that new product designs
can be fabricated and assembled.
The Department assessed the R&D
expenditures manufacturers would be
required to invest at each trial standard
level. It obtained financial information
through manufacturer interviews and
compiled the results in an aggregated
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form to mask any proprietary or
confidential information from any one
manufacturer. For each product class
and trial standard level, DOE considered
a number of manufacturer responses.
The Department estimated the total
product conversion expenditures by
gathering the responses received during
the manufacturer interviews, then
weighed these data by market share for
each industry and, finally, extrapolated
each manufacturer’s R&D expenditures
for each product.
The Department also evaluated the
level of conversion-capital expenditures
needed to comply with new energy
conservation standards. It prepared
preliminary estimates of the capital
investments required using the
manufacturing cost model. The
Department then used the manufacturer
interviews to gather additional data on
the level of capital investment required
at the various efficiency levels.
Manufacturers explained how different
trial standard levels impacted their
ability to use existing plants,
warehouses, tooling, and equipment.
From the interviews, the Department
was able to estimate what portion of
existing manufacturing assets needed to
be replaced and/or reconfigured, and
what additional manufacturing assets
were required to manufacture the higher
efficiency equipment. In most cases,
higher standards required the
replacement of a larger proportion of
existing assets.
G. Employment Impact Analysis
The Process Rule includes
employment impacts among the factors
that DOE considers in selecting a
proposed standard. Employment
impacts include direct and indirect
impacts. Direct employment impacts are
any changes in the number of
employees for furnace and boiler
manufacturers. Indirect impacts are
those changes of employment in the
larger economy that occur due to the
shift in expenditures and capital
investment that is caused by the
purchase and operation of more-
PO 00000
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efficient furnace and boiler equipment.
The MIA addresses direct employment
impacts; this section describes indirect
Indirect employment impacts from
furnace and boiler standards consist of
the net jobs created or eliminated in the
national economy, other than in the
manufacturing sector being regulated, as
a consequence of: (1) Reduced spending
by end users on energy (electricity,
gas—including LPG—and oil); (2)
reduced spending on new energy supply
by the utility industry; (3) increased
spending on the purchase price of new
furnaces and boilers; and (4) the effects
of those three factors throughout the
economy. The Department expects the
net monetary savings from standards to
be redirected to other forms of economic
activity. The Department also expects
these shifts in spending and economic
activity to affect the demand for labor in
the short term.
In developing this proposed rule, the
Department estimated indirect national
employment impacts using an input/
output model of the U.S. economy,
called IMBUILD (impact of building
energy efficiency programs). The
Department’s Office of Building
Technology, State, and Community
Programs (now the Building
Technologies Program) developed the
model. IMBUILD is a personalcomputer-based, economic-analysis
model that characterizes the
interconnections among 35 sectors of
the economy as national input/output
structural matrices, using data from the
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
The IMBUILD model estimates changes
in employment, industry output, and
wage income in the overall economy of
the United States resulting from changes
in expenditures in the various sectors of
the economy. The Department estimated
changes in expenditures using the NES
Spreadsheet. Using IMBUILD, it then
estimated the net national, indirectemployment impacts of potential
furnace and boiler efficiency standards
on employment by sector.
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
While both the IMBUILD input/
output model and the direct use of BLS
employment data suggest the proposed
furnace and boiler standards could
increase the net demand for labor in the
economy, the gains would most likely
be very small relative to total national
employment. The Department therefore
concludes only that the proposed
furnace and boiler standards are likely
to produce employment benefits that are
sufficient to offset fully any adverse
impacts on employment in the furnace
and boiler or energy industries. (See
TSD, Chapter 14.)
The Department did not receive
stakeholder comments on these indirect
employment impact methods, which it
proposed in the 2004 ANOPR for use in
the today’s analysis.
H. Utility Impact Analysis
The utility impact analysis estimates
the change in the forecasted power
generation capacity for the Nation. This
analysis separately determines the
changes to supply and demand as a
result of natural gas, fuel oil, LPG or
electricity residential consumption
savings due to the standard. The
Department calculated this change using
the NEMS–BT computer model. The
NEMS–BT models certain policy
scenarios such as the effect of reduced
energy consumption per trial standard
level by fuel type. The analysis output
provides a forecast for the needed
generation capacities at each trial
standard level. The estimated net
benefit of the standard is the difference
between the forecasted generation
capacities by NEMS–BT and the
AEO2005 Reference Case.
The Department obtained the energy
savings inputs associated with
electricity and natural gas consumption
savings from the NES analysis. These
inputs reflect the effects of efficiency
improvement on furnace energy
consumption, both fuel (natural gas, fuel
oil, and LPG) and electricity. The inputs
also reflect the impacts associated with
the market shift from natural gas heating
to electric heating projected to occur at
trial standard levels that have an
increased installed cost for gas furnaces.
At trial standard levels 4 and 5, the
electricity consumption due to the
market shift more than offsets the
electricity savings through moreefficient furnace designs. This effect
results in an overall increase in
projected generating capacity. The
results represent the corresponding
changes to utility sector supply and
demand as a result of natural gas, fuel
oil, LPG, or electricity residential
consumption savings (or in some cases
increases). Chapter 13 of the TSD
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presents results of the utility impact
AGA stated that the impact of market
shifts from natural gas heating to
electric heating on natural gas utilities
should be developed in the utility
impact analysis. (AGA, Public Meeting
Transcript, No. 59.8 at p. 41)
Historically, the Department’s approach
for the utility impact analysis has only
evaluated the impact of market shifts
associated with standards on energy
consumption, which is related to utility
sales. The evaluation of other types of
utility impacts that result from declines
in the sales of natural gas or other forms
of energy is not part of the analysis
methodology; thus, DOE did not
perform this type of evaluation in the
utility impact analysis for the furnace
and boiler standards rulemaking.
EEI commented that DOE should
evaluate the direct impact of new
standards on the peak loads of the
natural gas grid and oil supply chain in
the United States, in addition to any
analysis on the indirect impacts on the
electric system. (EEI, No. 69 at p. 5) The
utility impact analysis used NEMS to
account for electricity peak load
impacts. It did not consider peak load
impacts on the natural gas grid and oil
supply chain because these systems
have sufficient storage to avoid peak
demand impacts.
I. Environmental Analysis
Under 42 U.S.C. 6295(o)(2)(B)(i)(VI),
the Department determined the
environmental impacts of the proposed
standard. The Department estimated
direct emissions impacts at the
household level as well as impacts on
power plant emissions. While the
Department is not proposing to regulate
furnace and boiler electricity use, the
electricity use of these appliances
affects power plant emissions.
The Department calculated the
reduction in power plant emissions of
CO2 and NOX using the NEMS–BT
computer model. The NEMS–BT is
similar to the AEO2005 NEMS, except
that furnace and boiler energy usage is
reduced by the amount of energy (by
fuel type) saved due to the trial standard
levels. The Department obtained the
input of energy savings from the NES
Spreadsheet. For the environmental
analysis, the output is the forecasted
physical emissions. The net impact of
the standard is the difference between
emissions estimated by NEMS–BT and
the AEO2005 Reference Case. NEMS–BT
tracks CO2 emissions using a detailed
module that provides robust results
because of its broad coverage of all
sectors and inclusion of interactive
effects. The Department also generated
PO 00000
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alternative price forecasts for use by
NEMS–BT, corresponding to the High
and Low Economic Growth sensitivity
cases found in AEO2005, and used them
as alternative scenarios. The Department
presents these forecasts in the
environmental assessment in the TSD.
The Department does not report an
estimated reduction in power plant
emissions of SO2 because any such
reduction resulting from an efficiency
standard would not affect the overall
level of SO2 emissions in the U.S. The
Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 set
an SO2 emissions cap on all power
generation. The attainment of this target
is flexible among generators and is
enforced through the use of emissions
allowances and tradable permits.
Accurate simulation of SO2 trading
implies that the effect of efficiency
standards on physical emissions will be
near zero because emissions will always
be at or near the allowed ceiling. Thus,
there may not be an actual reduction in
SO2 emissions from electricity savings
as long as emission ceilings are binding.
However, although there may not be an
environmental benefit from reduced SO2
emissions from electricity savings, there
still may be an economic benefit.
Electricity savings can decrease the
need to purchase or produce SO2
emissions allowance credits, which
decreases the costs of complying with
regulatory caps on emissions. The
Department reports household SO2
emissions savings, because the SO2
emissions caps do not apply to
household emissions.
Power sector NOX emissions impacts
will be affected by the Clean Air
Interstate Rule (CAIR), which the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
issued on March 10, 2005. CAIR will
permanently cap emissions of NOX in
28 eastern states and the District of
Columbia. 70 FR 25162 (May 12, 2005).
As with SO2 emissions, a cap on NOX
emissions means that equipment
efficiency standards may result in no
physical effects on these emissions.
When NOX emissions are subject to
emissions caps, the Department’s
emissions reduction estimate
corresponds to incremental changes in
emissions allowance credits in cap-andtrade emissions markets rather than
physical emissions reductions.
Therefore, while the emissions cap may
not result in physical emissions
reduction from the proposed standards,
it does produce an environmentalrelated economic benefit in the form of
emissions allowance credits.
In addition to electricity, the
operation of furnaces and boilers
requires use of fossil fuels, and results
in household emissions of CO2, NOX,
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
and SO2 at the sites where appliances
are used. NEMS–BT provides no means
for estimating such household
emissions. Therefore, DOE calculated
separate estimates of the effect of the
proposed standard on household
emissions of CO2, NOX, and SO2, based
on emissions factors derived from the
The Department invites comments on
the environmental assessment that is
published with the TSD.
V. Analytical Results
levels considered in today’s proposed
rule. Table V.1 presents the five trial
standard levels and the corresponding
product class efficiencies.
A. Trial Standard Levels
The Department analyzed the benefits
and burdens of the five trial standard
Trial standard levels
(AFUE, %)
Product classes
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
Non-weatherized gas furnaces ........................................................................................................
Weatherized gas furnaces ...............................................................................................................
Mobile home gas furnaces ..............................................................................................................
Oil-fired furnaces ..............................................................................................................................
Gas boilers .......................................................................................................................................
Oil-fired boilers .................................................................................................................................
Trial standard level 1 represents the
most common product efficiencies of
the current market, based on the NES
shipments forecast. (See TSD, Chapter
9.) For example, for non-weatherized,
gas-fired furnaces, trial standard level 1
is 80-percent AFUE. The Department
also examined the 2005 GAMA
directory and compared the number of
models listed in the directory to the
NES shipments forecast. For nonweatherized gas furnaces, 80-percent
AFUE also represents the highest
number of models listed in the 2005
GAMA directory. Furthermore, trial
standard level 1, 80-percent AFUE, for
non-weatherized gas furnaces represents
a two-percent increase in AFUE
compared to the current base-case
standard level for these products.
Trial standard level 2 is the set of
efficiencies for all product classes that
yields the maximum NPV as calculated
in the NES analysis, assuming a sevenpercent discount rate and only
considering non-condensing
technologies.18 (See TSD, Chapter 10.)
For example, for weatherized gas
furnaces, 83-percent AFUE represents
the efficiency level that corresponds to
the maximum NPV calculated in the
NES. Trial standard level 2, 83-percent
AFUE, also corresponds to the
maximum technologically feasible level
for weatherized gas furnaces.
Trial standard level 3 consists of the
efficiency ratings that correspond to the
maximum NPV as defined by the
selection criteria for trial standard level
2, except that the efficiency levels for
non-weatherized gas furnaces and
18 The Department established the efficiency
levels in each TSL based on the analysis using
AEO2005 energy price forecasts.
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mobile home furnaces are adjusted to
81-percent AFUE. The Department
recognizes there is a potential for
increased safety risk to consumers at 81percent AFUE for non-weatherized gas
furnaces and mobile home furnaces
because of a higher potential for vent
system and heat exchanger corrosion
failure. In its 2004 ANOPR analysis, the
Department found that as many as eight
percent of the installations could pose
increased risk of vent and heat
exchanger failure. 69 FR 45419. The
Department believes the increased
safety risk can likely be resolved
through the use of venting materials that
are impervious to the corrosive effects of
condensate and improved heat
exchanger designs. It included the cost
of implementing such techniques in its
analysis for trial standard level 3. In
addition, DOE recognizes that, in some
instances, consumers could instead
elect to install a more efficient,
condensing gas-fired furnace. The
Department’s analysis did not capture
that possibility.
Trial standard level 4 consists of
efficiency ratings that correspond to the
maximum efficiency level that has
positive NPV calculated by the NES,
assuming a three-percent discount rate.
For example, oil-fired boilers at trial
standard level 4, or 84-percent AFUE,
represent the maximum efficiency level
for which there would still be positive
savings between the standards case and
the base case. At efficiency levels above
trial standard level 4, there are negative
consumer impacts as shown by the
negative NPVs.
Trial standard level 5 is the maximum
technologically feasible level. It
represents condensing technologies for
PO 00000
Frm 00032
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
all classes, except weatherized gas-fired
furnaces and oil-fired boilers.
B. Economic Justification and Energy
1. Economic Impacts on Consumers
a. Life-Cycle Cost and Payback Period.
To evaluate the net economic impact of
the standards on consumers, the
Department conducted an LCC and
payback period analysis for each of the
trial standard levels. Higher-efficiency
furnaces and boilers would affect
consumers in two ways: Annual
operating expense would decrease and
purchase price and payback period
would increase. The payback period is
an economic benefit-cost measure that
uses benefits and costs without
discounting. Section IV.C discusses the
inputs used for calculating the LCC and
payback period.
For each trial standard level and for
all product classes, the LCC analysis
estimates the fraction of households for
which the LCC will either decrease (net
benefit), or increase (net cost), or exhibit
no change (no impact) relative to the
base case equipment forecast. No
impacts occur when the equipment
efficiencies of the base case forecast
already equal or exceed the considered
trial standard level efficiency.
Tables V.2 through V.7 show the
mean LCC savings and the percent of
households with a net cost, no impact,
and a net benefit (i.e., positive savings)
at each trial standard level for each of
the product classes, using the AEO2005
energy prices forecast. (Values in
parentheses in the columns for LCC
savings represent an increase in LCC.)
The tables also show the mean payback
period at each trial standard level.
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
The annual energy consumption
calculated from the test procedure is
greater than the annual energy
consumption used in the LCC analysis.
Therefore, the mean payback periods
calculated for the LCC analysis are
longer than the rebuttable payback
periods, which use the test procedure
energy consumption results.
[AEO2005 energy price forecast]
standard level
Net cost
No impact
Net benefit
Baseline Unit ........................................
1 ...........................................................
2 ...........................................................
3 ...........................................................
4 ...........................................................
5 ...........................................................
[AEO2005 energy price forecast]
standard level
Net cost
No impact
Net benefits
Baseline Unit ............................................
1 ...............................................................
2 ...............................................................
3 ...............................................................
4 ...............................................................
5 ...............................................................
[AEO2005 energy price forecast]
standard level
Net cost
No impact
Net benefit
Baseline Unit ............................................
1 ...............................................................
2 ...............................................................
3 ...............................................................
4 ...............................................................
5 ...............................................................
[AEO2005 energy price forecast]
Baseline Unit ............................................
1 ...............................................................
2 ...............................................................
3 ...............................................................
4 ...............................................................
5 ...............................................................
VerDate Aug<31>2005
16:32 Oct 05, 2006
Jkt 211001
Net cost
No impact
Net benefit
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
standard level
PO 00000
Frm 00033
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
[AEO2005 energy price forecast]
standard level
Net cost
No impact
Net benefit
Baseline Unit ............................................
1 ...............................................................
2 ...............................................................
3 ...............................................................
4 ...............................................................
5 ...............................................................
[AEO2005 energy price forecast]
standard level
Net cost
No impact
Net benefit
Baseline Unit ............................................
1 ...............................................................
2 ...............................................................
3 ...............................................................
4 ...............................................................
5 ...............................................................
Similarly, Tables V.8 through V.13
show LCC results for the energy price
sensitivity analysis. They list the mean
LCC savings and the percent of
households with a net cost, no impact,
and a net benefit (i.e., positive savings)
at each trial standard level for each of
the product classes, based on energy
price forecast from AEO2006. (Values in
parentheses in the columns for LCC
savings represent an increase in LCC.)
The tables also show the mean payback
period at each trial standard level.
[AEO2006 energy price forecast]
standard level
Net cost
No impact
Net benefit
Baseline Unit ..........................................
1 .............................................................
2 .............................................................
3 .............................................................
4 .............................................................
5 .............................................................
[AEO2006 energy price forecast]
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
standard level
VerDate Aug<31>2005
16:32 Oct 05, 2006
Jkt 211001
Net cost
No impact
Net benefit
Baseline Unit ............................................
1 ...............................................................
2 ...............................................................
PO 00000
Frm 00034
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
[AEO2006 energy price forecast]
standard level
Net cost
No impact
Net benefit
3 ...............................................................
4 ...............................................................
5 ...............................................................
[AEO2006 energy price forecast]
Baseline Unit ............................................
1 ...............................................................
2 ...............................................................
3 ...............................................................
4 ...............................................................
5 ...............................................................
Net cost
No impact
Net benefit
Trial standard level
[AEO2006 energy price forecast]
Baseline Unit ............................................
1 ...............................................................
2 ...............................................................
3 ...............................................................
4 ...............................................................
5 ...............................................................
Net cost
No impact
Net benefit
Trial standard level
[AEO2006 energy price forecast]
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
Baseline Unit ............................................
1 ...............................................................
2 ...............................................................
3 ...............................................................
4 ...............................................................
5 ...............................................................
VerDate Aug<31>2005
16:32 Oct 05, 2006
Jkt 211001
Net cost
No impact
Net benefit
Trial standard level
PO 00000
Frm 00035
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
[AEO2006 energy price forecast]
standard level
Net cost
No impact
Net benefit
Baseline Unit ........................................
1 ...........................................................
2 ...........................................................
3 ...........................................................
4 ...........................................................
5 ...........................................................
impacts and payback periods on the full
sample of residential consumers. Thus,
the proposed furnace and boiler
standards would have an impact on
low-income households and senior-only
households that would be similar to
their impact on the general population
of residential consumers. (See TSD,
Chapter 11.)
The Department also determined the
impact of the standards for nonweatherized gas furnaces on Southern
b. Consumer Subgroup Analysis.
Using the LCC Spreadsheet Model, the
Department determined the impact of
the standards for non-weatherized gas
furnaces on the following consumer
subgroups: Low-income households,
senior-only households, and Southern
and Northern households. The results
for low-income and senior-only
households indicate that the LCC
impacts on these subgroups and the
payback periods are similar to the LCC
and Northern households. Tables V.14
and V.15 show the mean LCC savings
and the percent of households with a
net cost, no impact, and a net benefit
(i.e., positive savings) at each trial
standard level for non-weatherized gas
furnaces, using the AEO2005 energy
prices forecast. (Values in parentheses
in the columns for LCC savings
represent an increase in LCC.) The
tables also show the mean payback
period at each trial standard level.
[AEO2005 energy price forecast]
Baseline Unit ............................................
1 ...............................................................
2 ...............................................................
3 ...............................................................
4 ...............................................................
5 ...............................................................
Net cost
No impact
Net benefit
Trial standard level
[AEO2005 energy price forecast]
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
Baseline Unit ............................................
1 ...............................................................
2 ...............................................................
3 ...............................................................
4 ...............................................................
5 ...............................................................
16:32 Oct 05, 2006
Jkt 211001
Net cost
No impact
Net benefit
Similarly, Tables V.16 and V.17 show
the LCC subgroup results by region for
VerDate Aug<31>2005
Trial standard level
the energy price sensitivity analysis.
The tables indicate the impact of the
PO 00000
Frm 00036
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
standards for non-weatherized gas
furnaces on Southern and Northern
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
households, based on the AEO2006
energy price forecast, in terms of the
mean LCC savings and the percent of
households with a net cost, no impact,
and a net benefit (i.e., positive savings)
at each trial standard level. (Values in
parentheses in the columns for LCC
savings represent an increase in LCC.)
The tables also show the mean payback
period at each trial standard level.
[AEO2006 energy price forecast]
Baseline Unit ............................................
1 ...............................................................
2 ...............................................................
3 ...............................................................
4 ...............................................................
5 ...............................................................
Net cost
No impact
Net benefit
Trial standard level
[AEO2006 energy price forecast]
Baseline Unit ............................................
1 ...............................................................
2 ...............................................................
3 ...............................................................
4 ...............................................................
5 ...............................................................
Net cost
No impact
Net benefit
Trial standard level
c. Rebuttable-Presumption Payback.
As set forth in section 325(o)(2)(B)(iii) of
EPCA, 42 U.S.C. 6295(o)(2)(B)(iii), there
is a rebuttable presumption that an
energy conservation standard is
economically justified if the increased
installed cost for a product that meets
the standard is less than three times the
value of the first-year energy savings
resulting from the standard. However,
while the Department examined the
rebuttable-presumption criteria, it
determined economic justification for
the proposed standard levels through a
weighting of the benefits and burdens of
increased efficiency in accordance with
section 325(o)(2)(B)(i) of EPCA. (42
U.S.C. 6295(o)(2)(B)(i))
The Department calculated a
rebuttable-presumption payback period
for each trial standard level to
determine if DOE could presume that a
standard at that level is economically
justified. Table V.18 shows the
rebuttable-presumption payback
periods. Rather than using distributions
for input values, DOE used discrete
values and, as required by EPCA, based
the calculation on the DOE furnace and
boiler test procedure assumptions. As a
result, the Department calculated a
single rebuttable-presumption payback
value, and not a distribution of payback
periods, for each standard level.
Payback period (years)
Product class
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
Non-weatherized Gas Furnaces ......................................................................................................
Weatherized Gas Furnaces .............................................................................................................
Mobile Home Gas Furnaces ............................................................................................................
Oil-fired Furnaces ............................................................................................................................
Gas Boilers ......................................................................................................................................
Oil-fired Boilers ................................................................................................................................
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PO 00000
Frm 00037
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
2. Economic Impacts on Manufacturers
The Department performed an MIA to
estimate the impact of higher efficiency
standards on furnace and boiler
manufacturers. (See TSD, Chapter 12.)
a. Industry Cash Flow Analysis
Results. The Department used the INPV
in the MIA to compare the financial
impacts of different trial standard levels
on furnace and boiler manufacturers.
The INPV is the sum of all net cash
flows discounted at the industry’s cost
of capital, or discount rate. Because the
INPV applies only to the furnace and
boiler manufacturing industry, the INPV
is different from the NPV that the
Department used to assess the
cumulative benefit or cost of standards
to consumers on a national basis. The
GRIM estimated cash flows between
2004 and 2038 and found them to be
consistent with the forecast period used
in the national impact analysis.
The Department compared the INPV
of the base case (no new efficiency
standard) to that of each trial standard
level. The difference in INPV is an
estimate of the economic impacts that
implementing that particular standard
would have on the entire industry. To
evaluate the range of cash flow impacts
on the industry, the Department
constructed up to four different GRIM
scenarios for each product class that
used different assumptions for markups
and shipments, as described above.
i. Non-Weatherized Gas Furnaces. For
non-weatherized gas furnaces, the
Department considered four cash flow
The flat markup and two-tier markup
scenarios are each combined with NES
shipment forecasts and manufacturers’
shipment forecasts. To assess the lower
end of the range of potential impacts,
the Department used the flat markup
and NES shipments scenario, which
represents an optimistic situation where
shipments are not greatly affected by
even a large increase in cost to the
consumer. In addition, this scenario
assumes that manufacturers do not
differentiate their baseline products
from their premium products, either in
the base case or the standards case—
thus, the scenario assumes a constant
markup across all efficiencies. The
Department did not reduce this profit
margin to offset some of the price
burden passed on to the consumer in
the standards case. Consequently, some
of the manufacturer impacts on INPV
are positive.
To assess the higher end of the range
of potential impacts, the Department
used the manufacturers’ shipments
forecast and modeled a two-tiered
markup structure. The two-tier scenario
assumes that the proportion of
premium-margin sales will be reduced
by the ‘‘roll-up’’ of lower efficiency
products to the new standard level. The
manufacturers’ shipments forecast
assumes an increased drop in shipments
for trial standard levels 4 and 5 due to
equipment switching and an increase in
repairs of current systems. As can be
observed from the cash flow results,
both the shipment scenario and the
markup scenario have a significant
impact on the results. Table V.19 shows
the manufacturer impacts for each of the
four scenarios.
NES shipments
Flat markup
Two-tier markup
Change in INPV
from base
Base case ....................................................................................................................
1 ...................................................................................................................................
2 ...................................................................................................................................
3 ...................................................................................................................................
4 ...................................................................................................................................
5 ...................................................................................................................................
Change in INPV
from base
Manufacturers’ shipments
Flat markup
Two-tier markup
Change in INPV
from base
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
Base case ....................................................................................................................
1 ...................................................................................................................................
2 ...................................................................................................................................
3 ...................................................................................................................................
4 ...................................................................................................................................
5 ...................................................................................................................................
At trial standard levels 1 and 2 (80percent AFUE), the impact on INPV and
cash flow would be slight, since the
bulk of the product being sold is already
at the 80-percent AFUE level; thus,
industry revenues and costs are not
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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significantly negatively impacted.
Furthermore, little investment is
required to meet the standard.
At trial standard level 3 (81-percent
AFUE), concern over safety and
reliability associated with corrosion due
PO 00000
Frm 00038
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
Change in INPV
from base
to condensation is the dominant issue
for manufacturers of non-weatherized
gas furnaces. Based on information
submitted by industry, to mitigate
theses concerns a standard at trial
standard level 3 would require a
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
complete redesign of furnace heat
exchangers, entailing $60 million in
product conversion expenses and a
$121-million investment in new tooling
and equipment. Furthermore,
manufacturers maintain that this capital
outlay does not fully address their
safety, reliability, and equipment
longevity concerns. Finally,
manufacturers stated that, at trial
standard level 3, they must address
additional liability impacts that are not
illustrated by the quantitative results
presented here. The impact on INPV at
trial standard level 3 is ¥7 percent and
cash flow in the year leading to the
effective date would be reduced to
approximately zero from a base case
value of $67 million.
Trial standard level 4 requires the
production of 90-percent-AFUE
condensing, non-weatherized gas
furnaces. If manufacturers lose the
ability to market and sell premium
products, such as high AFUE
condensing products, then DOE expects
the impact on INPV to be larger.
Another key uncertainty in future
profitability is the market response to
the higher price and corresponding
energy savings of the condensing
product. Manufacturers predict a much
greater drop in unit sales than the NES
analysis forecasted. The INPV impacts
range from +1-percent to ¥28 percent.
The required product and capital
conversion costs are significant and
estimated to be $82 million and $174.3
million, respectively, because of the
need for a secondary heat exchanger. At
this level, the industry cash flow
becomes slightly negative, ¥$1 million,
compared to the base case value of $67
million in the year leading up to the
At trial standard level 5 (96-percentAFUE), the impact on INPV would
range between +21 percent and ¥46
percent, depending on markup and
shipment assumptions. The industry
would experience an increase in value
if it were able to fully pass through to
consumers the incremental production
costs and associated markups, and the
shipments were reduced according to
the forecasts in the NES shipments
model. However, there is a risk of very
large negative impacts if shipments
were reduced according to
manufacturers’ expectations and in the
very likely situation that manufacturers
were no longer able to offer premium
products at higher margins. During the
interviews, manufacturers expressed
disbelief at the possibility of
manufacturing an entire product line at
96-percent AFUE, since there is only
one model currently being
manufactured at this efficiency level.
Most manufacturers did not provide
DOE with projected product conversion
costs or capital conversion costs at this
level, since they could not conceive of
what designs might reach this efficiency
level. The Department estimated the
required product and capital conversion
costs, based on limited input, to be $144
million and $705 million, respectively
for TSL 5. The impact on annual cash
flow from product conversion and
capital expenditures prior to the
standard would be severe. The peak
negative cash flow would be
approximately four times the magnitude
of the base-case positive cash flow.
ii. Weatherized Gas Furnaces. For
weatherized gas furnaces, the
Department considered two cash flow
scenarios, which include the flatmarkup and the constant-price
scenario—both using NES shipments
forecasts. The flat-markup and NESshipments scenario represents a
situation where shipments are not
greatly affected, even by a large increase
in cost to the consumer. In the second
scenario, the constant-price aspect
assumes that manufacturers of
weatherized gas furnaces will not be
able to recover the incremental product
costs resulting from increased
standards. The Department used these
two markup scenarios because
manufacturers currently do not
differentiate between baseline and
premium products, since condensing
technologies are not used in
weatherized gas furnaces and therefore
are not a differentiating feature that
requires a premium markup.
Consequently, the Department did not
consider a two-tier markup scenario.
Table V.20 shows the weatherized gas
furnace industry impacts using the two
NES shipments
Flat markup
Constant price markup
Change in INPV
from base
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
Base case ........................................................................................................................
1 .......................................................................................................................................
2 .......................................................................................................................................
3 .......................................................................................................................................
4 .......................................................................................................................................
5 .......................................................................................................................................
The impact on INPV for weatherized
gas furnaces at trial standard level 1 (81percent AFUE) ranges between ¥11
percent and ¥13 percent. Even with the
flat-markup assumption and accepting
the NES-shipments forecast unaltered,
the industry value drops because of the
large conversion costs relative to
industry revenues. To achieve 81percent AFUE, manufacturers estimate
product conversion costs of $49 million
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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and capital conversion expenses of $28
million. Negative cash flows peak at
approximately $5 million from a basecase value of $17 million in 2014.
At 83-percent AFUE, trial standard
levels 2–5, DOE forecasts that the INPV
will drop between 19 percent and 32
percent. At 83-percent AFUE,
investment in corrosion-resistant
materials must be made. The
Department estimates the required
PO 00000
Frm 00039
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
Change in INPV
from base
product-conversion and capitalconversion costs at $70 million and $61
million, respectively. Manufacturers
stated that this is primarily due to the
need for stainless steel heat exchangers.
Net cash flow would drop to
approximately ¥$25 million, a drop of
$40 million from the base case.
iii. Mobile Home Gas Furnaces. For
mobile home furnaces, the Department
considered two cash flow scenarios: the
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
flat-markup and NES-shipments
scenario, and the flat-markup and
manufacturers’ shipments scenario. The
flat-markup and NES-shipments
scenario represents a situation where
shipments are not greatly affected by a
large increase in cost to the consumer.
The Department used the flat-markup
because it does not believe there is a
large variation in gross margin across all
available efficiency levels. To represent
the higher range of potential impacts,
the Department used the flat-markup
and manufacturers’ shipments scenario.
The manufacturers’ shipments forecast
shows a decline in mobile home furnace
shipments at trial standard levels 4 and
5. Manufacturers stated that consumers
are more likely to choose heat pumps,
combination systems, electric furnaces,
or electric strip heaters, instead of
buying the more efficient, more costly
mobile home furnaces at trial standard
levels 4 and 5. Table V.21 shows the
manufacturer impacts for mobile home
gas furnaces.
Flat markup
NES shipments
Change in INPV
from base
Base case ........................................................................................................................
1 .......................................................................................................................................
2 .......................................................................................................................................
3 .......................................................................................................................................
4 .......................................................................................................................................
5 .......................................................................................................................................
At 80-percent AFUE, trial standard
levels 1 and 2, the INPV and cash flow
impacts are negligible, and little
investment is required to meet the
At trial standard level 3, DOE
estimates that the INPV will drop by 14
percent. It estimates product-conversion
and capital-conversion costs at $1.7
million and $6 million, respectively.
Net cash flow drops precipitously from
+$1 million to slightly negative values
in the year 2014.
At 90-percent AFUE, trial standard
levels 4 and 5, product-conversion costs
of $6.7 million and capital expenditures
of $12 million contribute to lowering
INPV by 42–49 percent. Net cash flow
becomes negative by a factor of more
than seven times the base-case value.
iv. Oil-Fired Furnaces. For oil-fired
furnaces, the Department considered
two cash flow scenarios: The flatmarkup and NES-shipments scenario,
and the constant-price and NESshipments scenario. The flat-markup
and NES-shipments scenario represents
a situation where shipments are not
greatly affected by increased cost to the
consumer. For the second scenario, the
Department also used the NESshipments forecast and applied a
constant-margin assumption. While the
Department realizes that there will be a
drop in shipments at trial standard
levels 4 and 5 due to equipment
Manufacturers’ shipments
Change in INPV
from base
switching, the Department used the
NES-shipments forecast because the
difference between the NES shipments
and the manufacturers’ shipments was
small and some manufacturers stated
that they expected a small drop in
shipments at higher proposed standard
levels. Furthermore, the Department
does not expect a change in shipments
when applying a constant-price
assumption, because there will be no
change in the product costs as a result
of new efficiency standards. Table V.22
displays the impacts on INPV for the
oil-fired furnace industry for both
NES shipments
Flat markup
Constant price markup
Change in INPV
from base
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
Base case ........................................................................................................................
1 .......................................................................................................................................
2 .......................................................................................................................................
3 .......................................................................................................................................
4 .......................................................................................................................................
5 .......................................................................................................................................
At trial standard level 1 (80-percent
AFUE), DOE estimates the INPV impacts
to be ¥5 percent for oil-fired furnaces.
Cash flow is cut approximately in half,
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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Jkt 211001
from approximately $2 million to $1
million in 2014. The Department
estimates product-conversion costs to be
PO 00000
Frm 00040
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
Change in INPV
from base
$3 million and capital requirements to
total $1 million.
At 82-percent AFUE, trial standard
levels 2 and 3, DOE estimates the INPV
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
impacts to range from ¥8 percent to
¥12 percent for oil-fired furnaces. Cash
flow would be slightly positive in 2014,
a drop of $2 million from the base case.
The Department estimates productconversion costs to be $4.5 million and
capital requirements to total $3.6
million. At 82-percent AFUE, one
manufacturer indicated the firm would
not invest the necessary capital, since it
could not justify the investment.
At trial standard level 4 (84-percent
AFUE), the INPV impacts range from
¥19 percent to ¥27 percent, and at trial
standard level 5 (85-percent AFUE) the
impacts range from ¥21 percent to ¥35
percent. Achieving these efficiency
levels would require new heat
exchanger designs, which raises the
product conversion costs to $8.5 million
at both trial standard level 4 and trial
standard level 5. Total capital
requirements rise to $7 million at trial
standard level 4 and $8 million at trial
standard level 5. Net cash flow is
reduced by nearly 200 percent to ¥$3.4
million at TSL 4.
Other considerations from the
standpoint of manufacturers of oil-fired
furnaces include the possibility of
implementing a de-rating strategy at
trial standard levels 1, 2, and 3 to
reduce capital costs. A de-rating strategy
aims to achieve higher efficiency levels
by using a larger capacity furnace
compensated with a downsized burner.
This would reduce the span of the
product line through elimination of
some higher capacity models. In
addition, for oil-fired furnaces at 82percent AFUE, some manufacturers
expressed concerns about increased
maintenance costs due to sulfur in the
fuel and exhaust gas. This sulfur can
form a residue that potentially would
increase maintenance costs as efficiency
v. Gas Boilers. For gas boilers, the
Department considered two cash flow
scenarios: the flat markup and the threetier markup, both using manufacturer-
supplied shipment estimates. The
Department did not use NES shipments
in the GRIM, since they did not
demonstrate any price responses by
shipments—even at very high efficiency
levels. Manufacturers stated that
shipments would decrease with
increases in efficiency, particularly at
the higher levels where consumers
would repair existing systems rather
than replace them.
The Department therefore defines the
two scenarios by the assumed markup
strategy—a flat markup or a three-tiered
markup. The Department learned from
manufacturers that the pricing of boilers
is determined on the basis of three
product tiers. During the MIA interview,
manufacturers provided information on
the range of typical AFUE levels for
each of the three tiers and the change in
profitability associated with each level
for gas boilers. Table V.23 displays the
manufacturer impacts on the gas boiler
industry for both scenarios.
Manufacturers’ shipments
Flat markup
Three-tier markup
Change in INPV
from base
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
Base case ........................................................................................................................
1 .......................................................................................................................................
2 .......................................................................................................................................
3 .......................................................................................................................................
4 .......................................................................................................................................
5 .......................................................................................................................................
At trial standard level 1 (82-percent
AFUE), the impact on INPV ranges from
¥0.9 percent to ¥3 percent for gas
boilers. The Department estimates the
product-conversion costs and capitalconversion costs at $7.5 and $9.5
million, respectively. Net cash flow is
reduced from $10 million to $9 million
in 2014.
At 84-percent AFUE, trial standard
levels 2, 3, and 4, the impact on INPV
for gas boilers ranges from ¥7 percent
to ¥12 percent. The Department
estimates product-conversion costs to be
$8.7 million and capital requirements to
total $12.5 million. Cash flow is reduced
from $10 million to $8 million in 2014.
Several manufacturers stated that, at
this efficiency level, there is a high risk
of safety and reliability issues. There is
also a great likelihood that standingpilot versions of these products would
be eliminated.
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At trial standard level 5 (99-percent
AFUE), the impact on INPV for gas
boilers ranges between ¥16 percent and
¥50 percent. During the interviews,
manufacturers stated that this level is
simply not achievable with current
technologies and is beyond the
maximum technologically feasible level.
Instead, some manufacturers
recommended that the max tech level
would more reasonably be 96-percent or
97-percent AFUE. In addition, some
manufacturers would not provide
product-conversion cost or capitalconversion costs at this level, since they
could not conceive what designs might
reach this efficiency level.
Consequently, with limited responses
from manufacturers, DOE estimated the
required product and capital conversion
costs to be $20 million and $150
million, respectively. The net cash flow
is reduced to nearly ¥$45 million.
PO 00000
Frm 00041
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Sfmt 4702
Change in INPV
from base
vi. Oil-Fired Boilers. For oil-fired
boilers, the Department considered two
cash flow scenarios: The flat markup
and the three-tiered markup, both using
manufacturer-supplied shipment
estimates. The Department considered
only manufacturer-supplied shipment
estimates for the same reasons given for
gas boilers. Manufacturers stated that
shipments would decrease for oil-fired
boilers at higher efficiency levels,
because the market would move toward
radiant or electric furnaces and
consumers would repair rather than
replace their existing boilers.
Thus, similarly to the markups
defined for gas boilers, DOE defines the
two scenarios by the assumed markup
strategy—a flat markup or a three-tiered
markup. The Department learned from
manufacturers that the pricing of boilers
is determined on the basis of three
product tiers. During the MIA
interviews, manufacturers provided
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
information on the range of typical
AFUE levels for each of the three tiers
and the change in profitability
associated with each level for oil-fired
boilers. Table V.24 shows the changes in
INPV as compared to the base case for
each trial standard level for oil-fired
boiler manufacturers.
Manufacturers’ shipments
Flat markup
Three-tier markup
Change in INPV
from base
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
Base case ........................................................................................................................
1 .......................................................................................................................................
2 .......................................................................................................................................
3 .......................................................................................................................................
4 .......................................................................................................................................
5 .......................................................................................................................................
At 83-percent AFUE, trial standard
levels 1, 2, and 3, the impact on INPV
ranges from ¥3 percent to ¥13 percent
for oil-fired boilers. At trial standard
level 4 (84-percent AFUE), the impact
on INPV ranges from between ¥2.5
percent to ¥14 percent. The
Department estimates productconversion costs and capital-conversion
costs to be $4 million and $3.2 million,
respectively, for trial standard levels 1,
2, and 3. For trial standard level 4, DOE
estimates product-conversion costs and
capital-conversion costs to be $4.1
million and $3.4 million, respectively.
At these levels, manufacturers would
likely use a de-rating strategy to reduce
capital costs. This would reduce the
span of the product line through
elimination of some higher capacity
models. Cash flow is reduced from $5
million to $4 million in 2014 for trial
standard levels 1 through 4.
At trial standard level 5 (95-percent
AFUE), the impact on INPV ranges from
¥19 percent to ¥45 percent. Net cash
flow would be reduced to
approximately ¥$22 million. The
Department estimates productconversion and capital-conversion costs
to be $10.3 and $70.4 million,
respectively. At this level,
manufacturers expect complete loss of
sales to competing products.
b. Impacts on Manufacturing
Capacity. To the extent that more
stringent energy conservation standards
increase the size of the heat exchanger,
they could reduce plant throughput,
particularly for those plants that are
constrained in their heat exchanger
fabrication area. The standards thus
could necessitate that manufacturers
add floor space to their existing plants
and warehouses. In addition, assembly
and fabrication times could increase for
the larger equipment. In an attempt to
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recoup capacity, manufacturers might
need to invest in productivity, or
equipment, or consider outsourcing
some heat exchanger production.
It is not clear that all new capacity
would be added in the United States.
During the MIA interviews, several
manufacturers stated that there has been
a trend in the industry to move
production facilities to overseas
locations where labor markets offer cost
savings. Some of these companies
commented that new standards could
speed up this trend.
For condensing gas boilers, in
particular, the European market is as
large as the non-weatherized gas furnace
market in the United States, with
attendant high-volume pricing and large
company suppliers. If standards were to
require condensing technology, it is
likely that manufacturers would outsource heat exchangers to European
c. Impacts on Subgroups of
Manufacturers. Using average cost
assumptions to develop an industrycash-flow estimate is not adequate for
assessing differential impacts among
subgroups of manufacturers. Small
manufacturers, niche players, or
manufacturers exhibiting a cost
structure that differs largely from the
industry average could be affected
differently. The Department used the
results of the industry characterization
to group manufacturers exhibiting
similar characteristics.
The Department evaluated the impact
of new energy conservation standards
on small businesses, as defined by the
SBA for the furnace and boiler
manufacturing industry as
manufacturing enterprises with 750 or
fewer employees. The Department
created a more tailored version of the
interview guide for small furnace and
PO 00000
Frm 00042
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
Change in INPV
boiler manufacturers, and contacted
small businesses to determine if they
were interested in discussing
differential impacts that standards
would have on their companies. The
Department received feedback from five
manufacturers, which suggested that
impacts on them would not differ from
impacts on larger companies within the
industry. (See TSD, Chapter 12.)
During the manufacturer interviews,
the Department also identified several
types of residential furnaces and boilers
that are used in particular or unusual
applications, have features that differ
from those of the vast majority of
products available on the marketplace,
and have some unique utility. The
Department refers to these as ‘‘niche
products.’’ In the TSD, DOE presents
niche product classes that the
Department identified and further
considered. During the manufacturer
interviews, several manufacturers
claimed that certain niche products
would not be viable if required to meet
higher efficiency standards. All of these
products serve relatively small niche
markets and, as such, the efficiency
standards established for these products
will have little effect on national energy
savings. Some of the niche products
have very similar characteristics to the
product class they belong to, and will
not be disproportionately affected or
threatened by new standards. (See TSD,
Chapter 12.)
d. Cumulative Regulatory Burden.
One aspect of the assessment of
manufacturer burden is the cumulative
impact of multiple DOE standards and
the regulatory actions of other Federal
agencies and States that affect the
manufacture of a covered product. The
Department believes that a standard
level is not economically justified if it
contributes to an unacceptable
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
cumulative regulatory burden. While
any one regulation may not impose a
significant burden on manufacturers,
the combined effects of several
impending regulations may have serious
consequences for some manufacturers,
groups of manufacturers, or an entire
industry. Assessing the impact of a
single regulation may overlook this
cumulative regulatory burden.
Companies that produce a wider
range of regulated products may be
faced with more capital and product
development expenditures than their
competitors. This can prompt those
companies to exit the market or reduce
their product offerings, potentially
reducing competition. Smaller
companies can be especially affected,
since they have lower sales volumes
over which to amortize the costs of
meeting new regulations.
The most significant regulatory
actions affecting the furnace and boiler
industries are compliance with more
stringent Federal energy conservation
standards for residential and
commercial air conditioners, and the
EPA-mandated phase out of
hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) and
hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC)
refrigerants. Manufacturers of
residential furnaces and boilers also
manufacturer approximately 82 percent
of the residential central air
conditioners and heat pumps and many
of these manufacturers also manufacture
commercial unitary air conditioners and
heat pumps. The effective date for the
residential AC rulemaking was January
23, 2006. Manufacturers were working
to redesign all of the product lines and
have allocated most of their capital
resources for redesigning and retooling
of their production lines to meet the
new minimum efficiency standard. The
effective date for the new commercial
unitary air conditioner and heat pump
standards is January 1, 2010, as
specified in EPACT 2005.
Manufacturers are now re-designing
their product offerings and will need to
retool to meet those standards. In
addition, the EPA-mandated refrigerant
phase out comes into effect on January
1, 2010, and is expected to have the
biggest cumulative impact on residential
furnace and boiler manufacturers.
Chapter 12 of the TSD quantifies the
anticipated level of investments needed
to meet each of these regulatory
3. National Impact Analysis
a. Significance of Energy Savings. To
estimate the energy savings through
2038 due to amended energy
conservation standards, the Department
compared the energy consumption of
furnaces and boilers under the base case
to energy consumption of furnaces and
boilers under the five trial standard
levels. As discussed in section III.D.1,
the results account for a rebound effect
of 15 percent (i.e., 15 percent of the total
savings from higher equipment
efficiency are ‘‘taken back’’ by
consumers to provide more heating
service). Table V.25 shows the
forecasted national energy savings at
each of the trial standard levels
calculated using the AEO2005 energy
price forecast. The table also shows the
magnitude of the energy savings if the
savings are discounted at rates of seven
and three percent. Each trial standard
level considered in this rulemaking
would result in significant energy
savings, and the amount of savings
increases with higher efficiency
standards. (See TSD, Chapter 10.)
[AEO2005 energy price forecast]
National energy savings
Trial standard level
For the energy price sensitivity
analysis, the Department also estimated
the energy savings through 2038 due to
amended energy conservation standards
based on the AEO2006 energy price
forecasts. Table V.26 shows the results
for the national energy savings in the
energy price sensitivity analysis, which
are slightly different for trial standard
levels 3, 4, and 5.
[AEO2006 energy price forecast]
National energy savings
Trial standard level
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
In addition to examining cumulative
energy savings as a nation for residential
furnaces and boilers, the Department
looked at the cumulative energy savings
by region. The Department defined the
same two regions for the regional energy
savings analysis as it used in the
Consumer Subgroup analysis. Table
V.27 shows the forecasted energy
savings at each of the trial standard
levels for the Northern and Southern
regions based on the AEO2005. In
addition, the Department also examined
the cumulative energy savings by region
in the energy price sensitivity analysis.
Table V.28 shows the forecasted energy
savings at each of the trial standard
levels for the Northern and Southern
regions based on the AEO2006.
b. Net Present Value. The NPV
analysis is a measure of the cumulative
benefit or cost of standards to the
Nation. In accordance with OMB’s
guidelines on regulatory analysis (OMB
Circular A–4, section E, September 17,
2003), DOE calculated NPV using both
a seven-percent and a three-percent real
discount rate. The seven-percent rate is
an estimate of the average before-tax rate
of return to private capital in the U.S.
economy, and reflects the returns to real
estate and small business capital as well
as corporate capital. The Department
used this discount rate to approximate
the opportunity cost of capital in the
private sector, since recent OMB
analysis has found the average rate of
return to capital to be near this rate. In
addition, DOE used the three-percent
TABLE V.27.—SUMMARY OF CUMULATIVE ENERGY SAVINGS BY REGION rate to capture the potential effects of
FOR RESIDENTIAL NON-WEATHER- standards on private consumption (e.g.,
IZED GAS FURNACES (ENERGY SAV- through higher prices for equipment and
INGS FOR UNITS SOLD FROM 2015 the purchase of reduced amounts of
energy). This rate represents the rate at
TO 2038)
which ‘‘society’’ discounts future
[AEO2005 energy price forecast]
consumption flows to their present
value. This rate can be approximated by
Primary energy savings
the real rate of return on long-term
Trial standard
government debt (i.e., yield on Treasury
notes minus annual rate of change in the
Consumer Price Index), which has
1 ........................
0.004 averaged about three-percent on a pre2 ........................
0.004 tax basis for the last 30 years.
3 ........................
Table V.29 shows the forecasted NPV
4 ........................
5 ........................
1.71 at each of the trial standard levels, based
on the AEO2005 energy price forecasts.
Use of a three-percent discount rate
TABLE V.28.—SUMMARY OF CUMUincreases the present value of future
LATIVE ENERGY SAVINGS BY REGION equipment-purchase costs and
FOR RESIDENTIAL NON-WEATHER- operating-cost savings. However,
IZED GAS FURNACES IN THE ENERGY because annual operating-cost savings
PRICE SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS (EN- in later years grow at a faster rate than
ERGY SAVINGS FOR UNITS SOLD annual equipment-purchase costs, use
FROM 2015 TO 2038)
of a three-percent discount rate
increases the NPV at most trial standard
[AEO2006 energy price forecast]
levels. (See TSD, Chapter 10.) Similarly,
Primary energy savings
the Department also calculated the
forecasted NPV in the energy price
Trial standard
sensitivity analysis based on the
AEO2006. Table V.30 exhibits the
forecasted NPV at each trial standard
1 ........................
level, based on the AEO2006 energy
2 ........................
3 ........................
0.13 price forecasts.
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
4 ........................
5 ........................
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FROM 2015 TO 2038)
[AEO2005 energy price forecast]
NPV (billion 2004$)
Trial standard
PO 00000
Frm 00044
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
[AEO2006 energy price forecast]
NPV (billion 2004$)
Trial standard
In addition to national net present
value, the Department examined the
regional effects of standards on the net
present value. Table V.31 shows the
forecasted NPV at each of the trial
standard levels for the Northern and
Southern regions based on the AEO2005
energy price forecasts. In addition, the
Department examined the NPV by
region in the energy price sensitivity
analysis. Table V.32 shows the NPV at
each of the trial standard levels for the
Northern and Southern regions based on
the AEO2006 energy price forecasts.
Jkt 211001
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
[AEO2005 energy price forecast]
NPV (billion 2004$)
Northern region
Southern region
Trial standard level
[AEO2006 energy price forecast]
NPV (billion 2004$)
Northern region
Southern region
Trial standard level
c. Impacts on Employment. In
accordance with the Process Rule,
section 4(d)(7)(vi), the Department
estimated the employment impacts of
the proposed standard on the economy
in general. 61 FR 36983. As discussed
above, the Department expects energy
conservation standards for residential
furnaces and boilers to reduce energy
bills for consumers, and the resulting
net savings to be redirected to other
forms of economic activity. The
Department also realizes that these
shifts in spending and economic activity
could affect the demand for labor. To
estimate these effects, the Department
used an input/output model of the U.S.
economy using BLS data (as described
in section IV.G). (See TSD, Chapter 14.)
This input/output model suggests the
proposed furnace and boiler standards
are likely to slightly increase the net
demand for labor in the economy.
Neither the BLS data nor the input/
output model used by DOE includes the
quality or wage level of the jobs. As
shown in Table V.33, the Department
estimates that net indirect employment
impacts from a proposed furnace and
boiler energy-efficiency standard are
Trial standard level
(thousands of jobs)
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
4. Impact on Utility or Performance of
5. Impact of Any Lessening of
As presented in section III.E.1.d, of
this notice, DOE concluded that none of
the efficiency levels considered in this
notice reduce the utility or performance
of residential furnaces and boilers.
Furthermore, furnace and boiler
manufacturers currently offer products
that meet or exceed the proposed
standards. (42 U.S.C.
The Department considers any
lessening of competition that is likely to
result from standards. The Attorney
General determines the impact, if any,
of any lessening of competition likely to
result from a proposed standard, and
transmits such determination to the
Secretary together with an analysis of
the nature and extent of such impact.
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(See 42 U.S.C. 6295(o)(2)(B)(i)(V) and
To assist the Attorney General in
making such a determination, the
Department has provided the
Department of Justice (DOJ) with copies
of this notice and the TSD for review.
The Department will consider DOJ’s
comments on the proposed rule in
preparing the final rule.
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
6. Need of the Nation To Conserve
Enhanced energy efficiency also
produces environmental benefits. The
expected energy savings from higher
furnace and boiler standards will reduce
the emissions of air pollutants and
greenhouse gases associated with energy
production and household use of fossil
fuels. Table V.34 shows cumulative CO2,
SO2, and NOX emissions reductions over
the analysis period. As discussed in
section III.D.1, the results account for a
rebound effect of 15 percent. The
cumulative CO2, NOX, and SO2
emissions reductions range up to 341.0
Mt, 203.4 kt, and 69.0 t, respectively.
The Department reports annual CO2,
SO2, and NOX emissions reductions for
each trial standard level in the
environmental assessment, a separate
report in the TSD.
As discussed in section IV.I, DOE
reports SO2 emissions reductions at the
household level instead of reporting
these emissions from power plants. The
reported NOX emissions reductions do
include the impacts of each trial
standard level at power plants. If NOX
emissions are subject to emissions caps
in the evaluation period, the
Department assumes that the reported
emissions reductions correspond to the
production of emissions allowance
[Cumulative reductions for units sold from 2015 to 2038]
CO2 (Mt) .................................................................................................................................
NOX (kt) .................................................................................................................................
SO2 (kt) ..................................................................................................................................
The Department also presents its
results for discounted emissions of CO2,
NOX, and SO2. The Department used the
same discount rates that it used in
calculating the NPV (seven percent and
three percent real) to calculate
discounted cumulative emission
reductions. Table V.35 shows the
discounted cumulative emissions
impacts for residential furnaces and
boilers. The Department intends the
seven-percent and three-percent real
discount rate values to capture the
present value of costs and benefits
associated with projects facing an
average degree of risk. Other discount
rates may be more applicable to
discount costs and benefits associated
with projects facing different risks and
uncertainties. The Department seeks
input from interested parties on the
appropriateness of using other discount
rates in addition to seven percent and
three percent real to discount future
emissions reductions.
[Cumulative reductions for units sold from 2015 to 2038]
7% Discount Rate:
CO2 (Mt) ................................................................................................................................
NOX (kt) ................................................................................................................................
SO2 (kt) .................................................................................................................................
3% Discount Rate:
CO2 (Mt) ................................................................................................................................
NOX (kt) ................................................................................................................................
SO2 (kt) .................................................................................................................................
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
7. Other Factors
The Secretary of Energy, in
determining whether a standard is
economically justified, may consider
any other factors that the Secretary
deems to be relevant. (42 U.S.C.
6295(o)(2)(B)(i)(VII)) The Department
recognizes the importance of
incorporating safe venting systems with
the use of residential furnace and
boilers. Consequently, safety was one of
the factors DOE identified for
consideration in weighing the benefits
and burdens of the trial standards.
C. Proposed Standard
The Act, at 42 U.S.C. 6295(o)(2)(A),
specifies that any new or amended
energy conservation standard for any
type (or class) of covered product shall
be designed to achieve the maximum
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improvement in energy efficiency that
the Secretary determines is
technologically feasible and
economically justified. In determining
whether a standard is economically
justified, the Secretary must determine
whether the benefits of the standard
exceed its burdens. (42 U.S.C.
6295(o)(2)(B)(i)) The new or amended
standard also must ‘‘result in significant
conservation of energy.’’ (42 U.S.C.
The Department considers the
impacts of standards beginning with the
maximum technologically feasible level,
i.e., trial standard level 5, to determine
whether that level was economically
justified. The Department then
considers less efficient levels until it
reaches the level which is
technologically feasible and
PO 00000
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economically justified and saves a
significant amount of energy.
To aid the reader as the Department
discusses the benefits and/or burdens of
each trial standard level, Table V.36
presents a summary of quantitative
analysis results for each trial standard
level based on the assumptions and
methodology discussed above. These
include manufacturing cost estimates,
equipment lifetimes, and energy prices
based on the reference case from the
AEO2005 energy price forecast.
Additional quantitative results,
including regional impacts and the
results of the energy price sensitivity
analysis, including the life-cycle-cost,
national energy savings, and regional
analyses based on the AEO2006 energy
price forecast, are provided in sections
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
V.B.1.a., V.B.1.b., V.B.3.a., and V.B.3.b.,
In addition to the quantitative results,
the Department also considers other
burdens and benefits that affect
economic justification. This includes
the potential impacts on safety,
reliability and consumers’ utility (i.e.,
the ability to replace a furnace or boiler
with a new, more efficient product,
without having to make any significant
modifications to the existing dwelling).
Primary energy saved (quads) ....................................................
7% Discount rate .........................................................................
3% Discount rate .........................................................................
Generation capacity change (GW)** ...........................................
NPV (2004$billion):
7% Discount rate ..................................................................
3% Discount rate ..................................................................
Industry impacts:
Industry NPV (2004$million) ................................................
Industry NPV (% Change) ....................................................
Cumulative emissions impacts***:
CO2 (Mt) ...............................................................................
NOX (kt) ................................................................................
SO2 (kt) ................................................................................
Mean life-cycle cost savings (2004$):
Non-Weatherized Gas Furnaces ..........................................
Weatherized Gas Furnaces .................................................
Oil-Fired Furnaces ................................................................
Gas Boilers ...........................................................................
Oil-Fired Boilers ....................................................................
Mobile Home Gas Furnaces ................................................
Mean Payback Period (years):
Non-Weatherized Gas Furnaces ..........................................
Weatherized Gas Furnaces .................................................
Oil-Fired Furnaces ................................................................
Gas Boilers ...........................................................................
Oil-Fired Boilers ....................................................................
Mobile Home Gas Furnaces ................................................
(33) to (48)
(2%) to (3%)
(65) to (114)
(4%) to (7%)
(137) to (190)
(9%) to (12%)
(64) to (425)
(4%) to (26%)
107 to (720)
7% to (44%)
* Parentheses indicate negative (¥) values.
** Reductions in installed generation capacity by the year 2030 based on AEO2005 Reference Case.
*** CO2 emissions impacts include physical reductions at power plants and households. NOX emissions impacts include physical reductions at
power plants and households as well as production of emissions allowance credits where NOX emissions are subject to emissions caps. SO2
emissions impacts include physical reductions at households only.
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
First, the Department considered trial
standard level 5, the maximum
technologically feasible level, for each
product class. Trial standard level 5 will
likely save 6.22 quads of energy through
2038, an amount the Department
considers significant. Discounted at 7
percent, the energy savings through
2038 would be 1.18 quads. For the
Nation as a whole, trial standard level
5 would result in a net cost of $17.5
billion in NPV. The emissions impacts
are 341 Mt of CO2,19 203 kt of NOX,20
and 69.0 kt of SO2.21 Total generating
capacity in 2030 increases by 4.0
gigawatts (GW) under trial standard
level 5, due to projected switching from
19 For all of the TSLs, CO emissions impacts
include physical reductions at power plants and
20 For all of the TSLs, NO emissions impacts
include physical reductions at power plants and
households as well as production of emissions
allowance credits where NOX emissions are subject
to emissions caps.
21 For all of the TSLs, SO emissions impacts
include physical reductions at households only.
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gas furnaces to electric heating
At trial standard level 5, the average
consumer would experience a
significant increase in life-cycle costs
for most product classes. Purchasers of
non-weatherized gas furnaces would
lose on average $731 over the life of the
product in present value terms and
purchasers of gas-fired boilers would
lose on average $795 in present value
terms.22 The Department found at trial
standard level 5 that 91 percent of
households in the South have a lifecycle net cost. The Department’s lifecycle cost analysis shows that over 80
percent of all non-weatherized gas
furnace consumers in the southern
region (approximately 16 million
households) would experience net
increases in their life-cycle costs of
22 Non-weatherized gas furnaces are the most
prominent class of residential furnaces and boilers
accounting for approximately 72 percent of the total
industry sales and approximately 81 percent of
residential furnace sales. Gas-fired boilers are the
most prominent class of residential boilers
accounting for 6 percent of the total industry sales
and 61 percent of residential boiler sales.
PO 00000
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more than $500 and a small (fourpercent), but significant percentage of
these households might experience net
increases in life-cycle costs of over
$1700. Furthermore, the life-cycle cost
analysis indicates that on average, the
mean LCC savings would be negative for
88 percent of households in the Nation
with non-weatherized gas furnaces at
TSL 5. Reinforcing the primary LCC
result, the Department estimates that the
mean payback period of all product
classes except for weatherized gas
furnaces would be substantially longer
than the mean lifetime of these furnaces.
The change in industry value (INPV)
ranges from an increase of $107 million
to a decrease of $720 million. The
magnitude of the impacts is largely
determined by the cashflow results for
the non-weatherized gas furnaces. For
this product class, the impacts are
driven primarily by the assumptions
regarding future product shipments and
the ability to offer differentiated
products that command a premium
mark-up. The Department recognizes
the significant difference between the
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
shipments forecasted by the NES and
those anticipated by manufacturers. The
Department is concerned with an
increase in total installed cost of $1519
for non-weatherized gas furnaces, or 82
percent. With an increase of that size,
there is a significant risk of consumers
switching to other heating systems,
including heat pumps and electric
resistance heating. The Department also
recognizes that the ability to maintain a
full product line is more difficult at
higher standard levels. Therefore, the
Department places more weight on the
two-tiered markup scenario for nonweatherized gas furnaces at trial
standard level 5. In particular, if the
high range of impacts is reached as DOE
expects, trial standard level 5 could
result in a net loss of $498 million to the
non-weatherized gas furnace industry.
After carefully considering the
analysis, comments on the ANOPR, and
the benefits versus burdens, the
Secretary concludes that at trial
standard level 5 the benefits of energy
savings and emissions impacts would be
outweighed by the potential multibillion dollar negative net economic
cost to the Nation, the economic burden
on consumers, and the large capitalconversion costs that could result in the
large reduction in INPV for
manufacturers. Consequently, the
Secretary has concluded that trial
standard level 5, the maximum
technologically feasible level, is not
economically justified.
Next, the Department considered trial
standard level 4, which specifies a 90percent AFUE for non-weatherized gas
furnaces and 85-percent AFUE for gasfired boilers. Primary energy savings
would likely be 3.19 quads of energy
through 2038, which the Department
considers significant. Discounted at 7
percent, the energy savings through
2038 would be 0.61 quad. For the
Nation as a whole, trial standard level
4 would result in a net savings of $0.06
billion in NPV. The emissions impacts
are 171 Mt of CO2, 113 kt of NOX, and
12.7 kt of SO2. Total generating capacity
in 2030 under trial standard level 4
would increase by 0.1 GW. This would
be due to the projected switching from
gas furnaces to electric heating
At trial standard level 4, consumers
would experience an increase in lifecycle costs for oil-fired furnaces and a
decrease in life-cycle costs for the other
five product classes. Purchasers of nonweatherized gas furnaces would save,
on average, $5 over the life of the
product in present value terms, and
purchasers of gas-fired boilers would
save, on average, $232 over the life of
the boiler in present value terms. The
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Department found that 39 percent of
households with non-weatherized gas
furnaces would experience a net cost,
and 25 percent of households with nonweatherized gas furnaces would
experience a net gain.
The Department also examined the
regional impacts to consumers of nonweatherized gas furnaces in Northern
and Southern climates separately.
Because TSL 4 requires the use of
condensing technology for nonweatherized gas furnaces, a majority of
the affected consumers in the South
would experience a significant increase
in total installed cost. Sixty-three
percent of consumers in the South with
non-weatherized gas furnaces would
experience an increase in total installed
cost greater than $500, while a small,
but significant (approximately 2
percent) of these consumers would
experience an increase in total installed
cost of more than $900. In the Southern
region, where the operating cost savings
of condensing technology are less
important, these substantial increases in
total installed costs lead to increased
life-cycle costs. The Department found
that the majority, 57 percent, of
households in the South with a nonweatherized gas furnace would
experience a life-cycle net cost, while 23
percent would experience a net gain. At
trial standard level 4, the average net
LCC increase to the Southern consumer
with a non-weatherized gas furnace is
$79, while the average net decrease to
the Northern consumer with a nonweatherized gas furnace is $79. Almost
half of the consumers in the northern
region with a non-weatherized gas
furnace would not be affected by the
standard because the equipment the
household currently uses already meets
or exceeds the trial standard level 4
efficiency level (i.e., 90-percent AFUE).
However, 81 percent of Southern
consumers with a non-weatherized gas
furnace would be impacted by the
standard. Seventy percent of those
Southern consumers with nonweatherized gas furnace impacted by
the standard would experience an
increase in life-cycle cost. The
Department’s life-cycle cost analysis
shows that ten percent of all nonweatherized gas furnace consumers in
the southern region (approximately 2
million households) would experience
net increases in their life-cycle costs of
more than $500 and a small (seven
percent), but significant percentage of
these households would experience net
increases in life-cycle costs of over
$700. Reinforcing this primary LCC
result, the Department estimates that the
mean payback period of non-
PO 00000
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weatherized gas furnaces in the
Southern climate would be substantially
longer than the mean lifetime of these
The Department also considers the
impact of proposed standard level TSL
4 on industry. The change in industry
value ranges from a loss of $64 million
to a loss of $425 million, which could
potentially cause up to a 26 percent
drop in total industry value. The
magnitude of impacts is still largely
determined by the cashflow results for
the non-weatherized gas furnaces. For
this product class, the impacts continue
to be driven primarily by the
assumptions regarding future product
shipments and the ability to offer
differentiated products. Although the
impacts will not be as severe as
expected for TSL 5 for the nonweatherized gas furnace industry, the
magnitude of the impacts would still be
determined primarily by the
assumptions regarding future product
shipments and the ability to offer
differentiated products that command a
premium markup. Although the range of
possible impacts is not as large as TSL
5, the Department still recognizes the
significant differences between the
shipments forecast by the NES analysis
and those anticipated by manufacturers.
Furthermore, the Department believes
that with an increase in total installed
cost of $571 for non-weatherized gas
furnaces, or 31 percent, for example,
there is a significant risk of consumers
switching to other heating systems,
including heat pumps and electric
resistance heating. Additionally, some
product classes would require large,
product-conversion costs because the
products would require new heatexchanger designs to meet the efficiency
requirements established in trial
standard level 4. Even though the ability
for manufacturers to differentiate
products is greater at TSL 4 than at TSL
5, it will still be harder for
manufacturers to differentiate products
because all of the products offered in
TSL 4 for non-weatherized gas furnaces
use condensing technology. In
particular, if the high range of impacts
is reached as DOE expects, trial
standard level 4 could result in a net
loss of $295 million to the nonweatherized gas furnace industry.
After carefully considering the results
of the analysis, comments on the
ANOPR, and the benefits versus
burdens, the Secretary concludes that at
trial standard level 4, the benefits of
energy savings and emissions impacts
would still be outweighed by the
economic burden on consumers as
indicated by large increase in total
installed cost, the high percentage of,
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
and disproportionate negative life-cycle
cost impacts to Southern households,
and the large capital conversion costs
that could result in the large reduction
in INPV for manufacturers.
Consequently, the Secretary has
concluded that trial standard level 4 is
not economically justified.23
Next, the Department considered trial
standard level 3. Trial standard level 3
will likely save 0.69 quad of energy
through 2038, an amount the
Department considers significant.
Discounted at 7 percent, the energy
savings through 2038 would be 0.13
quads. For the Nation as a whole, trial
standard level 3 would result in a net
benefit in NPV of $0.53 billion. The
emissions impacts are 37.0 Mt of CO2,
24.5 kt of NOX, and 2.7 kt of SO2. Total
generating capacity in 2030 under trial
standard level 3 is unchanged compared
to the base case.
At trial standard level 3, purchasers of
non-weatherized gas furnaces would
save, on average, $2 over the life of the
product and purchasers of gas-fired
boilers would save, on average, $232. At
trial standard level 3, the Department
found that 44 percent of households in
the South with a non-weatherized gas
furnace would experience a net lifecycle cost. Nationwide, the Department
estimates that 32 percent of households
with non-weatherized gas furnaces
would experience a net cost. Of these
affected households, the increase in net
cost is a result of the increased unit
installation costs, which account for
equipment redesign to adequately
address the safety of these products at
81-percent AFUE for non-weatherized
gas furnaces and mobile home furnaces.
Reinforcing the primary LCC result, the
Department estimates that the mean
payback period for two of the product
classes to be substantially longer than
the mean lifetime of these products.
Additionally, trial standard level 3
includes a standard for non-weatherized
gas furnaces and for mobile home gas
furnaces at 81-percent AFUE. The
Department is concerned that at this
level, there may be an increased risk of
safety concerns with this equipment due
to venting issues. Some manufacturers
believe that the margin of safety is
diminished in many instances at 8123 The Department further examined its decision
to reject TSL 4 in the energy price sensitivity
analysis using AEO2006. A discussion of the results
for the energy price sensitivity analysis and the
rationale for rejection based on these results are
presented at the end of this section.
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percent AFUE, and some manufacturers
commented that they would not be
willing to accept the risk and/or cost
involved in producing a full line or
family of products at 81-percent AFUE.
This potential safety concern is a factor
that the Secretary considers relevant.
Based on the Department’s evaluation of
all the information considered during
the rulemaking, the Department believes
that a standard at 81-percent AFUE
could pose a potential for safety
problems for some consumers as
discussed in section IV.B.3.
The change in INPV ranges between a
loss of $190 million and a loss of $137
million. Furthermore, some
manufacturers stated they would likely
use a de-rating strategy to reduce the
increased capital costs associated with
trial standard level 3. Consequently, the
variety of products offered by the
manufacturers would be reduced by
eliminating some of the higher-capacity
models to reduce the negative impacts.
Consumers would experience an
increase in total installed cost of $77 for
non-weatherized gas furnaces, or 4
percent, as provided in Chapter 8 of the
TSD. Consequently, based on the
information provided by manufacturers,
there could be a risk of consumers
switching to other heating systems,
including heat pumps and electric
resistance heating, as further detailed in
the shipments forecast discussion in
section IV.F.6. For the furnace industry
alone, the industry value would
decrease from 9.1 percent to 11.6
After carefully considering the
analysis, comments on the ANOPR, and
the benefits versus burdens, the
Secretary concludes that, at trial
standard level 3, the benefits of energy
savings and emissions impacts would be
outweighed by the burdens of negative
economic impacts to some consumers
and to the manufacturers, and in
particular, the potential for safety
problems for some consumers.
Consequently, the Secretary has
concluded that trial standard level 3 is
not economically justified.
Next, DOE considered trial standard
level 2. Primary energy savings at this
level would likely be 0.41 quad of
energy through 2038, which the
Department considers significant.
Discounted at 7 percent, the energy
savings through 2038 would be 0.08
quad. For the Nation as a whole, trial
standard level 2 would result in a net
savings of $0.65 billion in NPV. The
PO 00000
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emissions impacts are 19.6 Mt of CO2,
13.0 kt of NOX, and 1.5 kt of SO2. Total
generating capacity in 2030 under trial
standard level 2 is unchanged compared
to the base case.
At trial standard level 2, purchasers of
non-weatherized gas furnaces would
save, on average, $2 over the life of the
product and purchasers of gas-fired
boilers would save, on average, $232.
The Department’s analysis indicates that
no households with non-weatherized
gas furnaces would experience a net
life-cycle cost at TSL 2, including
Southern households. The mean
payback periods are less than the
average equipment lifetime for all
product classes at trial standard level 2.
For example, the mean payback period
for non-weatherized gas furnaces at trial
standard level 2 is 1.5 years.
The change in industry value ranges
from a loss of INPV of $114 to a loss of
$65 million. Trial standard level 2 could
cause up to a 6-percent loss in INPV for
the furnace industry and up to a 12percent loss in INPV for the boiler
industry. Furthermore, the Department
believes manufacturers of nonweatherized gas furnaces would still be
able to differentiate their premium
products and retain profitability
Trial standard level 2 includes a
standard for non-weatherized gas
furnaces and for mobile home gas
furnaces at 80-percent AFUE. Based on
its evaluation of all the information
considered during the rulemaking, the
Department believes that a standard at
80-percent AFUE would not result in
safety problems for consumers.
However, trial standard level 2 also
includes a standard for weatherized gas
furnaces at 83-percent AFUE. The
Department is concerned with the safety
and cost of ensuring the safety of
weatherized gas furnaces at this level,
due to possible condensation in the heat
exchanger, and is seeking comment on
this issue.
After carefully considering the
analysis, comments on the ANOPR, and
the benefits and burdens, the Secretary
concludes that this standard saves a
significant amount of energy and is
technologically feasible and
economically justified. Therefore, the
Department today proposes to adopt the
energy conservation standards for
residential furnaces and boilers at trial
standard level 2.
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
Primary energy saved (quads) ............................................................................................
7% Discount rate .................................................................................................................
3% Discount rate .................................................................................................................
NPV (2004$billion):
7% Discount rate ..........................................................................................................
3% Discount rate ..........................................................................................................
Mean life-cycle cost savings (2004$):
Non-Weatherized Gas Furnaces ..................................................................................
Weatherized Gas Furnaces ..........................................................................................
Oil-Fired Furnaces ........................................................................................................
Gas Boilers ...................................................................................................................
Oil-Fired Boilers ............................................................................................................
Mobile Home Gas Furnaces .........................................................................................
Mean Payback Period (years):
Non-Weatherized Gas Furnaces ..................................................................................
Weatherized Gas Furnaces ..........................................................................................
Oil-Fired Furnaces ........................................................................................................
Gas Boilers ...................................................................................................................
Oil-Fired Boilers ............................................................................................................
Mobile Home Gas Furnaces .........................................................................................
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
* Parentheses indicate negative (¥) values.
** Reductions in installed generation capacity by the year 2030 based on AEO2005 Reference Case.
In addition to the Department’s NOPR
analyses based on the AEO2005 energy
price forecast, the Department analyzed
the impact of the AEO2006 energy price
forecasts on the LCC and PBP analysis
and the national impact analysis. Table
V.37 presents a summary of the results
using AEO2006. As explained in section
IV.C.4., AEO2006 provides a
significantly higher price forecast for
natural gas and fuel oil over the analysis
period. The Department took into
consideration the effect that these
increased energy prices would have on
the analysis at each trial standard level
through an energy price sensitivity
analysis and presented the results in
sections V.B.1.a., V.B.1.b., V.B.3.a., and
V.B.3.b. In particular, the Department
was interested in seeing whether the
results from the energy price sensitivity
analysis would change the Department’s
proposed standard level (TSL 2) as
presented above. The Department
believes that the results from the energy
price sensitivity analysis warrant the
most discussion in its rejection of TSL
4. Based on the AEO2006 energy price
forecast, the consumer economics at
TSL 5 are still unattractive, especially
for non-weatherized gas furnaces and
gas boilers (the prominent product
classes). At TSL 3, although the
consumer economics are attractive
based on the energy price sensitivity
analysis using the AEO2006 energy
price forecast, the Department is
unwilling to impose the associated
safety risk on consumers as explained
At TSL 4, the Department found that
the nation as a whole would experience
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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a net savings of $1.83 billion in NPV
using the energy price sensitivity
analysis (compared to $0.06 billion in
NPV based on AEO2005). This is a
significant increase in national savings
as a result of increased energy prices. In
addition, the consumer, on average,
would save $58 more in life-cycle
savings as compared to the AEO2005
analysis. Purchasers of non-weatherized
gas furnaces would save, on average,
$63 over the life of the product and
purchasers of gas-fired boilers would
save, on average, $299 over the life of
the boiler. However, the Department
found that 35 percent of households
with non-weatherized gas furnaces
across the nation would still experience
a net cost.
The Department also examined the
regional impacts to consumers of nonweatherized gas furnaces in the
Northern and Southern climate zones
separately for the energy price
sensitivity analysis using the AEO2006
energy price forecast. Just as the
AEO2005 regional analysis showed, the
Department found differential impacts
between Northern and Southern
consumers using non-weatherized gas
furnaces in the energy price sensitivity
analysis. While only 20 percent of
households with non-weatherized gas
furnaces in the Northern region would
be negatively impacted by TSL 4, a
majority of households in the Southern
region with non-weatherized gas
furnaces (53 percent) would be
negatively impacted by a condensing
standard. The consumer in the South
with a non-weatherized gas furnace, on
average, would experience an increase
PO 00000
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in LCC of $20, while the Northern
consumer with a non-weatherized gas
furnace, on average, would experience a
decrease in LCC of $138. Almost half of
the consumers in the North with a nonweatherized gas furnace (48 percent)
would not be affected by the standard
because the equipment that the
household currently uses already meets
or exceeds the trial standard level 4
efficiency level (i.e., 90-percent AFUE),
just as the AEO2005 analysis showed. In
contrast, 81 percent of Southern
consumers with a non-weatherized gas
furnace would be impacted by the
standard. Of those 81 percent impacted
consumers with a non-weatherized gas
furnace in the Southern region, 65
percent would experience an increase in
LCC and 33 percent would experience a
decrease in LCC. This is only a five
percentage point decrease in the number
of adversely impacted Southern
consumers as compared to the AEO2005
analysis results. Most consumers in the
South with a non-weatherized gas
furnace would experience an increase in
total installed cost of at least $500, as
the AEO2005 and AEO2006 analysis
results showed. Even though DOE
forecasts the price of energy to increase
significantly in the energy price
sensitivity analysis using AEO2006,
many consumers in the South will still
experience an increase in life-cycle-cost.
Consequently, the Department’s lifecycle cost analysis shows that 8 percent
of all non-weatherized gas furnace
consumers in the southern climate zone
(approximately 1.6 million consumers)
would experience net increases in their
life-cycle costs of more than $500 and
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
7 percent of these consumers
(approximately 100,000 households)
would experience a significant net
increase in life-cycle-costs over $700.
Reinforcing its primary LCC result and
the AEO2005 analysis, the Department
estimates, using the AEO2006 energy
price forecast, that the mean payback
period of non-weatherized gas furnaces
in the Southern climate would still
exceed the mean lifetime of these
While the Secretary recognizes the
increased economic benefits to the
nation as a result of TSL 4 under the
increased energy price forecast,
AEO2006, as captured by the energy
price sensitivity analysis, the Secretary
still concludes that the benefits of a
federal standard at TSL 4 would still be
outweighed by the economic burden
that would be placed upon consumers
in the South. Consequently, the
Secretary has concluded that the energy
price sensitivity analysis which
addresses the effects of the AEO2006
energy price forecast does not change
the Department’s rejection of TSL 4, and
its choice of TSL 2 as the proposed
standard level.
VI. Procedural Issues and Regulatory
A. Review Under Executive Order 12866
The Department has determined
today’s regulatory action is an
‘‘economically significant’’ action’’
under section 3(f)(1) of Executive Order
12866, ‘‘Regulatory Planning and
Review.’’ 58 FR 51735 (October 4, 1993).
Accordingly, today’s action required a
regulatory impact analysis (RIA) and,
under the Executive Order, was subject
to review by the Office of Information
and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) in the
OMB. The Department presented to
OIRA for review the draft proposed rule
and other documents prepared for this
rulemaking, including the RIA, and has
included these documents in the
rulemaking record. They are available
for public review in the Resource Room
of DOE’s Building Technologies
Program, Room 1J–018, 1000
Independence Avenue, SW.,
Washington, DC, (202) 586–9127,
between 9 a.m and 4 p.m., Monday
through Friday, except Federal holidays.
The RIA is contained in the TSD
prepared for the rulemaking. The RIA
consists of: (1) A statement of the
problem addressed by this regulation,
and the mandate for government action;
(2) a description and analysis of the
feasible policy alternatives to this
regulation; (3) a quantitative comparison
of the impacts of the alternatives; and
(4) the national economic impacts of the
proposed standard.
The RIA calculates the effects of
feasible policy alternatives to residential
furnace and boiler standards, and
provides a quantitative comparison of
the impacts of the alternatives. The
Department evaluated each alternative
in terms of its ability to achieve
significant energy savings at reasonable
costs, and compared it to the
effectiveness of the proposed rule. The
Department analyzed these alternatives
using a series of regulatory scenarios as
input to the NES/Shipments Model for
furnaces and boilers, which it modified
to allow inputs for these measures.
The Department identified the
following major policy alternatives for
achieving increased furnace and boiler
energy efficiency:
• No new regulatory action;
• Consumer rebates;
• Consumer tax credits;
• Manufacturer tax credits;
• Voluntary energy-efficiency targets;
• Bulk government purchases;
• Early replacement incentives; and
• Regional performance standards
(climates ≥5000 heating degree days and
climates ≥6000 heating degree days).
The Department evaluated each
alternative in terms of its ability to
achieve significant energy savings at
reasonable costs, and compared it to the
effectiveness of the proposed rule.
Policy alternatives
No new regulatory action ...........................................................................................................................
Consumer Rebates ....................................................................................................................................
Consumer Tax Credits ...............................................................................................................................
Manufacturer Tax Credits ..........................................................................................................................
Voluntary Energy-Efficiency Targets .........................................................................................................
Early Replacement Incentives ...................................................................................................................
Bulk Government Purchases .....................................................................................................................
Regional Performance Standards for NWGF***:
Cold States (≥5000 HDD) (TSL 4) .....................................................................................................
Warm States (<5000 HDD) (TSL 2) ...................................................................................................
Regional Performance Standards for NWGF***:
Cold States (≥6000 HDD) (TSL 4) .....................................................................................................
Warm States (<6000 HDD) (TSL 2) ...................................................................................................
Net present value**
(billion $)
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
* Energy savings are in source quads.
** Net present value is the value in the present of a time series of costs and savings. The Department determined the net present value from
2015 to 2038 in billions of 2004 dollars.
*** For non-weatherized gas furnaces (NWGF) only with national performance standard set at TSL 2, the energy savings is 0.01 quads. The
net present value is $0.03 billion with a 7-percent discount rate and $0.10 billion with a 3-percent discount rate. The Department analyzed two
scenarios, the first with cold states having 5000 heating degree days (HDD) or more and the second with 6000 HDD or more.
The net present value amounts shown
in Table VI.1 refer to the NPV for
residential consumers. The costs to the
government of each policy (such as
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rebates or tax credits) are not included
in the costs for the NPV since, on
balance, consumers are both paying for
(through taxes) and receiving the
PO 00000
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benefits of the payments. The following
paragraphs discuss each of the policy
alternatives listed in Table VI.1. (See
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
No new regulatory action. The case in
which no regulatory action is taken with
regard to furnaces and boilers
constitutes the ‘‘base case’’ (or ‘‘No
Action’’) scenario. In this case, between
the years 2015 and 2038, furnaces and
boilers are expected to use 101 quads of
primary energy. Since this is the base
case, energy savings and NPV are zero
by definition.
Rebates. If consumers were offered a
rebate that covered a portion of the
incremental price difference between
products meeting baseline efficiency
levels and those meeting the energy
efficiency levels in trial standard level
2, the Department estimates that the
percentage of consumers purchasing the
more-efficient products would increase
by 2 percent to 34 percent, depending
on the product class. The Department
assumed the impact of this policy
would be to permanently transform the
market so that the shipment-weighted
efficiency gain seen in the first year of
the program would be maintained
throughout the forecast period. At the
estimated participation rates, the rebates
would provide 0.078 quads of national
energy savings and an NPV of $0.086
billion (at a seven-percent discount
rate). Although DOE estimates that
rebates will provide national benefits,
they are much smaller than the benefits
resulting from national performance
standards. Thus, the Department
rejected rebates as a policy alternative to
national performance standards.
Consumer Tax Credits. If consumers
were offered a tax credit equivalent to
the amount mentioned above for
rebates, the Department’s research
suggests that the number of consumers
buying a furnace or boiler that would
take advantage of the tax credit would
be approximately 60 percent of the
number that would take advantage of
rebates. Thus, as a result of the tax
credit, the percentage of consumers
purchasing the more-efficient products
would increase by 1 percent to 20
percent, depending on the product
class. The Department assumed the
impact of this policy would be to
permanently transform the market so
that the shipment-weighted efficiency
gain seen in the first year of the program
would be maintained throughout the
forecast period. The Department
estimated that tax credits would yield a
fraction of the benefits that rebates
would provide. The Department rejected
rebates, as a policy alternative to
national performance standards,
because the benefits that rebates provide
are much smaller than those resulting
from performance standards. Thus,
because consumer tax credits provide
even smaller benefits than rebates, the
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Department also rejected consumer tax
credits as a policy alternative to national
performance standards.
The Energy Policy Act of 2005
includes tax credits for very high
efficiency furnaces and boilers with
AFUE of 95 percent or higher. Although
the Department recognizes this
requirement, this RIA focuses only on
non-regulatory approaches to promoting
the proposed standard, which is well
below 95-percent AFUE. Thus, the
Department’s action to promote 95percent-AFUE products does not affect
this RIA.
Manufacturer Tax Credits. The
Department believes even smaller
benefits would result from availability
of a manufacturer tax credit program
that would effectively result in a lower
price to the consumer by an amount that
covers part of the incremental price
difference between products meeting
baseline efficiency levels and those
meeting trial standard level 2. Because
these tax credits would go to
manufacturers instead of consumers, the
Department believes that fewer
consumers would be aware of this
program relative to a consumer tax
credit program. The Department
assumes that 50 percent of the
consumers who would take advantage of
consumer tax credits would buy moreefficient products offered through a
manufacturer tax credit program. Thus,
as a result of the manufacturer tax
credit, the percentage of consumers
purchasing the more-efficient products
would increase by 0.6 percent to 10
percent (i.e., 50 percent of the impact of
consumer tax credits), depending on the
product class.
The Department assumed the impact
of this policy would be to permanently
transform the market so that the
shipment-weighted efficiency gain seen
in the first year of the program will be
maintained throughout the forecast
period. The Department estimated that
manufacturer tax credits would yield a
fraction of the benefits that consumer
tax credits would provide. The
Department rejected consumer tax
credits as a policy alternative to national
performance standards because the
benefits that consumer tax credits
provide are much smaller than those
resulting from performance standards.
Thus, because manufacturer tax credits
provide even smaller benefits than
consumer tax credits, the Department
also rejected manufacturer tax credits as
a policy alternative to national
performance standards.
Voluntary Energy-Efficiency Targets.
The Federal government’s Energy Star
program currently has voluntary energyefficiency targets for non-weatherized
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gas furnaces and gas boilers. Equipment
purchases that result from the Energy
Star program, and hence the impact of
that program, already are reflected in
the Department’s ‘‘base case’’ scenario.
The Department evaluated the potential
impacts of increased marketing efforts
within the Energy Star program that
would encourage purchase of products
meeting the trial standard level 2
efficiency levels. The Department
modeled the voluntary efficiency
program based on this scenario and
assumed that the resulting shipmentweighted efficiency gain would be
maintained throughout the forecast
period. The Department estimated that
the enhanced effectiveness of voluntary
energy-efficiency targets would provide
0.046 quads of national energy savings
and an NPV of $0.074 billion (at a
seven-percent discount rate). Although
this would provide national benefits,
they are much smaller than the benefits
resulting from national performance
standards. Thus, the Department
rejected use of voluntary energyefficiency targets as a policy alternative
to national performance standards.
GAMA commented that, when DOE
considers voluntary programs, it should
survey the types of the programs used
in various States, and extrapolate those
results to other States and regions that
do not avail themselves of voluntary
programs or whose programs are less
successful. (GAMA, No. 67 at p. 8) The
Department considered State voluntary
programs in the RIA.
Early Replacement Incentives. This
policy alternative envisions a program
to replace old, inefficient furnaces and
boilers with models meeting the
efficiency levels in trial standard level
2. The Department modeled this policy
by projecting an increase in the number
of such replacements equal to 20
percent of the number of replacements
for failed equipment. It assumed the
program would last as long as it takes
to completely replace all of the eligible
existing stock in the year that the
program begins (2015). The Department
estimated that such an early
replacement program would provide
0.025 quads of national energy savings
and an NPV of $0.059 billion (at a
seven-percent discount rate). Although
DOE estimates that this early
replacement program will provide
national benefits, they are much smaller
than the benefits resulting from national
performance standards. Thus, the
Department rejected early replacement
incentives as a policy alternative to
national performance standards.
Bulk Government Purchases. Under
this policy alternative, the government
sector would be encouraged to purchase
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
increased amounts of equipment that
meet the efficiency levels in trial
standard level 2. Federal, State, and
local government agencies could
administer such a program. At the
Federal level, this would be an
enhancement to the existing Federal
Energy Management Program (FEMP).
The Department modeled this program
by assuming an increase in installation
of equipment meeting the efficiency
levels of trial standard level 2 among
those households for whom government
agencies purchase or influence the
purchase of furnaces and boilers. The
Department estimated that bulk
government purchases would provide
0.005 quads of national energy savings
and an NPV of $0.006 billion (at a
seven-percent discount rate), benefits
which are much smaller than those
estimated for national performance
standards. The Department rejected bulk
government purchases as a policy
alternative to national performance
Regional Performance Standards. The
Department considered two alternatives
based on heating degree days. These
alternatives contemplate efficiency
standards for non-weatherized gas
furnaces only, depending on the region
of the country. The Department
modeled the policy of regional
performance standards by aggregating
States into two broad geographic regions
based on climate (i.e., based on heating
degree days). In the first alternative,
DOE defines the cold climate as having
5,000 or more heating degree days and
would include the cold-climate States,
including the New England, Middle
Atlantic, East North Central, West North
Central, Mountain (northern part only
including Colorado, Idaho, Montana,
Utah, Wyoming), and Pacific Census
divisions (northern part only including
Alaska, Oregon and Washington), and
West Virginia; and warm-climate States
would include the South Atlantic (with
the exception of West Virginia), East
South Central, Mountain (southern part
only including Arizona, Nevada and
New Mexico), West South Central, and
Pacific (southern part only including
California and Hawaii) Census
divisions. For the second alternative,
greater than 6000 heating degree days,
the cold-climate States do not align
closely with the Census divisions and
include the states of Alaska, Colorado,
Connecticut, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa,
Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan,
Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New
Hampshire, New York, North Dakota,
South Dakota, Utah, Vermont,
Wisconsin, Wyoming; the warm-climate
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States would include the rest of U.S.
The Department selected the
efficiency level for this alternative based
on maximizing consumer NPV. The
standard that yields the maximum
consumer NPV at a seven-percent
discount rate for the cold-climates (i.e.,
≥5,000 heating degree days and ≥6,000
heating degree days) is trial standard
level 4, with trial standard level 2 for
the warm climates. Both alternatives
yield greater energy savings and
national NPVs than the standards
proposed today. However, as discussed
above, the Department lacks authority to
adopt regional standards, so it must
reject these alternatives. (42 U.S.C.
However, DOE does have authority to
grant State petitions for an exemption
from Federal preemption of higher State
standards, if the State filing the petition
demonstrates that its higher standards
are needed to meet State or local energy
interests that (1) are substantially
different from those in the U.S.
generally and (2) are such that the costs,
benefits, burdens, and energy savings
resulting from the State’s standards,
considered in light of the State’s energy
plan, would outweigh the costs,
benefits, burdens, and energy savings of
alternative approaches. (42 U.S.C.
6297(d)) In addition, the Department
must reject the petition if ‘‘interested
persons’’ establish that the State
regulation would ‘‘significantly burden
manufacturing, marketing, distribution,
sale or servicing’’ of the covered
equipment on a national basis. (42
U.S.C. 6297(d)) Each of the regional
standards alternatives evaluated, DOE
believes, is representative of the energy
and national NPV impacts that would
occur if States in the cold-climate
regions were to make a case that
unusual and compelling State or local
energy interests exist and DOE were to
grant State petitions for exemption from
Federal standards. In the first case—
cold climate greater or equal to 5,000
heating degree days—the regional
standards would save 1.72 quads of
energy for non-weatherized gas furnaces
only, which compares to 0.01 quads
forecasted to be saved by today’s
proposed rule. In the second case—cold
climate greater or equal to 6,000 heating
degree days—DOE found that the
regional standards would save 0.20
quads of energy.
National Performance Standards (TSL
2). The Department proposes to adopt
the efficiency levels listed in section
V.C. As indicated in the paragraphs
above, with the exception of regional
performance standards which the
Department has determined it cannot
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promulgate, none of the alternatives
DOE examined would save as much
energy as the proposed standards. Also,
several of the alternatives would require
new enabling legislation, such as
consumer or manufacturer tax credits,
since authority to carry out those
alternatives does not presently exist.
B. Review Under the Regulatory
Flexibility Act
The Regulatory Flexibility Act (5
U.S.C. 601 et seq.) requires preparation
of an initial regulatory flexibility
analysis for any rule that by law must
be proposed for public comment, unless
the agency certifies that the rule, if
promulgated, will not have a significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities. As required by
Executive Order 13272, Proper
Consideration of Small Entities in
Agency Rulemaking, 67 FR 53461
(August 16, 2002), DOE published
procedures and policies on February 19,
2003 to ensure that the potential
impacts of its rules on small entities are
properly considered during the
rulemaking process. 68 FR 7990. The
Department has made its procedures
and policies available on the Office of
General Counsel’s Web site: https://
The Department reviewed today’s
proposed rule under the provisions of
the Regulatory Flexibility Act and the
procedures and policies published on
February 19, 2003. 68 FR 7990. A
regulatory flexibility analysis examines
the impact of the rule on small entities
and considers alternative ways of
reducing negative impacts.
The Department used the small
business size standards published on
January 31, 1996, as amended, by the
Small Business Administration to
determine whether any small entities
would be required to comply with the
rule. 61 FR 3286 and codified at 13 CFR
part 121. The size standards are listed
by North American Industry
Classification System (NAICS) code and
industry description. Residential
furnace manufacturing is classified
under NAICS 333415 and residential
boiler manufacturing is classified under
NAICS 333414. To be categorized as a
small business, a manufacturer of
residential furnaces and/or boilers and
its affiliates may employ a maximum of
750 employees. The residential furnace
and boiler industry is characterized by
many different domestic manufacturers.
However, consolidation within the
industry has reduced the number of
parent companies that manufacture
similar equipment under different
affiliates and labels.
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
D. Review Under the National
Environmental Policy Act
C. Review Under the Paperwork
Reduction Act
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
The Department surveyed GAMA’s
Consumers’ Directory of Certified
Efficiency Ratings for Heating and
Water Heating Equipment (2005) and
created a list of every manufacturer that
had certified product ratings in the
directory. The Department also asked
stakeholders and GAMA representatives
within the residential furnace and boiler
industry if they were aware of any other
small manufacturers. The Department
then looked at publicly available data
and contacted manufacturers, where
needed, to determine if they meet the
SBA’s definition of a small
manufacturing facility and have their
manufacturing facilities located within
the U.S. Based on this analysis, the
Department estimates that there are 11
small manufacturers of residential
furnaces and boilers. The Department
then contacted all 11 small
manufacturers. It subsequently
conducted two on-site interviews and
three phone interviews with small
manufacturers to determine if there are
differential impacts on these companies
that may result from the standard.
The Department found that, in
general, small manufacturers have the
same concerns as large manufacturers
regarding energy conservation
standards. In addition, the Department
found no significant differences in the
R&D emphasis or marketing strategies
between small business manufacturers
and large manufacturers. Therefore, for
the classes comprised primarily of small
businesses, the Department believes the
GRIM analysis, which models each
product class separately, is
representative of the small businesses
affected by standards.
On the basis of the foregoing, DOE
certifies that this proposed rule, if
promulgated, will have no significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities. Accordingly,
DOE has not prepared a regulatory
flexibility analysis for this rulemaking.
The Department will transmit the
certification and supporting statement
of factual basis to the Chief Counsel for
Advocacy of the Small Business
Administration for review under 5
U.S.C. 605(b).
F. Review Under Executive Order 12988
This rulemaking will impose no new
information or record keeping
requirements. Accordingly, Office of
Management and Budget clearance is
not required under the Paperwork
Reduction Act. (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.)
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The Department is preparing an
environmental assessment of the
impacts of the proposed rule and DOE
anticipates completing a Finding of No
Significant Impact (FONSI) before
publishing the final rule on residential
furnaces and boilers, pursuant to the
National Environmental Policy Act of
1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), the
regulations of the Council on
Environmental Quality (40 CFR parts
1500–1508), and the Department’s
regulations for compliance with the
National Environmental Policy Act (10
CFR part 1021).
E. Review Under Executive Order 13132
Executive Order 13132, ‘‘Federalism,’’
64 FR 43255 (August 4, 1999), imposes
certain requirements on agencies
formulating and implementing policies
or regulations that preempt State law or
that have federalism implications. The
Executive Order requires agencies to
examine the constitutional and statutory
authority supporting any action that
would limit the policymaking discretion
of the States and to carefully assess the
necessity for such actions. The
Executive Order also requires agencies
to have an accountable process to
ensure meaningful and timely input by
State and local officials in the
development of regulatory policies that
have federalism implications. On March
14, 2000, DOE published a statement of
policy describing the intergovernmental
consultation process it will follow in the
development of such regulations. 65 FR
13735. The Department has examined
today’s proposed rule and has
determined that it would not have a
substantial direct effect on the States, on
the relationship between the national
government and the States, or on the
distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various
levels of government. EPCA governs and
prescribes Federal preemption of State
regulations as to energy conservation for
the products that are the subject of
today’s proposed rule. States can
petition the Department for exemption
from such preemption to the extent, and
based on criteria, set forth in EPCA. (42
U.S.C. 6297) No further action is
required by Executive Order 13132.
With respect to the review of existing
regulations and the promulgation of
new regulations, section 3(a) of
Executive Order 12988, ‘‘Civil Justice
Reform’’ (61 FR 4729, February 7, 1996)
imposes on Federal agencies the general
duty to adhere to the following
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requirements: (1) Eliminate drafting
errors and ambiguity; (2) write
regulations to minimize litigation; and
(3) provide a clear legal standard for
affected conduct rather than a general
standard and promote simplification
and burden reduction. Section 3(b) of
Executive Order 12988 specifically
requires that Executive agencies make
every reasonable effort to ensure that the
regulation: (1) Clearly specifies the
preemptive effect, if any; (2) clearly
specifies any effect on existing Federal
law or regulation; (3) provides a clear
legal standard for affected conduct
while promoting simplification and
burden reduction; (4) specifies the
retroactive effect, if any; (5) adequately
defines key terms; and (6) addresses
other important issues affecting clarity
and general draftsmanship under any
guidelines issued by the Attorney
General. Section 3(c) of Executive Order
12988 requires Executive agencies to
review regulations in light of applicable
standards in section 3(a) and section
3(b) to determine whether they are met
or it is unreasonable to meet one or
more of them. The Department has
completed the required review and
determined that, to the extent permitted
by law, this proposed rule meets the
relevant standards of Executive Order
G. Review Under the Unfunded
Mandates Reform Act of 1995
Title II of the Unfunded Mandates
Reform Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104–4)
(UMRA) requires each Federal agency to
assess the effects of Federal regulatory
actions on State, local, and Tribal
governments and the private sector. For
a proposed regulatory action likely to
result in a rule that may cause the
expenditure by State, local, and Tribal
governments, in the aggregate, or by the
private sector of $100 million or more
in any one year (adjusted annually for
inflation), section 202 of UMRA requires
a Federal agency to publish a written
statement that estimates the resulting
costs, benefits, and other effects on the
national economy. (2 U.S.C. 1532(a),(b))
The UMRA also requires a Federal
agency to develop an effective process
to permit timely input by elected
officers of State, local, and Tribal
governments on a proposed ‘‘significant
intergovernmental mandate,’’ and
requires an agency plan for giving notice
and opportunity for timely input to
potentially affected small governments
before establishing any requirements
that might significantly or uniquely
affect small governments. On March 18,
1997, DOE published a statement of
policy on its process for
intergovernmental consultation under
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
UMRA. 62 FR 12820. (Also available at
Today’s proposed rule will not likely
result in a final rule that could impose
expenditures of $100 million or more in
a given year in the furnace and boiler
manufacturing industry before or after
the effective date of the proposed
standard. The proposed rule also does
not contain a Federal intergovernmental
mandate. Thus, DOE is not required by
UMRA to prepare a written statement
assessing the costs, benefits and other
effects of the proposed rule on the
national economy.
Although not required by UMRA,
DOE has estimated the costs, benefits,
and other effects of the proposed
standards on manufacturers, consumers,
and the nation, and it has considered
regulatory alternatives (see section
VI.A.). As required by section 325(o) of
EPCA (42 U.S.C. 6295(o)), today’s
proposed energy conservation standards
for residential furnaces and boilers
would achieve the maximum
improvement in energy efficiency that
DOE has determined to be both
technologically feasible and
economically justified. DOE may not
select a regulatory alternative that does
not meet this statutory standard.
H. Review Under the Treasury and
General Government Appropriations
Act of 1999
Section 654 of the Treasury and
General Government Appropriations
Act, 1999 (Pub. L. 105–277) requires
Federal agencies to issue a Family
Policymaking Assessment for any rule
that may affect family well-being. This
rule would not have any impact on the
autonomy or integrity of the family as
an institution. Accordingly, DOE has
concluded that it is not necessary to
prepare a Family Policymaking
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I. Review Under Executive Order 12630
The Department has determined,
under Executive Order 12630,
‘‘Governmental Actions and Interference
with Constitutionally Protected Property
Rights,’’ 53 FR 8859 (March 18, 1988),
that this regulation would not result in
any takings which might require
compensation under the Fifth
Amendment to the United States
J. Review Under the Treasury and
General Government Appropriations
Act of 2001
Section 515 of the Treasury and
General Government Appropriations
Act, 2001 (44 U.S.C. 3516, note)
provides for agencies to review most
disseminations of information to the
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public under guidelines established by
each agency pursuant to general
guidelines issued by OMB. The OMB’s
guidelines were published at 67 FR
8452 (February 22, 2002), and DOE’s
guidelines were published at 67 FR
62446 (October 7, 2002). The
Department has reviewed this notice
under the OMB and DOE guidelines and
has concluded that it is consistent with
applicable policies in those guidelines.
K. Review Under Executive Order 13211
Executive Order 13211, ‘‘Actions
Concerning Regulations That
Significantly Affect Energy Supply,
Distribution, or Use,’’ 66 FR 28355 (May
22, 2001), requires Federal agencies to
prepare and submit to the Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs
(OIRA), Office of Management and
Budget, a Statement of Energy Effects for
any proposed significant energy action.
A ‘‘significant energy action’’ is defined
as any action by an agency that
promulgated or is expected to lead to
promulgation of a final rule, and that:
(1) Is a significant regulatory action
under Executive Order 12866, or any
successor order; and (2) is likely to have
a significant adverse effect on the
supply, distribution, or use of energy, or
(3) is designated by the Administrator of
OIRA as a significant energy action. For
any proposed significant energy action,
the agency must give a detailed
statement of any adverse effects on
energy supply, distribution, or use
should the proposal be implemented,
and of reasonable alternatives to the
action and their expected benefits on
energy supply, distribution, and use.
Today’s regulatory action would not
have a significant adverse effect on the
supply, distribution, or use of energy
and, therefore, is not a significant
energy action. Accordingly, DOE has not
prepared a Statement of Energy Effects.
L. Review Under the Information
Quality Bulletin for Peer Review
On December 16, 2004, the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB), in
consultation with the Office of Science
and Technology (OSTP), issued its Final
Information Quality Bulletin for Peer
Review (the Bulletin). (70 FR 2664,
January 14, 2005) The Bulletin
establishes that certain scientific
information shall be peer reviewed by
qualified specialists before it is
disseminated by the Federal
government, including influential
scientific information related to agency
regulatory actions. The purpose of the
bulletin is to enhance the quality and
credibility of the Government’s
scientific information.
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The Department’s Office of Energy
Efficiency and Renewable Energy,
Building Technologies Program, held
formal in-progress peer reviews
covering the analyses (e.g., screening/
engineering analysis, life-cycle cost
analysis, manufacturing impact
analysis, and utility impact analysis)
used in conducting the energy efficiency
standards development process on June
28–29, 2005. The in-progress review is
a rigorous, formal and documented
evaluation process using objective
criteria and qualified and independent
reviewers to make a judgment of the
technical/scientific/business merit, the
actual or anticipated results, and the
productivity and management
effectiveness of programs and/or
projects. The Building Technologies
Program staff is preparing a peer review
report which, upon completion, will be
disseminated on the Office of Energy
Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s Web
site and included in the administrative
record for this rulemaking.
M. Review Under Executive Order 12898
The Department considers
environmental justice under Executive
Order 12898, ‘‘Federal Actions to
Address Environmental Justice in
Minority Populations and Low-Income
Populations,’’ 59 FR 7629 (February 16,
1994). The Executive Order requires
Federal agencies to assess whether a
proposed Federal action causes any
disproportionately high and adverse
human health or environmental effects
on low-income or minority populations.
The Department evaluated the
socioeconomic effects of standards on
low-income households.
VII. Public Participation
A. Attendance at Public Meeting
The time and date of the public
meeting are listed in the DATES section
at the beginning of this notice of
proposed rulemaking. The public
meeting will be held at the U.S.
Department of Energy, Forrestal
Building, Room E–245, 1000
Independence Avenue, SW.,
Washington, DC 20585–0121. To attend
the public meeting, please notify Ms.
Brenda Edwards-Jones at (202) 586–
2945. Foreign nationals visiting DOE
Headquarters are subject to advance
security screening procedures, requiring
a 30-day advance notice. Any foreign
national wishing to participate in the
meeting should advise DOE of this fact
as soon as possible by contacting Ms.
Brenda Edwards-Jones to initiate the
necessary procedures.
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
B. Procedure for Submitting Requests To
Any person who has an interest in
this notice, or who is a representative of
a group or class of persons that has an
interest in these issues, may request an
opportunity to make an oral
presentation. Such persons may handdeliver requests to speak, along with a
compact disc (CD) in WordPerfect,
Microsoft Word, PDF, or text (ASCII) file
format to the address shown in the
ADDRESSES section at the beginning of
this notice of proposed rulemaking
between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.,
Monday through Friday, except Federal
holidays. Requests may also be sent by
mail or e-mail to:
Persons requesting to speak should
briefly describe the nature of their
interest in this rulemaking and provide
a telephone number for contact. The
Department requests persons selected to
be heard to submit an advance copy of
their statements at least two weeks
before the public meeting. At its
discretion, DOE may permit any person
who cannot supply an advance copy of
their statement to participate, if that
person has made advance alternative
arrangements with the Building
Technologies Program. The request to
give an oral presentation should ask for
such alternative arrangements.
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
C. Conduct of Public Meeting
The Department will designate a DOE
official to preside at the public meeting
and may also use a professional
facilitator to aid discussion. The
meeting will not be a judicial or
evidentiary-type public hearing, but
DOE will conduct it in accordance with
5 U.S.C. 553 and section 336 of EPCA,
42 U.S.C. 6306. A court reporter will be
present to record the proceedings and
prepare a transcript. The Department
reserves the right to schedule the order
of presentations and to establish the
procedures governing the conduct of the
public meeting. After the public
meeting, interested parties may submit
further comments on the proceedings as
well as on any aspect of the rulemaking
until the end of the comment period.
The public meeting will be conducted
in an informal, conference style. The
Department will present summaries of
comments received before the public
meeting, allow time for presentations by
participants, and encourage all
interested parties to share their views on
issues affecting this rulemaking. Each
participant will be allowed to make a
prepared general statement (within time
limits determined by DOE), before the
discussion of specific topics. The
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Department will permit other
participants to comment briefly on any
general statements.
At the end of all prepared statements
on a topic, DOE will permit participants
to clarify their statements briefly and
comment on statements made by others.
Participants should be prepared to
answer questions by DOE and by other
participants concerning these issues.
Department representatives also may
ask questions of participants concerning
other matters relevant to this
rulemaking. The official conducting the
public meeting will accept additional
comments or questions from those
attending, as time permits. The
presiding official will announce any
further procedural rules or modification
of the above procedures that may be
needed for the proper conduct of the
public meeting.
The Department will make the entire
record of this proposed rulemaking,
including the transcript from the public
meeting, available for inspection at the
U.S. Department of Energy, Forrestal
Building, Room 1J–018 (Resource Room
of the Building Technologies Program),
1000 Independence Avenue, SW.,
Washington, DC, (202) 586–9127,
between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday
through Friday, except Federal holidays.
Any person may buy a copy of the
transcript from the transcribing reporter.
D. Submission of Comments
The Department will accept
comments, data, and information
regarding the proposed rule before or
after the public meeting, but no later
than the date provided at the beginning
of this notice of proposed rulemaking.
Please submit comments, data, and
information electronically. Send them to
the following e-mail address:
ResidentialFBNOPR Submit
electronic comments in WordPerfect,
Microsoft Word, PDF, or text (ASCII) file
format and avoid the use of special
characters or any form of encryption.
Comments in electronic format should
be identified by the docket number EE–
RM/STD–01–350 and/or RIN number
1904–AA78, and wherever possible
carry the electronic signature of the
author. Absent an electronic signature,
comments submitted electronically
must be followed and authenticated by
submitting the signed original paper
document. No telefacsimiles (faxes) will
be accepted.
According to 10 CFR 1004.11, any
person submitting information that he
or she believes to be confidential and
exempt by law from public disclosure
should submit two copies: One copy of
the document including all the
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information believed to be confidential,
and one copy of the document with the
information believed to be confidential
deleted. The Department of Energy will
make its own determination about the
confidential status of the information
and treat it according to its
Factors of interest to the Department
when evaluating requests to treat
submitted information as confidential
include: (1) A description of the items;
(2) whether and why such items are
customarily treated as confidential
within the industry; (3) whether the
information is generally known by or
available from other sources; (4)
whether the information has previously
been made available to others without
obligation concerning its
confidentiality; (5) an explanation of the
competitive injury to the submitting
person which would result from public
disclosure; (6) when such information
might lose its confidential character due
to the passage of time; and (7) why
disclosure of the information would be
contrary to the public interest.
E. Issues on Which DOE Seeks Comment
The Department is particularly
interested in receiving comments and
views of interested parties concerning:
(1) The number of consumers that
may be affected by structural changes
for installing a condensing furnace and
the cost magnitude of any structural
(2) The assumption of constant heat
pump and electric resistance furnace
market shares over the analysis period
in order to calculate the possible market
shift effects of non-weatherized gas
furnace energy conservation standards
on NES and NPV;
(3) The assumption of constant
condensing furnace market share over
the analysis period in the base case
forecast in order to calculate the annual
unit energy consumption of nonweatherized gas furnaces;
(4) The feasibility and safety of
weatherized gas furnaces at trial
standard level 2 (83-percent AFUE), due
to possible condensation in the heat
exchanger; and
(5) Information that would allow the
Department to monetize changes in
warranty costs resulting from the
installation of products at nearcondensing levels.
VIII. Approval of the Office of the
The Secretary of Energy has approved
publication of this proposed rule.
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 / Proposed Rules
List of Subjects in 10 CFR Part 430
Administrative practice and
procedure, Energy conservation,
Household appliances.
Issued in Washington, DC, on September
25, 2006.
Alexander A. Karsner,
Assistant Secretary, Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy.
For the reasons set forth in the
preamble, Part 430 of Title 10, Code of
Federal Regulations, is proposed to be
amended as set forth below.
1. The authority citation for Part 430
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 6291–6309, 28 U.S.C.
2461 note.
2. Section 430.32(e) of subpart C is
amended by adding new paragraphs
(e)(1) and (2) and revising the table to
read as follows:
§ 430.32 Energy conservation standards
and effective dates.
(e) * * *
(1) The annual fuel utilization
efficiency of furnaces and boilers shall
not be less than the following for
products manufactured on or after the
indicated dates.
(2) The annual fuel utilization
efficiency of furnaces and boilers,
except mobile home oil-fired furnaces,
weatherized oil-fired furnaces, and gas
steam boilers, and oil-fired steam
boilers, shall not be less than the
following for products manufactured on
or after the indicated dates. Standards
for mobile home oil-fired furnaces,
weatherized oil-fired furnaces, gas
steam boilers, and oil-fired steam
boilers, remain as in paragraph (e)(1) of
this section.
Product class
Non-weatherized gas furnaces ....................................................................................................................................
Weatherized gas furnaces ...........................................................................................................................................
Mobile home gas furnaces ..........................................................................................................................................
Oil-fired furnaces .........................................................................................................................................................
Gas hot-water boilers ..................................................................................................................................................
Oil-fired hot-water boilers ............................................................................................................................................
1 Annual
Fuel Utilization Efficiency, as determined in section 430.22(n)(2) of this part.
[FR Doc. 06–8431 Filed 10–5–06; 8:45 am]
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[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 194 (Friday, October 6, 2006)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 59204-59259]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 06-8431]
[[Page 59203]]
Part II
Department of Energy
Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
10 CFR Part 430
Energy Conservation Program for Consumer Products: Energy Conservation
Standards for Residential Furnaces and Boilers; Proposed Rule
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 194 / Friday, October 6, 2006 /
Proposed Rules
[[Page 59204]]
Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
10 CFR Part 430
[Docket Number EE-RM/STD-01-350]
RIN 1904-AA78
Energy Conservation Program for Consumer Products: Energy
Conservation Standards for Residential Furnaces and Boilers
AGENCY: Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Department of
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking and public meeting.
SUMMARY: The Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA or the Act)
prescribes energy conservation standards for various consumer products
and commercial and industrial equipment, and requires the Department of
Energy (DOE or the Department) to determine if amendments to increase
the stringency of the standards are technologically feasible and
economically justified, and if they would save a significant amount of
energy. In this notice, the Department is proposing to amend the energy
conservation standards for residential furnaces and boilers and is
announcing a public meeting.
DATES: The Department will hold a public meeting on October 30, 2006,
from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., in Washington, DC. The Department must receive
requests to speak at the public meeting before 4 p.m., October 16,
2006. The Department must receive a signed original and an electronic
copy of statements to be given at the public meeting before 4 p.m.,
October 16, 2006.
The Department will accept comments, data, and information
regarding the notice of proposed rulemaking (NOPR) before and after the
public meeting, but no later than January 15, 2007. See section VII,
``Public Participation,'' of this notice for details.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, identified by docket number EE-RM/
STD-01-350 and/or regulatory information number (RIN) 1904-AA78, by any
of the following methods:
1. Federal eRulemaking Portal: Follow
the instructions for submitting comments.
2. E-mail: Include
docket number EE-RM/STD-01-350 and/or RIN number 1904-AA78 in the
subject line of the message.
3. Mail: Ms. Brenda Edwards-Jones, U.S. Department of Energy,
Building Technologies Program, Mailstop EE-2J, NOPR for Residential
Furnaces and Boilers, Docket Number EE-RM/STD-01-350 and/or RIN number
1904-AA78, 1000 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20585-0121.
Please submit one signed original paper copy.
4. Hand Delivery/Courier: Ms. Brenda Edwards-Jones, U.S. Department
of Energy, Building Technologies Program, Room 1J-018, 1000
Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20585-0121. Telephone: (202)
586-2945. Please submit one signed original paper copy.
Instructions: All submissions received must include the agency name
and Docket Number or RIN for this rulemaking. For detailed instructions
on submitting comments and additional information on the rulemaking
process, see section VII, ``Public Participation,'' of this notice for
Docket: For access to the docket to read background documents or
comments received, visit the U.S. Department of Energy, Forrestal
Building, Room 1J-018 (Resource Room of the Building Technologies
Program), 1000 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20585-0121,
(202) 586-2945, between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday,
except Federal holidays. Please call Ms. Brenda Edwards-Jones at the
above telephone number for additional information regarding visiting
the Resource Room. Please note: The Department's Freedom of Information
Reading Room (formerly Room 1E-190 at the Forrestal Building) is no
longer housing rulemaking materials.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mohammed Khan, Project Manager, Energy
Conservation Standards for Residential Furnaces and Boilers, U.S.
Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Building
Technologies Program, EE-2J, 1000 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington,
DC 20585-0121, (202) 586-7892, e-mail:
Francine Pinto, Esq., U.S. Department of Energy, Office of the
General Counsel, GC-72, 1000 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC
20585-0121, (202) 586-9507, e-mail:
Table of Contents
I. Summary of the Proposed Rule
II. Introduction
A. Consumer Overview
B. Authority
C. Background
1. Current Standards
2. History of Standards Rulemaking for Residential Furnaces and
3. Process Improvement
D. Negotiated Boiler Standards Agreement
III. General Discussion
A. General Issues
1. Impact of Furnace and Boiler Standards on Future Natural Gas
2. Inclusion of Electricity Consumption in Furnace and Boiler
3. Separate Standards for Equipment Installed in New Homes and
as Replacements
4. Separate Standards for Different Regions
B. Test Procedures
C. Technological Feasibility
1. General
2. Maximum Technologically Feasible Levels
D. Energy Savings
1. Determination of Savings
2. Significance of Savings
E. Economic Justification
1. Specific Criteria
a. Economic Impact on Manufacturers and Consumers
b. Life-Cycle Costs
c. Energy Savings
d. Lessening of Utility or Performance of Products
e. Impact of Any Lessening of Competition f. Need of the Nation
to Conserve Energy
g. Other Factors
2. Rebuttable Presumption
IV. Methodology and Discussion of Comments
A. Product Classes
B. Engineering Analysis
1. Manufacturing Costs
2. Markups
3. Installation Costs
a. Non-Weatherized Gas Furnaces
b. Other Product Classes
4. Maintenance Costs
5. Rebuttable-Presumption Payback Period
C. Life-Cycle Cost and Payback Period Analysis
1. Equipment Prices
2. Installation Costs
3. Household Annual Energy Consumption
4. Energy Prices
5. Maintenance Costs
6. Equipment Lifetime
7. Discount Rates
8. Effective Date of the New Standards
9. Inputs to Payback Period Analysis
10. Base-Case Equipment
D. National Impact Analysis--National Energy Savings and Net
Present Value Analysis
1. Shipments, National Energy Savings, and Net Present Value
2. Annual Unit Energy Consumption
3. Site-to-Source Conversion Factors
4. Installed Equipment Costs
5. Maintenance Costs
6. Energy Prices
7. Discount Rates
E. Consumer Subgroup Analysis
F. Manufacturer Impact Analysis
1. General Description
2. Industry Profile
3. Industry Cash Flow Analysis
4. Subgroup Impact Analysis
[[Page 59205]]
5. Government Regulatory Impact Model Analysis
6. Manufacturer Interviews
a. Issues
b. GRIM Scenarios and Key Inputs
1. Shipments Forecast
2. Markups
3. Product and Capital Conversion Costs
G. Employment Impact Analysis
H. Utility Impact Analysis
I. Environmental Analysis
V. Analytical Results
A. Trial Standard Levels
B. Economic Justification and Energy Savings
1. Economic Impacts on Consumers
a. Life-Cycle Cost and Payback Period
b. Consumer Subgroup Analysis
c. Rebuttable-Presumption Payback
2. Economic Impacts on Manufacturers
a. Industry Cash Flow Analysis Results
i. Non-Weatherized Gas Furnaces
ii. Weatherized Gas Furnaces
iii. Mobile Home Gas Furnaces
iv. Oil-Fired Furnaces
v. Gas Boilers
vi. Oil-Fired Boilers
b. Impacts on Manufacturing Capacity
c. Impacts on Subgroups of Manufacturers
d. Cumulative Regulatory Burden
3. National Impact Analysis
a. Significance of Energy Savings
b. Net Present Value
c. Impacts on Employment
4. Impact on Utility or Performance of Products
5. Impact of Any Lessening of Competition
6. Need of the Nation to Conserve Energy
7. Other Factors
C. Proposed Standard
VI. Procedural Issues and Regulatory Review
A. Review Under Executive Order 12866
B. Review Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act
C. Review Under the Paperwork Reduction Act
D. Review Under the National Environmental Policy Act
E. Review Under Executive Order 13132
F. Review Under Executive Order 12988
G. Review Under the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995
H. Review Under the Treasury and General Government
Appropriations Act of 1999
I. Review Under Executive Order 12630
J. Review Under the Treasury and General Government
Appropriations Act of 2001
K. Review Under Executive Order 13211
L. Review Under the Information Quality Bulletin for Peer Review
M. Review Under Executive Order 12898
VII. Public Participation
A. Attendance at Public Meeting
B. Procedure for Submitting Requests to Speak
C. Conduct of Public Meeting
D. Submission of Comments
E. Issues on Which DOE Seeks Comment
VIII. Approval of the Office of the Secretary
I. Summary of the Proposed Rule
The Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA or the Act), as
amended, specifies that any new or amended energy conservation standard
the Department of Energy (DOE or the Department) prescribes for
consumer products shall be designed to ``achieve the maximum
improvement in energy efficiency * * * which the Secretary determines
is technologically feasible and economically justified.'' (42 U.S.C.
6295(o)(2)(A)) Furthermore, the new or amended standard must ``result
in significant conservation of energy.'' (42 U.S.C. 6295(o)(3)(B)) In
accordance with these and other statutory criteria discussed in this
notice, the Department proposes to amend the residential furnace and
boiler energy conservation standards and raise efficiency levels as
shown in Table I.1. The proposed standards would apply to all covered
furnaces and boilers offered for sale in the United States, effective
on January 1, 2015.
Table I.1.--Proposed Standard Levels for Furnaces and Boilers
Product class AFUE (%)
Non-weatherized gas furnaces................................. 80
Weatherized gas furnaces..................................... 83
Mobile home gas furnaces..................................... 80
Oil-fired furnaces........................................... 82
Gas boilers.................................................. 84
Oil-fired boilers............................................ 83
AFUE = annual fuel utilization efficiency.
The Department's analyses indicate that the proposed standards
would save a significant amount of energy--an estimated 0.41
quadrillion British thermal units (Btu), or quads, of cumulative energy
over 24 years (2015-2038). For comparison, approximately six quads are
used annually for space heating in U.S. homes. The economic impacts on
consumers--i.e., the average life-cycle cost (LCC) savings--are
The cumulative national net present value (NPV) of total consumer
costs and savings of the proposed standard (DOE's trial standard level
2, or TSL2) from 2015 to 2038, in 2004$, ranges from $650 million
(seven-percent discount rate) to $2.48 billion (three-percent discount
rate). This is the estimated total value of future operating-cost-
savings minus the estimated increased equipment costs, discounted to
2004. The Department estimated the furnace and boiler industry net
present value (INPV) to be approximately $1.6 billion in 2004$. If the
Department adopts the proposed standard, it expects manufacturers will
lose 4.1 to 7 percent of the INPV, which is approximately $65-114
million. The NPV for consumers (at the seven-percent discount rate)
exceeds industry losses due to energy efficiency standards by about
seven times.
The proposed standard will lead to reductions in greenhouse gas
emissions, resulting in cumulative (undiscounted) emission reductions
of 19.6 million tons (Mt) of carbon dioxide (CO2) from 2015
to 2038. Additionally, the standard would result in 13.0 thousand tons
(kt) of nitrogen oxides (NOX) emissions reductions or
generate a similar amount of NOX emissions allowance credits
in areas where such emissions are subject to emissions caps. The
standard would also generate 1.5 kt of sulfur dioxide (SO2)
emissions reductions from 2015 to 2038. Most of the energy saved is
natural gas. In addition, the Department expects the energy savings
from the proposed standards to eliminate the need for approximately 14
megawatts (MW) of generating capacity by 2030.
The above results reflect the Department's use of energy price
projections from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)'s
Annual Energy Outlook 2005 (AEO2005). In addition, the Department
performed a sensitivity analysis to assess the impacts of the standard
using the Annual Energy Outlook 2006 (AEO2006) energy price forecasts.
In this sensitivity analysis, the proposed standards would save the
same amount of energy (0.41 quads) over 2015-2038. The cumulative NPV
of total consumer costs and savings of the proposed standard from 2015
to 2038, in 2004$, ranges from $820 million (seven-percent discount
rate) to $3.02 billion (three-percent discount rate). The other results
are approximately the same as in the analysis using AEO2005.
The Department has found the proposed standard represents the
maximum improvement in energy efficiency that is technologically
feasible and economically justified. The Department found the benefits
to the Nation of the proposed standard (energy savings, consumer
average LCC savings, national NPV increase, and emission reductions)
outweigh the costs (loss of manufacturer NPV, and LCC increases for
some consumers). The Department considered higher energy efficiency
levels as trial standard levels; however, it found the burdens of the
higher efficiency levels (loss of manufacturer NPV, LCC increases for
some consumers, and safety concerns) outweigh the benefits (energy
savings, LCC savings for some consumers, national NPV increase, and
emission reductions). The Department concludes that the proposed
standard is economically justified. Furthermore, DOE has found that the
proposed standard is technologically feasible since products achieving
[[Page 59206]]
efficiencies already are commercially available.
II. Introduction
A. Consumer Overview
The Department is proposing to raise the energy conservation
standard levels for residential furnaces and boilers as shown above in
Table II.1. The proposed efficiency standard would apply to all covered
furnaces and boilers offered for sale in the United States, effective
on January 1, 2015. Relative to the current standard levels, the
proposed levels for residential furnaces and boilers represent an
improvement in energy efficiency of one to five percent, depending on
the product class.
Table II.1.--Proposed Standard Levels for Furnaces and Boilers
Product class (%)
Non-weatherized gas furnaces................................... 80
Weatherized gas furnaces....................................... 83
Mobile home gas furnaces....................................... 80
Oil-fired furnaces............................................. 82
Gas boilers.................................................... 84
Oil-fired boilers.............................................. 83
AFUE = annual fuel utilization efficiency.
B. Authority
Title III of EPCA sets forth a variety of provisions designed to
improve energy efficiency. Part B of title III (42 U.S.C. 6291-6309)
provides for the Energy Conservation Program for Consumer Products
other than Automobiles. The program covers consumer products (referred
to hereafter as ``covered products''), including residential furnaces
and boilers. (42 U.S.C. 6292(a)(5))
Under the Act, the program consists essentially of these parts:
Testing, labeling, and Federal energy conservation standards. The
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is responsible for labeling, and DOE
implements the remainder of the program. Section 323 of the Act
authorizes the Department, with assistance from the National Institute
of Standards and Technology (NIST) and subject to certain criteria and
conditions, to develop test procedures to measure the energy
efficiency, energy use, or estimated annual operating cost of each
covered product. (42 U.S.C. 6293) The furnace and boiler test
procedures appear at Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
part 430, subpart B, Appendix N.
EPCA provides criteria for prescribing new or amended standards for
covered products. As indicated above, any new or amended standard for a
covered product must be designed to achieve the maximum improvement in
energy efficiency that is technologically feasible and economically
justified. (42 U.S.C. 6295(o)(2)(A)) EPCA precludes the Department from
adopting any standard that would not result in significant conservation
of energy. (42 U.S.C. 6295(o)(3)(B)) Moreover, the Department may not
prescribe a standard: (1) For certain products, if no test procedure
has been established for the product, or (2) if DOE determines by rule
that the standard is not technologically feasible or economically
justified. (42 U.S.C. 6295(o)(3)(B) The Act (42 U.S.C.
6295(o)(2)(B)(i)) also provides that, in deciding whether a standard is
economically justified, DOE must, after receiving comments on the
proposed standard, determine whether the benefits of the standard
exceed its burdens by considering, to the greatest extent practicable,
the following seven factors:
(1) The economic impact of the standard on manufacturers and
consumers of the products subject to the standard;
(2) The savings in operating costs throughout the estimated
average life of the covered products in the type (or class) compared
to any increase in the price, initial charges, or maintenance
expenses for the covered products that are likely to result from the
imposition of the standard;
(3) The total projected amount of energy savings likely to
result directly from the imposition of the standard;
(4) Any lessening of the utility or the performance of the
covered products likely to result from the imposition of the
(5) The impact of any lessening of competition, as determined in
writing by the Attorney General, that is likely to result from the
imposition of the standard;
(6) The need for national energy conservation; and
(7) Other factors the Secretary considers relevant.
EPCA contains what is commonly known as an ``anti-backsliding''
provision. (42 U.S.C. 6295(o)(1)) This provision mandates that the
Secretary not prescribe any amended standard that either increases the
maximum allowable energy use or decreases the minimum required energy
efficiency of a covered product. Also, the Secretary may not prescribe
an amended or a new standard if interested persons have established by
a preponderance of the evidence that the standard is likely to result
in the unavailability in the United States of any covered product type
(or class) with performance characteristics, features, sizes,
capacities, and volume that are substantially the same as those
generally available in the United States. (42 U.S.C. 6295 (o)(4))
In addition, section 325(o)(2)(B)(iii) of EPCA establishes a
rebuttable-presumption that a standard is economically justified if the
Secretary finds that ``the additional cost to the consumer of
purchasing a product complying with an energy efficiency standard level
will be less than three times the value of the energy * * * savings
during the first year that the consumer will receive as a result of the
standard, as calculated under the applicable test procedure * * *.''
The rebuttable-presumption test is an alternative path to establishing
economic justification. (42 U.S.C. 6295(o)(2)(B)(iii))
Section 325(q)(1) of EPCA is applicable to promulgating a standard
for a type or class of covered product that has two or more
subcategories. The Department must specify a different standard level
than that which applies generally to such type or class of products
``for any group of covered products which have the same function or
intended use, if * * * products within such group--(A) Consume a
different kind of energy from that consumed by other covered products
within such type (or class); or (B) have a capacity or other
performance-related feature which other products within such type (or
class) do not have and such feature justifies a higher or lower
standard'' that applies or will apply to the other products. (42
U.S.C.6295(q)(l)) In determining whether a performance-related feature
justifies such a different standard for a group of products, the
Department must consider ``such factors as the utility to the consumer
of such a feature'' and other factors DOE deems appropriate. Any rule
prescribing such a standard must include an explanation of the basis on
which such higher or lower level was established. (42 U.S.C.
Federal energy conservation requirements generally supersede State
laws or regulations concerning energy conservation testing, labeling,
and standards. (42 U.S.C. 6297 (a)-(c)) The Department can, however,
grant waivers of preemption for particular State laws or regulations,
in accordance with the procedures and other provisions of section
327(d) of the Act. (42 U.S.C. 6297(d)) Specifically, States with a
regulation that provides for an energy conservation standard for any
type of covered product for which there is a Federal energy
conservation standard may petition the Secretary for a DOE rule that
allows the State regulation to become effective with respect to such
covered product. The Department must prescribe a rule granting the
petition if the State establishes by a preponderance
[[Page 59207]]
of the evidence that its regulation is needed to meet ``unusual and
compelling State or local energy * * * interests.'' (42 U.S.C.
C. Background
1. Current Standards
EPCA established an energy conservation standard for residential
furnaces and boilers.\1\ It set the standard in terms of the annual
fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE) descriptor at a minimum value of 78
percent for most furnaces. It set the minimum AFUE at 75 percent for
gas steam boilers and 80 percent for other boilers. For mobile home
furnaces, EPCA set the minimum AFUE at 75 percent. These standards
became effective on January 1, 1992, with the exception of the standard
for mobile home furnaces, for which the effective date was September 1,
1990. (42 U.S.C. 6295(f)(1)-(2))
\1\ EPCA states that a ``furnace'' includes forced-air and
gravity central furnaces and low-pressure steam and hot water
boilers, and that it must have a heat input rate of less than
225,000 Btu/h for forced-air and gravity central furnaces, and less
than 300,000 Btu/h for boilers. (42 U.S.C. 6291(23)) However, in
this notice, DOE has adopted the terminology used in the heating,
ventilating, and air conditioning industry, which considers furnaces
and boilers as separate categories.
2. History of Standards Rulemaking for Residential Furnaces and Boilers
For ``small'' gas furnaces (those having an input rate of less than
45,000 Btu per hour), the Department published a final rule on November
17, 1989, in which it set the minimum AFUE for these products at 78
percent, effective January 1, 1992. 54 FR 47916.
For mobile home furnaces, the Department issued an advance notice
of proposed rulemaking (ANOPR) on September 28, 1990 (55 FR 39624),
followed by a proposed rule on March 4, 1994. 59 FR 10464. The Interior
and Related Agencies Appropriations for Fiscal Year 1996 (Pub. L. 104-
34) included a moratorium on appliance standards rulemakings,
preventing DOE from finalizing the standards on mobile home furnaces.
The Department responded to the moratorium by developing an improved
process, known as the Process Rule, for its energy conservation
standards rulemakings (Procedures for Consideration of New or Revised
Energy Conservation Standards for Consumer Products, Title 10 CFR part
430, Subpart C, Appendix A). 61 FR 36974. The Process Rule provided
guidance on how DOE prioritizes its standards rulemakings. As a result,
the Department pursued standards rulemakings for other products rather
than finalizing the proposed standard for mobile home furnaces.
Therefore, the Department did not publish a final rule for amending
mobile home furnace standards and the minimum energy conservation
standard remained at 75 percent AFUE.
The Act also directed the Department to publish a final rule to
determine whether the standards should be amended for all furnaces and
boilers. (42 U.S.C. 6295(f)(3)(B)) On September 8, 1993, the Department
published an ANOPR (hereafter referred to as the September 1993 ANOPR)
in which it presented the product classes for furnaces that it planned
to analyze, and a detailed discussion of the analytical methodology
that it expected to use in this rulemaking. 58 FR 47326. The Department
invited stakeholders to submit comments and data on the planned
methodology. However, the 1996 moratorium on appliance standards
rulemakings prevented DOE from proceeding further with the rulemaking
\2\ Pub. L. 104-34, the Department of the Interior and Related
Agencies Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 1996 which included a
moratorium on proposing or issuing energy conservation appliance
standard for FY 1996.
In the fiscal year 2001 Priority Setting for the Appliance
Rulemaking Process, DOE assigned a high level of priority to a
rulemaking to consider amendments to the energy conservation standards
for residential furnaces and boilers, including mobile home furnaces.
On June 13, 2001, DOE published a Framework Document for Residential
Furnaces and Boilers Standards Rulemaking (Framework Document). The
Department held a public meeting on July 17, 2001, to discuss the
procedural and analytical approaches in this rulemaking, and to seek
stakeholder comments on the Framework Document.
The Department held another public meeting on May 8, 2002, to
receive and discuss comments on issues related to venting
installations. In June 2002, the Gas Appliance Manufacturers
Association (GAMA) commented on DOE's analysis of manufacturing costs.
In August 2002, GAMA convened a meeting with DOE and the American
Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) to discuss approaches
for analyzing electricity use in furnaces. In September 2002, the
Department posted its engineering analysis and received stakeholder
comments. The Department published an ANOPR on July 29, 2004 (hereafter
referred to as the 2004 ANOPR), and held a public meeting on September
29, 2004, to present the methodology and results of the ANOPR analyses.
69 FR 45419.
As set forth in the updated rulemaking timeline published in the
Department's Semi-annual Regulatory Agenda on December 13, 2004, DOE
expects to issue a final rule in 2007. 69 FR 72713. The effective date
for any new standards for furnaces and boilers published in 2007 would
be 2015, or eight years after publication as a final rule in the
Federal Register. (42 U.S.C. 6295 (f)(3)(B))
3. Process Improvement
The Process Rule applies to the development of energy conservation
standards for all consumer products, including those for residential
furnaces and boilers. 61 FR 36974. In this notice, the Department
describes the framework and methodologies by which it is developing the
standard. The framework and methodologies reflect improvements made and
steps taken in accordance with the Process Rule, including the use of
improved economic models and analytical tools. The rulemaking process
is dynamic, and as timely new data, models, or tools that enhance the
development of standards become available, the Department will
incorporate them into the rulemaking.
In response to the DOE's 2004 ANOPR, the American Gas Association
(AGA) asserted that the spreadsheets used by the Department do not meet
the requirements of the Process Rule, which specifies the use of
transparent and robust analytical methods ``that are fully documented
for the public and that produce results that can be explained and
reproduced * * *.'' AGA suggested that DOE (1) explore simpler
analytical methods for its analyses, or (2) provide stakeholders with
more direct means of testing alternate assumptions and sensitivities.
(AGA, No. 78 at p. 2) \3\ Southern Company (Southern) commented that it
would be helpful if DOE provided tools for the review of its analysis
results that could be used more easily. (Southern, No. 71 at p. 3)
After the 2004 ANOPR, DOE improved the design and user-friendliness of
the analytical spreadsheets by creating process diagrams and by adding
additional summary worksheets, help screens to assist the user, and
input screens to allow the testing of alternate assumptions. The
Department also expanded its documentation by adding
[[Page 59208]]
appendices that explain in detail the design and use of the
\3\ A notation in the form ``AGA, No. 78 at p. 2'' identifies a
written comment the Department has received and has included in the
docket of this rulemaking. This particular notation refers to a
comment (1) By the American Gas Association (AGA), (2) in the
document number 78 in the docket of this rulemaking (maintained in
the Resource Room of the Building Technologies Program), and (3)
appear on page 2 of document number 78.
GAMA commented that there should be more informal communication
between DOE and the furnace industry during the course of the
rulemaking. (GAMA, No. 67 at p. 8) In accordance with the Process Rule,
DOE sought stakeholder review at several points in the rulemaking and
organized public meetings, webcasts, and conference calls to discuss
important issues. The Department recognizes the value of having
informal, open communication with stakeholders, as stakeholder input
can contribute significantly to the quality of the Department's
analyses and improve the Department's decision making. However, the
open nature of the process has introduced substantial delays in the
Department's rulemaking schedules. Such delays have been an unintended
consequence of the Process Rule. The Department therefore, recognizes
the need for a balance in the allowance of stakeholder input and
maintaining rulemaking schedules, and will better integrate stakeholder
input and expert review within the scope of the structured notice-and-
comment rulemaking process.
D. Negotiated Boiler Standards Agreement
On July 14, 2006, GAMA and ACEEE, on behalf of 28 residential
boiler manufacturers and four energy efficiency organizations,
submitted a negotiated agreement recommending new national standards
for residential boilers that would consist of a performance requirement
(minimum AFUE levels) and design requirements. The recommended
performance levels are the maximum that the industry feels would
safeguard against corrosion and ensure safe venting. Both GAMA and
ACEEE believe that the design requirements would bring about
additional, non-trivial energy savings.
For gas-fired boilers, both water and steam types, the agreement
calls for a ban on standing pilots. For gas-fired water boilers only,
there are two design requirements. In addition to the ban on standing
pilots, the agreement also requires a ``temperature reset'' feature
that automatically adjusts the boiler output according to the outdoor
ambient air temperature. For oil-fired water boilers, the agreement
contains the design requirement for the same ``temperature reset''
The Department sincerely appreciates the effort stakeholders have
made to propose an agreement for the boiler portion of this rulemaking.
However, the Department has determined that the recommended standards
in the negotiated agreement are beyond the scope of its legal
authority. The Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA) authorizes the
Secretary to amend energy conservation standards for specified
products. (42 U.S.C. 6295) Section 321(6) of the EPCA defines the term
``energy conservation standard'' as
(A) A performance standard which prescribes a minimum level of
energy efficiency or a maximum quantity of energy use, * * * or
(B) A design requirement for the products specified in paragraphs
(6), (7), (8), (10), (15), (16), (17), and (19) of section 322(a) * * *
[of this title.]
(42 U.S.C. 6291(6))
The language of EPCA authorizes the Department to establish a
performance standard or a single design standard. EPCA's list of
specified products for which a design standard can be established does
not include residential furnaces and boilers. As such, a standard that
establishes both a performance standard and a design requirement is
beyond the scope of the Department's legal authority. In the case of
gas-fired water boilers, the agreement recommends two design
requirements which is contrary to EPCA's limit of one design
requirement for the specified covered products.
The Department's staff met with representatives from GAMA and ACEEE
on August 1, 2006, and August 7, 2006, respectively, to discuss the
Department's legal position on the negotiated agreement. The Department
regrets that this negotiated agreement does not meet the statutory
criteria in EPCA and therefore cannot be accepted. The Department
strongly encourages stakeholders to continue to work together to
propose agreements to the Department in the future, understanding that
the Department must comply with EPCA's statutory requirements.
III. General Discussion
A. General Issues
The Department received comments on several general issues related
to the furnace and boiler rulemaking. Those issues are related to the
impact of the standards on future natural gas prices, furnace
electricity consumption, separate standards for equipment in new homes
and replacements, and separate standards for different regions.
1. Impact of Furnace and Boiler Standards on Future Natural Gas Prices
The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), American Chemistry
Council (ACC), ACEEE, and Dow Chemical Company commented that more
stringent furnace and boiler standards may result in lower natural gas
prices in the future, and that DOE should account for the associated
benefit for all gas consumers. (NRDC, No. 52 at p. 2; ACC, No. 62 at p.
3; ACEEE, No. 84 at p. 9; and Joint Comment by NRDC and Dow, No. 64 at
p. 3) The impact of appliance standards on energy prices has not
historically been a part of DOE's analysis. Estimating such impacts
would require new analytical methods. The Department evaluated a recent
study that includes consideration of the impacts of furnace and boiler
standards on natural gas prices.\4\ While this study finds that
standards could result in a small decrease in natural gas prices, the
Department's review of the study reveals that there is no conclusive
evidence that furnace and boiler standards will affect overall natural
gas prices. If the stakeholders' assertion is correct, then consumer
gas prices will decrease, in turn decreasing the income of gas
utilities--resulting in a transfer of benefits from the natural gas
producers to the consumers. However, on a societal level, there is no
clear evidence that there will be any impact on natural gas prices
resulting from the furnace and boiler standards. Furthermore, DOE
believes it is currently impossible, within the framework of a
standards rulemaking, to estimate the possible impact of energy
conservation standards on utility prices. Therefore, the Department did
not consider these impacts in the current rulemaking.
\4\ Wiser, R., M. Bolinger, M. St. Clair. Easing the Natural Gas
Crisis: Reducing Natural Gas Prices through Increased Deployment of
Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency. LBNL. January 2005. (https://
2. Inclusion of Electricity Consumption in Furnace and Boiler Standards
The Department received a number of comments regarding the
inclusion of furnace and boiler electricity consumption in amended
standards for furnaces and boilers. The Department was recently given
authority to regulate the electricity consumed by furnaces for the
purposes of circulating air by the Energy Policy Act of 2005, Pub. L.
104-58 (EPACT 2005). EPACT 2005, section 135(c), amended section 325 of
EPCA (42 U.S.C. 6295(f)(3)) to include the following: ``[T]he Secretary
may consider and prescribe energy conservation standards or energy use
standards for electricity used for purposes of circulating air through
duct work.'' However, at the November 15, 2005, public meeting to
discuss DOE's appliance-standards-program schedule-setting, the
Department received comments from GAMA and the
[[Page 59209]]
Appliance Standards Awareness Project (ASAP) urging the Department to
complete the AFUE standard rulemaking as soon as possible. Furthermore,
GAMA and ASAP expressed their preference that DOE address furnace
blower electricity consumption separately from the AFUE standard
rulemaking. Since adding electricity consumption standards to this
rulemaking would likely cause further substantial delay in the
rulemaking process, the Department accepts the recommendations from
GAMA and ASAP and has decided not to address furnace electricity
consumption in this rulemaking. It will consider furnace electricity
consumption separately to enable it complete the furnace and boiler
AFUE rulemaking as expeditiously as possible.
3. Separate Standards for Equipment Installed in New Homes and as
ACEEE suggested that DOE consider separate standards for new
construction and retrofits. (ACEEE, No. 53 at p. 5) EPCA directs the
Department to establish performance standards that prescribe minimum
levels of energy efficiency or maximum levels of energy use for covered
products. The Act does not authorize DOE to set multiple levels of
efficiency for a given covered product, depending on where the product
is installed--either in terms of a given region of the country or in
terms of home type, i.e., new or existing. (42 U.S.C. 6291(6)(A)) The
Department believes it does not have the authority to set separate
standards for furnaces and boilers for new homes and for existing homes
and, therefore, rejects the suggestion that it consider separate
standards for new construction and retrofits.
4. Separate Standards for Different Regions
The Department received numerous comments regarding the setting of
separate furnace and boiler standards for different regions of the
country. Some of the commentators expressed reasons why separate
standards would be beneficial or asked if DOE had the authority to set
regional standards. (Ohio Consumers' Counsel (OCC), No. 70 at p. 5;
Individuals, No. 73 at p. 1; Baltimore Gas and Electricity (BGE), No.
75 at p. 1; National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners
(NARUC), No. 77 at p. 5; ACEEE, No. 59.8 at pp. 36 \5\ and 165;
Individual, No. 87 at p. 1; Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships
(NEEP), No. 55 at pp. 2 and 3; NRDC, No. 59.8 at pp. 29 and 33, and No.
63 at p. 9; Oregon Department of Energy (ODOE), No. 61 at p. 2;
National Consumer Law Center (NCLC), No. 66 at pp. 7 and 8; New Jersey
Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU), No. 83 at p. 1; Izaak Walton League
of America (IWL), No. 88 at p. 1; Southern, No. 71 at p. 21 and No.
59.8 at p. 219; Trane, No. 59.8 at p. 207; GAMA, No. 59.8 at pp. 206
and 217; York, No. 65 at p. 2; Edison Electric Institute (EEI), No. 69
at p. 2; Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI), No. 89 at p. 2; National
Propane Gas Association (NPGA), No. 72 at p. 2; AGA, No. 59.8 at p. 40;
Alliance to Save Energy (ASE), No. 80 at p. 2; North American
Insulation Manufacturers Association (NAIMA), No. 60 at p. 1; and
Lennox, No. 79 at p. 3)
\5\ A notation in the form ``ACEEE, No. 59.8 at p. 36,''
identifies a comment in the transcript of the Public Meeting on
Standards for Furnaces and Boilers held in Washington, DC, 9/29/
2004, which is document number 59.8 in the docket of this
rulemaking. This particular notation refers to a comment (1) by the
American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE), (2) in the
document number 59.8 in the docket of this rulemaking (maintained in
the Resource Room of the Building Technologies Program), and (3)
appearing on page 36 of document number 59.8.
As discussed in the 2004 ANOPR, the Department has determined that
EPCA does not authorize DOE to set regional energy conservation
standards; instead, the Department can only establish national
standards. 69 FR 45419. None of the comments received in response to
the 2004 ANOPR provided a basis for changing that determination.
However, the Department notes that EPCA allows states to seek from
the Department a waiver of Federal preemption of state or local energy
conservation standards. Section 327(d) of EPCA, ``Waiver of Federal
Preemption,'' states that, ``Any State * * * with a State regulation
which provides for any energy conservation standard * * * for any type
* * * of covered product for which there is a Federal energy
conservation standard * * * may file a petition with the Secretary
requesting a rule that such State regulation become effective with
respect to such covered product.'' (42 U.S.C. 6297(d)(1)(A)) Within a
maximum of one year, DOE must act on any such petition. (42 U.S.C.
The Department must prescribe a rule granting a waiver from Federal
preemption if, subject to the condition specified in section 327(d),
the State establishes by a preponderance of the evidence that its
regulation is needed to meet ``unusual and compelling State or local
energy * * * interests.'' (42 U.S.C. 6297(d)(1)(B)) The statute states
that the phrase ``unusual and compelling State or local energy * * *
interests'' means interests which:
(i) Are substantially different in nature or magnitude than
those prevailing in the United States generally; and (ii) are such
that the costs, benefits, burdens, and reliability of energy * * *
savings resulting from the State regulation make such regulation
preferable or necessary when measured against the costs, benefits,
burdens, and reliability of alternative approaches to energy * * *
savings or production, including reliance on reasonably predictable
market-induced improvements in efficiency of all products subject to
the State regulation.
The factors described in clause (ii) shall be evaluated within
the context of the State's energy plan and forecast, and, with
respect to a State regulation for which a petition has been
submitted to the Secretary * * * [42 U.S.C. 6297(d)(1)(c)]
In evaluating the evidence that a State regulation is needed to
meet unusual and compelling State energy interests, the Department will
consider the factors described in 42 U.S.C. 6297(d)(1)(C)(i) and (ii).
It appears to the Department that in the context of residential
furnaces and boilers, where regional climatic effects can have
significant impact on whether a specified energy conservation standard
would be technologically feasible and economically justified in that
region, such regional climatic effects will be important in DOE's
assessment of whether there are ``unusual and compelling State or local
energy interests'' for State energy conservation standards. States
having higher-than-average, population-weighted heating degree days
(HDDs) based on long-term National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration data \6\ would seem to have the best prospects for
demonstrating ``unusual and compelling'' interests to support a waiver
of preemption in the particular circumstances presented here.\7\ (In
conducting its analysis, the Department used average heating degree
days within a State to divide States into groups for purposes of
assessing standards.) States with significantly higher heating
requirements have significantly higher furnace use. This may indicate
that, for
[[Page 59210]]
those States, a State energy conservation standard which is higher than
the Federal standard would be cost-effective and would provide
significantly more energy savings than the Federal standard. If those
States, particularly the ones most severely affected, adopted standards
higher than DOE's proposed standards, and sought waivers, it could
result in certain contiguous States with higher requirements, which
would lessen the impact on manufacturers.
\6\ State, Regional, And National Monthly Heating Degree Days
Weighted By Population (2000 Census), 1971--2000 (and previous
normal periods). Historical Climatography Series No. 5-1. National
Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service, National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Available at: https://
\7\ Nationwide, the U.S. averages 5528 HDDs. The following
States average 6000 or more HDDs: Alaska, Colorado, Connecticut,
Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota,
Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New York, North Dakota, South
Dakota, Utah, Vermont, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
Another way to address the benefits and costs of proposed State
regulations with higher energy conservation standards would be for a
State in its application for a waiver of preemption to identify the
saturation of homes with products that already meet those higher
standards. For example, a State could provide evidence that a
significant percentage of gas furnaces sold today in that State already
meets, for example, a 90-percent-AFUE condensing standard.
A State applying to DOE for a preemption waiver also could identify
any subsidies and/or incentives, such as tax rebates or purchase price
rebates, that the State or other entities are offering. To the extent
States demonstrate that these programs have not worked, they may be
able to show that ``the costs, benefits, burdens, and reliability'' of
energy savings from mandatory State energy conservation regulations
make such regulations preferable to their voluntary programs.
EPCA section 327(d)(3) further provides that DOE may not grant a
waiver if interested persons establish by a preponderance of the
evidence that the State regulation would significantly burden
manufacturing, marketing, distribution, sale, or servicing of the
covered product on a national basis. (42 U.S.C. 6297(d)(3)) In
determining whether the State regulation meets this criterion, the
Department must consider the extent to which the State regulation
addresses several factors.
The first factor is ``the extent to which the State regulation will
increase manufacturing or distribution costs of manufacturers,
distributors, and others * * *.'' (42 U.S.C. 6297(d)(3)(A)) In
addressing this factor, a State seeking a waiver of federal preemption
likely would want to address the extent to which manufacturers already
produce and sell products that would meet the State's proposed
standard. This description also could include information describing
how efficiencies of shipments to that State already vary from current
DOE efficiency levels.
The second factor is ``the extent to which the State regulation
will disadvantage smaller manufacturers, distributors, or dealers or
lessen competition in the sale of the covered product in the State * *
*.'' (42 U.S.C. 6297(d)(3)(B)) Similar to the prior factor, in
addressing this factor, a State seeking a waiver of federal preemption
might wish to provide evidence with its petition that demonstrates that
there are no, or just insignificant, differences between small and
large manufacturers with respect to producing and selling furnaces in
that State. A State also could offer other evidence as to why its
regulation would not disadvantage these entities or lessen competition,
based on the particular circumstances in that State. For example, a
State could seek to demonstrate that the differences (or lack of
differences) between small and large manufacturers, with respect to
producing and selling furnaces in that State, indicate that the
regulation would not disadvantage the smaller manufacturers.
The third factor is ``the extent to which the State regulation
would cause a burden to manufacturers to redesign and produce the
covered product type * * *, taking into consideration the extent to
which the regulation would result in a reduction (i) in the current
models, or in the projected availability of models, that could be
shipped on the effective date of the regulation to the State and within
the United States; or (ii) in the current or projected sales volume of
the covered product type * * * in the State and the United States * *
*.'' (42 U.S.C. 6297(d)(3)(c)) In addressing this factor, a State
seeking a waiver of federal preemption might seek to demonstrate that
high-efficiency heating equipment, such as condensing furnaces, already
have achieved significant market shares in that State. In some
relatively cold States with significant heating requirements, sales of
condensing furnaces are reported to be on the order of 50 percent. A
State also might wish to submit other information that addresses why it
believes its regulation would not affect sales volumes or the number of
models available (except for elimination of lower efficiency models).
The fourth factor is ``the extent to which the State regulation is
likely to contribute significantly to a proliferation of State
appliance efficiency requirements and the cumulative impact such
requirements would have.'' (42 U.S.C. 6297(d)(3)(D)) In addressing this
factor, a State seeking a waiver from DOE may wish to seek to
demonstrate, for example, the extent to which it has chosen identical
standard levels as other States that have developed proposed
regulations or States that have regulations already in place.
An additional factor DOE must consider is the extent to which ``the
State regulation is likely to result in the unavailability in the State
of any covered product type * * * of performance characteristics
(including reliability), features, sizes, capacities, and volumes that
are substantially the same as those generally available in the State *
* *.'' (42 U.S.C. 6297(d)(4)) A State seeking preemption waiver may
wish to explain in its petition or accompanying documents why it
believes its regulation would not affect the characteristics and
features (other than efficiency) of the furnaces that would be offered
for sale in that State. It might seek to demonstrate, for example, that
among products currently offered for sale in that or other States, high
efficiency furnaces already have all of the characteristics and
features available in less efficient furnaces sold in that State.
The Department recognizes that States have set, or are considering,
standards for furnaces and that some may wish to seek a determination
from DOE that their standards are needed to meet ``unusual and
compelling State or local energy interests.'' The Department encourages
States to coordinate among themselves the submission of any waiver
petitions they may wish to file. The Department will consider an
aggregate petition from multiple States as long as the petition
individually addresses the statutory criteria for each of the States.
The Department believes the approach taken in evaluating the regional
impacts of standards in its analysis represents a reasonable approach
for estimating the national impacts of having a Federal standard and
one or more higher State energy conservation standards for furnaces and
boilers. All petitions for waivers also must comply with requirements
as described in 10 CFR Part 430.41(a)(1).
B. Test Procedures
Section 7(b) of the Process Rule provides that the Department will
propose necessary modifications to the test procedures for a product
before issuing the proposed rule concerning energy conservation
standards for that product. For furnaces and boilers, the Department
believes modifications are not currently necessary, so it has not
proposed to modify the existing test procedure.
C. Technological Feasibility
1. General
The Department considers a design option to be technologically
feasible if it is in use by the respective industry or
[[Page 59211]]
if research has progressed to the development of a working prototype.
The Process Rule sets forth a definition of technological feasibility
as follows: ``Technologies incorporated in commercial products or in
working prototypes will be considered technologically feasible.'' 10
CFR part 430, Subpart C, Appendix A, section 4(a)(4)(i).
In each standards rulemaking, the Department conducts a screening
analysis, which it bases on information gathered regarding existing
technology options and prototype designs. In consultation with
manufacturers, design engineers, and other stakeholders, the Department
develops a list of design options for consideration in the rulemaking.
Once the Department has determined that a particular design option is
technologically feasible, it further evaluates each design option in
light of the other three criteria in the Process Rule. 10 CFR part 430,
Subpart C, Appendix A, section 4(a)(3) and (4). The three additional
criteria are: (a) Practicability to manufacture, install, and service,
(b) adverse impacts on product utility or availability, or (c) health
or safety concerns that cannot be resolved. All design options that
pass these screening criteria are candidates for further assessment.
As discussed in the 2004 ANOPR, the Department is not considering
the following design options because they do not meet one or more of
the screening criteria: self-generation of electric power, fuel-driven
heat pumps, flue-gas recirculation, and smart valves. 69 FR 45387. In
this notice, DOE has not changed the list of technology options that it
screened out of the analysis. (See the Technical Support Document (TSD)
accompanying this notice, Chapter 4.)
Lennox, Carrier, Trane, York, NPGA, Alagasco, and MHI commented
that the maximum efficiency level considered for non-condensing, non-
weatherized gas furnaces should be 80-percent AFUE. They contended
that, at 81-percent AFUE, there would be a significant increase of risk
to the consumer because of an increased potential for vent-system
failure. These comments cited concerns regarding corrosion in vents
from condensation, and noted that conditions under which consumers use
the product are much more severe than lab conditions. (Lennox, Public
Meeting Transcript, No. 59.8 at p. 27 and No. 79 at p. 1; Carrier,
Public Meeting Transcript, No. 59.8 at p. 188 and No. 68 at p. 1;
Trane, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 59.8 at p. 227; York, No. 65 at
p. 7; NPGA, No. 72 at p. 3; Alagasco, No. 82 at p. 2; and MHI, No. 89
at p. 4) NAIMA, OCC, and NJBPU disagreed with limiting consideration to
an 80-percent-AFUE level. (NAIMA, No. 60 at p. 1; OCC, No. 70 at p. 5;
and NJBPU, No. 83 at p. 2) The Department has reviewed the manufacturer
literature and found that products at 81-percent AFUE are available for
sale. It believes the fact that such products are being offered for
sale demonstrates that they are practicable to manufacture, install,
and service and cannot be excluded from consideration in this
The Department recognizes that this AFUE level of 81 percent may
pose health or safety concerns in certain conditions, but it believes
that the concerns can likely be resolved with proper equipment and
venting system design, as discussed in section IV.B.3. Therefore, DOE
considered 81-percent AFUE in its analysis for non-weatherized gas
furnaces, and took into account the stakeholders' concerns.
The 2004 ANOPR analysis included non-weatherized gas furnaces at 82
and 83-percent AFUE. However, because it is well understood that
significant vent system corrosion problems, which can lead to potential
safety issues, may exist at these efficiency levels for non-weatherized
gas furnaces, the Department does not believe these products can be
mass-produced and be reliable to install and service on the scale
necessary to serve the relevant market by the effective date of the
proposed standard. Therefore, DOE did not consider non-weatherized gas
furnaces at 82 and 83-percent AFUE in the analysis for today's proposed
The evaluated technologies all have been used (or are being used)
in commercially available products or working prototypes. The designs
all incorporate materials and components that are commercially
available in today's furnace and boiler supply market. The Department
believes all of the efficiency levels evaluated in this notice are
technologically feasible.
2. Maximum Technologically Feasible Levels
In developing today's proposed rule, the Department followed the
provisions of section 325(p)(2) of the Act, which states that, when the
Department proposes to adopt, or to decline to adopt, an amended or new
standard for each type (or class) of covered product, ``the Secretary
shall determine the maximum improvement in energy efficiency or maximum
reduction in energy use that is technologically feasible * * * .'' The
Department determined the maximum technologically feasible (``max
tech'') efficiency level in the engineering analysis using the most
efficient design parameters that lead to the creation of the highest
equipment efficiencies achievable. (See TSD Chapter 6.) Table III.1
lists the max tech levels that the Department determined for this
Table III.1.--Max Tech Levels Considered in Furnace and Boiler
Product class AFUE (%)
Non-weatherized gas furnaces................................. 96
Weatherized gas furnaces..................................... 83
Mobile home gas furnaces..................................... 90
Oil-fired furnaces........................................... 85
Gas boilers.................................................. 99
Oil-fired boilers............................................ 95
For all product classes, products with these efficiency levels
already are being sold in small quantities. (There is one weatherized
gas furnace listed in the GAMA directory at 82.8-percent AFUE.) No
production models or prototypes of equipment at higher efficiency
levels are currently available. For weatherized gas furnaces, the
Department recognizes that the 83-percent-AFUE level may pose health or
safety concerns in certain installations. DOE believes these concerns
can be resolved with proper equipment and system design and proper
D. Energy Savings
1. Determination of Savings
The Department used its national energy savings (NES) spreadsheet
to estimate energy savings from amended standards for furnaces and
boilers. (The NES Spreadsheet Model is described in section IV.D of
this notice.) The Department forecasted energy savings over the period
of analysis (beginning with 2015, the year that amended standards would
go into effect, and ending in 2038) for each trial standard level,
relative to the base case. It quantified the energy savings
attributable to amended energy conservation standards as the difference
in energy consumption between the standards case and the base case. The
base case represents the forecast of energy consumption in the absence
of amended energy conservation standards. The base case considers
market demand for more-efficient products; for example, in the case of
non-weatherized gas furnaces, the base case forecasts an increase in
the market share of condensing furnaces by 2015.
The NES Spreadsheet Model calculates the electricity savings in
``site energy'' expressed in kilowatt-hours
[[Page 59212]]
(kWh). Site energy is the energy directly consumed on location by the
furnace or boiler. The Department reports national energy savings in
terms of the source energy savings, which is the savings of the energy
that is used to generate and transmit the energy consumed at the site.
(See TSD, Chapter 10.) The Department derived these conversion factors,
which change with time, from the EIA's AEO2005.\8\
\8\ The Department conducted an energy price sensitivity
analysis using EIA's AEO2006. Section IV.C.4 provides further
explanation and details of the energy price sensitivity analysis.
AGA commented that DOE should consider the ``rebound effect'' that
may occur as a result of more intensive use of a more energy-efficient
appliance, leading to higher energy consumption. (AGA, No. 54 at p. 3)
ACEEE stated that the rebound effect has often been hypothesized, but
actual field experience indicates that there is rarely a rebound effect
resulting from use of more-efficient appliances. (ACEEE, No. 84 at p.
The Department examined a summary of the literature regarding the
rebound effect in relation to space heating equipment.\9\ Based on five
studies chosen for their robust methodology, the summary concluded
that, for a 100 percent increase in fuel efficiency, values of ``take-
back'' or rebound for space heating are between 10 and 30 percent of
the energy consumption savings. The National Energy Modeling System
(NEMS), which is used for developing EIA's AEO, incorporates a rebound
effect for space heating. According to an EIA report,\10\ the rebound
effect for the residential module in NEMS results in a 0.15 percent
increase in energy consumption for a 1 percent increase in efficiency.
In keeping with EIA's approach, the Department chose to apply a rebound
effect of 15 percent (for a 100 percent increase in efficiency) in its