Telemarketing Sales Rule (“TSR”), 58716-58734 [06-8524]
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 192 / Wednesday, October 4, 2006 / Proposed Rules
16 CFR Part 310
RIN: 3084–0098
Telemarketing Sales Rule (‘‘TSR’’)
Federal Trade Commission.
Denial of petition for proposed
rulemaking; revised proposed rule with
request for public comments; revocation
of non-enforcement policy.
rmajette on PROD1PC67 with PROPOSALS2
SUMMARY: In this document, the Federal
Trade Commission (‘‘FTC’’ or
‘‘Commission’’) announces decisions on
four issues involving the Telemarketing
Sales Rule (‘‘TSR’’): the denial of a
petition submitted by Voice Mail
Broadcasting Corporation (‘‘VMBC’’)
requesting creation of a new safe harbor
for the TSR that would permit the use
of prerecorded messages in calls to
established customers; a new proposal
to amend the TSR by expressly
prohibiting unsolicited prerecorded
telemarketing calls without the
consumer’s prior written agreement;
revocation of the Commission’s
previously announced policy of
forbearance from bringing enforcement
actions against sellers and telemarketers
who make prerecorded telemarketing
calls to established customers effective
January 2, 2007; and a new proposal to
amend the prescribed method for
measuring the maximum allowable call
abandonment rate in the TSR’s existing
safe harbor provision, in response to a
petition from the Direct Marketing
Association, Inc. (‘‘DMA’’). The
Commission is requesting public
comment on the proposed amendments
during a comment period ending
November 6, 2006.
DATES: Written comments must be
received on or before November 6, 2006.
ADDRESSES: Interested parties are
invited to submit written comments.
Comments should refer to ‘‘TSR
Prerecorded Call Prohibition and Call
Abandonment Standard Modification,
Project No. R411001’’ to facilitate the
organization of comments. A comment
filed in paper form should include this
reference both in the text and on the
envelope, and should be mailed or
delivered to the following address:
Federal Trade Commission/Office of the
Secretary, Room H–159 (Annex K), 600
Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.,
Washington, DC 20580. Comments
containing confidential material must be
filed in paper form, as explained in the
The FTC is requesting that any comment
filed in paper form be sent by courier or
overnight service, if possible, because
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U.S. postal mail in the Washington area
and at the Commission is subject to
delay due to heightened security
precautions. Comments filed in
electronic form should be submitted by
visiting the Web site at https:// and
following the instructions on the Webbased form.
To ensure that the Commission
considers an electronic comment, you
must file it on the Web-based form at
ftc-tsr Web site. You may also visit to read this
Proposed Rule, and may file an
electronic comment through that Web
site. The Commission will consider all
comments that forwards
to it.
The FTC Act and other laws the
Commission administers permit the
collection of public comments to
consider and use in this proceeding as
appropriate. The Commission will
consider all timely and responsive
public comments that it receives,
whether filed in paper or electronic
form. Comments received will be
available to the public on the FTC Web
site, to the extent practicable, at https:// As a matter of discretion,
the FTC makes every effort to remove
home contact information for
individuals from public comments it
receives before placing those comments
on the FTC Web site. More information,
including routine uses permitted by the
Privacy Act, may be found in the FTC’s
privacy policy, at
Craig Tregillus, Staff Attorney, (202)
326–2970; Division of Marketing
Practices, Bureau of Consumer
Protection, Federal Trade Commission,
600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.,
Washington, DC 20580.
I. Background
This document sets out the reasons
for the Commission’s decision to deny
VMBC’s petition for amendment of the
TSR’s call abandonment provisions to
add a new safe harbor, and to seek
public comment on amendments the
Commission is now proposing in
response to the record created by the
VMBC and DMA petitions. These
actions are based on a careful analysis
of the public comments received in
response to a Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking (‘‘NPRM’’) published in the
Federal Register on November 17,
2004.1 The NPRM generated nearly
13,600 unique comments—23 submitted
1 69
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FR 67287 (Nov. 17, 2004).
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by telemarketers and business trade
associations representing numerous
members, and the balance from
consumers and consumer advocates.
Section 310.4(b)(1)(iv) of the TSR
prohibits telemarketers from
abandoning calls. An outbound
telemarketing call is ‘‘abandoned’’ if the
telemarketer does not connect the call to
a sales representative within two
seconds of the completed greeting of the
person who answers. Call abandonment
is an unavoidable consequence of the
use of ‘‘predictive dialers’’—
telemarketing equipment that increases
the productivity of telemarketers by
placing multiple calls for each available
sales representative. Predictive dialers
maximize the amount of time
representatives spend speaking with
consumers and minimize the time they
spend waiting to speak to a prospective
customer. An inevitable side effect of
this functionality, however, is that the
dialer will reach more consumers than
can be connected to available sales
representatives. In these situations, the
dialer either disconnects the call
(resulting in a ‘‘hang-up’’ call) or keeps
the consumer connected with no one on
the other end of the line in case a sales
representative becomes available
(resulting in ‘‘dead air’’). The call
abandonment prohibition, added to the
TSR pursuant to the Telemarketing and
Consumer Fraud and Abuse Prevention
Act (‘‘Telemarketing Act’’),2 is designed
to remedy these abusive practices.3
Notwithstanding the prohibition on
call abandonment, § 310.4(b)(4) of the
TSR contains a safe harbor designed to
preserve telemarketers’ ability to use
predictive dialers, subject to four
conditions. The safe harbor is available
if the telemarketer or seller: (1)
Abandons no more than three percent of
all calls answered by a person (as
opposed to an answering machine); (2)
allows the telephone to ring for fifteen
seconds or four rings; (3) plays a
prerecorded message stating the name
and telephone number of the seller on
whose behalf the call was placed
whenever a sales representative is
unavailable within two seconds of the
2 15 U.S.C. 6101 et seq. This and other
amendments to the original TSR resulting from a
rule review mandated by the Telemarketing Act, 15
U.S.C. 6108, took effect on March 31, 2003. TSR
Statement of Basis and Purpose (‘‘TSR SBP’’), 68 FR
4580 (Jan. 29, 2003).
3 TSR SBP, 68 FR at 4641–45. The Telemarketing
Act directed the Commission to prescribe rules
prohibiting deceptive and abusive telemarketing
acts or practices, including ‘‘a requirement that
telemarketers may not undertake a pattern of
unsolicited telephone calls which the reasonable
consumer would consider coercive or abusive of
such consumer’s right to privacy.’’ 15 U.S.C.
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 192 / Wednesday, October 4, 2006 / Proposed Rules
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completed greeting of the person
answering the call; and (4) maintains
records documenting compliance.4
Thus, to comply with this provision of
the TSR, at least 97 percent of a
telemarketer’s calls that are answered by
a person (rather than an answering
machine) must be connected to a sales
representative. A telemarketing
campaign that consists solely of
prerecorded messages, therefore, would
violate § 310.4(b)(1)(iv) and would not
meet the safe harbor requirements.
VMBC submitted a request for an
advisory opinion requesting an
additional safe harbor for prerecorded
message telemarketing to consumers
with whom the seller has an established
business relationship, which the
Commission treated as a petition to
amend the TSR under § 1.25 of the
FTC’s Rules of Practice.5 VMBC’s
submission sought permission to deliver
prerecorded messages to consumers
who have an established business
relationship with the seller on whose
behalf the telemarketing calls are made,
asserting that such calls would not
result in the twin harms of ‘‘hang ups’’
and ‘‘dead air’’ that the prohibition on
abandoned calls in § 310.4(b)(1)(iv) was
designed to remedy.
The amendment requested by DMA,
in contrast, sought modification of the
method for calculating the maximum
three percent call abandonment rate
prescribed in the existing safe harbor
provision. DMA asked that the
requirement in § 310.4(b)(4)(i) that
sellers and telemarketers use
‘‘technology that ensures abandonment
of no more than three (3) percent of all
calls answered by a person, measured
per day per calling campaign’’ be
revised so that the three percent
standard instead could be ‘‘measured
over a 30-day period’’ for all of a
telemarketer’s calling campaigns.
II. The VMBC Petition
The VMBC petition for an additional
safe harbor was premised on a business
model that, VMBC contended, would
not result in the harms the call
abandonment prohibition in
§ 310.4(b)(1)(iv) was designed to
prevent. Under VMBC’s proposed
model, prerecorded messages would
give the called party an opportunity to
assert a company-specific Do Not Call
request. The messages would allow the
called party to do so either by pressing
a button on the telephone keypad to
speak to a sales representative at any
time during the message, or
alternatively by dialing a toll-free
4 16
5 16
CFR §§ 310.4(b)(4)(i)–(iv).
CFR 1.25.
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number that would connect to a sales
representative. Finally, as indicated
above, the prerecorded messages would
be delivered exclusively to consumers
who have an ‘‘established business
relationship’’ 6 with the seller on whose
behalf the calls are made.
A. VMBC’s Rationale for a Safe Harbor
VMBC advanced three primary
reasons for adding a new safe harbor to
the TSR’s call abandonment prohibition
to permit calls delivering such
prerecorded messages to consumers
with whom the seller has an established
business relationship. First, VMBC
asserted that the harms that prompted
inclusion of the call abandonment
prohibition in the TSR would not be
present in campaigns conducted
according to its proposed business
model. Specifically, VMBC argued that
the use of prerecorded messages would
make it unnecessary to subject a
consumer to ‘‘dead air’’ while waiting
for a sales representative, and would not
result in a ‘‘hang-up’’ when no
representative is available. Moreover,
because the prerecorded messages
would immediately identify the seller,
the seller would not be engaging in
telemarketing under the cloak of
anonymity that often prompts consumer
concern about ‘‘dead air’’ and ‘‘hang
Second, VMBC contended that
because the prerecorded messages
would be delivered only to existing
customers, sellers would have a strong
incentive to preserve their customers’
goodwill.7 This incentive would serve,
VMBC posited, as a sufficient check on
the potential for abuse such that
prerecorded calls to established
customers would be unlikely to prompt
substantial consumer objection.8
6 16 CFR 310.2(n) (‘‘ ‘Established business
relationship’ means a relationship between a seller
and a consumer based on: (1) The consumer’s
purchase, rental, or lease of the seller’s goods or
services or a financial transaction between the
consumer and seller, within the eighteen (18)
months immediately preceding the date of a
telemarketing call; or (2) the consumer’s inquiry or
application regarding a product or service offered
by the seller, within the three (3) months
immediately preceding the date of a telemarketing
7 VMBC noted that the FTC suggested that ‘‘the
incentive to nurture established business
relationships may provide an adequate restraint on
the growth of recorded message telemarketing’’ in
its Report to Congress Pursuant to the Do Not Call
Implementation Act (‘‘DNCIA Report’’), p. 35.
8 In support of this argument, VMBC cited one
prerecorded campaign for a major retailer in which
only .02 of 1 percent of 5.8 million customers
asserted their Do Not Call rights. 69 FR at 67288 n.
8. See also n. 30, infra. The Commission noted in
the NPRM, however, that any incentive to preserve
consumer goodwill could be outweighed in practice
by the fact that ‘‘it may be more economical for
companies to contact consumers via prerecorded
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Finally, VMBC argued that a new safe
harbor for prerecorded messages is
necessary to conform the FTC’s TSR to
the rules and regulations issued by the
Federal Communications Commission
(‘‘FCC’’) 9 pursuant to the Telephone
Consumer Protection Act of 1991
(‘‘TCPA’’).10 VMBC pointed out that the
FCC’s rules—which largely parallel the
Do Not Call and certain other of the
TSR’s provisions—since the early 1990s
have permitted prerecorded message
telemarketing to consumers with whom
a seller has an established business
relationship. In most other
circumstances, however, the FCC’s rules
under the TCPA prohibit prerecorded
message telemarketing, absent a
consumer’s prior express consent.11
B. The Safe Harbor Proposal and
Specific Issues Raised for Public
To assist interested parties in
commenting on the VMBC petition, the
NPRM included a proposed new
§ 310.4(b)(5) that would have amended
the TSR to permit prerecorded
telemarketing messages to established
customers.12 As drafted, the proposed
safe harbor provision would have
required sellers and telemarketers to: (1)
Allow the telephone to ring for at least
15 seconds or four rings before
disconnecting an unanswered call; (2)
play a prerecorded message within two
seconds of the called party’s completed
messages rather than using live telemarketers, so
the volume of commercial calls that consumers
receive may increase. ‘‘
9 47 CFR 64.1200. See also FCC Rules and
Regulations Implementing the Telephone Consumer
Protection Act of 1991, CC Docket No. 92–90,
Report and Order, 7 FCC Rcd 8752 (1992), available
retrieve.cgi?native_or_pdf =
pdf&id_document=1071340001, summarized in 57
FR 48333 (Oct. 23, 1992) (‘‘1992 FCC Order’’);
amended by FCC Rules and Regulations
Implementing the Telephone Consumer Protection
Act of 1991, CG Docket No. 02–278, Report and
Order, 18 FCC Rcd 14014, available at https://, summarized in 68 FR 44143 (July 25,
2003) (‘‘2003 FCC Order’’).
10 47 U.S.C. 227 (1991).
11 47 CFR 64.1200(a)(2). The FCC’s TCPA
regulations make an exception for calls placed by
a seller or telemarketer that has obtained the called
party’s prior express consent to receive
telemarketing calls, or has an established business
relationship with the called party. 47 CFR
64.1200(a)(2). The regulations also exclude calls for
emergency purposes, calls not made for a
commercial purpose that do not include a
solicitation, and calls made by or on behalf of a taxexempt nonprofit organization. 47 CFR
64.1200(a)(2)(i)–(v). In addition, the FCC’s
regulations absolutely prohibit all live and
prerecorded telemarketing calls to a cellular
telephone, regardless of any established business
relationship or prior express consent a seller or
telemarketer may have obtained. 47 CFR
12 69 FR at 67289.
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 192 / Wednesday, October 4, 2006 / Proposed Rules
greeting; (3) give the called party an
opportunity to assert an entity-specific
Do Not Call request at the outset of the
message, with only the disclosures
required by §§ 310.4(d) or (e) preceding
that opportunity; 13 and (4) ensure that
the message complies with all other
requirements of the TSR and other
applicable State and Federal laws.14
1. The ‘‘Ring-Time’’ Standard
The NPRM explained that the first
prerequisite for meeting the safe harbor
requirements, the ‘‘ring time’’ standard
requiring 15 seconds or four rings to
elapse while awaiting an answer, is
identical to the analogous element of the
existing safe harbor in § 310.4(b)(4)(ii).
That standard, modeled on what were
then DMA’s ethical guidelines for its
members, was designed to give
consumers, including the elderly or
infirm who may struggle to get to a
telephone, a reasonable opportunity to
answer telemarketing calls before the
connection is terminated.
2. The ‘‘Dead Air’’ Standard
The second prerequisite of the
proposed safe harbor, requiring that the
prerecorded message be played within
two seconds of the called party’s
completed greeting, was intended to
minimize ‘‘dead air.’’ It was based on
the analogous element of the existing
safe harbor in § 310.4(b)(4)(iii), allowing
no more than two seconds of dead air
before the called party is connected to
a sales representative. The Commission
specifically requested public comment
on whether the maximum amount of
dead air should be less than two
seconds in the new safe harbor for
prerecorded messages in which there
would be no need to connect a sales
representative. The Commission also
requested information on the relative
costs and benefits of a standard that
would set the maximum amount of dead
air at a level lower than two seconds.
rmajette on PROD1PC67 with PROPOSALS2
3. Prompt Opportunity for CompanySpecific Do Not Call Requests
The purpose of the third prerequisite,
mandating a prompt opportunity for
13 Section 310.4(d) requires the following prompt
oral disclosures in outbound commercial
telemarketing calls: (1) The identity of the seller; (2)
that the purpose of the call is to sell goods or
services; (3) the nature of the goods or services; and
(4) that no purchase or payment is necessary to be
able to win a prize or participate in a prize
promotion if a prize promotion is offered, and that
any purchase or payment will not increase the
chances of winning. Section 310.4(e) requires the
following oral disclosures in outbound charitable
solicitation calls: (1) The identity of the charitable
organization on behalf of which the request is being
made; and (2) that the purpose of the call is to
solicit a charitable contribution.
14 69 FR at 67294.
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consumers to assert a company-specific
Do Not Call request, was to ensure the
same Do Not Call rights for consumers
who receive prerecorded message calls
as are available to consumers receiving
live telemarketing calls from a sales
representative. Absent such parity, the
Commission was concerned that, in
view of the likely increase in the
frequency of lower-cost prerecorded
message calls (compared to the cost of
live calls by sales representatives), the
privacy protection provided by the
National Do Not Call Registry might
become illusory. The NPRM
Accordingly, the Commission believes that,
if allowed, telemarketing calls that deliver
prerecorded messages to consumers with
whom a seller has an established business
relationship must preserve the ability of
those consumers to assert their Do Not Call
rights quickly, effectively, and efficiently, so
that consumers retain an effective right to
decide whether to receive commercial calls,
including prerecorded messages.15
The proposed safe harbor therefore
required that the prerecorded message
provide, ‘‘at the outset of the call’’ (i.e.,
preceded only by the prompt oral
disclosures required by the TSR), an
opportunity for the called party to assert
a seller-specific Do Not Call request by
pressing a button on his or her
telephone keypad to connect to a sales
representative or an automated system.
By stressing that ‘‘the Commission
believes that the Do Not Call option
should allow consumers to assert their
Do Not Call rights during the
prerecorded message,’’ 16 the NPRM
distinguished this element of the
Commission’s safe harbor proposal from
FCC rules allowing prerecorded
messages to provide a toll-free number
consumers may call to make a Do Not
Call request during or after the
message.17 The NPRM expressly
declined to adopt the FCC approach,
which requires ‘‘consumers to be
prepared with pen and paper at the
ready when they answer the phone, to
take down the number and to place a
separate call’’ to make a Do Not Call
request, because that approach
‘‘encumbers consumers’’ assertions of
company-specific Do Not Call rights.’’ 18
Noting that the VMBC petition
‘‘contemplates some prerecorded
messages that would enable consumers
to speak with a sales representative
during the call by pressing a button on
their telephone keypads,’’ the NPRM
specifically ‘‘incorporated this feature
15 69
FR at 67288–89 (emphasis added).
FR at 67289 (emphasis added).
17 47 CFR 64.1200(b)(2).
18 69 FR at 67289.
16 69
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into the proposed amendment to the call
abandonment safe harbor,’’ 19 stating
that it would ‘‘satisfy the proposed safe
harbor.’’ 20 This endorsement gave
advance assurance to sellers and
telemarketers that they could adopt this
means of compliance during the
pendency of this proceeding when the
Commission announced it would
forebear from enforcing the call
abandonment provision if they
complied with the proposed safe
Although the NPRM did not similarly
endorse prerecorded messages
providing a toll-free number for
consumers to call to be placed on a
company-specific Do Not Call list, the
Commission sought ‘‘information and
data about the costs and benefits of
requiring that the disclosure of how to
make a Do Not Call request be made at
the outset of the call,’’ as well as about
‘‘alternative methods of preserving the
consumer’s ability to assert a Do Not
Call request when receiving a
prerecorded message telemarketing
call.’’ 22 In addition, the NPRM sought
information and data about the
technical feasibility and costs of
implementing the interactive technology
that allows consumers to make a
company-specific Do Not Call request
with the press of a keypad button, and
the costs to industry of requiring this
4. Effect on Other Laws
The fourth and final element of the
draft proposal simply made it clear that
the new safe harbor would not obviate
or negate any other provision of the TSR
or other Federal or State laws, in order
to preserve consistency with the
existing TSR call abandonment safe
harbor. It placed sellers and
telemarketers on notice that other
applicable regulations may be stricter
than the proposed safe harbor. The
NPRM sought comment on whether or
not this requirement was appropriate.
C. Public Comment
In general, the industry comments on
the VMBC petition supported
liberalizing the TSR to allow the use of
prerecorded telemarketing messages,
and consumers and consumer advocates
opposed it.23 Although both industry
19 Id.
20 Id.
at 67290.
the discussion in Section II.F, infra.
22 69 FR at 67289.
23 All of the public comments, excluding 442
judged obscene or not germane, appear at https://
index.htm, where they are listed alphabetically
under the name of the person who submitted the
comment. The first citation of each comment
21 See
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 192 / Wednesday, October 4, 2006 / Proposed Rules
and consumer comments addressed the
major issues raised by the NPRM, not all
responded to each of the questions on
which the Commission requested public
Many of the comments, both from the
telemarketing industry and consumers,
exhibited a fundamental misconception
of the TSR’s scope. They presumed that,
absent the proposed safe harbor, the
TSR’s call abandonment prohibition
would prevent sellers from using
prerecorded messages to provide
important information to customers
with whom they have an established
business relationship, such as
notifications of flight cancellations,
reminders of medical appointments and
overdue payments, and notices of dates
and times for delivery of goods or
service appointments. Such strictly
informational calls, however, whether
live or prerecorded, have never been
covered by the TSR. The TSR applies
only to ‘‘telemarketing,’’ which is
defined, in pertinent part, as ‘‘a plan,
program or campaign which is
conducted to induce the purchase of
goods or services.’’ 24 It does not apply
to informational calls, unless the calls
combine the informational message with
a sales invitation or promotional pitch.
rmajette on PROD1PC67 with PROPOSALS2
1. Industry Comments
Comments from 21 telemarketers and
business trade associations uniformly
favored allowing sellers to use
prerecorded telemarketing messages to
reach their customers, arguing that this
is a cost-effective method for
communicating without the need for
sales representatives.25 Several noted
includes the name of the commenter, the name in
parentheses of the person or entity submitting the
comment if it is different from the name of the
commenter, and the comment number (e.g., ABC
Corp. (Smith, J.), No. OL–123456). Comment
numbers without a prefix were delivered to the
Commission in paper form; those with the prefix
‘‘OL’’ were submitted online at the FTC’s Web site;
and those with the prefix ‘‘EREG’’ were submitted
to Subsequent citations
to a comment omit the comment number.
24 16 CFR 310.2(cc). For the same reason, it is
unnecessary to grant the request made in a
comment on behalf of credit and collection
professionals that the Commission forbear from
enforcing alleged violations of the Fair Debt
Collection Practices Act based on the FCC’s
requirement that debt collectors identify themselves
by their State-registered name in prerecorded
telephone messages. ACA International, No. OL–
113912. As the Commission has previously stated,
pure debt collection calls are not covered by the
TSR because they are not ‘‘telemarketing’’ calls.
TSR SBP, 68 FR at 4664 n.1020 (noting, however,
that ‘‘if the debt collection call also included an
upsell, the upsell portion of the call would be
subject to the Rules as long as it also met the criteria
for ‘telemarketing’ and was not otherwise exempt
from the Rule. All debt collection calls must
comply with the FDCPA.’’).
25 Only 21 of the 23 industry comments addressed
this issue. E.g., VMBC (Wiley Rein & Fielding), No.
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not only that prerecorded messages
avoid the harms associated with
abandoned calls (i.e., ‘‘dead air’’ and
‘‘hang ups’’), but also ensure better
quality service to customers than
telemarketers because there is no risk
that the intended message will vary
from call to call.26
Several industry comments posited
that consumers are interested in
receiving prerecorded messages.27
Although some of the examples cited to
support this contention were
prerecorded messages governed by the
TSR (such as letting customers know of
special promotional events or upcoming
sales),28 many of the examples, if not
most, were informational messages that
are not covered by the TSR at all.29 For
example, SBC cited a survey of 1217 of
its DSL Internet access customers on the
use of prerecorded informational
messages to remind them of their
service installation dates, in which 55.1
percent said they would like to receive
such messages in the future.30 As
previously noted, such informational
messages are neither governed nor
prohibited by the TSR, because they are
OL–113915 at 8; Joint Comment of the United States
Chamber of Commerce, The Coalition for
Healthcare Communication, The Consumer Bankers
Association, The Magazine Publishers of America,
The Mortgage Bankers Association, The National
Newspaper Association, The Newspaper
Association of America, and The Independent
Insurance Agents and Brokers (‘‘U.S. Chamber’’)
(Wiley Rein & Fielding), No. OL–113911 at 5; The
Heritage Company (‘‘Heritage’’), No. OL–112918 at
1; West Corporation (‘‘West’’), No. OL–112911 at 2.
26 VMBC at 7, 11; U.S. Chamber at 5; West at 1;
Direct Marketing Association and American
Teleservices Association (‘‘DMA’’), No. OL–113918
at 9; Visa U.S.A., Inc. (‘‘Visa’’), No. 000023 at 2; Call
Command, LLC (‘‘Call Command’’) No. 000025 at
1–2; Verizon Telephone Companies (‘‘Verizon’’),
No. OL–113893 at 4.
27 VMBC at 6, 10; U.S. Chamber at 4; Call
Command at 2; SBC Communications, Inc. (‘‘SBC’’),
No. 000026 at 2, 4.; National Retail Federation
(‘‘NRF’’), No. 000027 at 3.
28 VMBC at 2; SBC at 2; NRF at 3.
29 E.g., Call Command at 2 (asking that the
Commission acknowledge that prerecorded
informational messages, such as notification about
a change in flight schedules or about a product
recall, are permissible, and suggesting that all such
‘‘transactional’’ messages, as that term is used in the
CAN–SPAM Act, 15 U.S.C. 7702(17), be exempt
from the TSR); Broadcast Solutions, No. OL–113933
at 1; SBC at 3; NRF at 3; VMBC at 2; Verizon at
30 SBC at 3 (acknowledging that the survey
reports were not ‘‘directly apposite, as they relate
to service activation and related transactional
messages’’). Similarly, VMBC cited arguably
favorable reaction from 5.8 million consumers to
prerecorded campaigns as measured by an increase
of from 20 to 40 percent in response rates to
‘‘promotions’’ and ‘‘showing up for appointments’’
with Do Not Call requests ‘‘averaging 2/100ths of
one percent.’’ VMBC at 6. Unfortunately, this
merging of data for prerecorded messages that are
not governed by the TSR with those that are,
without specifying the opt-out method provided to
consumers, provides little help in evaluating the
potential impact of the proposed safe harbor.
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not ‘‘telemarketing’’ as defined by the
Telemarketing Act 31 or the Rule.32
Adopting VMBC’s view that sellers
would self-regulate and not abuse the
goodwill of their customers, most of the
industry comments that addressed the
issue doubted that the volume of
prerecorded telemarketing messages that
consumers receive would increase if the
safe harbor proposal were adopted.33
VMBC’s comment further predicted that
the likely result would not be an
increase in calls, but that many ‘‘nonsale’’ calls would convert from live calls
from sales representatives to costeffective recorded messages.34 Two
industry comments disagreed. One
acknowledged that, if allowed,
prerecorded telemarketing messages
would increase in number given their
low cost.35 Another observed that the
proposed safe harbor would free it and
its telemarketers from using recorded
messages solely for informational
purposes, ‘‘and put prerecorded
messages to additional valuable
uses.’’ 36
Only two industry comments
addressed the question posed in the
NPRM of whether the proposed safe
harbor would complicate Commission
enforcement actions against sellers or
telemarketers who falsely claim to have
an established business relationship
with the consumers they call. Both
opined that potential enforcement
problems should not be an issue
because the burden of proving the
existence of an established business
relationship falls on the seller or
telemarketer, not the Commission.37
The industry comments uniformly
urged the FTC to adjust the TSR to track
the FCC’s regulations that permit the
use of prerecorded messages for
telemarketing to established
customers.38 Some went so far as to
argue that the Commission lacks
jurisdiction to regulate prerecorded
telemarketing messages because
Congress has given exclusive authority
to the FCC to do so.39 One conceded
31 15
U.S.C. 6106(4).
CFR 310.2(cc).
33 E.g., VMBC at 10; U.S. Chamber at 5; DMA at
9; SBC at 2; NRF at 4.
34 VMBC at 10. However, since such ‘‘non-sale’’
calls are not governed by the TSR, the Rule does
not prevent the use of prerecorded messages for this
35 West at 2.
36 SBC at 3 n.7.
37 Infocision Management Corp. (‘‘Infocision’’),
No. OL–113920 at 4; West at 3.
38 VMBC at 12; Infocision at 1; SoundBite
Communications, Inc. (‘‘Soundbite’’), No. OL–
112919 at 1–2.
39 Soundbite at 1–2; Infocision at 1; but see,
United States Senate, No. OL–113862 (Senators Bill
32 16
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 192 / Wednesday, October 4, 2006 / Proposed Rules
that the Commission may have authority
to regulate deceptive, unfair, and
abusive telemarketing practices, but
cited a need for clarification of the
TSR’s applicability to prerecorded
The subject that elicited the greatest
industry comment was the proposed
safe harbor requirement that consumers
be presented, at the outset of a
prerecorded message, with an
interactive mechanism to exercise their
company-specific Do Not Call rights.
Almost all opposed this aspect of the
proposal,41 with two objecting that it
unconstitutionally mandated compelled
or ‘‘forced speech.’’ 42 Several argued
that requiring a disclosure at the outset
would result in a large number of Do
Not Call requests, and might confuse
consumers who would otherwise wish
to hear the message.43 Others contended
that the method authorized by the FCC
of providing a number during or at the
end of the message that consumers can
call with a Do Not Call request works
well, and should be adopted by the
FTC.44 Many objected that interactive
technology, either to connect to a
representative or to make an automated
Do Not Call request, is costly,
burdensome, and not widely
available,45 notwithstanding the
arguments by two industry members
that the technology is available on ‘‘a
very cost effective basis.’’ 46 One
comment doubted that it ‘‘would
necessarily be the case that the
interactive feature would connect the
consumer to a live sales representative
any faster than if the customer were
simply to dial an 800-number.’’ 47
Several comments recommended that
the Commission leave the timing and
method of providing a Do Not Call
option up to the industry, as the FCC
has done, so that sellers will have the
flexibility to choose the method most
suitable to their operations based on
preferences and costs.48
2. Consumer Comments
Nearly all the consumers and
consumer advocacy groups who
commented opposed the proposal to
permit telemarketing calls that are
prerecorded, regardless of whether the
party called has an established business
relationship with the seller.49 Their
comments show that consumers
overwhelmingly find prerecorded
telemarketing messages more intrusive
and invasive of the privacy they enjoy
in their homes than live telemarketing
calls,50 primarily because they are
powerless to make themselves heard.51
As one consumer put it, ‘‘[t]he
telephone is for conversing with another
human being, not for invading my home
with inexpensive advertising.’’ 52
rmajette on PROD1PC67 with PROPOSALS2
46 Soundbite
Nelson and Dianne Feinstein commented that
‘‘there is no reason why the FTC should promulgate
an anti-consumer rule to meet the FCC’s lower
standard for prerecorded messages.’’).
40 Verizon at 5.
41 DMA at 11; Infocision at 4; Heritage at 1–2; SBC
at 4; West at 3; Visa at 2; Verizon at 6; Soundbite
at 2; Convergys Corp. (‘‘Convergys’’), No. OL–
113952 at 5–6; National Association of Realtors
(‘‘NAR’’), No. EREG–000005 at 1–2; National Retail
Federation (‘‘NRF’’), No. 000027 at 5; The Broadcast
Team, No. OL–112822 at 2.
42 Heritage at 2; Infocision at 3.
43 VMBC at 10; U.S. Chamber at 5; DMA at 9; SBC
at 2; NRF at 4; Heritage at 1–2; Soundbite at 2; SBC
at 4; West at 3.
44 Call Command at 1; Convergys at 5; DMA at 11;
NAR at 1–2; Visa at 2; Verizon at 6–7; NRF at 4–
5. Verizon also argued that requiring that Do Not
Call information be provided ‘‘at the outset’’ of a
prerecorded message would conflict with current
FCC regulations. Verizon at 6.
45 DMA at 11–12 (estimating that reprogramming
calling stations would cost ‘‘$25,000 per location’’);
SBC at 4 (citing the ‘‘significant investment of time
and capital to synchronize telephonic dialing
capabilities with interactive voice platforms and
databases,’’ the significant cost of requiring the
availability of sales agents, and asserting that the
‘‘number of calls able to be made in a single day
would decrease by more than 99%’’); Convergys at
5 (arguing that connection to an agent would be cost
prohibitive because of the increase in
telecommunications costs to maintain ‘‘bridges’’ to
customer service personnel); Visa at 2 (‘‘[T]he
technology to permit registration [on companyspecific Do Not Call lists] during the telemarketing
call presently is not widely implemented and * * *
would be costly and complicated’’).
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at 2; VMBC at 10.
at 14 n.13.
48 VMBC at 13–14; U.S. Chamber at 6; West at 3;
Visa at 2; cf. NRF at 4 (suggesting a more flexible
disclosure timing such as ‘‘reasonably promptly’’).
49 E.g., Electronic Privacy Information Center
(‘‘EPIC’’), No. OL–113823 at 2; Privacy Rights
Clearinghouse (‘‘PRC’’), No. OL–113986 at 2–4;
National Consumers League (‘‘NCL’’), No. OL–
112905 at 5. Well over 13,000 of the 13,550
consumer comments in the record clearly opposed
allowing prerecorded telemarketing messages, with
no more than 77 of the comments indicating
arguable support for the proposed amendment.
50 Some 2,100 of the consumer comments
opposing prerecorded telemarketing calls
specifically objected that they constitute an
invasion of privacy.
51 E.g., Myers, M., No. OL–100768 (‘‘Pre-recorded
messages are even more annoying than calls from
live people. You can’t interrupt, you can’t ask
questions and you can’t respond.’’); Allen, No. OL–
103079 (‘‘I cannot ask a recording to clarify who
they are or what our existing relationship is.’’);
Stahl, K., No. OL–101878 (‘‘The very worst form of
telemarketing is the one made by a machine. Prerecorded messages are just as invasive and
unwanted, and far more frustrating.’’); Levy, No.
OL–102365 (‘‘No business should be able to call me
unless I have a pre-existing relationship (one that
>I< recognize), but even a company I do business
with should hire someone to actually speak to me.’’)
(punctuation in original); Powell, D., No. OL–
113775 (‘‘Recorded messages like this are more than
an annoyance, they are a way for business to avoid
talking to their customers, and instead just talk at
52 Watson, B., No. OL–108960; cf. Nungesser, R.,
No. OL–112535 (uninvited prerecorded calls are
‘‘no different than a door to door salesman breaking
47 SBC
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Like many industry comments, most
of the consumer comments that seemed
to support the proposal to allow
prerecorded messages in telemarketing
calls to established customers exhibited
a basic misunderstanding of the TSR’s
applicability. Specifically, the majority
of these relatively few supportive
consumer comments indicated that they
did not want the Commission to
prohibit prerecorded informational
messages such as reminder messages—
although such messages have never
been covered, much less barred, by the
TSR.53 These consumers expressed
appreciation for prerecorded
informational messages about delivery
dates for previously purchased goods or
services, medical prescription order
notifications, flight cancellation alerts,
and overdue bill and appointment
reminders.54 Yet some of the same
consumers made it clear they opposed
receiving prerecorded telemarketing
sales pitches.55 Thus, there is only the
barest consumer support in the record
for the proposed safe harbor for
prerecorded telemarketing sales calls to
established customers.
The widespread opposition expressed
in this record to the infringement on
personal privacy through prerecorded
telemarketing calls to home telephones
stands in sharp contrast to the consumer
support in the record of the TSR
amendment proceeding for including an
established business relationship
exemption for telemarketing using sales
you[r] window, and entering your home to sell you
his product only * * * it will be a robot, not a
53 Of the 77 positive consumer comments, more
than half—47—sought only to preserve prerecorded
informational messages that are not prohibited by
the TSR. These 47 consumers opposed any
limitation on prerecorded ‘‘reminder’’ messages,
with some 36 of them seeking to avoid any need
to sign a consent form to receive such messages,
apparently in the mistaken belief that this would be
necessary if the proposed amendment were not
adopted. E.g., Haas, No. OL–113929; Tran, No. OL–
113929; Lopez, No. OL–113975; Schroeter, No. OL–
113882; DeSantis, No. OL–113892. One consumer
group correctly noted that such strictly
informational messages ‘‘would not fall under the
definition of ’telemarketing’’’ in the TSR. NCL at 3.
54 E.g., Matthews, D., No. OL–100004; Forrette,
No. OL–113959; Bartholow, D., No. OL–113662;
Auerbach, No. OL–101665; Oberly, No. OL–105967.
55 E.g., Matthews, D., No. OL–100004 (‘‘Some prerecorded computer generated calls are convenient
and necessary’’ but ‘‘[t]elemarketing computer
generated ’cold calls’’ are definitely a problem.’’).
Forrette, No. OL–113959 (‘‘I can think of several
cases where I find this very useful, such as
notification from my airline when there’s a
schedule change to my flight. As long as the
prohibition on the use of pre-recorded messages for
’cold calling’ remains in place, I think it’s okay.’’);
Bartholow, D. No. OL–113622 (‘‘Bill reminders are
not the same as telemarketing sales calls.’’);
Consumer Assistance Network, No. OL–113928
(‘‘The consumer would rather receive a [reminder]
message rather than a telemark[et]ed call.’’).
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 192 / Wednesday, October 4, 2006 / Proposed Rules
representatives. In that proceeding, the
Commission provided such an
exemption from the Do Not Call
provisions after 40 percent of the
consumers who commented supported
the exemption.56 Here, only 15
consumer comments—a scant tenth of
one percent of the more than 13,000
consumer comments that addressed the
proposed amendment—expressed
unambiguous support for the proposed
safe harbor for prerecorded message
telemarketing to established
Consumers also expressed concern
about the potential costs, including the
risks to health and safety, if the
proposed safe harbor allowing
prerecorded telemarketing messages to
established customers were adopted.
For example, consumers who subscribe
to a telephone company or other voice
mail services protested having to pay for
storage of messages they do not want,
which can exceed their allotted storage
capacity and prevent them from
receiving the messages they need, as did
owners of answering machines.58
Consumers with home-based businesses
objected to the costs incurred when
their home telephone lines are tied up
by telemarketing calls,59 and even small
businesses and government agencies
that are not protected by the TSR lodged
56 TSR
SBP, 68 FR at 4593 n.141.
15 of the 77 consumer comments that
arguably supported prerecorded telemarketing calls
did so without reservation or apparent
misunderstanding. E.g., Hamilton, No. OL–113099
(‘‘I would be in support of the change. * * * I
would rather hang up on an automated machine
than a live person.’’); Curran, D., No. OL–105145;
Childress, No. OL–102612; Young, E., No. OL–
112546. Another 13 approved of prerecorded sales
calls from businesses they know and regularly
patronize, but not necessarily from any business
from which they have made a purchase. E.g.,
Leader, No. OL–110416 (‘‘I am not in favor of this
amendment. * * * [T]he only calls that should be
allowed are to companies who have an ongoing
existing and real business relationship with the
customer.’’); Dusenbury, No. OL–113951
(supporting prerecorded reminder messages
generally, including ‘‘sale reminders from my
favorite stores.’’); Bartholow, D., No. OL–113622.
Two consumers backed prerecorded messages in
the mistaken belief that such messages would be
‘‘permission based’’ opt-in messages. Taylor, J., No.
OL–105274; Taylor, R., No. OL–105171. The
remaining 47 supported prerecorded ‘‘reminder’’
messages, as previously noted. See note 53, supra.
58 E.g., Allison, No. OL–108414 (‘‘In the recent
election one citizen had her answering machine [so]
filled with phone messages from a candidate that
her child could not get word to her of an emergency
at the child’s school.’’); O’Connor D., OL–111858;
Rose, C., OL–111837; Micret, OL–111402; Rickey,
OL–104029; see also PRC at 6–7; NCL at 3. Neither
the TSR nor the proposed new safe harbor,
however, prohibits the use of prerecorded messages
when an answering machine picks up a call. See the
discussion in Section II.E, infra.
59 E.g., Brown, R., No. OL–104366; Amsberry, No.
OL–105113; Lasting Fitness, No. OL–110413;
Miller, No. OL–103424; Grover, No. OL–109774;
Pearlman, S., No. OL–112275.
rmajette on PROD1PC67 with PROPOSALS2
57 Only
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the same complaint.60 Several
consumers cited the danger of the loss
of use of their telephone lines, which
can be tied up for some period of time
even after the recipient hangs up on a
prerecorded message.61 A few
consumers cited instances when
prerecorded messages prevented them
from making emergency calls,62 and a
community shelter that forwards its
calls to allow staff counselors to receive
them on their home telephones reported
that ‘‘[w]e are dealing with life and
death situations from suicide to
substance abuse to domestic violence’’
and clients ‘‘are unable to get to a crisis
counselor due to the high volume of
telemarketers calling our [home] phone
number.’’ 63
Consumers emphasized the
difficulties they experience with
prerecorded messages in exercising their
company-specific Do Not Call rights.
Many objected to the fact that they
could not tell a prerecorded message to
put them on the seller’s Do Not Call list,
60 E.g., Northeast Harbor Inn, Inc., No. OL–
113439; Bart’s Pneumatics Corp., No. OL–107508;
Bus. Innovations, No. OL–110414; cf. Idaho Small
Bus. Dev. Ctr., No. OL–113259; County of Berks—
Prison, No. OL–105593.
61 E.g., Graham, No. OL–104100 (‘‘If you needed
to call for a fire truck or an ambulance or poison
control and some recorded message was tying up
your phone, would you think it was OK?’’); Vernen,
No. OL–110383 (prerecorded calls ‘‘most
dangerously—frequently fail to release the line
promptly when hung up on. This presents an
immediate risk to the health and safety of the call
recipient since the telephone line is unavailable in
an emergency.’’); see also, e.g., Adkins, No. OL–
104921; Albright, D., No. OL–105813; Alquist, No.
OL–113229; Schmaljohn, No. OL–110028; Granzo,
No. OL–104469; Pickett, A., OL–104461;
Simnacher, No. OL–108720; Miller, C., No. OL–
105006. As the legislative history of the TCPA
notes, S. Rep. No. 102–178, at 10 (1991), some
telephone networks are not capable of notifying
callers that a consumer has hung up, thereby
excusing telemarketers from complying with an
FCC requirement that they release the line ‘‘within
5 seconds of the time [such] notification is
transmitted.’’ 47 CFR 68.318(c). It appears from the
comments that many networks still lack this
capability. Thus, depending on their local network,
consumers may have to wait until the end of what
may be a lengthy prerecorded message before their
telephone line is released.
62 Friedman, No. OL–110265 (a disabled
consumer unable to make an emergency call
because the recorded message would not
disconnect); Gardiner, W., No. OL–100542 (an
elderly consumer who complained that the receipt
of prerecorded messages twice prevented him from
contacting a doctor). See also, NCL at 3; PRC at 11
(citing a comment it received from a self-identified
‘‘former legitimate telemarketing salesman’’
objecting to allowing prerecorded messages because
‘‘[t]here are one or more deaths on record
Nationally that were precipitated by a prerecorded
message that would not cede the line it was on,
even though the receiving party had hung up! ’’).
63 Chico Community Shelter Partnership, No. OL–
109650; cf. Udehn, No. OL–114005 (‘‘Callers are
persistent and do not like to release phone lines
until they make a sale, even to allow emergency
patient calls. I need a line uncluttered by telephone
SPAM to continue emergency room coverage.’’).
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as they could with a sales
representative.64 Some consumers
reported that the mechanism typically
provided for exercising their Do Not
Call rights is impractical,65 both because
they have to wait until the end of what
may be a lengthy message to get a
number to call to speak to an agent,66
and because the Do Not Call option
provided at the end of the message
simply does not work.67
More generally, the comments attest
that consumers found the companyspecific opt-out regime required to stop
unwanted prerecorded messages prior to
64 E.g., Sahagian, No. OL–113021 (a self-described
‘‘unemployed telemarketing manager, laid off as a
direct result of the national do not call list’’ who
finds prerecorded messages ‘‘the most intrusive’’
because ‘‘I can’t ask the message to get to the point
or never call again.’’); Bedell, No. OL–105951 (‘‘A
machine can’t hear me say ‘put me on your do-notcall list! ’ ’’); Schares, No. OL–110388 (‘‘At least
with a live person, you can have the illusion of
requesting removal from the list, with a machine,
you are just out of luck.’’); Irving, No. OL103862;
see also, e.g., Sawyer, No. OL–108895; Goltz, OL–
107085; Hancock, J., No. OL–112529; Blumberg, No.
OL–104484; O’Daire, No. OL–113753; Salgado, No.
OL–111816; Von Kennen, No. OL–113646; Ianson,
No. OL–105278; Valum, No. OL–102442; Van
Baren, No. OL–101942; Zimmerman, J., No. OL–
65 E.g., Hohm, No. OL–104448 (‘‘Allowing
automated calls will let telemarketers flood
consumers with sales calls * * * with no practical
means for the consumer to challenge their propriety
or to refuse further calls.’’); Sartin, No. OL–104554
(‘‘If [prerecorded calls] are to be allowed, it should
only be through opt-in, not an inherently awkward
and unreliable opt-out.’’); Von Kennen, No. OL–
113646 (‘‘I can only imagine the telephone pingpong game between menus, voice-mail, call
transfers, and the inevitable disconnection that I’ll
have to play before I can hope to talk to someone
who will listen [to a Do Not Call request].’’).
66 E.g., Sahagian, No. OL–113021 (an
‘‘unemployed telemarketing manager’’ who states
that ‘‘[o]ften one must wait until the end of the
message for contact information, write down a
phone number, call back, turn down a live sales
offer, ask to speak with a manager, and then finally
ask to be deleted from future calling campaigns.’’);
Nobles, No. OL–105403, (‘‘The requirement[s] that
they identify themselves and allow me to ask them
to remove me from their calling list are
meaningless, since that information is always
supplied at the very end of the call.’’); Stahl, K., No.
OL–101878; Schneider, P., No. OL–101484. The
call-back requirement that consumers describe, if
permitted by FCC rules, does not comply with the
safe harbor proposal in the NPRM because it fails
to give consumers an opportunity to exercise their
Do Not Call Rights during the call.
67 E.g., Blumberg, No. OL–104484 (‘‘There is
always an option to wait until the end of the
message and press a number to talk with a person
but only in rare instances does this work.’’);
Vinegra, No. OL–104055 (‘‘[I]n my experience,
automated phone spam is the MOST likely to not
have a valid way to get off the list. Oh, sure, it may
give you an 800 number to call, but that’s likely to
reach some convoluted voicemail system that never
gets you anywhere.’’); Fiol, No. OL–112458 (‘‘I do
not believe that offering consumers the option of
hanging up and calling an 800 number is an
effective one. It only worsens the interruption and
imposition on the consumer’s time, and * * *
frustrate[s] the consumer if the 800 number is busy
or even inoperative.’’).
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 192 / Wednesday, October 4, 2006 / Proposed Rules
rmajette on PROD1PC67 with PROPOSALS2
the advent of the Registry extremely
burdensome and frequently
ineffective.68 Apparently assuming that
a company-specific opt-out might not
take the form of an interactive method
at the outset of the call (as proposed by
the Commission), some consumers
complained that the burden would be
placed on them to listen until the end
of unwanted messages to obtain an optout telephone number, to copy the optout number, and to wait to call that
number during normal business hours
to ask not to be called again—a process
they would have to repeat for each
company that calls.69
Some consumers and consumer
groups questioned the adequacy of the
proposed interactive mechanism that
would permit consumers to exercise
their Do Not Call rights by pressing a
button on the telephone keypad. At least
one consumer noted that this approach
would be ineffective for her, and
presumably many thousands of other
consumers who still have rotary dial
telephones without keypads.70 A
consumer group and at least one
consumer questioned whether the
proposed interactive mechanism would
be effective in the absence of a
requirement that a representative be
promptly available.71 Another consumer
group doubted that consumers would
really benefit from the proposed
interactive mechanism.72
68 E.g., Gollinger, No. OL–103929 (‘‘This puts an
undue burden upon the consumer to attempt to
contact the company to have their name deleted
from the call list.’’); Wahlig, No. OL–104503 at 1
(citing the ‘‘unjustifiable burden on citizens who
wish to assert their DNC rights’’); Tomas, No. OL–
101671 (‘‘Instead, the burden is placed on the
victim’s shoulders to contact the telemarketer to
have himself removed from the call list.’’); Ayers,
T., No. OL–113131; Bashor, No. OL–113062; Fiol,
No. OL–112458; LaMountain, No. OL–101888;
Boyd, M., No. OL–113844; Hall, No. OL–104082;
Grace, No. OL–113784; Piro, No. OL–112925.
69 E.g., Hancock, J., No. 112529; Sahagian, No.
OL–113021; Kleger, No. OL–103115.
70 Sachau, No. EREG–000002; see also
Argyropoulos, No. OL–102968 at 2 (‘‘[N]one of the
proposed options allow a person answering on a
non-touch-tone phone to efficiently make a Do Not
Call request.’’). While other mechanisms
undoubtedly exist to provide equivalent
functionality for rotary dial telephone users, no
industry comment addressed this problem in
response to the NPRM’s request for information
about ‘‘alternative mechanisms.’’
71 NCL at 5 (‘‘The FTC proposal seems to assume
that when the consumer presses the number to
speak to a live company representative, one will be
readily available. It is unclear what happens if that
is not the case. Will the consumer get dead air? Be
put on hold with recorded music? Be hung up
on?’’); Argyropoulos, No. OL–102968 at 2.
72 PRC at 7 (arguing that most prerecorded
telemarketing messages are left on answering
machines or voice mail services, depriving
consumers of the benefits of such an option, and
ultimately clogging their message storage with
unwanted telemarketing messages). However,
nothing in the TSR’s call abandonment prohibition
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A number of consumers also
challenged a presumption implicit in
the proposed safe harbor that would
have permitted prerecorded
telemarketing calls to established
customers. Notwithstanding the FCC’s
rationale for allowing sellers to use
prerecorded messages in calls to
established customers,73 many
consumers contended that neither a
prior inquiry nor purchase implied their
consent to receipt of future prerecorded
solicitations from a seller,74 contrary to
prior consumer support for live
telemarketing calls.75 Many of the
consumer comments argued that, given
the intrusive and impersonal nature of
prerecorded messages, prerecorded
telemarketing calls should not be
permitted at all without the consumer’s
prior consent.76 In addition, many
objected to what they regard as the
overbreadth of the TSR’s definition of
an ‘‘established business
relationship,’’ 77 which some regarded
as threatening to make a ‘‘mockery’’ of
bars the use of equipment that channels a call to
a sales representative if a consumer answers, but to
a recorded message if an answering machine picks
up. See TSR SBP, 68 FR at 4645; see also the
discussion in Section II.E, infra.
73 1992 FCC Order, 7 FCC Rcd 8752, ¶ 34
(concluding that a ‘‘solicitation can be deemed
invited or permitted by a subscriber in light of the
business relationship.’’).
74 E.g., Sancibrian, No. OL–106078; Salem, No.
OL–107247; Sartin, No. OL–104554; Laucik, No.
OL–104859; Wortman, No. OL–103376; Corey, No.
OL–105981; Innes, No. OL–105931; Brown, R., No.
OL–107136; Troup, No. OL–103143; Goland, No.
75 See note 56, supra, and accompanying text.
Many of the consumer comments opposing
expansion of the ‘‘established business
relationship’’ exemption did not distinguish
between prerecorded calls and live calls from a
sales representative. Consequently, it is impossible
to determine whether these comments would
support an established business relationship
exemption for live telemarketing calls, or whether
they reflect a change in consumer attitudes toward
the exemption.
76 EPIC at 2, 14; PRC at 4, 9; NCL at 4; see also,
e.g., Barry, A., No. OL–104109; Williams, K., No.
OL–101321; North, W., No. OL–103090; Schnautz,
No. OL–104508; Tipping, No. OL–109310; Twilling,
No. OL–108395; Viggiano, No. OL–108516.
77 E.g., Nuglat, No. OL–109584 (‘‘[T]hese
companies will be calling a purchase of a stick of
gum a year ago the basis of an established business
relationship.’’); Touretzky, No. OL–100891 (‘‘I work
nights and sleep in the daytime. I do not want to
be dragged out of bed by every low-life outfit that
once sold me a box of paperclips.’’); Holt, C., No.
OL–102518 (‘‘Time Warner owns some 80% of the
media markets, does that mean if I buy one copy
of Time magazine that I should have to receive
phone calls from every other media outlet Time
owns? That’s the way it functions now.’’); see also,
e.g., Holt, C., No. OL–102518; Schendel, K., No.
OL–101419; Veech, No. OL–110162; Ehlinger, No.
OL–105751; Eide, No. OL–102754; Erskine, D., No.
OL–109355; Volek, No. OL–100697; Inman, J., No.
OL–102319; Verner, No. OL–104134; Islam-Zwart,
No. OL–100028; Sampson, No. OL–106004;
Salisbury, No. OL–104292.
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the Registry 78—especially if the use of
prerecorded messages is permitted.79
These consumers foresee that allowing
prerecorded messages will likely
increase the number of ‘‘established
business relationship’’ telemarketing
campaigns, with the result that
consumers will have to assert companyspecific Do Not Call requests repeatedly
for different sellers from which they
made a one-time purchase.80 Moreover,
some consumers reported that they
receive both live and prerecorded
telemarketing calls from businesses with
which they have no ‘‘established
business relationship.’’ 81
Many consumers also commented that
since they listed their telephone
numbers on the National Do Not Call
Registry, they have come to rely on it to
shield them from unwanted
telemarketing calls, including
prerecorded messages.82 A large number
fear the proposed safe harbor will create
a ‘‘loophole’’ that will dilute the
effectiveness of the Registry in
preventing unwelcome intrusions on
78 Sanderson, No. OL–447. See also Sager, No.
OL–104269; Yarrow, No. OL–102563.
79 EPIC at 14; PRC at 9; NCL at 3.
80 E.g., Hancock, J., No. OL–112529 (‘‘Since a
‘business relationship’ is readily established by any
inquiry or purchase, the universe of companies that
can claim a basis to make junk phone calls is
huge.’’); Talmo, No. OL–110438 (‘‘A few years ago,
most of my purchases were made within my
community.* * * The digital world has opened up
very far-reaching so-called relationships. * * * I
now make many one-time [Internet] purchases from
companies I may never contact again. I fear that
these simple one time purchases will constitute a
so-called business relationship.’’); Argyropoulos,
No. OL–102968 at 1 (‘‘Companies are offering free
or below-cost inducements to establish business
relationships for the primary purpose of acquiring
the ability to telemarket to consumers in the Do Not
Call registry.’’).
81 E.g., Fryman, No. OL–101503 (‘‘The established
business relationship clause of the existing system
has been stretched and twisted beyond all
recognition, such that companies that we have had
no ‘business relationship’ with in over 5 years are
still calling.’’); Anderson, J., No. OL–102561 (‘‘I get
3–5 calls a day, with recorded messages. And NO,
they are NOT people I’ve done business with!’’);
Holt, C., No. OL–102518, (‘‘I constantly receive
solicitations from companies who claim I have a
relationship with them, and I’ve never heard of
them before. STILL get calls, both human and PRERecorded.* * *[A]s I was writing this, I was just
interrupted by a TELEMARKETING CALL!!!!!!
* * *[I]t was not a company we had ever done
business with and they would not tell me how they
got this number.’’).
82 E.g., Thompson, A., No. OL–104385 (‘‘I
recently moved, and my new phone number was
not on the Do Not Call list; I received more ‘junk’
calls than I received normal phone calls. Adding
my new number to the list made having a phone
bearable again.’’); Musgrave, No. OL–106135;
Sampson, No. OL–106004; Anholt, No. OL–104141;
Dougherty, J., No. OL–106035; Gordon, M., No. OL–
109877; Matson, No. OL–111933; Gunnells, No.
OL–108503; McCarthy, L., No. OL–101367; Sayer,
No. OL–100407.
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 192 / Wednesday, October 4, 2006 / Proposed Rules
their privacy at home.83 Consumers and
their advocates expressed concern that,
if the proposed new safe harbor were
adopted, marketplace economics could
soon produce a flood of prerecorded
telemarketing messages that would
engulf the privacy protection provided
by the Registry. They cited, in
particular, such recent digital
technologies as Voice Over Internet
Protocol (‘‘VoIP’’) as likely to lower the
costs of prerecorded telemarketing
messages to the point that they would
be used extensively, if permitted.84
Thus, several comments argued that
allowing the use of prerecorded
messages in telemarketing to established
customers would in effect create the
telephonic equivalent of ‘‘spam,’’
overwhelming consumers with
unwanted messages that cost the caller
little or nothing to send.85
D. Analysis of the Comments,
Discussion and Conclusion
rmajette on PROD1PC67 with PROPOSALS2
Two themes strikingly emerge from
the record. First, there is virtually no
consumer support for allowing the use
of prerecorded messages; and second,
neither industry nor consumers support
the proposal’s effort to ensure that
consumers would be able to assert an
entity-specific Do Not Call request in an
‘‘established business relationship’’ call
delivering a prerecorded message as
83 Over 5,900 consumer comments asserted that
there is no need to create a ‘‘loophole’’ or to adopt
the amendment. E.g., Brown, R., No. OL–101294;
Hill, A., No. 000037; Moore, M., No. OL–101468;
Fryman, No. OL–101503; Vrignaud, No. OL–
101542; Jester, No. OL–101685; Selmi, No. OL–
102168; Miller, No. OL–103424; Vogel, No. OL–
105708 at 1.
84 Sacerdote, No. OL–112192 (‘‘The cost of
placing such automatic call[s] is essentially zero,
and the desire to place such calls will therefore be
nearly infinite.’’) (emphasis added); EPIC at 5–6
(citing a 1999 news report that VMBC could leave
‘‘messages with 1% of the U.S. population over a
two-day period,’’ and the increasing use of low cost
Internet services such as VoIP or Internet
telephony); PRC at 8–9 (citing an August 10, 2004,
CNET article about software that can deliver up to
1,000 synthetic calls every five seconds to Internet
Protocol addresses assigned to telephones); NCL at
2–3 (arguing that low cost use of prerecorded
messages rather than salespersons and expansive
reading of ‘established business relationship’ will
result in increase of telemarketing calls); see also,
e.g., Allan, A., No. OL–103079; United States
Senate, No. OL–113862 at 3; Bates, J., No. OL–
100012; Fisher, B., No. OL–109494; Watson, B., No.
85 E.g., Anderson, No. OL–106320 (‘‘E-mail spam
is killing e-mail for legitimate business
communication and phone spam would do the
same for telephone communications.’’); Kislo, No.
OL–102924 (‘‘Such a modification would change
telemarketing rules in such a radical fashion, you
risk bringing the ‘e-mail spam’ problem to the
telephones across the US.’’); Malone, S., No. OL–
107630 (objecting to FTC proposal to allow ‘‘prerecorded ‘spam blitzes’’ ’); Miller, No. OL–103424
(‘‘Left unchecked (as I believe it is today) the phone
system will become much like e-mail, 80% spam.’’).
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easily and as quickly as in a similar call
using sales representatives. Thus, the
Commission’s analysis begins from the
premise that a new safe harbor that
treats prerecorded telemarketing calls to
established customers differently from
other prerecorded calls might be
appropriate if: (1) The consumer
aversion to prerecorded calls (which led
to enactment of the TCPA ban on such
calls) does not apply when such calls
are made to established customers; (2)
any harm to consumer privacy is
outweighed by the value of prerecorded
calls to established customers; or (3)
there is something unique about the
relationship between sellers and their
established customers that gives sellers
a sufficient incentive to self-regulate so
that they would avoid prerecorded
telemarketing campaigns that their
customers would consider abusive.
Based on careful consideration of the
comments, the Commission concludes
that the record does not support any of
these possible rationales for treating
prerecorded telemarketing calls to
established customers differently from
other prerecorded calls.
First, if consumers had little or no
aversion to prerecorded calls from
sellers with whom they have an
established business relationship, the
fact that such calls avoid the twin harms
of ‘‘dead air’’ and ‘‘hang ups’’ associated
with abandoned calls would weigh
heavily in favor of the adoption of a new
safe harbor. The record here provides
compelling evidence, however, that
consumer aversion to prerecorded
message telemarketing—regardless of
whether an established business
relationship exists—has not diminished
since enactment of the TCPA, which, in
no small measure, was prompted by
consumer outrage about the use of
prerecorded messages. The comments in
this record demonstrate that consumers
continue to view such calls as an
abusive invasion of their privacy, and
an even greater invasion of their privacy
than live telemarketing calls because
they are powerless to interact with a
recording. Indeed, almost all of the very
few consumers who commented in favor
of prerecorded messages confined their
comments strictly to informational calls,
in some cases qualifying their support
with negative comments about
prerecorded sales calls.86
In addition, some consumers are
troubled by the potential hazards that
prerecorded messages may pose for their
health and safety when home telephone
lines cannot be released in emergencies.
As this record attests, in at least a few
instances, prerecorded messages of
86 See
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indeterminate length have prevented
consumers from making emergency
calls—a concern which was an
important factor leading to passage of
the TCPA.87 While the record does not
suggest that obstruction of emergency
calls by prerecorded messages is a
common occurrence, the seriousness of
the potential consequences when it does
occur creates legitimate cause for
Likewise, the possibility that any
harm to consumer privacy might be
outweighed by the value of prerecorded
calls to established customers is
convincingly refuted by the consumer
comments. There is support in the
record for prerecorded informational
messages—i.e., messages without any
sales pitch—which are not prohibited
by the TSR; yet there is virtually none
for prerecorded telemarketing messages.
Accordingly, this second potential
rationale for adoption of a new safe
harbor is not supported by the record—
a fact that assumes particular
importance in view of Supreme Court
precedent that has long recognized the
significant governmental interest in
protecting residential privacy.88
The third possible rationale for a new
safe harbor—that sellers will selfregulate the number of prerecorded
messages they send in order to preserve
the goodwill of established
customers 89—is similarly unpersuasive.
Although it may be that well-established
businesses with brand or name
recognition will engage in such
restraint, the same is not necessarily
true for new entrants and small
businesses in highly competitive
markets. The proposed safe harbor, if
approved, would expose consumers,
including those who have entered their
telephone numbers on the Registry, to
such prerecorded messages, potentially
from every seller from whom they have
made a single purchase in the past 18
months. In addition, because the TSR’s
definition of an ‘‘established business
relationship’’ includes consumers who
have not made a prior purchase, but
simply an inquiry, sellers would have
87 S.
Rep. No. 102–178, at 10 (1991).
Frisby v. Schultz, 487 U.S. 474 (1988);
Rowan v. U.S. Post Office Dep’t, 397 U.S. 728
89 Several industry comments inconsistent with
this rationale argue that because the burden of proof
of an established business relationship would fall
on the seller, no new enforcement concerns would
be created by a safe harbor for prerecorded calls. As
these comments reflect, the industry recognizes that
the burden of this affirmative defense rests on
sellers and telemarketers to prove that the seller has
an established business relationship with the party
called, 16 CFR 310.4(b)(1)(iii)(B)(ii), just as in the
express written agreement exception, 16 CFR
310.4(b)(1)(iii)(B)(i), and the Do Not Call safe
harbor, 16 CFR 310.4(b)(3).
88 E.g.,
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 192 / Wednesday, October 4, 2006 / Proposed Rules
rmajette on PROD1PC67 with PROPOSALS2
less of an incentive to self-regulate the
number of prerecorded messages they
send to such consumers, because they
have no established customer to lose,
but only a customer to gain. The
likelihood that industry-wide selfrestraint would be effective must be
assessed with an eye toward the
industry’s record of compliance with
the TSR to date. While overall
compliance with the Do Not Call
provisions of the TSR is quite good, not
all covered entities are complying.90
The compliance record presents a
particular problem with respect to
consumer concerns about the breadth of
the industry’s interpretation of what
constitutes an ‘‘established business
relationship,’’ as the consumer
comments and the Commission’s law
enforcement experience indicate.91
This argument also ignores the fact
that the cost of conducting live
telemarketing campaigns with sales
agents, as now permitted by the TSR, is
itself a separate, significant check on the
number of such campaigns. Thus, it is
reasonable to expect that the
substantially lower cost of prerecorded
message telemarketing (compared to live
telemarketing campaigns with sales
agents) would significantly increase the
use of such campaigns, at least by new
entrants and small businesses that lack
brand or name recognition. It is no less
reasonable to predict that, as new digital
technologies further reduce the cost of
prerecorded telemarketing, the volume
of prerecorded calls will increase. The
90 From December 31, 1995 until March 25, 2003,
the Commission brought 162 cases against
telemarketers alleging violations of the TSR. Since
March 31, 2003, the effective date of the amended
TSR, 24 cases alleging violations of the TSR’s Do
Not Call provisions, and another 37 cases alleging
other TSR violations by telemarketers have been
brought by the Commission or the Department of
Justice at the Commission’s request. E.g., FTC v.
Universal Premium Serv., No. 06–0849 (C.D. Cal.
entered Feb. 21, 2006) (ex parte TRO entered to halt
alleged TSR violations in ‘‘WalMart Shopping Spree
Scam’’ involving continuing calls to consumers
who had asked to be placed on the seller’s
company-specific Do Not Call list); United States v.
DirecTV, Inc., No. SACV05–1211 (C.D. Cal. filed
Dec. 12, 2005) ($5.3 million civil penalty settlement
for alleged TSR violations in making calls to
consumers on the Registry, and for allegedly
assisting a telemarketer in making prerecorded
telemarketing calls that violated the call
abandonment safe harbor).
91 In United States v. Columbia House Co., No.
05C–4064 (N.D. Ill. filed July 14, 2005), the
Commission obtained a $300,000 civil penalty
settlement for alleged calls to tens of thousands of
numbers on the Registry. Although the defendant
claimed an ‘‘established business relationship’’
with the consumers it called, the Commission
alleged, after investigation and analysis, that most
were calls to consumers who last made a purchase
from the defendant far outside the prior 18-month
period during which the exemption would have
applied, and that other calls were made to
consumers who had previously instructed the
company not to call them.
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record indicates that new digital
technologies, including VoIP, are likely
to reduce the cost of transmitting
prerecorded telemarketing messages by
telephone dramatically, if not to
‘‘essentially zero,’’ in the foreseeable
future.92 As the costs decrease, the
economic incentives to increase the use
of prerecorded telemarketing messages
for advertising will multiply, increasing
the flow of prerecorded messages
consumers receive in their homes.
Thus, there is no apparent rationale
for according special treatment to
prerecorded telemarketing calls to
established customers. Nevertheless,
there remains the industry contention
that failure to adopt the proposed safe
harbor would be contrary to the
mandate of the Do Not Call
Implementation Act (‘‘DNCIA’’),93
because FCC regulations permit certain
prerecorded telemarketing calls, even
though the DNCIA directed the FCC to
maximize the consistency of its Do Not
Call regulations with the FTC’s TSR.94
When the FCC first promulgated its
regulations under the TCPA in 1992,
92 E.g., Mari-Len de Guzman, Spam may be a
future threat to VoIP, Computerworld, Sept. 7, 2005,
at 2, available at
networkingtopics/networking/ story/
0,10801,104442,00.html (citing Spam over Internet
Telephony (SPIT) as a growing concern for VoIP
users because technology would allow artificial
messages to be sent to 30,000 IP phones in a second
and costs would be ‘‘essentially zero’’) (emphasis
added); Associated Press, Voice Over Internet Use
Soaring, Yahoo! News, Mar. 1, 2006, available at
(reporting that the number of users of Internet
telephone services tripled in 2005, jumping from
1.3 million users of VoIP to 4.5 million); Deborah
Solomon, AARP’s Antagonist, N.Y. Times
Magazine, Mar. 13, 2005, at 23 (explaining how
automated telephone messages are ‘‘extraordinarily
inexpensive’’ and efficient, and citing, as an
example, calling every household in North Dakota
in just four hours for $10,000); VoIP to Open Door
for Flood of Overseas Telemarketing, VoIPNEWS,
May 17, 2005,
(citing Burton Group analyst Fred Cohen who
predicts that ‘‘the average enterprise or household
could see as much as 150 calls a day’’ from
telemarketers using VoIP based in part on the price
of Internet telephony which has cut costs by a factor
of 100).
93 Public Law No. 108–10, 117 Stat. 557 (2003).
A related argument asserted in some industry
comments, that Congress gave exclusive jurisdiction
to the FCC to regulate the use of automated dialing
and announcing devices, has been rejected by each
court that has considered the question. Mainstream
Mktg. Servs. v. FTC, 358 F.3d 1228, 1237, 1259
(10th Cir.), cert. denied, 543 U.S. 812 (2004); Nat’l
Fed’n of the Blind v. FTC, 420 F.3d 331, 337 (4th
Cir. 2005), cert. denied, 126 S.Ct. 2058 (2006); see
also Broad. Team, Inc. v. FTC, 429 F.Supp.2d 1292,
1301–02 (M.D. Fla. 2006), appeal docketed, No. 06–
13520–EE (11th Cir. June 23, 2006).
94 Section 3 of the DNCIA directed that ‘‘the
Federal Communications Commission shall consult
and coordinate with the Federal Trade Commission
to maximize consistency with the rule promulgated
by the Federal Trade Commission (16 CFR
310.4(b))’’ in issuing the 2003 FCC Order to
implement and enforce the Do Not Call Registry.
PO 00000
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that agency recognized that the TCPA
did not exempt prerecorded calls to a
consumer who has an established
business relationship with a seller.95 In
adopting regulations prohibiting
virtually all prerecorded message
telemarketing calls where the called
party has not given ‘‘prior express
consent’’ to receive such calls, the FCC
nonetheless elected to create an
‘‘established business relationship’’
exemption from that prohibition.96 The
FCC explained that, in its view, a
‘‘solicitation can be deemed invited or
permitted by a subscriber in light of the
business relationship,’’ 97 that requiring
‘‘prior express consent’’ would
‘‘significantly impede communications
between businesses and their
customers,’’ and thus, that a
‘‘solicitation to someone with whom a
prior business relationship exists does
not adversely affect subscriber privacy
interests.’’ 98 In updating its regulations
in 2003 to comply with the DNCIA, the
FCC elected to retain the exemption,
stating that ‘‘[t]he record reveals that an
established business relationship
exemption is necessary to allow
companies to contact their existing
customers.’’ 99
As a result, the relevant provisions of
the FCC rules and the TSR differ to the
extent that the FCC rules permit
95 1992 FCC Order, 7 FCC Rcd 8752, ¶ 34. In fact,
the TCPA states that Congress has found that
‘‘residential telephone subscribers consider
automated or prerecorded telephone calls * * * to
be a nuisance and an invasion of privacy,’’ and that
‘‘[b]anning such automated or prerecorded
telephone calls to the home, except when the
receiving party consents to receiving the call * * *
is the only effective means of protecting telephone
consumers from this nuisance and privacy
invasion.’’ TCPA, Pub. L. No. 102–243, 105 Stat.
2394 (1991) at §§ 2(10) and (12).
96 47 CFR 64.1200(a)(2)(iv). The only
requirements are that the prerecorded message must
clearly identify the business responsible for
initiating the call and provide, ‘‘during or after the
message,’’ a telephone number that consumers can
call during normal business hours to make a
company-specific Do Not Call request. 47 CFR
97 1992 FCC Order, 7 FCC Rcd 8752, ¶ 34. But cf.,
Telecom Decision, CRTC 2004–35, ¶ 111 (in which
the Canadian Radio-Television and
Telecommunications Commission declined to
create an established business relationship
exemption for prerecorded telemarketing calls on
the ground that ‘‘when a consumer purchases a
service or product from a company * * * there is
no ‘implied consent’ as a result of that purchase to
receive future solicitations’’).
98 1992 FCC Order, 7 FCC Rcd 8752, ¶ 34.
99 2003 FCC Order, 68 FR at 44165. In comments
filed with the FCC during the rulemaking it
conducted pursuant to the DNCIA, the FTC
specifically urged the FCC to eliminate this
discrepancy, as the FCC’s ruling acknowledged.
2003 FCC Order, 18 FCC Rcd 14014, 14109, ¶ 156
& n.556. However, the FCC declined to conform its
prerecorded message rules to the FTC’s TSR, with
no explanation except that the ‘‘current exception
is necessary to avoid interfering with ongoing
business relationships.’’ Id. at 95.
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 192 / Wednesday, October 4, 2006 / Proposed Rules
prerecorded calls where the seller has
an established business relationship
with the party called, and the TSR’s call
abandonment prohibition does not.100
While regulatory uniformity may be a
laudable goal, it is not a sufficient basis
for conforming the TSR to the FCC’s
regulations given the Congressional
mandate that the Commission’s
Telemarketing Act regulations prohibit
abusive telemarketing calls—and
particularly given the lack of support in
the record for exempting such calls from
the Rule’s prohibition.101 In sum, the
record does not establish a rationale that
would warrant special treatment for
prerecorded message telemarketing
when directed to consumers with whom
the seller has an established business
An additional consideration
articulated in the record supports the
Commission in its conclusion not to
adopt the new safe harbor VMBC
sought: the potential of such a change to
undermine the effectiveness of the
National Do Not Call Registry. There can
be no question that public support for
the Do Not Call Registry is
overwhelming and widespread. As of
September 1, 2006, consumers had
registered more than 130 million
telephone numbers, choosing to ‘‘opt
in’’ to the protection provided by the
Registry to keep unwanted
telemarketing calls from invading and
disturbing the privacy of their homes.
The importance of the Registry to
millions of consumers in preserving
personal privacy in their homes cannot
be understated or underestimated, as the
consumer comments on the record in
this proceeding make clear.
Nevertheless, the Commission is
mindful of the legitimate interest of
businesses in communicating with their
established customers. The
communication interest in such calls is
one reason the TSR expressly permits
sellers and telemarketers to make live
telemarketing calls to consumers whose
telephone numbers are listed on the
Registry, provided the seller has an
established business relationship with
each consumer who is called, or has
obtained a written agreement to receive
such calls that is signed by the
consumer. The safe harbor VMBC
requested would have altered the
rmajette on PROD1PC67 with PROPOSALS2
100 As
noted, the TSR addresses only calls
delivering a recorded message when a person
answers, as opposed to an answering machine or
voice mail system.
101 The Commission’s view might be otherwise if
the two sets of regulations were so contradictory
that they imposed inconsistent obligations on
sellers and telemarketers, but that is not the case
here, where compliance with the more restrictive
requirements of the TSR does not violate the FCC
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delicate balance the Commission has
struck between legitimate, but
competing, privacy and communication
interests. If a safe harbor that would
permit prerecorded telemarketing
messages to established customers were
created, it seems certain that consumers
whose telephone numbers are listed on
the Registry would receive some greater
number of telemarketing messages than
they do now. Although reasonable
people may differ on the likely size and
scope of that increase, there can be no
dispute that it would come at some cost
to the privacy of consumers in their
homes. Based on the record to date, the
concern is a very real one that
consumers, to some degree, would
return to the same burdensome situation
that existed before the Registry, when
they were repeatedly having to assert a
company-specific Do Not Call remedy
that the Commission deemed
inadequate for commercial sales
solicitation calls when it created the
Only one issue remains to be
considered. In drafting the proposed
new safe harbor in response to the
VMBC petition, the Commission sought
to minimize the potential harms of
prerecorded calls to established
customers by requiring sellers and
telemarketers to provide a prompt
opportunity at the outset of the message
for customers to assert a companyspecific Do Not Call request. The
Commission specifically endorsed an
interactive mechanism that would
permit the party called to connect to a
sales representative during the message
by pressing a button on the telephone
keypad. The purpose of this provision
was to put recipients of a prerecorded
message on an equal footing in asserting
their company-specific Do Not Call
rights with customers who now receive
live telemarketing calls from sales
representatives under the TSR’s
established business relationship
A majority of both industry and
consumer comments on the record have
resoundingly rejected this proposal.
Most of the sellers and telemarketers
who commented on the proposed
interactive mechanism objected to it as
costly, burdensome, and not widely
available.103 Consumers and their
advocates protested that the mechanism
would be ineffective because touchtone
keypads are not universal,104 there is no
guarantee that a sales representative
102 TSR SBP, 68 FR at 4631 (‘‘[T]he companyspecific approach is seriously inadequate to protect
consumers’ privacy from an abusive pattern of calls
placed by a seller or telemarketer.’’).
103 See note 45, supra, and accompanying text.
104 See note 70, supra, and accompanying text.
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would be available promptly,105 and
because, in their view, most prerecorded
messages end up on answering
machines or voice mail services, so that
the interactive mechanism would not
materially assist consumers in avoiding
the costs and encumbrances of asserting
their company-specific opt-out rights.106
No industry or consumer comment
proffered a suitable alternative that
would serve the same purpose as the
interactive mechanism proposed.
In the absence of any mechanism
widely acceptable to industry and
consumers that would provide
recipients of prerecorded telemarketing
messages the opportunity to assert their
Do Not Call rights ‘‘quickly, effectively
and efficiently,’’ the Commission does
not believe that it can craft conditions
for the proposed safe harbor that would
preserve the balance between the
consumer privacy interests that
Congress intended to protect and the
interest of sellers and telemarketers in
communicating sales and promotional
offers to their established customers via
prerecorded messages.
It is important to reiterate, however,
that many (if not most) of the
communications sellers wish to send via
prerecorded messages, and that
customers wish to receive, are
informational communications not
governed by the TSR, and thus are not
prohibited by its call abandonment
provision.107 It is equally noteworthy
that because the proposed new safe
harbor would have been predicated on
an ‘‘established business relationship,’’
sellers would have had an opportunity
during their business dealings to obtain
the prior written agreement of their
customers to receive telemarketing calls
that deliver prerecorded messages.108
For this and all the other reasons
discussed above, the Commission has
concluded that, on balance, the record
in this proceeding fails to provide the
support necessary to justify the
proposed additional safe harbor.
Accordingly, the Commission has
determined not to adopt the proposed
amendment, and to deny the VMBC
petition. The Commission’s Rules of
Practice afford VMBC and other sellers
and telemarketers the right to seek any
advisory opinions they may need to
105 See
note 71, supra, and accompanying text.
note 72, supra, and accompanying text.
107 Examples of informational calls—provided
they are not combined with a sales pitch—include
calls from an airline notifying consumers about a
cancelled flight or a schedule change to a booked
flight, or calls from a company notifying consumers
about the recall of a purchased product. See notes
29 & 54, supra, and accompanying text.
108 Sellers would have the same opportunity if the
amendment discussed in Section II.E, infra, is
106 See
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 192 / Wednesday, October 4, 2006 / Proposed Rules
clarify the types of prerecorded
informational messages that are not
covered by the TSR, and thus are not
Additionally, the Commission has
decided, based on the record in this
proceeding, to propose an amendment
of the TSR, pursuant to § 3(a)(3)(A) of
the Telemarketing Act,110 to add an
express prohibition against unsolicited
prerecorded telemarketing calls, unless
the seller has obtained a consumer’s
express prior written agreement to
receive such calls. In so doing, the
Commission also seeks to address the
criticism, encountered by FTC staff in
providing industry guidance, that the
text of the TSR does not
straightforwardly address prerecorded
message telemarketing, and instead
places the burden on industry members
and their legal advisors to divine that
the call abandonment provisions
effectively bar this practice (except for
the very restricted use of recorded
messages in the call abandonment safe
harbor). The Commission continues to
think that the plain language of the call
abandonment provision itself prohibits
calls delivering prerecorded messages
when answered by a consumer, a
position it has repeatedly stated,111 and
that has been accepted by at least one
court.112 However, the Commission
believes that it might be beneficial to
make the prohibition more prominent
by adding a provision that makes
explicit the prohibition on
telemarketing calls delivering
prerecorded messages (while clarifying
that the call abandonment safe harbor
continues to allow the use of
prerecorded messages in very limited
This record demonstrates that the
overwhelming majority of consumers
consider prerecorded telemarketing
calls a particularly ‘‘coercive or
abusive’’ infringement on their right to
privacy.113 Nevertheless, the
Commission believes that all interested
parties should be afforded an
opportunity to comment on the
proposed prohibition, and will base its
final decision on the full record of
comments it receives.
rmajette on PROD1PC67 with PROPOSALS2
E. Proposed Amendment
Accordingly, the Commission has
decided to propose the following
109 16
CFR §§ 1.1–1.4.
U.S.C. 6102(a)(3)(A).
111 E.g., 68 Fed. Reg. at 4644; 69 Fed. Reg. at
67,288; DNCIA Report at 33–34.
112 Broad. Team, Inc. v. FTC, 429 F.Supp.2d
1292, 1301–02 (M.D. Fla. 2006), appeal docketed,
No. 06–13520–EE (11th Cir. June 23, 2006).
113 15 U.S.C. 6102(a)(3)(A); see TSR SBP, 68 FR
at 4613.
110 15
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addition to the ‘‘Pattern of Calls’’
prohibitions in § 310.4(b)(1) of the TSR,
and to invite public comment on the
proposal until November 6, 2006.
Section 3.10(b)(1) will continue to
provide that ‘‘It is an abusive
telemarketing act or practice and a
violation of this rule for a telemarketer
to engage in, or for a seller to cause a
telemarketer to engage in, the following
conduct:’’ The new subsection would
(v) Initiating any outbound telemarketing
call that delivers a prerecorded message
when answered by a person, unless the seller
has obtained the express agreement, in
writing, of such person to place prerecorded
calls to that person. Such written agreement
shall clearly evidence such person’s
authorization that calls made by or on behalf
of a specific party may be placed to that
person, and shall include the telephone
number to which the calls may be placed and
the signature of that person; provided,
however, that prerecorded messages
permitted for compliance with the call
abandonment safe harbor in § 310.4(b)(4)(iii)
do not require such an agreement.114
The purpose of the proposed
amendment is to make it explicit that
the TSR prevents sellers and
telemarketers from delivering a
prerecorded message when a person
answers a telemarketing call, regardless
of whether the call is made to a
consumer whose number is listed on the
Do Not Call Registry or to a consumer
who has an established business
relationship with the seller, without the
consumer’s express prior written
agreement.115 The prohibition contains
a proviso that would permit the use of
prerecorded messages required by the
call abandonment safe harbor when a
telemarketing call is answered by a
114 This proposed language is modeled on
existing § 310.4(b)(1)(iii)(B)(i), which permits calls
to numbers on the Registry with the consumer’s
prior written agreement, and is consistent with the
call abandonment prohibition in § 310.4(b)(1)(iv).
As such, the proposed amendment would permit
digital and electronic signatures to the extent
recognized by applicable Federal or State contract
law. 16 CFR 310.4(b)(1)(iii)(B)(i) n.6; see also TSR
SBP, 68 FR at 4608–09.
115 The proposal would not prohibit placement of
prerecorded messages on answering machines of
consumers who have listed their number on the
Registry if they have an established business
relationship with the seller, or on answering
machines of consumers who have not listed their
numbers on the Registry. The Commission notes,
however, that any telemarketing campaign directed
at leaving pre-recorded messages on answering
machines could still run afoul of the abandoned call
requirements of the TSR if calls that are answered
by an actual consumer, rather than an answering
machine, are not transferred to a sales agent as
required by § 310.4(b)(1)(iv) But cf. 47 CFR
64.1200(a)(2) (FCC regulation stating that ‘‘[n]o
person or entity may initiate any telephone call to
any residential line using an artificial or
prerecorded voice to deliver a message.’’) (emphasis
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consumer who cannot be connected to
a sales representative.
The proposed amendment barring
prerecorded telemarketing calls without
a consumer’s prior written agreement
would make the present prohibition
explicit, and would implement the
Commission’s broad authority under the
Telemarketing Act to prohibit abusive
telemarketing practices. The
Telemarketing Act directs the FTC to
‘‘include in [the TSR] a requirement that
telemarketers may not undertake a
pattern of unsolicited telephone calls
which the reasonable consumer would
consider coercive or abusive of such
consumer’s right to privacy.’’ 116
The consumer comments in this
proceeding have made it clear that
consumers overwhelmingly consider
prerecorded telemarketing calls coercive
and abusive of their right to privacy.
They find prerecorded calls more
coercive and abusive than live
telemarketing calls because they are
powerless to interact with a recording,
either to assert their Do Not Call rights
or to request additional information
about the product or service offered.
Thus, the present record supports a
finding that a reasonable consumer
would consider prerecorded
telemarketing calls coercive or abusive
of such consumer’s right to privacy,
unless the consumer had given his or
her express prior written agreement to
receive such calls.
The proposed amendment would
prohibit only the initiation of a call
‘‘that delivers a prerecorded message
when answered by a person.’’ The
Commission specifically seeks comment
on whether the limitation ‘‘when
answered by a person’’ is necessary and
appropriate or whether the prohibition
on prerecorded messages should be
extended to calls answered by a
voicemail system or an answering
machine. For example, the intrusion of
a telemarketing call delivering a
prerecorded message would seem less
disruptive if it arrives when the party
called is not home than if it arrives
when he or she is at home in the midst
of daily activities. Nevertheless, the
Commission seeks comment on whether
there are other harms when a
telemarketing call delivering a
prerecorded message is answered by an
answering machine or voice mail
116 15 U.S.C. 6102(a)(3)(A). This directive appears
consistent with the previously expressed intent of
Congress, as stated in the preamble to the TCPA,
that ‘‘banning * * * automated or prerecorded
telephone calls to the home, except when the
receiving party consents to receiving the call * * *
is the only effective means of protecting telephone
consumers from this nuisance and privacy
invasion.’’ TCPA, Pub. L. No. 102–243, 105 Stat.
2394 (1991) at § 2(12).
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 192 / Wednesday, October 4, 2006 / Proposed Rules
service, and whether such harms rise to
the level of an intrusion that the
‘‘reasonable consumer would consider
coercive or abusive of such consumer’s
right to privacy.’’ 117
In soliciting comments on the
proposed amendment, the Commission
again wishes to emphasize that the
proposed prohibition will not prevent
telemarketers from transmitting
prerecorded informational messages to
consumers that are not part of a ‘‘plan,
program or campaign which is
conducted to induce the purchase of
goods or services or a charitable
contribution.’’ With that caveat, the
Commission will be interested in
comments that address the costs and
benefits to industry and to consumers of
the proposed amendment, as more fully
elaborated in Section VIII below.
rmajette on PROD1PC67 with PROPOSALS2
F. Revocation of Non-Enforcement
Policy Against Prerecorded
Telemarketing Calls
In view of the foregoing decision, the
Commission will no longer continue the
forbearance policy announced in the
NPRM on enforcement actions for
violation of the TSR’s call abandonment
prohibition in § 310.4(b)(1)(iv), against
sellers or telemarketers that, in
conformity with the now-rejected call
abandonment safe harbor, place
telephone calls delivering prerecorded
messages to consumers with whom the
seller has an established business
relationship. The Commission wishes to
emphasize that although many
prerecorded informational messages are
not covered by the TSR, the TSR does
cover (and prohibit) telemarketing calls
that deliver prerecorded messages to
Nevertheless, in order to prevent any
reasonably foreseeable hardship for
sellers or telemarketers that have relied
on the Commission’s forbearance policy,
the Commission will give such sellers
and telemarketers until January 2, 2007
to revise their practices to conform to
the TSR, and will take no enforcement
action based on calls to consumers with
whom the seller has an established
business relationship that are placed
before that date and that conform to the
previously proposed, and now rejected,
safe harbor.
III. The DMA Petition
The DMA petition urges a change in
the standard of the TSR’s existing call
abandonment safe harbor in
§ 310.4(b)(4) for measuring the
117 See discussion of the Commission’s authority
to prohibit ‘‘abusive’’ practices in the notice of
proposed rulemaking for the amended TSR. 67 FR
4493 at 4510 (Jan. 30, 2002).
118 16 CFR § 310.2(cc).
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maximum permissible percentage of
answered calls that may be abandoned
when a telemarketer is not available.
Rather than measuring the three (3)
percent maximum ‘‘per day per calling
campaign,’’ as prescribed in
§ 310.4(b)(4)(i), to limit ‘‘hang ups’’ and
‘‘dead air,’’ DMA asks that the
maximum be ‘‘measured over a 30-day
In adopting the ‘‘per day, per
campaign’’ standard for calculating the
maximum level of abandoned calls, the
Commission stated:
The ‘per day per campaign’ unit of
measurement is consistent with DMA’s
guidelines addressing its members use of
predictive dialer equipment. Under this
standard a telemarketer running two or more
calling campaigns simultaneously cannot
offset a six percent abandonment rate on
behalf of one seller with a zero percent
abandonment rate for another seller in order
to satisfy the Rule’s safe harbor provision.
Each calling campaign must record a
maximum abandonment rate of three percent
per day to satisfy the safe harbor.119
DMA’s petition conceded that former
DMA Guidelines for Ethical Business
Practices set a ‘‘per day per campaign’’
standard for the maximum percentage of
calls that DMA members could
abandon, but emphasized that the
Guidelines set a five percent
abandonment rate, rather than the three
percent rate incorporated in the TSR’s
safe harbor. However, as the NPRM
noted, the petition provided no factual
support for DMA’s apparent argument
that a ‘‘per day per campaign’’ standard
would be feasible at a five percent call
abandonment rate, but not at three
A. DMA’s Rationale for Revising The
Safe Harbor
The DMA petition advanced three
reasons for modifying the three percent
standard: (1) The standard is ‘‘virtually
impossible’’ for vendors who run
multiple campaigns each day to meet;
(2) the California Public Utilities
Commission—whose three percent call
abandonment rate the Commission cited
in adopting the standard—measures
abandoned calls on a ‘‘per 30-day’’ basis
according to the DMA; and (3) the FTC
should defer to the FCC’s determination
that the call abandonment rate should
be measured over a 30-day period,
because the issue ‘‘lies closer to the core
expertise of the FCC than of the
FTC.’’ 120
As the NPRM noted, however, DMA’s
first argument, the near impossibility for
vendors to meet the ‘‘per day per
campaign’’ standard when running
multiple campaigns each day, suggested
that telemarketers engage in precisely
the practices that the ‘‘per day per
campaign’’ standard was designed to
prevent. DMA argued that predictive
dialer systems manage call
abandonment rates ‘‘as an average of all
campaigns per day, so it is inevitable
that certain logins would end the day at
say, 3.1% and other at 2.9%, yet the
overall average would still be 3% or
less.’’ 121 The DMA petition did not
explain why telemarketing systems
cannot dynamically maintain a steady
level of no more than three percent
overall, or could not be modified to
keep the abandonment rate below three
percent separately for each campaign.
The NPRM rejected the last two
arguments in DMA’s petition as
insufficient to warrant a change in the
call abandonment standard. The
Commission noted that ‘‘compliance
with the FTC’s more precise standard
would constitute acceptable
compliance’’ with both the 30-day
standard adopted by California and the
FCC, and that court decisions
‘‘controvert DMA’s argument that the
FTC’s expertise or legal authority
regarding the acceptable level of call
abandonment is inferior to that of the
FCC.’’ 122
The NPRM further explained that, in
its petition, DMA had provided no
information that would tend to counter
the foreseeable shortcomings of a 30-day
standard that the Commission set forth
at length in its DNCIA Report.123 The
potential for a 30-day standard to
‘‘enable telemarketers to target call
abandonments at certain less valued
groups of consumers,’’ and thus ‘‘offset
a high abandonment rate in low income
zip codes and make up the difference by
abandoning no calls in affluent ones’’
led the Commission to adopt the ‘‘per
day per campaign’’ standard to reduce
‘‘the potential for concentrating abuse
by ensuring an even distribution of
abandoned calls to all segments of the
public.’’ 124
B. Request for Public Comment and
The NPRM sought public comment on
the petition, noting that ‘‘the
Commission is receptive to any factual
information that would establish that
such a change is warranted,’’ but
observing that DMA had ‘‘not provided
an adequate factual basis that would
compel’’ a modification. The
121 Id.
119 TSR
SBP, 68 FR at 4643 (footnotes omitted).
120 DMA petition at 3, available at https:// 041019dmapetition.pdf.
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at 2.
FR at 67291 & n.19.
123 DNCIA Report at 31.
124 69 FR at 67291.
122 69
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 192 / Wednesday, October 4, 2006 / Proposed Rules
Commission emphasized that it was
particularly interested in three types of
information: (1) Any elaboration on the
problems telemarketers who are running
multiple campaigns at the same time
face in attempting to comply with the
current requirement; (2) any information
demonstrating that telemarketers who
make a relatively small number of calls
per day may be differentially
disadvantaged by the current
requirements; and (3) information and
data demonstrating that it is unlikely
that, if additional flexibility were
provided, telemarketers would
intentionally set the abandonment rates
above 3 percent for some campaigns or
calls directed to certain consumers,
while setting lower rates of call
abandonment for other campaigns or
calls in order to stay within the three
percent maximum call abandonment
1. Consumer Comments
rmajette on PROD1PC67 with PROPOSALS2
Comments from some 230 consumers
and three consumer advocacy groups
addressed issues raised by the DMA
petition. All but a smattering of these
comments opposed changing the call
abandonment standard to a 30-day
average across all telemarketing
campaigns.125 Many argued that the
DMA did not offer a compelling reason
for the change, with at least two noting
that the difficulties DMA cited for some
telemarketers in meeting the current
standard could easily be eliminated by
modifying or upgrading their
125 Three of ten consumers who supported a
change suggested limiting it to 30-days ‘‘per calling
campaign,’’ with two of them proposing reducing
the period further to ‘‘the lesser of’’ 30 days or the
duration of a specific campaign. McCorvey, No.
OL–104248 (‘‘As an engineer, I recognize the
possibility that various causes outside the control
of the marketing organization may make it difficult
for them to ensure compliance when measured
across a very narrow time span. This expansion of
the compliance window would not (in my opinion)
create any real opportunity for abuse ONLY if it is
tied to each campaign. Therefore, wording of the
form ‘measured over a 30-day period per campaign’
would be both fair, practical and provide continued
protection for consumers.’’); Kaufmana, No. OL–
102724 (‘‘I would recommend the changed phrase
to be ‘measured over a 30-day period or the calling
campaign, whichever is less.’ ’’); Zajonc, No. OL–
102790 (‘‘I’m not against the 30-day provision for
3% abandonment, though I would probably shrink
it, or have it be the lesser of 30 days or a specific
campaign.’’). See also Tukey, D, PhD, No. OL–
104725 (‘‘I understand the nature of statistical
fluctuation, so it seems a longer time period is not
out of order.’’); Yamane, No. OL–101436 (‘‘[A] 30day period seems less of a problem, although it does
seem to make abuses of the system more likely by
providing a larger window over which abuses can
be measured.’’); cf. Holm, M., No. OL–100438 (‘‘If
this is merely a technical change * * * then I am
not opposed.’’); Frye, T., No. OL–106806;
VanDusen, No. OL–113869; Thornton, No. OL–
111679; Cummings, No. OL–113849.
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software.126 Consumer groups expressed
continued concern that a 30-day
standard would enable telemarketers to
target high call abandonment rates at
less valued groups of consumers,127
offsetting the high rates with lower
abandonment rates for preferred groups,
while a number of consumers were
more concerned that the number of
abandoned calls would increase on
some days or in some campaigns.128
2. Industry Comments
Eleven comments from telemarketers,
their trade associations and other
business trade associations
unanimously supported revision of the
‘‘per day per campaign’’ standard,129
with several echoing the argument that
the FTC should defer to the FCC
standard,130 and some contending that
there is no evidence that telemarketers
would abuse a 30-day standard by
discriminating against disfavored
groups of consumers.131 DMA and the
American Teleservices Association
(‘‘ATA’’) argued in their joint comment
that compliance with the current
standard is difficult because the pace of
outbound calls placed by predictive
dialers is based on the average number
of calls answered by consumers, and
unexpected fluctuations in the number
answered, or the time sales agents spend
speaking with consumers, make it
difficult to predict the call abandonment
rate and ensure compliance, particularly
in smaller campaigns, and in campaigns
focusing on evening calls at the end of
the day.132
DMA and ATA explained that
predictive dialers base the rate at which
they place calls on a projection of the
average number of consumers who will
answer and the number of sales agents
available. The margin of error for these
projections, in turn, is a function of the
number of consumers to be called. The
larger the number of consumers to be
called, the smaller the deviation is
likely to be from the projected call
abandonment rate. Conversely, the
smaller the number of consumers to be
126 E.g., Argyropoulos, No. OL–102968 at 3;
Protigal, No. 000010 at 11.
127 NCL at 5–6; PRC at 10; EPIC at 14.
128 E.g., Bullard, No. OL–101198; Kislo, No. OL–
102924; Ripple, No. OL–101379; Giuliani, No. OL–
129 E.g., DMA at 2; American Teleservices Ass’n.,
No. 000058 at 3; VMBC at 15; Heritage at 3; U.S.
Chamber at 7; Infocision at 6 (advocating a 30-day
standard for each separate campaign, while all other
industry comments supported DMA’s proposal for
an overall 30-day standard for all of a
telemarketers’s concurrent campaigns).
130 DMA at 8; VMBC at 15; Infocision at 6; U.S.
Chamber at 7.
131 Infocision at 5; DMA at 8; see U.S. Chamber
at 8.
132 DMA at 3–4; U.S. Chamber at 8.
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called, the greater the deviation can be
from the desired abandonment rate.133
Since the projected average answering
rate is determined by predictive dialer
sampling as calls are made, larger
periods of calling time limit the impact
of unexpected fluctuations in the
answering rate, while shorter periods of
time exaggerate their effect. Any
unexpected spike in answered calls
could, according to DMA and ATA,
‘‘make it impossible to recover within
the same day based upon such a small
time frame of calling.’’ 134
For these reasons, DMA and ATA
argued that the present ‘‘per day per
campaign’’ standard inhibits the use of
smaller, ‘‘segmented’’ lists of fewer than
15,000 names that target consumers
most likely to be interested in an
offer.135 This disadvantages consumers,
the comment contended, by making it
more likely they will receive calls about
sales offers in which they have no
interest, and also particularly
disadvantages small business sellers
with small clienteles, as well as the
smaller telemarketing companies that
serve them.136 DMA also asserted that
the Commission significantly increased
the compliance burden for small
business users of segmented lists, given
the difficulties of predicting
abandonment rates with shorter calling
lists, by setting the safe harbor call
abandonment rate at three percent,
rather than the five percent figure in
DMA’s former guidelines, with the
result that predictive dialer economic
‘‘efficiencies disappear almost
entirely.’’ 137
DMA and ATA further argued that
‘‘[t]he actual number of abandoned calls
would not increase if the measurement
133 This follows, according to DMA and ATA,
from ‘‘a bedrock principle of statistical analysis that
the smaller the size of the sample, the larger the
standard deviation and sampling errors.’’ DMA at
3; see also, U.S. Chamber at 8 (‘‘ In general, the
smaller the list or the smaller the campaign (or the
fewer days over which the call abandonment rate
is measured), the more likely that the abandonment
rate may deviate from the targeted rate of three
134 DMA at 4.
135 DMA and ATA not that ‘‘some’’ predictive
dialers require callings lists of ‘‘approximately
15,000 names’’ and ‘‘at least 7 or 8 telemarketing
agents for any one program’’ to meet the current
‘‘per day per campaign’’ standard. DMA at 5.
136 DMA at 4; see also, U.S. Chamber at 8 (‘‘In
particular, the current test for call abandonment in
the TSR inflicts a disproportionate harm on smaller
businesses. Smaller businesses have smaller calling
lists; one consequence of this is that a small
business may inadvertently exceed the three
percent figure comparatively quickly. To stay
within the limits, the small business must
recalibrate its dialing equipment, hire more sales
representatives (which could cost overtime rates
under the per day test), or risk violating the law.’’);
VMBC at 15–16; Visa at 3.
137 DMA at 6.
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 192 / Wednesday, October 4, 2006 / Proposed Rules
rmajette on PROD1PC67 with PROPOSALS2
occurs on a 30-day basis rather than per
day per campaign.’’ 138 In fact, they
noted, if a telemarketer’s call
abandonment rate were to exceed three
percent on any given day under the
current standard (e.g., due to an
unexpected spike in answered calls at
the end of the day), there may be more
abandoned calls than if the telemarketer
had 30 days to correct for the
unexpected increase in call
abandonments on that day. For the same
reason, DMA and ATA contended that
the ‘‘per day per campaign’’ standard is
more likely to force sellers and
telemarketers to discriminate between
different groups of consumers than a 30day standard. This is because, if the call
abandonment rate unexpectedly exceeds
three percent on any given day, the
telemarketer could attempt to
compensate by calling phone numbers
less likely to be answered by a
consumer, but also less likely to belong
to a consumer interested in the product
or service being offered. With a 30-day
standard, DMA and ATA argued, there
would be no need nor incentive for
telemarketers to discriminate in the
distribution of abandoned calls.139
Finally, DMA and ATA asserted that
the TSR’s protection of consumers
would not otherwise be diminished if
the 30-day standard were adopted
because of other protections provided to
consumers when the TSR was amended
in 2003. They pointed out that
consumers can: (1) Place their numbers
on the national Do Not Call Registry; (2)
assert company-specific Do Not Call
requests; and (3) use Caller ID to find
out the names of telemarketers that have
abandoned calls to their telephone
Two of the industry comments
appeared to acknowledge that it is
technically possible to configure
predictive dialers to comply with the
current standard.141 Both argued,
138 In theory, if a list of 240,000 telephone
numbers were called at the rate of 24,000 a day for
10 days, the three percent maximum would be 720
abandoned calls a day (.03 × 24,000 = 720), or 7200
for 10 days, which is three percent of 240,000
(.03 × 240,000 = 7200).
139 DMA and ATA agreed that ‘‘ there should not
be a group of ‘less valued’ consumers that receive
a larger rate of abandoned calls,’’ and insisted that
‘‘our members do not engage in such tactics,’’ but
appeared tacitly to acknowledge that there is
nothing in the 30-day standard they advocate that
would necessarily prevent such an offensive
practice. DMA at 7. Another industry comment
objected that there has never been any evidence that
telemarketers target less favored consumers with
higher call abandonment rates. Infocision at 5.
140 Another comment noted that the Caller ID
requirement should allay any concerns of elderly
consumers that abandoned calls were precursors of
home burglaries. Heritage at 3 n.2.
141 Heritage at 3; Infocision at 5–6 (‘‘Yes, the
technology allows controls to be placed on the
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however, that compliance with the
current standard is costly and
burdensome. One reported that ‘‘[o]n a
daily basis, campaigns must be shut
down and managed in a manual mode
to ensure compliance with this overly
burdensome requirement,’’ and as a
result, ‘‘[e]fficiency is destroyed and the
resulting increase in costs has made
many programs no longer costeffective.’’ 142 The other asserted that
‘‘having the freedom to run a higher
abandonment rate at times when
customers are less likely to be home
(such as 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.) and lowering
it when people are more likely to be
home (such as 6–9 p.m.) would make an
outbound campaign more efficient,’’
noting that ‘‘[w]hile this approach could
theoretically be used under the three
percent per campaign per day system, it
would be far more difficult to manage
without significantly risking being over
the three percent threshold.’’ 143
C. Analysis of the Comments,
Discussion and Conclusion
As discussed above, the Commission
adopted the call abandonment provision
of the TSR to prevent the abusive
practice of ‘‘dead air’’ calls and ‘‘hangups.’’ The safe harbor exception to the
call abandonment prohibition was
designed to minimize this abuse, while
allowing the telemarketing industry to
benefit from the economies provided by
predictive dialer technologies. In
attempting to strike an appropriate
balance between consumer and industry
interests, the Commission adapted
DMA’s ‘‘per day per campaign’’
guideline when it established the three
percent call abandonment ceiling as an
element of the § 310.4(b)(4) safe harbor.
It appears from the record, however,
that the impact of the three percent ‘‘per
day per campaign’’ call abandonment
limit may be disturbing the balance the
Commission sought to achieve by
frustrating the full realization of the
potential economies provided by
predictive dialers, particularly with
respect to the use of segmented lists.
The comments suggest that this
unintended consequence may be having
an adverse effect on small business
sellers and telemarketers in particular,
by increasing the costs of their
telemarketing, and in some instances
making telemarketing campaigns using
algorithms determining the speed at which the
system dials. It is possible to maintain a steady
level but it is not an exact science.’’). Both stated,
however, that while they can comply with the
present standard, a 30-day standard would permit
greater efficiency and flexibility in their
telemarketing campaigns.
142 Infocision at 5.
143 Heritage at 3.
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small, segmented lists prohibitively
The record also shows that many
consumers regard their home as their
castle, and vehemently object to
receiving what they regard as uninvited
telemarketing calls. Their comments
give eloquent testimony to the fact that
consumers despise ‘‘dead air’’ and
‘‘hang ups’’ even more than
telemarketing, and that many believe
they should not receive any
telemarketing calls at all when they
have chosen to place their home
telephone number on the Do Not Call
Registry, regardless of whether they
have an established business
relationship with the seller who calls.
While this popular view of the Registry
may be widespread, as the record
reflects, it overlooks the fact that in
establishing the Registry, the
Commission expressly authorized live
telemarketing calls to consumers who
have an established business
relationship with the seller on whose
behalf the calls are made, provided they
have not asserted a company-specific Do
Not Call request.144
The comments also illustrate
consumer concern that any loosening of
the current standard would enable
telemarketers to target disfavored groups
of consumers with a disproportionate
share of abandoned calls, even though
the total number of abandoned calls for
any calling list would not exceed three
percent if the standard were
modified.145 For its part, the industry
apparently cannot and does not deny
that this offensive practice may be more
likely to occur if a change were made to
a 30-day average for all campaigns. It is
left to argue the good faith of trade
association members, and the absence of
empirical evidence that such an abusive
practice has occurred in the past,
notwithstanding the existence of
economic incentives that seem likely to
promote the abuse. At the same time,
the Commission does not take the
144 TSR SBP, 68 FR at 4633–34. The Commission
established a limited exemption balancing the
privacy needs of consumers and the need of
businesses to contact their current customers,
noting: Industry comments were nearly unanimous
in emphasizing that it is essential that sellers be
able to call their existing customers. Although the
initial comments from consumer groups opposed an
exemption for ‘established business relationships,’
* * * their supplemental comments expressed the
view that such an exemption would be acceptable,
as long as it was narrowly-tailored and limited to
current, ongoing relationships. * * * 60 percent of
consumers * * * stated that they opposed an
exemption for ‘established business relationship,’
[although] 40 percent favored such an exemption.
145 The total number of abandoned calls might
increase slightly, however, because telemarketers
may have had to set their predictive dialers below
three percent to meet the present ‘‘per day per
calling campaign’’ standard.
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 192 / Wednesday, October 4, 2006 / Proposed Rules
industry argument lightly that the ‘‘per
day per campaign’’ standard may be
more restrictive than intended, given
the limitations of predictive dialers in
adjusting to unexpected spikes in
average call abandonment rates. The
record shows that particular problems
arise in connection with the use of
smaller, segmented lists that are the
most economical for small businesses
and the most useful in targeting only
those consumers most likely to be
interested in a particular sales offer. As
a result, the Commission is inclined to
believe that an amendment of the
present standard may be warranted.
D. Proposed Amendment
Accordingly, the Commission has
decided to propose the following
substitute for the present ‘‘per day per
campaign’’ standard in § 310.4(b)(4)(i),
and to invite public comment on the
proposal until November 6, 2006:
rmajette on PROD1PC67 with PROPOSALS2
(i) The seller or telemarketer employs
technology that ensures abandonment of no
more than three (3) percent of all calls
answered by a person, measured over the
duration of a single calling campaign, if less
than 30 days, or separately over each
successive 30-day period or portion thereof
that the campaign continues.
The proposed amendment is limited,
in accordance with the suggestions of
the supportive consumer comments and
an industry comment, by requiring that
the three percent ceiling be met
separately by each of a seller’s or
telemarketer’s calling campaigns. The
Commission believes such a limitation
is important to prevent sellers and
telemarketers from running multiple
campaigns with what could be
significantly different call abandonment
rates that together average only three
percent over a 30-day period. Allowing
the flexibility that DMA proposed
would more likely create incentives for
a seller to ensure that its most favored
customers experience lower call
abandonment rates, thus preserving
their goodwill, at the cost of less favored
customers. Thus, the Commission’s
proposal is designed to reduce the
potential for discriminatory treatment of
disfavored consumer groups by
subjecting them to higher than average
call abandonment rates.
Because the proposal would measure
call abandonment on a ‘‘per campaign’’
basis, it must account for the possibility
that a campaign may continue for less
than 30 days, or for more than 30 days.
The proposal would accomplish this,
and provide needed certainty to sellers
and telemarketers, by specifying that the
call abandonment rate will be measured
over the duration of the campaign. If the
campaign continues for less than 30
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days, the call abandonment rate must be
at or below three percent for the
duration of the campaign; if it continues
for more than 30 days, the three percent
ceiling must be measured separately for
each successive 30-day period during
which the campaign is conducted. If the
campaign continues for more than 30
days, but less than an additional 30-day
period, the three percent maximum
would be measured both for the initial
30-day period, and separately for the
remaining period of less than 30 days.
In inviting public comment on this
proposal from interested parties, the
Commission wishes to emphasize that it
has not yet reached any final conclusion
on whether or not to amend the present
‘‘per day per campaign’’ standard,
although it is inclined to do so on this
record. That ultimate decision will be
informed by the public comment
received on the proposed amendment.
IV. Invitation To Comment
All persons are hereby given notice of the
opportunity to submit written data, views,
facts, and arguments addressing the
amendments proposed in this notice. Written
comments must be submitted on or before
November 6, 2006. Comments should refer
to: ‘‘TSR Prerecorded Call Prohibition and
Call Abandonment Standard Modification,
Project No. R411001’’ to facilitate the
organization of comments. A comment filed
in paper form should include this reference
both in the text and on the envelope, and
should be mailed or delivered to the
following address: Federal Trade
Commission/Office of the Secretary, Room
H–159 (Annex K), 600 Pennsylvania Avenue,
NW., Washington, DC 20580. If the comment
contains any material for which confidential
treatment is requested, it must be filed in
paper (rather than electronic) form, and the
first page of the document must be clearly
labeled ‘‘Confidential.’’ 146 The FTC is
requesting that any comment filed in paper
form be sent by courier or overnight service,
if possible, because U.S. postal mail in the
Washington area and at the Commission is
subject to delay due to heightened security
To ensure that the Commission
considers an electronic comment, you
must file it on the Web-based form at
ftc-tsr Web site. You may also visit to read this
proposed Rule, and may file an
electronic comment through that Web
site. The Commission will consider all
comments that forwards
to it.
146 Commission Rule 4.2(d), 16 CFR 4.2(d). The
comment must be accompanied by an explicit
request for confidential treatment, including the
factual and legal basis for the request, and must
identify the specific portions of the comment to be
withheld from the public record.
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The FTC Act and other laws the
Commission administers permit the
collection of public comments to
consider and use in this proceeding as
appropriate. The Commission will
consider all timely and responsive
public comments that it receives,
whether filed in paper or electronic
form. Comments received will be
available to the public on the FTC Web
site, to the extent practicable, at As a matter of
discretion, the FTC makes every effort to
remove home contact information for
individuals from the public comments it
receives before placing those comments
on the FTC Web site. More information,
including routine uses permitted by the
Privacy Act, may be found in the FTC’s
privacy policy, which is available at
V. Communications by Outside Parties
to Commissioners or Their Advisors
Written communications and
summaries or transcripts of oral
communications respecting the merits
of this proceeding from any outside
party to any Commissioner or
Commissioner’s advisor will be placed
on the public record. See 16 CFR
VI. Paperwork Reduction Act
Pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction
Act (‘‘PRA’’), 44 U.S.C. §§ 3501–3502,
the Office of Management and Budget
(‘‘OMB’’) approved the information
collection requirements in the TSR and
assigned OMB Control Number 3084–
0097. The proposed rule amendments,
as discussed above, would explicitly
prohibit all prerecorded telemarketing
calls answered by a person without a
written agreement signed by the
consumer to receive such calls, and alter
the standard for measuring the three
percent call abandonment rate
permitted by the TSR’s call
abandonment safe harbor.
The proposed amendment explicitly
limiting the use of prerecorded
telemarketing calls will not change the
existing paperwork burden on sellers or
telemarketers. It simply makes the TSR’s
existing prohibition explicit rather than
imposing a new prohibition. Thus, the
proposed amendment will, if anything,
reduce the paperwork burden and the
amount of time required for
telemarketers to comply with the TSR.
In addition, an FCC regulation
prohibiting prerecorded calls has been
in effect since 1992, following the
enactment of the TCPA.147 The FCC
regulation prohibits prerecorded calls
delivering unsolicited advertisements or
147 47
CFR 64.1200(a)(2).
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 192 / Wednesday, October 4, 2006 / Proposed Rules
telephone solicitations to residential
telephones unless, inter alia, the caller
has an ‘‘established business
relationship’’ with the person called, or
has obtained that person’s ‘‘prior
express consent’’ to receive such
calls.148 The proposed TSR amendment
therefore will not change the paperwork
burden created by the pre-existing FCC
Nor will the proposed change to the
standard for measuring the three percent
call abandonment rate substantially
affect the existing paperwork burden.
The present ‘‘per day per campaign’’
standard requires sellers and
telemarketers to establish recordkeeping
systems evidencing their compliance,
and the proposed amendment may
lessen this burden slightly because it
relaxes the current requirement.
Thus, the proposed amendments
would not impose any new or affect any
existing reporting, recordkeeping, or
third-party disclosure requirements that
are subject to review by OMB under the
VII. Regulatory Flexibility Act
rmajette on PROD1PC67 with PROPOSALS2
The Regulatory Flexibility Act
(‘‘RFA’’), 5 U.S.C. §§ 601–12, requires an
agency to provide an Initial Regulatory
Flexibility Analysis (‘‘IRFA’’) with a
proposed rule and a Final Regulatory
Flexibility Analysis (‘‘FRFA’’) with the
final rule, if any, unless the agency
certifies that the rule will not have a
significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities. See
5 U.S.C. §§ 603–05.
The Commission has determined that
it is appropriate to publish an IRFA in
order to inquire into the impact of the
proposed rule amendment on small
entities. Therefore, the Commission has
prepared the following analysis.
148 Thus, under the FCC regulation, it is unlawful
for a seller or telemarketer to place a prerecorded
call to a residential telephone unless it can show
compliance with one of the two exemptions. The
‘‘prior express consent’’ requirement, in particular,
imposes essentially the same recordkeeping burden
as the proposed amendment. Moreover, in adopting
regulations to implement the Do Not Call Registry
pursuant to the DNCIA, the FCC determined that
sellers must obtain a written agreement signed by
a consumer whose number is listed on the Registry
to satisfy the ‘‘prior express consent’’ requirement.
2003 FCC Order, 18 FCC Rcd. at 14043–44, ¶ 44.
Although the FCC subsequently concluded that an
oral consent would suffice to authorize calls to
consumers whose numbers were not listed on the
Registry, Rules and Regulations Implementing the
Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991, CG
Docket No. 02–278, Second Order on
Reconsideration, 20 FCC Rcd. 3788 (2005), sellers
or telemarketers still must create records evidencing
any such oral consent because the caller bears the
burden of demonstrating that prerecorded calls are
lawful. See In re Septic Safety, Inc., 20 FCC Rcd.
2179 (2005); In re Warrior Custom Golf, Inc., 19
FCC Rcd. 23648 (2004).
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A. Reasons for the Proposed Rule
The proposed explicit prohibition of
all prerecorded telemarketing calls
answered by a person without the
consumer’s express prior written
agreement, discussed in Section II.E
above, implements the Telemarketing
Act requirement that the Commission
prohibit a pattern of unsolicited
telephone calls that ‘‘the reasonable
consumer would consider coercive or
abusive of such consumer’s right to
privacy,’’ and effectuates the apparent
intent of Congress in the TCPA to
prohibit prerecorded telemarketing
The proposed modification of the
TSR’s call abandonment provision,
discussed in Section III.D above, would
modify the existing safe harbor to allow
sellers and telemarketers to measure the
three percent maximum call
abandonment rate prescribed in
§ 310.4(b)(4)(i) for a single calling
campaign over a 30-day period. The
Commission proposes to revise the
standard to permit measurement of the
three percent maximum ‘‘over the
duration of a single calling campaign, if
less than 30 days, or separately over
each successive 30-day period or
portion thereof that the campaign
B. Statement of Objectives and Legal
The objectives of the proposed rule
amendments are discussed above. The
legal basis for the proposed rule
amendment is the Telemarketing and
Consumer Fraud and Abuse Prevention
Act, 15 U.S.C. §§ 6101–6108.
C. Description of and, Where Feasible,
an Estimate of the Number of Small
Entities to Which the Proposed Rule
Will Apply
Each of the proposed rule
amendments will affect sellers and
telemarketers that make interstate
telephone calls to consumers (outbound
calls) as part of a plan, program or
campaign which is conducted to induce
the purchase of goods or services or a
charitable contribution. For the majority
of entities subject to the proposed rule,
a small business is defined by the Small
Business Administration as one whose
average annual receipts do not exceed
$6 million or that has fewer than 500
149 These numbers represent the size standards
for most retail and service industries ($6 million
total receipts) and manufacturing industries (500
employees). A list of the SBA’s size standards for
all industries can be found at
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The Commission has not previously
requested comment on an explicit
prohibition of all prerecorded
telemarketing calls answered by a
person without the consumer’s express
prior written agreement, but believes
that the impact of the proposal on small
business sellers and telemarketers
would be de minimis because such calls
are currently prohibited by the TSR’s
call abandonment provision. Based on
the absence of available data in this and
related proceedings, the Commission
believes that a precise estimate of the
number of small entities that would be
subject to the proposal is not currently
feasible, and specifically requests
information or comment on this issue.
In the proceedings to amend the TSR
in 2002, the Commission sought public
comment and information on the
number of small business sellers and
telemarketers that would be impacted
by amendment of the standard for
measuring the three percent call
abandonment rate. In its request, the
Commission noted the lack of publicly
available data regarding the number of
small entities that might be impacted by
the proposed Rule.150 The Commission
received no information in response to
its requests.151
Likewise, neither the petition to
amend the call abandonment safe harbor
to expand the period over which the
three percent call abandonment ceiling
for live telemarketing calls is calculated,
nor the industry comments on that
issue, provide any data regarding the
number of small entities that may be
affected by the Commission’s ultimate
determination.152 Based on the absence
of available data in this and related
proceedings, the Commission believes
that a precise estimate of the number of
small entities that fall under the
proposed rule is not currently feasible,
and specifically requests information or
comment on this issue.
150 See TSR SBP, 68 FR at 4667 (noting that
Census data on small entities conducting
telemarketing does not distinguish between those
entities that conduct exempt calling, such as survey
calling, those that receive inbound calls, and those
that conduct outbound calling campaigns.
Moreover, sellers who act as their own
telemarketers are not accounted for in the Census
151 Id.; see also 68 FR 45134, 45143 (July 31,
2003) (noting that comment was requested, but not
received, regarding the number of small entities
subject to the National Do Not Call Registry
provisions of the amended TSR).
152 Although industry comments have argued that
the proposed revision would remove an obstacle to
small business compliance with the call
abandonment safe harbor, as discussed in Section
III, supra, none of the comments has addressed the
number of small businesses that might benefit from
revision of the current standard.
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 192 / Wednesday, October 4, 2006 / Proposed Rules
rmajette on PROD1PC67 with PROPOSALS2
D. Description of the Projected
Reporting, Recordkeeping, and Other
Compliance Requirements of the
Proposed Rule
The proposed rule amendment
explicitly prohibiting prerecorded
telemarketing calls answered by a
person unless the consumer has agreed
in writing to accept such calls will affect
the TSR’s recordkeeping requirements
insofar as it would compel regulated
entities to keep records of such
agreements under the general
recordkeeping requirements of the
existing rule.153 It appears, however,
that there should be no change in this
burden since regulated entities,
regardless of size, already should be
maintaining records of such agreements
in the ordinary course of business in
order to demonstrate compliance with
existing FTC and FCC restrictions on
prerecorded calls, as explained in the
prior Paperwork Reduction Act
discussion. Likewise, the prerecorded
calls amendment would not impose or
affect any new or existing reporting,
recordkeeping or third-party disclosure
requirements within the meaning of the
Paperwork Reduction Act.
In addition, the Commission does not
believe that the proposal to expand the
period over which the three percent call
abandonment ceiling for live
telemarketing calls is calculated will
create any new burden on sellers or
telemarketers, because the existing ‘‘per
day per campaign’’ standard of the TSR
has already required them to establish
recordkeeping systems to demonstrate
their compliance. The Commission also
does not believe that this modification
of the Rule will increase or otherwise
modify any existing compliance costs,
and may in fact reduce them for small
entities that are able to take advantage
of the revised safe harbor requirement.
E. Identification of Other Duplicative,
Overlapping, or Conflicting Federal
The FTC is mindful that the proposed
TSR amendment explicitly prohibiting
all prerecorded telemarketing calls
answered by a person without the
consumer’s express prior written
agreement differs from the FCC’s
regulations and some State laws, which
permit sellers to place such calls to
consumers who have given their prior
express consent or to consumers with
whom the seller has an ‘‘established
business relationship.’’ 154 However, the
153 See
16 CFR 310.5(a)(5).
154 47 CFR 64.1200(a)(2)(iv). See also, e.g., Ariz.
Rev. Stat., § 44–1278(B)(4) (permitting prerecorded
calls with called party’s ‘‘prior express consent’’);
Ind. Code, § 24–5–14–5 (permitting prerecorded
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Commission does not believe that an
explicit prohibition would conflict with
the FCC regulations or similar State
laws, because compliance with the
TSR’s present prohibition does not
violate those more permissive
Except as indicated below, the FTC
has not identified any other Federal or
State statutes, rules, or policies that
would overlap or conflict with the
proposed revision of the call
abandonment safe harbor. The proposed
amendment would help to reduce the
differences on this issue between the
TSR and the FCC’s TCPA rules, as well
as similar state requirements.155 As
explained in Section III above,
compliance with the FTC’s more precise
standard would constitute acceptable
compliance with the FCC rule and
similar state requirements, so there is no
conflict between these regulations.
F. Discussion of Significant Alternatives
to the Proposed Rule That Would
Accomplish the Stated Objectives and
Minimize Any Significant Economic
Impact of the Proposed Rule on Small
The proposed amendment to add an
explicit prohibition of all prerecorded
telemarketing calls answered by a person
without a consumer’s express prior written
agreement would implement the requirement
in the Telemarketing Act that the
Commission prescribe rules that include a
prohibition against ‘‘a pattern of unsolicited
telephone calls which the reasonable
consumer would consider coercive or
abusive of such consumer’s right to privacy.’’
The only alternatives to this explicit
prohibition would be to continue the present
prohibition of prerecorded calls in
§ 310.4(b)(4)(i), the call abandonment
provision, or to permit prerecorded calls,
which the Commission has declined to do
based on the record in this proceeding to
The proposed amendment of the existing
call abandonment safe harbor would replace
the present requirement that the three
percent maximum call abandonment rate be
measured ‘‘per day per campaign,’’ with a
revised requirement that the maximum be
measured ‘‘over the duration of the
campaign, if less than 30 days, or separately
over each successive 30-day period or
portion thereof that the campaign continues.’’
Other regulatory options under consideration
include retaining the present ‘‘per day per
campaign’’ standard, or, at the other end of
the spectrum, requiring that the maximum
call abandonment rate be measured over a
30-day period for all of a telemarketer’s
campaigns. The Commission has yet to be
calls where there is a ‘‘current business or personal
155 See, e.g., Cal. Pub. Util. Comm’n, Decision 03–
03–038 (Mar. 13, 2003), at 19 (adopting the FCC’s
30-day standard for measuring call abandonment
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persuaded, however, that this more liberal
standard would be as likely as the proposed
standard to prevent telemarketers from
targeting disfavored consumers with a
disproportionate share of abandoned calls.
The explicit prohibition on
prerecorded calls and the proposed
revision in the call abandonment safe
harbor are intended to apply to all
entities subject to the Rule, and it does
not appear that a delayed effective date
for small entities or other alternatives to
the current proposal would necessarily
result in any further reduction in the
compliance burdens of the Rule for
small entities. The Commission
nonetheless seeks comments and
information on what other alternative
formulations, if any, of the proposed
safe harbor might further minimize
compliance burdens for small entities,
without compromising the intent and
purpose of the Rule to prevent abusive
telemarketing practices, including the
need, if any, for a delayed effective date
for small business compliance.
VIII. Specific Issues for Comment
The Commission seeks comment on
various aspects of the proposed
amendment to add an explicit
prohibition of prerecorded
telemarketing calls to the TSR and the
proposed amendment to the TSR’s call
abandonment safe harbor provision.
Without limiting the scope of issues on
which it seeks comment, the
Commission is particularly interested in
receiving comments on the questions
that follow. In responding to these
questions, comments should include
detailed, factual supporting information
whenever possible.
A. General Questions for Comment
Please provide comment, including
relevant data, statistics, consumer
complaint information, or any other
evidence, on the Commission’s proposal
to add an explicit prohibition of
prerecorded telemarketing calls and the
proposal to measure the maximum
allowable call abandonment rate under
the existing safe harbor in 16 CFR
310.4(b)(4)(i) ‘‘over the duration of a
single calling campaign, if less than 30
days, or separately over each successive
30-day period or portion thereof that the
campaign continues’’ rather than on a
‘‘per day per campaign’’ basis. Please
include answers to the following
1. What is the effect (including any
benefits and costs), if any, on
2. What is the impact (including any
benefits and costs), if any, on individual
firms that must comply with the Rule?
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 192 / Wednesday, October 4, 2006 / Proposed Rules
3. What is the impact (including any
benefits and costs), if any, on industry,
including those who may be affected by
these proposals but not obligated to
comply with the Rule?
4. What changes, if any, should be
made to the proposed Rule to minimize
any costs to industry, individual firms
that must comply with the Rule, and/or
5. How would each suggested change
affect the benefits that might be
provided by the proposed Rule to
industry, individual firms that must
comply with the Rule, and/or
6. How would the proposed Rule
affect small business entities with
respect to costs, profitability,
competitiveness, and employment?
7. How many small business entities
would be affected by each of the
proposed amendments?
rmajette on PROD1PC67 with PROPOSALS2
B. Questions on Specific Issues
In response to each of the following
questions, please provide: (1) Detailed
comment, including data, statistics,
consumer complaint information, and
other evidence, regarding the issue
referred to in the question; (2) comment
as to whether the proposed changes do
or do not provide an adequate solution
to the problems they were intended to
address, and why; and (3) suggestions
for additional changes that might better
maximize consumer protections or
minimize the burden on industry:
1. Should the Commission include an
explicit prohibition of prerecorded
telemarketing calls in the TSR?
2. Is the Commission correct in its
understanding that a reasonable
consumer would consider prerecorded
telemarketing sales calls and
prerecorded charitable solicitation calls
to be coercive or abusive of his or her
right to privacy?
3. Does a consumer’s choice not to list
his or her telephone number on the Do
Not Call Registry indicate not only that
he or she is willing to accept live
telemarketing calls, but also prerecorded
telemarketing calls?
4. Should the Rule specify disclosures
that must be made when obtaining a
consumer’s express written agreement
to receive such calls? If so, what
disclosures are needed?
5. What is the effect on consumers’
privacy interests, if any, of not applying
the call abandonment safe harbor
requirements to calls left on consumers’
answering machines?
6. Are prerecorded messages left on
answering machines less intrusive than
prerecorded messages answered by a
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7. What are the costs and benefits to
consumers, if any, of allowing
companies to leave prerecorded
messages, as opposed to live messages,
on consumers’ answering machines? Do
consumers incur additional costs in
terms of (a) paying for storage of
messages they do not want; (b)
exceeding their allotted storage
capacity; (c) being unable to receive
messages they want or need; (d) being
unable to use home telephone lines tiedup by prerecorded messages; or (e)
retrieving messages? Do consumers
receive additional benefits, such as
lower marketing costs that are
eventually passed on to them?
8. What are the costs and benefits to
companies in not having to apply the
call abandonment safe harbor limit to
calls left on answering machines?
9. Should a 30-day standard, if
adopted, cover all of a telemarketer’s
campaigns within that period, be
limited to a single campaign, or be
limited to the duration of each
10. Are there significant efficiencies
that can be obtained with a requirement
to meet a 30-day standard averaged
across all of a telemarketer’s campaigns
that cannot be obtained with a 30-day
campaign-specific requirement? If so,
what are they and what effect do they
11. Are there technological problems
that limit the ability of telemarketers
who are running multiple campaigns to
measure abandonment rates separately
for each campaign? If so, what are they,
how many telemarketers do they affect,
what remedies, if any, are available, and
what is the cost of such remedies?
12. Are upgrades available that can
reduce the rate at which predictive
dialers place calls in the case of an
unexpected spike in call abandonments,
so that it would not be necessary to run
them manually?
13. Would retaining a ‘‘per campaign’’
standard, but extending the period over
which the call abandonment maximum
is measured, make the use of smaller
segmented lists by small businesses and
other sellers more economical? Please
provide specific examples of why or
why not.
14. What effect would the proposed
change in the standard for measuring
the call abandonment rate have on the
number of abandoned calls that
consumers receive?
15. Do small businesses and other
sellers have alternatives that are equally
or more effective and economical than
live telemarketing, such as postcard or
email announcements, to notify their
established customers of sales offers and
to obtain orders? Would the costs of
PO 00000
Frm 00019
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
such alternatives be outweighed by
benefits to consumers in avoiding
additional abandoned calls to their
IX. Conclusion
For the reasons discussed above, the
Commission has decided, on balance, to
deny the petition seeking amendment of
the TSR to create an additional safe
harbor to permit prerecorded
telemarketing calls to established
customers. The Commission is also
proposing an amendment explicitly
prohibiting unsolicited prerecorded
telemarketing calls without a
consumer’s express prior written
agreement to accept such calls. The
Commission will therefore cease its
forbearance from considering law
enforcement actions against sellers and
telemarketers engaged in making
prerecorded calls to established
customers, after allowing a reasonable
time, as specified above, for them to
bring themselves into compliance with
the TSR.
The Commission has also decided to
propose an amendment to the existing
safe harbor to permit measurement of
the three percent maximum call
abandonment rate ‘‘over the duration of
a single calling campaign, if less than 30
days, or separately over each successive
30-day period or portion thereof that the
campaign continues.’’ The Commission
will accept public comment on this
proposal until November 6, 2006.
X. Proposed Rule
List of Subjects in 16 CFR Part 310
Telemarketing, Trade practices.
Accordingly, the Commission
proposes to amend title 16, Code of
Federal Regulations, as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 310
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 15 U.S.C. 6101–6108.
2. Amend § 310.4 by adding new
paragraph (b)(1)(v), and revising
paragraph (b)(4)(i) to read as follows:
§ 310.4 Abusive telemarketing acts or
(b) * * *
(1) * * *
(v) Initiating any outbound
telemarketing call that delivers a
prerecorded message when answered by
a person, unless the seller has obtained
the express agreement, in writing, of
such person to place prerecorded calls
to that person. Such written agreement
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 192 / Wednesday, October 4, 2006 / Proposed Rules
rmajette on PROD1PC67 with PROPOSALS2
shall clearly evidence such person’s
authorization that calls made by or on
behalf of a specific party may be placed
to that person, and shall include the
telephone number to which the calls
may be placed and the signature of that
person; provided, however, that
prerecorded messages permitted for
compliance with the call abandonment
VerDate Aug<31>2005
15:07 Oct 03, 2006
Jkt 211001
safe harbor in § 310.4(b)(4)(iii) do not
require such an agreement.
(4) * * *
(i) The seller or telemarketer employs
technology that ensures abandonment of
no more than three (3) percent of all
calls answered by a person, measured
over the duration of a single calling
campaign, if less than 30 days, or
PO 00000
Frm 00020
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
separately over each successive 30-day
period or portion thereof that the
campaign continues.
By direction of the Commission.
Donald S. Clark,
[FR Doc. 06–8524 Filed 10–3–06; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 192 (Wednesday, October 4, 2006)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 58716-58734]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 06-8524]
[[Page 58715]]
Part III
Federal Trade Commission
16 CFR Part 310
Denial of Petition for Proposed Rulemaking; Revised Proposed Rule With
Request for Public Comments; Revocation of Non-enforcement Policy;
Proposed Rule
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 192 / Wednesday, October 4, 2006 /
Proposed Rules
[[Page 58716]]
16 CFR Part 310
RIN: 3084-0098
Telemarketing Sales Rule (``TSR'')
AGENCY: Federal Trade Commission.
ACTION: Denial of petition for proposed rulemaking; revised proposed
rule with request for public comments; revocation of non-enforcement
SUMMARY: In this document, the Federal Trade Commission (``FTC'' or
``Commission'') announces decisions on four issues involving the
Telemarketing Sales Rule (``TSR''): the denial of a petition submitted
by Voice Mail Broadcasting Corporation (``VMBC'') requesting creation
of a new safe harbor for the TSR that would permit the use of
prerecorded messages in calls to established customers; a new proposal
to amend the TSR by expressly prohibiting unsolicited prerecorded
telemarketing calls without the consumer's prior written agreement;
revocation of the Commission's previously announced policy of
forbearance from bringing enforcement actions against sellers and
telemarketers who make prerecorded telemarketing calls to established
customers effective January 2, 2007; and a new proposal to amend the
prescribed method for measuring the maximum allowable call abandonment
rate in the TSR's existing safe harbor provision, in response to a
petition from the Direct Marketing Association, Inc. (``DMA''). The
Commission is requesting public comment on the proposed amendments
during a comment period ending November 6, 2006.
DATES: Written comments must be received on or before November 6, 2006.
ADDRESSES: Interested parties are invited to submit written comments.
Comments should refer to ``TSR Prerecorded Call Prohibition and Call
Abandonment Standard Modification, Project No. R411001'' to facilitate
the organization of comments. A comment filed in paper form should
include this reference both in the text and on the envelope, and should
be mailed or delivered to the following address: Federal Trade
Commission/Office of the Secretary, Room H-159 (Annex K), 600
Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20580. Comments containing
confidential material must be filed in paper form, as explained in the
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section. The FTC is requesting that any
comment filed in paper form be sent by courier or overnight service, if
possible, because U.S. postal mail in the Washington area and at the
Commission is subject to delay due to heightened security precautions.
Comments filed in electronic form should be submitted by visiting the
Web site at and following the
instructions on the Web-based form.
To ensure that the Commission considers an electronic comment, you
must file it on the Web-based form at the https:// Web site. You may also visit https:// to read this Proposed Rule, and may file an
electronic comment through that Web site. The Commission will consider
all comments that forwards to it.
The FTC Act and other laws the Commission administers permit the
collection of public comments to consider and use in this proceeding as
appropriate. The Commission will consider all timely and responsive
public comments that it receives, whether filed in paper or electronic
form. Comments received will be available to the public on the FTC Web
site, to the extent practicable, at As a matter of
discretion, the FTC makes every effort to remove home contact
information for individuals from public comments it receives before
placing those comments on the FTC Web site. More information, including
routine uses permitted by the Privacy Act, may be found in the FTC's
privacy policy, at
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Craig Tregillus, Staff Attorney, (202)
326-2970; Division of Marketing Practices, Bureau of Consumer
Protection, Federal Trade Commission, 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.,
Washington, DC 20580.
I. Background
This document sets out the reasons for the Commission's decision to
deny VMBC's petition for amendment of the TSR's call abandonment
provisions to add a new safe harbor, and to seek public comment on
amendments the Commission is now proposing in response to the record
created by the VMBC and DMA petitions. These actions are based on a
careful analysis of the public comments received in response to a
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (``NPRM'') published in the Federal
Register on November 17, 2004.\1\ The NPRM generated nearly 13,600
unique comments--23 submitted by telemarketers and business trade
associations representing numerous members, and the balance from
consumers and consumer advocates.
\1\ 69 FR 67287 (Nov. 17, 2004).
Section 310.4(b)(1)(iv) of the TSR prohibits telemarketers from
abandoning calls. An outbound telemarketing call is ``abandoned'' if
the telemarketer does not connect the call to a sales representative
within two seconds of the completed greeting of the person who answers.
Call abandonment is an unavoidable consequence of the use of
``predictive dialers''--telemarketing equipment that increases the
productivity of telemarketers by placing multiple calls for each
available sales representative. Predictive dialers maximize the amount
of time representatives spend speaking with consumers and minimize the
time they spend waiting to speak to a prospective customer. An
inevitable side effect of this functionality, however, is that the
dialer will reach more consumers than can be connected to available
sales representatives. In these situations, the dialer either
disconnects the call (resulting in a ``hang-up'' call) or keeps the
consumer connected with no one on the other end of the line in case a
sales representative becomes available (resulting in ``dead air''). The
call abandonment prohibition, added to the TSR pursuant to the
Telemarketing and Consumer Fraud and Abuse Prevention Act
(``Telemarketing Act''),\2\ is designed to remedy these abusive
\2\ 15 U.S.C. 6101 et seq. This and other amendments to the
original TSR resulting from a rule review mandated by the
Telemarketing Act, 15 U.S.C. 6108, took effect on March 31, 2003.
TSR Statement of Basis and Purpose (``TSR SBP''), 68 FR 4580 (Jan.
29, 2003).
\3\ TSR SBP, 68 FR at 4641-45. The Telemarketing Act directed
the Commission to prescribe rules prohibiting deceptive and abusive
telemarketing acts or practices, including ``a requirement that
telemarketers may not undertake a pattern of unsolicited telephone
calls which the reasonable consumer would consider coercive or
abusive of such consumer's right to privacy.'' 15 U.S.C.
Notwithstanding the prohibition on call abandonment, Sec.
310.4(b)(4) of the TSR contains a safe harbor designed to preserve
telemarketers' ability to use predictive dialers, subject to four
conditions. The safe harbor is available if the telemarketer or seller:
(1) Abandons no more than three percent of all calls answered by a
person (as opposed to an answering machine); (2) allows the telephone
to ring for fifteen seconds or four rings; (3) plays a prerecorded
message stating the name and telephone number of the seller on whose
behalf the call was placed whenever a sales representative is
unavailable within two seconds of the
[[Page 58717]]
completed greeting of the person answering the call; and (4) maintains
records documenting compliance.\4\ Thus, to comply with this provision
of the TSR, at least 97 percent of a telemarketer's calls that are
answered by a person (rather than an answering machine) must be
connected to a sales representative. A telemarketing campaign that
consists solely of prerecorded messages, therefore, would violate Sec.
310.4(b)(1)(iv) and would not meet the safe harbor requirements.
\4\ 16 CFR Sec. Sec. 310.4(b)(4)(i)-(iv).
VMBC submitted a request for an advisory opinion requesting an
additional safe harbor for prerecorded message telemarketing to
consumers with whom the seller has an established business
relationship, which the Commission treated as a petition to amend the
TSR under Sec. 1.25 of the FTC's Rules of Practice.\5\ VMBC's
submission sought permission to deliver prerecorded messages to
consumers who have an established business relationship with the seller
on whose behalf the telemarketing calls are made, asserting that such
calls would not result in the twin harms of ``hang ups'' and ``dead
air'' that the prohibition on abandoned calls in Sec. 310.4(b)(1)(iv)
was designed to remedy.
\5\ 16 CFR 1.25.
The amendment requested by DMA, in contrast, sought modification of
the method for calculating the maximum three percent call abandonment
rate prescribed in the existing safe harbor provision. DMA asked that
the requirement in Sec. 310.4(b)(4)(i) that sellers and telemarketers
use ``technology that ensures abandonment of no more than three (3)
percent of all calls answered by a person, measured per day per calling
campaign'' be revised so that the three percent standard instead could
be ``measured over a 30-day period'' for all of a telemarketer's
calling campaigns.
II. The VMBC Petition
The VMBC petition for an additional safe harbor was premised on a
business model that, VMBC contended, would not result in the harms the
call abandonment prohibition in Sec. 310.4(b)(1)(iv) was designed to
prevent. Under VMBC's proposed model, prerecorded messages would give
the called party an opportunity to assert a company-specific Do Not
Call request. The messages would allow the called party to do so either
by pressing a button on the telephone keypad to speak to a sales
representative at any time during the message, or alternatively by
dialing a toll-free number that would connect to a sales
representative. Finally, as indicated above, the prerecorded messages
would be delivered exclusively to consumers who have an ``established
business relationship'' \6\ with the seller on whose behalf the calls
are made.
\6\ 16 CFR 310.2(n) (`` `Established business relationship'
means a relationship between a seller and a consumer based on: (1)
The consumer's purchase, rental, or lease of the seller's goods or
services or a financial transaction between the consumer and seller,
within the eighteen (18) months immediately preceding the date of a
telemarketing call; or (2) the consumer's inquiry or application
regarding a product or service offered by the seller, within the
three (3) months immediately preceding the date of a telemarketing
A. VMBC's Rationale for a Safe Harbor
VMBC advanced three primary reasons for adding a new safe harbor to
the TSR's call abandonment prohibition to permit calls delivering such
prerecorded messages to consumers with whom the seller has an
established business relationship. First, VMBC asserted that the harms
that prompted inclusion of the call abandonment prohibition in the TSR
would not be present in campaigns conducted according to its proposed
business model. Specifically, VMBC argued that the use of prerecorded
messages would make it unnecessary to subject a consumer to ``dead
air'' while waiting for a sales representative, and would not result in
a ``hang-up'' when no representative is available. Moreover, because
the prerecorded messages would immediately identify the seller, the
seller would not be engaging in telemarketing under the cloak of
anonymity that often prompts consumer concern about ``dead air'' and
``hang ups.''
Second, VMBC contended that because the prerecorded messages would
be delivered only to existing customers, sellers would have a strong
incentive to preserve their customers' goodwill.\7\ This incentive
would serve, VMBC posited, as a sufficient check on the potential for
abuse such that prerecorded calls to established customers would be
unlikely to prompt substantial consumer objection.\8\
\7\ VMBC noted that the FTC suggested that ``the incentive to
nurture established business relationships may provide an adequate
restraint on the growth of recorded message telemarketing'' in its
Report to Congress Pursuant to the Do Not Call Implementation Act
(``DNCIA Report''), p. 35.
\8\ In support of this argument, VMBC cited one prerecorded
campaign for a major retailer in which only .02 of 1 percent of 5.8
million customers asserted their Do Not Call rights. 69 FR at 67288
n. 8. See also n. 30, infra. The Commission noted in the NPRM,
however, that any incentive to preserve consumer goodwill could be
outweighed in practice by the fact that ``it may be more economical
for companies to contact consumers via prerecorded messages rather
than using live telemarketers, so the volume of commercial calls
that consumers receive may increase. ``
Finally, VMBC argued that a new safe harbor for prerecorded
messages is necessary to conform the FTC's TSR to the rules and
regulations issued by the Federal Communications Commission (``FCC'')
\9\ pursuant to the Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991
(``TCPA'').\10\ VMBC pointed out that the FCC's rules--which largely
parallel the Do Not Call and certain other of the TSR's provisions--
since the early 1990s have permitted prerecorded message telemarketing
to consumers with whom a seller has an established business
relationship. In most other circumstances, however, the FCC's rules
under the TCPA prohibit prerecorded message telemarketing, absent a
consumer's prior express consent.\11\
\9\ 47 CFR 64.1200. See also FCC Rules and Regulations
Implementing the Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991, CC
Docket No. 92-90, Report and Order, 7 FCC Rcd 8752 (1992), available
pdf&id_document=1071340001, summarized in 57 FR 48333 (Oct. 23,
1992) (``1992 FCC Order''); amended by FCC Rules and Regulations
Implementing the Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991, CG
Docket No. 02-278, Report and Order, 18 FCC Rcd 14014, available at,
summarized in 68 FR 44143 (July 25, 2003) (``2003 FCC Order'').
\10\ 47 U.S.C. 227 (1991).
\11\ 47 CFR 64.1200(a)(2). The FCC's TCPA regulations make an
exception for calls placed by a seller or telemarketer that has
obtained the called party's prior express consent to receive
telemarketing calls, or has an established business relationship
with the called party. 47 CFR 64.1200(a)(2). The regulations also
exclude calls for emergency purposes, calls not made for a
commercial purpose that do not include a solicitation, and calls
made by or on behalf of a tax-exempt nonprofit organization. 47 CFR
64.1200(a)(2)(i)-(v). In addition, the FCC's regulations absolutely
prohibit all live and prerecorded telemarketing calls to a cellular
telephone, regardless of any established business relationship or
prior express consent a seller or telemarketer may have obtained. 47
CFR 64.1200(a)(1)(iii).
B. The Safe Harbor Proposal and Specific Issues Raised for Public
To assist interested parties in commenting on the VMBC petition,
the NPRM included a proposed new Sec. 310.4(b)(5) that would have
amended the TSR to permit prerecorded telemarketing messages to
established customers.\12\ As drafted, the proposed safe harbor
provision would have required sellers and telemarketers to: (1) Allow
the telephone to ring for at least 15 seconds or four rings before
disconnecting an unanswered call; (2) play a prerecorded message within
two seconds of the called party's completed
[[Page 58718]]
greeting; (3) give the called party an opportunity to assert an entity-
specific Do Not Call request at the outset of the message, with only
the disclosures required by Sec. Sec. 310.4(d) or (e) preceding that
opportunity; \13\ and (4) ensure that the message complies with all
other requirements of the TSR and other applicable State and Federal
\12\ 69 FR at 67289.
\13\ Section 310.4(d) requires the following prompt oral
disclosures in outbound commercial telemarketing calls: (1) The
identity of the seller; (2) that the purpose of the call is to sell
goods or services; (3) the nature of the goods or services; and (4)
that no purchase or payment is necessary to be able to win a prize
or participate in a prize promotion if a prize promotion is offered,
and that any purchase or payment will not increase the chances of
winning. Section 310.4(e) requires the following oral disclosures in
outbound charitable solicitation calls: (1) The identity of the
charitable organization on behalf of which the request is being
made; and (2) that the purpose of the call is to solicit a
charitable contribution.
\14\ 69 FR at 67294.
1. The ``Ring-Time'' Standard
The NPRM explained that the first prerequisite for meeting the safe
harbor requirements, the ``ring time'' standard requiring 15 seconds or
four rings to elapse while awaiting an answer, is identical to the
analogous element of the existing safe harbor in Sec. 310.4(b)(4)(ii).
That standard, modeled on what were then DMA's ethical guidelines for
its members, was designed to give consumers, including the elderly or
infirm who may struggle to get to a telephone, a reasonable opportunity
to answer telemarketing calls before the connection is terminated.
2. The ``Dead Air'' Standard
The second prerequisite of the proposed safe harbor, requiring that
the prerecorded message be played within two seconds of the called
party's completed greeting, was intended to minimize ``dead air.'' It
was based on the analogous element of the existing safe harbor in Sec.
310.4(b)(4)(iii), allowing no more than two seconds of dead air before
the called party is connected to a sales representative. The Commission
specifically requested public comment on whether the maximum amount of
dead air should be less than two seconds in the new safe harbor for
prerecorded messages in which there would be no need to connect a sales
representative. The Commission also requested information on the
relative costs and benefits of a standard that would set the maximum
amount of dead air at a level lower than two seconds.
3. Prompt Opportunity for Company-Specific Do Not Call Requests
The purpose of the third prerequisite, mandating a prompt
opportunity for consumers to assert a company-specific Do Not Call
request, was to ensure the same Do Not Call rights for consumers who
receive prerecorded message calls as are available to consumers
receiving live telemarketing calls from a sales representative. Absent
such parity, the Commission was concerned that, in view of the likely
increase in the frequency of lower-cost prerecorded message calls
(compared to the cost of live calls by sales representatives), the
privacy protection provided by the National Do Not Call Registry might
become illusory. The NPRM emphasized:
Accordingly, the Commission believes that, if allowed,
telemarketing calls that deliver prerecorded messages to consumers
with whom a seller has an established business relationship must
preserve the ability of those consumers to assert their Do Not Call
rights quickly, effectively, and efficiently, so that consumers
retain an effective right to decide whether to receive commercial
calls, including prerecorded messages.\15\
\15\ 69 FR at 67288-89 (emphasis added).
The proposed safe harbor therefore required that the prerecorded
message provide, ``at the outset of the call'' (i.e., preceded only by
the prompt oral disclosures required by the TSR), an opportunity for
the called party to assert a seller-specific Do Not Call request by
pressing a button on his or her telephone keypad to connect to a sales
representative or an automated system. By stressing that ``the
Commission believes that the Do Not Call option should allow consumers
to assert their Do Not Call rights during the prerecorded message,''
\16\ the NPRM distinguished this element of the Commission's safe
harbor proposal from FCC rules allowing prerecorded messages to provide
a toll-free number consumers may call to make a Do Not Call request
during or after the message.\17\ The NPRM expressly declined to adopt
the FCC approach, which requires ``consumers to be prepared with pen
and paper at the ready when they answer the phone, to take down the
number and to place a separate call'' to make a Do Not Call request,
because that approach ``encumbers consumers'' assertions of company-
specific Do Not Call rights.'' \18\
\16\ 69 FR at 67289 (emphasis added).
\17\ 47 CFR 64.1200(b)(2).
\18\ 69 FR at 67289.
Noting that the VMBC petition ``contemplates some prerecorded
messages that would enable consumers to speak with a sales
representative during the call by pressing a button on their telephone
keypads,'' the NPRM specifically ``incorporated this feature into the
proposed amendment to the call abandonment safe harbor,'' \19\ stating
that it would ``satisfy the proposed safe harbor.'' \20\ This
endorsement gave advance assurance to sellers and telemarketers that
they could adopt this means of compliance during the pendency of this
proceeding when the Commission announced it would forebear from
enforcing the call abandonment provision if they complied with the
proposed safe harbor.\21\
\19\ Id.
\20\ Id. at 67290.
\21\ See the discussion in Section II.F, infra.
Although the NPRM did not similarly endorse prerecorded messages
providing a toll-free number for consumers to call to be placed on a
company-specific Do Not Call list, the Commission sought ``information
and data about the costs and benefits of requiring that the disclosure
of how to make a Do Not Call request be made at the outset of the
call,'' as well as about ``alternative methods of preserving the
consumer's ability to assert a Do Not Call request when receiving a
prerecorded message telemarketing call.'' \22\ In addition, the NPRM
sought information and data about the technical feasibility and costs
of implementing the interactive technology that allows consumers to
make a company-specific Do Not Call request with the press of a keypad
button, and the costs to industry of requiring this mechanism.
\22\ 69 FR at 67289.
4. Effect on Other Laws
The fourth and final element of the draft proposal simply made it
clear that the new safe harbor would not obviate or negate any other
provision of the TSR or other Federal or State laws, in order to
preserve consistency with the existing TSR call abandonment safe
harbor. It placed sellers and telemarketers on notice that other
applicable regulations may be stricter than the proposed safe harbor.
The NPRM sought comment on whether or not this requirement was
C. Public Comment
In general, the industry comments on the VMBC petition supported
liberalizing the TSR to allow the use of prerecorded telemarketing
messages, and consumers and consumer advocates opposed it.\23\ Although
both industry
[[Page 58719]]
and consumer comments addressed the major issues raised by the NPRM,
not all responded to each of the questions on which the Commission
requested public comment.
\23\ All of the public comments, excluding 442 judged obscene or
not germane, appear at
tsrcallabandon/index.htm, where they are listed alphabetically under
the name of the person who submitted the comment. The first citation
of each comment includes the name of the commenter, the name in
parentheses of the person or entity submitting the comment if it is
different from the name of the commenter, and the comment number
(e.g., ABC Corp. (Smith, J.), No. OL-123456). Comment numbers
without a prefix were delivered to the Commission in paper form;
those with the prefix ``OL'' were submitted online at the FTC's Web
site; and those with the prefix ``EREG'' were submitted to https:// Subsequent citations to a comment omit the
comment number.
Many of the comments, both from the telemarketing industry and
consumers, exhibited a fundamental misconception of the TSR's scope.
They presumed that, absent the proposed safe harbor, the TSR's call
abandonment prohibition would prevent sellers from using prerecorded
messages to provide important information to customers with whom they
have an established business relationship, such as notifications of
flight cancellations, reminders of medical appointments and overdue
payments, and notices of dates and times for delivery of goods or
service appointments. Such strictly informational calls, however,
whether live or prerecorded, have never been covered by the TSR. The
TSR applies only to ``telemarketing,'' which is defined, in pertinent
part, as ``a plan, program or campaign which is conducted to induce the
purchase of goods or services.'' \24\ It does not apply to
informational calls, unless the calls combine the informational message
with a sales invitation or promotional pitch.
\24\ 16 CFR 310.2(cc). For the same reason, it is unnecessary to
grant the request made in a comment on behalf of credit and
collection professionals that the Commission forbear from enforcing
alleged violations of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act based
on the FCC's requirement that debt collectors identify themselves by
their State-registered name in prerecorded telephone messages. ACA
International, No. OL-113912. As the Commission has previously
stated, pure debt collection calls are not covered by the TSR
because they are not ``telemarketing'' calls. TSR SBP, 68 FR at 4664
n.1020 (noting, however, that ``if the debt collection call also
included an upsell, the upsell portion of the call would be subject
to the Rules as long as it also met the criteria for `telemarketing'
and was not otherwise exempt from the Rule. All debt collection
calls must comply with the FDCPA.'').
1. Industry Comments
Comments from 21 telemarketers and business trade associations
uniformly favored allowing sellers to use prerecorded telemarketing
messages to reach their customers, arguing that this is a cost-
effective method for communicating without the need for sales
representatives.\25\ Several noted not only that prerecorded messages
avoid the harms associated with abandoned calls (i.e., ``dead air'' and
``hang ups''), but also ensure better quality service to customers than
telemarketers because there is no risk that the intended message will
vary from call to call.\26\
\25\ Only 21 of the 23 industry comments addressed this issue.
E.g., VMBC (Wiley Rein & Fielding), No. OL-113915 at 8; Joint
Comment of the United States Chamber of Commerce, The Coalition for
Healthcare Communication, The Consumer Bankers Association, The
Magazine Publishers of America, The Mortgage Bankers Association,
The National Newspaper Association, The Newspaper Association of
America, and The Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers (``U.S.
Chamber'') (Wiley Rein & Fielding), No. OL-113911 at 5; The Heritage
Company (``Heritage''), No. OL-112918 at 1; West Corporation
(``West''), No. OL-112911 at 2.
\26\ VMBC at 7, 11; U.S. Chamber at 5; West at 1; Direct
Marketing Association and American Teleservices Association
(``DMA''), No. OL-113918 at 9; Visa U.S.A., Inc. (``Visa''), No.
000023 at 2; Call Command, LLC (``Call Command'') No. 000025 at 1-2;
Verizon Telephone Companies (``Verizon''), No. OL-113893 at 4.
Several industry comments posited that consumers are interested in
receiving prerecorded messages.\27\ Although some of the examples cited
to support this contention were prerecorded messages governed by the
TSR (such as letting customers know of special promotional events or
upcoming sales),\28\ many of the examples, if not most, were
informational messages that are not covered by the TSR at all.\29\ For
example, SBC cited a survey of 1217 of its DSL Internet access
customers on the use of prerecorded informational messages to remind
them of their service installation dates, in which 55.1 percent said
they would like to receive such messages in the future.\30\ As
previously noted, such informational messages are neither governed nor
prohibited by the TSR, because they are not ``telemarketing'' as
defined by the Telemarketing Act \31\ or the Rule.\32\
\27\ VMBC at 6, 10; U.S. Chamber at 4; Call Command at 2; SBC
Communications, Inc. (``SBC''), No. 000026 at 2, 4.; National Retail
Federation (``NRF''), No. 000027 at 3.
\28\ VMBC at 2; SBC at 2; NRF at 3.
\29\ E.g., Call Command at 2 (asking that the Commission
acknowledge that prerecorded informational messages, such as
notification about a change in flight schedules or about a product
recall, are permissible, and suggesting that all such
``transactional'' messages, as that term is used in the CAN-SPAM
Act, 15 U.S.C. 7702(17), be exempt from the TSR); Broadcast
Solutions, No. OL-113933 at 1; SBC at 3; NRF at 3; VMBC at 2;
Verizon at 5.
\30\ SBC at 3 (acknowledging that the survey reports were not
``directly apposite, as they relate to service activation and
related transactional messages''). Similarly, VMBC cited arguably
favorable reaction from 5.8 million consumers to prerecorded
campaigns as measured by an increase of from 20 to 40 percent in
response rates to ``promotions'' and ``showing up for appointments''
with Do Not Call requests ``averaging 2/100ths of one percent.''
VMBC at 6. Unfortunately, this merging of data for prerecorded
messages that are not governed by the TSR with those that are,
without specifying the opt-out method provided to consumers,
provides little help in evaluating the potential impact of the
proposed safe harbor.
\31\ 15 U.S.C. 6106(4).
\32\ 16 CFR 310.2(cc).
Adopting VMBC's view that sellers would self-regulate and not abuse
the goodwill of their customers, most of the industry comments that
addressed the issue doubted that the volume of prerecorded
telemarketing messages that consumers receive would increase if the
safe harbor proposal were adopted.\33\ VMBC's comment further predicted
that the likely result would not be an increase in calls, but that many
``non-sale'' calls would convert from live calls from sales
representatives to cost-effective recorded messages.\34\ Two industry
comments disagreed. One acknowledged that, if allowed, prerecorded
telemarketing messages would increase in number given their low
cost.\35\ Another observed that the proposed safe harbor would free it
and its telemarketers from using recorded messages solely for
informational purposes, ``and put prerecorded messages to additional
valuable uses.'' \36\
\33\ E.g., VMBC at 10; U.S. Chamber at 5; DMA at 9; SBC at 2;
NRF at 4.
\34\ VMBC at 10. However, since such ``non-sale'' calls are not
governed by the TSR, the Rule does not prevent the use of
prerecorded messages for this purpose.
\35\ West at 2.
\36\ SBC at 3 n.7.
Only two industry comments addressed the question posed in the NPRM
of whether the proposed safe harbor would complicate Commission
enforcement actions against sellers or telemarketers who falsely claim
to have an established business relationship with the consumers they
call. Both opined that potential enforcement problems should not be an
issue because the burden of proving the existence of an established
business relationship falls on the seller or telemarketer, not the
\37\ Infocision Management Corp. (``Infocision''), No. OL-113920
at 4; West at 3.
The industry comments uniformly urged the FTC to adjust the TSR to
track the FCC's regulations that permit the use of prerecorded messages
for telemarketing to established customers.\38\ Some went so far as to
argue that the Commission lacks jurisdiction to regulate prerecorded
telemarketing messages because Congress has given exclusive authority
to the FCC to do so.\39\ One conceded
[[Page 58720]]
that the Commission may have authority to regulate deceptive, unfair,
and abusive telemarketing practices, but cited a need for clarification
of the TSR's applicability to prerecorded messages.\40\
\38\ VMBC at 12; Infocision at 1; SoundBite Communications, Inc.
(``Soundbite''), No. OL-112919 at 1-2.
\39\ Soundbite at 1-2; Infocision at 1; but see, United States
Senate, No. OL-113862 (Senators Bill Nelson and Dianne Feinstein
commented that ``there is no reason why the FTC should promulgate an
anti-consumer rule to meet the FCC's lower standard for prerecorded
\40\ Verizon at 5.
The subject that elicited the greatest industry comment was the
proposed safe harbor requirement that consumers be presented, at the
outset of a prerecorded message, with an interactive mechanism to
exercise their company-specific Do Not Call rights. Almost all opposed
this aspect of the proposal,\41\ with two objecting that it
unconstitutionally mandated compelled or ``forced speech.'' \42\
Several argued that requiring a disclosure at the outset would result
in a large number of Do Not Call requests, and might confuse consumers
who would otherwise wish to hear the message.\43\ Others contended that
the method authorized by the FCC of providing a number during or at the
end of the message that consumers can call with a Do Not Call request
works well, and should be adopted by the FTC.\44\ Many objected that
interactive technology, either to connect to a representative or to
make an automated Do Not Call request, is costly, burdensome, and not
widely available,\45\ notwithstanding the arguments by two industry
members that the technology is available on ``a very cost effective
basis.'' \46\ One comment doubted that it ``would necessarily be the
case that the interactive feature would connect the consumer to a live
sales representative any faster than if the customer were simply to
dial an 800-number.'' \47\ Several comments recommended that the
Commission leave the timing and method of providing a Do Not Call
option up to the industry, as the FCC has done, so that sellers will
have the flexibility to choose the method most suitable to their
operations based on preferences and costs.\48\
\41\ DMA at 11; Infocision at 4; Heritage at 1-2; SBC at 4; West
at 3; Visa at 2; Verizon at 6; Soundbite at 2; Convergys Corp.
(``Convergys''), No. OL-113952 at 5-6; National Association of
Realtors (``NAR''), No. EREG-000005 at 1-2; National Retail
Federation (``NRF''), No. 000027 at 5; The Broadcast Team, No. OL-
112822 at 2.
\42\ Heritage at 2; Infocision at 3.
\43\ VMBC at 10; U.S. Chamber at 5; DMA at 9; SBC at 2; NRF at
4; Heritage at 1-2; Soundbite at 2; SBC at 4; West at 3.
\44\ Call Command at 1; Convergys at 5; DMA at 11; NAR at 1-2;
Visa at 2; Verizon at 6-7; NRF at 4-5. Verizon also argued that
requiring that Do Not Call information be provided ``at the outset''
of a prerecorded message would conflict with current FCC
regulations. Verizon at 6.
\45\ DMA at 11-12 (estimating that reprogramming calling
stations would cost ``$25,000 per location''); SBC at 4 (citing the
``significant investment of time and capital to synchronize
telephonic dialing capabilities with interactive voice platforms and
databases,'' the significant cost of requiring the availability of
sales agents, and asserting that the ``number of calls able to be
made in a single day would decrease by more than 99%''); Convergys
at 5 (arguing that connection to an agent would be cost prohibitive
because of the increase in telecommunications costs to maintain
``bridges'' to customer service personnel); Visa at 2 (``[T]he
technology to permit registration [on company-specific Do Not Call
lists] during the telemarketing call presently is not widely
implemented and * * * would be costly and complicated'').
\46\ Soundbite at 2; VMBC at 10.
\47\ SBC at 14 n.13.
\48\ VMBC at 13-14; U.S. Chamber at 6; West at 3; Visa at 2; cf.
NRF at 4 (suggesting a more flexible disclosure timing such as
``reasonably promptly'').
2. Consumer Comments
Nearly all the consumers and consumer advocacy groups who commented
opposed the proposal to permit telemarketing calls that are
prerecorded, regardless of whether the party called has an established
business relationship with the seller.\49\ Their comments show that
consumers overwhelmingly find prerecorded telemarketing messages more
intrusive and invasive of the privacy they enjoy in their homes than
live telemarketing calls,\50\ primarily because they are powerless to
make themselves heard.\51\ As one consumer put it, ``[t]he telephone is
for conversing with another human being, not for invading my home with
inexpensive advertising.'' \52\
\49\ E.g., Electronic Privacy Information Center (``EPIC''), No.
OL-113823 at 2; Privacy Rights Clearinghouse (``PRC''), No. OL-
113986 at 2-4; National Consumers League (``NCL''), No. OL-112905 at
5. Well over 13,000 of the 13,550 consumer comments in the record
clearly opposed allowing prerecorded telemarketing messages, with no
more than 77 of the comments indicating arguable support for the
proposed amendment.
\50\ Some 2,100 of the consumer comments opposing prerecorded
telemarketing calls specifically objected that they constitute an
invasion of privacy.
\51\ E.g., Myers, M., No. OL-100768 (``Pre-recorded messages are
even more annoying than calls from live people. You can't interrupt,
you can't ask questions and you can't respond.''); Allen, No. OL-
103079 (``I cannot ask a recording to clarify who they are or what
our existing relationship is.''); Stahl, K., No. OL-101878 (``The
very worst form of telemarketing is the one made by a machine. Pre-
recorded messages are just as invasive and unwanted, and far more
frustrating.''); Levy, No. OL-102365 (``No business should be able
to call me unless I have a pre-existing relationship (one that >I<
recognize), but even a company I do business with should hire
someone to actually speak to me.'') (punctuation in original);
Powell, D., No. OL-113775 (``Recorded messages like this are more
than an annoyance, they are a way for business to avoid talking to
their customers, and instead just talk at them.'').
\52\ Watson, B., No. OL-108960; cf. Nungesser, R., No. OL-112535
(uninvited prerecorded calls are ``no different than a door to door
salesman breaking you[r] window, and entering your home to sell you
his product only * * * it will be a robot, not a person.'').
Like many industry comments, most of the consumer comments that
seemed to support the proposal to allow prerecorded messages in
telemarketing calls to established customers exhibited a basic
misunderstanding of the TSR's applicability. Specifically, the majority
of these relatively few supportive consumer comments indicated that
they did not want the Commission to prohibit prerecorded informational
messages such as reminder messages--although such messages have never
been covered, much less barred, by the TSR.\53\ These consumers
expressed appreciation for prerecorded informational messages about
delivery dates for previously purchased goods or services, medical
prescription order notifications, flight cancellation alerts, and
overdue bill and appointment reminders.\54\ Yet some of the same
consumers made it clear they opposed receiving prerecorded
telemarketing sales pitches.\55\ Thus, there is only the barest
consumer support in the record for the proposed safe harbor for
prerecorded telemarketing sales calls to established customers.
\53\ Of the 77 positive consumer comments, more than half--47--
sought only to preserve prerecorded informational messages that are
not prohibited by the TSR. These 47 consumers opposed any limitation
on prerecorded ``reminder'' messages, with some 36 of them seeking
to avoid any need to sign a consent form to receive such messages,
apparently in the mistaken belief that this would be necessary if
the proposed amendment were not adopted. E.g., Haas, No. OL-113929;
Tran, No. OL-113929; Lopez, No. OL-113975; Schroeter, No. OL-113882;
DeSantis, No. OL-113892. One consumer group correctly noted that
such strictly informational messages ``would not fall under the
definition of 'telemarketing''' in the TSR. NCL at 3.
\54\ E.g., Matthews, D., No. OL-100004; Forrette, No. OL-113959;
Bartholow, D., No. OL-113662; Auerbach, No. OL-101665; Oberly, No.
\55\ E.g., Matthews, D., No. OL-100004 (``Some pre-recorded
computer generated calls are convenient and necessary'' but
``[t]elemarketing computer generated 'cold calls'' are definitely a
problem.''). Forrette, No. OL-113959 (``I can think of several cases
where I find this very useful, such as notification from my airline
when there's a schedule change to my flight. As long as the
prohibition on the use of pre-recorded messages for 'cold calling'
remains in place, I think it's okay.''); Bartholow, D. No. OL-113622
(``Bill reminders are not the same as telemarketing sales calls.'');
Consumer Assistance Network, No. OL-113928 (``The consumer would
rather receive a [reminder] message rather than a telemark[et]ed
The widespread opposition expressed in this record to the
infringement on personal privacy through prerecorded telemarketing
calls to home telephones stands in sharp contrast to the consumer
support in the record of the TSR amendment proceeding for including an
established business relationship exemption for telemarketing using
[[Page 58721]]
representatives. In that proceeding, the Commission provided such an
exemption from the Do Not Call provisions after 40 percent of the
consumers who commented supported the exemption.\56\ Here, only 15
consumer comments--a scant tenth of one percent of the more than 13,000
consumer comments that addressed the proposed amendment--expressed
unambiguous support for the proposed safe harbor for prerecorded
message telemarketing to established customers.\57\
\56\ TSR SBP, 68 FR at 4593 n.141.
\57\ Only 15 of the 77 consumer comments that arguably supported
prerecorded telemarketing calls did so without reservation or
apparent misunderstanding. E.g., Hamilton, No. OL-113099 (``I would
be in support of the change. * * * I would rather hang up on an
automated machine than a live person.''); Curran, D., No. OL-105145;
Childress, No. OL-102612; Young, E., No. OL-112546. Another 13
approved of prerecorded sales calls from businesses they know and
regularly patronize, but not necessarily from any business from
which they have made a purchase. E.g., Leader, No. OL-110416 (``I am
not in favor of this amendment. * * * [T]he only calls that should
be allowed are to companies who have an ongoing existing and real
business relationship with the customer.''); Dusenbury, No. OL-
113951 (supporting prerecorded reminder messages generally,
including ``sale reminders from my favorite stores.''); Bartholow,
D., No. OL-113622. Two consumers backed prerecorded messages in the
mistaken belief that such messages would be ``permission based''
opt-in messages. Taylor, J., No. OL-105274; Taylor, R., No. OL-
105171. The remaining 47 supported prerecorded ``reminder''
messages, as previously noted. See note 53, supra.
Consumers also expressed concern about the potential costs,
including the risks to health and safety, if the proposed safe harbor
allowing prerecorded telemarketing messages to established customers
were adopted. For example, consumers who subscribe to a telephone
company or other voice mail services protested having to pay for
storage of messages they do not want, which can exceed their allotted
storage capacity and prevent them from receiving the messages they
need, as did owners of answering machines.\58\ Consumers with home-
based businesses objected to the costs incurred when their home
telephone lines are tied up by telemarketing calls,\59\ and even small
businesses and government agencies that are not protected by the TSR
lodged the same complaint.\60\ Several consumers cited the danger of
the loss of use of their telephone lines, which can be tied up for some
period of time even after the recipient hangs up on a prerecorded
message.\61\ A few consumers cited instances when prerecorded messages
prevented them from making emergency calls,\62\ and a community shelter
that forwards its calls to allow staff counselors to receive them on
their home telephones reported that ``[w]e are dealing with life and
death situations from suicide to substance abuse to domestic violence''
and clients ``are unable to get to a crisis counselor due to the high
volume of telemarketers calling our [home] phone number.'' \63\
\58\ E.g., Allison, No. OL-108414 (``In the recent election one
citizen had her answering machine [so] filled with phone messages
from a candidate that her child could not get word to her of an
emergency at the child's school.''); O'Connor D., OL-111858; Rose,
C., OL-111837; Micret, OL-111402; Rickey, OL-104029; see also PRC at
6-7; NCL at 3. Neither the TSR nor the proposed new safe harbor,
however, prohibits the use of prerecorded messages when an answering
machine picks up a call. See the discussion in Section II.E, infra.
\59\ E.g., Brown, R., No. OL-104366; Amsberry, No. OL-105113;
Lasting Fitness, No. OL-110413; Miller, No. OL-103424; Grover, No.
OL-109774; Pearlman, S., No. OL-112275.
\60\ E.g., Northeast Harbor Inn, Inc., No. OL-113439; Bart's
Pneumatics Corp., No. OL-107508; Bus. Innovations, No. OL-110414;
cf. Idaho Small Bus. Dev. Ctr., No. OL-113259; County of Berks--
Prison, No. OL-105593.
\61\ E.g., Graham, No. OL-104100 (``If you needed to call for a
fire truck or an ambulance or poison control and some recorded
message was tying up your phone, would you think it was OK?'');
Vernen, No. OL-110383 (prerecorded calls ``most dangerously--
frequently fail to release the line promptly when hung up on. This
presents an immediate risk to the health and safety of the call
recipient since the telephone line is unavailable in an
emergency.''); see also, e.g., Adkins, No. OL-104921; Albright, D.,
No. OL-105813; Alquist, No. OL-113229; Schmaljohn, No. OL-110028;
Granzo, No. OL-104469; Pickett, A., OL-104461; Simnacher, No. OL-
108720; Miller, C., No. OL-105006. As the legislative history of the
TCPA notes, S. Rep. No. 102-178, at 10 (1991), some telephone
networks are not capable of notifying callers that a consumer has
hung up, thereby excusing telemarketers from complying with an FCC
requirement that they release the line ``within 5 seconds of the
time [such] notification is transmitted.'' 47 CFR 68.318(c). It
appears from the comments that many networks still lack this
capability. Thus, depending on their local network, consumers may
have to wait until the end of what may be a lengthy prerecorded
message before their telephone line is released.
\62\ Friedman, No. OL-110265 (a disabled consumer unable to make
an emergency call because the recorded message would not
disconnect); Gardiner, W., No. OL-100542 (an elderly consumer who
complained that the receipt of prerecorded messages twice prevented
him from contacting a doctor). See also, NCL at 3; PRC at 11 (citing
a comment it received from a self-identified ``former legitimate
telemarketing salesman'' objecting to allowing prerecorded messages
because ``[t]here are one or more deaths on record Nationally that
were precipitated by a prerecorded message that would not cede the
line it was on, even though the receiving party had hung up! '').
\63\ Chico Community Shelter Partnership, No. OL-109650; cf.
Udehn, No. OL-114005 (``Callers are persistent and do not like to
release phone lines until they make a sale, even to allow emergency
patient calls. I need a line uncluttered by telephone SPAM to
continue emergency room coverage.'').
Consumers emphasized the difficulties they experience with
prerecorded messages in exercising their company-specific Do Not Call
rights. Many objected to the fact that they could not tell a
prerecorded message to put them on the seller's Do Not Call list, as
they could with a sales representative.\64\ Some consumers reported
that the mechanism typically provided for exercising their Do Not Call
rights is impractical,\65\ both because they have to wait until the end
of what may be a lengthy message to get a number to call to speak to an
agent,\66\ and because the Do Not Call option provided at the end of
the message simply does not work.\67\
\64\ E.g., Sahagian, No. OL-113021 (a self-described
``unemployed telemarketing manager, laid off as a direct result of
the national do not call list'' who finds prerecorded messages ``the
most intrusive'' because ``I can't ask the message to get to the
point or never call again.''); Bedell, No. OL-105951 (``A machine
can't hear me say `put me on your do-not-call list! ' ''); Schares,
No. OL-110388 (``At least with a live person, you can have the
illusion of requesting removal from the list, with a machine, you
are just out of luck.''); Irving, No. OL103862; see also, e.g.,
Sawyer, No. OL-108895; Goltz, OL-107085; Hancock, J., No. OL-112529;
Blumberg, No. OL-104484; O'Daire, No. OL-113753; Salgado, No. OL-
111816; Von Kennen, No. OL-113646; Ianson, No. OL-105278; Valum, No.
OL-102442; Van Baren, No. OL-101942; Zimmerman, J., No. OL-113999.
\65\ E.g., Hohm, No. OL-104448 (``Allowing automated calls will
let telemarketers flood consumers with sales calls * * * with no
practical means for the consumer to challenge their propriety or to
refuse further calls.''); Sartin, No. OL-104554 (``If [prerecorded
calls] are to be allowed, it should only be through opt-in, not an
inherently awkward and unreliable opt-out.''); Von Kennen, No. OL-
113646 (``I can only imagine the telephone ping-pong game between
menus, voice-mail, call transfers, and the inevitable disconnection
that I'll have to play before I can hope to talk to someone who will
listen [to a Do Not Call request].'').
\66\ E.g., Sahagian, No. OL-113021 (an ``unemployed
telemarketing manager'' who states that ``[o]ften one must wait
until the end of the message for contact information, write down a
phone number, call back, turn down a live sales offer, ask to speak
with a manager, and then finally ask to be deleted from future
calling campaigns.''); Nobles, No. OL-105403, (``The requirement[s]
that they identify themselves and allow me to ask them to remove me
from their calling list are meaningless, since that information is
always supplied at the very end of the call.''); Stahl, K., No. OL-
101878; Schneider, P., No. OL-101484. The call-back requirement that
consumers describe, if permitted by FCC rules, does not comply with
the safe harbor proposal in the NPRM because it fails to give
consumers an opportunity to exercise their Do Not Call Rights during
the call.
\67\ E.g., Blumberg, No. OL-104484 (``There is always an option
to wait until the end of the message and press a number to talk with
a person but only in rare instances does this work.''); Vinegra, No.
OL-104055 (``[I]n my experience, automated phone spam is the MOST
likely to not have a valid way to get off the list. Oh, sure, it may
give you an 800 number to call, but that's likely to reach some
convoluted voicemail system that never gets you anywhere.''); Fiol,
No. OL-112458 (``I do not believe that offering consumers the option
of hanging up and calling an 800 number is an effective one. It only
worsens the interruption and imposition on the consumer's time, and
* * * frustrate[s] the consumer if the 800 number is busy or even
More generally, the comments attest that consumers found the
company-specific opt-out regime required to stop unwanted prerecorded
messages prior to
[[Page 58722]]
the advent of the Registry extremely burdensome and frequently
ineffective.\68\ Apparently assuming that a company-specific opt-out
might not take the form of an interactive method at the outset of the
call (as proposed by the Commission), some consumers complained that
the burden would be placed on them to listen until the end of unwanted
messages to obtain an opt-out telephone number, to copy the opt-out
number, and to wait to call that number during normal business hours to
ask not to be called again--a process they would have to repeat for
each company that calls.\69\
\68\ E.g., Gollinger, No. OL-103929 (``This puts an undue burden
upon the consumer to attempt to contact the company to have their
name deleted from the call list.''); Wahlig, No. OL-104503 at 1
(citing the ``unjustifiable burden on citizens who wish to assert
their DNC rights''); Tomas, No. OL-101671 (``Instead, the burden is
placed on the victim's shoulders to contact the telemarketer to have
himself removed from the call list.''); Ayers, T., No. OL-113131;
Bashor, No. OL-113062; Fiol, No. OL-112458; LaMountain, No. OL-
101888; Boyd, M., No. OL-113844; Hall, No. OL-104082; Grace, No. OL-
113784; Piro, No. OL-112925.
\69\ E.g., Hancock, J., No. 112529; Sahagian, No. OL-113021;
Kleger, No. OL-103115.
Some consumers and consumer groups questioned the adequacy of the
proposed interactive mechanism that would permit consumers to exercise
their Do Not Call rights by pressing a button on the telephone keypad.
At least one consumer noted that this approach would be ineffective for
her, and presumably many thousands of other consumers who still have
rotary dial telephones without keypads.\70\ A consumer group and at
least one consumer questioned whether the proposed interactive
mechanism would be effective in the absence of a requirement that a
representative be promptly available.\71\ Another consumer group
doubted that consumers would really benefit from the proposed
interactive mechanism.\72\
\70\ Sachau, No. EREG-000002; see also Argyropoulos, No. OL-
102968 at 2 (``[N]one of the proposed options allow a person
answering on a non-touch-tone phone to efficiently make a Do Not
Call request.''). While other mechanisms undoubtedly exist to
provide equivalent functionality for rotary dial telephone users, no
industry comment addressed this problem in response to the NPRM's
request for information about ``alternative mechanisms.''
\71\ NCL at 5 (``The FTC proposal seems to assume that when the
consumer presses the number to speak to a live company
representative, one will be readily available. It is unclear what
happens if that is not the case. Will the consumer get dead air? Be
put on hold with recorded music? Be hung up on?''); Argyropoulos,
No. OL-102968 at 2.
\72\ PRC at 7 (arguing that most prerecorded telemarketing
messages are left on answering machines or voice mail services,
depriving consumers of the benefits of such an option, and
ultimately clogging their message storage with unwanted
telemarketing messages). However, nothing in the TSR's call
abandonment prohibition bars the use of equipment that channels a
call to a sales representative if a consumer answers, but to a
recorded message if an answering machine picks up. See TSR SBP, 68
FR at 4645; see also the discussion in Section II.E, infra.
A number of consumers also challenged a presumption implicit in the
proposed safe harbor that would have permitted prerecorded
telemarketing calls to established customers. Notwithstanding the FCC's
rationale for allowing sellers to use prerecorded messages in calls to
established customers,\73\ many consumers contended that neither a
prior inquiry nor purchase implied their consent to receipt of future
prerecorded solicitations from a seller,\74\ contrary to prior consumer
support for live telemarketing calls.\75\ Many of the consumer comments
argued that, given the intrusive and impersonal nature of prerecorded
messages, prerecorded telemarketing calls should not be permitted at
all without the consumer's prior consent.\76\ In addition, many
objected to what they regard as the overbreadth of the TSR's definition
of an ``established business relationship,'' \77\ which some regarded
as threatening to make a ``mockery'' of the Registry \78\--especially
if the use of prerecorded messages is permitted.\79\ These consumers
foresee that allowing prerecorded messages will likely increase the
number of ``established business relationship'' telemarketing
campaigns, with the result that consumers will have to assert company-
specific Do Not Call requests repeatedly for different sellers from
which they made a one-time purchase.\80\ Moreover, some consumers
reported that they receive both live and prerecorded telemarketing
calls from businesses with which they have no ``established business
relationship.'' \81\
\73\ 1992 FCC Order, 7 FCC Rcd 8752, ] 34 (concluding that a
``solicitation can be deemed invited or permitted by a subscriber in
light of the business relationship.'').
\74\ E.g., Sancibrian, No. OL-106078; Salem, No. OL-107247;
Sartin, No. OL-104554; Laucik, No. OL-104859; Wortman, No. OL-
103376; Corey, No. OL-105981; Innes, No. OL-105931; Brown, R., No.
OL-107136; Troup, No. OL-103143; Goland, No. OL-100107.
\75\ See note 56, supra, and accompanying text. Many of the
consumer comments opposing expansion of the ``established business
relationship'' exemption did not distinguish between prerecorded
calls and live calls from a sales representative. Consequently, it
is impossible to determine whether these comments would support an
established business relationship exemption for live telemarketing
calls, or whether they reflect a change in consumer attitudes toward
the exemption.
\76\ EPIC at 2, 14; PRC at 4, 9; NCL at 4; see also, e.g.,
Barry, A., No. OL-104109; Williams, K., No. OL-101321; North, W.,
No. OL-103090; Schnautz, No. OL-104508; Tipping, No. OL-109310;
Twilling, No. OL-108395; Viggiano, No. OL-108516.
\77\ E.g., Nuglat, No. OL-109584 (``[T]hese companies will be
calling a purchase of a stick of gum a year ago the basis of an
established business relationship.''); Touretzky, No. OL-100891 (``I
work nights and sleep in the daytime. I do not want to be dragged
out of bed by every low-life outfit that once sold me a box of
paperclips.''); Holt, C., No. OL-102518 (``Time Warner owns some 80%
of the media markets, does that mean if I buy one copy of Time
magazine that I should have to receive phone calls from every other
media outlet Time owns? That's the way it functions now.''); see
also, e.g., Holt, C., No. OL-102518; Schendel, K., No. OL-101419;
Veech, No. OL-110162; Ehlinger, No. OL-105751; Eide, No. OL-102754;
Erskine, D., No. OL-109355; Volek, No. OL-100697; Inman, J., No. OL-
102319; Verner, No. OL-104134; Islam-Zwart, No. OL-100028; Sampson,
No. OL-106004; Salisbury, No. OL-104292.
\78\ Sanderson, No. OL-447. See also Sager, No. OL-104269;
Yarrow, No. OL-102563.
\79\ EPIC at 14; PRC at 9; NCL at 3.
\80\ E.g., Hancock, J., No. OL-112529 (``Since a `business
relationship' is readily established by any inquiry or purchase, the
universe of companies that can claim a basis to make junk phone
calls is huge.''); Talmo, No. OL-110438 (``A few years ago, most of
my purchases were made within my community.* * * The digital world
has opened up very far-reaching so-called relationships. * * * I now
make ma