Advisory Committee for Biological Sciences; Notice of Meeting, 58435-58436 [06-8455]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 191 / Tuesday, October 3, 2006 / Notices New Mexico. The petitioner states that the miner will wear the M–20 units (MSHA rated at 10 minutes) on their person and a 60 minute unit (the SR– 100, EBA 6.5 or equivalent MSHA rated for 60 minutes) on their vehicles or equipment. These units will be located within 300 to 500 feet or 5 minutes maximum of the employee. The combination of devices will be made available to all employees working underground and maintained in good condition. The petitioner further states that: (1) This proposal will satisfy the State Mining Act while enabling the miners to wear an ergonomically suitable SCSR on their belt; (2) the alternative to the smaller M–20 type are bulky and heavy units that will expose the miners to additional risk associated with a large and heavy unit hanging off their belt; and (3) the current MSA W– 65 filter self rescuer (Approval No. TC– 14G–82) weighs 2.2 pounds, and the smallest SCSR is the SR–100 which weighs 6 pounds and is approximately 2.5 larger than the W–65 filter and is awkward to wear. The petitioner asserts that the proposed alternative method would provide at least the same measure of protection as the existing standard. 7. Intrepid Potash NM LLC [Docket No. M–2006–008–M] Intrepid Potash NM LLC, P.O. Box 101, Carlsbad, New Mexico 88221–0101 has filed a petition to modify the application of 30 CFR 57.15031 (Location of self-rescue devices) to its Intrepid Underground Potash Mine (MSHA I.D. No. 29–00175 (West)) located in Eddy County, New Mexico. The petitioner proposes to use 10Minute (Oeanco M–20 or equivalent) and 60-Minute Self-Contained SelfRescuers (SCSRs) in their Underground Potash Mine outside of Carlsbad, New Mexico. The petitioner states that the miner will wear the M–20 units (MSHA rated at 10 minutes) on their person and a 60-Minute unit (the SR–100, EBA 6.5 or equivalent MSHA rated for 60 minutes) on their vehicles or equipment. The units will be located within 200 to 500 feet or 5 minutes maximum of the employee. The petitioner asserts that the proposed alternative method would provide at least the same measure of protection as the existing standard. rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES 8. Intrepid Potash NM LLC [Docket No. M–2006–009–M] Intrepid Potash NM LLC, P.O. Box 101, Carlsbad, New Mexico 88221–0101 has filed a petition to modify the application of 30 CFR 57.15031 VerDate Aug<31>2005 19:59 Oct 02, 2006 Jkt 211001 (Location of self-rescue devices) to its Intrepid Underground Potash Mine (MSHA I.D. No. 29–00170 (East)) located in Lea County, New Mexico. The petitioner proposes to use 10– Minute (Oeanco M–20 or equivalent) and 60–Minute Self-Contained SelfRescuers (SCSRs) in their Underground Potash Mine outside of Carlsbad, New Mexico. The petitioner states that the miner will wear the M–20 units (MSHA rated at 10 minutes) on their person and a 60–Minute unit (the SR–100, EBA 6.5 or equivalent MSHA rated for 60 minutes) on their vehicles or equipment. The units will be located within 200 to 500 feet or 5 minutes maximum of the employee. The petitioner asserts that the proposed alternative method would provide at least the same measure of protection as the existing standard. Request for Comments Persons interested in these petitions are encouraged to submit comments via E-mail to Include ‘‘petitions for modification’’ in the subject line of the e-mail. Comments can also be submitted by fax, regular mail, or hand-delivery. If faxing your comments, include ‘‘petitions for modification’’ on the subject line of the fax. Comments by regular mail or handdelivery should be submitted to the Mine Safety and Health Administration, Office of Standards, Regulations, and Variances, 1100 Wilson Boulevard, Room 2350, Arlington, Virginia 22209. If hand-delivered, you are required to stop by the 21st floor to check in with the receptionist. All comments must be postmarked or received by the Office of Standards, Regulations, and Variances on or before November 2, 2006. Copies of the petitions are available for inspection at that address. Dated at Arlington, Virginia, this 27th day of September 2006. Patricia W. Silvey, Acting Director, Office of Standards, Regulations, and Variances. [FR Doc. E6–16309 Filed 10–2–06; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4510–43–P NATIONAL FOUNDATION ON THE ARTS AND THE HUMANITIES National Endowment for the Arts; Arts Advisory Panel Pursuant to Section 10(a)(2) of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92–463), as amended, notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Arts Advisory Panel (application review) to the National Council on the Arts will be held by teleconference at the Nancy PO 00000 Frm 00071 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 58435 Hanks Center, 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20506 from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. (EDT) on October 16, 2006. This meeting will be closed. Closed portions of meetings are for the purpose of Panel review, discussion, evaluation, and recommendations on financial assistance under the National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Act of 1965, as amended, including information given in confidence to the agency. In accordance with the determination of the Chairman of February 27, 2006, these sessions will be closed to the public pursuant to subsection (c)(6) of section 552b of Title 5, United States Code. Further information with reference to these meetings can be obtained from Ms. Kathy Plowitz-Worden, Office of Guidelines & Panel Operations, National Endowment for the Arts, Washington, DC 20506, or call 202/682–5691. Dated: September 27, 2006. Kathy Plowitz-Worden, Panel Coordinator, Panel Operations, National Endowment for the Arts. [FR Doc. E6–16233 Filed 10–2–06; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 7537–01–P NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Advisory Committee for Biological Sciences; Notice of Meeting In accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92– 463, as amended), the National Science Foundation announces the following meeting: Name: Advisory Committee for Biological Sciences (1110). Date and Time: November 2, 2006; 9 a.m.– 5 p.m.; November 3, 2006; 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Place: National Science Foundation, 4201 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22230, Room 375. Type of Meeting: Open. Contact Person: Dr. Joanne Tornow, Senior Advisor for Strategic Planning, Policy and Analysis, Biological Sciences, Room 605, National Science Foundation, 4201 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22230; Tel No.: (703) 292–8400. Minutes: May be obtained from the contact person listed above. Purpose of Meeting: The Advisory Committee for BIO provides advice, recommendations, and oversight concerning major program emphases, directions, and goals for the research-related activities of the divisions that make up BIO. Agenda: Joint session with the Education and Human Resources Directorate Planning and Issues Discussion: • BIO Status and FY 078 Budget • NSF Strategic Plan • NEON Update • Committee of Visitors Reports E:\FR\FM\03OCN1.SGM 03OCN1 58436 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 191 / Tuesday, October 3, 2006 / Notices Dated: September 28, 2006. Susanne Bolton, Committee Management Officer. [FR Doc. 06–8455 Filed 10–2–06; 8:45 am] NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Advisory Committee for Mathematical and Physical Sciences; Notice of Meeting BILLING CODE 7555–01–M In accordance with Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92–463, as amended), the National Science Foundation announces the following meeting: NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Proposal Review Panel for Materials Research; Notice of Meeting In accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92– 463 as amended), the National Science Foundation announces the following meeting: Name: Proposal Review Panel for Materials Research (DMR) #1203. Dates & Times: October 19, 2006; 7:45 a.m.–9 p.m. October 20, 2006; 8 a.m.–4 p.m. Place: Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. Type of Meeting: Part-Open. Contact Person: Dr. Maija M. Kukla, Program Director, Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers Program, Division of Materials Research, Room 1065, National Science Foundation, 4201 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22230, Telephone (703) 292– 4940. Purpose of Meeting: To provide advice and recommendations concerning further support of the Materials Research Science and Engineering Center. Agenda Thursday, October 19, 2006 7:45 a.m.–8:45 a.m. Clossed—Briefing of Site Visit Panel. 8:45 a.m.–12 p.m. Open—Welcome (institutional representatives, etc.). 12 p.m.–1 p.m. Closed. 1 p.m.–4:45 p.m. Open—Technical research presentations and seed projects. 4:45 p.m.–6:15 p.m. Closed—Executive Session for Site Visit Team. 6:15 p.m.–7 p.m. Open—Poster Session (limited number of posters). 7 p.m.–9 p.m. Closed—Meeting of Site Panel. rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES Friday, October 20, 2006 8 a.m.–9 a.m. Closed—Executive session, Director’s Response to Feedback. 9 a.m.–10:45 a.m. Open—Industrial Outreach and Other Collaborations (Weitz). 10:45 a.m.–4 p.m. Closed—Discussion with MRSEC Executive Committee. Reason for Closing: The work being reviewed may include information of a proprietary or confidential nature, including technical information; financial data, such as salaries and personal information concerning individuals associated with the proposals. These matters are exempt under 5 U.S.C. 552b(c), (4) and (6) of the Government in the Sunshine Act. Dated: September 28, 2006. Susanne Bolton, Committee Management Officer. [FR Doc. 06–8456 Filed 10–2–06; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 7555–01–M VerDate Aug<31>2005 19:59 Oct 02, 2006 Jkt 211001 Name: Advisory Committee for Mathematical and Physical Sciences (66). Date/Time: November 1, 2006 12 Noon–6 p.m.; November 2, 2006 8 a.m.–6p.m.; November 3, 2006 8 a.m.–3 p.m. Place: National Science Foundation, 4201 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22230, Room 1235. Type of Meeting: Open. Contact Person: Dr. Morris L. Aizenman, Senior Science Associate, Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Room 1005, National Science Foundation, 4201 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22230. (703) 292–8807. Purpose of Meeting: To provide advice and recommendations concerning NSF science and education activities within the Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Agenda: Briefing to new members about NSF and Directorate. Update on current status of Directorate. Meeting with Education and Human Resources Advisory Committee. Meeting of MPSAC with Divisions within MPS Directorate. Report of the Senior Review of the Division of Astronomical Sciences. Discussion of MPS Long-term Planning Activities. Summary Minutes: May be obtained from the contact person listed above. Dated: September 28, 2006. Susanne E. Bolton, Committee Management Officer. [FR Doc. 06–8458 Filed 10–2–06; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 7555–01–M NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Advisory Committee for Polar Programs; Notice of Meeting In accordance with Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92–463, as amended), the National Science Foundation announces the following meeting: Name: Advisory Committee for Polar Programs (1130). Date/Time: October 26, 2006, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. October 27, 2006, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Place: National Science Foundation, 4201 Wilson Boulevard, Room 1235. Type of Meeting: Open. Contact Person: Sue LaFratta, Office of Polar Programs (OPP). National Science Foundation, 4201 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22230. (703) 292–8030. Minutes: May be obtained from the contact person list above. PO 00000 Frm 00072 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 Purpose of Meeting: To advise NSF on the impact of its policies, programs, and activities of the polar research community, to provide advice to the Director of OPP on issues related to long-range planning. Agenda: Staff presentations on program updates; discussions on International Polar Year; discussions on resupply. Dated: September 28, 2006. Susanne Bolton, Committee Management Officer. [FR Doc. 06–8457 Filed 10–2–06; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 7555–01–M NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION [ Docket No. 50–333] Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.; James A. Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant; Exemption 1.0 Background Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. (ENO or the licensee) is the holder of Facility Operating License No. DPR–59, which authorizes operation of the James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant (JAF). The license provides, among other things, that the facility is subject to all rules, regulations, and orders of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC or the Commission) now or hereafter in effect. The facility consists of one boilingwater reactor located in Oswego County, New York. 2.0 Request/Action Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR), Part 50, Section 50.48, requires that nuclear power plants that were licensed before January 1, 1979, of which JAF is one, must satisfy the requirements of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix R, Section III.G. Subsection III.G.2 addresses fire protection features for ensuring that one of the redundant trains necessary to achieve and maintain hot shutdown conditions remains free of fire damage in the event of a fire. Subsection III.G.2.c provides use of a 1-hour fire barrier as one means for complying with this fire protection requirement. ENO proposes that the absence and/or control of ignition sources, the adequacy of detection and suppression systems, and the capability of the existing Hemyc fire wrap in this fire area, satisfy the underlying intent of 10 CFR 50, Appendix R, Subsection III.G.2.c. In summary, by letter dated July 27, 2005, Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) accession number ML052210382, as supplemented on May 17, 2006, E:\FR\FM\03OCN1.SGM 03OCN1


[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 191 (Tuesday, October 3, 2006)]
[Pages 58435-58436]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 06-8455]



Advisory Committee for Biological Sciences; Notice of Meeting

    In accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92-
463, as amended), the National Science Foundation announces the 
following meeting:

    Name: Advisory Committee for Biological Sciences (1110).
    Date and Time: November 2, 2006; 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; November 3, 
2006; 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
    Place: National Science Foundation, 4201 Wilson Blvd., 
Arlington, VA 22230, Room 375.
    Type of Meeting: Open.
    Contact Person: Dr. Joanne Tornow, Senior Advisor for Strategic 
Planning, Policy and Analysis, Biological Sciences, Room 605, 
National Science Foundation, 4201 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 
22230; Tel No.: (703) 292-8400.
    Minutes: May be obtained from the contact person listed above.
    Purpose of Meeting: The Advisory Committee for BIO provides 
advice, recommendations, and oversight concerning major program 
emphases, directions, and goals for the research-related activities 
of the divisions that make up BIO.
    Agenda: Joint session with the Education and Human Resources 
Directorate Planning and Issues Discussion:

 BIO Status and FY 078 Budget
 NSF Strategic Plan
 NEON Update
 Committee of Visitors Reports

[[Page 58436]]

    Dated: September 28, 2006.
Susanne Bolton,
Committee Management Officer.
[FR Doc. 06-8455 Filed 10-2-06; 8:45 am]
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