Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards; Procedures for Meetings, 58015-58016 [E6-16136]
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 190 / Monday, October 2, 2006 / Notices
The Need for the Proposed Action
In accordance with 10 CFR 54.17(c),
the earliest date that the applicant could
apply for a renewed operating license
for Vogtle Unit 2 would be February 9,
2009. The licensee plans to apply for
license renewal for Vogtle Units 1 and
2 on June 28, 2007. Vogtle Unit 1 will
have accumulated 20 years operating
experience by June 28, 2007 and will
meet the requirements of 10 CFR
54.17(c). The proposed exemption for
Unit 2 is required to allow the licensee
to apply for the renewal of both Vogtle
operating licenses concurrently. The
request seeks only schedular relaxation
without any other substantive reliefs.
rmajette on PROD1PC67 with NOTICES1
Environmental Impacts of the Proposed
The NRC has completed its evaluation
of the proposed action and concludes
that the issuance of the proposed
exemption will not have a significant
environmental impact. The proposed
schedular exemption pertains solely to
the future submission of an application
to renew the Vogtle 2 operating license.
It causes no changes to the current
design or operation of Vogtle 2 and
imparts no prejudice in the future
review of the application for license
The details of the staff’s safety
evaluation will be provided in the
exemption that will be issued as part of
the letter to the licensee approving the
exemption to the regulation.
The proposed action will not
significantly increase the probability or
consequences of accidents. No changes
are being made in the types of effluents
that may be released off site. There is no
significant increase in the amount of
any effluent released off site. There is no
significant increase in occupational or
public radiation exposure. Therefore,
there are no significant radiological
environmental impacts associated with
the proposed action.
With regard to potential nonradiological impacts, the proposed
action does not have a potential to affect
any historic sites. It does not affect nonradiological plant effluents and has no
other environmental impact. Therefore,
there are no significant non-radiological
environmental impacts associated with
the proposed action.
Accordingly, the NRC concludes that
there are no significant environmental
impacts associated with the proposed
Environmental Impacts of the
Alternatives to the Proposed Action
As an alternative to the proposed
action, the staff considered denial of the
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proposed action (i.e., the ‘‘no-action’’
alternative). Denial of the application
would result in no change in current
environmental impacts. The
environmental impacts of the proposed
action and the alternative action are
Alternative Use of Resources
This action does not involve the use
of any different resources than those
previously considered in the Final
Environmental Statement (FES) for
Vogtle Unit 2, NUREG–1087, ‘‘Final
Environmental Statement Related to the
Operation of the VEGP [Vogtle Electric
Generating Plant], Units 1 and 2,’’ dated
December 1985.
Agencies and Persons Consulted
In accordance with its stated policy,
on August 4, 2006, the staff consulted
with the Georgia State official, Mr. Jim
Hardeman of the Department of Natural
Resources, regarding the environmental
impact of the proposed action. The State
official had no comments.
Finding of No Significant Impact
On the basis of the environmental
assessment, the NRC concludes that the
proposed action will not have a
significant effect on the quality of the
human environment. Accordingly, the
NRC has determined not to prepare an
environmental impact statement for the
proposed action.
For further details with respect to the
proposed action, see the licensee’s letter
dated May 22, 2006. Documents may be
examined, and/or copied for a fee, at the
NRC’s Public Document Room (PDR),
located at One White Flint North, Public
File Area O1 F21, 11555 Rockville Pike
(first floor), Rockville, Maryland.
Publicly available records will be
accessible electronically from the
Agencywide Documents Access and
Management System (ADAMS) Public
Electronic Reading Room on the Internet
at the NRC Web site, https://
Persons who do not have access to
ADAMS or who encounter problems in
accessing the documents located in
ADAMS should contact the NRC PDR
Reference staff by telephone at 1–800–
397–4209 or 301–415–4737, or send an
e-mail to
Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 11th day
of September 2006.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Christopher Gratton,
Sr. Project Manager, Plant Licensing Branch
II–1, Division of Operating Reactor Licensing,
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.
[FR Doc. E6–16137 Filed 9–29–06; 8:45 am]
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Advisory Committee on Reactor
Safeguards; Procedures for Meetings
This notice describes procedures to be
followed with respect to meetings
conducted by the Nuclear Regulatory
Commission’s (NRC’s) Advisory
Committee on Reactor Safeguards
(ACRS) pursuant to the Federal
Advisory Committee Act (FACA). These
procedures are set forth so that they may
be incorporated by reference in future
notices for individual meetings.
The ACRS is a statutory group
established by Congress to review and
report on nuclear safety matters and
applications for the licensing of nuclear
facilities. The Committee’s reports
become a part of the public record.
The ACRS meetings are conducted in
accordance with FACA. They are
normally open to the public and provide
opportunities for oral or written
statements from members of the public
to be considered as part of the
Committee’s information gathering
process. ACRS reviews do not normally
encompass matters pertaining to
environmental impacts other than those
related to radiological safety.
The ACRS meetings are not
adjudicatory hearings such as those
conducted by the NRC’s Atomic Safety
and Licensing Board Panel as part of the
Commission’s licensing process.
General Rules Regarding ACRS Full
Committee Meetings
An agenda will be published in the
Federal Register for each full
Committee meeting. There may be a
need to make adjustments to the agenda
to facilitate the conduct of the meeting.
The Chairman of the Committee is
empowered to make such adjustments
to conduct the meeting in a manner that,
in his/her judgment, will facilitate the
orderly conduct of business, including
making provisions to continue the
discussion of matters not completed on
the scheduled day on another meeting
day. Persons planning to attend the
meeting may contact the Designated
Federal Official (DFO) specified in the
Federal Register Notice prior to the
meeting to be advised of any changes to
the agenda that may have occurred.
The following requirements shall
apply to public participation in ACRS
full Committee meetings:
(a) Persons who plan to submit
written comments at the meeting should
provide 35 copies to the DFO at the
beginning of the meeting. Persons who
cannot attend the meeting but wish to
rmajette on PROD1PC67 with NOTICES1
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 190 / Monday, October 2, 2006 / Notices
submit written comments regarding the
agenda items may do so by sending a
readily reproducible copy addressed to
the DFO specified in the Federal
Register Notice, care of the Advisory
Committee on Reactor Safeguards, U.S.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
Washington, DC 20555–0001.
Comments should be limited to items
being considered by the Committee.
Comments should be in the possession
of the DFO five days prior to the
meeting to allow time for reproduction
and distribution.
(b) Persons desiring to make oral
statements at the meeting should make
a request to do so to the DFO. If
possible, the request should be made
five days before the meeting, identifying
the topic(s) on which oral statements
will be made and the amount of time
needed for presentation so that orderly
arrangements can be made. The
Committee will hear oral statements on
topics being reviewed at an appropriate
time during the meeting as scheduled by
the Chairman.
(c) Information regarding topics to be
discussed, changes to the agenda,
whether the meeting has been canceled
or rescheduled, and the time allotted to
present oral statements can be obtained
by contacting the DFO.
(d) The use of still, motion picture,
and television cameras may be limited
to selected portions of the meeting as
determined by the Chairman and subject
to the condition that the use of such
equipment will not interfere with the
conduct of the meeting. The DFO will
have to be notified prior to the meeting
and will authorize the use of such
equipment after consultation with the
Chairman. The use of such equipment
will be restricted as is necessary to
protect proprietary or privileged
information that may be in documents,
folders, etc., in the meeting room.
Electronic recordings will be permitted
only during those portions of the
meeting that are open to the public.
(e) A transcript will be kept for certain
open portions of the meeting and will be
available in the NRC Public Document
Room (PDR), One White Flint North,
Room O–1F21, 11555 Rockville Pike,
Rockville, MD 20852–2738. A copy of
the certified minutes of the meeting will
be available at the same location three
months following the meeting. Copies
may be obtained upon payment of
appropriate reproduction charges. ACRS
meeting agenda, transcripts, and letter
reports are available through the NRC
Public Document Room at,
by calling the PDR at 1–800–394–4209,
or from the Publicly Available Records
System (PARS) component of NRC’s
document system (ADAMS) which is
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accessible from the NRC Web site at
adams.html or
reading-rm/doc-collections/ (ACRS
schedules and agendas).
(f) Video teleconferencing service is
available for observing open sessions of
ACRS meetings. Those wishing to use
this service for observing ACRS
meetings should contact Mr. Theron
Brown, ACRS Audio Visual Technician,
(301–415–8066) between 7:30 a.m. and
3:45 p.m. Eastern Time at least 10 days
before the meeting to ensure the
availability of this service. Individuals
or organizations requesting this service
will be responsible for telephone line
charges and for providing the
equipment and facilities that they use to
establish the video teleconferencing
link. The availability of video
teleconferencing services is not
ACRS Subcommittee Meetings
In accordance with the revised FACA,
the agency is no longer required to
apply the FACA requirements to
meetings conducted by the
Subcommittees of the NRC Advisory
Committees, if the Subcommittee’s
recommendations would be
independently reviewed by its parent
The ACRS, however, chose to conduct
its Subcommittee meetings in
accordance with the procedures noted
above for ACRS full Committee
meetings, as appropriate, to facilitate
public participation, and to provide a
forum for stakeholders to express their
views on regulatory matters being
considered by the ACRS. When
Subcommittee meetings are held at
locations other than at NRC facilities,
reproduction facilities may not be
available at a reasonable cost.
Accordingly, 50 copies of the materials
to be used during the meeting should be
provided for distribution at such
Special Provisions When Proprietary
Sessions Are To Be Held
If it is necessary to hold closed
sessions for the purpose of discussing
matters involving proprietary
information, persons with agreements
permitting access to such information
may attend those portions of the ACRS
meetings where this material is being
discussed upon confirmation that such
agreements are effective and related to
the material being discussed.
The DFO should be informed of such
an agreement at least five working days
prior to the meeting so that it can be
confirmed, and a determination can be
made regarding the applicability of the
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agreement to the material that will be
discussed during the meeting. The
minimum information provided should
include information regarding the date
of the agreement, the scope of material
included in the agreement, the project
or projects involved, and the names and
titles of the persons signing the
agreement. Additional information may
be requested to identify the specific
agreement involved. A copy of the
executed agreement should be provided
to the DFO prior to the beginning of the
meeting for admittance to the closed
Dated: September 26, 2006.
Andrew L. Bates,
Advisory Committee Management Officer.
[FR Doc. E6–16136 Filed 9–29–06; 8:45 am]
Request for Public Comments on
Annual Review of Country Eligibility
for Benefits Under the African Growth
and Opportunity Act
Office of the United States
Trade Representative.
ACTION: Notice and request for
SUMMARY: The African Growth and
Opportunity Act Implementation
Subcommittee of the Trade Policy Staff
Committee (the ‘‘Subcommittee’’) is
requesting written public comments for
the annual review of the eligibility of
sub-Saharan African countries to receive
the benefits of the African Growth and
Opportunity Act (AGOA). The
Subcommittee will consider these
comments in developing
recommendations on AGOA country
eligibility for the President. Comments
received related to the child labor
criteria may also be considered by the
Secretary of Labor for the preparation of
the Department of Labor’s report on
child labor as required under section
412(c) of the Trade and Development
Act of 2000. This notice identifies the
eligibility criteria that must be
considered under AGOA, and lists those
sub-Saharan African countries that are
currently eligible for the benefits of the
AGOA, and those that are currently
ineligible for such benefits.
DATES: Public comments are due at the
Office of the U.S. Trade Representative
(USTR) by noon, Friday, October 20,
ADDRESSES: USTR prefers submission by
electronic mail: If
you are unable to make a submission by
[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 190 (Monday, October 2, 2006)]
[Pages 58015-58016]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E6-16136]
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards; Procedures for Meetings
This notice describes procedures to be followed with respect to
meetings conducted by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC's)
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) pursuant to the Federal
Advisory Committee Act (FACA). These procedures are set forth so that
they may be incorporated by reference in future notices for individual
The ACRS is a statutory group established by Congress to review and
report on nuclear safety matters and applications for the licensing of
nuclear facilities. The Committee's reports become a part of the public
The ACRS meetings are conducted in accordance with FACA. They are
normally open to the public and provide opportunities for oral or
written statements from members of the public to be considered as part
of the Committee's information gathering process. ACRS reviews do not
normally encompass matters pertaining to environmental impacts other
than those related to radiological safety.
The ACRS meetings are not adjudicatory hearings such as those
conducted by the NRC's Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel as part
of the Commission's licensing process.
General Rules Regarding ACRS Full Committee Meetings
An agenda will be published in the Federal Register for each full
Committee meeting. There may be a need to make adjustments to the
agenda to facilitate the conduct of the meeting. The Chairman of the
Committee is empowered to make such adjustments to conduct the meeting
in a manner that, in his/her judgment, will facilitate the orderly
conduct of business, including making provisions to continue the
discussion of matters not completed on the scheduled day on another
meeting day. Persons planning to attend the meeting may contact the
Designated Federal Official (DFO) specified in the Federal Register
Notice prior to the meeting to be advised of any changes to the agenda
that may have occurred.
The following requirements shall apply to public participation in
ACRS full Committee meetings:
(a) Persons who plan to submit written comments at the meeting
should provide 35 copies to the DFO at the beginning of the meeting.
Persons who cannot attend the meeting but wish to
[[Page 58016]]
submit written comments regarding the agenda items may do so by sending
a readily reproducible copy addressed to the DFO specified in the
Federal Register Notice, care of the Advisory Committee on Reactor
Safeguards, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-
0001. Comments should be limited to items being considered by the
Committee. Comments should be in the possession of the DFO five days
prior to the meeting to allow time for reproduction and distribution.
(b) Persons desiring to make oral statements at the meeting should
make a request to do so to the DFO. If possible, the request should be
made five days before the meeting, identifying the topic(s) on which
oral statements will be made and the amount of time needed for
presentation so that orderly arrangements can be made. The Committee
will hear oral statements on topics being reviewed at an appropriate
time during the meeting as scheduled by the Chairman.
(c) Information regarding topics to be discussed, changes to the
agenda, whether the meeting has been canceled or rescheduled, and the
time allotted to present oral statements can be obtained by contacting
the DFO.
(d) The use of still, motion picture, and television cameras may be
limited to selected portions of the meeting as determined by the
Chairman and subject to the condition that the use of such equipment
will not interfere with the conduct of the meeting. The DFO will have
to be notified prior to the meeting and will authorize the use of such
equipment after consultation with the Chairman. The use of such
equipment will be restricted as is necessary to protect proprietary or
privileged information that may be in documents, folders, etc., in the
meeting room. Electronic recordings will be permitted only during those
portions of the meeting that are open to the public.
(e) A transcript will be kept for certain open portions of the
meeting and will be available in the NRC Public Document Room (PDR),
One White Flint North, Room O-1F21, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD
20852-2738. A copy of the certified minutes of the meeting will be
available at the same location three months following the meeting.
Copies may be obtained upon payment of appropriate reproduction
charges. ACRS meeting agenda, transcripts, and letter reports are
available through the NRC Public Document Room at, by
calling the PDR at 1-800-394-4209, or from the Publicly Available
Records System (PARS) component of NRC's document system (ADAMS) which
is accessible from the NRC Web site at
adams.html or (ACRS
schedules and agendas).
(f) Video teleconferencing service is available for observing open
sessions of ACRS meetings. Those wishing to use this service for
observing ACRS meetings should contact Mr. Theron Brown, ACRS Audio
Visual Technician, (301-415-8066) between 7:30 a.m. and 3:45 p.m.
Eastern Time at least 10 days before the meeting to ensure the
availability of this service. Individuals or organizations requesting
this service will be responsible for telephone line charges and for
providing the equipment and facilities that they use to establish the
video teleconferencing link. The availability of video teleconferencing
services is not guaranteed.
ACRS Subcommittee Meetings
In accordance with the revised FACA, the agency is no longer
required to apply the FACA requirements to meetings conducted by the
Subcommittees of the NRC Advisory Committees, if the Subcommittee's
recommendations would be independently reviewed by its parent
The ACRS, however, chose to conduct its Subcommittee meetings in
accordance with the procedures noted above for ACRS full Committee
meetings, as appropriate, to facilitate public participation, and to
provide a forum for stakeholders to express their views on regulatory
matters being considered by the ACRS. When Subcommittee meetings are
held at locations other than at NRC facilities, reproduction facilities
may not be available at a reasonable cost. Accordingly, 50 copies of
the materials to be used during the meeting should be provided for
distribution at such meetings.
Special Provisions When Proprietary Sessions Are To Be Held
If it is necessary to hold closed sessions for the purpose of
discussing matters involving proprietary information, persons with
agreements permitting access to such information may attend those
portions of the ACRS meetings where this material is being discussed
upon confirmation that such agreements are effective and related to the
material being discussed.
The DFO should be informed of such an agreement at least five
working days prior to the meeting so that it can be confirmed, and a
determination can be made regarding the applicability of the agreement
to the material that will be discussed during the meeting. The minimum
information provided should include information regarding the date of
the agreement, the scope of material included in the agreement, the
project or projects involved, and the names and titles of the persons
signing the agreement. Additional information may be requested to
identify the specific agreement involved. A copy of the executed
agreement should be provided to the DFO prior to the beginning of the
meeting for admittance to the closed session.
Dated: September 26, 2006.
Andrew L. Bates,
Advisory Committee Management Officer.
[FR Doc. E6-16136 Filed 9-29-06; 8:45 am]