Federal Management Regulation; Disposition of Personal Property, 53646-53648 [E6-15073]
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sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 176 / Tuesday, September 12, 2006 / Proposed Rules
or systems needed to comply with this
section in accordance with 40 CFR
60.11(d) and consistent with good
engineering practices to keep emissions
at or below the emissions limitations in
this section, and following outages of
any control equipment or systems the
control equipment or system will be
returned to full operation as
expeditiously as practicable.
(i) Enforcement. (1) Notwithstanding
any other provision in this
implementation plan, any credible
evidence or information relevant to
whether a source would have been in
compliance with applicable
requirements if the appropriate
performance or compliance test had
been performed, can be used to establish
whether or not a person has violated or
is in violation of any standard in the
(2) During periods of start-up and
shutdown the otherwise applicable
emission limits or requirements for
opacity and particulate matter shall not
apply provided that:
(i) At all times the facility is operated
in a manner consistent with good
practice for minimizing emissions, and
the owner or operator uses best efforts
regarding planning, design, and
operating procedures to meet the
otherwise applicable emission limit;
(ii) The frequency and duration of
operation in start-up or shutdown mode
are minimized to the maximum extent
practicable; and
(iii) The owner or operator’s actions
during start-up and shutdown periods
are documented by properly signed,
contemporaneous operating logs, or
other relevant evidence.
(3) Emissions in excess of the level of
the applicable emission limit or
requirement that occur due to a
malfunction shall constitute a violation
of the applicable emission limit.
However, it shall be an affirmative
defense in an enforcement action
seeking penalties if the owner or
operator has met with all of the
following conditions:
(i) The malfunction was the result of
a sudden and unavoidable failure of
process or air pollution control
equipment and did not result from
inadequate design or construction of the
process or air pollution control
(ii) The malfunction did not result
from operator error or neglect, or from
improper operation or maintenance
(iii) The excess emissions were not
part of a recurring pattern indicative of
inadequate design, operation, or
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(iv) Steps were immediately taken to
correct conditions leading to the
malfunction, and the amount and
duration of the excess emissions caused
by the malfunction were minimized to
the maximum extent practicable;
(v) All possible steps were taken to
minimize the impact of the excess
emissions on ambient air quality;
(vi) All emissions monitoring systems
were kept in operation if at all possible;
(vii) The owner or operator’s actions
in response to the excess emissions
were documented by properly signed,
contemporaneous operating logs, or
other relevant evidence.
• E-mail: fmrcase.2004-1021@gsa.gov. Include FMR case 2004–
102–1 in the subject line of the message.
• Fax: 202–501–4067.
• Mail: General Services
Administration, Regulatory Secretariat
(VIR), 1800 F Street, NW., Room 4035,
ATTN: Laurieann Duarte, Washington,
DC 20405.
Instructions: Please submit comments
only and cite FMR case 2004–102–1 in
all correspondence related to this case.
All comments received will be posted
without change to https://www.gsa.gov/
fmr, including any personal information
provided. Click on ‘‘FMR Public
[FR Doc. E6–15086 Filed 9–11–06; 8:45 am]
Regulatory Secretariat, Room 4035, GS
Building, Washington, DC 20405, at
(202) 501–4755 for information
pertaining to status or publication
schedules. For clarification of content,
contact Mr. Robert Holcombe, Office of
Governmentwide Policy, Personal
Property Management Policy, at (202)
501–3828, or e-mail at
robert.holcombe@gsa.gov. Please cite
FMR case 2004–102–1.
41 CFR Part 102–35
[FMR Case 2004–102–1]
RIN 3090–AH93
Federal Management Regulation;
Disposition of Personal Property
Office of Governmentwide
Policy, General Services Administration
ACTION: Proposed rule.
SUMMARY: The General Services
Administration is amending the Federal
Management Regulation (FMR) by
revising coverage on personal property
and moving it into Subchapter B of the
FMR. This proposed rule adds a new
part to Subchapter B of the FMR to
provide an overview of the property
disposal regulation and provide
definitions for terms found in the FMR
parts as well as the Federal Property
Management Regulations (FPMR) parts.
The FPMR parts will be included in the
FMR in the near future. The FMR and
any corresponding documents may be
accessed at GSA’s Web site at https://
DATES: Interested parties should submit
comments in writing on or before
October 12, 2006 to be considered in the
formulation of a final rule.
ADDRESSES: Submit comments
identified by FMR case 2004–102–1 by
any of the following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal:
https://www.regulations.gov. Follow
the instructions for submitting
• Agency Web Site: https://
www.gsa.gov/fmr. Click on FMR
Proposed Rules, and the FMR case
number to submit comments.
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A. Background
This proposed rule adds a new part,
102–35, to Subchapter B of the FMR to
provide an overview of the property
disposal regulation and to provide
definitions for terms found in FMR parts
102–36 through 102–42 (41 CFR 102–36
through 102–42), as well as FPMR parts
101–42 and 101–48 (41 CFR 101–42 and
101–48) which will be included in the
FMR in the near future. This part serves
as a summary and overview of the
policies relating to the disposal of
Federal personal property and provides
overall guidance for all methods of
property disposal.
Finally, this part emphasizes the use
of excess property from other agencies
as the first source of supply, and
specifically identifying the preference to
transfer property to Federal agencies for
their own use before transferring that
property to agencies for use by nonFederal entities.
B. Executive Order 12866
GSA has determined that this
proposed rule is not a significant rule
for the purposes of Executive Order
12866 of September 30, 1993.
C. Regulatory Flexibility Act
This proposed rule is not required to
be published in the Federal Register for
notice and comment; therefore the
Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601,
et seq., does not apply.
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 176 / Tuesday, September 12, 2006 / Proposed Rules
D. Paperwork Reduction Act
The Paperwork Reduction Act does
not apply because the proposed rule
does not impose recordkeeping or
information collection requirements, or
the collection of information from
offerors, contractors, or members of the
public which require the approval of the
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) under 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.
E. Small Business Regulatory
Enforcement Fairness Act
This proposed rule is exempt from
Congressional review prescribed under
5 U.S.C. 801 since it relates solely to
agency management and personnel.
List of Subjects in 41 CFR Part 102–35
Government employees, Personal
Dated: January 18, 2006.
John G. Sindelar,
Acting Associate Administrator, Office of
Governmentwide Policy.
For the reasons set forth in the
preamble, GSA proposes to amend 41
CFR chapter 102 as follows:
1. Part 102–35 is added to subchapter
B of chapter 102 to read as follows:
102–35.5 What is the scope of the General
Services Administration’s regulations on
the disposal of personal property?
102–35.10 How are these regulations for the
disposal of personal property organized?
102–35.15 What are the goals of GSA’s
personal property regulations?
102–35.20 What definitions apply to GSA’s
personal property regulations?
102–35.25 What management reports must
we provide?
102–35.30 What actions must I take
regardless of the property disposition
Authority: 40 U.S.C. 121(c).
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
§ 102–35.5 What is the scope of the
General Services Administration’s
regulations on the disposal of personal
The General Services
Administration’s personal property
disposal regulations contained in this
part and parts 102–36 through 102–42 of
this subchapter B as well as parts 101–
42 and 101–48 of the Federal Property
Management Regulations (41 CFR parts
101–42 and 101–48) cover the disposal
of personal property under the custody
and control of executive agencies
located in the United States, the U.S.
Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam,
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana
Islands, the Federated States of
Micronesia, the Marshall Islands, and
Palau, except in part 102–39 of this
subchapter B which applies to the
replacement of all property owned by
executive agencies worldwide using the
exchange/sale authority and in sections
102–36.380 through 102–36.400 which
apply to the disposal of excess property
located in countries and areas not listed
in this subpart. The legislative and
judicial branches are encouraged to
follow these provisions for property in
their custody and control.
§ 102–35.10 How are these regulations for
the disposal of personal property
The General Services Administration
(GSA) has divided its regulations for the
disposal of personal property into the
following program areas:
(a) Disposition of excess personal
property (part 102–36 of this subchapter
(b) Donation of surplus personal
property (part 102–37 of this subchapter
(c) Sale of surplus personal property
(part 102–38 of this subchapter B).
(d) Replacement of personal property
pursuant to the exchange/sale authority
(part 102–39 of this subchapter B).
(e) Utilization and disposal of
hazardous materials and certain
categories of property (part 101–42 of
the Federal Property Management
Regulations (FPMR), 41 CFR 101–42).
(f) Disposition of seized and forfeited,
voluntarily abandoned, and unclaimed
personal property (part 101–48 of the
FPMR, 41 CFR 101–48).
(g) Utilization, donation, and disposal
of foreign gifts and decorations (part
102–42 of this subchapter B).
§ 102–35.15 What are the goals of GSA’s
personal property regulations?
The goals of GSA’s personal property
regulations are to—
(a) Reduce procurement costs by
maximum use of the exchange/sale
authority for the replacement of
personal property;
(b) Improve the identification and
reporting of excess personal property;
(c) Maximize the use of excess
property as the first source of supply to
minimize expenditures for the purchase
of new property, when practicable;
Note to § 102–35.15(c): If there are
competing requests among Federal
agencies for excess property, preference
will be given to agencies where the
transfer will avoid a new Federal
procurement. A transfer to an agency
where the agency will provide the
property to a non-Federal entity for the
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non-Federal entity’s use will be
secondary to Federal use.
(d) Achieve maximum use of
Government property through the
donation of surplus personal property to
State and local public agencies and
other eligible non-Federal recipients;
(e) Obtain the optimum monetary
return to the Government for surplus
personal property sold and property
sold under the exchange/sale authority;
(f) Reduce management and inventory
costs by appropriate use of the
abandonment/destruction authority to
dispose of unneeded personal property
that has no commercial value or the
estimated cost of continued care and
handling would exceed the estimated
sales proceeds (see FMR §§ 102–36.305
through 102–36.330).
§ 102–35.20 What definitions apply to
GSA’s personal property regulations?
The following are definitions of, or
cross-references to, some key terms that
apply to GSA’s personal property
regulations. Other personal property
terms are defined in the sections or
parts to which they primarily apply.
Abandoned or other unclaimed
property (see § 101–48.001–1 of the
Federal Property Management
Regulations (41 CFR 101–48.001–1)).
Accountable Personal Property
includes nonexpendable personal
property whose expected useful life is
two years or longer and whose
acquisition value, as determined by the
agency, warrants tracking in the
agency’s property records, including
capitalized and sensitive personal
Accountability means the ability to
account for personal property by
providing a complete audit trail for
property transactions from receipt to
final disposition.
Acquisition cost means the original
purchase price of an item.
Capitalized Personal Property
includes property that is entered on the
agency’s general ledger records as a
major investment or asset. An agency
must determine its capitalization level
based on generally accepted accounting
standards as defined by the American
Institute of Certified Public
Control means the ongoing function of
maintaining physical oversight and
surveillance of personal property
throughout its complete life cycle using
various property management tools and
techniques taking into account the
environment in which the property is
located and its vulnerability to theft,
waste, fraud, or abuse.
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 176 / Tuesday, September 12, 2006 / Proposed Rules
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with PROPOSALS
Excess personal property (see § 102–
36.40 of this subchapter B).
Exchange/sale (see § 102–39.20 of this
subchapter B).
Executive agency (see § 102–36.40 of
this subchapter B).
Federal agency (see § 102–36.40 of
this subchapter B).
Foreign gifts and decorations (see
§ 102–42.10 of this subchapter B).
Forfeited property (see § 101–48.001–
5 of the FPMR (41 CFR 101–48.001–5)).
Inventory includes a formal listing of
all accountable property items assigned
to an agency, along with a formal
process to verify the condition, location,
and quantity of such items. This term
may also be used as a verb to indicate
the actions leading to the development
of a listing. In this sense, an inventory
must be conducted using an actual
physical count, electronic means, and/
or statistical methods.
National property management officer
means an official, designated in
accordance with § 102–36.45(b) of this
subchapter B, who is responsible for
ensuring effective acquisition, use, and
disposal of excess property within your
Personal property (see § 102–36.40 of
this subchapter B).
Property management means the
system of acquiring, maintaining, using
and disposing of the physical assets of
an organization or entity.
Seized property means personal
property that has been confiscated by a
Federal agency, and whose care and
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handling will be the responsibility of
that agency until final ownership is
determined by the judicial process.
Sensitive Personal Property includes
all items, regardless of value, that
require special control and
accountability due to unusual rates of
loss, theft or misuse, or due to national
security or export control
considerations. Such property includes
weapons, ammunition, explosives, and
classified property or records,
information technology equipment with
memory capability, cameras, and
communications equipment. These
classifications do not preclude agencies
from specifying additional personal
property classifications to effectively
manage their programs.
Surplus personal property (see § 102–
37.25 of this subchapter B).
Utilization means the identification,
reporting, and transfer of excess
personal property among Federal
agencies to fill current or future
authorized requirements in lieu of new
§ 102–35.25 What management reports
must we provide?
(a) There are three reports that must
be provided. The report summarizing
the property provided to non-Federal
recipients and the report summarizing
exchange/sale transactions (see FMR
102–36.295 and FMR 102–39.75
respectively) must be provided every
year (negative reports are required). In
addition, if you conduct negotiated sales
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of surplus personal property valued
over $5,000 in any year, you must report
this transaction in accordance with FMR
102–38.115 (negative reports are not
required for this report).
(b) The General Services
Administration (GSA) may request other
reports as authorized by 40 U.S.C.
§ 102–35.30 What actions must I take
regardless of the property disposition
Regardless of the disposition method
used, you should take the following
(a) You must maintain property in a
safe, secure, and cost-effective manner
until final disposition.
(b) You have authority to use the
abandonment/destruction provisions at
any stage of the disposal process (see
§§ 102–36.305 through 102–36.330 and
§ 102–38.70 of this subchapter B).
(c) You must implement policies and
procedures to remove sensitive or
classified information from property.
Agency-affixed markings should be
removed, if at all possible, prior to
property permanently leaving your
agency’s control.
(d) Government property may only be
used as authorized by your agency. Title
to Government property may not be
transferred to a non-Federal entity
unless through official procedures
specifically authorized by law.
[FR Doc. E6–15073 Filed 9–11–06; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 176 (Tuesday, September 12, 2006)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 53646-53648]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: E6-15073]
41 CFR Part 102-35
[FMR Case 2004-102-1]
RIN 3090-AH93
Federal Management Regulation; Disposition of Personal Property
AGENCY: Office of Governmentwide Policy, General Services
Administration (GSA).
ACTION: Proposed rule.
SUMMARY: The General Services Administration is amending the Federal
Management Regulation (FMR) by revising coverage on personal property
and moving it into Subchapter B of the FMR. This proposed rule adds a
new part to Subchapter B of the FMR to provide an overview of the
property disposal regulation and provide definitions for terms found in
the FMR parts as well as the Federal Property Management Regulations
(FPMR) parts. The FPMR parts will be included in the FMR in the near
future. The FMR and any corresponding documents may be accessed at
GSA's Web site at https://www.gsa.gov/fmr.
DATES: Interested parties should submit comments in writing on or
before October 12, 2006 to be considered in the formulation of a final
ADDRESSES: Submit comments identified by FMR case 2004-102-1 by any of
the following methods:
Federal eRulemaking Portal:
https://www.regulations.gov. Follow the instructions for submitting
Agency Web Site: https://www.gsa.gov/fmr. Click on FMR
Proposed Rules, and the FMR case number to submit comments.
E-mail: fmrcase.2004-102-1@gsa.gov. Include FMR case 2004-
102-1 in the subject line of the message.
Fax: 202-501-4067.
Mail: General Services Administration, Regulatory
Secretariat (VIR), 1800 F Street, NW., Room 4035, ATTN: Laurieann
Duarte, Washington, DC 20405.
Instructions: Please submit comments only and cite FMR case 2004-
102-1 in all correspondence related to this case. All comments received
will be posted without change to https://www.gsa.gov/fmr, including any
personal information provided. Click on ``FMR Public Comments''.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT The Regulatory Secretariat, Room 4035,
GS Building, Washington, DC 20405, at (202) 501-4755 for information
pertaining to status or publication schedules. For clarification of
content, contact Mr. Robert Holcombe, Office of Governmentwide Policy,
Personal Property Management Policy, at (202) 501-3828, or e-mail at
robert.holcombe@gsa.gov. Please cite FMR case 2004-102-1.
A. Background
This proposed rule adds a new part, 102-35, to Subchapter B of the
FMR to provide an overview of the property disposal regulation and to
provide definitions for terms found in FMR parts 102-36 through 102-42
(41 CFR 102-36 through 102-42), as well as FPMR parts 101-42 and 101-48
(41 CFR 101-42 and 101-48) which will be included in the FMR in the
near future. This part serves as a summary and overview of the policies
relating to the disposal of Federal personal property and provides
overall guidance for all methods of property disposal.
Finally, this part emphasizes the use of excess property from other
agencies as the first source of supply, and specifically identifying
the preference to transfer property to Federal agencies for their own
use before transferring that property to agencies for use by non-
Federal entities.
B. Executive Order 12866
GSA has determined that this proposed rule is not a significant
rule for the purposes of Executive Order 12866 of September 30, 1993.
C. Regulatory Flexibility Act
This proposed rule is not required to be published in the Federal
Register for notice and comment; therefore the Regulatory Flexibility
Act, 5 U.S.C. 601, et seq., does not apply.
[[Page 53647]]
D. Paperwork Reduction Act
The Paperwork Reduction Act does not apply because the proposed
rule does not impose recordkeeping or information collection
requirements, or the collection of information from offerors,
contractors, or members of the public which require the approval of the
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.
E. Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act
This proposed rule is exempt from Congressional review prescribed
under 5 U.S.C. 801 since it relates solely to agency management and
List of Subjects in 41 CFR Part 102-35
Government employees, Personal property.
Dated: January 18, 2006.
John G. Sindelar,
Acting Associate Administrator, Office of Governmentwide Policy.
For the reasons set forth in the preamble, GSA proposes to amend 41
CFR chapter 102 as follows:
1. Part 102-35 is added to subchapter B of chapter 102 to read as
102-35.5 What is the scope of the General Services Administration's
regulations on the disposal of personal property?
102-35.10 How are these regulations for the disposal of personal
property organized?
102-35.15 What are the goals of GSA's personal property regulations?
102-35.20 What definitions apply to GSA's personal property
102-35.25 What management reports must we provide?
102-35.30 What actions must I take regardless of the property
disposition method?
Authority: 40 U.S.C. 121(c).
Sec. 102-35.5 What is the scope of the General Services
Administration's regulations on the disposal of personal property?
The General Services Administration's personal property disposal
regulations contained in this part and parts 102-36 through 102-42 of
this subchapter B as well as parts 101-42 and 101-48 of the Federal
Property Management Regulations (41 CFR parts 101-42 and 101-48) cover
the disposal of personal property under the custody and control of
executive agencies located in the United States, the U.S. Virgin
Islands, American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana
Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, the Marshall Islands, and
Palau, except in part 102-39 of this subchapter B which applies to the
replacement of all property owned by executive agencies worldwide using
the exchange/sale authority and in sections 102-36.380 through 102-
36.400 which apply to the disposal of excess property located in
countries and areas not listed in this subpart. The legislative and
judicial branches are encouraged to follow these provisions for
property in their custody and control.
Sec. 102-35.10 How are these regulations for the disposal of personal
property organized?
The General Services Administration (GSA) has divided its
regulations for the disposal of personal property into the following
program areas:
(a) Disposition of excess personal property (part 102-36 of this
subchapter B).
(b) Donation of surplus personal property (part 102-37 of this
subchapter B).
(c) Sale of surplus personal property (part 102-38 of this
subchapter B).
(d) Replacement of personal property pursuant to the exchange/sale
authority (part 102-39 of this subchapter B).
(e) Utilization and disposal of hazardous materials and certain
categories of property (part 101-42 of the Federal Property Management
Regulations (FPMR), 41 CFR 101-42).
(f) Disposition of seized and forfeited, voluntarily abandoned, and
unclaimed personal property (part 101-48 of the FPMR, 41 CFR 101-48).
(g) Utilization, donation, and disposal of foreign gifts and
decorations (part 102-42 of this subchapter B).
Sec. 102-35.15 What are the goals of GSA's personal property
The goals of GSA's personal property regulations are to--
(a) Reduce procurement costs by maximum use of the exchange/sale
authority for the replacement of personal property;
(b) Improve the identification and reporting of excess personal
(c) Maximize the use of excess property as the first source of
supply to minimize expenditures for the purchase of new property, when
Note to Sec. 102-35.15(c): If there are competing requests among
Federal agencies for excess property, preference will be given to
agencies where the transfer will avoid a new Federal procurement. A
transfer to an agency where the agency will provide the property to a
non-Federal entity for the non-Federal entity's use will be secondary
to Federal use.
(d) Achieve maximum use of Government property through the donation
of surplus personal property to State and local public agencies and
other eligible non-Federal recipients;
(e) Obtain the optimum monetary return to the Government for
surplus personal property sold and property sold under the exchange/
sale authority; and
(f) Reduce management and inventory costs by appropriate use of the
abandonment/destruction authority to dispose of unneeded personal
property that has no commercial value or the estimated cost of
continued care and handling would exceed the estimated sales proceeds
(see FMR Sec. Sec. 102-36.305 through 102-36.330).
Sec. 102-35.20 What definitions apply to GSA's personal property
The following are definitions of, or cross-references to, some key
terms that apply to GSA's personal property regulations. Other personal
property terms are defined in the sections or parts to which they
primarily apply.
Abandoned or other unclaimed property (see Sec. 101-48.001-1 of
the Federal Property Management Regulations (41 CFR 101-48.001-1)).
Accountable Personal Property includes nonexpendable personal
property whose expected useful life is two years or longer and whose
acquisition value, as determined by the agency, warrants tracking in
the agency's property records, including capitalized and sensitive
personal property.
Accountability means the ability to account for personal property
by providing a complete audit trail for property transactions from
receipt to final disposition.
Acquisition cost means the original purchase price of an item.
Capitalized Personal Property includes property that is entered on
the agency's general ledger records as a major investment or asset. An
agency must determine its capitalization level based on generally
accepted accounting standards as defined by the American Institute of
Certified Public Accountants.
Control means the ongoing function of maintaining physical
oversight and surveillance of personal property throughout its complete
life cycle using various property management tools and techniques
taking into account the environment in which the property is located
and its vulnerability to theft, waste, fraud, or abuse.
[[Page 53648]]
Excess personal property (see Sec. 102-36.40 of this subchapter
Exchange/sale (see Sec. 102-39.20 of this subchapter B).
Executive agency (see Sec. 102-36.40 of this subchapter B).
Federal agency (see Sec. 102-36.40 of this subchapter B).
Foreign gifts and decorations (see Sec. 102-42.10 of this
subchapter B).
Forfeited property (see Sec. 101-48.001-5 of the FPMR (41 CFR 101-
Inventory includes a formal listing of all accountable property
items assigned to an agency, along with a formal process to verify the
condition, location, and quantity of such items. This term may also be
used as a verb to indicate the actions leading to the development of a
listing. In this sense, an inventory must be conducted using an actual
physical count, electronic means, and/or statistical methods.
National property management officer means an official, designated
in accordance with Sec. 102-36.45(b) of this subchapter B, who is
responsible for ensuring effective acquisition, use, and disposal of
excess property within your agency.
Personal property (see Sec. 102-36.40 of this subchapter B).
Property management means the system of acquiring, maintaining,
using and disposing of the physical assets of an organization or
Seized property means personal property that has been confiscated
by a Federal agency, and whose care and handling will be the
responsibility of that agency until final ownership is determined by
the judicial process.
Sensitive Personal Property includes all items, regardless of
value, that require special control and accountability due to unusual
rates of loss, theft or misuse, or due to national security or export
control considerations. Such property includes weapons, ammunition,
explosives, and classified property or records, information technology
equipment with memory capability, cameras, and communications
equipment. These classifications do not preclude agencies from
specifying additional personal property classifications to effectively
manage their programs.
Surplus personal property (see Sec. 102-37.25 of this subchapter
Utilization means the identification, reporting, and transfer of
excess personal property among Federal agencies to fill current or
future authorized requirements in lieu of new procurement.
Sec. 102-35.25 What management reports must we provide?
(a) There are three reports that must be provided. The report
summarizing the property provided to non-Federal recipients and the
report summarizing exchange/sale transactions (see FMR 102-36.295 and
FMR 102-39.75 respectively) must be provided every year (negative
reports are required). In addition, if you conduct negotiated sales of
surplus personal property valued over $5,000 in any year, you must
report this transaction in accordance with FMR 102-38.115 (negative
reports are not required for this report).
(b) The General Services Administration (GSA) may request other
reports as authorized by 40 U.S.C. 506(a)(1)(A).
Sec. 102-35.30 What actions must I take regardless of the property
disposition method?
Regardless of the disposition method used, you should take the
following actions.
(a) You must maintain property in a safe, secure, and cost-
effective manner until final disposition.
(b) You have authority to use the abandonment/destruction
provisions at any stage of the disposal process (see Sec. Sec. 102-
36.305 through 102-36.330 and Sec. 102-38.70 of this subchapter B).
(c) You must implement policies and procedures to remove sensitive
or classified information from property. Agency-affixed markings should
be removed, if at all possible, prior to property permanently leaving
your agency's control.
(d) Government property may only be used as authorized by your
agency. Title to Government property may not be transferred to a non-
Federal entity unless through official procedures specifically
authorized by law.
[FR Doc. E6-15073 Filed 9-11-06; 8:45 am]