Endangered and Threatened Species: Recovery Plan Preparation for 5 Evolutionarily Significant Units (ESUs) of Pacific Salmon and 5 Distinct Population Segments (DPSs) of Steelhead Trout, 53421-53422 [E6-14986]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 175 / Monday, September 11, 2006 / Notices argument in this proceeding are requested to submit with the argument: (1) A statement of the issue, and (2) a brief summary of the argument. Parties submitting case and/or rebuttal briefs are requested to provide the Department copies of the public version on disk. Case and rebuttal briefs must be served on interested parties in accordance with 19 CFR 351.303(f). Also, pursuant to 19 CFR 351.310, within 30 days of the date of publication of this notice, interested parties may request a public hearing on arguments to be raised in the case and rebuttal briefs. Unless the Secretary specifies otherwise, the hearing, if requested, will be held two days after the date for submission of rebuttal briefs. Representatives of parties to the proceeding may request disclosure of proprietary information under administrative protective order no later than 10 days after the representative’s client or employer becomes a party to the proceeding, but in no event later than the date the case briefs, under 19 CFR 351.309(c)(ii), are due. The Department will publish the final results of this administrative review, including the results of its analysis of issues raised in any case or rebuttal brief or at a hearing. This administrative review is issued and published in accordance with sections 751(a)(1) and 777(i)(1) of the Act and 19 CFR 351.221(b)(4). Dated: August 31, 2006. David M. Spooner, Assistant Secretaryfor Import Administration. [FR Doc. E6–14916 Filed 9–8–06; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 3510–DS–S DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration [I.D. 083106C] Endangered and Threatened Species: Recovery Plan Preparation for 5 Evolutionarily Significant Units (ESUs) of Pacific Salmon and 5 Distinct Population Segments (DPSs) of Steelhead Trout National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce. ACTION: Notice of intent; request for information. rwilkins on PROD1PC61 with NOTICES AGENCY: SUMMARY: NMFS announces its intent to develop recovery plans for 5 ESUs of Pacific salmon and 5 DPSs of steelhead trout in California that are listed as VerDate Aug<31>2005 18:03 Sep 08, 2006 Jkt 208001 threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and also requests information from the public. NMFS is required by the ESA to develop and implement recovery plans for the conservation and survival of ESA-listed species. NMFS is coordinating with state, Federal, tribal, and local entities in California and intends to produce draft recovery plans by June 2007. DATES: All information must be received no later than 5 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time on November 13, 2006. Information received after the deadline will be used to the maximum extent practicable. Information may be submitted by any of the following methods: • E-mail: Information for recovery planning may be submitted by e-mail to RecoveryInfo.swr@noaa.gov. Please include in the subject line of the e-mail the identifier ‘‘Information for ESA Recovery Planning, Attention: (insert name of appropriate NMFS Recovery Coordinator)’’ and specify the recovery domain to which your information applies. Please refer to the list of recovery domains and recovery coordinators provided below in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section to determine the appropriate NMFS Recovery Coordinator and recovery domain. If information pertaining to more than one recovery domain will be submitted, then a separate e-mail should be sent for each domain, using the appropriate subject line in each e-mail. • Mail: Information may be submitted by mail to Assistant Regional Administrator, Protected Species Division, NMFS, Sacramento Area Office, 650 Capitol Mall, Suite 8–300, Sacramento, California, 95814–4706. Please identify information as ‘‘Information for ESA Recovery Planning’’ and specify the recovery domain(s) to which your information applies (see the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section, below, to determine the appropriate domain). • Hand Delivery/Courier: You may hand deliver information or have information delivered by courier to NMFS, Sacramento Area Office, 650 Capitol Mall, Suite 8–300, Sacramento, California, 95814–4706. Business hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. Please identify information as ‘‘Information for ESA Recovery Planning’’ and specify the recovery domain(s) to which your information applies (see the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section, below, to determine the appropriate domain). ADDRESSES: PO 00000 Frm 00060 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 53421 • Fax: You may fax information to 916–930–3629. Please identify the fax comment as regarding ‘‘Information for Recovery Planing’’ and specify the recovery domain(s) to which your information applies (see the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section, below, to determine the appropriate domain). FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Please contact the recovery coordinator listed here for the geographic area or recovery domain in which you are interested. Additional salmon-related materials are available on the Southwest Region’s Internet site: https:// www.swr.noaa.gov. Southern Oregon/Northern California Coast Domain: Recovery Coordinator Greg Bryant at 707–825–5162 or by email at Greg.Bryant@noaa.gov North-Central California Coast Domain: Recovery Coordinator Charlotte Ambrose at 707–575–6068 or by email at Charlotte.A.Ambrose@noaa.gov South-Central California Coast Domain: Recovery Coordinator Mark Capelli at 805–963–6478 or by email at Mark.Capelli@noaa.gov Central Valley Domain: Recovery Coordinator Diane Windham at 916– 930–3619 or by email at Diane.Windham@noaa.gov SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Species Covered in This Notice There are 5 ESUs of salmon and 5 DPSs of steelhead trout listed as threatened or endangered species in California including: Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha): Sacramento River Winterrun, Central Valley Spring-run, and California Coastal. Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch): Southern Oregon/Northern California Coast, and Central California Coast. Steelhead Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): Northern California Coast, Central California Coast, South-Central California Coast, Southern California Coast, and California Central Valley. Background NMFS is charged with the recovery of Pacific salmon and steelhead species listed under the ESA. Recovery under the ESA means that listed species and their ecosystems are restored, and their future secured, so that the protections of the ESA are no longer necessary. The ESA requires that NMFS develop and implement recovery plans for the conservation and survival of endangered and threatened species. These recovery plans provide blueprints to determine priority recovery actions for funding E:\FR\FM\11SEN1.SGM 11SEN1 rwilkins on PROD1PC61 with NOTICES 53422 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 175 / Monday, September 11, 2006 / Notices and implementation. The ESA specifies that recovery plans must include: (1) a description of site-specific management actions that may be necessary to achieve the plan’s goals for the conservation and survival of the species; (2) objective, measurable criteria, which when met, would result in the species being removed from the list of threatened and endangered species; and (3) estimates of the time and costs required to achieve the plan’s goal and achieve intermediate steps toward that goal. In addition, NMFS has developed interim recovery planning guidance (NMFS, 2004) that provides additional information to ensure consistency among recovery plans that are developed for all species managed by NMFS. The guidance also stresses the importance of involving stakeholders in the recovery planning process. NMFS will take into consideration all information we receive during this comment period in the preparation of draft recovery plans for salmon and steelhead in California. In order to develop recovery plans that address multiple species in an ecosystem context, NMFS has organized its recovery planning activities in California into four recovery areas or ‘‘domains’’ (Southern Oregon/Northern California Coast, North-Central California Coast, South-Central California Coast, and California Central Valley). Each domain will have one or more recovery plans that address all the listed salmon ESUs and/or steelhead DPSs within it. While each recovery plan will meet the requirements of the ESA and will use consistent scientific principles, plan(s) for individual planning domains are expected to be different because of differences in species, the amount and quality of information regarding the species and habitat conditions, and differences in ongoing and planned conservation efforts such as CalFed in the Central Valley, the State of California coho salmon recovery plan on the north coast, and many other local planning efforts and intiatives. To develop key technical products for all salmon ESUs and steelhead DPSs and to provide general science support, NMFS formed separate teams of scientists (called Technical Recovery Teams) for each of the four recovery planning domains described above. These teams are developing technical information on population structure of individual ESUs and DPSs, viability criteria for individual populations within ESUs and DPSs and for ESUs and DPSs as a whole, recommendations for future research, and a framework for monitoring the listed ESUs/DPSs. VerDate Aug<31>2005 18:03 Sep 08, 2006 Jkt 208001 Finally, NMFS has developed a schedule for producing draft recovery plans in each recovery domain by June 2007 and final recovery plans by January 2008. Because draft recovery plans may be developed using different approaches in the four domains and because of differences in information on the species in each domain, the level of detail in these draft recovery plans is expected to vary. NMFS will publish draft recovery plans in the Federal Register and public comment will be sought for each proposed plan. NMFS requests relevant information from the public that should be addressed during preparation of draft recovery plans. Such information should address: (a) Biological and other criteria for removing the ESUs or DPSs from the list of threatened and endangered species; (b) factors that are presently limiting or threaten to limit survival of the ESUs or DPSs; (c) actions to address limiting factors and threats; (d) estimates of time and cost to implement recovery actions; and (e) research, monitoring, and evaluation needs. Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq. Dated: September 6, 2006. Marta Nammack, Acting Chief, Endangered Species Division, Office of Protected Resources, National Marine Fisheries Service. [FR Doc. E6–14986 Filed 9–8–06; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 3510–22–S DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration [I.D. 090506D] Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (MAFMC); Public Meetings National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce. ACTION: Notice of public meeting. AGENCY: SUMMARY: The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council’s (MAFMC) Dogfish Monitoring Committee will hold a public meeting. DATES: The meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 26, 2006, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. See SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION for meeting agenda. ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held at Sheraton Providence Airport Hotel, 1850 Post Rd., Warwick, RI 02886, telephone: (401) 824–0670. Council address: Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council, 300 S. New PO 00000 Frm 00061 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 Street, Dover, DE 19904, telephone: (302) 674–2331. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Daniel T. Furlong, Executive Director, Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council; telephone: (302) 674–2331, extension 19. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The purpose of this meeting is to consider the appropriateness of making changes, if any, to management measures currently in place for the upcoming (2007–08) fishing year for spiny dogfish. Management measures that will be discussed may include, but may not necessarily be limited to, quotas and daily landing limits. Although non-emergency issues not contained in this agenda may come before this group for discussion, those issues may not be the subject of formal action during this meeting. Action will be restricted to those issues specifically identified in this notice and any issues arising after publication of this notice that require emergency action under section 305(c) of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, provided the public has been notified of the MAFMC’s intent to take final action to address the emergency. Special Accommodations This meeting is physically accessible to people with disabilities. Requests for sign language interpretation or other auxiliary aids should be directed to M. Jan Saunders, (302) 674–2331 extension 18, at least 5 days prior to the meeting date. Dated: September 6, 2006. Tracey L. Thompson, Acting Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Service. [FR Doc. E6–14981 Filed 9–8–06; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 3510–22–S DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration [I.D. 090506E] North Pacific Fishery Management Council; Public Meeting National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce. ACTION: Notice of a public meeting. AGENCY: SUMMARY: The North Pacific Fishery Management Council’s (Council) Aleutian Island Ecosystem Team will meet in Seattle, WA. E:\FR\FM\11SEN1.SGM 11SEN1


[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 175 (Monday, September 11, 2006)]
[Pages 53421-53422]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: E6-14986]



National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

[I.D. 083106C]

Endangered and Threatened Species: Recovery Plan Preparation for 
5 Evolutionarily Significant Units (ESUs) of Pacific Salmon and 5 
Distinct Population Segments (DPSs) of Steelhead Trout

AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.

ACTION: Notice of intent; request for information.


SUMMARY: NMFS announces its intent to develop recovery plans for 5 ESUs 
of Pacific salmon and 5 DPSs of steelhead trout in California that are 
listed as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act 
(ESA) and also requests information from the public. NMFS is required 
by the ESA to develop and implement recovery plans for the conservation 
and survival of ESA-listed species. NMFS is coordinating with state, 
Federal, tribal, and local entities in California and intends to 
produce draft recovery plans by June 2007.

DATES: All information must be received no later than 5 p.m. Pacific 
Daylight Time on November 13, 2006. Information received after the 
deadline will be used to the maximum extent practicable.

ADDRESSES: Information may be submitted by any of the following 
     E-mail: Information for recovery planning may be submitted 
by e-mail to RecoveryInfo.swr@noaa.gov. Please include in the subject 
line of the e-mail the identifier ``Information for ESA Recovery 
Planning, Attention: (insert name of appropriate NMFS Recovery 
Coordinator)'' and specify the recovery domain to which your 
information applies. Please refer to the list of recovery domains and 
recovery coordinators provided below in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION 
CONTACT section to determine the appropriate NMFS Recovery Coordinator 
and recovery domain. If information pertaining to more than one 
recovery domain will be submitted, then a separate e-mail should be 
sent for each domain, using the appropriate subject line in each e-
     Mail: Information may be submitted by mail to Assistant 
Regional Administrator, Protected Species Division, NMFS, Sacramento 
Area Office, 650 Capitol Mall, Suite 8-300, Sacramento, California, 
95814-4706. Please identify information as ``Information for ESA 
Recovery Planning'' and specify the recovery domain(s) to which your 
information applies (see the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section, 
below, to determine the appropriate domain).
     Hand Delivery/Courier: You may hand deliver information or 
have information delivered by courier to NMFS, Sacramento Area Office, 
650 Capitol Mall, Suite 8-300, Sacramento, California, 95814-4706. 
Business hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except 
Federal holidays. Please identify information as ``Information for ESA 
Recovery Planning'' and specify the recovery domain(s) to which your 
information applies (see the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section, 
below, to determine the appropriate domain).
     Fax: You may fax information to 916-930-3629. Please 
identify the fax comment as regarding ``Information for Recovery 
Planing'' and specify the recovery domain(s) to which your information 
applies (see the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section, below, to 
determine the appropriate domain).

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Please contact the recovery 
coordinator listed here for the geographic area or recovery domain in 
which you are interested. Additional salmon-related materials are 
available on the Southwest Region's Internet site: https://
    Southern Oregon/Northern California Coast Domain: Recovery 
Coordinator Greg Bryant at 707-825-5162 or by email at 
    North-Central California Coast Domain: Recovery Coordinator 
Charlotte Ambrose at 707-575-6068 or by email at 
    South-Central California Coast Domain: Recovery Coordinator Mark 
Capelli at 805-963-6478 or by email at Mark.Capelli@noaa.gov
    Central Valley Domain: Recovery Coordinator Diane Windham at 916-
930-3619 or by email at Diane.Windham@noaa.gov


Species Covered in This Notice

    There are 5 ESUs of salmon and 5 DPSs of steelhead trout listed as 
threatened or endangered species in California including:
    Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha): Sacramento River Winter-
run, Central Valley Spring-run, and California Coastal.
    Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch): Southern Oregon/Northern 
California Coast, and Central California Coast.
    Steelhead Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): Northern California Coast, 
Central California Coast, South-Central California Coast, Southern 
California Coast, and California Central Valley.


    NMFS is charged with the recovery of Pacific salmon and steelhead 
species listed under the ESA. Recovery under the ESA means that listed 
species and their ecosystems are restored, and their future secured, so 
that the protections of the ESA are no longer necessary.
    The ESA requires that NMFS develop and implement recovery plans for 
the conservation and survival of endangered and threatened species. 
These recovery plans provide blueprints to determine priority recovery 
actions for funding

[[Page 53422]]

and implementation. The ESA specifies that recovery plans must include: 
(1) a description of site-specific management actions that may be 
necessary to achieve the plan's goals for the conservation and survival 
of the species; (2) objective, measurable criteria, which when met, 
would result in the species being removed from the list of threatened 
and endangered species; and (3) estimates of the time and costs 
required to achieve the plan's goal and achieve intermediate steps 
toward that goal. In addition, NMFS has developed interim recovery 
planning guidance (NMFS, 2004) that provides additional information to 
ensure consistency among recovery plans that are developed for all 
species managed by NMFS. The guidance also stresses the importance of 
involving stakeholders in the recovery planning process. NMFS will take 
into consideration all information we receive during this comment 
period in the preparation of draft recovery plans for salmon and 
steelhead in California.
    In order to develop recovery plans that address multiple species in 
an ecosystem context, NMFS has organized its recovery planning 
activities in California into four recovery areas or ``domains'' 
(Southern Oregon/Northern California Coast, North-Central California 
Coast, South-Central California Coast, and California Central Valley). 
Each domain will have one or more recovery plans that address all the 
listed salmon ESUs and/or steelhead DPSs within it. While each recovery 
plan will meet the requirements of the ESA and will use consistent 
scientific principles, plan(s) for individual planning domains are 
expected to be different because of differences in species, the amount 
and quality of information regarding the species and habitat 
conditions, and differences in ongoing and planned conservation efforts 
such as CalFed in the Central Valley, the State of California coho 
salmon recovery plan on the north coast, and many other local planning 
efforts and intiatives.
    To develop key technical products for all salmon ESUs and steelhead 
DPSs and to provide general science support, NMFS formed separate teams 
of scientists (called Technical Recovery Teams) for each of the four 
recovery planning domains described above. These teams are developing 
technical information on population structure of individual ESUs and 
DPSs, viability criteria for individual populations within ESUs and 
DPSs and for ESUs and DPSs as a whole, recommendations for future 
research, and a framework for monitoring the listed ESUs/DPSs.
    Finally, NMFS has developed a schedule for producing draft recovery 
plans in each recovery domain by June 2007 and final recovery plans by 
January 2008. Because draft recovery plans may be developed using 
different approaches in the four domains and because of differences in 
information on the species in each domain, the level of detail in these 
draft recovery plans is expected to vary. NMFS will publish draft 
recovery plans in the Federal Register and public comment will be 
sought for each proposed plan.
    NMFS requests relevant information from the public that should be 
addressed during preparation of draft recovery plans. Such information 
should address: (a) Biological and other criteria for removing the ESUs 
or DPSs from the list of threatened and endangered species; (b) factors 
that are presently limiting or threaten to limit survival of the ESUs 
or DPSs; (c) actions to address limiting factors and threats; (d) 
estimates of time and cost to implement recovery actions; and (e) 
research, monitoring, and evaluation needs.

    Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.

    Dated: September 6, 2006.
Marta Nammack,
Acting Chief, Endangered Species Division, Office of Protected 
Resources, National Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. E6-14986 Filed 9-8-06; 8:45 am]
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