Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Michigan; Revised Format of 40 CFR Part 52 for Materials Being Incorporated by Reference, 52467-52483 [E6-14708]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 172 / Wednesday, September 6, 2006 / Rules and Regulations Board, AS 05–5, effective September 1, 2005. [FR Doc. E6–14543 Filed 9–5–06; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6560–50–P ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 40 CFR Part 52 [MI–87–1; FRL–8214–1] Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Michigan; Revised Format of 40 CFR Part 52 for Materials Being Incorporated by Reference Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). ACTION: Final rule; Notice of administrative change. jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES AGENCY: SUMMARY: EPA is revising the format of materials submitted by the state of Michigan that are incorporated by reference (IBR) into its State Implementation Plan (SIP). The regulations affected by this format change have all been previously submitted by Michigan and approved by EPA. This format revision will primarily affect the ‘‘Identification of plan’’ section, as well as the format of the SIP materials that will be available for public inspection at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), the Air and Radiation Docket and Information Center located at EPA Headquarters in Washington, DC, and the EPA Region 5 Office. EPA is also adding a table in the ‘‘Identification of plan’’ section which summarizes the approval actions that EPA has taken on the non-regulatory and quasi-regulatory portions of the Michigan SIP. The sections pertaining to provisions promulgated by EPA or state-submitted materials not subject to IBR review remain unchanged. DATES: Effective Date: This final rule is effective on September 6, 2006. ADDRESSES: SIP materials which are incorporated by reference into 40 CFR part 52 are available for inspection at the following locations: Environmental Protection Agency, Region 5, 77 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois 60604; the Air and Radiation Docket and Information Center, EPA Headquarters Library, Infoterra Room (Room Number 3334), EPA West Building, 1301 Constitution Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460, and the National Archives and Records Administration. If you wish to obtain materials from a docket in the EPA VerDate Aug<31>2005 16:42 Sep 05, 2006 Jkt 205001 Headquarters Library, please call the Office of Air and Radiation (OAR) Docket/Telephone number: (202) 566– 1742. For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202–741– 6030, or go to: federal_register/ code_of_federal_regulations/ ibr_locations.html. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kathleen D’Agostino, Environmental Engineer, Criteria Pollutant Section, Air Programs Branch (AR–18J), Environmental Protection Agency, Region 5, 77 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois 60604, (312) 886–1767, SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Throughout this document whenever ‘‘we,’’ ‘‘us,’’ or ‘‘our’’ is used, we mean EPA. This supplementary information section is arranged as follows: Table of Contents I. Background A. Description of a SIP B. How EPA Enforces SIPs C. How the State and EPA Update the SIP D. How EPA Compiles the SIP E. How EPA Organizes the SIP Compilation F. Where You Can Find a Copy of the SIP Compilation G. The Format of the New Identification of Plan Section H. When a SIP Revision Becomes Federally Enforceable I. The Historical Record of SIP Revision Approvals II. What EPA Is Doing in This Action III. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews I. Background A. Description of a SIP Each state has a SIP containing the control measures and strategies used to attain and maintain the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). The SIP is extensive, containing elements covering a variety of subjects, such as air pollution control regulations, emission inventories, monitoring networks, attainment demonstrations, and enforcement mechanisms. B. How EPA Enforces SIPs Each state must formally adopt the control measures and strategies in the SIP after the public has had an opportunity to comment on them. They are then submitted to EPA as SIP revisions on which EPA must formally act. Once these control measures and strategies are approved by EPA, after notice and comment rulemaking, they are incorporated into the federally approved SIP and are identified in Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations part 52 (Approval and Promulgation of PO 00000 Frm 00065 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 52467 Implementation Plans), (40 CFR part 52). The actual state regulations approved by EPA are not reproduced in their entirety in 40 CFR part 52, but are ‘‘incorporated by reference,’’ which means that EPA has approved a given state regulation with a specific effective date. This format allows both EPA and the public to know which measures are contained in a given SIP and ensures that the state is enforcing the regulations. It also allows EPA and the public to take enforcement action, should a state not enforce its SIPapproved regulations. C. How the State and EPA Update the SIP The SIP is a living document which can be revised as necessary to address the unique air pollution problems in the state. Therefore, EPA must, from time to time, take action on SIP revisions containing new and/or revised regulations as being part of the SIP. On May 22, 1997 (62 FR 27968), EPA revised the procedures for incorporating by reference federally approved SIPs, as a result of consultations between EPA and the Office of the Federal Register (OFR). EPA began the process of developing: (1) A revised SIP document for each state that would be incorporated by reference under the provisions of title 1 CFR part 51; (2) a revised mechanism for announcing EPA approval of revisions to an applicable SIP and updating both the IBR document and the CFR; and (3) a revised format of the ‘‘Identification of plan’’ sections for each applicable subpart to reflect these revised IBR procedures. The description of the revised SIP document, IBR procedures, and ‘‘Identification of plan’’ format are discussed in further detail in the May 22, 1997, Federal Register document. D. How EPA Compiles the SIP The federally approved regulations, source-specific requirements, and nonregulatory provisions (entirely or portions of) submitted by each state agency have been organized by EPA into a ‘‘SIP compilation.’’ The SIP compilation contains the updated regulations, source-specific requirements, and nonregulatory provisions approved by EPA through previous rulemaking actions in the Federal Register. The compilation is contained in three-ring binders and will be updated, primarily on an annual basis. The nonregulatory provisions are available by contacting Kathleen D’Agostino at the Regional Office. E:\FR\FM\06SER1.SGM 06SER1 52468 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 172 / Wednesday, September 6, 2006 / Rules and Regulations E. How EPA Organizes the SIP Compilation Each compilation contains three parts. Part one contains the regulations, part two contains the source-specific requirements that have been approved as part of the SIP, and part three contains nonregulatory provisions that have been approved by EPA. Each part consists of a table of identifying information for each SIP-approved regulation, each SIP-approved sourcespecific requirement, and each nonregulatory SIP provision. In this action, EPA is publishing the tables summarizing the applicable SIP requirements for Michigan. The effective dates in the tables indicate the date of the most recent revision of each regulation. The EPA Regional Offices have the primary responsibility for updating the compilation and ensuring its accuracy. F. Where You Can Find a Copy of the SIP Compilation EPA’s Region 5 Office developed and will maintain the compilation for Michigan. A copy of the full text of Michigan’s regulatory and sourcespecific compilation will also be maintained at NARA and EPA’s Air Docket and Information Center. G. The Format of the New Identification of Plan Section In order to better serve the public, EPA revised the organization of the ‘‘Identification of plan’’ section and included additional information to clarify the enforceable elements of the SIP. The revised Identification of plan section contains five subsections: (a) Purpose and scope, (b) Incorporation by reference, (c) EPA approved regulations, (d) EPA approved source specific permits, and (e) EPA approved nonregulatory and quasi-regulatory provisions such as transportation control measures, statutory provisions, control strategies, monitoring networks, etc. jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES H. When a SIP Revision Becomes Federally Enforceable All revisions to the applicable SIP become federally enforceable as of the effective date of the revisions to paragraphs (c), (d), or (e) of the applicable Identification of plan section found in each subpart of 40 CFR part 52. I. The Historical Record of SIP Revision Approvals To facilitate enforcement of previously approved SIP provisions and provide a smooth transition to the new SIP processing system, EPA retains the VerDate Aug<31>2005 16:42 Sep 05, 2006 Jkt 205001 original Identification of plan section, previously appearing in the CFR as the first or second section of part 52 for each state subpart. After an initial twoyear period, EPA will review its experience with the new system and enforceability of previously approved SIP measures and will decide whether or not to retain the Identification of plan appendices for some further period. II. What EPA Is Doing in This Action Today’s rule constitutes a ‘‘housekeeping’’ exercise to ensure that all revisions to the state programs that have occurred are accurately reflected in 40 CFR part 52. State SIP revisions are controlled by EPA regulations at 40 CFR part 51. When EPA receives a formal SIP revision request, the Agency must publish the proposed revision in the Federal Register and provide for public comment before approval. EPA has determined that today’s rule falls under the ‘‘good cause’’ exemption in section 553(b)(3)(B) of the Administrative Procedures Act (APA) which, upon finding ‘‘good cause,’’ authorizes agencies to dispense with public participation and section 553(d)(3) which allows an agency to make a rule effective immediately (thereby avoiding the 30-day delayed effective date otherwise provided for in the APA). Today’s rule simply codifies provisions which are already in effect as a matter of law in Federal and approved state programs. Under section 553 of the APA, an agency may find good cause where procedures are ‘‘impractical, unnecessary, or contrary to the public interest.’’ Public comment is ‘‘unnecessary’’ and ‘‘contrary to the public interest’’ since the codification only reflects existing law. Immediate notice in the CFR benefits the public by removing outdated citations. III. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews A. General Requirements Under Executive Order 12866 (58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993), this action is not a ‘‘significant regulatory action’’ and is therefore not subject to review by the Office of Management and Budget. This rule is not subject to Executive Order 13211, ‘‘Actions Concerning Regulations That Significantly Affect Energy Supply, Distribution, or Use’’ (66 FR 28355, May 22, 2001) because it is not a significant regulatory action under Executive Order 12866. Because the agency has made a ‘‘good cause’’ finding that this action is not subject to notice-and-comment requirements under the Administrative Procedure Act or any other statute as PO 00000 Frm 00066 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 indicated in the Supplementary Information section above, it is not subject to the regulatory flexibility provisions of the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C 601 et seq.), or to sections 202 and 205 of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA) (Pub. L. 104–4). In addition, this action does not significantly or uniquely affect small governments or impose a significant intergovernmental mandate, as described in sections 203 and 204 of UMRA. This rule also does not have a substantial direct effect on one or more Indian tribes, on the relationship between the Federal government and Indian tribes, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities between the Federal government and Indian tribes, as specified by Executive Order 13175 (65 FR 67249, November 9, 2000), nor will it have substantial direct effects on the States, on the relationship between the national government and the States, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels of government, as specified in Executive Order 13132 (64 FR 43255, August 10, 1999). This rule also is not subject to Executive Order 13045 (62 FR 19885, April 23, 1997), because it is not economically significant. This rule does not involve technical standards; thus the requirements of section 12(d) of the National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995 (15 U.S.C. 272 note) do not apply. The rule also does not involve special consideration of environmental justice related issues as required by Executive Order 12898 (59 FR 7629, February 16, 1994). In issuing this rule, EPA has taken the necessary steps to eliminate drafting errors and ambiguity, minimize potential litigation, and provide a clear legal standard for affected conduct, as required by section 3 of Executive Order 12988 (61 FR 4729, February 7, 1996). EPA has complied with Executive Order 12630 (53 FR 8859, March 15, 1998) by examining the takings implications of the rule in accordance with the ‘‘Attorney General’s Supplemental Guidelines for the Evaluation of Risk and Avoidance of Unanticipated Takings’’ issued under the executive order. This rule does not impose an information collection burden under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). EPA’s compliance with these statutes and Executive Orders for the underlying rules are discussed in previous actions taken on the State’s rules. B. Submission to Congress and the Comptroller General The Congressional Review Act (5 U.S.C. 801 et seq.), as added by the E:\FR\FM\06SER1.SGM 06SER1 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 172 / Wednesday, September 6, 2006 / Rules and Regulations Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996, generally provides that before a rule may take effect, the agency promulgating the rule must submit a rule report, which includes a copy of the rule, to each House of the Congress and to the Comptroller General of the United States. Section 808 allows the issuing agency to make a rule effective sooner than otherwise provided by the CRA if the agency makes a good cause finding that notice and public procedure is impracticable, unnecessary or contrary to the public interest. Today’s action simply codifies provisions which are already in effect as a matter of law in Federal and approved State programs. 5 U.S.C. 808(2). As stated previously, EPA has made such a good cause finding, including the reasons therefore, and established an effective date of September 6, 2006. EPA will submit a report containing this rule and other required information to the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House of Representatives, and the Comptroller General of the United States prior to publication of the rule in the Federal Register. This rule is not a ‘‘major rule’’ as defined by 5 U.S.C. 804(2). List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 52 Environmental protection, Air pollution control, Carbon monoxide, Hydrocarbons, Incorporation by reference, Intergovernmental relations, Lead, Nitrogen dioxide, Ozone, Particulate matter, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Sulfur oxides, Volatile organic compounds. C. Petitions for Judicial Review EPA has also determined that the provisions of section 307(b)(1) of the Clean Air Act pertaining to petitions for judicial review are not applicable to this action. Prior EPA rulemaking actions for each individual component of the Michigan SIP compilation had previously afforded interested parties the opportunity to file a petition for judicial review in the United States Court of Appeals for the appropriate circuit within 60 days of such rulemaking action. Thus, EPA sees no need in this action to reopen the 60-day period for filing such petitions for judicial review for these ‘‘Identification of plan’’ reorganization actions for Michigan. § 52.1190 section. Dated: August 17, 2006. Norman Niedergang, Acting Regional Administrator, Region 5. Part 52 of chapter I, title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, is amended as follows: I PART 52—[AMENDED] 1. The authority for citation for part 52 continues to read as follows: I Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq. Subpart X—Michigan § 52.1170 [Redesignated as § 52.1190] 2. Section 52.1170 is redesignated as § 52.1190 and the section heading and paragraph (a) are revised to read as follows: I Original Identification of plan (a) This section identifies the original ‘‘Air Implementation Plan for the State of Michigan’’ and all revisions submitted by Michigan that were federally approved prior to August 1, 2006. * * * * * I 3. A new § 52.1170 is added to read as follows: § 52.1170 Identification of plan. (a) Purpose and scope. This section sets forth the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for Michigan under section 110 of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7401, and 40 CFR part 51 to meet National Ambient Air Quality Standards. 52469 (b) Incorporation by reference. (1) Material listed in paragraphs (c), (d), and (e) of this section with an EPA approval date prior to August 1, 2006, was approved for incorporation by reference by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Material is incorporated as it exists on the date of the approval, and notice of any change in the material will be published in the Federal Register. Entries in paragraphs (c), (d), and (e) of this section with the EPA approval dates after August 1, 2006, will be incorporated by reference in the next update to the SIP compilation. (2) EPA Region 5 certifies that the rules/regulations provided by the EPA in the SIP compilation at the addresses in paragraph (b)(3) of this section are an exact duplicate of the officially promulgated state rules/regulations which have been approved as part of the SIP as of August 1, 2006. (3) Copies of the materials incorporated by reference may be inspected at the Environmental Protection Agency, Region 5, Air Programs Branch, 77 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, IL 60604; the EPA, Air and Radiation Docket and Information Center, EPA Headquarters Library, Infoterra Room (Room Number 3334), EPA West Building, 1301 Constitution Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460, and the National Archives and Records Administration. If you wish to obtain materials from a docket in the EPA Headquarters Library, please call the Office of Air and Radiation (OAR) Docket/Telephone number: (202) 566–1742. For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202–741–6030, or go to: https:// code_of_federal_regulations/ ibr_locations.html. (c) EPA approved regulations. EPA-APPROVED MICHIGAN REGULATIONS Michigan citation State effective date Title EPA approval date Comments Annual Reporting R 336.202 ....................................... Annual reports ................................ 11/11/86 3/8/94, 59 FR 10752. Part 1. General Provisions jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES R 336.1101 ..................................... 16:42 Sep 05, 2006 Jkt 205001 PO 00000 Frm 00067 Fmt 4700 4/27/93 9/7/94, 59 FR 46182. 2/22/85 VerDate Aug<31>2005 Definitions; A .................................. 6/11/92, 57 FR 24752. Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\06SER1.SGM Only: actual emissions, air-dried coating, air quality standard, allowable emissions, and alternate opacity. 06SER1 52470 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 172 / Wednesday, September 6, 2006 / Rules and Regulations EPA-APPROVED MICHIGAN REGULATIONS—Continued State effective date EPA approval date Definitions; B .................................. 5/27/02 Definitions; C .................................. 4/27/93 2/24/03, 68 FR 8550. 9/7/94, 59 FR 46182. Michigan citation Title R 336.1102 ..................................... R 336.1103 ..................................... 2/22/85 R 336.1104 ..................................... Definitions; D .................................. 5/27/02 R 336.1105 ..................................... Definitions; E .................................. 5/27/02 R 336.1106 ..................................... Definitions; F .................................. 2/22/85 R 336.1107 ..................................... Definitions; G ................................. 5/27/02 R 336.1108 ..................................... Definitions; H .................................. 5/27/02 R 336.1109 ..................................... Definitions; I ................................... 8/21/81 R 336.1112 ..................................... Definitions; L .................................. 1/18/80 R 336.1113 ..................................... Definitions; M ................................. 5/27/02 R 336.1114 ..................................... Definitions; N .................................. 8/21/81 R 336.1115 ..................................... Definitions; O ................................. 8/21/81 R 336.1116 ..................................... Definitions; P .................................. 4/27/93 6/11/92, 57 FR 24752. 2/24/03, 68 FR 8550. 2/24/03, 68 FR 8550. 6/11/92, 57 FR 24752. 2/24/03, 68 FR 8550. 2/24/03, 68 FR 8550. 7/26/82, 47 FR 32116. 5/6/80, 45 FR 29790. 2/24/03, 68 FR 8550. 7/26/82, 47 FR 32116. 7/26/82, 47 FR 32116. 9/7/94, 59 FR 46182. 2/22/85 6/11/92, 57 FR 24752. Only: coating category, calendar day, class II hardboard paneling finish, coating line, coating of automobiles and light duty trucks, coating of fabric, coating of large appliances, coating of paper, coating of vinyl, component, component in field gas service, component in gaseous volatile organic compound service, component in heavy liquid service, component in light liquid service, component in liquid volatile organic compound service, condenser, conveyorized vapor degreaser, and creditable. Only: packaging rotogravure printing, printed interior panel, process unit turnaround, publication rotogravure printing, and pushside Removed: pneumatic rubber tire manufacturing. All except pneumatic rubber tire manufacturing, which was removed 9/7/94. 2/24/03, 68 FR 8550. 6/11/92, 57 FR 24752. 2/24/03, 68 FR 8550. 9/15/94, 59 FR 47254. 2/9/04, 69 FR 5932. 7/26/82, 47 FR 32116. 5/6/80, 45 FR 29790. R 336.1118 ..................................... Definitions; R .................................. 5/27/02 R 336.1119 ..................................... Definitions; S .................................. 2/22/85 R 336.1120 ..................................... Definitions; T .................................. 5/27/02 R 336.1121 ..................................... Definitions; U .................................. 4/20/89 R 336.1122 ..................................... Definitions; V .................................. 3/13/03 R 336.1123 ..................................... Definitions; W ................................. 8/21/81 R 336.1127 ..................................... jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES Comments Terms defined in the act ................ 1/18/80 Part 2. Air Use Approval R 336.1201 ..................................... Permits to install ............................ 1/18/80 R 336.1202 ..................................... Waivers of approval ....................... 1/18/80 VerDate Aug<31>2005 16:42 Sep 05, 2006 Jkt 205001 PO 00000 Frm 00068 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 5/6/80, 45 FR 29790. 5/6/80, 45 FR 29790. E:\FR\FM\06SER1.SGM 06SER1 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 172 / Wednesday, September 6, 2006 / Rules and Regulations 52471 EPA-APPROVED MICHIGAN REGULATIONS—Continued State effective date EPA approval date Information required ....................... 1/18/80 R 336.1204 ..................................... Authority of agents ......................... 1/18/80 R 336.1206 ..................................... 1/18/80 R 336.1207 ..................................... Processing of applications for other facilities. Denial of permits to install ............. R 336.1208 ..................................... Permits to operate ......................... 1/18/80 R 336.1220 ..................................... Construction of sources of volatile organic compounds in ozone nonattainment areas; conditions for approval. Construction of sources of particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, or carbon monoxide in or near nonattainment areas; conditions for approval. Required air quality models ........... 8/21/81 5/6/80, 45 FR 29790. 5/6/80, 45 FR 29790. 5/6/80, 45 FR 29790. 5/6/80, 45 FR 29790. 5/6/80, 45 FR 29790. 1/27/82, 47 FR 3764. Air quality modeling demonstration requirements. Permit system exemptions; cooling and ventilation equipment. Permit system exemptions; cleaning, washing and drying equipment. Permit system exemptions; cooling and ventilation equipment. Permit system exemptions; testing and inspection equipment. Permit system exemptions; containers. Permit system exemptions; miscellaneous. 1/18/80 Michigan citation Title R 336.1203 ..................................... R 336.1221 ..................................... R 336.1240 ..................................... R 336.1241 ..................................... R 336.1280 ..................................... R 336.1281 ..................................... R 336.1282 ..................................... R 336.1283 ..................................... R 336.1284 ..................................... R 336.1285 ..................................... 1/18/80 7/17/80 1/12/82, 47 FR 1292. 1/18/80 5/6/80, 45 29790. 5/6/80, 45 29790. 5/6/80, 45 29790. 5/6/80, 45 29790. Comments 1/18/80 1/18/80 1/18/80 7/17/80 1/18/80 1/18/80 FR FR FR FR 5/6/80, 45 FR 29790. 8/28/81, 46 FR 43422. 5/6/80, 45 FR 29790. 5/6/80, 45 FR 29790. Part 3. Emission Limitations and Prohibitions—Particulate Matter R 336.1301 ..................................... Standards for density of emissions 3/19/02 R 336.1303 ..................................... Grading visible emissions .............. 3/19/02 R 336.1310 ..................................... Open burning ................................. 2/3/99 R 336.1330 ..................................... Electrostatic precipitation control systems. Emissions of particulate matter ..... 3/19/02 R 336.1331 ..................................... 3/19/02 1/18/80 R 336.1349 ..................................... Coke oven compliance date .......... 2/22/85 R 336.1350 ..................................... Emissions from larry-car charging of coke ovens. Charging hole emissions from coke ovens. Pushing operation fugitive emissions from coke ovens. Standpipe assembly emissions during coke cycle from coke ovens. Standpipe assembly emissions during decarbonization from coke ovens. Coke oven gas collector main emissions from slot-type coke ovens. Coke oven door emissions from coke ovens; doors that are 5 meters or shorter. 2/22/85 R 336.1351 ..................................... R 336.1352 ..................................... R 336.1353 ..................................... jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES R 336.1354 ..................................... R 336.1355 ..................................... R 336.1356 ..................................... VerDate Aug<31>2005 16:42 Sep 05, 2006 Jkt 205001 PO 00000 Frm 00069 Fmt 4700 2/22/85 2/22/85 2/22/85 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 6/28/02, 67 FR 43548. 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 5/22/81, 46 FR 27923. 6/11/92, 57 FR 24752. 6/11/92, 57 FR 24752. 6/11/92, 57 FR 24752. 6/11/92, 57 FR 24752. 6/11/92, 57 FR 24752. 2/22/85 5/55/81, 46 FR 27923. 2/22/85 Only Table 31 Section C.7, preheater equipment. 6/11/92, 57 FR 24752. 1/18/80 All except Table 31, section C.8. 6/11/92, 57 FR 24752. Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\06SER1.SGM 06SER1 52472 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 172 / Wednesday, September 6, 2006 / Rules and Regulations EPA-APPROVED MICHIGAN REGULATIONS—Continued State effective date Michigan citation Title R 336.1357 ..................................... Coke oven door emissions from coke oven doors; doors that are taller than 5 meters. Roof monitor visible emissions at steel manufacturing facilities from electric arc furnaces and blast furnaces. Visible emissions from scarfer operation stacks at steel manufacturing facilities. Visible emissions from coke oven push stacks. Visible emissions from blast furnace casthouse operations at steel manufacturing facilities. Visible emissions from electric arc furnace operations at steel manufacturing facilities. Visible emissions from argon-oxygen decarburization operations at steel manufacturing facilities. Visible emissions from basic oxygen furnace operations. Visible emissions from hot metal transfer operations at steel manufacturing facilities. Visible emissions from hot metal desulphurization operations at steel manufacturing facilities. Visible emissions from sintering operations. Collected air contaminants ............ R 336.1358 ..................................... R 336.1359 ..................................... R 336.1360 ..................................... R 336.1361 ..................................... R 336.1362 ..................................... R 336.1363 ..................................... R 336.1364 ..................................... R 336.1365 ..................................... R 336.1366 ..................................... R 336.1367 ..................................... R 336.1370 ..................................... R 336.1371 ..................................... R 336.1372 ..................................... R 336.1374 ..................................... Fugitive dust control programs other than areas listed in Table 36. Fugitive dust control program; required activities; typical control methods. Particulate matter contingency measures: Areas listed in Table 37. EPA approval date 2/22/85 6/11/92, 57 FR 24752. 4/30/98 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 2/22/85 6/11/92, 57 FR 24752. 2/22/85 4/30/98 6/11/92, 57 FR 24752. 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 4/30/98 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 4/30/98 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 2/22/85 2/22/85 6/11/92, 57 FR 24752. 6/11/92, 57 FR 24752. 2/22/85 6/11/92, 57 FR 24752. 2/22/85 6/11/92, 57 FR 24752. 11/15/82, 47 FR 51398. 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 2/17/81 3/19/02 3/19/02 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 3/19/02 Comments 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. Part 4. Emission Limitations and Prohibitions—Sulfur-Bearing Compounds R 336.1401 ..................................... R 336.1402 ..................................... R 336.1403 ..................................... R 336.1404 ..................................... Emissions of sulfur dioxide from power plants. Emission of sulfur dioxide from fuel-burning sources other than power plants. Oil- and natural gas-producing or transporting facilities and natural gas-processing facilities; emissions; operation. Emissions of sulfuric acid mist from sulfuric acid plants. 3/19/02 1/18/80 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 5/6/80, 45 FR 29790. 3/19/02 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 1/18/80 5/6/80, 45 FR 29790. Part 6. Emission Limitations and Prohibitions—Existing Sources of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions Definitions ...................................... 3/19/02 R 336.1602 ..................................... jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES R 336.1601 ..................................... General provisions for existing sources of volatile organic compound emissions. Storage of organic compounds having a true vapor pressure of more than 1.5 psia, but less than 11 psia, in existing fixed roof stationary vessels of more than 40,000 gallon capacity. 4/10/00 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 6/28/02, 67 FR 43548. 3/19/02 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. R 336.1604 ..................................... VerDate Aug<31>2005 16:42 Sep 05, 2006 Jkt 205001 PO 00000 Frm 00070 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\06SER1.SGM 06SER1 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 172 / Wednesday, September 6, 2006 / Rules and Regulations EPA-APPROVED MICHIGAN REGULATIONS—Continued State effective date Michigan citation Title R 336.1605 ..................................... Storage of organic compounds having a true vapor pressure of 11 or more psia in existing stationary vessels of more than 40,000 gallon capacity. Loading gasoline into existing stationary vessels of more than 2,000 gallon capacity at dispensing facilities handling 250,000 gallons per year. Loading gasoline into existing stationary vessels of more than 2,000 capacity at loading facilities. Loading gasoline into existing delivery vessels at loading facilities handling less than 5,000,000 gallons per year. Loading existing delivery vessels with organic compounds having a true vapor pressure of more than 1.5 psia at existing loading facilities handling 5,000,000 or more gallons of such compounds per year. Existing coating lines; emission of volatile organic compounds from existing automobile, light-duty truck, and other product and material coating lines. Existing cold cleaners .................... R 336.1606 ..................................... R 336.1607 ..................................... R 336.1608 ..................................... R 336.1609 ..................................... R 336.1610 ..................................... R 336.1611 ..................................... R 336.1612 ..................................... R 336.1613 ..................................... R 336.1614 ..................................... R 336.1615 ..................................... R 336.1616 ..................................... R 336.1617 ..................................... R 336.1618 ..................................... R 336.1619 ..................................... R 336.1620 ..................................... R 336.1621 ..................................... R 336.1622 ..................................... jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES R 336.1623 ..................................... VerDate Aug<31>2005 16:42 Sep 05, 2006 EPA approval date 3/19/02 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 3/19/02 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 3/19/02 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 3/19/02 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 4/20/89 9/15/94, 59 FR 47254. 4/27/93 9/7/94, 59 FR 46182. 6/13/97 Comments 7/21/99, 64 FR 39034. 7/21/99, 64 FR 39034. 7/21/99, 64 FR 39034. 7/21/99, 64 FR 39034. 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. Existing open top vapor degreasers. Existing conveyorized cold cleaners. Existing conveyorized vapor degreasers. Existing vacuum-producing system at petroleum refineries. Process unit turnarounds at petroleum refineries. Existing organic compound-water separators at petroleum refineries. Use of cutback paving asphalt ...... 6/13/97 Perchloroethylene; emission from existing dry cleaning equipment; disposal. Emission of volatile organic compounds from the coating of flat wood paneling from existing coating lines. Emission of volatile organic compounds from the coating of metallic surfaces from existing coating lines. Emission of volatile organic compound from existing component of a petroleum refinery; refinery monitoring program. Storage of petroleum liquids having a true vapor pressure of more than 1.0 psia but less than 11.0 psia, in existing external floating roof stationary vessels of more than 40,000 gallon capacity. 3/19/02 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 4/27/93 9/7/94, 59 FR 46182. 4/27/93 9/7/94, 59 FR 46182. 3/19/02 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 3/19/02 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. Jkt 205001 PO 00000 Frm 00071 Fmt 4700 6/13/97 6/13/97 3/19/02 3/19/02 3/19/02 3/19/02 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\06SER1.SGM 06SER1 52473 52474 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 172 / Wednesday, September 6, 2006 / Rules and Regulations EPA-APPROVED MICHIGAN REGULATIONS—Continued State effective date Michigan citation Title R 336.1624 ..................................... Emission of volatile organic compound from an existing graphic arts line. Emission of volatile organic compound from existing equipment utilized in the manufacturing of synthesized pharmaceutical products. Delivery vessels; vapor collection systems. Emission of volatile organic compounds from components of existing process equipment used in manufacturing synthetic organic chemicals and polymers. Emission of volatile organic compounds from components of existing process equipment used in processing natural gas; monitoring program. Emission of volatile organic compounds from existing paint manufacturing processes. Emission of volatile organic compounds from existing process equipment utilized in manufacture of polystyrene of other organic resins. Emission of volatile organic compounds form existing automobile, truck, and business machine plastic part coating lines. Standards for degreasers .............. R 336.1625 ..................................... R 336.1627 ..................................... R 336.1628 ..................................... R 336.1629 ..................................... R 336.1630 ..................................... R 336.1631 ..................................... R 336.1632 ..................................... R 336.1651 ..................................... EPA approval date 11/18/93 9/7/94, 59 FR 46182. 11/30/00 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 3/19/02 3/19/02 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 3/19/02 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 3/19/02 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 3/19/02 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 4/27/93 9/7/94, 59 FR 46182. 6/13/97 Comments 7/21/99, 64 FR 39034. Part 7. Emission Limitations and Prohibitions—New Sources of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions R 336.1702 ..................................... 3/19/02 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 3/19/02 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 6/13/97 7/21/99, 64 FR 39034. R 336.1707 ..................................... General provisions for new sources of volatile organic compound emissions. Loading gasoline into delivery vessels at new loading facilities handling less than 5,000,000 gallons per year. Loading delivery vessels with organic compounds having a true vapor pressure of more than 1.5 psia at new loading facilities handling 5,000,000 or more gallons of such compounds per year. New cold cleaners ......................... 6/13/97 R 336.1708 ..................................... New open top vapor degreasers ... 6/13/97 R 336.1709 ..................................... New conveyorized cold cleaners ... 6/13/97 R 336.1710 ..................................... New conveyorized degreasers. 6/13/97 7/21/99, 64 39034. 7/21/99, 64 39034. 7/21/99, 64 39034. 7/21/99, 64 39034. R 336.1705 ..................................... R 336.1706 ..................................... vapor FR FR FR FR Part 8. Emission Limitations and Prohibitions—Oxides of Nitrogen R 336.1802 ..................................... jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES R 336.1803 ..................................... R 336.1804 ..................................... R 336.1805 ..................................... VerDate Aug<31>2005 16:42 Sep 05, 2006 Applicability under oxides of nitrogen budget trading program. Definitions for oxides of nitrogen budget trading program. Retired unit exemption from oxides of nitrogen budget trading program. Standard requirements of oxides of nitrogen budget trading program. Jkt 205001 PO 00000 Frm 00072 Fmt 4700 5/20/04 12/4/02 5/20/04 12/4/02 Sfmt 4700 12/23/04, 69 FR 76848. 12/23/04, 69 FR 76848. 12/23/04, 69 FR 76848. 12/23/04, 69 FR 76848. E:\FR\FM\06SER1.SGM 06SER1 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 172 / Wednesday, September 6, 2006 / Rules and Regulations EPA-APPROVED MICHIGAN REGULATIONS—Continued State effective date Michigan citation Title R 336.1806 ..................................... Computation of time under oxides of nitrogen budget trading program. Authorized account representative under oxides of nitrogen budget trading program. Permit requirements under oxides of nitrogen budget trading program. Compliance certification under oxides of nitrogen budget trading program. Allowance allocations under oxides of nitrogen budget trading program. New source set-aside under oxides of nitrogen budget trading program. Allowance tracking system and transfers under oxides of nitrogen budget trading program. Monitoring and reporting requirements under oxides of nitrogen budget trading program. Individual opt-ins under oxides of nitrogen budget trading program. Allowance banking under oxides of nitrogen budget trading program. Compliance supplement pool under oxides of nitrogen budget trading program. Emission limitations and restrictions for Portland cement kilns. R 336.1807 ..................................... R 336.1808 ..................................... R 336.1809 ..................................... R 336.1810 ..................................... R 336.1811 ..................................... R 336.1812 ..................................... R 336.1813 ..................................... R 336.1814 ..................................... R 336.1815 ..................................... R 336.1816 ..................................... R 336.1817 ..................................... EPA approval date 12/4/02 12/23/04, 69 FR 76848. 12/4/02 12/23/04, 69 FR 76848. 12/4/02 12/23/04, 69 FR 76848. 12/4/02 12/23/04, 69 FR 76848. 12/4/02 12/23/04, 69 FR 76848. 5/20/04 12/23/04, 69 FR 76848. 12/4/02 12/23/04, 69 FR 76848. 12/4/02 12/23/04, 69 FR 76848. 12/4/02 12/23/04, 69 FR 76848. 12/23/04, 69 FR 76848. 12/23/04, 69 FR 76848. 12/4/02 12/4/02 12/4/02 Comments 12/23/04, 69 FR 76848. Part 9. Emission Limitations and Prohibitions—Miscellaneous R 339.1901 ..................................... 1/18/80 R 339.1906 ..................................... Air contaminant or water vapor, when prohibited. Diluting and concealing emissions R 339.1910 ..................................... Air-cleaning devices ....................... 1/18/80 R 339.1911 ..................................... Malfunction abatement plans ......... 3/19/02 R 339.1912 ..................................... Abnormal conditions and breakdown of equipment. Enforcement discretion in instances of excess emission resulting from malfunction, startup, or shutdown. Affirmative defense for excess emissions during start-up or shutdown. Emission of carbon monoxide from ferrous cupola operations. 1/18/80 R 339.1915 ..................................... R 339.1916 ..................................... R 339.1930 ..................................... 3/19/02 5/27/02 5/6/80, 45 FR 29790. 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 5/6/80, 45 FR 29790. 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 5/6/80, 45 FR 29790. 2/24/03, 68 FR 8550. 5/27/02 2/24/03, 68 FR 8550. 3/19/02 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. Part 10. Intermittent Testing and Sampling Performance tests by owner .......... 3/19/02 R 336.2002 ..................................... Performance tests by commission 3/19/02 R 336.2003 ..................................... jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES R 336.2001 ..................................... Performance test criteria ................ 3/19/02 R 336.2004 ..................................... Appendix A; reference test methods; adoption of federal reference test methods. Reference test methods for delivery vessels. 3/19/02 R 336.2005 ..................................... VerDate Aug<31>2005 16:42 Sep 05, 2006 Jkt 205001 PO 00000 Frm 00073 Fmt 4700 3/19/02 Sfmt 4700 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093, 6/1/06 71 FR 31093. 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. E:\FR\FM\06SER1.SGM 06SER1 52475 52476 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 172 / Wednesday, September 6, 2006 / Rules and Regulations EPA-APPROVED MICHIGAN REGULATIONS—Continued State effective date Michigan citation Title R 336.2006 ..................................... R 336.2011 ..................................... Reference test method serving as alternate version of federal reference test method 25 by incorporating Byron analysis. Alternate version of procedure L, referenced in R 336.2040(10). Reference test method 5B ............. R 336.2012 ..................................... Reference test method 5C ............. 10/15/04 R 336.2013 ..................................... Reference test method 5D ............. 3/19/02 R 336.2014 ..................................... Reference test method 5E ............. 10/15/04 R 336.2021 ..................................... Figures ........................................... 3/19/02 R 336.2030 ..................................... Reference test method 9A ............. 2/22/85 R 336.2031 ..................................... Reference test method 9B ............. 2/22/85 R 336.2032 ..................................... Reference test method 9C ............. 2/22/85 R 336.2033 ..................................... Test methods for coke oven quench towers. Method for determination of volatile organic compound emissions from coating lines and graphic arts lines. Recording requirements for coating lines and graphic arts lines. 2/22/85 R 336.2007 ..................................... R 336.2040 ..................................... R 336.2041 ..................................... EPA approval date 4/27/93 9/7/94, 59 FR 46182. 3/19/02 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 6/11/92, 57 FR 24752. 6/11/92, 57 FR 24752. 6/11/92, 57 FR 24752. 6/11/92, 57 FR 24752. 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. Comments 4/29/05 3/19/02 4/27/93 All except sections (9) and (10). 9/7/94, 59 FR 46182. Part 11. Continuous Emission Monitoring R 336.2101 ..................................... R 336.2102 ..................................... R 336.2103 ..................................... R 336.2150 ..................................... R 336.2151 ..................................... R 336.2152 ..................................... R 336.2153 ..................................... R 336.2154 ..................................... R 336.2155 ..................................... R 336.2159 ..................................... R 336.2170 ..................................... R 336.2175 ..................................... R 336.2176 ..................................... jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES R 336.2189 ..................................... R 336.2190 ..................................... R 336.2199 ..................................... VerDate Aug<31>2005 16:42 Sep 05, 2006 Continuous emission monitoring, fossil fuel-fired steam generators. Continuous emission monitoring, sulfuric acid-producing facilities. Continuous emission monitoring, fluid bed catalytic cracking unit catalyst regenerators at petroleum refineries. Performance specifications for continuous emission monitoring systems. Calibration gases for continuous emission monitoring systems. Cycling time for continuous emission monitoring systems. Zero and drift for continuous emission monitoring systems. Instrument span for continuous emission monitoring systems. Monitor location for continuous emission monitoring systems. Alternative continuous emission monitoring systems. Monitoring data reporting and recordkeeping. Data reduction procedures for fossil fuel-fired steam generators. Data reduction procedures for sulfuric acid plants. Alternative data reporting or reduction procedures. Monitoring System Malfunctions .... Exemptions from continuous emission monitoring requirements. Jkt 205001 PO 00000 Frm 00074 Fmt 4700 3/19/02 1/18/80 1/18/80 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 11/2/88, 53 FR 44189. 11/2/88, 53 FR 44189. 3/19/02 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 1/18/80 11/2/88, 53 FR 44189. 11/2/88, 53 FR 44189. 11/2/88, 53 FR 44189. 11/2/88, 53 FR 44189. 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 11/2/88, 53 FR 44189. 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 6/1/06, 71 FR 31093. 11/2/88, 53 FR 44189. 1/18/80 1/18/80 1/18/80 3/19/02 3/19/02 3/19/02 11/15/04 1/18/80 3/19/02 3/19/02 1/18/80 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\06SER1.SGM All except section (c). 06SER1 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 172 / Wednesday, September 6, 2006 / Rules and Regulations 52477 EPA-APPROVED MICHIGAN REGULATIONS—Continued Michigan citation State effective date Title EPA approval date Comments Part 16. Organization, Operation and Procedures R 336.2606 ..................................... Declaratory rulings requests .......... 1/18/80 R 336.2607 ..................................... Consideration and disposition of declaratory rulings requests. 1/18/80 11/2/88, 53 FR 44189. 11/2/88, 53 FR 44189. Part 17. Hearings R 336.2701 ..................................... R 336.2702 ..................................... R 336.2704 ..................................... R 336.2705 ..................................... R 336.2706 ..................................... Procedures from Administrative Procedures Act. Service of notices and orders; appearances. Hearing commissioner’s hearings .. 4/10/00 Agency files and records, use in connection with hearings. Commission hearings after hearing commissioner hearings. 1/18/80 4/10/00 1/18/80 1/18/80 6/28/02, 67 43548. 6/28/02, 67 43548. 11/2/88, 53 44189. 11/2/88, 53 44189. 11/2/88, 53 44189. FR FR FR FR FR Executive Orders 1991–31 ......................................... Commission of Natural Resources, Department of Natural Resources, Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Executive Reorganization. 1/7/92 11/6/97, 62 FR 59995. 1995–18 ......................................... Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Executive Reorganization. 9/30/95 Introductory and concluding words of issuance; Title I: General, Part A Sections 1, 2, 4 & 5 and Part B; Title III: Environmental Protection, Part A Sections 1 & 2 and Part D; Title IV: Miscellaneous, Parts A & B, Part C Sections 1, 2 & 4 and Part D. Introductory and concluding words of issuance; Paragraphs 1, 2, 3(a) & (g), 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, and 18. 11/6/97, 62 FR 59995. 5/31/72, 37 FR 10841. 5/31/72, 37 FR 10841. 2/17/88, 53 FR 4622. 3/8/94, 59 FR 10752. 5/31/72, 37 FR 10841. 5/5/97, 62 FR 24341. 5/5/97, 62 FR 24341. 6/3/94, 59 FR 28785. 2/10/98, 63 FR 6650. 2/21/96, 61 FR 31831. State Statutes Act 250 of 1965, as amended ....... Tax Exemption Act ......................... 1972 Act 348 of 1965, as amended ....... Air Pollution Act ............................. 1972 Act 348 of 1965, as amended ....... Air Pollution Act ............................. 1986 Act 348 of 1965, as amended ....... Air Pollution Act ............................. 1990 Act 127 of 1970 .............................. 7/27/70 Act 283 of 1964, as amended ....... Michigan Environmental Protection Act. Weights and Measures Act ............ Act 44 of 1984, as amended ......... Michigan Motor Fuels Quality Act .. 11/13/93 Act 12 of 1993 ................................ Small Business Clean Air Assistance Act. Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act. Motor Vehicle Emissions Inspection and Maintenance Program Act. An Act to amend section 3 of Act 44 of 1984. Motor Vehicle Emissions Testing Program Act. An Act to amend sections 2, 5, 6, 7, and 8 of Act 44 of 1984. 4/1/93 Act 451 of 1994, as amended ....... House Bill 4165 .............................. House Bill 4898 .............................. House Bill 5016 .............................. jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES Senate Bill 726 ............................... 8/28/64 3/30/95 11/13/93 11/13/93 11/13/93 11/13/93 Only section 7a. Only sections 5 and 14a. Only chapter 290, sections 613 and 615. Only chapter 290, sections 642, 643, 645, 646, 647, and 649. Only sections 324.5525. 324.5524 and 10/11/94, 59 FR 51379. 3/7/95, 60 FR 12459. 9/7/94, 59 FR 46182. Local Regulations City of Grand Rapids Ordinance 72–34. VerDate Aug<31>2005 16:42 Sep 05, 2006 City of Grand Rapids Air Pollution Control Regulations. Jkt 205001 PO 00000 Frm 00075 Fmt 4700 1972 Sfmt 4700 5/31/72, 57 FR 10841. E:\FR\FM\06SER1.SGM Ordinance amends sections 9.35 and 9.36 of article 4, Chapter 151 Title IX of the Code of the City of Grand Rapids. 06SER1 52478 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 172 / Wednesday, September 6, 2006 / Rules and Regulations EPA-APPROVED MICHIGAN REGULATIONS—Continued State effective date EPA approval date 3/27/73 5/16/84, 49 FR 20650. Wayne County Air Pollution Control Regulations. Wayne County variance ................. Muskegon County Air Pollution Control Rules and Regulations, as amended. Wayne County Air Pollution Control Regulations. Minutes from 1981 board meeting 3/20/69 Wayne County Air Pollution Control Ordinance. Wayne County Air Pollution Control Ordinance. 11/18/85 5/16/80, 45 FR 29790. 5/16/80, 45 FR 29790. 5/13/93, 58 FR 28359. Michigan citation Muskegon County Control Rules. Air Title Pollution 9/18/81 Comments Only article 14, section J. Only: chapters 1, 2, 3, 5 (except for the portions of section 501 which incorporate by reference the following parts of the state rules: the quench tower limit in R 336.1331, Table 31, section C.8; the deletion of the limit in R 336.1331 for coke oven coal preheater equipment; and R 336.1355), 8 (except section 802), 9, 11, 12, 13, and appendices A and D. (d) EPA approved state sourcespecific requirements. EPA-APPROVED MICHIGAN SOURCE-SPECIFIC PROVISIONS State effective date EPA approval date 4–1993 ........................................... 10/12/94 Permit 341–79 ................................ 12/18/79 American Colloid Plant ................... Permit 375–79 ................................ 11/23/79 Asphalt Products Company, Plant 5A, Wayne County. Clark Oil and Refining Corporation, Calhoun County. Clawson Concrete Company, Plant #1, Wayne County. Conoco, Inc., Berrien County ......... 5–1993 ........................................... 10/12/94 6–1981 ........................................... 6/24/82 6–1993 ........................................... 10/12/94 17–1981 ......................................... 9/28/81 Consumers Power Company, B. C. Cobb Plant, Muskegon County. Consumers Power Company, J.H. Campbell Plant, Units 1 and 2, Ottawa County. Continental Fibre Drum, Inc., Midland County. Cummings-Moore Graphite Company, Wayne County. CWC Castings Division of Textron, Muskegon County. Delray Connecting Railroad Company, Wayne County. Detroit Edison Company, Boulevard Heating Plant, Wayne County. Detroit Edison Company, City of St. Clair, St. Clair County. Detroit Edison Company, Monroe County. 6–1979 ........................................... 12/10/79 12–1984 ......................................... 10/1/84 1/17/95, 60 FR 3346. 9/15/83, 48 FR 41403. 9/15/83, 48 FR 41403. 1/17/95, 60 FR 3346. 12/13/82, 47 FR 55678. 1/17/95, 60 FR 3346. 2/17/82, 47 FR 6828. 5/1/81, 46 FR 24560. 1/12/87, 52 FR 1183. 14–1987 ......................................... 12/9/87 7–1993 ........................................... 10/12/94 12–1979 ......................................... 2/15/80 8–1993 ........................................... 10/12/94 7–1981 ........................................... 4/28/81 4–1978 ........................................... 11/14/78 9–1977 ........................................... 7/7/77 Detroit Edison Company, River Rouge Power Plant, Wayne County. Detroit Edison Company, Sibley Quarry, Wayne County. 9–1993 ........................................... 10/12/94 10–1993 ......................................... 10/12/94 Order No. Allied Signal, Inc., Detroit Tar Plant, Wayne County. American Colloid Plant ................... jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES Name of source VerDate Aug<31>2005 16:42 Sep 05, 2006 Jkt 205001 PO 00000 Frm 00076 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 Comments 6/11/92, 57 FR 24752. 1/17/95, 60 FR 3346. 5/16/84, 49 FR 20650. 1/17/95, 60 FR 3346. 5/4/82, 47 FR 19133. 8/25/80, 45 FR 56344. 12/21/79, 44 FR 75635 (correction: 3/20/80, 45 FR 17997). 1/17/95, 60 FR 3346. 1/17/95, 60 FR 3346. E:\FR\FM\06SER1.SGM 06SER1 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 172 / Wednesday, September 6, 2006 / Rules and Regulations 52479 EPA-APPROVED MICHIGAN SOURCE-SPECIFIC PROVISIONS—Continued State effective date EPA approval date 11–1993 ......................................... 10/12/94 1/17/95, 60 FR 3346. 13–1982 ......................................... 9/8/82 12–1981 ......................................... 6/15/81 19–1981 ......................................... 7/21/81 3/14/83, 48 FR 9256. 3/24/82, 47 FR 12625. 3/24/82, 47 FR 12625. 8–1979 ........................................... 10/17/79 16–1980 ......................................... 11/19/80 7–1994 ........................................... 7/13/94 15–1993 ......................................... 10/12/94 16–1993 ......................................... 10/12/94 17–1993 ......................................... 10/12/94 19–1993 ......................................... 10/12/94 18–1993 ......................................... 10/12/94 20–1993 ......................................... 10/12/94 6–1994 ........................................... 6/27/94 12–1993 ......................................... 10/12/94 13–1993 ......................................... 10/12/94 39–1993 ......................................... 11/12/93 14–1993 ......................................... 10/12/94 18–1981 ......................................... 7/28/83 10–1979 ......................................... 5/5/80 2/10/82, 47 FR 6013. 8–1982 ........................................... 4/2/84 Original order effective 7/12/82, as altered effective 4/2/82. 12–1982 ......................................... 7/22/82 8/22/88, 53 FR 31861. 7/5/83, 48 FR 31022. 8–1983 ........................................... 6/9/83 12/13/85, 50 FR 50907. Supersedes paragraph order 6–1980. 6–1980 ........................................... 7/30/82 8/15/83, 48 FR 36818. Paragraph 7.F superseded by order 8–1983. Original order effective 6/3/80, as altered effective 7/30/82. 10–1982 ......................................... 7/12/82 7/5/83, 48 FR 31022. 1–1980 ........................................... 4/16/80 2/10/82, 47 FR 6013. 11–1982 ......................................... 7/22/82 7/5/83, 48 FR 31022. jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES Name of source Order No. Detroit Water and Sewerage Department, Wastewater Treatment Plant, Wayne County. Diamond Crystal Salt Company, St. Clair County. Dow Chemical Company, Midland County. Dow Chemical Company, West Side and South Side Power Plants, Midland County. Dundee Cement Company, Monroe County. Dundee Cement Company, Monroe County. Eagle Ottawa Leather Company, Ottawa County. Edward C. Levy Company, Detroit Lime Company, Wayne County. Edward C. Levy Company, Plant #1, Wayne County. Edward C. Levy Company, Plant #3, Wayne County. Edward C. Levy Company, Plant #4 and 5, Wayne County. Edward C. Levy Company, Plant #6, Wayne County. Edward C. Levy Company, Scrap Up-Grade Facility, Wayne County. Enamalum Corporation, Oakland County. Ferrous Processing and Trading Company, Wayne County. Ford Motor Company, Rouge Industrial Complex, Wayne County. Ford Motor Company, Utica Trim Plant, Macomb County. Ford Motor Company, Vulcan Forge, Wayne County. General Motors Corporation, Warehousing and Distribution Division, Genesee County. General Motors Corporation, Buick Motor Division Complex, Flint, Genesee County. General Motors Corporation, Buick Motor Division, Genesee County. General Motors Corporation, Cadillac Motor Car Division, Wayne County. General Motors Corporation, Central Foundry Division, Saginaw Malleable Iron Plant, Saginaw County. General Motors Corporation, Central Foundry Division, Saginaw Malleable Iron Plant, Saginaw County. General Motors Corporation, Chevrolet Flint Truck Assembly, Genesee County. General Motors Corporation, Chevrolet Motor Division, Saginaw Grey Iron Casting Plant and Nodular Iron Casting Plant, Saginaw County. General Motors Corporation, Fisher Body Division, Fleetwood, Wayne County. VerDate Aug<31>2005 16:42 Sep 05, 2006 Jkt 205001 PO 00000 Frm 00077 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 Comments Only sections A(3), B, C, D, and E. 8/11/80, 45 FR 53137. 12/3/81, 46 FR 58673. 10/23/95, 60 FR 54308. 1/17/95, 60 FR 3346. 1/17/95, 60 FR 3346. 1/17/95, 60 FR 3346. 1/17/95, 60 FR 3346. 1/17/95, 60 FR 3346. 1/17/95, 60 FR 3346. 2/21/96, 61 FR 6545. 1/17/95, 60 FR 3346. 1/17/95, 60 FR 3346. 9/7/94, 59 FR 46182. 1/17/95, 60 FR 3346. 5/16/84, 49 FR 20649. E:\FR\FM\06SER1.SGM Original order effective 12/1/81, as altered effective 7/28/83. 06SER1 7.F of 52480 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 172 / Wednesday, September 6, 2006 / Rules and Regulations EPA-APPROVED MICHIGAN SOURCE-SPECIFIC PROVISIONS—Continued State effective date Order No. General Motors Corporation, Fisher Body Division, Flint No. 1, Genesee County. General Motors Corporation, GM Assembly Division, Washtenaw County. General Motors Corporation, Hydra-Matic Division, Washtenaw County. General Motors Corporation, Oldsmobile Division, Ingham County. Hayes-Albion Corporation Foundry, Calhoun County. J. H. Campbell Plant, Ottawa County. 9–1982 ........................................... 7/12/82 5–1983 ........................................... 5/5/83 3–1982 ........................................... 6/24/82 4–1983 ........................................... 5/5/83 2–1980 ........................................... 2/2/82 5–1979 ........................................... 2/6/80 Keywell Corporation, Wayne County. Lansing Board of Water and Light 31–1993 ......................................... 10/12/94 4–1979 ........................................... 5/23/79 Marathon Oil Company, Muskegon County. Marblehead Lime Company, Brennan Avenue Plant, Wayne County. Marblehead Lime Company, River Rouge Plant, Wayne County. McLouth Steel Company, Trenton Plant, Wayne County. Michigan Foundation Company, Cement Plant, Wayne County. Michigan Foundation Company, Sibley Quarry, Wayne County. Monitor Sugar Company, Bay County. Morton International, Inc., Morton Salt Division, Wayne County. National Steel Corporation, Great Lakes Division, Wayne County. National Steel Corporation, Transportation and Materials Handling Division, Wayne County. New Haven Foundry, Inc., Macomb County. Northern Michigan Electric Cooperative Advance Steam Plant, Charlevoix County. Packaging Corporation of America, Manistee County. Peerless Metal Powders, Incorporated, Wayne County. Rouge Steel Company, Wayne County. S. D. Warren Company, Muskegon 16–1981 ......................................... 7/31/81 21–1993 ......................................... 10/12/94 22–1993 ......................................... 10/12/94 23–1993 ......................................... 10/12/94 24–1993 ......................................... 10/12/94 25–1993 ......................................... 10/12/94 21–1981 ......................................... 10/29/81 26–1993 ......................................... 10/12/94 27–1993 ......................................... 10/12/94 28–1993 ......................................... 10/12/94 12–1980 ......................................... 8/14/80 16–1979 ......................................... 1/10/80 23–1984 ......................................... 7/8/85 29–1993 ......................................... 10/12/94 30–1993 ......................................... 10/12/94 9–1979 ........................................... 10/31/99 St. Marys Cement Company, Wayne County. Traverse City Board of Light and Power, Grand Traverse County. Union Camp Corporation, Monroe County. United States Gypsum Company, Wayne County. VCF Films, Inc., Livingston County jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES Name of source 32–1993 ......................................... 10/12/94 23–1981 ......................................... 1/4/82 14–1979 ......................................... 1/3/80 33–1993 ......................................... 10/12/94 3–1993 ........................................... 6/21/93 Woodbridge Corporation, Washtenaw County. Wyandotte Municipal Power Plant, Wayne County. 40–1993 ......................................... 11/12/93 34–1993 ......................................... 10/12/94 VerDate Aug<31>2005 16:42 Sep 05, 2006 Jkt 205001 PO 00000 Frm 00078 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 EPA approval date Comments 7/5/83, 48 FR 31022. 12/13/84, 49 FR 5345. 3/4/83, 48 FR 9256. 12/13/84, 49 FR 5345. 48 FR 41403 ...... 12/24/80, 45 FR 85004 (correction: 3/16/81 46 FR 16895). 1/17/95, 60 FR 3346. 12/17/80, 45 FR 82926. 2/22/82, 47 FR 7661. 1/17/95, 60 FR 3346. Original order effective 2/15/80, as altered effective 2/2/82. Original order effective 6/25/79, as altered effective 2/6/80. All except sections 7 A, B, C1, D, E, F, and section 8. 1/17/95, 60 FR 3346. 1/17/95, 60 FR 3346. 1/17/95, 60 FR 3346. 1/17/95.60 FR 3346. 5/19/82, 47 FR 21534. 1/17/95, 60 FR 3346. 1/17/95, 60 FR 3346. 1/17/95, 60 FR 3346. 2/10/82, 47 FR 6013. 46 FR 34584. 5/4/87, 52 FR 16246. 1/17/95, 60 FR 3346. 1/17/95, 60 FR 3346. 1/27/81, 46 FR 8476. 1/17/95, 60 FR 3346. 5/19/82, 47 FR 21534. 5/14/81, 46 FR 26641. 1/17/95, 60 FR 3346. 9/7/94, 59 FR 46182. 9/7/94, 59 FR 46182. 1/17/95, 60 FR 3346. E:\FR\FM\06SER1.SGM 06SER1 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 172 / Wednesday, September 6, 2006 / Rules and Regulations 52481 (e) EPA approved nonregulatory and quasi-regulatory provisions. EPA-APPROVED MICHIGAN NONREGULATORY AND QUASI-REGULATORY PROVISIONS Name of nonregulatory SIP provision Applicable geographic or nonattainment area Implementation plan for the control of suspended particulates, sulfur oxides, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, and photochemical oxidants in the state of Michigan. Statewide ............................ Reevaluation of control strategies. Reasons and justifications ... Public availability of emissions data. Compliance schedules ........ Compliance schedules ........ Air quality maintenance area identifications for particulate matter. Carbon monoxide control strategy. Ozone attainment demonstrations and transportation control plans. Transportation control plans Ozone control strategy for rural ozone nonattainment areas. jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES Carbon monoxide and ozone demonstrations of attainment and I/M program. Ambient air quality monitoring, data reporting, and surveillance provisions. Transportation control plan .. VerDate Aug<31>2005 16:42 Sep 05, 2006 EPA approval date Comments 2/3/72 5/31/72, 37 FR 10841 ......... Sections include: Air quality control regions, legal authority, air quality data, emission data, control strategy, control regulations, compliance plans and schedules, prevention of air pollution emergency episodes, air quality surveillance program, control of emission sources, organization and resources, and intergovernmental cooperation. Berrien and Ingham Counties. Statewide ............................ 3/3/72 10/28/72, 37 FR 23085. 7/12/72 10/28/72, 37 FR 23085 ....... Statewide ............................ 7/24/72 10/28/72, 37 FR 23085. Alpena, Baraga, Charlevoix, Huron, Ionia, Marquette, Midland, Muskegon, Oakland, Otsego, and St. Clair Counties. Allegan, Eaton, Emmet, Genesee, Huron, Ingham, Macomb, Monroe, Ottawa, Saginaw, and St. Clair Counties. Macomb, Oakland, Wayne and Monroe Counties. 5/4/73, 9/19/73, 10/ 23/73, and 12/13/73 8/5/74, 39 FR 28155. 2/16/73 and 5/4/73 9/10/74, 39 FR 32606. 6/27/74 and 10/18/74 6/2/75, 40 FR 23746. Saginaw area ...................... 4/25/79 5/6/80, 45 FR 29790. Flint, Lansing and Grand Rapids urban areas. 4/25/79, 7/25/79, 10/ 12/79, 10/26/79, 11/ 8/79, 12/26/79 4/25/79, 7/25/79, 10/ 12/79, 10/26/79, 11/ 8/79, 12/26/79 4/25/79, 7/25/79, 10/ 12/79, 10/26/79, 11/ 8/79, 12/26/79 6/2/80, 45 FR 37188. Detroit urban area ............... Marquette, Muskegon, Gratiot, Midland, Saginaw, Bay, Tuscola, Huron, Sanilac, Ottawa, Ionia, Shiawassee, Lapeer, Allegan, Barry, Van Buren, Kalamazoo, Calhoun, Jackson, Berrien, Cass, Branch, Hillsdale, and Lenawee Counties. Detroit urban area ............... Statewide ............................ Niles .................................... Jkt 205001 PO 00000 State submittal date 6/2/80, 45 FR 37188. 6/2/80, 45 FR 37188. 4/25/79, 7/25/79, 10/ 12/79, 10/26/79, 11/ 8/79, 12/26/79, 3/ 20/80, 5/12/80, and 5/21/80 12/19/79 6/2/80, 45 FR 37192. 4/25/79, 10/26/79, 11/ 8/79, 12/26/79, 8/4/ 80, and 8/8/80 4/17/81, 46 FR 22373. Frm 00079 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 3/4/81, 46 FR 15138. E:\FR\FM\06SER1.SGM 06SER1 Concerning general requirements of control strategy for nitrogen dioxide, compliance schedules, and review of new sources and modifications. 52482 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 172 / Wednesday, September 6, 2006 / Rules and Regulations EPA-APPROVED MICHIGAN NONREGULATORY AND QUASI-REGULATORY PROVISIONS—Continued Name of nonregulatory SIP provision Applicable geographic or nonattainment area State submittal date EPA approval date Comments Provisions addressing sections 110(a)(2)(K), 126(a)(2), 127, and 128 of the Clean Air Act as amended in 1977. Section 121, intergovernmental consultation. Total suspended particulate studies. Lead plan ............................. Reduction in size of Detroit ozone area. Statewide ............................ 4/25/79 and 10/12/79 6/5/81, 46 FR 30082 ........... Concerns permit fees, interstate pollution, public notification, and state boards. Statewide ............................ 5/25/79 11/27/81, 46 FR 57893. Detroit area ......................... 3/7/80 and 4/21/81 2/18/82, 47 FR 7227. Statewide ............................ Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, Livingston, Monroe, St. Clair, and Washtenaw Counties. Wayne, Oakland and Macomb Counties. 12/27/79 and 2/9/81 9/1/82 4/13/82, 47 FR 15792. 7/7/83, 48 FR 31199. 10/10/83, 5/17/85, and 6/12/85 11/24/86, 51 FR 42221 ....... Information relating to order 8–1982: letter dated 9/6/ 84 from Michigan Department of Natural Resources to EPA. Information relating to order 14–1987: letter dated 12/ 17/87 from Michigan Department of Natural Resources to EPA. Appendices A and D of Wayne County Air Pollution Control Ordinance. Information supporting emissions statement program. 1990 base year emissions inventory. Section 182(f) NOX exemption. Negative declarations .......... Genesee County ................. 9/6/84 8/22/88, 53 FR 31861. Midland County ................... 12/17/87 10/3/89, 54 FR 40657. Wayne County .................... 10/10/86 5/13/93, 58 FR 28359 ......... Statewide ............................ 11/16/92, 10/25/93, and 2/7/94 1/5/93 3/8/94, 59 FR 10752. 7/26/94, 59 FR 37944. 11/12/93 8/10/94, 59 FR 40826. Livingston, Macomb, Monroe, Oakland, St. Clair, Washtenaw, Wayne, Kent, Ottawa, and Muskegon Counties. 3/30/94 9/7/94, 59 FR 46182 ........... I/M program ......................... Grand Rapids and Muskegon areas. 11/12/93 and 7/19/94 10/11/94, 59 FR 51379 ....... 1990 base year emissions inventory and 1-hour ozone maintenance plan. Detroit-Ann Arbor area (Livingston, Macomb, Monroe, Oakland, St. Clair, Washtenaw, and Wayne Counties). Clinton, Ingham, Eaton, and Genesee Counties. 11/12/93 3/7/95, 60 FR 12459. 7/1/94 and 7/8/94 4/27/95, 60 FR 20644. jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES Negative declarations .......... Section 182(f) NOX exemptions. VerDate Aug<31>2005 16:42 Sep 05, 2006 Grand Rapids and Muskegon areas. Detroit-Ann Arbor area ....... Jkt 205001 PO 00000 Frm 00080 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\06SER1.SGM 06SER1 Includes large petroleum dry cleaners, high-density polyethylene, polypropylene, and polystyrene resin manufacturers, and synthetic organic chemical manufacturing industry—oxidation. Effective 11/18/85. Includes: Large petroleum dry cleaners, SOCMI air oxidation processes, high-density polyethylene and polypropylene resin manufacturing and pneumatic rubber tire manufacturing. Includes: document entitled ‘‘Motor Vehicle Emissions Inspection and Maintenance Program for Southeast Michigan, Grand Rapids MSA, and Muskegon MSA Moderate Nonattainment Areas,’’ RFP, and supplemental materials. Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 172 / Wednesday, September 6, 2006 / Rules and Regulations 52483 EPA-APPROVED MICHIGAN NONREGULATORY AND QUASI-REGULATORY PROVISIONS—Continued Name of nonregulatory SIP provision Applicable geographic or nonattainment area Section 182(f) NOX exemptions. Kent, Ottawa, Muskegon, Allegan, Barry, Bay, Berrien, Branch, Calhoun, Cass, Clinton, Eaton, Gratiot, Genesee, Hillsdale, Ingham, Ionia, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lenawee, Midland, Montcalm, St. Joseph, Saginaw, Shiawassee, and Van Buren Counties. Grand Rapids area ............. 7/13/94 1/26/96, 61 FR 2428. 3/9/95 6/21/96, 61 FR 31831. Wayne County .................... Statewide ............................ Statewide ............................ Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, Washtenaw, Livingston, St. Clair, and Monroe Counties. 7/24/95 11/29/94 11/24/94 5/16/96, 1/5/96, and 5/14/96 8/5/96, 61 FR 40516. 12/18/96, 61 FR 66607. 12/18/96, 61 FR 66609. 5/5/97, 62 FR 24341 ........... Muskegon County ............... 11/22/95 9/26/97, 62 FR 50512. Detroit area (portions of Wayne, Oakland, and Macomb Counties). Muskegon County ............... 3/18/99 6/30/99, 64 FR 35017. 3/9/95 8/30/00, 65 FR 52651. Allegan County ................... 9/1/00 and 10/13/00 11/24/00, 65 FR 70490. Genesee, Bay Midland, and Saginaw Counties. Muskegon County ............... 5/9/00 11/13/00, 65 FR 67629. 3/22/01 8/6/01, 66 FR 40895 ........... 1-hour ozone maintenance plan. PM–10 maintenance plan .... General conformity .............. Transportation conformity .... 7.8 psi Reid vapor pressure gasoline-supplemental materials. Section 182(f) NOX exemption. Carbon monoxide maintenance plan. 1-hour ozone maintenance plan. 1-hour ozone maintenance plan. 1-hour ozone maintenance plan. 1-hour ozone maintenance plan revision. BILLING CODE 6560–50–P ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY This regulation is effective September 6, 2006. Objections and requests for hearings must be received on or before November 6, 2006, and must be filed in accordance with the instructions provided in 40 CFR part 178 (see also Unit I.C. of the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION). DATES: 40 CFR Part 180 EPA–HQ–OPP–2006–0504; FRL–8091–4 Propoxycarbazone; Pesticide Tolerance Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). ACTION: Final rule. jlentini on PROD1PC65 with RULES AGENCY: Jkt 205001 EPA has established a docket for this action under docket identification (ID) number EPA-HQOPP-2006-0504. All documents in the docket are listed in the index for the docket. Although listed in the index, some information is not publicly ADDRESSES: SUMMARY: This regulation establishes increased tolerances for residues of propoxycarbazone in or on wheat forage, meat byproducts and milk. Bayer 16:42 Sep 05, 2006 EPA approval date CropScience requested this tolerance under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA), as amended by the Food Quality Protection Act of 1996 (FQPA). [FR Doc. E6–14708 Filed 9–5–06; 8:45 am] VerDate Aug<31>2005 State submittal date PO 00000 Frm 00081 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 Comments Includes: letter from Michigan Governor John Engler to Regional Administrator Valdas Adamkus, dated 1/5/96, letter from Michigan Director of Environmental Quality Russell Harding to Regional Administrator Valdas Adamkus, dated 5/14/96, and state report entitled ‘‘Evaluation of Air Quality Contingency Measures for Implementation in Southeast Michigan’’. Revision to motor vehicle emission budgets. available, e.g., Confidential Business Information (CBI) or other information whose disclosure is restricted by statute. Certain other material, such as copyrighted material, is not placed on the Internet and will be publicly available only in hard copy form. Publicly available docket materials are available in the electronic docket at, or, if only available in hard copy, at the OPP Regulatory Public Docket in Rm. S-4400, One Potomac Yard (South Building), 2777 S. Crystal Drive, Arlington, VA. The Docket Facility is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays. The Docket telephone number is (703) 305-5805. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Joanne I. Miller, Registration Division E:\FR\FM\06SER1.SGM 06SER1


[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 172 (Wednesday, September 6, 2006)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 52467-52483]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E6-14708]



40 CFR Part 52

[MI-87-1; FRL-8214-1]

Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; 
Michigan; Revised Format of 40 CFR Part 52 for Materials Being 
Incorporated by Reference

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

ACTION: Final rule; Notice of administrative change.


SUMMARY: EPA is revising the format of materials submitted by the state 
of Michigan that are incorporated by reference (IBR) into its State 
Implementation Plan (SIP). The regulations affected by this format 
change have all been previously submitted by Michigan and approved by 
    This format revision will primarily affect the ``Identification of 
plan'' section, as well as the format of the SIP materials that will be 
available for public inspection at the National Archives and Records 
Administration (NARA), the Air and Radiation Docket and Information 
Center located at EPA Headquarters in Washington, DC, and the EPA 
Region 5 Office. EPA is also adding a table in the ``Identification of 
plan'' section which summarizes the approval actions that EPA has taken 
on the non-regulatory and quasi-regulatory portions of the Michigan 
SIP. The sections pertaining to provisions promulgated by EPA or state-
submitted materials not subject to IBR review remain unchanged.

DATES: Effective Date: This final rule is effective on September 6, 

ADDRESSES: SIP materials which are incorporated by reference into 40 
CFR part 52 are available for inspection at the following locations: 
Environmental Protection Agency, Region 5, 77 West Jackson Boulevard, 
Chicago, Illinois 60604; the Air and Radiation Docket and Information 
Center, EPA Headquarters Library, Infoterra Room (Room Number 3334), 
EPA West Building, 1301 Constitution Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460, 
and the National Archives and Records Administration. If you wish to 
obtain materials from a docket in the EPA Headquarters Library, please 
call the Office of Air and Radiation (OAR) Docket/Telephone number: 
(202) 566-1742. For information on the availability of this material at 
NARA, call 202-741-6030, or go to:

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kathleen D'Agostino, Environmental 
Engineer, Criteria Pollutant Section, Air Programs Branch (AR-18J), 
Environmental Protection Agency, Region 5, 77 West Jackson Boulevard, 
Chicago, Illinois 60604, (312) 886-1767,

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Throughout this document whenever ``we,'' 
``us,'' or ``our'' is used, we mean EPA. This supplementary information 
section is arranged as follows:

Table of Contents

I. Background
    A. Description of a SIP
    B. How EPA Enforces SIPs
    C. How the State and EPA Update the SIP
    D. How EPA Compiles the SIP
    E. How EPA Organizes the SIP Compilation
    F. Where You Can Find a Copy of the SIP Compilation
    G. The Format of the New Identification of Plan Section
    H. When a SIP Revision Becomes Federally Enforceable
    I. The Historical Record of SIP Revision Approvals
II. What EPA Is Doing in This Action
III. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews

 I. Background

A. Description of a SIP

    Each state has a SIP containing the control measures and strategies 
used to attain and maintain the National Ambient Air Quality Standards 
(NAAQS). The SIP is extensive, containing elements covering a variety 
of subjects, such as air pollution control regulations, emission 
inventories, monitoring networks, attainment demonstrations, and 
enforcement mechanisms.

B. How EPA Enforces SIPs

    Each state must formally adopt the control measures and strategies 
in the SIP after the public has had an opportunity to comment on them. 
They are then submitted to EPA as SIP revisions on which EPA must 
formally act.
    Once these control measures and strategies are approved by EPA, 
after notice and comment rulemaking, they are incorporated into the 
federally approved SIP and are identified in Title 40 of the Code of 
Federal Regulations part 52 (Approval and Promulgation of 
Implementation Plans), (40 CFR part 52). The actual state regulations 
approved by EPA are not reproduced in their entirety in 40 CFR part 52, 
but are ``incorporated by reference,'' which means that EPA has 
approved a given state regulation with a specific effective date. This 
format allows both EPA and the public to know which measures are 
contained in a given SIP and ensures that the state is enforcing the 
regulations. It also allows EPA and the public to take enforcement 
action, should a state not enforce its SIP-approved regulations.

C. How the State and EPA Update the SIP

    The SIP is a living document which can be revised as necessary to 
address the unique air pollution problems in the state. Therefore, EPA 
must, from time to time, take action on SIP revisions containing new 
and/or revised regulations as being part of the SIP. On May 22, 1997 
(62 FR 27968), EPA revised the procedures for incorporating by 
reference federally approved SIPs, as a result of consultations between 
EPA and the Office of the Federal Register (OFR).
    EPA began the process of developing: (1) A revised SIP document for 
each state that would be incorporated by reference under the provisions 
of title 1 CFR part 51; (2) a revised mechanism for announcing EPA 
approval of revisions to an applicable SIP and updating both the IBR 
document and the CFR; and (3) a revised format of the ``Identification 
of plan'' sections for each applicable subpart to reflect these revised 
IBR procedures. The description of the revised SIP document, IBR 
procedures, and ``Identification of plan'' format are discussed in 
further detail in the May 22, 1997, Federal Register document.

D. How EPA Compiles the SIP

    The federally approved regulations, source-specific requirements, 
and nonregulatory provisions (entirely or portions of) submitted by 
each state agency have been organized by EPA into a ``SIP 
compilation.'' The SIP compilation contains the updated regulations, 
source-specific requirements, and nonregulatory provisions approved by 
EPA through previous rulemaking actions in the Federal Register. The 
compilation is contained in three-ring binders and will be updated, 
primarily on an annual basis. The nonregulatory provisions are 
available by contacting Kathleen D'Agostino at the Regional Office.

[[Page 52468]]

E. How EPA Organizes the SIP Compilation

    Each compilation contains three parts. Part one contains the 
regulations, part two contains the source-specific requirements that 
have been approved as part of the SIP, and part three contains 
nonregulatory provisions that have been approved by EPA. Each part 
consists of a table of identifying information for each SIP-approved 
regulation, each SIP-approved source-specific requirement, and each 
nonregulatory SIP provision. In this action, EPA is publishing the 
tables summarizing the applicable SIP requirements for Michigan. The 
effective dates in the tables indicate the date of the most recent 
revision of each regulation. The EPA Regional Offices have the primary 
responsibility for updating the compilation and ensuring its accuracy.

F. Where You Can Find a Copy of the SIP Compilation

    EPA's Region 5 Office developed and will maintain the compilation 
for Michigan. A copy of the full text of Michigan's regulatory and 
source-specific compilation will also be maintained at NARA and EPA's 
Air Docket and Information Center.

G. The Format of the New Identification of Plan Section

    In order to better serve the public, EPA revised the organization 
of the ``Identification of plan'' section and included additional 
information to clarify the enforceable elements of the SIP.
    The revised Identification of plan section contains five 
subsections: (a) Purpose and scope, (b) Incorporation by reference, (c) 
EPA approved regulations, (d) EPA approved source specific permits, and 
(e) EPA approved nonregulatory and quasi-regulatory provisions such as 
transportation control measures, statutory provisions, control 
strategies, monitoring networks, etc.

H. When a SIP Revision Becomes Federally Enforceable

    All revisions to the applicable SIP become federally enforceable as 
of the effective date of the revisions to paragraphs (c), (d), or (e) 
of the applicable Identification of plan section found in each subpart 
of 40 CFR part 52.

I. The Historical Record of SIP Revision Approvals

    To facilitate enforcement of previously approved SIP provisions and 
provide a smooth transition to the new SIP processing system, EPA 
retains the original Identification of plan section, previously 
appearing in the CFR as the first or second section of part 52 for each 
state subpart. After an initial two-year period, EPA will review its 
experience with the new system and enforceability of previously 
approved SIP measures and will decide whether or not to retain the 
Identification of plan appendices for some further period.

II. What EPA Is Doing in This Action

    Today's rule constitutes a ``house keeping'' exercise to ensure 
that all revisions to the state programs that have occurred are 
accurately reflected in 40 CFR part 52. State SIP revisions are 
controlled by EPA regulations at 40 CFR part 51. When EPA receives a 
formal SIP revision request, the Agency must publish the proposed 
revision in the Federal Register and provide for public comment before 
    EPA has determined that today's rule falls under the ``good cause'' 
exemption in section 553(b)(3)(B) of the Administrative Procedures Act 
(APA) which, upon finding ``good cause,'' authorizes agencies to 
dispense with public participation and section 553(d)(3) which allows 
an agency to make a rule effective immediately (thereby avoiding the 
30-day delayed effective date otherwise provided for in the APA). 
Today's rule simply codifies provisions which are already in effect as 
a matter of law in Federal and approved state programs.
    Under section 553 of the APA, an agency may find good cause where 
procedures are ``impractical, unnecessary, or contrary to the public 
interest.'' Public comment is ``unnecessary'' and ``contrary to the 
public interest'' since the codification only reflects existing law. 
Immediate notice in the CFR benefits the public by removing outdated 

III. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews

A. General Requirements

    Under Executive Order 12866 (58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993), this 
action is not a ``significant regulatory action'' and is therefore not 
subject to review by the Office of Management and Budget. This rule is 
not subject to Executive Order 13211, ``Actions Concerning Regulations 
That Significantly Affect Energy Supply, Distribution, or Use'' (66 FR 
28355, May 22, 2001) because it is not a significant regulatory action 
under Executive Order 12866. Because the agency has made a ``good 
cause'' finding that this action is not subject to notice-and-comment 
requirements under the Administrative Procedure Act or any other 
statute as indicated in the Supplementary Information section above, it 
is not subject to the regulatory flexibility provisions of the 
Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C 601 et seq.), or to sections 202 
and 205 of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA) (Pub. L. 
104-4). In addition, this action does not significantly or uniquely 
affect small governments or impose a significant intergovernmental 
mandate, as described in sections 203 and 204 of UMRA. This rule also 
does not have a substantial direct effect on one or more Indian tribes, 
on the relationship between the Federal government and Indian tribes, 
or on the distribution of power and responsibilities between the 
Federal government and Indian tribes, as specified by Executive Order 
13175 (65 FR 67249, November 9, 2000), nor will it have substantial 
direct effects on the States, on the relationship between the national 
government and the States, or on the distribution of power and 
responsibilities among the various levels of government, as specified 
in Executive Order 13132 (64 FR 43255, August 10, 1999). This rule also 
is not subject to Executive Order 13045 (62 FR 19885, April 23, 1997), 
because it is not economically significant. This rule does not involve 
technical standards; thus the requirements of section 12(d) of the 
National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995 (15 U.S.C. 272 
note) do not apply. The rule also does not involve special 
consideration of environmental justice related issues as required by 
Executive Order 12898 (59 FR 7629, February 16, 1994). In issuing this 
rule, EPA has taken the necessary steps to eliminate drafting errors 
and ambiguity, minimize potential litigation, and provide a clear legal 
standard for affected conduct, as required by section 3 of Executive 
Order 12988 (61 FR 4729, February 7, 1996). EPA has complied with 
Executive Order 12630 (53 FR 8859, March 15, 1998) by examining the 
takings implications of the rule in accordance with the ``Attorney 
General's Supplemental Guidelines for the Evaluation of Risk and 
Avoidance of Unanticipated Takings'' issued under the executive order. 
This rule does not impose an information collection burden under the 
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). EPA's 
compliance with these statutes and Executive Orders for the underlying 
rules are discussed in previous actions taken on the State's rules.

B. Submission to Congress and the Comptroller General

    The Congressional Review Act (5 U.S.C. 801 et seq.), as added by 

[[Page 52469]]

Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996, generally 
provides that before a rule may take effect, the agency promulgating 
the rule must submit a rule report, which includes a copy of the rule, 
to each House of the Congress and to the Comptroller General of the 
United States. Section 808 allows the issuing agency to make a rule 
effective sooner than otherwise provided by the CRA if the agency makes 
a good cause finding that notice and public procedure is impracticable, 
unnecessary or contrary to the public interest. Today's action simply 
codifies provisions which are already in effect as a matter of law in 
Federal and approved State programs. 5 U.S.C. 808(2). As stated 
previously, EPA has made such a good cause finding, including the 
reasons therefore, and established an effective date of September 6, 
2006. EPA will submit a report containing this rule and other required 
information to the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House of Representatives, and 
the Comptroller General of the United States prior to publication of 
the rule in the Federal Register. This rule is not a ``major rule'' as 
defined by 5 U.S.C. 804(2).

C. Petitions for Judicial Review

    EPA has also determined that the provisions of section 307(b)(1) of 
the Clean Air Act pertaining to petitions for judicial review are not 
applicable to this action. Prior EPA rulemaking actions for each 
individual component of the Michigan SIP compilation had previously 
afforded interested parties the opportunity to file a petition for 
judicial review in the United States Court of Appeals for the 
appropriate circuit within 60 days of such rulemaking action. Thus, EPA 
sees no need in this action to reopen the 60-day period for filing such 
petitions for judicial review for these ``Identification of plan'' 
reorganization actions for Michigan.

List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 52

    Environmental protection, Air pollution control, Carbon monoxide, 
Hydrocarbons, Incorporation by reference, Intergovernmental relations, 
Lead, Nitrogen dioxide, Ozone, Particulate matter, Reporting and 
recordkeeping requirements, Sulfur oxides, Volatile organic compounds.

    Dated: August 17, 2006.
Norman Niedergang,
Acting Regional Administrator, Region 5.

Part 52 of chapter I, title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, is amended 
as follows:


1. The authority for citation for part 52 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.

Subpart X--Michigan

Sec.  52.1170  [Redesignated as Sec.  52.1190]

2. Section 52.1170 is redesignated as Sec.  52.1190 and the section 
heading and paragraph (a) are revised to read as follows:

Sec.  52.1190  Original Identification of plan section.

    (a) This section identifies the original ``Air Implementation Plan 
for the State of Michigan'' and all revisions submitted by Michigan 
that were federally approved prior to August 1, 2006.
* * * * *
3. A new Sec.  52.1170 is added to read as follows:

Sec.  52.1170  Identification of plan.

    (a) Purpose and scope. This section sets forth the applicable State 
Implementation Plan (SIP) for Michigan under section 110 of the Clean 
Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7401, and 40 CFR part 51 to meet National Ambient 
Air Quality Standards.
    (b) Incorporation by reference. (1) Material listed in paragraphs 
(c), (d), and (e) of this section with an EPA approval date prior to 
August 1, 2006, was approved for incorporation by reference by the 
Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 
1 CFR part 51. Material is incorporated as it exists on the date of the 
approval, and notice of any change in the material will be published in 
the Federal Register. Entries in paragraphs (c), (d), and (e) of this 
section with the EPA approval dates after August 1, 2006, will be 
incorporated by reference in the next update to the SIP compilation.
    (2) EPA Region 5 certifies that the rules/regulations provided by 
the EPA in the SIP compilation at the addresses in paragraph (b)(3) of 
this section are an exact duplicate of the officially promulgated state 
rules/regulations which have been approved as part of the SIP as of 
August 1, 2006.
    (3) Copies of the materials incorporated by reference may be 
inspected at the Environmental Protection Agency, Region 5, Air 
Programs Branch, 77 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, IL 60604; the EPA, 
Air and Radiation Docket and Information Center, EPA Headquarters 
Library, Infoterra Room (Room Number 3334), EPA West Building, 1301 
Constitution Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460, and the National Archives 
and Records Administration. If you wish to obtain materials from a 
docket in the EPA Headquarters Library, please call the Office of Air 
and Radiation (OAR) Docket/Telephone number: (202) 566-1742. For 
information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202-741-
6030, or go to:
    (c) EPA approved regulations.

                                        EPA-Approved Michigan Regulations
        Michigan citation                  Title          effective     EPA approval date         Comments
                                                Annual Reporting
R 336.202........................  Annual reports......     11/11/86  3/8/94, 59 FR 10752.
                                           Part 1. General Provisions
R 336.1101.......................  Definitions; A......      4/27/93  9/7/94, 59 FR 46182.  Only: actual
                                                                                             emissions, air-
                                                                                             dried coating, air
                                                                                             quality standard,
                                                                                             emissions, and
                                                                                             alternate opacity.
                                                             2/22/85  6/11/92, 57 FR 24752

[[Page 52470]]

R 336.1102.......................  Definitions; B......      5/27/02  2/24/03, 68 FR 8550.
R 336.1103.......................  Definitions; C......      4/27/93  9/7/94, 59 FR 46182.  Only: coating
                                                                                             category, calendar
                                                                                             day, class II
                                                                                             hardboard paneling
                                                                                             finish, coating
                                                                                             line, coating of
                                                                                             automobiles and
                                                                                             light duty trucks,
                                                                                             coating of fabric,
                                                                                             coating of large
                                                                                             appliances, coating
                                                                                             of paper, coating
                                                                                             of vinyl,
                                                                                             component in field
                                                                                             gas service,
                                                                                             component in
                                                                                             gaseous volatile
                                                                                             organic compound
                                                                                             service, component
                                                                                             in heavy liquid
                                                                                             service, component
                                                                                             in light liquid
                                                                                             service, component
                                                                                             in liquid volatile
                                                                                             organic compound
                                                                                             service, condenser,
                                                                                             conveyorized vapor
                                                                                             degreaser, and
                                                             2/22/85  6/11/92, 57 FR 24752
R 336.1104.......................  Definitions; D......      5/27/02  2/24/03, 68 FR 8550.
R 336.1105.......................  Definitions; E......      5/27/02  2/24/03, 68 FR 8550.
R 336.1106.......................  Definitions; F......      2/22/85  6/11/92, 57 FR 24752
R 336.1107.......................  Definitions; G......      5/27/02  2/24/03, 68 FR 8550.
R 336.1108.......................  Definitions; H......      5/27/02  2/24/03, 68 FR 8550.
R 336.1109.......................  Definitions; I......      8/21/81  7/26/82, 47 FR 32116
R 336.1112.......................  Definitions; L......      1/18/80  5/6/80, 45 FR 29790.
R 336.1113.......................  Definitions; M......      5/27/02  2/24/03, 68 FR 8550.
R 336.1114.......................  Definitions; N......      8/21/81  7/26/82, 47 FR 32116
R 336.1115.......................  Definitions; O......      8/21/81  7/26/82, 47 FR 32116
R 336.1116.......................  Definitions; P......      4/27/93  9/7/94, 59 FR 46182.  Only: packaging
                                                                                             printing, printed
                                                                                             interior panel,
                                                                                             process unit
                                                                                             printing, and
                                                                                             pushside Removed:
                                                                                             pneumatic rubber
                                                                                             tire manufacturing.
                                                             2/22/85  6/11/92, 57 FR 24752  All except pneumatic
                                                                                             rubber tire
                                                                                             which was removed 9/
R 336.1118.......................  Definitions; R......      5/27/02  2/24/03, 68 FR 8550.
R 336.1119.......................  Definitions; S......      2/22/85  6/11/92, 57 FR 24752
R 336.1120.......................  Definitions; T......      5/27/02  2/24/03, 68 FR 8550.
R 336.1121.......................  Definitions; U......      4/20/89  9/15/94, 59 FR 47254
R 336.1122.......................  Definitions; V......      3/13/03  2/9/04, 69 FR 5932..
R 336.1123.......................  Definitions; W......      8/21/81  7/26/82, 47 FR 32116
R 336.1127.......................  Terms defined in the      1/18/80  5/6/80, 45 FR 29790.
                                            Part 2. Air Use Approval
R 336.1201.......................  Permits to install..      1/18/80  5/6/80, 45 FR 29790.
R 336.1202.......................  Waivers of approval.      1/18/80  5/6/80, 45 FR 29790.

[[Page 52471]]

R 336.1203.......................  Information required      1/18/80  5/6/80, 45 FR 29790.
R 336.1204.......................  Authority of agents.      1/18/80  5/6/80, 45 FR 29790.
R 336.1206.......................  Processing of             1/18/80  5/6/80, 45 FR 29790.
                                    applications for
                                    other facilities.
R 336.1207.......................  Denial of permits to      1/18/80  5/6/80, 45 FR 29790.
R 336.1208.......................  Permits to operate..      1/18/80  5/6/80, 45 FR 29790.
R 336.1220.......................  Construction of           8/21/81  1/27/82, 47 FR 3764.
                                    sources of volatile
                                    organic compounds
                                    in ozone
                                    areas; conditions
                                    for approval.
R 336.1221.......................  Construction of           7/17/80  1/12/82, 47 FR 1292.
                                    sources of
                                    particulate matter,
                                    sulfur dioxide, or
                                    carbon monoxide in
                                    or near
                                    areas; conditions
                                    for approval.
R 336.1240.......................  Required air quality      1/18/80  5/6/80, 45 FR 29790.
R 336.1241.......................  Air quality modeling      1/18/80  5/6/80, 45 FR 29790.
R 336.1280.......................  Permit system             1/18/80  5/6/80, 45 FR 29790.
                                    exemptions; cooling
                                    and ventilation
R 336.1281.......................  Permit system             1/18/80  5/6/80, 45 FR 29790.
                                    cleaning, washing
                                    and drying
R 336.1282.......................  Permit system             1/18/80  5/6/80, 45 FR 29790.
                                    exemptions; cooling
                                    and ventilation
R 336.1283.......................  Permit system             7/17/80  8/28/81, 46 FR 43422
                                    exemptions; testing
                                    and inspection
R 336.1284.......................  Permit system             1/18/80  5/6/80, 45 FR 29790.
R 336.1285.......................  Permit system             1/18/80  5/6/80, 45 FR 29790.
                        Part 3. Emission Limitations and Prohibitions--Particulate Matter
R 336.1301.......................  Standards for             3/19/02  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093.
                                    density of
R 336.1303.......................  Grading visible           3/19/02  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093.
R 336.1310.......................  Open burning........       2/3/99  6/28/02, 67 FR 43548
R 336.1330.......................  Electrostatic             3/19/02  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093.
                                    control systems.
R 336.1331.......................  Emissions of              3/19/02  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093.  All except Table 31,
                                    particulate matter.                                      section C.8.
                                                             1/18/80  5/22/81, 46 FR 27923  Only Table 31
                                                                                             Section C.7,
R 336.1349.......................  Coke oven compliance      2/22/85  6/11/92, 57 FR 24752
R 336.1350.......................  Emissions from larry-     2/22/85  6/11/92, 57 FR 24752
                                    car charging of
                                    coke ovens.
R 336.1351.......................  Charging hole             2/22/85  6/11/92, 57 FR 24752
                                    emissions from coke
R 336.1352.......................  Pushing operation         2/22/85  6/11/92, 57 FR 24752
                                    fugitive emissions
                                    from coke ovens.
R 336.1353.......................  Standpipe assembly        2/22/85  6/11/92, 57 FR 24752
                                    emissions during
                                    coke cycle from
                                    coke ovens.
R 336.1354.......................  Standpipe assembly        2/22/85  6/11/92, 57 FR 24752
                                    emissions during
                                    from coke ovens.
R 336.1355.......................  Coke oven gas             1/18/80  5/55/81, 46 FR 27923
                                    collector main
                                    emissions from slot-
                                    type coke ovens.
R 336.1356.......................  Coke oven door            2/22/85  6/11/92, 57 FR 24752
                                    emissions from coke
                                    ovens; doors that
                                    are 5 meters or

[[Page 52472]]

R 336.1357.......................  Coke oven door            2/22/85  6/11/92, 57 FR 24752
                                    emissions from coke
                                    oven doors; doors
                                    that are taller
                                    than 5 meters.
R 336.1358.......................  Roof monitor visible      4/30/98  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093.
                                    emissions at steel
                                    facilities from
                                    electric arc
                                    furnaces and blast
R 336.1359.......................  Visible emissions         2/22/85  6/11/92, 57 FR 24752
                                    from scarfer
                                    operation stacks at
                                    steel manufacturing
R 336.1360.......................  Visible emissions         2/22/85  6/11/92, 57 FR 24752
                                    from coke oven push
R 336.1361.......................  Visible emissions         4/30/98  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093.
                                    from blast furnace
                                    operations at steel
R 336.1362.......................  Visible emissions         4/30/98  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093.
                                    from electric arc
                                    furnace operations
                                    at steel
R 336.1363.......................  Visible emissions         4/30/98  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093.
                                    from argon-oxygen
                                    operations at steel
R 336.1364.......................  Visible emissions         2/22/85  6/11/92, 57 FR 24752
                                    from basic oxygen
                                    furnace operations.
R 336.1365.......................  Visible emissions         2/22/85  6/11/92, 57 FR 24752
                                    from hot metal
                                    transfer operations
                                    at steel
R 336.1366.......................  Visible emissions         2/22/85  6/11/92, 57 FR 24752
                                    from hot metal
                                    operations at steel
R 336.1367.......................  Visible emissions         2/22/85  6/11/92, 57 FR 24752
                                    from sintering
R 336.1370.......................  Collected air             2/17/81  11/15/82, 47 FR
                                    contaminants.                      51398.
R 336.1371.......................  Fugitive dust             3/19/02  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093.
                                    control programs
                                    other than areas
                                    listed in Table 36.
R 336.1372.......................  Fugitive dust             3/19/02  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093.
                                    control program;
                                    activities; typical
                                    control methods.
R 336.1374.......................  Particulate matter        3/19/02  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093.
                                    measures: Areas
                                    listed in Table 37.
                     Part 4. Emission Limitations and Prohibitions--Sulfur-Bearing Compounds
R 336.1401.......................  Emissions of sulfur       3/19/02  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093.
                                    dioxide from power
R 336.1402.......................  Emission of sulfur        1/18/80  5/6/80, 45 FR 29790.
                                    dioxide from fuel-
                                    burning sources
                                    other than power
R 336.1403.......................  Oil- and natural gas-     3/19/02  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093.
                                    producing or
                                    facilities and
                                    natural gas-
R 336.1404.......................  Emissions of              1/18/80  5/6/80, 45 FR 29790.
                                    sulfuric acid mist
                                    from sulfuric acid
     Part 6. Emission Limitations and Prohibitions--Existing Sources of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions
R 336.1601.......................  Definitions.........      3/19/02  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093.
R 336.1602.......................  General provisions        4/10/00  6/28/02, 67 FR 43548
                                    for existing
                                    sources of volatile
                                    organic compound
R 336.1604.......................  Storage of organic        3/19/02  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093.
                                    compounds having a
                                    true vapor pressure
                                    of more than 1.5
                                    psia, but less than
                                    11 psia, in
                                    existing fixed roof
                                    stationary vessels
                                    of more than 40,000
                                    gallon capacity.

[[Page 52473]]

R 336.1605.......................  Storage of organic        3/19/02  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093.
                                    compounds having a
                                    true vapor pressure
                                    of 11 or more psia
                                    in existing
                                    stationary vessels
                                    of more than 40,000
                                    gallon capacity.
R 336.1606.......................  Loading gasoline          3/19/02  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093.
                                    into existing
                                    stationary vessels
                                    of more than 2,000
                                    gallon capacity at
                                    facilities handling
                                    250,000 gallons per
R 336.1607.......................  Loading gasoline          3/19/02  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093.
                                    into existing
                                    stationary vessels
                                    of more than 2,000
                                    capacity at loading
R 336.1608.......................  Loading gasoline          3/19/02  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093.
                                    into existing
                                    delivery vessels at
                                    loading facilities
                                    handling less than
                                    5,000,000 gallons
                                    per year.
R 336.1609.......................  Loading existing          4/20/89  9/15/94, 59 FR 47254
                                    delivery vessels
                                    with organic
                                    compounds having a
                                    true vapor pressure
                                    of more than 1.5
                                    psia at existing
                                    loading facilities
                                    handling 5,000,000
                                    or more gallons of
                                    such compounds per
R 336.1610.......................  Existing coating          4/27/93  9/7/94, 59 FR 46182.
                                    lines; emission of
                                    volatile organic
                                    compounds from
                                    automobile, light-
                                    duty truck, and
                                    other product and
                                    material coating
R 336.1611.......................  Existing cold             6/13/97  7/21/99, 64 FR 39034
R 336.1612.......................  Existing open top         6/13/97  7/21/99, 64 FR 39034
                                    vapor degreasers.
R 336.1613.......................  Existing                  6/13/97  7/21/99, 64 FR 39034
                                    conveyorized cold
R 336.1614.......................  Existing                  6/13/97  7/21/99, 64 FR 39034
                                    conveyorized vapor
R 336.1615.......................  Existing vacuum-          3/19/02  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093.
                                    producing system at
R 336.1616.......................  Process unit              3/19/02  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093.
                                    turnarounds at
R 336.1617.......................  Existing organic          3/19/02  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093.
                                    separators at
R 336.1618.......................  Use of cutback            3/19/02  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093.
                                    paving asphalt.
R 336.1619.......................  Perchloroethylene;        3/19/02  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093.
                                    emission from
                                    existing dry
                                    cleaning equipment;
R 336.1620.......................  Emission of volatile      4/27/93  9/7/94, 59 FR 46182.
                                    organic compounds
                                    from the coating of
                                    flat wood paneling
                                    from existing
                                    coating lines.
R 336.1621.......................  Emission of volatile      4/27/93  9/7/94, 59 FR 46182.
                                    organic compounds
                                    from the coating of
                                    metallic surfaces
                                    from existing
                                    coating lines.
R 336.1622.......................  Emission of volatile      3/19/02  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093.
                                    organic compound
                                    from existing
                                    component of a
                                    petroleum refinery;
                                    refinery monitoring
R 336.1623.......................  Storage of petroleum      3/19/02  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093.
                                    liquids having a
                                    true vapor pressure
                                    of more than 1.0
                                    psia but less than
                                    11.0 psia, in
                                    existing external
                                    floating roof
                                    stationary vessels
                                    of more than 40,000
                                    gallon capacity.

[[Page 52474]]

R 336.1624.......................  Emission of volatile     11/18/93  9/7/94, 59 FR 46182.
                                    organic compound
                                    from an existing
                                    graphic arts line.
R 336.1625.......................  Emission of volatile     11/30/00  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093.
                                    organic compound
                                    from existing
                                    equipment utilized
                                    in the
                                    manufacturing of
R 336.1627.......................  Delivery vessels;         3/19/02  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093.
                                    vapor collection
R 336.1628.......................  Emission of volatile      3/19/02  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093.
                                    organic compounds
                                    from components of
                                    existing process
                                    equipment used in
                                    synthetic organic
                                    chemicals and
R 336.1629.......................  Emission of volatile      3/19/02  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093.
                                    organic compounds
                                    from components of
                                    existing process
                                    equipment used in
                                    processing natural
                                    gas; monitoring
R 336.1630.......................  Emission of volatile      3/19/02  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093.
                                    organic compounds
                                    from existing paint
R 336.1631.......................  Emission of volatile      3/19/02  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093.
                                    organic compounds
                                    from existing
                                    process equipment
                                    utilized in
                                    manufacture of
                                    polystyrene of
                                    other organic
R 336.1632.......................  Emission of volatile      4/27/93  9/7/94, 59 FR 46182.
                                    organic compounds
                                    form existing
                                    automobile, truck,
                                    and business
                                    machine plastic
                                    part coating lines.
R 336.1651.......................  Standards for             6/13/97  7/21/99, 64 FR 39034
        Part 7. Emission Limitations and Prohibitions--New Sources of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions
R 336.1702.......................  General provisions        3/19/02  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093.
                                    for new sources of
                                    volatile organic
                                    compound emissions.
R 336.1705.......................  Loading gasoline          3/19/02  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093.
                                    into delivery
                                    vessels at new
                                    loading facilities
                                    handling less than
                                    5,000,000 gallons
                                    per year.
R 336.1706.......................  Loading delivery          6/13/97  7/21/99, 64 FR 39034
                                    vessels with
                                    organic compounds
                                    having a true vapor
                                    pressure of more
                                    than 1.5 psia at
                                    new loading
                                    facilities handling
                                    5,000,000 or more
                                    gallons of such
                                    compounds per year.
R 336.1707.......................  New cold cleaners...      6/13/97  7/21/99, 64 FR 39034
R 336.1708.......................  New open top vapor        6/13/97  7/21/99, 64 FR 39034
R 336.1709.......................  New conveyorized          6/13/97  7/21/99, 64 FR 39034
                                    cold cleaners.
R 336.1710.......................  New conveyorized          6/13/97  7/21/99, 64 FR 39034
                                    vapor degreasers.
                        Part 8. Emission Limitations and Prohibitions--Oxides of Nitrogen
R 336.1802.......................  Applicability under       5/20/04  12/23/04, 69 FR
                                    oxides of nitrogen                 76848.
                                    budget trading
R 336.1803.......................  Definitions for           12/4/02  12/23/04, 69 FR
                                    oxides of nitrogen                 76848.
                                    budget trading
R 336.1804.......................  Retired unit              5/20/04  12/23/04, 69 FR
                                    exemption from                     76848.
                                    oxides of nitrogen
                                    budget trading
R 336.1805.......................  Standard                  12/4/02  12/23/04, 69 FR
                                    requirements of                    76848.
                                    oxides of nitrogen
                                    budget trading

[[Page 52475]]

R 336.1806.......................  Computation of time       12/4/02  12/23/04, 69 FR
                                    under oxides of                    76848.
                                    nitrogen budget
                                    trading program.
R 336.1807.......................  Authorized account        12/4/02  12/23/04, 69 FR
                                    representative                     76848.
                                    under oxides of
                                    nitrogen budget
                                    trading program.
R 336.1808.......................  Permit requirements       12/4/02  12/23/04, 69 FR
                                    under oxides of                    76848.
                                    nitrogen budget
                                    trading program.
R 336.1809.......................  Compliance                12/4/02  12/23/04, 69 FR
                                    certification under                76848.
                                    oxides of nitrogen
                                    budget trading
R 336.1810.......................  Allowance                 12/4/02  12/23/04, 69 FR
                                    allocations under                  76848.
                                    oxides of nitrogen
                                    budget trading
R 336.1811.......................  New source set-aside      5/20/04  12/23/04, 69 FR
                                    under oxides of                    76848.
                                    nitrogen budget
                                    trading program.
R 336.1812.......................  Allowance tracking        12/4/02  12/23/04, 69 FR
                                    system and                         76848.
                                    transfers under
                                    oxides of nitrogen
                                    budget trading
R 336.1813.......................  Monitoring and            12/4/02  12/23/04, 69 FR
                                    reporting                          76848.
                                    requirements under
                                    oxides of nitrogen
                                    budget trading
R 336.1814.......................  Individual opt-ins        12/4/02  12/23/04, 69 FR
                                    under oxides of                    76848.
                                    nitrogen budget
                                    trading program.
R 336.1815.......................  Allowance banking         12/4/02  12/23/04, 69 FR
                                    under oxides of                    76848.
                                    nitrogen budget
                                    trading program.
R 336.1816.......................  Compliance                12/4/02  12/23/04, 69 FR
                                    supplement pool                    76848.
                                    under oxides of
                                    nitrogen budget
                                    trading program.
R 336.1817.......................  Emission limitations      12/4/02  12/23/04, 69 FR
                                    and restrictions                   76848.
                                    for Portland cement
                          Part 9. Emission Limitations and Prohibitions--Miscellaneous
R 339.1901.......................  Air contaminant or        1/18/80  5/6/80, 45 FR 29790.
                                    water vapor, when
R 339.1906.......................  Diluting and              3/19/02  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093.
R 339.1910.......................  Air-cleaning devices      1/18/80  5/6/80, 45 FR 29790.
R 339.1911.......................  Malfunction               3/19/02  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093.
                                    abatement plans.
R 339.1912.......................  Abnormal conditions       1/18/80  5/6/80, 45 FR 29790.
                                    and breakdown of
R 339.1915.......................  Enforcement               5/27/02  2/24/03, 68 FR 8550.
                                    discretion in
                                    instances of excess
                                    emission resulting
                                    from malfunction,
                                    start-up, or
R 339.1916.......................  Affirmative defense       5/27/02  2/24/03, 68 FR 8550.
                                    for excess
                                    emissions during
                                    start-up or
R 339.1930.......................  Emission of carbon        3/19/02  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093.
                                    monoxide from
                                    ferrous cupola
                                   Part 10. Intermittent Testing and Sampling
R 336.2001.......................  Performance tests by      3/19/02  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093,
                                    owner.                             6/1/06 71 FR 31093.
R 336.2002.......................  Performance tests by      3/19/02  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093.
R 336.2003.......................  Performance test          3/19/02  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093.
R 336.2004.......................  Appendix A;               3/19/02  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093.
                                    reference test
                                    methods; adoption
                                    of federal
                                    reference test
R 336.2005.......................  Reference test            3/19/02  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093.
                                    methods for
                                    delivery vessels.

[[Page 52476]]

R 336.2006.......................  Reference test            4/27/93  9/7/94, 59 FR 46182.
                                    method serving as
                                    alternate version
                                    of federal
                                    reference test
                                    method 25 by
                                    incorporating Byron
R 336.2007.......................  Alternate version of      3/19/02  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093.
                                    procedure L,
                                    referenced in R
R 336.2011.......................  Reference test            4/29/05  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093.
                                    method 5B.
R 336.2012.......................  Reference test           10/15/04  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093.
                                    method 5C.
R 336.2013.......................  Reference test            3/19/02  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093.
                                    method 5D.
R 336.2014.......................  Reference test           10/15/04  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093.
                                    method 5E.
R 336.2021.......................  Figures.............      3/19/02  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093.
R 336.2030.......................  Reference test            2/22/85  6/11/92, 57 FR 24752
                                    method 9A.
R 336.2031.......................  Reference test            2/22/85  6/11/92, 57 FR 24752
                                    method 9B.
R 336.2032.......................  Reference test            2/22/85  6/11/92, 57 FR 24752
                                    method 9C.
R 336.2033.......................  Test methods for          2/22/85  6/11/92, 57 FR 24752
                                    coke oven quench
R 336.2040.......................  Method for                3/19/02  6/1/06, 71 FR 31093.  All except sections
                                    determination of                                         (9) and (10).
                                    volatile organic
                                    compound emissions
                                    from coating lines
                                    and graphic arts
R 336.2041.......................  Recording                 4/27/93  9/7/94, 59 FR 46182.
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