Establishment of a Transaction Fee for Transportation Services Provided for the GSA, Office of Global Supply, 50426-50427 [E6-14179]
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 165 / Friday, August 25, 2006 / Notices
of the date the Consent Agreement was
signed, the proposed Consent
Agreement contains several provisions
relating to the operation of TEPPCO’s
TE Products Pipeline. TEPPCO provides
‘‘open stock’’ service to propane
shippers from Mont Belvieu Storage
Partners, a service whereby shippers
who ship on the pipeline and who have
adequate inventory in the TEPPCO
system, given certain inventory and
availability requirements, can take
delivery of propane at any of TEPPCO’s
terminals along the pipeline without
having to wait for the pipeline transit
time it would take to move the product
physically from origin to destination.
The open stock service allows TEPPCO
to transfer product from any origination
point along the pipeline it chooses to
meet shippers’ needs, irrespective of the
storage facility in which the shipper
actually has inventory. EPCO’s plans to
build a pipeline connecting its Mont
Belvieu storage facility to the TEPPCO
pipeline raises several concerns
regarding its ability to disadvantage any
prospective acquiror of TEPPCO’s
interest in Mont Belvieu Storage
Partners. First, TEPPCO could decline to
offer the open stock service at Mont
Belvieu Storage Partners, or offer the
service there at less advantageous terms
than at EPCO’s Mont Belvieu facility.
Second, TEPPCO could impede Mont
Belvieu Storage Partners’ ability to
market its storage capacity by allocating
product from other storage facilities
along the pipeline to meet shipper’s
needs, keeping Mont Belvieu Storage
Partners’ capacity occupied
disproportionately. The proposed
Consent Agreement contains provisions
addressing these concerns.
First, the proposed Consent
Agreement requires TEPPCO to
continue to operate the TE Products
Pipeline on open stock service for
propane. Second, if Duncan builds a
pipeline, referred to in the proposed
Consent Agreement as the ‘‘New
Pipeline,’’ connecting the TE Products
Pipeline to any NGL storage facility it
owns in Mont Belvieu, Texas, the
proposed Consent Agreement requires
Duncan to (1) connect the new pipeline
to the Mont Belvieu Storage Partners
NGL storage facility at its own cost, (2)
operate the TE Products Pipeline for
propane on an open stock basis for
shippers who ship from Mont Belvieu
Storage Partners on terms and
conditions that are no less advantageous
than those for shippers who ship
propane from an NGL storage facility in
Mont Belvieu owned by Duncan, and (3)
operate the TE Products Pipeline for
products other than propane on terms
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and conditions that are no less
advantageous than those for shippers
who ship products other than propane
from an NGL storage facility in Mont
Belvieu owned by Duncan.
Third, the proposed Consent
Agreement contains provisions relating
to the implementation of new allocation
procedures for the TE Products Pipeline.
Paragraph IV.B requires TEPPCO to
provide advance written notice to the
Commission of any new allocation
procedures relating to the movements of
NGLs on the TE Products Pipeline
originating in Mont Belvieu, Texas.
Paragraph VI requires any new
allocation procedures to include a
requirement that shippers originating
product movements on the pipeline
from the Mont Belvieu Storage Partners
NGL storage facility nominate that
movement to both TEPPCO and Mont
Belvieu Storage Partners and also
provides that such new allocation
procedures shall allow shippers who
ship product originating at Mont
Belvieu Storage Partners’ facility to ship
on terms and conditions that are no less
advantageous than those given to
shippers who ship from an NGL storage
facility owned by Duncan.
The purpose of the provisions relating
to the operation of the TE Products
Pipeline is to maintain the competitive
viability of the Mont Belvieu Storage
Partners NGL storage facility in the
same manner as of the date the Consent
Agreement was signed by ensuring that
Duncan cannot disadvantage shippers
who originate product movements from
the Mont Belvieu Storage Partners’
facility in favor of shippers who
originate product movements from its
own storage facility in the event that
Duncan interconnects an NGL storage
facility it owns in Mont Belvieu, Texas,
to the TE Products Pipeline.
V. Opportunity for Public Comment
By accepting the proposed Consent
Agreement, subject to final approval, the
Commission anticipates that the
competitive problems alleged in the
Complaint will be resolved. The
purpose of this analysis is to invite
public comment on the proposed
Consent Agreement, including the
proposed divestitures, to aid the
Commission in its determination of
whether it should make final the
proposed Consent Agreement contained
in the agreement. This analysis is not
intended to constitute an official
interpretation of the proposed Consent
Agreement or modify the terms of the
proposed Consent Agreement in any
way. Further, the proposed Consent
Agreement has been entered into for
settlement purposes only and does not
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constitute an admission by Dan L.
Duncan, EPCO, Texas Eastern, or
TEPPCO that it violated the law or that
the facts alleged in the Complaint, other
than jurisdictional facts, are true.
By direction of the Commission.
Donald S. Clark,
[FR Doc. E6–14142 Filed 8–24–06; 8:45 am]
Establishment of a Transaction Fee for
Transportation Services Provided for
the GSA, Office of Global Supply
Federal Supply Service, GSA.
Final Notice
SUMMARY: GSA is amending the Freight
Management Program (FMP), Standard
Tender of Service (STOS), to
incorporate a 4% transaction fee for
transportation services provided for the
GSA, Office of Global Supply.
Transportation Service Providers (TSPs)
will be required to remit a 4%
transaction fee to GSA on a quarterly
DATES: The effective date is January 1,
Mary Anne Sykes, Transportation
Programs Branch, by telephone at 703–
605–2889 or by e-mail at
notice is applicable to the Freight
Management Program (FMP), Standard
Tender of Service (STOS), for
transportation services provided to the
Eastern Distribution Center (EDC),
Burlington, NJ; Western Distribution
Center (WDC), French Camp, CA; and
the National Industries for the Blind
(NIB) and NISH. It applies to all
transportation service providers (TSPs)
transporting these shipments. The final
notice and implementation procedures
take into account the comments
received from transportation service
providers (TSPs) in response to the
notices published in the Federal
Register at 70 FR 73248 on December 9,
2005, and an extension to that notice at
70 FR 76455 on December 27, 2005,
soliciting comments on the
establishment of a 4% transaction fee
for transportation services provided for
the GSA, Office of Global Supply. GSA
published the response to the comments
on the proposed rule in the Federal
Register at 71 FR 38403 on July 6, 2006.
The Transportation Management
Services Solution (TMSS) pre-payment
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 165 / Friday, August 25, 2006 / Notices
audit and payment modules will be
operational by November 2006. GSA
will start a phased-in implementation
plan for the pre-payment audit and
payment modules in November 2006.
TSPs that provide transportation
services for GSA, Global Supply, will be
required to submit all invoices in TMSS
either manually or via electronic data
interchange (EDI).
GSA will assess the 4% fee effective
January 1, 2007, to ensure that the
TMSS implementation phase is
complete. TSPs will be required to remit
the 4% fee for transportation invoices
paid after December 31, 2006, directly to
GSA quarterly instead of deducting the
4% fee from each invoice via TMSS
prior to payment. TSP’s will be able to
access TMSS to generate a quarterly
report that lists each transaction, total
transportation charges, and transaction
fee. The first remittance will be due for
the quarter ending March 31, 2007.
Dated: August 22, 2006.
Susan T. May,
Acting Director, Travel and Transportation
Management Division (FBL), GSA.
[FR Doc. E6–14179 Filed 8–24–06; 8:45 am]
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
[Document Identifier: CMS–2744, CMS–
2746, CMS–685, and CMS–10168]
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Submission for OMB
Review; Comment Request
Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services, HHS.
In compliance with the requirement
of section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services (CMS), Department of Health
and Human Services, is publishing the
following summary of proposed
collections for public comment.
Interested persons are invited to send
comments regarding this burden
estimate or any other aspect of this
collection of information, including any
of the following subjects: (1) The
necessity and utility of the proposed
information collection for the proper
performance of the Agency’s function;
(2) the accuracy of the estimated
burden; (3) ways to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information to
be collected; and (4) the use of
automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology to
cprice-sewell on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES
VerDate Aug<31>2005
16:47 Aug 24, 2006
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minimize the information collection
1. Type of Information Collection
Request: Extension of a currently
approved collection; Title of
Information Collection: End Stage Renal
Disease Medical Information ESRD
Facility Survey; Use: The ESRD Facility
Survey is completed by all Medicareapproved ESRD facilities once a year.
The survey was designed to collect
information concerning treatment
trends, utilization of services and
patterns of practice in treating ESRD
patients. The aggregate patient
information is collected from each
Medicare-approved provider of dialysis
and kidney transplant services. The
information is used to assess and
evaluate the local, regional and national
levels of medical and social impact of
ESRD care and are used extensively by
researchers and suppliers of services for
trend analysis. The information is
available on the CMS Dialysis Facility
Compare Web site and will enable
patients to make informed decisions
about their care by comparing dialysis
facilities in their area. The ESRD
Facility Survey Public Use File is also
posted at:
02_Data.asp#TopOfPage; Form Number:
CMS–2744 (OMB#: 0938–0447);
Frequency: Reporting—Annually;
Affected Public: Business or other forprofit, not-for-profit institutions;
Number of Respondents: 4,800; Total
Annual Responses: 4,800; Total Annual
Hours: 38,400.
2. Type of Information Collection
Request: Extension of a currently
approved collection; Title of
Information Collection: End Stage Renal
Disease Death Notification P.L. 95–292;
42 CFR 405.2133, 45 CFR 5–5b; 20 CFR
Parts 401 and 422E Use: The ESRD
Death Notification (CMS–2746) is
completed by all Medicare-approved
ESRD facilities upon the death of an
ESRD patient. Its primary purpose is to
collect fact of death and cause of death
of ESRD patients. Certain other
identifying information (e.g., name,
Medicare claim number, and date of
birth) is required for matching purposes.
Federal regulations require that the
ESRD Networks examine the mortality
rates of every Medicare-approved
facility within its area of responsibility.
The Death Form provides the necessary
data to assist the ESRD Networks in
making decisions that result in
improved patient care and in costeffective distribution of ESRD resources.
The data is used by the ESRD Networks
to verify facility deaths and to monitor
facility performance.; Form Number:
CMS–2746 (OMB#: 0938–0448);
PO 00000
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Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Frequency: On occasion, weekly;
Affected Public: Business or other forprofit, not-for-profit institutions;
Number of Respondents: 4,719; Total
Annual Responses: 75,504; Total
Annual Hours: 37,752.
3. Type of Information Collection
Request: Extension of a currently
approved collection; Title of
Information Collection: End Stage Renal
Disease (ESRD) Network Semi-Annual
Cost Report Forms and Supporting
Regulations in 42 CFR section 405.2110
and 42 CFR 405.2112; Use: Section
1881(c) of the Social Security Act
establishes End Stage Renal Disease
(ESRD) Network contracts. The
regulations found at 42 CFR 405.2110
and 405.2112 designated 18 ESRD
Networks which are funded by
renewable contracts. These contracts are
on 3-year cycles. To better administer
the program, CMS is requiring
contractors to submit semi-annual cost
reports. The purpose of the cost reports
is to enable the ESRD Networks to
report costs in a standardized manner.
This will allow CMS to review, compare
and project ESRD Network costs during
the life of the contract. Form Number:
CMS–685 (OMB#: 0938–0657);
Frequency: Reporting—semi-annually;
Affected Public: Not-for-profit
institutions; Number of Respondents:
18; Total Annual Responses: 36; Total
Annual Hours: 108.
4. Type of Information Collection
Request: Extension of a currently
approved collection; Title of
Information Collection: Medicare
Program: Complex Medical Review;
Use: Complex medical review involves
the application of clinical judgment by
a licensed medical professional in order
to evaluate medical records to
determine whether an item or service is
covered, and is reasonable and
necessary. The information required
under this collection is requested by
Medicare contractors, and is requested
of providers or suppliers submitting
claims for payment from the Medicare
program when data analysis indicates
aberrant billing patterns which may
present a vulnerability to the Medicare
program. Form Number: CMS–10168
(OMB#: 0938–0969); Frequency:
Recordkeeping and Reporting—As
requested; Affected Public: Business or
other for-profit and not-for-profit
institutions; Number of Respondents:
1,169,683; Total Annual Responses:
2,900,000; Total Annual Hours: 966,666.
To obtain copies of the supporting
statement and any related forms for the
proposed paperwork collections
referenced above, access CMS Web Site
address at
PaperworkReductionActof1995, or E-
[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 165 (Friday, August 25, 2006)]
[Pages 50426-50427]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E6-14179]
Establishment of a Transaction Fee for Transportation Services
Provided for the GSA, Office of Global Supply
AGENCY: Federal Supply Service, GSA.
ACTION: Final Notice
SUMMARY: GSA is amending the Freight Management Program (FMP), Standard
Tender of Service (STOS), to incorporate a 4% transaction fee for
transportation services provided for the GSA, Office of Global Supply.
Transportation Service Providers (TSPs) will be required to remit a 4%
transaction fee to GSA on a quarterly basis.
DATES: The effective date is January 1, 2007.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms. Mary Anne Sykes, Transportation
Programs Branch, by telephone at 703-605-2889 or by e-mail at
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The final notice is applicable to the
Freight Management Program (FMP), Standard Tender of Service (STOS),
for transportation services provided to the Eastern Distribution Center
(EDC), Burlington, NJ; Western Distribution Center (WDC), French Camp,
CA; and the National Industries for the Blind (NIB) and NISH. It
applies to all transportation service providers (TSPs) transporting
these shipments. The final notice and implementation procedures take
into account the comments received from transportation service
providers (TSPs) in response to the notices published in the Federal
Register at 70 FR 73248 on December 9, 2005, and an extension to that
notice at 70 FR 76455 on December 27, 2005, soliciting comments on the
establishment of a 4% transaction fee for transportation services
provided for the GSA, Office of Global Supply. GSA published the
response to the comments on the proposed rule in the Federal Register
at 71 FR 38403 on July 6, 2006.
The Transportation Management Services Solution (TMSS) pre-payment
[[Page 50427]]
audit and payment modules will be operational by November 2006. GSA
will start a phased-in implementation plan for the pre-payment audit
and payment modules in November 2006. TSPs that provide transportation
services for GSA, Global Supply, will be required to submit all
invoices in TMSS either manually or via electronic data interchange
GSA will assess the 4% fee effective January 1, 2007, to ensure
that the TMSS implementation phase is complete. TSPs will be required
to remit the 4% fee for transportation invoices paid after December 31,
2006, directly to GSA quarterly instead of deducting the 4% fee from
each invoice via TMSS prior to payment. TSP's will be able to access
TMSS to generate a quarterly report that lists each transaction, total
transportation charges, and transaction fee. The first remittance will
be due for the quarter ending March 31, 2007.
Dated: August 22, 2006.
Susan T. May,
Acting Director, Travel and Transportation Management Division (FBL),
[FR Doc. E6-14179 Filed 8-24-06; 8:45 am]