Federal Travel Regulation; E-Gov Travel Service (ETS) and Use of Contract City-Pair Fares, 49373-49376 [E6-13917]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 163 / Wednesday, August 23, 2006 / Rules and Regulations Thus, Executive Order 13175 does not apply to this rule GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION X. Congressional Review Act 41 CFR Parts 301–10, 301–11, 301–50, 301–52, 301–71, and 301–73 The Congressional Review Act, 5 U.S.C. 801 et seq., as added by the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996, generally provides that before a rule may take effect, the agency promulgating the rule must submit a rule report, which includes a copy of the rule, to each House of the Congress and to the Comptroller General of the United States. EPA will submit a report containing this rule and other required information to the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House of Representatives, and the Comptroller General of the United States prior to publication of this final rule in the Federal Register. This final rule is not a ‘‘major rule’’ as defined by 5 U.S.C. 804(2). List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 180 Environmental protection, Administrative practice and procedure, Agricultural commodities, Pesticides and pests, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements. Dated: August 14, 2006. Janet L. Andersen, Director, Biopesticides and Pollution Division, Office of Pesticide Programs. Therefore, 40 CFR chapter I is amended as follows: I PART 180—[AMENDED] 1. The authority citation for part 180 continues to read as follows: I Authority: 21 U.S.C. 321(q), 346a and 371. 2. Section 180.1210 is revised to read as follows: I § 180.1210 Phosphorous acid; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. An exemption from the requirement of a tolerance is established for residues of phosphorous acid and its ammonium, sodium, and potassium salts in or on all food commodities when used as an agricultural fungicide and in or on potatoes when applied as a post-harvest treatment at 35,600 ppm or less phosphorous acid. [FR Doc. E6–13954 Filed 8–22–06; 8:45 am] sroberts on PROD1PC70 with RULES BILLING CODE 6560–50–S [FTR Amendment 2006–04; FTR Case 2005– 305] RIN 3090–AI19 Federal Travel Regulation; E-Gov Travel Service (ETS) and Use of Contract City-Pair Fares Office of Governmentwide Policy, General Services Administration (GSA). ACTION: Final rule. AGENCY: SUMMARY: The General Services Administration (GSA) is amending the Federal Travel Regulation (FTR), by adding new requirements that address the use of other-than contract city pair airfares, the handling of receipts under the E-Gov Travel Service (ETS) environment, and new responsibilities for reviewing officials. This final rule also introduces and defines the term ‘‘online self-service booking tool’’ and provides for exceptions under certain circumstances to the required use of an agency’s current Travel Management Service (TMS) or ETS once the agency has fully deployed ETS. Finally, this final rule requires agencies to develop and submit upon request to the ETS Program Management Office, a plan for maximizing the agency’s adoption rate (i.e., achieving the highest possible rate of use of the agency’s online self-service booking tool) once the agency has fully deployed ETS. The explanation of changes is addressed in the supplementary information below. The FTR and any corresponding documents may be accessed at GSA’s Web site at https://www.gsa.gov/ftr. DATES: Effective Date: September 22, 2006. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: The Regulatory Secretariat (VIR), Room 4035, GS Building, Washington, DC, 20405, (202) 208–7312, for information pertaining to status or publication schedules. For clarification of content, contact Ms. Umeki Gray Thorne, Office of Governmentwide Policy, Travel Management Policy, at (202) 208–7636. Please cite FTR Amendment 2006–04; FTR case 2005–305. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Background This final rule amends the Federal Travel Regulation as follows: • Sections 301–10.106 and 301– 10.107 are redesignated as sections 301– 10.105 and 301–10.106, respectively. VerDate Aug<31>2005 15:49 Aug 22, 2006 Jkt 208001 PO 00000 Frm 00065 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 49373 • Newly redesignated section 301– 10.106 language is revised by removing exceptions to the use of a contract citypair fare and incorporating them into new section 301–10.107. Note to section 301–10.106 indicates that employees of the Government of the District of Columbia, with the exception of the District of Columbia Courts, are not eligible to use contract city-pair fares even though these employees otherwise may be covered by the FTR. • New section 301–10.107 ‘‘Are there any exceptions to the use of a contract city-pair fare,’’ incorporates exceptions to use of a contract city-pair fare (formerly contained in section 301– 10.107, redesignated as section 301– 10.106) for agency consideration in deciding whether to approve the use of other-than a contract city-pair fare. Note 1 to section 301–10.107 (previously Note 2 to this section) is revised to state that any group of 10 or more passengers traveling together on the same day, on the same flight, for the same mission requiring group integrity and identified as a group by the travel management system upon booking, may request contract city-pair service on an optional basis. Note 2 to section 301–10.107 is added to clarify that contractors are not eligible to use contract city-pair fares in the performance of their contract. Note 3 to section 301–10.107 is added to encourage agencies to optimize savings from the contract city pair program by comparing the cost savings achieved by use of capacity-controlled coach class contract city-pair fares (MCA, QCA, VCA, etc.) to the unrestricted coach class contract fare (YCA), when capacity-controlled fares are available and meet mission needs. • Section 301–10.108 is amended by informing travelers that they are required to document on their travel authorization the approval and use of a non-contract city-pair air fare. This section also adds a note to clarify that air carrier preference is not a valid reason for approving the use of a noncontract airfare. • Section 301–11.25 is revised to address the handling of receipts when an agency has fully deployed ETS. • The section heading for section 301– 50.3 is revised to include the term ‘‘TMS’’ and references to exceptions are included in the text. • Sections 301–50.4 is revised to add TMS in its section heading and to incorporate when an exception to the use of an agency’s current TMS may be granted. • Section 50.6 is redesignated as section 50.8. E:\FR\FM\23AUR1.SGM 23AUR1 49374 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 163 / Wednesday, August 23, 2006 / Rules and Regulations • New section 301–50.6 is added to define the term, ‘‘online self-service booking tool.’’ • New section 301–50.7 is added to encourage travelers to use the agency’s online self-service booking tool in the ETS environment. A note is added to this section to describe when the use of an online self-service booking tool may not be feasible to use. • Section 301–52.3 is amended by replacing the words ‘‘migrate(s) to’’ in the first and second sentences with the words ‘‘fully deploy(s)’’. • Section 301–71.201, paragraph (e), is amended to specify that ‘‘receipts, statements, justifications, etc.’’ include scanned electronic images of such documents when they are available under the ETS environment. • Section 301–73.101 is amended to require use of ETS with certain exceptions, and to require agencies to establish goals, a plan and procedures to maximize use of the online self-service booking tool for all travel arrangements once agencies have fully deployed ETS. This section also requires agencies to make its goals, plan, and procedures available to the ETS Program Management Office upon the request of the ETS Program Management Office. • The introductory paragraph in section 302–73.102 is revised to add TMS and conditions under which an agency may authorize an exception to use of the agency’s current TMS. B. Executive Order 12866 This is not a significant regulatory action and, therefore, was not subject to review under Section 6(b) of Executive Order 12866, Regulatory Planning and Review, dated September 30, 1993. This rule is not a major rule under 5 U.S.C. 804. C. Regulatory Flexibility Act This final rule is not required to be published in the Federal Register for notice and comment; therefore, the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601, et seq., does not apply. sroberts on PROD1PC70 with RULES D. Paperwork Reduction Act The Paperwork Reduction Act does not apply because the changes to the FTR do not impose recordkeeping or information collection requirements, or the collection of information from offerors, contractors, or members of the public that require the approval of the Office of Management and Budget under 44 U.S.C. 3501, et seq. E. Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act This final rule is also exempt from congressional review prescribed under 5 VerDate Aug<31>2005 15:49 Aug 22, 2006 Jkt 208001 U.S.C. 801 since it relates solely to agency management and personnel. List of Subjects in 41 CFR Parts 301–10, 301–11, 301–50, 301–52, 301–71, and 301–73 Government employees, Travel and transportation expenses. Dated: March 9, 2006. David L. Bibb, Acting Administrator of General Services. For the reasons set forth in the preamble, under 5 U.S.C. 5701–5709, GSA amends 41 CFR parts 301–10, 301– 11, 301–50, 301–52, 301–71, and 301–73 as set forth below: I CHAPTER 301—TEMPORARY DUTY (TDY) TRAVEL ALLOWANCES PART 301–10—TRANSPORTATION EXPENSES 1. The authority citation for 41 CFR part 301–10 continues to read as follows: I Authority: 5 U.S.C. 5707, 40 U.S.C. 121(c); 49 U.S.C. 40118, Office of Management and Budget Circular No. A–126, ‘‘Improving the Management and Use of Government Aircraft.’’ Revised May 22, 1992. §§ 301–10.106 and 301–10.107 [Redesignated as §§ 301–10.105 and 301– 10.106] 2. Redesignate §§ 301–10.106 and 301–10.107 as §§ 301–10.105 and 301– 10.106, respectively. I 3. Revise newly redesignated § 301– 10.106 to read as follows: I § 301–10.106 When must I use a contract city-pair fare? If you are a civilian employee of an agency as defined in § 301–1.1 of this chapter, you must always use a contract city-pair fare for scheduled air passenger transportation service unless one of the limited exceptions in § 301– 10.107 exist. An Internet listing of contract city-pair fares is available at https://www.gsa.gov/citypairs. Note to § 301–10.106: Employees of the Government of the District of Columbia, with the exception of the District of Columbia Courts, are not eligible to use contract citypair fares even though these employees otherwise may be covered by the FTR. I 4. Add new § 301–10.107 to read as follows: § 301–10.107 Are there any exceptions to the use of a contract city-pair fare? Yes, your agency may authorize use of a fare other-than a contract city-pair fare when— (a) Space on a scheduled contract flight is not available in time to accomplish the purpose of your travel, or use of contract service would require PO 00000 Frm 00066 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 you to incur unnecessary overnight lodging costs which would increase the total cost of the trip; (b) The contractor’s flight schedule is inconsistent with explicit policies of your Federal department or agency with regard to scheduling travel during normal working hours; (c) A non-contract carrier offers a lower fare to the general public that, if used, will result in a lower total trip cost to the Government (the combined costs of transportation, lodging, meals, and related expenses considered); Note to paragraph (c): This exception does not apply if the contract carrier offers the same or lower fare and has seats available at that fare, or if the fare offered by the noncontract carrier is restricted to Government and military travelers performing official business and may be purchased only with a contractor-issued charge card, centrally billed account (e.g., YDG, MDG, QDG, VDG, and similar fares) or GTR where the two previous options are not available; (d) Cost effective rail service is available and is consistent with mission requirements; or (e) Smoking is permitted on the contract air carrier and the nonsmoking section of the contract aircraft is not acceptable to you. Note 1 to § 301–10.107: Any group of 10 or more passengers traveling together on the same day, on the same flight, for the same mission, requiring group integrity and identified as a group by the travel management system upon booking is not a mandatory user of the Government’s contract city-pair fares. For group travel, agencies are expected to obtain air passenger transportation service that is practical and cost effective to the Government. Note 2 to § 301–10.107: Contractors are not authorized to use contract city-pair fares to perform travel under their contracts. Note 3 to § 301–10.107: If the Government contract city-pair carrier offers a lower cost capacity-controlled coach class contract fare (MCA, QCA, VCA, etc.) in addition to the unrestricted coach class contract fares (YCA), the traveler should use the lower cost capacity-controlled fare when it is available and meet mission needs. 5. Revise § 301–10.108 to read as follows: I § 301–10.108 What requirements must be met to use a non-contract fare? (a) Before purchasing a non-contract fare you must meet one of the exception requirements listed in § 301–10.107 and show approval on your travel authorization to use a non-contract fare; and (b) If the non-contract fare is nonrefundable, restricted, or has specific eligibility requirements, you must know or reasonably anticipate, based on your E:\FR\FM\23AUR1.SGM 23AUR1 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 163 / Wednesday, August 23, 2006 / Rules and Regulations planned trip, that you will use the ticket; and (c) Your agency must determine that the proposed non-contract transportation is practical and cost effective for the Government. Note to § 301–10.108: Carrier preference is not a valid reason for using a non-contract fare. PART 301–11—PER DIEM EXPENSES 6. The authority citation for 41 CFR part 301–11 continues to read as follows: I Authority: 5 U.S.C. 5707. 7. Revise § 301–11.25 to read as follows: I § 301–11.25 Must I provide receipts to substantiate my claimed travel expenses? Yes. You must provide a lodging receipt and a receipt for every authorized expense over $75, or provide a reason acceptable to your agency explaining why you are unable to furnish the necessary receipt(s) (see § 301–52.4 of this chapter). Note to 301–11.25: Hard copy receipts should be electronically scanned and submitted with your electronic travel claim when your agency has fully deployed ETS and notifies you that electronic scanning is available within your agency (see § 301–50.3 of this chapter). You may submit a hard copy receipt, in accordance with your agency’s policies, to support a claimed travel expense only when electronic imaging is not available within your agency. PART 301–50—ARRANGING FOR TRAVEL SERVICES deployed ETS, but only when your travel meets one of the following conditions: (a) Such use would result in an unreasonable burden on mission accomplishment (E.G., emergency travel is involved and TMS/ETS is not accessible; you are performing invitational travel; or you have special needs or require disability accommodations under part 301–13 of this chapter). (b) Such use would compromise a national security interest. (c) Such use might endanger your life (e.g., you are traveling under the Federal witness protection program, or you are a threatened law enforcement/ investigative officer traveling under part 301–31 of this chapter). § 301–50.6 [Redesignated as § 301–50.8] I 11. Redesignate § 301–50.6 as § 301– 50.8 I 12. Add new §§ 301–50.6 and 301– 50.7 to read as follows: § 301–50.6 What is an ‘‘online self-service booking tool?’’ An online self-service booking tool is an Internet based system that permits travelers to make their own reservations for transportation (e.g., air, rail, and car rental) and lodging. ETS and some agency TMS’s incorporate a self service booking tool. § 301–50.7 Should I use the online selfservice booking tool once ETS is available within my agency? Yes, you should use the online selfservice booking tool offered by ETS or your agency’s TMS until ETS becomes available to you. 8. The authority citation for 41 CFR part 301–50 continues to read as follows: I Authority: 5 U.S.C. 5707; 40 U.S.C. 121 (c). 9. Amend § 301–50.3 by revising the section heading and adding a sentence at the end of the section to read as follows: I § 301–50.3 Must I use the ETS or TMS to arrange my travel? * * * Your agency may grant an exception to required use of TMS/ETS under §§ 301–50.4, 301–73.102, or 301– 73.104 of this chapter. I 10. Revise § 301–50.4 to read as follows: Note to section 301–50.7: Some extenuating circumstances for which you may not be able to use online self-service booking are (1) when you are attending a conference where the conference sponsor has negotiated with one or more lodging facilities to set aside a specific number of rooms for conference attendees and to ensure that a set aside room is available to you, you are required to book lodging directly with the lodging facility, (2) when your travel is to a remote location and it is not possible to book lodging accommodations through the TMS or ETS, or (3) when such travel arrangements are so complex and circumstance will not allow you to book your travel through an online self-service booking tool. sroberts on PROD1PC70 with RULES § 301–50.4 May I be granted an exception to the required use of TMS or ETS once my agency has fully deployed ETS? PART 301–52—CLAIMING REIMBURSEMENT Yes, your agency head or his/her designee may grant an individual case exception to required use of your agency’s current TMS or to required use of ETS once your agency has fully I VerDate Aug<31>2005 15:49 Aug 22, 2006 Jkt 208001 13. The authority citation to part 301– 52 continues to read as follows: Authority: 5 U.S.C. 5707; 40 U.S.C. 121(c); Sec. 2., Pub. L. 105–264, 112 Stat. 2350 (5 U.S.C. 5701 note). PO 00000 Frm 00067 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 § 301–52.3 49375 [Amended] 14. Amend § 301–52.3 in the first sentence by removing ‘‘migrates to’’ and adding ‘‘fully deploys’’ in its place, and the second sentence, by removing ‘‘migrate to’’ and adding ‘‘fully deploy’’ in its place. I PART 301–71—AGENCY TRAVEL ACCOUNTABILITY REQUIREMENTS 15. The authority citation for part 301–71 is revised to read as follows: I Authority: 5 U.S.C. 5707; 40 U.S.C. 121(c); Sec 2. Pub. L. 105–264, 112 Stat. 2350 (5 U.S.C. 5701 note). 16. Amend section § 301–71.201 by revising paragraph (e) to read as follows: I § 301–71.201 What are the revising official’s responsibilities? * * * * * (e) The required receipts, statements, justifications, etc. are attached to the travel claim, or once the agency fully deploys ETS and implements electronic scanning, the electronic travel claim includes scanned electronic images of such documents. PART 301–73—TRAVEL PROGRAMS 17. The authority citation for part 301–73 continues to read as follows: I Authority: 5 U.S.C. 5707; 40 U.S.C. 121(c). 18. Revise § 301–73.101 to read as follows: I § 301–73.101 How must we prepare to implement ETS? You must prepare to implement ETS as expeditiously as possible by— (a) Developing a migration plan and schedule to deploy ETS across your agency as early as possible with full deployment required no later than September 30, 2006; (b) Requiring employees to use your ETS unless you approve an exception under § 301–50.6, § 301–73.102 or § 301–73.104; (c) Establishing goals, plans and procedures to maximize agency-wide traveler use of your online self-service booking tool once you have fully deployed ETS within your agency. These goals, plans, and procedures should be available for submission to the ETS PMO upon its request. Note 1 to § 301–73.101: Your agency should work with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to allocate budget and personnel resources to support ETS migration and data exchange. Your agency is responsible for providing the funds required to establish interfaces between the ETS standard data output and applicable business systems (e.g., financial, human resources, etc.). Note 2 to § 301–73.101: Best practices show that organizations are able to realize E:\FR\FM\23AUR1.SGM 23AUR1 49376 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 163 / Wednesday, August 23, 2006 / Rules and Regulations significant benefits once they achieve a 70 percent or greater self-booking rate. 19. Revise § 301–73.102 to read as follows: I § 301–73.102 May we grant a traveler an exception from required use of TMS or ETS once we have fully deployed ETS within the agency? (a) Yes, your agency head or his/her designee may grant an individual case by case exception to required use of your agency’s current TMS or to required use of ETS once it is fully deployed within the agency, but only when travel meets one of the following conditions: (1) Such use would result in an unreasonable burden on mission accomplishment (e.g., emergency travel is involved and TMS/ETS is not accessible; the traveler is performing invitational travel; or the traveler has special needs or requires disability accommodations in accordance with part 301–13 of this chapter). (2) Such use would compromise a national security interest. (3) Such use might endanger the traveler’s life (e.g., the individual is traveling under the Federal witness protection program, or is a threatened law enforcement/investigative officer traveling under part 301–31 of this chapter). (b) Any exception granted must be consistent with any contractual terms applicable to your current TMS or ETS, once it is fully deployed, and must not cause a breach of contract terms. [FR Doc. E6–13917 Filed 8–22–06; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6820–14–S FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 47 CFR Part 15 [ET Docket No. 04–37 and ET Docket No. 03–104; FCC 06–113] Broadband Over Power Line Systems Federal Communications Commission. ACTION: Final rule. sroberts on PROD1PC70 with RULES AGENCY: SUMMARY: This document responds to the petitions for reconsideration of the Commission’s rules for Access Broadband over Power Line (Access BPL) devices adopted in the Report and Order in this proceeding. The Commission is affirming the technical rules for BPL, and denying petitions for reconsideration that request delay, further study, or the exclusion of particular additional frequencies. The Commission is amending the rules to VerDate Aug<31>2005 15:49 Aug 22, 2006 Jkt 208001 change the exclusion zone requirement for the ten listed radio astronomy facilities to a consultation requirement, and to add a new exclusion zone for one Very Large Array (VLA) radio astronomy observatory site at 73.0–74.6 MHz. In addition, it is also amending the rules to add prospective protection for relocated aeronautical facilities and to correct the coordinates and email contact for the aeronautical facilities subject to BPL consultation. The Commission affirms the deadline for requiring certification for any equipment manufactured, imported or installed on BPL systems, with the proviso that uncertified equipment already in inventory can be used for replacing defective units or to supplement equipment on existing systems for one year within areas already in operation. The Commission believes these changes will further the development and growth of BPL devices. It is denying the petitions for reconsideration in all other respects. DATES: Effective September 22, 2006. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Anh Wride, Office of Engineering and Technology, (202) 418–0577, e-mail: Anh.Wride@fcc.gov. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a summary of the Commission’s Memorandum Opinion and Order, ET Docket No. 04–37, and ET Docket No. 03–104, adopted August 3, 2006 and released August 7, 2006. The full text of this document is available on the Commission’s Internet site at www.fcc.gov. It is also available for inspection and copying during regular business hours in the FCC Reference Center (Room CY–A257), 445 12th Street, SW., Washington, DC 20554. The full text of this document also may be purchased from the Commission’s duplication contractor, Best Copy and Printing Inc., Portals II, 445 12th St., SW., Room CY–B402, Washington, DC 20554; telephone (202) 488–5300; fax (202) 488–5563; e-mail FCC@BCPIWEB.COM. Summary of the Memorandum Opinion and Order 1. In the Memorandum Opinion and Order, the Commission further amends part 15 of its rules regarding the unlicensed operation of Access broadband over power line (BPL) systems. Specifically, the rules are amended to change the exclusion zone requirement for the ten listed radio astronomy facilities to a consultation requirement, and to add a new exclusion zone for one Very Large Array (VLA) radio astronomy observatory site at 73.0–74.6 MHz. In addition, the PO 00000 Frm 00068 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 Commission amends the rules to add prospective protection for relocated aeronautical facilities and to correct the coordinates and email contact for the aeronautical facilities subject to BPL consultation. The Commission affirms the July 7, 2006 deadline for requiring certification for any equipment manufactured, imported or installed on BPL systems, with the proviso that uncertified equipment already in inventory can be used for replacing defective units or to supplement equipment on existing systems for one year within areas already in operation. The Commission believes these changes will further the development and growth of BPL devices. The Commission denies the petitions for reconsideration in all other respects. A. Notification to the Access BPL Database 2. In the Report and Order, 70 FR 1360, January 7, 2005, in this proceeding, the Commission adopted a requirement that the Access BPL industry establish a publicly accessible database for system information. Under this requirement, entities operating Access BPL systems must provide to the BPL industry designated database manager certain information on BPL installations 30 days prior to the initiation of any operation or service. The BPL industry requested elimination of this 30-day advance notification. 3. The Commission denied this request. It stated that the purpose of the database notification requirement is to ensure that licensed users of the spectrum have a publicly accessible and centralized source of information on BPL operations to determine whether there may be Access BPL operations on particular frequencies within their local area so that any incident of harmful interference can be resolved should it occur. The Commission noted that the BPL public database serves a unique function to identify the location and operating characteristics of BPL systems to entities other than those entitled to advance notification. The Commission however provided several clarifications regarding the notification process. B. Transition Period 4. The rules adopted in the Report and Order require that all Access BPL devices that are manufactured, imported, marketed or installed 18 months or later after the Federal Register publication of the Report and Order, i.e., after July 7, 2006, must comply with the newly adopted requirements of Subpart G of part 15 for BPL devices, including certification of the equipment. The BPL industry E:\FR\FM\23AUR1.SGM 23AUR1


[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 163 (Wednesday, August 23, 2006)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 49373-49376]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: E6-13917]



41 CFR Parts 301-10, 301-11, 301-50, 301-52, 301-71, and 301-73

[FTR Amendment 2006-04; FTR Case 2005-305]
RIN 3090-AI19

Federal Travel Regulation; E-Gov Travel Service (ETS) and Use of 
Contract City-Pair Fares

AGENCY:  Office of Governmentwide Policy, General Services 
Administration (GSA).

ACTION:  Final rule.


SUMMARY: The General Services Administration (GSA) is amending the 
Federal Travel Regulation (FTR), by adding new requirements that 
address the use of other-than contract city pair airfares, the handling 
of receipts under the E-Gov Travel Service (ETS) environment, and new 
responsibilities for reviewing officials. This final rule also 
introduces and defines the term ``online self-service booking tool'' 
and provides for exceptions under certain circumstances to the required 
use of an agency's current Travel Management Service (TMS) or ETS once 
the agency has fully deployed ETS. Finally, this final rule requires 
agencies to develop and submit upon request to the ETS Program 
Management Office, a plan for maximizing the agency's adoption rate 
(i.e., achieving the highest possible rate of use of the agency's 
online self-service booking tool) once the agency has fully deployed 
ETS. The explanation of changes is addressed in the supplementary 
information below. The FTR and any corresponding documents may be 
accessed at GSA's Web site at https://www.gsa.gov/ftr.

DATES:  Effective Date: September 22, 2006.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:  The Regulatory Secretariat (VIR), 
Room 4035, GS Building, Washington, DC, 20405, (202) 208-7312, for 
information pertaining to status or publication schedules. For 
clarification of content, contact Ms. Umeki Gray Thorne, Office of 
Governmentwide Policy, Travel Management Policy, at (202) 208-7636. 
Please cite FTR Amendment 2006-04; FTR case 2005-305.



    This final rule amends the Federal Travel Regulation as follows:
     Sections 301-10.106 and 301-10.107 are redesignated as 
sections 301-10.105 and 301-10.106, respectively.
     Newly redesignated section 301-10.106 language is revised 
by removing exceptions to the use of a contract city-pair fare and 
incorporating them into new section 301-10.107. Note to section 301-
10.106 indicates that employees of the Government of the District of 
Columbia, with the exception of the District of Columbia Courts, are 
not eligible to use contract city-pair fares even though these 
employees otherwise may be covered by the FTR.
     New section 301-10.107 ``Are there any exceptions to the 
use of a contract city-pair fare,'' incorporates exceptions to use of a 
contract city-pair fare (formerly contained in section 301-10.107, 
redesignated as section 301-10.106) for agency consideration in 
deciding whether to approve the use of other-than a contract city-pair 
fare. Note 1 to section 301-10.107 (previously Note 2 to this section) 
is revised to state that any group of 10 or more passengers traveling 
together on the same day, on the same flight, for the same mission 
requiring group integrity and identified as a group by the travel 
management system upon booking, may request contract city-pair service 
on an optional basis.
    Note 2 to section 301-10.107 is added to clarify that contractors 
are not eligible to use contract city-pair fares in the performance of 
their contract.
    Note 3 to section 301-10.107 is added to encourage agencies to 
optimize savings from the contract city pair program by comparing the 
cost savings achieved by use of capacity-controlled coach class 
contract city-pair fares (MCA, QCA, VCA, etc.) to the unrestricted 
coach class contract fare (YCA), when capacity-controlled fares are 
available and meet mission needs.
     Section 301-10.108 is amended by informing travelers that 
they are required to document on their travel authorization the 
approval and use of a non-contract city-pair air fare. This section 
also adds a note to clarify that air carrier preference is not a valid 
reason for approving the use of a non-contract airfare.
     Section 301-11.25 is revised to address the handling of 
receipts when an agency has fully deployed ETS.
     The section heading for section 301-50.3 is revised to 
include the term ``TMS'' and references to exceptions are included in 
the text.
     Sections 301-50.4 is revised to add TMS in its section 
heading and to incorporate when an exception to the use of an agency's 
current TMS may be granted.
     Section 50.6 is redesignated as section 50.8.

[[Page 49374]]

     New section 301-50.6 is added to define the term, ``online 
self-service booking tool.''
     New section 301-50.7 is added to encourage travelers to 
use the agency's online self-service booking tool in the ETS 
environment. A note is added to this section to describe when the use 
of an online self-service booking tool may not be feasible to use.
     Section 301-52.3 is amended by replacing the words 
``migrate(s) to'' in the first and second sentences with the words 
``fully deploy(s)''.
     Section 301-71.201, paragraph (e), is amended to specify 
that ``receipts, statements, justifications, etc.'' include scanned 
electronic images of such documents when they are available under the 
ETS environment.
     Section 301-73.101 is amended to require use of ETS with 
certain exceptions, and to require agencies to establish goals, a plan 
and procedures to maximize use of the online self-service booking tool 
for all travel arrangements once agencies have fully deployed ETS. This 
section also requires agencies to make its goals, plan, and procedures 
available to the ETS Program Management Office upon the request of the 
ETS Program Management Office.
     The introductory paragraph in section 302-73.102 is 
revised to add TMS and conditions under which an agency may authorize 
an exception to use of the agency's current TMS.

B. Executive Order 12866

    This is not a significant regulatory action and, therefore, was not 
subject to review under Section 6(b) of Executive Order 12866, 
Regulatory Planning and Review, dated September 30, 1993. This rule is 
not a major rule under 5 U.S.C. 804.

C. Regulatory Flexibility Act

    This final rule is not required to be published in the Federal 
Register for notice and comment; therefore, the Regulatory Flexibility 
Act, 5 U.S.C. 601, et seq., does not apply.

D. Paperwork Reduction Act

    The Paperwork Reduction Act does not apply because the changes to 
the FTR do not impose recordkeeping or information collection 
requirements, or the collection of information from offerors, 
contractors, or members of the public that require the approval of the 
Office of Management and Budget under 44 U.S.C. 3501, et seq.

E. Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act

    This final rule is also exempt from congressional review prescribed 
under 5 U.S.C. 801 since it relates solely to agency management and 

List of Subjects in 41 CFR Parts 301-10, 301-11, 301-50, 301-52, 
301-71, and 301-73

    Government employees, Travel and transportation expenses.

    Dated: March 9, 2006.
David L. Bibb,
Acting Administrator of General Services.

For the reasons set forth in the preamble, under 5 U.S.C. 5701-5709, 
GSA amends 41 CFR parts 301-10, 301-11, 301-50, 301-52, 301-71, and 
301-73 as set forth below:



1. The authority citation for 41 CFR part 301-10 continues to read as 

    Authority: 5 U.S.C. 5707, 40 U.S.C. 121(c); 49 U.S.C. 40118, 
Office of Management and Budget Circular No. A-126, ``Improving the 
Management and Use of Government Aircraft.'' Revised May 22, 1992.

Sec. Sec.  301-10.106 and 301-10.107  [Redesignated as Sec. Sec.  301-
10.105 and 301-10.106]

2. Redesignate Sec. Sec.  301-10.106 and 301-10.107 as Sec. Sec.  301-
10.105 and 301-10.106, respectively.
3. Revise newly redesignated Sec.  301-10.106 to read as follows:

Sec.  301-10.106  When must I use a contract city-pair fare?

    If you are a civilian employee of an agency as defined in Sec.  
301-1.1 of this chapter, you must always use a contract city-pair fare 
for scheduled air passenger transportation service unless one of the 
limited exceptions in Sec.  301-10.107 exist. An Internet listing of 
contract city-pair fares is available at https://www.gsa.gov/citypairs.

    Note to Sec.  301-10.106: Employees of the Government of the 
District of Columbia, with the exception of the District of Columbia 
Courts, are not eligible to use contract city-pair fares even though 
these employees otherwise may be covered by the FTR.

4. Add new Sec.  301-10.107 to read as follows:

Sec.  301-10.107  Are there any exceptions to the use of a contract 
city-pair fare?

    Yes, your agency may authorize use of a fare other-than a contract 
city-pair fare when--
    (a) Space on a scheduled contract flight is not available in time 
to accomplish the purpose of your travel, or use of contract service 
would require you to incur unnecessary overnight lodging costs which 
would increase the total cost of the trip;
    (b) The contractor's flight schedule is inconsistent with explicit 
policies of your Federal department or agency with regard to scheduling 
travel during normal working hours;
    (c) A non-contract carrier offers a lower fare to the general 
public that, if used, will result in a lower total trip cost to the 
Government (the combined costs of transportation, lodging, meals, and 
related expenses considered);

    Note to paragraph (c): This exception does not apply if the 
contract carrier offers the same or lower fare and has seats 
available at that fare, or if the fare offered by the non-contract 
carrier is restricted to Government and military travelers 
performing official business and may be purchased only with a 
contractor-issued charge card, centrally billed account (e.g., YDG, 
MDG, QDG, VDG, and similar fares) or GTR where the two previous 
options are not available;

    (d) Cost effective rail service is available and is consistent with 
mission requirements; or
    (e) Smoking is permitted on the contract air carrier and the 
nonsmoking section of the contract aircraft is not acceptable to you.

    Note 1 to Sec.  301-10.107: Any group of 10 or more passengers 
traveling together on the same day, on the same flight, for the same 
mission, requiring group integrity and identified as a group by the 
travel management system upon booking is not a mandatory user of the 
Government's contract city-pair fares. For group travel, agencies 
are expected to obtain air passenger transportation service that is 
practical and cost effective to the Government.

    Note 2 to Sec.  301-10.107: Contractors are not authorized to 
use contract city-pair fares to perform travel under their 

    Note 3 to Sec.  301-10.107: If the Government contract city-pair 
carrier offers a lower cost capacity-controlled coach class contract 
fare (MCA, QCA, VCA, etc.) in addition to the unrestricted coach 
class contract fares (YCA), the traveler should use the lower cost 
capacity-controlled fare when it is available and meet mission 

5. Revise Sec.  301-10.108 to read as follows:

Sec.  301-10.108  What requirements must be met to use a non-contract 

    (a) Before purchasing a non-contract fare you must meet one of the 
exception requirements listed in Sec.  301-10.107 and show approval on 
your travel authorization to use a non-contract fare; and
    (b) If the non-contract fare is non-refundable, restricted, or has 
specific eligibility requirements, you must know or reasonably 
anticipate, based on your

[[Page 49375]]

planned trip, that you will use the ticket; and
    (c) Your agency must determine that the proposed non-contract 
transportation is practical and cost effective for the Government.

    Note to Sec.  301-10.108: Carrier preference is not a valid 
reason for using a non-contract fare.


6. The authority citation for 41 CFR part 301-11 continues to read as 

    Authority:  5 U.S.C. 5707.
7. Revise Sec.  301-11.25 to read as follows:

Sec.  301-11.25  Must I provide receipts to substantiate my claimed 
travel expenses?

    Yes. You must provide a lodging receipt and a receipt for every 
authorized expense over $75, or provide a reason acceptable to your 
agency explaining why you are unable to furnish the necessary 
receipt(s) (see Sec.  301-52.4 of this chapter).

    Note to 301-11.25: Hard copy receipts should be electronically 
scanned and submitted with your electronic travel claim when your 
agency has fully deployed ETS and notifies you that electronic 
scanning is available within your agency (see Sec.  301-50.3 of this 
chapter). You may submit a hard copy receipt, in accordance with 
your agency's policies, to support a claimed travel expense only 
when electronic imaging is not available within your agency.


8. The authority citation for 41 CFR part 301-50 continues to read as 

    Authority:  5 U.S.C. 5707; 40 U.S.C. 121 (c).
9. Amend Sec.  301-50.3 by revising the section heading and adding a 
sentence at the end of the section to read as follows:

Sec.  301-50.3  Must I use the ETS or TMS to arrange my travel?

    * * * Your agency may grant an exception to required use of TMS/ETS 
under Sec. Sec.  301-50.4, 301-73.102, or 301-73.104 of this chapter.
10. Revise Sec.  301-50.4 to read as follows:

Sec.  301-50.4  May I be granted an exception to the required use of 
TMS or ETS once my agency has fully deployed ETS?

    Yes, your agency head or his/her designee may grant an individual 
case exception to required use of your agency's current TMS or to 
required use of ETS once your agency has fully deployed ETS, but only 
when your travel meets one of the following conditions:
    (a) Such use would result in an unreasonable burden on mission 
accomplishment (e.g., emergency travel is involved and TMS/ETS is not 
accessible; you are performing invitational travel; or you have special 
needs or require disability accommodations under part 301-13 of this 
    (b) Such use would compromise a national security interest.
    (c) Such use might endanger your life (e.g., you are traveling 
under the Federal witness protection program, or you are a threatened 
law enforcement/investigative officer traveling under part 301-31 of 
this chapter).

Sec.  301-50.6  [Redesignated as Sec.  301-50.8]

11. Redesignate Sec.  301-50.6 as Sec.  301-50.8
12. Add new Sec. Sec.  301-50.6 and 301-50.7 to read as follows:

Sec.  301-50.6  What is an ``online self-service booking tool?''

    An online self-service booking tool is an Internet based system 
that permits travelers to make their own reservations for 
transportation (e.g., air, rail, and car rental) and lodging. ETS and 
some agency TMS's incorporate a self service booking tool.

Sec.  301-50.7  Should I use the online self-service booking tool once 
ETS is available within my agency?

    Yes, you should use the online self-service booking tool offered by 
ETS or your agency's TMS until ETS becomes available to you.

    Note to section 301-50.7: Some extenuating circumstances for 
which you may not be able to use online self-service booking are (1) 
when you are attending a conference where the conference sponsor has 
negotiated with one or more lodging facilities to set aside a 
specific number of rooms for conference attendees and to ensure that 
a set aside room is available to you, you are required to book 
lodging directly with the lodging facility, (2) when your travel is 
to a remote location and it is not possible to book lodging 
accommodations through the TMS or ETS, or (3) when such travel 
arrangements are so complex and circumstance will not allow you to 
book your travel through an online self-service booking tool.


13. The authority citation to part 301-52 continues to read as follows:

    Authority:  5 U.S.C. 5707; 40 U.S.C. 121(c); Sec. 2., Pub. L. 
105-264, 112 Stat. 2350 (5 U.S.C. 5701 note).

Sec.  301-52.3  [Amended]

14. Amend Sec.  301-52.3 in the first sentence by removing ``migrates 
to'' and adding ``fully deploys'' in its place, and the second 
sentence, by removing ``migrate to'' and adding ``fully deploy'' in its 


15. The authority citation for part 301-71 is revised to read as 

    Authority:  5 U.S.C. 5707; 40 U.S.C. 121(c); Sec 2. Pub. L. 105-
264, 112 Stat. 2350 (5 U.S.C. 5701 note).
16. Amend section Sec.  301-71.201 by revising paragraph (e) to read as 

Sec.  301-71.201  What are the revising official's responsibilities?

* * * * *
    (e) The required receipts, statements, justifications, etc. are 
attached to the travel claim, or once the agency fully deploys ETS and 
implements electronic scanning, the electronic travel claim includes 
scanned electronic images of such documents.


17. The authority citation for part 301-73 continues to read as 

    Authority:  5 U.S.C. 5707; 40 U.S.C. 121(c).
18. Revise Sec.  301-73.101 to read as follows:

Sec.  301-73.101  How must we prepare to implement ETS?

    You must prepare to implement ETS as expeditiously as possible by--
    (a) Developing a migration plan and schedule to deploy ETS across 
your agency as early as possible with full deployment required no later 
than September 30, 2006;
    (b) Requiring employees to use your ETS unless you approve an 
exception under Sec.  301-50.6, Sec.  301-73.102 or Sec.  301-73.104;
    (c) Establishing goals, plans and procedures to maximize agency-
wide traveler use of your online self-service booking tool once you 
have fully deployed ETS within your agency. These goals, plans, and 
procedures should be available for submission to the ETS PMO upon its 

    Note 1 to Sec.  301-73.101: Your agency should work with the 
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to allocate budget and 
personnel resources to support ETS migration and data exchange. Your 
agency is responsible for providing the funds required to establish 
interfaces between the ETS standard data output and applicable 
business systems (e.g., financial, human resources, etc.).

    Note 2 to Sec.  301-73.101: Best practices show that 
organizations are able to realize

[[Page 49376]]

significant benefits once they achieve a 70 percent or greater self-
booking rate.

19. Revise Sec.  301-73.102 to read as follows:

Sec.  301-73.102  May we grant a traveler an exception from required 
use of TMS or ETS once we have fully deployed ETS within the agency?

    (a) Yes, your agency head or his/her designee may grant an 
individual case by case exception to required use of your agency's 
current TMS or to required use of ETS once it is fully deployed within 
the agency, but only when travel meets one of the following conditions:
    (1) Such use would result in an unreasonable burden on mission 
accomplishment (e.g., emergency travel is involved and TMS/ETS is not 
accessible; the traveler is performing invitational travel; or the 
traveler has special needs or requires disability accommodations in 
accordance with part 301-13 of this chapter).
    (2) Such use would compromise a national security interest.
    (3) Such use might endanger the traveler's life (e.g., the 
individual is traveling under the Federal witness protection program, 
or is a threatened law enforcement/investigative officer traveling 
under part 301-31 of this chapter).
    (b) Any exception granted must be consistent with any contractual 
terms applicable to your current TMS or ETS, once it is fully deployed, 
and must not cause a breach of contract terms.
[FR Doc. E6-13917 Filed 8-22-06; 8:45 am]
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