Revisions to the Continuous Emissions Monitoring Rule for the Acid Rain Program, NOX, 49254-49308 [06-6819]
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 162 / Tuesday, August 22, 2006 / Proposed Rules
40 CFR Parts 72 and 75
[OAR–2005–0132; FRL–8208–1]
Revisions to the Continuous
Emissions Monitoring Rule for the
Acid Rain Program, NOX Budget
Trading Program, the Clean Air
Interstate Rule, and the Clean Air
Mercury Rule
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Proposed rule.
SUMMARY: EPA is proposing rule
revisions that would modify existing
requirements for sources affected by the
federally administered emission trading
programs including the NOX Budget
Trading Program, the Acid Rain
Program, the Clean Air Interstate Rule,
and the Clean Air Mercury Rule.
The proposed revisions are prompted
primarily by changes being
implemented by EPA’s Clean Air
Markets Division in its data systems in
order to utilize the latest modern
technology for the submittal of data by
affected sources. Other revisions
address issues that have been raised
during program implementation, fix
specific inconsistencies in rule
provisions, or update sources
incorporated by reference. These
revisions would not impose significant
new requirements upon sources with
regard to monitoring or quality
assurance activities.
DATES: All public comments must be
received on or before October 23, 2006.
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,
identified by Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–
OAR–2005–0132, by one of the
following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: https:// Follow the on-line
instructions for submitting comments.
• E-mail:
• Fax: (202) 566–1741.
• Hand Delivery: Air and Radiation
Docket, Environmental Protection
Agency, 1301 Constitution Avenue,
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20014. Such deliveries are accepted
only during the Docket’s normal hours
of operation and special arrangements
should be made for deliveries of boxed
• Mail: EPA Docket Center (EPA/DC),
Environmental Protection Agency,
Mailcode 6102T, 1200 Pennsylvania
Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20460.
Please include a total of two copies. We
request that a separate copy also be sent
to the contact person identified below
Instructions: Direct your comments to
Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2005–
0132. EPA’s policy is that all comments
received will be included in the public
docket without change and may be
made available online at https:// including any
personal information provided, unless
the comment includes information
claimed to be Confidential Business
Information (CBI) or other information
whose disclosure is restricted by statute.
Do not submit information that you
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an ‘‘anonymous access’’ system, which
means EPA will not know your identity
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If you send an e-mail comment directly
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address will be automatically captured
and included as part of the comment
that is placed in the public docket and
made available on the Internet. If you
submit an electronic comment, EPA
recommends that you include your
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the body of your comment with a disk
or CD–ROM you submit. If EPA cannot
read your comment due to technical
difficulties and cannot contact you for
clarification, EPA may not be able to
consider your comment. Electronic files
should avoid the use of special
characters, any form of encryption, and
be free of any defects or viruses. Docket:
All documents in the docket are listed
in the index.
Although listed in the index, some
information is not publicly available,
e.g., CBI or other information whose
disclosure is restricted by statute.
Certain other material, such as
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Public Reading Room is (202) 566–1744,
and the telephone number for the Air
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Matthew Boze, Clean Air Markets
Division, U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Clean Air Markets Division, MC
6204J, Ariel Rios Building, 1200
Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Washington,
DC 20460, telephone (202) 343–9211, email at
Electronic copies of this document can
be accessed through the EPA Web site
Entities. Entities regulated by this action
primarily are fossil fuel-fired boilers,
turbines, and combined cycle units that
serve generators that produce electricity,
generate steam, or cogenerate electricity
and steam. Some trading programs
include process sources, such as process
heaters or cement kilns. Although Part
75 primarily regulates the electric utility
industry, certain State and Federal NOX
mass emission trading programs rely on
subpart H of Part 75, and those
programs may include boilers, turbines,
combined cycle, and certain process
units from other industries. Regulated
categories and entities include:
NAICS code
Examples of potentially regulated industries
Industry ............................................
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with PROPOSAL
221112 and others ........................
Electric service providers Process sources with large boilers, turbines, combined cycle units, process heaters, or cement kilns
where emissions exhaust through a stack.
This table is not intended to be
exhaustive, but rather to provide a guide
for readers regarding entities likely to be
regulated by this action. This table lists
the types of entities which EPA is now
aware could potentially be regulated by
this action. Other types of entities not
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listed in this table could also be
regulated. To determine whether your
facility, company, business,
organization, etc., is regulated by this
action, you should carefully examine
the applicability provisions in §§ 72.6,
72.7, and 72.8 of title 40 of the Code of
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Federal Regulations and in 40 CFR Parts
96 and 97. If you have questions
regarding the applicability of this action
to a particular entity, consult the person
listed in the preceding FOR FURTHER
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 162 / Tuesday, August 22, 2006 / Proposed Rules
Submitting CBI. Do not submit this
information to EPA through https:// or e-mail. Clearly
mark the part or all of the information
that you claim to be CBI. For CBI
information on a disk or CD–ROM that
you mail to EPA, mark the outside of the
disk or CD–ROM as CBI and then
identify electronically within the disk or
CD–ROM the specific information that
is claimed as CBI. In addition to one
complete version of the comment that
includes information claimed as CBI, a
copy of the comment that does not
contain the information claimed as CBI
must be submitted for inclusion in the
public docket. Information so marked
will not be disclosed except in
accordance with procedures set forth in
40 CFR part 2.
World Wide Web (WWW). In addition
to being available in the docket, an
electronic copy of the proposed rule is
also available on the WWW through the
Technology Transfer Network Web site
(TTN Web). Following signature, a copy
of the proposed rule will be posted on
the TTN’s policy and guidance page for
newly proposed or promulgated rules at The TTN
provides information and technology
exchange in various areas of air
pollution control.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with PROPOSAL
I. Detailed Discussion of Proposed Rule
A. Rule Definitions
B. General Monitoring Provisions
C. Certification Requirements
D. Missing Data Substitution
E. Recordkeeping and Reporting
F. Subpart H (NOX Mass Emissions)
G. Subpart I (Hg Mass Emissions)
H. Appendix A
I. Appendix B
J. Appendix D
K. Appendix E
L. Appendix F
M. Appendix G
N. Appendix K
II. Administrative Requirements
A. Executive Order 12866—Regulatory
Planning and Review
B. Paperwork Reduction Act
C. Regulatory Flexibility Act
D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
E. Executive Order 13132—Federalism
F. Executive Order 13175—Consultation
and Coordination With Indian Tribal
G. Executive Order 13045—Protection of
Children From Environmental Health
and Safety Risks
H. Executive Order 13211—Actions That
Significantly Affect Energy Supply,
Distribution, or Use
I. National Technology Transfer and
Advancement Act
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I. Detailed Discussion of Proposed Rule
EPA is in the process of reengineering the data systems associated
with the collection and processing of
emissions, monitoring plan, quality
assurance, and certification data. The reengineering project includes the
creation of a client tool, provided by
EPA that sources will use to evaluate
and submit their Part 75 monitoring
data. This process change will enable
sources to assess the quality of their
data prior to submitting the data using
EPA established checking criteria. The
process will also allow sources to report
their data directly to a database. Having
the data in a true database will allow the
Agency to implement and assess the
program more efficiently and will
streamline access to the data. Also, this
database structure will enable EPA to
implement process changes that will
reduce the redundant reporting of
certain types of data. The re-engineered
systems will be supported by a new
extensible markup language (XML) data
format that will replace the record type/
column format currently used by EPA to
collect electronic data. EPA intends to
transition existing sources to the new
XML electronic data report (XML–EDR)
format during the 2008 reporting year.
For sources reporting in 2008 for the
first time, the new XML–EDR format
should be used. All sources will be
required to use the new process
beginning 2009.
A. Rule Definitions
The proposed changes to Part 72
include adding a definition for ‘‘longterm cold storage’’ to mean ‘‘the
complete shutdown of a unit intended
to last for an extended period of time (at
least two calendar years) where notice
for long-term cold storage is provided
under § 75.61(a)(7). See Section II.E.4 of
this preamble for further discussion.
EPA also proposes to modify the
definition of ‘‘capacity factor’’ so that
the Agency can use the reported
maximum hourly gross load, as
currently reported in the electronic
monitoring plan, to determine whether
a unit qualifies for peaking unit status,
by recalculating the capacity factor. This
is important because the maximum
hourly gross load can be greater than the
nameplate capacity. Also, when using
heat input to define capacity factor, the
definition would be revised to refer to
maximum rated hourly heat input rate,
which is defined in § 72.2.
The proposed changes to § 72.2 would
also modify the definition of ‘‘EPA
Protocol Gas,’’ and add a definition of
‘‘EPA Protocol Gas Verification
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Program’’, to support the proposed
calibration gas audit program. EPA is
also proposing to expand the definition
of ‘‘excepted monitoring system’’ to
include the sorbent trap and low mass
emissions (LME) excepted
methodologies for Hg. Finally, today’s
proposed rule would add definitions of
‘‘Air Emission Testing Body (AETB)’’
and ‘‘Qualified Individual’’, to support
the proposed stack tester accreditation
program. See Sections II.H.2 and II.H.3
of this preamble for a discussion of
these proposed programs.
B. General Monitoring Provisions
1. Update of Incorporation by Reference
(§ 75.6)
Section 75.6 identifies a number of
methods and other standards that are
incorporated by reference into Part 75.
This section includes standards
published by the American Society for
Testing and Materials (ASTM), the
American Society of Mechanical
Engineers (ASME), the American
National Standards Institute (ANSI), the
Gas Processors Association (GPA), and
the American Petroleum Institute (API).
Changes in § 75.6 would reflect the need
to incorporate recent updates for many
of the referenced standards. The
proposed revisions would recognize or
adhere to these newer standards by
updating references for the standards
listed in §§ 75.6(a) through 75.6(f).
Additionally, new §§ 75.6(a)(45)
through 75.6(a)(48) and 75.6(f)(4) would
incorporate by reference additional
ASTM and API standards that are
relevant to Part 75 implementation.
2. Default Emission Rates for Low Mass
Emissions (LME) Units
Today’s proposed rule revisions
would allow LME units to use sitespecific default SO2 emission rates for
fuel oil combustion, in lieu of using the
‘‘generic’’ default SO2 emission rates
specified in Table LM–1 of § 75.19. To
use this option, a federally enforceable
permit condition would have to be in
place for the unit, limiting the sulfur
content of the oil. This revision would
allow more representative, yet still
conservatively high, SO2 emissions data
to be reported from oil-burning LME
units. The site-specific default SO2
emission rate would be calculated using
an equation from EPA publication AP–
42. The sulfur content used in the
calculations would be the maximum
weight percent sulfur allowed by the
federally-enforceable permit. Sources
choosing to implement this option
would be required to perform periodic
oil sampling using one of the four
methodologies described in Section 2.2
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 162 / Tuesday, August 22, 2006 / Proposed Rules
of Appendix D to Part 75, and would be
required to keep records documenting
the sulfur content of the fuel.
Today’s proposed rule would also
revise § 75.19(c)(1)(iv)(G) to clarify that
fuel-and-unit-specific default NOX
emission rates for LME units may be
determined using data from a
Continuous Emissions Monitoring
System (CEMS) that has been qualityassured according to either Appendix B
of Part 75 or Appendix F of Part 60, or
comparably quality-assured under a
State CEMS program. The current rule
simply states that 3 years (or 3 ozone
seasons, if applicable) of quality-assured
CEMS data may be used for this
purpose, but it does not specify the
acceptable level of QA required.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with PROPOSAL
3. Default Moisture Value for Natural
EPA is proposing to allow gas-fired
boilers equipped with CEMS to use
default moisture values in lieu of
continuously monitoring the stack gas
moisture content. Two default values
are proposed: 14.0% H2O under
§ 75.11(b), and 18.0% H2O under
§ 75.12(b). The higher default value
would apply only when Equation 19–3,
19–4, or 19–8 (from Method 19 in
appendix A of Part 60) is used to
determine the NOX emission rate. These
proposed default values are based on
supplemental moisture data provided to
the Agency in a December 13, 2004
petition from a gas-fired industrial
source and moisture data collected
during EPA’s development of flow rate
reference Methods 2F and 2G at two gasfired facilities. (See Docket A–99–14;
Items II–A–1 and II–A–7).
EPA selected the 10th and 90th
percentile values from these data,
rounded to the nearest whole number,
as the proposed natural gas default
moisture values. The selection of
conservative 90th or 10th percentile
values from representative moisture
data sets is consistent with the approach
that the Agency has approved in
response to past petition under § 75.66
requesting to use site-specific default
moisture values.
4. Expanded Use of Equation F–23
Today’s proposed rule would revise
§ 75.11(e)(1) to remove the current
restrictions on the use of Equation F–23
to determine the SO2 mass emission
rate. The current rule restricts the use of
this equation to units equipped with
SO2 monitors and to hours when only
fuel that meets the Part 72 definition of
‘‘pipeline natural gas’’ or ‘‘natural gas’’
is being combusted. EPA proposes to
allow Equation F–23 to be used whether
or not the unit has an SO2 monitor and
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to expand its use to fuels other than
natural gas.
Section 75.11(e) would be re-titled as
‘‘Special considerations during the
combustion of gaseous fuels’’, and the
introductory text of the section would
be revised, so that the section would no
longer apply exclusively to units with
SO2 monitors. Rather, it would apply to
units that use certified flow rate and
diluent gas monitors to quantify heat
input. Such units would be required to
implement the provisions of either
revised § 75.11(e)(1) or revised
§ 75.11(e)(3) when gaseous fuel is the
only fuel combusted in the unit. Section
75.11(e)(2) would be removed and
reserved, as the use of Appendix D
methodology during gaseous fuel
combustion is not appropriate for a unit
that uses flow and diluent monitors to
measure heat input. This is because
only one heat input methodology is
allowed for each unit.
Revised § 75.11(e)(1) would expand
the use of Equation F–23 beyond natural
gas combustion to include the
combustion of any gaseous fuel that
qualifies for a default SO2 emission rate
under Section 2.3.6(b) of Appendix D.
The proposed revisions to § 75.11(e)(3)
would be relatively minor. The option
to use a certified SO2 monitor during
hours of gaseous fuel combustion would
be retained.
A new paragraph (e)(4) would also be
added to § 75.11(e). This new provision
would allow Equation F–23 to be used
for the combustion of liquid and solid
fuels that meet the definition of ‘‘very
low sulfur fuel’’ in § 72.2, if a petition
for a fuel-specific default SO2 emission
rate is submitted to the Administrator
under § 75.66 and the Administrator
approves the petition. Similar petitions
would also be accepted for the
combustion of mixtures of these fuels
and for the co-firing of these fuels with
gaseous fuel.
EPA believes that expanding the use
of Equation F–23 will benefit certain
units that are subject to the Acid Rain
Program or to the SO2 provisions of the
Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR). In
particular, the requirement to operate
and maintain an SO2 CEMS could be
waived for units that burn low-sulfur
solid fuels such as wood waste. Also, for
units that combust non-traditional
gaseous fuels, Equation F–23 would
provide an alternative way of
quantifying SO2 mass emissions that
does not require either an SO2 CEMS or
a certified fuel flowmeter.
5. Calculation of NOX Emission Rate—
LME Units
According to §§ 75.58(f), 75.64(a)(4),
and 75.64(a)(9), oil and gas-fired units
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in the Acid Rain Program that qualify to
use the low mass emissions (LME)
methodology in § 75.19 are required to
report both NOX mass emissions (lb or
tons, as applicable) and NOX emission
rate (lb/mmBtu) on an hourly, quarterly
and annual basis. However, the
mathematics in § 75.19(c)(4)(ii) pertains
only to NOX mass emissions, not NOX
emission rate. This is most likely
because the criterion for initial and ongoing LME qualification is based on the
total tons of NOX emitted the calendar
year, rather than on the NOX emission
Today’s rule would re-title
§ 75.19(c)(4)(ii) as ‘‘NOX mass emissions
and NOX emission rate’’, and would add
a new subparagraph (D) to § 75.19
(c)(4)(ii), providing instructions for
determining quarterly and cumulative
NOX emission rates for an LME unit.
The NOX emission rate for each hour
(lb/mmBtu) would simply be the
appropriate generic or unit-specific
default NOX emission rate defined in
the monitoring plan for the type of fuel
being combusted and (if applicable) the
NOX emission control status. The
quarterly NOX emission rate would be
determined by averaging all of the
hourly NOX emission rates and the
cumulative (year-to-date) NOX emission
rate would be the arithmetic average of
the quarterly values.
6. LME Units—Scope of Applicability
Today’s rule would revise
§ 75.19(a)(1) to clarify that the low mass
emissions (LME) methodology is a
stand-alone alternative to a CEMS and/
or the ‘‘excepted’’ monitoring
methodologies in Appendices D, E, and
G. In other words, if a unit qualifies for
LME status, the owner or operator
would be required either to use the LME
methodology for all parameters or not to
use the method at all. No mixing-andmatching of other monitoring
methodologies with LME would be
permitted. For example, the owner or
operator of a qualifying LME unit in the
Acid Rain Program would either be
required to follow the provisions of
§ 75.19 for all parameters (i.e., SO2 and
CO2 mass emissions, NOX emission rate,
and unit heat input) or to monitor these
parameters using a CEMS, Appendices
D, E, and G, or a combination of these
other methods. EPA has always
intended for the LME methodology to be
applied this way, but this was not
explicitly stated in § 75.19 and in other
sections of the rule. In fact,
§§ 75.11(d)(3), 75.12(e)(3), and
75.13(d)(3)) suggest that mixing other
monitoring methodologies with LME
might not be prohibited. Today’s rule
would also make parallel revisions to
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 162 / Tuesday, August 22, 2006 / Proposed Rules
these other sections, consistent with the
changes to § 75.19(a)(1), to clarify the
Agency’s intent.
7. Use of maximum controlled NOX
emission rate when using bypass stacks
Today’s proposed rule would revise
§ 75.17(d)(2) to allow for the calculation
and use of a maximum controlled NOX
emission rate (MCR) instead of the
maximum potential NOX emission rate
(MER) whenever an unmonitored
bypass stack is used, provided that the
add-on controls are not bypassed and
are documented to be operating
properly. Documentation of proper addon control operation for such hours of
operation would be required as
described in § 75.34(d). The MCR would
be calculated in a manner similar to the
calculation of the MER, except that the
maximum expected NOX concentration
(MEC) would be used instead of the
maximum potential NOX concentration
(MPC). EPA believes that this proposal
would more fairly account for
controlled emissions when unmonitored
bypass stacks are used. The rule
currently requires the use of the MER
regardless of the operation and usage of
add-on controls. When § 75.17(d)(2) was
originally promulgated, EPA assumed
that the add-on controls would be
bypassed whenever a bypass stack is
used. EPA is now aware that there are
situations where this is not the case. An
example would be a coal-fired unit
equipped with FGD and SCR add-on
emission controls. If the SCR is
documented to be working during an
FGD malfunction and the effluent gases
are routed through an unmonitored
bypass stack after passing through the
SCR, then the MEC, rather than the
MER, would be the more appropriate
NOX emission rate to report for the
bypass hour(s).
C. Certification Requirements
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with PROPOSAL
1. Alternative Monitoring System
The proposed rule would delete
§§ 75.20(f)(1) and (2) from the rule,
thereby removing the requirement for
the Administrator to publish each
request for certification of an alternative
monitoring system in the Federal
Register, with an associated 60-day
public comment period. This rule
provision is considered unnecessary, in
view of the Agency’s authority under
Subpart E to approve alternative
monitoring systems and the rigorous
requirements that alternative monitoring
systems must meet in order to be
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2. Part 60 Reference Test Methods
On May 15, 2006, EPA promulgated
final revisions to EPA reference test
methods 6C, 7E, and 3A, which are
found in Appendix A of 40 CFR Part 60.
(See 71 FR 28082, May 15, 2006).
Today’s proposed rule would update,
(as necessary), various section
references to these reference methods,
as well as specify certain options that
are not to be applied to RATA testing
under Part 75. Specifically, the
following provisions are not permitted
unless specific approval is granted by
the Administrator of Part 75:
(1) § 7.1 of the revised EPA Method 7E
allowing for use of prepared calibration
gas mixtures that are produced in
accordance with Method 205 in
Appendix M of 40 CFR Part 51. EPA
maintains that for RATA testing under
Part 75, that reference gases be selected
in accordance with § 5.1 of Appendix A
of 40 CFR Part 75.
(2) § 8.4 of the revised EPA Method 7E
allowing for the use of a multi-hole
probe to satisfy the multipoint traverse
requirement of the method.
(3) § 8.6 of the revised EPA Method 7E
allowing for the use of ‘‘Dynamic
Spiking’’ as an alternative to the
interference and system bias checks of
the method. This proposed rule would
allow for dynamic spiking to be
conducted (optionally) as an additional
quality assurance check for Part 75
3. Mercury Reference Methods
Today’s proposed rule would add an
alternative acceptance criterion for the
results of mercury (Hg) emission data
collected with the Ontario Hydro (OH)
reference method and would allow the
use of alternative reference methods for
RATAs and for the low mass Hg
emission testing described in § 75.81(c).
On May 18, 2005, EPA published the
Clean Air Mercury Rule (CAMR). That
rule requires coal-fired electric
generating units (EGUs) to reduce Hg
emissions, starting in 2010, and to
continuously monitor Hg mass
emissions according to Subpart I of Part
75, beginning in 2009.
Relative accuracy test audits (RATAs)
of all continuous Hg monitoring systems
are required under CAMR, and Hg
emission testing is required for units
seeking to qualify as low mass emitters
under § 75.81(c). The principal
reference method specified for the
RATAs and the emission testing is the
OH method. Alternatively, an
instrumental method approved by the
Administrator may be used. When the
OH method is performed, § 75.22(a)(7)
requires paired sampling trains for each
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test run, and the relative deviation (RD)
of the results from the two trains must
not exceed 10 percent.
As part of the May 18, 2005
rulemaking, EPA also promulgated
revisions to Subpart Da of the New
Source Performance Standards (NSPS)
regulations, requiring continuous Hg
emission monitoring for new coal-fired
electric utility units constructed after
January 1, 2004. Along with the Subpart
Da revisions, a performance
specification, PS–12A, for certifying the
required continuous Hg monitors was
published. PS–12A, like Part 75,
requires RATA testing of all Hg
monitoring systems, using paired
reference method sampling trains;
however, note that PS 12–A allows EPA
Method 29 (from Appendix A–8 of 40
CFR Part 60) to be used as an alternative
to the OH method, whereas Part 75 does
The principal acceptance criterion in
Section of PS 12–A for the data
from the paired reference method trains
(10 percent RD) is the same as in
§ 75.22(a)(7). However, PS 12–A
includes an alternative acceptance
criterion for sources with low Hg
emissions. If the average Hg
concentration during the RATA is 1.0
µg/m3 or less, the RD specification is 20
percent. In view of this, today’s
proposed rule would revise
§ 75.22(a)(7), to include this same 20
percent alternative RD specification for
low-emitters. This would harmonize the
Part 60 and Part 75 RATA provisions for
Hg monitors, thereby facilitating
compliance for sources subject to both
sets of regulations.
EPA is also proposing revisions to
§§ 75.22(a)(7) and 75.81(c)(1) which
would allow EPA Method 29 to be used
as an alternative to the OH method, both
for RATA testing and for periodic
emission testing of units with low Hg
mass emissions (≤ 29 lb/yr). Method 29
is an established test procedure that
uses atomic absorption spectroscopy to
determine the concentration of various
metals, including Hg, in the stack gas.
This method is more familiar to
emission testers than the OH method,
and Method 29 data have been accepted
for compliance purposes by the State.
Method 29 and the OH method both
measure the total vapor phase Hg in the
effluent. The main difference between
the two methods is that the OH method
performs ‘‘speciation’’ of the vapor
phase Hg, i.e., it quantifies the elemental
and ionic portions of the vapor phase
Hg separately, whereas Method 29 does
not. However, the CAMR rule does not
require speciation of the vapor phase
Hg. Therefore, Method 29 could be used
instead of the OH method.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with PROPOSAL
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 162 / Tuesday, August 22, 2006 / Proposed Rules
There would be two caveats on the
use of Method 29. First, sources electing
to use Method 29 would be required to
use paired sampling trains (i.e., two
trains sampling the source effluent
simultaneously), and the relative
deviation specification in § 75.22(a)(7)
would have to be met for each run. The
test results for each valid run would be
based on the Hg collected in the back
half of each sampling train (i.e., the
impinger catch), and the results from
the two trains would be averaged
Second, certain analytical and QA
procedures in the OH method (ASTM
D6784–02) would be followed instead of
the corresponding procedures in
Method 29. Specifically, testers would
be required to replace the procedures in
sections 7.5.33 and 11.1.3 of Method 29
with the corresponding procedures in
sections through of
ASTM D6784–02, and to perform the
QA/QC procedures in section 13.4.2 of
the OH method instead of the
procedures in section 9.2.3 of Method
29. EPA believes that implementing
these sections of the OH method in lieu
of the corresponding Method 29
provisions will improve the quality of
the data, because the analytical and QA/
QC requirements of the OH method are
more detailed and rigorous than those in
Method 29.
EPA is also proposing to allow several
of the sample recovery and preparation
procedures in the OH method to be
followed instead of the Method 29
procedures. In particular: (a) Sections through of the OH
method could be followed instead of
sections 8.2.8 and of RM 29; (b)
sections through of
the OH method could be followed
instead of sections and of
RM 29; (c) section 8.3.4 of RM 29 could
be replaced with section 13.3.4 or 13.3.6
of the OH method (as appropriate); and
(d) section 8.3.5 of RM 29 could be
replaced with section 13.3.5 or 13.3.6 of
the OH method (as appropriate). Use of
these alternative procedures would
increase the accuracy of moisture
content determinations (by using a
gravimetric rather than a volumetric
technique), and would eliminate of the
need for two separate analyses of the
KMnO4 fraction.
Revisions to § 75.59 and to Sections
6.5.10 and 7.6.1 of Appendix A to Part
75 are also being proposed, for purposes
of consistency with the proposed
changes to §§ 75.22(a)(7) and
Finally, the Agency is soliciting
comment on the use of sorbent traps for
reference method testing. At the 2006
Electric Utility Environmental
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Conference (EUEC) in Tucson, Arizona,
a stakeholder meeting was held to
discuss mercury monitoring issues.
Many of the participants expressed an
interest in using portable sorbent trap
monitoring systems for Hg reference
method testing, as an alternative to the
OH method. After much internal
discussion, EPA believes that a sorbent
trap system could potentially serve as
an alternative reference method for Hg
emission testing and RATA
applications, if it can be adequately
demonstrated that the method does not
have an inherent measurement bias
when compared to the OH method, and
if sufficiently rigorous quality-assurance
(QA) procedures are developed and
followed when the system is used in the
field. In view of this, EPA requests
comment on how such a demonstration
might be made and what QA procedures
would be appropriate. In anticipation
that a viable reference method using
sorbent trap technology may be
developed in the near future, the
Agency is also proposing to add
language to § 75.22(a)(7), which would
allow an ‘‘other suitable’’ reference
method approved by the Administrator
to be used for Hg emission testing and
D. Missing Data Substitution
1. Block Versus Step-Wise Approach
During periods of missing CEMS data,
Part 75 requires substitute data to be
reported. Special mathematical
algorithms are used to determine the
appropriate substitute data values. As
the length of a missing data period
increases, the percent monitor data
availability (PMA) decreases, and the
required substitute data values become
increasingly conservative each time that
a particular PMA ‘‘cut point’’ is reached.
The cut points are 95%, 90%, and 80%
PMA for all parameters except Hg. For
Hg, the cut points are slightly lower, i.e.,
at 90%, 80% and 70% PMA.
Historically, EPA’s policy has
required sources to use a ‘‘block’’
approach for missing data substitution.
The PMA at the end of the missing data
period has been used to determine
which mathematical algorithm applies,
and the substitute data value or values
prescribed by that one algorithm have
been reported for each hour of the
missing data period.
However, EPA has recently revised its
missing substitution data policy. The
revised policy guidance (see ‘‘Part 75
Emission Monitoring Policy Manual’’,
Question 15.5) allows sources to apply
the missing data algorithms in a
stepwise manner instead of using the
block approach. Under the stepwise
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methodology, the various missing data
algorithms are applied sequentially.
That is, the least conservative algorithm
is applied to the missing data hours
until the PMA drops below 95%. Then,
the next algorithm is applied until the
PMA has dropped below 90%, and so
Part 75 is not clear about which of the
two methods should be used for missing
data substitution. Today’s proposed rule
would revise the text of certain
paragraphs in §§ 75.33 and 75.32(b), to
clarify that the stepwise, hour-by-hour
method (which is the least stringent
approach) is the preferred one. The
Agency favors this approach because it
prevents sources from being penalized
by the retroactive application of more
stringent missing data algorithms to
hours where the hourly PMA merits the
use of less conservative algorithms. EPA
intends that only the new stepwise,
hour-by-hour method be used after
January 1, 2009, or whenever emissions
data are to be submitted in XML–format.
Until this time, either method will be
2. Substitute Data Values for Controlled
For units with add-on emission
controls, § 75.34(a)(3) provides that the
designated representative (DR) may
petition the Administrator under § 75.66
to report alternative substitute data
values in certain instances. Specifically,
when the percent monitor data
availability (PMA) for SO2 or NOX is
below 90.0 percent, the DR may petition
to replace the maximum emission rate
recorded in the last 720 quality-assured
monitor operating hours with the
maximum controlled emission rate
recorded during that same lookback
period, for each missing data hour in
which the add-on controls are
documented to be operating properly.
Until recently, this petition provision
applied only to units with add-on SO2
or NOX emission controls. However,
revisions to Part 75 on May 18, 2005,
extended it to include units with addon Hg controls (see § 75.38(c)).
For several reasons, EPA believes it is
appropriate to revise § 75.34(a)(3). First,
the 720 hour lookback is only
appropriate for SO2 and Hg. For NOX,
the lookback should be 2,160 hours and
should also be load-based. Second, for
SO2, Hg, and NOX concentration
monitoring systems, the terms
‘‘maximum emission rate’’ and
‘‘maximum controlled emission rate’’
are not appropriate and should be
replaced by ‘‘maximum concentration’’
and ‘‘maximum controlled
concentration’’, respectively. Third, the
petition provision, as written, applies to
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 162 / Tuesday, August 22, 2006 / Proposed Rules
all PMA values below 90.0 percent (that
was the intent when it was originally
written), but in light of subsequent
revisions to Part 75, it should be
restricted to a narrower range of PMA
values. Fourth, and most important,
after more than ten years of
implementing the Acid Rain Program,
EPA no longer believes that special
petitions are necessary to use maximum
controlled values for missing data
substitution, because sources with addon controls are required to implement a
quality assurance/quality control (QA/
QC) program that includes the recording
of parametric data to document the
hourly operating status of the emission
controls. This parametric information
must be made available to inspectors
and auditors upon request. Therefore,
any claim that the emission controls
were operating properly during a
particular missing data period can be
easily verified through the audit
At the time the petition provision in
§ 75.34(a)(3) was written, there were
only three missing data tiers in
existence, i.e., for PMA values: (1) ≥ 95.0
percent; (2) ≥ 90.0 percent, but < 95.0
percent: and (3) < 90.0 percent. The
provision was associated with the third
tier (PMA < 90.0 percent), for which the
required substitute data value is the
maximum value recorded in a specified
lookback period. However, on May 26,
1999, EPA added a fourth CEMS
missing data tier to Part 75. The May
1999 rule revisions did not change the
missing data algorithms for the third
tier, but the PMA ‘‘cut off’’ point for the
third tier was set at 80.0 percent, and
below 80.0 percent PMA, reporting of
the maximum potential concentration
(MPC) or the maximum potential NOX
emission rate (MER) was required for a
missing data period of any length.
Today’s proposed rule would remove
from § 75.34(a)(3) and § 75.66(f) the
requirement to petition the
Administrator to use the maximum
controlled SO2 or NOX concentration (or
maximum controlled NOX emission
rate) from the applicable lookback
period. The proposed revisions would
simply allow the maximum controlled
values to be reported whenever
parametric data are available to
document that the emission controls are
operating properly. The proposed rule
would further clarify that this reporting
option applies only to the third missing
data tier, when the PMA is greater than
or equal to 80.0 percent, but less than
90.0 percent.
EPA is also proposing to add a new
paragraph (a)(5) to § 75.34, which would
allow units with add-on emission
controls to report alternative substitute
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data values for missing data periods in
the fourth tier, when the PMA is below
80.0 percent. Proposed § 75.34(a)(5)
would allow the owner or operator to
replace the maximum potential SO2 or
NOX concentration (MPC) or the
maximum potential NOX emission rate
(MER) with a less conservative
substitute data value, for missing data
hours where parametric data, (as
described in §§ 75.34(d) and 75.58(b))
are available to verify proper operation
of the add-on controls. Specifically, for
SO2 and NOX concentration, the
replacement value for the MPC would
be the greater of: (a) The maximum
expected concentration (MEC); or (b)
1.25 times the maximum controlled
value in the standard missing data
lookback period. For NOX emission rate,
the replacement value for the MER
would be the greater of: (a) The
maximum controlled NOX emission rate
(MCR); or (b) 1.25 times the maximum
controlled value in the standard missing
data lookback period. The NOX MCR
would be calculated in the same manner
as the NOX MER (see Appendix A,
section, except that the MEC,
rather than the MPC, would be used in
the calculation.
Finally, today’s proposed rule would
revise § 75.38(c) to extend the
alternative missing data options for the
third and fourth tiers to mercury (Hg)
concentration, and § 75.58(b)(3) would
be revised to be consistent with the
proposed revisions to §§ 75.34(a)(3),
75.34(a)(5), and 75.38(c).
EPA believes that for missing data
hours in which the emission controls
are working properly, these proposed
rule revisions will prevent gross
overestimation of emissions during
hours when the source is operating its
emission controls in a manner that is
protective of the environment. When the
emission controls are working properly,
there can be as much as a tenfold
difference between the MPC, MER, or
maximum value in a lookback period
and the actual source emissions. The
proposed alternative substitute data
values in §§ 75.34(a)(3) and (a)(5),
though much closer to the actual
emissions, would still be conservatively
high and would provide the owner or
operator with a strong incentive to keep
the CEMS operational. The Agency also
believes that the proposed alternative
data substitution methodology in
§ 75.34(a)(5) ensures that the substitute
data values for the fourth tier will
always be higher than the corresponding
substitute data values for the third tier.
3. Substitute Data Values for Hg
EPA is also proposing to revise the Hg
missing data procedures. First, for Hg
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CEMS, the text of § 75.38(a) would be
amended to make it consistent with
Table 1 in § 75.33. Proposed § 75.38(a)
clarifies that the percent monitor data
availability (PMA) ‘‘trigger conditions’’
for Hg monitoring systems are different
from the trigger conditions for all other
parameters. For all parameters except
Hg, the trigger points that define the
boundaries of the four missing data tiers
are 95 percent, 90 percent, and 80
percent PMA. However, for Hg the
corresponding trigger points are 90
percent, 80 percent and 70 percent,
Second, EPA proposes to completely
revise the missing data provisions in
§ 75.39 for sorbent trap monitoring
systems. In the current rule, the missing
data routines for sorbent trap systems
are substantially different from those for
Hg CEMS. At the time of publication of
the Part 75 Hg monitoring provisions,
the Agency believed that a different
approach to missing data substitution
was appropriate for sorbent traps,
because unlike the Hg CEMS, a sorbent
trap system does not provide real-time
hourly average emissions data.
Consequently, EPA prescribed a 12month missing data ‘‘lookback’’ period
for the sorbent trap systems. That is, the
substitute data values are based on a
lookback through the previous 12
months of sorbent trap sample results,
instead of looking back through 720
quality-assured monitor operating
hours, as is done for the Hg CEMS.
EPA has reconsidered the sorbent trap
missing data methodology and has
concluded that it is unnecessarily
complex and will likely be difficult to
implement and audit. In view of this,
the Agency proposes to amend the
missing data procedures for sorbent trap
systems, to make them the same as for
Hg CEMS. Section 75.39 would be
revised to require that the initial
missing data procedures of § 75.31(b)
and the standard Hg missing data
provisions of § 75.38 be followed for
sorbent trap systems. EPA believes that
this missing data approach can work
because for the purposes of Part 75
reporting, the average Hg concentration
measured by a sorbent trap system is
‘‘back-filled’’ into each hour of the data
collection period to simulate hour-byhour concentration measurements (see
§ 75.57(j)(1)(iii)). Thus, the hourly Hg
concentration data stream from a
sorbent trap system will look essentially
the same as the data stream from a
CEMS, except that the Hg concentration
will ‘‘flat-line’’ (i.e., will not change)
during each data collection period.
Therefore, the required missing data
lookbacks through 720 hours of qualityassured data could be done on the
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 162 / Tuesday, August 22, 2006 / Proposed Rules
sorbent trap data stream, although in
some cases, because of the flat-line
effect, when the 720 hours of data are
arranged in rank order, the 90th
percentile, 95th percentile, and
maximum values in the lookback might
be identical.
Finally, a new paragraph ‘‘(f)’’ would
be added to § 75.39 to address the case
in which the owner or operator elects to
use a primary Hg CEMS and a
redundant backup sorbent trap system
(or vice-versa). In that case, separate Hg
concentration data streams would be
recorded and maintained for the two
systems. For reporting purposes, data
from the primary monitoring system
would be reported whenever that
system is able to provide qualityassured data (see § 75.10(e)), and
quality-assured data from the redundant
backup system (if available) could be
reported during primary monitoring
system outages. However, when both
the primary and redundant backup
monitoring systems are down and
quality-assured data from a reference
method or approved alternative
monitoring system are also unavailable,
proposed § 75.39(f) would require the
appropriate substitute data values to be
derived from a lookback through the
previous 720 hours of quality-assured
data reported in the electronic quarterly
report, irrespective of the source of
those data, i.e., whether they were from
the primary system, the redundant
backup system, a reference method, or
an approved alternative monitoring
4. Correction of Cross-References
E. Recordkeeping and Reporting
For sources in the NOX Budget
Program that report emissions data only
during the ozone season (i.e., May
through September), the quality
assurance requirements for the
continuous emission monitoring
systems are found in § 75.74(c). In
§§ 75.74(c)(3)(xi) and (c)(3)(xii), data
validation rules are provided for
situations in which required qualityassurance tests of the CEMS are due by
the end of the second or third calendar
quarter, but are not completed on time.
In some cases, these rule provisions
require the use of missing data
substitution, and refer to the
‘‘appropriate missing data routine in
§ 75.31, § 75.33 or § 75.37’’. These
references to specific missing data
sections are inadequate, because they
only cover initial missing data (for all
parameters) and the standard missing
data procedures for NOX , flow rate, and
moisture. Sections 75.34 through 75.36
are not referenced, which address
missing data substitution for units with
add-on emission controls and for
diluent gas (O2 or CO2) data used for
heat input rate determination. Many
NOX Budget Program units are equipped
with add-on NOX emission controls, and
a great number use data from a CO2 or
O2 monitor to determine the hourly heat
input rate. In view of this, today’s rule
would revise §§ 75.74(c)(3)(xi) and
(c)(3)(xii) by replacing each of the crossreferences to specific missing data
sections with a more general reference
to the entire block of CEMS missing data
sections, i.e., §§ 75.31 through 75.37.
1. Revisions to the General Monitoring
Plan Recordkeeping Requirements
EPA proposes to revise the monitoring
plan recordkeeping requirements in
§ 75.53, to accommodate its new, reengineered XML reporting format,
which will replace the current
electronic data reporting (EDR) format
in 2009. The Subpart H monitoring plan
record keeping provisions in
§ 75.73(c)(3) (for sources reporting NOX
mass emissions) and the Subpart I
monitoring plan record keeping
provisions in § 75.84 (for sources
reporting Hg mass emissions) would be
similarly revised to reflect the transition
to XML format.
EPA proposes to add two new
paragraphs, (g) and (h), to § 75.53,
which describe the required monitoring
plan data elements in EPA’s reengineered XML data structure.
Proposed § 75.53(a)(1) would require all
affected units to follow the provisions of
paragraphs (g) and (h) instead of the
existing recordkeeping requirements of
paragraphs (e) and (f), on and after
January 1, 2009. However, early
implementation of the XML format
would be allowed or, in some cases,
required. In 2008, existing sources
would be allowed to choose between the
EDR format and XML, and new sources
reporting for the first time in 2008
would be required to use XML.
Table 1 summarizes the data elements
or requirements in § 75.53 that would be
removed, replaced or added as a result
of transitioning from the current EDR to
XML EDR format.
Data element(s) or requirement(s)
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Proposed action(s)
Facility short name ........................................................
Unit program classification
Unit boiler type
Date of commence operation (Subpart H units)
Date of commence commercial operation (Acid Rain
Unit retirement date
Program code
Reporting frequency
Program participation date
State regulation code
State or local agency code
EIA cross-reference information.
Recording and reporting of information associated
with monitoring system certification, recertification, and
other events.
Fuel classification for boiler ..........................................
Primary/secondary control indicator
Type of fuel associated with each monitoring methodology
Primary/secondary methodology indicator
Appendix E correlation curve segment data.
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Remove ..............................
These data elements would be collected and maintained through the Certificate of Representation form,
the CAMD Business System, or internally by EPA.
Relocate .............................
Relocate the requirement to record and report this information to § 75.59, the quality-assurance recordkeeping section.
These data elements are deemed unnecessary for the
new XML reporting format.
Remove ..............................
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 162 / Tuesday, August 22, 2006 / Proposed Rules
Data element(s) or requirement(s)
Proposed action(s)
• Component status .........................................................
• Formula status
• Submission status of fuel flowmeter data.
Replace ..............................
Indicator of exemption from multi-load flow RATAs .....
Shape of stack or duct cross-section
Stack/duct material of construction
Flag to indicate that a monitored location is a duct
Indicator of non-load based units.
Analyzer range code .....................................................
Moisture measurement basis.
Add .....................................
In § 75.53(g), use activation date/hour and deactivation
date/hour instead of status codes to better track updates to monitoring components, formulas, and fuel
flowmeter information.
These new data elements are needed to properly assess specific Part 75 quality assurance/quality control
(QA/QC) requirements and exemptions.
• Provide the monitoring methodologies for each individual unit.
• Represent bypass stack monitoring as a separate
Replace ..............................
• For dual-range applications, indicate the trigger point
at which the component switches from the normal
measurement scale to the secondary scale.
Add .....................................
• Require operating range and normal load information
to be reported for units with CEMS and units using
optional fuel flow-to-load ratio test.
Revise ................................
Add .....................................
Duct width at test section ..............................................
Duct depth at test section
Method of determining WAF
WAF effective date and hour
WAF no longer effective date and hour
WAF determination date
Number of WAF test runs
Number of Method 1 traverse points in WAF test
Number of test ports in WAF test
Number of Method 1 traverse points in reference flow
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with PROPOSAL
2. Discussion of Wall Effects
Adjustment Requirements for
Rectangular Ducts
In 1999, EPA published a new
reference method, Method 2H, in
Appendix A of 40 CFR Part 60. Method
2H allows the owner or operator of a
unit with an installed flow monitor to
correct the measured gas flow rates for
velocity decay near the stack wall (i.e.,
‘‘wall effects’’). Applying Method 2H
greatly reduces the possibility of overreporting SO2 and NOX mass emissions,
which are directly proportional to the
stack flow rate. However, Method 2H
applies only to circular stacks.
Consequently, Acid Rain and NOX
Budget Program units with flow
monitors installed on rectangular stacks
or ducts (estimated at about 10 percent
of the affected units with flow monitors)
were unable to benefit from the use of
a wall effects adjustment factor (WAF).
To remedy this situation, a wall
effects correction method for rectangular
stacks and ducts was developed. The
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Add .....................................
Provide the measurement range (high, low, dual) and
moisture basis (wet or dry) for each CEMS component type (SO2, NOX, CO2, etc.)
For each parameter, associate the monitoring methodology with the monitored lcoation (unit, stack or duct).
Integrate bypass stack monitoring with other methodologies. Only one monitoring methodology per
paramter would be allowed.
Many times data begin to be recorded on the high
scale at a certain ‘‘trigger point’’, before the full-scale
of the low range is reached. EPA needs this information to determine when certain QA tests of the highscale are required.
In § 75.53(g), require operating range and maximum
load information for all affected units. Require normal
load determination for all except peaking units. Separate the date of historical load analysis from activation date of the operating range and load information.
Add data elements to § 75.53(e) and (g), describing
monitoring plan requirements for units with rectangular ducts that apply a wall effects adjustment factor
(WAF) to their flow rate data. (See Section II.E.2 for
further discussion.)
method, known as CTM–041, has been
adopted as a conditional test method by
EPA. A conditional test method differs
from a reference method in that it is not
in the Code of Federal Regulations, but
it is recognized as having technical
merit. Sources interested in using a
conditional method in a particular
program must obtain permission from
the regulatory agency administering the
Since 2004, when CTM–041 was
adopted as a conditional EPA test
method, many Acid Rain and NOX
Budget Program sources have requested
(and received) permission from EPA to
use it for Part 75 monitoring. As a
condition of these approvals, the
sources were asked to report the
essential wall effects information in
their quarterly electronic data reports
(EDRs). However, EPA had not
developed the necessary electronic
record types (RTs) to accommodate the
rectangular duct WAF information.
Therefore, the Agency issued guidance,
instructing the sources to use existing
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EDR record type 910 to report the WAF
data. But record 910, unlike the other
EDR record types, has no fixed data
elements or fields. This created
problems when the WAF information
began to be reported. Even though
detailed examples were provided in the
EPA guidance, a significant portion of
the WAF data were being entered into
the wrong columns of the 910 records,
making it difficult to perform electronic
audits of the information.
In view of this, EPA created two new
EDR record types, RT 532 and RT 617,
to handle the rectangular duct WAF
data. Record type 532, which is a
monitoring plan record, summarizes the
results of each WAF determination.
Record type 617 is a quality-assurance
record and is submitted along with the
results of each flow RATA performed at
a rectangular stack or duct, when EPA
Method 2 is used and a wall effects
correction is applied.
The Agency provided a mechanism
(the ‘‘Monitoring Data Checking’’ (MDC)
Software) by which a source could
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 162 / Tuesday, August 22, 2006 / Proposed Rules
create the new EDR records and add
them to the quarterly report, without
having to upgrade the data acquisition
and handling system (DAHS). To date,
use of the new record types has been
voluntary, and the affected sources have
been cooperative. Nevertheless, today’s
rule would make mandatory the
recording and reporting of the key
rectangular duct WAF data elements
using these record types. The proposed
requirements to record and report the
results of the WAF determinations in
the monitoring plan are found in
§§ 75.53(e) and (g) and in § 75.64. For a
discussion of the proposed requirement
to record and report the RATA support
data, see Section II.E.5.k, below.
3. Revisions to General Recordkeeping
Provisions for Specific Situations
Today’s proposed rule would make a
series of modifications to § 75.58 to
support the new XML data structure.
These are summarized in Table 2.
Data element(s) or requirement(s)
Proposed action(s)
• For Appendix D units, report ID numbers of formulas
used to calculate SO2 mass emissions and heat input
• For Appendix E units, report the heat input rate formula ID for each unit operating hour.
• For LME units that combust more than one type of
fuel, report the fuel type that produces the highest
NOX emission rate.
• For LME units under § 75.19(c)(1)(iv)(C)(9), indicate
whether unit is operating at base or peak load, each
• For LME units, flag each hour in which multiple fuels
are combusted.
• For LME units using long-term fuel flow, report the
component and system ID codes.
Add to § 75.58(c) ................
This would be required on and after January 1, 2009.
Add to § 75.58(d) ................
This would be required on and after January 1, 2009.
Revise § 75.58(f) ................
Report the fuel type that produces the highest emission
rate for each parameter individually (i.e., for SO2,
NOX, and CO2, as applicable).
This flag is needed to ensure that the proper NOX
emission factor is being applied.
4. Proposed Revisions to the QA/QC
Recordkeeping Provisions
EPA is proposing to make a series of
revisions and additions to the quality
Add to § 75.58(f) .................
Add to § 75.58(f) .................
Revise § 75.58(f) ................
This flag is needed to ensure that the proper emission
factors are used for multiple-fuel hours.
Require only the system ID. Long-term fuel flow systems have only one component.
assurance and quality control
recordkeeping provisions in § 75.59, in
support of the XML data format. These
are summarized in Table 3.
Data element(s) or requirement(s)
Proposed action(s)
• Describe each recertification event, and the date
and type of each recertification test.
Revise § 75.59(a)(8) ...........................
Expand to include events that require certification
and diagnostic testing. Add requirement to report conditional data validation begin date (if applicable). Corresponds to current EDR record
type 556.
Require only the component ID for these tests.
This requirement would be effective on and after
January 1, 2009. The cycle time test for NOXdiluent systems would be simplified.
• Record component and system ID codes for Revise §§ 75.59(a) and (b) .................
daily calibrations, 7-day calibration error tests,
cycle time tests, linearity checks, flow monitor
leak checks and interference tests, and fuel flowmeter accuracy tests.
• Record the test number and reason for test, for Revise § 75.59(a)(1)(viii) .....................
daily calibrations and 7-day calibration error tests.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with PROPOSAL
• Report the span value with the results of each
linearity check.
• Provide an on-line or off-line indicator flag for all
calibration error tests.
Remove from § 75.59(a)(3)(ii) .............
• For flow-to-load tests of multiple stack configurations, indicate whether separate reference ratios
are calculated for each stack.
• Report sufficient information to validate all grace
period claims.
• Record the component and system ID codes for
each fuel flow-to-load ratio test.
• Report Appendix E correlation curve test data on
a monitoring system basis.
• Report the type(s) of fuel(s) combusted during
each run of an Appendix E correlation curve test.
Add, as § 75.59(a)(4)(vii)(M) ...............
• Report the monitoring system ID code with reference fuel flow-to-load ratio test data.
Add, as § 75.59(b)(4)(ii)(N) .................
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Add to § 75.59(a)(1) ............................
§ 75.59(a)(12)(iii).
Revise § 75.59(b)(4)(i)(A) ...................
Revise § 75.59(b)(5) ...........................
Remove § 75.59(b)(5)(i)(H) .................
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Clarify that test number and reason for test code
apply only to 7-day calibration error tests, not to
daily calibrations.
The span value in the monitoring plan records will
be used to evaluate the linearity checks.
This flag is needed to properly assess the hourby-hour quality-assurance status of CEMS following calibration error tests.
This addition is needed for consistency with the
flow-to-load test reporting instructions (current
EDR record type 605).
EPA’s checking software no longer needs this information to evaluate grace periods.
On and after January 1, 2009, record only the system ID for these tests.
On and after January 1, 2009, report this data on
a component basis.
This information is not needed in the new XML
format and would not be reported after December 31, 2008.
This requirement is consistent with the reporting
instructions for the reference fuel flow-to-load
ratio (current EDR record type 629).
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 162 / Tuesday, August 22, 2006 / Proposed Rules
Data element(s) or requirement(s)
Proposed action(s)
• For LME units, indicate which test runs are used
to calculate fuel-and-unit-specific NOX emission
Add, as § 75.59(d)(1)(xiii) ...................
• For LME units, multiply the tested NOX emission
rate by 1.15, if applicable.
Revise § 75.59(d)(2)(iii) and add new
§§ 75.59(d)(2)(vi) and (vii).
• Record the date and hour of completion of all required DAHS verifications, whether for initial certification, recertification, or other events.
Add § 75.59(f) .....................................
• Record the appropriate reference method data
elements for Hg emission tests of low-emitting
Add § 75.59(e) ....................................
Add, as § 75.59(a)(7)(ix) .....................
This requirement is consistent with the reporting
instructions for NOX emission testing of LME
units (current EDR version 2.2, record type
This requirement applies only to turbines that operate only at base or peak load. Consistent with
the reporting instructions (current EDR version
2.2, record type 650), reporting of an hourly
base or peak load indicator and the default NOX
emission rate for peak load operation would be
This requirement would be effective on and after
January 1, 2009. EPA needs this information to
properly establish provisional certification or recertification dates. Proposed changes to
§ 75.63(a)(2)(iii) would allow this information to
be reported electronically as part of the certification or recertification application.
For periodic testing of low mass emission units,
recording of the reference method data elements in either § 75.59(a)(7)(vii), (viii), or (x)
would be required, depending on which reference method is used for the testing.
Recording of certain data elements and test results would be required for units with rectangular ducts/stacks that apply a wall effects adjustment factor (WAF) to correct their flow rate
data. These data elements would be required
for each flow RATA.
Recording of certain data elements would be required when using Method 29 for the RATA of a
Hg monitoring system. These data elements
would be required for each RATA run.
Monitoring system ID
Test number
Operating level
RATA end date and time
Number of Method 1 traverse points
Wall effects adjustment factor
Percent CO2 and O2 in the stack gas, dry basis
Moisture content of the stack gas (percent H2O)
Average stack gas temperature (°F)
Dry gas volume metered (dscm)
Percent isokinetic
Particulate Hg collected in the front half of the
sampling train, corrected for the front-half blank
value (µg)
• Total vapor phase Hg collected in the back half
of the sampling train, corrected for the back-half
blank value (µg)
5. Other Reporting Issues
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with PROPOSAL
a. Long-Term Cold Storage and Deferred
The proposed changes to Part 75
would clarify the issue of ‘‘long-term
cold storage (LTCS)’’. First, as
previously noted, a definition of ‘‘longterm cold storage’’ would be added to
§ 72.2. LTCS would mean that the unit
has been completely shut down and
placed in storage and that the shutdown
is intended to last for an extended
period of time (at least two calendar
years). Second, a new paragraph, (a)(7),
would be added to § 75.61. Proposed
§ 75.61(a)(7) would require the owner or
operator to provide notifications when a
unit is placed in LTCS and when the
unit re-commences operation. Third,
§ 75.20(b) would be modified to require
recertification of all monitoring systems
when a unit re-commences operations
after a period of long-term cold storage.
If a source claiming LTCS status recommenced operation sooner than two
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Add, as § 75.59(a)(7)(x) ......................
years after being placed in LTCS, the
notification and recertification
requirements would apply. Fourth, the
proposed rule would exempt a unit in
LTCS from quarterly emissions
reporting under § 75.64 until the unit
recommences operation. Parallel rule
provisions and appropriate crossreferences regarding quarterly reporting
requirements for Subpart H and Subpart
I units would be added to §§ 75.73(f)(1)
and 75.84(f)(1), respectively. Finally,
EPA notes that these proposed LTCS
provisions are not intended to apply to
periods of non-operation of units that
are ‘‘on-call’’ and available for dispatch.
EPA also proposes to revise the
provisions of §§ 75.4(d) and 75.61(a)(3)
pertaining to ‘‘deferred’’ units, i.e., units
for which a planned or unplanned
outage prevents the required continuous
monitoring systems from being certified
by the compliance date. The scope of
§ 75.4(d) would be broadened beyond
the Acid Rain Program to include units
in a State or Federal pollutant mass
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emissions reduction program that
adopts the monitoring and reporting
provisions of Part 75. Examples of such
programs include the Clean Air
Interstate Regulation (CAIR), which is
scheduled to begin in 2008 and the
Clean Air Mercury Regulation (CAMR),
which goes into effect in 2009. The
revisions to §§ 75.4(d) and 75.61(a)(3)
are deemed necessary because the CAIR
and CAMR rules do not address
deferred units.
Revised § 75.4(d) would require the
owner or operator of a deferred unit to
provide notice of unit shutdown and
recommencement of commercial
operation, either according to
§ 75.61(a)(3) (for planned shutdowns
such as scheduled maintenance outages
and for unplanned, forced unit outages)
or § 75.61(a)(7) (for units in long-term
cold storage). For all of these
circumstances involving deferred units,
the Part 75 continuous monitoring
systems would have to be certified
within 90 unit operating days or 180
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 162 / Tuesday, August 22, 2006 / Proposed Rules
calendar days (whichever comes first) of
the date that the unit recommences
commercial operation. In the time
interval between the unit re-start and
the completion of the required
certification tests, the owner or operator
would be required to report emissions
data, using either: (1) Maximum
potential values; (2) the conditional data
validation procedures of § 75.20(b)(3);
(3) EPA reference methods; or (4)
another procedure approved by petition
to the Administrator under § 75.66.
Today’s proposed rule would revise
the notification requirements of
§ 75.61(a)(3) to be consistent with the
changes to § 75.4(d). For planned unit
outages, the owner or operator would be
required to provide notice of shutdown
at least 21 days prior to the compliance
date. For unplanned outages, notice
would be provided within 7 days after
the shutdown. For both planned and
unplanned outages, notice of the date on
which the unit is expected to resume
operation would be provided at least 21
days prior to that date. Proposed
§ 75.61(a)(3) also includes provisions to
address situations in which there are
changes to any of the planned or
projected dates.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with PROPOSAL
b. Notice of Initial Certification
EPA proposes to revise § 75.61(8) to
require new and newly-affected sources
to notify EPA when the monitoring
system certification deadline is reached.
Depending on the program(s) to which
the unit is subject and whether the unit
is new or newly-affected, this date will
be the earlier of 90 unit operating days
or 180 calendar days after the unit: (a)
Commences commercial operation; (b)
commences operation; or (c) becomes an
affected unit. The Agency must know
this date to correctly assess when to
begin counting emissions against
allowances pursuant to § 72.9. Knowing
this date also confirms that the
monitoring systems either have or have
not been certified by the legal deadline.
c. Monitoring Plan Submittal Deadline
Today’s proposed rule would change
the submittal deadline for the initial
monitoring plan for new and newlyaffected units from 45 days to 21 days
prior to the initial certification testing.
This proposed revision would
synchronize the initial monitoring plan
submittal with the initial test notice (see
proposed changes to §§ 75.62(a)(1) and
(2), §§ 75.73(e)(1) and (2) for Subpart H
units, and §§ 75.84(e)(1) and (e)(2) for
Subpart I units).
EPA also proposes to remove the
requirement in § 75.62(a)(1) that the
monitoring plan must be submitted ‘‘in
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each electronic quarterly report’’.
Rather, inclusion of the monitoring plan
in the report would be optional, and
monitoring plan updates would be made
either prior to or concurrent with (but
not later than) the date of submission of
the quarterly report. These proposed
revisions would allow sources to
maintain their monitoring plan
information separate from the quarterly
report. However, this flexibility would
only be available to sources reporting in
the new XML–EDR format under the reengineered data submission process.
Until re-engineering of the data systems
is complete, EPA will continue to
collect and process all electronic
monitoring plan data submitted in
quarterly reports in the current EDR
d. EPA Form 7610–14
For each certification and
recertification application, §§ 75.63(a)(1)
and (a)(2) require hardcopy EPA form
7610–14 to be submitted to the
Administrator along with the
certification or recertification test
results in EDR format. However,
significant upgrades to EPA’s data
systems have been made in recent years,
and Form 7610–14 is no longer needed
to process the applications. Therefore,
§§ 75.63(a)(1)(i)(A) and (a)(2)(i) would
be revised to remove the requirement to
submit Form 7610–14 to the
e. LME Applications
EPA is proposing to remove the
requirement from § 75.63(a)(1)(ii)(A) for
a hardcopy LME certification
application to be submitted to the
Administrator. Only the electronic
portion of the application, including the
monitoring plan and LME qualification
records, would be sent to EPA. The
hardcopy portion of the LME
application would be sent to the State
and to the EPA Regional Office.
f. Reporting Test Data for Diagnostic
EPA proposes to revise
§ 75.63(a)(2)(iii) to make the reporting of
the results of diagnostic tests more
flexible. Rather than requiring these test
results to be reported in the electronic
quarterly report for the quarter in which
the tests are performed, they could
either be submitted prior to or
concurrent with that quarterly report.
However, this flexibility in the reporting
of diagnostic test results would only be
available to sources reporting in the new
XML–EDR format under the reengineered data submission process.
Until re-engineering of the data systems
is complete, EPA will continue to
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collect and process all diagnostic test
results submitted in quarterly reports in
the current EDR format.
g. Modifications to § 75.64
As part of its data systems reengineering effort, EPA proposes to
revise § 75.64(a) to incorporate language
describing the transition from the
current reporting requirements of
paragraphs (a)(1), (a)(2) and (a)(8)
through (a)(15) to the new requirements
of paragraphs (a)(3) through (a)(15).
Note that only the requirements of
paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of the
current rule would be replaced, by the
requirements of paragraphs (a)(3)
through (a)(7). Proposed paragraphs
(a)(3) through (a)(7) better describe the
separation of the monitoring plan and
quality assurance test information from
the quarterly emissions report. Current
paragraphs (a)(3) through (a)(7) and
(a)(9) through (a)(11) would remain
unchanged, but would be renumbered
as paragraphs (a)(8) through (a)(15).
Current paragraph (a)(8) would be
h. Steam Load Reporting
Historically, Part 75 has required
units that produce electrical or thermal
output to report unit load either in
megawatts or in thousands of pounds
per hour of steam. Today’s proposed
rule would add a third option, i.e., to
report load in units of mmBtu/hr of
steam thermal output. This option is
needed to accommodate emissions
trading programs in which allowance
allocations are made on an electrical or
thermal output basis, rather than a heat
input basis. Certain units in these
programs (e.g., industrial boilers) do not
produce electrical output and would
have to report thermal output instead. In
the current rule, steam load is expressed
only in thousands of pounds per hour,
which does not provide the necessary
thermal output information. EPA
therefore proposes to add text to the
following sections of Part 75, describing
the new thermal output reporting
option: §§ 75.16(e)(3), 75.57(b)(3),
75.59(b)(4)(ii); Appendix A, Sections
7.7(a) and 7.7(c); Appendix B, Sections
2.2.5(a) and 2.2.5(a)(2); Appendix D,
and; and Appendix E, Section
i. Test Notification Requirements—Hg
Low Mass Emission Units
Section 75.61(a)(5) of the current rule
requires the owner or operator or the
designated representative to provide 21day advance notice for various periodic
quality-assurance tests. In particular,
this notice must be provided to the
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 162 / Tuesday, August 22, 2006 / Proposed Rules
Administrator, to the appropriate EPA
Regional Office and to the State or local
agency (unless a particular agency
issues a waiver from the requirement)
for the semiannual or annual relative
accuracy tests of CEMS, and for re-tests
of both Appendix E peaking units and
low mass emissions (LME) units.
Under Subpart I of Part 75, certain
low-emitting units covered by CAMR
may qualify under §§ 75.81(b) through
(d) to perform periodic (semiannual or
annual) Hg emission testing in lieu of
operating and maintaining continuous
Hg monitoring systems. Today’s
proposed rule would expand
§ 75.61(a)(5) and add corresponding
introductory text to § 75.61(a)(1) to
require the owner or operator or the
designated representative to provide 21
day notice of these periodic Hg emission
tests to EPA and to the State.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with PROPOSAL
j. Hardcopy Reports for Retests of Hg
Low Mass Emission Units
Sections 75.60(b)(6) and (b)(7) of the
current rule require the designated
representative (DR) to submit the results
of certain periodic quality-assurance
tests to the appropriate EPA Regional
Office or to the State or local agency,
when the test results are requested in
writing (or by electronic mail). In
particular, the results of semiannual or
annual RATAs of CEMS and the routine
re-tests of Appendix E units may be
requested. If requested, the test results
must be submitted within 45 days after
the test is completed or within 15 days
of the request, whichever is later.
Today’s rule would add a new
paragraph (b)(8) to § 75.60, requiring the
DR to provide, upon request from EPA
or the State, the results of the
semiannual or annual mercury emission
tests required under § 75.81(d)(4) for
low-emitting units covered by CAMR.
The time frame for submitting these Hg
emission test results would be the same
as for the RATAs and Appendix E retests.
k. Wall Effects Adjustment Factors
As previously discussed in Section
II.E.2 of this preamble, today’s rule
would require sources with flow
monitors installed on rectangular stacks
or ducts to report the results of wall
effects adjustment factor (WAF)
determinations in the monitoring plan,
whenever Conditional Method CTM–
041 is used to adjust the measured stack
gas flow rates for the effects of velocity
decay near the stack wall.
For sources with flow monitors
installed on circular stacks, reporting of
wall effects information is currently
required when Method 2H is used in
conjunction with Method 2, 2F or 2G
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(see §§ 75.64(a)(2)(xiii), 75.73(f)(1)(ii)(K)
and 75.84(f)(1)(ii)(I)). The wall effects
data elements that must be reported are
found in §§ 75.59(a)(7)(ii) and (a)(7)(iii).
These data are not reported in the
monitoring plan, but are submitted
along with flow RATA results, as
supplementary information.
For rectangular stacks and ducts,
some of the same supporting data
elements in §§ 75.59(a)(7)(ii) and
(a)(7)(iii) are needed for flow RATAs
performed using Method 2F or 2G,
when wall effects corrections are
applied. Additional supporting data
elements, not in the current rule, are
also needed for Method 2 flow RATAs
when wall effects adjustments are made.
In view of this, today’s rule would
revise the text of §§ 75.64(a)(2)(xiii),
75.73(f)(1)(ii)(K) and 75.84(f)(1)(ii)(I)
and would add RATA support data
elements to a new paragraph, (vii), in
§ 75.59(a)(7). EPA believes that these
proposed changes will clarify which
wall effects data elements must be
reported for circular stacks, which ones
are reported for rectangular stacks and
ducts, and which data elements must be
reported for both types of stacks.
F. Subpart H (NOX Mass Emissions)
1. Subpart H Diluent Monitoring
For coal-fired Subpart H units that
calculate NOX mass emissions as the
product of NOX concentration and flow
rate and are required to monitor and
report the unit heat input, § 75.71(a)(2)
requires the installation of an ‘‘O2 or
CO2 diluent gas monitor’’. Consistent
with the definition of a CEMS in § 72.2,
this diluent monitor, which is only used
for the heat input determination, should
be described as an ‘‘O2 or CO2
monitoring system’’. Today’s proposed
rule would revise the text of
§ 75.71(a)(2) accordingly.
2. Identifying a NOX Mass Methodology
EPA is proposing to revise § 75.72 to
clarify that only one NOX mass
emissions methodology may be
identified in the monitoring plan at any
given time. Designation of primary and
secondary NOX mass calculation
methodologies would no longer be
allowed. EPA believes that one
methodology for NOX mass emissions is
sufficient. If a source is subject to both
Subpart H and to the Acid Rain Program
(ARP) and is concerned about losing
NOX data when the diluent component
of the NOX emission rate system is outof-control, that source should choose
the NOX concentration times flow rate
calculation method as the NOX mass
calculation methodology. This would
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require a NOX concentration system to
be identified in the monitoring plan, in
addition to the NOX emission rate
system. The NOX concentration system
would be used only to determine NOX
mass emissions, and the NOX emission
rate system would be used only to meet
the ARP requirement to report NOX in
Although it is possible with the
current EDR format to identify multiple
methodologies for a parameter, this was
intended for ARP applications, not for
NOX mass emission measurement.
Multiple methodology records for SO2
are sometimes necessary when a bypass
stack is used. However, as discussed in
Section II.E.1 of this preamble, the
reporting of monitoring methodologies
is being restructured as part of EPA’s reengineering effort. Bypass stack
methods are being integrated with other
monitoring methods and will no longer
be considered stand-alone
3. Reporting of Subpart H Facility
Consistent with the proposed
revisions to § 75.64, EPA proposes to
revise § 75.73(f)(1), to phase out the
requirement of § 75.73(f)(1)(i)(B) to
include facility location information in
each quarterly report.
4. Linearity Check Requirements for
Ozone Season-Only Reporters
For Subpart H sources that report
emissions data on an ozone season-only
(OSO) basis, today’s proposed rule
would revise the linearity check
provisions in §§ 75.74(c)(2), (c)(2)(i),
(c)(2)(ii), (c)(3)(ii), (c)(3)(vi), and
(c)(3)(viii). Currently, OSO reporters are
required to do a pre-season linearity
check, an in-season second quarter
linearity check (in May or June, if the
unit operates for ≥168 hours in May and
June), and a third quarter linearity
check, if the unit operates for ≥168
hours in that quarter. Many sources
have misunderstood these rule
provisions, particularly the requirement
to perform an in-season linearity check
in the second quarter.
Since the beginning of the NOX
Budget Program, there have been a
number of instances where sources have
performed pre-season linearity checks
in April, but have not done the required
in-season linearity checks in May or
June. In some cases, this has resulted in
CEMS out-of-control periods and has
required the use of missing data
substitution. These sources apparently
believed that the April tests were
sufficient to satisfy both the pre-season
and second quarter linearity check
requirements because for year-round
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with PROPOSAL
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 162 / Tuesday, August 22, 2006 / Proposed Rules
reporters, linearity checks are required
only once per quarter.
The current rule also requires OSO
reporters to operate and maintain each
CEMS and to perform daily calibration
error tests, in the time period extending
from the hour of completion of the preseason linearity check through April 30.
EPA has found that this rule provision
is not well-understood by the affected
sources. It is also difficult for the
Agency to assess compliance with the
provision, since sources are not required
to report the results of any off-season
calibration error tests done prior to
April. Further, when pre-season
linearity checks are done several
months before the ozone season, the
quality of the data at the start of the
ozone season is somewhat questionable.
In view of these considerations,
today’s proposed rule would revise
§ 75.74(c)(2) to restrict the time period
in which pre-season linearity checks
may be conducted. EPA proposes to
require the pre-season linearity checks
to be done in the month of April. All
references to performing the pre-season
linearity checks at other times would be
deleted, along with the requirement to
keep the off-season daily calibration
error tests in a format suitable for
Today’s proposed rule would also
revise § 75.74(c)(2)(i)(D) by removing
the conditional grace period provision
and adding a cross-reference to
proposed § 75.74(c)(3)(ii)(E), which
addresses data validation. If the April
linearity check is not completed prior to
the start of the ozone season, data from
the monitor would be considered
invalid as of May 1, unless the
conditional data validation procedures
of § 75.20(b)(3) are applied. Proposed
§ 75.74(c)(3)(ii)(E) would allow a
probationary calibration error test to be
done, to begin a period of conditional
data validation. Then, the linearity
check would be done ‘‘hands-off’’
within a 168 unit operating hour period
following the calibration error test. If the
linearity check is passed within the
allotted time, the conditionally valid
data would be considered qualityassured, back to the hour of the
probationary calibration error test. If the
linearity check is failed, all data from
the monitor would be invalidated back
to the beginning of the ozone season and
would remain invalid until a linearity
check is passed. If the linearity check is
done after the 168-hour period expires,
data validation would be done
according to § 75.20(b)(3)(viii), subject
to the restrictions of § 75.74(c)(3)(xii).
Today’s proposed rule would add a
new paragraph (F) to § 75.74(c)(3)(ii),
stating that a pre-season linearity check
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done in April fulfills the second quarter
linearity check requirement. Related
Section 75.74(c)(3)(viii) would be
removed and reserved. Further,
proposed § 75.74(c)(3)(ii)(B) would
require the third quarter linearity check
to be conducted either by July 30 or
within a 168 operating hour period of
conditional data validation thereafter.
Finally, proposed § 75.74(c)(3)(ii)(G)
would address the case where a unit
operates infrequently and the 168
operating hour conditional data
validation period associated with the
April linearity check extends through
the second quarter, into the third
quarter. In that case, if the linearity
check is performed and passed in the
third quarter, before the 168 operating
hour window expires, then that one
linearity check would satisfy all three of
the ozone season linearity check
requirements, i.e., for the pre-season, for
the second quarter, and for the third
EPA believes that the proposed
linearity check schedule for OSO
reporters would ensure that the gas
monitors’ response is linear throughout
the ozone season and would simplify
the regulation by reducing the number
of required linearity checks from three
to two (and in some cases, one) per
5. RATA Requirements for Ozone
Season Only Reporters
For OSO reporters, Part 75 requires,
for quality-assurance purposes, that at
the start of each ozone season each
required CEMS must be within the
‘‘window’’ of data validation of a
current, non-expired RATA. Section
75.74(c)(2)(ii) states that this
requirement can be met either by
performing a RATA in the pre-season
(between October 1 and April 30) or, in
some instances, by relying on the results
of a RATA done in the previous ozone
season. For example, if a RATA was
performed inside the ozone season, in
the 3rd quarter of last year, the window
of data validation for the test would
extend through the 3rd quarter of this
year, provided that the RATA results
show that the CEMS qualifies for an
‘‘annual’’ RATA frequency. However, if
a ‘‘semiannual’’ test frequency is
obtained, the data validation window
would expire at the end of the first
quarter of this year, and the RATA
could not be used to validate data in the
current ozone season. Therefore, a preseason RATA would be required.
The rule further requires each CEMS
to be operated, calibrated and
maintained in the time period extending
from the completion of the RATA,
through April 30. This means that if the
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RATA being used for data validation in
the current ozone season was performed
during the last ozone season, the CEMS
would have to be operated, calibrated
and maintained for the entire off-season
from October 1 through April 30.
Compliance with this type of
requirement is difficult for EPA to
assess, as previously explained in
paragraph 4 of this section. Also, many
sources choosing the OSO reporting
option find this operation and
maintenance (O&M) requirement to be
counter-intuitive, because they expect to
be required to meet Part 75 monitoring
obligations only during the ozone
season. If it were discovered during an
audit that this O&M requirement had
not been met, a facility could incur
substantial data loss. Further, if a CEMS
is not maintained in a manner
consistent with normal operating
practices for an extended period of time
following a RATA that was done long
before the ozone season, the results of
that RATA may not be a true indicator
of the CEMS data quality at the start of
the ozone season.
In view of these considerations, EPA
is proposing to restrict the window of
time in which pre-season RATAs may
be performed. Proposed § 75.74(c)(2)(ii)
would require the RATAs to be done
either in the first quarter of the year or
in the month of April. This restriction
would prohibit RATAs done in the
previous year from being used to
validate data in the current ozone
Section 75.74(c)(2)(ii)(F) would be
revised to address data validation. The
proposed data validation rules for
RATAs would be similar to those
proposed for linearity checks, i.e., a
period of conditional data validation
(720 operating hours) would be allowed
when the pre-season RATA is not
completed by the April 30 deadline.
Consistent with these revisions, today’s
proposed rule would delete the data
validation and conditional grace period
provisions in §§ 75.74(c)(2)(ii)(G) and
(c)(2)(ii)(H) and would remove and
reserve §§ 75.74(c)(3)(vi), (vii), and
Note that EPA is not modifying the
provisions of § 75.74(c)(3)(xii), which
allows the results of required quality
assurance tests that are completed early
in the fourth quarter, within a window
of conditional data validation, to be
submitted with the electronic data
report for the third quarter. This
provision provides sources with a ‘‘last
chance’’ opportunity to complete the
required quality assurance tests before
the final ozone season reports for the
NOX Budget program are due.
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 162 / Tuesday, August 22, 2006 / Proposed Rules
6. Determining Peaking Status for Ozone
Season Only Reporters
EPA proposes to revise § 75.74(c)(11)
to clarify that when peaking unit status
for ozone season-only reporters is
determined, 3,672 hours (i.e., the
number of hours in the ozone season)
should be used instead of 8,760 hours
in the capacity factor equation. This
clarification is supported by Question
27.1 in the ‘‘Part 75 Emissions
Monitoring Policy Manual’’.
7. Calculation of Ozone Season NOX
Mass Emissions—LME Units
Today’s rule would correct an
organizational error in Subpart H of Part
75. Section 75.72(f), which describes
ozone season NOX mass calculations for
units using the low mass emission
(LME) methodology under § 75.19,
would be removed, and its basic content
would be relocated to § 75.71(e). The
LME provision in § 75.72 appears to
have been inadvertently placed in that
section. The monitoring provisions of
§ 75.72 apply to common and multiple
stack configurations, whereas § 75.71
addresses unit-level monitoring. LME is
a unit-level monitoring methodology.
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G. Subpart I (Hg Mass Emissions)
1. Heat Input Provisions for Common
and Multiple Stacks
Subpart I of Part 75 provides the basic
procedures for monitoring Hg mass
emissions and heat input from affected
units under CAMR. However, due to an
apparent oversight, the heat input
monitoring provisions for certain
monitoring configurations were
inadvertently omitted from the final
rule. In particular, the heat input
methodology for common stacks shared
by affected and non-affected units, and
the methodology for multiple stack or
duct configurations are missing. Today’s
rule would add three new paragraphs,
(b)(3), (c)(4) and (d)(3) to § 75.82 to
correct this deficiency.
For the common stack shared by
affected and non-affected units,
proposed § 75.82(b)(3) would require
the owner or operator to either measure
the total heat input rate at the common
stack and apportion it to the individual
units by load, according to § 75.16(e)(3),
or to determine the heat input rate at the
individual units by installing a flow
monitor and a diluent monitor on the
duct leading from each unit to the
common stack. For multiple stack
configurations, proposed §§ 75.82(c)(4)
and (d)(3) would require the owner or
operator to determine the hourly unit
heat input by measuring the hourly heat
input rate (mmBtu/hr) at each stack,
multiplying each stack heat input rate
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by the stack operating time (hr) to
convert it to heat input (mmBtu), and
then summing the hourly stack heat
input values.
2. Low Mass Emission Alternative
Section 75.81(b) of Subpart I provides
an alternative (‘‘excepted’’) monitoring
methodology for units with low Hg mass
emissions. To qualify to use this
methodology, emission testing is
required to demonstrate that the unit
has the potential to emit no more than
29 lb (464 ounces) of Hg per year. Once
a unit qualifies, periodic retesting
(semiannual or annual, depending on
the emission level) is required to
demonstrate that the unit is actually
emitting less than 29 lb/yr of Hg.
Section 75.81(e) allows the low mass
emission alternative to be used for
common stacks, provided that the units
sharing the stack are tested individually
and each one qualifies as a low-emitter.
Though not explicitly stated in the rule,
it is implied that the periodic retests for
common stack configurations would
also have to be done at the unit level.
EPA is reconsidering this approach, for
two reasons: (1) With respect to the
initial certification testing, it appears to
be overly restrictive for at least one
particular configuration; and (2) the
Agency believes that for the retests it
may be unnecessarily difficult and
costly to implement.
Therefore, with one exception
(discussed below), EPA is proposing to
revise § 75.81(e) to require Hg testing of
the individual units that share the
common stack only for the initial
demonstration that the units
individually qualify as low emitters.
Once this has been satisfactorily
demonstrated, the required semiannual
or annual retests could then be done at
the common stack, at a normal load
level for the configuration.
The proposed revisions to § 75.81(e)
would also allow the initial low mass
emitter qualification for a group of
identical units sharing a common stack
to be based on emission testing of a
subset of those units. To exercise this
option, the units would first have to
qualify as identical under
§ 75.19(c)(1)(iv)(B). Then, the number of
units required to be tested would be
determined from Table LM–4 in § 75.19.
The proposed rule would allow one
exception to the requirement to test the
individual units sharing a common
stack, in order to demonstrate that the
units qualify for low mass emitter
status. In the case where the gas streams
from the individual units are combined
together and routed through emission
controls that reduce the Hg
concentration (e.g., a wet scrubber)
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before entering the common stack, the
only way to measure the controlled Hg
concentration from the individual units
would be to operate them one at a time
rather than concurrently. EPA believes
that for many such configurations, this
manner of unit operation is abnormal
and potentially problematic. Therefore,
the revisions to § 75.81(e) would allow
both the initial and ongoing low mass
emission testing to be done at the
common stack in cases where the
individual unit effluent gas streams are
combined together upstream of a control
device that removes Hg before entering
the common stack. Owners or operators
electing to use this option would be
required to perform the testing with all
of the units that share the stack in
operation, and the combined load
during the testing would be ‘‘normal’’,
as defined in Section of
Appendix A.
Today’s proposed rule would also
revise § 75.81(c)(1), to clarify the time
frame in which to perform the initial
certification testing for the low mass
emission option. The current rule
simply states that this testing must be
done ‘‘prior to the compliance date in
§ 75.80(b)’’, but does not specify how far
in advance of that date the testing may
be done and still be considered
acceptable. Further, § 75.81(d)(1)
requires the test results to be submitted
as a certification application, no later
than 45 days after completing the
testing. And § 75.81(d)(4) requires
periodic Hg retesting to commence
within two or four ‘‘QA operating
quarters’’ after the quarter of the
certification testing.
This approach to implementing the
low mass emission alternative should
work reasonably well, provided that the
certification test date is close in time to
the compliance date. However if there is
too long a gap between the certification
testing and the start of the program, it
becomes problematic. For instance, if
the testing is done too early, the
requirement to submit a certification
application within 45 days could result
in applications being submitted long
before the regulatory agencies are ready
to receive and process them. Also, the
periodic retesting requirements of
§ 75.81(d)(4), which become active on
the certification test date, could result in
several Hg retests being done before the
program begins. This is clearly contrary
to the purpose of the retests, which, like
the periodic relative accuracy tests of
CEMS, are intended to commence after
the compliance date, when Hg
emissions reporting has begun. It also
raises questions about which default
emission rate to use for the initial
reporting. In view of these
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considerations, EPA is proposing to
revise § 75.81(c)(1), to require that the
Hg testing for initial certification be
done no more than 1 year before the
compliance date. Sections 75.81(d)(2)
and 75.81(d)(5) would also be revised,
to address the case where a retest may
be required before the compliance date
(e.g., when § 75.81(d)(4) requires a retest
within two QA operating quarters,
following a certification test that was
done 9 to 12 months before the
compliance date). In such cases, the
default Hg emission rate used at the
beginning of the program would be the
value that was obtained in the retest.
Finally, EPA proposes to amend
§ 75.81(d)(4) to address the emission
testing requirements when the fuel
supply is changed. Revised § 75.81(d)(4)
would require additional Hg retesting
within 720 unit operating hours,
following a change in the fuel supply.
The results of this retest would be
applied retrospectively, back to the time
of the fuel switch. Section 75.81(c)(1)
would also be revised to require that the
fuel combusted during the initial
certification testing be from the same
source of supply as the fuel combusted
when the program starts. The Agency
believes these rule provisions are
necessary to ensure that the default Hg
concentration used for Part 75 reporting
is representative of the fuel being
combusted in the unit. However, note
that the proposed revisions only address
the emission testing and reporting
requirements for one case, i.e., where
the source of supply for the primary fuel
(assumed to be coal) changes. Cases
where the coal supply does not change,
but the unit sometimes burns other
types of fuel besides coal or co-fires
mixtures of coal and other fuels, are not
addressed. In view of this, EPA also
solicits comments and suggestions on
how to apply the Hg low mass emitter
option in these situations (i.e., what
emission testing and reporting
requirements might be appropriate).
3. Harmonization of Subpart I With
Other Proposed Rule Revisions
Subpart I of Part 75 also contains a
recordkeeping and reporting section
(§ 75.84). Section 75.84 contains a few
stand-alone provisions, but for the most
part, it cross-references the primary
monitoring plan, recordkeeping,
notification and reporting sections of
the rule (i.e., §§ 75.53, 75.57 through
75.59, 75.61, and 75.64) and other
sections of Subpart I.
As discussed in detail in Section E of
this preamble, today’s rule would make
substantial revisions to the monitoring
plan, recordkeeping and reporting
sections of Part 75, in support of EPA’s
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data systems re-engineering effort. To
make Subpart I consistent with these
proposed revisions and with the other
proposed changes in today’s rule, a
number of minor adjustments would
also be made to the text of
§§ 75.84(c)(3), (e)(1), (e)(2), and (f)(1).
H. Appendix A
1. CO2 Span Values
EPA proposes to revise Section 2.1.3
of Appendix A, to allow the use of CO2
spans less than 6.0 percent CO2 if a
technical justification is provided in the
hardcopy monitoring plan. This added
flexibility in the CO2 span value mirrors
a similar provision in Section 2.1.3 for
O2 span values.
2. Protocol Gas Audit Program
EPA is responsible for implementing
air quality programs that rely on
accurate calibration gases. Under these
programs, calibration gases are used to
calibrate EPA reference methods which,
in turn, are used to perform stack tests
or to calibrate installed pollutant
continuous emissions monitoring
systems (CEMs) that are used by
regulated sources to report emissions to
EPA. If the reference methods are low
by 20%, then emissions may be
underreported by 20%. Calibration
gases are also used to ensure that
ambient air quality analyzers provide
accurate results. Accurate calibrations
gases are critical in helping to ensure
that the Clean Air Act-mandated
emission reductions are achieved.
Section 2.1.10 of ‘‘EPA Traceability
Protocol for Assay and Certification of
Gaseous Calibration Standards’’
(Protocol Procedures), September 1997
(EPA–600/R–97/121) states that EPA
will periodically assess the accuracy of
calibration gases and publish the
results. Between 1978 and 1996, EPA
conducted several performance audits of
calibration gases from various
manufacturers. These audits had two
goals, to provide a quality check for gas
vendors and to connect users with gas
vendors. One notable result in the most
recent five consecutive years of audits is
a steady, significant reduction in failure
rate of the calibration gases, from about
27% in 1992 down to 5% in 1996. In
2003, EPA conducted a ‘‘surprise’’ audit
of 14 national specialty gas producers
and found that the failure rate had risen
to 11%.
Today’s proposed rule would require
that EPA Protocol Gases being used for
40 CFR Part 75 purposes be obtained
from those specialty gas producers who
participate in the audit program. Under
the proposed rule, only audit
participants may market these gas
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standards as ‘‘EPA Protocol Gases’’,
although there will be no requirement
for participants’ audited standards to
meet an accuracy acceptance criterion.
The costs of the audits will be borne by
the gas producers who elect to
participate in the audits. Although it
may take several years to revise all of
the EPA monitoring regulations in 40
CFR Parts 58 and 60, today’s proposed
rule would ensure that under Part 75,
any specialty gas producers who do not
participate in the program will not have
a price advantage (due to the lack of
audit program costs) over those
producers who do participate. An EPAmaintained web site will list the
participants and the audit results, which
will provide calibration gas users with
detailed information about the quality of
EPA Protocol Gases.
To clarify the calibration gas
requirements in section 5.1 of appendix
A to this part, a definition for ‘‘specialty
gas producer’’ has been added to section
72.2. EPA believes that most of the gas
standards and reference materials
identified in section 5.1 of appendix A
of this part are expensive and not used
in practice by Part 75 affected units.
Therefore, today’s proposed rule also
deletes several calibration gas options
and definitions, and consolidates the
remaining calibration gas descriptions
under section 5.1 of appendix A to this
EPA is also requesting comment on
the appropriate accuracy specification
to apply to Hg cylinder gases and other
Hg calibration standards (e.g., gases
from NIST-traceable generators).
Currently, EPA requires that accuracy of
EPA Protocol gases be within 2 percent
of the certified tag values.
3. Requirements for Air Emission
Testing Bodies
Since the inception of the Acid Rain
Program, field audits of Part 75-affected
facilities have brought to EPA’s
attention a number of improperlyperformed RATAs and other QA/QC
tests. When the proper test procedures
are not followed, this can adversely
affect the quality of the emissions data,
and, in some cases, may call into
question a unit’s compliance with the
requirement to hold allowances
covering its emissions. In view of this,
today’s proposed rule would revise
Section 6.1 of Appendix A to require all
individuals who perform the emission
tests and CEMS performance
evaluations required by Part 75 to
demonstrate conformance with ASTM
D7036–04 ‘‘Standard Practice for
Competence of Air Emission Testing
Bodies’’. ASTM D7036–04 specifies the
general requirements for demonstrating
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 162 / Tuesday, August 22, 2006 / Proposed Rules
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that an air emission testing body (AETB)
is competent to perform emission tests
of stationary sources. ASTM D7036–04
covers testing and calibration performed
using standard methods, non-standard
methods and methods developed by the
Proposed Section 6.1.2 of Appendix A
and revisions to Section 2.1 of
Appendix E and to Section 1 of
Appendix B would make it clear that
this requirement applies only to AETBs
that perform RATAs, NOX emission
tests of Appendix E and LME units, or
Hg emission tests of low-emitting units.
It would not be applicable to the daily
operation, daily QA/QC (daily
calibration error check, daily flow
interference check, etc.), weekly QA/QC
(i.e., Hg system integrity checks),
quarterly QA/QC (linearity checks, etc.),
and routine maintenance of the CEMS.
ASTM D7036–04 would be
incorporated by reference in
§ 75.6(a)(45), and a definition of ‘‘Air
Emission Testing Body’’ would be
added to § 72.2.
4. Linearity Requirements for Dual-Span
Section 6.2 in Appendix A and
Section 2.2 in Appendix B require the
owner or operator of affected units with
installed gas monitors to perform
periodic linearity checks of the
monitors. The basic linearity check
requirements are to perform the test for
initial certification and then, for
ongoing quality assurance (QA), to
repeat the test quarterly. In the original
Part 75 regulations (published on
January 11, 1993), there were no
exceptions to these requirements.
However, in May 1999, EPA revised
the linearity check provisions of Part 75
as follows. First, Section 6.2 of
Appendix A was revised to exempt SO2
and NOX span values of 30 ppm or less
from performing linearity checks.
Second, revisions to Section 2.2 of
Appendix B reduced the ongoing
linearity check requirement from once
per calendar quarter to once every ‘‘QA
operating quarter’’ (i.e., a calendar
quarter in which the unit operates for at
least 168 hours).
Since the May 1999 revisions became
effective, the regulated sources appear
to have understood the ‘‘QA operating
quarter’’ concept in Section 2.2 of
Appendix B, but there has been some
confusion about the meaning of the
linearity exemption in Appendix A.
Some have questioned whether the
linearity exemption applies only to
ongoing QA or whether it applies also
to initial certification. Others have
asked whether the exemption applies
only to a particular measurement range
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or to all of the linearity check
requirements for a monitoring system.
The misunderstanding appears to center
around two sentences in Section 6.2.
The first sentence states that
‘‘Notwithstanding these requirements, if
the SO2 or NOX span value for a
particular range is ≤ 30 ppm, that range
is exempted from the linearity test
requirements of this part.’’ Since the
phrase ‘‘of this part’’ refers to Part 75,
this seems to exempt ranges of 30 ppm
or less from all Part 75 linearity
requirements, including initial
certification and ongoing QA. However,
the second sentence states that ‘‘For
units using emission controls and other
units using both a high and a low span,
perform a linearity check on both the
low- and high-scales for initial
certification.’’ Thus, for dual span
applications, this statement appears to
require linearity checks of both
measurement scales for initial
certification regardless of the span
values, which does not harmonize with
the 30 ppm exemption.
EPA believes that the key to
understanding and reconciling these
rule texts is the chronological order of
the two sentences. The second sentence
is from the original 1993 rule and the
first sentence was added in 1999.
Therefore, the 30 ppm linearity check
exemption in the first sentence takes
precedence over the low scale linearity
check requirement of the second, and
there is no actual contradiction.
However, to eliminate any doubt as to
the Agency’s intended meaning, today’s
rule would revise Section 6.2 of
Appendix A to make it clear that the 30
ppm linearity exemption: (1) Is rangespecific; (2) covers both initial
certification and ongoing QA; (3) does
not remove the requirement to perform
linearity checks of the high range (if >
30 ppm) for dual span applications; and
(4) does not take away the linearity
check requirements for the diluent
monitor component of a NOX-diluent
monitoring system.
5. Dual Span Applications—Data
Today’s proposed rule would revise
Sections (b)(2) and
of Appendix A to clarify the
relationship between the qualityassured (QA) status of the low and high
ranges of a gas monitor in a dual-span
application. The changes would be
consistent with the proposed revisions
to Appendix B (see Section II.I.3,
In the current rule, Sections and of
Appendix A provide instructions for
reporting SO2 and NOX concentration
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data when the full-scale range of the
monitor is exceeded. For single-range
applications, a value of 200 percent of
the maximum potential concentration
(MPC) must be reported when a fullscale exceedance occurs. For dual range
applications, if the low range is
exceeded, no special reporting is
necessary, provided that the high range
is ‘‘available and not out-of-control or
out-of-service for any reason’’. However,
if the high range is ‘‘not able to provide
quality-assured data’’ during the lowrange exceedance, then the MPC must
be reported.
EPA believes that for dual range
applications, the two phrases used to
describe the QA status of the high range
during low-scale exceedances, i.e.,
‘‘available and not out-of-control or outof-service for any reason’’ and ‘‘not able
to provide quality assured data’’, are too
general and do not adequately address
the possible scenarios associated with
dual range monitoring. Today’s rule
would revise these rule texts by defining
the QA status of the high range in terms
of its most recent calibration error and
linearity checks. Provided that both of
these QA tests are still ‘‘active’’, i.e.,
their windows of data validation have
not expired, the high range would be
considered in-control and able to
provide quality-assured data. However
if either of the tests has expired, data
recorded on the high range would be
considered invalid until the expired test
was repeated and passed. The MPC
would have to be reported until the
expired high-range test is redone or
until the data return to the low scale.
These revisions would clarify that
when the low range is up-to-date on its
QA tests but the high range is not, the
QA statuses of the two ranges are
evaluated separately and may be
different. However, as explained in
greater detail in Section II.I.3, below, the
QA statuses of the low and high ranges
are not necessarily independent when a
calibration error test or a linearity check
on one of the ranges is failed.
6. Cycle Time Test—Stability Criteria
The cycle time test described in
Section 6.4 of Appendix A is required
for the initial certification and
recertification of gas monitoring
systems, and occasionally as a
diagnostic test. The ‘‘upscale’’ portion of
the test consists of injecting a zero-level
calibration gas, allowing the reading to
stabilize, recording it, and then stopping
the calibration gas flow, waiting until a
stable reading of the source emissions is
obtained, and recording it. The
‘‘downscale’’ portion of the test is
performed in like manner, except that a
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high-level calibration gas is used instead
of the zero-level gas.
Section 6.4 currently specifies criteria
for determining when a stable reading
has been obtained. The reading is
considered stable if it changes by less
than 2.0 percent of the span value for 2
minutes or less than 6.0 percent from
the average concentration over 6
minutes. These criteria are reasonable
when the source effluent concentrations
are moderate or high. However, when
concentrations are very low, the criteria
are quite stringent and can be very
difficult to meet. For example, if the
span value of a NOX analyzer is 10 ppm
and the average measured source
emissions are 3 ppm, the source
emissions would have to remain
constant within about 0.2 ppm for the
specified amount of time to meet the
stability criteria.
In recent years, hundreds of new
combustion turbines (CTs) have been
built. The vast majority are subject to
Part 75, are equipped with NOX
monitoring systems, and have NOX
permit limits less than 10 ppm.
Therefore, the 0.2 ppm cycle time
stability criterion in the example above
is realistic and applies to many of these
new CTs. To provide a measure of relief
for these low-emitting sources, today’s
rule would add alternative stability
criteria to Section 6.4 of Appendix A.
By the alternative criteria, an SO2 or
NOX reading would be considered stable
if it changed by no more than 0.5 ppm
for 2 minutes or, for a diluent monitor,
if it changed by no more than 0.2% CO2
or O2 for 2 minutes. EPA believes these
alternative stability criteria are needed
to ensure that minor temporal variations
in the concentration of the source
effluent do not cause testers to
overestimate the amount of time it takes
to achieve stable readings, resulting in
‘‘false positive’’ failures of the cycle
time test.
7. System Integrity and Linearity Checks
of Hg CEMS
Subpart I of Part 75 includes
certification test procedures and
performance specifications for Hg
CEMS. The required certification tests
for a Hg CEMS include a 3-level system
integrity check, using a NIST-traceable
source of oxidized Hg and a 3-level
linearity check, using elemental Hg
standards. The performance
specification for the system integrity
check, which is found in paragraph
(3)(iii) of Appendix A, Section 3.2,
states that the system measurement
error must not exceed 5.0 percent of the
span value at any of the three
calibration gas levels. However no
explanation of how to calculate the
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measurement error is provided. Today’s
proposed rule would restructure
paragraph (3) of Section 3.2 (as
described in the next paragraph) and
add the necessary mathematical
EPA is also proposing to make the
linearity and system integrity check
specifications for Hg monitors the same.
The principal linearity error
specification in Section 3.2(3)(i) is
currently 10.0 percent of the reference
gas tag value at each calibration
concentration, when calculated
according to Equation A–4. The
alternative specification in Section
3.2(3)(ii) allows an absolute difference
of up to 1.0 µg/m3 between the average
reference gas and monitor values at each
calibration gas level. Today’s proposed
rule would replace the principal
linearity error specification with a
specification of 5.0 percent of the span
value, and would lower the alternative
specification to 0.6 µg/m3. Further, the
same 0.6 µg/m3 alternative specification
would be added to the rule for the
system integrity check.
The reason for making these changes
is that nearly all Hg monitors are
equipped with a converter and measure
the total vapor phase Hg (i.e., oxidized
plus elemental) as elemental Hg.
Therefore, the performance specification
for the linearity check, which is done
with elemental Hg, should be at least as
stringent as the performance for the
system integrity check, which is done
with oxidized Hg. Because the current
linearity specifications are less stringent
than the specification for the system
integrity check, EPA proposes to revise
and restructure paragraph (3) in Section
3.2 of Appendix A, to make the
performance specifications the same for
linearity checks and system integrity
checks of Part 75 Hg monitors (this
includes both the 3-level and singlelevel system integrity checks). The
alternative performance specification is
deemed necessary for low (10 µg/m3 Hg
span values, where the principal
specification of 5.0% of span may be
overly stringent.
8. Correction of Hg Calibration Gas
Concentrations for Moisture
When calibration error tests and
linearity checks of SO2, NOX, and
diluent gas monitors are performed,
EPA protocol gases are used. The
protocol gases are essentially moisturefree. However, when mercury monitors
are calibrated, moisture may be added to
the calibration gas. This creates a
potential source of error in the
calculations, if the Hg monitoring
system measures on a dry basis. In view
of this, EPA proposes to revise the
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calibration error procedures in section
6.3.1 of Appendix A, to require that
when moisture is added to the Hg
calibration gas, the moisture content of
the gas must be accounted for if the Hg
monitor measures on a dry basis. The
proposed revisions would also require
the calibration gas concentration to be
converted to a dry basis for purposes of
the calibration error calculations.
Parallel language would be added to
Section 6.2 of Appendix A, in a new
paragraph ‘‘(h)’’, to address this issue for
the linearity checks and system integrity
checks of Hg monitors. The Agency
believes that adoption of these proposed
revisions will prevent many ‘‘false
positive’’ failures of Hg monitor
calibration error tests, linearity checks,
and system integrity checks.
9. Correction of Cross-References
Today’s proposed rule would correct
a number of cross-references in
Appendix A, Sections 6.2(g), 6.5.6(b)(3)
and Regarding the system
integrity checks of Hg monitors, Section
6.2(g) of Appendix A incorrectly only
refers to Section 2.6 of Appendix B,
which only describes weekly, singlelevel system integrity checks. The
proposed revisions would also refer to
Sections 2.1.1 and 2.2.1 of Appendix B,
which describe the 3-level system
integrity checks. Also, the references in
Sections 6.5.6(b)(3) and of
Appendix A to Section 3.2 of 40 CFR
Part 60, Appendix B, Performance
Specification No. 2 (PS2) are incorrect.
The correct section number in PS2 is
8.1.3, not 3.2.
I. Appendix B
1. 3-Load Flow RATA Frequency and
RATA Grace Period
On May 26, 1999, EPA revised
Appendix B of Part 75, to reduce the
required frequency of 3-load flow
RATAs from annually to ‘‘at least once
every 5 consecutive calendar years’’.
However, as written, the rule actually
allows more than five years (20 calendar
quarters) to elapse between 3-load flow
RATAs. For instance, if a 3-load flow
RATA was performed in the1st quarter
of 2001 and the next one is done in the
4th quarter of 2006, the rule
requirement would be met, but there
would be 23 calendar quarters between
the successive tests.
In light of this, EPA is proposing to
revise Section of Appendix
B, to require 3-load flow RATAs to be
done at least once every 20 calendar
quarters. This is consistent with the
other 5-year testing requirements in Part
75, i.e., for Appendix E and LME units.
It is also consistent with the maximum
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allowable interval between successive
accuracy tests of Appendix D fuel
EPA is also proposing to revise the
RATA grace period provisions in
Section 2.3.3. In recent years many new
combustion turbines have been built
and most of them have NOX-diluent
CEMS. A great number of these turbines
have been operated infrequently due to
the high price of natural gas. Because of
this, a unit may go for a very long period
of time without performing a RATA of
the NOX monitoring system because the
unit seldom, if ever, has a ‘‘QA
operating quarter’’ (so the extended
deadline for the next RATA is often 8
calendar quarters from the previous
test), and then it may be several quarters
or even years before the allowable 720
operating hour grace period expires.
The grace period provisions in
Section 2.3.3 were proposed in 1998
and promulgated in May 1999, before
the influx of new, infrequently-operated
combustion turbines. Consequently,
these rule provisions are often very
difficult to track and apply to such
units. Therefore, EPA proposes to
modify the grace period methodology so
that it is more understandable and userfriendly, particularly in cases where a
unit seldom operates.
Today’s proposal would move the
requirements for determining the
deadline for the next RATA after a grace
period test from paragraph (c) of Section
2.3.3 to a new paragraph (d). Paragraph
(c) currently addresses both RATA
deadlines and the data validation
requirements for the case where a RATA
is not completed by the end of the 720
operating hour grace period. Creating a
new paragraph (d) would make Section
2.3.3 clearer, by treating the RATA
deadline requirement as a distinct and
separate issue.
Proposed paragraph (d) would change
the methodology for determining RATA
deadlines without changing the end
result. The intent of Section 2.3.3 has
always been for the source to return to
its original RATA schedule following a
grace period test, in order to prevent the
grace period provisions from being
abused. For instance, if the source did
not return to its original RATA
schedule, the grace period could be
used to extend the interval between
successive annual RATAs from four QA
operating quarters to five.
The current language in Section 2.3.3
works well enough for base load units
that operate most of the time. For these
units, the grace period almost invariably
begins and ends within one calendar
quarter of the RATA deadline, making it
easy to return to the original RATA
schedule. For instance, suppose that a
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base load unit is on a 2nd quarter RATA
schedule and a grace period RATA is
done in the 3rd quarter. If annual
frequency is obtained, the deadline for
the next RATA is reckoned from the 2nd
quarter, when the RATA was due, rather
than the 3rd quarter when the grace
period test was actually done.
Therefore, the next RATA would be
required in the 2nd quarter of the
following year, i.e., ‘‘back on schedule’’.
However, for infrequently operated
combustion turbines, the grace period
sometimes spans across many calendar
quarters, which effectively eliminates
the possibility of establishing a
meaningful relationship between the
original RATA due date and the
deadline for the next test.
In view of these considerations, EPA
is proposing a simplified methodology
for determining RATA deadlines that
will work for both base load units and
combustion turbines that seldom
operate. The deadline for the next
RATA following a grace period test
would be expressed as a certain number
of QA operating quarters after the
quarter of the grace period RATA, rather
than referring back to the quarter in
which the RATA was originally due
(which could have been several quarters
in the past).
The deadline for the next RATA
would be determined by first
establishing whether the grace period
RATA qualifies for the standard
(semiannual) RATA frequency or the
reduced (annual) frequency. If the grace
period RATA does not qualify for the
annual frequency, the deadline for the
next RATA would be simply set at two
QA operating quarters after the quarter
of the grace period test. If the RATA
qualifies for the annual frequency then
the deadline for the next RATA would
be set at three QA operating quarters
after the quarter of the grace period test.
There would be one exception to these
rules. Regardless of the number of QA
operating quarters that have elapsed
following the grace period test, the
interval between a grace period RATA
and the deadline for the next required
RATA could be no greater than eight
calendar quarters. This provision is
consistent with Section of
Appendix B.
Finally, EPA is proposing to amend
paragraph (c) of Section 2.3.3, to clarify
that when a RATA is performed after
the expiration of a grace period, the
‘‘clock’’ is reset, and the next RATA
would simply be due in two QA
operating quarters (for semiannual
frequency) or four QA operating
quarters (for annual frequency), not to
exceed eight calendar quarters.
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EPA believes that the proposed
revisions to Section 2.3.3 of Appendix
B would greatly simplify
implementation of the grace period
provisions and would enhance the
Agency’s ability to track RATA
deadlines and to provide meaningful
feedback to the affected sources.
2. RATA Requirement for Shared
Today’s proposed rule would amend
paragraph (g) in section 2.3.2 of
Appendix B to specify the consequences
of a failed RATA, in the case where a
particular NOX pollutant concentration
monitor is a component of both a NOX
concentration monitoring system and a
NOX-diluent monitoring system. An
example would be a coal-fired source
that is subject to both the Acid Rain and
NOX Budget Programs, for which the
owner or operator elects to use a NOX
concentration system to quantify NOX
mass emissions, while using the NOXdiluent system to satisfy the Acid Rain
Program requirement to monitor and
report NOX emission rate in lb/mmBtu.
In such cases, if the NOX concentration
system RATA is failed, both the NOX
concentration monitoring system and
the associated NOX-diluent monitoring
system would be considered out-ofcontrol. Successful RATAs of both
monitoring systems would be required
to get them back in-control.
3. AETB Requirements
Appendix B would be further revised
by adding a new Section, 1.1.4, to
require that an Air Emissions Testing
Body (AETB) that performs emission
testing or RATAs for on-going qualityassurance under Part 75 must conform
to ASTM D7036–04.
4. Calibration Error Tests and Linearity
Checks—Dual Range Applications
Today’s rule would revise Sections
2.1.1,, and 2.2.3(e) of
Appendix B, to clarify the data
validation requirements for daily
calibration error tests and linearity
checks of gas monitors when two span
values and two measurement ranges are
required for a particular parameter (e.g.,
SO2 or NOX).
Section 2.1.1 of Appendix B would be
revised to require that sufficient
calibration error tests be performed on
the low and high monitor ranges to
validate the data recorded on each
range. The provisions of Section 2.1.5 of
Appendix B would be used to determine
whether ‘‘sufficient’’ calibration error
tests have been done. A new paragraph
(3) would also be added to Section of Appendix B to clarify how the
QA status of the low and high ranges is
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rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with PROPOSAL
determined when: (a) A calibration error
test on one of the ranges is failed; or (b)
the most recent calibration error test of
one of the ranges has expired. In the
case where separate analyzers are used
for the two ranges, a failed or expired
calibration error test on one of the
ranges would not affect the QA status of
the other range. For a dual-range
analyzer (i.e., a single analyzer with two
scales), a failed calibration error test on
either range would result in an out-ofcontrol period, and data from the
monitor would remain invalid until
corrective actions are taken, followed by
successful ‘‘hands-off’’ calibrations of
both ranges. However, if the most recent
calibration error test on one range of a
dual-range analyzer was successful, but
its data validation window has expired,
this would have no effect on the QA
status of the other range.
In the current rule, Section 2.2.3(e) in
Appendix B states that when linearity
checks are performed on both scales of
a dual-range analyzer, an out-of-control
period occurs if either of the two
linearity checks is failed or aborted due
to a problem with the monitor.
However, it is not clear whether only
one range or both ranges must be
retested to get back in-control. Today’s
rule would revise Section 2.2.3(e) to
require ‘‘hands-off’’ linearity checks of
both ranges of a dual-range analyzer
whenever a linearity check on either
range is failed or aborted (unless, of
course, a particular range is exempted
from linearity checks under Section 6.2
of Appendix A).
5. Off-Line Calibration Error Tests
Part 75 requires calibration error tests
of all CEMS to be done while the unit
is combusting fuel (see Appendix B,
Section 2.1.1 and Appendix A, Sections
6.3.1 and 6.3.2). However, Section of Appendix B allows the owner
or operator to make limited use of offline calibration error tests to validate
data if an off-line calibration
demonstration test is performed and
passed. If the off-line calibration error
demonstration is successful, then offline calibrations may be used to validate
up to 26 unit operating hours of data
before an on-line calibration error test is
The off-line calibration provisions in
Appendix B have not been wellunderstood by many affected sources.
Through the years, EPA has received
numerous requests for a more detailed
explanation and/or examples of how to
apply these rule provisions. Today’s
rule would revise Sections and of Appendix B to clarify the data
validation rules for off-line calibration
error tests.
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The Agency believes that main reason
why there have been so many questions
about the use of off-line calibration error
tests is that paragraph (2) of Section is not clear. Paragraph (2) states
that ‘‘a successful on-line calibration
error test of the monitoring system must
be completed no later than 26 unit
operating hours after each off-line
calibration error test used for data
validation.’’ This statement can be
easily misinterpreted. It could be
understood to mean that a single off-line
calibration error test can be used to
validate 26 unit operating hours of data,
regardless of the number of clock hours
it takes to accumulate the 26 unit
operating hours. However, this is not
the intended meaning because it would
directly contradict the statement, in
Section 2.1.5 of Appendix B, that the
window of data validation from a
passed calibration error test extends for
only 26 clock hours.
To clarify EPA’s intent regarding the
use of off-line calibration error tests to
validate CEM data, today’s rule would
revise Sections and of
Appendix B. First, paragraph (2) in
Section would be revised to state
that sources may make limited use of
off-line calibrations if the off-line
calibration demonstration has been
performed and passed. Revised
paragraph (2) of Section would
explain what ‘‘limited use’’ of off-line
calibrations means. Off-line calibrations
could be used to validate up to 26
consecutive unit operating hours of data
before an on-line test is required. Each
individual off-line calibration would be
valid only for 26 clock hours, and if the
sequence of consecutive operating hours
validated by off-line calibrations is
broken before reaching the 26th
consecutive unit operating hour, data
from the monitor would become invalid
until an on-line calibration is performed
and passed. The sequence of
consecutive valid hours would be
considered broken whenever a unit
operating hour is not contained within
the 26 clock hour data validation
window of a passed off-line calibration
error test.
6. Weekly System Integrity Check—Data
For a Hg CEMS that is equipped with
a converter and that uses elemental Hg
for daily calibrations, Section 2.6 of Part
75, Appendix B requires a weekly
system integrity check, using a NISTtraceable source of oxidized Hg. This
‘‘weekly’’ test is required once every 168
unit operating hours. However, Section
2.6 does not explain the consequences
of either failing the test or failing to
perform the test on schedule. Today’s
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rule would add data validation rules for
the weekly system integrity check to
Section 2.6 of Appendix B. If the test is
failed, it would trigger an out-of-control
period until a subsequent system
integrity check is passed. Also, if the
test is not performed within 168 unit
operating hours of the previous
successful system integrity check, data
from the CEMS would become invalid,
starting with the 169th unit operating
hour and continuing until a system
integrity check is passed.
Today’s rule would also correct a
typographical error in Section 2.6 of
Appendix B. The performance
specification for the weekly system
integrity check is incorrectly referenced
in the current rule as Section 3.2 (c)(3)
of Appendix A. The correct citation is
Appendix A, Section 3.2, paragraph
7. Correction of Hg Units of Measure—
Figure 2
Today’s rule would correct a minor
error in the units of measure for Hg
concentration in Figure 2 of Appendix
B. The units of micrograms per dry
standard cubic meter (µg/dscm) would
be changed to micrograms per standard
cubic meter (µg/scm). This change is
necessary because not all Hg monitoring
systems measure Hg concentration on a
dry basis.
J. Appendix D
1. Update of Incorporation by Reference
As discussed in Section II.B.1of this
preamble, EPA proposes to update the
list of test methods, sampling and
analysis procedures, and other items
that are incorporated by reference in
Part 75. As such, this proposal also
includes the necessary updates to the
references in Appendix D.
EPA is also proposing to add to
Section of Appendix D, the
American Petroleum Institute’s (API)
Manual of Petroleum Measurement
Standards Chapter 22—Testing Protocol:
Section 2—Differential Pressure Flow
Measurement Devices (First Edition,
August 2005) as a new standard
procedure for verifying flowmeter
2. Pipeline Natural Gas—Method of
Qualification and Monthly GCV Values
For a unit which combusts a fuel that
meets the definition of ‘‘pipeline natural
gas’’ (PNG) in § 72.2, Section of
Appendix D allows the owner or
operator to estimate the unit’s SO2 mass
emissions using a default SO2 emission
rate of 0.0006 lb/mmBtu. To qualify to
use this SO2 emission rate, the owner or
operator must document in the
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monitoring plan for the unit that the
natural gas has a total sulfur content of
0.5 grains per 100 standard cubic foot or
less. Section describes three
ways to initially demonstrate that the
gas meets this total sulfur requirement:
(1) Based on the gas quality
characteristics specified in a purchase
contract, tariff sheet, or pipeline
transportation contract; or (2) based on
historical fuel sampling data from the
previous 12 months; or (3) based on at
least one representative sample of the
gas, if the requirements of (1) or (2)
cannot be met. When fuel sampling data
are used to qualify, each individual
sample result must meet the total sulfur
limit. Once a fuel has qualified as
pipeline natural gas, Section
of Appendix D requires annual
sampling of the total sulfur content to
demonstrate that the fuel still meets the
definition of PNG. At least one sample
per year must be taken and if multiple
samples are taken, each one must meet
the 0.5 gr/100 scf total sulfur limit.
The criteria for documenting the total
sulfur content of PNG were promulgated
on June 12, 2002, and the annual total
sulfur requirement became effective on
January 1, 2003. Since then, EPA has
learned that many suppliers of natural
gas regularly sample the total sulfur
content of the gas (in many cases, daily)
and will provide that data to their
customers upon request. Sources
desiring to use this data to meet the
initial or ongoing total sulfur sampling
requirements of Appendix D have
approached EPA, asking whether the gas
would be disqualified from using the
0.0006 lb/mmBtu SO2 emission rate if
the total sulfur content of one of these
daily samples exceeded 0.5 gr/100 scf.
Thus far, the Agency has addressed
these requests on a case-by-case basis.
Generally, in cases where the number of
total sulfur samples far exceeds the
requirements of Appendix D, EPA has
allowed the sources to reduce the data
to monthly averages. Then, if all of the
monthly averages are below the 0.5 gr/
100 scf , the fuel would be allowed to
continue using the 0.0006 lb/mmBtu
default SO2 emission rate.
EPA believes that the current rule
requirements for documenting the sulfur
content of pipeline natural gas are too
restrictive and need to be revised. For
example, a source that takes only one or
perhaps a handful of sulfur samples
each year is allowed to use the 0.0006
lb/mmBtu default emission rate without
question if all samples have ≤ 0.5 gr/100
scf of total sulfur. However, a source
with hundreds of total sulfur sample
results could possibly be disqualified
from using the default emission rate if
one sample exceeded the 0.5 gr/100 scf
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limit. To correct this inequitable
situation, today’s rule would revise
Sections and (e) of
Appendix D.
For the initial documentation that the
gas meets the 0.5 gr/100 scf total sulfur
limit, proposed Section
would allow sources whose fuel
suppliers have provided them with at
least 100 daily (or more frequent) total
sulfur samples from the previous 12
months to reduce the data to monthly
averages. If all monthly averages meet
the 0.5 gr/100 scf limit, the fuel would
qualify as pipeline natural gas, and the
source could use the 0.0006 lb/mmBtu
default SO2 emission rate. Alternatively,
if at least 98 percent of the 100 (or more)
samples have a total sulfur content of
0.5 gr/100 scf or less, the fuel would
qualify as pipeline natural gas.
The revisions to Section
would allow this same calculation
methodology to be used for the annual
total sulfur sampling requirement. That
is, each year, if at least 100 total sulfur
samples from the past 12 months are
provided by the fuel supplier, the data
could either be reduced to monthly
averages, or the percentage of the
samples that meet the 0.5 gr/100 scf
limit could be determined.
EPA is also proposing to clarify the
GCV sampling requirements for pipeline
natural gas in Section of
Appendix D. The current rule requires
monthly GCV sampling for PNG.
However, Section refers only to
the ‘‘monthly sample’’ (singular),
whereas affected sources may collect
and analyze multiple GCV samples each
month, or may receive the results of
multiple GCV samples from the fuel
supplier each month. In view of this,
revised Section would require
that a monthly average GCV value be
used for Part 75 reporting, for any
month in which multiple samples are
taken and analyzed. To implement this
provision, whenever Section 2.3.7(c) of
Appendix D requires the results of a
monthly GCV sample to be applied
‘‘starting from the date on which the
sample was taken’’, the owner or
operator would apply the monthly
average GCV value, starting from the
latest date of any of the individual GCV
samples used to calculate the monthly
average. EPA believes that monthly
averaging of the available GCV samples
will ensure that representative robust
GCV values are used in the Appendix D
heat input calculations.
3. Requirement To Split Oil Samples
For affected units that combust fuel
oil and use the Appendix D ‘‘excepted’’
methodology to quantify SO2 mass
emissions and/or unit heat input,
PO 00000
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Section 2.2 of Appendix D requires the
owner or operator to perform periodic
sampling of the sulfur content, gross
calorific value and (if necessary) density
of the oil. There are four basic oil
sampling options described in Section
2.2: (a) Daily sampling; (b) flow
proportional sampling (composite
sample, up to 7 days); (c) sampling from
a unit’s storage tank after each addition
of oil to the tank; and (d) sampling of
each fuel lot (either upon receipt of the
lot or sampling from supplier’s storage
tank prior to delivery). Regardless of
which sampling option is selected,
Section 2.2.5 of Appendix D requires
each oil sample to be split and a portion
(at least 200 cc) of it to be maintained
for at least 90 days after the end of the
allowance accounting period.
The requirement to split and maintain
a portion of each oil sample has been in
Appendix D since it was first
promulgated on January 11, 1993. At
that time, on-site fuel oil sampling was
required on every day that the unit
combusted oil. Later, on May 17, 1995,
an option to sample each shipment
upon delivery was added for diesel fuel.
Then, on May 26, 1999, the four basic
oil sampling options in the current rule
were put in place. However, the
requirement to split and maintain a
portion of each sample has remained
unchanged through all of these
EPA believes that the requirement to
split and maintain oil samples should
only apply to samples that are taken at
the affected facility. Today’s rule would
revise Section 2.2.5 of Appendix D to
limit this requirement to samples that
are taken on-site. Therefore, sources
using the fourth sampling option in
Section 2.2 of Appendix D, i.e.,
sampling from each fuel lot, would no
longer be required to split and maintain
oil samples in the case where the
samples are taken off-site, from the fuel
supplier’s storage container.
K. Appendix E
1. AETB Requirements
EPA proposes to revise Section 2.1 of
Appendix E to require that any Air
Emissions Testing Body (AETB)
performing emission measurements to
develop an Appendix E correlation
curve or to derive a default emission
rate for an LME unit, would have to
conform to ASTM D7036–04.
2. Reporting Data When the Correlation
Curve Expires
For oil and gas-fired peaking units
using the Appendix E ‘‘excepted’’
methodology to estimate NOX
emissions, the owner or operator is
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 162 / Tuesday, August 22, 2006 / Proposed Rules
required, for each fuel type, to perform
four-load emission testing for initial
certification in order to develop a
correlation curve of NOX emission rate
versus heat input rate. Each correlation
curve is programmed into the data
acquisition and handling system
(DAHS), and retesting is required every
five years (20 calendar quarters) to
develop a new curve.
If the 20 calendar quarter test
deadline passes without a retest having
been performed, the previous
correlation curve expires and is no
longer valid. Ordinarily, when data from
a Part 75 monitoring system become
invalid, missing data substitution
procedures are applied. Section 2.5 of
Appendix E contains missing data
provisions that address the following
situations: (a) When the monitored QA
parameters are unavailable or invalid;
(b) when the measured heat input rate
is higher than the highest heat input rate
on the correlation curve; (c) when NOX
emission controls are either not
operating or not documented to be
working properly; and (d) when
emergency fuel is burned.
Conspicuously absent from Section
2.5 is a missing data procedure to follow
when a correlation curve expires. To
address this deficiency, today’s rule
would add a new Section,, to
Appendix E, requiring the fuel-specific
maximum potential NOX emission rate
(MER) to be reported when a baseline
correlation curve expires. The MER
would continue to be reported until a
new correlation curve is generated.
L. Appendix F
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1. NOX Mass Calculations
EPA proposes to revise the manner in
which NOX mass data are collected
under the XML–EDR format that will be
required in 2009 as part of EPA’s effort
to re-engineer the Agency’s data
collection systems. Under the current
reporting requirements, sources are
required to report hourly NOX mass
emissions (lb) and then to sum these
hourly records and divide by 2000 lb/
ton to determine the quarterly NOX
mass emissions (tons). This is
inconsistent with the manner in which
SO2 and CO2 mass emissions data are
reported and aggregated. For SO2 and
CO2, the hourly values are reported as
mass emission rates (lb/hr). The
quarterly cumulative mass emissions are
calculated by multiplying each reported
hourly mass emission rate by the
corresponding unit or stack operating
time, summing these products, and then
dividing the sum by 2000 lb/ton to get
tons of SO2 or CO2.
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Today’s proposed rule seeks to
harmonize the reporting formats by
requiring the reporting of hourly NOX
mass emission rate (lb/hr) instead of
hourly NOX mass emission (lb), when
the source transition from the current
EDR reporting format to the XML–EDR
reporting format. As previously
discussed, sources may use either the
existing EDR format or the new XML–
EDR reporting format in 2008, but will
be required to use the new XMLreporting format, only, in 2009.
Requiring the reporting of hourly NOX
mass emission rate (lb/hr) necessitates
the modification of Equations F–24, and
F–27 in Appendix F of Part 75 and the
removal of Equation F–26. However,
since the current EDR reporting format
will continue to be supported through
2008, EPA must retain these equations
in the rule until the transition to XML–
EDR is complete. Therefore, EPA is
proposing to revise Section 8 of
Appendix F, by adding Equation F–24a
for the reporting of hourly NOX mass
emission rate (lb/hr). Equation F–24a is
a modified version of F–24, in which
the operating time variable is removed.
The use of Equation F–24a would be
mandatory in the new XML–EDR
format. Likewise, Equation F–27a would
be added, which is a modified form of
Equation F–27 that includes the
operating time variable. In the XML–
EDR format, cumulative NOX mass
emissions would be calculated using
Equation F–27a.
Since both EDR reporting formats
currently in use (i.e., EDR versions 2.1
and 2.2) require reporting of hourly NOX
mass emissions (lb), the current versions
of Equations F–24 and F–27 would
remain in the rule. However, these
equations would no longer be applicable
in 2009, when the use of XML–EDR
format is required for all affected
Today’s proposal also would revise
Section 8.2 of Appendix F, by splitting
it into two subsections, 8.2.1 and 8.2.2.
Section 8.2 of the current rule describes
a procedure for calculating the NOX
mass emission rate in lb/hr, when NOX
mass emissions are determined using a
NOX concentration monitoring system
and a flow monitor. Section 8.2 crossreferences other parts of the rule, rather
than showing the actual equations used.
Today’s proposed rule would add
Equation F–26a to proposed subsection
8.2.1 and Equation F–26b to proposed
subsection 8.2.2, clearly showing how
the NOX mass emission rate is
calculated on a wet and dry basis.
Equation F–26 in Section 8.3 would be
re-numbered as Equation F–26c.
Proposed Equations F–26a and F–26b
are currently used by sources to
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calculate NOX mass emissions under
Subpart H of Part 75. These equations
are represented in the EDR reporting
instructions, as Equations N–1 and N–
2 respectively. EPA believes that it is
appropriate to add these equations to
the rule at this time.
2. Use of the Diluent Cap
Today’s proposed rule would restrict
the use of the diluent cap to NOX
emission rate calculations. The original
purpose for implementing the diluent
cap was to keep calculated NOX
emission rates from approaching
infinity during periods of unit startup
and shutdown, where the diluent gas
(CO2 or O2) concentration is close to the
level in the ambient air. However, the
current rule allows the diluent cap to be
used for heat input rate calculations,
CO2 mass emission calculations, and
calculation of hourly CO2 concentration
from measured O2 concentrations, in
addition to being used for NOX emission
rate. Sources are also allowed to use the
cap value for some of these calculations
and not others. This greatly complicates
the data collection process. EPA has
also found that using the diluent cap for
other parameters besides NOX emission
rate always leads to over-reporting of
these parameters, which is clearly
contrary to the intended purpose of the
diluent cap. Therefore, today’s proposed
rule would remove all of the references
in Sections 4 and 5 of Appendix F
which allow the diluent cap to be used
for other parameters besides NOX
emission rate
3. Negative Emission Values
EPA proposes to provide special
reporting instructions to account for
situations where the equations
prescribed by the rule yield negative
values. First, when Equation 19–3 or
19–5 (from EPA Method 19 in 40 CFR
Part 60, Appendix A) is used to
calculate NOX emission rate, modified
forms of these equations, designated as
Equations 19–3D and 19–5D, would be
used whenever the diluent cap is
applied. Second, for any hour where
Equation F–14b results in a negative
hourly average CO2 value, EPA proposes
to require 0.0% CO2 to be reported as
the average CO2 value for that hour.
Third, EPA proposes to require a default
heat input rate value of 1 mmBtu/hr to
be reported for any hour in which
Equation F–17 results in a negative
hourly heat input rate. These changes
would be accomplished by modifying
Sections, 3.3.4, 4.4.1, and 5.2.3 of
Appendix F.
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 162 / Tuesday, August 22, 2006 / Proposed Rules
4. Calculation of Stack Gas Moisture
Today’s proposed rule would add
Equation F–31 to a new Section 10 of
Appendix F. This equation is used to
calculate stack gas moisture values from
wet and dry oxygen measurements, as
described in Appendix A, Section
6.5.7(a). The equation is currently
represented in the EDR reporting
instructions as Equation M–1.
5. Site-Specific F-Factors (Single Fuel)
For units that use CEMS to measure
the NOX emission rate in lb/mmBtu
and/or the unit heat input rate in
mmBtu/hr, an equation from Appendix
F of Part 75 or from Method 19 of 40
CFR Part 60 is required to convert the
raw CEMS data into the proper units of
measure. Each of these equations
contains an F-factor, which represents
either the total volume of flue gas or the
volume of CO2 generated per million
Btu of heat input. The F-factor is fuelspecific.
Sections 3.3.5 and 3.3.6 of Appendix
F allow the owner or operator to use
either a default F-factor from Table 1 in
Appendix F, or use Equation F–7a or F–
7b in Appendix F to calculate a sitespecific F-factor, based on the
composition of the fuel. However,
Appendix F neither specifies how much
fuel sampling data is required to
develop a site-specific F-factor, nor how
often the F-factor must be updated.
To address this issue, today’s rule
would revise the introductory text of
Appendix F, Section 3.3.6 to require
each site-specific F-factor to be based on
a minimum of 9 samples of the fuel.
Fuel samples taken during the 9 runs of
an annual RATA would be acceptable
for this purpose. Further, redetermination of the F-factor would be
required at least annually, and the value
from the most recent determination
would be used in the emission
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6. Prorated F-Factors
For affected units that co-fire
combinations of fossil fuels or fossil
fuels and wood residue and that use
CEMS to monitor the NOX emission rate
or unit heat input rate, Section
of Appendix F requires a prorated Ffactor to be used in the emission
calculations. The prorated F-factor is
calculated using Equation F–8 in
Appendix F. In applying Equation F–8,
the F-factor for each type of fuel is
weighted according to the fraction of the
total heat input contributed by the fuel.
However, Equation F–8 fails to specify
how the total unit heat input and the
fraction of the heat input contributed by
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each fuel are determined. Data from the
CEMS cannot be used for this purpose
because the prorated F-factor must be
known before the unit heat input rate
can be calculated.
Through the years, in response to
inquiries about this, EPA has advised
sources to use the best available
auxiliary process data, such as fuel feed
rates and measured GCV values, to
provide heat input estimates for
calculating the prorated F-factor, but no
official Agency policy guidance has
been issued. To correct this situation,
today’s rule would revise the definition
of ‘‘Xi’’ (the fraction of the total heat
input derived from each fuel) in the
Equation F–8 nomenclature. The revised
definition would require sources to
determine Xi from the best available
information on the quantity of each fuel
combusted and its GCV value over a
specified time period. The value of Xi
would be updated periodically, either
hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly, and
the prorated F-factor used in the
emission calculations would be derived
from the Xi values from the most recent
update. The owner or operator would be
required to document in the hard copy
portion of the monitoring plan the
method used to determine the Xi values.
7. Default F-Factors
EPA proposes to add default F-factors
for petroleum coke and tire derived
fuels to Table 1 in Section 3.3.5 of
Appendix F. The proposed values are
9,832 dscf/mmBtu for Fd and 1,853 scf
CO2/mmBtu for Fc for petroleum coke
and 10,261 dscf/mmBtu for Fd and 1,803
scf CO2/mmBtu for Fc for tire derived
fuels. These F-factors are needed
because petroleum coke and tires are
being used as a fuel by a number of
units. EPA is also proposing 9,819 dscf/
mmBtu for Fd and 1,840 scf CO2/mmBtu
for Fc as F-factors for sub-bituminous
coal. These F-factors were calculated
using Part 75, Appendix F, Equations F–
7a and F–7b and representative
composition and gross calorific value
(GCV) data for each fuel.
8. Revisions to Equation F–23
Consistent with the proposed changes
to § 75.11(e), expanding the
applicability of Equation F–23 (which
are discussed in detail in Section II.B.4
of this preamble), modifications would
be made to Section 7 of Appendix F
(introductory text), and to the Equation
F–23 nomenclature.
M. Appendix G
Consistent with the changes to other
parts of the rule, EPA proposes to
update the current ASTM standards
listed in Sections 2.1.2, 2.2.1, and 2.2.2,
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of Appendix G, citing the newer
N. Appendix K
Today’s proposed rule addresses
several issues regarding the use of
sorbent trap monitoring systems for the
measurement and reporting of Hg mass
emissions. When this monitoring option
is selected, the current rule requires the
use of paired sorbent traps to measure
the effluent Hg concentration. If the two
Hg concentrations measured by the
paired traps meet the required relative
deviation (RD) specification in
Appendix K of Part 75, and if each trap
individually meets certain other QA
requirements of Appendix K, then the
two Hg concentrations are averaged
arithmetically and the average value is
used to determine the Hg mass
emissions in each hour of the data
collection period. However, in cases
where either or both of the traps fails to
meet the acceptance criteria, § 75.15(h)
and Table K–1 of Appendix K specify
consequences of varying severity. As
discussed in the following paragraphs,
EPA has reconsidered these rule
provisions and has concluded that some
of the consequences are too lenient
while others are unnecessarily harsh.
The Agency is therefore proposing to
revise them to make them more
consistent and equitable.
Section 75.15(h) currently provides a
measure of relief to the affected sources
whenever one of the paired traps is
accidentally lost, damaged, or broken
and cannot be analyzed. In such cases,
the owner or operator is allowed to use
the remaining trap to determine the Hg
concentration for the data collection
period, provided that the remaining trap
meets all of the QA requirements of
Appendix K. But the rule does not
require any adjustment of the data to
compensate for the loss of one of the
samples. In view of this, EPA is
proposing to revise § 75.15(h) to require
that the Hg concentration measured by
the remaining valid trap be multiplied
by a ‘‘single trap adjustment factor’’
(STAF) of 1.222. The STAF represents
the maximum amount by which the Hg
concentration from the lost, damaged or
broken trap could have exceeded the
concentration measured by the valid
trap and still met the 10% RD
The Agency is also proposing to
revise Table K–1 in Appendix K, to
extend the use of the STAF to cases
where one of the paired sorbent traps
either: (a) Fails a post-test leak check;
(b) has excessive breakthrough in the
second section; or (c) is unable to meet
the required percent recovery of the
third section elemental Hg spike. In all
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with PROPOSAL
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 162 / Tuesday, August 22, 2006 / Proposed Rules
three of these cases, provided that the
other trap meets all Appendix K
requirements, rather than invalidating
the sorbent trap system data for the
entire collection period, the Hg
concentration measured by the valid
trap, multiplied by the STAF, could be
used for Part 75 reporting.
Section 7.2.3 of Appendix K requires
that for each hour of the data collection
period, the ratio of the stack gas flow
rate to the sample flow rate through
each sorbent trap must be maintained
within 25 percent of the initial ratio
established in the first hour of the data
collection period. However, the current
rule does not say what to do if this
criterion is not met. Rather, Table K–1
indicates that the appropriate
consequences are to be determined on a
‘‘case-by-case’’ basis. EPA has
reconsidered this approach and is
proposing to revise it, because it opens
the door to inconsistent application of
the sorbent trap monitoring
methodology. Therefore, Table K–1
would be revised to specify that a
sample is invalidated if either: (a) More
than 5 percent of the hourly ratios; or
(b) more than 5 hourly ratios in the data
collection period (whichever is less
restrictive) fail to meet the ±25 percent
acceptance criterion. Further, if only
one of the paired traps is able to meet
the specification, provided that it also
meets the rest of the Appendix K QA
criteria, the valid trap could be used for
Part 75 reporting, if the single trap
adjustment factor of 1.222 is applied to
the measured Hg concentration.
Appendix K currently requires that
the data from a sorbent trap monitoring
system be invalidated whenever the
relative deviation between the Hg
concentrations measured by the paired
traps is greater than 10 percent. EPA
proposes to revise this requirement, to
allow sources to report the higher of the
two Hg concentrations measured by a
pair of sorbent traps whenever the RD
specification is not met, rather than
invalidating the sorbent trap system
data for the entire collection period.
EPA is also proposing, for consistency
with the proposed changes § 75.22(a)
(which are discussed in Section II.C.3 of
this preamble), to revise Table K–1 to
include an alternative relative deviation
specification of 20 percent for paired
sorbent traps, where low effluent
concentrations of Hg (≤ 1 µg/m3) are
Today’s proposed rule would add two
new paragraphs, (k) and (l), to § 75.15.
Proposed § 75.15(k) would require that
whenever the RATA of a sorbent trap
system is performed, the sorbent traps
used to collect the RATA run data must
be the same size as the traps used for
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daily operation of the monitoring
system. Likewise, the sorbent material
must be the same type that is used for
daily operation. Proposed § 75.15(l)
would require a diagnostic RATA of the
sorbent trap system whenever the size of
the sorbent traps or the type of sorbent
material is changed. Data from the
modified sorbent trap system would not
be acceptable for Part 75 reporting until
the RATA is passed, with one
exception, i.e., data collected during a
successful diagnostic RATA test period
could be reported as quality-assured.
EPA is proposing to add these
requirements because the relative
accuracy and bias of a sorbent trap
monitoring system are dependent upon
both the trap design and the type of
sorbent material used.
Finally, today’s proposed rule would
revise section 7.2.3 of Appendix K to
require that the sample flow rate
through a sorbent trap monitoring
system must be zero when the unit is
not operating. This clarification is
needed to prevent the system from
sampling ambient air during periods
when the combustion unit is off-line.
Sampling ambient air when the unit is
not in operation would artificially lower
the Hg concentrations measured by the
sorbent traps, resulting in underreporting of Hg mass emissions.
II. Administrative Requirements
A. Executive Order 12866—Regulatory
Planning and Review
This action is not a ‘‘significant
regulatory action’’ under the terms of
Executive Order (EO) 12866 (58 FR
51735, October 4, 1993) and is therefore
not subject to review under the EO.
B. Paperwork Reduction Act
The information collection
requirements in the proposed rule have
been submitted for approval to OMB
under the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44
U.S.C. 3501 et seq. The Information
Collection Request (ICR) document
prepared by EPA has been assigned EPA
ICR number 2203.01. The information
requirements are based on the proposed
revisions to the monitoring,
recordkeeping, and reporting
requirements in 40 CFR Part 75, which
are mandatory for all sources subject to
the Acid Rain Program under Title IV of
the Clean Air Act and certain other
emissions trading programs
administered by EPA. All information
submitted to EPA pursuant to the
recordkeeping and reporting
requirements for which a claim of
confidentiality is made is safeguarded
according to Agency policies set forth in
40 CFR Part 2, subpart B. The existing
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Part 75 rule requirements are covered by
existing ICRs for the Acid Rain Program
(EPA ICR number 1633.13; OMB control
number 2060–0258), the NOX SIP Call
(EPA ICR number 1857.03; OMB
number 2060–0445), and the Clean Air
Interstate Rule (EPA ICR number
2152.01). The separate ICR for the
proposed rule revisions addresses the
one time costs necessary for sources to
review the rule revisions and adapt their
recordkeeping and reporting systems to
the revised requirements. The EPA
believes that the long term implications
of the proposed rule revisions will be to
reduce the ongoing burdens and costs
associated with Part 75 compliance, but
those impacts will be addressed as EPA
renews the individual program ICRs.
The annual monitoring, reporting, and
recordkeeping burden for this collection
(averaged over the first 3 years after the
effective date of the final rule) is
estimated to be 124,976 labor hours per
year at a total annual cost of $8,581,420.
This estimate includes burdens for rule
review, recordkeeping and reporting
software upgrades, and software
debugging activities, as well as the
capital costs of upgrading recordkeeping
and reporting software.
Burden means the total time, effort, or
financial resources expended by persons
to generate, maintain, retain, or disclose
or provide information to or for a
Federal agency. This includes the time
needed to review instructions; develop,
acquire, install, and utilize technology
and systems for the purposes of
collecting, validating, and verifying
information, processing and
maintaining information, and disclosing
and providing information; adjust the
existing ways to comply with any
previously applicable instructions and
requirements; train personnel to be able
to respond to a collection of
information; search data sources;
complete and review the collection of
information; and transmit or otherwise
disclose the information. An Agency
may not conduct or sponsor, and a
person is not required to respond to a
collection of information unless it
displays a currently valid OMB control
number. The OMB control numbers for
EPA’s regulations in 40 CFR are listed
in 40 CFR Part 9.
To comment on the Agency’s need for
this information, the accuracy of the
provided burden estimates, and any
suggested methods for minimizing
respondent burden, including the use of
automated collection techniques, EPA
has established a public docket for this
rule, which includes this ICR, under
Docket ID number OAR–2005–0132.
Submit any comments related to the ICR
for this proposed rule to EPA and OMB.
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 162 / Tuesday, August 22, 2006 / Proposed Rules
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with PROPOSAL
See ADDRESSES section at the beginning
of this notice for where to submit
comments to EPA. Send comments to
OMB at the Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs, Office of
Management and Budget, 725 17th
Street, NW., Washington, DC 20503,
Attention: Desk Office for EPA. Since
OMB is required to make a decision
concerning the ICR between 30 and 60
days after August 22, 2006, a comment
to OMB is best assured of having its full
effect if OMB receives it by September
21, 2006. The final rule will respond to
any OMB or public comments on the
information collection requirements
contained in this proposal.
C. Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)
generally requires an agency to prepare
a regulatory flexibility analysis of any
rule subject to notice and comment
rulemaking requirements under the
Administrative Procedure Act or any
other statute unless the agency certifies
that the rule will not have a significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities. Small entities
include small businesses, small
organizations, and small governmental
For purposes of assessing the impacts
of today’s proposed rule on small
entities, small entity is defined as: (1) A
small business as defined by the Small
Business Administration’s (SBA)
regulations at 13 CFR 121.201; (2) a
small governmental jurisdiction that is a
government of a city, county, town,
school district or special district with a
population of less than 50,000; or (3) a
small organization that is any not-forprofit enterprise which is independently
owned and operated and is not
dominant in its field.
After considering the economic
impacts of today’s proposed rule on
small entities, I certify that this action
will not have a significant economic
impact on a substantial number of small
entities. In determining whether a rule
has a significant economic impact on
small entities, the impact of concern is
any significant adverse economic
impact on small entities, since the
primary purpose of the regulatory
flexibility analysis is to identify and
address regulatory alternatives ‘‘which
minimize any significant economic
impact of the rule on small entities.’’ 5
U.S.C. 603 and 604. Thus, an agency
may certify that a rule will not have a
significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities if
the rule relieves regulatory burden or
otherwise has a positive economic effect
on all of the small entities subject to the
rule. The proposed rule revisions
represent minor changes to existing
monitoring requirements used in EPA
emission trading programs. Although
there will be some small level of up
front costs to reprogram existing
electronic data reporting software used
under this program, the long term
effects of these proposed revisions is to
allow continued efficient electronic data
submittals that should act to relieve
some of the long term reporting burdens
for affected sources, which include
some small entities.
We continue to be interested in the
potential impacts of the proposed rule
on small entities and welcome
comments on issues related to such
D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
Title II of the Unfunded Mandates
Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA), Public
Law 104–4, establishes requirements for
Federal agencies to assess the effects of
their regulatory actions on State, local,
and tribal governments and the private
sector. Under Section 202 of the UMRA,
EPA generally must prepare a written
statement, including a cost-benefit
analysis, for proposed and final rules
with ‘‘Federal mandates’’ that may
result in expenditures to State, local,
and tribal governments, in the aggregate,
or to the private sector, of $100 million
or more in any one year. Before
promulgating an EPA rule for which a
written statement is needed, Section 205
of the UMRA generally requires EPA to
identify and consider a reasonable
number of regulatory alternatives and
adopt the least costly, most costeffective, or least burdensome
alternative that achieves the objectives
of the rule. The provisions of Section
205 do not apply when they are
inconsistent with applicable law.
Moreover, Section 205 allows EPA to
adopt an alternative other than the least
costly, most cost-effective, or least
burdensome alternative if the
Administrator publishes with the final
rule an explanation why that alternative
was not adopted. Before EPA establishes
any regulatory requirements that may
significantly or uniquely affect small
governments, including tribal
governments, it must have developed
under Section 203 of the UMRA a small
government agency plan. The plan must
provide for notifying potentially
affected small governments, enabling
officials of affected small governments
to have meaningful and timely input in
the development of EPA regulatory
proposals with significant Federal
intergovernmental mandates, and
informing, educating, and advising
small governments on compliance with
the regulatory requirements.
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EPA has determined that this
proposed rule does not contain a
Federal mandate that may result in
expenditures of $100 million or more
for State, local, and tribal governments,
in the aggregate, or in the private sector
in any one year. Thus, today’s proposed
rule is not subject to the requirements
of Sections 202 and 205 of the UMRA.
EPA has determined that this rule
contains no regulatory requirements that
might significantly or uniquely affect
small governments. The revisions
primarily would make certain changes
EPA has determined are necessary as
part of upgrading the data systems used
to manage data submitted under the
program and to streamline the methods
for sources to report their information.
The revisions also would clarify certain
issues that have been raised during
ongoing implementation of the existing
rule and would update the information
on various voluntary consensus
standards incorporated by reference in
the rule. Some States do have programs
that rely on the monitoring provisions
in 40 CFR Part 75, and States may incur
some costs associated with reviewing
the proposed modifications to Part 75,
but the rule revisions and the impact on
the States would not be significant.
E. Executive Order 13132—Federalism
Executive Order 13132, entitled
‘‘Federalism’’ (64 FR 43255, August 10,
1999), requires EPA to develop an
accountable process to ensure
‘‘meaningful and timely input by State
and local officials in the development of
regulatory policies that have federalism
implications.’’ ‘‘Policies that have
federalism implications’’ is defined in
the Executive Order to include
regulations that have ‘‘substantial direct
effects on the States, on the relationship
between the national government and
the States, or on the distribution of
power and responsibilities among the
various levels of government.’’
This proposed rule does not have
federalism implications. This proposed
rule will not have substantial direct
effects on the States, on the relationship
between the national government and
the States, or on the distribution of
power and responsibilities among the
various levels of government, as
specified in Executive Order 13132.
These proposed rule revisions represent
minor adjustments to existing
regulations. The revisions primarily
would make certain changes EPA has
determined are necessary as part of
upgrading the data systems used to
manage data submitted under the
program and to streamline the methods
for sources to report their information.
The revisions also would clarify certain
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 162 / Tuesday, August 22, 2006 / Proposed Rules
issues that have been raised during
ongoing implementation of the existing
rule and would update the information
on various voluntary consensus
standards incorporated by reference in
the rule. Some States do have programs
that rely on the monitoring provisions
in 40 CFR Part 75, and States may incur
some costs associated with reviewing
the proposed modifications to Part 75,
but the rule revisions and the impact on
the States would not be significant.
Thus, Executive Order 13132 does not
apply to this proposed rule. In the spirit
of Executive Order 13132, and
consistent with EPA policy to promote
communications between EPA and State
and local governments, EPA specifically
solicits comment on this proposed rule
from State and local officials.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with PROPOSAL
F. Executive Order 13175—Consultation
and Coordination With Indian Tribal
Executive Order 13175, entitled
‘‘Consultation and Coordination with
Indian Tribal Governments’’ (65 FR
67249, November 9, 2000), requires EPA
to develop an accountable process to
ensure ‘‘meaningful and timely input by
tribal officials in the development of
regulatory policies that have tribal
implications.’’ This proposed rule does
not have tribal implications, as specified
in Executive Order 13175. The proposed
action makes minor revisions to existing
rule requirements. Thus, Executive
Order 13175 does not apply to this
proposed rule. The EPA specifically
solicits additional comment on the
proposed rule from tribal officials.
G. Executive Order 13045—Protection of
Children From Environmental Health
and Safety Risks
Executive Order 13045, ‘‘Protection of
Children from Environmental Health
Risks and Safety Risks’’ (62 FR 19885,
April 23, 1997), applies to any rule that:
(1) Is ‘‘economically significant’’ as
defined under Executive Order 12866;
and (2) concerns an environmental
health or safety risk that EPA has reason
to believe may have a disproportionate
effect on children. If the regulatory
action meets both criteria, the Agency
must evaluate the environmental health
or safety effects of the planned rule on
children and explain why the planned
regulation is preferable to other
potentially effective and reasonably
feasible alternatives considered by the
This proposed rule is not subject to
the Executive Order because it is not
economically significant as defined in
Executive Order 12866, and because the
Agency does not have reason to believe
the proposed revisions to certain
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monitoring and reporting requirements
implicate any environmental health or
safety risks, including any specific risks
that present a disproportionate risk to
children. The public is invited to submit
or identify peer-reviewed studies and
data, of which the agency may not be
aware, that are relevant to the
environmental health or safety risks to
children that could be implicated by
this proposed action.
H. Executive Order 13211—Actions
That Significantly Affect Energy Supply,
Distribution, or Use
This proposed rule is not a
‘‘significant energy action’’ as defined in
Executive Order 13211, ‘‘Actions
Concerning Regulations That
Significantly Affect Energy Supply,
Distribution, or Use’’ (66 FR 28355, May
22, 2001), because it is not likely to have
a significant adverse effect on the
supply, distribution, or use of energy.
I. National Technology Transfer and
Advancement Act
Section 12(d) of the National
Technology Transfer and Advancement
Act of 1995 (‘‘NTTAA’’), Public Law
104–113, 12(d) (15 U.S.C. 272 note),
directs EPA to use voluntary consensus
standards in its regulatory activities
unless to do so would be inconsistent
with applicable law or otherwise
Voluntary consensus standards are
technical standards (e.g., materials
specifications, test methods, sampling
procedures, and business practices) that
are developed or adopted by voluntary
consensus standards bodies. The
NTTAA directs EPA to provide
Congress, through OMB, explanations
when the Agency decides not to use
available and applicable voluntary
consensus standards. This proposed
rule includes updated information on a
number of voluntary consensus
standards previously included in 40
CFR Part 75, as well as the proposed
addition of certain other voluntary
consensus standards. The EPA
welcomes comments on this aspect of
the proposed rulemaking and
specifically invites the public to identify
other potentially applicable voluntary
consensus standards and to explain why
such standards should be used in this
List of Subjects in 40 CFR Parts 72 and
Environmental protection, Acid rain,
Administrative practice and procedure,
Air pollution control, Carbon dioxide,
Electric utilities, Nitrogen oxides,
Reporting and recordkeeping
requirements, Sulfur oxides.
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Dated: August 4, 2006.
Stephen L. Johnson,
For the reasons set forth in the
preamble, EPA proposes to amend
chapter I of title 40 of the Code of
Federal Regulations as follows:
1. The authority citation for Part 72
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7601 and 7651, et seq.
Subpart A—Acid Rain Program
General Provisions
2. Section 72.2 is amended as follows:
a. In the definition of ‘‘Capacity
factor’’, by adding the words ‘‘(or
maximum observed hourly gross load
(in MWe/hr) if greater than the
nameplate capacity)’’ after the word
‘‘capacity’’ in paragraph (1), by
removing the word ‘‘design’’ and adding
in its place the words ‘‘rated hourly’’ in
paragraph (2), and by adding the word
‘‘rate’’ after the new phrase ‘‘rated
hourly heat input’’ in paragraph (2);
b. In the definition of ‘‘Diluent cap’’,
by removing the words ‘‘, CO2 mass
emission rate, or heat input rate,’’ after
the words ‘‘NOX emission rate’’;
c. In the definition of ‘‘EPA protocol
gas’’, by adding a new sentence to the
end of the definition;
d. Revising the definition of
‘‘Excepted monitoring system’’;
e. Adding the new definitions in
alphabetical order for ‘‘Air Emission
Testing Body (AETB)’’, ‘‘EPA Protocol
Gas Verification Program’’, ‘‘Long-term
cold storage’’, ‘‘Qualified Individual’’,
and ‘‘Specialty gas producer’’; and
f. Removing the definitions for
‘‘Calibration gas’’, ‘‘Gas manufacturer’s
intermediate standard (GMIS)’’, ‘‘NIST/
EPA-approved certified reference
material or NIST/EPA-approved CRM’’,
‘‘NIST traceable reference material
(NTRM)’’, ‘‘Research gas material
(RGM)’’, ‘‘Research gas mixture (RGM)’’,
‘‘Standard reference material or SRM’’,
‘‘Standard reference material-equivalent
compressed gas primary reference
material (SRM-equivalent PRM)’’, and
‘‘Zero air material’’.
The revisions and additions read as
§ 72.2
Air Emission Testing Body (AETB)
means a company or other entity that
conducts Air Emissions Testing as
described in ASTM D7036–04.
EPA protocol gas * * * Vendors
advertising certification with the EPA
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 162 / Tuesday, August 22, 2006 / Proposed Rules
Traceability Protocol or distributing
gases as ‘‘EPA Protocol Gas’’ must
participate in the EPA Protocol Gas
Verification Program. Non-participating
vendors may not use ‘‘EPA’’ in any form
of advertising for these products, unless
approved by the Administrator.
EPA Protocol Gas Verification
Program means the EPA Protocol Gas
audit program described in Section
2.1.10 of the ‘‘EPA Traceability Protocol
for Assay and Certification of Gaseous
Calibration Standards,’’ September
1997, EPA–600/R–97/121 (EPA Protocol
Procedure) or such revised procedure as
approved by the Administrator.
Excepted monitoring system means a
monitoring system that follows the
procedures and requirements of § 75.15
of this chapter, § 75.19 of this chapter,
§ 75.81(b) of this chapter or of appendix
D, or E to part 75 for approved
exceptions to the use of continuous
emission monitoring systems.
Long-term cold storage means the
complete shut down of a unit intended
to last for an extended period of time (at
least two calendar years) where notice
for long-term cold storage is provided
under § 75.61(a)(7).
Qualified Individual means an
individual who meets the requirements
as described in ASTM D7036–04.
Specialty gas producer means an
organization that prepares and analyzes
compressed gas mixtures for use as
calibration gases and that offers the
mixtures for sale to end users or to
third-party vendors for resale to end
3. The authority citation for Part 75
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7601, 7651k, and
7651k note.
Subpart A—General
4. Section 75.4 is amended by revising
paragraph (d) to read as follows:
§ 75.4
Compliance dates.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with PROPOSAL
(d) This paragraph, (d), applies to
affected units under the Acid Rain
Program and to units subject to a State
or Federal pollutant mass emissions
reduction program that adopts the
emission monitoring and reporting
provisions of this part. In accordance
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with § 75.20, for an affected unit which,
on the applicable compliance date, is
either in long-term cold storage (as
defined in § 72.2 of this chapter) or is
shutdown as the result of a planned
outage or a forced outage, thereby
preventing the required continuous
monitoring system certification tests
from being completed by the
compliance date, the owner or operator
shall provide notice of such unit storage
or outage in accordance with
§ 75.61(a)(3) or § 75.61(a)(7), as
applicable. For the planned and
unplanned unit outages described in
this paragraph, the owner or operator
shall ensure that all of the continuous
monitoring systems for SO2, NOX, CO2,
Hg, opacity, and volumetric flow rate
required under this part (or under the
applicable State or Federal mass
emissions reduction program) are
installed and that all required
certification tests are completed no later
than 90 unit operating days or 180
calendar days (whichever occurs first)
after the date that the unit recommences
commercial operation, notice of which
date shall be provided under
§ 75.61(a)(3) or § 75.61(a)(7), as
applicable. The owner or operator shall
determine and report SO2 concentration,
NOX emission rate, CO2 concentration,
Hg concentration, and flow rate data (as
applicable) for all unit operating hours
after the applicable compliance date
until all of the required certification
tests are successfully completed, using
(1) The maximum potential
concentration of SO2 (as defined in
section of appendix A to this
part), the maximum potential NOX
emission rate, as defined in § 72.2 of
this chapter, the maximum potential
flow rate, as defined in section
of appendix A to this part, the
maximum potential Hg concentration,
as defined in section of appendix
A to this part, or the maximum potential
CO2 concentration, as defined in section of appendix A to this part; or
(2) The conditional data validation
provisions of § 75.20(b)(3); or
(3) Reference methods under
§ 75.22(b); or
(4) Another procedure approved by
the Administrator pursuant to a petition
under § 75.66.
5. Section 75.6 is amended by:
a. Removing ‘‘D129–91’’ and adding
in its place ‘‘D129–00’’, in paragraph
b. Removing ‘‘D240–87’’ and adding
in its place ‘‘D240–00’’, in paragraph
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c. Removing ‘‘D287–82 (Reapproved
1987)’’ and adding in its place ‘‘D287–
92 (2000)e1’’, in paragraph (a)(3);
d. Removing ‘‘D388–92’’ and adding
in its place ‘‘D388–99e1’’, in paragraph
e. Removing and reserving paragraph
f. Adding the phrase ‘‘(1999)’’ at the
end of ‘‘D1072–90’’, in paragraph (a)(6);
g. Removing ‘‘D1217–91’’ and adding
in its place ‘‘D1217–93 (1998)’’, in
paragraph (a)(7);
h. Adding the phrase ‘‘(1997)e1’’ at
the end of D1250–80, and by removing
the phrase ‘‘(Reapproved 1990)’’, in
paragraph (a)(8);
i. Removing the phrase ‘‘D1298–85
(Reapproved 1990)’’ and adding in its
place ‘‘D1298–99’’, in paragraph (a)(9);
j. Removing ‘‘D1480–91’’ and adding
in its place ‘‘D1480–93 (1997)’’, in
paragraph (a)(10);
k. Removing ‘‘D1481–91’’ and adding
in its place ‘‘D1481–93 (1997)’’, in
paragraph (a)(11);
l. Removing ‘‘D1552–90’’ and adding
in its place ‘‘D1552–01’’, in paragraph
m. Removing ‘‘D1826–88’’ and adding
in its place ‘‘D1826–94 (1998)’’, in
paragraph (a)(13);
n. Removing ‘‘D1945–91’’ and adding
in its place ‘‘D1945–96 (2001)’’, in
paragraph (a)(14);
o. Adding the phrase ‘‘(2000)’’ after
‘‘D1946–90’’, in paragraph (a)(15);
p. Removing and reserving paragraph
q. Removing ‘‘D2013–86’’ and adding
in its place ‘‘D2013–01’’, in paragraph
r. Removing and reserving paragraph
s. Removing ‘‘D2234–89’’ and adding
in its place ‘‘D2234–00e1’’, in paragraph
t. Removing and reserving paragraph
u. Removing ‘‘D2502–87’’ and adding
in its place ‘‘D2502–92 (1996)’’, in
paragraph (a)(21);
v. Removing ‘‘D2503–82 (Reapproved
1987)’’ and adding in its place ‘‘D2503–
92 (1997)’’, in paragraph (a)(22);
w. Removing ‘‘D2622–92’’ and adding
in its place ‘‘D2622–98’’, in paragraph
x. Removing ‘‘D3174–89’’ and adding
in its place ‘‘D3174–00’’, in paragraph
y. Adding the phrase ‘‘(1997)e1’’ after
‘‘D3176–89’’, in paragraph (a)(25);
z. Adding the phrase ‘‘(1997)’’ after
‘‘D3177–89’’, in paragraph (a)(26);
aa. Adding the phrase ‘‘(1997)’’ after
‘‘D3178–89’’, in paragraph (a)(27);
bb. Removing ‘‘D3238–90’’ and
adding in its place ‘‘D3238–95
(2000)e1’’, in paragraph (a)(28);
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with PROPOSAL
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 162 / Tuesday, August 22, 2006 / Proposed Rules
cc. Removing ‘‘D3246–81
(Reapproved 1987)’’ and adding in its
place ‘‘D3246–96’’, in paragraph (a)(29);
dd. Removing and reserving
paragraph (a)(30);
ee. Removing ‘‘D3588–91’’ and adding
in its place ‘‘D3588–98’’, in paragraph
ff. Removing ‘‘D4052–91’’ and adding
in its place ‘‘D4052–96 (2002)e1’’, in
paragraph (a)(32);
gg. Removing ‘‘D4057–88’’ and adding
in its place ‘‘D4057–95 (2000)’’, in
paragraph (a)(33);
hh. Removing ‘‘D4177–82
(Reapproved 1990)’’ and adding in its
place ‘‘D4177–95 (2000)’’, in paragraph
ii. Removing ‘‘D4239–85’’ and adding
in its place ‘‘D4239–02’’, in paragraph
jj. Removing ‘‘D4294–90’’ and adding
in its place ‘‘D4294–98’’, in paragraph
kk. Removing the phrase
‘‘(Reapproved 1989)’’ and adding in its
place the phrase ‘‘(2000)’’, in paragraph
ll. Adding the phrase ‘‘(2001)’’ after
‘‘D4891–89’’, in paragraph (a)(39);
mm. Removing ‘‘D5291–92’’ and
adding in its place ‘‘D5291–01’’, in
paragraph (a)(40);
nn. Adding the phrase ‘‘(1997)’’ after
‘‘D5373–93’’, in paragraph (a)(41);
oo. Removing ‘‘D5504–94’’ and
adding in its place ‘‘D5504–01’’, in
paragraph (a)(42);
pp. Adding new paragraphs (a)(45),
(a)(46), (a)(47), and (a)(48);
qq. Removing the phrase ‘‘with
September 1990 Errata’’ and adding in
its place the phrase ‘‘(Reaffirmed
1995)’’, in paragraph (b)(1);
rr. Removing the date ‘‘1990’’ and
adding in its place the date ‘‘1997’’ in
the parenthetical, in paragraph (b)(2);
ss. Adding the phrase ‘‘(Reaffirmed
2001)’’ after ‘‘ASME–MFC–5M–1985’’,
in paragraph (b)(3);
tt. Removing the phrase ‘‘1987 with
June 1987 Errata’’ and adding in its
placethe number ‘‘1998’’ at the end of
‘‘MFC–6M-’’, in paragraph (b)(4);
uu. Removing the date ‘‘1992’’ and
adding in its place the date ‘‘2001’’ in
the parenthetical, in paragraph (b)(5);
vv. Removing the phrase ‘‘with
December 1989 Errata’’ and adding in its
place the phrase ‘‘(Reaffirmed 2001)’’, in
paragraph (b)(6);
ww. Removing the number ‘‘86’’ and
adding in its place the number ‘‘1996’’
at the end of ‘‘GPA Standard 2172-’’, in
paragraph (d)(1);
xx. Removing the number ‘‘90’’ and
adding in its place the number ‘‘1999’’
at the end of ‘‘GPA Standard 2261-’’, in
paragraph (d)(2);
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yy. Adding the phrase ‘‘(1st edition)’’
after the date ‘‘December 1994’’,
removing the phrase ‘‘April 1992
(reaffirmed January 1997)’’ and adding
in its place the phrase ‘‘June 2001’’,
adding the phrase ‘‘(Reaffirmed
September 2000)’’ after the date
‘‘September 1995’’, adding the phrase
‘‘(1st Edition)’’ after the date ‘‘June
1996’’, adding the phrase ‘‘(1st Edition)’’
after the date ‘‘April 1995’’, and adding
the phrase ‘‘(1st Edition)’’ after the date
‘‘March 1997’’, in paragraph (f)(1);
zz. Adding the phrase ‘‘Manual of
Measurement Standards, Chapter 4:’’
after the phrase ‘‘(API)’’, adding the
phrase ‘‘(Provers Accumulating at Least
10,000 Pulses), Measurement
Coordination (Second Edition, March
2001)’’, after the words ‘‘Conventional
Pipe Provers’’, adding the phrase ‘‘(First
Edition)’’ after the words ‘‘Small
Volume Provers’’, adding the phrase
‘‘Measurement Coordination (Second
Edition, May 2000)’’ after the phrase
‘‘Master-Meter Provers,’’ and removing
the phrase ‘‘from Chapter 4 of the
Manual of Petroleum Measurement
Standards, October 1988 (Reaffirmed
1993)’’, in paragraph (f)(3); and
aaa. Adding new paragraph (f)(4).
The revisions and additions read as
§ 75.6
Incorporation by reference.
(a) * * *
(45) ASTM D6667–04, Standard Test
Method for Determination of Total
Volatile Sulfur in Gaseous
Hydrocarbons and Liquified Petroleum
Gases by Ultraviolet Fluorescence, for
appendix D of this part.
(46) ASTM D4809–00, ‘‘Standard Test
Method for Heat of Combustion of
Liquid Hydrocarbon Fuels by Bomb
Calorimeter (Precision Method), for
appendices D and F of this part.
(47) ASTM D5865–01ae1, ‘‘Standard
Test Method for Gross Calorific Value of
Coal and Coke’’, for appendices A, D,
and F of this part.
(48) ASTM D7036–04, ‘‘Standard
Practice for Competence of Air Emission
Testing Bodies’’, for appendices A, B,
and E of this part.
(f) * * *
(4) American Petroleum Institute
(API) Manual of Petroleum
Measurement Standards, Chapter 22—
Testing Procedures: Section 2—
Differential Pressure Flow Measurement
Devices (First Edition, August 2005) for
Appendix D to this part.
6. Section 75.11 is amended by:
a. Revising the heading of the section;
b. Adding the phrase ‘‘and 14.0% for
natural gas (boilers, only)’’ after the
word ‘‘wood’’, in paragraph (b)(1);
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c. Revising paragraph (d)(3);
d. Revising paragraph (e) introductory
text, (e)(1) and (e)(3) introductory text;
e. Removing and reserving paragraph
(e)(2); and
f. Revising paragraph (f).
The revisions and additions read as
§ 75.11 Specific provisions for monitoring
SO2 emissions.
(d) * * *
(3) By using the low mass emissions
excepted methodology in § 75.19(c) for
estimating hourly SO2 mass emissions if
the affected unit qualifies as a low mass
emissions unit under § 75.19(a) and (b).
If this option is selected for SO2, the
LME methodology must also be used for
NOX and CO2 when these parameters
are required to be monitored by
applicable program(s).
(e) Special considerations during the
combustion of gaseous fuels. The owner
or operator of an affected unit that uses
a certified flow monitor and a certified
diluent gas (O2 or CO2) monitor to
measure the unit heat input rate shall,
during any hours in which the unit
combusts only gaseous fuel, determine
SO2 emissions in accordance with
paragraph (e)(1) or (e)(3) of this section,
as applicable.
(1) If the gaseous fuel qualifies for a
default SO2 emission rate under Section,, or 2.3.6(b) of appendix
D to this part, the owner or operator
may determine SO2 emissions by using
Equation F–23 in appendix F to this
part. Substitute into Equation F–23 the
hourly heat input, calculated using the
certified flow monitoring system and
the certified diluent monitor (according
to the applicable equation in section 5.2
of appendix F to this part), in
conjunction with the appropriate
default SO2 emission rate from section,, or 2.3.6(b) of appendix
D to this part. When this option is
chosen, the owner or operator shall
perform the necessary data acquisition
and handling system tests under
§ 75.20(c), and shall meet all quality
control and quality assurance
requirements in appendix B to this part
for the flow monitor and the diluent
monitor; or
(2) [Reserved]
(3) The owner or operator may
determine SO2 mass emissions by using
a certified SO2 continuous monitoring
system, in conjunction with the certified
flow rate monitoring system. However,
if the gaseous fuel is very low sulfur fuel
(as defined in § 72.2 of this chapter), the
SO2 monitoring system shall meet the
following quality assurance provisions
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 162 / Tuesday, August 22, 2006 / Proposed Rules
when the very low sulfur fuel is
(4) The provisions in paragraph (e)(1)
of this section, may also be used for the
combustion of a solid or liquid fuel that
meets the definition of very low sulfur
fuel in § 72.2 of this chapter, mixtures
of such fuels, or combinations of such
fuels with gaseous fuel, if the owner or
operator submits a petition under
§ 75.66 for a default SO2 emission rate
for each fuel, mixture or combination,
and if the Administrator approves the
(f) Other units. The owner or operator
of an affected unit that combusts wood,
refuse, or other material in addition to
oil or gas shall comply with the
monitoring provisions for coal-fired
units specified in paragraph (a) of this
section, except where the owner or
operator has an approved petition to use
the provisions of paragraph (e)(1) of this
7. Section 75.12 is amended by:
a. Revising the section heading;
b. Removing the word ‘‘and’’ before
the number ‘‘15.0%’’, and by adding the
phrase ‘‘; and 18.0% for natural gas
(boilers, only)’’ after the word ‘‘wood’’,
in paragraph (b); and
c. Revising paragraph (e)(3).
The revisions read as follows:
§ 75.12 Specific provisions for monitoring
NOX emission rate.
(e) * * *
(3) Use the low mass emissions
excepted methodology in § 75.19(c) for
estimating hourly NOX emission rate
and hourly NOX mass emissions, if
applicable under § 75.19(a) and (b). If
this option is selected for NOX, the LME
methodology must also be used for SO2
and CO2 when these parameters are
required to be monitored by applicable
8. Section 75.13 is amended by
revising paragraph (d)(3) to read as
§ 75.13 Specific provisions for monitoring
CO2 emissions.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with PROPOSAL
(d) * * *
(3) Use the low mass emissions
excepted methodology in § 75.19(c) for
estimating hourly CO2 mass emissions,
if applicable under § 75.19(a) and (b). If
this option is selected for CO2, the LME
methodology must also be used for NOX
and SO2 when these parameters are
required to be monitored by applicable
9. Section 75.15 is amended by:
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a. Removing the reference ‘‘(j)’’ and
adding the reference ‘‘(l)’’ in its place,
in the introductory paragraph;
b. Revising paragraph (h); and
c. Adding paragraphs (k) and (l).
The revisions and additions read as
§ 75.15 Special provisions for measuring
Hg mass emissions using the excepted
sorbent trap monitoring methodology.
(h) The hourly Hg mass emissions for
each collection period are determined
using the results of the analyses in
conjunction with contemporaneous
hourly data recorded by a certified stack
flow monitor, corrected for the stack gas
moisture content. For each pair of
sorbent traps analyzed, the average of
the two Hg concentrations shall be used
for reporting purposes under § 75.84(f).
Notwithstanding this requirement, if,
due to circumstances beyond the control
of the owner or operator, one of the
paired traps is accidentally lost,
damaged, or broken and cannot be
analyzed, the results of the analysis of
the other trap may be used for reporting
purposes, provided that:
(1) The other trap has met all of the
applicable quality-assurance
requirements of this part; and
(2) The Hg concentration measured by
the other trap is multiplied by a factor
of 1.222.
(k) When a sorbent trap monitoring
system is tested for relative accuracy,
both the size of the sorbent traps and the
type of sorbent material used by the
traps shall be the same as for daily
operation of the system.
(l) Whenever the size of the sorbent
traps or the type of sorbent material
used by the traps is changed, the owner
or operator shall conduct a diagnostic
RATA of the sorbent trap monitoring
system. The modified system shall not
be used to report Hg emissions under
this part until the RATA has been
performed and passed. Notwithstanding
this requirement, Hg concentrations
measured by the modified system
during a successful RATA may be
reported as quality-assured data under
this part.
10. Section 75.16 is amended by:
a. Revising paragraph (b)(1)(ii);
b. Adding the word ‘‘rate’’ after the
phrase ‘‘report heat input’’ in the last
sentence, in paragraph (e)(1); and
c. Replacing both occurrences of the
phrase ‘‘steam flow’’ with the phrase
‘‘steam load’’ and adding the phrase ‘‘or
mmBtu/hr thermal output’’ inside the
parentheses, after the phrase ‘‘in 1000
lb/hr’’, in paragraph (e)(3).
The revisions read as follows:
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§ 75.16 Special provisions for monitoring
emissions from common, bypass, and
multiple stacks for SO2 emissions and heat
input determinations.
(b) * * *
(1) * * *
(ii) Install, certify, operate, and
maintain an SO2 continuous emission
monitoring system and flow monitoring
system in the common stack and
combine emissions for the affected units
for recordkeeping and compliance
11. Section 75.17 is amended by
revising paragraph (d)(2) to read as
§ 75.17 Special provisions for monitoring
emissions from common, bypass, and
multiple stacks for NOX emission rate.
(d) * * *
(2) Install, certify, operate, and
maintain a NOX-diluent CEMS only on
the main stack. If this option is chosen,
it is not necessary to designate the
exhaust configuration as a multiple
stack configuration in the monitoring
plan required under § 75.53, with
respect to NOX or any other parameter
that is monitored only at the main stack.
For each unit operating hour in which
the bypass stack is used and the
emissions are either uncontrolled (or the
add-on controls are not documented to
be operating properly), report the
maximum potential NOX emission rate
(as defined in § 72.2 of this chapter).
The maximum potential NOX emission
rate may be specific to the type of fuel
combusted in the unit during the bypass
(see § 75.33(c)(8)). Alternatively, for a
unit with NOX add-on emission
controls, for each unit operating hour in
which the bypass stack is used and the
emissions are controlled, the owner or
operator may report the maximum
controlled NOX emission rate (MCR)
instead of the maximum potential NOX
emission rate provided that the add-on
controls are documented to be operating
properly, as described in the quality
assurance/quality control program for
the unit, required by section 1 in
appendix B of this part. To provide the
necessary documentation, the owner or
operator shall record parametric data to
verify the proper operation of the NOX
add-on emission controls as described
in § 75.34(d). Furthermore, the owner or
operator shall calculate the MCR using
the procedure described in section of Appendix A to this part by
replacing the words ‘‘maximum
potential NOX emission rate (MER)’’
with the words ‘‘maximum controlled
NOX emission rate (MCR)’’ in and by
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 162 / Tuesday, August 22, 2006 / Proposed Rules
using the NOX MEC instead of the NOX
12. Section 75.19 is amended by:
a. Revising paragraph (a)(1);
b. Revising paragraph (c)(1)(i);
c. Adding the phrase, ‘‘that meets the
quality assurance requirements of
either: this part, or appendix F to part
60 of this chapter, or a comparable State
CEM program,’’ after the abbreviation
‘‘CEMS’’, in paragraph (c)(1)(iv)(G);
d. Adding the word ‘‘add-on’’ before
the first instance of the phrase ‘‘NOX
controls’’, in paragraph (c)(1)(iv)(H)(3);
e. Adding the phrase ‘‘(1st Edition)’’
after the date ‘‘December 1994’’,
replacing the phrase ‘‘April 1992
(reaffirmed January 1997)’’ with the date
‘‘June 2001’’ after the phrase ‘‘Stationary
Tanks by Automatic Tank Gauging,’’,
adding the phrase ‘‘(Reaffirmed
September 2000)’’ after the date
‘‘September 1995’’, adding the phrase
‘‘(1st Edition)’’ after the date ‘‘June
1996’’, adding the phrase ‘‘(1st Edition)’’
after the date ‘‘April 1995’’, and adding
the phrase ‘‘(1st Edition)’’ after the date
‘‘March 1997’’, in paragraph
f. Removing the words ‘‘from Table
LM–1 of this section’’ from the first
sentence of paragraph (c)(4)(i)(A);
g. Revising the heading to paragraph
(c)(4)(ii); and
h. Adding paragraph (c)(4)(ii)(D).
The revisions and additions read as
§ 75.19 Optional SO2, NOX, and CO2
emissions calculation for low mass
emissions units.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with PROPOSAL
(a) * * *
(1) For units that meet the
requirements of this paragraph (a)(1)
and paragraphs (a)(2) and (b) of this
section, the low mass emissions (LME)
excepted methodology in paragraph (c)
of this section may be used in lieu of
continuous emission monitoring
systems or, if applicable, in lieu of
methods under appendices D, E, and G
to this part, for the purpose of
determining unit heat input, NOX, SO2,
and CO2 mass emissions, and NOX
emission rate under this part. If the
owner or operator of a qualifying unit
elects to use the LME methodology, it
must be used for all parameters that are
required to be monitored by the
applicable program(s). For example, for
an Acid Rain Program LME unit, the
methodology must be used to estimate
SO2, NOX, and CO2 mass emissions,
NOX emission rate, and unit heat input.
(c) * * *
(1) * * *
(i) If the unit combusts only natural
gas and/or fuel oil, use Table LM–1 of
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this section to determine the
appropriate SO2 emission rate for use in
calculating hourly SO2 mass emissions
under this section. Alternatively, for
fuel oil combustion, a lower, fuelspecific SO2 emission factor may be
used in lieu of the applicable emission
factor from Table LM–1, if a federally
enforceable permit condition is in place
that limits the sulfur content of the oil.
If this alternative is chosen, the fuelspecific SO2 emission rate in lb/mmBtu
shall be calculated by multiplying the
fuel sulfur content limit (weight percent
sulfur) by 1.01. In addition, the owner
or operator shall periodically determine
the sulfur content of the oil combusted
in the unit, using one of the oil
sampling and analysis options described
in section 2.2 of Appendix D to this
part, and shall keep records of these fuel
sampling results in a format suitable for
inspection and auditing. If the unit
combusts gaseous fuel(s) other than
natural gas, the owner or operator shall
use the procedures in section 2.3.6 of
appendix D to this part to document the
total sulfur content of each such fuel
and to determine the appropriate default
SO2 emission rate for each such fuel.
(4) * * *
(ii) NOX mass emissions and NOX
emission rate. * * *
(D) The quarterly and cumulative
NOX emission rate in lb/mmBtu (if
required by the applicable program(s))
shall be determined as follows.
Calculate the quarterly NOX emission
rate by taking the arithmetic average of
all of the hourly EFNOx values. Calculate
the cumulative (year-to-date) NOX
emission rate by taking the arithmetic
average of the quarterly NOX emission
13. Section 75.20 is amended by:
a. Adding a new sentence after the
third sentence of paragraph (b)
introductory text;
b. Revising paragraph (c)(1)(v); and
c. Removing paragraphs (f)(1) and
The revisions and additions read as
§ 75.20 Initial certification and
recertification procedures.
(b) * * * The owner or operator shall
also recertify the continuous emission
monitoring systems for a unit that has
recommenced commercial operation
following a period of long-term cold
storage as defined in § 72.2 of this
chapter. * * *
(c) * * *
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(1) * * *
(v) A cycle time test, (where, for the
NOX-diluent continuous emission
monitoring system, the test is performed
separately on the NOX pollutant
concentration monitor and the diluent
gas monitor); and
14. Section 75.21 is amended by
removing the words ‘‘or (e)(2)’’ at the
end of the first sentence of paragraph
15. Section 75.22 is amended by
revising paragraphs (a)(5) and (a)(7) to
read as follows:
§ 75.22
Reference test methods.
(a) * * *
(5) Methods 6, 6A, 6B or 6C, and 7,
7A, 7C, 7D or 7E, as applicable, are the
reference methods for determining SO2
and NOX pollutant concentrations.
Alternatively, Method 20 may be used
as the reference method for relative
accuracy test audits of NOX CEMS
installed on combustion turbines.
(Methods 6A and 6B may also be used
to determine SO2 emission rate in lb/
mmBtu.) Methods 7, 7A, 7C, 7D, or 7E
must be used to measure total NOX
emissions, both NO and NO2, for
purposes of this part. The owner or
operator shall not use the following
exceptions or options of method 7E:
(i) Section 7.1 of the method allowing
for use of prepared calibration gas
mixtures that are produced in
accordance with method 205 in
Appendix M of 40 CFR Part 51;
(ii) Paragraph (3) in section 8.4 of the
method allowing for the use of a multihole probe to satisfy the multipoint
traverse requirement of the method;
(iii) Section 8.6 of the method
allowing for the use of ‘‘Dynamic
Spiking’’ as an alternative to the
interference and system bias checks of
the method. Dynamic spiking may be
conducted (optionally) as an additional
quality assurance check.
(7) ASTM D6784–02, ‘‘Standard Test
Method for Elemental, Oxidized,
Particle-Bound, and Total Mercury in
Flue Gas Generated from Coal-Fired
Stationary Sources’’ (also known as the
Ontario Hydro Method)(incorporated by
reference, see § 75.6) is the reference
method for determining Hg
concentration. Alternatively, Method 29
in appendix A–8 to part 60 of this
chapter may be used, with these caveats:
the procedures for preparation of Hg
standards and sample analysis in
sections through ASTM
D6784–02 shall be followed instead of
the procedures in sections 7.5.33 and
11.1.3 of Method 29, and the QA/QC
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 162 / Tuesday, August 22, 2006 / Proposed Rules
procedures in section 13.4.2 of ASTM
D6784–02 shall be performed instead of
the procedures in section 9.2.3 of
Method 29. The tester may also opt to
use the sample recovery and preparation
procedures in ASTM D6784–02 instead
of the Method 29 procedures, as follows:
sections 8.2.8 and of Method 29
may be replaced with sections
through of ASTM D6784–02 ;
sections and of Method
29 may be replaced with sections through of ASTM
D6784–02; section 8.3.4 of Method 29
may be replaced with section 13.3.4 or
13.3.6 of ASTM D6784–02 (as
appropriate); and section 8.3.5 of
Method 29 may be replaced with section
13.3.5 or 13.3.6 of ASTM D6784–02 (as
appropriate). Whenever ASTM D6784–
02 or Method 29 is used, paired
sampling trains are required. To validate
a RATA run, the relative deviation (RD),
calculated according to section 11.7 of
appendix K to this part, must not exceed
10 percent, when the average
concentration is greater than 1.0 µg/m3.
If the average concentration is ≤ 1.0 µg/
m3, the RD must not exceed 20 percent.
If the RD criterion is met, use the
average Hg concentration measured by
the two trains (vapor phase, only) in the
relative accuracy calculations. As a
second alternative, an instrumental
reference method or other suitable
reference method capable of measuring
total vapor phase Hg may be used,
subject to the approval of the
16. Section 75.32 is amended by
replacing the phrase ‘‘need not be
calculated during the’’ with the phrase
‘‘shall be calculated for each hour
during each’’, by replacing the word
‘‘last’’ with the word ‘‘each’’, and by
removing the phrase ‘‘as the monitor
availability used’’ after the words ‘‘data
period’’, in paragraph (b).
17. Section 75.33 is amended by:
a. Replacing the word ‘‘Whenever’’
with the word ‘‘If’’, and by replacing the
words ‘‘each hour of each’’ with the
words ‘‘that hour of the’’, in paragraph
(b)(1) introductory text;
b. Replacing the word ‘‘Whenever’’
with the word ‘‘If’’, and by replacing the
words ‘‘each hour of each’’ with the
words ‘‘that hour of the’’, in paragraph
(b)(2) introductory text;
c. Replacing the word ‘‘Whenever’’
with the word ‘‘If’’, and by replacing the
word ‘‘each’’ with the words ‘‘that hour
of the’’, in paragraphs (b)(3) and (b)(4);
d. Replacing the word ‘‘Whenever’’
with the word ‘‘If’’, and by replacing the
words ‘‘each hour of each’’ with the
words ‘‘that hour of the’’, in paragraphs
(c)(1) introductory text, (c)(2)
introductory text, (c)(3), and (c)(4);
e. Revising Tables 1 and 2 in
paragraph (c)(8)(iv);
f. Revising Table 3 in paragraph (e)(3);
h. Replacing the word ‘‘Whenever’’
with the word ‘‘If’’, and by replacing the
words ‘‘each hour of each’’ with the
words ‘‘that hour of the’’, in paragraphs
(d)(1), (d)(2), (d)(3), and (d)(4).
The revisions and additions read as
§ 75.33 Standard missing data procedures
for SO2, NOX, Hg, and flow rate.
(c) * * *
(8) * * *
(iv) * * *
Trigger conditions
Calculation routines
Monitor data availability (percent)
Duration (N) of CEMS outage (hours) 2
95 or more (90 or more for Hg) ............
N ≤ 24 ..................................................
N > 24 ..................................................
Average ................................................
For SO2, CO2, Hg, and H2O **, the
greater of:
Average ................................................
90th percentile .....................................
For O2 and H2Ox, the lesser of:
10th percentile .....................................
Average ................................................
90 or more, but below 95 (> 80 but <
90 for Hg).
N ≤ 8 ....................................................
N > 8 ....................................................
80 or more, but below 90 (> 70 but <
80 for Hg).
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Below 80 (Below 70 for Hg) ..................
N > 0 ....................................................
N > 0 ....................................................
For SO2, CO2, Hg, and H2O **, the
greater of:
Average ................................................
95th percentile .....................................
For O2 and H2Ox, the lesser of:
Average ................................................
5th Percentile .......................................
For SO2, CO2, Hg, and H2O **,
720 hours *
HB/HA 720 hours *
720 hours *
720 hours *
Maximum value1 .................................. 720 hours *
For O2 and H2Ox:.
Minimum value1 ................................... 720 hours *
Maximum potential concentration 3 or
% (for SO2, CO2, Hg, and H2O **) or.
Minimum potential concentration or % None
(for O2 and H2Ox).
HB/HA = hour before and hour after the CEMS outage.
* Quality-assured, monitor operating hours, during unit operation. May be either fuel-specific or non-fuel-specific. For units that report data only
for the ozone season, include only quality assured monitor operating hours within the ozone season in the lookback period. Use data from no
earlier than 3 years prior to the missing data period.
1 Where a unit with add-on SO or Hg emission controls can demonstrate that the controls are operating properly, as provided in § 75.34, the
unit may, upon approval, use the maximum controlled emission rate from the previous 720 quality-assured monitor operating hours.
2 During unit operating hours.
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3 Alternatively, where a unit with add-on SO or Hg emission controls can demonstrate that the controls are operating properly, as provided in
§ 75.34, the unit may report the greater of: (a) The maximum expected SO2 or Hg concentration or (b) 1.25 times the maximum controlled value
from the previous 720 quality-assured monitor operating hours.
x Use this algorithm for moisture except when Equation 19–3, 19–4 or 19–8 in Method 19 in appendix A to part 60 of this chapter is used for
NOX emission rate.
** Use this algorithm for moisture only when Equation 19–3, 19–4 or 19–8 in Method 19 in appendix A to part 60 of this chapter is used for
NOX emission rate.
Trigger conditions
Calculation routines
Monitor data availability (percent)
Duration (N) of CEMS outage
(hours) 2
Lookback period
95 or more ................................
N ≤ 24 .......................................
N > 24 .......................................
Average ....................................
The greater of:
Average ....................................
90th percentile ..........................
Average ....................................
The greater of:
Average ....................................
95th percentile ..........................
Maximum value 1 ......................
Maximum potential NOX emission rate3; or maximum potential NOX concentration3; or
maximum potential flow rate..
2160 hours * ..............................
HB/HA .......................................
2160 hours * ..............................
2160 hours * ..............................
HB/HA .......................................
2160 hours * ..............................
2160 hours * ..............................
None .........................................
90 or more, but below 95 .........
80 or more, but below 90 .........
Below 80 ...................................
N ≤ 8 .........................................
N > 8 .........................................
N > 0 .........................................
N > 0 .........................................
HB/HA = hour before and hour after the CEMS outage.
* Quality-assured, monitor operating hours, using data at the corresponding load range (‘‘load bin’’) for each hour of the missing data period.
May be either fuel-specific or non-fuel-specific. For units that report data only for the ozone season, include only quality assured monitor operating hours within the ozone season in the lookback period. Use data from no earlier than three years prior to the missing data period.
1 Where a unit with add-on NO
X emission controls can demonstrate that the controls are operating properly, as provided in § 75.34, the unit
may, upon approval, use the maximum controlled emission rate from the previous 2160 quality-assured monitor operating hours. Alternatively,
units with add-on controls that report NOX mass emissions on a year-round basis under subpart H of this part may use separate ozone season
and non-ozone season databases to provide substitute data values, as described in § 75.34 (a)(2).
2 During
unit operating hours.
3 Alternatively, where a unit with add-on NO
X emission controls can demonstrate that the controls are operating properly, as provided in
§ 75.34, the unit may report the greater of: (a) The maximum expected NOX concentration (or maximum controlled NOX emission rate, as applicable); or (b) 1.25 times the maximum controlled value at the corresponding load bin, from the previous 2160 quality-assured monitor operating
(e) * * *
(3) * * *
Trigger conditions
Monitor data availability (percent)
95 or more ................................................
90 or more, but below 95 .........................
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80 or more, but below 90 .........................
Below 80, or operational bin indeterminable.
Calculation routines
Duration (N) of CEMS outage (hours) 1
≤ 24 .....................................................
> 24 .....................................................
≤ 8 .......................................................
> 8 .......................................................
> 0 .......................................................
> 0 .......................................................
Average ...................................................
90th percentile ........................................
Average ...................................................
95th percentile ........................................
Maximum value .......................................
Maximum potential NOX emission rate 2
or maximum potential NOX concentration 2.
Lookback period
2160 hours *
2160 hours *
2160 hours *
2160 hours *
2160 hours *
* If operational bins are used, the lookback period is 2,160 quality-assured, monitor operating hours, and data at the corresponding operational
bin are used to provide substitute data values. If operational bins are not used, the lookback period is the previous 2,160 quality-assured monitor
operating hours. For units that report data only for the ozone season, include only quality-assured monitor operating hours within the ozone season in the lookback period. Use data from no earlier than three years prior to the missing data period.
1 During unit operation.
2 Alternatively, where a unit with add-on NO
X emission controls can demonstrate that the controls are operating properly, as provided in
§ 75.34, the unit may report the greater of: (a) the maximum expected NOX concentration, (or maximum controlled NOX emission rate, as applicable); or (b) 1.25 times the maximum controlled value at the corresponding operational bin (if applicable), from the previous 2160 quality-assured monitor operating hours.
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18. Section 75.34 is amended by:
a. Revising paragraph (a) introductory
b. Amending paragraph (a)(2)(ii) by
replacing the words ‘‘and (c)(3)’’ with ‘‘,
(c)(3) and (c)(5), and § 75.38(c),’’;
c. Revising paragraph (a)(3);
d. Adding paragraph (a)(5); and
e. Revising paragraph (d) by replacing
the words ‘‘paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(3)’’
with ‘‘paragraphs (a)(1), (a)(3) and
The revisions and additions read as
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§ 75.34 Units with add-on emission
(a) The owner or operator of an
affected unit equipped with add-on SO2
and/or NOX emission controls shall
provide substitute data in accordance
with paragraphs (a)(1), through (a)(5) of
this section for each hour in which
quality-assured data from the outlet SO2
and/or NOX monitoring system(s) are
not obtained.
(3) For each missing data hour in
which the percent monitor data
availability for SO2 or NOX, calculated
in accordance with § 75.32, is less than
90.0 percent and is greater than or equal
to 80.0 percent; and parametric data
establishes that the add-on emission
controls were operating properly (i.e.
within the range of operating parameters
provided in the quality assurance/
quality control program) during the
hour, the owner or operator may:
(i) Replace the maximum SO2
concentration recorded in the 720
quality-assured monitor operating hours
immediately preceding the missing data
period, with the maximum controlled
SO2 concentration recorded in the
previous 720 quality-assured monitor
operating hours; or
(ii) Replace the maximum NOX
concentration(s) or NOX emission rate(s)
from the appropriate load bin(s) (based
on a lookback through the 2,160 qualityassured monitor operating hours
immediately preceding the missing data
period), with the maximum controlled
NOX concentration(s) or emission rate(s)
from the appropriate load bin(s) in the
same 2,160 quality-assured monitor
operating hour lookback period.
(5) For each missing data hour in
which the percent monitor data
availability for SO2 or NOX, calculated
in accordance with § 75.32, is below
80.0 percent and parametric data
establish that the add-on emission
controls were operating properly (i.e.
within the range of operating parameters
provided in the quality assurance/
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quality control program), in lieu of
reporting the maximum potential value,
the owner or operator may substitute, as
applicable, the greater of:
(i) The maximum expected SO2
concentration or 1.25 times the
maximum hourly controlled SO2
concentration recorded in the previous
720 quality-assured monitor operating
(ii) The maximum expected NOX
concentration or 1.25 times the
maximum hourly controlled NOX
concentration recorded in the previous
2,160 quality-assured monitor operating
hours at the corresponding unit load
range or operational bin;
(iii) The maximum hourly controlled
NOX emission rate (MCR) or 1.25 times
the maximum hourly controlled NOX
emission rate recorded in the previous
2,160 quality-assured monitor operating
hours at the corresponding unit load
range or operational bin;
(iv) For the purposes of implementing
the missing data options in paragraphs
(a)(5)(i) through (a)(5)(iii) of this section,
the maximum expected SO2 and NOX
concentrations shall be determined,
respectively, according to sections and of appendix A to this
part. The MCR shall be calculated
according to the basic procedure
described in section of
appendix A to this part, except that the
words ‘‘maximum potential NOX
emission rate (MER)’’ shall be replaced
with the words ‘‘maximum controlled
NOX emission rate (MCR)’’ and the NOX
MEC shall be used instead of the NOX
19. Section 75.38 is amended by
revising paragraphs (a) and (c) to read as
§ 75.38 Standard missing data procedures
for Hg CEMS.
(a) Once 720 quality assured monitor
operating hours of Hg concentration
data have been obtained following
initial certification, the owner or
operator shall provide substitute data
for Hg concentration in accordance with
the procedures in § 75.33(b)(1) through
(b)(4), except that the term ‘‘Hg
concentration’’ shall apply rather than
‘‘SO2 concentration,’’ the term ‘‘Hg
concentration monitoring system’’ shall
apply rather than ‘‘SO2 pollutant
concentration monitor,’’ the term
‘‘maximum potential Hg concentration,
as defined in section 2.1.7 of appendix
A to this part’’ shall apply, rather than
‘‘maximum potential SO2
concentration’’, and the percent monitor
data availability trigger conditions
prescribed for Hg in Table 1 of § 75.33
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shall apply rather than the trigger
conditions prescribed for SO2.
(c) For units with FGD systems or
add-on Hg emission controls, when the
percent monitor data availability is less
than 80.0 percent and is greater than or
equal to 70.0 percent, and a missing
data period occurs, consistent with
§ 75.34(a)(3), for each missing data hour
in which the FGD or Hg emission
controls are documented to be operating
properly, the owner or operator may
report the maximum controlled Hg
concentration recorded in the previous
720 quality-assured monitor operating
hours. In addition, when the percent
monitor data availability is less than
70.0 percent and a missing data period
occurs, consistent with § 75.34(a)(5), for
each missing data hour in which the
FGD or Hg emission controls are
documented to be operating properly,
the owner or operator may report the
greater of the maximum expected Hg
concentration (MEC) or 1.25 times the
maximum controlled Hg concentration
recorded in the previous 720 qualityassured monitor operating hours. The
MEC shall be determined in accordance
with section of appendix A to
this part.
20. Section 75.39 is amended by:
a. Revising paragraph (a);
b. Revising paragraph (b);
c. Revising paragraph (c);
d. Revising paragraph (d); and
e. Adding paragraph (f).
The revisions and additions read as
§ 75.39 Missing data procedures for
sorbent trap monitoring systems.
(a) If a primary sorbent trap
monitoring system has not been
certified by the applicable compliance
date specified under a State or Federal
Hg mass emission reduction program
that adopts the requirements of subpart
I of this part, and if quality-assured Hg
concentration data from a certified
backup Hg monitoring system, reference
method, or approved alternative
monitoring system are unavailable, the
owner or operator shall report the
maximum potential Hg concentration,
as defined in section 2.1.7 of appendix
A to this part, until the primary system
is certified.
(b) For a certified sorbent trap system,
a missing data period will occur in the
following circumstances, unless qualityassured Hg concentration data from a
certified backup Hg CEMS, sorbent trap
system, reference method, or approved
alternative monitoring system are
(1) A gas sample is not extracted from
the stack during unit operation (e.g.
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during a monitoring system malfunction
or when the system undergoes
maintenance); or
(2) The results of the Hg analysis for
the paired sorbent traps are missing or
invalid (as determined using the quality
assurance procedures in appendix K to
this part). The missing data period
begins with the hour in which the
paired sorbent traps for which the Hg
analysis is missing or invalid were put
into service. The missing data period
ends at the first hour in which valid Hg
concentration data are obtained with
another pair of sorbent traps (i.e., the
hour at which this pair of traps was
placed in service), or with a certified
backup Hg CEMS, reference method, or
approved alternative monitoring system.
(c) Initial missing data procedures.
Use the missing data procedures in
§ 75.31(b) until 720 hours of qualityassured Hg concentration data have
been collected with the sorbent trap
monitoring system(s), following initial
(d) Standard missing data procedures.
Once 720 quality-assured hours of data
have been obtained with the sorbent
trap system(s), begin reporting the
percent monitor data availability in
accordance with § 75.32 and switch
from the initial missing data procedures
in paragraph (c) of this section to the
standard missing data procedures in
§ 75.38.
(f) In cases where the owner or
operator elects to use a primary Hg
CEMS and a redundant backup sorbent
trap monitoring system (or vice-versa),
when both monitoring systems are outof-service and quality-assured Hg
concentration data from a reference
method or approved alternative
monitoring system are unavailable, the
previous 720 quality-assured monitor
operating hours reported in the
electronic quarterly report under § 75.64
shall be used for the required missing
data lookback, irrespective of whether
these data were recorded by the Hg
CEMS, the sorbent trap system, a
reference method, or an approved
alternative monitoring system.
21. Section 75.53 is amended by:
a. Revising paragraph (a)(1);
b. Replacing the phrase ‘‘(d) or (f)’’
with the phrase ‘‘(f) or (h)’’ in the
second sentence of paragraph (a)(2);
c. Adding paragraph (e)(1)(xiv); and
d. Adding paragraphs (g) and (h).
The revisions and additions read as
§ 75.53
Monitoring plan.
(a) * * *
(1) The provisions of paragraphs (e)
and (f) of this section shall remain in
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effect through December 31, 2008. The
owner or operator shall meet the
requirements of paragraphs (a), (b), (e),
and (f) of this section through December
31, 2008, except as otherwise provided
in paragraph (g) of this section. On and
after January 1, 2009, the owner or
operator shall meet the requirements of
paragraphs (a), (b), (g), and (h) of this
section only. In addition, the provisions
in paragraphs (g) and (h) of this section
that support a regulatory option
provided in another section of this part
must be followed if the regulatory
option is used prior to January 1, 2009.
(e) * * *
(1) * * *
(xiv) For each unit with a flow
monitor installed on a rectangular stack
or duct, if a wall effects adjustment
factor (WAF) is determined and applied
to the hourly flow rate data:
(A) Stack or duct width at the test
location, ft;
(B) Stack or duct depth at the test
location, ft;
(C) Wall effects adjustment factor
(WAF), to the nearest 0.0001;
(D) Method of determining the WAF;
(E) WAF Effective date and hour;
(F) WAF no longer effective date and
hour (if applicable;
(G) WAF determination date;
(H) Number of WAF test runs;
(I) Number of Method 1 traverse
points in the WAF test;
(J) Number of test ports in the WAF
test; and
(K) Number of Method 1 traverse
points in the reference flow RATA.
(g) Contents of the monitoring plan.
The requirements of paragraphs (g) and
(h) of this section shall be met on and
after January 1, 2009. Notwithstanding
this requirement, the provisions of
paragraphs (g) and (h) of this section
may be implemented prior to January 1,
2009, as follows. In 2008, the owner or
operator may opt to record and report
the monitoring plan information in
paragraphs (g) and (h) of this section, in
lieu of recording and reporting the
information in paragraphs (e) and (f) of
this section. Each monitoring plan shall
contain the information in paragraph
(g)(1) of this section in electronic format
and the information in paragraph (g)(2)
of this section in hardcopy format.
Electronic storage of all monitoring plan
information, including the hardcopy
portions, is permissible provided that a
paper copy of the information can be
furnished upon request for audit
(1) Electronic.
(i) The facility ORISPL number
developed by the Department of Energy
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and used in the National Allowance
Data Base (or equivalent facility ID
number assigned by EPA, if the facility
does not have an ORISPL number). Also
provide the following information for
each unit and (as applicable) for each
common stack and/or pipe, and each
multiple stack and/or pipe involved in
the monitoring plan:
(A) A representation of the exhaust
configuration for the units in the
monitoring plan. Provide the ID number
of each unit and assign a unique ID
number to each common stack, common
pipe multiple stack and/or multiple
pipe associated with the unit(s)
represented in the monitoring plan. For
common and multiple stacks and/or
pipes, provide the activation date and
deactivation date (if applicable) of each
stack and/or pipe;
(B) Identification of the monitoring
system location(s) (e.g., at the unit-level,
on the common stack, at each multiple
stack, etc.). Provide an indicator (‘‘flag’’)
if the monitoring location is at a bypass
stack or in the ductwork (breeching);
(C) The stack exit height (ft) above
ground level and ground level elevation
above sea level, and the inside crosssectional area (ft2) at the flue exit and at
the flow monitoring location (for units
with flow monitors, only). Also use
appropriate codes to indicate the
material(s) of construction and the
shape(s) of the stack or duct crosssection(s) at the flue exit and (if
applicable) at the flow monitor location;
(D) The type(s) of fuel(s) fired by each
unit. Indicate the start and (if
applicable) end date of combustion for
each type of fuel, and whether the fuel
is the primary, secondary, emergency, or
startup fuel;
(E) The type(s) of emission controls
that are used to reduce SO2, NOX, Hg,
and particulate emissions from each
unit. Also provide the installation date,
optimization date, and retirement date
(if applicable) of the emission controls,
and indicate whether the controls are an
original installation;
(F) Maximum hourly heat input
capacity of each unit; and
(G) A non-load based unit indicator (if
applicable) for units that do not produce
electrical or thermal output.
(ii) For each monitored parameter
(e.g., SO2, NOX, flow, etc.) at each
monitoring location, specify the
monitoring methodology and the
missing data approach for the
parameter. If the unmonitored bypass
stack approach is used for a particular
parameter, indicate this by means of an
appropriate code. Provide the activation
date/hour, and deactivation date/hour
(if applicable) for each monitoring
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methodology and each missing data
(iii) For each required continuous
emission monitoring system, each fuel
flowmeter system, each continuous
opacity monitoring system, and each
sorbent trap monitoring system (as
defined in § 72.2 of this chapter),
identify and describe the major
monitoring components in the
monitoring system (e.g., gas analyzer,
flow monitor, opacity monitor, moisture
sensor, fuel flowmeter, DAHS software,
etc.). Other important components in
the system (e.g., sample probe, PLC,
data logger, etc.) may also be
represented in the monitoring plan, if
necessary. Provide the following
specific information about each
component and monitoring system:
(A) For each required monitoring
(1) Assign a unique, 3-character
alphanumeric identification code to the
(2) Indicate the parameter monitored
by the system;
(3) Designate the system as a primary,
redundant backup, non-redundant
backup, data backup, or reference
method backup system, as provided in
§ 75.10(e); and
(4) Indicate the system activation
date/hour and deactivation date/hour
(as applicable).
(B) For each component of each
monitoring system represented in the
monitoring plan:
(1) Assign a unique, 3-character
alphanumeric identification code to the
(2) Indicate the manufacturer, model
and serial number;
(3) Designate the component type;
(4) For dual-span applications,
indicate whether the analyzer
component ID represents a high
measurement scale, a low scale, or a
dual range;
(5) For gas analyzers, indicate the
moisture basis of measurement;
(6) Indicate the method of sample
acquisition or operation, (e.g., extractive
pollutant concentration monitor or
thermal flow monitor); and
(7) Indicate the component activation
date/hour and deactivation date/hour
(as applicable).
(iv) Explicit formulas, using the
component and system identification
codes for the primary monitoring
system, and containing all constants and
factors required to derive the required
mass emissions, emission rates, heat
input rates, etc. from the hourly data
recorded by the monitoring systems.
Formulas using the system and
component ID codes for backup
monitoring systems are required only if
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different formulas for the same
parameter are used for the primary and
backup monitoring systems (e.g., if the
primary system measures pollutant
concentration on a different moisture
basis from the backup system). Provide
the equation number or other
appropriate code for each emissions
formula (e.g., use code F–1 if Equation
F–1 in appendix F to this part is used
to calculate SO2 mass emissions). Also
identify each emissions formula with a
unique three character alphanumeric
code. The formula effective start date/
hour and inactivation date/hour (as
applicable) shall be included for each
formula. The owner or operator of a unit
for which the optional low mass
emissions excepted methodology in
§ 75.19 is being used is not required to
report such formulas.
(v) For each parameter monitored
with CEMS, provide the following
(A) Measurement scale (high or low);
(B) Maximum potential value (and
method of calculation). If NOX emission
rate in lb/mmBtu is monitored, calculate
and provide the maximum potential
NOX emission rate in addition to the
maximum potential NOX concentration;
(C) Maximum expected value (if
applicable) and method of calculation;
(D) Span value(s) and full-scale
measurement range(s);
(E) Daily calibration units of measure;
(F) Effective date/hour, and (if
applicable) inactivation date/hour of
each span value;
(G) An indication of whether dual
spans are required; and
(H) The default high range value (if
applicable) and the maximum allowable
low-range value for this option;
(vi) If the monitoring system or
excepted methodology provides for the
use of a constant, assumed, or default
value for a parameter under specific
circumstances, then include the
following information for each such
value for each parameter:
(A) Identification of the parameter;
(B) Default, maximum, minimum, or
constant value, and units of measure for
the value;
(C) Purpose of the value;
(D) Indicator of use, i.e., during
controlled hours, uncontrolled hours, or
all operating hours;
(E) Type of fuel;
(F) Source of the value;
(G) Value effective date and hour;
(H) Date and hour value is no longer
effective (if applicable); and
(I) For units using the excepted
methodology under § 75.19, the
applicable SO2 emission factor.
(vii) Unless otherwise specified in
section of appendix A to this
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part, for each unit or common stack on
which hardware CEMS are installed:
(A) Maximum hourly gross load (in
MW, rounded to the nearest MW, or
steam load in 1000 lb/hr (i.e., klb/hr),
rounded to the nearest klb/hr, or
thermal output in mmBtu/hr, rounded
to the nearest mmBtu/hr), for units that
produce electrical or thermal output;
(B) The upper and lower boundaries
of the range of operation (as defined in
section of appendix A to this
part), expressed in megawatts,
thousands of lb/hr of steam, mmBtu/hr
of thermal output, or ft/sec (as
(C) Except for peaking units, identify
the most frequently and second most
frequently used load (or operating)
levels (i.e., low, mid, or high) in
accordance with section of
appendix A to this part, expressed in
megawatts, thousands of lb/hr of steam,
mmBtu/hr of thermal output, or ft/sec
(as applicable);
(D) Except for peaking units, an
indicator of whether the second most
frequently used load (or operating) level
is designated as normal in section of appendix A to this part;
(E) The date of the data analysis used
to determine the normal load (or
operating) level(s) and the two most
frequently-used load (or operating)
levels (as applicable); and
(F) Activation and deactivation dates
and hours, when the maximum hourly
gross load, boundaries of the range of
operation, normal load (or operating)
level(s) or two most frequently-used
load (or operating) levels change and are
(viii) For each unit for which CEMS
are not installed:
(A) Maximum hourly gross load (in
MW, rounded to the nearest MW, or
steam load in klb/hr, rounded to the
nearest klb/hr, or steam load in mmBtu/
hr, rounded to the nearest mmBtu/hr);
(B) The upper and lower boundaries
of the range of operation (as defined in
section of appendix A to this
part), expressed in megawatts, mmBtu/
hr of thermal output, or thousands of lb/
hr of steam;
(C) Except for peaking units and units
using the low mass emissions excepted
methodology under § 75.19, identify the
load level designated as normal,
pursuant to section of appendix
A to this part, expressed in megawatts,
mmBtu/hr of thermal output, or
thousands of lb/hr of steam;
(D) The date of the load analysis used
to determine the normal load level (as
applicable); and
(E) Activation and deactivation dates
and hours, when the maximum hourly
gross load, boundaries of the range of
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operation, or normal load level change
and are updated.
(ix) For each unit with a flow monitor
installed on a rectangular stack or duct,
if a wall effects adjustment factor (WAF)
is determined and applied to the hourly
flow rate data:
(A) Stack or duct width at the test
location, ft;
(B) Stack or duct depth at the test
location, ft;
(C) Wall effects adjustment factor
(WAF), to the nearest 0.0001;
(D) Method of determining the WAF;
(E) WAF Effective date and hour;
(F) WAF no longer effective date and
hour (if applicable);
(G) WAF determination date;
(H) Number of WAF test runs;
(I) Number of Method 1 traverse
points in the WAF test;
(J) Number of test ports in the WAF
test; and
(K) Number of Method 1 traverse
points in the reference flow RATA.
(2) Hardcopy.
(i) Information, including (as
applicable): identification of the test
strategy; protocol for the relative
accuracy test audit; other relevant test
information; calibration gas levels
(percent of span) for the calibration
error test and linearity check;
calculations for determining maximum
potential concentration, maximum
expected concentration (if applicable),
maximum potential flow rate, maximum
potential NOX emission rate, and span;
and apportionment strategies under
§§ 75.10 through 75.18.
(ii) Description of site locations for
each monitoring component in the
continuous emission or opacity
monitoring systems, including
schematic diagrams and engineering
drawings specified in paragraphs
(e)(2)(iv) and (e)(2)(v) of this section and
any other documentation that
demonstrates each monitor location
meets the appropriate siting criteria.
(iii) A data flow diagram denoting the
complete information handling path
from output signals of CEMS
components to final reports.
(iv) For units monitored by a
continuous emission or opacity
monitoring system, a schematic diagram
identifying entire gas handling system
from boiler to stack for all affected units,
using identification numbers for units,
monitoring systems and components,
and stacks corresponding to the
identification numbers provided in
paragraphs (g)(1)(i) and (g)(1)(iii) of this
section. The schematic diagram must
depict stack height and the height of any
monitor locations. Comprehensive and/
or separate schematic diagrams shall be
used to describe groups of units using
a common stack.
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(v) For units monitored by a
continuous emission or opacity
monitoring system, stack and duct
engineering diagrams showing the
dimensions and location of fans, turning
vanes, air preheaters, monitor
components, probes, reference method
sampling ports, and other equipment
that affects the monitoring system
location, performance, or quality control
(h) Contents of monitoring plan for
specific situations. The following
additional information shall be included
in the monitoring plan for the specific
situations described:
(1) For each gas-fired unit or oil-fired
unit for which the owner or operator
uses the optional protocol in appendix
D to this part for estimating heat input
and/or SO2 mass emissions, or for each
gas-fired or oil-fired peaking unit for
which the owner/operator uses the
optional protocol in appendix E to this
part for estimating NOX emission rate
(using a fuel flowmeter), the designated
representative shall include the
following additional information for
each fuel flowmeter system in the
monitoring plan:
(i) Electronic.
(A) Parameter monitored;
(B) Type of fuel measured, maximum
fuel flow rate, units of measure, and
basis of maximum fuel flow rate (i.e.,
upper range value or unit maximum) for
each fuel flowmeter;
(C) Test method used to check the
accuracy of each fuel flowmeter;
(D) Monitoring system identification
(E) The method used to demonstrate
that the unit qualifies for monthly GCV
sampling or for daily or annual fuel
sampling for sulfur content, as
applicable; and
(F) Activation date/hour and (if
applicable) inactivation date/hour for
the fuel flowmeter system;
(ii) Hardcopy.
(A) A schematic diagram identifying
the relationship between the unit, all
fuel supply lines, the fuel flowmeter(s),
and the stack(s). The schematic diagram
must depict the installation location of
each fuel flowmeter and the fuel
sampling location(s). Comprehensive
and/or separate schematic diagrams
shall be used to describe groups of units
using a common pipe;
(B) For units using the optional
default SO2 emission rate for ‘‘pipeline
natural gas’’ or ‘‘natural gas’’ in
appendix D to this part, the information
on the sulfur content of the gaseous fuel
used to demonstrate compliance with
either section or of
appendix D to this part;
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(C) For units using the 720 hour test
under 2.3.6 of Appendix D of this part
to determine the required sulfur
sampling requirements, report the
procedures and results of the test; and
(D) For units using the 720 hour test
under 2.3.5 of Appendix D of this part
to determine the appropriate fuel GCV
sampling frequency, report the
procedures used and the results of the
(2) For each gas-fired peaking unit
and oil-fired peaking unit for which the
owner or operator uses the optional
procedures in appendix E to this part for
estimating NOX emission rate, the
designated representative shall include
in the monitoring plan:
(i) Electronic. Unit operating and
capacity factor information
demonstrating that the unit qualifies as
a peaking unit, as defined in § 72.2 of
this chapter for the current calendar
year or ozone season, including:
capacity factor data for three calendar
years (or ozone seasons) as specified in
the definition of peaking unit in § 72.2
of this chapter; the method of
qualification used; and an indication of
whether the data are actual or projected
(ii) Hardcopy.
(A) A protocol containing methods
used to perform the baseline or periodic
NOX emission test; and
(B) Unit operating parameters related
to NOX formation by the unit.
(3) For each gas-fired unit and dieselfired unit or unit with a wet flue gas
pollution control system for which the
designated representative claims an
opacity monitoring exemption under
§ 75.14, the designated representative
shall include in the hardcopy
monitoring plan the information
specified under § 75.14(b), (c), or (d),
demonstrating that the unit qualifies for
the exemption.
(4) For each unit using the low mass
emissions excepted methodology under
§ 75.19 the designated representative
shall include the following additional
information in the monitoring plan that
accompanies the initial certification
(i) Electronic. For each low mass
emissions unit, report the results of the
analysis performed to qualify as a low
mass emissions unit under § 75.19(c).
This report will include either the
previous three years actual or projected
emissions. The following items should
be included:
(A) Current calendar year of
(B) Type of qualification;
(C) Years one, two, and three;
(D) Annual and/or ozone season
measured, estimated or projected NOX
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 162 / Tuesday, August 22, 2006 / Proposed Rules
mass emissions for years one, two, and
(E) Annual measured, estimated or
projected SO2 mass emissions (if
applicable) for years one, two, and
three; and
(F) Annual or ozone season operating
hours for years one, two, and three.
(ii) Hardcopy.
(A) A schematic diagram identifying
the relationship between the unit, all
fuel supply lines and tanks, any fuel
flowmeter(s), and the stack(s).
Comprehensive and/or separate
schematic diagrams shall be used to
describe groups of units using a
common pipe;
(B) For units which use the long term
fuel flow methodology under
§ 75.19(c)(3), the designated
representative must provide a diagram
of the fuel flow to each affected unit or
group of units and describe in detail the
procedures used to determine the long
term fuel flow for a unit or group of
units for each fuel combusted by the
unit or group of units;
(C) A statement that the unit burns
only gaseous fuel(s) and/or fuel oil and
a list of the fuels that are burned or a
statement that the unit is projected to
burn only gaseous fuel(s) and/or fuel oil
and a list of the fuels that are projected
to be burned;
(D) A statement that the unit meets
the applicability requirements in
§§ 75.19(a) and (b); and
(E) Any unit historical actual,
estimated and projected emissions data
and calculated emissions data
demonstrating that the affected unit
qualifies as a low mass emissions unit
under §§ 75.19(a) and 75.19(b).
(5) For qualification as a gas-fired
unit, as defined in § 72.2 of this part, the
designated representative shall include
in the monitoring plan, in electronic
format, the following: current calendar
year, fuel usage data for three calendar
years (or ozone seasons) as specified in
the definition of gas-fired in § 72.2 of
this part, the method of qualification
used, and an indication of whether the
data are actual or projected data.
(6) For each monitoring location with
a stack flow monitor that is exempt from
performing 3-load flow RATAs (peaking
units, bypass stacks, or by petition) the
designated representative shall include
in the monitoring plan an indicator of
exemption from 3-load flow RATA
using the appropriate exemption code.
22. Section 75.57 is amended by:
a. Adding the phrase ‘‘, or mmBtu/hr
of thermal output, rounded to the
nearest mmBtu/hr’’ after the phrase
‘‘rounded to the nearest 1000 lb/hr’’, in
paragraph (b)(3); and
b. Revising Table 4a in paragraph
The revisions and additions read as
§ 75.57
General recordkeeping provisions.
(c) * * *
(4) * * *
(iv) * * *
Hourly emissions/flow measurement or estimation method
5 ........................
6 ........................
7 ........................
8 ........................
9 ........................
10 ......................
11 ......................
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13 ......................
14 ......................
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Certified primary emission/flow monitoring system.
Certified backup emission/flow monitoring system.
Approved alternative monitoring system.
Reference method:
SO2: Method 6C.
Flow: Method 2 or its allowable alternatives under appendix A to part 60 of this chapter.
NOX: Method 7E.
CO2 or O2: Method 3A.
For units with add-on SO2 and/or NOX emission controls: SO2 concentration or NOX emission rate estimate from Agency
preapproved parametric monitoring method.
Average of the hourly SO2 concentrations, CO2 concentrations, O2 concentrations, NOX concentrations, flow rates, moisture
percentages or NOX emission rates for the hour before and the hour following a missing data period.
Initial missing data procedures used. Either: (a) The average of the hourly SO2 concentration, CO2 concentration, O2 concentration, or moisture percentage for the hour before and the hour following a missing data period; or (b) the arithmetic average of all NOX concentration, NOX emission rate, or flow rate values at the corresponding load range (or a higher load
range), or at the corresponding operational bin (non-load-based units, only); or (c) the arithmetic average of all previous
NOX concentration, NOX emission rate, or flow rate values (non-load-based units, only).
90th percentile hourly SO2 concentration, CO2 concentration, NOX concentration, flow rate, moisture percentage, or NOX
emission rate or 10th percentile hourly O2 concentration or moisture percentage in the applicable lookback period (moisture
missing data algorithm depends on which equations are used for emissions and heat input).
95th percentile hourly SO2 concentration, CO2 concentration, NOX concentration, flow rate, moisture percentage, or NOX
emission rate or 5th percentile hourly O2 concentration or moisture percentage in the applicable lookback period (moisture
missing data algorithm depends on which equations are used for emissions and heat input).
Maximum hourly SO2 concentration, CO2 concentration, NOX concentration, flow rate, moisture percentage, or NOX emission
rate or minimum hourly O2 concentration or moisture percentage in the applicable lookback period (moisture missing data
algorithm depends on which equations are used for emissions and heat input).
Average of hourly flow rates, NOX concentrations or NOX emission rates in corresponding load range, for the applicable
lookback period. For non-load-based units, report either the average flow rate, NOX concentration or NOX emission rate in
the applicable lookback period, or the average flow rate or NOX value at the corresponding operational bin (if operational
bins are used).
Maximum potential concentration of SO2, maximum potential concentration of CO2, maximum potential concentration of NOX
maximum potential flow rate, maximum potential NOX emission rate, maximum potential moisture percentage, minimum potential O2 concentration or minimum potential moisture percentage, as determined using § 72.2 of this chapter and section
2.1 of appendix A to this part (moisture missing data algorithm depends on which equations are used for emissions and
heat input).
Maximum expected concentration of SO2, maximum expected concentration of NOX, maximum expected Hg concentration, or
maximum controlled NOX emission rate. (See § 75.34(a)(5)).
Diluent cap value (if the cap is replacing a CO2 measurement, use 5.0 percent for boilers and 1.0 percent for turbines; if it is
replacing an O2 measurement, use 14.0 percent for boilers and 19.0 percent for turbines).
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Hourly emissions/flow measurement or estimation method
15 ......................
1.25 times the maximum hourly controlled SO2 concentration, Hg concentration, NOX concentration at the corresponding load
or operational bin, or NOX emission rate at the corresponding load or operational bin, in the applicable lookback period
(See § 75.34(a)(5)).
SO2 concentration value of 2.0 ppm during hours when only ‘‘very low sulfur fuel’’, as defined in § 72.2 of this chapter, is combusted.
Like-kind replacement non-redundant backup analyzer.
200 percent of the MPC; default high range value.
200 percent of the full-scale range setting (full-scale exceedance of high range).
Negative hourly SO2 concentration, NOX concentration, percent moisture, or NOX emission rate replaced with zero.
Hourly average SO2 or NOX concentration, measured by a certified monitor at the control device inlet (units with add-on emission controls only).
Maximum potential SO2 concentration, NOX concentration, CO2 concentration, NOX emission rate or flow rate, or minimum
potential O2 concentration or moisture percentage, for an hour in which flue gases are discharged through an unmonitored
bypass stack.
Maximum expected NOX concentration, or maximum controlled NOX emission rate for an hour in which flue gases are discharged downstream of the NOX emission controls through an unmonitored bypass stack, and the add-on NOX emission
controls are confirmed to be operating properly.
Maximum potential NOX emission rate (MER). (Use only when a NOX concentration full-scale exceedance occurs and the diluent monitor is unavailable.)
1.0 mmBtu/hr substituted for Heat Input Rate for an operating hour in which the calculated Heat Input Rate is zero or negative.
Hourly Hg concentration determined from analysis of a single trap multiplied by a factor of 1.222 when one of the paired traps
is invalidated or damaged (See Appendix K § 8).
Hourly Hg concentration determined from the trap resulting in the higher Hg concentration when the relative deviation between the paired traps is greater than 10 percent (See Appendix K § 8).
Other quality assured methodologies approved through petition. These hours are included in missing data lookback and are
treated as unavailable hours for percent monitor availability calculations.
Other substitute data approved through petition. These hours are not included in missing data lookback and are treated as
unavailable hours for percent monitor availability calculations.
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26 ......................
32 ......................
33 ......................
54 ......................
55 ......................
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23. Section 75.58 is amended by:
a. Revising paragraph (b)(3)
introductory text;
b. Removing paragraphs (b)(3)(iii) and
c. Removing the word ‘‘and’’ from
paragraph (c)(1)(xii);
d. Replacing the period with a
semicolon and adding the word ‘‘and’’
to the end of the paragraph, in
paragraph (c)(1)(xiii);
e. Adding paragraph (c)(1)(xiv);
f. Replacing the period with a
semicolon and adding the word ‘‘and’’
to the end of the paragraph, in
paragraph (c)(4)(x);
g. Adding paragraph (c)(4)(xi);
h. Replacing the period with a
semicolon and adding the word ‘‘and’’
to the end of the paragraph, in
paragraph (d)(1)(x);
i. Adding paragraph (d)(1)(xi);
j. Replacing the period with a
semicolon and adding the word ‘‘and’’
to the end of the paragraph, in
paragraph (d)(2)(x);
k. Adding paragraph (d)(2)(xi);
l. Revising paragraph (f)(1)(iii);
m. Removing the word ‘‘and’’ at the
end of paragraph (f)(1)(xi);
n. Replacing the period with a
semicolon at the end of paragraph
o. Adding paragraphs (f)(1)(xiii) and
(f)(1)(xiv); and
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p. Replacing the word ‘‘Component’’
with the word ‘‘Monitoring’’, in
paragraph (f)(2)(x).
The revisions and additions read as
§ 75.58 General recordkeeping provisions
for specific situations.
(b) * * *
(3) Except as otherwise provided in
§ 75.34(d), for units with add-on SO2 or
NOX emission controls following the
provisions of § 75.34(a)(1), (a)(2), (a)(3)
or (a)(5), and for units with add-on Hg
emission controls, the owner or operator
shall record:
(c) * * *
(1) * * *
(xiv) Heat input formula ID and SO2
Formula ID (required beginning January
1, 2009).
(4) * * *
(xi) Heat input formula ID and SO2
Formula ID (required beginning January
1, 2009).
(d) * * *
(1) * * *
(xi) Heat input rate formula ID
(required beginning January 1, 2009).
(2) * * *
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(xi) Heat input rate formula ID
(required beginning January 1, 2009).
(f) * * *
(1) * * *
(iii) Fuel type (pipeline natural gas,
natural gas, other gaseous fuel, residual
oil, or diesel fuel). If more than one type
of fuel is combusted in the hour, either:
(A) Indicate the fuel type which
results in the highest emission factors
for NOX (this option is in effect through
December 31, 2008); or
(B) Indicate the fuel type resulting in
the highest emission factor for each
parameter (SO2, NOX emission rate, and
CO2) separately (this option is required
on and after January 1, 2009);
(xiii) Base or peak load indicator (as
applicable); and
(xiv) Multiple fuel flag.
24. Section 75.59 is amended by:
a. Adding the phrase ‘‘(on and after
January 1, 2009, only the component
identification code is required)’’ after
the word ‘‘code’’, in paragraph (a)(1)(i);
b. Revising paragraph (a)(1)(viii);
c. Replacing the phrase ‘‘For the
qualifying test for off-line calibration,
the owner or operator shall indicate’’
with the phrase ‘‘Indication of’’, in
paragraph (a)(1)(xi);
d. Adding the phrase ‘‘(after January
1, 2009, only the component
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identification code is required)’’ after
the word ‘‘code’’, in paragraph (a)(2)(i);
e. Adding the phrase ‘‘(on and after
January 1, 2009, only the component
identification code is required)’’ after
the word ‘‘code’’, in paragraph (a)(3)(i);
f. Adding the phrase ‘‘(only span scale
is required on and after January 1,
2009)’’ after the word ‘‘scale’’, in
paragraph (a)(3)(ii);
g. Adding the phrase ‘‘(on and after
January 1, 2009, only the system
identification code is required)’’ after
the word ‘‘code’’, in paragraph (a)(4)(i);
h. Removing the word ‘‘and’’ after the
semicolon at the end of paragraph
i. Replacing the period with a
semicolon and adding the word ‘‘and’’
at the end of paragraph (a)(4)(vi)(M);
j. Adding paragraph (a)(4)(vi)(N);
k. Removing the word ‘‘and’’ after the
semicolon, at the end of paragraph
l. Replacing the period with a
semicolon and adding the word ‘‘and’’
at the end of paragraph (a)(4)(vii)(L);
m. Adding paragraph (a)(4)(vii)(M);
n. Revising paragraph (a)(6)
introductory text;
o. Adding the phrase ‘‘(on and after
January 1, 2009, only the component
identification code is required)’’ after
the word ‘‘code’’, in paragraph (a)(6)(i);
p. Replace the phrase ‘‘Cycle time
result for the entire system’’ with the
phrase ‘‘Total cycle time’’, in paragraph
q. Adding paragraphs (a)(7)(ix) and
r. Revising paragraph (a)(8);
s. Removing and reserving paragraph
t. Removing the number ‘‘(2)’’ from
the paragraph identifier ‘‘§ 75.64(a)(2)’’
in the second sentence of paragraph
u. Adding the phrase ‘‘(on and after
January 1, 2009, only the component
identification code is required)’’ after
the word ‘‘tested’’, in paragraphs
(b)(1)(ii) and (b)(2)(i);
v. Adding the phrase ‘‘(on and after
January 1, 2009, only the monitoring
system identification code is required)’’
after the word ‘‘code’’, in paragraph
w. Removing the word ‘‘and’’ after the
semicolon at the end of paragraph
x. Replacing the period with a
semicolon and adding the word ‘‘and’’
at the end of paragraph (b)(4)(i)(I);
y. Adding paragraph (b)(4)(i)(J);
z. Revising paragraphs (b)(4)(ii)(A),
(b)(4)(ii)(B), and (b)(4)(ii)(F);
aa. Removing the word ‘‘and’’ after
the semicolon at the end of paragraph
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bb. Replacing the period with a
semicolon and adding the word ‘‘and’’
at the end of paragraph (b)(4)(ii)(M);
cc. Adding paragraph (b)(4)(ii)(N);
dd. Adding the phrase ‘‘(on and after
January 1, 2009, component
identification codes shall be reported in
addition to the monitoring system
identification code)’’ after the second
occurrence of the word ‘‘system’’ in
paragraphs (b)(5)(i)(B), (b)(5)(ii)(B), and
ee. Adding the phrase ‘‘This
requirement remains in effect through
December 31, 2008’’ after the word
‘‘run’’, in paragraph (b)(5)(i)(H);
ff. Adding the phrase ‘‘(as applicable).
This requirement remains in effect
through December 31, 2008’’ after the
word ‘‘level’’, in paragraph (b)(5)(iv)(A);
gg. Removing the word ‘‘and’’ after
the semicolon at the end of paragraph
hh. Replacing the period with a
semicolon and adding the word ‘‘and’’
at the end of paragraph (b)(5)(iv)(H);
ii. Adding paragraph (b)(5)(iv)(I);
jj. Removing the word ‘‘and’’ after the
semicolon at the end of paragraph
kk. Replacing the period with a
semicolon and adding the word ‘‘and’’
at the end of paragraph (d)(1)(xii);
ll. Adding paragraph (d)(1)(xiii);
mm. Removing the phrase ‘‘,
multiplied by 1.15, if appropriate’’ from
paragraph (d)(2)(iii);
nn. Removing the word ‘‘and’’ after
the semicolon at the end of paragraph
oo. Replacing the period with a
semicolon at the end of paragraph
(d)(2)(v); and
pp. Adding paragraphs (d)(2)(vi),
(d)(2)(vii), (e) and (f).
The revisions and additions read as
§ 75.59 Certification, quality, assurance,
and quality control record provisions.
(a) * * *
(1) * * *
(viii) For 7-day calibration error tests,
a test number and reason for test;
(4) * * *
(vi) * * *
(N) Test number.
(vii) * * *
(M) An indicator (‘‘flag’’) if separate
reference ratios are calculated for each
multiple stack.
(6) For each SO2, NOX, Hg, or CO2
pollutant concentration monitor, each
component of a NOX-diluent continuous
emission monitoring system, and each
CO2 or O2 monitor used to determine
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heat input, the owner or operator shall
record the following information for the
cycle time test:
(7) * * *
(ix) For a unit with a flow monitor
installed on a rectangular stack or duct,
if a site-specific default or measured
wall effects adjustment factor (WAF) is
used to correct the stack gas volumetric
flow rate data to account for velocity
decay near the stack or duct wall, the
owner or operator shall keep records of
the following for each flow RATA
performed with EPA Method 2,
subsequent to the WAF determination:
(A) Monitoring system ID;
(B) Test number;
(C) Operating level;
(D) RATA end date and time;
(E) Number of Method 1 traverse
points; and
(F) Wall effects adjustment factor
(WAF), to the nearest 0.0001.
(x) For each RATA run using Method
29 to determine Hg concentration:
(A) Percent CO2 and O2 in the stack
gas, dry basis;
(B) Moisture content of the stack gas
(percent H2O);
(C) Average stack gas temperature
(D) Dry gas volume metered (dscm);
(E) Percent isokinetic;
(F) Particulate Hg collected in the
front half of the sampling train,
corrected for the front-half blank value
(µg); and
(G) Total vapor phase Hg collected in
the back half of the sampling train,
corrected for the back-half blank value
(8) For each certified continuous
emission monitoring system, continuous
opacity monitoring system, excepted
monitoring system, or alternative
monitoring system, the date and
description of each event which
requires certification, recertification, or
certain diagnostic testing of the system
and the date and type of each test
performed. If the conditional data
validation procedures of § 75.20(b)(3)
are to be used to validate and report
data prior to the completion of the
required certification, recertification, or
diagnostic testing, the date and hour of
the probationary calibration error test
shall be reported to mark the beginning
of conditional data validation.
(b) * * *
(4) * * *
(i) * * *
(J) Test number.
(ii) * * *
(A) Completion date and hour of most
recent primary element inspection or
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test number of the most recent primary
element inspection (as applicable); (on
and after January 1, 2009, the test
number of the most recent primary
element inspection is required in lieu of
the completion date and hour for the
most recent primary element
(B) Completion date and hour of most
recent flow meter of transmitter
accuracy test or test number of the most
recent flowmeter or transmitter accuracy
test (as applicable); (on and after
January 1, 2009, the test number of the
most recent flowmeter or transmitter
accuracy test is required in lieu of the
completion date and hour for the most
recent flowmeter or transmitter accuracy
(F) Average load, in megawatts, 1000
lb/hr of steam, or mmBtu/hr thermal
(N) Monitoring system identification
code. * * *
(5) * * *
(iv) * * *
(I) Component identification code
(required on and after January 1, 2009).
(d) * * *
(1) * * *
(xiii) An indicator (‘‘flag’’) if the run
is used to calculate the highest 3-run
average NOX emission rate at any load
(2) * * *
(vi) Indicator of whether the testing
was done at base load, peak load or both
(if appropriate); and
(vii) The default NOX emission rate
for peak load hours (if applicable).
(e) Excepted monitoring for Hg low
mass emission units under § 75.81(b).
For qualifying coal-fired units using the
alternative low mass emission
methodology under § 75.81(b), the
owner or operator shall record the data
elements described in § 75.59(a)(7)(vii),
§ 75.59(a)(7)(viii), or § 75.59(a)(7)(x), as
applicable, for each run of each Hg
emission test and re-test required under
§ 75.81(c)(1) or § 75.81(d)(4)(iii).
(f) DAHS Verification. For each DAHS
(missing data and formula) verification
that is required for initial certification,
recertification, or for certain diagnostic
testing of a monitoring system, record
the date and hour that the DAHS
verification is successfully completed.
(This requirement only applies to units
that report monitoring plan data in
accordance with § 75.53(g) and (h).)
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25. Section 75.60 is amended by
adding paragraph (b)(8) to read as
§ 75.60
General provisions.
(b) * * *
(8) Routine retest reports for Hg low
mass emissions units. If requested in
writing (or by electronic mail) by the
applicable EPA Regional Office,
appropriate State, and/or appropriate
local air pollution control agency, the
designated representative shall submit a
hardcopy report for a semiannual or
annual retest required under
§ 75.81(d)(4)(iii) for a Hg low mass
emissions unit, within 45 days after
completing the test or within 15 days of
receiving the request, whichever is later.
The designated representative shall
report, at a minimum, the following
hardcopy information to the applicable
EPA Regional Office, appropriate State,
and/or appropriate local air pollution
control agency that requested the
hardcopy report: A summary of the test
results; the raw reference method data
for each test run; the raw data and
results of all pretest, post-test, and postrun quality-assurance checks of the
reference method; the raw data and
results of moisture measurements made
during the test runs (if applicable);
diagrams illustrating the test and sample
point locations; a copy of the test
protocol used; calibration certificates for
the gas standards or standard solutions
used in the testing; laboratory
calibrations of the source sampling
equipment; and the names of the key
personnel involved in the test program,
including test team members, plant
contact persons, agency representatives
and test observers.
26. Section 75.61 is amended by:
a. Revising the first sentence of
paragraph (a)(1) introductory text;
b. Revising paragraph (a)(3);
c. Revising the first sentence of
paragraph (a)(5) introductory text; and
d. Adding paragraphs (a)(7) and (a)(8)
The revisions and additions read as
§ 75.61
(a) * * *
(1) Initial certification and
recertification test notifications. The
owner or operator or designated
representative for an affected unit shall
submit written notification of initial
certification tests and revised test dates
as specified in § 75.20 for continuous
emission monitoring systems, for the
excepted Hg monitoring methodology
under § 75.81(b), for alternative
monitoring systems under subpart E of
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this part, or for excepted monitoring
systems under appendix E to this part,
except as provided in paragraphs
(a)(1)(iii), (a)(1)(iv) and (a)(4) of this
section.* * *
(3) Unit shutdown and
recommencement of commercial
operation. For an affected unit that will
be shutdown on the relevant
compliance date specified in § 75.4 or in
a State or Federal pollutant mass
emissions reduction program that
adopts the monitoring and reporting
requirements of this part, if the owner
or operator is relying on the provisions
in § 75.4(d) to postpone certification
testing, the designated representative for
the unit shall submit notification of unit
shutdown and recommencement of
commercial operation as follows:
(i) For planned unit shutdowns (e.g.,
extended maintenance outages), written
notification of the planned shutdown
date shall be provided at least 21 days
prior to the applicable compliance date,
and written notification of the planned
date of recommencement of commercial
operation shall be provided at least 21
days in advance of unit restart. If the
actual shutdown date or the actual date
of recommencement of commercial
operation differs from the planned date,
written notice of the actual date shall be
submitted no later than 7 days following
the actual date of shutdown or of
recommencement of commercial
operation, as applicable;
(ii) For unplanned unit shutdowns
(e.g., forced outages), written
notification of the actual shutdown date
shall be provided no more than 7 days
after the shutdown, and written
notification of the planned date of
recommencement of commercial
operation shall be provided at least 21
days in advance of unit restart. If the
actual date of recommencement of
commercial operation differs from the
expected date, written notice of the
actual date shall be submitted no later
than 7 days following the actual date of
recommencement of commercial
(5) Periodic relative accuracy test
audits, appendix E retests, and low
mass emissions unit retests. The owner
or operator or designated representative
of an affected unit shall submit written
notice of the date of periodic relative
accuracy testing performed under
section 2.3.1 of appendix B to this part,
of periodic retesting performed under
section 2.2 of appendix E to this part, of
periodic retesting of low mass emissions
units performed under
§ 75.19(c)(1)(iv)(D), and of periodic
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retesting of Hg low mass emissions units
performed under § 75.81(d)(4)(iii), no
later than 21 days prior to the first
scheduled day of testing. * * *
(7) Long-term cold storage and
recommencement of commercial
operation. The designated
representative for an affected unit that is
placed into long-term cold storage that
is relying on the provisions in § 75.4(d)
or § 75.64(a), either to postpone
certification testing or to discontinue
the submittal of quarterly reports during
the period of long-term cold storage,
shall provide written notification of
long-term cold storage status and
recommencement of commercial
operation as follows:
(i) Whenever an affected unit has been
placed into long-term cold storage,
written notification of the date and hour
that the unit was shutdown and a
statement from the designated
representative stating that the shutdown
is expected to last for at least two years
from that date, in accordance with the
definition for long-term cold storage of
a unit as provided in § 72.2.
(ii) Whenever an affected unit that has
been placed into long-term cold storage
is expected to resume operation, written
notification shall be submitted 45
calendar days prior to the planned date
of recommencement of commercial
operation. If the actual date of
recommencement of commercial
operation differs from the expected date,
written notice of the actual date shall be
submitted no later than 7 days following
the actual date of recommencement of
commercial operation.
(8) Certification deadline date for new
or newly affected units. The designated
representative of a new or newly
affected unit shall provide notification
of the date on which the relevant
deadline for initial certification is
reached, either as provided in § 75.4(b)
or § 75.4(c), or as specified in a State or
Federal SO2, NOX, or Hg mass emission
reduction program that incorporates by
reference, or otherwise adopts, the
monitoring, recordkeeping, and
reporting requirements of subpart F, G,
H, or I of this part. The notification shall
be submitted no later than 7 calendar
days after the applicable certification
deadline is reached.
27. Section 75.62 is amended by:
a. Revising paragraph (a)(1); and
b. Replacing the number ‘‘45’’ with
the number ‘‘21’’ before the phrase
‘‘days prior’’, in paragraph (a)(2).
The revisions and additions read as
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§ 75.62
Monitoring plan submittals.
(a) * * *
(1) Electronic. Using the format
specified in paragraph (c) of this
section, the designated representative
for an affected unit shall submit a
complete, electronic, up-to-date
monitoring plan file (except for
hardcopy portions identified in
paragraph (a)(2) of this section) to the
Administrator as follows: no later than
21 days prior to the initial certification
tests; at the time of each certification or
recertification application submission;
and (prior to or concurrent with) the
submittal of the electronic quarterly
report for a reporting quarter where an
update of the electronic monitoring plan
information is required, either under
§ 75.53(b) or elsewhere in this part.
28. Section 75.63 is amended by:
a. Removing the phrase ‘‘and a
hardcopy certification application form
(EPA form 7610–14)’’ from paragraph
b. Revising paragraph (a)(1)(ii)(A);
c. Adding the phrase ‘‘or
§ 75.53(h)(4)(ii) (as applicable)’’ after the
identifier ‘‘§ 75.53(f)(5)(ii)’’, in
paragraph (a)(1)(ii)(B);
d. Removing the phrase ‘‘and a
hardcopy certification application form
(EPA form 7610–14)’’ after the word
‘‘section’’, in paragraph (a)(2)(i);
e. Revising paragraph (a)(2)(iii);
f. Removing and reserving paragraph
g. Revising paragraph (b)(2)(iv) by
adding the words ‘‘certifying the
accuracy of the submission’’ after the
word ‘‘signature’’.
The revisions read as follows:
§ 75.63 Initial Certification or
Recertification Application.
(a) * * *
(1) * * *
(ii) * * *
(A) To the Administrator, the
electronic low mass emission
qualification information required by
§ 75.53(f)(5)(i) or § 75.53(h)(4)(i) (as
applicable) and paragraph (b)(1)(i) of
this section; and
(2) * * *
(iii) Notwithstanding the
requirements of paragraphs (a)(2)(i) and
(a)(2)(ii) of this section, for an event for
which the Administrator determines
that only diagnostic tests (see § 75.20(b))
are required rather than recertification
testing, no hardcopy submittal is
required; however, the results of all
diagnostic test(s) shall be submitted
prior to or concurrent with the
electronic quarterly report required
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under § 75.64. Notwithstanding the
requirement of § 75.59(e), for DAHS
(missing data and formula) verifications,
no hardcopy submittal is required; the
owner or operator shall keep these test
results on-site in a format suitable for
29. Section 75.64 is amended by:
a. Revising paragraph (a) introductory
b. Revising paragraph (a)(2)(xiv);
c. Removing paragraph (a)(8);
d. Redesignating paragraphs (a)(3)
through (a)(7) as paragraphs (a)(8)
through (a)(12), and redesignating
paragraphs (a)(9) through (a)(11) as
paragraphs (a)(13) through (a)(15);
e. Adding new paragraphs (a)(3)
through (a)(7); and
f. Replacing the citation ‘‘§ 75.59’’,
with ‘‘§ 75.58(f)(2)’’ at the end of newly
designated paragraph (a)(14).
The revisions and additions read as
§ 75.64
Quarterly reports.
(a) Electronic submission. The
designated representative for an affected
unit shall electronically report the data
and information in paragraphs (a), (b),
and (c) of this section to the
Administrator quarterly, beginning with
the data from the earlier of the calendar
quarter corresponding to the date of
provisional certification or the calendar
quarter corresponding to the relevant
deadline for initial certification in
§ 75.4(a), (b), or (c). The initial quarterly
report shall contain hourly data
beginning with the hour of provisional
certification or the hour corresponding
to the relevant certification deadline,
whichever is earlier. For an affected unit
subject to § 75.4(d) that is shutdown on
the relevant compliance date in § 75.4(a)
or has been placed in long-term cold
storage (as defined in § 72.2 of this
chapter), quarterly reports are not
required. In such cases, the owner or
operator shall submit quarterly reports
for the unit beginning with the data
from the quarter in which the unit
recommences commercial operation
(where the initial quarterly report
contains hourly data beginning with the
first hour of recommenced commercial
operation of the unit). For units placed
into long-term cold storage during a
reporting quarter, the exemption from
submitting quarterly reports begins with
the calendar quarter following the date
that the unit is placed into long-term
cold storage. For any provisionallycertified monitoring system,
§ 75.20(a)(3) shall apply for initial
certifications, and § 75.20(b)(5) shall
apply for recertifications. Each
electronic report must be submitted to
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the Administrator within 30 days
following the end of each calendar
quarter. Prior to January 1, 2008, each
electronic report shall include for each
affected unit (or group of units using a
common stack), the information
provided in paragraphs (a)(1), (a)(2), and
(a)(8) through (a)(15) of this section.
During the time period of January 1,
2008 to January 1, 2009, each electronic
report shall include either the
information provided in paragraphs
(a)(1), (a)(2), and (a)(8) through (a)(15) of
this section or the information provided
in paragraphs (a)(3) through (a)(15). On
and after January 1, 2009, the owner or
operator shall meet the requirements of
paragraphs (a)(3) through (a)(15) of this
section only. Each electronic report
shall also include the date of report
(2) * * *
(xiii) Supplementary RATA
information required under
§ 75.59(a)(7), except that:
(A) The applicable data elements
under § 75.59(a)(7)(ii)(A) through (T)
and under § 75.59(a)(7)(iii)(A) through
(M) shall be reported for flow RATAs at
circular or rectangular stacks (or ducts)
in which angular compensation for yaw
and/or pitch angles is used (i.e., Method
2F or 2G), with or without wall effects
(B) The applicable data elements
under § 75.59(a)(7)(ii)(A) through (T)
and under § 75.59(a)(7)(iii)(A) through
(M) shall be reported for any flow RATA
run at a circular stack in which Method
2 is used and a wall effects adjustment
factor is determined by direct
(C) The data under § 75.59(a)(7)(ii)(T)
shall be reported for all flow RATAs at
circular stacks in which Method 2 is
used and a default wall effects
adjustment factor is applied; and
(D) The data under § 75.59(a)(7)(ix)(A)
through (F) shall be reported for all flow
RATAs at rectangular stacks or ducts in
which Method 2 is used and a wall
effects adjustment factor is applied.
(3) Facility identification information,
(i) Facility/ORISPL number;
(ii) Calendar quarter and year for the
data contained in the report; and
(iii) Version of the electronic data
reporting format used for the report.
(4) In accordance with § 75.62(a)(1), if
any monitoring plan information
required in § 75.53 requires an update,
either under § 75.53(b) or elsewhere in
this part, submission of the electronic
monitoring plan update shall be
completed prior to or concurrent with
the submittal of the quarterly electronic
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data report for the appropriate quarter in
which the update is required.
(5) Except for the daily calibration
error test data, daily interference check,
and off-line calibration demonstration
information required in § 75.59(a)(1)
and (2), which must always be
submitted with the quarterly report, the
certification, quality assurance, and
quality control information required in
§ 75.59 shall either be submitted prior to
or concurrent with the submittal of the
relevant quarterly electronic data report.
(6) The information and hourly data
required in §§ 75.57 through 75.59, and
daily calibration error test data, daily
interference check, and off-line
calibration demonstration information
required in § 75.59(a)(1) and (2).
(7) Notwithstanding the requirements
of paragraphs (a)(4) through (a)(6) of this
section, the following information is
excluded from electronic reporting:
(i) Descriptions of adjustments,
corrective action, and maintenance;
(ii) Information which is incompatible
with electronic reporting (e.g., field data
sheets, lab analyses, quality control
(iii) Opacity data listed in § 75.57(f),
and in § 75.59(a)(8);
(iv) For units with SO2 or NOX addon emission controls that do not elect to
use the approved site-specific
parametric monitoring procedures for
calculation of substitute data, the
information in § 75.58(b)(3);
(v) Information required by § 75.57(h)
concerning the causes of any missing
data periods and the actions taken to
cure such causes;
(vi) Hardcopy monitoring plan
information required by § 75.53 and
hardcopy test data and results required
by § 75.59;
(vii) Records of flow monitor and
moisture monitoring system polynomial
equations, coefficients, or ‘‘K’’ factors
required by § 75.59(a)(5)(vi) or
§ 75.59(a)(5)(vii);
(viii) Daily fuel sampling information
required by § 75.58(c)(3)(i) for units
using assumed values under appendix
(ix) Information required by
§§ 75.59(b)(1)(vi), (vii), (viii), (ix), and
(xiii), and (b)(2)(iii) and (iv) concerning
fuel flowmeter accuracy tests and
transmitter/transducer accuracy tests;
(x) Stratification test results required
as part of the RATA supplementary
records under § 75.59(a)(7);
(xi) Data and results of RATAs that
are aborted or invalidated due to
problems with the reference method or
operational problems with the unit and
data and results of linearity checks that
are aborted or invalidated due to
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problems unrelated to monitor
performance; and
(xii) Supplementary RATA
information required under
§ 75.59(a)(7)(i) through § 75.59(a)(7)(v),
except that:
(A) The applicable data elements
under § 75.59(a)(7)(ii)(A) through (T)
and under § 75.59(a)(7)(iii)(A) through
(M) shall be reported for flow RATAs at
circular or rectangular stacks (or ducts)
in which angular compensation for yaw
and/or pitch angles is used (i.e., Method
2F or 2G), with or without wall effects
(B) The applicable data elements
under § 75.59(a)(7)(ii)(A) through (T)
and under § 75.59(a)(7)(iii)(A) through
(M) shall be reported for any flow RATA
run at a circular stack in which Method
2 is used and a wall effects adjustment
factor is determined by direct
(C) The data under § 75.59(a)(7)(ii)(T)
shall be reported for all flow RATAs at
circular stacks in which Method 2 is
used and a default wall effects
adjustment factor is applied; and
(D) The data under
§ 75.59(a)(7)(vii)(A) through (F) shall be
reported for all flow RATAs at
rectangular stacks or ducts in which
Method 2 is used and a wall effects
adjustment factor is applied.
§ 75.66
30. Section 75.66 is amended by
removing and reserving paragraph (f).
31. Section 75.71 is amended by:
a. In paragraph (a)(1), by replacing the
second occurrence of the phrase ‘‘CO2
diluent gas monitor’’ with the phrase
‘‘CO2 diluent gas monitoring system’’;
b. Replacing the phrase ‘‘O2 or CO2
diluent gas monitor’’ with the phrase
‘‘O2 or CO2 monitoring system’’, in
paragraph (a)(2); and
c. Revising paragraph (e).
The revision reads as follows:
§ 75.71 Specific provisions for monitoring
NOX and heat input for the purpose of
calculating NOX mass emissions.
(e) Low mass emissions units.
Notwithstanding the requirements of
paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section, for
an affected unit using the low mass
emissions (LME) unit under § 75.19 to
estimate hourly NOX emission rate, heat
input and NOX mass emissions, the
owner or operator shall calculate the
ozone season NOX mass emissions by
summing all of the estimated hourly
NOX mass emissions in the ozone
season, as determined under
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 162 / Tuesday, August 22, 2006 / Proposed Rules
§ 75.19(c)(4)(ii)(A), and dividing this
sum by 2000 lb/ton.
32. Section 75.72 is amended by:
a. Revising the section heading and
the introductory text; and
b. Removing and reserving paragraph
The revisions read as follows:
§ 75.72 Determination of NOX mass
emissions for common stack and multiple
stack configurations.
The owner or operator of an affected
unit shall either: calculate hourly NOX
mass emissions (in lbs) by multiplying
the hourly NOX emission rate (in lbs/
mmBtu) by the hourly heat input rate
(in mmBtu/hr) and the unit or stack
operating time (as defined in § 72.2); or,
as provided in paragraph (e) of this
section, calculate hourly NOX mass
emissions from the hourly NOX
concentration (in ppm) and the hourly
stack flow rate (in scfh). Only one
methodology for determining NOX mass
emissions shall be identified in the
monitoring plan for each monitoring
location at any given time. The owner
or operator shall also calculate quarterly
and cumulative year-to-date NOX mass
emissions and cumulative NOX mass
emissions for the ozone season (in tons)
by summing the hourly NOX mass
emissions according to the procedures
in section 8 of appendix F to this part.
(f) [Reserved]
33. Section 75.73 is amended by:
a. Revising paragraph (c)(3);
b. Replacing the number ‘‘45’’ with
the number ‘‘21’’ in paragraphs (e)(1)
and (e)(2);
c. Revising paragraph (f)(1)
introductory text;
d. Replacing the phrase ‘‘paragraph
(a)’’ with the phrase ‘‘paragraphs (a) and
(b)’’ in paragraph (f)(1)(ii) introductory
text; and
e. Revising paragraph (f)(1)(ii)(K).
The revisions read as follows:
§ 75.73
Recordkeeping and reporting.
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(c) * * *
(3) Contents of the monitoring plan
for units not subject to an Acid Rain
emissions limitation. Prior to January 1,
2009, each monitoring plan shall
contain the information in § 75.53(e)(1)
or § 75.53(g)(1) in electronic format and
the information in § 75.53(e)(2) or
§ 75.53(g)(2) in hardcopy format. On and
after January 1, 2009, each monitoring
plan shall contain the information in
§ 75.53(g)(1) in electronic format and the
information in § 75.53(g)(2) in hardcopy
format, only. In addition, to the extent
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applicable, prior to January 1, 2009,
each monitoring plan shall contain the
information in § 75.53(f)(1)(i), (f)(2)(i),
and (f)(4) or § 75.53(h)(1)(i), and (h)(2)(i)
in electronic format and the information
in § 75.53(f)(1)(ii) and (f)(2)(ii) or
§ 75.53(h)(1)(ii) and (h)(2)(ii) in
hardcopy format. On and after January
1, 2009, each monitoring plan shall
contain the information in
§ 75.53(h)(1)(i), and (h)(2)(i) in
electronic format and the information in
§ 75.53(h)(1)(ii) and (h)(2)(ii) in
hardcopy format, only. For units using
the low mass emissions excepted
methodology under § 75.19, prior to
January 1, 2009, the monitoring plan
shall include the additional information
in § 75.53(f)(5)(i) and (f)(5)(ii) or
§ 75.53(h)(4)(i) and (h)(4)(ii). On and
after January 1, 2009, for units using the
low mass emissions excepted
methodology under § 75.19 the
monitoring plan shall include the
additional information in § 75.53(h)(4)(i)
and (h)(4)(ii), only. Prior to January 1,
2008, the monitoring plan shall also
identify, in electronic format, the
reporting schedule for the affected unit
(ozone season or quarterly), and the
beginning and end dates for the
reporting schedule. The monitoring plan
also shall include a seasonal controls
indicator, and an ozone season fuelswitching flag.
(f) * * *
(1) Electronic submission. The
designated representative for an affected
unit shall electronically report the data
and information in this paragraph (f)(1)
and in paragraphs (f)(2) and (3) of this
section to the Administrator quarterly,
unless the unit has been placed in longterm cold storage (as defined in § 72.2
of this chapter). For units placed into
long-term cold storage during a
reporting quarter, the exemption from
submitting quarterly reports begins with
the calendar quarter following the date
that the unit is placed into long-term
cold storage. In such cases, the owner or
operator shall submit quarterly reports
for the unit beginning with the data
from the quarter in which the unit
recommences operation (where the
initial quarterly report contains hourly
data beginning with the first hour of
recommenced operation of the unit).
Each electronic report must be
submitted to the Administrator within
30 days following the end of each
calendar quarter. Except as otherwise
provided in §§ 75.64(a)(4) and (a)(5),
each electronic report shall include the
information provided in paragraphs
(f)(1)(i) through (1)(vi) of this section,
and shall also include the date of report
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generation. Prior to January 1, 2009,
each report shall include the facility
information provided in paragraphs
(f)(1)(i)(A) and (B), for each affected unit
or group of units monitored at a
common stack. On and after January 1,
2009, only the facility identification
information provided in paragraph
(f)(1)(i)(A) is required.
(ii) * * *
(K) Supplementary RATA information
required under § 75.59(a)(7), except that:
(1) The applicable data elements
under § 75.59(a)(7)(ii)(A) through (T)
and under § 75.59(a)(7)(iii)(A) through
(M) shall be reported for flow RATAs at
circular or rectangular stacks (or ducts)
in which angular compensation for yaw
and/or pitch angles is used (i.e., Method
2F or 2G), with or without wall effects
(2) The applicable data elements
under § 75.59(a)(7)(ii)(A) through (T)
and under § 75.59(a)(7)(iii)(A) through
(M) shall be reported for any flow RATA
run at a circular stack in which Method
2 is used and a wall effects adjustment
factor is determined by direct
(3) The data under § 75.59(a)(7)(ii)(T)
shall be reported for all flow RATAs at
circular stacks in which Method 2 is
used and a default wall effects
adjustment factor is applied; and
(4) The data under § 75.59(a)(7)(ix)(A)
through (F) shall be reported for all flow
RATAs at rectangular stacks or ducts in
which Method 2 is used and a wall
effects adjustment factor is applied.
34. Section 75.74 is amended by:
a. Replacing the phrase ‘‘In the time
period to the start of the current ozone
season (i.e., in the period extending
from October 1 of the previous calendar
year through April 30 of the current
calendar year), the’’, with the word
‘‘The’’, in paragraph (c)(2) introductory
b. Adding the words ‘‘in the second
calendar quarter no later than April 30’’
to the end of paragraph (c)(2)(i)
introductory text;
c. Removing the phrase ‘‘of the
current calendar year’’ from the first
sentence, and removing the last
sentence of paragraph (c)(2)(i)(C);
d. Revising paragraph (c)(2)(i)(D);
e. Adding the words ‘‘in the first or
second calendar quarter, but no later
than April 30’’ to the end of the first
sentence, and by removing the second
sentence of paragraph (c)(2)(ii)
introductory text;
f. Removing the words ‘‘of the current
calendar year’’ from paragraph
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 162 / Tuesday, August 22, 2006 / Proposed Rules
g. Revising paragraph (c)(2)(ii)(F);
h. Removing paragraphs (c)(2)(ii)(G)
and (c)(2)(ii)(H);
i. Revising paragraph (c)(3)(ii);
j. Removing and reserving paragraphs
(c)(3)(vi) through (viii);
k. Replacing all occurrences of the
words ‘‘§ 75.31, § 75.33, or § 75.37’’ with
the words ‘‘§§ 75.31 through 75.37’’ in
paragraphs (c)(3)(xi), (c)(3)(xii)(A), and
l. Revising paragraph (c)(6)(iii);
m. Replacing the words ‘‘October 1 of
the previous calendar year’’ with
‘‘January 1’’ in paragraph (c)(6)(v); and
n. Revising paragraph (c)(11).
The revisions and additions read as
§ 75.74 Annual and ozone season
monitoring and reporting requirements.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with PROPOSAL
(c) * * *
(2) * * *
(i) * * *
(D) If the linearity check is not
completed by April 30, data validation
shall be determined in accordance with
paragraph (c)(3)(ii)(E) of this section.
(ii) * * *
(F) Data Validation. For each RATA
that is performed by April 30, data
validation shall be done according to
sections 2.3.2(a)–(j) of appendix B to
this part. However, if a required RATA
is not completed by April 30, data from
the monitoring system shall be invalid,
beginning with the first unit operating
hour on or after May 1. The owner or
operator shall continue to invalidate all
data from the CEMS until either:
(1) The required RATA of the CEMS
has been performed and passed; or
(2) A probationary calibration error
test of the CEMS is passed in
accordance with § 75.20(b)(3)(ii). Once
the probationary calibration error test
has been passed, the owner or operator
shall perform the required RATA in
accordance with the conditional data
validation provisions and within the
720 unit or stack operating hour time
frame specified in § 75.20(b)(3) (subject
to the restrictions in paragraph
(c)(3)(xii) of this section), and the term
‘‘quality assurance’’ shall apply instead
of the term ‘‘recertification.’’ However,
in lieu of the provisions in
§ 75.20(b)(3)(ix), the owner or operator
shall follow the applicable provisions in
paragraphs (c)(3)(xi) and (c)(3)(xii) of
this section.
(3) * * *
(ii) For each gas monitor required by
this subpart, linearity checks shall be
performed in the second and third
calendar quarters, as follows:
(A) For the second calendar quarter,
the pre-ozone season linearity check
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required under paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this
section shall be performed by April 30.
(B) For the third calendar quarter, a
linearity check shall be performed and
passed no later than July 30.
(C) Conduct each linearity check in
accordance with the general procedures
in section 6.2 of appendix A to this part,
except that the data validation
procedures in sections 6.2(a) through (f)
of appendix A do not apply.
(D) Each linearity check shall be done
‘‘hands-off,’’ as described in section
2.2.3(c) of appendix B to this part.
(E) Data Validation. For second and
third quarter linearity checks performed
by the applicable deadline (i.e., April 30
or July 30), data validation shall be done
in accordance with sections 2.2.3(a), (b),
(c), (e), and (h) of Appendix B to this
part. However, if a required linearity
check for the second calendar quarter is
not completed by April 30, or if a
required linearity check for the third
calendar quarter is not completed by
July 30, data from the monitoring
system (or range) shall be invalid,
beginning with the first unit operating
hour on or after May 1 or July 31,
respectively. The owner or operator
shall continue to invalidate all data
from the CEMS until either:
(1) The required linearity check of the
CEMS has been performed and passed;
(2) A probationary calibration error
test of the CEMS is passed in
accordance with § 75.20(b)(3)(ii). Once
the probationary calibration error test
has been passed, the owner or operator
shall perform the required linearity
check in accordance with the
conditional data validation provisions
and within the 168 unit or stack
operating hour time frame specified in
§ 75.20(b)(3) (subject to the restrictions
in paragraph (c)(3)(xii) of this section),
and the term ‘‘quality assurance’’ shall
apply instead of the term
‘‘recertification.’’ However, in lieu of the
provisions in § 75.20(b)(3)(ix), the
owner or operator shall follow the
applicable provisions in paragraphs
(c)(3)(xi) and (c)(3)(xii) of this section.
(F) A pre-season linearity check
performed and passed in April satisfies
the linearity check requirement for the
second quarter.
(G) The third quarter linearity check
requirement in paragraph (c)(3)(ii)(B) of
this section is waived if:
(1) Due to infrequent unit operation,
the 168 operating hour conditional data
validation period associated with a preseason linearity check extends into the
third quarter; and
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(2) A linearity check is performed and
passed within that conditional data
validation period.
(6) * * *
(iii) For the time periods described in
paragraphs (c)(2)(i)(C) and (c)(2)(ii)(E) of
this section, hourly emission data and
the results of all daily calibration error
tests and flow monitor interference
checks shall be recorded. The results of
all daily calibration error tests and flow
monitor interference checks performed
in the time period from April 1 through
April 30 shall be reported. The owner or
operator shall also report unit operating
data recorded in the time period from
April 1 through April 30 beginning with
the day of the first required daily
calibration error test or flow monitor
interference check performed whenever
the XML reporting format is used. The
owner or operator may also report the
hourly emission data in the time period
from April 1 through April 30. However,
only the emission data recorded in the
time period from May 1 through
September 30 shall be used for NOX
mass compliance determination;
(11) Units may qualify to use the
optional NOX mass emissions
estimation protocol for gas-fired and oilfired peaking units in appendix E to this
part on an ozone season basis. In order
to be allowed to use this methodology,
the unit must meet the definition of
‘‘peaking unit’’ in § 72.2 of this chapter,
except that the words ‘‘year’’, ‘‘calendar
year’’ and ‘‘calendar years’’ in that
definition shall be replaced by the
words ‘‘ozone season’’, ‘‘ozone season’’,
and ‘‘ozone seasons’’, respectively. In
addition, in the definition of the term
‘‘capacity factor’’ in § 72.2 of this
chapter, the word ‘‘annual’’ shall be
replaced by the words ‘‘ozone season’’
and the number ‘‘8,760’’ shall be
replaced by the number ‘‘3,672’’.
35. Section 75.81 is amended by:
a. Revising paragraph (a)(4);
b. Revising paragraph (c)(1);
c. Revising paragraph (c)(2);
c. Removing Eq. 1 from paragraph
d. Revising paragraph (d)(2);
e. Adding paragraph (d)(4)(iv); and
f. Revising paragraphs (d)(5) and
The revisions and additions read as
§ 75.81 Monitoring of Hg mass emissions
and heat input at the unit level.
(a) * * *
(4) If heat input is required to be
reported under the applicable State or
Federal Hg mass emission reduction
program that adopts the requirements of
this subpart, the owner or operator must
meet the general operating requirements
for a flow monitoring system and an O2
or CO2 monitoring system to measure
heat input rate.
(c) * * *
(1) The owner or operator must
perform Hg emission testing one year or
less before the compliance date in
§ 75.80(b), to determine the Hg
concentration (i.e., total vapor phase Hg)
in the effluent. The testing shall be
performed using one of the Hg reference
methods listed in § 75.22(a)(7), and shall
consist of a minimum of 3 runs at the
normal unit operating load, while
combusting coal. The coal combusted
during the testing must be from the
same source of supply as the coal
combusted at the start of the Hg mass
emissions reduction program. The
minimum time per run shall be 1 hour
if an instrumental reference method is
used. If Method 29 or the Ontario Hydro
method is used, paired sampling trains
are required for each test run and the
run must be long enough to ensure that
sufficient Hg is collected to analyze.
When Method 29 or the Ontario Hydro
method is used, the test results shall be
based on the vapor phase Hg collected
in the back-half of the sampling trains
(i.e., the non-filterable impinger
catches). For each Method 29 or Ontario
Hydro method test run, the paired trains
must meet the percent relative deviation
(RD) requirement in § 75.22(a)(7). If the
RD specification is met, the results of
the two trains shall be averaged
arithmetically. If the unit is equipped
with flue gas desulfurization or add-on
Hg emission controls, the controls must
be operating normally during the
testing, and, for the purpose of
establishing proper operation of the
controls, the owner or operator shall
record parametric data or SO2
concentration data in accordance with
§ 75.58(b)(3)(i).
(2) Based on the results of the
emission testing, Equation 1 of this
section shall be used to provide a
conservative estimate of the annual Hg
mass emissions from the unit:
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with PROPOSAL
E = 8760 K C Hg Q max
( Eq. 1)
E = Estimated annual Hg mass
emissions from the affected unit,
K = Units conversion constant, 9.978 ×
10¥10 oz-scm/[mu]g-scf
8760 = Number of hours in a year
CHg = The highest Hg concentration (µg/
scm) from any of the test runs or 0.50
µg/scm, whichever is greater
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Qmax = Maximum potential flow rate,
determined according to section of appendix A to this part,
Equation 1 of this section assumes
that the unit operates year-round at its
maximum potential flow rate. Also, note
that if the highest Hg concentration
measured in any test run is less than
0.50 µg/scm, a default value of 0.50 µg/
scm must be used in the calculations.
(d) * * *
(2) Following initial certification, the
same default Hg concentration value
that was used to estimate the unit’s
annual Hg mass emissions under
paragraph (c) of this section shall be
reported for each unit operating hour,
except as otherwise provided in
paragraph (d)(4)(iv) or (d)(6) of this
section. The default Hg concentration
value shall be updated as appropriate,
according to paragraph (d)(5) of this
(4) * * *
(iv) An additional retest is required
when there is a change in the fuel
supply. The retest shall be performed
within 720 unit operating hours of the
(5) The default Hg concentration used
for reporting under § 75.84 shall be
updated after each required retest. This
includes retests that are required prior
to the compliance date in § 75.80(b).
The updated value shall either be the
highest Hg concentration measured in
any of the test runs or 0.50 µg/scm,
whichever is greater. The updated value
shall be applied beginning with the first
unit operating hour in which Hg
emissions data are required to be
reported after completion of the retest,
except as provided in paragraph
(d)(4)(iv) of this section, where the need
to retest is triggered by a change in the
fuel supply. In that case, apply the
updated default Hg concentration
beginning with the first unit operating
hour in which Hg emissions are
required to be reported after the date
and hour of the fuel switch.
(e) * * *
(1) The methodology may not be used
for reporting Hg mass emissions at a
common stack unless all of the units
using the common stack are affected
units and each individual unit is tested
to demonstrate that its potential to emit
does not exceed 464 ounces of Hg per
year, in accordance with paragraphs (c)
and (d) of this section. If the units
sharing the common stack qualify as a
group of identical units in accordance
with § 75.19(c)(1)(iv)(B), the owner or
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operator may test a subset of the units
in lieu of testing each unit individually.
If this option is selected, the number of
units required to be tested shall be
determined from Table LM–4 in § 75.19.
If the test results demonstrate that the
units sharing the common stack qualify
as low mass emitters, the default Hg
concentration used for reporting Hg
mass emissions at the common stack
shall either be the highest value
obtained in any test run for any of the
tested units serving the common stack
or 0.50 µg/scm, whichever is greater.
Notwithstanding these requirements,
the emission testing required under
paragraphs (c) and/or (d)(3) of this
section may be performed at the
common stack in the following
(i) The initial certification testing
required under paragraph (c) of this
section may be performed at the
common stack if all of the units using
the stack are affected units and if, prior
to entering the common stack, the
effluent gas streams from the individual
units are combined together upstream of
an emission control device that reduces
the Hg concentration. If this testing
option is chosen:
(A) The testing must be done at a
combined load corresponding to the
designated normal load level (low, mid,
or high) for the units sharing the
common stack, in accordance with
section of appendix A to this
(B) All of the units that share the stack
must be operating in a normal, stable
manner and at typical load levels during
the emission testing;
(C) When calculating E, the estimated
maximum potential annual Hg mass
emissions from the stack, the maximum
potential flow rate through the common
stack (as defined in the monitoring plan)
and the highest concentration from any
test run (or 0.50 µg/scm, if greater) shall
be substituted into Equation 1;
(D) The calculated value of E shall be
divided by the number of units sharing
the stack. If the result, when rounded to
the nearest ounce, does not exceed 464
ounces, the units qualify to use the low
mass emission methodology; and
(E) If the units qualify to use the
methodology, the default Hg
concentration used for reporting at the
common stack shall be the highest value
obtained in any test run or 0.50 µg/scm,
whichever is greater; or
(ii) For all common stack
configurations, the retests required
under paragraph (d)(3) of this section
may be done at the common stack. If
this testing option is chosen, the testing
shall be done at a combined load
corresponding to the designated normal
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load level (low, mid, or high) for the
units sharing the common stack, in
accordance with section of
appendix A to this part. The due date
for the next retest shall be determined
as follows:
(A) To calculate E, the maximum
potential flow rate for the common stack
(as defined in the monitoring plan) and
the highest Hg concentration from any
test run (or 0.50 µg/scm, if greater) shall
be substituted into Equation 1;
(B) If the value of E obtained from
Equation 1, rounded to the nearest
ounce, is greater than 144 times the
number of units sharing the common
stack, but less than or equal to 464 times
the number of units sharing the stack,
the next retest is due in two QA
operating quarters;
(C) If the value of E obtained from
Equation 1, rounded to the nearest
ounce, is less than or equal to 144 times
the number of units sharing the
common stack, the next retest is due in
four QA operating quarters.
36. Section 75.82 is amended by
adding paragraphs (b)(3), (c)(4), and
(d)(3) to read as follows:
§ 75.82 Monitoring of Hg mass emissions
and heat input at common and multiple
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with PROPOSAL
(b) * * *
(3) If the monitoring option in
paragraph (b)(2) of this section is
selected, and if heat input is required to
be reported under the applicable State
or Federal Hg mass emission reduction
program that adopts the requirements of
this subpart, the owner or operator shall
(i) Apportion the common stack heat
input rate to the individual units
according to the procedures in
§ 75.16(e)(3); or
(ii) Install a flow monitoring system
and a diluent gas (O2 or CO2) monitoring
system in the duct leading from each
affected unit to the common stack, and
measure the heat input rate in each
duct, according to section 5.2 of
appendix F to this part.
(c) * * *
(4) If the monitoring option in
paragraph (c)(1) or (c)(2) of this section
is selected, and if heat input is required
to be reported under the applicable
State or Federal Hg mass emission
reduction program that adopts the
requirements of this subpart, the owner
or operator shall:
(i) Use the installed flow and diluent
monitors to determine the hourly heat
input rate at each stack (mmBtu/hr),
according to section 5.2 of appendix F
to this part; and
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(ii) Calculate the hourly heat input at
each stack (in mmBtu) by multiplying
the measured stack heat input rate by
the corresponding stack operating time;
(iii) Determine the hourly unit heat
input by summing the hourly stack heat
input values.
(d) * * *
(3) If the monitoring option in
paragraph (d)(1) or (d)(2) of this section
is selected, and if heat input is required
to be reported under the applicable
State or Federal Hg mass emission
reduction program that adopts the
requirements of this subpart, the owner
or operator shall:
(i) Use the installed flow and diluent
monitors to determine the hourly heat
input rate at each stack or duct (mmBtu/
hr), according to section 5.2 of appendix
F to this part; and
(ii) Calculate the hourly heat input at
each stack or duct (in mmBtu) by
multiplying the measured stack (or
duct) heat input rate by the
corresponding stack (or duct) operating
time; and
(iii) Determine the hourly unit heat
input by summing the hourly stack (or
duct) heat input values.
37. Section 75.84 is amended by:
a. Removing ‘‘§ 75.53(e)(1)’’ and
‘‘§ 75.53(e)(2)’’ and adding in their place
‘‘§ 75.53(g)(1)’’ and ‘‘§ 75.53(g)(2)’’,
respectively, in paragraph (c)(3);
b. Removing the number ‘‘45’’ and
adding in its place the number ‘‘21’’ in
paragraphs (e)(1) and (e)(2);
c. Revising paragraph (f)(1)
introductory text;
d. Removing ‘‘§ 75.64(a)(1)’’ and
adding in its place ‘‘§ 75.64(a)(3)’’ in
paragraph (f)(1)(i);
e. Replacing the phrase ‘‘paragraph
(a)’’ with the phrase ‘‘paragraphs (a) and
(b)’’ in paragraph (f)(1)(ii) introductory
f. Revising paragraph (f)(1)(ii)(I).
The revisions read as follows:
§ 75.84
Recordkeeping and reporting.
(f) * * *
(1) Electronic submission. Electronic
quarterly reports shall be submitted,
beginning with the calendar quarter
containing the compliance date in
§ 75.80(b), unless otherwise specified in
the final rule implementing a State or
Federal Hg mass emissions reduction
program that adopts the requirements of
this subpart. The designated
representative for an affected unit shall
report the data and information in this
paragraph (f)(1) and the applicable
compliance certification information in
paragraph (f)(2) of this section to the
Administrator quarterly, except as
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otherwise provided in § 75.64(a) for
units in long-term cold storage. Each
electronic report must be submitted to
the Administrator within 30 days
following the end of each calendar
quarter. Except as otherwise provided in
§§ 75.64(a)(4) and (a)(5), each electronic
report shall include the date of report
generation and the following
information for each affected unit or
group of units monitored at a common
(ii) * * *
(I) Supplementary RATA information
required under § 75.59(a)(7), except that:
(1) The applicable data elements
under § 75.59(a)(7)(ii)(A) through (T)
and under § 75.59(a)(7)(iii)(A) through
(M) shall be reported for flow RATAs at
circular or rectangular stacks (or ducts)
in which angular compensation for yaw
and/or pitch angles is used (i.e., Method
2F or 2G), with or without wall effects
(2) The applicable data elements
under § 75.59(a)(7)(ii)(A) through (T)
and under § 75.59(a)(7)(iii)(A) through
(M) shall be reported for any flow RATA
run at a circular stack in which Method
2 is used and a wall effects adjustment
factor is determined by direct
(3) The data under § 75.59(a)(7)(ii)(T)
shall be reported for all flow RATAs at
circular stacks in which Method 2 is
used and a default wall effects
adjustment factor is applied; and
(4) The data under § 75.59(a)(7)(ix)(A)
through (F) shall be reported for all flow
RATAs at rectangular stacks or ducts in
which Method 2 is used and a wall
effects adjustment factor is applied.
38. Appendix A to Part 75 is amended
a. Revising paragraph (c) of section;
b. Revising paragraph (b)(2) of section;
c. Revising paragraph (b)(2) of section; and
d. Adding a new fourth sentence after
the third sentence of section 2.1.3.
e. Revising paragraph (3) of section
f. Replacing the phrase ‘‘continuous
emission monitoring system(s)’’ with
the phrase ‘‘monitoring component of a
continuous emission monitoring system
that is’’ in section 3.5;
g. Revising section 5.1;
h. Redesignating section 6.1 as section
i. Adding new sections 6.1 and 6.1.2;
j. Revising the second and third
sentences and adding a new fourth
sentence to section 6.2, introductory
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k. Replacing the words ‘‘section 2.6’’
with the words ‘‘section 2.2.1’’, in
paragraph (g) of section 6.2;
l. Adding paragraph (h) to section 6.2;
m. Adding a new fourth sentence to
section 6.3.1, introductory text;
n. Revising the introductory text of
section 6.4;
o. Removing the words ‘‘that uses
CEMS to account for its emissions and
for each unit that uses the optional fuel
flow-to-load quality assurance test in
section 2.1.7 of appendix D to this part’’
from paragraph (a) of section;
p. Adding the words ‘‘or mmBtu/hr’’
after the words ‘‘klb/hr of steam
production’’, and by adding the words
‘‘or mmBtu/hr of thermal output’’ after
the words ‘‘thousands of lb/hr of steam
load’’ in paragraph (a)(1) of section;
q. Adding the words ‘‘and units using
the low mass emissions (LME) excepted
methodology under § 75.19’’ after the
words ‘‘(except for peaking units’’ in the
second sentence in paragraph (c) of
r. Adding the words ‘‘and LME units’’
after the words ‘‘For peaking units’’ in
the third sentence of paragraph (d)(1) of
s. Replacing the words ‘‘quarterly
report’’ in the first sentence with the
words ‘‘monitoring plan’’, by adding the
words ‘‘or mmBtu/hr’’ after the term
‘‘lb/hr’’, by replacing the number
‘‘75.64’’ with the number ‘‘75.53’’, by
adding the words ‘‘and LME units’’ after
the words ‘‘Except for peaking units’’,
and by revising the words ‘‘electronic
quarterly report (as part of the electronic
monitoring plan)’’ to read ‘‘electronic
monitoring plan’’ in paragraph (e) of
t. Replacing all occurrences of the
words ‘‘section 3.2’’ with the words
‘‘section 8.1.3’’ in paragraph (b)(3) of
section 6.5.6, paragraph (a) of section, and paragraph (a) of section;
u. Adding the words ‘‘and the same
type of sorbent material’’ after the words
‘‘same-size trap’’ in the third-to-last
sentence of section 6.5.7, paragraph (a);
v. Revising section 6.5.10;
w. Adding a sentence at the end of
section 7.6.1;
x. Revising the words ‘‘scfh/
megawatts or scfh/1000 lb/hr of steam’’
to read ‘‘scfh/megawatts, scfh/1000 lb/
hr of steam, or scfh/(mmBtu/hr of steam
output)’’ at the end of the Rref variable
definition, and by revising the words
‘‘megawatts or 1000 lb/hr of steam,’’ to
read ‘‘megawatts, 1000 lb/hr of steam, or
mmBtu/hr thermal output’’ at the end of
the Lavg variable definition in paragraph
(a) of section 7.7; and
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y. Revising the words ‘‘Btu/kwh or
Btu/lb steam load’’ to read ‘‘Btu/kwh,
Btu/lb steam load, or mmBtu heat input/
mmBtu steam output’’ in the (GHR)ref
variable definition, and by revising the
words ‘‘megawatts or 1000 lb/hr of
steam’’ to read ‘‘megawatts, 1000 lb/hr
of steam, or mmBtu/hr thermal output’’
at the end of the Lavg variable definition,
in paragraph (c) of section 7.7.
The revisions and additions read as
Appendix A to Part 75—Specifications
and Test Procedures
2. Equipment Specifications
Maximum Potential Concentration
(c) When performing fuel sampling to
determine the MPC, use ASTM Methods:
ASTM D3177–89 (1997), ‘‘Standard Test
Methods for Total Sulfur in the Analysis
Sample of Coal and Coke’’; ASTM D4239–02,
‘‘Standard Test Methods for Sulfur in the
Analysis Sample of Coal and Coke Using
High Temperature Tube Furnace Combustion
Methods’’; ASTM D4294–98, ‘‘Standard Test
Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Products by
Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence
Spectroscopy’’; ASTM D1552–01, ‘‘Standard
Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum
Products (High Temperature Method)’’;
ASTM D129–00, ‘‘Standard Test Method for
Sulfur in Petroleum Products (General Bomb
Method)’’; ASTM D2622–98, ‘‘Standard Test
Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Products by
X-Ray Spectrometry’’ for sulfur content of
solid or liquid fuels; ASTM D3176–89
(1997)e1, ‘‘Standard Practice for Ultimate
Analysis of Coal and Coke’’; ASTM D240–00
(Reapproved 1991), ‘‘Standard Test Method
for Heat of Combustion of Liquid
Hydrocarbon Fuels by Bomb Calorimeter’’; or
ASTM D5865–01ae1, ‘‘Standard Test Method
for Gross Calorific Value of Coal and Coke’’
(incorporated by reference under § 75.6).
* * * *
(b) * * *
(2) For units with two SO2 spans and
ranges, if the low range is exceeded, no
further action is required, provided that the
high range is available and its most recent
calibration error test and linearity check have
not expired. However, if either of these
quality assurance tests has expired and the
high range is not able to provide quality
assured data at the time of the low range
exceedance or at any time during the
continuation of the exceedance, report the
MPC as the SO2 concentration until the
readings return to the low range or until the
high range is able to provide quality assured
data (unless the reason that the high-scale
range is not able to provide quality assured
data is because the high-scale range has been
exceeded; if the high-scale range is exceeded
follow the procedures in paragraph (b)(1) of
this section).
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(b) * * *
(2) For units with two NOX spans and
ranges, if the low range is exceeded, no
further action is required, provided that the
high range is available and its most recent
calibration error test and linearity check have
not expired. However, if either of these
quality assurance tests has expired and the
high range is not able to provide quality
assured data at the time of the low range
exceedance or at any time during the
continuation of the exceedance, report the
MPC as the NOX concentration until the
readings return to the low range or until the
high range is able to provide quality assured
data (unless the reason that the high-scale
range is not able to provide quality assured
data is because the high-scale range has been
exceeded; if the high-scale range is exceeded
follow the procedures in paragraph (b)(1) of
this section).
2.1.3 CO2 and O2 Monitors
* * * An alternative CO2 span value below
6.0 percent may be used if an appropriate
technical justification is included in the
hardcopy monitoring plan.
3.2 * * *
(3) For the linearity check and the 3-level
system integrity check of an Hg monitor,
which are required, respectively, under
§§ 75.20(c)(1)(ii) and (c)(1)(vi), the
measurement error shall not exceed 5.0
percent of the span value at any of the three
gas levels. To calculate the measurement
error at each level, take the absolute value of
the difference between the reference value
and mean CEM response, divide the result by
the span value, and then multiply by 100.
Alternatively, the results at any gas level are
acceptable if the absolute value of the
difference between the average monitor
response and the average reference value, i.e.,
| R¥A | in Equation A–4 of this appendix,
does not exceed 0.6 µg/m3. The principal and
alternative performance specifications in this
section also apply to the single-level system
integrity check described in section 2.6 of
appendix B to this part.
5.1 Reference Gases.
For the purpose of part 75, calibration
gases include the following:
5.1.1 EPA Protocol Gases
(a) An EPA Protocol Gas is a calibration gas
mixture prepared and analyzed according to
Section 2 of the ‘‘EPA Traceability Protocol
for Assay and Certification of Gaseous
Calibration Standards,’’ September 1997,
EPA–600/R–97/121 or such revised
procedure as approved by the Administrator
(EPA Traceability Protocol).
(b) An EPA Protocol Gas must have a
specialty gas producer-certified uncertainty
(95-percent confidence interval) that must
not be greater than 2.0 percent of the certified
concentration (tag value) of the gas mixture.
The uncertainty must be calculated using the
statistical procedures (or equivalent
statistical techniques) that are listed in
Section 2.1.8 of the EPA Traceability
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 162 / Tuesday, August 22, 2006 / Proposed Rules
(c) A specialty gas producer advertising
calibration gas certification with the EPA
Traceability Protocol or distributing
calibration gases as ‘‘EPA Protocol Gas’’ must
participate in the EPA Protocol Gas
Verification Program (PGVP) described in
Section 2.1.10 of the EPA Traceability
Protocol or it cannot use ‘‘EPA’’ in any form
of advertising for these products, unless
approved by the Administrator. A specialty
gas producer may not certify a calibration gas
as an EPA Protocol Gas unless it participates
in the PGVP, unless approved by the
(d) A copy of EPA–600/R–97/121 is
available from the National Technical
Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road,
Springfield, VA, 703–605–6585 or https://, and from
ttn/emc/news.html or
5.1.2 Mercury Standards
For 7-day calibration error tests of Hg
concentration monitors and for daily
calibration error tests of Hg monitors, either
elemental Hg standards or a NIST-traceable
source of oxidized Hg may be used. For
linearity checks, elemental Hg standards
shall be used. For 3-level and single-point
system integrity checks under
§ 75.20(c)(1)(vi), sections 6.2(g) and 6.3.1 of
this appendix, and sections 2.1.1, 2.2.1 and
2.6 of appendix B to this part, a NISTtraceable source of oxidized Hg shall be used.
Alternatively, other NIST-traceable standards
may be used for the required checks, subject
to the approval of the Administrator.
5.1.3 Zero Air Material
(a) A calibration gas certified by the
specialty gas producer or vendor not to
contain concentrations of SO2, NOX, or total
hydrocarbons above 0.1 parts per million
(ppm), a concentration of CO above 1 ppm,
or a concentration of CO2 above 400 ppm;
(b) Ambient air conditioned and purified
by a CEMS for which the CEMS manufacturer
or vendor certifies that the particular CEMS
model produces conditioned gas that does
not contain concentrations of SO2, NOX, or
total hydrocarbons above 0.1 ppm, a
concentration of CO above 1 ppm, or a
concentration of CO2 above 400 ppm;
(c) For dilution-type CEMS, conditioned
and purified ambient air provided by a
conditioning system concurrently supplying
dilution air to the CEMS; or
(d) A multi-component mixture certified by
the supplier of the mixture that the
concentration of the component being zeroed
is less than or equal to the applicable
concentration specified in paragraph (a) of
this section, and that the mixture’s other
components do not interfere with the CEM
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with PROPOSAL
6.1.2 Requirements for Air Emission Testing
(a) Any Air Emission Testing Body (AETB)
conducting relative accuracy test audits of
CEMS and sorbent trap monitoring systems
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6.2 Linearity Check (General Procedures)
* * * Notwithstanding these
requirements, if the SO2 or NOX span value
for a particular monitor range is ≤30 ppm,
that range is exempted from the linearity
check requirements of this part, both for
initial certification and for on-going qualityassurance. For units with two measurement
ranges (high and low) for a particular
parameter, perform a linearity check on both
the low scale (except for SO2 or NOX span
values ≤30 ppm) and the high scale. Note that
for a NOX-diluent monitoring system with
two NOX measurement ranges, if the low
NOX scale has a span value ≤30 ppm and is
exempt from linearity checks, this does not
exempt either the diluent monitor or the high
NOX scale (if the span is >30 ppm) from
linearity check requirements.
(g) For Hg monitors, follow the guidelines
in section 2.2.3 of this appendix in addition
to the applicable procedures in section 6.2
when performing the system integrity checks
described in § 75.20(c)(1)(vi) and in sections
2.1.1, 2.2.1 and 2.6 of appendix B to this part.
(h) For Hg concentration monitors, if
moisture is added to the calibration gas
during the required linearity checks or
system integrity checks, and if the Hg
monitor measures on a dry basis, the
moisture content of the calibration gas must
be accounted for. Under these circumstances,
the dry basis concentration of the calibration
gas shall be used to calculate the linearity
error or measurement error (as applicable).
General Requirements
under this part must conform to the
requirements of ASTM D7036–04. This
section is not applicable to daily operation,
daily calibration error checks, daily flow
interference checks, quarterly linearity
checks or routine maintenance of CEMS.
(b) The AETB shall provide to the affected
source(s) certification that the AETB operates
in conformance with, and that data submitted
to the Agency has been collected in
accordance with, the requirements of ASTM
D7036–04. This certification may be
provided in the form of:
(1) A certificate of accreditation of relevant
scope issued by a recognized, national
accreditation body; or
(2) A letter of certification signed by a
member of the senior management staff of the
(c) The AETB shall either provide a
Qualified Individual on-site to conduct or
shall oversee all relative accuracy testing
carried out by the AETB as required in ASTM
D7036–04. The Qualified Individual shall
provide the affected source(s) with copies of
the qualification credentials relevant to the
scope of the testing conducted.
6.3.1 Gas Monitor 7-Day Calibration Error
* * * Also for Hg monitors, if moisture is
added to the calibration gas and the
monitoring system measures Hg
concentration on a dry basis, the added
moisture must be accounted for and the drybasis concentration of the calibration gas
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shall be used to calculate the calibration
6.4 Cycle Time Test
Perform cycle time tests for each pollutant
concentration monitor and continuous
emission monitoring system while the unit is
operating, according to the following
procedures (see also Figure 6 at the end of
this appendix). Use a zero-level and a highlevel calibration gas (as defined in section 5.2
of this appendix) alternately. To determine
the upscale elapsed time, inject a zero-level
concentration calibration gas into the probe
tip (or injection port leading to the
calibration cell, for in situ systems with no
probe). Record the stable starting gas value
and start time, using the data acquisition and
handling system (DAHS). Next, allow the
monitor to measure the concentration of flue
gas emissions until the response stabilizes.
Record the stable ending stack emissions
value and the end time of the test using the
DAHS. Determine the upscale elapsed time
as the time it takes for 95.0 percent of the
step change to be achieved between the
stable starting gas value and the stable ending
stack emissions value. Then repeat the
procedure, starting by injecting the high-level
gas concentration to determine the
downscale elapsed time, which is the time it
takes for 95.0 percent of the step change to
be achieved between the stable starting gas
value and the stable ending stack emissions
value. End the downscale test by measuring
the stable concentration of flue gas
emissions. Record the stable starting and
ending monitor values, the start and end
times, and the downscale elapsed time for
the monitor using the DAHS. A stable value
is equivalent to a reading with a change of
less than 2.0 percent of the span value for 2
minutes, or a reading with a change of less
than 6.0 percent from the measured average
concentration over 6 minutes. Alternatively,
the reading is considered stable if it changes
by no more than 0.5 ppm or 0.2% CO2 or O2
(as applicable) for two minutes. (Owners or
operators of systems which do not record
data in 1-minute or 3-minute intervals may
petition the Administrator under § 75.66 for
alternative stabilization criteria). For
monitors or monitoring systems that perform
a series of operations (such as purge, sample,
and analyze), time the injections of the
calibration gases so they will produce the
longest possible cycle time. Report the slower
of the two elapsed times (upscale or
downscale) as the cycle time for the analyzer.
(See Figure 5 at the end of this appendix.)
Prior to January 1, 2009 for the NOX-diluent
continuous emission monitoring system test,
either record and report the longer cycle time
of the two component analyzers as the
system cycle time or record the cycle time for
each component analyzer separately (as
applicable). On and after January 1, 2009,
record the cycle time for each component
analyzer separately. For time-shared systems,
perform the cycle time tests at each probe
locations that will be polled within the same
15-minute period during monitoring system
operations. To determine the cycle time for
time-shared systems, at each monitoring
location, report the sum of the cycle time
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 162 / Tuesday, August 22, 2006 / Proposed Rules
observed at that monitoring location plus the
sum of the time required for all purge cycles
(as determined by the continuous emission
monitoring system manufacturer) at each of
the probe locations of the time-shared
systems. For monitors with dual ranges,
report the test results from on the range
giving the longer cycle time. Cycle time test
results are acceptable for monitor or
monitoring system certification,
recertification or diagnostic testing if none of
the cycle times exceed 15 minutes. The status
of emissions data from a monitor prior to and
during a cycle time test period shall be
determined as follows:
6.5.10 Reference Methods
The following methods from appendix A to
part 60 of this chapter or their approved
alternatives are the reference methods for
performing relative accuracy test audits:
Method 1 or 1A for siting; Method 2 or its
allowable alternatives in appendix A to part
60 of this chapter (except for Methods 2B and
2E) for stack gas velocity and volumetric flow
rate; Methods 3, 3A or 3B for O2 and CO2;
Method 4 for moisture; Methods 6, 6A or 6C
for SO2; Methods 7, 7A, 7C, 7D or 7E for
NOX, excluding the exceptions of Method 7E
identified in § 75.22(a)(5); and either the
Ontario Hydro Method, Method 29 in
appendix A–8 to part 60 of this chapter, or
an approved instrumental method for Hg (see
§ 75.22).
Bias Test and Adjustment Factor
7.6.1 * * * To calculate bias for a Hg
monitoring system when using the Ontario
Hydro Method or Method 29 in appendix A–
8 to part 60 of this chapter, ‘‘d’’ is, for each
data point, the difference between the
average Hg concentration value (in µg/m3)
from the paired Ontario Hydro or Method 29
sampling trains and the concentration
measured by the monitoring system. For
sorbent trap monitoring systems, use the
average Hg concentration measured by the
paired traps in the calculation of ‘‘d’’.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with PROPOSAL
39. Appendix B to Part 75 is amended
a. adding section 1.1.4;
b. Revising section 2.1.1;
c. Revising paragraph (2) of section;
d. Revising paragraph (2) of section;
e. Adding paragraph (3) to section;
f. Adding a new fourth sentence to
paragraph (e) of section 2.2.3;
g. Revising the words ‘‘scfh/
megawatts or scfh/1000 lb/hr of steam
load’’ to read ‘‘scfh/megawatts, scfh/
1000 lb/hr of steam load, or scfh/
(mmBtu/hr thermal output)’’ at the end
of the Rh variable definition, and by
revising the words ‘‘megawatts or 1000
lb/hr of steam’’ to read ‘‘megawatts,
1000 lb/hr of steam, or mmBtu/hr
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Appendix B to Part 75—Quality
Assurance and Quality Control
1. Quality Assurance/Quality Control
thermal output’’ in the Lh variable
definition, in paragraph (a) of section
h. Revising the words Btu/kwh or
Btu/lb steam load’’ to read ‘‘Btu/kwh,
Btu/lb steam load, mmBtu heat input/
mmBtu thermal output’’ in the (GHR)h
variable definition, and by revising the
words ‘‘megawatts or 1000 lb/hr of
steam’’ to read ‘‘megawatts, 1000 lb/hr
of steam, or mmBtu/hr thermal output’’
in the Lh variable definition, in
paragraph (a)(2) of section 2.2.5;
i. Replacing the word ‘‘five’’ with the
word ‘‘twenty’’, and by replacing the
word ‘‘years’’ with the word ‘‘quarters’’,
in paragraph (c)(4) of section;
j. Revising paragraph (g) of section
k. Revising paragraphs (a)(2) and (c) of
section 2.3.3;
l. Adding paragraph (d) to section
m. Revising section 2.6; and
n. Replacing the term ‘‘dscm’’ with
‘‘scm’’ in Figure 2.
The revisions and additions read as
1.1.4 The requirements in section 6.1.2 of
appendix A to this part shall be met by any
Air Emissions Testing Body (AETB)
performing the semiannual/annual RATAs
described in section 2.3 of this appendix and
the periodic Hg emission tests described in
§§ 75.81(c)(1) and 75.81(d)(4)(iii).
2. Frequency of Testing
* * * *
(2) For each monitoring system that has
passed the off-line calibration demonstration,
off-line calibration error tests may be used on
a limited basis to validate data, in accordance
with paragraph (2) in section of this
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(2) For a monitor that has passed the offline calibration demonstration, off-line
calibration error tests may be used to validate
data from the monitor for up to 26
consecutive unit or stack operating hours,
after which data from the monitor become
invalid until an on-line calibration error test
of the monitor is passed. Once the required
on-line calibration error test has been passed,
another 26 operating hour cycle of data
validation using off-line calibration error
tests may begin. Each off-line calibration
error test that is used for data validation has
a prospective data validation window of 26
clock hours, as described in section 2.1.5 of
this appendix. If the sequence of consecutive
operating hours validated by off-line
calibrations is broken before reaching the
26th consecutive unit or stack operating
hour, data from the monitor become invalid
and an on-line calibration error test must be
passed to re-establish the quality-assured
data status. The sequence is considered
broken when a unit or stack operating hour
is not contained within the 26 clock hour
data validation window of a passed off-line
calibration error test.
(3) For units with two measurement ranges
(low and high) for a particular parameter,
when separate analyzers are used for the low
and high ranges, a failed or expired
calibration on one of the ranges does not
affect the quality-assured data status on the
other range. For a dual-range analyzer (i.e., a
single analyzer with two measurement
scales), a failed calibration error test on either
the low or high scale results in an out-ofcontrol period for the monitor. Data from the
monitor remain invalid until corrective
actions are taken and ‘‘hands-off’’ calibration
error tests have been passed on both ranges.
However, if the most recent calibration error
test on the high scale has expired, while the
low scale is up-to-date on its calibration error
test requirements (or vice-versa), the expired
calibration error test does not affect the
quality-assured status of the data recorded on
the other scale.
2.1.1 Calibration Error Test
Except as provided in section of
this appendix, perform the daily calibration
error test of each gas monitoring system
(including moisture monitoring systems
consisting of wet- and dry-basis O2 analyzers)
according to the procedures in section 6.3.1
of appendix A to this part, and perform the
daily calibration error test of each flow
monitoring system according to the
procedure in section 6.3.2 of appendix A to
this part. When two measurement ranges
(low and high) are required for a particular
parameter, perform sufficient calibration
error tests on each range to validate the data
recorded on that range, according to the
criteria in section 2.1.5 of this appendix.
2.2.3 * * *
(e) * * * For a dual-range analyzer,
‘‘hands-off’’ linearity checks must be passed
on both measurement scales to end the outof-control period.
2.3.2 * * *
(g) Data validation for failed RATAs for a
CO2 pollutant concentration monitor (or an
O2 monitor used to measure CO2 emissions),
a NOX pollutant concentration monitor, and
a NOX-diluent monitoring system shall be
done according to paragraphs (g)(1) and (g)(2)
of this section:
(1) For a CO2 pollutant concentration
monitor (or an O2 monitor used to measure
CO2 emissions) which also serves as the
diluent component in a NOX-diluent
monitoring system, if the CO2 (or O2) RATA
is failed, then both the O2 (or O2) monitor
and the associated NOX-diluent system are
considered out-of-control, beginning with the
hour of completion of the failed CO2 (or O2)
monitor RATA, and continuing until the
hour of completion of subsequent hands-off
RATAs which demonstrate that both systems
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 162 / Tuesday, August 22, 2006 / Proposed Rules
have met the applicable relative accuracy
specifications in sections 3.3.2 and 3.3.3 of
appendix A to this part, unless the option in
paragraph (b)(3) of this section to use the data
validation procedures and associated
timelines in §§ 75.20(b)(3)(ii) through
(b)(3)(ix) has been selected, in which case the
beginning and end of the out-of-control
period shall be determined in accordance
with §§ 75.20(b)(3)(vii)(A) and (B).
(2) This paragraph (g)(2) applies only to a
NOX pollutant concentration monitor that
serves both as the NOX component of a NOX
concentration monitoring system (to measure
NOX mass emissions) and as the NOX
component in a NOX-diluent monitoring
system (to measure NOX emission rate in lb/
mmBtu). If the RATA of the NOX
concentration monitoring system is failed,
then both the NOX concentration monitoring
system and the associated NOX-diluent
monitoring system are considered out-ofcontrol, beginning with the hour of
completion of the failed NOX concentration
RATA, and continuing until the hour of
completion of subsequent hands-off RATAs
which demonstrate that both systems have
met the applicable relative accuracy
specifications in sections 3.3.2 and 3.3.7 of
appendix A to this part, unless the option in
paragraph (b)(3) of this section to use the data
validation procedures and associated
timelines in §§ 75.20(b)(3)(ii) through
(b)(3)(ix) has been selected, in which case the
beginning and end of the out-of-control
period shall be determined in accordance
with §§ 75.20(b)(3)(vii)(A) and (B).
the quarter in which the grace period test is
(3) Notwithstanding these requirements, no
more than eight successive calendar quarters
shall elapse after the quarter in which the
grace period test is completed, without a
subsequent RATA having been conducted.
2.3.3 RATA Grace Period
(a) * * *
(2) A required 3-load flow RATA has not
been performed by the end of the calendar
quarter in which it is due; or
(c) If, at the end of the 720 unit (or stack)
operating hour grace period, the RATA has
not been completed, data from the
monitoring system shall be invalid,
beginning with the first unit operating hour
following the expiration of the grace period.
Data from the CEMS remain invalid until the
hour of completion of a subsequent hands-off
RATA. The deadline for the next test shall be
either two QA operating quarters (if a
semiannual RATA frequency is obtained) or
four QA operating quarters (if an annual
RATA frequency is obtained) after the quarter
in which the RATA is completed, not to
exceed eight calendar quarters.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with PROPOSAL
(d) When a RATA is done during a grace
period in order to satisfy a RATA
requirement from a previous quarter, the
deadline for the next RATA shall be
determined as follows:
(1) If the grace period RATA qualifies for
a reduced, (i.e., annual), RATA frequency the
deadline for the next RATA shall be set at
three QA operating quarters after the quarter
in which the grace period test is completed.
(2) If the grace period RATA qualifies for
the standard, (i.e., semiannual), RATA
frequency the deadline for the next RATA
shall be set at two QA operating quarters after
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2.6 System Integrity Checks for Hg Monitors
For each Hg concentration monitoring
system (except for a Hg monitor that does not
have a converter), perform a single-point
system integrity check weekly, i.e., at least
once every 168 unit or stack operating hours,
using a NIST-traceable source of oxidized Hg.
Perform this check using a mid-or high-level
gas concentration, as defined in section 5.2
of appendix A to this part. The performance
specifications in paragraph (3) of section 3.2
of appendix A to this part must be met,
otherwise the monitoring system is
considered out-of-control, from the hour of
the failed check until a subsequent system
integrity check is passed. If a required system
integrity check is not performed and passed
within 168 unit or stack operating hours of
last successful check, the monitoring system
shall also be considered out of control,
beginning with the 169th unit or stack
operating hour after the last successful check,
and continuing until a subsequent system
integrity check is passed. This weekly check
is not required if the daily calibration
assessments in section 2.1.1 of this appendix
are performed using a NIST-traceable source
of oxidized Hg.
40. Appendix D to Part 75 is amended
a. Revising section;
b. Removing all ‘‘±’’ symbols from
paragraph (c) of section;
c. Revising the Rbase and Lavg variable
definitions in paragraph (a) of section;
d. Revising the words ‘‘Btu/kwh or
Btu/lb steam load’’ to read ‘‘Btu/kwh,
Btu/lb steam load, or mmBtu heat input/
mmBtu thermal output’’ in the (GHR)base
variable definition, and by revising the
words ‘‘megawatts or 1000 lb/hr of
steam’’ to read ‘‘megawatts, 1000 lb/hr
of steam, or mmBtu/hr thermal output’’
in the Lavg variable definition, in
paragraph (c) of section;
e. Removing the word ‘‘or’’ and
adding the phrase’’,100 scfh/(mmBtu/hr
of steam load), or (lb/hr)/(mmBtu/hr
thermal output )’’ at the end of the Rh
variable definition, and by replacing the
phrase ‘‘megawatts or 1000 lb/hr of
steam’’ with the phrase ‘‘megawatts,
1000 lb/hr of steam, or mmBtu /hr
thermal output’’ in the Lh variable
definition, in paragraph (a) of section;
f. Replacing the phrase the ‘‘Btu/kwh
or Btu/lb steam load’’ with the phrase
‘‘Btu/kwh, Btu/lb steam load, or mmBtu
heat input/mmBtu thermal output’’ in
the (GHR)h variable definition; and by
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replacing the phrase ‘‘megawatts or
1000 lb/hr of steam’’ with the phrase
‘‘megawatts, 1000 lb/hr of steam, or
mmBtu/hr thermal output’’ in the Lh
variable definition, in paragraph (c) of
g. Replacing ‘‘D4177–82 (Reapproved
1990)’’ with ‘‘D4177–95 (2000)’’, in the
first sentence of section 2.2.3;
h. Replacing ‘‘D4057–88’’ with
‘‘D4057–95 (2000)’’, in sections
and, and in paragraph (c) of
i. Revising sections 2.2.5, 2.2.6, and
j. Revising paragraphs (a)(2) and (e) of
k. Revising section;
l. Replacing the identifier ‘‘D1826–
88’’ with the identifier ‘‘D1826–94
(1998)’’, by replacing the identifier
‘‘D3588–91’’ with the identifier
‘‘D3588–98’’, by adding the number
‘‘(2001)’’ after the identifier ‘‘ASTM
D4891–89’’, by replacing the numbers
‘‘2172–86’’ with the numbers ‘‘2172–
1996’’, and by replacing the numbers
‘‘2261–90’’ with the numbers ‘‘2261–
1999’’, in section 2.3.4;
m. Adding two sentences at the end
of section;
n. Replacing the phrase ‘‘Gas Total
Sulfur Content’’ in the ‘‘Parameter’’
column of Table D–6 with the phrase
‘‘Gas Total Sulfur Content*’’, and
adding the following footnote beneath
the Table ‘‘ * Required no later than July
1, 2003’’; and
o. Replacing the words ‘‘(Reapproved
1990)’’ with the words ‘‘(1997)e1’’ in
section 3.2.2.
The revisions and additions read as
Appendix D to Part 75—Optional SO2
Emissions Data Protocol for Gas-Fired
and Oil-Fired Units.
2. Procedure
* Use the procedures in the
following standards to verify flowmeter
accuracy or design, as appropriate to the type
of flowmeter: ASME MFC–3M–1989
(Reaffirmed 1995) (‘‘Measurement of Fluid
Flow in Pipes Using Orifice, Nozzle, and
Venturi’’); ASME MFC–4M–1986 (Reaffirmed
1990), ‘‘Measurement of Gas Flow by Turbine
Meters;’’ American Gas Association Report
No. 3, ‘‘Orifice Metering of Natural Gas and
Other Related Hydrocarbon Fluids Part 1:
General Equations and Uncertainty
Guidelines’’ (October 1990 Edition), Part 2:
‘‘Specification and Installation
Requirements’’ (February 1991 Edition), and
Part 3: ‘‘Natural Gas Applications’’ (August
1992 edition) (excluding the modified flowcalculation method in part 3); Section 8,
Calibration from American Gas Association
Transmission Measurement Committee
Report No. 7: Measurement of Gas by Turbine
Meters (Second Revision, April 1996); ASME
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 162 / Tuesday, August 22, 2006 / Proposed Rules
MFC–5M–1985 (Reaffirmed 2001)
(‘‘Measurement of Liquid Flow in Closed
Conduits Using Transit-Time Ultrasonic
Flowmeters’’); ASME MFC–6M–1998
(‘‘Measurement of Fluid Flow in Pipes Using
Vortex Flow Meters’’); ASME MFC–7M–1987
(Reaffirmed 2001), ‘‘Measurement of Gas
Flow by Means of Critical Flow Venturi
Nozzles;’’ ISO 8316: 1987(E) ‘‘Measurement
of Liquid Flow in Closed Conduits-Method
by Collection of the Liquid in a Volumetric
Tank;’’ American Petroleum Institute (API)
Manual of Measurement Standards, Chapter
4: Section 2, ‘‘Conventional Pipe Provers’’
(Provers Accumulating at Least 10,000
Pulses), Measurement Coordination (Second
Edition, March 2001), Section 3, ‘‘Small
Volume Provers’’ (First Edition), and Section
5, ‘‘Master-Meter Provers’’, Measurement
Coordination (Second Edition, May 2000);
API Manual of Petroleum Measurement
Standards, Chapter 22—Testing Protocol:
Section 2—Differential Pressure Flow
Measurement Devices (First Edition, August
2005); or ASME MFC–9M–1988 (Reaffirmed
2001) (‘‘Measurement of Liquid Flow in
Closed Conduits by Weighing Method’’), for
all other flowmeter types (incorporated by
reference under § 75.6). The Administrator
may also approve other procedures that use
equipment traceable to National Institute of
Standards and Technology standards.
Document such procedures, the equipment
used, and the accuracy of the procedures in
the monitoring plan for the unit, and submit
a petition signed by the designated
representative under § 75.66(c). If the
flowmeter accuracy exceeds 2.0 percent of
the upper range value, the flowmeter does
not qualify for use under this part.
* * * *
Rbase = Value of the fuel flow rate-to-load
ratio during the baseline period; 100 scfh/
MWe, 100 scfh/klb per hour steam load, or
100 scfh/mmBtu per hour thermal output
for gas-firing; (lb/hr)/MWe, (lb/hr)/klb per
hour steam load, or (lb/hr)/mmBtu per
hour thermal output for oil-firing.
Lavg = Arithmetic average unit load during
the baseline period, megawatts, 1000 lb/hr
of steam, or mmBtu/hr thermal output.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with PROPOSAL
2.2.5 For each oil sample that is taken onsite at the affected facility, split and label the
sample and maintain a portion (at least 200
cc) of it throughout the calendar year and in
all cases for not less than 90 calendar days
after the end of the calendar year allowance
accounting period. This requirement does not
apply to oil samples taken from the fuel
supplier’s storage container, as described in
section of this appendix. Analyze oil
samples for percent sulfur content by weight
in accordance with ASTM D129–00,
‘‘Standard Test Method for Sulfur in
Petroleum Products (General Bomb
Method),’’ ASTM D1552–01, ‘‘Standard Test
Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Products
(High Temperature Method),’’ ASTM D2622–
98, ‘‘Standard Test Method for Sulfur in
Petroleum Products by X-Ray Spectrometry,’’
or ASTM D4294–98, ‘‘Standard Test Method
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for Sulfur in Petroleum Products by EnergyDispersive X-Ray Fluorescence
Spectroscopy’’ (incorporated by reference
under § 75.6).
2.2.6 Where the flowmeter records
volumetric flow rate rather than mass flow
rate, analyze oil samples to determine the
density or specific gravity of the oil.
Determine the density or specific gravity of
the oil sample in accordance with ASTM
D287–92(2000)e1, ‘‘Standard Test Method for
API Gravity of Crude Petroleum and
Petroleum Products (Hydrometer Method),’’
ASTM D1217–93(1998), ‘‘Standard Test
Method for Density and Relative Density
(Specific Gravity) of Liquids by Bingham
Pycnometer,’’ ASTM D1481–93 (1997),
‘‘Standard Test Method for Density and
Relative Density (Specific Gravity) of Viscous
Materials by Lipkin Bicapillary,’’ ASTM
D1480–93 (1997), ‘‘Standard Test Method for
Density and Relative Density (Specific
Gravity) of Viscous Materials by Bingham
Pycnometer,’’ ASTM D1298–99, ‘‘Standard
Practice for Density, Relative Density
(Specific Gravity) or API Gravity of Crude
Petroleum and Liquid Petroleum Products by
Hydrometer Method,’’ or ASTM D4052–96
(2002)e1, ‘‘Standard Test Method for Density
and Relative Density of Liquids by Digital
Density Meter’’ (incorporated by reference
under § 75.6).
2.2.7 Analyze oil samples to determine
the heat content of the fuel. Determine oil
heat content in accordance with ASTM
D240–00 (Reapproved 1991), ‘‘Standard Test
Method for Heat of Combustion of Liquid
Hydrocarbon Fuels by Bomb Calorimeter,’’
ASTM D4809–00, ‘‘Standard Test Method for
Heat of Combustion of Liquid Hydrocarbon
Fuels by Bomb Calorimeter (Precision
Method),’’ or ASTM D5865–01ae1, ‘‘Standard
Test Method for Gross Calorific Value of Coal
and Coke’’ (incorporated by reference under
§ 75.6) or any other procedures listed in
section 5.5 of appendix F of this part.
* * * *
(a) * * *
(2) Historical fuel sampling data for the
previous 12 months, documenting the total
sulfur content of the fuel and the GCV and/
or percentage by volume of methane. The
results of all sample analyses obtained by or
provided to the owner or operator in the
previous 12 months shall be used in the
demonstration, and each sample result must
meet the definition of pipeline natural gas in
§ 72.2 of this chapter, except where the
results of at least 100 daily (or more frequent)
total sulfur samples are provided by the fuel
supplier. In that case you may convert these
data to monthly averages and then if, for each
month, the average total sulfur content is 0.5
grains/100 scf or less, and if the GCV or
percent methane requirement is also met, the
fuel qualifies as pipeline natural gas.
Alternatively, the fuel qualifies as pipeline
natural gas if the GCV or percent methane
requirement is met and if ≥ 98 percent of the
100 (or more) samples have a total sulfur
content of 0.5 grains/100 scf or less; or
(e) If a fuel qualifies as pipeline natural gas
based on the specifications in a fuel contract
or tariff sheet, no additional, on-going
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sampling of the fuel’s total sulfur content is
required, provided that the contract or tariff
sheet is current, valid and representative of
the fuel combusted in the unit. If the fuel
qualifies as pipeline natural gas based on fuel
sampling and analysis, on-going sampling of
the fuel’s sulfur content is required annually
and whenever the fuel supply source
changes. For the purposes of this paragraph,
(e), sampling ‘‘annually’’ means that at least
one sample is taken in each calendar year. If
the results of at least 100 daily (or more
frequent) total sulfur samples have been
provided by the fuel supplier since the last
annual assessment of the fuel’s sulfur
content, the data may be used to satisfy the
annual sampling requirement for the current
year. If this option is chosen, all of the data
provided by the fuel supplier shall be used.
First, convert the data to monthly averages.
Then, if, for each month, the average total
sulfur content is 0.5 grains/100 scf or less,
and if the GCV or percent methane
requirement is also met, the fuel qualifies as
pipeline natural gas. Alternatively, the fuel
qualifies as pipeline natural gas if the GCV
or percent methane requirement is met and
if the analysis of the 100 (or more) total
sulfur samples since the last annual
assessment shows that > 98 percent of the
samples have a total sulfur content of 0.5
grains/100 scf or less. The effective date of
the annual total sulfur sampling requirement
is January 1, 2003.
* Use one of the following
methods when using manual sampling (as
applicable to the type of gas combusted) to
determine the sulfur content of the fuel:
ASTM D1072–90(1999), ‘‘Standard Test
Method for Total Sulfur in Fuel Gases,’’
ASTM D4468–85 (2000) ‘‘Standard Test
Method for Total Sulfur in Gaseous Fuels by
Hydrogenolysis and Radiometric
Colorimetry,’’ ASTM D5504–01 ‘‘Standard
Test Method for Determination of Sulfur
Compounds in Natural Gas and Gaseous
Fuels by Gas Chromatography and
Chemiluminescence,’’ ASTM D6667–04
‘‘Standard Test Method for Determination of
Total Volatile Sulfur in Gaseous
Hydrocarbons and Liquified Petroleum Gases
by Ultraviolet Fluorescence,’’ or ASTM
D3246–96 ‘‘Standard Test Method for Sulfur
in Petroleum Gas By Oxidative
Microcoulometry’’ (incorporated by reference
under § 75.6).
* GCV of Pipeline Natural Gas
* * * If multiple GCV samples are taken
and analyzed in a particular month, the GCV
values from all samples shall be averaged
arithmetically to obtain the monthly GCV.
Then, for the purposes of implementing
paragraph (c) in section 2.3.7 of this
appendix, consider the latest date of any of
the individual GCV samples used in the
monthly average to be the ‘‘date on which the
sample was taken’’.
41. Appendix E to Part 75 is amended
a. Adding a new sentence to the end
of section 2.1;
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 162 / Tuesday, August 22, 2006 / Proposed Rules
b. Replacing the words ‘‘section 5.1’’
with the words ‘‘section 8.3.1’’ in
c. Replacing the phrase ‘‘(MWge or
steam load in 1000 lb/hr)’’ with the
phrase ‘‘(MWge or steam load in 1000
lb/hr, or mmBtu/hr thermal output)’’, in
section 2.4.1;
d. Revising section 2.5.2; and
e. Adding section
The revisions and additions read as
Appendix E to Part 75—Optional NOX
Emissions Estimation Protocol for GasFired Peaking Units and Oil-Fired
Peaking Units.
2.1 Initial Performance Testing
* * * The requirements in section 6.1.2 of
appendix A to this part shall be met by any
Air Emissions Testing Body (AETB)
performing O2 and NOX concentration
measurements under this appendix, either for
units using the excepted methodology in this
appendix or for units using the low mass
emissions excepted methodology in § 75.19.
2.5.2 Substitute missing NOX emission
rate data using the highest NOX emission rate
tabulated during the most recent set of
baseline correlation tests for the same fuel or,
if applicable, combination of fuels, except as
provided in sections,,,
and of this section.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with PROPOSAL Whenever 20 full calendar
quarters have elapsed following the quarter
of the last baseline correlation test for a
particular type of fuel (or fuel mixture),
without a subsequent baseline correlation
test being done for that type of fuel (or fuel
mixture), substitute the fuel-specific NOX
MER (as defined in § 72.2 of this chapter) for
each hour in which that fuel (or mixture) is
combusted until a new baseline correlation
test for that fuel (or mixture) has been
successfully completed. For fuel mixtures,
report the highest of the individual MER
values for the components of the mixture.
42. Appendix F to Part 75 is amended
a. Removing the second and third
sentences from the introductory text of
section 2;
b. Replacing the phrase ‘‘method 19 in
appendix A of part 60 of this chapter’’
with the phrase ‘‘Method 19 in
appendix A–7 to part 60 of this
chapter’’, in the last sentence of section
3.1 and in the last sentence of section
c. Adding the phrase ‘‘, or (if
applicable) in the equations in Method
19 in appendix A–7 to part 60 of this
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chapter’’ after the words ‘‘of this
appendix’’, in section 3.3;
d. Removing the second and third
sentences from section 3.3.4;
e. Adding sections and;
f. Revising Table 1;
g. Revising the text preceding
Equation F–7a, in section 3.3.6;
h. Adding ‘‘(1997)e1’’ after the
identifier ‘‘D3176–89’’, by replacing the
identifier ‘‘D5291–92’’ with the
identifier ‘‘D5291–01’’, by replacing the
identifier ‘‘D1945–91’’ with the
identifier ‘‘D1945–96 (2001)’’, and by
adding the number ‘‘(2000)’’ after the
identifier ‘‘D1946–90’’, in section;
i. Revising section;
j. Revising the definition of ‘‘Xi’’
under Equation F–8 in section;
k. Adding the words ‘‘either measured
directly with a CO2 monitor or
calculated from wet-basis O2 data using
Equation F–14b,’’ after the words ‘‘wet
basis,’’ in the first sentence of the Ch
variable definition, and by removing the
second and third sentences from the Ch
variable definition, in section 4.1;
l. Revising section 4.4.1;
m. Removing the second and third
sentences from the %CO2w variable
definition in 5.2.1;
n. Removing the second and third
sentences from the %CO2d variable
definition in 5.2.2;
o. Removing the second and third
sentences from the %O2w variable
definition, and by adding a new
sentence at the end of the paragraph, in
section 5.2.3;
p. Removing the second and third
sentences from the %O2d variable
definition, in section 5.2.4;
q. Replacing the identifier ‘‘D240–87’’
with the identifier ‘‘D240–00’’, by
replacing the identifier ‘‘D2015–91’’
with the identifier ‘‘D5865–01ae1’’, and
by replacing the identifier ‘‘D2382–88’’
with the identifier ‘‘D4809–00’’ in the
GCVO variable definition, in section
r. Replacing the identifier ‘‘D1826–
88’’ with the identifier ‘‘D1826–94
(1998)’’, by replacing the identifier
‘‘D3588–91’’ with the identifier
‘‘D3588–98’’, by adding the number
‘‘(2001)’’ after the identifier ‘‘D4891–
89’’, by replacing the numbers ‘‘2172–
86’’ with the numbers ‘‘2172–1996’’,
and by replacing the numbers ‘‘2261–
90’’ with the numbers ‘‘2261–1999’’ in
the GCVg variable definition, in section
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s. Replacing each identifier ‘‘D2234–
89’’ with the identifier ‘‘D2234–00e1’’,
in section;
t. Revising section;
u. Revising the words ‘‘as measured
by ASTM D3176–89, D1989–92, D3286–
91a, or D2015–91, Btu/lb’’ to read ‘‘as
measured by ASTM D3176–89 (1997)e1,
or D5865ae1, Btu/lb.’’ in the definition
of the GCVc variable in Equation F–21;
v. Revising the word ‘‘lb/hr’’ to read
‘‘lb/hr, or mmBtu/hr’’ in the definition
of the SF variable in Equation F–21b;
w. Revising the title and text of
section 7;
x. Adding the words ‘‘of this
appendix’’ after the words ‘‘section 8.1,
8.2, or 8.3’’ and after the words ‘‘section
8.4’’ in the introductory text for section
y. Revising sections 8.1 and 8.1.1;
z. Revising section 8.2;
aa. Adding sections 8.2.1 and 8.2.2;
bb. Revising section 8.3;
cc. Revising section 8.4; and
dd. Adding section 10.
The revisions and additions read as
Appendix F to Part 75—Conversion
3.3.4 * * * For boilers, a minimum
concentration of 5.0 percent CO2 or a
maximum concentration of 14.0 percent O2
may be substituted for the measured diluent
gas concentration value for any operating
hour in which the hourly average CO2
concentration is <5.0 percent CO2 or the
hourly average O2 concentration is >14.0
percent O2. For stationary gas turbines, a
minimum concentration of 1.0 percent CO2
or a maximum concentration of 19.0 percent
O2 may be substituted for measured diluent
gas concentration values for any operating
hour in which the hourly average CO2
concentration is <1.0 percent CO2 or the
hourly average O2 concentration is >19.0
percent O2. If NOX emission rate is calculated
using either Equation 19–3 or 19–5 in
Method 19 in appendix A–7 to part 60 of this
chapter, a variant of the equation shall be
used whenever the diluent cap is applied.
The modified equations shall be designated
as Equations 19–3D and 19–5D, respectively.
Equation 19–3D is structurally the same as
Equation 19–3, except that the term ‘‘%O2w’’
in the denominator is replaced with the term
‘‘%O2dc × [(100¥% H2O)/100]’’, where %O2dc
is the diluent cap value. The numerator of
Equation 19–5D is the same as Equation 19–
5; however, the denominator of Equation 19–
5D is simply ‘‘20.9¥%O2dc’’, where %O2dc is
the diluent cap value.
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 162 / Tuesday, August 22, 2006 / Proposed Rules
Coal (as defined by ASTM D388–99e1):
Anthracite ..........................................................................................................................................................
Bituminous ........................................................................................................................................................
Sub-bituminous .................................................................................................................................................
Lignite ...............................................................................................................................................................
Petroleum Coke .......................................................................................................................................................
Tire Derived Fuel 1 ..................................................................................................................................................
Oil .............................................................................................................................................................................
Natural gas .......................................................................................................................................................
Propane ............................................................................................................................................................
Butane ..............................................................................................................................................................
Bark ..................................................................................................................................................................
Wood residue ...................................................................................................................................................
* GCV is the gross calorific value
(Btu/lb) of the fuel combusted determined by
ASTM D5865–01ae1 ‘‘Standard Test Method
for Gross Calorific Value of Coal and Coke’’,
and ASTM D240–00 ‘‘Standard Test Method
for Heat of Combustion of Liquid
Hydrocarbon Fuels by Bomb Calorimeter’’, or
ASTM D4809–00, ‘‘Standard Test Method for
Heat of Combustion of Liquid Hydrocarbon
Fuels by Bomb Calorimeter (Precision
Method) for oil; and ASTM D3588–98
‘‘Standard Practice for Calculating Heat
Value, Compressibility Factor, and Relative
Density (Specific Gravity) of Gaseous Fuels,’’
ASTM D4891–89 (2001) ‘‘Standard Test
Method for Heating Value of Gases in Natural
Gas Range by Stoichiometric Combustion,’’
GPA Standard 2172–1996 ‘‘Calculation of
Gross Heating Value, Relative Density and
Compressibility Factor for Natural Gas
Mixtures from Compositional Analysis,’’
GPA Standard 2261–1999 ‘‘Analysis for
Natural Gas and Similar Gaseous Mixtures by
Gas Chromatography,’’ or ASTM D1826–94
(1998), ‘‘Standard Test Method for Calorific
(Heating) Value of Gases in Natural Gas
Range by Continuous Recording Calorimeter’’
for gaseous fuels, as applicable. (These
methods are incorporated by reference under
§ 75.6).
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with PROPOSAL
CO2d = Hourly average CO2 concentration
during unit operation, percent by volume,
dry basis.
CO 2 w =
* * * *
Xi = Fraction of total heat input derived from
each type of fuel (e.g., natural gas,
CO 2 d = 100
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at standard conditions: 20 °C (68 °F) and 29.92 inches of mercury.
3.3.6 Equations F–7a and F–7b may be
used in lieu of the F or Fc factors specified
in Section 3.3.5 of this appendix to calculate
a site-specific dry-basis F factor (dscf/
mmBtu) or a site-specific Fc factor (scf CO2/
mmBtu), on either a dry or wet basis. At a
minimum, the site-specific F or Fc factor
must be based on 9 samples of the fuel. Fuel
samples taken during each run of a RATA are
acceptable for this purpose. The site-specific
F or Fc factor must be re-determined at least
annually, and the value from the most recent
determination must be used in the emission
calculations. Alternatively, the previous F or
Fc value may continue to be used if it is
higher than the value obtained in the most
recent determination. The owner or operator
shall keep records of all site-specific F or Fc
determinations, active for at least 3 years.
(Calculate all F- and Fc factors at standard
conditions of 20 °C (68 °F) and 29.92 inches
of mercury).
Fc 20.9 − O 2 d
Jkt 208001
F, FC = F-factor or carbon-based Fc-factor
from section 3.3.5 of this appendix.
20.9 = Percentage of O2 in ambient air.
100 Fc
100 − % H 2 O
− O2w
20.9 F
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4. Procedure for CO2 Mass Emissions
4.4.1 If the owner or operator elects to use
data from an O2 monitor to calculate CO2
concentration, the appropriate F and FC
factors from section 3.3.5 of this appendix
shall be used in one of the following
equations (as applicable) to determine hourly
average CO2 concentration of flue gases (in
percent by volume) from the measured
hourly average O2 concentration:
( Eq. F-14a )
CO2w = Hourly average CO2 concentration
during unit operation, percent by volume,
wet basis.
18:38 Aug 21, 2006
bituminous coal, wood). Each Xi value
shall be determined from the best available
information on the quantity of fuel
combusted and the GCV value, over a
specified time period. The owner or
operator shall explain the method used to
calculate Xi in the hardcopy portion of the
monitoring plan for the unit. The Xi values
may be determined and updated either
hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly. In all
cases, the prorated F-factor used in the
emission calculations shall be determined
using the Xi values from the most recent
O2d = Hourly average O2 concentration
during unit operation, percent by volume,
dry basis.
( Eq. F-14b )
O2w = Hourly average O2 concentration
during unit operation, percent by volume,
wet basis.
1 Determined
(scf CO2/
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 162 / Tuesday, August 22, 2006 / Proposed Rules
8. Procedures for NOX Mass Emissions
5.2.3 * * *
For any hour where Equation F–17 results
in a negative hourly heat input rate, 1.0
mmBtu/hr shall be recorded and reported as
the heat input rate for that hour.
* Use ASTM D2013–01, ‘‘Standard
Method of Preparing Coal Samples for
Analysis,’’ for preparation of a daily coal
sample and analyze each daily coal sample
for gross calorific value using ASTM D5865–
01ae1, ‘‘Standard Test Method for Gross
Calorific Value of Coal and Coke’’ (All ASTM
methods are incorporated by reference under
§ 75.6 of this part.)
On-line coal analysis may also be used if
the on-line analytical instrument has been
demonstrated to be equivalent to the
applicable ASTM methods under §§ 75.23
and 75.66.
7. Procedures for SO2 Mass Emissions, Using
Default SO2 Emission Rates and Heat Input
Measured by CEMS
The owner or operator shall use Equation
F–23 to calculate hourly SO2 mass emissions
in accordance with § 75.11(e)(1) during the
combustion of gaseous fuel, for a unit that
uses a flow monitor and a diluent gas
monitor to measure heat input, and that
qualifies to use a default SO2 emission rate
under section,, or 2.3.6(b) of
appendix D to this part. Equation F–23 may
also be applied to the combustion of solid or
liquid fuel that meets the definition of very
low sulfur fuel in § 72.2 of this chapter,
combinations of such fuels, or mixtures of
such fuels with gaseous fuel, if the owner or
operator has received approval from the
Administrator under § 75.66 to use a sitespecific default SO2 emission rate for the fuel
or mixture of fuels.
E h = ( ER ) ( HI )
( Eq. F-23)
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with PROPOSAL
Eh = Hourly SO2 mass emission rate, lb/hr.
ER = Applicable SO2 default emission rate for
gaseous fuel combustion, from section,, or 2.3.6(b) of appendix D
M ( NOX ) = ER ( NOX ) HI h t h
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( Eq. F-24 )
M(NOX)h = NOX mass emissions in lbs for the
ER(NOX)h = Hourly average NOX emission rate
for hour h, lb/mmBtu, from section 3 of
this appendix, from method 19 of appendix
A to part 60 of this chapter, or from section
3.3 of appendix E to this part. (Include
bias-adjusted NOX emission rate values,
where the bias-test procedures in appendix
A to this part shows a bias-adjustment
factor is necessary.)
HIh = Hourly average heat input rate for hour
h, mmBtu/hr. (Include bias-adjusted flow
rate values, where the bias-test procedures
in appendix A to this part shows a biasadjustment factor is necessary.)
th = Monitoring location operating time for
hour h, in hours or fraction of an hour (in
equal increments that can range from one
hundredth to one quarter of an hour, at the
option of the owner or operator). If the
combined NOX emission rate and heat
input are monitored for all of the units in
a common stack, the monitoring location
operating time is equal to the total time
when any of those units was exhausting
through the common stack; or
(b) Use Equation F–24a to calculate the
hourly NOX mass emission rate (lb/hr).
E ( NOX ) = K Chd Q h
E(NOX)h = NOX mass emissions rate, lb/hr.
K = 1.194 x 10¥7 for NOX, (lb/scf)/ppm.
8.1 The owner or operator may use the
hourly NOX emission rate and the hourly
heat input rate to calculate the NOX mass
emissions in pounds or the NOX mass
emission rate in pounds per hour, (as
required by the applicable reporting format),
for each unit or stack operating hour, as
8.1.1 If both NOX emission rate and heat
input rate are monitored at the same unit or
stack level (e.g., the NOX emission rate value
and the heat input rate value both represent
all of the units exhausting to the common
stack), then (as required by the applicable
reporting format) either:
(a) Use Equation F–24 to calculate the
hourly NOX mass emissions (lb)
(100 − %H 2 O )
(100 )
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8.2 Alternatively, the owner or operator
may use the hourly NOX concentration (as
measured by a NOX concentration monitoring
system) and the hourly stack gas volumetric
flow rate to calculate the NOX mass emission
rate (lb/hr) for each unit or stack operating
hour, in accordance with section 8.2.1 or
8.2.2 of this appendix (as applicable). If the
hourly NOX mass emissions are to be
reported in lb, Equation F–26c in section 8.3
of this appendix shall be used to convert the
hourly NOX mass emission rates to hourly
NOX mass emissions (lb).
8.2.1 When the NOX concentration
monitoring system measures on a wet basis,
first calculate the hourly NOX mass emission
rate (in lb/hr) during unit (or stack)
operation, using Equation F–26a. (Include
bias-adjusted flow rate or NOX concentration
values, where the bias-test procedures in
appendix A to this part shows a biasadjustment factor is necessary.)
E ( NOX ) = K Chw Q h
( Eq. F-26a )
E(NOX)h = NOX mass emissions rate in lb/hr.
K = 1.194 × 10¥7 for NOX, (lb/scf)/ppm.
Chw = Hourly average NOX concentration
during unit operation, wet basis, ppm.
Qh = Hourly average volumetric flow rate
during unit operation, wet basis, scfh.
8.2.2 When NOX mass emissions are
determined using a dry basis NOX
concentration monitoring system and a wet
basis flow monitoring system, first calculate
hourly NOX mass emission rate (in lb/hr)
during unit (or stack) operation, using
Equation F–26b. (Include bias-adjusted flow
rate or NOX concentration values, where the
bias-test procedures in appendix A to this
part shows a bias-adjustment factor is
( Eq. F-26b )
Chd = Hourly average NOX concentration
during unit operation, dry basis, ppm.
PO 00000
E(NOX)h = NOX mass emissions rate in lbs/hr
for the hour.
ER(NOX)h = Hourly average NOX emission rate
for hour h, lb/mmBtu, from section 3 of
this appendix, from method 19 of appendix
A to part 60 of this chapter, or from section
3.3 of appendix E to this part. (Include
bias-adjusted NOX emission rate values,
where the bias-test procedures in appendix
A to this part shows a bias-adjustment
factor is necessary.)
HIh = Hourly average heat input rate for hour
h, mmBtu/hr. (Include bias-adjusted flow
rate values, where the bias-test procedures
in appendix A to this part shows a biasadjustment factor is necessary.)
Qh = Hourly average volumetric flow rate
during unit operation, wet basis, scfh
( Eq. F-24a )
5. Procedures for Heat Input
E ( NOX ) h = ER ( NOX ) HI h
to this part, or other default SO2 emission
rate for the combustion of very low sulfur
liquid or solid fuel, combinations of such
fuels, or mixtures of such fuels with
gaseous fuel, as approved by the
Administrator under § 75.66, lb/mmBtu.
HI = Hourly heat input rate, determined
using the procedures in section 5.2 of this
appendix, mmBtu/hr.
F, Fc = F-factor or carbon-based FC-factor
from section 3.3.5 of this appendix.
20.9 = Percentage of O2 in ambient air.
%H2O = Moisture content of gas in the stack,
For any hour where Equation F–14b results
in a negative hourly average CO2 value, 0.0%
CO2w shall be recorded as the average CO2
value for that hour.
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 162 / Tuesday, August 22, 2006 / Proposed Rules
%H2O = Hourly average stack moisture
content during unit operation, percent by
8.3 When hourly NOX mass emissions are
reported in pounds and are determined using
a NOX concentration monitoring system and
a flow monitoring system, calculate NOX
mass emissions (lb) for each unit or stack
operating hour by multiplying the hourly
NOX mass emission rate (lb/hr) by the unit
operating time for the hour, as follows:
( Eq. F-26c )
M ( NOX ) = E h t h
M(NOx)h = NOX mass emissions for the hour,
Eh = Hourly NOX mass emission rate during
unit (or stack) operation from Equation F–
26a in section 8.2.1 of this appendix or
Equation F–26b in section 8.2.2 of this
appendix (as applicable), lb/hr.
th = Unit operating time or stack operating
time (as defined in § 72.2 of this chapter)
for hour ‘‘h’’, in hours or fraction of an
hour (in equal increments that can range
from one hundredth to one quarter of an
hour, at the option of the owner or
8.4 Use the following procedures to
calculate quarterly, cumulative ozone season,
and cumulative yearly NOX mass emissions,
in tons:
(a) When hourly NOX mass emissions are
reported in lb, use Eq. F–27.
M ( NOX )
M(NOX)time period = NOX mass emissions in tons
for the given time period (quarter,
cumulative ozone season, cumulative yearto-date).
time period
∑ M(
h =1
NOX ) h
( Eq. F-27 )
M(NOX)h = NOX mass emissions in lb for the
p = The number of hours in the given time
period (quarter, cumulative ozone season,
cumulative year-to-date).
(b) When hourly NOX mass emission rate
is reported in lb/hr, use Eq. F–27a.
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( Eq. F-27a )
10. Moisture Determination from Wet and
Dry O2 Readings
If a correction for the stack gas moisture
content is required in any of the emissions
( O2d − O2 w )
× 100
( Eq. F-31)
Appendix G to Part 75—Determination
of CO2 Emissions
2.1.2 Determine the carbon content of
each fuel sample using one of the following
methods: ASTM D3178–89 (1997) or ASTM
5373–93 for coal; ASTM D5291–01
‘‘Standard Test Methods for Instrumental
Determination of Carbon, Hydrogen, and
Nitrogen in Petroleum Products and
Lubricants,’’ ultimate analysis of oil, or
computations based upon ASTM D3238–95
(2000)e1 and either ASTM D2502–92 (1996)
or ASTM D2503–92 (1997) for oil; and
computations based on ASTM D1945–96
(2001) or ASTM D1946–90 (2000) for gas.
44. Appendix K to Part 75 is amended
a. Adding a sentence to the end of
section 7.2.3; and
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or heat input calculations described in this
appendix, and if the hourly moisture content
is determined from wet- and dry-basis O2
readings, use Equation F–31 to calculate the
percent moisture, unless a ‘‘K’’ factor or other
mathematical algorithm is developed as
described in section 6.5.7(a) of appendix A
to this part:
b. Revising Table K–1 of section 8.
c. Adding the number ‘‘2’’ after the
words ‘‘sections 1 and’’ in the definition
of the variable M* in Equation K–5.
The revisions and additions read as
Appendix K to Part 75—Quality
Assurance and Operating Procedures
for Sorbent Trap Monitoring Systems
7.2.3 * * * The sample flow rate through
a sorbent trap monitoring system during any
hour (or portion of an hour) in which the unit
is not operating shall be zero.
43. Appendix G to Part 75—is
amended by:
a. Revising section 2.1.2;
b. Replacing the identifier ‘‘D3174–
89’’ with the identifier ‘‘D3174–00’’ in
section 2.2.1; and
c. Adding the number ‘‘(1997)’’ after
the identifier ‘‘D3178–89’’ in section
The revisions and additions read as
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with PROPOSAL
NOX ) h
th = Monitoring location operating time for
hour h, in hours or fraction of an hour (in
equal increments that can range from one
hundredth to one quarter of an hour, at the
option of the owner or operator).
%H 2 O =
% H2O = Hourly average stack gas moisture
content, percent H2O
O2d = Dry-basis hourly average oxygen
concentration, percent O2
O2w = Wet-basis hourly average oxygen
concentration, percent O2
h =1
M(NOX)time period = NOX mass emissions in tons
for the given time period (quarter,
cumulative ozone season, cumulative yearto-date).
E(NOX)h = NOX mass emission rate in lb/hr for
the hour.
p = The number of hours in the given time
period (quarter, cumulative ozone season,
cumulative year-to-date).
time period
M ( NOX )
∑ E(
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 162 / Tuesday, August 22, 2006 / Proposed Rules
QA/QC test or specification
Acceptance criteria
Consequences if not met
Pre-test leak check ........................
≤4% of target sampling rate .........
Prior to sampling ..........................
Post-test leak check ......................
Ratio of stack gas flow rate to
sample flow rate.
≤4% of average sampling rate .....
Maintain within ± 25% of initial
ratio from first hour of data collection period.
After sampling ...............................
Every hour throughout data collection period.
Sorbent trap section 2 breakthrough.
Paired sorbent trap agreement ......
≤5% of Section 1 Hg mass ..........
Every sample ................................
Sampling shall not commence
until the lead check is passed.
Sample invalidated.**
Sample invalidated if more than
5% of the hourly ratios or 5
hourly ratios (whichever is less
restrictive) are not maintained
within the acceptance criteria.**
Sample invalidated.**
≤10% Relative Deviation (RD) if
the average concentration is
>1.0 µg/m3, and ≤20% RD if the
average concentration is ≤1.0
Average recovery between 85%
and 115% for each of the 3
spike concentration levels.
Each analyzer reading within
±10% of true value and r2≥0.99.
Within ±10% of true value ............
Every sample ................................
Either invalidate the data from the
paired traps or report the results from the trap resulting in
the higher Hg concentration.
Prior to analyzing field samples
and prior to use of new sorbent
On the day of analysis, before
analyzing any samples.
Following daily calibration, prior to
analyzing field samples.
Field samples shall not be analyzed until the percent recovery
criteria has been met.
Recalibrate until successful.
75–125% of spike amount ............
Every sample ................................
RA ≤20.0% or Mean difference
≤1.0 µg/dscm for low emitters.
Calibration factor (Y) within ±5%
of average value from the initial
(3-point) calibration.
Absolute temperature measured
by sensor within ±1.5% of a reference sensor.
Absolute pressure measured by
instrument within ±10 mm Hg of
reading with a mercury barometer.
For initial certification and annually thereafter.
Prior to initial use and at least
quarterly thereafter.
Spike Recovery Study ...................
Multipoint analyzer calibration .......
Analysis of independent calibration
Spike recovery from section 3 of
sorbent trap.
RATA .............................................
Dry gas meter calibration (At 3 orifice initially, and 1 setting thereafter).
Temperature sensor calibration .....
Barometer calibration .....................
Prior to initial use and at least
quarterly thereafter.
Prior to initial use and at least
quarterly thereafter.
Recalibrate and repeat independent standard analysis until
Sample invalidated.**
Data from the system are invalidated until a RATA is passed.
Recalibrate the meter at three orifice settings to determine a new
value of Y.
Recalibrate. Sensor may not be
used until specification is met.
Recalibrate. Instrument may not
be used until specification is
** However, if only one of the paired samples fails to meet this specification and the other sample meets all of the applicable QA criteria, the
results of the valid sample may be used for reporting under this part, provided that the measured Hg concentration is multiplied by a factor of
1.222. If both samples are invalidated and quality-assured data from a certified backup monitoring system, reference method, or approved alternative monitoring system are unavailable, substitute data must be used.
[FR Doc. 06–6819 Filed 8–21–06; 8:45 am]
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[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 162 (Tuesday, August 22, 2006)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 49254-49308]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 06-6819]
[[Page 49253]]
Part III
Environmental Protection Agency
40 CFR Parts 72 and 75
Revisions to the Continuous Emissions Monitoring Rule for the Acid Rain
Program, NOX Budget Trading Program, the Clean Air
Interstate Rule, and the Clean Air Mercury Rule; Proposed Rule
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 162 / Tuesday, August 22, 2006 /
Proposed Rules
[[Page 49254]]
40 CFR Parts 72 and 75
[OAR-2005-0132; FRL-8208-1]
Revisions to the Continuous Emissions Monitoring Rule for the
Acid Rain Program, NOX Budget Trading Program, the Clean Air
Interstate Rule, and the Clean Air Mercury Rule
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Proposed rule.
SUMMARY: EPA is proposing rule revisions that would modify existing
requirements for sources affected by the federally administered
emission trading programs including the NOX Budget Trading
Program, the Acid Rain Program, the Clean Air Interstate Rule, and the
Clean Air Mercury Rule.
The proposed revisions are prompted primarily by changes being
implemented by EPA's Clean Air Markets Division in its data systems in
order to utilize the latest modern technology for the submittal of data
by affected sources. Other revisions address issues that have been
raised during program implementation, fix specific inconsistencies in
rule provisions, or update sources incorporated by reference. These
revisions would not impose significant new requirements upon sources
with regard to monitoring or quality assurance activities.
DATES: All public comments must be received on or before October 23,
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments, identified by Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-
OAR-2005-0132, by one of the following methods:
Federal eRulemaking Portal:
Follow the on-line instructions for submitting comments.
Fax: (202) 566-1741.
Hand Delivery: Air and Radiation Docket, Environmental
Protection Agency, 1301 Constitution Avenue, NW., Room B-108,
Washington, DC 20014. Such deliveries are accepted only during the
Docket's normal hours of operation and special arrangements should be
made for deliveries of boxed information.
Mail: EPA Docket Center (EPA/DC), Environmental Protection
Agency, Mailcode 6102T, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Washington, DC
20460. Please include a total of two copies. We request that a separate
copy also be sent to the contact person identified below (see FOR
Instructions: Direct your comments to Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-
2005-0132. EPA's policy is that all comments received will be included
in the public docket without change and may be made available online at including any personal information provided,
unless the comment includes information claimed to be Confidential
Business Information (CBI) or other information whose disclosure is
restricted by statute. Do not submit information that you consider to
be CBI or otherwise protected through or e-
mail. The Web site is an ``anonymous
access'' system, which means EPA will not know your identity or contact
information unless you provide it in the body of your comment. If you
send an e-mail comment directly to EPA without going through https://, your e-mail address will be automatically captured
and included as part of the comment that is placed in the public docket
and made available on the Internet. If you submit an electronic
comment, EPA recommends that you include your name and other contact
information in the body of your comment with a disk or CD-ROM you
submit. If EPA cannot read your comment due to technical difficulties
and cannot contact you for clarification, EPA may not be able to
consider your comment. Electronic files should avoid the use of special
characters, any form of encryption, and be free of any defects or
viruses. Docket: All documents in the docket are listed in the https:// index. Although listed in the index, some
information is not publicly available, e.g., CBI or other information
whose disclosure is restricted by statute. Certain other material, such
as copyrighted material, will be publicly available only in hard copy.
Publicly available docket materials are available either electronically
in or in hard copy at the Air and Radiation
Docket, EPA/DC, EPA West, Room B102, 1301 Constitution Ave., NW.,
Washington, DC. The Public Reading Room is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30
p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays. The telephone
number for the Public Reading Room is (202) 566-1744, and the telephone
number for the Air and Radiation Docket is (202) 566-1742.
Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Clean Air Markets
Division, MC 6204J, Ariel Rios Building, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW.,
Washington, DC 20460, telephone (202) 343-9211, e-mail at Electronic copies of this document can be
accessed through the EPA Web site at:
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Regulated Entities. Entities regulated by
this action primarily are fossil fuel-fired boilers, turbines, and
combined cycle units that serve generators that produce electricity,
generate steam, or cogenerate electricity and steam. Some trading
programs include process sources, such as process heaters or cement
kilns. Although Part 75 primarily regulates the electric utility
industry, certain State and Federal NOX mass emission
trading programs rely on subpart H of Part 75, and those programs may
include boilers, turbines, combined cycle, and certain process units
from other industries. Regulated categories and entities include:
Examples of
Category NAICS code potentially regulated
Industry...................... 221112 and others Electric service
providers Process
sources with large
boilers, turbines,
combined cycle
units, process
heaters, or cement
kilns where
emissions exhaust
through a stack.
This table is not intended to be exhaustive, but rather to provide
a guide for readers regarding entities likely to be regulated by this
action. This table lists the types of entities which EPA is now aware
could potentially be regulated by this action. Other types of entities
not listed in this table could also be regulated. To determine whether
your facility, company, business, organization, etc., is regulated by
this action, you should carefully examine the applicability provisions
in Sec. Sec. 72.6, 72.7, and 72.8 of title 40 of the Code of Federal
Regulations and in 40 CFR Parts 96 and 97. If you have questions
regarding the applicability of this action to a particular entity,
consult the person listed in the preceding FOR FURTHER INFORMATION
CONTACT section.
[[Page 49255]]
Submitting CBI. Do not submit this information to EPA through or e-mail. Clearly mark the part or all of
the information that you claim to be CBI. For CBI information on a disk
or CD-ROM that you mail to EPA, mark the outside of the disk or CD-ROM
as CBI and then identify electronically within the disk or CD-ROM the
specific information that is claimed as CBI. In addition to one
complete version of the comment that includes information claimed as
CBI, a copy of the comment that does not contain the information
claimed as CBI must be submitted for inclusion in the public docket.
Information so marked will not be disclosed except in accordance with
procedures set forth in 40 CFR part 2.
World Wide Web (WWW). In addition to being available in the docket,
an electronic copy of the proposed rule is also available on the WWW
through the Technology Transfer Network Web site (TTN Web). Following
signature, a copy of the proposed rule will be posted on the TTN's
policy and guidance page for newly proposed or promulgated rules at The TTN provides information and
technology exchange in various areas of air pollution control.
I. Detailed Discussion of Proposed Rule Revisions
A. Rule Definitions
B. General Monitoring Provisions
C. Certification Requirements
D. Missing Data Substitution
E. Recordkeeping and Reporting
F. Subpart H (NOX Mass Emissions)
G. Subpart I (Hg Mass Emissions)
H. Appendix A
I. Appendix B
J. Appendix D
K. Appendix E
L. Appendix F
M. Appendix G
N. Appendix K
II. Administrative Requirements
A. Executive Order 12866--Regulatory Planning and Review
B. Paperwork Reduction Act
C. Regulatory Flexibility Act
D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
E. Executive Order 13132--Federalism
F. Executive Order 13175--Consultation and Coordination With
Indian Tribal Governments
G. Executive Order 13045--Protection of Children From
Environmental Health and Safety Risks
H. Executive Order 13211--Actions That Significantly Affect
Energy Supply, Distribution, or Use
I. National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act
I. Detailed Discussion of Proposed Rule Revisions
EPA is in the process of re-engineering the data systems associated
with the collection and processing of emissions, monitoring plan,
quality assurance, and certification data. The re-engineering project
includes the creation of a client tool, provided by EPA that sources
will use to evaluate and submit their Part 75 monitoring data. This
process change will enable sources to assess the quality of their data
prior to submitting the data using EPA established checking criteria.
The process will also allow sources to report their data directly to a
database. Having the data in a true database will allow the Agency to
implement and assess the program more efficiently and will streamline
access to the data. Also, this database structure will enable EPA to
implement process changes that will reduce the redundant reporting of
certain types of data. The re-engineered systems will be supported by a
new extensible markup language (XML) data format that will replace the
record type/column format currently used by EPA to collect electronic
data. EPA intends to transition existing sources to the new XML
electronic data report (XML-EDR) format during the 2008 reporting year.
For sources reporting in 2008 for the first time, the new XML-EDR
format should be used. All sources will be required to use the new
process beginning 2009.
A. Rule Definitions
The proposed changes to Part 72 include adding a definition for
``long-term cold storage'' to mean ``the complete shutdown of a unit
intended to last for an extended period of time (at least two calendar
years) where notice for long-term cold storage is provided under Sec.
75.61(a)(7). See Section II.E.4 of this preamble for further
EPA also proposes to modify the definition of ``capacity factor''
so that the Agency can use the reported maximum hourly gross load, as
currently reported in the electronic monitoring plan, to determine
whether a unit qualifies for peaking unit status, by recalculating the
capacity factor. This is important because the maximum hourly gross
load can be greater than the nameplate capacity. Also, when using heat
input to define capacity factor, the definition would be revised to
refer to maximum rated hourly heat input rate, which is defined in
Sec. 72.2.
The proposed changes to Sec. 72.2 would also modify the definition
of ``EPA Protocol Gas,'' and add a definition of ``EPA Protocol Gas
Verification Program'', to support the proposed calibration gas audit
program. EPA is also proposing to expand the definition of ``excepted
monitoring system'' to include the sorbent trap and low mass emissions
(LME) excepted methodologies for Hg. Finally, today's proposed rule
would add definitions of ``Air Emission Testing Body (AETB)'' and
``Qualified Individual'', to support the proposed stack tester
accreditation program. See Sections II.H.2 and II.H.3 of this preamble
for a discussion of these proposed programs.
B. General Monitoring Provisions
1. Update of Incorporation by Reference (Sec. 75.6)
Section 75.6 identifies a number of methods and other standards
that are incorporated by reference into Part 75. This section includes
standards published by the American Society for Testing and Materials
(ASTM), the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), the
American National Standards Institute (ANSI), the Gas Processors
Association (GPA), and the American Petroleum Institute (API). Changes
in Sec. 75.6 would reflect the need to incorporate recent updates for
many of the referenced standards. The proposed revisions would
recognize or adhere to these newer standards by updating references for
the standards listed in Sec. Sec. 75.6(a) through 75.6(f).
Additionally, new Sec. Sec. 75.6(a)(45) through 75.6(a)(48) and
75.6(f)(4) would incorporate by reference additional ASTM and API
standards that are relevant to Part 75 implementation.
2. Default Emission Rates for Low Mass Emissions (LME) Units
Today's proposed rule revisions would allow LME units to use site-
specific default SO2 emission rates for fuel oil combustion,
in lieu of using the ``generic'' default SO2 emission rates
specified in Table LM-1 of Sec. 75.19. To use this option, a federally
enforceable permit condition would have to be in place for the unit,
limiting the sulfur content of the oil. This revision would allow more
representative, yet still conservatively high, SO2 emissions
data to be reported from oil-burning LME units. The site-specific
default SO2 emission rate would be calculated using an
equation from EPA publication AP-42. The sulfur content used in the
calculations would be the maximum weight percent sulfur allowed by the
federally-enforceable permit. Sources choosing to implement this option
would be required to perform periodic oil sampling using one of the
four methodologies described in Section 2.2
[[Page 49256]]
of Appendix D to Part 75, and would be required to keep records
documenting the sulfur content of the fuel.
Today's proposed rule would also revise Sec. 75.19(c)(1)(iv)(G) to
clarify that fuel-and-unit-specific default NOX emission
rates for LME units may be determined using data from a Continuous
Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS) that has been quality-assured
according to either Appendix B of Part 75 or Appendix F of Part 60, or
comparably quality-assured under a State CEMS program. The current rule
simply states that 3 years (or 3 ozone seasons, if applicable) of
quality-assured CEMS data may be used for this purpose, but it does not
specify the acceptable level of QA required.
3. Default Moisture Value for Natural Gas
EPA is proposing to allow gas-fired boilers equipped with CEMS to
use default moisture values in lieu of continuously monitoring the
stack gas moisture content. Two default values are proposed: 14.0%
H2O under Sec. 75.11(b), and 18.0% H2O under
Sec. 75.12(b). The higher default value would apply only when Equation
19-3, 19-4, or 19-8 (from Method 19 in appendix A of Part 60) is used
to determine the NOX emission rate. These proposed default
values are based on supplemental moisture data provided to the Agency
in a December 13, 2004 petition from a gas-fired industrial source and
moisture data collected during EPA's development of flow rate reference
Methods 2F and 2G at two gas-fired facilities. (See Docket A-99-14;
Items II-A-1 and II-A-7).
EPA selected the 10th and 90th percentile values from these data,
rounded to the nearest whole number, as the proposed natural gas
default moisture values. The selection of conservative 90th or 10th
percentile values from representative moisture data sets is consistent
with the approach that the Agency has approved in response to past
petition under Sec. 75.66 requesting to use site-specific default
moisture values.
4. Expanded Use of Equation F-23
Today's proposed rule would revise Sec. 75.11(e)(1) to remove the
current restrictions on the use of Equation F-23 to determine the
SO2 mass emission rate. The current rule restricts the use
of this equation to units equipped with SO2 monitors and to
hours when only fuel that meets the Part 72 definition of ``pipeline
natural gas'' or ``natural gas'' is being combusted. EPA proposes to
allow Equation F-23 to be used whether or not the unit has an
SO2 monitor and to expand its use to fuels other than
natural gas.
Section 75.11(e) would be re-titled as ``Special considerations
during the combustion of gaseous fuels'', and the introductory text of
the section would be revised, so that the section would no longer apply
exclusively to units with SO2 monitors. Rather, it would
apply to units that use certified flow rate and diluent gas monitors to
quantify heat input. Such units would be required to implement the
provisions of either revised Sec. 75.11(e)(1) or revised Sec.
75.11(e)(3) when gaseous fuel is the only fuel combusted in the unit.
Section 75.11(e)(2) would be removed and reserved, as the use of
Appendix D methodology during gaseous fuel combustion is not
appropriate for a unit that uses flow and diluent monitors to measure
heat input. This is because only one heat input methodology is allowed
for each unit.
Revised Sec. 75.11(e)(1) would expand the use of Equation F-23
beyond natural gas combustion to include the combustion of any gaseous
fuel that qualifies for a default SO2 emission rate under
Section 2.3.6(b) of Appendix D. The proposed revisions to Sec.
75.11(e)(3) would be relatively minor. The option to use a certified
SO2 monitor during hours of gaseous fuel combustion would be
A new paragraph (e)(4) would also be added to Sec. 75.11(e). This
new provision would allow Equation F-23 to be used for the combustion
of liquid and solid fuels that meet the definition of ``very low sulfur
fuel'' in Sec. 72.2, if a petition for a fuel-specific default
SO2 emission rate is submitted to the Administrator under
Sec. 75.66 and the Administrator approves the petition. Similar
petitions would also be accepted for the combustion of mixtures of
these fuels and for the co-firing of these fuels with gaseous fuel.
EPA believes that expanding the use of Equation F-23 will benefit
certain units that are subject to the Acid Rain Program or to the
SO2 provisions of the Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR). In
particular, the requirement to operate and maintain an SO2
CEMS could be waived for units that burn low-sulfur solid fuels such as
wood waste. Also, for units that combust non-traditional gaseous fuels,
Equation F-23 would provide an alternative way of quantifying
SO2 mass emissions that does not require either an
SO2 CEMS or a certified fuel flowmeter.
5. Calculation of NOX Emission Rate--LME Units
According to Sec. Sec. 75.58(f), 75.64(a)(4), and 75.64(a)(9), oil
and gas-fired units in the Acid Rain Program that qualify to use the
low mass emissions (LME) methodology in Sec. 75.19 are required to
report both NOX mass emissions (lb or tons, as applicable)
and NOX emission rate (lb/mmBtu) on an hourly, quarterly and
annual basis. However, the mathematics in Sec. 75.19(c)(4)(ii)
pertains only to NOX mass emissions, not NOX
emission rate. This is most likely because the criterion for initial
and on-going LME qualification is based on the total tons of
NOX emitted the calendar year, rather than on the
NOX emission rate.
Today's rule would re-title Sec. 75.19(c)(4)(ii) as
``NOX mass emissions and NOX emission rate'', and
would add a new subparagraph (D) to Sec. 75.19 (c)(4)(ii), providing
instructions for determining quarterly and cumulative NOX
emission rates for an LME unit. The NOX emission rate for
each hour (lb/mmBtu) would simply be the appropriate generic or unit-
specific default NOX emission rate defined in the monitoring
plan for the type of fuel being combusted and (if applicable) the
NOX emission control status. The quarterly NOX
emission rate would be determined by averaging all of the hourly
NOX emission rates and the cumulative (year-to-date)
NOX emission rate would be the arithmetic average of the
quarterly values.
6. LME Units--Scope of Applicability
Today's rule would revise Sec. 75.19(a)(1) to clarify that the low
mass emissions (LME) methodology is a stand-alone alternative to a CEMS
and/or the ``excepted'' monitoring methodologies in Appendices D, E,
and G. In other words, if a unit qualifies for LME status, the owner or
operator would be required either to use the LME methodology for all
parameters or not to use the method at all. No mixing-and-matching of
other monitoring methodologies with LME would be permitted. For
example, the owner or operator of a qualifying LME unit in the Acid
Rain Program would either be required to follow the provisions of Sec.
75.19 for all parameters (i.e., SO2 and CO2 mass
emissions, NOX emission rate, and unit heat input) or to
monitor these parameters using a CEMS, Appendices D, E, and G, or a
combination of these other methods. EPA has always intended for the LME
methodology to be applied this way, but this was not explicitly stated
in Sec. 75.19 and in other sections of the rule. In fact, Sec. Sec.
75.11(d)(3), 75.12(e)(3), and 75.13(d)(3)) suggest that mixing other
monitoring methodologies with LME might not be prohibited. Today's rule
would also make parallel revisions to
[[Page 49257]]
these other sections, consistent with the changes to Sec. 75.19(a)(1),
to clarify the Agency's intent.
7. Use of maximum controlled NOX emission rate when using
bypass stacks
Today's proposed rule would revise Sec. 75.17(d)(2) to allow for
the calculation and use of a maximum controlled NOX emission
rate (MCR) instead of the maximum potential NOX emission
rate (MER) whenever an unmonitored bypass stack is used, provided that
the add-on controls are not bypassed and are documented to be operating
properly. Documentation of proper add-on control operation for such
hours of operation would be required as described in Sec. 75.34(d).
The MCR would be calculated in a manner similar to the calculation of
the MER, except that the maximum expected NOX concentration
(MEC) would be used instead of the maximum potential NOX
concentration (MPC). EPA believes that this proposal would more fairly
account for controlled emissions when unmonitored bypass stacks are
used. The rule currently requires the use of the MER regardless of the
operation and usage of add-on controls. When Sec. 75.17(d)(2) was
originally promulgated, EPA assumed that the add-on controls would be
bypassed whenever a bypass stack is used. EPA is now aware that there
are situations where this is not the case. An example would be a coal-
fired unit equipped with FGD and SCR add-on emission controls. If the
SCR is documented to be working during an FGD malfunction and the
effluent gases are routed through an unmonitored bypass stack after
passing through the SCR, then the MEC, rather than the MER, would be
the more appropriate NOX emission rate to report for the
bypass hour(s).
C. Certification Requirements
1. Alternative Monitoring System Certification
The proposed rule would delete Sec. Sec. 75.20(f)(1) and (2) from
the rule, thereby removing the requirement for the Administrator to
publish each request for certification of an alternative monitoring
system in the Federal Register, with an associated 60-day public
comment period. This rule provision is considered unnecessary, in view
of the Agency's authority under Subpart E to approve alternative
monitoring systems and the rigorous requirements that alternative
monitoring systems must meet in order to be certified.
2. Part 60 Reference Test Methods
On May 15, 2006, EPA promulgated final revisions to EPA reference
test methods 6C, 7E, and 3A, which are found in Appendix A of 40 CFR
Part 60. (See 71 FR 28082, May 15, 2006). Today's proposed rule would
update, (as necessary), various section references to these reference
methods, as well as specify certain options that are not to be applied
to RATA testing under Part 75. Specifically, the following provisions
are not permitted unless specific approval is granted by the
Administrator of Part 75:
(1) Sec. 7.1 of the revised EPA Method 7E allowing for use of
prepared calibration gas mixtures that are produced in accordance with
Method 205 in Appendix M of 40 CFR Part 51. EPA maintains that for RATA
testing under Part 75, that reference gases be selected in accordance
with Sec. 5.1 of Appendix A of 40 CFR Part 75.
(2) Sec. 8.4 of the revised EPA Method 7E allowing for the use of
a multi-hole probe to satisfy the multipoint traverse requirement of
the method.
(3) Sec. 8.6 of the revised EPA Method 7E allowing for the use of
``Dynamic Spiking'' as an alternative to the interference and system
bias checks of the method. This proposed rule would allow for dynamic
spiking to be conducted (optionally) as an additional quality assurance
check for Part 75 applications.
3. Mercury Reference Methods
Today's proposed rule would add an alternative acceptance criterion
for the results of mercury (Hg) emission data collected with the
Ontario Hydro (OH) reference method and would allow the use of
alternative reference methods for RATAs and for the low mass Hg
emission testing described in Sec. 75.81(c).
On May 18, 2005, EPA published the Clean Air Mercury Rule (CAMR).
That rule requires coal-fired electric generating units (EGUs) to
reduce Hg emissions, starting in 2010, and to continuously monitor Hg
mass emissions according to Subpart I of Part 75, beginning in 2009.
Relative accuracy test audits (RATAs) of all continuous Hg
monitoring systems are required under CAMR, and Hg emission testing is
required for units seeking to qualify as low mass emitters under Sec.
75.81(c). The principal reference method specified for the RATAs and
the emission testing is the OH method. Alternatively, an instrumental
method approved by the Administrator may be used. When the OH method is
performed, Sec. 75.22(a)(7) requires paired sampling trains for each
test run, and the relative deviation (RD) of the results from the two
trains must not exceed 10 percent.
As part of the May 18, 2005 rulemaking, EPA also promulgated
revisions to Subpart Da of the New Source Performance Standards (NSPS)
regulations, requiring continuous Hg emission monitoring for new coal-
fired electric utility units constructed after January 1, 2004. Along
with the Subpart Da revisions, a performance specification, PS-12A, for
certifying the required continuous Hg monitors was published. PS-12A,
like Part 75, requires RATA testing of all Hg monitoring systems, using
paired reference method sampling trains; however, note that PS 12-A
allows EPA Method 29 (from Appendix A-8 of 40 CFR Part 60) to be used
as an alternative to the OH method, whereas Part 75 does not.
The principal acceptance criterion in Section of PS 12-A
for the data from the paired reference method trains (10 percent RD) is
the same as in Sec. 75.22(a)(7). However, PS 12-A includes an
alternative acceptance criterion for sources with low Hg emissions. If
the average Hg concentration during the RATA is 1.0 [mu]g/m\3\ or less,
the RD specification is 20 percent. In view of this, today's proposed
rule would revise Sec. 75.22(a)(7), to include this same 20 percent
alternative RD specification for low-emitters. This would harmonize the
Part 60 and Part 75 RATA provisions for Hg monitors, thereby
facilitating compliance for sources subject to both sets of
EPA is also proposing revisions to Sec. Sec. 75.22(a)(7) and
75.81(c)(1) which would allow EPA Method 29 to be used as an
alternative to the OH method, both for RATA testing and for periodic
emission testing of units with low Hg mass emissions (<= 29 lb/yr).
Method 29 is an established test procedure that uses atomic absorption
spectroscopy to determine the concentration of various metals,
including Hg, in the stack gas. This method is more familiar to
emission testers than the OH method, and Method 29 data have been
accepted for compliance purposes by the State. Method 29 and the OH
method both measure the total vapor phase Hg in the effluent. The main
difference between the two methods is that the OH method performs
``speciation'' of the vapor phase Hg, i.e., it quantifies the elemental
and ionic portions of the vapor phase Hg separately, whereas Method 29
does not. However, the CAMR rule does not require speciation of the
vapor phase Hg. Therefore, Method 29 could be used instead of the OH
[[Page 49258]]
There would be two caveats on the use of Method 29. First, sources
electing to use Method 29 would be required to use paired sampling
trains (i.e., two trains sampling the source effluent simultaneously),
and the relative deviation specification in Sec. 75.22(a)(7) would
have to be met for each run. The test results for each valid run would
be based on the Hg collected in the back half of each sampling train
(i.e., the impinger catch), and the results from the two trains would
be averaged arithmetically.
Second, certain analytical and QA procedures in the OH method (ASTM
D6784-02) would be followed instead of the corresponding procedures in
Method 29. Specifically, testers would be required to replace the
procedures in sections 7.5.33 and 11.1.3 of Method 29 with the
corresponding procedures in sections through of ASTM
D6784-02, and to perform the QA/QC procedures in section 13.4.2 of the
OH method instead of the procedures in section 9.2.3 of Method 29. EPA
believes that implementing these sections of the OH method in lieu of
the corresponding Method 29 provisions will improve the quality of the
data, because the analytical and QA/QC requirements of the OH method
are more detailed and rigorous than those in Method 29.
EPA is also proposing to allow several of the sample recovery and
preparation procedures in the OH method to be followed instead of the
Method 29 procedures. In particular: (a) Sections through of the OH method could be followed instead of sections 8.2.8
and of RM 29; (b) sections through of the
OH method could be followed instead of sections and of
RM 29; (c) section 8.3.4 of RM 29 could be replaced with section 13.3.4
or 13.3.6 of the OH method (as appropriate); and (d) section 8.3.5 of
RM 29 could be replaced with section 13.3.5 or 13.3.6 of the OH method
(as appropriate). Use of these alternative procedures would increase
the accuracy of moisture content determinations (by using a gravimetric
rather than a volumetric technique), and would eliminate of the need
for two separate analyses of the KMnO4 fraction.
Revisions to Sec. 75.59 and to Sections 6.5.10 and 7.6.1 of
Appendix A to Part 75 are also being proposed, for purposes of
consistency with the proposed changes to Sec. Sec. 75.22(a)(7) and
Finally, the Agency is soliciting comment on the use of sorbent
traps for reference method testing. At the 2006 Electric Utility
Environmental Conference (EUEC) in Tucson, Arizona, a stakeholder
meeting was held to discuss mercury monitoring issues. Many of the
participants expressed an interest in using portable sorbent trap
monitoring systems for Hg reference method testing, as an alternative
to the OH method. After much internal discussion, EPA believes that a
sorbent trap system could potentially serve as an alternative reference
method for Hg emission testing and RATA applications, if it can be
adequately demonstrated that the method does not have an inherent
measurement bias when compared to the OH method, and if sufficiently
rigorous quality-assurance (QA) procedures are developed and followed
when the system is used in the field. In view of this, EPA requests
comment on how such a demonstration might be made and what QA
procedures would be appropriate. In anticipation that a viable
reference method using sorbent trap technology may be developed in the
near future, the Agency is also proposing to add language to Sec.
75.22(a)(7), which would allow an ``other suitable'' reference method
approved by the Administrator to be used for Hg emission testing and
D. Missing Data Substitution
1. Block Versus Step-Wise Approach
During periods of missing CEMS data, Part 75 requires substitute
data to be reported. Special mathematical algorithms are used to
determine the appropriate substitute data values. As the length of a
missing data period increases, the percent monitor data availability
(PMA) decreases, and the required substitute data values become
increasingly conservative each time that a particular PMA ``cut point''
is reached. The cut points are 95%, 90%, and 80% PMA for all parameters
except Hg. For Hg, the cut points are slightly lower, i.e., at 90%, 80%
and 70% PMA.
Historically, EPA's policy has required sources to use a ``block''
approach for missing data substitution. The PMA at the end of the
missing data period has been used to determine which mathematical
algorithm applies, and the substitute data value or values prescribed
by that one algorithm have been reported for each hour of the missing
data period.
However, EPA has recently revised its missing substitution data
policy. The revised policy guidance (see ``Part 75 Emission Monitoring
Policy Manual'', Question 15.5) allows sources to apply the missing
data algorithms in a stepwise manner instead of using the block
approach. Under the stepwise methodology, the various missing data
algorithms are applied sequentially. That is, the least conservative
algorithm is applied to the missing data hours until the PMA drops
below 95%. Then, the next algorithm is applied until the PMA has
dropped below 90%, and so on.
Part 75 is not clear about which of the two methods should be used
for missing data substitution. Today's proposed rule would revise the
text of certain paragraphs in Sec. Sec. 75.33 and 75.32(b), to clarify
that the stepwise, hour-by-hour method (which is the least stringent
approach) is the preferred one. The Agency favors this approach because
it prevents sources from being penalized by the retroactive application
of more stringent missing data algorithms to hours where the hourly PMA
merits the use of less conservative algorithms. EPA intends that only
the new stepwise, hour-by-hour method be used after January 1, 2009, or
whenever emissions data are to be submitted in XML-format. Until this
time, either method will be accepted.
2. Substitute Data Values for Controlled Units
For units with add-on emission controls, Sec. 75.34(a)(3) provides
that the designated representative (DR) may petition the Administrator
under Sec. 75.66 to report alternative substitute data values in
certain instances. Specifically, when the percent monitor data
availability (PMA) for SO2 or NOX is below 90.0
percent, the DR may petition to replace the maximum emission rate
recorded in the last 720 quality-assured monitor operating hours with
the maximum controlled emission rate recorded during that same lookback
period, for each missing data hour in which the add-on controls are
documented to be operating properly. Until recently, this petition
provision applied only to units with add-on SO2 or
NOX emission controls. However, revisions to Part 75 on May
18, 2005, extended it to include units with add-on Hg controls (see
Sec. 75.38(c)).
For several reasons, EPA believes it is appropriate to revise Sec.
75.34(a)(3). First, the 720 hour lookback is only appropriate for
SO2 and Hg. For NOX, the lookback should be 2,160
hours and should also be load-based. Second, for SO2, Hg,
and NOX concentration monitoring systems, the terms
``maximum emission rate'' and ``maximum controlled emission rate'' are
not appropriate and should be replaced by ``maximum concentration'' and
``maximum controlled concentration'', respectively. Third, the petition
provision, as written, applies to
[[Page 49259]]
all PMA values below 90.0 percent (that was the intent when it was
originally written), but in light of subsequent revisions to Part 75,
it should be restricted to a narrower range of PMA values. Fourth, and
most important, after more than ten years of implementing the Acid Rain
Program, EPA no longer believes that special petitions are necessary to
use maximum controlled values for missing data substitution, because
sources with add-on controls are required to implement a quality
assurance/quality control (QA/QC) program that includes the recording
of parametric data to document the hourly operating status of the
emission controls. This parametric information must be made available
to inspectors and auditors upon request. Therefore, any claim that the
emission controls were operating properly during a particular missing
data period can be easily verified through the audit process.
At the time the petition provision in Sec. 75.34(a)(3) was
written, there were only three missing data tiers in existence, i.e.,
for PMA values: (1) >= 95.0 percent; (2) >= 90.0 percent, but < 95.0
percent: and (3) < 90.0 percent. The provision was associated with the
third tier (PMA < 90.0 percent), for which the required substitute data
value is the maximum value recorded in a specified lookback period.
However, on May 26, 1999, EPA added a fourth CEMS missing data tier to
Part 75. The May 1999 rule revisions did not change the missing data
algorithms for the third tier, but the PMA ``cut off'' point for the
third tier was set at 80.0 percent, and below 80.0 percent PMA,
reporting of the maximum potential concentration (MPC) or the maximum
potential NOX emission rate (MER) was required for a missing
data period of any length.
Today's proposed rule would remove from Sec. 75.34(a)(3) and Sec.
75.66(f) the requirement to petition the Administrator to use the
maximum controlled SO2 or NOX concentration (or
maximum controlled NOX emission rate) from the applicable
lookback period. The proposed revisions would simply allow the maximum
controlled values to be reported whenever parametric data are available
to document that the emission controls are operating properly. The
proposed rule would further clarify that this reporting option applies
only to the third missing data tier, when the PMA is greater than or
equal to 80.0 percent, but less than 90.0 percent.
EPA is also proposing to add a new paragraph (a)(5) to Sec. 75.34,
which would allow units with add-on emission controls to report
alternative substitute data values for missing data periods in the
fourth tier, when the PMA is below 80.0 percent. Proposed Sec.
75.34(a)(5) would allow the owner or operator to replace the maximum
potential SO2 or NOX concentration (MPC) or the
maximum potential NOX emission rate (MER) with a less
conservative substitute data value, for missing data hours where
parametric data, (as described in Sec. Sec. 75.34(d) and 75.58(b)) are
available to verify proper operation of the add-on controls.
Specifically, for SO2 and NOX concentration, the
replacement value for the MPC would be the greater of: (a) The maximum
expected concentration (MEC); or (b) 1.25 times the maximum controlled
value in the standard missing data lookback period. For NOX
emission rate, the replacement value for the MER would be the greater
of: (a) The maximum controlled NOX emission rate (MCR); or
(b) 1.25 times the maximum controlled value in the standard missing
data lookback period. The NOX MCR would be calculated in the
same manner as the NOX MER (see Appendix A, section, except that the MEC, rather than the MPC, would be used in
the calculation.
Finally, today's proposed rule would revise Sec. 75.38(c) to
extend the alternative missing data options for the third and fourth
tiers to mercury (Hg) concentration, and Sec. 75.58(b)(3) would be
revised to be consistent with the proposed revisions to Sec. Sec.
75.34(a)(3), 75.34(a)(5), and 75.38(c).
EPA believes that for missing data hours in which the emission
controls are working properly, these proposed rule revisions will
prevent gross overestimation of emissions during hours when the source
is operating its emission controls in a manner that is protective of
the environment. When the emission controls are working properly, there
can be as much as a tenfold difference between the MPC, MER, or maximum
value in a lookback period and the actual source emissions. The
proposed alternative substitute data values in Sec. Sec. 75.34(a)(3)
and (a)(5), though much closer to the actual emissions, would still be
conservatively high and would provide the owner or operator with a
strong incentive to keep the CEMS operational. The Agency also believes
that the proposed alternative data substitution methodology in Sec.
75.34(a)(5) ensures that the substitute data values for the fourth tier
will always be higher than the corresponding substitute data values for
the third tier.
3. Substitute Data Values for Hg
EPA is also proposing to revise the Hg missing data procedures.
First, for Hg CEMS, the text of Sec. 75.38(a) would be amended to make
it consistent with Table 1 in Sec. 75.33. Proposed Sec. 75.38(a)
clarifies that the percent monitor data availability (PMA) ``trigger
conditions'' for Hg monitoring systems are different from the trigger
conditions for all other parameters. For all parameters except Hg, the
trigger points that define the boundaries of the four missing data
tiers are 95 percent, 90 percent, and 80 percent PMA. However, for Hg
the corresponding trigger points are 90 percent, 80 percent and 70
percent, respectively.
Second, EPA proposes to completely revise the missing data
provisions in Sec. 75.39 for sorbent trap monitoring systems. In the
current rule, the missing data routines for sorbent trap systems are
substantially different from those for Hg CEMS. At the time of
publication of the Part 75 Hg monitoring provisions, the Agency
believed that a different approach to missing data substitution was
appropriate for sorbent traps, because unlike the Hg CEMS, a sorbent
trap system does not provide real-time hourly average emissions data.
Consequently, EPA prescribed a 12-month missing data ``lookback''
period for the sorbent trap systems. That is, the substitute data
values are based on a lookback through the previous 12 months of
sorbent trap sample results, instead of looking back through 720
quality-assured monitor operating hours, as is done for the Hg CEMS.
EPA has reconsidered the sorbent trap missing data methodology and
has concluded that it is unnecessarily complex and will likely be
difficult to implement and audit. In view of this, the Agency proposes
to amend the missing data procedures for sorbent trap systems, to make
them the same as for Hg CEMS. Section 75.39 would be revised to require
that the initial missing data procedures of Sec. 75.31(b) and the
standard Hg missing data provisions of Sec. 75.38 be followed for
sorbent trap systems. EPA believes that this missing data approach can
work because for the purposes of Part 75 reporting, the average Hg
concentration measured by a sorbent trap system is ``back-filled'' into
each hour of the data collection period to simulate hour-by-hour
concentration measurements (see Sec. 75.57(j)(1)(iii)). Thus, the
hourly Hg concentration data stream from a sorbent trap system will
look essentially the same as the data stream from a CEMS, except that
the Hg concentration will ``flat-line'' (i.e., will not change) during
each data collection period. Therefore, the required missing data
lookbacks through 720 hours of quality-assured data could be done on
[[Page 49260]]
sorbent trap data stream, although in some cases, because of the flat-
line effect, when the 720 hours of data are arranged in rank order, the
90th percentile, 95th percentile, and maximum values in the lookback
might be identical.
Finally, a new paragraph ``(f)'' would be added to Sec. 75.39 to
address the case in which the owner or operator elects to use a primary
Hg CEMS and a redundant backup sorbent trap system (or vice-versa). In
that case, separate Hg concentration data streams would be recorded and
maintained for the two systems. For reporting purposes, data from the
primary monitoring system would be reported whenever that system is
able to provide quality-assured data (see Sec. 75.10(e)), and quality-
assured data from the redundant backup system (if available) could be
reported during primary monitoring system outages. However, when both
the primary and redundant backup monitoring systems are down and
quality-assured data from a reference method or approved alternative
monitoring system are also unavailable, proposed Sec. 75.39(f) would
require the appropriate substitute data values to be derived from a
lookback through the previous 720 hours of quality-assured data
reported in the electronic quarterly report, irrespective of the source
of those data, i.e., whether they were from the primary system, the
redundant backup system, a reference method, or an approved alternative
monitoring system.
4. Correction of Cross-References
For sources in the NOX Budget Program that report
emissions data only during the ozone season (i.e., May through
September), the quality assurance requirements for the continuous
emission monitoring systems are found in Sec. 75.74(c). In Sec. Sec.
75.74(c)(3)(xi) and (c)(3)(xii), data validation rules are provided for
situations in which required quality-assurance tests of the CEMS are
due by the end of the second or third calendar quarter, but are not
completed on time. In some cases, these rule provisions require the use
of missing data substitution, and refer to the ``appropriate missing
data routine in Sec. 75.31, Sec. 75.33 or Sec. 75.37''. These
references to specific missing data sections are inadequate, because
they only cover initial missing data (for all parameters) and the
standard missing data procedures for NOX , flow rate, and
moisture. Sections 75.34 through 75.36 are not referenced, which
address missing data substitution for units with add-on emission
controls and for diluent gas (O2 or CO2) data
used for heat input rate determination. Many NOX Budget
Program units are equipped with add-on NOX emission
controls, and a great number use data from a CO2 or
O2 monitor to determine the hourly heat input rate. In view
of this, today's rule would revise Sec. Sec. 75.74(c)(3)(xi) and
(c)(3)(xii) by replacing each of the cross-references to specific
missing data sections with a more general reference to the entire block
of CEMS missing data sections, i.e., Sec. Sec. 75.31 through 75.37.
E. Recordkeeping and Reporting
1. Revisions to the General Monitoring Plan Recordkeeping Requirements
EPA proposes to revise the monitoring plan recordkeeping
requirements in Sec. 75.53, to accommodate its new, re-engineered XML
reporting format, which will replace the current electronic data
reporting (EDR) format in 2009. The Subpart H monitoring plan record
keeping provisions in Sec. 75.73(c)(3) (for sources reporting
NOX mass emissions) and the Subpart I monitoring plan record
keeping provisions in Sec. 75.84 (for sources reporting Hg mass
emissions) would be similarly revised to reflect the transition to XML
EPA proposes to add two new paragraphs, (g) and (h), to Sec.
75.53, which describe the required monitoring plan data elements in
EPA's re-engineered XML data structure. Proposed Sec. 75.53(a)(1)
would require all affected units to follow the provisions of paragraphs
(g) and (h) instead of the existing recordkeeping requirements of
paragraphs (e) and (f), on and after January 1, 2009. However, early
implementation of the XML format would be allowed or, in some cases,
required. In 2008, existing sources would be allowed to choose between
the EDR format and XML, and new sources reporting for the first time in
2008 would be required to use XML.
Table 1 summarizes the data elements or requirements in Sec. 75.53
that would be removed, replaced or added as a result of transitioning
from the current EDR to XML EDR format.
Table 1.--Monitoring Plan Changes Associated With XML Format
Data element(s) or Proposed
requirement(s) action(s) Comments
Facility short name.. Remove........... These data elements
Unit program would be collected
classification. and maintained
Unit boiler type..... through the
Date of commence Certificate of
operation (Subpart H units). Representation form,
Date of commence the CAMD Business
commercial operation (Acid System, or
Rain units). internally by EPA.
Unit retirement date.
Program code.........
Reporting frequency..
Program participation
State regulation code
State or local agency
EIA cross-reference
Recording and Relocate......... Relocate the
reporting of information requirement to
associated with monitoring record and report
system certification, this information to
recertification, and other Sec. 75.59, the
events. quality-assurance
Fuel classification Remove........... These data elements
for boiler. are deemed
Primary/secondary unnecessary for the
control indicator. new XML reporting
Type of fuel format.
associated with each
monitoring methodology.
methodology indicator.
Appendix E
correlation curve segment
[[Page 49261]]
Component status..... Replace.......... In Sec. 75.53(g),
Formula status....... use activation date/
Submission status of hour and
fuel flowmeter data.. deactivation date/
hour instead of
status codes to
better track updates
to monitoring
formulas, and fuel
Indicator of Add.............. These new data
exemption from multi-load elements are needed
flow RATAs. to properly assess
Shape of stack or specific Part 75
duct cross-section. quality assurance/
Stack/duct material quality control (QA/
of construction. QC) requirements and
Flag to indicate that exemptions.
a monitored location is a
Indicator of non-load
based units..
Analyzer range code.. Add.............. Provide the
Moisture measurement measurement range
basis.. (high, low, dual)
and moisture basis
(wet or dry) for
each CEMS component
type (SO2, NOX, CO2,
Provide the Replace.......... For each parameter,
monitoring methodologies for associate the
each individual unit. monitoring
Represent bypass methodology with the
stack monitoring as a monitored lcoation
separate methodology.. (unit, stack or
duct). Integrate
bypass stack
monitoring with
other methodologies.
Only one monitoring
methodology per
paramter would be
For dual-range Add.............. Many times data begin
applications, indicate the to be recorded on
trigger point at which the the high scale at a
component switches from the certain ``trigger
normal measurement scale to point'', before the
the secondary scale. full-scale of the
low range is
reached. EPA needs
this information to
determine when
certain QA tests of
the high-scale are
Require operating Revise........... In Sec. 75.53(g),
range and normal load require operating
information to be reported range and maximum
for units with CEMS and units load information for
using optional fuel flow-to- all affected units.
load ratio test. Require normal load
determination for
all except peaking
units. Separate the
date of historical
load analysis from
activation date of
the operating range
and load
Duct width at test Add.............. Add data elements to
section. Sec. 75.53(e) and
Duct depth at test (g), describing
section. monitoring plan
WAF.................. requirements for
Method of determining units with
WAF. rectangular ducts
WAF effective date that apply a wall
and hour. effects adjustment
WAF no longer factor (WAF) to
effective date and hour. their flow rate
WAF determination data. (See Section
date. II.E.2 for further
Number of WAF test discussion.)
Number of Method 1
traverse points in WAF test.
Number of test ports
in WAF test.
Number of Method 1
traverse points in reference
flow RATA..
2. Discussion of Wall Effects Adjustment Requirements for Rectangular
In 1999, EPA published a new reference method, Method 2H, in
Appendix A of 40 CFR Part 60. Method 2H allows the owner or operator of
a unit with an installed flow monitor to correct the measured gas flow
rates for velocity decay near the stack wall (i.e., ``wall effects'').
Applying Method 2H greatly reduces the possibility of over-reporting
SO2 and NOX mass emissions, which are directly
proportional to the stack flow rate. However, Method 2H applies only to
circular stacks. Consequently, Acid Rain and NOX Budget
Program units with flow monitors installed on rectangular stacks or
ducts (estimated at about 10 percent of the affected units with flow
monitors) were unable to benefit from the use of a wall effects
adjustment factor (WAF).
To remedy this situation, a wall effects correction method for
rectangular stacks and ducts was developed. The method, known as CTM-
041, has been adopted as a conditional test method by EPA. A
conditional test method differs from a reference method in that it is
not in the Code of Federal Regulations, but it is recognized as having
technical merit. Sources interested in using a conditional method in a
particular program must obtain permission from the regulatory agency
administering the program.
Since 2004, when CTM-041 was adopted as a conditional EPA test
method, many Acid Rain and NOX Budget Program sources have
requested (and received) permission from EPA to use it for Part 75
monitoring. As a condition of these approvals, the sources were asked
to report the essential wall effects information in their quarterly
electronic data reports (EDRs). However, EPA had not developed the
necessary electronic record types (RTs) to accommodate the rectangular
duct WAF information. Therefore, the Agency issued guidance,
instructing the sources to use existing EDR record type 910 to report
the WAF data. But record 910, unlike the other EDR record types, has no
fixed data elements or fields. This created problems when the WAF
information began to be reported. Even though detailed examples were
provided in the EPA guidance, a significant portion of the WAF data
were being entered into the wrong columns of the 910 records, making it
difficult to perform electronic audits of the information.
In view of this, EPA created two new EDR record types, RT 532 and
RT 617, to handle the rectangular duct WAF data. Record type 532, which
is a monitoring plan record, summarizes the results of each WAF
determination. Record type 617 is a quality-assurance record and is
submitted along with the results of each flow RATA performed at a
rectangular stack or duct, when EPA Method 2 is used and a wall effects
correction is applied.
The Agency provided a mechanism (the ``Monitoring Data Checking''
(MDC) Software) by which a source could
[[Page 49262]]
create the new EDR records and add them to the quarterly report,
without having to upgrade the data acquisition and handling system
(DAHS). To date, use of the new record types has been voluntary, and
the affected sources have been cooperative. Nevertheless, today's rule
would make mandatory the recording and reporting of the key rectangular
duct WAF data elements using these record types. The proposed
requirements to record and report the results of the WAF determinations
in the monitoring plan are found in Sec. Sec. 75.53(e) and (g) and in
Sec. 75.64. For a discussion of the proposed requirement to record and
report the RATA support data, see Section II.E.5.k, below.
3. Revisions to General Recordkeeping Provisions for Specific
Today's proposed rule would make a series of modifications to Sec.
75.58 to support the new XML data structure. These are summarized in
Table 2.
Table 2.--Proposed Changes to the General Recordkeeping Requirements in
Sec. 75.58
Data element(s) or Proposed
requirement(s) action(s) Comments
For Appendix D units, Add to Sec. This would be
report ID numbers of formulas 75.58(c). required on and
used to calculate SO2 mass after January 1,
emissions and heat input rate. 2009.
For Appendix E units, Add to Sec. This would be
report the heat input rate 75.58(d). required on and
formula ID for each unit after January 1,
operating hour. 2009.
For LME units that Revise Sec. Report the fuel type
combust more than one type of 75.58(f). that produces the
fuel, report the fuel type highest emission
that produces the highest NOX rate for each
emission rate. parameter
individually (i.e.,