Advisory Committee on the Readjustment of Veterans; Notice of Meeting, 47868 [06-6994]
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 160 / Friday, August 18, 2006 / Notices
jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES
Atlanta, GA. The meeting is open to the
The purpose of the Commission is to
carry out a study of the benefits under
the laws of the United States that are
provided to compensate and assist
veterans and their survivors for
disabilities and deaths attributable to
military service.
The Commission is conducting the
final of eight fact-finding, data-gathering
site visits throughout the United States.
The Atlanta area was selected based on
criteria that included the concentration
of veterans, active-duty service members
and National Guard and Reserves, and
the location of Veterans Benefits
Administration, Veterans Health
Administration, and Department of
Defense (DoD) facilities, with particular
interest in transition activities. The goal
of this visit is to allow the
commissioners the opportunity to tour
local VA and DoD facilities; examine the
processes in place which assist disabled
veterans and service members, and
survivors in their efforts to obtain
benefits and to present these individuals
and the general public with an
opportunity to learn about the work of
the Commission and to offer comments
in face-to-face forums.
Interested person may attend and
present oral statements to the
Commission. Time for each oral
presentation will be limited to five
minutes or less, depending on the
number of participants. Interested
parties may provide written comments
for review by the Commission prior the
meeting, by e-mail to:
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or by mail to: Mr. Ray Wilburn,
Executive Director, Veterans’ Disability
Benefits Commission, 1101
Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., 5th Floor,
Washington, DC 20004.
Dated: August 11, 2006.
By Direction of the Secretary.
E. Philip Riggin,
Committee Management Officer.
[FR Doc. 06–6991 Filed 8–17–06; 8:45 am]
Advisory Committee on the
Readjustment of Veterans; Notice of
The Department of Veterans Affairs
(VA) gives notice under Public Law 92–
463 (Federal Advisory Committee Act)
that a meeting of the Advisory
Committee on the Readjustment of
Veterans will be held on September 7–
8, 2006, at The American Legion,
Washington Office, at 1608 K Street,
NW., Washington, DC from 8 a.m. to
4:30 p.m. each day. The meeting will be
open to the public.
The purpose of the Committee is to
review the post-war readjustment needs
of veterans and to evaluate the
availability and effectiveness of VA
programs to meet these needs.
The agenda for September 7 will
review the coordination of services
between VA and the Department of
Defense as this relates to ensuring a
seamless transition for returning war
veterans. The topics covered will
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include deployment-related problems
faced by service members and their
families, and Battlemind Training as
developed by the Walter Reed Army
Institute for Research.
On September 8 the Committee will
be provided with an update on the
current activities of the Readjustment
Counseling Service Vet Center program
to serve the veterans from Operation
Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi
Freedom. The agenda will also include
a review of the partnership between VA
and DOD in implementing the PostDeployment Health Reassessment
Program; strategic planning activities,
and drafting recommendations for the
Committee’s next report to Congress.
No time will be allocated at this
meeting for receiving oral presentations
from the public. However, members of
the public may direct written questions
or submit prepared statements for
review by the Committee in advance to
Mr. Charles M. Flora, M.S.W.,
Designated Federal Officer,
Readjustment Counseling Service,
Department of Veterans Affairs (15), 810
Vermont Avenue, NW., Washington, DC
20420. Those who plan to attend or
have questions concerning the meeting
may contact Mr. Flora at (202) 273–8969
Dated: August 9, 2006.
By Direction of the Secretary.
E. Philip Riggin,
Committee Management Officer.
[FR Doc. 06–6994 Filed 8–17–06; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 160 (Friday, August 18, 2006)]
[Page 47868]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 06-6994]
Advisory Committee on the Readjustment of Veterans; Notice of
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) gives notice under Public
Law 92-463 (Federal Advisory Committee Act) that a meeting of the
Advisory Committee on the Readjustment of Veterans will be held on
September 7-8, 2006, at The American Legion, Washington Office, at 1608
K Street, NW., Washington, DC from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. each day. The
meeting will be open to the public.
The purpose of the Committee is to review the post-war readjustment
needs of veterans and to evaluate the availability and effectiveness of
VA programs to meet these needs.
The agenda for September 7 will review the coordination of services
between VA and the Department of Defense as this relates to ensuring a
seamless transition for returning war veterans. The topics covered will
include deployment-related problems faced by service members and their
families, and Battlemind Training as developed by the Walter Reed Army
Institute for Research.
On September 8 the Committee will be provided with an update on the
current activities of the Readjustment Counseling Service Vet Center
program to serve the veterans from Operation Enduring Freedom and
Operation Iraqi Freedom. The agenda will also include a review of the
partnership between VA and DOD in implementing the Post-Deployment
Health Reassessment Program; strategic planning activities, and
drafting recommendations for the Committee's next report to Congress.
No time will be allocated at this meeting for receiving oral
presentations from the public. However, members of the public may
direct written questions or submit prepared statements for review by
the Committee in advance to Mr. Charles M. Flora, M.S.W., Designated
Federal Officer, Readjustment Counseling Service, Department of
Veterans Affairs (15), 810 Vermont Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20420.
Those who plan to attend or have questions concerning the meeting may
contact Mr. Flora at (202) 273-8969 or
Dated: August 9, 2006.
By Direction of the Secretary.
E. Philip Riggin,
Committee Management Officer.
[FR Doc. 06-6994 Filed 8-17-06; 8:45 am]